
Wednesday 24 June 2015

Sheila's Wonder for Wednesday, no wise words needed!

Sheila's amazing Exploding box, just you wait............
The Stunning Top of the box .........
One of the beautiful layers, just look at the detail......
The next stunning layer, with photos old and new.....
The Centre of the box, just so gorgeous.....

Just look at that centre piece, those shoes are just the finishing
touch to the most Breath taking Box I have ever seen!


Good Morning Ladies,
I am sorry that there are no wise words so far today, I just couldn't wait any longer to share this
breath taking exploding box with you, so I will add some wise words later, I would love to hear yours too!
Sheila I can't wait for you to come in today and tell us everything about how you created this amazing creation, did you start with those beautiful shoes and build the box around them?
I can see that you have used the Spellbinders Triple Floral Frames, I have recently bought those dies and love them, they have framed your photographs perfectly and fit the box perfectly too.
I absolutely love the top of the box, the 'Daughter' is so pretty as is the star you have used and the little white flowers are just so pretty.
I can't thank you enough Sheila for sharing your work of art with us, I am totally blown away by its beauty.
I can imagine the lucky lady that received this perfect 21st Birthday card must have been totally speechless, or if she is anything like my 21 year old daughter she would have been taking many photos to put on 'instagram' or facebook!
Well after Sue left yesterday, we whipped up some dinner and I then accompanied Paul to the allotment, I managed to get my marigolds and nasturtiums in pots, I made the mistake of putting the nasturtiums in the polytunnel a couple of years ago and they took over, it was like entering an amazon jungle!
So this year they can be outside growing with the peas, sweet peas and beans,  their flowers add a colourful touch to a salad, the marigolds are 'companion plants' to keep the bugs off some of the vegetable crops! I may need to change our names to 'Tom and Barbara' all we need is a pig!
I wonder which of you would be 'Margo and Jerry' .........?????
Well that's me for now, I will catch up with you all later!
Love and Huge Hugs


  1. Good morning Sandra and the Coffee Shop Gang. Hope you are all Tickety-Boo and looking forward to the day ahead.
    SHEILA:- WOW! oh! WOW! oh! WOW! I have NEVER ever seen such a STUNNING box.
    Everything is absolutely beautiful, it is AMAZING. The love and patience spent to make it shines through. The talents the Coffee shop Customers is so diverse and so amazing. Thank you SANDRA for allowing these to be shown on your Blog.
    Everything set up and ready for the day. I got a bargain of flowers when passing the Co-op they look really nice on the tables.
    Made myself a cuppa and a bit toast. Over in the corner to see who pops in, some people still look in the window but pass by....Come in for a cuppa and chat. Maybe it's because they see me they keep going!!!
    Right must get on with the ironing.
    We went to the boys End of Term Concert yesterday. It was wonderful considering there are only 14pupils in the very Rural School. Came home after much excitement and could not be bothered doing the ironing. Really should have done it, would have saved me doing it this morning.
    Have a great day all, I will be back later to see what you are all up to. xxx

    1. Good morning Patricia,
      Flowers are very pretty! We don't have a Co-op any more! Xxx

  2. Good morning Sandra and ladies,
    Sheila, how do I start apart from copying Patricia and saying, WOW, WOW and more WOWs. This is just stunning, the hours of work and love that you have put in to this just shows with every little detail. The young lady who received it will treasure this.
    Not into work this morning, and I wish Harris would have taken note, but no he decided that he wanted his breakfast, he started at 5.30 giving me a little nudge, by 6.23 he thought I had had enough sleep and a nice wet nose was nudging my arm. Don't get me wrong he just goes a lies down in between each nudge, but I was enjoying the lie in. Oh the pleasures of owning a pet. We wouldn't be without him really.
    I noticed Sam didn't come in yesterday, I hope she is ok? Maybe she had an appointment at the hospital?
    Diane, are you ok?
    I am going to take my cup of tea and go sit with big sister and put the world to rights. Will see who comes in and what the chat is all about later. Hazel x

    1. Oh Hazel,
      Aren't dogs just wonderful! The thing is Labradors are so gentle with their little nudges at least ours was! It's those big eyes as well. Happy ironing I'll think of you while I'm doing mine! Xxx

    2. Myra, yes it's those eyes, he is very much a gentle giant, he gets disturpted by me at 5.15 when I am getting up to get ready for work. So he was pay back this morning. But love him to bits. Hazel x

    3. Hazel you are lucky if all you get is a nudge, believe me!
      Our corgis are vocal, especially Amy she starts usually at 6.30 to let us know it is her breakfast time, every night I tell he no barking to no avail. This morning there was silence by 6.45 I could not wait any longer I had to get up and check she was ok! Tomas is always quiet in the mornings, we have a mental picture of him with his paws over his ears when she starts. Hey ho the joys of being a dog owner but they give so much pleasure as I am sure Harris does too. xxx

    4. Harris doesnt bark. He would let any one in as long as they gave him a biscuit. Hazel x

  3. Good morning Sandra and all who pop in,
    Well what can I say, Sheila you are such a clever lady, the patience that has gone into the making of this box is there for all to see. Please Sheila what is the die on top of the Lid, is it all one ,
    Well I did all the garden yesterday, must admit I love it, kept finding more to do, but after tea just couldn't keep my eyes open, I was shattered.
    We took the dogs for a lovely last walk before bed, everywhere was so quiet, no wind it was lovely and I think they enjoyed it too, it got a bit too warm for them yesterday,
    Well the flowers are lovely Patricia, good job you came past the Co-op,
    Will pop back later to see if Shelas been in to tell us about her creation.
    Basket topped up,
    Jean x

    1. Jean, my husband is in the garden this morning! He's going to be tired tonight. He always does too much! He's being going stir crazy in the bad weather! Xxx

    2. MYRA:- your hubby is not the only one going Stir Crazy!!! xxx

    3. That's the trouble Myra - once you get started theres always something else you spy and before you know it a few hours have gone by.
      Hope he doesn't ache too much.
      Jean x

  4. Morning Ladies

    Sheila-i have never seen such a beautiful card/gift. It's truly amazing. I just love exploding boxes but have never had the time or confidence to make one.

    Work should be getting back to normal-the contractors left yesterday and every went ok. Now we have to begin to clean down the entire unit & start testing (to make sure nothing is growing in there). My boss was given a weeks holiday-same week as me but the other pharmacist is also off and the test results will start to come through the week we're all off. As there's only me not going away-guess who's expected to sort it out?! I'm so annoyed that they didn't sort their holidays out better, i'll be sending a strongly worded email to my other boss (the chocolate teapot)!!!

    Right-am off to water my plants in the greenhouse then off to work for me.


    1. Oh Michele, poor you! All the best with the chocolate teapot!! Xxx

    2. I know you are to dedicated to your work to not do these tests, but they need a wake up call, you could be away too. Oh it sounds a bit like my work place, Hazel will sort it out. They just rely on others to do things they should do themselves. (((((( hugs)))))) I know the feeling of being used. Hazel x

  5. And a very pleasant good morning to you all.

    Sheila, as like the others, WOW! WOW! WOW! one completely stunning card to treasure. What a very lucky girl to have received this. Everything about it is so perfect. How long did it take you to make? Your superb workmanship shows through with every section.

    Enjoyed my first cuppa of the day, now I'm off to find some crumpets, just fancy them for brekkie this morning, I'm sure I have some in the freezer.
    Love 7 hugs
    Cheryl xxx

  6. Morning Sandra and everyone,
    Oh heavens I'm blushing like mad here with the lovely compliments I'm getting about my Exploding box., I rarely do commissions as I'm a very slow crafter but when my cousin ( Margaret and George's daughter) asked me to do something for her daughter's 21st birthday I couldn't refuse as the whole family have been a wonderful support to me. Anyway I knew she had loved her Mum's Golden Wedding Anniversary box so decided to do one for her daughter. The thing that helped me with my decision were the two glitter shoes that I had bought from the Range before last Christmas ....when my friend and I saw them (they were tree ornaments) we just knew as crafters that they would come in very handy one day...and so they did with Molly's 21st box. Then it was just a case of building the layers around them after adding 21st charms to the back of the shoe.
    Jean the Daughter star on the lid is one of the hanging ornaments that you see in gift shops with various family members on them and I was with Molly's grandma shopping when we spotted them in TJ Hughes in Bury and as I hadn't done the lid I thought this would be an ideal start but I did forget to add a 21st charm to it.
    Sandra you were right about the Spellbinders dies and there were also Marianne (the little book and the envelope) Tattered lace dress and shoe, All Occasions champagne bottle and glass and a couple of Sue's border dies.. I did do it all in one go I spread the time making it over a month as I would have gotten very fed up with it. Thank you so much for your lovely comments ladies it means so much to me especially from such lovely friends as Sandra and the Coffee Shop ladies. If you need to ask anything else please feel free to ask in case I have left anything out. Will pop back later oh by the way the sun is shining again.

    Love and hugs Sheila xxx

    1. Hello Sheila WOW WOW & STUNNING your box is amazing,the shoes are gorgeous I think everyone will be looking at Christmas decorations as card embellishments from now on. You have put so much love into this beautiful gift it will be cherished for ever im sure. Your so very talented Sheila. Love & Hug's Lynda xxx

    2. Sheila, How clever! Christmas Decorations! Brilliant idea. I buy ornament for our grandchildren for the tree each year. The idea is that they will have a little stock of ornaments by the time they leave home!
      I bought little handbags which looked like 1930's evening bags for the girls last year and I saw shoes as well! Pity I didn't think of that . Will look at them all differently this year! You are a very talented lady with infinite patience. Xxx

    3. SHEILA:- my comment seems to have slipped ... how did that happen!!! xxx

    4. Thanks Sheila, will have to keep my eyes well and truly open for all the little extras you have used, Your Box is truly amazing - Thanks for Sharing
      Jean x

    5. Sheila, your box is truly wonderful. I will be looking at little items and imaging them on cards now. Thank you for the inspiration this card has brought.
      love and hugs xx

    6. It has been freezing here for two days had to put heating back on, wonder when summer is due xx

    7. Sheila your box is just so beautiful, a real keepsake and just righty for 21. Thank you for sharing xxx

  7. Sheila, you deserve all the compliments, it's just stunning love how you looked head with those shoes, I was trying to work out where did things like those, now I know. I will be looking at Christmas decs differently. Yes I do this too but usually for my gift things. But clever you. There was so much love in that box, now I can understand. Yes lovely people deserve beautiful things don't they??? We do learn so much in this coffee shop don't we? Things that if it wasn't for Sandra showing them we would maybe never see. Glad you are having a nice day, it's raining here. We did get told it would be here all day, was hoping they would get it wrong. Been washing hand wash wool cardigans so I will lay them on a bath towel and roll them up in it then lay them across the dryer later.usually they are packed away till later but still needing them this year. Off to do the next job on the list, ironing done, hand wash done, the list is growing I think instead of going down. Money in the pot. Hazel x

    1. Hi Hazel, it's miserable and dank here too. It was raining earlier but has stopped now, but we'll get no sun today. xxx

    2. SHEILA:- you deserve every compliment you get, your box is brilliant.
      Although Hazel and I often think "out of the box" I never really look at Christmas Decorations ... will this year that's for sure.
      It's raining here, the heating is on and I have my UGGS on ... hate cold feet. xxx

    3. Hi Hazel sorry we have a lovely sunny day so far,but did have rain yesterday. Hope the sun comes out for you as im blowing it your

    4. We have the most gloriously hot sunny day here, I'll have a word with Him upstairs to send you some of ours. xxx

    5. It's sunny and warm here too! Unusual but lovely. Will try to send some to those who have none! Xx

  8. Hello Sandra,
    I hope you are well today, and thank you for showing us Sheila's masterpiece.
    Sheila, it is so beautiful, your cousin's daughter must have been so delighted to give this to her daughter. It is really so gorgeous and truly a "one off".
    I see Patricia has been spending her money at the Co-op. You're supposed to be saving for the Retreat, young lady!! The flowers are lovely though, so I suppose that's all right.
    Hazel, a day off for you, pity you didn't tell Harris ha ha.
    Jean, take it easy today.
    Michele, isn't it wonderful that you've just been invited away for the week and will be unable to sort out the test results. Any doubt about it just give them my telephone number and I'll confirm you're coming here!!!
    Cheryl, any more crumpets in the freezer to toast? I could just fancy a couple (one's no good they are very more-ish).
    Well, I have absolutely nothing planned. George didn't get up at all during the night - the first time in years - must have been the rubber mallet that did it!!!! He's still in bed though because he says he woke at 2.22 (usually my time) and couldn't get back to sleep, although he was comfortable.
    Love Maureen xxx

    1. Sorry Maureen, I ate the lot! I'll get some put in the freezer for when you come down this way, then we can sit and enjoy the butter dribbling down our chins. Might keep us quiet for a while. Proper butter mind, not synthetic. xxx

    2. Oh Cheryl, you are making my mouth water. Hazel x

    3. So pleased George had a good night's rest! I'm glad you slept well too.
      Don't know about you but I just had to google cat trees last night!
      Wow, some of them are very big! We did have fun with that last night .xxx

    4. MYRA:- I had a look back ..... that was so funny about the Cat Trees.....tell you what, this Blg is a mine of useless Ooopps! I mean useful information. I did get a good laugh as well xxx

    5. Of course that should be "Blog" at least I did not type "Bog" xxx

    6. I was in fits of laughter last night! Sheila was in top form too! Xx

  9. Hi Sandra
    My word Sheila what a stunning bix you made for Molly. I'll also be looking at christmas decs in a different light from now on. Wow wow wow, your card is so beautiful. The ladies in the cafe are so talented, and it's so nice to see each other's creations. This gives us so much inspiration. I'm glad you had a lovely day yesterday Sandra, with Sue and later ip the allotment with Paul.
    Well, Mr Prothero was really pleased with Pete's blood tests yesterday. His PSA was now down to 1.2 his Testosterone levels were down, and the Cancer levels in his bones was stable. Pete was over the moon as he's a glass half empty kind of a guy. Well, I've ordered the triple flip die from Icon, stocks are very low apparently, after yesterday's creation. It's so lovely to see what you can make with a dies isn't it. Sorry that it's raining up North, but it's due down South by Friday, if that cheers you up a bit.

    1. Oh pat I am so thrilled that Pete's levels were all down, I was really worried yesterday, how is he feeling today?
      I wonder if he had got himself worked up over going for the results ?
      Sending you both huge hugs
      Love Sandra xxxxxx

    2. That's great news about Pete's results Pat you must be both so pleased as I am for you both.
      Glad you got the triple flip die it's on my wish list as I've overspent a bit this month...I treated myself to a new comfy desk chair which wasn't planned.....oops! Am awaiting it's arrival as I type.
      Thank you for the lovely compliments about my box....Christmas decs are done in so many varieties these days and come in handy for us crafty crafters.
      Love and hugs Sheila xxx

    3. Hi Pat I'm so very pleased Pete's results were all good.Sending you both love & Hug's Lynda xx

    4. Great news Pat. His sprits will be up that's for sure. He will have got himself a bit worked up worrying things might not be so good. I did that once and realised it is silly. I was usually positive but it was a little half way blip. Hazel x

    5. Great news Pat, give Pete a hug from me.
      My glass is always half full, one of the things my Pete loved, my attitude to life. xxx

    6. Pat so glad you got some good news,
      keep your chin up, take care
      lots of hugs Jess x

    7. Brilliant news Pat I am so thrilled for you both.
      Sending Pete a BIG hug - and one for you LOL
      Relax now and enjoy the

    8. Pate, Great News! So pleased for you both. xxx

    9. Fantastic news, Pat & Pete, Cheers ... it's a bit early in the day but that Champagne is lovely.
      So happy for you both. xxx

    10. Oh Pat delighted to hear your wonderful news from the hospital so pleased for you and Pete.
      You are not the only one who ordered a particular die from Icon yesterday, I'm looking forward to it arriving so I can have a play! xxx

    11. Pat, what wonderful news for both of you, you must be over the Moon. The new die cuts like a dream, enjoy xxx

    12. I ordered that die from Icon yesterday and it came this morning-cuts well but Ill have to keep looking back to get to grips with it.
      Jean x

    13. Sorry Pat - Im working my way up and have only just read your comments - glad about Petes good news - onward and upward so they say - take care
      Jean x

    14. Great news regarding Pete's results. I ordered that triple die as well it should be here tomorrow. x

  10. Hi Sandra And My Friends
    Well I Hope Your All Keeping Well!
    Well What Can I Say About Today's Awesome Creation Sheila
    Your An Extremely Talented Lady I'm So Truly Impressed With Your
    Beautiful Box That You Have Made For Someone, Your Exploding Box Must Have Given You As Much Pleasure To See The Finished Item And The Young Lady Must Have Truly Thrilled, I Know If I Was The Proud Owner Of This Box I'd Have It On Show Forever, You Have Put So Much Work Into This Truly Tremendous Creation I'm Also Very Slow At Card Making And Extremely Critical Of My Work.
    I Used To Make Cards Etc: For Other People, But Sadly I Stopped As I Felt I Was Being Used, Ladies From My Craft Class Who Have Been Crafting Fifteen
    Years Plus, While I Was Only Card Making Now For Five, Were Asking Me To Make Cards And I Always Make 8 x 8
    Cards Now With Lots Of Work And Embellishments, But They Weren't
    Willing To Pay For The Cards And Yet They Should Understand How
    Much Items Cost.
    When The Presenters On Create And Craft Say You'd Possibly Get £10 For That And That's Just For An Everyday Card There Dreaming!!!!!!!!
    I Would Like To Thank Kind Words That Were Left Yesterday I'm Still Waiting For My Operation I Suppose That's Good News Its Because I've Got Something Wrong With My Blood, So They Can't Operate.
    Well My Dear Friends I'm Going To Wash Down All My Kitchen Tiles Which Are From Floor To My Units And Then Clean My Units.
    It's Took Me Two Days To All Our Ironing, And I've Made A Card Which Took Me Two Days!
    I've Been Listening To The News Where The Migrants Are Trying To Get Into Lorries To Come To England I'm Not A Racist Of Any Kind But I Felt For The Lorry Drivers Who Daren't Come Out Of There Cabs As Its Becoming To Dangerous As Some Of These People Have Knifes. I Hope My Comment Hasn't Offended Anyone
    Love And Hugs To All
    From Sam xxx

    1. Sam, glad to read you are ok. Yes your bloods have to be good for an op. You are also correct about what cards sell for, I do wonder if it's more down south that get these prices, up here - on way?!!! It's diffenately they want everything but not willing to pay. Saying that they would pay £4.95 for one from Tesco and think nothing about it, I can never understand it myself. Yes I to feel for the lorry drivers, it will stop a lot doing the trips abroad. The fines are horrendous. Hazel x

    2. Hi Sam, all things happen for a reason and your blood count/levels are obviously the reason. Keep calm and don't worry too much my flower, and time you want to 'talk' we are all here for you. ((((hugs)))) winging their way to you. xxx

    3. Hi Sam, yes they must get your blood sorted out before your operation, I hope for your sake it doesn't take to long. LOL

      I also feel for the lorry drivers, they shouldn't be in this position. But it shows how desperate these poor people are. I thought they had to claim assilum in the first foreign country they arrived in. But that obviously isn't happening. I do worry for the future generations, this is a small island, at the rate things are going (over populated) it will sink!!!!

    4. Sam, good to know you are alright. I do hope the problem with your blood gets sorted out quickly for you as it is hard waiting when you know something has to be done.
      I feel very sorry for the lorry drivers too. There is a big problem which seems to get worse rather than better. Xxx

    5. Hello Sam, glad you are ok, although sorry to hear about yours Bloods. Better to know before they operate, you don't want problems.
      £10 for a card ... who are they kidding. I get £3.50 for one in a box that has been special ordered by the customer.
      I really feel for the Lorry Drivers but also the "car drivers" they are all so vulnerable. They could be held at knife point or even killed. xxx

    6. Janet ecco of Sheffield24 June 2015 at 12:49

      Hello Sam she nice to see you today and that you're OK. Yes frustration sets in when you're waiting for an op but everything needs to be A1 in every corner so to speak.
      We have been stopped a couple of times in Calais by people wanting a lift or they've lost their money. We just have to be really careful these days however much we feel for them.

    7. Hello Sam lovely to see you today there is always a reason for everything and far better to get you blood in tip top condition before your op so that you can recover much better afterwards.
      You have not offended me so please don't worry I too feel for the poor lorry drivers and also those in cars too. I think it is so unfair on the poor lorry drivers to fine them if any of these people are found with them.
      Love to you and the boys.

    8. Hi Sam,
      It must be frustrating waiting for surgery that I am sure you just want to get over and done with, so that you can get on the road to recovery!
      I tried selling my boxed cards at a craft fair and people were shocked at that, saying that they can buy from a shop for less, but the cards that you all make are 100 times more beautiful,unique and often personalised which you can't get from a shop!
      Take becca's 21st cards , the shop bought ones she had three exactly the same!
      Look at Sheila's card today, could you buy anything as beautiful in any shop?
      I guess you have to find the people that appreciate your time and effort, I have a couple of ladies that are happy to buy £10 for a personalised boxed card, but that's it.
      I hate that someone would take advantage of your kind nature Sam.
      We have seen first hand the immigrants stood at roundabouts waiting to hop in or under a lorry, there was even one walking up and down the queue in the port while we were waiting to board the ferry home, he was trying to befriend done girls on a school coach trip so that he could get in with them, Paul warned the driver and he was sent away, it must be hard to police but there really weren't that many around the port, but these young men are just hanging about everywhere, it seems so unfair that lorry drivers get fined I believe it's 2 thousand pounds per immigrant, it's just not their fault, these people jump on or in while the lorries are stopped for traffic!
      I agree with you 100% Sam x
      I hope your bloods get sorted quickly and we get you back on that road to full health ,
      Love and hugs
      Sandra xxxx

    9. Hello Sam,
      I hope you get your bloods sorted and the op out of the way as soon as possible, so that you have time to recuperate before your next holiday and our Retreat. But the hospital are right to be safe rather than sorry.
      I've been watching on the news, the immigrants trying to get into lorries, etc. and although I feel so sorry for some of them, others are trying to come here for the benefits. I worry what the country will be like by the time Eleanor and Zoe grow up. I don't wish ill on these people, I wish countries could sort their affairs so that wars and IS and the like could be eradicated.
      That's it, off the soapbox now, who would like it? xxx

    10. Maureen , I'm with you!! Smelling Salts!! Xxx

    11. You're right Brenda, they are supposed to claim asylum in the first country they arrived in. But I believe all the other countries especially France are in cohorts with each other to send them to us because THEY don't want the benefits bill. And all the wet, liberal, weak wristed idiots, that some call politicians, are to blame. Especially that wife of Tony B. Liar (who's him I hear you ask?) and her blasted Human Rights Charter. It was her that started the shit, now she's complaining lawyers can't make a living if nobody gets legal aid. Didn't do her finances much harm, did it?
      Mind you, the IS problem is one Tony B. Liar started when he decided his ego needed massaging via starting the Gulf War by colluding with George Bush and interfering in other countries business. We had no need to maim or lose many young lads. Yet he will get off scot free, exonerated by this infernal Chilcott Report.
      Off the soapbox, next in line? x

  11. Hi Sandra, wow Sheilas box is amazing, such stunning work, would love to read a tutorial on this one. Did her Daughter like it do we know?

    We used to have nasturtiums growing between the slabs in our front garden, beautiful Yellow colour, obviously some seed must have been dropped at some time but I used to look forward to seeing them each summer sadly no sign these last couple of years, perhaps I shall have to buy some seeds and pop them down there lol! Never tried eating them though, i know they can be put into salads but never done it!

    Love & Hugs

    Jacquie J xxx

    1. Hi Jacquie,
      the ones I had tasted peppery xxx

  12. Hello Sandra & lovely ladies,we have some lovely sunshine first wash is all dry & ironed second wash on the line sorry pegs not colour coded hihi.
    PATRICIA glad you enjoyed the boys concert last night. The tables look realy nice & smell lovely.
    MAUREEN & BRENDA I said last night that your granddaughter's share the same birthday as me I'm only a couple of years older than them haha.
    Sandra glad you had a lovely day with Sue yesterday & then with Paul up the allotment,hope you haven't over done it & suffering too much today.
    My stamping up stamp set vintage roses arrived yesterday,I had a play yesterday afternoon & quit pleased with them.
    Well my lovely have to go & put prescriptions in the chemist & take doggies up the park. See you later for catch up. Love & Hug's Lynda xxx

    1. YES Lynda, if you saw my reply - I said you were telling Porkies, if you are only a few years older than them - then I'm only 12 !!!!.........
      Did you see that Pig fly past the window.
      If anyone hadn't realised its LYNDA'S birthday on 2nd of July. She is already counting the sleeps!!!!!

    2. I saw it too Lynda and made a remark about the length of your nose, I think! Xxx

    3. Oooooo!!! Clothes Pegs, not coloured coded ..... I need a drink!!! xxx

    4. Chin up, Patricia!!
      Try not to think of them! Prost! Xxx

    5. Ooh Lynda, same birthday as our Granddaughters with only a few years in between - who's that pulling at my leg, it couldn't be Lynda could it!!!
      Patricia, here borrow some of my smelling salts, what are these people like? lol

    6. Ha ha BRENDA I can dream but I'm probably more like 86 well the other way round actually yes MAUREEN I'm pulling you leg hope it wasn't to hard,MYRA I have quite a small nose thank you well it's the only thing that is small. Love Lynda xx
      PATRICIA oooo sorry about the pegs sit in the corner & I will get you a Brandy .

  13. Back again ladies from on of my early morning trips out. First the tip to recycle 2 electrical gadgets (+ my old pink calibur) that I was going to get spare parts for, only the spare parts are dearer than I imagined, so bought a new one instead. At least they will be stripped down and the metals reused.

    Secondly, did you know the Range has a sale in it's Craft section?
    I have had a good rummage ( don't we crafters love one of those) and came back with 2 x less than half price packs of 24 6x6 Gorjuss cards + 2 x 12 pack 6x6 cards + 1 pack x 12 A6 cards. Tiegan will getting a share of these, she is so into Gorjuss stuff. we had already bought 2 x toppers and papers pack for £7.99 earlier on our visit there in half-term.
    Now to put my stash away, see you later. xxx

    1. Pity my Range is a 45 mile round trip. Sounds like you have had a good rummage. xxx

    2. Cheryl,
      We went out this afternoon to go to the Range, got onto the main road and it was blocked solid, so we did a U turn to go by another road, guess what, totally blocked, so we got off at the first exit and came home, but I may have a wander there tonight when the girls go home hi hi (as Maria would say)

    3. Maureen that's usually Bridgwater on a good day at certain times. Although..........If we have an accident on the A39, which used to run through our village before the bypass came along, the traffic grinds to a standstill. We just can't cope as even all the back roads, lanes and farm tracks also block up. And if there's one on the A38 (they run parallel through B/W ) also, same thing happens. We have given up trying to get County Hall to respond. Bridgwater should have had a bypass built by EDF for extra traffic in and out of Hinkley Point Power Station, instead our county council decided the cheapest option was to build Park and Rides. Result we now have more traffic than before. xxx

  14. Morning Sandra and coffee shop crew,
    WOW Shiela what a stunner we have today, it is absolutely gorgeous,
    the person it was for must have been over the moon when they got it.
    Christmas decorations certainly take on a whole new meaning!
    It is not too bright here today but at least it is dry, might even get some washing out, hate having to dry bedding indoors.
    Hope everyone is well, if not take care and help yourself to a couple of hugs((()))
    Catch up later Jess x

  15. Hi Sandra and Everyone,
    How are we all this morning? I will read the comments in a minute , I know it will take me longer than that - but you're all worth it!!
    If you are wondering why I'm so cheerful this morning it's probably because we have had two dry sunny days in a row!
    If that weren't lovely enough I then look in the Cafe and what a gorgeous box!
    It is a real Wonder of Sheila!! The attention to detail Sheila is just amazing and everything is chosen with the utmost care. It is really gorgeous. I wonder where you got those lovely shoes? They look too big for cake decorations , I'll wait and see. The recipient will treasure this forever! Many thanks for sharing it .
    Sandra - thanks so much for showing it! We do appreciate this so much.
    Well, it's ironing today. Lovely !!
    I'm waiting first for a new paper trimmer to be delivered. My Fiskars 12in trimmer has seen better days and I wanted a guillotine type one so have order the Xcut White 13in one! Hope I like it - it will be good to be able to cut more than one sheet of paper at a time - particularly for the children on Mondays.
    Will go and read now!
    Back soon ! You have been warned!
    Love Myra xxx

    1. I hate it when people are cheery just because it's sunny, and it's raining here grrrrrrrrrrrr xx

    2. You can easily sing! Singin in the rain. -/----- what a glorious feeling I'm happy again! Just a thought!

    3. No, I'd sing - Isn't this a lovely day to be caught in the Rain xx

    4. So long as your happy! I don't know that one . See , I don't know everything , I keep telling you that! Xxx

    5. Fred Astaire in Top Hat (I think) xxx

    6. Maureen I think you will have good weather Monday and Tuesday as our Tammy is in Newcastle on these days before they fly out on holiday. She always gets good weather. Hazel,x

  16. Morning Sandra and all in this sunny/cloudy but dry day ,yay!
    Standing in the kitchen making coffee for SIL and her hubby,
    house inspection done and I think I passed ,only joking, really
    she is lovely and we have a good time together.
    I will have to look again later at this Amazing exploding box !
    Sheila this is Wonderful and all the different layers with your
    daughter growing up to the lovely girl she is today. You are the
    queen of 'Exploding Boxes' ! I'm sure the others agree and I
    don't think we have anyone before.
    Have a good day all, better serve up. Had a sneaky one in here
    while waiting ;-) See you hopefully later,
    love and hugs Maria Xxxx

  17. I don't believe it!
    I have just completed, well almost a very long post and accidentally touched sign out - well we all know what happens, my messages somewhere out inside the space oh I could swear*****I wouldn't mind but my iPad is telling me the battery is running low now - Oh B, B and double BB

    Deep breath, relax,

    Hello Sandra and lovely ladies in the coffee shop,

    I have a lovel picture in my head of you Sandra And Sue building the cat tree, You really gave me a good laugh. I just hope Milo and Bella appreciate your efforts.

    SHEILA what can I say about your amazing card that hasn't been said already?
    It is. Real WOW WOW WOW, this is going to be a real treasure. Thank you for sharing it with us. LOL

    Sorry I have to go now, hopefully will be back when batteries are recharged, iPads not mine!!!!!

    Love and hugs, Brenda xxx

    1. Brenda, Zoe was born in 2006, so was your Granddaughter, when do you reckon Lynda was born?? ha ha xx

    2. 1906? Love Muriel! Xxx. Two can play at that game!

    3. By, Myra, you've got a long memory for one so old !!!! lol xxxx

    4. I've got to keep on top of things dealing with you! Lol xxx

  18. janet ecco of Sheffield24 June 2015 at 13:04

    Afternoon one and all
    Sheila what. A STUNNING start to the day. Your box is just exquisite and out of this world. You deserve all accolades today. Thank you for the tips re seasons decoration s.

    Well my lovely Friends I've been and fallen in love with one or two of Sue's new dies and even per ordered too. This is after I said I wasn't buying any new dies this year!!! So AAM hoping they won't be long in coming.

    We are basking in beautiful sunshine and in the upper 20s today. Have been crafting in the veranda this morning and going to do a little cross stitch when I leave here. Jim is busy making me a who cupboard for the bedroom so I'll be out of the way. Hope you're all having some sun today. Hug a to all in this wonderful cafe. It's even fantastic when I can only visit via cyberspace. xxxx

  19. Good afternoon my coffee shop angels,
    WOOOOWWWWWWW, SHEILA, i'll tell you i wish i was 21 again because this would be the very best birthday present i had ever received. Did i say WOW loud enough!!!!! What a beautiful gift that anyone could receive so i hope the lucky daughter who is getting this is as impressed as we all are with its magnificence. Sheila it is stunning and blush all you want but you deserve the praise on this wonderment, thank you for letting us see it.
    Well after his nibs upsetting me about mum's stuff and the charity shops being picky about what they take i have asked my cousin to help as i do not want her prized posessions going to the coup. I'm hanged if i know how antiques manage to sell without all the fire regulations certificates in place and this and that in place, just how do they manage to get around the regulations and laws that have come into force. I'll tell you some of the laws i think someone was having a stupid day when they thought them up. And did i see just a year or so ago about A***s selling sofa's and that that went up in flames? or am i dreaming that one up, but something is going through my mind about a few of the shop importing suites and them being dangerous. I'll tell you his nibs just doesn't realise the effect that this does to someone and i doubt he ever will as he has 3 sisters that will take care of everything for him and he is just not close to his family at all. I sometimes wonder if he is jealous because i came from a very close knit family that did things for one another unlike his who wouldn't give you the time of day. I am still waiting on anyone of them calling to ask about Harry, not wanting to be greedy but one phone call from just one of them about their great nephew or even great grandson but nothing. So you see who says we can't choose our family, my children have got wonderful aunts and uncles and none of them are real or related to us but everyone of them has been in touch with Kirsten and us about the birth of the wee fella. So girls i will go away to the corner and watch the people go by and who ever brought in that poison ivy can we please get rid of it as it is just not nice in our lovely cafe with all the beautiful blooms.
    love and crafty huggles as always
    Norah (Glenochil)

    1. Elf n safety have gone a bid mad , Norah! I agree with you. Xx

    2. Good on you Norah xxxx

    3. Hi NORAH
      Well said, elf and safety gone mad. Doesn't poison ivy kill everything it touches, or do you have to physically eat it. Good God we filled up on our Breakfast and cakes this morning.

    4. very well said, Norah, quite agree.xx

  20. Good afternoon Sandra and all the coffee shop crew,
    Well it is emergency ward two and a half here today our grandson is poorly we are hoping it is just a tummy bug and not the novavirus, he is looking so pale at the moment but having a little sleep at present.
    Sheila I was totally blown away to say the least, what a fabulous and very beautiful creation you have allowed us to see, the detail you have incorporated is wonderful you really are so clever. I feel quite sure who ever receives it will treasure it always.
    Well must go my patient is awake and asking for a drink will be back later.
    Have a great day everyone
    With love
    Margret xxxx

    1. Oh Margaret, I hope the little fellow is soon up and well. If he's anything like my two granddaughters, they can be so ill one minute and an hour or two later running around. Let's hope that's the case with him. xx

    2. Aww!! wee soul, hope he's feeling a bit better.
      You feel so sorry for them and just want to cuddle them better. xxx

    3. Hi Margaret, has the wee one improved? I do hope so. You would rather be ill yourself than see them so unable to cope. Magic hugs and spoiling (after all grannies are allowed aren't they?)) is called for I think and at least he's too wee to swing the lead as they get sneaky as they get older.
      Hope tomorrow is a much better day for the wee guy
      Love and crafty hugs
      Norah (Glenochil)

  21. Well, it's taken forever again to read the comments. Have you ever started a card, and nothing has gone right. Well that's me, so I'm off to have another go, but the girls are due in any minute, so I might have to do it later when I've been to the Range.
    Maureen xxx

    1. Yes! Often! Today I am making a pin cushion out of an old cotton reel! I'm a bit sticky to say the least! Let's hope it's padded head is stuck !! Xx

    2. Ha, ha when I do things like that I usually end up leaving a layer of skin on whatever I'm making!!! xxx

    3. All the time!!!
      However today has been good, kept the tea well away from my work!!! xxx

  22. Well I typed a comment on my phone, ( was waiting for two grumpy girls to get changed) so to save me being equally as grumpy as them I came in to the cafe for a cup of tea, anyway back to my comment got it all done went to publish, and yes it told me I had to sign in , now I was while I was typing yet when you press publish your suddenly sign out. What is going on. Then it said it was the wrong pass word, so I gave up. I was saying to Norah, that it was sofa etc. that had chemicals in the leather that burnt folks skin, yet we can't give someone who has nothing a sofa all because it's got no label on it. My three started their homes with second hand furniture, they didn't get into debt because they excepted things from family and friends. No health and safety gone mad. Hazel x

  23. Sue, is your mum ok, I noticed she hasn't been in for a few days, I hope you are not stopping her, all because she told us things??? Us mums are allowed to do these things, didn't you know. Hazel x

  24. Hi Sandra and all the lovely ladies, internet connection still dodgy but I've managed to read a few comments before it dropped out. It's a real pain! Sheila left a comment above to say how beautiful your box is thank you for letting Sandra show it. Xxx
    Sam hope your bloods get sorted soon so you can have your op xxx
    Sandra you asked whose jerry and margo? My money is on Maureen and George!!! Xx
    Right I'm publishing whirl the going is good! Sorry I'm not dropping I'm much but some much needed family time is on the cards xxxx
    See you soon love Diane xxxx

    1. Ooh Dainty, you don't know how near you are!!! ha ha xxx

  25. Good evening Sandra and all the coffee shop crew
    Firstly can I say I am not going to enter the competition as I do not want to be Margo! Perhaps Myra or Saba would like to enter perhaps. As a child I spent many a happy time with my granddad on his allotment he grew some lovely fruit and veg and wonderful flowers, so many that he used to give them to the church each week during summer so don't feel it would be right.
    Well emergency ward two and a half had to call the doctor in as our little patient's temperature went up to nearly 40c unfortunately he confirmed he has the nova virus and said his mummy too, but he has been a little trooper keeping drinking bless him. So he has put him back on his meds again to help his condition, he has had major problems with his tummy since he was born believe it or not they found a duodenal ulcer when he was just 3 years old, but he smiles through it all.
    Has anyone found summer yet? Oh it is so cold here although for once we have had no rain, we sent it over to Maureen, we like to share!!!
    It does seem quiet tonight am I missing something good on tv?
    I will try an pop in later if I am still awake.
    Margaret xxx

    1. Oh Margaret, so sorry your Grandson and his mam have the Nova Virus, it's a horrible thing. I hope they both soon recover and are not too uncomfortable in the meantime. How old is he Margaret?
      You would be Barbara, tending the chickens and goat. Although my old goat has just come in from Bowling. It stopped raining for a couple of hours just for him - it would. I got soaked going to the supermarket!! xx

    2. MARGARET:- it's done it again ..... my reply has dropped down the page xxx

    3. Oh! My! Goodness Margaret, that should be "don't" catch the bug

    4. Crikey Margaret, ignore my rubbish that'll I have obviously have been talking absolute rubbish. I am so so sorry that the wee man is so ill and his poor mummy too.
      I hope that
      They both recover sooner than soon,
      Love and crafty hugs
      Norah (Glenochil )

  26. Hi ladies
    MYRA thank you very much for guessing I was born in 1906 just a little out ooooo Do I really look that old mind you I feel it sometimes Now then I was really born in 1947 so I'm only young haha.
    SAM hope you get your bloods sorted so you can get your opperation out the way. BRENDA pleased your Grandaughter found a nice dress for her Prom you will have to send Sandra a picture of wearing it as I for one would love to see her all dressed up & I'm sure everyone else would like too see her as well.
    I wonder if OH. would book a place on Sue's workshop on the 2nd July as a surprise for my birthday NO CHANCE far too far for only an hour. :0((.
    He did make me laugh earlier he said he had a urge to take his cloths off & dance round the room & the garden it must be the antibiotics he's on,MAUREEN CAN I borrow your rubber mallet to knock some sense into him as it works for George.
    MAUREEN Dainty Diane has given you another name it's nice.
    Love Lynda xx

    1. Lynda remember I know how old you are because we were born in the same year only you are just a few months older than me - that's why I was so cheeky! Your still young like me! Ha ha !! We like to think we are anyway! Xxx

    2. Thank you MYRA now that's all sorted haha I was wondering why I didn't get a telegram from the Queen now I know I'm too young,but then again don't think she will be around when I'm a 100..

    3. Lynda you have to apply to Buck house to get a card they don't come automatically remember, you have to apply at least 1 month before and send a copy of your birth certificate, the application form is on their web site. xxx

    4. Oh No! It's too late! Xxx

    5. Oh Margaret what a palaver don't think I will bother. You meen I have to ask for a card I will make my own then haha.MYRA you still have time get on the computer & download the form. We better put a bullitin about this tomorrow so everyone knows lol.

  27. Mrgaret:- your nursing skills are needed 100% just now. Just hope you catch anything. Nothing worse than tummy troubles in one so young. Bless the wee lad that he can keep smiling through it all.
    I sent out an emergency call for Summer!! No reply as yet ..... don't think I will get it in a hurry do you?? I just hope the weather gets better when the boys are off school. Audrey will be at her wits end if they are indoors too often. They are very much outdoor creatures.
    Heating on, even have a wee fleece blanket over my feet. I did take my UGGS off in the afternoon when my feet heated up.
    Think your right, must be something good on the telly ... certainly not on ours, it's switched off. Nothing worth watching unless you like repeats. We are not great telly watchers anyway. xxx

    1. What would you like me to catch I wonder Patricia?
      Yes our heating is on too

    2. Oh Margaret I do wish you'd asked that question earlier!! We could have had fun with that one!
      Catch a falling star and put it in your pocket, save it for a rainy day!,
      You probably won't have to wait long! Xxx

  28. Hello.
    Just to let you know that the saga with the Grand Calibur oily carbon-like deposits is still going on. I had to e-mail some photo's to them (as proof I suppose), and of course it hasn't happened again. However, it did it tonight, so I've photographed the small plates, washed one in soapy water and photographed it to show how it smudges all over, then took another after cleaning with Jif. We'll see what happens now.
    Right, back to the salt mine known as my crafting room. See you later.
    Maureen xx

    1. MAUREEN:- your must have had that "jif" for some time ...... in the 20th
      century they changed it to "CIF" xxx

    2. Maureen, that's not good ref your GC. Here's hoping they get back to,you. I have been making Rebecca's card, how awful is that, making her card so close to it being her birthday. But had to get the gift bags finished first. They are all done and the tags made too. Hope you have another good nights sleep tonight. Hazel x

    3. Oh Patricia I did laugh at that ! I still call it Jif! I know it's Cif but I still call it Jif! Good stuff though. My BarKeepers Friend is more versatile though. Xxx

    4. Tell you what else is good Lidl's WF5 version of Cif. I do still call it Jif myself!! As long as it cleans I will call it anything! xxx

    5. Saba was teasing me the other day because when I went to Lidl for the card a couple of weeks back it was the first time I'd ever been in the store! She then said that she had forgotten it was considered quite a cheap shop here. Apparently they are good for wine because Mrs Lidl - of Frau Lidl insists it has to of a reasonable standard . Gospel according to Barbara! Xxx

    6. Hazel introduced me to Lidl many years ago when I visited her in Germany. Loved the store and all the wonderful bargains in Dry Goods they had. Since they arrived here I do use them for lots of things. xxx

  29. Your right Margaret it is quiet in here. Oh your poor wee man, that's not good, watch you two haven't caught it. Was you grandson a sicky baby? Our Calum has a very sensitive tummy, so did our Christopher, both were very sicky babies.
    As for summer, I think it's forgotten we haven't had any. We ended up putting the heating on for a while. Raining here again too. Will keep my fingers crossed that you don't get the bug. Hazel x

  30. Myra, I still call it Jif too. I use it for all those household jobs. Don't like all these sprays and things. Call me old fashion, but Jif does the job better. Haven't heard of Barkeepers Friend, where do you get that from? Hazel x

    1. Lakeland have it quite often but otherwise good hardware stores! The old fashioned ones, Hazel! Like me! The original Bar Keepers Friend is a white powder but they also now do a cream version. I really like the powder fo my sink and my hob especially but it's good on worktops too. It's not scratchy but really works. Xxx

    2. Bar Keepers Friend is good on smooth Stainless Steel, does not scratch. Hazel Lakeland have it. xxx

    3. I have Jif - ok the label says Cif ( stupid name name if you ask me ) but its Bar Keepers Friend I reach for most of the time - it works without almost no effort.! Also NO scratch marks.

    4. You know girls, we could claim royalties (don't think that's the correct word - I'm tired ) for the Pro Mo effort we have put in today for Bar Keepers Friend. Word of mouth is the best advert ever. !!!!

    5. You are right Brenda!
      How did John get on today? Xx

  31. Right folks that's me off to bed. I like to lie and watch the news. Bit late tonight but will watch it on some of the other channels.
    Goodnight, God Bless, see you all in the morning. xxx

  32. Well I never, I'm the last one in, so I'll lock up and tidy up and do all the things that should be done (which makes a change for me)! Dishwasher on, Maria not in - yes so that's ok. I know it's called Cif, but that's a stupid name so I call it Jif. Rachel uses Barkeepers Friend for her stainless things, gets it at Lakeland in Newcastle.
    Well, George in bed, so goodnight everyone, sweet dreams and see you all tomorrow.
    Love Maureen xxx P.s. 10 nights sleeps!!!

    1. Good night Maureen Hope you & George have a goon nights sleep & George is not up too many times.
      Hug's Lynda xx

    2. Question is that Barkeepers Friend a bit like vim used to be and yes I still call it jif as well just like a Marathon will always be that and not Snickers(stupid name if you ask me) or Opal fruits will always be that not its new name(the memory has gone on the new name)
      Right I will take my memory and go....... I can't remember where I was taking it. Oh aye, too bed, night
      Love and crafty hugs
      Norah xx

    3. It is a bit Norah and Ajax ! Wow that's going back a wee bit. They were really good on sinks and chrome and plug holes and things. I agree Snickers is a silly name! I read in the paper today that Thorntons Chocolate has been bought by Ferrero Rocher! All our companies are being sold to foreigners! Xx

  33. MARGARET so sorry Ben is poorly & Lisa hope they both feel better soon.
    Give Ben a gentle Hug from me.
    Love Lynda xx

  34. Well looks as if I have missed everyone. Had a very busy day abs just sat down. SHEILA's card is WOW, WOW, WOW. Sorry I am only just come in but has been a very busy day and have just sat down. Time for bed really but too wide awake. Perhaps someone will come in.

    1. I'm here Brenda!
      What have you been up to today? Xxx

  35. Dear friends, I'm off to my bed it's been a long day, picked John up from hospital at 3:50. Home but 4:10. Long lost brother sitting outside our house. Have talked for hours. Bonus I didn't cook, we had Chinese for supper. Brother has gone back to Midlands. John tucked up in bed, and I can hardly keep my eyes open
    So I'm wishing everyone sweet dreams. Talk to you tomorrow, love Brenda xxx

    1. Night Night Brenda, sounds like a long tiring day! Sleep well xxx

    2. Good night BRENDA sweet dreams sleep well xxx

  36. Knock! Knock! knock! Let me in! Myra are you still there? Sorry I haven't been in earlier as I have just finished my card.....please remind me never to leave it so late back is aching with sitting on my desk chair all day.....but the good news is at least my new desk chair was delivered late this afternoon. Haven't had chance to look at it though.
    Thank you all the the lovely compliments ladies they are so much appreciated and they give me the push to carry on cardmaking.
    By the way I thought of another 'cat' today.....a catalyst (cata-list).....pussy's shopping list!!! Okay stop throwing those left over buns at me.I had better switch off now see you all tomorrow.....night-night and sweet dreams everyone.
    Love and hugs Sheila xxxxx

    1. Sorry Sheila, I was too slow getting to the door! Glad you've had a successful day and hope you sleep well! You could have test driven your new chair!
      Says she who hasn't even unwrapped her new Xcut guillotine which arrived today! I think I'll call it a night!
      Sleep well, my Friends! Xxx

  37. Hi Sandra and all in the cafe this evening. I haven't read the comments yet but must say WOW, what a fantastic Exploding Box!!! I have NEVER seen one as beautiful. Thank you so much for sharing this beauty with us Sheila : )
    Right, while I have a connection I am off to read today's goings on.
    Love to you all xx

  38. Pssst Sheila, Myra, Littlelamb anyone let me in it's cold out here .
    It's been a long day but now I need a tea before bed. I have also looked back to the wonderful box you made for you cousin's daughter Amy I believe it is. It stunning!
    Margaret, the poor little man and his mum. I hope they both feel better in a day or two. Not sure do what Patricia want you to catch ,surely she don't mean the virus,oh dear,oh dear.
    Michele- what a cheek of work, lucky for them you are around ey who would they call in otherwise. Hope you had a good day.
    Fabulous news Pat reg. Pete's readings and hope they stay there, hugs to you both. Hi Sam- good to see you. Hard to wait for you but important everything is ok for the op. Hope you get it soon anyhow so you can get away on your travels again and I can't wait to meet you at the retreat to hear all about your travels.
    You and Patricia talked about the price of a handmade card. They seem to be between £3.50 - £5 but nothing like the cards you are all making and with a Beautiful box too, folk should really pay more for that,I think
    Norah- health and safety has gone to pot. My friend tried to give a three seater sofa to one charity the other day and just because she had cut the label off, she still got it, they couldn't take the sofa. How stupid is that !
    Lynda- don't your OH know that summer solstice is over hi hi but maybe it's good he is without clothes because Brenda think Uk is sinking with all the people coming in. Perhaps they heard of Muriel's new artwork where she is using her own skin and holding a old goat at home Lol !
    If anyone looking in this time of the morning you are always welcome in to say hello and have coffee or tea with a calorie free cake, they are the best !
    See you all later Hugs Maria Xxx
