
Tuesday 2 June 2015

Pearl Anniversary Card

Good Morning Ladies,
I wanted to share with you this Pearl Anniversary Card that was Commissioned by a lady at Becca's
work, do you think I have captured the 'Pearl Anniversary' Theme ok, I don't think I could have managed to get more pearls on it!
I used Centura pearl card to cover an 8 x 8 card base,  I then took another, slightly smaller piece of card and embossed with the Heart Lattice Embossing Folder from Creative Expression, I then cut the
Canadian Background using Centura Pearl and the same sized mat underneath covered with a double sided adhesive sheet and covered that with Cosmic Shimmer Iced Snow for a bit of sparkle, I popped some tiny pieces of double sided foam tape covered with some Cosmic Shimmer glue (because of the iced snow), to raise the Canadian Background up a little, I glued this to the base card.
I them cut two of the Scandinavian Border glued one across the bottom of the card and then added another over the top for dimension and then lacy effect this border die gives. I glued some pearl flowers over the top.
I placed some tiny pearls onto the background for a little extra detail, I tied a White Silky Crush Bow
and then placed a pearl string bow on top and a Camellia die cut from white felt and topped with a pearl.
In the opposite corner I placed three more little felt flowers for balance, a few pearls in the corners and two pearl adorned stick pins!
I would love to hear your thoughts and opinions as always.
Back to a lonesome day for me, not quite sure how I am going to manage bottle feeding four impatient lambs at ten am, think of me when you are sat with your coffee!
I hope you all have a lovely day,
Love and Hugs


  1. Good morning. Sandra, surely you haven't been left to deal with those lambs by yourself??? Please be careful they are stronger than you think! We don't want you getting knocked over.
    Now as for your stunning card, I just love it, yes I think you have captured the pearl theme. Yet you haven't over done it . No it's beautiful and the couple will love it.
    I have made sure everything is set up for today, who ever gets in first will be able to get their tea or coffee straight away, I can't see Myra, Maria or Brenda ( littlelamb) being in early they were proper night owls last night, Myra was making candles at 1am. Right I am off to sleep, been reading a proper book, been a while usually it's my I pad I have a book on, but I had this one as a back up for the plane. Talking of planes I hope my big sister had a good flight with all the bad weather about, I will hopefully hear from her later. Have a good day and please can we have a day where I don't get confused? Hazel x

    1. Janet Ecco of Sheffield2 June 2015 at 08:30

      Morning/Evening sorry I'm never quite sure about time zones other than the simple 1hr ones.
      Now Hazel how can you really ask for a day of not being confused. Surely that's our aim in life here in this wonderful cafe to try and confuse everyone at the same time isn't it and I think we manage quite well just haven't caught everyone together yet lol.
      Have a really good day and looking forward to hearing about your next adventure.

    2. Hazel!! how mean to get up before me!
      I don't ask for much just to get up before you when you are so far behind me ( time wise!) . Oh well, I'll get over it!
      I wasn't actually making candles at 1am , I had finished a while before that and had cleared up. I'm not quite that bad - bad enough though!
      Have a great day and I'm really pleased you're having lovely weather. Can just picture Vancouver harbour - you're not far away now! Xxx

    3. Hazel, I want you to know that I did understand you'd posted before bed! Have a lovely day! Xxx

  2. Morning Ladies

    Sandra-your card is stunning, truly a wonderful card. The couple should be thrilled with it.

    We don't seem to have had any damage last night after the gale force winds here, it's still quite breezy but at least it's stopped raining. I just need to put some food out for the blackbirds then get ready for work. Fingers crossed I'll have list so e weight when I get weighed tonight at Slimming World-if not, I think I'll give up!!


    1. Good luck Michele but don't give up, keep right on till the end of the road you will get there! xx

    2. Michele, " Keep smiling through" - you'll get there! Xxx

  3. Good morning Sandra and everyone who calls in Sandra your card is so beautiful and elegant I'm sure the couple will be thrilled The weather last night was horrendous here, let the dogs out this morning and saw my giant poppies have been battered so will have to rescue them after breakfast. Hope everyone escaped any damage, you wouldn't believe it was June now. Popped into the cafe last night and couldn't keep up with all the chatter, lost the plot after a while, you are a group of night owls aren't you, will try to keep up today,
    Have topped up the basket with hugs for any who need them
    Till later
    Jean x

  4. Good Morning everyone,

    Aaaah, Sandra, your card is so elegant and NO, you have not put too many pearls on it. They will absolutely love it, a perfect card for a wonderful anniversary.

    Well, at long last the wind has died down here too. At one stage I thought my poor garden was going to be flattened. According to the weather people (not Michael Fish) we should at least see some sun this afternoon. Whatever we get I shall still be crafting, have 6 cards left to do.

    Love & hugs
    Cheryl xxx

    1. Is that a promise Cheryl! I mean about the sun! Xx

    2. Thank you Cheryl! The sun is shining! Xxx

    3. Yes, tha was a promise and we have had glorious sunshine since 11o'clock. The wind is back now though, quite a breeze getting up. xxx

    4. Same here! Alastair been clearing Conservatory guttering as it was full if twigs and leaves! That's supposed to be a job for Autumn! Xx

  5. Janet Ecco of Sheffield2 June 2015 at 08:42

    Morning everyone and all who pop in today
    OK I've got my latte so am now set.
    Sandra please please take care feeding those four hungry mouths. They may be small (but I bet theyr'e growing quickly) but very strong.
    Your card is just stunning (and I do not use that word very often). For me you cannot use too many pearls as I think they are just one of the best gems.
    I love everything you have done and I cannot imagine anyone not liking/loving it.
    As I was reading comments from Sue's blog of yesterday I noticed one 'Beth B' made a comment about a cafe she had read about. Did you notice it too.

    The wind has calmed somewhat but it's still blowing and very very grey with a sky threatening rain once again. I so hope everyone hasn't suffered any damage after yesterday. So I've the bedding to change and then a little play in crafting will be called for - after I've recovered from fighting with duvet covers etc. I'm convinced that one of these days I'll finish up inside the dreaded thing. Why oh why don't they make all duvets open completely across the bottom instead of those silly little slits.
    OK off to do battle will try and pop in later. Hugs are in their usual place.

    1. Janet I did notice that about Beth's comment and I meant to mention it but I forgot!
      Janet I was with Margaret yesterday - I'm with you today on the duvet front! Just call me fickle! Xxx

    2. Haha Janet yes that's happened to me! I now leave the duvet cover and sheet for hubby to sort out and just find the clean bedding and put the pillow cases on! Xxx

    3. Janet hope you have survived your duvet battle or do we need to send a rescue party in? xxx

    4. janet ecco of Sheffield2 June 2015 at 12:29

      Hi Sheila no rescue needed just yet. I've just had my bowl of fruit and got so am having a little rest. Might need to raid the Baileys or something similar later. Hope you'll join me. Xxxx

    5. Hi Janet, you can get Duvet covers open on 3 sides. Just lay it on the bed, put duvet on it and zip it up. Never tried one yet, but I'm sure you could adapt one.

    6. I know the feeling fighting with duvet covers. try this trick
      Turn duvet cover inside out. Put arms inside and grab hold of the two top corners opposite the opening (the ones at the opposite end of the opening) then grab the quilt and shake the cover over the top. I stand at the top of the stairs (but be careful) so you can shake downwards - gravity. The cover should "shimmy" down over the duvet

    7. Another trick. Dump the duvets and invest in a King Size comforter. I did 7-10 years ago and I never have problems with it. I do use top and bottom sheets which wash easy peasy and occasionally if it is very frosty/cold I use a Minky fleece blanket on top. I do have to take the comforter to a launderette for washing as they have the larger machines. Job sorted xxx

    8. Yes I saw that too, I have read Beth's comments everyday and she seems like she would fit in well with us. Do I ask her or wait for Sandra to mention it? xxx

  6. Hello Sandra,
    Today's card is just stunning love the little felt flowers, also the felt flower on the bow looks lovely, I prefer this, rather than a dazzler, it all looks so perfect for the occasion.
    Sorry this is a quick visit, I'm off to ger INR checked this morning, but will stop by later and have time to read the comments.
    Sending you a big((((HUG)))) love Brenda xxx

  7. Morning everyone, Sandra your card is stunning, bet they were really over the moon when they received it,
    Well off to Klassy Kards for my day in the shop while Caroline (the owner) does her classes, will pop back later for a good catchup.
    Take care in the wind and rain!! Jess x

  8. Morning Sandra and all the lovelies who pop in later,
    WOW! WOW! WOW! Sandra your card is exquisite! Love the pearls on it and so appropriate for the occasion and definitely not too many....oh and my favourite border die....I love it all so much !! The couple will most definitely it's the most special card they have had.
    Thank goodness the rain has stopped and the wind has calmed dowm AND my new fence is still standing (didn't have much faith in it as they didn't use concrete posts.....grrrr! Will pop back later so have a good day whatever you are doing have left hugs in the basket so please help your selves.
    Patricia I hope you arrived home safely and Hazel enjoy another day in Canada.....hope you find Maureen's mountie today! Lol!
    love and hugs
    Sheila xxxx

  9. Good morning Sandra and all who pop in
    Tea and toast for me today, I'll help myself and put the money in the pot.
    Sandra, your card is gorgeous and I am certain your customer would have been thrilled. You have definitely captured the pearl theme. Love your little felt flowers, I must try that using the camellia die, so thank you for reminding me.
    Be careful with those lambs, sweet as they are they do push to be first in.
    Janet, you be careful with that duvet cover as well, I have a picture of you crawling around inside trying to find the little way out.
    Hope you are all having better weather, we have had a couple of storms but nothing that sounds as bad as yours was. I do hope Patricia's flight wasn't affected. I was once diverted to another airport and bussed to our original one and it's not what you need after a long flight home. I think I'll make a big pot of soup for when she gets in.
    Myra I am looking forward to hearing how your candles have turned out. I bet you woke up and leapt out of bed to go look at them, and I bet your home smelt lovely.
    Right I am going to phone my girls now so I could be a while, haven't spoken to either of them since Saturday.
    Love and hugs
    Saba xxx

    1. Yes! It does and second pour has now been completed. Hope you've had a lovely chat with the girls! Knowing you - you be still chatting! Xxx

    2. Hi Saba my friend was once diverted from London to our local airport then bussed back to London, which took forever then had to drive back! All the time they had been within spitting distance of home! Xxx

  10. Morning Sandra and all this windy and rainy day it seem to continue from the night but funny enough it is warm winds (outside Muriel)
    Sandra your card this morning is just Wonderful ! and so many little pearls, not to many but must have taken a while to make sure they were stuck down. The card you have used is lovely and your bows are amazing! The couple you made it for will Love It !
    Take care feeding the lambs, you probably have done so already so I hope you still standing.
    Hazel- have a another fabulous day on your travel, lot of cuddles to the bears. I posted to you last night, sat here all night dreaming of Canada, Peru, going down the Nile and other places I'd like to see one day.
    Jean- hope your poppies are ok. Have a nice crafting day and Cheryl too, 6 cards I'll be glad if I get together one today tihi
    Janet,Janet are you there or are you trapped inside the duvet Lol hope to see you later.
    Have a nice day whatever you do , hugs to all Maria xx

    1. janet ecco of Sheffield2 June 2015 at 12:33

      Hi Maria all is well I escaped but as I said to Sheila may partake of a nip of something later. xxxx

    2. So glad Janet, you did make me worried about the duvet-monster tihi
      I follow Karenlotty's method but still with a kingsize duvetcover it can be a bit tricky. Enjoy your nip with Sheila xx

  11. Hello Sandra,
    Your Pearl Wedding card is soooo beautiful. As Sue W would say "it sings to me". I'm being good today (taking a leaf out of Myra's book) so:-
    Hazel, have a lovely day.
    Myra, I hope your candles are perfect.
    Michele, good luck at the weigh in.
    Jean, hope you managed to save your poppies.
    Cheryl, hope your garden survived the gales.
    Janet, good luck with the duvet.
    Brenda OB, good luck with INR (don't know what that is)
    Jess, good luck at Klassy Kards.
    Sheila, glad your fence is still standing
    Saba, have a good phone call with your daughters.
    That's me for now, being very good and boring.
    Love Maureen xxx

    1. Muriel, thank you my house does smell lovely but it's not an overwpowering scent.
      INR - a blood test to with coagulation , I think! I hope! Xx

    2. Hello Maureen or do you prefer Muriel?
      Sorry confusing you putting my blood test as letters. That's the common way of referring to it. It stands for International Normal Ratio. It is a test for monitoring your blood when you are taking any anticoagulant medication. Anyway all was fine, so do not need another test until July. As I was in Croydon also went into M&S got a new top and picked up a few items in the food hall. Xxx

  12. Hello Maria,
    I didn't ignore you but you must have posted whilst I was typing. Have a lovely day.
    Maureen xx

    1. Oy Muriel wot about me????!!!!!!!
      Love Dianty
      ( just imagine large lady in tutu with holes in her tights and angel skew whiff and mud on her face, hair not very tidy as you say it - yep that's me! Although I'm wearing a jumper and jeans obviously!) xxx

    2. Oops now you have another alias! Dianty !! What is it about Daffy and you! Xx

  13. Good morning Sandra and all the coffee shop crew
    Please Sandra do take extra care while feeding those lambs, all they are interested in is their feed and they will push like mad, we don't want you coming to any harm.
    I do hope no one has had any damage due to those awful storms last night, but they are promising better weather later in the week so fingers crossed!
    Your card today is absolutely stunning, so very beautiful indeed, I see you have used my favourite border die, it really does take a card to a new level especially when it is used double. No you have not overdone the pearls, I love the bow with the extra pearl addition just perfect. The couple I hope will treasure it and should they not like it( but they will) they need to go to Spec Savers double quick!
    I do hope Patricia got home safe and sound without any delays as the weather was dreadful but there is nothing like a good sleep in your own bed especially after a long journey, so I hope she is having a good sleep, before she starts her washing! That is the down side of holidays bringing washing home.
    Oh this coffee is really good this morning who made it? In fact I think I will have another cup, I have popped a lemon drizzle cake on the counter just help yourselves, my hugs and cuddles are over in the corner take as many as you need there are plenty more, I will take my second coffee and sit by the window and watch the world go by for five minutes.
    I have got the bathroom and cloakrooms cleaned so it will be the windows next with my new vac window cleaner, if it is good enough for Patricia it is good enough for me, she says she gets them done quick so hopefully I will too!
    Have a good chat with your girls Saba it is always good to catch up.
    Janet please don't get lost in the bedding!
    Well that is my second cup gone it was lovely too, I have popped my money in the pot and my cup is washed, have a good day everyone, I will try and call in later.
    With love
    Margaret xx

    1. Hi Margaret ,hopefully now with sparkling windows. How did you like the window vac? Have been thinking of getting one.....
      the window cleaners came around and did the outside today in pouring rain, guess they are cleaner then they were

    2. How are the windows Margaret! It's a great little cleaner! Xx

    3. Hi Myra the window vac is absolutely fabulous, got the insides all done in less than half the time it usually takes and not a single streak in sight even did the bathroom mirror! We do have a window cleaner for the outside but really wish I had got one ages ago. Our younger daughter called seen it and is ordering one! xx

    4. Oops sorry Maria I should have included you too xx

    5. I thought you'd love it! I couldn't believe how fast and efficient it is. Alastair uses it on the car windows too. I use it on the shower doors - not all the time just about once a week - makes such a difference! I'm left handed but I can use that in my right hand for awkward corners. Glad you are happy! Xxx

  14. Hi Sandra and Everyone,
    Well what a night eh! Our garden looks like the morning after a bad autumnal night! We have twigs, some small branches and loads of green leaves! What a mess! It's still raining too and dark! Than goodness for the cafe filled it's rays of sunshine!!
    Sandra - your card is gorgeous! You have captured the theme beautifully and I'm sure they'll be thrilled with it! Your felt flower is so pretty. I do wish CE would offer some more felt! I only have white left!
    Well, I'm really thrilled with my candles! I followed the instructions to the letter and they are ready for their second pour later this morning! The wicks are all straight and the colour is a soft delicate pink and the perfume lovely! My dear husband thought they were finished!!! When I told him they weren't he said , oh well that's all right then! I thought the wicks were awfully long! I mentioned scissors and cutting then!!
    Must go and read now .
    Hope all is well after the storms,
    Love Myra xxx

    1. Have just commented on your post last night as Hazel said you were making cup candles so went to have a look. Hope all is going well. Just keep OH away from them or he might decide to cut the wicks before you are ready to do so (ha ha). Still very windy here so no gardening today but at least I have got all the Izzy bags prepared for tomorrow night. Will have to start another project now but I do need to make two Golden Wedding Anniversary cards. Both brothers married the same year so they had a joint 25th party and are now having joint 50th party. Mostly family but have been told there will be 86 people there. Bit scary as I will be on my own but some of the people around my age I will know but what I find difficult is they are all couples. Hard being on your own. Perhaps I will chicken out at the last minute.

    2. Hi Brenda, I've seen last night's too, thank you! They are all finished and I'm really thrilled with them. I promised Theresa I would send her a photo and I have done! Thanks for recommending Theresa as I will certainly order some more!
      Please try to go to the Golden Wedding Party ! I know it's easy for me to say and it must be hard on your own but once there people move around and chat and I'm sure you'll have a good time! All the best with the cards! Myra xxx

    3. Hi Brenda,
      I certainly hope you will go to the 50th party, you won't be on your own with your family there. And I know exactly how you feel, I still don't like shopping on my own. Pete & I always went everywhere together unless I was having a bad day. Now I have to take a deep breath and put one foot in front of tother and walk through the door. 'Tis hard, but after you have done it a couple of times, it doesn't seem frightening any more. I tell myself Pete is waiting inside for me and that gives me extra strength deep down inside, cos I know he's really walking beside me. xxx

    4. Thank you Myra. I would love to see a pic of your candle cups. You could send me one via Sandra I expect. When it was my friends 70th party I said I wasn't sure about going and straight away she said I knew you would say that Brenda. It was ok in the end. This is the Same friend.

    5. CHERYL. Yes I am sure you know how I feel. However they will not be any of my friends or family there as it is their family only. I am invited as I was a bridesmaid. Some people I will probably not have seen since the wedding 50 years ago. Will I recognise them? A few weeks to go yet so perhaps I will get braver in that time. Obviously I know my friend who has invited me but as it's her party she will obviously be circulating to see everyone. I hope you find things getting easier but it's difficult isn't it.

    6. Hi Brenda,
      Cheryl understands in a way I cannot just how you feel . I will just say I hope you manage to go as it's good sometimes to just get dressed up and go out. I'll say no more! I just wanted to say I will ask Sandra to send on a photo to you. I will also ask her to give you my email address. It will be there if you wish to use it! Love Myra xxx

    7. Thank you Myra. I look forward to seeing the pics and I am sure Theresa will be pleased to see them.

  15. Good morning Sandra and the coffee shop Gang!!
    Well, tell me this do you think SANDRA:- could have squeezed a few more pearls on that beautiful card ..... nope!! don't think there is another space left!!
    Brilliant card and a great design.
    Before I start at the beginning, just wanted to let you know that's us home.
    Slept most of the plane journey which was great.
    Well Glasow certainly did not let us was absolutely BUCKETING rain. Luckily it did not start till we were actually in the car. The whole way to Stirling it was relentless, plus the spray. Very slow moving traffic because of the weather conditions.
    One load of washing done and in the Tumbler .... cause it's raining here now as well.
    Another load almost done, will sort out the next load then only two more after that.
    See you all later. xxx

    1. Welcome home Patricia! Welcome back to British Summer Time !
      I'm wearing a jumper today as I was so cold yesterday xxx

    2. A warm welcome home Patricia, so sorry we couldn't arrange 'warm' as in the weather kind but it's good to see you back safe and sound.

      Love Sheila xxx

    3. Welcome home Patricia, sorry you came home to bad weather. Well I'm glad you haven't let us down and one load of washing has been done already. Can you imagine the sharp intake of breath if you'd said you had just opened the cases and left the washing on the floor!!!! Haha. I always have piles ready to go in the machine and it's so satisfying to see them go, mind you getting hubby to put the cases back in the loft is another issue!
      Try not to overdo it today xxx

    4. Welcome Home Patricia, Sorry we could not arrange better weather for you. Hope you really enjoyed your holiday and you both feel well rested. Pleased you are back safe and sound xxx

    5. Welcome back Patricia. Good to have you back. Sorry about the weather here though. Really cold. I also have a jumper on today and still feel chilly. Next thing will be Margaret's heat bag. Perhaps having low iron makes me feel the cold more. I am sure we will hear about the holiday later - looking forward to that.

    6. Welcome back Patricia, I bet you wish you were still away, this weather is horrible, summer time uggg!!,!

    7. Welcome home Patricia, glad to see you back safe and sound. xxx

  16. Hi Sandra and all the lovely coffee shop ladies
    We what a horrible night we had here too but apart from the roses looking rather battered everything seems ok.
    Sandra your card is beautiful, just the right amount of pearls for the occasion. I love the century pearl card, it's got such a lovely sheen to it hasn't it. I hope those little lambs are treating you well (you won't be lonely with them around!) and haven't bowled you gorgeous 6. Take care as the others have said they can be quite strong. Xxx
    Well I'm trying to be quiet here, Emma has taken over the lounge to do a test maths paper so I'm pottering about upstairs. Hubby did say he might work from home today but I said no! They have both got the study to use but oh no one would be upstairs then the other downstairs, well I think I would take my book out to the car! I've got a pile of thank you cards to write which I should be doing now. Right must get on, see you all later
    Love Diane xxx

  17. Good afternoon ladies,
    Thankfully paul changed his lunch break so he could come home and feed the lambs, it would be the bending over the pens that would have been the issue, he didn't want me doing it full stop so he came to my rescue!
    We have got Lucy's hospital appointment this afternoon, she is having her occlusive lens fitting, I hate the whole idea of blinding one eye as a solution to her problems, it just amazes me that there is no other solution to thus problem, I know the issue is with her brain and not her eyes but still there must be another way!
    Welcome home Patricia, lovely to have you back, although I am sorry we couldn't married a little sunshine to welcome you home!
    Sandra xxx

    1. Hope the appointment for Lucy goes well, has she any more exams to do and if so will she get any help?
      Paul you are a diamond, returning hope to feed the lambs in your lunch break, I have only fed one, it was on a farm visit with the children, boy was he strong. Feeding four would be a nightmare. xxx

  18. Hello Ladies
    SANDRA Your card is superb There is not one thing I would change/leave out/add. It is perfect
    JANET I posted earlier a way of not having to fight too hard with a duvet cover. I hope it makes sense
    Welcome back PATRICIA
    Your PAUL sounds amazing SANDRA Even mine is in my good books just lately. he helped me spend a small fortune on some clothes on Sunday even venturing to another shopping centre to see if they'd got the swimsuit in my size on Sunday and this today I get home from work to see that he'd been to LIdll and had bought me more packs of card and paper. I now have 10 of each! I will be giving some to my MIL and craft group but after that I think I've got enough to last me 5 or more years!
    I have read everone's comments I just forget to make a note of topics and then can't remember what I wanted to say Talk about goldfish brain!
    Oooh! just remembered something I hope hospital visit goes OK SANDRA

  19. Sandra, what a beautiful card. Anyone, except them that is idiots, would love to get a card like this. It's a real keepsake. And the quantity of pearls is perfect.
    I seem to be missing out here, I didn't even get in for a visit yesterday, so can I just say, there were so many amazing gents cards shown.
    I know we all got so much rain yesterday, but when I was out with the dog I was shocked to see Ben Nevis and the other mountains in the Nevis Range are WHITE. Totally covered in snow. What's going on? we are only 3 weeks from mid summer's day. This weekend we have a huge downhill mountain bike competition on Nevis Range. They come from all over the world for this. Usually hot, dry, lots of sunburnt faces and a great weekend. I know the forecast is good, but not sure where they are going to put the snow?
    Glad Paul came to help with the lambs. They are really pushy and strong when being bottle fed. Hope all goes well with Lucy later.
    I seem to spend all my time now training staff, who then decide that they need to go home, or move away, or something. Itinerant seasonal staff are always the stuff of my nightmares. They all think they can run my business better than me. I have to keep telling them that I have been doing this since well before they even joined this planet. Oh, save me from the superior knowledge of the youth of today. I just want someone to come in and clean rooms and make beds. Thankfully my permanent staff are great.
    Sorry...I'll put the soapbox back and sit down quietly. It's not good for my blood pressure.

  20. Hi everyone. SANDRA I love the card you have made. No not too many pearls. I am sure they will love it and it will have pride of place. Hope all goes well at the hospital with Lucy and that it helps her. Will be thinking of you. I need yo make two Golden Wedding Anniversary cards but won't be able to put lots of pearls on. Don't know what type of gems to use really. Anyone any ideas about that.
    Well I have been trying to sort out all my tablets. Mustn't take the iron within two hours of the Diabetic one. I was taking the Calcium at the same time as the iron but then read it needs to be taken FOUR hours after the iron. I rang the pharmacist in the end to get her to advise. I also need to take blood pressure and statins. Wish I didn't need to take any. Well the 18 Izzy bags are all cut out and ready to be assembled tomorrow night and 18 of the Xcut gift bags ready as well. Can do something for myself now. Not usually this far ahead but the weather has been so awful that couldn't do anything in the garden. Well must clear up the mess left from cutting out the Izzy bags so see you all later.

    1. Brenda, how about. Gold coloured liquid pearls, or gold crystals, the sort you can buy in bags of assorted colours, or what about from your button box if maybe if you are just wanting something to add a little gold to the centre of a flower or bow. I often go to my local button shop if I am looking for something a bit different and some of them are gorgeous.
      Or a gold pearl stick pin if you have those.
      Do let us know what you decide on.
      Oh, and before I forget, do take the plunge and go to the party. Don't worry that most will be couples, they are not strangers and you won't feel alone for long.
      Love and hugs
      Saba xxx

    2. Thank for the ideas Saba. Good thinking. The problem with the party is most of them will be strangers. If it was friends it would be ok as a lot of us still keep in touch after all this time, but it is there families

    3. Take a stiff drink and go to the ball, you never know you might have fun :-)
      Maybe some little gold rings on the car and, just an idea
      hugs Maria xx

  21. Hi everyone, back from my day in the craft shop, not all that busy today, I think the rain kept everyone in.
    Littlelamb, gosh you have been busy, lots of bags made, well done.
    Sandra, so nice that Paul came in to help with the lambs, what a star he is.
    I saw the comment from Beth B on Sues blog, but didn't want to say anything
    about the coffee shop, didn't feel it was my place to do so.
    Off to 'fat club' in an hour, hope I have lost a pound or two, it's getting harder and harder, but needs must, as they say. Salad for tea tonight me thinks!!
    Take care everyone, Jess x

  22. Hi Sandra
    Have at last got the Internet. Such beautiful cards ladies over the last few days. Particularly love the male cards theme. Posted a picture on facebook yesterday. But I can't receive emails, as my email address is all lower case, and somehow when setting it up originally it came up with Pat instead of pat. I get emails ok at home but not abroad. I really need a computer buff yo sort me out, but where to find one is the cry. I'll try and send one but can't guarentee Youll get it. Tour round Rome today, off to Sorrento tomorrow.
    Love. Pat x x x

    1. Pat hope you and Pete have a fabulous time in Rome and then tomorrow in Sorrento.
      My dad used to sing "Come Back To Sorrento" in Italian so I have just nipped over to u tube to listen to it and now have wet cheeks and a drippy nose, such happy memories.
      Hugs Saba xxx

    2. Hello Pat and Pete, Hope you enjoyed your trip around Rome. As I said last week it is a fantastic city. So many things to see and places to visit. Then tomorrow you are off to Sorrento - I am drooling just thinking about it. LOL xxx

    3. Pat,
      Good to hear from you and hope you enjoyed your tour of Rome! A beautiful city! Enjoy Sorrento I believe it's lovely but never been there myself or with anyone else!! Love Myra xxx

    4. Hi Pat and Pete !
      Hope you having a marvelous time. Have a wonderful time in Sorrento, I have seen photos from there hihi apparently they have yummy ice creams
      hugs Maria xx

    5. Hi Pat goidness to see you here. Have a lovely time in Sorrento. Look forward to seeing some pics.

    6. Wonderful to hear you enjoyed Rome and do the same in Sorrento. xxx

    7. Hi Pat. it's lovely to hear from you. Enjoy Sorennto. Don't forget to take lots of pics : ) Take caer x

  23. Hello Everyone,
    Sandra, I'm pleased Paul came back home to help you with the lambs, they can be very strong. Also, whilst I remember, I hope you and the other two Graces have a good day tomorrow.
    Dainty, I didn't forget you (how could I) but I only responded to people who had posted this morning before me.
    Patricia, welcome home bonny lass.
    Saba, dry your tears girl, your dad wouldn't want to see you cry.
    Brenda OB, I really don't mind what people call me as long as it's not a swear word.
    Littlelamb, Brenda. Go to the party and I'm sure you'll find that people will mix and join other groups. It will do you good. By the way, I think I should read the instructions with my tablets. I just shovel them in all together - probably the reason I get a lot of heartburn!!!!
    Pat, have a wonderful holiday. I love Rome but haven't been to Sorrento. I hope Pete is enjoying himself.
    Jess, fingers crossed for you tonight.
    Oh this being good is no good at all, boring, boring, boring. Roll on tomorrow
    Muriel xxx

  24. Halloooo my friends,
    second time around and of course I can't remember what i just wrote aaaaaaaaargh!
    Sandra - I really hope that Lucy's appointment went well, giving you all a extra hug!
    Glad Paul managed to come home and help you with the Baa baa's at lunchtime, hard work with little ones again :-)
    Nice to see you back Patricia, we didn't even know your were in a different country. ough all that washing and ironing again tihi
    Myra- you be careful with OH lurking around, something's might be snipped before it's ready hihi take a photo for us to see they sound very yummy.
    Alan sound like a good man Karenlotty, don't want to swap hihi. I really like the papers and cards from Lidl wish I bought more, but to get something sometimes is like pulling teeths.
    Janice- what's with this weather ey, snow in June deffo. something is not right.
    when holidaying in scotland we went to Ben Nevis and a bike race was going on, they are a bit crazy doing what the doing I think hihi
    Littlelamb- have fun with the class tomorrow. still have not got my head around making one. I'm very cheeky now sorry but if you have any leftover could I possible buy it of you to have a prototype or someone could show me at the retreat ,pretty please ?
    I also saw someone asking about our cafe' but didn't say anything, leaving it to you Sandra. Is Steph not around ? Norah- miss you!
    Love and hugs to all, Maria xx

    1. I sent you an email like I promised Maria! Hope you get it! Love Myra xxx

    2. Yes thank you Myra, I got it xx

  25. Oh Sandra, I'm so sorry, I am concentrating on being so good that I forgot to give my very best wishes for a successful hospital appointment for Lucy, and I hope that this lens does the trick.
    Love Maureen xx

  26. Evening all, not good news at fat club, up 1lb, must try harder.
    Maria, I think Steph has spat her dummy, she still blogs on Sues blog.
    Sandra, I hope it went well with Lucy's appointment, such a worry for you all.
    I need to go to bed I can hardly keep my eyes open, think I'm heading for a cold,
    Catch up tomorrow, hot drink and pain killers are waiting, take care, Jess x

  27. Hellllloooo Sandra & ladies, I don know if you missed me last evening.
    Well yesterday was a disaster trying to blog on here two went into cyber space then the next two froze & then the last one just wouldn't I gave up.
    Yesterday's men's cards were all wonderfull.Sandra your pearl anniversary card is stunning I'm sure the recipient will love it.
    Well I have now finished Harry's Christening card & box also his 1st birthday card & box pleased about that.
    Welcome home Patricia pleased you had a lovely time.
    Hazel hope you had a good day
    Sandra I'm pleased Paul came home to feed the lambs I think it would have been hard for you by yourself.Hope Lucy got on ok at hospital bless her.sending her a cuddle.
    Myra glad your pleased with how your candles turned out, are you going to put them on Pinterest
    Pat & Pete hope you had a lovely day in Roam & enjoy Sorrento tomorrow have a fabulous day.xx
    Maureen I do that with my tablets swallow all three together in morning then all four in evening together,so I shake rattle &
    Will try & post this now wish me luck
    Love & Hug's Lynda xxx

    1. Can i shake,rattle and roll with you hihi I do the same and think in the beginning I had problems just to take one, now it's all in one go (big mouth)
      By the way, what are you doing with all the pins ? hahahahahaha !
      love and hugs Maria xxx

  28. Jess, better a 1lb on than 2lb on, just think of that.
    Lynda, welcome back, I'm being polite today so that's all I'll say.
    St George is huddled under the duvet clutching a Margaret bag, he's been bowling again tonight. There's no rain but a force 9 gale cold enough to cut you in two!! I'd better go and switch the light off.
    See you tomorrow, when I don't have to be good or polite, thank goodness, it's so boring.
    Love to all
    Maureen xx

    1. Night Night! Whew, you are better a little on the naughty side! Naughty but so nice! Xxx

    2. Oh no what with Myra being good now you Maureen what's the world coming too Have some Bailies can't cope haha

    3. I thought the same Lynda, not the same at all .Do you think they been told off by someone tihi hope they back to normal tomorrow.

    4. I heard that! Watch it you two! We both need to be naughty together otherwise it doesn't work! Mind you its best when we all get involved and you two are no saints either! So there! Xxx lots of love!

    5. oh dearie me the halo is slipping hihihi

  29. Good evening everyone
    Second attempt wonder where the first one went!
    Patricia so pleased you are home safe and sound, is all the ironing done! The road to Stirling can be dreadful I know from passed trips up there!
    As I have already said earlier the window vac is fantastic all the windows done including the bathroom mirror in half the time do wish I had got one much sooner.
    Maureen are you ok you don't seem yourself today?
    Saba was the catch up with the family good, hope they are all well.
    Sandra how did the hospital appointment go bless her, and while we are on the subject of family how great is that hubby of yours to come home earlier to feel the lambs, so very thoughtful.
    Brenda littlelamb I hope the class goes well tomorrow have fun!
    I wonder how our slimmer have done one pound or two girls?
    Well I will wish you all a good night and sweet dreams
    God bless
    Margaret xx

    1. Night Night Margaret, hope the sun shines on your lovely windows tomorrow! Xxx

    2. Good night Margaret sweet dreams xxxx

  30. Yayyyy It posted. I managed to get some card at Lidl yesterday they had loads of it.Jess don't give up I'm struggling too lost 4lb last week put 1lb on this week.
    It's so hard think I will go back on the 5-2 diet again sigh xx
    Eye's getting heavy think early night.
    Good night all, OH is snoring a sleep on settee Lynda xx

  31. Hello ladies,
    Sorry I am late coming back in.
    Sat on the balcony after dinner, watched the sun go down and drank a lovely glass of wine. At 9 pm it was still 25 degrees here. Sorry.
    Then when I finally came in wanted to do a bit of TV catch up and before I knew it was midnight. So here I am and you have all probably gone to bed so serves me right if I have missed all the fun.
    Patricia, enjoy your own bed tonight, there is nothing like it and Hazel, if you come in later hope you are having a fabulous time.
    Sandra, hope all went well for Lucy at the hospital love. It must seem hard if she has to have an occlusive eye patch, but if it helps her long term it will be worth it.
    Saba xxxx

    1. It's funny I miss a balcony at times. Used to sit on mine,7th floor up and have a nice view over town and see the sun go down in the evening.
      Sleep well Saba, xx

  32. Hi Ladies
    Oh Maureen you gave been good today, you were so polite to me, you didn't even notice I'd spelt Dainty wrong and given myself another name! Have a good nights sleep and a cuddle with George to warm him up and come back all naughty tomorrow xxx
    Sandra I hope lucy got on ok at the hospital. Isn't Paul lovely to come home and help with the lambs xxx
    Karen your hubby is lovely too, I can't get my hubby into Lidle xxx
    I tried to post comments on the way down but it wouldn't let me for some reason so now I've forgotten what I was going to say. Pat enjoy Rome and throw a coin in the Trevvi fountain so you go back xxxSaba dry your eyes sweetheart, what a lovely song to remind you go your dad xxx Brenda try and go to the party if you can, I think you will enjoy it once you get there. You never know there may be another lady sat there thinking the same as you xxx
    Janice I can't believe there's snow again - well I can it's been so cold! What a pain about training staff who think they know everything. I hope the race means you are full at the weekend and trade is good xxx
    Well I must go to bed so I will say night night sleep tight, see you tomorrow
    Love Diane xxx

    1. Diane, Good night sweetie, eyes are dry now, it doesn't take much to set me off and opera always makes me think of him, it's 15 years since he died and I miss him every day but Memories of him make smile much more than cry now.

  33. Night Night Everyone!
    Sleep well!
    Brenda - hope all goes well with the class tomorrow! They will love their bags I'm sure. Meant to say that earlier! Xxx

    1. Thank you. Just having a quick look before I put the light off. Thank you for your good wishes. I am not so nervous this time. It's the 4th week so a bit more relaxed.

  34. Me again!
    Hazel! Hope you've had a lovely day ! Xxx

  35. Phew Where had today gone? After really high blood sugars yesterday that made me feel like - well you know what. I am now having lots of lows Didn't do half of what I wanted to do today Not visited most of the blogs I like to go to Oh well

    1. Hiya, please look after yourself, there is only one Karenlotty. Hope you feeling better after a good nights sleep
      hugs Maria xx

    2. Karen sorry your bloods are all over the place, are you well otherwise?
      My son in law is also diabetic and I know any sickness bugs play havoc with his bloods. Maybe a visit or call to your diabetic nurse might be an idea. Look after yourself. Love and hugs Saba xxx

    3. Maria! That sounded like a football song from the Terraces! Ha ha ! Xx

    4. Karen,
      Sorry you have had a bad couple of days! Hope tomorrow is a good day for you! Take care , sending hugs! Xxx

  36. Maria, the seventh floor must have been amazing. Was that in Sweden? we are on the top floor but it is still only the fourth floor, however seeing as we have no lift its far enough up. I love looking over the rooftops around the city and what is surprising is that it is so quiet. Another benefit is we can leave the balcony door and all our windows open and unless Spider-Man wants to come and visit us we are secure.
    Hope your mum is doing alright,
    Loving hugs Saba xxx

  37. I'm Ok It just takes a little while to right itself that's all Thanks for your concern
    If Gail pops in Where's this Cubana I'm I intrigued It can get a bit close and personal especially if they're dancing Kizomba 99% of us just go to dance My daughter has some nifty self defence moves that can be used on the dance floor! But it's never needed in our world

    1. Karen, who's Gail ? I'm a bit confused! It doesn't take much mind you. Xxx

    2. Karen, please check your sugar levels,
      Who is Gail, where is Cubana, who or what is Kizomba and which world are you in?

  38. Good morning ladies,
    I have no idea why today's blog post has not appeared, please bare with while I try to sort it out!

  39. H Sandra. Gessed you were having problems with todays post. I hope you manage to sort it out.
    My comment yesterday went AWOL! Loved the pearl card, it is gorgeous.
    see you in a while to help you feed those lambs. Haven't done that for many many years. It's amazing just how strong they are isn't it!
    Have a good day everyone. Take care xx

  40. Hello Sandra,
    Glad you are ok, was worried when you hadn't posted yet.
    Love Maureen xx

  41. Hi Sandra,
    Glad you are ok! Was worried the lambs and hospital visit had all been too much for you ! Don't worry! Xxx

  42. Today's post is up and running now ladies xxxx

  43. Stunning Sandra

    Love & hugs

    Jacquie J xxx
