
Sunday 7 June 2015

Maureen's beautiful words card!

Good Sunday Morning lovely ladies,
Well I still haven't felt up to sitting and crafting, my face is still painful, as is my tooth, it worsens as the day goes on, I only have three antibiotics left too!
So I was looking through my 'card folder' and found this absolutely stunning card by Maureen, I absolutely love the Die you have used for the frame and that saying is just so amazing and very, very true! You have created a gift suitable for so many occasions too, it looks like a Spellbinder die, although I couldn't be positive, the inner die definitely looks like one of the Romantic Rectangles Dies, thank you so much Maureen, I am sorry I haven't shown this beauty sooner.
Well we didn't get the tent up, it was way to windy,  but maybe tomorrow, although Paul has to move a shed at the allotment first thing, so we will see. He wants to put it up and then take it straight down as we ended up having to clean the other one we put up as the local cats seen to have been marking it as their new territory! not ours of course as they are indoor cats!
Pat, it sounds like you are having an absolutely amazing time, sorry to hear about your watch, you will still get plenty of 'winding up' from Pete no doubt! Your holiday seems to be whizzing past mind!
I did send a message on google+ to the lady on Sue's blog that wants to visit us here, so please any of you that speak to her feel free to let her know!
Margaret, thank you so very much for the fabulous parcel of heat bags, the girls were so excited they wanted to have theirs to take to bed tonight, they loved the idea of using them for football, specially in the colder days! Thank you again, you are so very kind. xxx
Well that's me for now, off to take some painkillers,
Love and Hugs to all


  1. Good morning Sandra and the Coffee Shop gang. Hope you are all enjoying the weekend. What about this weather?? However it is brighter here today and the wind has eased.
    Sandra:- that's not so good about that tooth, keep taking the Antibiotics though. If and when they to do anything it all helps.
    MAUREEN:- your card is just so beautiful, love the Die you have used. Don't have that one, I do have something similar which I use a lot. The sentiment is just perfect and so true.
    Place all set up and looking good. I have had some Tea & Toast with Jam. Fresh made Strawberry Jam, have left a couple of pots for you to try!!! I did not make it, my neighbour Isobel makes it. I just supply the sugar and berries. She makes amazing Strawberry Jam and gets it to "set". When I make it, mine never sets, my Raspberry jam is never a problem.
    Thomas here today while Robert plays football. John's friend who owns a few Car Dealerships has just moved his Suzuki Dearlership to new bigger premises and is having an "Open Day". We might pop along to see him. Thomas likes to looks at cars, so do I actually. I have a Suzuki which we bought new from him last year. I really would like one of the Suzuki Jimny's. Hopefully he will have one to "test drive" .
    OK! off over to the corner by the window to people watch. Not that there are many at this time on a Sunday morning. Hazel might pop in if she's not still out with Charlie and his friend.
    Hugs in the basket as always.
    Will be back later xxx

    1. Hi Patricia,
      I think there is something about strawberries and why they don't "set".
      Can't remember what it is though.
      Now this test driving a new car could seriously damage your jaunty jug fund!! Have fun.
      Hugs Saba xxx

    2. Strawberries are low in pectin so you can add lemon juice to help it set or preserving sugar which has added pectin in it to help it set :) xxx

  2. Missing my laptop! And down to my iPod Take care all

  3. Good mornings Sandra &Ladies,

    Well I woke up early this morning to a cloudless clear sky with brilliant sunshine. Gardening on the books a bit later, but still have to finish off my June cards.

    Oh Maureen, your card is so lovely, pretty & elegant and I just love the saying, that is so true. What are the dies used?

    My Pete always made everyone feel good just by giving them a hug every time he greeted them. There isn't anyone I know who ever said anything bad about him, how could they? He didn't have a nasty bone in his body. He gave so much and from some he received little but he was always upbeat, smiling through his pain.

    Ouch Sandra, I do feel for you still in discomfort from your poorly tooth and face. I hope you see the doctor for more ABX tomorrow. Rest easy my flower. if you not feeling up to it, don't panic, there's always another day.

    Love & hugs
    Cheryl xxx

    1. Cheryl,
      I think you need a bit of a cuddle today so I have sent one flying on the wind to you.
      Love Saba xxx

    2. Thank you Saba, I have caught it. xxx

    3. Sending a big Hug to you Cheryl, hope you had a nice day <3 Xxx

  4. Morning Ladies

    Maureen-such a gorgeous card & perfect words of wisdom on it.

    Sandra-I think you might need to go back to the dentist tomorrow, don't keep suffering. I guess everyone that calls in today will be saying something similar to you.

    Had a lovely lie in (well, for me it was) after my few hours of sleep the night before and I feel so much better. It's very sunny here today but still quite breezy but I don't think I can ignore the weeding again! I started a card yesterday but have left it at the "thinking about what to put where" stage! I'll need to finish that today as it needs to go in the post soon. I do the housework & ironing on Subdays and I think the American relatives want to FaceTime us later-busy day.

    Patricia-is it you thats won something on Sues blog today? Oh I do hope it is.

    Best get moving as I have lots to do.

    1. Not me Michele. although I do know of the lady, she comments on my Blog xxx

  5. Janet Ecco of Sheffield7 June 2015 at 09:06

    Morning Patricia, Sandra and all who pop in today.
    Sandra I'm sorry you're still in such pain. Have you been to your own Dentist?

    First I have to make an APOLOGY - On Friday I just left my post in mid air. I'm so sorry as that was really rude of me. I'd just finished typing re my hairdresser due in 15mins when the door bell went and in she walked shouting 'Hi Janet sorry I'm early'. So I just signed off not wanting to loose what I'd already done.

    As for yesterday well where oh where did it go. It was our fortnightly meet Jim's Niece and her two little ones who by the way yesterday were in full spat with each other. They torment each other as though there's no tomorrow sometimes and yesterday was one of those days. We spent longer than usual as Vicky needed some family information for some hospital forms she needs to fill out. She is waiting for a particular scan to find out if she has this gene which would put her in a high percentage of having breast cancer. Her Mom died of cancer 8yrs ago and her Nan (Jim's Mum) also died in her 30s with cancer so this year the hospital has suggested that she have the scan.
    I had my Tesco order to do when we got back and before I knew where I was it was it was bedtime and I then remembered not visiting.
    So all the crafty good yesterday were wonderful and I have stored one or two ideas for goodies for Steptember's big coffee morning on the 25th. The WI (my K&N group) always have one so ideas are always welcome. I hope no-one minds.

    Maureen your card today is just just gorgeous. More than a gift in itself it's a work of art and would grace any wall.

    Have got to start sorting and packing some craft things ready for going into the car at the end of next week as Mr Organised is already muttering about things to take etc etc etc. I do try to get a good start on my Seasonal cards through the summer so extra craft has to go this time.

    We have some blue sky and sunshine but that horrible wind will not go away so I'm not sure what will happen today. I've filled the basket with my hugs and they're really missing Norah's to play with. I hope Sam is having the most fantastic time and Hazel I hope that you come home refreshed or will you need another holiday to get over this hectic one.
    Have a good Sunday everyone.
    Hugs xxxx

  6. Morning Sandra and all, hi not many here yet. Coffee and toast this morning but you stay where you are I can help myself and put the money in the pot.
    So sorry you still in agony Sandra, maybe you will have to go to your GP tomorrow and get help. Hope you feeling better soon.
    Maureen that is a beautiful card and some lovely words! Love the shape of the card. What thickness do you need for it to stand up ?
    Karenlotty- short and sweet :-) good to know you are around.
    Blue sky, sunshine and I wont be doing much as from yesterday it is my(red) nose, feet and not much else that do not hurt hihi but so nice to see the work that was done. I hope you girls have a nice day whatever you are up to
    love and hugs Maria xxx

  7. Good morning Sandra and all the coffee shop crew
    Sorry to hear you are still fighting this infection Sandra have you thought about a visit to your doctor or at the very least a phone call to this dentist you are seeing. In the mean time try one of your small pocket heat bags to see if that will ease the pain for you. Delighted to know your parcel arrived safely somehow I knew your lovely girls would like one!
    Maureen your masterpiece today is astonishingly beautiful so very luxurious and elegant with the gold and most definitely something to be treasured by the lucky person who receives it, but which die have you used? The words are so very true and so lovely too.
    Talking of sheds it must be the weekend for them our neighbour who has recently moved in got her grandson and a friend to demolish the shed that was at the property as the floor was rotten. Well I don't think they knew where to start so for about three hours every few minutes it was bang, bang, bang, followed by bark, bark, bark yes you guessed right our two corgis can be very vocal! For three hours or more it was mayhem in our house I am surprised they don't have sore throats with all the barking, we even tried turning the TV up as we do at bonfire night but no, they just carried on. One good thing a thief doesn't stand much chance of success!
    Well we have a very weak sun this morning but the wind is still there not quite as strong, so chancing my luck and have put the washer on.
    Hazel so pleased you are enjoying your wonderful holiday and getting a little Hazel and Charlie time.
    Pat do you not think someone, somewhere, is trying to tell you forget about the time just enjoy your wonderful holiday? You enjoy all that wonderful sun and warmth it will do both of you the world of good.
    Saba have you survived that storm which was heading your way, I do hope you have not been blown off your famous balcony after the bottle of wine!
    Brenda hope you are feeling easier today don't go overdoing things with your GC.
    Has anyone seen Sheila or did I just miss her yesterday, do hope all is well with her. I know Saturdays can be taken up with visiting her darling Nikki but she has been doing so well lately calling in.
    Oh my coffee was lovely this morning I have put my money in the pot and washed my cup, my hugs and cuddles are over in the corner as usual.
    I shall pop in later but please do note I was early this morning!!!
    Margaret xxx

    1. Margaret,
      The storm was a let down but the wine was lovely. There is something special about sitting outside late at night in the dark with no distractions apart from natural ones like stars or rumbles of thunder and far off lightening as was the case yesterday and just chatting.
      Hope there is no more banging from your new neighbours to disturb your corgis today. If they are anything like my friends two dogs, one barks and the other one feels duty bound to join in.
      Hugs Saba xxx

    2. MARGARET:- hope they don't decide to have a "bonfire" to get rid of the shed xxx

  8. Hi Sandra,

    Sorry to hear your mouth is still playing you up, that's not good, have you been to the doctors with it or are you sure its a tooth complaint and not something else. I do feel for you my friend, nothing worse than toothache.
    Love the card from Maureen, so pretty, love the frame, gorgeous.

    Love & hugs

    Jacquie J xxx

  9. Forgot to mention Ladies, I am so sorry if it comes across that I may be ignoring you and not replying to your comments, I am still trying to kick myself into gear to get used to you all replying on here and not to me in my blog lol! I am so used to people sending messages on my blog I don't think to look back on here, sorry!!! I'll get used to it one day.

    Love & hugs

    Jacquie J xxx

    1. Jacquie, the beauty of Sandra's blog is that no one sits in judgement and whether your comments are short and sweet, or long or whether some days you just want to have a moan, nobody minds.
      It's just lovely to see you and have you as a member of this coffee shop family.
      Love and hugs Saba xxx

    2. Jacquie! I've been missing all day today! Just popped in now! I can almost hear the others groaning - oh no she's back! Ha ha ! No one worries - although we would if you didn't comment at all as we'd think you were perhaps ill! Take care xxx

  10. Good morning everyone, Sandra sweetheart you need to go back to the dentist or at least the doctor to get more antibiotics, sometimes you need two doses to clear things up. Hope you get better soon.
    Maureen your card is gorgeous, love the words they are so true.
    It is not so windy today but still a wee be cold in the wind, sun is trying to shine.
    Hope you have all found your mojos bet they were hiding in your PhD boxes?
    Coffee done, money in pot, will pop in later, take care, Jess x

  11. Hi Sandra and Everyone!
    Sorry Sandra that you are still suffering! You need to see someone ASAP !
    This is just a quick pop in as I have visitors for lunch today. Will pop in later.
    Maureen - a beautiful card with what looks like gilding flakes peeping out!
    I just love that frame and the verse is A1.
    I hope you have a lovely time with Zoe! Hope Grandma behaves - I not worried about Zoe!! Ha ha !
    Lots of love Myra xxx

  12. Hello Sandra and all who come into the coffee shop today,
    Oh dear Sandra you should be getting some relief by now, but as you are still in pain then it's time to go back to the dentist, there is nothing worse than toothache, Please go back and see him or get another opinion.

    MAUREEN Your card is gorgeous, I love the words, they are so true.

    We haven't any great plans for today, John is out in the garden just tidying up and cutting the grass. Im going to prepare dinner and make a Sticky Toffee pudding for our dessert . May have to go into craft room and play later.

    Leaving a big basket tog hugs, Love Brenda xxx

    1. Ooooooh sticky toffee pudding, love it. Beats the stewed rhubarb we are having hand down.
      Hugs Saba xxx

    2. You've just reminded me, Sab, I have a load to pick from my rhubarb patch. Pete & I loved to have a big bowl full with some ice-cream for tea, after a day spent gardening. I will some for tea today. Happy memories x

    3. Rhubarb and natural yoghurt, or ice cream. Yummy. Hazel.x

    4. Love Sticky Toffee Pudding. Always requested for meals here or even for meals along at J&As. Like Hazel a favourite for me is Steward Rhubarb and THICK natural yogurt .... yummy!! xxx

    5. I lurrrve Sticky Toffee Pavlova. yum yum x

    6. CHERYL:- have never made Sticky Toffee Pavlova!!
      Sounds interesting though xxx

    7. I love rhubarb mess or crumble with custard ,its just your teeth feel funny after eating rhubarb or is that just me hihi . Don't think I ever had a sticky thingy before.
      hope you had a nice day Brenda Xxx

    8. Oooh yummy rhubarb. Had a lovely rhubarb fool on holiday with squishy ginger biscuits - beautiful xxx

  13. Hello Sandra and the crew,
    Sandra, I can only repeat what everyone else has said, emergency appointment tomorrow at either the doctors or dentist if it is still causing you so much pain. Cloves are really good for the pain if you have any. You can buy clove oil at the chemist or if you have any actual cloves at home pop one on your gum. They are a bit sharp so you need to be careful but they really do soothe the area around the tooth.
    Maureen, I have to give you your official name for today's comment. I am in love with your card. Please tell us how you did the frame. I seem to remember Becca Feeken has made these kind of cards. It looks difficult but I would love to copy your design if you don't mind. It is stunning, love the building flakes in the background and the verse is so true. Did you hand write it?
    Well our storm last evening was a bit of a disappointment, lots of flashes in the distance but nothing spectacular. We haven't been back from Church long, the coffee hour afterwards always turns into a couple of hours. It was an interesting service though as we had a visiting group of musicians singing and playing various instruments and the hymns were all modern happy clappy ones which, although I love the traditional much loved hymns, were lovely and so uplifting. The sermon, in direct contrast though, was so long and so boring!!!
    Right, going over to Sue's now, hope you are all enjoying your day.
    Love and hugs
    Saba xxx

    1. Saba,
      I don't think the wise man would build his house with building flakes! Xx

    2. Trust you to spot it! I thought I had sneaked that one past everyone.

    3. Saba you been taking lessons from my predictive text? Lol
      Jess x

    4. Good name for those horrid flakes hihi

    5. MARIA :- I like them I take it you don't??? xxx

  14. Good afternoon Sandra and ladies. Late for me, but last time I was tired and couldn't keep my eyes open long enough to see what beauty was on offer today.
    Maureen, this is one of those cards that would remain out on show all the time, it's stunning, love the words.
    Sandra, like every one else go back and get more antibiotic? Have you tried dissolvable disprin in a small amount of warm water and just swishing it around the side of your mouth that is sore, I had to do that once, it did help with the pain.
    We had a lovely afternoon evening with Charlies friend and family, oh boy you should have seen the view that they enjoy. Their house is up the hill side over looking the bay. I could have sat and just watch that view all day. The sun set was amazing too. Ester is Mexican, and oh does she know how to cook! Her salads alone were to die for, we came away so full of the most delicious foods. it's 40 years since John and Charlie have seen one another, so lots of catching up and happy memories.
    Well it's only 7.25am and the sun is shining brightly, don't know what we wil do this morning, we are heading to the other side of Vancouver to see one of Charlies brothers but that's later.
    I keep meaning to asked do you think" Wendy from Scotland " has gone back to Lanzarote? Because of the awful weather! As she hasn't been in for weeks.
    Sheila, I hope you are ok?
    Well I'd better make a move. Hazel x

    1. Glad it all went well and you had a nice meal. xxx

  15. Flying visit I hadn't realised you had shown my baby cardi If you'd like one for Milly May I gladly send you one CHERYL Get Sandra to let me have your address I knit all of the time making baby garment My daughter pinches them for her friends and the rest are donated to Harefield Hospital - where my son was a patient for them to sell The yarn I use for this particular cardi is Sirdar Baby Crofter DK Comes in a few shades all of which are lovely

    1. Thank you so much my little sweet pea, you are so kind and I am sure Milly-May would say thank you too. I've just messaged

  16. PS Strawberry jam doesn't set well because it's low in Pectin Used to be able to buy a product called Certo (I think) to help set the jam

    1. Yes Karen you still get Certo. Even with that my Strawberry Jam does not set as well as Isobel's award winning Jam!! I just leave it to the expert!! xxx

  17. Hello folks, I need. Cuppa and something sweet. Boy!! the young ones fairly keep you on your toes. We only had Thomas, first of all him and Grandpa went off on their bikes. Back .... had some lunch then off to the Garage. BBQ, drinks and things for the adults and kids. Thomas had a Burger, where do they put it??? He had not long finished his lunch. Had a look at the car I would like, John not keen on it. I have seen "sense" my car is not a year old yet, small and an absolutely perfect run about for me. John uses 4x4 so why in heavens name do I need another car??? Saba:- your right it would have emptied the "jaunt jug"
    The weather was good, bit chilly but the sun was shining. Thomas asked if we could go to the Miniture Railway at Arbroath. "I know I am get to old for it Grandpa but I like it" Your never too old for things like that. Had a run on it ...... all of 10 mins if that. Then we had to have Ice Cream & Candy Floss or Cotton Candy as they call it now. Delivered Thomas home and that's us just back. Better go rustle up something to eat
    Hope you have all enjoyed some sunshine and had a good day. Be back later xxx

  18. Patricia, your mention of Arbroath reminded me of the old Franci and Josie sketch about their granny, it was hilarious, so we're they, if you want to see it it is on U-tube, just google Franci and Josie Arbroath sketch!! Enjoy
    Jess x

    1. JESS:- just watched it, that was fantastic, thank you.
      Their parting song brought back memories!!! When I was very small that was my parting song when leaving visitors in Aberdeen. Oh! my! word! that was a LOT of years ago. Off to watch it again, need to get some more tissues. xxx

    2. Wow! Jess! That was a blast from the past! I used to watch Franci and Josie on TV when I was a teenager! We've just listened/ watched
      It! Really funny! Especially having lived in England for about 40 years!
      Thanks for the memory! Xxx

    3. Jess just watched it.
      Didn't understand a word!!

    4. They are funny with their short trousers, had to go over and look of course. The dialect is quite strong but were ok after a bit of tuning tihi

    5. SABA:- Hazel, Jess & I will translate for you in October.
      Any advance on my 9 for October??? xxx

    6. Patricia, I can only come up with 9 as well and I am sure there were 13 or even 14. What about Norah, I think she was coming.

    7. Norah was coming but it clashes with a family wedding I think!
      Missing you Norah! Xxx

    8. No, Norah booked then cancelled
      Hazel knows most of who's coming.
      She might read this and tell us. xxx

    9. 13 coming, Saba. Sandra, Maureen, Myra, Cheryl, Jess, Diane, Maria, Saba, Patricia, Sam, Sue, Pat, and little old me. Hazel x

    10. know it was something different with our Saba,
      she always comes twice hihi No Brenda's ? We need them and Norah !

  19. Hello everyone. Sorry to be late. Sunny here and not too windy. First chance I have had to come in the cafe. Went to church this morning and like Saba we had a long sermon. He did apologise. Then it was coffee after and a chat to everyone. Got home and had quick lunch then picked a friend up as she wanted me to take her to a particular garden centre where she had recently bought some Rose petals for her daughters wedding in July. I decided not to buy anything today but when we got there I bypassed the clothes as thought we were just going to get the Rose petals. Ended up with me looking at the clothes whilst she went and got the petals. Ended up with a lovely top reduced from £31 to £7.99. Well I couldn't leave it there could I and a thin cardi to wear over sleeveless dresses. Bought a white one last time as no black but today they had a black one so I do not need anymore clothes for my holiday. I also bought some of the Rose petals. They are material and shaped and I saw a video on Utube yesterday making a Rose from petals just like these. Will give it a go. Well got to the checkout and guess what - no purse. Didn't panic as guessed I had left it in the bag I had use earlier. Luckily friend came to the rescue. Phew. SANDRA as everyone has already said you must go to the Dr or Dentist tomorrow. A week is too long to be in all that pain.
    MAUREEN. Love your card today and looking forward to finding out what dies you used. I assume you attached a stand on the back of it? Love the verse on it. Was that a stamp or done on the computer.
    On the way home today I made a detour to go down a different road. It is well over a mile long and both sides of the road it Is a mass of rhododendron bushes. Some at least 20ft tall. It is beautiful.

    1. BRENDA:- sounds like a great day out for you. Glad that's you set for your holidays.
      Like the idea for using the Rose Petals.
      Coming home this evening we passed the "Glamis" estate they have some beautiful Rhododendrons ansolutley spectacular. xxx

    2. Hi Brenda,
      Sounds as if you've had a good day! All ready for your holiday and some bargains as well! It's been a busy day here as we've had visitors but once lunch is over and cleared away I was able to relax and enjoy the company! Got enough roast lamb etc for tomorrow so I don't have to think tomorrow evening! Xxx

    3. Just looked at the top again and if was £36.99 reduced to £7.99 so even more of a bargain.

    4. Brenda, its great when you see something you want when you are not really looking, well done.glad you had a good day
      Jess x

    5. Great bargain there Littlelamb, you do feel good when you find something 'for the right price' The petals sound nice.
      Glad you had a nice day

  20. Well what a glorious day! Sun has shone pretty much all day, I went to allotment this morning with Paul, he was putting a shed up I pottered about then home for late lunch, we packed the lambs off to their new home, bit sad, but the school children will benefit from helping to look after them. We then got around to getting the tent up and down, although that wasn't so much fun for me as just like yesterday the pain in my tooth/face started to return at about three o'clock, I have come to the conclusion that it is sinus related, as my teeth were fine all morning then this afternoon, the pain started just beside my nose and spread, eventually affecting my teeth, so I think I will have to get another doctor appointment in the morning to ask to continue the antibiotics as it isn't cleared up yet! So frustrating!
    Can I ask any of you that may have any man cards to send me some for man card Monday!
    Thanks in advance, off for a shower and to inhale some steam!
    Love and hugs
    Sandra xxxxx

    1. Hi Sandra, hope you feel more right after your shower and steam? doc. for you in the morning. I've found some mans card, old made ones but can't for my life send them. Son is out and hubby asleep so now one can help,maybe next time. hope you get some sleep yourself after the good air from the allotment Xxx

  21. Hi all,
    Have just finished watching the Canadian Grand pricks and thought about you Hazel, wonder if you saw it too. Also saw Bradley Wiggins setting a new record in cycling, I felt sore for him tihi ( of course I know it's prix, it's just my son always said pricks when he was little)
    Must say sorry to Saba, I missed you as my friend on Sue's site but of course you are, a very good friend and can't wait to see you one day !
    Not sure if Jacquie will see this but you know that sometimes stuff comes in the way for sitting down to right a letter so if you have the chance and just leave a note that fine, I'm sure Sandra is just happy to see you pop in and so are we ,it's love and fun in the cafe' from all and I feel really happy to belong.
    I hope you get some help tomorrow Sandra, we don't like to see you in so much pain lovely lady !
    We did have some nice sunshine today so I sat out most of the day and of course I fell a sleep tihi, thankfully the sun went behind neighbours house about 3pm so my nose is still just red from yesterday and not worse. Not good with suncreams but have a nice one called "Calypso" , cheap ,not greasy and smells nice (one for Wednesday) early hihi
    Everyone who had your grandchildren around today I hope you had a lovely day
    together ! hopefully they now got back home so you can sit down and rest with your bottles of whatever is your fancy tihi
    I will now go back up and see what you have done today ,prob.see you again in about an hour ........ Xxx

    1. MARIA:- it's not good to get too much sun on your face.......!!!
      I never go out the door in summer without Factor 50 sunscreen on my face even if it is not actually sunny. I love the sun but never actually BBQ myself in it. Mind you I am trying hard not to let my face/body get any more wrinkly!! The sun is the worst thing for creating "wrinkles" However your a lot younger than me .... but it does comes to us all eventually!! xxx

    2. Maria, I was gutted, cried all afternoon!! Only kidding I knew it was just an oversight. I can't wait to meet you too. Are you coming in October?
      I can't for the life of me remember everyone who is coming to the retreat, I must look back and check.
      Love and hugs
      Saba xxx

    3. Patricia, I have heard that yogurt can help reverse the signs of damage done by the sun.
      I think you have to lather it on your face and then sleep with your head wrapped in cling film with breathing holes cut in of course.
      I am kidding!! Don't anyone dare try that at home!!,

    4. SABA:- 2 great minds think alike ... !!!
      I was thinking the very same thing this afternoon.. Who's coming and who's not coming to the retreat. I have got to 9 but stuck after that. I have included you that's for sure. xxx

    5. I have the BEST cure for wrinkles! Don't wear your glasses/ lenses and you won't see them! Xx

    6. SABA:- will not try that, will stick with the wrinkles thank you, at least I would still be alive in the morning ...... well I hope I will be. However "natural yogurt" is brilliant for Sunburn, only Natural though!!! xxx

    7. I always sleep with a brown paper bag over my head, it stops George from having nightmares xxx

    8. MAYRA:- that's what scares me ....... I think I look ok till I put my glasses on!!!
      Tell you what there are certain mirrors that should not be allowed to be manufactured !!! xxx

    9. Now, now Maureen I have seen a picture of you and that's taking it a bit TOO far. xxx

    10. Ooh! I've got an alias! Xxx

    11. No you haven't, it's just the Scottish pronounciation.

    12. Patricia, is that the same as hawk eye the noooo?

    13. Promise to be careful, have enough freckles already. I thought you put us together at the hips MAYRA haha it just it would be very awkward and wonky to walk oooooh!
      I'm seeing you in october Saba ! I think we still working on Littlelamb, Karenlotty and is it Norah and someone else to come for a day. Real coffee and I'm sure there will be some cake ,a calorie rich one ! Xxx

    14. You two should be on the Stage -- Sweeping it!! Xxx
      The old ones are the best! At least that's what my brother says! Xx

  22. Hi lovely café ladies
    Sorry I have not been in for the past couple of weeks, but I could read everything but send nothing, everything on all the blogs were disappearing. Got someone to look at it today and he says it should now work, we will see, this might not get anywhere.
    Sandra sorry to keep reading about your painful face, if it is sinus related then do not bend your face down as this will start the pain in your face.
    To all who have been on holiday ..enjoy..
    Maureen love your card its gorgeous.
    Cheryl the baby is beautiful.
    That is all I am going to say as I could be wasting my time if this goes nowhere lol
    love to you all
    Wendy xx

    1. Wendy, I was only thinking about you today and like Patricia thought you might be on Lanzarote. So glad you have got your internet problems sorted. Missed you.
      Love and hugs Saba xxx

    2. Hello, Wendy! Great to have you back with us! You're not in Lanzarote after all! Xxx

    3. Wendy, Lanzarote's loss is our gain!!!
      Muriel xxx

    4. Welcome back to the fold Wendy x

    5. Hazel was looking for you earlier today Wendy xxx

    6. Good to see you back Wendy.
      You must tell us what you been up too,
      I'm the nosy one after all tihi Xxx

  23. Well hellooooooooooo there!
    Sorry I'm so late, Sandra dear the sooner you see a Doctor the better. Enjoy your shower.
    Well, what a surprise seeing my card there today. I'll try to tell you what I did, and what I used in the correct order.
    1) Samuel Taylor 250 gsm smooth card.
    2) Spellbinder Reflective Moment main die - cut four and emboss two.
    3) Spellbinder Romantic Rectangles 2nd largest die - apply a double sided sticky sheet to white card and cut one. Add gilding flakes and scrub.
    4) Spellbinder Spanish Collection - Seville - cut one smallest die. Stamp sentiment which is a Clarity stamp.
    5) Glue one embossed Reflective moment to one not embossed. (I hope that makes sense, you end up with 2 double thickness die cuts each 500 gsm),
    6) Score along the back of one of the die cuts below the fancy cut out top, and fold back. This becomes the back of the card which should be glued to the front. so that the card is glued together at the top only.
    7) Remove the backing from the other side of the gilded piece of card and adhere to the front of the frame.
    8) Adhere the piece of card with the stamped verse and the decorate the whole thing however you please.
    Then have a cup of coffee and put everything away!!!
    Zoe and I have been crafting all afternoon, making party bags and a card for her dad. We used the x-cut bag die which Hazel told us about, and every card was individuallly decorated to suit the recipient. They also had the initial of the girl added. We had a butterfly with a real ruby and emerald body. hearts intertwined with pearls, exotic flowers (for a girl from the Phillipines), a mask for a girl who does am dram, a football for a tomboy and I've forgotten the other two. Let's just say it's been a l o n g afternoon!! She had such a good time and has been looking forward to it. We didn't have time to do any Myra goodies with the washie tape but I was told "don't worry Grandma, we can do some next weekend!) I've got to say that she really is good company.
    I didn't manage to salvage the card which had dirty painting water spilt on it last night, so that's gone in the recycling bin, but I did manage to get another done this morning because I had the idea and the colour scheme there, which is always the hardest bit.
    See you all later.
    Muriel xxx

    1. I just knew you'd have a great day! You've been busy but a good job has been done and Zoe will be thrilled to distribute her lovely bags! Hope you took some photos?
      Sorry about yesterday's card but pleased you made another! Hope Grandad coped well with the Craftathon? Xxx

    2. Sounds like a good day was had by Gran & Granddaughter.
      Pity about you spillage card .... you did get another done quick smart though. xxx

    3. I think Zoe will remember today as a special day spent with Grandma. I sure she would love to do a 'show and tell' with all of these special bags. xx

  24. Thank you Maureen for the instructions for your card. They are very clear. Glad you enjoyed the bag making this afternoon. The ladies at our craft session enjoyed making theirs on Wednesday plus the Izzy bag.

  25. Thank you for the welcome back, but with this weather I wish I was in Lanzarote. Have been bowling all day and came home soaked, cold and fed up with the weather.
    I have totally lost my mojo with any kind of crafting, how do I get it back, the only thing I have done in weeks is a book folding thingy and I am not really too happy with that, that's my moaning done xx

    1. Don't worry about your Mojo Wendy it's in good company (well I think so) it's with mine!! xxx

    2. oh yes mine too , probably in Lanzarote doing the clubs and bars xx

  26. Just been watching the Canadian Grand Prix, and guess who were there, two yes two Mounties in their red coats and hats, they were on the grid when the Canadian National Anthem was sung, I hope you saw them Maureen, one was a woman, equally rules!!!
    Jess x

    1. Oh Jess, I'd rather watch paint dry than watch a Grand Pricks!!! I'm sorry to have missed the Mounties though.
      St George kept myself and Zoe supplied with coffee and water respectively throughout the Craftathon, with an occasion turn of the Grand Calibur when the card was a tad too thick for Zoe.
      He's arrived, so I'm going to get ready for bed. Sweet dreams everyone.
      Love Maureen xxx

    2. MAUREEN:- Looks like I might be going to bed as well....... John just asked if I wanted a "hot water bag" . I said no then changed my mind, my place will be cosy. John never comes to bed before midnight so I need something to "cosy" into xxx

  27. Good evening, it's only the back of 2 here so afternoon. But oh boy it's hot, hot, hot. Sorry to rub it in, but I wish it was a bit cooler, we are in our room with our feet up. Don't know what's in store when we meet up later with family?
    Maureen, so glad Zoe and yourself had fun crafting!!! That's her bags done, and how lovely of her to do them for each individual, they will be thrilled. Pity about your card, but as you said you had the idea to work with. We popped into Micheals and came out without spending, still not impressed. And it was very expensive and not a die insite? We haven't bought anything really but the cases seem to be fuller. Right enjoyed my cup of tea money in the pot. Hazel x

    1. Hazel ... it's that Mountie that's making your case seem fuller.
      Ooopps!! sorry I forgot you told me not to tell. xxx

    2. Hazel, glad you have a good time in the heat and expensive Canada. No crafting items back, how disappointing :-(
      Patricia you will soon have someone to cuddle up too, hope it's not a plastic one lol xx

  28. Good evening Sandra & everyone
    Sandra im so sorry your still in pain hope doctor can sort you out tomorrow.
    Sorry haven't commented for couple days internent trouble might be the high winds we have had,mind you this is my third attempt at this keeps freezing up.
    We had lovely day was Harry's Christening he was really good & looked gorgeou Lisa my daughter was his Godmother & Sam's youngest sister was his other one. Lisa also made his Christening & birthday cake they were lovely.
    Harry is one on the 12th I don't know where that year went.
    MAUREEN your card is gorgeous love it. Loved all yesterday's mixed craft.
    Sorry haven't looked backed at comments incase I freeze up again so will say good night ladies hopefully see you all tomorrow.
    Love & Hug's Lynda xx

    1. Lynda, glad you had a good day. Just been over to yours and seen the gorgeous card you made for Harry.
      Love Saba xxx

    2. Hi Lynda,sent you an E hope you got it. See you tomorrow , Glad you had a nice day. Nighty night! Xxx

  29. Had a wee chat with Hazel ... Ipad to Ipad.
    That's me happy so I am off to bed.
    See you all in the morning.
    Good Night God Bless. xxx

  30. I'm heading off too, Peter is snoring his little head off.
    Sandra hope the steam helped.
    Good night and God bless all
    Saba xxx

  31. Hi Sandra
    Like ve Maureen's card. Love the sentiment that you've used. Thunder this evening as we got off the Hydrofils from Capri. Had dinner this evening free wine always at dinner. My St have drunk to much as I'm not to sure what letters im hitting. Tried to help Jean set up her tablet to connect to wifi. Not having much luck. Even the receptionist couldn't help. No travelling tomorrow as its a dat off. Haven't read the comments today ladies. Think I've had to much free wine+ it's Mikes birthdat today so we had free Lemonchello. It's a bummer being on holiday. Never had free wine on holiday before. Hope the pen hit the write letters ladies. I honestly don't drink a lot. Night might sleep tight hope the bed bugs don't bite,

    1. Night Night Pat! I think you'll sleep well! Glad you've had a good day out and a lovely dinner!
      Night Night everyone!
      See you in the morning , all being well ,

    2. Oh Pay Thik u had to mush C u tmrow,
      Appy irthdy to Micky !
      love and hugs Mayra hihi Xxx

  32. Hi Sandra and the cafe gang.
    Gosh sorry I'm so late today, I'm not sure where the day went!
    Maureen your card is stunning, a real keepsake and I love that sentiment. Sorry to hear you couldn't salvage the card from yesterday - what a pain! Pleased to hear you had a good day crafting with your little buddy xxx
    Sandra you must go to the doctor tomorrow and get more antibiotics. They will make you feel rubbish but will hopefully fight the infection. It's been a busy day here with revision, washing and gardening. I'd just started to cook dinner when my friend phoned. She's just got back from Canada and missed my birthday so we had a good catch up. Dinner was late and I still had to remake the bed so I'm all behind.
    Oh Maureen I saw the Mounties at the end of the Grand Prix too and thought of you!
    Sorry it's short and sweet today, I'm struggling to keep my ryes open now so must go to bed. See you all tomorrow.
    Love Diane xxx

    1. Sleep tight Diane, you did have a busy day so hope you sleep ok

    2. I'm signing out too, dishwasher done and put away. Swept the floor, don't understand where all the building flakes coming from ? Cat also put outside , she was stirring with Norah's hugs to much. Norah you need to come back soon and fill that basket up, we running a bit low ! Natti natt xx

  33. Everyone's gone again. Perhaps Hazel will be back in soon. Should go to sleep though. Will make a hot chocolate. Nothing to do as everything is ready for the morning.

    1. Sorry ,didn't see you there. Went and looked at e-mails and other blogger sites and here I am again. Nearly 2.30 and I'm meant to be in the pool 8am so best try some shuteye. If only mr sandman and mojo could come back. I believe they gone to Lanzarote all of them. See you all later,Xxx
