
Saturday 6 June 2015

Mixed Craft Saturday

Good Saturday Morning Ladies,
Its Mixed Craft Saturday once again,
First up this week we have this darling little Knitted Squirrel,
He has been lovingly created my Michele, I just love the way
you have created his super bushy tail Michele, thank you so
much for sharing your little cutie with us xxx
Next up is this totally gorgeous little cardigan that has been
beautifully knitted by Karen, It looks so warm and cosy and that
frilly edge would look so pretty over any little dress, also it is
so much more versatile as it can be teamed with so many of the
beautiful pastel shades in the yarn you have used to create this
pretty little cardigan, personally, being a little old fashioned I would
love to see it just popped over a little white babygro!
Thank you so much Karen for sending it in for me to share with
everyone in the coffee shop xxxx
These beautifully decorated shopping list pads have been created by
Myra, they would make great Teacher Presents, they look like they are
an expensive gift, but actually are quite reasonable cost wise to create,
These fab gifts have been created using Washi Tape, below are some more ideas
of things to make using Washi Tape.
Great Key Rings

Decorated Pegs/fridge magnets
All fab ideas for quick, cheap, gifts!
Myra, you are just so clever, your creativity knows no bounds!
Thank you for sharing such great ideas with us xxx
Well that's if for this weeks mixed crafts, I will need you to send
me some more photos in for next week, also your Man cards for Monday and
Tips for Wednesday, sorry to ask so much of you all!
I hope you all have a lovely Weekend.
Love and hugs


  1. Good morning Sandra and all who call in today, late here but very warm still. We were out for a beautiful meal with Charlies sister and husband. I like Roberta, her and Charlie are like two peas in a pod! There is 3 years between them, they share the same birthday, but only the same father, it's scary when you see them together as you would think they are twins!!! Anyway we came out of the resturant and oh boy the heat hit you, I hate air con as that's the thing you are fine while in doors then you come out and the heats terrible. We leave here tomorrow, today for you to go back over to the main land, we are meeting an old friend of Charlies from his days in the forces, then we are meeting other family members. We fly home Tuesday, where has the time gone? We have done over 2,500 kms so far and have a few more still to do, but most of those miles have been through the most beautiful places. This visit has had the added bonus of all the wild life we have seen! We have more good memories to take back, and Charlies has had time with his family.
    Michele, your squirrel is so cute
    Karen, I love your little cardigan, nothing beats a hand knitted cardigan and especially one with all those pretty colours.
    Myra, where do you get all these wonderful ideas from, great gift ideas?
    Saba. I hope you get that fine sorted. There are fines out standing in Britain for many a crime and they don't go after folk like they have done with you?
    Every thing is set up, had my cup of tea. I think I will go to bed we have a 6 o'clock alarm in the morning as we have to go for our ferry. Night, night from me. Hazel x

    1. Hazel, Good Morning!
      You have travelled many a mile but you have seen wonderful scenery and wildlife! Not to mention the famous Maureen Creek!! So pleased you enjoyed your meal with Charlie's sister and her husband too.
      Safe travel today! Thank you for keeping in touch.
      Love Myra xxx

    2. Hi Hazel,
      I'm glad we don't have as many relations, It's like the tribes of Israel over there!!! How do you manage to remember who's who?
      I cannot believe that you are flying back on Tuesday, the time has flown for us as well, I think that's because you've taken us on your trip with your adventures and beautiful photographs. George was well impressed with Maureen Creek when I showed him the photo last night!!
      Enjoy what time you have left, safe journeys while you are there and have a safe and uneventful flight home.
      Love Muriel xxx

    3. Hi Hazel, you are having a fantastic time, I bet you don't want to come home, enjoy the good weather as it is wet and windy here today. It has been great following all your travels, enjoy the rest of your holiday.
      Take care, watch out for the bears, Jess x

    4. Hi Hazel,
      you have been amazing posting every day while away and showed us some wonderful photos but hasn't it gone quick. Have fun today ,
      Maria xx

  2. Good morning Sandra and all the Coffee Shop Gang! Hope you are all "TicketyBoo" and looking forward to the weekend. Well just as forecast it is raining here.
    Wow! oh! Wow! another fantastic selection of wonderful Talents.
    MICHELE:- love that sweet Squirel, he is so "huggable"
    KAREN:- beautiful little cardigan, pretty colours and design.. I just love hand knits for new babies. I love hand knits full stop.
    MYRA :- more of your fantastic makes and ideas. Thank you, you are the one who will have so many diverse things to tell us about ...... is it nearly October!!!
    Oh! dear better not say that too often it will come sooner than we think.
    Fire all cleaned out and re-set for later. John will bring in the supply of coal and logs.
    Got some Tea & Toast, I am going over to the corner to chat with Hazel and see who else comes in.
    Will be back later to see what everyone is up to. xxx

    1. Thanks Patricia but the things I do are all simple and anyone can do them! I was thinking about your tins that you did with Robert - if somewhere on them you put a narrow magnetic tape strip you could add a matching clothes peg and paper clips etc could be stuck on ! Just a thought. I get carried away! Xx

    2. Patricia, enjoy your natter with Hazel. It's 4 weeks today when we will be able to sit and talk for real - ooooooohhh!!!
      Myra, who carries you away, is it men in white coats? xxx
      Muriel xxx

    3. MAUREEN:- it is getting so exciting. Really looking forward to it.

      MYRA:- that's a brilliant idea, I have some narrow magnetic strip. I might just try that ... if I can find the magnetic stuff.
      Never you mind that "Maureen" you get carried away as much as you like. xxx

    4. Hi Patricia,
      to have a open fire with logs sounds lovely just a shame you have to have it on still in June! It's very windy down here but sunny and little warmer then last week. Hope your day is good xx

  3. Good morning Sandra and all who pop in today, Another busy day, don't know where the time is going at all, I was blown away by the gorgeous card shown yesterday and then by the lovely photo of Cheryl and Milly-Mae, you look so proud Cheryl. Today's crafts are brilliant, but said a big aargh when I saw the tiny cardigan, makes you think back to the children when they were babies, personally I would gladly have that time over again if I could.
    I have enjoyed reading all about Hazels holiday, feel as though I'm there sometimes, it seems to have gone over so fast, but they seem to have enjoyed themselves immensely.
    Will pick Nic up later and hopefully she will spend some time in the garden this afternoon, she doesn't really like the bright sunshine so it's time to put the brolly up now that summer seems to be arriving. Take care everyone and have a lovely weekend doing things you enjoy, Sandra hope your toothache is easing, I'm sure I miss some comments sometimes, must sit and catch up.
    Popped hugs in the basket for anyone in need of a cuddle,
    Try to pop back later
    Jean x

    1. Jean you are lucky to have sunshine, the only brolly we need today is for the rain, it is also so windy. Please send us some sun.
      Jess x

    2. Hi Jean, I hope you and Nic have a lovely day. It's sunny in Newcastle as well, but the winds are horrendous.
      Muriel xxx

    3. Need to update- it's raining now, been really cold too. Thanks Maureen Nic has had a great day, nice and calm. Jess didn't get the brolly out too cold xx take care Jean xx

  4. Morning Ladies

    Can I ask you all to whisper as I over indulged last night!

    Karen-the cardigan is so lovely. I love hand knitted items.

    Myra- your hand crafted items are great. I have a reasonable collection of Washi tape & am never sure what to use it on so your lovely gifts have given me some ideas.

    My knitted squirrel was a birthday present from a friend. We have Red Squirrels in this area & they come into the garden so my friend thought I could have my own squirrel!

    My pamper session is a mini facial, manicure & head/neck/shoulder massage. I need the hardware store for a pin thats "gone missing " out of my greenhouse automatic vent as its not opening & as its been quite sunny the last few days,i think I'd better gix it.

    Guess i'd better try & wake up-only got in at 01.40am slightly worse for wear!


    1. Michele you are up very early if that's the tie you got in last night NO this morning, naughty naughty. Have you actually been to bed???
      Please, please be careful when fixiing in the new "pin" don't be standing on chairs if it's above head height. (((Hugs))) xxx

    2. (Gentle whisper) oh Michele that's not good when you've got your lovely pamper day today. Boy are hey going to have to work hard to remove those toxins from your body! Make sure you drink pleanty of water though as you might end up with an almighty head ache! Glad you had a good time, enjoy your pamper and I hope from your late hour and state that means your friend won? Love your squirrel he's sooo cute and what a fab tail - red ones are much cuter than the grey ones aren't they. Take care love Diane xxx

    3. Have a lovely pamper day Michelle! Love that squirrel xxx

    4. Sshh Michele, your red squirrel is lovely, what a kind friend to put such thought into her present for you. Enjoy your pamper day, but tell the lady to be gentle with you!! lol.
      Muriel xxx

    5. Sorry Michele , my predictive text keeps giving you two LL's . Xxx

    6. Myra, she'll give you L for Leather if you keep on doing that!!

    7. It makes an L of a difference! Xx

    8. Can't resist... What the L....

    9. What is it the say about great minds? We won't mention the next bit!! Xxx

  5. Hi Sandra and all the gang
    Oh what a lovely treat this morning, I love Michels squirrel, so cute and cuddly and that tail is perfect. Xxx
    Karen your cardigan is so cute, I love the mixed coloured wool don't you, it makes such pretty patterns and of course goes with so many colours. I hope the lucky little girl loved it xxx
    Myra thank you for showing us what we can do with washi tape, these are fab, I think I like the notebooks best although the pegs are cute and the key ring is lovely - as you can see it's hard to choose, I have avoided washi tape as I haven't known what to do with it and now I know! Thank you for sharing xxx
    The sun is out here, I think it's a 'Mr Blue Sky ' day down south so I'm trying to send some of the sun up to you Patricia , hope it gets there soon! I need to take hubby with me to the optician today to help me choose my glasses. I don't like choosing them on my own, I like someone's opinion. At least the pushy lady has moved on to another practise - she had me right out of my comfort zone wearing things I wouldn't go out in if I was paid! I know it's good to be challenged but there's challenged and challenged! My friend and her partner own an optitions but they are too far away just to pop in for eye checks but I know she would come up with a good pair and I would trust her judgement. They are in Canada at the moment so might be bumping into Hazel! I can't believe that time has gone so quickly and you will be home soon - it does sound as though you are having an amazing time.
    Sandra have fun putting up that tent today , have the girls decided they are sleeping in it yet? I mean tonight of course!
    Right must go and get a wriggle on. Have a fun day everyone and see you all later
    Love and hugs Diane xxx

    1. Diane, you are are a "gem" sending me some sunshine.
      Rain has gone off, the wind has picked up ........ maybe just maybe the sun might appear at some point during the day. Thank you for thinking of me xxxx

    2. Diane - I know exactly what you mean about choosing glasses ! Last winter I was talked into having ' a change' - more ' modern' and had some glasses with dark frames. I don't wear them all the time - glasses that is - but these looked fine in November with a coat but too heavy in summer! I ended up getting another pair! They are not cheap either! All the best with that ! Xx

    3. Dainty, It's a right pain choosing glasses if you are like me and can't see what you look like unless the correct lenses are in!! I used to ask George to come, well I did once ha ha. If he likes them, well I know they are terrible. Good luck!!
      Muriel xxx

  6. And a very good Saturday morning to you all.

    Glad you are improving Sandra, I have missed your cheery comments.

    What a lovely friend you have Michele to make you such a delightful gift.

    I know a little baby girl who would look adorable in your beautiful cardigan Karen, I love the frilly edging. Is it crocheted? Would it be possible for you to send me photocopy of the pattern?

    Myra gifts are ideal for a craft fete/fayre. I have some Washi paper packs I bought it Lidl's and you have set my mind racing for other items I could cover to make them bright enough to sell at our Church Fete in mid-July. Thank You Myra.
    Still haven't finished my June cards yet so I'll pop in later
    Love 7 hugs
    Cheryl xxx

    1. Thanks Cheryl! Once you start you'll get hooked! It sticks to almost anything and if you make a mistake it peels off ! Would love to see what you make too! Xx

    2. Hi Cheryl,
      you were in bright and early today, hope you are well.
      Muriel xxx

  7. Good morning Sandra and ladies, I think I will just have a coffee today and pop over and sit with Patricia if she is still here, and have a catch up, I think she is missing Hazel a lot.
    Gosh ladies what a talent is on show this morning, Michele love your little squirrel ne is soooo cute.
    Karen the little cardigan is beautiful, very girly.
    Myra, what a fantastic use for washi tape, but be careful, those who like to match up their clothes pegs will be having a fit!!! Lol.
    We are having a bit of a storm here just now, very windy and raining, I hope it gets better soon, it is so depressing, but I think a little bit of crafting will be called for later.
    Take care everyone, hugs (((())))) to all.
    Jess x

    1. Oh Jess I was thinking that the other day! They could have a whole basket of matching pegs! That would be one up on the Jones's! Ha ha !! Xx

    2. Quite right Jess, Patricia and I would have to have them all matching, get sticking Myra!!!!
      Muriel xxx

  8. Hi Sandra,
    I got quite a surprise this morning when I looked at the crafts ! Mine are very simple but they are quick to make, fairly cheap and children can do them! They do made good teachers' gifts or for Sales at School or Church etc. if you are going to make the notebook - the simplest way is to cut a piece of card the same size as the cover of the pad. Don't stick it down . Covert your card in what whatever way you like - stripes across, down etc. folding the edges of the washi tape underneath. The underside looks a bit untidy but you glue it down at the end and all the mess is hidden. Then decorate! The key rings are washi tape and the edges are done with Promarkers, then decorate then glossy accents. We are half way through making DAD ones for Father's Day with the Monday children. The pegs have magnetic tape on the back Promarkers used for hard to reach areas! Have fun!
    Michele - I love that little squirrel! His tale is gorgeous! Enjoy you pamper day and careful on the step ladder!
    Karen - what a totally cute and cosy little cardigan! It's so pretty and will match many outfits.
    Patricia - it's dry here today, some sunshine but very windy and not at all warm. Hope it cheers up where you are! You may have to light that fire again!
    Well I'm going to read all the comments now!
    Lots of love,
    Myra xxx

    1. Myra,
      Love all the Washi tape things that you've done, and Zoe wants to go to the £1 shop to get her dad a Father's Day present. As she told George, money is no object ha ha. I'll show her your items and she will probably make a keyring, or we could get a photo frame from her favourite shop (£1 shop) and do a "Myra" with it. Thanks for the great ideas>
      Muriel xxx

    2. Oh wow they are great and maybe even I could make something if you say that kids can do it. hihi have to get some washi tape first. Xx

  9. Good morning Sandra and all the coffee shop crew
    I hope you are feeling a little,no, a lot better this morning Sandra if you are feeling sickly with the antibiotics try having some live yogurt as this will put the good bacteria back into your tummy that the antibiotics have killed off, this is what my consultant told me and boy does it work.
    Oh Michele your squirrel is so lovely what a thoughtful friend, we too have red squirrels near by and they are wonderful little animals, I love them. Enjoy your pamper day you have earned it, but make sure you have plenty of water to drink on the morning after the night before! Good for you having a good time, you work so hard, so why not play hard once in a while too!!!
    Karen I love your little cardigan so very pretty and the little frill makes it so sweet.
    Wow Myra what a wonderful array of goodies you have created is there no end to your many talents I ask myself!
    Well the wind is blowing looks like rain but thankfully non as yet but still cold out, but as I said yesterday always look on the bright side of life, it may, just may, sunshine later, I do have to say I don't mind sharing the cold wind with Saba to cool her down and dry her washing!!
    Well someone is asking are we having an early lunch so I will leave my hugs and cuddles in the corner just so that no one trips over them and get him sorted. Enjoy your day what ever you are doing, will pop in later I hope.
    With love
    Margaret xxx

    1. Margaret, I hope you are feeling well today, and that your pains are not so severe.
      Muriel xx

    2. Margaret, yogurt is one of my "cure alls" it is wonderful stuff.
      Hope you are good today.
      Blowing a gale here, sun between the showers. xxx

  10. Hello Sandra and everyone in the coffee shop,
    Hope you are having a good day and have managed to put up that new tent. If your weather is anything like ours you will be fine. Beautiful sunshine (Patricia have asked weather man to send some your way) it's also quite windy, Bedding all washed, hung out and is now abut to be ironed, second load now blowing beautifull, shouldn't take long to dry. It so satisfying to get it all washed dried and ironed on the same day.

    What a lovely selection you have given us today Sandra.
    MICHELE What a gorgeous gift your friend has given you. AND how lucky are you to have Red Squirrels close by.
    KAREN Your little cardigan is so cute, love the yarn, this is going to match almost every outfit this little person has.
    MYRA What a clever lady you are, You have got so many talents as today's items prove. What lovely gifts you have made, so lovely to make with children.
    I have never used washi tape (didn't know what to do with it) Thank you for opening my eyes.
    Must get on with the ironing, catch up with you all later.

    Love and Hugs, Brenda xxx

    1. Hi Brenda,
      It's a good job Myra opened your eyes, you'd have never got the ironing done otherwise lol. (I know, I'm cheeky, but I don't mean it).
      Muriel xxx

    2. Oh Brenda whatever can we do with our Muriel!
      I think it's more a case of Jack of all trades!! But thanks for your kind words! Xx

  11. Hello Sandra and all our ladies,
    Hope you are all having a lovely day, it is still glorious here but we are expecting storms later today. I just love a good thunder Storm. I hope your weather is improving.
    Michele what a lovely friend to give you such a sweet squirrel. Squirrels are adorable, Joanne gets them all the time in their garden, such fun to watch but they do play havoc digging up the lawn to hide their nuts.
    Karen, your matinee jacket is so sweet. I love to see babies in hand knitted jackets and especially in soft colours like yours.
    Myra, is there really no end to your talents. Love your notebooks, they would be a good project for us to try in October. The little pegs are sweet, and I bet all the children's dads will be thrilled with their key rings.
    Sandra, how's the tent coming along?
    Bit of a short one for me at the moment but I will be back this evening,
    Love to all
    Saba xxxx

    1. Thank you - they are just simple things as you know but they keep me out of trouble! I very nearly said off the streets! No ooo!
      Thanks for trying to help Anne , you are a wizard really , well compared to me you are! Anne has looked in here but not left a comment. In fact she joined and her picture is at the top! I 'found' Anne on Pinterest and recognised it was her because of Sue's Blog!
      Anne - if you read this - do leave a comment! Xx
      Thanks Saba, you even called me a friend! Xxx

    2. Wow Myra, good detective work.
      Must have a look on Pinterest. I hope Anne does pop in,
      And you are my friend, how's that teacup doing!!!

  12. Hello Sandra,
    I hope your mouth is a lot better and that you aren't in so much pain. Thank you for showing these lovely things.
    Michele's red squirrel is sooo cute, and what a thoughtful friend.
    Karen's baby cardigan reminds me of the ones I used to knit for the girls when they were born. It makes me feel like getting the needles out again, but I know if I do I'll end up with pins and needles lol.
    Myra's washi tape beauties are an eye opener, and a definite go to for little presents and school or church fairs, thanks Myra.
    I've got to tell you that Eleanor's school received a letter from the Camp at Holy Island where she spent a week at half term. The letter said that the 5 girls from St Teresa's School were so well behaved, helpful and their behaviour was exemplary, so much so that, until now, in 20 years of working there she had never felt the need to write to a Head Teacher to praise them. Wasn't that fantastic, we all feel so proud. (I know, I know, I'm your typical grandmother, but they are such lovely girls). She's off to Italy with the school this afternoon, the plane leaves at 3.30 pm so I hope they get off all right in this wind. It really is blowing a gale.
    Well, I am going to TRY to make four cards, which I need for later on next week. I'm going to see if my mojo is hiding under some paper on my desk, but if it's not there - well I don;t know what I'll do.
    Love to all Muriel xxx

    1. Muriel,
      You are quite right to be proud of your girls. We all like to think our grandchildren are special, but when complete strangers compliment them then we know we are not just biased. And for a head teacher to receive a letter like that is just lovely, not just for the school but especially for the girls. Children deserve to be complimented on their good manners and behaviour.
      Well done Eleanor.

    2. Oh that's just lovely Maureen! Well done to the person from Camp who took the time to write and say Thank You! That little letter has made so many people proud and happy! Lovel for School, Head Teacher, parents and especially the children involved! They will see good behaviour is appreciated!
      Well done girls, especially Eleanor and safe journey! Xxx

    3. Maureen, You have every right to be proud of Eleanor and her friends, I'm so pleased this person took the time to write to the Head Teacher and the message was passed on to the girls. I have always believed praise goes a long way, also helps to build up their self esteem
      Hope they all have a lovely time in Italy xxx

    4. Fantastic Maureen. Obviously not many schools get those letters if gusts the first to be written in 20 years. Hope the trip to Itaky goes well.

    5. Hi Maureen,
      Yes I am fine, just a bit bogged down trying to do too many things at the same time again! I must learn to prioritise, but since I am now officially retired, all my days seem to blend into one and it's the end of the week before I know it, and I've only got half the jobs done that I wanted to do. Don't know how that works as it never bothered me when I was working, I seemed to find time for them all!
      Onto your granddaughter and her friends, how very pleasing it was for their school to receive a LETTER,hand written I hope, praising them for their good manners and helpfulness. Very refreshing to read of it. Not many take the time (there's that word again) to write, it all seems to be emails, texts and PM's these days. I do believe the genteel art of handwriting and conversation is losing the battle against phones and computers in these younger generations. I have read that most of them leave school with no knowledge at all. What is to become of them? xxx

    6. What a fabulous thing to receive ,you be proud as much as you want.
      Hope her trip to Italy will be fun.

    7. It's GOOD to be a "proud" Grandparent. xxx

    8. Maureen no wonder you feel so proud, it's such an honour to receive a letter praising the behaviour of the pupils, so pleased to hear it - it's too easy to complain but there are two sides to the coin
      Jean xx

    9. Maureen
      How lovely for good manners to be recognised, well done girls and Maureen, you just be a proud grandma. Xxx

  13. Maureen .... when you are looking for your Mojo would you check to see if mine is there as well. xxx

    1. I think you'll find it beside the roll of magnetic tape! Xxx

    2. Had a look for that Magnetic Tape, can't find it. I have a feeling I gave it to John Jnr for something he was doing. I am also thinking I will NEVER find my Mojo again. xxx

    3. Oh yes you will! If you haven't found it by the time you meet up. Maureen the Motivation Magician will inspire you! Try saying that after a few Baileys! Xx

    4. Patricia and Myra,
      I'm still sitting here and haven't done a thing about my mojo. I just can't summon the energy to even look for it!!! Maybe the Baileys is a good idea ............

    5. Ladies, try looking in your PhD boxes lol, xxx

    6. Yikes, I have a few cards to make for birthday's that coming up but it doesn't matter how many times I looking here and everywhere for some ideas I just panic and get my knickers in a twist. I'm sure they gone off together and don't care that we need them back. Can you hear the giggles ? Lets go for a Baileys.......xx

  14. Sorry to upset you all its 6.40am here and the sun is shining and the heat is going to be unbearable today I think! Oh I can see all these peg bags of matching pegs??? Off to get breakfast then load the car. Charlie just put the TV on to. Get the news weather man saying it will be 25c and above today. Wall to wall sunshine. Hazel x

    1. Oh! Hazel, lucky you, sunshine and some heat. It's freezing here, blowing a gale BUT at this point in time the Sun is out. xxx

  15. Yipee the sun is out still very windy, outside I hasten to add, before anyone makes a comment!!!
    Thank you so much Maureen and Patricia, yes I am feeling more bright eyed and bushy tailed today but so I should as I did not get up until after 10!!

    1. Pleased about that Margaret! Pleased you had a good rest and feel better and also that you have some sunshine ! I've just come in from putting the last of the plants in! It's dry out there and very windy! Xxx

    2. Very windy here as well. Managed to get the last of the plants in yesterday. Very windy here but a bit I of sun.
      SANDRA. Hope you are beginning to feel a lot better.
      MICHELE. Hope the pamper session went well . Love the red squirrel.
      KAREN. your baby cardigan is lovely. Would look lovely on Millie Mae.
      MYRA. Love your things today especially the notepads. Will have to try something like this with Scarlett. We have thought of making her teacher an Izzy bag so perhaps we can find a notepad the right size to fit. Love the key rings and pegs as well. You are very clever.
      Need to go and use the GC but a bit worried about my shoulder. Had one of Margarets bags on it all night and today and a lot better. If it starts aching I will have to stop. Scarlett is at a disco party so I hope she is enjoying it. Will just get a cup of tea and carrot cake and sit by the window. No Maria yet today and no Norah again.

    3. Littlelamb, Brenda, watch that shoulder. Don't go and do some permanent damage to it, although it's probably a bit late for that. Just to make you feel a little bit better - remember you aren't as young as you used to be!!! lol. I hope Scarlett has a ball !!
      Love Muriel xxx

    4. Margaret, I'm glad you're feeling chirpier today. Long may it continue.
      Muriel xxx

    5. Littlelamb, please take care of your shoulder. If I've got the dies please give me your orders and I'll do them for you. You should get them the next day if I use 1st class stamp. Take care. xxx

    6. I saw you very early this morning but you must have gone to bed after.
      Hope you not in to much pain with your wrist and shoulder, take care.
      Hugs Maria xx

    7. Hi replied to you further down. Typed a long message last night when I saw you were in the cafe and then when I went to send it I lost the internet connection. Took a long time to come back. Most annoying.

    8. Thank you Cheryl that is very kind of you. Cut out some windows for the craft session but as it's not this week I need them the rest can wait. Thank again.

  16. Glad you are so much brighter today Margaret. A good lie-in never did anyone any harm.
    The sun is out very strong here and so is that biting wind.
    I've only ventured out to go on my daily lily beetle hunt, it's too cold even for them, only found one baby larva and he's just had a very hot bath. I don't think he liked that 'cos now he's dead!!! Well he won't be procreating next year will he? xxx

    1. Now Cheryl, I like a hot bath. but I won't be procreating next year either!!! xxx

    2. hahahahahaha Maureen. Think we're both too old for that.xxxx

    3. Oh Cheryl those lily bugs are such a pain, good on you for bathing them. I have only grown Lily's a few times and each time I get excited they are growing then in a couple of days there's nothing left! I don't grow them any more! Xxx

  17. Hello me again, like the bad penny I keep turning up, we are sat at the ferry port in the cool of the building, oh yes it's hot just 9.45am and 22 c we have an hour to wait, we couldn't book on line so had to head early to make sure we got on, they run every 2 hours but the weekend you never know? Margaret so glad you are feeling better, but just take it easy!
    Brenda. You do the same, things will just get worse if you do to much.
    Sandra, did the tent go up? Or is it to windy?
    Just watching the sea planes taking off and landing, look lovely but I wouldn't like to be in one! Oh just seen an eagle, to far to photo, never mind seen one at least.
    Big Sis, I have packed a load of sunshine and heat in my cases so I hope it doesn't escape on the journey home.will let in out on Wednesday how's that?
    Enjoyed my water to hot for tea, yes I know it is better for you to Cool you down but I did the water. Hazel x

  18. Hi Sandra and all,
    lets have a coffee before we start on the stronger stuff tihi
    Sandra , hope your mouth/tooth is better, feeding the lambies goes well and that the tent look like you hoped it to be.
    I sat here to the early hours looking through mails,craft sites and a bit of tv.
    Littlelamb was around waiting to have her last pill so she could go to bed and then it was quiet until Sandra and then Hazel popped their heads in, I had a little sleep in the end but up at 8 for shower and toast before going to Wyevale for plants. I digged over the border the other day so that was prepped. After 28 back braking
    flowers and roses in I'm now dozed up on pills and coffee and 'feeling happy' gee If I could stop talking about myself for a second I will say how much I love your red squirrel Michele, he is so cute !
    Karen you told me you were knitting but oooh you never said how lovely they were. Absolutely gorgeous and I see many would like to see one on Milly-May.
    Hope you are ok ?
    Myra your washi items are brilliant, I like the pegs but maybe not so good idea for some of the girls here tihi .
    Hope you all had a nice day even if some had rain. Catch up with you later, probably
    love and hugs Maria Xxx

    1. Maria, glad you got your plants in. Take it easy and maybe a wee drink later might help. xxx

    2. Hi Maria. Tried to come in last night to chat to you. Got to the end of my message and lost my internet connection. Was too late when it came back. Sorry about that.

    3. Hello Maria,
      Don't you do too much or you'll be no good to man nor beast!! Here have a double Baileys!!
      Muriel xxx

    4. No beast around and the man is already asleep, snoring away hihi
      How come some can just put their head to pillow and end up in 'noddyland' I'm ok, tell you tomorrow where there is no pain tihi
      Nice to see some flowers at last in a border next to patio, sooo pretty
      Does Baileys go with hot chocolate ? xx

    5. Baileys and hog chocolate - definitely! Make sure you have a good rest tomorrow. My hubby is the same, he nods off at the drop of a hat!
      Haha just read the first bit - should of course be hot chocolate but thought I would leave it in xxxx

    6. hihi it might be ok :-p
      night,night xx

  19. Decisions decisions... Shall I order a take out pizza or shall I throw together a salad?
    If I order a pizza, I shall have to fetch it, that means, down 80 steps, walk about 200 metres and then same back, and then back up the 80 steps, open the wine and enjoy.
    If I throw together a salad I can start on the said wine now whilst I am doing salad.

    Right. Salad it is!!!

    1. WOW!!! you made a quick decision there Saba!! xxx

    2. Salad is the healthy option too remember, that is what I had but no wine, hope you enjoy it!

    3. I also had Salad without the wine. I am trying to loose some weight for Hazel's daughter's wedding. I have my outfit which fits fine but I would still like to loose a little weight. xxx

  20. Well the salad was lovely, three greens, lettuce, coriander leaves and ruccolla. Various chopped coloureds, carrot, peppers, tomatoes and cucumber, grapes and chopped olives, sun dried tomatoes and an oil and vinegar dressing served with a selection of mixed cold meat slices. The wine wasn't half bad either!!

    1. Ooh it all sounds lovely, I wish you lived nearer. But I think I would have had the salad AND the pizza!!! Prost

    2. All sounds right up my street, love it xxx

    3. Saba, thank you for making me hungry, the thought of that sald with lots of lovely German cools meats - yummy. Hazel x

    4. Yam,yam but I'm with Maureen it would be pizza and salad. We are very spoiled here because there are takeaways for many places. Not wonder I'm round xx

  21. Maureen, you are so right to be proud! Not many take the time to write these letters praising good behaviour, so well done to Eleanor and heir freinds, I hope others that were there took note of how to behave. Have you heard if they have arrived at the place they are staying in Italy? Hazel x

    1. Hi Hazel,
      Yes we got a text about 3/4 hour ago, they have arrived and are on way to hotel. They are staying at Montecatini, from which they can get to Rome, Pisa and Florence.
      Muriel xxx

  22. Hi Sandra,
    How has your day gone? I do hope your face is a lot less sore and that you will get the problem fixed ASAP !
    Did you manage to erect the tent? Think it would have blown away here although it is a lot calmer now!
    Lots of love, Myra xxx

    1. SANDRA:- if you tried to erect your tent in our garden the wind,,it might well have landed on SABA'S balcony!!! xxx

  23. I am not a Football Fan but have just sat through and actually watched Barcelona paying. I am sure the boys will be quite proud when I can discuss it with them tomorrow. They will have been glued to the screen this evening. Good job there is not school tomorrow. xxx

    1. Wow Patricia, how many Brownie points have you earned tonight!!!

    2. Me neither Patricia but my grandson Max is sport mad, plays them all, cricket, football, rugby and golf and his favourite player is Messi so he will be pleased with the result. Might have to FaceTime him tomorrow and pretend to have enjoyed the match!!

    3. So is that where the FIFA bribes go Pat? They have to play to play these days? x

  24. Well ladies,
    I would like you all to scream on the count of 3 please. I was on to my third card, nearly finished, just putting the greeting on the front and guess what - I dropped the glue and in catching it, I spilt the water that I'd been using to water colour the stamp. Arrrrrggggghhhhhhhhh. I found a little of my mo jo in the bottom of my book case, but I think it's just run away!!!
    I'm sorry Patricia, I think it chased yours as well.
    So - I've decided to call it a day/night. George will be wandering upstairs any minute and I'd better go and get washed and ready for bed.
    I hope you all have a better night's sleep tonight.
    See you later as there's no sign of St George.
    Love Maureen xxx

    1. Aww!! Maureen, I really feel for you.
      Will you be able to dry it out???
      Glad they have arrived safely, you will be able to sleep. (((Hugs))) xxx
      Think I might call it a night.
      Good night all and God Bless xxx

    2. 1,2,3, Aaaaghhhhh!
      Can you hear it Muriel.
      Night and God bless sweetie.

    3. Oh Muriel!
      That's so annoying! Never mind " always look on the Bright Side of Life!"
      Eleanor has arrived safely and you have Zoe tomorrow! Have fun!
      Sleep well my dear!
      Night night ! Xxx

    4. Night Night Patricia!
      Hope tomorrow brings you some sunshine - it will bring the boys anyway - all being well!
      Sleep well! Xxx

    5. Did you hear me scream ! bless you what a annoying thing to happen,nothing you can do to saver it ? Hugs xx
      Good night also to all who off to bed ,yawn ! yes, maybe a earlish night.... xx

    6. Maureen what a pain, sending you a big hug 'can you feel it' or 'can you feel the love tonight' hope you have a better day tomorrow xxx

  25. Talking about football, we couldn't understand why we can't get into a hotel near the airport to discover it's women's world football match that's on, we are having to stay 36 mins out from the airport. But a good road in.
    Maureen you will be able to sleep knowing they have arrived. Hazel x

    1. Hazel, I think those women footballers are so brave. I sometimes have to play football with Max and I am terrified of that leather ball. It hurts!!

    2. Hazel, when the Ladies World Cup , think that's not quite the right name but hey ho, was on the News, they mentioned it was in Canada but the England game - first one any way is on the east side!

    3. Saba, having had two sons I learned to play football a long time ago!
      I was more afraid of the cricket ball! It's pretty hard! Kenneth once said, " Mum you are bowling like a big girl" I pointed out that is in fact what I was! Xxx

    4. Patricia, the water was coloured as I'd been using it. I've left the card to see what happens by the morning, but I fear it's destined for the recycling bin.
      Myra,I laughed at your answer to Kenneth, we used to play all the ball games with the boys when we went away on the Altar Boys holidays, and I agree, the cricket balls are really hard and come at you at a fair speed. George has lost one of his knuckles catching a ball as it bent his finger back, ooooh, it hurts just to think about it.
      Well that's me for the night, going to sign off now and see you in the morning. I've tidied up but haven't locked up as the night owls will be in later. Sweet dreams everyone
      Maureen xxx

    5. Patricia, the water was coloured as I'd been using it. I've left the card to see what happens by the morning, but I fear it's destined for the recycling bin.
      Myra,I laughed at your answer to Kenneth, we used to play all the ball games with the boys when we went away on the Altar Boys holidays, and I agree, the cricket balls are really hard and come at you at a fair speed. George has lost one of his knuckles catching a ball as it bent his finger back, ooooh, it hurts just to think about it.
      Well that's me for the night, going to sign off now and see you in the morning. I've tidied up but haven't locked up as the night owls will be in later. Sweet dreams everyone
      Maureen xxx

    6. Hazel it's the Grand Prix as well this weekend in Canada - that's what we've been watching! Xxx

  26. Saba. Did you see my comment about your salad. I use to love going to the meat counter and getting a great selection of meats when we lived there.
    Oh I don't do football with grandsons to rough for me these days. Hazel x

    1. Hi Hazel,
      They call it auf Schnitt and it really is a wonderful selection of german cold meats. It's a bit like lucky dip. You just get what they give you.
      As to sport, Myra is right, the football is scary but the cricket ball is lethal, I bowl and duck!

    2. Thank you Saba I was trying to remember what it was called but it has been 28 years since I did shop, shopping. Since then we have just been on holidays. Oh yes cricket balls are very dangerous and hard. Hazel x

  27. Hi Sandra
    Hullo to you all from Sunny Sorrento. Well not so sunny now as its night time. Not to sure if I commented earlier or not. But loving all the ladies work. Love the Squirrel, Babies cardigan and the little notebooks. Had a very lazy day today. We've been on the go these last few days, so have done virtually nothing all day today. We have a full day tomorrow as we've off to Capri fir the day. Have to be up at 6.30 as Pete takes so long in the mornings and dies like a good breakfast before we go out. Just watched the end of the football and Barcelona won if anybody is interested. I think perhaps not. Goodnight to all you lovely ladies. I'm still running on English time as my little winder knob thing wouldn't oull out to change the time. Pete and Dave Pete's brother were convinced that the winder unscrewed first. This was despite me telling them both it didn't. So my winder is now in a little plastic bag awaiting the jewellers when we get back home. God knows how much it will cost to fix.. My watch is confusing everyone who catches sight of the time on it.

    1. Hi Pat, good to here from you! What an international blog this is! Technology is wonderful when it works ! I've never been to Capri but friends of ours like it a lot! Hope you have a lovely day! Sorry about the watch! You will be the only one with the right time when you get back home! Men eh! Xxx

    2. Should be hear not here! Xx

    3. Hi Pat, it's good to be different! I think Pete and Dave should pay for the repair. Isn't it funny how men always know best, and then find that they don't!! Enjoy yourselves and take it easy.
      Love Maureen xxx

    4. Hi Pat, it's good to be different! I think Pete and Dave should pay for the repair. Isn't it funny how men always know best, and then find that they don't!! Enjoy yourselves and take it easy.
      Love Maureen xxx

  28. Oh Pat, I feel for you, there is nothing worse than a broken winder when you need to set the time. But don't worry, you are on holiday, except for when you have to catch the plane, forget the time and enjoy yourself. Oh except for when you have to be up at 6.30! Hope you are having a lovely "time". Look out for Muriel's grandaughter Eleanor, she is in Italy on a school trip.
    Love and hugs to you both
    Saba xxx

    1. Hi Pat, good to see you are having a nice time. Sad about your watch, you are on holiday so no watch should be needed but they still are. Have you had lots of Italian ice-cream ? The best one is meant to be in the
      Sorrento / Capri area someone said. Take care hugs to you both,
      Maria xx

  29. Well ladies I am going to say goodnight. I am not turning in yet but the storm we have been expecting all evening is now rumbling in the distance so I am going to join Peter on the balcony and watch the Lightning show. It is still 25 degrees but a lovely cool breeze is blowing.
    Night God bless all
    Saba xxx

  30. Well all the messages I left earlier seem to have disappeared. I tried to send comments to Maria last night as we were the only ones in the cafe but when I finished the text I lost the internet. I didn't loose it tonight so they must be in Cyber space. Had a rest from the GC tonight. Don't need the bits until a week Wednesday so time yet. Been listening to the radio. Well looks as if everyone has gone to bed so I will just tidy up and make myself a hot chocolate to take to bed. Night all.

  31. Night Night Everyone!
    Sorry I got distracted! Sleep well!
    Brenda - glad you gave your arm and shoulder a rest tonight!
    Enjoy your hot chocolate,
    Saba - enjoy the storm! Xxx

  32. Good night everyone sleep well Brenda so pleased your bag is helping and you are in less pain do take it easy.
    Saba hope you enjoy the storm and your salad does not give you indigestion.
    Maureen so pleased your little one landed safely, you must be so proud of her, so often children are not praised when they have been thoughtful and good, so refreshing when people take notice and take the time to praise them.
    Sleep well everyone, sweet dreams
    God Bless

  33. I've just missed Margaret and I think she's gone to bed. I'm just heading that way myself. It turned quite chilly herd this afternoon, it's certainly not summer yet is it. I walked into the optitions and oh blow it was the pushy lady - I thought she was the one he said had gone to another branch! I managed to egg out with a pair of glasses we liked not her! Not much different from the ones I've got but they won't be scratched! I did enquire about the price of a pair of sun glasses and ended up being given 6 pairs to try on! Didn't like to say I'd bought a pair for £15 in boots! Sandra I hope your tent went up well and wasn't blown away!
    Night night everyone sleep tight see you tomorrow.
    Love Diane xxxx
