
Wednesday 3 June 2015

Wise Words Wednesday!

Good Morning ladies,
Well. Wednesday is upon us once again, I hope that you have all saved up some "Wise Words" to share! Can be any kind of hint, craft would be better, but any time/money saving tip would be perfect!
Aluminium Foil/Cling Film......Did you know that on most packages have little tabs at either end of the box for you to press in, this then holds the roll in the box and prevents it pulling right out of the box, I didn't know this until very recently!
Do you find it frustrating when you lose the end of the roll of sticky tape? If so pop a paper clip to the  cut end of the sticky tape, you will then always be able to find the end!
Reynolds Wax paper, we all have some of this for our die cutting, did you know that if you rub it all over your taps, chrome, in your bathroom/kitchen it stops watermarks!
Also (now I know this is unlikely) but should you want to put the cork back into your wine bottle, a square of wax paper placed over cork before pushing into bottle gives an airtight seal, making your wine keep longer, sadly I don't think it works for Baileys!
Rub your waxed paper up and down a sticky zip, makes it glide much easier!
Right ladies it's over to you, I will pop back for some mire hints and tips later!
Have a great day, I have Sue coming over today!😃
Love and hugs
Sandra xxxxx


  1. Hi ladies,
    Sorry for delay, our broadband is seriously needing a kick up the pants, but I have got if to post eventually!
    Looking forward yo your hints and tips,
    Sandra xxxx

  2. Hello Sandra,
    So pleased you managed to get the blog up and running.
    Haven't got the grey matter working YET but am thinking !!!!!!
    So will before the end of the day find some wise words .... I Hope!
    Have a lovely day, love and hugs, Brenda xxx

  3. Morning Sandra, gosh I'm first today, I have kept trying every 10 mins or so to see if you had solved your problem, well done!!
    A couple of tips from me, instead of buying cut and dry foam for inking, use pot scouring sponges and cut them to size, they work really well.
    If your building wax has gone hard, drop a few drops of blending solution onto it and mix in.
    Urn is boiling and table set, some little flowers in vases to brighten us up today after the horrible weather.
    No cake for me, how good am I, Im determined to lose the weight this time
    Take care everyone, have a good day, weather looks better now.
    Jess x

    1. Well that's a bright start to the day Jess and Brenda, just had a little chuckle over your shenanigans. xxx

    2. JESS:- like you I am trying to stay away from the cakes ....... they are so nice in here though and "calorie free" I wish all cake was like that.
      I am going to try from now to stop eating all the bad things in hope to loose some weight. I did say "TRY" xxx

    3. Hi Jess,
      I am so grateful to you for setting up today, the place looks so pretty!
      Thank you for your fab tips too!
      Sandra xxxx

  4. O no Brenda beat me!!

    1. Sorry Jess, But thank you for setting everything up, what a star you are! As I said my grey matter isn't into rear yet!! LOL xxx

    2. Ha ha, what with Jess using BUILDING wax, and Brenda's grey matter is in her REAR, this is going to be a super day!!!
      Muriel xxx

    3. I just knew it wouldn't last! Muriel you are much better a little on the naughty side!! Xxx

    4. Another one of those days me thinks!! zzz

    5. See what I mean ... that's zzz instead of xxx stupid thing!! xxx

  5. Morning Sandra and all the lovely cafe crew,
    Ooooooo I did miss the cafe gang when the door wasn't open this morning but I'm so pleased you managed to get a 'locksmith' in day would have been so dull without you all.
    Some great tips there too Sandra and thank heavens Baileys has a screw top!
    I don't know if this is any help ( but it helps me craft wise) but if you have Sue's Fold over flower die when I have cut it I I gently score all the way down the centre......if you are using paper that is.... taking care not to rip it....and this helps you fold the length over a bit easier. Not much of a tip I know but one that has help me a lot recently as I've done so many.
    Have a lovely day everyone will hopefully pop back later...have left extra hugs
    in the basket.

    Love Sheila xxx

    1. Good morning Sheila that's a great tip, my flower die came yesterday so hopefully have a play later. Hope they look as good as yours.
      Love Lynda xx

    2. Hi Lynda, didn't see you there, come over and join us. LOL

    3. Hi BRENDA thank you will have a cupper with you thanks xx

  6. Sandra, Jess and Sheila,
    Let's take our coffee and cake and sit at the table by the window, don't think the others realise Sandra's problem has been sorted out. If they pass by they will spot us and come in. SANDRA, You did turn the OPEN sign around didn't you?
    LOL xxx

    1. Sheila, it's not the same is it,, when the cafe is closed. xxx

    2. Your right Maureen, see how much a part of our lives Sandra and her Coffee Shop have become xxx

    3. Maureen you are so right there.
      See how much Sandra and her wonderful Coffee Shop gang has become an important part of our lives. xxx

    4. See this blooming Blogger it's doing my head in today.
      I thought I had lost that first message ahhhh!!! xxx

  7. Hi, just read comments and sorry about the building wax, it should be guilding
    wax, blooming predictive text.!,,
    Thanks Brenda will sit for a wee while and have a blether.
    Jess x (without my building wax)

    1. Hi Brenda
      Coming to join you right're probably right the cafe crew must be thinking Sandra is still shut but hopefully they will call in soon. Perhaps Maureen will smell the Baileys in my latte! Lol! xxx

    2. Hi Jess, I laughed at your building wax, going on web site now to look for some!!!
      Sheila, here I am, you can't keep me and Baileys apart for long!!!
      Muriel xx

    3. Maureen, any luck with the building wax? Don't think it would stand up to much, just imagine a house melting in the sun if we get any that is.
      Jess x

  8. Oops, Morning all !
    Have just been over on last nights as Littlelamb was not out until 1.50 this morning, she left the place tidy tihi.
    Sandra and you others have some great ideas to make card making and cleaning so much easier , will have to start a book as someone else said or I will never remember with my sieve of a brain.
    If beginning of a sore throat and got ulcer in the mouth try gargle with salt water eg. tsp of salt in a large glass of water, do not drink! an old wife's tale.
    Off to the shops, OH getting grizzly so best go tihi
    hugs Maria xx

    1. Maria dear, don't worry about OH getting grizzly. Hazel will deal with him for you!!
      Muriel xx

    2. Hazel is so good with the Grizzly Bears she will deal with you OH no problem!!! xxx

  9. Janet Ecco of Sheffield3 June 2015 at 12:01

    Morning Sandra and all who pop in today
    You had me a little worried there as I remembered you were taking Lucy to hospital yesterday so I hope all went as well as it could and she is OK this morning.

    OK - 'The Works' are still selling buttons and boxes for £1 along with a good supply of ribbons if anyone is short on these things.
    Not connected to crafting but if you open a bottle of 'Bubbly' and do not drink all of it put a spoon handle into the open bottle and it keeps the fizz in. Do this while you are drinking it too if you haven't one of those fancy things on sale to do the same job.

    Sorry cannot think of anything else at the moment but will put the old thinking cap on. Off now to have my usual lunch of fruit with yog on top.
    Hugs are in their usual place.

    1. Hi Janet, it's amazing how all the drinkers are coming to light this morning ha ha.
      Muriel xx

    2. Hi Muriel I wish I was in light this morning instead of heavy haha xx

    3. You are all in tip top form this morning! Xx

  10. Good morning all,
    Sandra thank you for your tips, I am amazed, my cling film and parchment both have those little tabs, foil doesn't but then I bought a cheap brand, I shall look before I buy next time, well done for spotting it.
    Jess your little vases of flowers look lovely which brings me to a flower tip, if you dissolve a spoon full of sugar and add it to your vase of flowers they will stay fresh for longer and if your tulips (bit late in the season I know) start to flop over this will make them stand up straight again.
    Janet's fight with her duvet cover yesterday reminded me of something I discovered recently and which since my back has been bad has helped.
    It's called the Burritto method and it might be easier if you look on line for a video as its a bit hard to explain, but basically you lay your duvet cover inside out on the bed with the opening away from you and then lay the duvet on top of it. Then you roll them up together bit like a Swiss roll or burrito. Put your hand in the opening and pull the end of your roll inside. Then do the same at the other end and then roll it all back out. Your quilt will be inside the cover. It really works and if there are two people doing it then it is a bit easier.
    Last tip is a crafting one and you probably all know it but when cutting sticky foam or double sided sticky tape, moisten your scissors or cutting blade with water and you don't end up with a sticky residue on them.
    Well that's all for now,
    I still haven't had an email back from C&C regarding their broadcasting problems and web site problems for their customers in mainland Europe.
    See you all later,
    Saba xxxx

    1. Thanks Saba, I'll try your Burritto method, but I do prefer to eat them!!!
      Muriel xxx

    2. Saba, is this Burrito Method an alternative to Heimlich's Manoeuvre ?? I thought of that straight away! A bit sad really! Xxx

    3. Saba, OH and me were discussing this method of duvet cover changing the other day, so we will certainly give it a try, sounds a lot easier than struggling with corners etc.,
      Jess x

  11. Good morning Sandra,& all ladies, hi Sheila im coming over with my tea & cake with Brenda.
    I'm not sure if my tip is any good but,Craft sticks you find them in the children's craft Isle seen them in the range & wind your ribbons round them & keep them in a jar & use a paper clip on ends to stop them unraveling ( coffee jars are good as can be decorated ) also if You have one of the old CD holder with the spike they hold washi tape all neat.
    Will call back later. Has Mureial spelt the Baileys in your latte yet Sheila hihi.
    Love Lynda xx

    1. Of course I have Lynda, I've been sitting with her, hic xxxx

    2. Well I have checked with spellcheck and Maureen-Muriel-Daffy et al. has spelt Baileys correctly, Lynda. xxx

    3. Haha Cheryl oh i ment "smelt" the Baileys. B......y predicted text xx

    4. I think it perhaps need a name change for this blog! Unpredictable Text ! It's really good fun though ! Xxx

    5. Yea Myra, I totally agree. Although I use it to check , what comes up is so far removed from the word you want to use. x

  12. Good morning Sandra,
    I hope Lucy is fine after her hospital visit and that the procedure is a success. How are you, I bet you were wound up like a spring. Have a good day crafting, have you only 1 Grace visiting you today?
    I'm busy, busy, busy and going now to meet Joan (my brother's wife) for lunch and I can't think of a crafty tip so I'll come back later and will see if something comes to mind.
    Myra is sure to come up with a bobby dazzler.
    Patricia, I hope you are not caught up in your washing machine along with the washing!!!
    Muriel xxx

  13. Good afternoon ladies, I was beginning to think I was not going to get into the café today, what with the door firmly closed.
    My tip for today is a follow on from Sandra's last week re CD jewel cases.
    I was going to give Pete's 5oth present from me of an oak double CD tower to Jamie, but now I have realised it is just the thing for all my smaller dies, Spellbinders Die D-lites etc. The tower is now in my craftroom with CD Roms and the dies in the jewel cases.
    Love 7 hugs
    Cheryl xxx
    p.s. it is not a typing error, why have 1 hug when you can have 7?

  14. This comment has been removed by the author.

  15. Hello Again Sandra and Everyone,
    No pressure Muriel! - come up with a bobby dazzler! Well good job I noticed - my bobby dazzler came up as booby dazzler!! Oh dear!
    It seems appropriate today for me I should give you a candle wax tip!
    If you have jars that have contained candles and you can't get the wax off the sides and base. Pour in boiling water about half way up! The water will initially melt the wax but if you leave it until water is cool enough for you to put your hand in - the wax should have floated to the top and solidified again . It will however still be fairly soft so can be cut or broken in half easily. When you pour the water away , pour through a sieve and catch all the stray pieces of wax - then wash in hot water. This stops wax going down the plug hole!!
    I hope this helps someone! It's a bit of a long tale!
    I'll sit and have a rest now!
    Myra xxx

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. Hi Myra,
      I'm sending this again, because I made a bobo on the previous post, and did not want you splitting your sides before we meet in October!!
      What I wanted to know was - can the recovered wax be re-used? I am not sure from what the wax is recovering!!
      Muriel xxx

    3. I'm not sure whether this is actually a serious question! I shall choose my words more carefully in future! Text may be unpredictable but Muriel , you never let me down!
      Try giving it Jess's cough mixture! It'll never recover from that! Xxx

    4. No Myra, it's a serious question. I wondered if the wax could be re-used.

    5. I honestly don't know the answer to that one! I ve just used it to clean little bits - which I suppose add up! Sometimes though you get candles which don't burn very evenly but that's often caused by not burning them for long enough! I would think it would be reusable ! Worth a try! Xxx

    6. Myra, when did I have cough mixture!!

    7. Jess, she means Janice's cough mixture. She gets a bit confused late at night. It's all that burning the candles at both ends.

    8. Ooh Dear! Sorry Jess! sorry Janice !
      I am sitting here with tears running down my face! I'm burning so many candles tonight - not the ones I made! Oh no! We had salmon for dinner and hence all the candles but not burning at both ends ! It's keeping me warm as well! Xxx

    9. But not covered in candle grease!!! xxx

  16. Helloooooo!!!!
    I came past this morning very early, the door was shut? Someone had gone home with the key,!!! Was not in its usual place, right bummer that was. I had taken a couple of minutes out from doing the ironing to have a wee cuppa.
    Sandra, so glad you got things sorted. I was really worried about you. A bit concerened with Lucy being at the hospital yesterday.
    Good "tips" again, sorry can't add to the list my brain is not back in gear yet.
    Just back from "food shopping" that's it all put away. I don't like shopping but I hate putting it away even more.
    The holiday washing all washed, ironed and away. Today I am wearing a long thickish skirt, long sleeved T-shirt, gillet, socks and boots, gosh it's freezing. We had approx a foot of snow on the back hills yesterday when we arrived home. When I looked out I thought is was cloud NO it was definitely SNOW!!!! It's blooming well June ..... come on!!!
    Off along to the doctor to get my B12 injection. Did not time that one very well.
    I get them every six weeks and boy! do I need one today. I was fine on holiday till about Monday, I slept most of the way home on the plane. Slept part of the way home in the car. Was in bed at 10.30pm last night slept till 5.17am this morning. After doing everything today I am tired and I hate that. I have to try not to sit down or I would just fall asleep (standing to type this)
    Ok folks I will be back soon to catch up and have a cuppa, see you xxx

    1. Good to see you! Just take care young lady and don't push yourself too hard! I'm so good at giving advice - not so great at taking it! Xxx

  17. Thanks Myra, I am fine apart from this falling asleep thing at the moment. When I waken tomorrow I will be be back to normal ..... well that's debatable. John says it's actually impossible ..... I was never normal on th first place. Good job I love him.....sometimes!!!! xxx

    1. Patricia,
      Just you make sure you have plenty B12 in you when you meet me. I can put people to sleep at the best of times,
      Muriel xx

    2. Don't worry Maureen, had a word with the Nurse this afternoon she's given me a bigger dose to last till mid July. Mind you I don't normally fall asleep when I am with very special people. xxx

    3. Patricia, Be careful using that word normally or normal in this context! Xx

  18. Good morning Sandra and ladies. Thank goodness everything is ok? I called round a few times while you were all asleep only to find the door shut? It wasn't me locking you all out! I had trouble here with not being able to post last time I couldn't even message, talk about getting my knickers in a knot, so no blog from me, not that I had much to show? Weather here was very dull and miserable really! The locals were hoping the rain would be more than it was as they are worried no snow this side and little rain so water shortage problems? I did offer to send some of ours, but they declind. Had a lovely meal out last night with one of Charlies sisters and her husband, this is a sister that we haven't seen since Charlie first found his Canada family. When I met them over 30 years ago I liked them, and got on with them ( some I didn't and I still don't get on with them) anyway it was good to catch up!!., we had lunch with another sister, this one is younger but I find she likes to rule over the others??
    Now as for tips, I am sure if I put my head on correctly I might be able to come up with at least one. But it's early and I was reading my book till the small hours so it's slower than normal. Oh it looks like my dear darling husband wants to get moving, we are off to get the ferry across to the island, I wanted to go on the one to Victoria but it's to long a drive the other end, so we will go on the boring trip one. Oh I have just spotted my big sister! Oh dear she has fallen asleep, I will give her a gentle nudge. Thank you for the tea, money in the pot. Hazel x

    1. Hello Hazel,
      Good to see you ! Missed you yesterday . Hope the Ferry Trip goes well. I also hope the weather brightens up a bit for you! They can have some rain when you go home! Xxx

    2. Great to see you Sis, enjoy your day. xxx

    3. Have a great day, but we need you to sort out Maria's husband as he's turned into a Grizzly, oh dear you can't get away from them, even on water!!!
      Muriel xxx

    4. He's probably more teddy bear than grizzly bear! I'm sure he is a very nice man! Just like George! Xxx

  19. Hi Hazel, glad you are having a great time, still on the lookout for Mounties I hope.
    Jess x

  20. Hi All, I did look in early too, but found the place locked up. Glad everything is OK
    I just got back from blood donors, got my little badge today for 50. So I sneaked a few extra minutes while I was away to pop into Lidl which is just across the street. Well I did need dog food, so it was silly not to pick up some paper thingys while I was there. Perhaps I should look and see what I bought. No matter, it will all get used some time.
    My tip today is for home made cough mixture. I have made this several times now and a friend says it's better than any he has bought.
    In a jar, put 1 tablespoon apple cider vinegar,
    2 tablespoons water
    1 tablespoon honey
    1/4 teaspoon each of ginger and cayenne.
    Shake together in the jar. Take as requires.
    Careful, the cayenne gives it a bite.

    See you later

    1. Janice, right that's in my little book!

    2. That reminds me of Who Killed Cock Robin! ---- I know it was the Sparrow but the Rook had his little book! Xx

  21. Hi Sandra
    Lovely tips today. I ought to buy a book to write them all in sometime or other. An uneventful trip into Napoli today, then onwards by coach to Sorrento. The hotel is out if this world. Will put a coup,e of pages on Facebook later. They have a film crew here at the moment filming models in dresses. A lovely cool breeze down by the sea. But there trying to keep her dress straight. Any fool could tell them this won't work. They'd been trying keep it straight down for ages. I wonder how long before they realise it won't work. I model and about 15 others around her. Hope your trip on the Ferry goes well Hazel. Don't forget to look out for Mounties.

    1. Ooh Pat that all sounds very glamorous and Italian! I'm sure the Hotel is gorgeous! Think of me eating dinner in the kitchen! How the other half live!! You both enjoy it - you deserve a lovely holiday . Muriel will let you copy her book! If and When she finds it! Xxx

    2. Ooh Pat,
      I'm surprised that they haven't asked you to do some modelling for them. I bet they are after you to do so very soon!!
      Myra, I've got my book here and intend to publish it very soon. You should buy it, a first edition will be very valuable in the future!!!
      Muriel xx

    3. I can see you're already anticipating a reprint! Will it have an altered art front cover? Xxx

    4. No, Myra, It will have a very large photograph of me which, I would think, will forewarn anyone who buys it ha ha !!!!!

    5. Hello Pat, I am surprised you have not offered your services ... for a small fee of course!!!
      Enjoy all your trips. xxx

    6. Maureen - Have you thought of a title for this tome of yours? Xxx

    7. No, I must give it some thought, right that's enough thinking - how about "Tips for Swinging Crafters" - well it worked for Sinatra!!!!
      Maureen xxx

    8. Yep! It worked in Jungle Book too!
      You will be the Crafting VIP ! Xxx

    9. doo-b-doo I wanna be like you-oo!! xxx

    10. I knew I could hear singing! Xxx

    11. Oooooeeeer Muriel that's a bit of a racey title!!!! Xxx

    12. Muriel, what kind of swingers do you mean?

    13. Well, I don't know who's post made me laugh the most there. Dainty, I've never been racy in my life and you are obviously very young if you've never heard of that LP. Mind you, I only know because my mother told me about it. I bet you don't even know what an LP is!!! xxxx

    14. The Labour Party? Xxx

    15. You've got it in one Myra xxx

  22. Janet Ecco of Sheffield3 June 2015 at 17:47

    Hello everyone it's me again.
    I haven't any tips or wise words but I do have a plea.
    This is to help any who help wildlife/animals - when you have old/finished with towels and teatowels could you please find some-one or a small sanctuary to donate them to. Christina uses these for her Hedgepigs and small animals/birds she gets in - they are used for holding the little ones when they are being fed/looked at their injuries etc. Terry towel material is best as they are warm of course. They are also used to dry off just as we need towels etc so do these little ones.
    Hope everyone has had a good day.

    1. Hi Janet, we take ours, together with bedding, to the local cat and dog shelter. It also takes in other animals. Our local Sainbury's have a box where people can donate some pet food, so a lot of people buy a tin of pet food while shopping, and donate it.
      Muriel xx

  23. Evening ladies,
    Loving all the tips, but I don't think I shall try Janice's cough mixture. Sorry Janice it's the cayenne, makes me feel all yucky just thinking about it!
    Summer has come here with a vengeance. It is now too hot to sit on the balcony and I have had to close all the windows to keep it cool in the flat. Went out shopping at about 4 and had to keep in the shade.
    It's a bank holiday tomorrow ... Frohnleichnam (Corpus Christi ) so it will no doubt rain.
    See you later

    1. Hi Barbara,
      We've had some sun here today and the wind is dying down, thank the Lord, but I still needed a jacket on today - no Myra, not a straight jacket!! Enjoy your bank holiday tomorrow and be good!
      Muriel xx

    2. The sky is blue, the sun is shining and the birds are singing! It's a wee bit warmer but not a lot! Enjoy the Bank Holiday - are you doing anything nice? Xxx

    3. SABA:- can you please ..... take a deep breath in, then BLOW really hard to send some of your heat in the direction. It's freezing here!!!!

    4. Mind your back, though! Xxx

    5. Sorry, forgot about your bad back Saba ....... it's OK I will just put on thicker cardigan xxx

    6. Hi Saba,
      Summer at last ? we still waiting for it here. Spending a few day's in Belgium soon so hoping the sun will be out. There we see now it's too hot ,bless you.
      You right my flat was in sweden, my parent bought it when I moved so saw it a few tomes before they sold it. You must be fit with 4 floors of stairs ,no lift ? hard to get the vino upstairs tihi Have a good night !
      hugs Maria xx

    7. Hi Maria,
      Saba doesn't carry the wine upstairs, she drinks it all before she climbs them!! xx

  24. Please channel healing thoughts girls, I am just off to emergency dentist, I have the most severe dental phobia ever! I am petrified but think I may have an abscess !
    I have such bad toothache/ sore face/ sore throat!
    Still managed a lovely day with Sue though !
    Sandra xxxxx

    1. Oh Sandra, I'm thinking of you and sending a hand for you to grip (not literally you understand, as I think the P.O. would object to the oozing blood ughh)

    2. Ouch! Oh Sandra, I hope it's not as bad as you fear it is! Thinking of you! Xxx

    3. Sending you some (((((hugs))))) xxx

    4. Sandra hope all went well at the dentist and he didn't hurt you....another one here terrified of the dentist. Send you a big gentle hug.
      Love Sheila xxx

    5. Ooooooh you poor thing. Channeling hugs to you as we speak. I'm terrified of them too. Been putting off going for weeks now.
      Let us know how you are when you get back.

    6. Ouch Sandra, Hope you are back home now and the dentist was able to put you at your easy and help you.
      Take care, Love and Hugs Brenda xxx

    7. Poor you Sandra, I'm full of sympathy for you after having that abscess earlier this year. Hope they have sorted it out and the antibiotics work quickly xxx

    8. Oh Sandra just read this - hope all went well at the dentist and you are not in as much pain, nasty things absesses, take care of yourself xJean x

    9. You poor love, I hope you are ok and not in too much pain tonight.
      Sending you many gently hugs for speedy recovery!
      Dentist phobia me too.....

  25. Hello Sandra
    I hope you've had a good day today.
    I've had a great day and I think the best tip I can give is - Don't let your 8 year old Granddaughter get hold of your laptop to play Moshi Monsters otherwise you won't be able to comment on Sandra's blog until after she's gone to Brownies!
    Sheila, Lynda, Margaret and anyone else who fancies a tipple, the Tanker is hooked up so just help yourselves hic
    Muriel xxx

    1. That's a really good tip because it affects all Grandmas ! Xx

    2. Ooopps!! pressed the wrong button.
      Thank you for that Tip Myra .... I will write that one in my book. xxx

    3. Patricia, is that another name you are giving me. By the way did you bring any Turkish Delight back? The genuine stuff, not the synthetic rubbish ha ha.
      Muriel xx

    4. Maureen you are never satisfied! A Mountie and now you want Turkish Delight!!
      Turkish Delight: interpretation: A hunky male of the Turkish type!!! Lol!

    5. PS. I'll have my usual tot please Muriel! xxx

    6. Sheila! Don't encourage her! Please! Xxx

    7. Sheila, after that gem you deserve a gallon, never mind a tot!!

    8. Sheila, I'd like a bit of that please. And I don't mean the Baileys.

    9. Hi Muriel , I'v poped in for my Baileys or has Sheila drunk it all,
      I thought I here'd her singing come home Bill Bailey!!! Xx

    10. Ha ha Lynda, you are all in top form tonight. xxx

  26. Good evening Sandra and ll the coffee shop crew
    Sorry to be late but not feeling bright eyed and bushy tailed today so roll on tomorrow.
    My tip for today if you are trying to thread a needle and are having difficulty getting the thread through the eye of the needle don't cut the thread straight across -- cut the thread at an angle / and you will find the thread goes through much easier.
    If you brew a cup of tea in a cup and find your cup gets stained, if you rinse out your cup to wet the inside then pour in some salt about a dessertspoonful then rub it into the inside of your cup with some kitchen paper, rinse and your cup will be stain free. If you don't like the idea of using salt you can pour a little Milton into the cup fill to the rim with cold water and leave for 20 minutes and your cup will be stain free. If you have several cups just keep pouring the solution into the next cup until they are all clean.
    Well that is all for this week, more for next week!
    Take care everyone
    With love
    Margaret xx

    1. Margaret, hope you feel a lot better tomorrow, if I can''t thread a needle I take off my glasses and then I can see perfectly!!!
      Muriel xxx

    2. Margaret, healing hugs you.
      I spit on mine. The thread, not the hugs.
      I take great delight in doing it because at junior school aged about 6 we had a witch of a sewing teacher who once rapped my knuckles so hard with a ruler for doing just that.

    3. I touch the end of the thread with clear nail varnish! My Mum's trick! At least I listened to my Mum xxx

    4. Hello Margaret hope you have a better day tomorrow wishing you well gental Hug's Love Lynda xx

    5. Or make a paste with bicarbonate.

    6. Hello Margaret, Hope you will be feeling better tomorrow, try to get a good nights sleep. Love and Gentle Hugs, Brenda xx

    7. Hi Margaret,
      hope you have a better day tomorrow!
      Gentle hugs Maria xx

    8. Just thought MIL used to clean her tea pot by putting Bio Washing powder in it. Let it Stand for an hour or so. After a good rinse out it sparkled like new. Xx

    9. Hi Margaret,
      I'm a bit slow tonight! Nothing new there I hear you say! I wondered why everyone was wishing you well - so re read your post! I completely missed the first sentence! Sorry! I do hope you feel much better tomorrow. My husband has a cold! Nuff said! Xx

    10. Oh boy, so has mine tihi nuff said,I like that xx

  27. Evening Ladies

    Was beginning to panic when there wasn't a post early this morning.

    Busy day today at work . Am off to Preston college tomorrow morning for a meeting in the morning then back to the hospital.

    No top tips from me today-forgot what day it was!

    Am shattered so I think it might be an early night tonight. Will be a bit more chatty tomorrow.


    1. Oh Michele, sleep well and we'll be here when you are less tired! At least some of us will! Xxx

    2. Michele, have a good night's rest and I hope tomorrow is better for you. Here, have a Baileys!! xxx

    3. Sleep well Michele wish you a better day tomorrow.
      Hug's Lynda xx

    4. Michele,
      have a good night and hope you feel rested for tomorrow's escapades,
      hugs Maria xx

  28. Sandra, where are you, has your tooth been sorted? xx

  29. Wonder how Brenda got on with her class today and the Izzy Bags! Hope you're not lying down in a dark room recovering Brenda! Xxx

    1. No Myra. Didn't get back til after 10 and as if is rubbish collection day tomorrow that had to be sorted. They all loved making the Izzy bags and the Xcut gift bag. Can have a break off a couple of weeks now. Next week my friend and I are off on a coach trip (with the Over Sixties Group - not that we belong, of course, but they have some spare seats.) we are going to Worthing for the day. I hope the weather improves by then. Been out all day looking for craft bits for the craft group. Only just had time to come in here. I know I was last in here last night but I hope you didn't all think it was down to me that Sandra couldn't get in. I put the key in the usual place. Honest.

    2. I believe you! I'm blaming the cat! Don't tell anyone but I'm not a big cat fan! If dog owners have to clear up after dogs - how come cat owners get off scot free! They make an awful mess in a round bed in the garden where my husband is trying to grow young heathers! There was a tree there but it died!
      So glad the ladies liked their bags. You had so much work and a very long day ! I hope you enjoy the coach trip next week!
      I'm going on a ladies outing even though I'm not keen on coach travel but our ladies group has a day out once a year . We go next
      Wednesday to the Lake District. If it rains I direct the coach to Margaret's!! Xxx

    3. Glad your class went well and they all liked doing the Izzy bags. did you see my query the other day ?
      Are you going just for the day on the coach trip to Worthing ? Nice they had some spaces left for some youngsters and lets hope you have the sunshine on your outing.
      I believe you, saw the key hanging in it's place when I walked passed.
      hugs Maria xx

  30. Hi Sandra and all the lovely ladies
    Sorry I'm late I've been on revision duty again today going through chemistry and biology cards. Sandra I hope Lucy got on ok at the hospital yesterday and you got on ok at the dentist. I know when I had the antibiotics it took a couple of days for them to start working properly but you should feel better soon. Xxx
    Oh you lot did make me laugh as I went down the comments what are you all like! Haha especially as the Baileys seemed to be open in the morning! Saba I hope you have a good bank holiday tomorrow, yep bound to rain! The weather has been sunny and cloudy here today, I keep putting my fleece on and off! I went for a walk about 6 and it was quite warm by then. Still waiting for the predicted heat wave!
    Before I forget I've been thinking about a tip - the old brain cell has been taken over by revision but the candle comments earlier made one spring to mind. If you have a sticking drawer, rub candle wax along the runners and it will ease it. Also Maureen I think you can remelt candle wax from ends of candles, I'm sure you will find something on google!
    Right I must go, I'm trying to watch a Poirot , I wonder who dunnit!
    See you tomorrow
    Love Diane xxxx

    1. I think it was the German shepherd.

    2. No, it was his dog, with a gun in the library xxx


    3. I'm glad I don't live in Midsummer they have lots of who dunnit's murders xx

    4. Lynda! What have you been on today! Ha ha ! Xxx

  31. Good evening Sandra & ladies
    How are you Sandra hope you survived the dentist &'you have some antibiotics
    For your apppsesse they are so painfull,Gental Hug's.hope you & Lucy are ok.
    Haven't seen Maria since her hubby was Grizzly at her this morning hope she is ok.. The Baileys & tablets are going down well Hic not sure if I should take them with Baileys though Hic!!! Patricia stop throwing those snow balls haha.sorry have you warmed up.
    Pop back in a bit & see if MARIA shows up. Hug's Lynda xx

    1. Hi lovely, I'm here tihi I have made comment's on the way down, It's impossible otherwise to remember unless I write it down what everyone are doing. Blood taken, B12 injected, candle scraps,dentist, etc,etc. hihi
      Hazel must have had a word with OH or maybe it was the cake in Costa that did it. Retired and home a lot not a good combination.
      Hope you are feeling some better, is the ricebags and Baileys
      do the job ? Oh shut, he's snoring upstairs and I don't feel tired now but will in the morning. Let's ahve noher dink an be appy ! ugs Mia xx

  32. Well ladies, You've all been in top form today and I've had a good laugh. St George is here, with Margaret's heat bags on his legs to try to get a night's sleep, and I've got the rubber mallet next to me to hit him on the head if he doesn't!!
    I'm back into school in year 3 in the morning, just pray that we are NOT still sticking tiny pieces of paper making mosaics. I end up with them stuck all over me!!! We've made a stunning Roman Soldier, he's very handsome so I may have to swap him over with "you know who", and he's got the added attraction of not giving blow by blow accounts of the game of Bowling!!! lol.
    I've swapped the pipes on the Tanker, so there's a full one set up for the all nighters! I'll leave them to tidy up, but ladies please put the keys in a place where Sandra will see them easily in the morning,
    Night, night and sweet dreams.
    Muriel xxx

    1. Night Night Dear! Sleep well! Xxx it'll be his chariot tomorrow! By the time you get home you'll be singing "No Wheels on my waggon - and I'm not rolling along" xxx

  33. Cheryl you haven't been in since lunch time, are you ok, and how is Milly-May?
    Muriel xxx

  34. Good night Maureen & good night George sleep well but keep your eye on the rubber mallet it might get you. Haha xxxx

  35. Well just pressed the wrong button and lost my message. My tip is when using the score board I rub a tumble dryer sheet over the card and it makes scoring the card easier. Had a hectic day and now wide awake so no good going to bed now. Will just make a hot chocolate and see who is still in the cafe.

  36. Ooops nearly Thursday so I better get this in :
    Nail varnish remover to remove sticky problems and Lintroller to pick micro beads first up in a bowl then poured back into their pot tihi
    Good night peeps Xxxx

  37. Oops it is Thursday now.
    Been engrossed in my book. Can't keep my eyes open so must say goodnight.
    Hope you all sleep well, Muriel hope you don't have to use the mallet on George.
    Night and God bless
    Saba. Xxx
    Ps, Hazel I expect you will be in soon. Hope you didn't have too much noise from the revellers again. Enjoy your day whatever you do.
    Sandra, hope the dentist got you sorted and it wasn't too bad. Xxxx

  38. Sorry just remember. Went shopping in As today and they had three reels of tape on dispensers for £1. One is clear, one is invisible and the other one is double sided the sort that Sue uses without the paper backing. It says 300 inches on each roll.

  39. Sorry that should say Asda but it would not let me correct the message or delete it

  40. Oh, it's very dark in here, I will be very quiet, I am just going to have a cup of tea, we had a very smooth crossing, but Saba don't blow so hard the tomorrow if you are trying to send them sunshine, as you sent their rain here. Ok not much but please let us have some good weather. Well night night you lot, we are off to visit sister-In law. Hazel x
