
Saturday 25 July 2015

Mixed Craft Saturday

Diane's Retirement Cake
Karen's Cute Cardigan
Margaret's Beautiful Wedding Cake Boxes
All 60 of Margaret's wedding cake boxes
Good Saturday Morning Ladies,
welcome to another mixed craft Saturday,
you ladies never cease to amaze me with your many talents.
I would to thank all of you for sending in your photos to share.
First up today we have Diane's Fabulous Retirement Cake, she has
made it for a colleague, Angela that was retiring.
I love how you have made the cake look like an open book,
with the ribbon down the centre as the book mark, it looks amazing,
I can see that you have added detail to the edges of the cake to make it look
like the pages of the book, the flowers in the top corners look really pretty
and do a great job of framing your sentiment, the butterflies are just the
most beautiful finishing touch, are the made from that Cake Lace paste?
Angela must have been so excited to receive such a lovely gift from you Diane,
thank you so much for sharing it with us today xxxx
Next up we have the gorgeous little cardigan, that has been expertly
knitted by Karen, I just love the pattern that you have used it looks
like a box weave type of design, it is just so amazing, a proper little boys
cardigan that would go with just about anything, the buttons match so
perfectly too, I would love to see a photo of the little boy wearing it.
Thank you so very much for sharing Karen xxxx
Last up today we have these stunning little boxes that look like the have
been decorated with lace, Margaret has been very busy making 60 of
these beautiful boxes for a friend that makes wedding cakes, the cakes have
been made to look like little parcels and will sit in these gorgeous boxes,
Margaret has also had to line every one of these boxes as well as
decorating them all so perfectly, they are all identical, its no surprise
that you have been quiet for a few days Margaret, I bet there is a
trail of little die cut bits all over your house!
I can see you getting many more orders for these Margaret,
thank you so very much for sharing the photos with us xxxx
Thanks for stopping by ladies, I hope you have enjoyed looking at
today's crafts and that maybe they have inspired you to have a go at
something new, I know I would love to make some of those boxes
for jewellery and of course when the time comes I would love to knit
for my grandchildren, but I am not quite ready for that yet!
Love and hugs to all of you,


  1. Good morning ALL:- hope you are all well and looking forward to the weekend.
    Oh! My! Giddy! Aunt!!! Is there no end to the fantastic Talents in the Coffee Shop??
    DIANE:- your cake is amazing, a total work of art, love it as I am sure everyone who cast their eyes on it did.
    KAREN:- a super sweet little sweater that any child would look fantastic in. It's the kind of thing I used to dress John Jnr in.
    MARGARET:- Oh! My! Goodness!!!! no wonder you went missing!!! Margaret they are absolutely AMAZING!!! Your design is wonderful, as someone who LOVES boxes I am so excited to see them. They are like mini cakes, they look delicious!! Can you please tell us what size they are.
    What a wonderful start to the day seeing all those makes. Makes me feel quilty for beating lazy yesterday. I also went missing in the evening, fell asleep in the chair. John packed me off to bed, slept like a top till 6.45am with out having to get up like I normally do.
    Everything set up for the day, place looking good. There are lots of nice "try bakes" in the fridge for later. Ooo!! will I be able to leave them, they look Yummy!! I will have some Tea & Toast for now, I am over at my usual table if anyone cares to join me. A few people passed yesterday, do you think they went to the Spellbiner Cafe?? Anyone been in there?? I went a couple of times but it's not for me, no banter or friendship. This place is just amazing, the customers are so friendly, helpful, we also have lots of great chat and laughter.
    I have filled the (((((hug))))) basket, please help yourselves. I have seen someone have a quick glance in the window. Don't know them, maybe they are just curious to see what is on offer today. See you all later xxx

    1. Patricia, I think you and I are somehow virtually connected. I did exactly the same yesterday ( not that I was beating anyone, I don't believe in violence) I was so lazy, then in the evening started watching a documentary on German TV about queen Victoria and fell asleep. I woke up briefly and watched the next part, then nodded off again and finally admitted defeat and went to bed.

  2. Oh! My! Goddess! I really should read things through before I press the button.
    Sorry about the mistakes folks. xxx

    1. Hi Patricia,
      I know we admire Saba greatly, but is she really a Goddess??? xxx

    2. Saba- you've been deified! It's a wee bit different to defied!
      Eee! Being a Yorkshire lass you'll get that! Xxx

  3. Good morning, Sandra and all who pop in or are just having a wee look in the window, as we all say come in its a great place.
    Diane, your cake is stunning, love all the detail you have put into this.
    Karen, a wonderful cozy cardigan / jacket I just love to see children dressed with a hand knitted cardigan on.
    Margaret, no what can I say other than you are one amazing lady to be in pain from your injury and not being able to get around and being able to product these stunning boxes, they deserve a triple WOW,!!
    Roberta has gone out with Charlie and Harris this morning, lazy me was still in my bed and just got up as they were going out! Harris woke Charlie up and heard him but just lay they thinking I will get up in a minute, no I fell back to sleep, 6.05 was really to early to get up. Don't know what's on the cards today, we might do Falkland palace as Roberta just loves our houses with all the chimneys says its like " Mary Poppins". And oh boy is she going to love Falkland palace as there are amazing ones on it. Funny how we take things like chimneys for granted. I didny get round to reading everything that went on yesterday, will try and do that at some point, have a good day (((((( hugs))))) in basket. xxx

    1. Hi Hazel, have a lovely day with Roberta. We forget that we are so steeped in history, the like of which our Canadian cousins don't have.
      We once had some Canadian visitors and it was graveyards that they were amazed by.

    2. Hazel, sometimes we take a lot of our heritage for granted, especially where we live, we have so many historic places to visit around Fife and Central Scotland. X

    3. Hi Hazel,
      Have a lovely day today. We've been to Mass at Falkland Palace, it was when we were staying at Falkland House when we took the Altar Boys on a week's holiday. Falkland was a lovely village (it was in 1980 so may have changed a lot since then), and we enjoyed it so much that we stayed on for an extra week when the priest went back on the coach with the boys. xxx

    4. Villiage still lovely to think 5 days a week I go there to take and pick up Beth but never think of going to the palace or it gardens. Xxx

    5. Hi Hazel hope you're having a lovely time with Roberta and she is enjoying her time sight seeing. We take so much of the special things for granted that we don't visit them. I even live about 300 yards from the beach and I think the last time I went there it was the year we had the total eclipse of the sun between 10 or 15 years ago! How awful is that? xxx

    6. Sheila, you live 300 yards from a beach!!! Right that's the holiday sorted then. Shall I bring my own bucket and spade?
      Oh I do like to be beside the seaside..............

    7. Hi Sheila
      My word how can you live that far from a beach and not visit every day. Does it have a prom you can walk along. We love doing that when we go to Bournemouth. My sister in law likes to tell you what you're going to do. I thwarted her one weekend. I said no one weekend, I'm off to Emerald Crafts in Lyndhurst, and tomorrow we're off to walk along the prom in Bournemouth. She wasn't best pleased, although we love going down, we prefer to go with the flow each day. We often start going somewhere on holiday and end up somewhere completely different.

    8. Sheila I know what you mean, we live opposite the cliff top when we were younger and used to walk along the beach a couple of times a month especially in the winter and avoided it in the summer until about 7.30 in the evening when it was quiet again. Pat I like Bournemouth prom, have you tried Mudeford or Barton on sea? The Lyndhurst craft shop is always closed when I drive through but I must pop in one day xxx

    9. When I lived by the sea we used to go everyday. I really miss it now. Brings back too many memories now so if I go I find it hard. Another beach is fine. No memories.

  4. Morning Ladies

    Diane-your cake looks fabulous, so professional. I'm sure the recipient loved it.

    Karen-your knitting looks great. I'll bet that takes up a lot of your free time.

    Margaret-WOW!!!! I'm not sure I could make two boxes to match but 60.......!!!! They look fantastic, very classy and perfect for the occasion.

    A friend who is giving up card making is selling a lot of her stash (dangerous as I'm easily tempted) & has a brand new Ultimate Pro with many extras for sale. After a few discreet enquiries I have established that my M in L would like it so am hoping to buy the lot fir her birthday, that way she'll get much more than if I just went to the shops. The friend selling her stash is a bit scatty as she's looking after her hubby who is quite unwell but they haven't been given a diagnosis. This has been going on for over 2 years! They're just so polite and accept the consultants words-I think by now I'd be screaming at the specialists.

    Off to the hairdressers for 9.30am then calling to see my Dad on my way home . Will check everything is OK after yesterday's power failure for him.


    1. Michele,what an opportunity to get a few craft bits quite cheap. Go for it girl.

    2. Hi Michele,
      Sorry about your friend, but if you can get a bargain, as Jess says, go for it!!! xxx

  5. MICHELE:- ooooo!! the temptation, I would definitely buy the Ulimate. Now saying that, I only ever use mine for making boxes. I love the fact the base & lid are already calculated for you.
    You will feel good after your time at the hairdresser. Hope your dad is good and behaving himself. Be prepared for doing a few jobs for him xxx

  6. Good morning everyone , the cafe looks and smells so good I think someone has been very busy.
    Diane , your cake is a work of art and I bet it tasted as good as it looks, is there any left for the cafe?
    I love to see children in hand knits , this one is gorgeous and looks so cosy and such a lovely pattern Karen.
    Margaret these boxes are stunning and to make 60 of the same wow, your hands must be sore, I find having to make more than a few repeats becomes a chore, these are perfect keepsakes to be treasured!
    Myra ,I hope you are having a wonderful time , it certainly sounds like you are living in style!
    I had to return Lantern Cards to C&C ( bought on Monday Madness so no P&P) as half of them were wrongly embossed ( wouldn't have thought that of Craftwork cards) so in case you bought them too , best to check.
    We have a lovely spell of weather at long last, so must get a move on and get out to the garden xo

    1. Hi Anne, I always check everything that I get from C&C straight away as I've found quite a few things that are wrong, unfortunately always after the time allowed for returns as at one time I didn't open packets straight away. xx

    2. Hi Anne,
      Thank you, I'm having a lovely time! We went out to Denbies of Dorking today. It has vineyards and a gift shop and nice restaurant. Had lunch there - no wine !!
      We also walked around a village called Shere - very pretty .
      Tonight we are going out for dinner so I come through to get dressed and pop in briefly.
      It's been a lovely day today after rain yesterday! Xxx

  7. Good morning Ladies,
    What a fabulous start to the day. I love mixed craft Saturday. It never ceases to amaze me just what talent we have in here.
    Diane what a fantastically decorated cake. My handwriting isn't even as good as your icing writing, and you had that pesky fly trying to put you off.
    Karen your little jacket is just so sweet. I'm with Hazel, I love to see little ones in hand knitted clothes. I wonder if Nora's little one is being allowed to wear anything hand knitted yet.
    Margaret, I don't know what to say. I think there is only one word, WOW. I can't believe you made all these in such a short time. They are fabulous, the bride and groom will be thrilled.
    Maria and Karen, hope you have a lovely time together.
    I was a bit naughty yesterday and gave in to my inner devil. I was having a look at Sue's Christmas collection on JS' website, just window shopping or so I thought, when up he popped. He was telling me " you need them" just " buy them!" So I did. Before you could say - Bob's my uncle and Fanny's my aunt - they were in my basket, at the checkout, order confirmed. He can be very persuasive at times and having led me into temptation is now feeling very smug.
    The worst part now is the waiting, It can take up to 10 days for a parcel to get here from JS. After about 5 days I start to get giddy that today could be the day and as soon as the post arrives I run to see if my parcel is there. Bearing in mind it is 80 steps down to the post box, by day ten I am getting fed up.
    Right, I'll just take my tea and toast and go sit with Patricia and Hazel and anyone else who pops in is very welcome to join us.
    Love and hugs Saba xxxx

    1. Ah but Saba, your thighs will be a sight to behold after all that exercise, so it's a win, win situation. Firm thighs and Sue Wilson dies - hmm wonder if I could make a poem there!!!! xxx

    2. Oh Saba, that must have been so hard for you to order those dies? NOT!!! Just like my big sister and her trip to the craft shop! Well I did think we would see the sun but it's gone and looks like rain. so I think a will look out a fleece if we are walking round the grounds of the palace. will pop in later. xxx

    3. Muriel it'll be me doing the die-ing!! Those steps get higher every day, and Poor Sue, whatever has she done wrong to you.
      Hazel, wish I was coming to a palace with you, but then again, a trip to a craft shop wouldn't be a bad idea.

    4. Afternoon Saba
      I know what you mean re waiting for parcels of goodies crafting ones of course. At least we only have the drive to walk down to the box on stick (postbox) and we know as soon as the key goes in whether there's anything in there. I too get really giddy and although I know a parcel just cannot be in the box because of time lapse I have Jim going everyday just in case. Hope your goodies arrive soon.

    5. Not at all you to impulse buy!
      Sorry to hear about Sue! Xxx

  8. Hi Sandra and all the lovely coffee shop ladies,
    It's just a quickie this morning as it's Nikki's day.
    Well I'm totally blown away with the wonderful talent all you ladies have.
    Diane what a fabulous cake, I do envy you with your beautiful cake making skills.
    Karen your cardigan is great....I used to do alot of knitting many moons ago and I still love to see hand knitted garments on children.....I love it.
    And last but not least wonder you went AWOL for a few days! Your boxes are just beautiful and so much work has gone into them with all the added detail, well done for getting them all done. they really are such beautiful mini creations.
    Have left plenty of hugs in the basket so please help yourself....see you later.

    Love Sheila xxx

    1. Sheila, enjoy your day with Nikki.

    2. Sheila hope Nikki is well and you both enjoy her visit, it is so good that she is coming to see you now much less stress for you too, have a lovely day xxx

    3. Hi Sheila, have a lovely day with Nikki xxxx

    4. Sheila, I hope you and Nikki have a lovely time together. xxx

    5. Have a lovely time Sheila.

    6. Sheila I hope you have had a lovely day with Nikki and she is more settled this time xxx

    7. SHEILA:- hope you and Nikki have had the most fantastic day xxx

  9. Morning Sandra and ladies, well what can I say that hasn't been already said about today's fantastic crafts.
    Diane your cake is beautiful looks yummy, bet the lady was over the moon with it.
    Karen your little cardigan is so cute, just right for the coming winter.
    Margaret my goodness, what a challenge you were given, the boxes look fantastic, well done, you deserve a medal for all your hard work!
    Will pop back later, off to our scrapbook crop today,
    Take care everyone xxxx

    1. Hi Jess, enjoy the crop (oops, I nearly typed a letter a instead of o - naughty me!!! ha ha) xxxxx

  10. Just been given the offer to pop over to Hazel's Craft Shop ... it would be so rude to refuse wouldn't it girls??? Kinda! Like Saba with Peter!!!
    Just remembered Maria & Karen are having a meet up. Good luck girls please come in later and give us the gossip!!! See you xxxx

    1. Oh yes Patricia it would be really bad mannered to refuse and we all know you like to please, you go for it girl! xx

    2. Dear Patricia, force yourself. We know you don't really want to go!!! xxx

    3. Enjoy Patricia. Are your dies in now? Look forward to serving your flowers.

    4. Sorry. seeing your flowers. Predictive text😒

    5. Patricia it would be really rude to turn down such an offer now wouldn't it!!! Happy crafting.

  11. Hello everyone,
    Well, I've been posting comments on the way down but now to the main event. Sandra, your mixed media day is just fabulous today.
    Diane, what a super cake, I bet Angela was thrilled with it. (Is there any left as I missed out on the quiche yesterday!!!)
    Karen, you cannot beat a jacket/cardigan like this for the little ones. I used to knit them all the time when Rachel was young but old Arthur gets in the way now.
    Margaret, you know I think your boxes are absolutely beautiful and little works of art in themselves.
    Karen and Maria, have a great day, don't forget to take your nice soft cushions.
    Now, I'm sorry to disappoint you ladies but we didn't watch a DVD in bed last night. Zoe brought The Muppets "Wizard of Oz"!!!!! but we decided to stay around the dining table and do various things. They wrote Thank you cards, we played snap and a few other games, and ate their supper at the table (deep sight of relief all round lol). Oh we do lead an exciting life.
    Well, I suppose I'd better shake a leg as they are going home now so I'll make sure they have everything packed.
    See you all later, have a lovely day.
    Muriel xxxx

    1. Sorry, that should be a deep sigh of relief!
      And Myra, how remiss of me, have a great day today, and be nice to Alistair!!! xxxx

    2. Diane don't you believe everything Muriel says, she pinched my piece of quiche yesterday I am sure of it, so don't let her have any of your cake! xx

    3. Oooooooh words fail me !! xxxx

    4. It'll be a very temporary condition!
      I'm not a bit concerned !
      Thanks for the good wishes - I'm always nice to my husband! Well - nearly always! Xxx

    5. Haha Muriel speechless that is a first, there must be a blue moon somewhere too! I'm sure there must have been crumb evidence around Margaret heading in Muriel's direction! Xxx

    6. MAUREEN:- glad you had a good night with the girls and NO Hot Chocolate disasters. I love playing card games with the boys, mind you Robert is a right cheat!! Is it an easy evening for you this evening???

  12. Good morning Sandra and all the crafty crew
    Thank you so much for all your lovely comments on my marathon box making. The boxes were three inches square, with the sides of the base measuring two and a half inches, the side if the lids measured one inch. At least I got some use out of my Crafters Companion Ultimate Pro, boxes is the only thing I use it for! Yes Sandra you are right there are or were little bits from the die cut border all over the house! My butler was not happy at all, he was out with the Dyson three times a day grumbling away to himself. I told him it was the corgis that were spreading them all over the place, but that excuse didn't wash!
    Karen your little cardigan is exquisite I do so love hand knitted things especially for children, have a lovely meet up with Maria today I will look forward to hearing all about it from you both.
    Diane your cake is wonderful I know only too well all the work that will have gone into making such a wonderful creation well done it really looks super.
    Hazel your visitor will be having a wonderful time soaking up all the history in your part of the world when we visit Scotland we love visiting all the old houses and castles with all their little quirky things like hidden staircases and cupboards. Just think of the stories she will be able to take home with her, it will be a talking point for months to come.
    Michele you simply cannot pass up such a bargain you go for it girl! Have a good time at the hairdressers hope all is well with your Dad.
    Saba it does a girl good to have a little shop now and again so don't feel so guilty, and all the going up and down your 80 stairs will keep you super fit, much cheaper than joining a gym! Just one thing though, I hope you are fully dressed when you run up and down the stairs!!!
    Janet the news is not looking good for crossing the channel this weekend, it appears there is even more trouble at the tunnel both sides of the channel now, hope it all gets sorted before your visitors set off. Euro tunnel say they are doing their very best, ha ha it would appear their best is just not good enough!
    Well my latte was lovely thank you and my glass is washed, money in the pot and my hugs are over in the corner. Have a lovely day everyone whatever you are going to be up to, I shall see you later for a piece of the lovely looking tray bake with white chocolate on.
    Margaret xxx

    1. Margaret -first I have to say I'm in awe of your boxes. How on earth did you manage to sit and make all those. They are just gorgeous.
      Our visitors are already this side of the channel as they live in Holland -Robert's wife is Dutch and they have lived in Holland for the last 14yrs. I'm just glad that we don't use the tunnel there's always something going on there.

    2. Margaret! I feel you are a Goddess also! Your boxes are exquisite and to make so many so quickly is astounding! They are so pretty. Xxx

    3. Margaret is definitely a "goddess" and I think she must have "angels" helping her create. Still can't get over those stunning boxes xxx

    4. Oh thank you, you are all so kind, but please don't tell Saba I don't fancy upsetting a Yorkshire goddess she may jump on my foot! xxx

    5. Margaret your boxes are really beautiful, I'm sure the bride will be delighted with them as they are so pretty. No wonder your friend puts in her orders with you they must look so lovely with her cakes inside them, thank you so much for sharing them with us xxx

    6. Don't you worry Margaret I will be there to stop her jumping on your foot. Do you think she'll be that upset that there are 2 Goddesses now??
      Your boxes are brilliant, absolutely stunning, clever you. A lot of hard work though. I don't know how you managed to do all those sitting in your chair. I have to stand to Craft unless I am making flowers. xxx

  13. Did someone mention white chocolate. That is my failing. Quite good at avoiding chocolate now and think twice about buying it in the supermarket and put it back but white chocolate......oh dear. Will have to have a piece. Blood test for sugar levels next week so will have to be careful.
    DIANE your cake is marvellous. I am sure Angela loved it. Love the butterflies.
    KAREN. enjoy your meet-up with Maria. Your little cardigan is lovely. Love to see children wearing hand knitted clothes but always get told they are too warm - even in Winter- so don't do any knitting now unless it's for me.
    MARGARET. No wonder you were missing for several days. Your boxes are exquisite. How you managed to make 60 I will never know. You deserve a ret now. Hope you don't have to wait too long for the new wheelchair.
    Well it looks a better day than yesterday. Hopefully I am taking Scarlett out this afternoon. We are going to a Papercraft Show at Bracknell. It will only be very small - 4 exhibitors - but hope she enjoys it. Perhaps one day Ally Pally. See you all later.

    1. Hello Brenda LL, I hope you and Scarlett have a lovely time at the show. You know they say good things come in small bundles so hopefully there will not be too many people there.

    2. BRENDA:- I hope you and Scarlett had a great day and bought some nice Crafty Goodies to share.
      I got my Die and will make a start on some Fuchia Flowers soon xxx

    3. Patricia and Maureen. Yes we had a lovely afternoon. As I said it was very small but two of the people had much bigger stalls than usual so quite a lot of things to buy. It is very near us, only took us 10 mins to get there as it is the other way to going into town. It was at a community centre and near the home of one of the smallholders. I was chatting to him and said I suppose you will have to be out quick when it finishes and he said no we have the key so there is no rush. He said he would rather do that local show than Ally Pally which is very expensive and the local people could have the bargains which was good. We made our own cups of tea. I bought Scarlett some stamps and a block to put them on. I bought a stamp and a couple of dies for my seaside pictures. One lady had made a pop up card and used some Impression Obsessions io dies. I have three little boats and 8 little shell dies, an EK dimensional flower punch which was £5 instead of £10. Makes a very nice flower, Scarlett and I have already tried it out. Also some Distress inks, embossing powder and a Brusho's Colourcraft paint to add to my others and Pewter andOrchid Liquid Pearls oh and a stencil/mask with flowers and leaves which will make a nice background. That's it's. Glad you got the die Patricia and looking forward to seeing the fushia flowers. The ones I have seen have been gorgeous and I am sure yours will be no exception. Hope I get this posted. I did start but the phone rang and then I couldn't carry on with the message

    4. Hi Brenda
      Sounds like you and Scarlett had a fabulous day out. Looks like you bought loads as well for such a small show. Enjoy your goodies.

    5. Yes we did have a good day. The show was arranged by the Stamporsaurus people who arranged the Newbury one at the beginning of July and it was free entry. They had a very big stall, much bigger than at Ally Pally and a lot less stress. They only live just down the road. They hope to do it again. It's goid as we only have The Range and a Hobbycraft. I don't think Scarlett is ready for Ally Pally yet but she would love to meet Sue Wilson.

  14. Hello mere mortals,
    Patricia, I cannot thank you enough for making me a Goddess, possibly the first Yorkshire one ever. I was a bit concerned about being deified by Myra but looked it up and she wasn't insulting me after all. Good job too because we Goddesses can be a bit tetchy. Now all I need to know is what am I a goddess of?
    Answers please on a postcard.

    1. Goddess of Sailing close to the wind! Xxx

    2. By heck Myra, there's no flies on thee.

    3. Goddess of expensive handbags me thinks! Xxx

    4. Just a "Goddess" I think xxx

  15. Afternoon Ladies

    Just had cheese & crackers with red onion chutney for my lunch-lovely.

    Hairdresser was so funny today-she's in her mid thirties, totally covered in tattoos + piercings and sounds like the Queen! She's a belly dancer & teaches it as well. She has worked wonders on my hair as she usually does. Was finished early so popped home as I had some shopping in the car. Postie had been & there was a lovely Thank You card from M in L for the two cd's i'd sent her. Will send Sandra a photo of it.

    Dad was in good humour, I looked at his birthday cards & he gave me half a chocolate cake he'd been given by his neighbour. The couple next to him are great and are very kind to my Dad despite him being rude to them quite often! They went round straight away last night to check he was OK when the power failed.

    Garage clearance has been postponed until tomorrow as hubby is tired & wants to clean his car while its fine. Think I'll head up to the craft room for a play.


    1. Ooh Michele, that's one of my favourite lunches, red onion chutney just makes most things taste great.
      I'm pleased your Dad was in good form today, are his neighbours young. You often find they are best with older people. A visit to your craft room sounds like a good idea, although I expect you'll be on your way down by now.

  16. Afternoon one and all
    We are having a much cooler day with some gusts of wind today so we decided that housework was the order of the day and full on washing floors, windows etc result both are now shattered.

    Diane your cake is just a work of art - how could anyone cut into such a masterpiece. I love the colours you used and roses/butterflies what a wonderful combination.
    Karen your little cardy is beautiful - reminds me of when my girls were small and I used to knit all their jumpers and cardys. I love the pattern you used. It reminds me of the Efolder of Sue's.

    I hope everyone is having a lovely week-end.
    Sending hugs for the basket.

    1. JANET:- don't overdo it, although I know the feeling of wanting to get everything done. When we lived in Turkey I used to do all my cleaning very early when it was cooler. By 9am the sweat would be dripping off my eye lashes!!
      Have a great weekend xxx

  17. Sandra and all the coffee shop ladies,
    What stunning offering you have today Sandra. So much talent. I really am in awe of all the wonderful ladies

    DIANE, Your friends cake is beautiful and such a lot of work you've put in. I think I'd love a piece with my coffee but that's being a bit cheeky!
    KAREN, The knitted jacket is gogeous. I bet the little person you knitted this for was thrilled to bits.
    MARGARET, WOW The boxes are fantastic, Love how you've decorated them and finished the lid with a beautiful edge. I'm sure the bride will be delighted.

    I can't believe it - I started to write this post around 11ish had a long phone call. Then was called into the garden fo an opinion, thought I had better check greenhouse - and have only just returned back indoors, where does the time go?
    It's time for a cup of tea, think I will take it over to the window and see who's passing by.
    Hope everyone is having a good day, take care, love Brenda xxx

    1. Brenda OB, I think my time and your time meet up for a natter and prevent us from doing anything, because that's how I feel today. Where has the day gone?

  18. Good afternoon everyone,
    Nikki and I had a lovely time I had planned to go for a walk down to the beach as I had said in my earlier post it had been such a long time since I had been down there, but she was a wee bit late arriving and we had a chat with her support worker, they're all such lovely ladies (just the project manager needs pull her act together a bit ). Anyway by the time I had made lunch and Nikki had eaten hers the time was creeping along, then Nikki spotted one of Clive's phones but the battery was flat as a pancake and I didn't know where or which charger it I explained this to her and told her I would do my best to find one for when she came next if you knew my dear daughter you would know that 'no' is not in her she goes on and on and she knows that her Mum and Dad have never intentionally broken a promise. Anyway while she was having a yoghurt I suddenly had a 'ding' moment...Clive's other phone was also a Samsung and so I tried the charger to the one Nikki wanted.....Yeeeeeeeeeeehaaa!!! It fitted so we managed to charge the phone up and my dear Nikki was one very happy bunny. Don't you just love it when a plan comes together.....she can be very stubborn, just like her Dad (and he would admit to that to) but like me it's the little things in life that please her. Bless her! She is so wonderful to be with these days, because we had about 5 really bad years with her, but now she is back to how she used to be. Clive and I had just started to enjoy the time we were having with her again when he was suddenly taken from us.
    Hope you're all enjoying your day I'm off to get some tea now see you later xxx

    1. Sheila, I am so pleased that you had a wonderful day with Nikki and that she was so pleased with her phone. Clive will be looking down and enjoying the days you have with her, never doubt that for a moment, and he probably "dinged" the memory about the charger.
      Enjoy your tea.
      Love Muriel xxxx

    2. Well done Sheila! I'm so glad you had a lovely day too. Xxx

    3. Sheila, so glad you had a nice day with Nikki, you can always go to the beach next time. Xx

    4. Sheila delighted to know you had a lovely day with Nikki, how lovely that she wanted her Daddy's phone well done you for having a brainwave finding the charger! The trip to the beach will keep for another visit don't worry, the main thing is you both had a lovely day. now put your feet up and jut relax, sending you a hug xxx

    5. Sheila sounds like a lovely day, now next sunny day you have we expect to hear you have been for a paddle! Xxx

    6. Good to hear that you had a great day with Nikki. As you say, it's all the little things in life that bring us so much pleasure. The phone and charger are just one of them, Nikki is a Happy Bunny and so are you. Have a good evening xxx

    7. Sounds as if you had a lovely day. So pleased.

  19. Sheila, so glad you enjoyed your day with Nikki and you managed to find the charger.
    Sending you a massive hug because I think you need one.
    Love Saba xxxx

  20. I'm back, but where has the day gone. What a waste of a day, I've done nothing apart from a trip to the Supermarket.
    Never mind, the family are going to Devon about midnight tonight, towing the caravan, well the 4 x 4 will be doing the towing, Zoe was going on all morning about how they go for a meal between 4 and 5, and Eleanor and her are in their pyjamas when they go into the Service Station. She's so excited at the thought of that!!!
    I wonder who knocked on Saba's door this morning, but more to the point - was she dressed at the time lol.
    Patricia, what did you get at Hazel's craft shop?
    Hazel, did Roberta enjoy Falkland Palace?
    Myra, are you enjoying yourself?
    Cheryl, how is your weekend going?
    See you later
    Muriel xxx

    1. Yes Maureen she did but we didn't go into the palace as they was a couple of school party's, we did the grounds and the village then we went to loch leven to see where Mary Queen of Scots was held. We headed home as the rain was that heavy you couldn't see a thing. Had a house full all afternoon, Tammy, Derek and the boys stayed for tea, gone home now.
      Sheila, glad your visit ended happily.
      Off to read a few more comments. xxx

    2. MAUREEN:- you had the same kind of day I had yesterday....hope it's not infectious or I will be in the Bad Books ..... I think I started it!!! xxx

    3. HAZEL;- that's why we did not call in, had a feeing everyone would want to meet Roberta. Glad you had a good day.

  21. Saba dear,
    You know, I have feelings too, even though I am a mere mortal!!!

  22. Hello Sandra and lovely ladies!
    I've had a quick read and made a few comments but I'm a bit short of time!
    I. Too, love Saturdays Crafts. Today's are no exception.
    Diane - your cake is really lovely and I'm sure it tasted just as good as it looks. Thanks for letting us see it!
    Karen - I love your little jacket. It's such a useful colour too and will go with so many things. So cosy too. Thank you.
    Margaret - I'm in awe of the speed at which you made the boxes! To make so many was a triumph in itself but to make such gorgeous ones is quite amazing in my book! Clever girl!
    Try not to get up to any mischief while I'm out tonight!
    I feel it's a forlorn hope but I feel I ought to mention it.
    Hope you are all well .
    Miss you Norah!
    Lots of love, Myra xxx

    1. Myra have a lovely evening, as Jess said, mentioning no names, there are some in here who are bound to get up to mischief. I an a goddess now you know, so I am very good. Still don't know exactly what I am a goddess of but no matter, it's the title that counts.
      Lots of love Saba Xxxxx

    2. Thank you Myra that is really praise indeed, but they were easy really. Have a lovely evening and enjoy yourself but don't drink too much will you. As for Saba being a goddess you will notice there is no capital G so she is only a minor one! xxx

  23. Myra, I think the ladies always behave! There might be a few exceptions though,
    Not naming any names dont want to be called a sneak.
    Enjoy your night out. Xxx

  24. Hi Sandra
    My my how lovely is today's mixed craft. I just love your cake Diane. Karen I love the cardigan you've made. I've not knitted for years. I've seen some great patterns for tops that have been crocheted, but have never found anyone to teach me. Margaret your boxes are exquisite. Just love all the decoration you've put onto them. And to make so many as well. What a talented bunch if ladies visit the cafe each day.
    Myra, don't we always behave ourselves. Butter wouldn't melt in our mouths. Even Saba keeps everything covered when in bed. Just in case the flies get her.
    Sheila, I'm glad you had a lovely time with Nikki, I'm glad that you had a ding moment and remembered Clives phone charger.

  25. Hi Sandra and all in cafe.
    Hope you are well Sandra and enjoying having the girls home.
    Diane the cake is lovely looks very professional well done.
    Karen love the jacket I love to knit but don't do much these days.
    Margaret what can I say about your boxes they are exquisite you must have such patience well done.
    Hope all are well must get meal on table now take care.
    Love Margaret xx

  26. Hello my friends,
    I have decided to give up my goddessness and become a mere mortal again. As Margaret quite rightly pointed out I was only a minor one any way and seeing as Myra has now made Margaret a true Goddess (note the capital) I don't want her turning me into a spider or anything equally horrible. So Margaret, you are now officially our Goddess of boxes, our very own Pandora.

    1. SABA:- please don't give up being a "Goddess" you really suit those flowing white robes!!!
      I really must waken up in the morning before I come in here!!
      SABA:- I just re-read your post about you buying the Dies. This morning I read that it was Perter who said if you want them ... just get them. Oh! My! Word! It was actually "your inner Devil" sorry Peter!!
      Went to Hazel's local Craft Shop this morning. John offered to take me over when I mentioned I was needing for a few things for a project. Well now I can tell you all there was an other reason for the quick offer .... there was a Model Railway Show on in the the same town as the Craft Shop!!! However I enjoyed my day, got all the things I needed. John left me in the shop and went to his Show. I had a great rummage round, chatted to 2 other ladies who's husbands were also at the Show. We all had a nice cuppa, passed on a few hints & tips, good old chat and a laugh. John and I went for lunch, we would normally have gone to Hazel's. We felt she had enough to to cope with at the moment. I am sure Tammy and the boys will have been at mums plus I had a feeling Chris and his girls would be there as well.
      BRENDA (littlelamb) I got my Die, have not opened it yet. Might have a play with the Stamp & Die Set tomorrow. When I get my Fuchsia Flowers done I will send a picture to Sandra to use on her Blog.
      I am off to scroll back to see what you have all been up to today.
      Back soon xxx

    2. Oh Please! Saba is such a good name for a Goddess! Don't give up just yet! It'll be a bit like Roses! It'll grow on you! Xxx

  27. Oh Saba I would never turn you into a spider my darling as I don't like spiders, if I see one I put my foot on it, and I don't want to get my plaster all dirty now do I?
    I wonder how Karen and Maria got on today are they still chatting away I wonder?
    Now folks do you suppose Patricia is still out shopping at Hazel's craft shop spending a fortune or in a dilemma wondering what to buy to make us all envious?
    Maureen you may feel you have not done too much today, lets face it you have done the main thing and got George his food so he has plenty of energy to go out and play bowls! I do hope the family have a lovely time and a safe journey with some good weather thrown in just for luck.

    1. Well that's me back down to the bottom of the page ..... MAN!! it's a fair journey these days. However it's a wonderful journey that's for sure.
      I bought all the things I "needed" ... a black ink pad, some heavy duty Acetate for inside my Lanterns, they need the thick stuff to give them stability. If anyone has not seen the Lanterns I have one on my Blog. I also got Cosmic a Shimmer Glue. I go through so much I could do with it coming by the Tanker Load. I had ordered a Heartfelt Creations Fuchsia Die, it had arrived, got that. Adrian gave me a discount because I had bought both the Stamp & Die how good was that. That will be the next project after the one I am working on is finished.
      I will leave you with a "quote" one of the ladies in the Craft Shop came away with when the other said she'd tried something and It was a disaster .......
      If at first you don't succeed
      Sky diving is NOT for you!!! xxx

  28. Well, we have been having very strong gusts of wind here all day, I have been a bit worried about my balcony plants and loathe to go out incase roof tiles blew off and hit me, however, I never thought about Peter who had gone to his mum's by bicycle through the forest. He got home about an hour ago and told me about his lucky escape on the way there. He was cycling along and heard a noise he recognised, a tree coming down! He stopped, and it fell in front of him, about a metre from where he was standing. And what did the silly sod do, he came home the same way through the forest where he saw two further trees across his path which the fire brigade were sawing up. I could slap him.

    1. SABA:- did you have Beans for lunch or dinner???
      Now why does what Peter did not surprise me?? I have someone who would probably have done the same. xxx

    2. Oh my goodness Saba, well at least he told you and you didn't find a few days later! I remember driving a work colleague to a station in high winds so her husband could pick her up to get her home - trains had stopped running and it was the only thing we could think of. As we drove away the trees were falling down behind us - really scary! I hope the wind dies down soon xxx

    3. Oh Saba, so glad Peter is alright! Men eh! Xxx

  29. Hellooo Maria and I had a great time We met at 10.20ish and were still in JL coffee shop at 2.45ish Then had a mooch around the toy/haberdashery dept a) for Hama beads - see Christine E's blog and b) any bargains in the yarn/crafty bits we laughed and chatted all of the time Perhaps more can join us next time
    Thank you for your lovely comments re the baby knit - hands can't cope with weight of an adult jumper any more It's a Sirdar pattern book and the yarn is Sirdar Tiny Tots
    DIANE Your cake is terrific I used to sugar craft many moons ago making novelty cakes from a Jane Asher book Son's 21st springs to mind It had 21 nude ladies on it!
    MARGARET Those boxes are amazing Perfect in every way I love how you've placed the D-Lite poppy on top of an embossed piece Have I missed what size you said they are Was the box a die Goodness all that cutting!

    1. KAREN & MARIA glad you both had other good day together, xxx

    2. Hi Karen
      Good to hear you and MARIA had a great time- sorry I gad you meeting Myra but she's in Dorking having posh dinner (sorry Maria). I did ask hubby the other day which side of London Watford was and he said the other side! That's descriptive isn't it! I remember the Jane Asher cakes, haha that must have been fun modelling the nude ladies! Enjoy your evening xxx

    3. Hi Karen, so glad you had a good day. I need those Hama beads, I had totally forgotten about them, thanks for the reminder.

    4. Hi Karen and Maria,
      I'm so glad you had a lovely time! I too am going to buy the Hama beads! Xxx

  30. Hi Everyone
    Sorry I'm so late we've been out at a party for my uncles 90th birthday. His son had a marquee in his very large garden and caterers so it has been a wonderful day with all the family. He has hot great great grandchildren and one of his granddaughters had her first baby two weeks ago so that was even more special. When we left he was talking about the party he would like when he's 100!
    Thank you all for the kind comments about my cake. I hired a cake shaped tin and made a lemon maderia cake. The flowers I bought from the cake shop ready made, they had air brushed them so they were a variegated orange/gold/yellow. Talking to the lady in the shop they are flower paste put into silicon moulds so I think they might be achievable, might have to have a play with that soon! The butterflies were cake lace and the ribbon was some from my stash which just happened to match. The lines were painted using dusting powder mixed with alcohol. Angela has worked at the school for 28 years and is a very special lady who didn't want to retire really but her husband has retired and is getting bored at home on his own so she has decided to go. She is an expert cake maker and my go to person for cakes that I've made - so I couldn't ask her advice on this one! She is a really good friend and we swap recipes and books (she loves books hence the book cake) and we have arranged to get together in September when school starts again and her husband, who is also lovely, is driving her mad! There were 3 ladies retiring and the cakes for the other two had been sorted but no one else was brave enough to make Angela's. I haven't heard from her yet to find out if the cake tasted good, her grandsons and husband probably ate most of it in one evening!
    Thank you all for your kind comments.
    Karen your little cardigan is beautiful, the sort that goes with trousers and can either be used under a coat or as a jacket for warmer days. What a lovely pattern too. I haven't knitted anything for ages, I usually knit in the winter but didn't buy any wool last year. I'm sure I will rectify that this winter.!
    Myra and Karen I hope you had a lovely get together today, by the time I post this you have probably been in to tell us all about it. I had to stop half way through to cook dinner! So it's taken me ages. Right I'm going to publish now and check and see what's going on. See you all later
    Love Diane xxx

    1. DIANE:- sounds like real fun day. What a positive young man thinking about his 100th!!!
      Bet your cake got "top marks" it looked amazing and I am sure it tasted devine xxx

    2. Patricia he's a very upbeat gent for his age and always chatting up a young lady if he can find one. He loves his family and all the grand children great grandchildren and great great grandchildren keep him young. Xxx

    3. Diane, I love family get togethers especially when there are so many generations all together. He must have been delighted to see all his offspring gathered to celebrate his special day.
      Glad you enjoyed it. Hope your back is feeling a bit better now.

    4. Hi advance
      What an extraordinary Young man, already planning his 100th birthday. I'm glad you had a lovely time. Hope your back in better shape today. Angela's dake is gorgeous.

  31. Ok! Folks, that's me for today. Have tidied away my cup, plate and crumbs.
    Off to tidy some Crafty things I have left in the kitchen ... actually think I will just leave them and finish off the project in the morning. Well maybe not, I like things tidy when I come through in the morning. Better go get it done.
    Goodnight God Bless see you all tomorrow xxx

    1. Night God bless Patricia. Just leave the mess, put a tea towel or something over it and then in the morning you can whisk it off and have a lovely surprise.

    2. Night night Patricia sleep tight xxx

  32. Oh bother. Sandra I've just realised I forgot to take a photo of my exploding box card! I was so proud of it too, thought it didn't look too bad for a first attempt! Oh well I shall have to make another one! Xxx

  33. Hellooooo!
    I have had a really lovely evening! I'm rather tired now as been out nearly all day.
    Tonight was lovely. We sat in the garden behind the Restaurant and it was sunny and warm . We had drinks there before going indoors to a lovely Tasting
    Menu! The taxi driver who took us there and back was an absolute hoot. It's
    been an interesting day all round. Tomorrow our friends' son and DIL and three boys are joining us for lunch so should be a lively time.
    Night Night everyone, sleep well, God Bless,
    Glad you've all had a good day. Glad Peter had a fortunate escape!
    Lots of love,
    Myra xxx

    1. Ooops, I meant to say Myra, that I hoped you'd had a good time tonight and were you on the champagne again. Oh, how the other half live!! xxx

  34. Helloooooooooo
    I'm late in tonight, we've been babysitting 11 and 9 year olds while Rachel and Peter were having a sleep before driving tonight. Rachel has been to Ladies Day at Newcastle Races today as she had arranged to go with friends before she realised that this was also the night they were travelling to Devon, so as she is not like me in that she likes a drink, she needed a sleep. However I think she only had 2 glasses of wine so that's not bad - is it? Of course, she didn't say how big the glasses were!!!!
    Patricia, I love the saying that the lady told you at the Craft Shop. Mind you I don't think I'd sky dive for a million pounds.
    Saba, I have one at home who - if he rode a bike - would do exactly the same as Peter!
    I'm glad Karen and Maria had a good day today, I hope the corns on your bottoms soon heal!!!
    Diane, what a wonderful day with your uncle. He sounds like a great man and I bet he'll be around to get a card from the Queen.
    Hazel, you've had a busy day today. Shame about getting in to the Palace, but Roberta will still have enjoyed her day.
    I feel quite ill, I've been scrolling up and down to see what everyone has been up to as I can't be bothered to go and get a pen and paper, but now I can't remember what everyone has been saying, except I know that:-
    Brenda LL had a good day with Scarlett at the small craft show, and got some good bargains by the sound of it. Bet you're pleased about that!
    It's no good, this is very late for me as I was up three times during the night with the girls. Normally, I never hear them but Zoe was having an argument about 2 this morning. When I went in she was crawling all over the bed and I asked her what she was doing. "I've lost it Grandma" she said, so I told her to lie down and I'd find it. She lay down and that was that, she was fast asleep. It happened another twice but with different conversations. She, of course was asleep all the time, but it takes me ages to get back to sleep after. Still, we've all gone through it, haven't we?
    So I'll say goodnight and sweet dreams everyone.
    I've tidied up, swept up the crumbs making sure Hazel wasn't there, and filled and switched on the dishwasher after locking Maria out of the way ha ha. The clock is wound up and that pesky cat is nowhere to be seen.
    See you tomorrow.
    Love and hugs
    Muriel xxxx

    1. Night Night! Maureen - sleep well,
      God Bless xxx

  35. Night and God bless Muriel my dear.
    I have been up to mischief. You remember we bought a new telly, well, I discovered that I could sync it up with my I pad and not only can I watch what is being broadcast on the television on my I pad but I can use It to control the telly. It is such fun. I am sitting in the dining room whils Peter watches television in the sitting room and I keep adjusting the volume, he hasn't a clue what is happening. I even switched channels briefly and nearly choked when I heard him mumbling- what the.....
    Can't decide whether to tell him or keep making him think he is going barmy!!!
    I have a sad life!!!

    1. Oooooh Saba now that's the sort of prank I would have loved to have played on Clive!!! He would have got really mad at the TV but would have laughed so much when I told him. I would hang on and do it once more to Peter and then tell him. Heeheehee! Oh you are so naughty Saba but lovely with it. Night, night and sweet dreams I'm off to bad now with a smile on my face after reading what you are up to. xxx

    2. Oh Sheila, I haven't had such fun in ages. We have a bit of a storm going on and he is blaming that!!
      He is a physicist for goodness sake, how on earth does he think a storm is responsible. I am having a tenna moment.

    3. I couldn't stop laughing. I am sure I would have laughed so much I would have given the game away.

  36. Well, fun over he has gone to bed and I think it's time I did too.
    Hope you all have a good nights sleep. See you tomorrow, I enjoyed being a Goddess however briefly. 5 percent battery now so definitely time to go.
    Night God bless all
    Saba xxx

  37. I think we are thenonly ones here SABA and I was just going to switch off my iPad. Night.
