
Thursday 4 June 2015

Michele's Wedding Card & Myra amazing Candle cups!

Good Thursday Morning Ladies,
Well first up today we have Michele's amazing wedding card, what a fab way of personalising the
wedding card, I cam also the all time favourite Creative Expressions Heart Lattice Embossing Folder, so perfect foe wedding and anniversary cards.
Thank you Michele for sharing your card with all of us. xx
I have to apologize here as I know these should really be shown on Mixed Craft Saturday, but
I just couldn't wait until then, Myra sent me the photo's of these amazing Candle cups and asked me to send them for Brenda to see, I thought that we would all like to share them at the same time,
they are just so perfect, I am amazed at the perfect finish that you have achieved Myra, not an air bubble in sight, the different bowls and cups you have used are so pretty!
Thank you so much for sharing your amazingly beautiful candles with all of us Myra xx x
Well my trip to the emergency dentist was a waste of time, they took an Xray but didn't know how to view it!!! can you believe that?? so she couldn't say what the cause of the problem was, it could apparently be cracked, although she could see no cracks, the one filling I have looks fine, I have no decay on any of my teeth, so the fact that I have been mentally put off visiting dentist  for 9 years hasn't stood me too bad! I have been given a course of antibiotics to help with the swelling in my face, although she wasn't sure of the cause of that, my gums aren't red or inflamed as you would expect with a abscess, so she has advised me to go and get another appointment to see a dentist and they may have to take another xray, even though I have paid for one already that they couldn't work out on the computer, well I was in tears when I entered the place, I certainly was when I left!
Fingers crossed for better knews today!
I will let you know,
Love and hugs


  1. Oh Sandra,I was worried about you and the out come of that appointment, I do think dentist just can think for themselves these days! A bit like car Mechanics if the computer doesn't tell them what problem is they haven't got a clue!!! Hope the antibiotic kick in soon.
    I was glad to find the key worked in the lock this morning? Things all ready for the day, and the lovely smell that met me when I opened the door, it was from those absolutely beautiful candle makes of Myra's, how pretty are they?
    Glad you all had a great day yesterday! And I think it was the coffee and cake that sorted out Maria's OH. As I didn't see any grizzly bears today!
    Been visiting one of Charlies sisters this evening, but didn't stay late. Brother in law is getting on in years and is set in his ways, likes to go to bed at a certain time, but just wouldn't go and let us get on with seeing his wife, she wanted to just come and sit at the hotel with us, but no he didn't want that either, to crown it all he was saying that tomorrow they could come with us for the day. Now don't get me wrong I wouldn't mind, but we had this the last time and we just wanted this time to do our own thing during the day and meet up in the evenings, it's our holiday so, we just said very politely that if they didn't mind we were just wanting to go exploring on our own with on time barriers,. Feel sorry for sister in law as she is 18 years younger than him and doesn't get time to herself. He has two sons who could take him for a few hours but no unless it's to the bank to get money from him, his sons from first marriage, so I am glad to come in here and get a cup of tea, my OH is snoring away then wonders why I can't sleep!! Men? Have a great day, don't get into to much trouble. Hazel x

  2. Sorry Michele I mean to say I do love your card with that simple design that is just a perfect for a wedding or engagement card. Hazel x

  3. Good morning Sandra and the coffee shop gang. Hope the day ahead is good for you all.
    SANDRA:- I feel for you, what a few days you have had. I have absolutely no fear of the Dentist however I know lots do. Why oh! why have emergency Dentists if they can't do anything?? Hopefully the antibiotics work to reduce the swelling and pain to let them see what the problem is (((((hugs))))).
    MICHELE:- I love the elegant simplicity of your beautiful card. Goes to show you don't need lots of Crafty Stuff to make a great card. I think new crafters are a bit put off, thinking they need so much to make cards.
    MYRA:- your Candles are "out of this world" The containers you have used are STUNNING. I just LOVE that little cup with the flowers, it's amazing.
    Off to get things done ...... holidays are fine BUT!!!
    Lots still to catch up on, I hope to have more time for "me" today.
    Hazel has done everything, she's a good soul. Had a cuppa, tea & toast, money in the pot (((((hugs)))))) by the door. See you all later xxx

  4. Morning Ladies

    Quick visit as i'm off into Preston for a meeting soon.

    Myra-I love the teacup candles. They would make a beautiful gift.

    My card was a commission from a colleague. It's actually bright lemon pearlised card on navy. The picture I sent Sandra didn't show the colours very well. The only details I was given were the colours & the couples names so this is what I cane up with. Fairly simple but the customer seemed happy.

    Will try to pop in later but it's Tesco shopping night so might be late.


    1. Michele your card is lovely and I am hopeless at simple elegance when it comes to cards! I am not a fussy dresser but can't get simple cards right! You can!
      Did you get lost in Preston? I always get lost in Preston! Why is that? Xxx

    2. Thanks for the comments Myra. Trafgic was horrendous as usual through Penwortham then roadworks after that meant slow progress but made it to the college in plenty of time.

  5. Good morning Sandra & ladies,

    Just caught up with yesterday's comments. Lots of shenanigans again making me smile.
    I am fine Maureen, I was busy painting yesterday and catching up with paperwork.
    Today I have to go to Lloyds Bank. They relooked at Pete's PPI claim made the year before he died and he was given the princely sum of £128. In view of the many claims received, they had relooked at his claim and decided in his favour, sent me an explanation letter that he was due a refund of the full amount as it HAD been miss-sold. But, and a big BUT, they have taken out quite a large amount in basic rate tax and as the helpline person at HMRC told me, a refund is exactly that and there shouldn't be any taxes paid on it. Let battle commence.

    Michele, your card is very simply stunning. Less is more, loving it.

    Myra's candles are divine, your use of different receptacles is very inspiring.

    Ready for another cuppa before I go town, I'll see you all later.
    Love 7 hugs
    Cheryl xxx

    1. Cheryl, thank you and You have been a busy bee too!
      I hope you get this PPI thing sorted soon! I can see that bit between your teeth! Xxx

  6. I'm so sorry Sandra, I forgot to ask how are you feeling today?
    I can understand you phobia of dentists. They were not my favourite appointments either. I had/still have a calcium deficiency as a baby/child/adult so my teeth were the first thing to go. Ugh! so many fillings, root canals, broken and chipped teeth etc that gave me the chills before I even plucked up the courage to go again. Finally found a dentist who was shocked at how much I had been through, took one look and suggested dentures. I'm so glad I found him and I've saved a fortune now! Spent it on my crafting though.
    Love & hugs
    Cheryl xxx

  7. Hi Sandra and all in the cafe today. How are you feeling this morning my lovely? i ma so sorry that you weren't given more help last night after plucking up the courage to go : ( Hopefully the antibiotics will do the trick quickly. How stupid that the xrays that you have to pay for can't even be read! I do hope you manage to get it all sorted.
    I didn't get to the cafe once I got back from spending the day with you yesterday but I have caught up with what you were all up to. Most of you seemed to be on top form, so many funny comments : )
    I love Michele's card. It is a lovely CAS one that is great for those that don't like lots of embellishments : )
    Myra, your candles look gorgeous. The teacup is beautiful and the glass dish with a lid is such a good idea as it will stop the wax getting dusty and I suppose it will also stop it fading too?
    Thank you for sharing ladies : )
    Have a good day everyone. Sandra I will be thinking of you my lovely. Take care xx

    1. Thank you Sue, I really loved making them and have another lot of wax in waiting! Not quite a lady in waiting but the best I can do! Xxx

  8. Morning everyone, Just in for a quiet coffee please.
    I felt for you last night, Sandra. I have had so many dental visits over my life, problem similar to Cheryl, that I hate having to go too. Let's hope the antibiotic sorts it all out.
    I like that card, Michelle. Perfect for the couple who don't like frills and flowers.
    Myra, these candles look so perfect. Do you need any more cups and saucers? I got so many when I got married, 40 years ago, and still have lots, never used, in their boxes and in my father in law's loft. Perhaps I should use them this way, but I don't have enough friends to give them all to. (I'm not that short of friends, I just have about 8 or 9 boxes of dishes)
    OK, lets hope I can get in later today too.
    Hugs all

    1. Janice, thank you! Give it a go I've been told these sell well but I've no intention of making that many. You could raise some money for a good cause! Xxx

  9. SANDRA. Sorry to hear about your trip to the dentist yesterday and do hope you will be able to get it sorted. Don't like to think of you in a lot of pain.
    MICHELE I do like your wedding card. Very nice.
    MYRA. Thank you so much for sending the pics of your candle cups. They are lovely and look perfect. I love that little cup in the last pic. What a lovely cup. I am sure Theresa will be impressed when she sees a pic of them. Have a good day. Well lots to do again today and lunch with a friend. See you all later.

    1. Littlelamb Brenda, I hope you had a lovely lunch and enjoyed the time spent with your friend. xx

    2. Brenda, thank you so much! I have sent a photo to Theresa as she asked me to and had an email back. She is a very nice lady. Hope you enjoyed your lunch and so pleased yesterday went well! Xx

  10. Morning Samdra and ladies, a quick visit this morning on duty at friends craft shop later.
    Sandra so sorry about your treatment yesterday, hope the antibiotics help.
    Michele you wedding card is lovely, no need sometimes for flowers and bows.
    Myra love your candles they are gorgeous, well done.
    Sorry about my predictive text yesterday regarding gilding wax, first it was building wax then guilding wax, dam nuisance, so it is.
    Sue Wilson's birthday today!!

    Take care will pop back later, Jessx

    1. I know Jess, predictive text is a pest but it does give us a laugh. xxxx

    2. Thank you Jess, predictive text drives us all mad and affects everyone and I'm with Maureen - oh golly - it gives us a laugh! Xx

  11. Hello Sandra and coffee shop ladies,
    I hope you managed to get some sleep and the antibiotics kick in soon. Dentists are not my favourite people to visit, over the years I have managed to get over the fear of the dreaded check up. But then if they find anything it's the follow up treatment I hate.
    MICHELE Love your card, very trendy, not everyon goes for hearts and flowers, this EF just works so well and for many occasions.
    MYRA, Your candles are FAB, love the different containers. These would sell so well at a craft fair. Also beautiful as gifts for family and friends.
    Well we are off to the optician to get eye tested so will pop back later.
    Love and hugs, Brenda xxx

    1. Brenda, I find that when I go to the Optician he tests both eyes!!!
      Here have a Baiileys! xxx

    2. Maureen, You are really on the ball - 'Can't take my eyes off you' today can I !!!!
      If you will join me I will have a Baileys, after all it is Ish O Clock xxx

    3. Forgot to say when we made the appointments to have our eyes tested, one of the assistants asked had I worked in the primary school she attended? then another assistant said I went there to! So today when we returned I had two group staff photographs for them to look at. They were both so funny as they recognised the teachers. (We had 15 classes just in the Infant School) anyway they both thanked me for taking the photos for them to see. It was much more fun than looking at posters on the wall Xxx

    4. Brenda! Just wait until Muriel has a liver function test!!!
      Wow, that's a big school! When I started teaching our Infant School had three classes , mind you there were 40 children in each and no teaching assistants! Xxx

    5. It was a big school Brenda. I started teaching in infants class too. I was lucky, my first class had just 25 pupils. 3 classes each year. Those numbers didn't last too long though. A few years later classes were over 30. Never heard of a teaching assistant though. Our only help was the occasional student teacher.

    6. Yes it was a very big school, 150 children to each year group, so when I first started (1973) we had 450 from Reception to year 2 ( later a nursery was added) then they moved to the junior school. They were single sex schools but all on the same site. Without going into politics It was and still is an ongoing nightmare.

    7. Wow Brenda! That's a lot - and it's only boys or girls! Our school was mixed. So we had 120 children in the Infant School and that was boys and girls! We are all in our own little bubble but until we compare it with others we shouldn't be so dogmatic ! I'm speaking to myself here! You see this was in Scotland! Even the inhabitants of a Scottish city have no idea what it is like to live and work in London! People need to compare like with like! Xxx

  12. Good morning Sandra and our lovelies.
    Sandra, you poor thing. I really feel for you. It's awful that you finally managed to pluck up the courage to go and now you have to do it all again. Hope this emergency dentist gave you the X Rays so that you can give them to the next one. Hope too that the antibiotics bring you some relief soon.
    Michele, I like the simplicity of your card. Sometimes they are more difficult to do than those with lots of frills and embellishments. On those, you can often hide your mistakes, but every little error shows up on a CAS card and yours is perfect.
    Myra, I adore your candles. You must be thrilled to bits at how they turned out. What a fabulous way to display a piece of much loved China tea set which otherwise might sit in the back of a cupboard. I bet your home smells beautiful. Patricia I know you said you love the tea cup with the little green flowers but I think I love it more. And it goes perfectly with the lovely Lladro lady.
    Sun is shining here despite it being a bank holiday so I expect my OH will want to go cycling later. I would much rather craft.
    Love and hugs for now
    Saba xxxx

    1. Saba, your thighs must be a thing of beauty with all that cycling!! xxx

    2. Hi Saba, do you have signs warning of bikes as we have here! Think Bike is bad enough but would it be Denken Fahrrad? I'm translating and may have said something totally bonkers! Fairly sure about the Denken !! Hope you've had a good day and enjoyed the good weather! Only seen the thighs through trousers and looked pretty trim to me Muriel! Xxx

    3. Myra, whatever you say is usually totally bonkers!! I'm glad Saba's thighs are responding to the cycling, it would be awful after all that they were fat and flabby like mine!!! xxx

    4. Hello Sweatheart! With friends like you - who needs enemies!
      Where did I go wrong in choosing you as a friend !!!! Xxx

    5. Oops ! Predictive text strikes back! Not Sweatheart --- Sweetheart!
      Saba will have worked up the sweat or perspiration! Xxx

  13. Hi Sandra,

    Love the candle cups, so pretty and elegant.

    Sorry to hear about your visit to the dentist, if your face is swollen it sound more like an infection somewhere. Hopefully the antibiotics will clear it up.

    Love & hugs

    Jacquie J xxx

  14. Janet Ecco of Sheffield4 June 2015 at 11:57

    Morning Sandra and all who pop in today
    We have at long last a taste of Summer!!!!!!!! Sunshine, clear blue skies and it's warm.

    Michele - I love your card. It's one of those less is more and so is so striking and yes nothing can be covered up on these wonderful cards. You used one of my all time Efolders and it was one of the first I bought.
    Myra - your candle cups are just beautiful. I would love one or two dotted around. I bet they look glorious when lit.

    Oh Sandra you have all my sympathy my lovely friend. Dentists and I have not got on for donkey years. I know this is going to sound silly but I would have my knees replaced again rather than visit the Dentist. In fact the last time I did have to visit was before my second replacement on my right knee five years ago. When I went to pre-admission clinic I was asked when I last visited the dentist. Well it was well over 25yrs and was told that before surgery I had to go. This was the first time anything about Dentist had been mentioned and I'd already had both knees replaced but apparently the chance of infection with surgery is now considered of the highest importance. She gave me a letter to present when I found one to visit. Well when I came out and saw Jim the flood gates opened and I just gave him the said letter. He took me straight away to his dentist (he visits regularly) and told them what I needed etc and more importantly why I was stood there still crying. They were very kind and made an apptmnt for the next day and within a week I'd had everything done that needed doing and so I was ready for surgery. Despite all the kindness and re-assurance I had I still am petrified.
    I hope you're feeling better today and that the antibiotics are working.

    I've just finished a version of an 'Izzy' bag to hold a bag of potpourri. I've left space at each side so the potpourri bag can be left open to scent the room.
    I'm just hoping it works as I've done it for Jim's Dutch Niece.
    OK off now to get lunch.
    Hope all are enjoying the beautiful day.

    1. Janet , how awful facing surgery is bad enough without throwing a dentist into the mix! Despite not being keen on them myself I steel myself to go every six months but I hate the water torture that the Hygienist administers! She's worse than the dentist !
      Really like your Izzy bag idea! I'm sure Jim's niece will love it!
      Thank you! Xxx

  15. Hi Sandra ,
    Oh, I'm so sorry you still don't know where the pain is coming from. There is nothing worse than toothache and I haven't had it for years! Still remember! I hope the antibiotics help and that today's visit brings more success! Can't believe they couldn't get the X-ray up on computer! No wonder you were in tears! How is Lucy - did that hospital visit go well? Hope so! xx
    Well, I got a surprise a few minutes ago when I looked in!
    First of all, Michele - your card is lovely and I think very hard to get right . You've certainly done that and it's simply elegant. Thank you for sharing it .
    The candles I'm really pleased with and I enjoyed making them. I followed Theresa Egan's clear instructions , with pictures, to the letter and it was well worth it. I wanted to try a selection of containers to see which worked best but they all worked ok! The pot with the lid belonged to my Grandma and I will take this to Victoria my DIL next time we visit! The little cup with the flower was a gift years ago but it looks really pretty with the pink wax. I will look in Charity shops for more dishes. I still have some pretty ones but didn't want to try them on first go!! Give it a try ladies - it's not expensive and not at all messy! I know it could be but so long as you don't throw it like Maureen with the gravy pan it should be a problem!
    Thanks for being so kind! I wanted Brenda to see them as it was Brenda who inspired me to do it!
    We do have fun in this Cafe, we learn a lot too and we are making real friends here! Roll on October when we all meet up . Will we need one of these number counter things that they have in children's shoe shops at busy times or I think they have them in hospitals too! Then we'd have a turn to talk!! On second thoughts - we are much too polite to need that!!
    Well we are going to the garden centre for plants today - hope they don't get washed away before they take root.
    Lots of love,
    Myra xxx


  16. MYRA:- can you pop up the address for the Candle Wax please.
    I have tried a few options, not getting anywhere fast.
    MAUREEN:- is my wee Note Book with yours ??? ... I just can't find mine anywhere. xxx

    1. and the lad's name is Theresa Egan. Have emailed you Patricia - included some sunshine! Xxx

    2. Whoops! Obviously www! No capitals! Xx

    3. Myra, I thought Theresa was a lady!!!! xxx

    4. MYRA:- got it thanks, pressed the button to order. xxx

    5. Hope you enjoy making them. Would like to see the results. I am sure Theresa will be pleased and she is a really nice lady.

    6. Have you had any sunshine, Patricia? I do hope so! Xx

  17. Hi Sandra and all the ladies
    Just a flying visit as I'm off to the optic ion in a mo. They say don't forget your glasses/lenses - well without them I wouldn't get there!!!!
    Sandra so sorry to hear you had no success at the dentist, the pain makes you feel pants doesn't it. I hope the antibiotics work soon. If the X-Ray is on a computer they should be able to email it to your dentist so you don't have to have another one. I would ask for some of my money back if it can't be used! Xxx
    Michele your card is lovely, I like the way you have used their colours and initials xxx
    Myra your candles are fab and what pretty cups and bowls you have used. I think yhey are wonderful. By the way I love your candles more! I love them all the tea cups in the world! ( anyone who has read a certain children's story will get where I'm going!) xxx
    Right must dash...... Now where did I put my glasses!!!!
    Love Diane xxxx

    1. Diane, I get it! ..... One of my favourite children's stories, it's such fun to read with young children and of course with our grand children always ended up with lots of hugs and cuddles.
      Hope optician appointment goes well, Johns was fine and he does not need new glasses, my prescription has changed so have to get new glasses.
      We stoped off at Asda on the way home so now have shopping to put away.
      Will catch up with you all later. Xxx

    2. Your glasses will be where you left them Diane!
      Thank you!
      Hope you didn't have to go the moon and back!! Xxx

    3. Myra just into the village so not too far :) glasses were by the bed and lenses in my eyes so all was well! Xxx
      Brenda I've got to get some more glasses too but since I got my last pair in 2003 I think they have served me well. I usually only wear them in the morning and evening or if I can't put my lenses in - I'm as blind as a bat without them! I hate choosing new glasses don't you. I either look like lady gaga or dame Edna everidge! Xxx

    4. I agree but better than being in traction!!! Xxx

  18. Hi Sandra and all, a cup of tea and a scone please as it's nearly lunchtime.
    So sorry to hear about your dentist appointment, I really wish you get help and the antibiotics will kick in asap.
    Michele- very nice card. Simple and clean. I like it !
    Myra- omg they are wonderful. Not one little bubble. I tell you they are better then the ones you can buy. Very sweet cups and saucers too.Love the bowl. You have done a fabulous job there.
    Janice -maybe something you can do too and then try to sell at a school fete or from a charity shop if you got so many .
    Brenda- hope you eye doc. visit was ok.
    Hazel- I understand when you go for visits,it's nice but you also want to have some own time. Hope you both have a great day and some sun later.
    OH is like a cub today and promised we go for some new plants on Saturday, hope for Wyevale as they also got 'the works' who knows what I can find.
    Spent the morning in the garden, little bit of digging and got the washing hanged on the line, lovely !
    Love and hugs to all Maria xx

    1. Thank you Maria! Pleased your husband is a little less grizzly! Mine is sniffing and sneezing less too! Hope he hasn't kindly passed it on! Xxx

    2. Myra mine is sniffing and sneezing too! Must be a man thing! Just hope he doesn't give it to Emma - or me! Xxx

    3. It most definitely is! Keep smiling! Xxx

  19. Hello Sandra,
    I hope you are feeling a bit easier today, and that your mouth is not so swollen. I too have a fear of dentists after being treated by the school dentist in the 50's. Not for the faint-hearted that, and then in the Sanatorium when I was 14 and the dentist that came in had a drink problem. He would be swaying as he was drilling. He drilled nearly every tooth in my head during the year I was there. He was a complete monster.
    Right, the card, Michele it's contemporary and modern, and I like it very much. It's perfect for the couple who do not like fancy things - like one of my neices.
    Myra, your candles are o.k., if you like that sort of thing. Oooh I can hear the gasps from hear, all right they are gorgeous. I think I will have to arm wrestle you, Patricia and Saba for the cup with the moulded flower!! Actually, they are all beautiful and I am very impressed at how your wicks are dead straight, and not lying like a drunken Muriel!!
    I'm late in today because after going into school this morning, I came home and had to be rushed to A & E. I'd hung washing out before school and George casually said - when he picked me up - that he'd brought the washing in and hung the next load out!!! (Wish I knew how to type the "Physco" music.) There were towels hung all higgledy piggledy, with nighties and face clothes in between, then more towels and face clothes, all with odd pegs and not in pairs. They were also with the wind blowing the wrong way, if you know what I mean. Oh I nearly fainted on the spot!
    I've had a strong coffee with double Baileys and am recovering slowly, I think I'll have another Baileys as the sun is over the yardarm in Australia. lol. Just in case you think I just left them like that, think again.
    I am about to start ironing the first load and will get the others as they will be ready.
    I'll see you all later but I'm with Myra (not literally) when she says she's looking forward to October.
    I wonder if I dare have a go at doing the candles, now how do you get candle grease out of .........................!!?@#**!!!
    Dainty, your glasses are on the top of your head.
    Love Muriel hic xxxx

    1. Oh! My! Goodness!!! Maueeen I had "palpitations" reading the "washing bit". Had to have a cuppa and a lie down xxx

    2. Patricia, YOU had palpitations, they nearly had to call an ambulance for me lol xxx

    3. Oh Maureen, We all have palpitations now, I could feel the panic as I was reading post. Hope you have had a lie down, and lots of deep breathing - or just get the paper bag and breath into it - Deep ones in - Slow ones out ...... Now once again, keep doing it until you feel calm. In the mean time I will just keep an EYE (the one that was tested) on you and the other on the Baileys - Hic! xx

    4. Brenda! You are just as bad as Muriel! Oh yes you are!
      I thought you'd been ill too, Muriel, you rascal! Not that I care of course! If you believe that you'll believe anything ! Poor George he was trying to help! He did help - a little - but it's not his fault the washing machine mixed everything up !
      As for the wicks - they stood tall and straight because Theresa' s excellent instructions ensured they would ( all about sticks and easy lift tape!! Xxx

    5. You are so bad together hihi
      Sticks and easy lift tape ey is that better than the blue ones ? Lol

    6. Haha Maureen you had me worried there! I thought George had hung you on the line for a minute!!! I'm just watching the film Mr & Mrs Smith - reminds me of you and George! Xxx

  20. Good afternoon my lovelies,
    I may need you to send me some cards to show tomorrow as I'm struggling a bit today, my mouth and face are so painful it's making me feel rubbish!
    Still no call from the bloody dentist with results of my X-ray, I am continuing with antibiotics though, so hopefully so relief is around the corner!
    Sorry to be a pest, thanks for all your love and support!
    Love and hugs
    Sandra xxxx

    1. Ooh Sandra! I'm so sorry you are in so much pain! That's just awful.
      Hopefully the antibiotics will help soon. Thank you for today's surprise! Xxx

    2. Sandra, I have tried twice to send you some photos, both times they were returned to my mail box. SORRY will give it some attention tomorrow. I'm sure one of the clever ladies will have sent something by now. Love and Hugs Brenda xxx

  21. Sandra sorry you are feeling rubbish still, that's not good that they haven't got in touch! Keep taking the tablets.
    Maureen you nearly had me in A&E I thought " oh no what has she done now" Till I read on and find out it was just George being very kind and helpful, ok the washing was pegged out a bit wrong. BUT he did hang it out it could have been still in the machine??? Poor George.
    Myra. I think you will have this lot fighting over your little cup with the flowers? I see you like Lladro to??? I have a few pieces.
    Well we are going away to get sorted out then off out for the day, weather looking ok, oh I will take that back! It's going to be the day they said it would be wall to wall sunshine and very hot 30c plus. We are off to the coast so hopefully the sea breeze will make it comfortable.
    (((((( hugs)))))) to all of you who need them, especially Sandra.
    Hazel x

    1. Thanks Hazel I do like Lladro but I put her in because Inthought it helped with dimension as my cups were all quite small! Hope you are having a lovely day! Xxx

  22. Hi Sandra and all in cafe.
    Sandra sorry you are still in pain hope antibiotics kick in soon I am sending lots of hugs to you.
    Michelle I do like you card very simple but effective.
    Myra your candles are perfect a super way to use odd cups and saucers.
    Had a good day in sunshine played boule or to give it it's proper name, petangue, it's a great game and you get to meet lots of lovely people almost as many as I have met in the cafe.
    Had my tea and cake put money in pot and washed up of course, Hugs to all especially to Sandra.
    Love Margaret xx

    1. Thanks Margaret and glad you enjoyed your game ! We have watched this with interest in France but never played! Xxx

  23. Hello Sandra and all the cafe crew, Sandra sorry to hear you are suffering with toothache, hope the antibiotics kick in soon and you get the call from the dentist, makes you realise what little babies go through when teething doesn't it. Michelle your card is gorgeous, very clean and simple but stunning. Myra you are so clever making these candle, I had a try once a while ago and couldn't get them so smooth. Well done to achieve such perfection. Had a busy day here today, craft class this afternoon and then took the doggies out for a walk. Cut the grass when I came back and now it's tea time, can't think what to have for tea today, I always get like this when the weather is warm, don't mind salad but not a great fan. I do hope you feel better Sandra and anyone else who is feeling a bit under the weather.
    Have refilled the basket with some hugs as it is getting rather late in the day,
    Take care all
    Jean x

  24. Goodness it's Thursday evening already ... Elaine comes this evening.
    Have not seen each other for 3 weeks, we will have lots to catch up on.
    Just hope she goes home before Midnight. I have been busy this afternoon doing a lot of little jobs that needed done. Nearly there, just a few more to do. John bought a couple a pairs of trousers before we went on holiday. They need shortened, that's tomorrow mornings job.
    Must go, here's Audrey. xxx

  25. Well! I've been a busy bee but seem to achieved a lot today which is always good! We went to the garden centre and got plants! Close your ears for a minute PATRICIA - it was so warm I was wearing a short sleeved top and a skirt! Ok PATRICIA - safe to come out! Considering I wore my boots on Monday this is progress! Came in, made coffee, had it in the garden and then put most of the plants in! I'm in charge of pots and hanging baskets - I'm not deemed safe enough with anything else! Just kidding! It's the finishing touches that make the garden!
    After all that work dinner was a pasta dish! I don't want to burn myself out!!
    I'm now going to go and read all today's comments! Hope you've been a good girl Muriel. -- Hope springs eternal in the human breast! Xxx

    1. Steady on Myra, having it in the garden? That sun has certainly gone to your head! x

    2. CHERYL!!!! Don't you have coffee in the garden then? Xxx

    3. Can I confess to sitting on the back door step having my cup of tea today. It was lovely in the sun! Xxx

    4. Diane, I've got no problem with that at all! I was on a chair but as Muriel will confirm - I am old! Xxx

  26. What are you lot like with your washing! It's beyond me. I have plastic pegs, wooden pegs, mismatched pegs and some which you just push on, you know the old fashioned sort. My washing gets hung out according to a very strict code, if I pull out a shirt it gets pegged out, then whatever else comes out of my wash bag goes out next. It dries, the shirt has no problems being next to the tea towel which has no problem being next to the handkerchief.
    Now dentists, they are another matter and I think we are all in agreement they are the stuff of nightmares. I too had a bad experience as a child with a monster dentist. I will never forget him as long as I live. I can even remember his name and he got struck off when I was about 7. He actually slapped me across the face once. Admittedly I bit him and am proud to say fetched blood but I didn't think that warranted being slapped. That's not why he got struck off though, I never told my mum he had slapped me as I thought I might get into trouble for biting him!!!
    Had a good cycle ride this afternoon. It was glorious weather and I think it probably did me good, we shall see in the morning whether I can walk or not.
    Love Saba
    Ps, with regard to the above mentioned teacup, I actually have a beautiful Lladro lady whose skirt is the exact shade of green as the flowers on the said teacup. They were made for one another. Beat that if you can!!

    1. I don't feel any pressure at all! Xxx

    2. Dearest Saba,
      I have the saucer to match the cup!!! (If you believe that, you'll believe anything). I can see you now, walking as though you'd filled your pants - that's what I do when my back's bad but I don't know if it will be your legs, thighs or bottom that will give you gyp. xxx

    3. "I was born under a wandrin' star" xxxx
      "What a picture - What a photograph! "

  27. Good evening Sandra & Ladies.
    Sandra so sorry your still in a lot of Pain with your mouth keep taking the tablets.
    Hope you get sorted out soon my lovely.
    MICHELLE your card is lovely very clean & simple & gorgeous.
    MYRA WOW your candels are amazing & so perfect each one so smooth I'm loveing your cups & saucers the one with the flower is gogeous my favourite also love the bowl with lid your so clever,you should be very proud.of them.
    MAUREEN you gave me a shock I thought you had a funny turn having to go
    A & E. But it was poor George hanging the washing out wrongly bless him he dose try Muriel,& last night you were going to hit him with the rubber mallet.
    Mind you it must be a man thing as OH hangs my washing on the line worse than George.In need of Baileys now.Hope Margaret is ok didn't see her on the way down,also didn't see Sheila sending them both Hug's.
    Had busy day housework, cleaned Freddy's Parrot cage out not my favourite job two wash loads all dried & ironed & put away. Had my hair cut & highlights done ( mobile hairdresser) Started on my Brothers 70 th birthday card not finished it.Then cut a lot of mixed colour flower's from Sue's new fold over die,quite pleased.with them. Then did dinner & cleared up.Now Shattered.Another Bailey's please Maureen are the drips sorted.
    Love & Hug's Lynda xx

  28. Oh my Lynda, I'm worn out just reading what you've done. The Bailey's drips are all ready, just hook yourself up and have an emergency transfusion!!
    I got my washing dry but have spent a couple of hours sorting my craft room, then another hour putting it all back the way it was!! I can't tell you how many times I do this. It's usually when inspiration deserts me, and I sort out my dies, stamps and everything else to remind me what I have. Then by the time I think "Oh, yes, I'll do such and such" it's late and time to go to bed.
    Well St George is here, he hasn't played bowls tonight, but still went to watch a game. He's lyiing watching the news, with a couple of Margaret's bags on his legs, and yes Lynda, I have the rubber mallet ready to bop him one if he annoys me!!! lol.
    Good night everyone and sweet dreams, Sandra, I hope you get some relief tonight. I am sooo tired, I can't even be bothered to annoy Myra!!!
    love Murial xxx

    1. Muriel, dear heart, I have the teapot, cream jug and sugar bowl.
      Sleep well

    2. Wow! You must be tired! Please don't lie in bed wondering what you can do to annoy me In the morning! It will be manic Friday here as usual ! I can't cope with any more stress! Sleep well, my friend! Xxx

  29. Me again,
    Just been looking back at previous comments and it would seem my thighs have been mentioned a few times. Well it's not my thighs you need worry about, despite having a jelly seat, it is my bottom which seems a bit tender.
    Myra your German is very good, well done. Don't use it though otherwise people will think that you have a bicycle which is capable of thinking. If you want to command ( and they are very good at commands) then you use the imperative form so think bike would be Denk Fahrrad. But anyway they don't have it here. Cars and cycles generally just jockey for position at traffic lights and get in each other's way, nobody wears a helmet and if you dare to walk in a bicycle lane you run the risk of serious injury. They take the attitude, bicycle lane, I have right of way therefore I would rather knock you over than go around you. It's all good fun.

    1. Saba, I have a three tier cake stand with matching knife xxxx

    2. Marmalade pot with matching spoon!!!!

    3. Thank you ! I like to learn! I did say I was translating from one to the other! It can go very badly wrong! Xxx

    4. Myra, you have no idea just how wrong it can go. I once told a complete stranger that both my girls were virgins when what I really wanted to say was that they were young ladies. And another time mentioned that the weather was very homosexual when really I meant it was humid.

    5. Oh Wow! You are a lovely lady! You have made me feel so much better! Living in another country must be so difficult. German is a tricky language a bit like Latin on the tense front! This is going to sound really silly but I always though being Scottish helped with German because of the sounds etc! Xxx

    6. I think you are right and they also have some similar words, a Kirk is a Kirche. The tenses are a bit tricky and they don't always seem to have any rhyme or reason to them, for example, you ask a question using one tense, but answer a question using the other. And that determines which endings are used. But enough of german grammar.
      There is a brilliant book called the terrible German language by Mark Twain which is hilarious and highlights just how easy it is to make mistakes with this language.

    7. Saba! I can manage on my own I think! However it won't stop me loving language! Its the ch 's that help! Not just in translation but pronunciation! Loch not lock! Xxx

    8. Exactly Janice!! Xxx

  30. Hi Sandra
    Hopefully you are tucked up in bed by now, I hope the antibiotics work soon and the dentist rings you back. Just take it easy my sweetheart. Xxx
    Right I must go to bed, got to get up early tomorrow to take Emma to college. It's her first exam so. Things will be rather fraught!!!!
    See you all tomorrow
    Love Diane xxx
    Ps Saba and Maureen I've got a full dinner service with matching candelabra but I'm missing a cup! Lol xxx

    1. Diane! I'm speechless and as you know this is a rare occurrence!
      Emma all the best for tomorrow!
      My granddaughter 's GCSE's are nearly over! Emma I am wishing you well! Xxxx

    2. Diane,
      I have 3 vegetable tureens, a gravy boat, a set of matching vases and am busy redecorating my dining room a gentle shade of green.
      Give Emma a big hug and wish her all the best.

    3. Diane, Good luck to Emma for tomorrow.

    4. I'm googling to see where I can buy more cups ! Xxx

  31. MYRA:- some are envious of your beautiful cup !!!
    Think I put my shout in first though ..... oh! maybe it was Hazel must go back and look. Dual at 20 paces if it was.
    Busy night here, Audrey had just gone when Elaine arrived ...... I will "float" off to bed.
    I have had so many cups of tea I will be up a few times during the night ....... this getting old is a right pain in the bum!!! Bit of a "pun" there I think. xxx

    1. Patriciia, it sounds like if you have had so many cups of tea tonight you don't need another cup, let alone the most adorable cup I have ever seen in my entire life.
      Sleep well, try not to wet the bed.xxxx

    2. Oh Patricia, I wish I had a full set! Not of teeth - they're as well as can be expected - of china ! Hope you don't have to get up too often!! Xxx

    3. Oh Patricia, I was typing at the same time as Saba! I'm shocked! Xxx

    4. Myra, what's so shocking about simultaneously typing?

    5. I missed that quip until you'd gone to bed! Shucks ! Xxx

  32. Hot water bag filled. That's me off to bed.
    Sleep well my friends see you in the morning
    Good night, God Bless xxx

  33. I'm going to bed now so I wish you all a good night!
    Sandra, hope you get some too , Hugs to all!

  34. A quick message I commented twice yesterday and can't see either of them Tried again earlier and can't see that Hope this one works

    1. Karen, you are having a bad time! Sleep well! Hope you and internet connections are better in the morning! Xxx

  35. Just a quick note have been so busy today sorry, where does the time go please will someone stop the world while I try and catch up.
    Michele your card is wonderful I love the clean lines I do hope they like it,
    Oh Myra I do like the look of your curtains what a lovely shade. Your candles are fantastic and those wicks standing up so very proud how did you do that? The china looks really lovely and the crystal too such a lovely idea. I will be looking at china in the charity shop with a whole different idea now thanks to you.
    Sandra I do hope you are beginning to feel a little better but Oh that dentist how dreadful, I have the most wonderful dentist I take her chocolate cake and get a hug from her! Honestly I do.
    Well I must go to bed before I fall asleep so I will leave my hugs over in the corner and wish you all sweet dreams.
    Good night and God Bless
    Margaret xxx

    1. Margaret, I really must try that trick with my dentist, would much prefer a hug to a scale and polish!
      Poor Myra, we have all been battling over her teacup and now it seems you are after her curtains. Good job Alastair wasn't in the photo she might have fallen out with us all by now.
      Sweet dreams, God bless xxxx

    2. Am I last in again, really it takes me so long to catch u with everyone's day.
      Love to all,
      Night night

    3. oops, the p is not always working on my keyboard. Not a dig at you Patricia.

    4. Oh Margaret I thought they were a bit out of date! However having said that - they'll have to do! At the other end of the room we have patio doors and there is also a side window,! Curtains cost a lot !! Maybe I need to sell some candles - no lots of candles!! Night Night All! Xxxx

  36. I think I will head off to bed as well, nice to see you Janice even though briefly.
    Myra, hope you are not thinking of doing your ironing.
    Karen, hope your internet behaves.
    See you all tomorrow,
    Night and God bless
    Saba xxx

  37. No way Jose! I've been gardening ! Ironing is a step too far! However I've only washed towels today - does anyone know where they all come from? I've changed the bed but bedding in machine for morning! Night Night everyone! Sleep well! Xxxx

  38. Night night Myra. Glad everyone likes your candles. Especially Theresa. Had lovely lunch, sat outside and put the world to rights til after 4pm. Granddaughter wants me to go round to help her make a card for her friends birthday tomorrow. Her dad said I thought you would be able to do it on your own now. Scarlett said I want this one to be extra special. No pressure then. Ha ha. She wanted me to go today but as it was nearly 6pm I said it was a bit late. We ended up chatting on FaceTime for well over an hour so I might as well of gone today. Well it's bed time and looks as if everyone else has gone so will just tidy up and go.

    1. Night Night Brenda! Sounds as if you had a nice day - less stressful than yesterday! Xx

  39. Oh dear it's dark again in here, will go and have my tea in the hotel instead at least people are still up,here, well it's is only 5.15 pm. See you guys in the mirning. Hazel x
