
Tuesday 23 June 2015

No Wise words, just wonderful smiles & Brenda Flips!

 A Perfect Little Angel....Harry John Fox
 Good Morning ladies,
No wise words from me today just Wonderful Smiles, just look at that perfect little face, Harry just
looks so happy and content, Norah you must be the proudest Nanny/Grandma, I bet you never want to put him down, I surely wouldn't , what does his Granddad think of him???
Thank you so very much Norah for sharing your family photo with all of us, well we are 'virtual' family after all.!! xx
Brenda's Flip Card


Now here we have Brenda (littlelamb)'s Flip card, made with the Spellbinders Triple Flip
Die set, I think this is the best example I have seen with this die, its totally stunning.
The front panel of the card looks so pretty, but not over the top, it looks so beautiful without the need for big bows and stickpins and flowers,
it just doesn't need it there is enough interest in the clean, crisp layered look, finished in the centre with that lovely die and Cornflower.
Brenda I have those papers, they are Papermania
Vintage papers and the whole pack is just so pretty, you have found a card that matches it perfectly to stamp your 'Congratulations' message on, that die is lovely too.

 On this layer you can see that Brenda has used
the Creative Expressions Butterfly, designed by Sue Wilson, its the prettiest butterfly, so elegant,
I love the embossed frame you have used here it frames the butterfly perfectly.

 Here we have the centre of the card, another
beautiful Die used to cut this stunning frame out of those gorgeous papers!
Finished with your little die cut circle with the
'Happy Anniversary' stamp in a beautiful font,
every layer finished with pretty little gems.

 Patricia, I noticed that you were enquiring about the die last night, is this the one that you purchased Maureen?
I thought I would put it on just in case, your wish
is my command (well within reason)!
You just wait until tomorrow, I have the most beautiful card from Sheila to show you all !
I hopefully have Sue coming over to play today,
Pat came to see me yesterday, which was lovely,
no crafting, we just put the world to rights and discussed Pats new toy.....she has just bought that new Parchment thingy from Clarity, it looks
really cool and looks so effective, I look forward to having a play with it and no doubt Pat will soon have a card whipped up to share with us all.
Well that's all from me today, I hope you all have a lovely day,
Love and Huge Hugs



  1. Good morning Sandra and all who calls or looks in. Did think there for a moment that I wouldn't be able to leave a coment???
    Well Noah, there's no mistaking that Harry is a boy! And not because of all the blue clothes etc, no he just has a right wee boy look about him. He is gorgeous!!!
    Brenda. WOW, WOW and more WOWs, your card is stunning, I now see what everyone was going on about a triple flip card last night. Very different and beautiful, love those papers I take it that's the matching card that they have brought out? I got some of it to go with the papers that Gillian choose for her wedding invitation background.
    Well I woke up to a beautiful blue sky and sunshine this morning, what a welcome change. Here's hoping it stays around for a while. In to work first thing, then back here and finish these gift bags, got way laid yesterday, when Tammy had asked if I could make a mans one? All done so I can get on with the last ones then I can relax, that's till I put my thinking cap on and do a card for big grand daughter, who will be 9 on Friday. It's not so much the card, it's what to buy her? She isn't the easiest to buy for. Plus with them still living in the rented flat, they don't have room for much more bits??? I can see it being money, clothes are a night mare, she has some weird and wonderful ideas - not mine that's for sure!!., right I'd better go and get myself sorted for going to work.
    Hazel x

    1. I think we all have these problems with grand daughters Hazel! However good taste does re- surface after a while! I tend to go on a shopping trip with them or give Cards from Stores I know they like. Our granddaughters are both collecting Pandora charms for their bracelets and that's a help too. The joys of being a grandparent! Xxx

    2. HAZEL. Thank you fir your kind comments about my card.

  2. Morning Ladies

    Harry looks sooo cute-gorgeous little fella.

    Brenda-fantastic card! I bought this die after seeing Julia Watts use it but I have to say your card is far nicer than any I have seen using this die. I'm ashamed to say I've not even taken mine out of the packet yet but after seeing your card I'm inspired.

    In early as I couldn't sleep yet again! Will go & get ready for work. No dramas yesterday which was a nice change-fingers crossed for the same today.


    1. Thank you for your comments. Hope I have inspired you to use your die. I am sure you will be pleased with it.

  3. Good morning Sandra and the gang, hope you are lol good.
    Will make this quick, having problems with the connection.
    Oh! My! Word! Will you look at little guy ..... he's gorgeous. He looks like a boy, he also looks like his Granny, well I think he does. Norah, he's wonderful, enjoy every minute, they grow so quickly.
    BRENDA:- LOVE, LOVE, LOVE your beautiful card. That's amazing, love all the fantastic detail. I said last night I did not think I would bother with that Die ....... might just have to have another think on that statement!!!
    All that said I going before my luck runs out. Be back later xxx

    1. Hello Patricia,
      I don't know what's the matter, but my connection is driving me mad too. I'm losing posts. It's taking forever to get into a site, and then will do funny things with the screen. Technology, eh. Bring back the slate and chalk!!!! xxx

    2. Patricia I went online and ordered this die when I saw Brendas card this morning- I thought I have to have that - it will make really nice childrens cards too. We were without any internet for a few days about a week or so ago. didn't know what to do with myself as we get so used to just going online don't we -
      Jean x

    3. On dear! Looks like I have got you all spending money now but I know you will get a lot of use out of this die. Thank you for your kind comments about the card

  4. janet ecco of sheffield23 June 2015 at 07:28

    Bon Jour everyone and all who pop in today
    NORAH - oh what the most gorgeous set of photos you have given us of Harry. He is just one beautiful and contented looking baby. I can just see he is going to be one loved loved loved little one having a Nanny like you and an Uncle Rory who will definitely protect him always.
    BRENDA - this is the first time I've seen this die and purchasing it is definitely going to be on the top of my list today. I made myself a promise at the beginning of this year that I would only buy Sue;s dies but I'm going to have to break that just this once. Your card is just stunning (and I do not use that word very often). I love everything about it. Thank you for opening my eyes to the most fantastic result of this die.

    Oops have to go Jim has just driven up the back lane with breakfast. Will be back later. xx

    1. Thank you JANET. I am sure you won't regret buying this die. Thank you for your kind comments about my card.

  5. Good morning everyone, I'm back from my weekend away for my granddaughter to be's hen weekend - had a brilliant weekend just 8 girlies and lots of laughs and catch ups, much needed me time for us all.
    Oh my, Norah you must be bursting with pride, your little grandson is just so gorgeous, will break a few hearts when he's older.
    Brenda your card is gorgeous and so well thought out all through - well done you.
    Hope everyone is keeping well, if not there are hugs in the basket just help yourselves, I've not had a chance to go back over the last few days, will have to play catch up when I have caught up with the washing/ ironing etc, although John had washed his work uniform and hovered and dusted ( must go away more often )
    Will be back later
    Jean x

    1. Hi Jean, hope you took your tenas with you!!! xxx

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

    3. Jean, So pleased your weekend went well and you had some fun! We all need that! Xxx

    4. You know Maureen it was touch and go a few times!!!!
      We all need a good hearty laugh now and again don't we.
      Jean x

    5. I know, a laugh does you the world of good xxx

    6. Glad you enjoyed your hen weekend. we have quite a few here in our little village, people come from all over as they originally lived here and remember the Friendly Spirit with affection. x

  6. Good morning Sandra & sisters,

    Oh Norah, what a little heart breaker Harry is going to be. He is just so gorgeous, I hope you're getting your extra share of cuddles. And Rory must be so proud to be called Uncle to such a delightful little baby boy. Bliss.

    Well the sun is shining so brightly I think we're in for a lovely day here in Cannington and Brenda's card is the icing on the cake. Such a beautiful treasure to give to someone special. The papers are divine and the overall effect WOW WOW WOW.
    Where can I buy that die from? Hmm let me think.
    Busy, busy day today, will pop back later on for a well earned cuppa.
    Love 7 hugs
    Cheryl xxx

    1. Hi Cheryl, are you pleased with your first batch of candle cups? Hope so! Myra xxx

    2. Yes, it so relaxing making them. I must have a very steady hand and found that pouring the third melt very, very slowly, I managed to avoid any bubbles. Perfect. xxx

    3. Great Cheryl! I'm so pleased. I found they scented the entire house .xxx

  7. Hi Sandra and all,

    Harry looks adorable and that beautiful card from Brenda, so gorgeous.
    Happy crafting today Sandra.

    Love & Hugs

    Jacquie J xxx

  8. Hi Sandra and all in the cafe today. Oh Norah, what a little darling young Harry is. These pictures are wonderful, what a smile : )
    Brenda, I haven't seen the flip card before today but I have to say that yours is fantastic. I love the papers you have used, they are so pretty. I will have to look into the flip cards now as I can see that they would be great for many occasions. Thank you for sharing : )
    Sandra, I will be over later, I hope you are feeling ok my lovely : )
    Maria, in reply to your comment to me yesterday, yes the warmer weather is better, the rain and damp do the most damage though. Tiredness makes them far worse too! Look after yourself : )
    Patricia, sorry to hear you are having internet problems too, ours seems to be fine, at the moment at least!)
    Jean, glad to see you back in one piece after the Hen weekend : )
    I have yet to go back and read what went on in here last night, but I hope everyone had a good day. Take care xx

    1. Thank you Sue. Hope you feel a lot better.

  9. Morning Sandra and all the lovely visitors today,
    Well what a delightful start to my day, the sun is shining and then when I popped into the cafe I saw the adorable Harry....oh he so gorgeous and certainly put the biggest smile on my face....Norah you must be so proud. Then I moved on to Brenda's stunning card....I love it and the colours blend perfectly....must admit I haven't seen these dies but what a clever idea they are.
    Must get a move on now as I have got to make a card in 48 hours....should have been doing it last week but chose to have some special time with Margaret and George in stead. Have a lovely day everyone and I hope you all have this wonderful sunshine....oh it does make the world a brighter place.
    Have left some special hugs in the basket and thank you for the lovely welcome back posts yesterday.
    Take care
    Love and hugs Sheila xxx

    1. lovely to see you back Sheila - hope you get your card made x
      Jean x

    2. Thank you Sheila for your kind comments. Good to see you back. Hope you get your card done.

  10. Morning ladies,
    Yes, I'm still alive, just, but it's still only June.
    Norah, what a GORGEOUS baby. That smile!! And I see what Hazel means, he does look like a real boy. He'll break a few hearts later in life. Belated congratulations. I'm sure you will be a wonderful Granny.
    Brenda, I've not seen this die before, but this card looks wonderful. Very different. I'll need to have a look and see just how it works.
    Sorry but I have managed a quick look at the pictures, but not had time to read comments. I think there will be more to read than a copy of War and Peace, although much more interesting. So sorry if I have missed any major events in anyone's life.
    Hugs for everyone, I am missing my daily chat, but hopefully I can visit a bit more soon.

    1. Great to see a post from you Janice.
      I was thinking about you yesterday and thought ... Oh! My! Word! Janice must be so, so busy. Good in a way but you will not get much "me" time if any at all. (((Hugs))) for you xxx

    2. Hi Janice ! im sure you feel as if you are on a treadmill at the moment! We miss you but take care! Xxx

    3. Thank you Janice for your kind comments. Hope you are not too busy.

  11. Morning Sandra and ladies,
    Norah Harry is gorgeous, I bet he is getting lots of cuddles, I had the very same thought as Patricia about Harry, he looks a bit like you, dont you think!
    Brenda what a stunning card, I had never seen this die before and wondered what everyone was on about, but now I can see why, might have to look into this for future purchases.
    Not a bad day today, maybe a little bit of tidying up the garden.
    Sorry for not popping back in for the last few days, but with this stupid robot thing driving me mad, I cant leave a comment every time, but I am in two or three times to catch up with everyone.
    Will try the Google search for a solution, thanks for the tip.
    Still using hubbys Ipad, such a nuisance when we both want to use it at the same time.
    coffee done, money in pot, cup washed, take care everyone, Jess x

    1. Thank you for your kind comments on my card.

  12. Good morning my lovely coffee shop friends,
    Sorry for the 3 the sort of the same pictures of the wee fella but i didn't know how to send them separately to Sandra to pick one, IT literate i am not but i am so pleased that he has given you all a smile to start today with. Rory i think is scared of him but his crabbit granddad just adores him which is lovely but a pity he couldn't think the same about his own son. My big son's folks are in EVERY SINGLE DAY to see her, him and see what they can do for them. I decided that because Ryan was off on paternity leave that i would go when needed or asked as i didn't want to spoil this precious time that he has off with his new wee family but i hope that his parents are not thinking that i couldn't care less with not being there. Girls what would you do if it was your family or am i getting it wrong as like their parents these grand children malarky don't come with a handbook on how grandparents should be have and what they should do or not do as the case may be?
    Brenda flower i do love your card and the way that you have used it to make the secret messages within. I took think it is the best example that i have seen. Yeh i know that it was designed to just pattern the triple frames but you have made it in to a secret message card that speaks volumes to the special person/people that it is for. Thank you for letting Sandra show us it today as it is a WOB and definite WOW card.
    It is quite bright here today although the sun is not shining but back down to mum's i go to try and clear some more out or up the road. A certain person though is getting on my wick with wanting me to get rid of things that i am not wanting to part from but in their eyes its old and rubbish or we can buy new if we need. Take mum's photos that hung on the wall, he wants me to take them out of the frames as they are all tobacco smoke stained and for all that it would cost for new ones. Well to me that is pot calling kettle for a start off as he smokes like a chimney as well and all my things in our house are covered in tobacco stains. I found my tin trunk that Jim and I had to keep our toys in when we were younger, well it used to be my dad's trunk that had all of his worldly possessions in it and yes the lock is broken and the handles are on their way out as well but i still see it being useful and wanted, by ME. OOOOOhhh, sometimes he makes my blood boil with his throw a way attitude.
    Anyway girls i will take my moaning face across to the corner with my basket of happy rascals just waiting to ambush you all
    With love and crafty hugs
    Norah (Glenochil)

    1. janet ecco of Sheffield23 June 2015 at 14:35

      Norah first you do not have a moaning face and second stick to your guns and save all that you want even if it means storing in the loft/attic. I'm with you things have memories and need to be saved and treasured. Hugs for you and your special bundle of love Harry. Rory will probably like him more when he can do things. xx

    2. I'm with Janet and you! I hate throwing things away especially things of sentimental value! You make me smile - you're not a moan!! Xxx

    3. Norah Im with Janet too I hate throwing away things of sentimental value - once they are gone they cant be returned - Also I have only one son who has children and when they were smaller (as babies) I used to see my daughter-in-law all the time but used to say Im going now but ring if you need me - I wont interfere - and tell them that, the grandchildren are all grown now and I say the same about great grandchildren - I agree its a difficult situation to be in but youll get there Im sure and young Harry is gorgeous x
      Jean x

    4. Resist all efforts and repel all comments! I too have 'things' that remind me of treasured memories. They keep me smiling x

    5. Norah what can I say. Harry is gorgeous. You must be so pleased. Thank you for your very kind comments about my card. I lioved doing it and have just finished one for a Golden Wedding Anniversary.

    6. I found this saying in my Commonplace book and thought it apt.
      Grandchildren are our link to the future.
      Grandparents are a child's link to the past.
      The littlest feet make the biggest footprints in our hearts. x

    7. It's lovely Cheryl! Xx

    8. Cheryl that's really beautiful Xx

    9. Cheryl, that's a beautiful saying xx

  13. Good morning Sandra & everyone,
    Norah gorgeous pictures of baby Harry take every special moment you can,as time goes so quick,I can believe how quick the time has gone since my grandson Harry was born a year ago.
    BRENDA your card is stunning & you have decorated it beautifully love it.
    Lovely to see you Sheila xxx
    Will have to love & leave you for a bit got a doctors appointment.
    Love Lynda xxx

    1. Lynda, hope all goes well with the doctor's appointment! Did you notice Maria called you a scarecrow last night!! It was when you were waving to her as she passed through Kent! It did make me laugh! Maria went on to say you were the nicest one she had ever seen! Xxx

    2. Norah, pop in and just say " I thought I'd pop in for a quick look or cuddle of our gorgeous wee man". Why not he's your grandson and much as the others. I am sure they can't mind that, as every one is saying they grow so quickly. Hazel x

    3. Oh I wish this thing would let me reply in the right place??!
      Lynda, hope evey thing goes ok. Hazel x

    4. Lynda hope all went well at the doctors xxx

    5. Thank you Lynda. Glad you have seen this card now. Hope sell went well at the Drs this morning.

    6. How did your doctor's appointment go? Well I hope. x

  14. Good morning Sandra and all the coffee shop crew
    What did I tell you Norah c section babies are always beautiful and your little Harry is no exception you must be so proud and love him it bits too. Now as for visiting I always think help if you can and if you can't don't hinder I would go as lets face it, it is your daughter and at times like this they need their mums too. Harry needs his granny as well as the rest of the family and before you know it he will not be a baby Norah believe me they grow much quicker these days, so don't miss out on this very special time, and you deserve to share in all the happiness.
    Brenda WOW, WOW, and more WOWS this is fantastic thank you so much for showing us all, I had seen these dies and thought no, definitely not, there is not much about this, how wrong can you be! Your card is so very beautiful I love the papers you have chosen, they are perfect for the card and the occasion you have made it for. Once again thank you for opening my eyes and showing me just how wrong I was to dismiss these dies.
    Patricia hope you get your internet sorted soon, such a trouble when it plays up.
    Janet hope you enjoyed your breakfast and your crafting today.
    Well the sun is shining and when we got up there was not a cloud in the sky although it is starting to cloud in now but so lovely to feel the warmth of the sun such a pleasant change, long may it last.
    My coffee was lovely money in the pot and cup washed my hugs are over in the corner too take care everyone and have a lovely day.
    Margaret xxx

  15. Sorry that should have been 'love him to bits'
    Sheila as far as I am concerned there is no need for any thanks just keep popping in then we know you are ok it is still early days and you are doing wonderfully well xx

    1. Thank you Margaret. Yes the die doesn't look very inspiring does it but I am very pleased with it. I am sure you will like it.

  16. Nooooooooooooooo
    Just lost a great long post, for which you are all probably most grateful, so here it is in a nutshell.
    Sandra, thanks for brightening an awfully dull day with Harry's little face.
    Norah, He's gorgeous. Get yourself to Kirsten's. All new mothers need help and support. See if you can do anything for her, a bit of shopping, the baby for a walk if she's not getting her sleep, anything. She will be so grateful. I don't know if this is possible, or how mobile you are, but even just seeing you for a little while will let her know you care. But, take it from Grandma Mo - don't offer advice - tell her how well she is doing!
    Littlelamb Brenda - how kind of you to do a demonstration of the triple card thingy just for me ha ha. I did cut it out last night, but that's all I did. It cut beautifully and just dropped off the die. I'm resisting doing anything with it until I clear my Phd boxes. Although this is now in one of them so I suppose I could, with a clear conscience, make something with it lol. I look forward to reading your card making instructions!!
    Janice, lovely to see you, I thought you must be ultra busy, and with the summer here - well, it may be November before we see you again - but I hope not!!!! Even a quick hello let's us know that everything's ok.
    Sheila, it's lovely to see you too and it's nice to know that you are well.
    Brenda OB, glad you got your granddaughter's outfit sorted, but I'm sure there would have been something there for you!! lol.
    Hazel, Zoe's 9 on 2nd July, I've done her a Gorjuss stamp card, but no idea on presents. She's clothes and technology mad, but I think I'll take her to town for the day and let her choose. Giving her a price limit of course!!! As you say, their ideas are not ours!
    Well, I'm pushing my luck here with the internet, and this is not a short post after all, sorry.
    Oh George was only up twice during the night, and after the first time I went to sleep and woke up at 5.30 yippee!!!
    Love to all, Maureen xxx

    1. you see, the hug helped so better give him one tonight again Xxx

    2. So pleased you both had a better night's sleep! There will be no stopping you today! Xxx

    3. Maureen only a few days between them, Rebecca is 9 going on 19 at times, she is going through that tacky clothes stage, well she been doing that for a while? And these stupid shoes that don't fit or stay on, drives me mad. Hazel x

    4. Maureen, our youngest granddaughter Ciara is also 9 on 2nd July - and I have hade her a Gorjuss card too. Not hot on colouring in but am working towards! She is still thinking what she would like (Mum said no more toys PLEASE) often she will ask for Art things but cloths are becoming a must have - think it's big sisters influence! xxx

    5. Brenda OB, I asked Zoe tonight what she'd like and she said clothes!! Honest her wardrobe is full, and she wears school uniform,, so they only get worn at weekends or holidays. She said she'd also like a board game if possible, so that's not too bad. She doesn't want toys now, thank the Lord, as you say I think it's the big sister influence. xxx

    6. Thank you Maureen for your kind comments about my card. I am sure you will enjoy doing it.

  17. p.s. Saba, If you go skinny dipping today, remember, down to knees and then wave arms in circular motion, then down to bottom and bend back and forward half a dozen times, then mid way to boobs and sway sideways once or twice, then - in you go. Show those other ladies how it should be done ha ha. (Better you than me, I'll stay on tera firma!) xxx

    1. Muriel's Keep Fit Instructions conjured up such a picture! Thankfully you are slim but I'd still wear the cozie ! Enjoy your quiet day today! It sounds quite idyllic.
      Love Myra xxx

    2. Maureen, the visions that you have created going through my head don't bare thinking about even the flashes that are going past my eyes are making me shudder. I like Myra would definitely be keeping the swim suit on and if i could get one of those old fashioned ones that come right up to the neck and down to the feet even better. Saba i see that you are to blame for all this strange frolicking around nudey, please it is the afternoon and the children are still up in fact, in fact I'M still up, please cover yourself up

    3. Do you remember the hand knitted ones? My little brother when he was aged about two had a pale green one Mum knitted and it had a big blue fish on the front !! Horrendous! It was three sizes bigger by the time he came out of the water! Xxx. Happy days! Xx

    4. Ha ha, I've got a photo of Aunt Mary in the 30's wearing one, but it was dry!!! xxx

    5. Not the one with the Canary? Xxx

    6. Skinny dipping!!!! Even the sharks would swim away if I did that!!! Haha!

  18. Hi Sandra and Everyone!
    Wow what super photos of Harry! Isn't he just gorgeous! Oh, Norah you must be so proud of him. With regard to visiting your daughter , I would maybe ask her what she would like you to do. Explain that you don't want to get in anyone's way but you want to do what you can to help. With all modern technology you could suggest she sends you a text at your Mum's if she needs you. I had sons so am not in the best position to give advice but girls often prefer their own Mum and that's totally natural and understandable. As Kirsten lives so near you can pop in and stay for five minutes or hours as and when you are needed.
    Brenda, your card is really lovely ! Your Congratulations card is so pretty layer after layer. It's just different isn't it and in a way a simple concept but until you see how it can be used lots of people will think it's just something they will rarely use! Thanks for showing us your beautiful card. I really love the butterfly !!
    They would make lovely "special" Christmas cards too.
    I started this nearly two hours ago! Now I've forgotten everyone else's news so need to go back and read about that!
    Back Soon!
    Love Myra xxx

    1. Myra lovely lady,
      Thank you so very much for bringing a big smile to my face this morning with my stunning card that yes i received no problem this morning. Now i don't know quite what that must say about me as it is a NEW postie who i don't even know that is on. Not sure if it is infamous or famous but i'm leaning more to the first rather than the later some how. :-D Thank you so much for your tremendous kindness flower, so very unexpected but so appreciated.

    2. Oh I 'm so pleased you got it!! I just hope you would! Xxx

    3. Thank You Myra. Yes I have so ready thought of Christmas cards. No I haven't made any yet. We will have another craft session before Christmas so I am thinking this would be a good one for the ladies to do. It's so easy to cut out although I would need to cut other bits but we will probably find lots of embellishments in The Range or The Works.

  19. Hi Sandra and all,
    Oh I'm in love again. Harry is a Beautiful boy and that smile, he is Adorable !
    Rory will get use to him soon enough and if I was you I would pop around and see him as often as I could. It's hard when you know the others are there every day but maybe give Kerstin a call and ask her, this first year is so precious even for the grand parents. My SIL fell out with her son-in-law's parents reg.the first grand daughter and still after 5 years they still are stiff with each other.Hope you find a solution that suit everyone.
    Funny how the name Harry is for gorgeous little boy's, or what do you say Lynda.
    Cuddles all around to all our little ones in the cafe' !
    The card today from our talented Littlelamb is Wonderful ! Your make of this die how to use it is fabulous. Gorgeous papers and all the layers is fab. yes I love your card and hope the receiver did too. Must have a look at how this die works.
    We meant to have a sunny day but somewhere on the way to Mk it must have got lost and stayed up North, you lucky so and so hihi. Mojo with the other girls how lost theirs so did some digging in the borders instead. Anything but the weeds are growing very well. 2 plants I put in a couple of weeks ago have died so will take them back, another excuse to look into 'the works' again.
    Sandra and Mrs B have a nice day together!
    Norah- take your time going through the things from your mamma's house, so many memories.....
    Sheila- a card in 48 hours !! good luck tihi
    Janice- take care
    Might see you all later, have cleaning to do "the queen of Sheba" is coming tomorrow (SIL!) hihi
    Love and Hugs Maria Xxx

    1. Hi Maria, so pleased you had a good holiday! Missed you!
      Remember to vacuum the red carpet for Her Majesty's visit! Xxx

    2. Maria, we have family that we refer to as "The Royal Family" and it's all stations go when they come. The others take us as we are!!! xxx

    3. Thank you Maria for your kind comments. I enjoyed making this card.

  20. Hi Sandra
    Well NORAH what a fantastic photo of Harry. What a very proud Grandma you must be. He's a cutie isn't he.
    Littlelamb just love your triple flip card. Love how you've decorated it. Must have a look at that die when I get to a craft shop. Wonder if I can see one at Newbury.
    Well, Pete's still not feeling 100%. Says he feels yucky and hasno energy. He's not been sleeping well either. Now his new Meds can cause fatigue, so although he's been on them for 6 weeks they could be the cause. Off to the hospial later, so I'll get Pete to mention it.
    I hope that Sue managed to come over today Sandra. I'll say hullo to you both just in case.

    1. Pat, I hope the hospital can help Pete, nothing worse than feeling yucky. Hazel x

    2. Hi Pat, Sorry Pete is not feeling so well. Hope today's consultation will help! Xxx

    3. Hi Pat,
      if i can just stick an oar in here about poor Pete. His meds although he has been on them several weeks now it could be that it is only now that they are getting in to his system to take effect. I know that when i go on to new meds that it can take a month to 3 months for them to start taking effect and working. Poor man as if he hasn't got enough to contend with without this on top of everything else. I hope that the hospital can offer some help for him and not be as useless as we all know that they can be. Sending him hugs just to keep him going and know that we are thinking about him.

    4. Hello Pat, Thinking of you and Pete and I hope you get some satisfaction today. xx

    5. Pat I do hope Pete starts to feel better very soon and the consultation goes well. xxx

    6. Thank you Pat for your kind comments about my card. I hope that Pete gets his meds sorted and he starts to feel better.

    7. A little late sorry Pat but I do hope the hospital were able to offer Pete some help and advice today thinking of you both xxx

    8. Hi Pat sorry I'm late I hope Pete got ok at hospital & offer some help for him,& get medication sorted.
      Sending Hugs too you both love Lynda xxxx

    9. Hope Pete feels a bit better after seeing the doc. xx

  21. Just in for a quick cup of tea, been to St Andrews and went for lunch, so I dont need cake or anything, then again these wonderful cakes here in the cafe aren't filling. I am in one of those moods where I need to make the last two bags, but wanted to see how much of the baby things I could fit in one of these bag that you suck the air out of - a lot two drawers worth, still have another to fill, that will have to wait till later. But I must do these bags, after 9 I got bored!!! I have to find one of the collapsible creates to put them in, but I have a feeling that my darling little daughter has got some still at hers! At the moment I have all these bags sat on the side board, good excuse not to dust I suppose? Right had my tea, money in the pot, cup and saucer washed up as its a very fine China one, Sandra you better keep an eye on these, with these candle makers!!! Only joking, did think of you all when I had a nosey in the charity shop yesterday a couple of pretty little ones for £1.25 ea, mustn't be many candle cup makers here. Hazel x

  22. Patricia,
    I don't know whether it will work or not but I saw a really nice shaped box today and thought of you!! It was on Pinterest. I know you can send Pins but I'm unsure if you will get it as it was sent to your email address rather than a Pinterest one! It was sent by me so it's quite safe! Hope you get it. Xxx

  23. Everyone must be eating at the same time tonight!
    Love to all xxx

  24. I haven't had a chance to read But wanted to say that little Harry is gorgeous and Brenda's card is divine I've just received some very upsetting news A very good friend has died It's all very sudden and totally unexpected and another one gone that was far too young I' gonna say night night and will visit in a couple of days when I've got over the shock

    1. Oh Karen, love and hugs to you. xxx

    2. Oh Karen, I'm so very sorry! Sending hugs and will pray for you and your friend's family! Xxx

    3. Karen I am so very sorry to hear your heartbreaking news, sending love and hugs

    4. Karen, I'm so sorry to hear of your sad news. You take your time. You know where I am if you want to talk and it's always someone here
      Many hugs Maria xx

    5. Karen, I am so sorry to hear your sad news, it's bad enough when expected, but when sudden it takes longer to come to terms with, come in and rant if it helps. That's sound wrong but some times you just get so cross with life being so cruel, and a rant can help. (((((( hugs)))))). Hazel x

    6. Karen so sorry to hear your sad news but take comfort in this thought that there is a reason for everything although you may never get to know that reason. I will be thinking of you.
      With love
      Margaret xxx

    7. Karen, so sorry to hear your bad news, it is bad enough when expected. We are all here when you want to sound off.

    8. Special thoughts and prayers to you and your friend's family. x

    9. Karen. Thank you for your kind comments about my card. So sorry to hear about your friend. Thoughts and prayers with you and her family. take care.

    10. Karen, so sorry to hear your sad news, special thoughts are with you, hugs and lots of love xx

  25. Good Evening my lovelies,
    Well Sue and I had a very productive day, we built a 6ft tall cat tree together, it got delivered this morning just before Sue arrived, I absolutely love how enthusiastic Sue is when it comes to opening up packages, she had the bits all organised in no time, she would make a perfect boy scout!! Anyway it all went together remarkably easily, we had it done in no time, neither of us were particularly in the mood for card making so I got out some Martha Stewart Paper Clay I have had for a couple of years, all unopened, so we opened it up and sat and made roses and flowers this afternoon, it was fun and relaxing, they are so light too, the only thing I can describe it as is those pink shrimp sweets we used to have! The little flowers with will be perfect for the centre of bows!
    Lord only knows where the time went though as next time we looked it was 5pm! where did the day go!
    Hazel it sounds like your Charity shops are a lot better value than the ones in Oxfordshire, pretty tea cups and saucers or pretty little tea plates are really expensive, Paul and I were in recently looking at the books and a chap came in that's a 'dealer' of some sort and buys anything of value from them, I don't think there is any such thing as a proper bargain in them anymore, the charities all seem quite 'savvy' on what things are worth, but I sometimes think that they forget the meaning of 'Charity'!
    Well I must go and help Paul to sort some laundry, I cant believe how warm it still is outside.
    Love and Hugs

    1. My Dear Sandra,
      Whatever will you get up to next! A six foot cat tree! Never heard of this but I'm guessing if the cats climb this you won't need a burly fireman to get them down! I've heard of a scratching post - is it the same thing?
      Who says you don't learn anything on this blog!! Xxx

    2. Sandra dear,
      This six foot cat trees, do you tie cats to the branches, or do they grow on it? xxx

    3. Are those the trees you get catalogues from! Boom Boom!! Xx

    4. Hi Sandra,
      Sounds like you had a lovely afternoon....but can't get my head around the 6ft cat it like a pussy willow? Heeheeheee! xxx

    5. Maureen and Myra if you two get any sharper you will cut yourselves lol xx

    6. We need to get out more! Xxx

    7. Aaaaaaaaw Myra!! Nice one though! xxx Maybe there will be catapillows (catapillars didin't seem right!)next for the pussies to have a rest on.....oh this is getting

    8. Sounds interesting Sandra. Hold the kittens enjoy it.

    9. Oh Sheila , your in top form tonight! What about catacombs for a bit of a hairdo! Xxx

    10. You are all hilarious, I am so thankful for tena ladies!

    11. The dealers visit our charity shops first thing and actually price the goods, no wonder they are so expensive xx

  26. I agree about the charity shops Sandra. No bargains here anymore. When I worked in charity shops we always had bargains. I an sure if I still worked in one I would have no end of cups and saucers. Perhaps they throw odd ones away. The candle cup I have has an odd cup and saucer but the pattern on each is the same colour green and it doesn't really show but I am sure they wouldn't sell odd things now. We used to have a lot of dealers came in and always wanted the lowest prices. Don't really know where to look and I am definitely not paying £9.99 for one in Oxfam. Am going to Winchester on Friday so will have a look there.
    NORAH. Baby Harry is gorgeous. I would want to see him all the time but no how you feel but as Kirsten is your daughter I think you have every right to go when you want to. It different with boys I think. I wait to be asked because of that.
    SANDRA. Than
    K you so much for showing my card. Now all the ladies know what we were talking about last night. I enjoyed doing it and have just finished the sevond one and started one for my GtGranddaughter. I am doing Frozen on this one and if it turned out ok will also do that theme for my granddaughter as she loves Frozen. Sorry not been In until now but have been trying to get these cards done and then Scarlett Facetimed me and wanted me to go round. She was giving me some tuiton on the IPad. 😊. I told her yesterday I couldn't do faces so she said she would show me. I said thank you so her reply was No Problem😊. As you see she sorted it for me. Well I must go and read all the comments now. Did start reading them earlier but didn't had time o comment. Thank you all for your kind comments about my Triple Flip Card. Very much appreciated. Be back later when I finish reading.

    1. The faces don't show up Brenda which is a shame but I know you've used them as you have little blank squares!
      I've just had a text from my granddaughter with photographs attached of Thursday's prom outfit! It looks really lovely. We have lilac suede high heeled shoes as there are lilac flowers on the dress. Matching clutch bag too! All very exciting. More photos to follow on the night.
      A card with the Frozen theme sounds beautiful Brenda! Xxx

    2. Oh Myra, that sounds lovely. xx

    3. I have ordered the die and can't wait for it to come, your card is gorgeous and hopefully will give me some inspiration xx

  27. Hope this card turns out ok but as the recipients will be 4 and 5 I am sure they will love it. Thank you for your lovely comments. Yes I have been thinking sling god line of Christmas cards. They could still be quite flat for posting.
    Looking forward to hearing about your granddaughter Prom night.

    1. Littlelamb Brenda, what is sling god line? xx

  28. Hi!! Folks, my iPad is running out of Batterly Power so will have to make this quick.
    Hope you have all had a good day. We had a great afternoon at the boys school concert for end of term. Our schools finish on Thursday, for summer break. They go to a very Rural School ... 14 pupils. All the children had something to do and it was funny (meant to be) we had such a laugh. Our two did very well, presented with certificates for quite a few things. Thomas got a Gold Medal for something that i am not 100% sure about. Need to find out more about that.
    I am off to sit and think!!!!!?
    See you all in the morning
    (((((hugs))))) xxx

    1. Well done Boys! Glad you had a good afternoon Patricia.
      I'd forgotten schools in Scotland would be breaking up this week although should have thought about it as Norah was telling us about Rory. Night Night xx

    2. A school with 14 pupils, now that's a super school. Well done to the boys for working hard. I'll not tell the girls that they have broken up already as they will be green with envy!! xx

    3. Well done to the boys Patricia so pleased you enjoyed your afternoon. xxx

  29. Hi everyone, just a quick visit just now, decided to use the laptop for blogging seen that the Ipad still has the photo grid and a code to copy and paste when proving you are not a robot
    Googled captcha to see if I could disable it, but it has to be done by the blog owner, I think it has something to do with bloglovin however.
    anyway have a nice evening, take care Jess x

  30. Glad you enjoyed the boys concert Patricia and congratulations on your boys receiving certificates and a Gold medal.
    Well I haven't started the card I was supposed to do....eeek! After being on the internet this morning for a while I realised I needed to get some shopping in so I had a shower jumped on the bus and off I went, as it was a beautiful day I was out much longer than I had planned and was absolutely shattered and really wasn't in the mood for card making this evening so as I had bought some new nail polish I decided to do my nails instead. So I definitely must stick at it tomorrow. Night-night to the lovely Sandra and all the lovely cafe crew gang....sweet dreams. Love Sheila xxxx

    1. Night Night Sheila , we finished the day with a smile! Always good!
      Sleep well! Don't smudge the nails! Xxx

    2. I am picturing you sat shaking your fingers, what shade did you go for???
      I feel some song titles coming on here.....!
      Goodnight sweetheart and thank you for brightening my evening!
      Love and hugs

    3. Sweet dreams (are made of this - get it?) Sheila. Don't get into bed until the nails are dry or you'll get the sheet impression on them! How many times did I do that when I was young and carefree?? xx

    4. A whiter shade of pale? Xxx

    5. Sleep well Sheila see you tomorrow

  31. Sandra was right about my card. The paper is Papermania Vintage notes. It is Linen paper and very nice. I only have the 6x6 paper so had to use a different sheet for each page near enough. There were 4 of each but I had already used some. The plain blue was also in the pack so used that with it as it was the same colour blue. As Sandra says the butterfly is a Sue Wilson one. The tags for the greetings are also SW. The flower isn't a cornflower one. Reason being that I only had a small piece of the paper left so I folded it in half and cut a flower like the one Sue has. Can't remember the name. I jus t sort of fringed it. Wish I had more of this paper but don't think you can get it anymore. Looked on the internet and several places said "out of stock and didn't know if they would have anymore in". Never mind. Will just keep my eyes peeled. Going to Winchester later in the week to the cathedral for a flower festival. Have looked up craft shops and see there is one so after the flowers I will be looking for it and the charity shops for cups and saucers😀

    1. Sandra is very good at recognising dies and papers etc. much better than me! Xxx

    2. Brenda it might be worth looking in places like the range and the works as they have older stock, I am sure I have seen it somewhere, I have the 12 x 12 but apart from one sheet I have only stroked the paper, I think we need to use patterned paper more often, I have tons of the stuff but only seem to use plain card stock, but you have proved that the patterned paper works fine with the dies too.
      Your card really is a stunner Brenda, Happy Cup and Saucer hunting,

    3. Thank you Sandra. Yes I have been looking at this paper for a while and decided it was time to use it😀. Is the pattern bigger on the 12x12 papers. Yes I will look in the Range next time I am in there. Haven't been in since I decided to use this paper. I have used the one with the hearts for the Golden Wedding card.

  32. Cor, taken forever to get here, but I've posted comments on the way down and then the beautiful picture of Harry smiling at me would appear again at the top and lift my spirits. He really is a beautiful baby. (well all babies are, aren't they).
    George is in the land of nod, snoring, so I'm away to kick him and wake him up, like he does to me all night long!!! Oh, all right, I'll leave him in peace (or should that be pieces!)
    See you all in the morning, have a good night everyone.
    Love Maureen.xxxxx
    Saba, if you look in, get that deck swabbed!!! Prost xx

    1. Night Night ! No kicking!! Xxx

    2. aaaah leave George alone, he need his beauty sleep and if it's you doing the kicking you just going to brake a toe
      hugs and sleep well xxx

  33. Good evening everyone
    Brenda you will be pleased to know I have ordered the triple card creator from Icon after seeing your card I just could not resist. I think it will be great for Christmas cards especially for posting.
    Talk about it never rains but what it pours, as you know SIL not too good at the moment, my daughter thought she had food poisoning at the weekend but although still not well went into school as teachers do! Today they have found out several children have the nova virus and letters have gone home with the children, she is now wondering has she had it. We did the school run today our grandson came out saying he felt ill. We got home quickly and I gave him his meds for his tummy as he does have a problem with it, then he perked up only to be sick at the tea table, immediately he apologised bless him. Once his mummy was home we took him home. I wonder what tomorrow will bring!
    Oops just had to delete a mile of d's as I fell asleep, so I'm off to bed.
    Good night God Bless everyone, sweet dreams.
    Margaret xxx

    1. Oh Margaret, bless the poor little fellow, there is nothing worse than feeling sick, there has been a school locally closed with the same virus, so it must be doing the rounds!
      I hope that they all feel brighter tomorrow and that you don't get it too!
      Sending love and hugs

    2. Margaret, you've had quite a day! Night night and sleep well. Xxx

    3. The poor little mite, hope he feeling better in the morning, Have a
      good night Xxx

  34. Oh dear Margaret I have started something now haven't i. Icon will be wondering why everyone is suddenly buying this die😀. I am sure you will like it and I think it will be great for Christmas cards. I am sure we will all get a lot of use out of it. Your family are certainly going through the wars these last few days. I hope that you don't go down with it now. Does that mean you will be looking after your grandson tomorrow if he cannot go to school. Goid night and God Bless Margaret.

  35. Hello Sandra and everyone,
    I did a long post earlier- John called me to look at something came back and it had vanished. Then it was time for dinner. Had a phone call from my brother, think I have seen him four times since Mum died in 1999. Well bless him - he wants to visit tomorrow, told him John was going in for day surgery. Ok he said I'll come in the afternoon!!!!!!!!!! I will not tell you what I thought.

    Norah, Wee Harry is a right Bonney boy, love that smile, he has won lots of fans here today. xxx
    Brenda, I haven't seen this die. WOW WOW and WOW your card is gorgeous.

    Sorry need my bed, it's an early start tomorrow, as John has to be at the hospital for 7am. It's not far away. If we walked we would be there in 15 min.I am NOT walking at that time in the morning.

    Sweet Dreams everyone, love Brenda xxx

    1. Night Night Brenda, Hope all goes well for John tomorrow! Xxx
      Please don't make a noise when you leave - I'll be asleep! Lol! Xxx

    2. Hi Brenda,
      having everything crossed for John tomorrow, hugs to you both.

  36. Oh dear what happened to the day, oh I know. after done the hoover workout and the dusting Tried doing the Maureen/ Saba way but couldn't get back up so I got sat in my chair and fell asleep grrr now I very likely will sit here 'all night long'
    Pat -how is things with Pete, what did they say at the hospital ? hugs to you both.
    Patricia -how lovely to see the boys done well and a medal too. Hope all the children will have a good summer. Have some lovely memories spending the summers with mums dad (morfar) at their summer house near farms and a lake to go swimming in. Glad to say it was nothing knitted in site, they must have looked like a soggy mess coming back up hihihi
    Littlelamb - have a good trip to Winchester for you cup and saucer hunt. What about a hunt to see how can find a nice one for the cheapest price, £9.99 what a rip-off ! Off to do some e-mails so I wish all who are going to lala-land a good one, see you in the morning Group hugs Maria
    6 ft cat tree ? ! love to see that one

    1. Group Hugs, Maria!
      Night Night , I'm going to have nightmares about that cat tree! So glad you got it Sandra - it's provided tonight's entertainment! We always have entertainment! That's what friends are for! Xxx

  37. GRRRRRNOOOOOOO JUST LOST LONG POST AGAIN.Why are the gremlins attacking my comments.
    Hello Sandra & the ladies of the night (owls) MARIA yes I agree all Harry's are Gorgeous of course. Thanks for saying last night I was like a scarecrow waving haha but at least I was a nice one, made me smile as I thought of the introduction of emadale & the scarecrows in a row lol xx
    MAUREEN & BRENDA L your Granddaughters share the same birthday as me how cool is that,but I'm only a couple of years older than them HaHa.
    Sheila lovely to see you today glad you had some nice weather for your shopping trip,hope you get your card finished on time lots of love my friend xxxx
    Sandra I have at last received my triple stamping up stamp set. I had a play this afternoon & pleased with it.Hope you enjoyed you day with Sue & your ok.
    Well think it's time for bed & before cybra space grabs this one.
    Love & Hug's Lynda xx Sweet Dreems everyone xx

  38. Lynda keep telling porkies like that and your Harry will overtake you in years.
    Any if that's your age I only 12. ....... NIGHT NIGHT xx

    1. Lynda , your nose will be bigger than you are!!
      Night Night all, I hope you all sleep well!
      Night Night Sandra, that includes you too, my dear! Xxx

    2. We only as old as we feel ! omg why didn't someone tell my body that.hihi
      Brenda, what are you still doing up? it's way past your bedtime ,you have school in the morning
      Night night you two lovely ladies ! Xxx

  39. Hi Sandra and all the lovely ladies. Have been trying to post for half an hour but internet connection is very reduced. Beautiful vCard today Brenda, thank you for sharing it with us Sandra. Love to everyone Diane xxxx
