
Friday 5 June 2015

Good Morning Ladies,
I have a few pics to share with you today, I don't think that I have shown this card of Janet's
before, I love the shape of this card as well as its composition.  The colour is gorgeous
too, the floral spray in the middle is so pretty, thank you Janet for sharing your card with all of us.

Now can you guess who this proud 'Mamgu' is??? (that's welsh for Grandma)!! Well I will give you
a little clue, the beautiful baby is little Milly-May!! yes that's right its our lovely Cheryl, you look so proud my lovely, thank you so very much for sharing your amazing cards and photos Cheryl xxxx

 Now study this photo carefully.......look at the lady on the right with 42 on their chest, can you
guess who it is....?????  its our Michele, after an amazing achievement!  Thank you lovely pic xxx
Well that's it for today, I hope that you are all well and looking forward to the weekend, sadly not a long one this week! 
I am hoping for the sun to shine as I want to see our new tent erected in the garden, it was so lovely when Sue as here on Wednesday when the tent parcels arrived, Sue was as excited as I was to get it out of the box, so lovely for someone to be as enthusiastic as me, we are alike in so many ways, its just fab!
Pat I hope you are enjoying the gorgeous Italian Sunshine, I am missing you already! xxx
Thank you to all of you that sent cards and things for me to share, you are all such amazing friends!
I will share then over the coming days, I would also like to see some photographs of all of you that
we haven't had a mugshot of so far, handy to put up for birthdays too, so come on Maureen, Margaret, Myra, Jess, Diane,Janice, Patricia, Brenda, Brenda, Saba, Sam, Jacquie, Sue, Jean, Janet,
I think that's everyone we haven't seen so far,
Don't forget Crafts for Saturday please x
Sending love and Hugs


  1. Last out and first in the coffee shop I see? And I haven't been to sleep yet? Good morning Sandra, I hope the pain has settled down a good bit?
    Janet I love your card, I have that die and thanks to you I have just seen another way to use it, your floral display is beautiful.
    Cheryl, a very proud great grandma showing us her gorgeous little bundle of joy.
    Michele. Well done.
    And thank you Sandra for sharing these with us.
    Now I have put on my blog a little gift for Maureen! NO not a " Mountie" gave up looking for one of them, I got her something better! A Creek named after her. Not many of us have that do we??? Which will be there longer than any mountie.
    Right all set up for the day, did most of it last night - well earlier for me that was.
    We were out for tea at another one of Charlis sisters, so another family member visited and off the list. Thank goodness we don't have to meet all the children and grand children of his sisters and brothers, we would need weeks and weeks here.
    Right I will take my tea and just sit and see if any one pops in. Hazel x

    1. So lovely to here from you Hazel, you must getting through the family tick list by now, how many more do you have to visit?
      What a treat for Maureen!!! Her own lake, well discovered Hazel, it's a shame you didn't have a photo of Maureen, you could have gone and 'staked her claim on it', it's been so amazing sharing your travels with you Hazel thank you xx

    2. Hi Hazel,Good Morning - when it comes! So pleased you having a lovely time. Maureen Creek! I'm quite speechless , but I'm sure the lady herself won't be ! First of all I thought you'd found a Greek!
      All That came into my head was - up the creek without a paddle!
      Lots of love, Myra xxx

    3. Well done Hazel, I can't tell you how many things have been named after me - mainly because I think that's the only one!!! Now a Greek, Myra I think you've hit the nail on the head. That would do very nicely instead of a Mountie!!! lol.

  2. Morning Ladies

    Janet-your card is stunning . I love the sparkle in the backyard-what have you used to achieve that?

    Milky-May is so cute. She looks like she's about to start singing in the photo.

    The photo with me on it was taken part way through the 7 mile sponsored walk I did a few weeks ago. It was to raise money for the local hospice (Queenscourt) as they looked after my Mum 2 years ago and more recently my dear friend + colleague Dave. The photo is some of Team Pharmacy that joined in the fun. So far we have raised over £1000 as a team but much more with individual sponsor money.

    Tonight I'm off out to the hospital Pride Awards-staff can nominate colleagues for an award. One of the Pharmacists has been nominated for Health Professional of the Year & he stands a very good chance of winning. I can't be out too late (or drink too much) as I've booked a "pamper session " for 9.30am tomorrow-it was a birthday present from my boss. I'm looking forward to hoing but I have to go to the hardware store straight from the pamper session so I might get a few odd looks. My greenhouse automatic vent has stopped working which is typical now the weather has changed and it's quite warm + sunny!


    1. Hi Michele,

      I think we were all typing at the same time.
      Well done on raising so much. They will appreciate every penny of it.

      Unpredictive text has struck again, I've typed in Milly-May and have come up with Milky-May too. lol. xxx

    2. Hi Michele,
      You don't look to bad (exhaustion wise) considering you are part way through that long distance! You should be so proud of yourself, what a huge achievement !
      Have a fab time at the awards tonight, I hope your colleague's efforts are recognised, it makes your job a little easier to do when you have recognition for the extra effort you put in!
      Enjoy your well deserved pamper session tomorrow, what treatments are you having ?
      Look forward to hearing all about it over the weekend!
      Love and hugs
      Sandra xxxx

    3. Milky May is very suitable for a little baby! Xxx
      Congratulations Michele and I hope your colleague wins tonight! Xx

    4. Well done Michele for collecting all that money for the hospice.
      Enjoy your evening and tomorrows pampering. xx

    5. Michele, you're a star! Enjoy the evening, careful if you come in here later on, keep off the Baileys or you'll miss tomorrow's pampering altogether!
      Muriel xxx

    6. Hi Michele
      Congratulations on the walk and raising so much money - good for you - and you don't look too exhausted!
      I was wondering what sort of pampering you were having to need the hardware shop afterwards for a minute! Teak oil instead of spray tan? I know I use polly filler and have the cement lorry on daily delivery but that's just me :) enjoy the awards and your pamper, I hope your colleague wins xxx

    7. Hi Michele
      What a fantastic achievement on raising money for the Hospice. Not to sure what we'd do without all these wonderful dedicated people. I hope you enjoy the awards and hope that all your and your colleagues hard work will be rewarded. What would we do without you all.

  3. Good morning Sandra and the Gang!!
    Beautiful card from Janet, I just love the use of the Dies. The colour and shape is fantastic, love it.
    Well Cheryl!!! how delighted are you?? Your smile says it all .... that little cutie is so beautiful, one proud Grandma there that's for sure.
    Michele, well done ... the feeling you get when you have achieved something like that is amazing.
    My friend Elaine left before Midnight ...... we did have a great laugh and catch up. Even spoke about saving for a trip away later next year. I have not done a trip away just Elaine & I for a few years. We will not be camping!! Sandra I hope the weather is good over the weekend so you can get your Tent up and Tested. John & Audrey bought a new bigger tent about 6 weeks ago and have not managed to get it up and tested yet.
    Got my Tea & Toast, I am over in the corner to have a chat with Hazel. Don't tell her ..... I am really missing our LONG daily chats. We have been chatting but not as long as we usually do.
    Right folks I better get a move on, lots to do. Tell you what though I have not had any inclination to do any crafting. I have had scissors in my hand but certainly not for crafting. My Mojo is still in Turkey, i might have to jump on a plane go find it.
    (((((Hugs))))) in the basket by the door as usual. See you all later xxx

    1. Hi Patricia,
      So pleased that you had a fun evening with Elaine, where are you thinking of going on your trip? I think it sounds a fab idea.
      I could imagine you camping, getting involved with the grandchildren, also it's so nice to go away and have no distractions like tv, games consoles etc, just board games and family, I love it, seeing the girls just relaxing in the sun reading a book, they wouldn't do that at home !
      Bless you, it's a while since you and Hazel sat down together to have a proper catch up, not long now though !
      How frustrating losing your Mojo, why don't you get some of those beautiful stamps of yours out and have a play, use a different colour to stamp them up in, just a simple idea but it might work!
      I look forward to seeing the results!
      Well I must go and take my antibiotics!
      Love and hugs
      Sandra xxx

    2. Hi Patricia, I'm not a happy camper either! We had this discussion and I said I was with Margaret!! Glad you had a nice evening with Elaine. I'm sure you are missing Hazel and she will be missing you too! Xxx

    3. Hazel and I spent many holidays camping when we were little. I would happily go on a camping holiday with John, Audrey and the boys but John definitely will NOT join us.
      Elaine and I are thinking about another trip to the USA. We have done lots of trips in the past. Elaine has been very involved with businesses and family. After a recent spell of "thinking" about "herself" it has dawned on her we need to be on our travels again. xxx

    4. Tell your John not to worry he can join Myra and I as we like luxury!!!

    5. What a good idea, Margaret! Xxx

    6. He'd like that, you might even get him to buy you dinner a couple of times. xxx

    7. Patricia, I enjoy camping, but not as much as when I was younger. And George wouldn't even contemplate it now. Mind, we always went to sites with all the amenities, no farmer's field and a bucket for me!!! Don't worry, Hazel will be back before you know it and you'll be talking non-stop for days.
      Muriel xx

  4. Good mornings to everyone,

    Congratulations Michele on your wonderful achievement. How much did you all raise for such a worthy cause?

    Janet, I'm loving your hexagonal card, so pretty yet ornate.

    And little Milly-May, oh she is such a sweetie. So very placid seeing as she gets passed around so much, everyone wants a cuddle. Mamgu is pronounced Mamgee. My SIL comes from South Wales and suggested this name otherwise Milly-May would have too many nannies ( from divorces and new partners).

    One last piece of skirting to paint then I'm off to order the flooring and then my shower room will be finished. Hooray! A big clean up today and stow away all decorating equipment etc.
    More crafting over the weekend, we have our Church Fete in mid July, where I have a stall to raise funds for Cardiomyopathy UK. They were the biggest help to me when my Pete left us to dance with the angels.
    See you later
    love 7 hugs
    Cheryl xxx

    1. Hi Cheryl!
      I love your photograph and you look so happy with the gorgeous Milly May! I like your name too! It's different and too many Grannies or Grandmas can cause confusion! Thank you for sharing your lovely photo! All the best with the clean up! I'm doing the same , only stopped for a coffee break! Xxx

    2. She is lovely Cheryl. My children and then my niece always called my mother in law Gu. Her mother was Mamgu. Enjoy.

    3. Hi Cheryl,
      gorgeous photo of you and Milly-May. She is so sweet <3
      take care and hugs,
      Maria xx

    4. Cheryl dear, what a beauty. No, not you - Milly-May!!! She's absolutely gorgeous, you must be proud as punch. It's a lovely photo of the two of you.
      Maureen xxx

    5. Oh Cheryl she's a little poppet, and your not so bad yourself! You look very proud and I love the name too xxx

    6. Hi Cheryl
      Beautiful photo you look so happy holding your Gorgeous Milly May & so you should. Make the most of them cuddles,they seem to grow up so quick,I can't believe my little grandson Harry is now one year old on the 12th where has that year gone. Hug's Lynda xx

  5. Wow Sandra, you have done marvelous today, beautiful card from Janet and fabulous pictures of Cheryl & Michelle. Both proud Ladies and rightly so.

    Now Sandra, these pictures you want, are you trying to frighten everyone away? Lol! Now I have to admit I have tried loading up a picture of myself onto my blog with no joy so maybe I will be brave and send you that one lol!
    Have a fabulous weekend

    love & Hugs

    Jacquie J xxx

    1. That's how I felt when I read that request!! Think I'll send one of me aged 5 yrs! Xxx

    2. I will stick with the picture you can see every day xxxx

    3. Jacquie, I've tried to add a photo to the right hand side where everybody is named, but for some reason it won't do it. Do you think the laptop is trying to tell me something!!! I'll have to send one to Sandra via e-mail and she'll have to put out a general warning before she posts it. Don't believe Myra, I've seen her photo and she's quite normal!!!! (she's a picture really)
      Muriel xxx

    4. More like a disaster movie!! Xx

  6. Sandra, can you send me your e-mail address through to me again please as my system wont accept the one I have lol! Send it to

    Thank you

    Love & Hugs
    Jacquie xxx

  7. Good morning Sandra and ladies
    Janet your card is stunning love the shape of it and your flowers are beautiful.
    Michelle well done you, I bet you were pretty tired after your walk.
    Cheryl, Milly-May is gorgeous, such a proud granny.
    Sandra do you want to scare everyone away asking for photos of me, I hate getting photos taken, maybe I can find one that doesn't look too bad.
    Good luck with the tent, I hope it is an easy one to do, I think the new ones are much simpler than the ones we used to see, I m not a camper, but I can appreciate how some people love it.
    Been a busy week for me,
    Monday, craft time with Chernobyl children.
    Tuesday, shop cover at Klassy Kards.
    Wednesday, out with friends in the afternoon, card class at night.
    Thursday, shop cover at Klassy Kards.
    Friday- today, shop cover at our craft shop, Ochil Crafts.
    No card making done this week, I'm exhausted just typing this.

    Hazel so glad you are having a great time and finding the creek.
    Hope to catch up later, take care, Jess x

    1. Jess I think you need to have Saturday - sit down and put feet up!!! Xxx

    2. JESS:- I am a bit tired reading what you have done this week.
      You need some "ME" time over the weekend.
      Hopefully we will get another "meet up" soon xxx

    3. Ecco of Sheffield5 June 2015 at 12:26

      Jess - you put me to shame having read your diary for this week.
      On the opposite side to you this week for me has been totally idle.
      I have crafted part of each day but at my speed and certainly no way near yours.
      Hope this week end will be a relaxing one for you.
      Hugs xxxx PS does your craft shop have a web site Please?

    4. Hi Jess, you did have a very busy week so hope you get a nice and relaxing weekend. You have seen mine now let see yours. (photo of course) xx

    5. Hi Jess,
      And b r e a t h e, take some time over the week end to re-charge the old batteries.
      Muriel xxx

    6. Hi Jess
      I know the feeling, Sandra is trying to frighten us all with our horror pictures. I just hate my picture. I look worse when I smile than when I don't. I was telling the people on the trip about an American saying he thought my voice was fabulous as I sounded just like Pam Ayres. I said I was mortified, they all fell about laughing and said I did sound like her.

  8. Hi Sandra and all in the cafe today. I am sorry that you were in so much pain yesterday my lovely, I do so hope that the antibiotics are starting to kick in today, and that the dentist pull their finger out and get the xray sorted!
    Janet, what a lovely card, I love unusual shaped cards and yours is beautiful, love the flowers : )
    Cheryl, what a little cutie Milly-May is and Mamgu looks so proud too. How lovely to be given a special name so that Mill-May can tell who is who : )
    Michele, you don't look like you had just walked 7 miles in this pic! I don't look this good after spending ages trying to : ) Congratulations again on raising such a lot of money. Please let us know what the total is once it is all in : )
    Thank you ladies for sharing : )
    I do hope that you manage to get the tent up either tomorrow or Sunday Sandra. I love camping, except when it rans, there is nothing to beat the relaxed feeling you get. Have fun x
    Right, I'm off as we are taking 10 Beaver Scouts into the woods for the day tomorrow so I have to get the kit etc. sorted today.
    Have a good day everyone. Try not to get too wet! It's rather different to yesterday isn't it? Take care xx

    1. Hi Sue, have a good time in the wood tomorrow, but watch out for the Bears because they are going to have a picnic!!
      Muriel xxx

    2. Sue, might just meet up with Hazels Bears xxx

    3. Hope you don't meet up with Hazel Blears! Ugh! Xxx

    4. Have fun in the woods tomorrow xx

  9. Hi Sandra and Everyone!
    Well it's manic Friday here and have made four coffees already! That's not counting my own - but the big Friday clean is going well!m
    Janet - your card is lovely and I love the colours used with the lovely focal point of the flowers and bow! I don't have the dies you have used by I like the ideas. Thank you!
    Sandra - how's the pain today? Hope you are feeling a lot better and you get to the root of the problem if you pardon the pun! Xxx
    I will pop back later but have left messages on the way down!
    Lots of love, Myra xxx

    1. Myra, Friday is "quick clean" though day for us. Can't get a move on today for some reason. Needed a kick up the bum today to get started. I tried convincing myself that's it not needing much done with being away. I do my "big clean" on Monday's.
      Stopped for a quick cuppa and a chat with some of those guys over in the corner. xxx

    2. Hi Myra,
      When you've finished there pop up here please, thank you.
      Muriel xx

    3. I'm not as young as I used to be you know! Xx

  10. Good morning Sandra and crew,
    I hope your antibiotics are starting to work. I can just imagine your excitement waiting to put up the tent. Will you be testing it and sleeping in the garden this weekend?
    Janet, your card is lovely, love the design and the unusual shape and your flowers are beautiful.
    Chery, what a gorgeous photo, the joy just shines out of your eyes. Milly May is beautiful and I love your name, we are Omi and Opa to two of ours.
    Michele, well done, you look like you had all enjoyed it.
    Hazel, we have similar problems when we come home at Christmas for two weeks. It's just not possible to get round all the family otherwise you don't get a holiday at all and none of them live in the area. We have to prioritise and Val and our girls are the important ones so we don't often get to see the extended family.
    I'm going to pop over and have a look at Maureen's Creek in a minute.
    Jess, what a week you have had, although as most of it has been surrounded by craft it sounds good to me.
    Sue, hope you don't loose any of those Beavers tomorrow!
    Myra, hope the staff are not expecting cake with their coffee. It must be so difficult providing for them all!!
    Must go put the washing out, first lot done and must be dry by now.
    Love and hugs
    Saba xxx

    1. SABA:- is the washing hung with "matching" clothes pins???
      My goodness Myra is really good to here staff if she gives them "cake" with their coffee. xxx

    2. Saba,
      The only staff I have is made of wood! Xxx

    3. Myra, we have a couple of them.
      Keep threatening John if does not behave I will use them!!!

    4. Keep your eye on your washing Saba, it is raining over here!

    5. Saba, if you are four floor up and have no lift where do you hang the washing? On the roof? Nosey Myra xxx

    6. Saba,
      I've been trying to start my ironing for 1/2 hour but it's taking forever to read the comments, and to add posts on the way down. By the way
      where DO you hang your washing.
      Margaret, still glorious sunshine in Newcastle.
      I still think a very large rubber mallet is the answer to most problems of the man kind!!!
      Muriel xxx

    7. Ladies, You don't want everyone to see your bloomers lol. but living in a apartment you usually have a drying stand or washing line and wooden pegs on the balcony and if you haven't got the machine in the flat you normally have a little launderette in the cellar ,quite convenient.

    8. Thank you Maria! We have led such sheltered lives here ! Xxx

  11. Hello Sandra and everyone in the coffee shop,
    Sandra I hope you are feeling better today and your antibiotics are starting to work, it's frustrating because it often takes at least 48 hours for them to kick in. Have fun putting up the new tent this weekend. I'm sure you will all have great fun doing it. Will the girls be wanting to book their own space in it?

    JANET, Your card is lovely, the hint of teal is very tastefully added and doesn't overpower the design.
    CHERYL, I think Milly - May will want to treasure this photograph of Mamgu holding her, it is lovely. Your special name reminded me of two of our grandchildren. They are the same age born 18 days apart, they called John 'Papa Dom' we used to laugh it made him sound like the Pizza company!!!!!
    MICHELE, Well done, you should all be very proud of your outstanding effort for a very good cause.
    Must get on enjoyed my coffee and scone, washed up and put money in pot.
    See you all later, by the way has anyone seen NORAH ? Her basket of hugs needs topping up!
    Love and hugs to everyone, Brenda xxx

    CHERYL , I meant to say we often put captions underneath our photographs, I was thinking one for your photograph could be Milly - May saying "Oh not another photo call"

    1. Brenda, that would be a good caption for a scrapbooking page.

    2. What a beautiful caption Brenda, I will certainly use it. Thank you xxx

  12. Good afternoon Sandra and all the coffee shop crew
    Wow Janet your card is absolutely divine love the shape, the colours and especially love your design and the flowers.
    Cheryl what an adorable little treasure she is such a sweetie and you look so very happy enjoy every minute of her, it is amazing just how quickly they grow up.
    Lovely to see you Michele and well done too.
    Well I have got all the washing done and with help it is all out but there are some dark clouds looming please don't let it rain! Got my card orders completed and some sewing done too so at last I can have a play this afternoon!
    Enjoy your day everyone will pop in later my hugs and cuddles are over in the corner just help yourselves.
    Margaret xxx

    1. Hope your washing was hung out to "perfection" and the clouds stayed away xxx

    2. Oh yes I am getting Derek trained it was all hung out really well but the rain arrived so it is all in the dryer now! xxx

    3. Margaret, I hate it when that happens. Some days, I'm in and out like the woman on those German or Swiss clocks (Saba will keep me right)!
      Muriel xxx

    4. cuckoo ,cuckoo
      xx tihi

  13. Janet Ecco of Sheffield5 June 2015 at 12:46

    Afternoon Sandra and all who pop in today.
    Sandra I hope those meds are kicking in and that you feel somewhat better today. Hope the tent goes up easily. We have one a four person one and its a and so to put up. Jim and I have only done it once and then left it for Robert and Josh when they come from Holland.

    Cheryl - You look absolutely and completely content sat there nursing Lily-May. Make the most of these times as you know just how quickly they grow.
    Michele - you have all my admiration raising so much money for such a worthwhile cause. If your hospice is like ours here in Sheffield they rely on donations completely. I try to do my bit by making cards for their local shops.
    Well my card was one I made for one of my friends - we worked together for well over 20yrs and she too is now retired.
    I used the Efolder - pinpoint - one of Sue's of course
    The frame is from Sue's Noble Rectangle die
    The two dies are from the Gemini - Delphinus and then the Sintra from the Portugese set cut in white and backed by Teal
    The flowers are from my usual stash along with the usual Teal coloured seam binding bow.

    Off now to get things together for my Hairdresser who is due in 15mins.

    1. Janet, your card is truly beautiful, your friend would adore it.
      Enjoy the hairdresser, oops she'll be finished by now.
      Muriel xxx

    2. I do hope she has finished! Otherwise Janet won't need a haircut until next Christmas! Xx

  14. Hi Sandra
    Can I wish you all a lovely day from hit and sunny Sorrento. Sorry to rub it in ladies. Hope they manage to sort your teeth out for you, that's if it is your teeth. Sorry I can't email pictures vis facebook. When I get home I'll get Craig to sort out the mistake I made on setting the ipad up. Lovely handy work yesterday Myra and Michelle. Love todays as well. Janet, Michelle and lovely Cheryl with baby Milly May.

    1. Hello Pat, so glad you and Pete are enjoying some sunshine.
      Have a great day xxx

    2. Delighted to know you are enjoying the sun and warmth it will do you both the world of good Pat, by the way it is raining here and freezing cold, both of you enjoy your day xxx

    3. Pleased to hear you are enjoying yourselves and it is warm and sunny.

    4. Hi Pat, Glad you and Pete are relaxing and enjoying the sun.
      Muriel xxx

    5. Pat, so pleased someone is having lovely weather! Enjoy your holiday. Have the models and film crew moved on? Xx

    6. Glad you are enjoying the sunshine in Sorrento as much as I am here in Somerset. It's been a glorious day with just a few dark clouds that blew over quite quickly.
      I was born in Sorrento Nursing Hospital Birmingham. x

    7. Hi Pat,
      glad you and Pete have had a nice day and hopefully a nice evening too.
      hugs Maria

  15. Hi Ladies,
    Just been watching 1 o'clock News and it is BBC Music Day! Well I thought how about some song titles to fit our little group of happy crafters!
    " Memories are made of This ! " Not good! Could do better! Xxx

    1. Rain drops keep falling! how about this for starters?

    2. Hi Myra, "Tea for Two" would be good, except there's about 22 of us!!

    3. My daughter Fiona had one of those Fisher Price children's pretend radios that played Raindrops Keep Falling On my Head' over and over again. She kept pressing the button so must have liked the tune. My Mum & Dad didn't though. They were having my children to stay for a week when they still lived in Lichfield Staffordshire and it was playing all the way up the M5. Mum nearly through the thing out the car window!!! x

    4. We had a Postman Pat van like that! It played the tune over and over again. Xxx

    5. love you story Cheryl Lol My sister used to have a bag you shook and it was laughing, fun at first but after a while omg !

  16. "You are my Sunshine".
    Sorry I seem to have sun on the brain just now.......or lack of it.
    Well folks ... when we had those nice days in April we emptied the fireplace. Put the Fire Basket and all the "things" away.
    Maybe the 5th June but we have just reinstated the fire and put a match to it.
    I am sitting feet up looking at the lovely warming flames ..... luxury!!! xxx

    1. Hi Patricia,
      Good for you! Relax and enjoy the warmth! It's not really nice here today! My husband has a weather app on his phone! He has just announced that according to this daft app we should get rain by 3 30pm! Have I been cheered up knowing that - No!
      Hope it warms up where you are later! If not you've got the lovely fire! Xxx

    2. Well Patricia if you remember a little while ago I said it was early to put your fire to rest, good for you getting it on again we don't want you getting a chill after your holiday you just relax and watch the flames in fact why not make yourself a cuppa and toast some bread at the fire to me that would be sheer heaven.
      Well it is already raining up here in the Lakes Myra tell your hubby and we don't have a weather app! Just for good measure it is really cold too! Talk about flaming June when oh when is summer coming?

    3. That's the thing Margaret it will rain with or without the weather App!!
      I've got about 40mins left!! Ha ha ! Xxx

    4. Hi Myra, well it should be raining now according to your app. It's still warm and sunny here, but the wind is rising again (No, not mine!!)

    5. I thought I'd bore you with this too - why should I suffer alone?
      The weather App has changed it's " mind " . No rain until tonight now! It would have been right for Cumbria Margaret but it's meant to be local! It's still dry! Xxx

    6. The Sun Has Got His Hat On. Hip Hip Hip Hooray, xxx

    7. I may be repeating myself , but, it's still dry ! Hope your weather has improved in Scotland ladies? ! Xxx

    8. Turned out a rather nice evening, there even a bit of "sunshine" xxx

    9. We have a little sun not a lot but 'always look on the bright side of life' is what we do up here in the Lake District!!! xxx

    10. The little sunshine we have is making "All Things Bright and Beautiful" xxx

    11. I was thinking about " give me sunshine - give me rain " you see we are not unreasonable we just like moderation! Xxx

    12. "It's raining men" , up north in the south we have "summertime" xxx

  17. When my iPad plays up its like there is a 'Ghost in my machine' then 'I plead Insanity' but 'I get by with a bit of help from my friend'....'God bless you, you make me feel brand new' and we can be 'Happy Together' cos ''that's what friends are for'
    Think I need a rest, just want to say 'Thank you for being my friend' xxx

    1. Wow! Brenda - you do need a rest! Some great songs! My brain's not working today! I've cleaned to many windows! Xx

    2. Brenda, I bow to you - now will someone help me to get up!!!

    3. Why did you fall over? Too much Baileys!! Xx

    4. I did that once helping a friend do up her shoelaces and a minute later I sat on my fat arse Hihihi xx

  18. Where is Maureen has anyone seen her, or is she still looking a Hazel's blog and the picture of a particular Creek, I wonder will we have to bow now when she arrives? xxx

  19. Hi Sandra and all.
    Hope you had a ok night and that the antibiotics has now start working.
    Lovely card Janet ! haven't got any dies from the portuguese set but they are nice too.
    What was Sue's ever first die set called she came out with, any of you ladies know ?
    Milly-May and mamgu, Beautiful photo to treasure. She is adorable!
    Once again Congrats Michele to do the walk. I have done a few 'race for life' and the togetherness is amazing and of course all for a good course.
    Sandra, wonder if the girls will be the once road test the tent first. The weekend is meant to be nice.
    Have a good day Hazel but do make sure you have some time for yourself too. It's impossible to meet up with all even if you loved too, or not .
    Do not trip up Myra running around like the whirlwind, making coffee's for
    all today ? Done the Aqua and shopping this morning and that's it, now feeling really tired so will sit in the garden with the sun on my backside for some heat and doing the take a break crosswords, hope to see you later
    love and hugs Maria xx

    1. I think I'm right in saying Sue's first die collection was the Californian collection! That's where she comes from I think! Xxx

    2. Wow! Maria you have "sunshine" lucky you. You would need a "fur coat" on to sit in our garden this afternoon. xxx

    3. Maria,
      Sue's first die collection was Lattice Motifs and Lattice Accents, and I got them!!!
      Muriel xxx

    4. I'm wrong again! Typical - well at least I'm used to it! Xxx

    5. I have those Lattice Dies ........ now wonder where they are??? xxx

    6. That is nos.106 & 107 Spellbinders dies. I also have her Vintage Lace Accents (108) & Vintage lace Motifs (109) xxx

    7. Thanks ladies, would be nice to have them as they are special.
      Cheryl , I will search for them tomorrow Xxx

  20. Hellooooooooooooo,
    Well I finally got to the end of the posts and I have to go to get the ironing done before Eleanor and Zoe come in from the park.
    I've been in year 2 this morning, we've been painting pirate flags - then George and I went for a lovely lunch at our local. Came home brought the bedding in (which was pegged out by ME before going to school) and thought I'd pop on here for 1 minute!!!! before starting the ironing.
    I've said before but Janet your card is lovely.
    Cheryl, you and Milly-May are two cuties.
    I'll pop back later, I haven't even had time to look at this Creek!!
    Sandra, I do hope your mouth is a lot better today.
    Love Muriel xxxx

  21. Hi Sandra and all the lovely ladies
    Gosh I'm late again - sorry I was up early to take Emma to college for her first exam - statistics! I looked around the shops whilst I waited for her the bought her and a friend home. It seems to have been a good paper and they both seemed happy which is a good start. All systems go next week. I went out wearing a rain coat but it was very humid, it's quite sunny now though (yes my phone ap says things like that too but it often lies!)
    Sandra you sound a bit brighter today, hope your feeling more comfortable and the swelling is going down. I do feel for you. I hope those little lambs are behaving themselves. Looks like the weather should be good this weekend so the tent will hopefully go up. Just think that means holiday time is nearly here! Now have we got an infestation of mice and you need photos to keep them away? Lol. Will see what I can do for you. Xxx
    Janet your card is lovely, it's a pretty shape and the flowers set it off a treat, thank you for sharing xxxx
    Cheryl and Michele I left you comments above xxx
    Saba yes I'm curious too, where do you hang your washing???
    Hazel fancy finding Maureen up the creek - what a find! Xxx
    Well as for the tune for the day 'The lunatics are taking over the asylum ' sprung to mind or Monster Mash but then 'your beautiful' is probably more like it. :)
    I'd better got on with some ironing, I've done lots of washing this week but no ironing so the pile is getting a bit big! Might have to have a snooze after my early start too.
    See you later for a baileys :)
    Love Diane xxxx

    1. Hi Diane,
      Glad Emma was happy with the first paper. Wishing her the very best of luck for next week, she is a lucky girl having a mum who helps her with her studies, we will all be on tenterhooks waiting for her results.xxxx

    2. Go Emma! We're rooting for you! Xxx

    3. Hi Saba thank you I will pass on your good wishes to Emma. She learns best with topics written on record cards which we go through daily so it goes in then she goes away to do lots of past papers. I'm just pleased I can be here for her and support her as she is working so hard. When we had the panic about the train strike last week I told her to let her friends know I would take them to their exams if they needed help getting there. I'm good friends with the mum of the lad I gave a lift to today and he said she had been awake all night worrying about how she was going to get him to his exams, I've text her to say I'm around if they need help. Hopefully though the train strike has been suspended! Xxx

    4. You are a diamond Diane, helping everyone out.
      Good luck to Emma ! Xxx

  22. Good afternoon ladies. Sorry Maureen if you are looking for your actual creek, but I couldn't take the risk of a car coming along, the creek was a bit further up, just thought the sign had to be photographed.
    Sorry you are all having to put heating on and fires being lite, we are having to keep the curtains closed to keep the heat out of the room and it's only gone 8 o'clock! Don't know where we will go today, but I'd better make a move and get showered and room tidied. Hazel x

    1. Hi Hazel, glad you having a warm sunny day! Enjoy it! Xxx

  23. Still busy busy!
    JANET Your card is a dream
    CHERYL You brought a tear to my eye with your fabulous photo of Milly-May. You look so happy and proud and Milly-May is adorable
    Well Done MICHELE I hope the weather was kind to you
    SANDRA I hope that you are feeling better and the "camping" goes well
    PATRICIA "You Are My Sunshine" was the song my dear old mum used to sing to us as a lullaby and it's the anniversary of her recent passing this week end. So, although it's a sad occasion, seeing that made me smile
    I'm going to be without my laptop over the next week It's going into "hospital" for a few days. I will have my ipod and will be looking in but may not be able to comment
    So take care everyone

    1. Karen sending you some (((hugs))) xxx

    2. Karen, sending you some comfort hugs to help you get through this difficult weekend. Xxxx

    3. Karen sending you some hugs and cuddles, I have also sent you an email today, will be thinking of you this weekend xxx

    4. Special ((((hugs)))) for you Karen, whenever you need one the most, wrap your arms around your shoulders then squeeze. Now you have a hug from me. xxx

    5. Karen, Thinking of you but very glad you have happy memories! Hope you feel better next week too! Sending you lots of love,Myra xxx

    6. Hi Karen,
      I'm sending you special hugs for this sad time. It was my mam['s birthday yesterday, she'd have been 109. What can I say, she had me when she was 85!! (I was the baby of the family). I'm thinking of you.
      Muriel xxx

    7. Speechless ! That could be my alias! Xxx

    8. Karen my love, sending you a big hug, it doesn't matter how many years have passed, I always feel the loss of my parents on their anniversaries. Hope you get on ok next week too xxx

    9. Hi Karen, I'll be thinking of you. Hope you have a nice weekend do and some sunshine "keep smiling" Feel you next week :-) Hugs in bundles

  24. Now Saba we are all waiting to know where you hang your washing, please do put us all out of our misery! xxx

  25. Hi everyone, thanks for all your comments about my busy week, at last it is over.
    A well earned rest is called for but I doubt it, must get some cards done, my stock is running low, at least my bum will be on a seat!!!
    Janet our craft shop web site is,, it is not a site you can buy anything from unfortunately, but you are welcome to pop in have a look.
    My friends shop is, she has a website you can buy from. She has a good stock of goodies.
    Will pop back later if I haven't fallen asleep!
    Jess x

  26. Hello my nosy ones,
    My washing gets hung out on the balcony. Our balcony is quite big and I have one of those fold up metal clothes airing things. It holds an amazing amount of washing. Of course nothing beats having a real washing line but at least I can dry it in the fresh air and it does blow about. We used to have a contraption which hung out over the balcony with 3 washing lines but that meant I couldn't have my window boxes as well and so decided I needed plants more.
    Muriel, the weather houses you mention , they originate in the Black Forest in Germany. My MIL has a really old one and it works!
    It has been horrendous here with temperatures in the mid 30s. It's still 26degrees but you are kindly sending us your weather over the next few days so thank you very much for that!
    Well I started writing this before dinner, broke off when Peter got home and had a shock when he opened his mail, it's the bloody Dartford crossing again, I am so cross I could spit feathers, it could lead to WW3.
    Will publish now and then see what has been happening since I began.

    1. That's a big balcony! I'm sorry I'm nosey/ nosy but I'm glad you don't have to trundle up and downstairs! My wooden staff wouldn't be able to cope with that! Will await news on " The Tunnel Fiasco" xxx

    2. Thank you so much I'll be able to sleep peacefully tonight, by the way I'm not nosey I just like information!! xxx

    3. We used to have a drying thing like that on a balcony in our house in Turkey.
      I used the spare room Balcony for the washing so it not interfere with any of my other Balconies. Also used that spare room as an "ironing room" We never seemed to need to use that room, we only ever had two guests at a time and they were in the Guest Room, it had nice Balcony to sit out on if they wanted.
      Oh! dear Saba, the "Tunnel Problem" rears its head once again. xxx

    4. Oh these posh people with balconies!!! I'm pleased you told us that Saba, I've been wondering all day.
      I'm sorry the old tunnel has reared it's ugly head again, please keep us up to date with what's happening.
      Muriel xxx

    5. Thank you for sharing you washing secrets with us - bet it looks like bunting :) xxx

    6. I posted some of it under Saba's earlier post . Love the balconies in Germany and Austria when they go around the whole house with wonderful flower display in spring and summer . Oh bummer, the tunnel again ? we go over it next Sunday so hope the prepaid thingy on-line will work. sorry ,you asked about my mamma but I forgot to say that she is doing really well than you. How is things with Val ? hugs Xxx

  27. Was tempted to tell you all that I Hang out my washing on the Siegfried Line!!!

    1. Very good! I like that xxx

    2. Saba, did you realise that there used to be a song that said that ha ha. By the way, I'm impressed you could spell it!
      Muriel xx

  28. I sometimes hum it and other little ditties from the same period when I am feeling aggrieved with Peter. He hasn't a clue that what I am actually doing in my own childish way is saying "lets see who is going to win this argument"!!

  29. I have a Blackbird sitting in a tree outside the lounge window singing its little heart out. The world really is a beautiful place when your hear the likes of that rather than the "pitter splatter" of the rain and the wind howling, xxx

    1. Hi Patricia , I totally agree and have one here doing exactly the same!
      In case anyone is interested! It's still DRY. Xxx

    2. Patricia, I love,the sound of the blackbirds, I think it is Mrs Blackbird that sings, she is usually the first one in the morning and then all the others start,
      A bit chilly now, the wind is getting cold again!!,!
      Heating might have to go on!!
      Catch you all tomorrow x

    3. It's been a lovely day here, although the wind got up this evening, but Rennies soon sorted that out ha ha. Haven't had the heating on for a few days. (We are hardy in Newcastle)!!!
      Muriel xxx

  30. Same here, I love the sound of the blackbirds as they settle down for the night. It is very dry here aaaaaand, we have fluffy pink clouds floating above us! It's been a glorious sunset! Must be a hot day tomorrow. Shame I can't ever take photos of them, my camera just a point and shoot one. Idiot proof even. xxx

  31. The Dartford Crossing saga.
    As you know, the original fine was for our return journey. Pay £50 odd pounds now or it becomes £100 and odd pounds after 14 days and after that could go to court. You can appeal. We did, pay up was what they said. Sent another emai which by the way can only be sent via a small text box with limited space not a proper email facility. Still waiting for a reply to that.
    Then today comes a final demand for £105 for non payment of incoming journey for which we never received a first demand. So it is looking very much like we are going to have to pay in excess of £200 for not properly informing ourselves before we left Germany about possible changes in any motorways we may be using. To add insult to injury, there was a telephone number on the letter which we tried and which is not being recognised when we try to phone it.
    Dont really know where we will go from here, part of me thinks we should just pay it because at the end of the day we were in the wrong albeit through ignorance and another part thinks they should have done more to make sure foreign travellers knew what to do. ie info on the Ferry or a notice at the terminal or an info booth or something. I will let you know before I get sent to prison!

    1. Oh ! That just makes me furious! People enter Britain illegally on a daily basis - people coming legally are puinished! The Law is an ass sometimes! Xxx

    2. Oh! Saba it's not getting any better is it??
      If it did not cost so blooming much a Solicitor dealing with this sort of thing would be the way to go.
      I will visit you in prison. Will bake you a BIG cake with a file inside for your escape.
      Sorry!!! it really is not good. Sending you a BIG cuddle xxx

    3. Hi Saba, I agree with Myra, but I think that the Law is an ass most of the time. I could spit feathers for you. Good luck. xxxxxxxxxx

    4. Hi Saba
      My word what a nightmare for you. You'd think they'd put up signs way before the crossing wouldn't you. Hope this gets resolved sooner rather than later. Just a thought can they drag you back from Germany to serve a prison sentence. pretend you dont understand Englisg, you'll probably get away with murder then. Anyone you fancy murdering by any chance. Plenty of visitors while your in as well. 3 meals a day, television. No licence to pay, plenty of recreation things to do as well. Heating all paid for. What are we waiting for girls. They are treated better than us I think.

    5. You're not wrong there Pat xxx

    6. Hi Pat, I think that's a good point. They have recreational classes as well I believe, maybe they have a crafting one and I bet they have all the latest equipment. Right that's me decided, we are not paying the fine, wonder how long I'll get! Xxx

    7. Oh no that's dreadful! I think we've still got the plans for the escape tunnel we built when Muriel did time for the diamond heist! Xxx

    8. I ought to explain - that's where Muriel hid the loot . Xx

  32. Right folks, I am not a complainer but I do have a sore back, off to bed to lie flat.
    See you all bright an early in the morning. ....... maybe not too early.
    Just heard the weather forecast for this area ..... think I might hibernate for the day. xxx

    1. Oh Patricia! My heart goes out to you ! See you in the morning all being well but I'm not as bright eyed and bushy tailed as you are! Soo o see you mid morning? Xxx sleep well! Hope your back feels better very soon. Xxx

    2. Oh Patricia,
      Sending comfort hugs, a sore back is horrid. Hope you manage to sleep in. Night and God bless,
      I will a,e sure I put you on my list of prison visitors, could I have a chocolate cake cake with the file please.Thank you.

    3. Hi Patricia,
      I hope you get some rest tonight, and that your back doesn't keep you awake. Have some hugs with your Baileys!
      Muriel xxx

    4. Hi Patricia
      Hope you have a good nights sleep. I should did the thermals out again tomorrow xxx

    5. Hi Patricia. Sorry to hear about your back and hope you manage to sleep tonight. If noti I shall probably still be hear waiting to take my tablet. I did fall asleep not long ago but the alarm on the iPad woke me up.

    6. Hope your back feel better tomorrow, maybe a little massage would help, is OH helpful for that.....
      gentle hugs Xxx

  33. Sorry I am so late. Busy day and been doing some gardening but my left wrist elbow and shoulder are really painful but I had to get some new plants in so just had to get on with it but could have cried with the pain. Never mind.
    JANET your card is lovely. I do like the colours. It's not a colour I usually use but have seen quite a few cards these colours lately and think perhaps I will have to give it a try.
    CHERYL. You and am Milly Mae both look so contented. Enjoy her while you can. They grow up so fast.
    MICHELE. Well done! Hope it wasn't too cold for you.
    SABA. I think that is dreadful. Probably the letter about the fine is sent out from an entirely different department and they haven't put that and your email together. It's still not right though and there should have been more notice as to what you had to do. It's very unfair.
    SANDRA. Hope you are feeling a lot better now. Hope you didn't have to wrestle too much with the tent. Think I will have to have a hot chocolate. Going to be very late tonight as have to wait up to take a tablet. Just settled down to my dinner, which was a bit late as had been helping Scarlett make a birthday card. She did do most of it herself but wanted me there whilst she did it, when my cousins daughter rang to thank me for her mothers birthday card and to tell me her mother had broken her hip (she is 93) and had two chest infections whilst in hospital. By the time I got back to my dinner it was cold and hence I took the tablets late so now have to wait to take the iron. Sorry I am not complaining. It's just so annoying. It was quite a nice afternoon but windy, so this evening was quite chilly.

    1. Oh Brenda! What a day! Please be careful of your wrist! As for your dinner - well I'm tutting her! Hope you sleep well, lots of love, Myra xx

    2. Brenda, tablets are such a nuisance. I am very new to this tablet taking business. 2 weeks ago I was prescribed a tablet which I have to take in a morning and am not allowed to eat or drink for 1 hour afterwards. It is driving me mad. For years Peter has brought me a Coffee to bed and now I have to sit looking at it and the clock until my hour is up. I cheat!!
      Hope your wrist and shoulder feel better tomorrow.
      Xxx Saba

  34. Hello Littlelamb Brenda,
    Be careful with your wrist, elbow and shoulder, is that the wrist that you broke? When they start hurting, you should have a break for a while.
    Sorry to read about your cousin, and hope she recovers well, she's certainly a good age.
    Eleanor is off to Italy on holiday with the school tomorrow so it'll be an early start for me to go up to see her before Rachel and Peter take her to the airport. Rachel will be in pieces when Eleanor goes with the Teachers and her friends for the plane. We are taking Zoe to town, because she has a pair of trousers which are too big, and she wants to change them to wear at a party tomorrow afternoon. It's another world for youngsters now isn't it.
    My son in law has given in his notice at work, and is starting to work for himself from home on Monday, so George and I will not need to do the early morning starts to get the girls to school on time as he will see to them. Little does he know what he's in for!!! But we will still be on call for after school.
    Well St George is lying down trying to sleep, so I'll say goodnight all. Sandra, I hope you managed with the tent and that you are feeling more like your old self today.
    Love to all, sleep tight and sweet dreams.
    Muriel xxxx

  35. No it's not the wrist I broke. I fell about two years a go and hurt this wrist but thankfully didn't break it but it has been very vulnerable sieve. Probably a bit of arthritus. Don't want to tel, the Dr as having enough trouble with my meds now. Can't take this one with that one and must wait 4 hours after taking one before I can take a different one. Don't think I could cope with anymore. Thanks for thinking of me. Good you haven't got to do the school run in the mornings now. Hope you a granddaughter enjoys herself in Italy but I small sure her sister will miss her.

  36. Muriel,
    Rachel sounds just like Joanne, Oliver is only 4 but you should see the list of what he won't be allowed to do when he get older.... Go away with the school, ride a motorbike, drive a car, etc.etc. goodness only knows what she will be like when he is of an age to do those things!!
    Good night and God bless love,
    Saba xxx

  37. Oooooo I nodded of whilst reading the comments so I've missed every body. Must go to bed, sleeping in the chair doesn't do you any good does it. Brenda take care of that wrist and Patricia I hope your back is better tomorrow. Night night sleep tight everyone sweet dreams xxxx

  38. Right, it's bed for me,
    Hope you night owls don't forget to lock up, but do check where Maria is first.
    See you tomorrow , night God bless all
    Saba xxx

  39. Littlelamb I believe we are still here. What do you do while waiting ?
    Please be careful with your wrists. I'll see the doc.on the 9th and will ask for a x-ray or scan, I want to know why I have so many new places hurting. Is something wrong or is it just " the age ". So many pills which not go together but also when you have to wait or remember before a meal, it can't be easy. Wish you and all a good night as possible. Maybe a bottle of Baileys would help, shall we see if any left or have Muriel drank it all xx

  40. A bit lonely in here so I will watch some tv instead.
    Norah if you are around I hope you get some time to pop in and look after your little monkeys of hugs in the basket, they are getting a bit sad you not here and so am I and the others. WE Miss You and your stories and photos. Hope nothing wrong with Kestin or Rory, hugs !
    See you all later Xxx
