
Thursday 25 June 2015

Thursday Treat from Jean !!

Jeans Wonderful Wedding Card
Jeans Beautiful Birthday card

Good Thursday Morning Lovely Friends,
I wanted to share with you today a couple of Jean's cards, both absolutely stunning in different ways.
The Wedding Card is just so elegant and I love the fact that you have done it in cream and not
white, I never think of doing that and I don't know why, it looks amazing and is somehow 'softer' in cream.
I love the different opening of the card, allowing you to decorate with the front in a totally different way, using the rows of pearls to highlight the edges of the card is an amazing idea, those little flowers are so delicate and actually I think delicate is a good way to describe the 'feel' of the card.
I am not sure what the embossing folder is that you have used but whatever it is its really pretty, without being over the top. 
The sentiment is one I have never seen before too, but looks great on your card, the finishing touches of the bows and the little gemstones dotted here and there is just finish the card perfectly.

Now on to the second of Jeans cards, I can see that you have got something pretty in aqua behind your latticed from, that almost looks like a Moroccan Screen, I can see some pretty lace beneath the those gorgeous flowers , I just love that aqua and white colour theme and those flowers are so pretty, finished with those little aqua and white pearls.
Jean thank you so much for allowing me to share these stunning cards with our friends here in the café, I am so thankful to you for the inspiration and I know all of the ladies will be too.
Pat I was so happy to read Pete's great news yesterday, it made my day, I hope it has made Pete smile too, he is amazing the way he copes with his illness and always has such a great sense of humour!
Sending Huge Hugs to both of you, I was so grateful of your visit on Monday, thank you xxxx
Margaret, I hope that your Grandson is feeling better today and that it was a simple tummy bug and not that horrible Noro Virus, sending hugs to you all xxxx
Sam, my lovely, I hope that you get some good news regarding your operation, waiting around must be so frustrating for you, your whole house will be sparkling if you are delayed any longer, just get in that craft room and have fun, sending hugs to you xxxxx
Sue, thank you so much for coming over on Tuesday, I know you weren't feeling 100%, I want you to know it meant the world to me and Milo & Bella, they love their new tree! xxxx
Well I must go and see the girls off to school, they are doing Mock, mock exams this week and next and boy are they getting their selves wound up bless them, they have 3 today, I will be pleased for them when this fortnight is over.  Unfortunately the exam system here has changed for them, when Matt and Becca did their exams a few years ago the overall mark was made up of course work and the final exam, which I think that this was a great way of understanding the child's abilities, for Sophie and Lucy its all down to the exam on the day, which if they have got themselves in a 'pickle'
it could affect their result, so its all down to that one day, which is how we did it.
I will pop in and catch up with you all later,
Love and hugs


  1. Good morning, looks like I am first in today. Off to work soon so I will quickly get things ready.
    Jean, your cards are both beautiful, the wedding card is stunning and gorgeous, love the whole design. The other one in those Aqua and white colours is also gorgeous, love how you have put the two designs together inside the cut out.
    Margaret, I hope you and Derek are both ok and haven't caught the bug, oh my sister last night wanting you to get it? It goes to show how easy what we are thinking can be changed by missing a word out??
    All the talk last night about product name changes and how we all seem to remember the same ones too? Goes to show how like minded we all are. Or of the same age!! Poor Lynda I bet she wishes she hadn't mentioned it was her birthday soon, she had 41 years added.
    As for health and safety. It's all been taken a step to far, yes it's there to protect us BUT are we not endangering ourselves everyday by buying things from these companies? As we think because it's got a safety label we think it's safe??? Who knows these days?
    Oh I have just looked at the clock I'd better go get going and go see how grumpy those two girls are this morning? They are so tired and mummy took them on a 50 mile round trip to do an hours jumping lesson last night - she needs to let them have time off, they are both in completions all weekend, Beth is Shetland pony racing and Anna is eventing. Be in later I will need a cup of tea by the time I get back. Hazel x

    1. Thank you Hazel, yes how cruel,hope I don't look 109 it will be like the walking dead HaHa!!!

    2. I know you don't look 109 Lynda (cos 109 is the Bus into Croydon)
      You are only a couple of years younger than me!!!!!!
      And a couple of years older than Maureen's and my granddaughters!!!
      Did we tell you they are 9 on July 2nd?
      Of course THATS the same date as your Birthday!!!!!
      LOL Brenda xxx

    3. Oh Brenda! I'm so glad all the words were typed and in the correct order! Every time you see that bus you'll think of Lynda! Thank goodness you made it clear it was the Number!! I'm going to be in big trouble today. Nothing new there then! Xxx

    4. Lynda I am just a couple years younger, but some days I feel 109. I thought children were meant to keep you young, not make you feel older. When you read that these women are wanting to have their first child at between 50-60 are they mad??? Do they not know they only stay tiny for only a blink of an eye? They are teenagers before you know it and oh boy you know it when they come one. Hazel x

    5. Brenda OB, I could be 109 because I look like the back of a bus!!! xxx

    6. Hazel, we don't need to wait until they are teenagers. Eleanor is 12 in November, but the hormones oh the hormones!!! xxx

    7. Maureen, You clearly have not seen the back of a 109 Bus.
      Some have adverts on for Shows in London, showing very scantily dressed young ladies !!! ........ Oops Oh! Was that the one you posed for ? Now what are you not telling us? Singing, dancing how many other careers. LOL xxx

    8. Thank you ladies now that was kind. 109 now I'm the back of the Croydon Bus bet my bus would have pictures of shrek on the back haha Hug's Lynda xx

  2. Good morning Sandra and the Coffee Shop Gang. Hope you all a good day ahead.
    SANDRA:- wishing the girls all the best for today. Exams are a daunting thing, no matter how clever you are there always seems to be a stumbling Block thrown in for good measure!!!
    JEAN :- your cards are stunning, love them both. The Wedding card design is wonderful. I waste so much card when I use that design. Always seem to cut the Diagonals wrong, get there n the end though.
    MARGARET :- I really do hope the little lad is better today. Sending a few (((hugs))) for him. Just you give him those .... don't tell him they are from a strange woman, don't want him scared as well as sick.!!!
    Well the forecast was for better weather today, nothing here as yet. At the moment I have nothing to go out for so looks like it might be yet another stay at home and "play" day!!
    Place looking good as always, taken my Tea & Toast over to my usual table by the window to watch and wait.
    Hugs the basket by the door. See you all later xxx

  3. Morning Ladies

    Jean-two totally amazing cards. I love the style of the wedding card & so delicate in cream. The birthday card is just beautiful & just a hint of colour behind the background.

    Am hoping work is problem free again today. My boss is now not likely to be off the same week as me so I can leave her in charge of checking the test results-yeah!!!!!!!


  4. Morning one & all,

    The sun is trying to break through the clouds, the weather report last night was for some cloud cover so I guess it'll be a good day to get in the garden.

    I love your wedding card Jean, so beautiful, elegant and the overall effect of the unusual opening makes it stunning too.
    I prefer cream too, it's not so harsh as white at times when you want a delicate finish.
    The birthday card is equally delicious, the aqua peeping out from the fretwork and in the flowers balance out your design beautifully.
    Sandra, wish your girls 'Good luck' from me. Exam time is always stressful no matter how much you prepare.
    Margaret ((((hugs)))) for your little grandson, I hope he is feeling better soon.
    Sam, take it easy whilst waiting for your op date.
    Got the last of the clearing out of my guest room, I've done it in stages so it was not such a daunting task. Big bag of crafting goodies to go to the school for their end of term play day so again it's onwards and upwards.
    Love 7 hugs
    Cheryl xxx

  5. Bon Jour to all who pop in today
    Jean your cards are just beautiful - both in their own way are pure and say everything they should for each occasion. I would be on cloud 9 if one were to drop through my letterbox. I would love to see more of your wonderful wok.

    Sandra - good luck to your beautiful girls. Exams are horrible. I cannot count the number of times I've had wet shoulders when working both before and after exams. Even the ones you would never have thought would collapse. I was Auntie Janet to all 6th formers and I went through their stresses of exams with them.

    Margaret I hope your little one is feeling better today. It doesn't matter whether they're your children, grandchildren or even great grandchildren they always worry us.

    Well we have another glorious day here and I'm on my own for the morning as Jim has gone into Never to the large Brico Depot to buy wood to finish off the cupboard he is making. It's a 90km round trip so I'll be worrying until he gets back. Silly I know but I always do when he is out on his own especially when we are over here. He always says it doesn't matter whether I'm in the car with him or not if something is going to happen it will and there's nothing either of us can do about it. I'm sure it's a man thing.

    Anyway I've a card to finish off and then wrack my one little grey cell for inspiration for a 50th bday card for Jim's eldest Daughter and she is a nightmare to make a card for.

    I had a message yesterday from my Daughter telling me hat I'd had a letter from the hospital giving me an apptment for a bone density scan on 1st July.
    When I saw my wonderful GP the week before we came across we talked about the need for this and he was going to arrange an apptment for when I get back at the start of Sept. as we both thought that it would take that long anyway to get one. Oh no they decide to be efficient and organise one while I'm here. So I had to call them and cancel that apptment and I have to call them the week before I go back to arrange another. They've done this to me before so I really should have expected it shouldn't I.

    Off now to make the most of my morning. I hope my hugs are getting there and that they're not stopping off in Scotland and having a party with Norah's hugs. Speak to you all later. xxxx

  6. Hello Sandra,
    I hope the girls mock, mocks go welll and that they don't get too stressed out with them. I don't know why the Government keep tinkering with the exams, there was nothing wrong with the old system and you knew where you were with it.
    Jean's cards are gorgeous, and as you say the cream wedding card is "softer" than a bright white. They are both just beautiful.
    Hazel, take it easy - those girls never seem to get any rest.
    Patricia, have a good day at home, maybe a little crafting?
    Michele, such a pity your boss will be at work when you're off, means you won't be coming here for a week lol. Good for you though, you won't be interrupted whilst enjoying yourself.
    Cheryl, enjoy your day in the garden, but don't work too hard.
    Janet, another glorious day for you is it?, well it's dull here but at least it's not raining. The trouble is that it's Hoppings week, and it always rains all week here when the Hoppings are on.
    Right, I'd better shake a leg, I''m in year 3 today - but am hoping to sneak into the forest school later this morning as Zoe's class are in there.
    Love and hugs Maureen xx

    1. MAUREEN don't shake the leg I pulled last last night it might fall off haha. Hug's Lynda xx

    2. Lynda - Oops, clatter, bang and rattle. So that's why it's loose ha ha xxx

    3. Oooo I here'd the bang hope you can screw it back or will have to call you HOPPY LOPPY.HAHA xx

  7. Good morning my lovely coffee shop beauties,
    Oh Jean i do like both your cards because they are so very different. The ivory of the wedding card is so pretty and every bit as beautiful as my love of white on white, this would come into my loved category. I don't go in for garish colours and as you know black for me is best kept to a minimum. The white and pale pale mint is a beautiful combination in the flowers of your second card, bringing out the mint from underneath just beautifully. I love how you have done the criss cross pattern in the aperture but finished it off with a beautiful Gemini die, which changes it all together. Both are so beautiful and i hope that the recipients cherish them as they are a beautiful work of art and labour of love. Thank you Jean for letting us see them.
    Right now, we all know my brain does not work to full capacity the majority of the time but this has obviously flown either right through one ear and out the other or something but who is Mrs B's mum? Come on own up as that just knocked me out last night about mum as i didn't realise that Mrs B's mum was in the cafe also, take pity on a poor idiot please and put her out of her misery.
    Sandra flower i thought that when they changed the exams for the better in my opinion a few years back to going on course work and the end of time exam was a far better way to do it as i don't suppose i was the only one that got their knickers in a twist or briefs in a fankle all because of them and got lousy results just because of a blank mind and nerves taking over. Poor Sophie and Lucy, they need a banana on days like this to keep their brains working up to full power and keep them going as best they can. Give them a hug and i have everything crossed for them as at least they can go back and appeal with their mocks if their real ones go wrong, but they wont because they are both brilliant girls and so clever.
    Margaret, what is the doc doing about the wee fella and his poor mummy? or is it the usual war cry of "it's a virus and there's nothing we can do for it. Just take plenty of fluids and rest and it will go away" . AYE right then, as it still doesn't make you feel like living knowing that, poor wee scone.
    Rory has to be in school today for 9:15 as he has some more filming to do for the National Art Gallery project that he has been working on with them. I so much prefer when they let him go at the normal starting time for school and he is also just got one calculation to do to get his Gold ASDAN which is what he has been working on since the start of June so i am really pleased as this is something that employers can take into consideration when looking at his skills.
    Well i am trying to get the male teachers cards finished today but trying to make them appropriate to the subjects that they taught. So a few still in front of me today so i will be across in my little corner working away. I have brought a basket full of rascals just waiting to jump on any willing soul that they meet,
    Love and crafty hugs
    Norah (Glenochil)

    1. Thank you Norah they have put our grandson back on his meds to calm everything down again as he has had problems with his tummy since he was born. He had a major dairy intolerance until he grew out of that partly when he was 6 but we still have to be extra careful. He was born with a reflux that did not heal by the time he was one year old and the local hospital said it could not still be there and his mummy was just an over anxious mother! She spit her dummy out at that and asked our GP to see someone more specialised he agreed and he is now under a wonderful consultant at Manchester who was shocked at the state of him but with very expensive medication got things much improved. Periodically he has to have endoscopies to see all is well but thankfully he is fast asleep and know nothing. When he was three years old they found a duodenal ulcer even the consultant was shocked when he came out of theatre to tell his parents what he had found, but he got that healed with more treatment thankfully.
      Rory is doing so well you have every right to be so proud of him.
      Margaret xxx

    2. Hi Norah, congratulations to you and Rory!
      Re: Mrs B 's Mum!
      Mrs B is called Sue as you probably know . Her Mum is called Margaret not to be confused with Margaret + corgis!
      You can even see Sue and her Mum if you go back and look at the photos Lynda's husband Terry took at Ally Pally.
      Hope this helps xxx

    3. Monday 13 th April on the blog was the day Sandra showed the photos! Xxx

    4. Oh Margaret, your Grandson has truly been through the mill and I hope he and his mam soon recover. What is his name, I keep calling him grandson, or him or he!!! xxx
      Norah, well done to Rory - and to you for your support of him. xx

  8. Hi Sandra And Friends
    Well Jean Your Cards Are Truly Amazing I Love The Fabulous Wedding Card,
    And The Stunning White Birthday Card Your So Very Talented In Fact You All Are I Love All The Cards I'm Seeing.
    Well Washed All Kitchen Down, Watered Plants, I Don't Know What I'm Doing Today.
    Take Care All
    Love And Hugs
    From Sam xxx

    1. Sam after all that hard work please take a rest today and do a little crafting perhaps.
      Margaret xxx

    2. Sam you're making me feel worn out just reading your post. Just have a nice relaxing'll be needing another holiday!!
      Take care
      Love and hugs Sheila xxxx

    3. Sheila, Sam is going to have another holiday!!! She is going to arrive at the Retreat bronzed and gorgeous, and I will look pale and uninteresting lol. xxx
      Take it easy now Sam, don't do too much. xxx

  9. Good morning Sandra and all the coffee shop crew
    Thank goodness I can come here for a coffee and five minutes peace and calm it is so lovely. Woke up this morning to find we have no water, why is it that we take it for granted until it is not there? Derek is off to Sainsbury's to get some bottled water, Our daughter has just arrived to say SIL now has the Nova virus too, she has brought our grandson to stay but at least he is a little better today so hopefully is over the worst, thank you so much for all your lovely messages for him, she has to go into school for meetings. We will be having a day filled with Disney programmes, drawing and writing stories and hopefully making a card for a little girl at school who is going to live in Spain, never a dull moment here!
    Water supplies just arrived thankfully Sainsbury actually had some and not as usual out of stock! At least the corgis can have a drink and Derek can now start his day with his cup of tea.
    Jean your cards are so beautiful I love the design of both of them and what a lovely delicate look you have given the wedding card I really like how you have incorporated the pearls and the little diamonds.
    Well Maureen we have rain here so stand by it will no doubt be coming your way, The Hoppings are always troubled by rain, just like Keswick convention over here I wonder why? I know it is said when Keswick convention first started they used to pray for rain to get people into the tents!
    Janet try and not worry too much, Jim will be fine, just look forward to going to the market tomorrow and your bakery shop I am looking forward to your Friday report! That is just typical of the NHS cannot get a simple appointment correct! So frustrating for you but luckily you were alerted to the early appointment.
    Derek has just checked with the Utilities apparently there is a major water main burst so we will be in for an interesting day!
    Saba hope all is calm with you and not too windy, take care and no skinny dipping remember you have class.
    Take care I will be back for some peace, quiet and another coffee later.
    My money is in the pot, coffee was lovely and my hugs and cuddles are over in the corner with Norah's having fun but please just help yourselves.
    Margaret xxx

    1. Oh Margaret I do hope you and the family soon get rid of that nasty Noro Virus soon and are feeling alot better.
      Also hope the mains water burst doesn't effect you too much.
      Take care sending you some very gentle hugs, love Sheila xxxx

    2. Hi Margaret,
      have a nice day with grandson. He had a tough start in life. Amazes me at times how children seem to cope with illnesses better than us grown-ups. The nova-virus sound horrid when it's spread so easily. Enjoy your Disney and crafting and really hope you get the water back asap !
      Hugs Maria xx

    3. Margaret:- enjoy all the "child friendly" activities today. It's amazing how the time passes when you are entertaining them or should I say they are entertaining you!!!
      No water is a real pain. If you are prepared at least you can have buckets and basins filled ..... but NONE!! that's a whole different ball game.
      When we lived abroad our drinking water came in these great big water flagons. I used to hate using that to flush the loo when we had frequent no water supplies. Happy days .... smile!!! xx

    4. Oh Margaret hope the water situation gets back to normal very soon! We do take it for granted don't we! Xxx

    5. Margaret, I think the worst thing about no water is the toilets. You can get drinking water from the shops, but water to flush the toilet is another thing - when we have our water cut off (very rare) we use the water from the water butt in the garden to do that. I hope the family soon rally around and recover. xxx

  10. Sandra please give Sophie and Lucy my love and a big hug each, tell them I will be thinking of them and worrying is not going to make things any better I know saying keep calm is easier said than done but deep breathes help.
    They are always changing things for teachers too one year they must concentrate on this and that then the next year it is all change. On top of all that they have just changes all the referral forms for children with problems and as well as being deputy head Lisa is the SEN co-ordinator too she is ready to pull her hair out some days.
    Margaret xxx

    1. Margaret, Sorry to read your SIL has now got this awful Nova Virus, hope the little man continues to improve, I'm sure he is in the best place to help his recovery.
      Hope Lisa is not expected to take a class as well as all her othe duties. When our daughter was in the same position, someone went on long term sick leave, she had to step in, teach and still carry out her other duties. Her school is in a very deprived area, so lots of problems. It is not appreciated how schools have to deal with so many problems that are not education related, but spill over into school life.
      SORRY soap box back under the table. xxx

  11. Morning Sandra and all, cup of tea and some porridge with sunshine please to get the day going.
    Oh Jean your cards are both absolutely stunning ! Sandra is right saying with the cream instead for all white it's makes it look so much softer. Your birthday card is lovely with that screen and aqua card showing through.
    Good luck to all youngsters who are doing their mock and exams, hope they all do well.
    We managed to confuse you Norah hihi Mrs B's mum is Margaret without the corgi's, a very nice lady I had the luck to meet at AP.
    Hope Rory is having a good day.
    How about some sit down time Sam, hihi You are so energetic, has some rubbed off from the other whirlwinds ?
    I posted early this morning so not sure if you seen it but didn't get to sleep at all. I hope you had a good one again Maureen or ?
    Off out to the garden centre to take some plants back, wonder if I got daddy -longlegs larva eating them ? Have a good day everyone,
    love and hugs Maria xxx

    1. I saw your post Maria! So sorry I missed you again. Your round up of the day's events was brilliant! Sorry you didn't sleep well. Xxx

    2. Thanks Maria, I had a brilliant night's sleep. George was up twice but I think I have been so tired - I didn't hear him getting up. I don't know about confusing Norah, I'm confused all the time ha ha !!!! xxx

  12. Morning Sandra and all the coffee shop visitors,
    Oh my Lord what a lovely start to the morning with 2 exquisite card from Jean, they are truly beautiful Jean....I love the cross over wedding card, I haven't done this style for a while so will definitely think about it next time and I love the effect of the delicate mint and white flowers on the birthday card would love to know where I can get the mint from. The recipients will love their cards of that I am certain.
    Good luck to Sophie and Lucy with their Mock exams I'm sure they will be so relieved when they are all over, it's such a stressful time for them at the moment and it will be good when they can just chill out instead of having to revise and worry about exams.
    Gosh I had a really late night as I decided I needed/wanted to put my new comfy desk chair together....wrong idea! I was absolutely shattered by the time I had finished and oh what a palaver! But after thinking I had all the wrong screws and parts (just not used to that sort of thing!) I managed it and it's so comfy, I then crawled into bed at 3.30am! I have a hair appointment at 1.15 pm so can rest till then.
    I just have to put a few pearls on the card I finished last night andthen I will relax for a couple of hours.
    Enjoyed my latte...nice and strong to wake me up...have put money in the pot and put extra hugs in the basket....the cafe looks lovely this morning with the gorgeous flowers.
    See you all later
    Love and hugs
    Sheila xxxx

    1. Hi Sheila, glad your fight with the chair come up triumph ! Shame I don't live closer or I would been over to give you a hand. Is it a swivel one on wheels ? if it is ,please no standing on top, we all know how that can go! Hugs Maria xx

    2. Hi Maria,
      Hope you didn't get too cold outside the coffee shop last night we all must have left by the time you arrive so hope you had your thermals on! It is a swivel chair...good heavens I'd look like one of those ballerinas that swivel round in the old style music boxes....albeit an oddly shaped not a pretty sight!! Haha!. I think I got quite a bargain with it really it's chocolate brown leather faced (uncle has one so I knew what it would be like) and there was 15% off so got it for £ Sue's new dies will have to waait till next month now.....I love it though. Never want to see another screw again...I've found it surprising what I've learned to do since I lost my dear hubby and I hope he would be proud of me.
      Hugs Sheila xxx

    3. Sheila, how lovely to see you and to know that you have taken up furniture making as well as craft! You certainly got a bargain there and if you find any washers or screws on the floor, I'm sure you can use them on men's cards!!!
      I can vouch that standing on swivel chairs requires a certain amount of dexterity and balance -- neither of which I have now so had to give that up after falling again last year ha ha.
      I'm sure Clive is looking down and feeling proud of what you are achieving.
      Love and hugs xxxx

    4. Sheila sweetheart, Clive was proud of his wife before he decided to leave you behind here and why because he always knew you could so please don't doubt yourself at anything as there is angel wings helping you along in the background. (i hope this doesn't up set you as i truely do not intend to do that flower).
      Love and lots of unruly hugs coming your way(they just wont behave the now, i don't what has made them so hyper)
      Norah (Glenochil)

    5. Hi Sheila, just make sure not spin to fast or you might be going down the street where you live and your neighbours will see something they never seen before hihi I'm sure your Clive was always proud of you and if he known you can juggle spanner, screws and cogs, oh boy ! xxx

    6. Oh Norah I could never imagine you upsetting anyone and you certainly haven't upset me with what you have written. I think your words are so poetic and times also I'm a great believer in Angels so thank you so much.
      Maria I would end up surfing if I took a spin down the street as I only live about 500 yds from the sea and I 'd definitely be wearing my Tenas! Hihi!
      Maureen I hope you didn't hurt yourself very badly when you tried to do a pas-de-ducks on your chair last year. I got a spare castor am trying to work out how I would fit it on a card...although it may fit in an exploding box!! Now there's an idea!!
      Lots of hugs to you lovely ladies xxxx

    7. Sheila, maybe tie it on a bottle with a nice bow - castor oil!!! Xxx

    8. Lol! Now why didn't I think of that Myra?xxx

  13. Hi Sandra and all in the cafe today. Jean, what gorgeous cards you have shared with us. Both are beautiful. I love the aqua / white combo and using cream rather than white for the wedding card is a great idea, it is softer isn't it. Thank you : )
    Sandra, I am sure the girls will do well in their mock mocks. They deserve to after all of the revising they have been doing, that's for sure. I do feel for them as these days their whole school lives are dominated by exams and tests, it is not good, far too much pressure at such a young age! I am glad that Milo and Bella like their cat tree. Does Milo allow Bella to sit at the top now or is he still fighting her off. I bet the little hanging mice have been ripped to shreds already by him though, if the way he was playing with them on Tuesday was anything to go by. I really enjoyed playing with the paper clay too, you know how much I love trying new crafts. Ladies if you haven't tried it yet do have a go. Even I managed to make a half way decent rose and I am not good at that type of thing usually! The only problem is that now I want to get some for myself......more to add to the wish list : ) It is always so good to spend time with you my lovely. It was a shame that I missed Pat but what fantastic news she was getting about Pete.
    Pat, I am delighted to hear that Pete's levels are all down. You must both be over the moon, especially as he is not suffering from too many side effects either. Give Pete a hug from me and remind him not to hoover before we come over next week! I am looking forward to seeing you, it is strange when one of us is missing : )
    Margaret, I hope your grandson and your daughter are both on the mend, it is a nasty virus. Sorry to hear that your SIL now has it. My fingers are firmly crossed that you manage to avoid it too. I also hope that you get mains water back on again quickly. It makes you realise just how often we turn on the tap without even thinking about it! Weare very lucky aren't we.
    Sam I do hope you get your op very soon, you will be exhausted if they keep you waiting much longer, bless you.
    Janet, I know we are lucky to have the NHS but at times it does seem to mess up good and proper doesn't it! Try not to worry about Jim, just keep thinking of the lovely cupboard he is making you and what you will put where in it.
    Norah, my Mum is another Margaret (Margaret Palmer) who pops in to see what we are up to. She doesn't make cards but loves to see what beautiful creations are on here. She loves embroidery and cross stitch and knitting. She does like to tell you all tales of me when I was younger so it's a good job that we get on so well that I don't mind. We do both have the same daft sense of humour and have lots of tales we could tell, of each other : ) We will have our usual Friday meet up tomorrow, fingers crossed.
    Hazel, those poor girls! I am all for getting them involved in some out of school activities but they NEED some free time too. Some parents seem scared to let their children have a single spare moment to themselves these days, then they complain that they are always tired! I hope the girls enjoy the weekend though.
    I hope that you all have a good day, lots of you are busy both in and outside. I need to get a card finished and I have a pile of ironing to do so that's me sorted for today, then off to Beavers tonight when I will be teaching them basic tracking which is always fun.
    Take care. Hugs to you all.
    Sue xx

  14. Here we go again, just lost a long comment. This one will be short and sweet, sorry.
    Jean your cards are gorgeous.
    Sandra hope the girls mock exams go well.
    Off to grandsons graduation ceremony today, then out for dinner.
    Maureen what are the Hoppings?
    Will hopefully be back later, take care Jess x

    1. Jess, I can't help myself! She'll kill me , but they come the week before the Skippings and the Jumpings! A sort of Keep Fit Festival for Geordies!! Xxxxx Tin hat on - may just borrow Saba's Bazooka! Xxx

    2. Oh Myra, You made me laugh out loud. I love your sharp mind! Hope you have tin hat at the ready!!!!. xxx

    3. MYRA:- !!! You had better hide!! Muriel's got the Bazooka!!! xxx

    4. JESS:- enjoy your day. It's a great feeling seeing them Graduating and a very proud moment. xxx

    5. Anybody got an Anderson Shelter? Xxx

    6. Now then Missy, you'll need more than an Anderson Shelter when I get hold of you!!!!
      The Hoppings started in the 1800's as a Temperance Fair (I remember it well!!). Over the years, more and more travellers arrived and now it is one of the biggest Travelling Fun Fairs in Europe. Not at all Temperance now. It can be quite tacky in parts, but it's good fun. I like to go to walk around, have a hot dog with loads of onions, mustard and tomato sauce, candy floss, or other rubbish that's on offer!!
      The only ride I can go on without being sick is the Helter Skelter but some of the rides are sooooo frightening. Rachel and Peter like to go on those, but I've never been able to as I get terrible motion sickness. Mam used to love to go but she always went to the side shows and played roll'a'penny and hook a duck!!! She was just so lovely and naive!! The girls love it as well, they have loads of rides for young and slightly older children. It's held on the Town Moor and usually rains the whole week that it's on, so that by the Friday it's a sea of mud. But people up here still flock to it and it does a roaring business. There are also more Gypsy Rose Lees than you can shake a fist at, who will all read your palm if you cross theirs with silver -- well I think it's £5 now - inflation, you know!!!
      So there's a snapshot of the Hoppings.
      Anybody seen Myra lol xxx

    7. Hello Dear! ,
      I'm ashamed to say it but as my son went to Newcastle University I actually knew about the Hoppings!! I just couldn't help it! I just got this picture of you all hopping one week , skipping the next - you get my drift! I'm sorry! - well I'm not really it was just fun! Xxx

    8. Hello your Hop pings translates to Feast Week here in the West Riding as we were then and yes it used to rain most of the week then so much so that by Friday the local farmers put duck boards down and covered them in straw. You can just imagine how everyone looked after an evening out. We were taken on the last night -Saturday- walking the mile it took to get from High Green to Capeltown and then on the way home yes on foot again calling at a local chip shop to have a bag of chips to eat on the way home and carried in newspaper! no health rules then!!!
      Then to bed and wait for High Green's turn to have the Feast.
      Happy memories. xx

    9. The hopping sounds great fun.Have something similar in Sweden at the Autumn market fairs also with palm readers etc. these day they all sitting in huge motorhomes and in jeans and t-shirt. Fun fair rides but only the dodgems for me, no not that one either, I can't drive hihi

    10. Wasn't there a telly serial on called East/West riding years ago? x

  15. Sorry Margaret hows Ben This morning sending him more (((Hug's)))) love Lynda xxxxx

  16. Dear Sandra ,
    Good morning , my dear and good morning to all you special ladies!
    First things first - Jean both of your cards are lovely! I love the shape of the first one and I like cream , I must admit. It makes a really elegant wedding card. The second card is lovely too with great use of the dies! Your flowers are very pretty too. Thanks for sharing these lovely cards with us.
    Now ladies I have a few apologies to make!
    Sheila - I was too slow getting to the door last night and you had gone! I did leave a message. Very sorry. When I said test drive the new chair I didn't mean 3am!! As for the cat tree - like the new word Catalyst - for the cats shopping!!
    When I saw that I thought about a catapult - to deter marauding mice!!
    Brenda - littlelamb - I missed you too , not once but twice! I even asked what you had been up to yesterday! Sorry will try harder.
    Brenda L - missed you too! So sorry left a message for you too.!
    Maria - I completely missed you - but read your message this morning and I was in fits of laughter . Your summary of the day was just so very funny!
    Norah - I did answer the question about Vim and even introduced Ajax! What are we like . Don't really want an answer to that question! When you said you had forgotten where you were going and then oh yes bed! I was off again.
    Margaret - I do hope your lovely little grandson is feeling better today. I know there are underlying problems but hopefully he will be fit and well very soon.
    DONT catch it! The virus that is. Feel free to chase anything else!
    I'd better go as I have lots to do today.
    Love to all,
    Myra xxx

    1. Myra, I think you are in a total fog. You missed (mist) so many people yesterday!!
      How about a Catechist - a cat in love?

    2. Hope Sandra put it up correctly or there'll be a Catastrophe! Xxx

    3. There'll be no stopping these upwardly mobile pussies! They'll want a catamaran next! Xxx

    4. There'll be a catalogue next - a cat tree feller xx

    5. If they jump on Sandra from six feet up it will be Cat arrh!! Xxx

    6. LoL,LoL ! love you guys xxx

  17. This Google thing has got the hump with me today . I hav just completed a little post and it asked me to sign in. I was already signed in! now my message is somewhere out in cyber space. I could scream.........

    Hello Sandra and lovely ladies in the coffee shop,

    Sandra, I hope the girls do well in the mocks, you can only ask them to try their best and not to worry unnecessarily, it's a waste of their energy.

    JEAN I love your card. The wording on the wedding card is it from I die? I really like it, it's not to overpowering.
    The birthday card is beautiful, love the hint of Aqua, it is so delicate. Thank you for shareing
    Sorry I can't remember what else I put in my post. Will have to read back and see if it helps jog my mind .... ,!!!

    Anyway better think about lunch now. The coffee was a great pick me up. Thank you. Have tidied around and left money in the pot.

    See you all later, Love and Hugs, Brenda xxx

    1. I told you Google had the hump with me today...................

      I have just completed a LONG post (not little)

      See you later girls xxx

    2. Brenda OB, I'll have a strong word with Google on your behalf xxx

    3. Poor you Brenda, although I keep my Google+ account for the blog etc. I found my problems in being about to visit the café was due to Google updating me to Google Chrome. Luckily I had a very good IT expert who deleted Chrome and put me back onto IE10. Result... no more problems. xxx

  18. In for a nice cup of tea and a 5 minute break. Girls weren't grumpy as such!!! But oh boy they just couldn't get out of bed, it transpires they didn't get home from there jumping lesson until late by the time they put the ponies in the field and got in it was 9.30 then they had to eat. Beth telling me " daddy was so cross" well I am sorry there would have been three meals in the bin if it was me!! Not him trying to keep them ok. So they didn't get to bed till very late, so that's why they couldn't get up. Thankfully they have nothing on the cards tonight, so they can chill out and do nothing. Maybe daddy will be home early tonight as well. Oh Tammy just come back, so off to chat to her see you later. Xxxx

    1. Hazel, i don't know how you hold your tongue in that house!
      They seem to be so scatty where it comes to common sense!
      What would they do without you!
      Sandra xxxx

    2. Sandra, told dad tonight I was not happy with the situation, and to get the two of them in bed at a reasonable time for their ages. Also I am thankful I won't be in to put them to school tomorrow, as my BP won't take a second day of being raised. He didn't say much, I think he was taken aback by my tone. I let the girls totally chill out after school, I am hoping they get to bed early, they have a friend staying as from tonight for the weekend, so maybe they will get them to bed early so they are out of the way. Hazel x

    3. Do they ever have a break? they getting burnt out. Hazel you are not with them soon ?, how will they cope without you if it's this dizzy already?Never went to bed early with sleepovers, were talking half the night. Exactly like now then tihi xxx

  19. Lynda,
    Can you come and get me, I could do with a stroll along the beach, well more like a roll, but you know what I mean!! Haha
    Have fun making Terry's card, looking forward to seeing it !
    Love and hugs

  20. Brenda (littlelamb) & Karen (lotty)
    Congratulations !!!!! Couldn't be more pleased for you both xxxx

    1. Congratulations to Littlelamb Brenda and Karen from me too. xxx

    2. Congratulations ladies! I'm not sure for what? Have I missed something else!! Xxx

    3. Ditto to Myra's comment.
      I have been back through the the comments and can't find anything.
      CONGTATULATIONS - Littlelamb Brenda and Karen LOL xxx

    4. Congratulations from me too. xxx

  21. Right, I'm nipping in to see a neighbour who hasn't been too good. Will have half an hour with her before the girls arrive from school.
    Year 3 were great today, and Zoe's class in the Forest School made Pizzas with the veg they had been growing in their allotment together with tinned tomatoes and cheese, and cooked them in the pizza oven. A bit different to my school days!
    See you later xxx

    1. Sounds like fun and yummy too. Hope your neighbour is a little better today. Xxx

    2. Maureen I hope your neighbour is feeling better,for seeing you earlier.
      Did Zoe bring the pizza home sounded delishous. Xxx

    3. Lynda, you must be joking, they sat and ate the pizza's, every scrap!!! xxx

    4. Loved taking the kids for pond dipping or bug search and teddy bears picnic was always fun, just had a problem which one to take with me so the others wouldn't get jealous aaaaah, glad you had a good day xxx

  22. Hello ladies (do any gents visit?) Still trying to get my head around the news earlier this week and thank you all for your lovely comments and support. As I said to Sandra yesterday this blog is a bit of a lifeline for me. Today's and yesterday's cards are amazing. You are all so clever.
    SANDRA I remember those days when kids were stressing over exams!
    Just to say, as well, that LITTLE LAMB and I have won a prize on Christine E's blog. Congrats to you Brenda xxx

    1. Congratulations to both of you.
      I received the card I won on Flower,Ribbons & Pearls Blog. xxx

    2. So pleased about that Patricia. I am sure it is as lovely as It looks.

    3. Congrats to you both Littlelamb and karenlotty, catch the hugs, here they come ! love to see them, yours too Patricia xxx

  23. Yes Sandra you can come down the beach anytime you like. We didn't get down today.
    Love & Hugs Lynda xx

  24. Thank you to Karen and everyone about winning on Christine E's blog. Just got in here and saw Karens comments. Congratulations to you as well Karen. Hope it has brightened your week.
    Sorry I was so late in last night. Busy day seeing people. Coffee and lunch with my old pottery group, then calked in the Range. Home and cut some greenery and then to the craft group for the last session. It was painting a small box and decorating it then putting a small flower arrangement in it. They all enjoyed it and bought my friend and I a lovely plant each. They wanted to know when the next session starts so they must have enjoyed themselves. Eventually got home and on here just before 11pm. Today I have made a box for the Golden Wedding Anniversary card for Sunday. Still not happy about going but must.
    Had lunch with an old friend and now here I an busy catching up.
    JEAN. Your cards are really lovely. You are very clever. Love the colours. I especially like the Wedding card. Must try something like this. One thing here we do get plenty of inspiration. No excuse for not making lovely cards.
    Well better have something to eat. I could eat here that would save a lot of messing about. Think I will have a cup of tea and some carrot cake. See you later.

  25. Brenda, yes my little man bag is from cutting down the XCut gift bag. I put a backing piece in where the oval comes out at the handle, and just replaced and glued the oval piece back in. Congrats on your win. And you Karen.
    Sandra, I hope the girls aren't to stressed tonight.
    Just been watching " Watch Dog" and there was a bit on the "Dart Charge" that Saba is having the problem with, folk were getting charged when they hadn't even been there. Looks like Saba isn't the only ones having problems.
    I will pop back in a bit later, the phone keeps going. Hazel x

    1. Thank you Hazel. Will give that a try. Wondered what you had done where the handle is. Now I know😀

    2. Have also just been watching "watch dog" good program.
      I wonder how it went for Saba reg. the Dart.tunnel too. Must ask when she's back from 'I am sailing' hihi xxx

  26. HURRAH, I'm getting a new Teal Spellbinder as the photo's show that my machine has a fault caused in the manufacturing process, and as it cannot be repaired, they are replacing it. How's that?
    Do you know, since coming on the blog, and winning Cheryl's die, I have been so lucky craft wise that it is phenomenal. Before, if I'd complained, I'd have had no joy but now - well it''s amazing. So join me in a drink lol.
    Let's see how long it takes C&C to send it to me, as Spellbinders say they will get their UK distributor to send one, so I expect it will come from them.
    Patricia, which card did you win. Will you send a photo to Sandra, please?
    See you later xxx

    1. MAUREEN:- good for you, that's great. I got the Teal CG after my 2 Pink ones packed up. Well the second one still works ..... just!! It seemed to loose some of its pressure. I find the Teal one so much better, some say it is not any different other than the colour. Mine certainly cuts and embosses much better.
      It's quiet in here tonight may a few of you have done what I did ........ I fell asleep. John was off doing something, everything was quiet, I was watching a programme on the telly......goodness knows how it finished!!!
      Better go put the kettle on. xxx

    2. Wow that's really good! I am so pleased about that and I think you will notice a very big difference . For a start you'll have no oily marks but seriously it's much better! Hope it comes soon.
      Well , the forecast for tomorrow is not too bad which is a relief as we are having some people coming for tea in the garden! For the last two years it has ended up being tea in the house at it was extremely wet! So much easier outside and the birds Hoover up afterwards. Garden chairs and tables all washed a ready just need a quick once over in the morning and cushions put out. Cups and saucers on trays and plates and napkins likewise. Sandwiches come courtesy of M&S otherwise it's just too much work. I've made fruit loaves and cakes but have bought a couple of things as well. Strawberries and cream too! When it's all over I just kind of collapse but it's lovely at the time. I need you all to pray for a dry day - even a dry few hours. It's warm enough today . Another day like today would be great.
      I've got lists about lists . My shopping came today instead of Friday so that helped too.
      Hope you all enjoy whatever you have planned for tomorrow.
      Myra xxx

    3. MYRA:- have you got room for another two??
      I could pick Hazel up and we could join in, we would be very good and behave. Love the thought of a "Garden Party" do we have to wear Hats??? xxx

    4. Noooo not unless it rains! Last year they would have needed sou'westers!!
      Wish you were near enough to come!
      Just had a lovely photo sent to me by my son. It's Annabelle's prom tonight and he's sent me a photo Annabelle and Daddy! It's really lovely. She looks a picture! Xxx

    5. Well Myra, I was going to come, but if a hat is not required, I've changed my mind. You see, if I was going to Liz's Garden Party I'd wear a hat there, and your's will be just as posh. Are you paying the Butler and Maids double time??? xxx

    6. I wish! I'll be the maid and the butler! Xxx

  27. Brilliant Maureen, now it was SAM who had the same problem wasn't it!.? She will have to do the same. Enjoy your Teal machine when it comes. Keep at them as they took 10 weeks to give me my pink one back when it went for repair. I have to say I love my Teal one better than the pink one. Best buy this year has been my small plates. Hazel x

    1. Oh! Yes! Folks those small Plates for the GC are brilliant.
      I just need to get the Raspberry one which is not included. xxx

    2. Thanks Hazel and Patricia, I don't know if you remember but I told you about those small plates not long after I'd joined the blog. I've had mine for a few years and use them just as much, if not more, than the big ones. I'm looking forward to not having to clean my plates in between cutting. xxx

    3. Yes mine was leaking oil as well that's why I gave up because it wasn't cutting very well but didn't think complaining would do any good as had it for a while. Got the Teal one and am very pleased with it.

    4. I bought the Teal one too after having 2 of the Dark pink ones and I do find it a lot better....I'm very pleased with it too. xxx

  28. Good evening again Grrrrrr.longish post gone just like that Ooo sounded like Tommy Cooper then. If all the post go into cyberspace do they just float about forever more!!!!
    Congratulations Karen & Littlelamb on your win & Patricia on winning a card.
    Sandra hope Sophie & Lucy are not too stressed tonight & Mocks went ok for them.
    JEAN my apologies for not saying this morning but I am 109 you know ask MYRA & MAUREEN both your cards are gorgeous love the wedding card such a lovely design.the second is equally gorgeous I love the colours flowers & dies.
    I managed to make a 70th card this afternoon & started the 80th the I have anniversary card for OH birthday card for Darren my son.
    Margaret hope Ben was a little better today & enjoyed making the little girls card & all that was planned today. So sorry your SIL now has the Virus as is Lisa is she ok now having to go into work.
    SHEILA Congratlations on putting your chair together & what a bargain well done you im sure Clive was watching & very proud of you sweetheart.
    Glad you got your card finished as well.Now have a earlier night tonight & a wee lay in. Did you have a nice morning at the hairdressers & chat with your friend.
    SABA hope your enjoying your holiday on the good ship lolly pop. Any skinny dipping today enjoy the rest of your time aboard.
    Looking forward to seeing Sue's die release tomorrow I didn't think she was doing one with the Christmas release will be lovely seeing what samples she has done.Is anyone going her demos at CE next month.
    Well better go & sweep my craft room floor as knee deep in little waste pieces up. Try to pop one to see the night owls love Lynda xxxx

  29. I know I fell asleep earlier but I am off to bed.
    Did not sleep much last night. John spoke to me when he came to bed. That started us chatting, one subject led to another. It was 1.45am when we said right "let's get to sleep". If was 2am when I last looked at the clock. I was up at 5.50am ..... its been a long day.
    Goodnight, God Bless. See you all in the morning xxx

  30. Phew Patricia,
    You have had a long day. Sleep well, and I'm going up now, George already in bed watching the news and I popped down to heat my Margaret Bag.
    See you all in the morning
    Maureen xxx

  31. Well I don't know what kind of weather you all had, it has been stonking hot here, it was 75 in the shade of my arbour at 5 o'clock this afternoon! Didn't get much gardening done as my garden in full sun most of the day.
    Absolutely whacked now so I'm off to bed, nighty night sleep tight everyone.
    Love & hugs
    Cheryl xxx

    1. Saying good night and sleep well to you all who are going to bed. will try not to be late myself, will be out until pm tomorrow so see you after
      hugs to all Maria xxx

    2. Oh it's been so humid here in Prestatyn Cheryl, was so glad to get home as thesun doesn't come round to the room where I sit till very late afternoon so it was nice and cool. Phew!
      Love and hugs Sheila xxx

  32. MARGARET. I am sorry but I forgot to mention earlier and I hope your family, especially Ben are getting over this virus and you haven't caught it. Take care.
    SANDRA. Hope the girls aren't to stressed with these Mocks.
    Well I have finished the box for the Golden Wedding Anniversary and decorated the top of the box. Wrapped the card in some patterned organza I got in The Range. It has gold hearts on it and as I have put gold hearts on the card I thought it would tone in. Off to bed soon. Need to be up early in the morning and I am hopeless in the mornings.

  33. Congratulations Littlelamb and Karen....sorry I'm late with my congrats but I kept forgetting to add it to my posts. Lynda I had a lovely chat with my hairdresser and as usual a bit of a titter....I was dieing for her to open her card but her birthday isn't till Saturday so she was being good about it and saving it till then.. Another one here feeling tired after going to bed at 4am. So I'll say night-night and sweet dreams to all you lovely ladies, see you in the morning. Love and hugs Sheila xxxx

    1. Are you burning the midnight oil again Sheila?
      I thought you would be dropping off at 7pm after your late night escapades! You sound a bit like me where m body clock is all out of synch,
      I hope you get a better night, sending you cosy, night time snuggles,
      Love Sandra xxxxx

  34. Night Sheila. No I haven't gone to bed yet. I will regret it in the morning. Thank you for your comments about my win. Looking forward to seeing it. It's surprising what you can do when you are on your own. Although I can use a drill I am still very nervous about drilling into a wall. I have made a lovely ceramic butterfly which I want to put outside on my garage well but haven't drilled a hole for the screw yet.seems an easy job. Oh well one day I will be brave enough. Night everyone.

    1. I saw happy to see your name on Christine's blog Brenda and Karen's,
      Christine is the loveliest lady!
      I am so looking forward to spending time with at the retreat, I have followed her blog for years!
      I think you need to be quite strong to drill into a wall, maybe ask your son to do it for you?!
      Sandra xxxx

  35. Jean sorry I'm late commenting your cards are beautiful. Xxx
