
Monday 27 July 2015

Man Card Monday


Good Monday Morning Ladies,
Its that time of the week again, this weeks Man card creator is Michele, I think that there are one or
two of you ladies who's husbands like a round of golf, we all know Michele's husband does after his
wet week in St Andrews!
I think that Michele said that she created this card from a CD rom, I am not sure which one but I am
sure Michele will pop in later on to share with us all how she made this fabulous card.
I love how everything ties in with the theme, from the background papers to the embellishments,
that is the benefit of creating cards from CD roms, if you are anything like me you have plenty of them but just forget to use them,  I know I have seen some of Patricia's cards and loved the papers she has used and then read that she too had printed them from a CD, I guess its like having your own patterned paper store, without the need for lots of storage.
I also noticed that Michele hasn't used any dies on this card either, another bonus, I guess it would also be helpful if you wanted to take some cards away with you on a holiday of trip, you could print of the bits and pieces needed and then just take, scissors, paper trimmer and some adhesive. No need to lug round all your die collection.  Yet again if you wanted to you could use the papers etc with your dies as I know Patricia has done.
Thank you Michele for inspiring us all and for making us stop and think once again about resources that we have got and in my case forgotten about and also proving that there was fabulous card making before dies!
I hope you all have a lovely Day,
Love and hugs


  1. Good morning Sandra and all who call in to the Best Coffee Shop ever.
    MICHELE:- I love your fantastic card. Absolutely perfect for anyone who plays Golf. Change the paper and I could be used for male or female, it's great.
    Talking of papers, Sandra is right about me using CDs to print papers. Oh! like all of your out there I have loads of Pads of the stuff. I have a few favourites that I use for certain projects. I print them off then I know if I make a Boo! Boo! I just go print some more.
    Nothing much planned for here today apart from some Housework. I did some yesterday when I had Mr Dyson working I kept him going more than I needed. Bonus is he and I will have less to do today. It's miserable so once the house is done it will be "playtime". I think I might have a go at making a Lantern out of Kraft Card, decorate it with Poinsttias for Christmas. Audrey loved decorating their house for Christmas, if it turns out ok I will give it to her.
    i am over at my usual table having my Tea & Toast please join me if you can.
    Will see who pops in or passes by. Looks like Jenny & Laura have given us a miss for some reason, they might just happen by another day, we will see.
    (((((hugs))))) in the basket by the door xxx

  2. Morning Ladies

    Goodness-first in again! Well, it's raining here again-almost makes me glad to be going to work.....haha!

    We did sort out the garage yesterday afternoon. As soon as hubby had watched the Grand Prix that was it...he required my assistance. We move a lot out into the kitchen (garage is attached to the house) and put some items on the drive. My job was to sweep up & be "general dogsbody "-think I managed that OK. We now have lovely flooring over the grotty concrete floor that had bern painted & was peeling.

    My card- I used a cd called Boys2Men by Ella's Design. She has a blog & Her cd's are on sale via that. Theres a gallery so you can see what cards you can make with each cd. They really are lovely & suit all ages. The one I used has been so useful for mens cards, as I really struggle with them.

    After the big garage sort out, I had just enough time to sort dinner out then we FaceTimed the American relatives. We were chatting for over an hour, baby Liam looked very well-he's 2 months old now. His brother Max was comical as he'd just woken up fram his nap (he'll be 3 in November). The older 2 were excited about our visit & were planning out our days!

    Guess i'd better make my lunch & head off to work. Will pop in later.


    1. Gosh Michele I can't believe Liam is two months old already! Where has that time gone! Isn't FaceTime great at cutting down the miles xxx

  3. Good morning Sandra and all who call or look in. Oh I see big sister is in her usual place I will get my tea and I see there are crumpets so I will pop one in the toaster.
    Michele, what a fantastic mans card, yet with change of paper it would become useable for a female golfer,
    I don't own any C.Ds just loads of pads of paper. Not that it bothers me, but I know Patricia uses hers a lot.
    Well it's right miserable day here, I am hoping that the old saying if " rain before 7 dry by 11" is the way of things today. Gillian and Andrew didn't go via Culross yesterday, so I think that will be today's outing. Apart from that not much on the cards. Gillian and Andrew are off work now, but I have a feeling there will be a lot of " MUM" can you do this that and the other!!!. Right I am off to sit and chat with big sis, Cafe looking good, it's a pity that Jenny and Laura didnt think to much of our best ever cafe. Where else do you get so much company and laughter?
    Oh I wonder if Peter has found out what Saba has been up to?
    Janet, have you had enough rain and has the garden had a good water, at least the water butts will maybe have got some water in them!
    (((((( hugs)))))) in the basket. xxx

  4. Good morning Sandra and the lovely ladies,
    I'll just make myself a camomile tea and a slice of toast and go and sit with Hazel and Patricia, I think Michele has already gone to work.
    What a brilliant man card card Michele. It looks very 3 dimensional, CD crafting is not really something I have done, mainly because our computer is so old and sluggish I hardly ever use it now. I do sometimes print off a sheet of sentiments though.
    Today is the first of my Heat and Massage sessions and I have to admit to being a bit nervous. My friend Heide has told me it will be painful - thank you for that Heide - but what is worrying me most is the fact that the therapists are two men. One looks about twenty and the other about 40. I know you will think I am barmy but I am not sure how I feel about being in the hands of a strange man , so to speak. I wish it was a woman. My gynaecologist is a man and I don't have a problem with that, I mean that's all a bit yucky, but a massage is something else.
    Oh well, if it helps with the back pain. I can't decide whether to get glammed up or to go looking looking like I am a bag lady so they don't get any funny ideas.
    I'll let you know when I get back.
    Love and hugs
    Ps, super seedling has shrivelled and died and he never spotted it!!

    1. Saba, you lucky girl, I've never had two men massage me at the same time, come to think of it, I've never had one!!!
      Good job it's the seeding that's shrivelled and not Peter!!

    2. All those "devilish" antics and it failed ..... maybe a wee message there!!! Don't be a devil where Peter is concerned!!
      Glad you had a good time last night, pity about the rain. We are so used to rain we just "expect it" and "accept it"
      Will be thinking about you, just remember ..... No pain No gain.
      Seriously if it helps it will be worth it. From a Back Pain sufferer you have my full sympathy. (((((hugs))))) xxx

    3. Just enjoy the massage and put all thoughts of Colin Firth and Richard Gere out of your mind ......and wear your best undies! Lol. They probably see you as a 'case' rather than a female body - well they are right about you being a case! Shame about the seedling, I think you should try again, it might encourage the actual seedlings to grow . Xxx

    4. Oh Saba, two at the price of one hihi I hope you get out all new and pain free. Do tell
      Peter never got to see his seedling, try again. Love to know what he saying xxx

    5. Saba - just go and enjoy the massage. I admit I've never had a massage in my life and would shy away from one knowing how bad my spine and neck feel. I suppose if I were to be told I would definitely feel better and in no pain afterwards then that's a different matter. Love to know how you feel after.

    6. Ooh! Saba, I wouldn't like that either!
      However old or young I am/was I would have hated it!
      Hope it helps you though. Xxx

  5. Morning Jyst going to grab a quick coffee before I go to work MICHELE Your card is lovely I'm an avid cd crafter Serif being one if my favs It's only quite recent that I have started using dies and paper pads PATRICIA is right If you make a boob you can print it again Case in point I made a card using both mediums and somebody asked for a copy and I hadn't got any more of the paper left - a Llidl buy
    SABA Shame it shrivelled!
    HAZEL Take care and enjoy your crumpet
    SABA Just lie back and think of England - an old saying

  6. Good morning Ladies, just popping into the cafe for a quick chat, cup of tea and slice of brown toast ( trying to be healthy after a naughty weekend) , it's a bit rainy this am. but meant to clear later.
    I meant to mention to Saba yesterday Lavender seeds need to be put in the fridge for a week or so to help them germinate when you sow them, you could be really sneaky and try this and plant some seeds in a pot of your own!
    Michelle , your card is great! I could do with this cd for my golfing pals, I do love Ella's cards that I've seen on Pinterest ( soft colours and so serene looking) do you think this is the same person?
    Tea was lovely , money in the pot , see you later, it's Pilates this morning.
    Hugs to all xo

    1. Anne, I didn''t know that!

    2. Muriel - You weren't expected to know it was Anne's Pilates Class this morning! Xxxx

    3. Anne, thank you for that tip, I won't be telling him though because the two containers which he has on MY balcony make it rather untidy and I shall be glad if his seeds don't grow and I can get rid of them.
      Bit tempting though to try some for myself in a little pot. I would have to hide the seeds in the fridge somewhere he wouldn't find them.
      Hope you enjoyed Pilates.

    4. Maureen and Myra you pair are incorrigible! ( don't know if that is how you spell it , but you know what I mean) but you are funny!
      Saba, might be easier to just buy one lavender and pot it , that way it wouldn't take up much space on your balcony but you could enjoy the wonderful calming scent, and be in Peters good books at the same time, win win! xo

  7. Morning one and all,
    Well it's more like Autumn than winter here, I think I must have had a catnap and missed good moaning though as spending my time in the coffee shop it always feels like Summer anyway and so much laughter with the shenanigans you get up to.
    Can't get up to much today as I have to wait for the DPD man to pick up my trolley to return it.
    Michele your card is such a great man card I have so many CDs that I was really into at one time but unfortunately hardly ever use these days. Every time Joanna Sheen brought one out I would buy it but now I just love my dies, I love the texture and dimension they give to a card.
    Sandra I hope you and the family had a lovely weekend and you all well.
    Saba I hope the massage goes well and not too painful...I think I'd be the same as you and would feel unsure about 2 male therapists. What a shame about Peter not seeing the seedlings before they shrivelled. I hope your behaving yourself with the TV remote feature on your tablet though.
    Lynda sorry I missed you last night. Well I'll go and join the sisters for a wee while with my latte and toast will put extra hugs in the basket before I leave.

    Love and hugs Sheila xxxx

    1. SHEILA:- glad you joined us.
      Hazel and I were just say the very same thing about summer.
      Thought it was just us missed after 40winks the other day. xxx

    2. Sheila, hope you get your " wheels" sorted out very soon! You were doing a lot of giggling yesterday! Xxx

    3. Sheila, I thought I'd wandered on to the set of "Allo Allo" for a moment when I saw you had typed GOOD MOANING!!!

    4. Listen very carefully I will say this only once! Xxx

    5. Sounds like the "Teacher" has had enough!!! xxx

    6. BEHAVE or else!!!
      Oh! My! Word who in heavens name wants to behave?? Xxx

  8. Hello everyone,
    Sandra, I'll help myself to a latte and toasted crumpet, money is in the pot, ooh I'll sit beside Sheila, and talk about trolleys!
    Michele, this is a brilliant man card, actually in different colours it would be good for a woman golfer. I once did a get well soon golf card for a keen woman golfer and she loved it.
    It's still raining here, it's never stopped since I was so smug and told you all what a lovely day it was yesterday, hay ho we may have to use that Ark after all!!
    Saba, I would also feel very uncomfortable about men massaging me, I don't like touchy, feely men at all, even in a social setting. We have got to get this Lavender issue sorted. Blimey we could be known as the "Lavender Hill Mob"!!! You could be Alec Guinness, I could be Alfie Bass and the other ladies could be whoever they wanted!!!
    It's housework today after I finish clearing the last kitchen drawer. See you later.
    Love and hugs
    Muriel xxx

    1. Hello, I'm half way home!
      Hope your drawers are all tidy now! Xxx

    2. Muriel, would that be Sir Alex Guinness? I quite fancy having a title again seeing as I am no longer a goddess.

    3. Myra, I see you#re halfway home, do you intend finishing the journey? My drawers are ship shape and bristol fashion, even the bra drawer, but I'm going to start on the sideboard next. What is the matter with me, all this nesting, it's almost as though I was pregnant!!!! OMG at my age, the neighbours will talk, and George will faint. lol
      Saba, I've had a rethink, you'd have to be Lady Guinness, I'll be the old trout!!!

    4. Changed my mind, I've just had a look at the cast. I would like to be Chiquita. But who will be Miss Evesham???

    5. Muriel, Clearly the age of miracles is still with us! I think we'll add another name - Sarah! Xxx

    6. Myra, got it, it took me little while but then the penny dropped.

    7. Myra, I know I'm old, but for goodness sake, I wasn't born B.C.

  9. Morning Sandra and ladies,
    Grrrrrrrr, I have just lost my post, here goes again.....
    Michele your card is lovely, I have quite a few CDs but mostly female or flowers, I once bought a pad of Boys2Men but wasn't impressed with the designs (wonder what I did with that).
    Hazel shame Roberta didn't get to Culross yesterday, did they manage to see The Kelpies and The Falkirk Wheel? I passed y,the,Kelpies,yesterday and it looked really busy there was a notice at the entrance saying the car park was full, there is extra parking at Falkirk Football Stadium and from there a nice walk to the Helix Park about 10 minutes away.
    Rain again here today, so wee Henry will be busy this morning for a while, then I just might have to go and do some cards.
    Saba I hope your massage is ok and you don't feel too uncomfortable.
    Will catch up later to see what discussions are taking place today seen yesterday's was 'pants'!!!!
    Take care everyone xxx

    1. Jess, just back from Culross,we had a good walk about even with it raining it was enjoyable, Roberts just love the cobbled streets and funny little alleyways etc. yes Kelpies and the wheel yesterday. I think it could be Pitlochry tomorrow. Xxx

    2. Hazel, sounds as though you are giving Roberta a good time. Is the Salmon Leap still at Pitlochry - it's a long time since we were there. xxx

    3. We were there a couple of years ago Maureen and yes it is, complete with Heron standing waiting for a fish! Lovely part of the country. Have you been to House of Bruer at Blair Athol? That's lovely too :) xxx

  10. Hi Sandra and all in the Cafe today. Michele, what a great golfing card, I love the background papers and the club, ball etc. look like die cuts rather than just printed. It is wonderful, thank you for sharing it with us all : )
    I have been laughing my head off while reading yesterdays comments, what with Saba playing tricks on Pete (what a shame that he didn't notice the lavender shoot) and some of the men wearing the wrong underpants and the Red Arrows being diverted due to barrage balloon pants, you are such a fantastic bunch, you brighten even the dullest day, it's a bit dull here in fact, the sun is trying to shine but it is quite windy and cool at the moment, not like July at all! I am glad that Janet has had some rain, I just wish we didn't though.
    Sheila, what a shame the trolley was too big, I hope you find one that is a better size. It can be hard to work out the size of things when ordering online.
    Saba, the concert sounded great, what a shame the rain didn't hold off for a bit longer though. I hope the next one stays dry for you.
    Maureen, did you manage to see the Red Arrows in the end? We get to see lots of different planes as we are near to Brize Norton Air Base.
    Lynda, it sounds like you had a great time at the famiy BBQ, I hope that Harry feels better very soon, luckily little ones are quick to shrug off illness though aren't they.
    Sandra, I hope you had a good weekend, what did you get up to, or was it a lazy time, which makes a change for you?
    Pat, congrats on winning on Sue's blog, I did comment on there but saw it after visiting the Cafe yesterday.
    I had a very lazy day yesterday, didn't do any crafting in the end. We just had a lovely day with Gem and James,her boyfriend, chatting and watching movies : ) I must get on with the cards today though now I finished my tea and crumpets (thanks for sharing with me Hazel, they were delicious).
    Have a good day everyone.
    Love and hugs to you all
    Sue xx

  11. I need another cuppa!! With doing some of today's work yesterday I have spare time.
    Won't sit long though washing almost finished spinning. It will have to go in the Tumble Drier, it's bucketing rain ...... as usual!! xxx

  12. It's so blooming cold here I have just put on a pot of Soup for Lunchtime.
    Carrot & Lentil that should heat us up. Sticky Toffee Pudding to finish with. xxx

    1. Sounds lovely.
      Can I come for lunch? xx

    2. My favourite soup and pudding ! Have you room for one more? xo

    3. Doors always open here,
      Plenty Soup but only 2 pieces of Sticky Toffee!! (Took them out of the freezer) John's name on one mine on the other. There are biscuits & cheese if you are interested in that. xxx

    4. Do you do late lunches Patricia? xxx

    5. Sorry Maureen, I was too late readng this. It's Dinner time now, and I don't think there is enough to cooking for all of us. Well. I could stick a Pizza in oven. How about that?? xxx

    6. Sorry it was the sticky toffee pudding that I was interested in lol xx

    7. Patricia, that's the story of my life, the feast is always over by the time I get there!!

  13. Good morning Sandra and all the coffee shop crew
    Well it is dull and miserable looking this morning, rained most of the night but really looks as if it will be raining again soon, but so pleased all our prayers have been answered and at long last Janet has had some rain, yippee!
    Sandra I do hope you had a restful weekend and are feeling ready for the week ahead.
    Michele your card is wonderful so well thought out and just so right for a man, especially your golf mad hubby. Pleased to know the garage work went well for you, lets hope work for you this week is less stressful.
    Saba I think the best thing to do is leave your modesty at the door, have your massage and think of Yorkshire, then collect what is left of your modesty when you leave, good luck.
    Oh my latte was lovely as always such quality and service in this café it is wonderful, such a pity our new visitors have not returned look what they are missing.
    My money is in the pot thank you and my hugs are over on the corner I will pop in later take care everyone.
    With love
    Margaret xxx

  14. White Van Man just delivered my Sue Wilson Card ..... Oh! Wow! the colours are beautiful ... oooo!! what can I make. Yes I am going to use it, I have enough card to "stroke" xxx

    1. Ooooh mine came too, the colours are so pretty aren't they Patricia. Also DPD came to collect my giant trolley and he looked just like Dom Littlewood ( I think that's his name) same face and same height! In fact I was so shocked I didn't here what he said...I must have looked a bit stupid standing there with my mouth open because he repeated himself, anyway I apologised and explained 'Oh I get that all the time' Must admit I have never had such a great service from a company and refund will be back in my bank in 2 or 3 days. I've decided on PJ day today as it's so chilly then I must go out tomorrow. Enjoy your new card Patricia and any of you who receives

    2. Hi Patricia and Sheila,
      I ordered it too! How exciting! Xxx

    3. Oh Patricia, Sheila and Myra, I feel like the little girl that Santa Claus forgot. I haven't got mine. Of course I didn't order any!!!! xxx

    4. Aaaaaaw Maureen the first part of your post I felt so sad and then you said you didn't order any!! You little minx!!! Muriel the Minx!!!! xxx

    5. MAUREEN:- know what, I will share mine this you xxx

    6. That should of course be "with" you, I really would. I want all the odd ones 2 for you 3 for me!!!

    7. Patricia, I couldn't possibly, oh all right, 4 for me 1 for you!!!!

    8. Maureen, sorry 2 for you 3 for me or the deals off xxx

  15. Hello Sandra and everyone in the coffee shop,
    Hope you all had a good weekend, shame about the weather, it more like Autumn here.
    Michelle your card is lovely and perfect for any golfing friends love the subtle tones, yes this would be a hole-in-one for most golfers ! I will take a look at this CD. Did get some yonks ago but was drawn to Die Cutting, it's still nice to have choices though.
    I know I often go on about our grandchildren, we are so proud of them all. At school Callum age 13 was put of into the UK Mathematical Challenge. It is open to year 7 and 8 (he's year 7 in September will be yr8). Yesterday Mum was clearing out his school bag and found a certificate - A Gold Certificate !!!! When asked about it he replied " Oh yes it was given to me on the last day of term, I forgot to show you" we were all so pleased. Think he thought we had all slightly lost it, Although he did have a silly grin on his face.
    Hope everyone has a good day, Ciara and I are going to a place called Fired Earth, where you decorate pottery. So it should be fun.
    Enjoyed my coffee and chat, you know I can see someone looking in the window - HELLOOOOOOOOO please come in, this is a great cafe to visit. Just introduce yourself, make a comment on the Card, post, then sit back, the welcome you will get will be fantastic.
    Love and Hugs, Brenda xxx

    1. Oh Brenda congratulations to your grandson that's brilliant. Emma used to enter the challenges but got to bronze level as she wasn't brave enough to go on to the next level even though her teacher wanted her too. I'm sure if I asked her now she would regret that as she loves maths (strange child!) . Enjoy your day at fired earth, it sounds fun . Xxx

    2. Thank you Diane, he has always been excited by numbers, even before he could talk! OH bought him a poster with the times tables on, I remember the poster being on one of the kitchen doors and pointed to, and saying the eleven times table, he was in his high chair and bounced up and down with excitement. He was diagnosed before starting school with Asperger's syndrome, but copes brilliantly, just sometimes can seem antisocial. Mind you OH love Maths and older daughter has an Honours Degree in maths. Me I'm as thick as tow short planks!!! xxx

    3. CONGRATULATIONS brilliant achievment, that's wonderful.
      We are all so proud of our Grandchildren and rightly so. xxx

    4. Hi Brenda, a typical boy :-) Congratulations for his reward and hope all goes well for him. Have a good time at fire earth, sounds fun xxx

    5. Hi Brenda congratulations to Callum that's such a wonderful achievement. xxx

    6. Hello Brenda - couldn't you just strangle children sometimes! It's lovely to know that there are some children out there who love numbers which aren't just on a computer or adding machine. Well done young man.

    7. Oh Brenda, That's lovely! Well done Callum! How typical to put it in his bag and forget all about it. Boys!
      Have a lovely time with Ciara at Fired Earth!
      I think it's Anne who says she calls it Fried Earth! Sorry Anne if I mixed you up with someone

    8. Brenda, how fantastic, you have every right to be proud of Callum.
      Well done young man. Enjoy your day with Ciara.

    9. Hi Brenda, yes we are proud of our grandchildren, and Callum is one of the reasons. Congratulations to him, what an achievement!!!
      Enjoy Fried Earth with Ciara - I think that sounds better than Fired Earth!!!

    10. Hi Brenda , you have every right to be proud of Callum , he does sound very clever and modest to boot! I have a nephew 14yrs with Aspergers , he was up visiting a week ago and enjoyed going to " the screen machine" mobile cinema that was here at the time, he went on his own and then bought a sausage supper on the way home, something he would never do in his hometown, but said he felt safe up here, I think he enjoyed feeling Independant , I know that sounds a simple thing but it was good for him.xo

    11. Meant to say you have a great memory Myra! xo

    12. Oh Brenda that was wonderful very well done to your grandson you have every right to feel so proud of him. xxx

  16. Good morning Sandra and all the lovely ladies.
    Well what a funny day, it was dry when I woke up then pouring with rain and now sunny again! There are lots of dark clouds around so don't think I will do the washing today. I've got a mountain of ironing to do so I'm going to make a start on that in a minute. I'm all behind this morning, Julian went to work at 6 and I woke up again at 8.30. I read a couple of chapters of my book (getting to the exciting bit) and when I looked at the clock it was 9.45 so the time had flown by. Good thing I don't need to be anywhere today. Well I must check my emails, if Patricia's card gas arrived my dies might be on their way, wish I had bought the card now too. Lol.
    Right I had better go and get on, the ironing fairy seems to be on strike so it's up to me again, mind you the hoovering fairy has been on strike too so that needs doing too, oh it's never ending isn't it, must get some cards finished too.
    Have a great day everyone, I will pop back later to see what mischief is going on xxx

    1. Diane, what are you reading. I could do with some excitement in my life!

    2. Saba, Peter and his lavender, two men massaging you, and then you visiting this blog - I'd say you have more than enough excitement in your life! xxx

    3. Diane, what are you reading ha ha.

    4. It's a classic mystery book, I think it's called the Hogs Back Murder - I will let you know it's proper title when I go upstairs to bed. I do like a good mystery xxx

    5. Hi Diane, just had a look on Amazon. Hog's Back Mysteries.
      Looks good? I like PD James murder mysteries and recently read the Girl with the Dragon Tatoo by Stieg Larsson, that was brilliant, couldn't put it down.

    6. I agree Saba, that book was briliant. xxx

    7. Hi Saba yes that's the one, it was half price in water stones and sounded quite good. It's been a good yarn, does make me chuckle that the inspector catches the train or bus! I also downloaded a free kindle book not so long ago which was a murder mystery based around a vintage clothing shop. It was really good, so much so I paid £2.99 for the next two books in the series! I will look it up tomorrow and let you know what it was xxx

  17. Good morning Sandra & ladies
    Thank you SUE yes I had a good time at BBQ although it was heavy rain,must say my brother loved his bowls card in a box he kept showing it to everyone,said it was the best card he had & is going to keep it.
    SABA I know just how you feel about the two men doing your massarge,a good few years ago now the doctor sent me for an ECG ,well to my horror my name was called by this young man he only looked 12 well told me to take my top off then he said take your BRA off as well the had to lay on the table Oh my God I tell you I wished the floor would open & swallow me up I was so embarrassed well you know me & the droopy bits. But I'm sure you will be fine Saba :0))
    SHEILA that's ok I was late last in night.I hope you find a new Wheely trolly & haven't got a long time waiting in for the return of the mega one. See you later.
    Sandra hope you had a good weekend & your feeling well today.
    MICHELE I love your card it's brilliant,you have made me remember I have lots of craft CD's also a lot of Joanna Sheen ones but since being introduced to die's
    Especially Sue's I had fogotten them. I must blow the dust off them & have a look again.
    BRENDA I think we are all proud of our grandchildren & Congratlationsto Callum
    On getting a GOLD certificate well done.
    Well must go & put my repeat proscription's in the doctors.
    Love & Hug's Lynda xx

    1. Oh Margaret, last year I had to have an ultra sound on my heart, the nurse told me to take all my top clothes off, even my bra, and gave me a short version of the hospital gowns but put it on so the opening was at the front, and to lay down on my back. Then Robert Redford walked in to do the echo all over my heart, stomach and neck. I was so embarrassed, it was awful. But at least I was partially covered.

    2. Maureen will you please pay attention it was Lynda not me that had an ECG I just have x rays! xxx

    3. She's having a funny five minutes Margaret after thinking of Robert Redford ! Xxx

  18. I'm home from work(at last)!
    MICHELE Tour card is lovely I will look at Ella's blog for the cd I like that yes it's gold but so different to the usual golfing cards I love to craft with cd's my very first card was from a cd (MCS) and love my Serif Like Patricia said if you make a boob you can print off another sheet It is only recently I have started using dies
    SABA Hope massage went OK
    Everyone else You all sound like you all had good week ends with your BBQ and parties
    WISE WORDS Did you all see SW's tip on one of her C&C shows where she used a die eg Adorned Noble Squares that hasn't got a cutting edge To get a narrow border leave it in the die and using that edge cut around it with scissors - pure genius I used it at the week end

  19. I have definitely lost my marbles! I briefly signed in when I was at work during a break (waiting for a report to up date!) and it landed on a page I'd been on before and it happened to be a Wednesday! SO! My knickers and all sorts got into a right old twist But it's still a great tip - just pretend it will occur on Wednesday

    1. I'm looking forward to Wednesday already!!

    2. Karen, I think I know what you mean, and believe me I know tomorrow is Thursday lol!!!!

    3. KAREN:- I found some Marbles in a box ... thought they belonged to the Boys. Maybe they are yours, do you want me to send them on??? xxx

    4. Oh Patricia, that''s brilliant. I think we could all supply some for the boys, we are as mad as a box of frogs lol.

    5. FROGS:- we have loads of them in around our back garden.
      Would you like some of them??? xxx

  20. Afternoon everyone
    This is the third and last time of asking (it's like reading wedding banns this)
    Michele I love everything about your card today. It must be a fantastic CD for sporting people.
    I have numerous CDs but like most after I discovered die cutting they just sit in their storage case and I never think about them. Will have to get tem out and at least have a look.

    Well the rain did a little good - the garden has been watered and the water butts have a small amount of water in them. Today is a mixture of sun, cloud, wind and reasonable temps.

    I have had a playing morning and have made my first Triple Flip Card and if I do say so myself I'm rather pleased with it. I shall take a pic and when I'm back in the UK and have downloaded the required software needed I'll send it to Sandra and see what she thinks of it.

    Right I'm off now before I loose this post and then I'll certainly not be a happy bunny.
    Hugs are on their way - just hope they don't get blown off course.

    1. Glad the rain helped ... would like some more?? xxx

    2. Oooh I can't wait to see your triple flip card, your cards are always fabulous. Hope it's still raining for you.
      I've never wished rain on anybody before.

    3. JANET:- Sorry phone rang when I was commenting before.
      Looking forward to seeing your Flip Card, bet is is absolutely stunning.
      I discovered I had that Die still in It's sealed packet. Think I ignored it as I did not have any other Square Dies. Will have to get it out and have a go. xxx

    4. Janet, we'll cast off the Ark and visit you xxxx

    5. Looking forward to seeing it Janet!
      Patricia - who's a naughty girl then!
      I forgive you though because you did say you still loved me yesterday!
      "It helped me make it through the night!! " xxx

    6. MYRA:- I really did feel guilty but I just could not help myself.
      I am thinking, I maybe should not sit next to Saba while we are at the retreat ...... !!!

    7. I'm thinking of putting Saba in the boot for the journey down! Xxx

    8. MYRA:- are you and Saba traveling together to the Retreat???
      OMG!!! that's a lethal combination is it not?? xxx

    9. Myra, when you told me Saba was an old boot, I though you were talking about her, not the car!!! (I'm stirring very nicely and quietly)!!

    10. Janet if you would like more rain you only have to say, we have had more than enough and the lakes are full up too.

  21. Hi Sandra and all popping in today.
    Well I'm sitting here in slippers, long comfy trousers (the bum is hanging a bit in them ) and a thick jumper ,it is so cold ! and the rain has not stopped much so it was nice to see Michele's card today. I know many men and women play golf so this card is perfect, well done you. I have got a few cd's but never used them so it might be time for me too to dust them off and have a play.
    Michele-it's unbelievably that baby Liam already is 2 months , are you seeing them soon ?
    I hope you didn't catch to many flies Sheila standing there with your mouth open hihi. Hope your next buy will suit better. Enjoy your p j day and plenty of mug of teas.
    Norah-hope you are doing ok, miss you.
    Myar- you ok today or to pooped out to comment ?
    Going under the duvet for an hour, see you later xxx

    1. Maria, it's no good hiding under the duvet, Myra will still find you.

    2. Maria my Friend - you are living dangerously! It's taken all day to get to the bottom of this page! If you don't behave I'll pull the duvet off and wake you up!

    3. Coo-ee Maria, here's a nice cup of hot chocolate, just don't spill it on the duvet

    4. did I say I was going on my own under the duvet, be careful you might go blind hihi Wouldn't mind a hot chocolate after xxx

    5. Ooooo!! Maria, you naughty girl ...... lucky you!!! xxx

    6. You little shocker Maria and on a Monday afternoon in daylight too! Xxx

    7. Ok I've just read what time it is - ok that's allowed! Xxx

    8. I have vague memories of what it was like to be young and in love.
      Nowadays I'd rather have a cup of tea

  22. Hello all,
    The treatment was fantastic. First, stripped to just below the waist and then had to lay face down whilst a long heat lamp warmed my back. It was like having one of Margaret's rice bags but all over. Delicious. That lasted for a out 20 mins.
    Then the therapist applied warm oil and began the massage. From neck, to bum shoulders and ribs. It was bliss. Pure unadulterated bliss. That lasted about half an hour and then another 10 mins of heat. It didn't hurt, just the odd moment of pressure was a tiny bit uncomfortable. I can't wait to go back on Thursday for the second treatment. I don't know whether it will help my back but I don't care.
    Janet, I can strongly recommend it, it remains to be seen what benefits it brings but at the moment apart from a dull ache it feels lovely.
    Oh and guess what else? Turbo seedling has recovered, it's now standing up proud again. Be just my luck it will get roots. I'll keep you informed.
    Sheila, it's good to have a PJ day, bet the delivery man enjoyed it too.

    Love to all
    Saba xxxx

    1. Oh sausages, I forgot to say, the therapist was a tall, young, extremely attractive.....WOMAN!!!!! What a relief.

    2. Whew! That's a relief - a woman and a helpful massage! Hope it really does help you for more than just a day or two! Xx

    3. So pleased that you enjoyed the massage and that it was a woman. You'll enjoy Thursday now that you know what to expect. Do you think Peter will notice his seedling!! It could, of course, root if it was a young tip of the lavender!!!

    4. It was! it was! Oh heck I really don't want any more lavender.
      Didn't know you could make baby lavenders that way.

    5. So pleased you enjoyed your massage and didn't need to think of Yorkshire! Lets hope it is the same lady on Thursday. Yes Maureen is quite right you can get young shoots of lavender to root and grow. xx

    6. Ooooh your massage sounds lovely Saba and what a relief it was woman . Now baby lavender did you not learn about the birds and the bees? Xxx

  23. Hello Sandra and Everyone,
    Please note - not lovely ladies - not after yesterday! Ha ha ha!
    Only kidding! It was good fun and I laughed as much as you did - I think!
    Today I waved to a few people as we drove up from Surrey!
    Waved to Maria and Karen first - just at the sign for MK.
    Then I waved to Sandra, Pat, Sue and Margaret in Oxon. Will wave to Oliver in Cheshire later tonight!
    What a lovely card we have today ! You are very good with cards for men Michele. You have good ideas. I have never tried crafting with CD roms. Always switch off mentally and physically at the sound of them! Maybe I should pay more attention.
    It's a bit drizzly here in Warwick so it would be nice if it dried up for the last lap home later tonight.
    I'm going to have a look at Sue's blog now.
    See you later but it may be very late!
    Myra xxx

    1. Safe journey, will you be going home via Newcastle, you could wave to me!!! I've never used CD roms, I have a mental block with them.

    2. Definitely not! I'm all travelled out as it is! However I'm waving to you now with a silly grin on my face! Xxx

    3. MYRA:- think that must be a 6 star Hotel going by the Grin on your face!! Double Bath and Champers maybe!! xxx

    4. Have a safe journey home I don't recommend a detour via Cumbria it is chucking it down. xx

    5. Thank you Myra, did you see the black sheep waving back on the wonky rotary ? Have a good journey home ! xxx

    6. Hope you have a safe journey home and don't meet too much traffic xxx

  24. I've had quite a busy day today, housework, shopping and visiting, so I'm going to put my feet up now and RELAX.
    Muriel xxx

    1. MAUREEN:- Housework AND Shopping AND Visiting ... Wow! what did you have for breakfast??
      You definitely need to RELAX xxx

    2. 3 shredded wheat by the sounds of it! Xxx

  25. Hi everyone, Michele just had to have a look at the men2boys cd you used for your card, and guess what it jumped into my basket!!,
    I have also ordered some wax to have a go at the cup candles, wish me luck!
    Done half a card today, must go and get it fished.
    Managed to send Sandra a couple of cards for the die challenge, getting through my to do list slowly.
    Hazel glad you managed to get out today, hope the weather is better if you go to Pitlochry tomorrow.

    Enjoy your evening everyone xxx

  26. Evening Ladies

    Jess-you won't be disappointed with your cd, I've got a few different ones & they're all great.

    Anne -I think you have found the right person on Pinterest .

    We got a shock when we FaceTimed hubby USA relatives -the baby seems huge, Max seemed quite grown up. The older two chat so much more than when we used to phone them. We go over in just over 7 weeks-too late to really start dieting!! My brother in law & wife are both thin-not typical sizes for the USA so we always feel huge when we're there. Then eat tonnes of M&M's!!!!!

    Right-dishes done so i'd better turn the computer on & sort some things out.


    Craft World have the new Tonic die cutting machine in stock if anyone is interested, but please make sure you are sitting down before looking at the price and take your blood pressure pills too. xx

    1. MARGARET:- thank you for the warning.
      Off to have a look. I really need an Electric one my wrists are playing up. I really don't know how you managed to cut out all those Boxes. xxx

    2. Well folks the exciting bit about that new machine is you get a "bag" with it!!! Oh! Wow! xxx

    3. I'm waiting to see how the Spellbinders Platinum performs and I'm sure I heard on one video that they will will be bringing an electrical attachment out for it but we wouldn't have to buy a new machine as it will already be set up for it. So will have to wait and see. xxx

    4. Does it come with sunglasses ? oh that colour xx

  28. Well folks that's me heading to bed.
    Leaving the rest of the evening to the real Stalwarts
    See you in the morning
    Goodnight God Bless xxx

    1. Night night Patricia sleep tight xxx

    2. Good night Patricia, hope you get a peaceful sleep xx

  29. Seen the machine from Tonic, wow the colour really hits you.
    Off to bed as well, catch up tomorrow xx

  30. Hot chocolate please, I need it to warm myself up, we have had the heating on here as its so cold? Gillian will be wearing her coat over her dress on Thursday at this rate. I will be having to rethink my outfit. Poor Roberta didn't bring enough warm things with her, we have rallied round and supplied her with things. The other Canada visitors are in London and I had to laugh as they look like they have 6 layers on, this is the couple that asked me if I thought they would be ok with shorts for wearing when out and about??? Well you know my answer? Well I have been busy this afternoon making the button holes for the men and boys, all done. They wanted £8.95 for a thistle with 2 leaves, ok that's was real ones. I have made 9, thistle, heather and leaves artificial I know but total cost each £3 and they can be kept and reuse if it come to it. Tomorrow I will make Robertas and mine. I didn't ask the cost of a ladies one after what the men's were to cost. So I will photo them and Sandra can use them for mixed craft Saturday.
    Talking about Sandra, are you ok??? You haven't been commenting much? Or are you busy getting things ready for your holiday? I hope it's that and not your are suffering?
    Sheila, that was disappointing about your trolley, at least they have taken it back?
    Saba, glad your massaged turned out ok.
    Maureen, what new pills have you been given? I must get some for when I put all my craft room back, so that I can sort everything out. Can't see Pitlochry getting done tomorrow unless the weather picks up.
    That hot chocolate was good, I have loaded the dishwasher and put it on, money in the pot. Xxx

    1. Group huuuuugs ! to warm eachother up ,omg can't remember this horrid July before, probably was but can't remember so anyway I'm off back under the duvet for a cuddle with my teddy, so furry and soft tihi
      Hope you ok Sandra and anyone else not in today .........
      Natti natt, love and hugs Maria xxx

  31. Helloooo! I'm home!
    Phew - it's been quite a day! Yes - it's checking it down but it didn't rain all the way for which we are thankful . Just made a nice cup of tea, emptied the car and put the bin out!!
    I will see you all in the morning , all being well, as I think everyone has gone to bed!
    Night Night,
    Myra xxx

    1. Good to see you safely home Myra, maybe stay overnight in Mk next time, hihi see you tomorrow Nighty night xxx

  32. Thanks for the marbles Patricia I've just got to remember where you have put them
    SABA glad the massage went well
    May not be able to pop in tomorrow Will be a very emotional day It should have been my son's 35th birthday

  33. Karen my love, sending you a big hug, we all understand but will be here for you if you need to talk. Night night, sleep tight xxx
