
Friday 26 June 2015

Fancy cards for Friday !

Good Friday morning Ladies,
Well the weekend is upon us once again, I am sure we will have rain as it's Glastonbury this weekend!  I wouldn't mind going for the experience but feel I might have a problem with my wheelchair in all that mud!
So I will watch from the comfort of my sofa, feet up in the dry! I wouldn't have minded seeing Kenny Rogers their in real life as the atmosphere seemed electric, Dolly Parton too, I don't somehow think that Paul could quite manage to hoist me onto his shoulders and if he did my Droopy Bits would obscure his view!  Hahaha xx
Now onto today's beautiful duo of delights! Sam your cards are both so pretty, I love the Canadian Background die, it is so versatile, looking so different depending on the colour and choice of embellishments. 
You have enhanced it's prettiness with the addition of those pretty flowers on either side of the focal element Sam, it's just beautiful.
Your second card with that Gorgeous Lily of the valley stamp, so beautifully coloured in, is just perfect for an anniversary, such a romantic image, once again enhanced by your beautiful choice of flowers, that delicate little pearl trim at the bottom and the lovely sentiment, it looks like a 'Justrite' stamp, I love the font they use it's quite pretty but not to over the top! 
Sam, thank you so much for sending me these cards to share with our lovely friends, they gave been a pleasure to share xxxx
Well the girls got through their stressful, exam filled day, they only have one tomorrow, maths I think, (I have lost plot with their timetables), Lucy is sitting the same Exams but she has a 'reader' to assist with her sight problems, she says it's helpful but strange as you get used to reading through the question and then reading again and breaking it down I know Lucy won't have the courage to ask the helper to do that !  Sophie asked me tonight to help her prepare for her 5 hour art exam next week, she has decided at the last minute to make a Clay tile, we were researching tonight, she has decided she wants a natural theme, so she is going for a tree, I can see a weekend of frustrations ahead! 
I wonder if the schools would be doing all this nonsense if league tables were a thing of the past?
Right I am off to toast a crumpet, 
Will pop in later,
Love and hugs to all
Sandra xxxxxx


  1. Hi Sandra And All My Dear Friends
    Sandra Thank You Kindly For Showing My Cards As I've Said Before I Love Making Them But I Stress If My Mat/Layering Is Out I Have To Start All Over Again, So It Takes Me Longer, Yes You Were Correct The Sentiment Is From JustRite I Love There Stamps They Stamp So Clearly, I Have Used Sue's Canadian Background Die Many Times As I Love It So Very Much.
    The Second Card Is From Lili Of The Valley When I Receive Them I Always Place Onto Umount So They Stamp A Lot Better, I Enjoyed Colouring This It's Still Not Quite Perfect Shading Wise As The Boys Hat Is Supposed To Look Like A Floppy Hat, I'm Pleased With The Girl As Her Dress Is Supposed To Go From Dark To Light! I Really Don't Mind Practising, It's Very Methodical I Used A Couple Pieces Of Pink Paper One Plain And One Striped And Added The Wild Orchid Flowers On Both.
    Did I Send You The House Mouse Card Well I Love Using Those Trying To Get The Colours Right, I Put It On Facebook An The Lady Who Designs Them Came Back To Me To Say How Pleased She Was To See My Card, So I Thought It Was Kind Of Her To Take The Time Out To Say That.
    I'm So Thrilled Your Girls Got Through There Exams OK, I'm Sure Your Daughter Doing The Art Exam Will Do So Well.
    Take Care All
    Love And Hugs To You All
    From Sam xxx

    1. Sam your cards are exquisite and I love your colouring, I'm so hopeless at colouring. Have written more about them in my longer post. Sandra is so kind to show our cards and projects off isn't she.
      Love Sheila xxx

    2. Hi Sheila
      Thanks For The Extremely Kind Hearted Words, Yes Sandra Is So Very Kind To Share Her Blog With People's Cards And Projects As I Wouldn't Know Where To Start With A Blog Of My Own.
      Love And Hugs From Sam xxx

    3. Hi Sam your card's are gorgeous I love the Canadian background im saving up for that die.Sam don't be so hard on yourself I wish my colouring was a good as yours you do a stunning job.
      Both cards are delightful.
      Hug's Lynda xx

    4. Hi Sam,
      I love to share your work with everyone, I have always said that I wanted this blog to be about everybody's work, not just mine, I get more pleasure seeing you lovely ladies getting the praise you deserve for your amazing cards!
      Sam I have saved your House Mouse Card for a special post, I deserved to be in a post all of its own!
      Hope you don't mind
      Love and Hugs

    5. Hi Sam, I recently bought Copic skin tones to add to my Copic collection. I can't wait to have a play with them. I find skin quite difficult also hair - I am working on both.
      Your cards are really inspiring, Thank you for sharing xxx

    6. Hello Sam,
      Your cards are beautiful. Everything about them is gorgeous.
      Maureen xxx

    7. Hi Sam,
      Sorry I'm a bit late today! It's been a busy day and the sun is shining now! Did it shine when I needed it earlier - .no! Never mind it's lovely now. Your cards are both lovely - it's lovely to learn from one another.
      Hope you are able to have your surgery very soon.
      Myra xxx

    8. These cards are lovely Sam. Thank you Sandra for showing them. Love your colouring Sam.

    9. Sam your cards are beautiful, just love the colours, well done to get a message from Ellen herself, just shows they are really interested in what people do with their stamps
      Jean x

    10. Sam your cards are gorgeous I cannot colour in, maybe because I am colour blind with some colours lol. I t freezing here and you are all talking about hot weather, we have had to put our heating on. xx

  2. Morning Ladies

    Sam-your cards are just gorgeous, so pretty + delicate.

    It's raining here& I'm glad! The garden was bone dry and the water butts were virtually rmpty. That should save me a job tonight-just have to go into the greenhouse. My Dad just rang to ask if I'll call in on my way to work as he can't get Caspers tablets down him (thats his dog). Casper had a little "procedure " done yesterday and I'm guessing is feeling sorry for himself. By the time I get home from work i'll bet my Dads taken him back to the Vets!!!

    Best get a move on eh??!!


  3. Good morning Sandra and the Coffee Shop Gamg. Hope you are all well, I woke this morning and could not believe it is Friday again!!!
    Sandra glad the girls got on OK yesterday and all the stress is almost over.
    Oh! Sandra you did make me laugh, the picture of you on Paul's shoulders......!!!
    I would love to see Kenny Rogers, I just love Dolly Parton. I was hoping to see her when she was in Glasgow but we were on holiday.....typical, just typical.

    SAM:- your cards are stunning, beautiful colours and great designs.

    I have all yesterday's washing ironed and put away. It's raining here AGAIN, once I scoot round and get the house done for the weekend I hope to be able to "play" I have a few things lying about that I want to work on and get finished and cleared away. I have a big "bundle of stuff" I really must put away. The only thing is once I put it away I am sure I will loose some of it. I do put to put it away where it should be but when i go to get it next time I can't seem to find it.
    Right everything looks good in here for the day. I won't stop just now but I will be back later to see what you are all getting up to. xxx

    1. Hi Patricia,
      I hope you manage to whizz round the house super fast so that you get more time to play!
      I need to clear all the craft stuff from the dining table (that's where Pat, Sue and I craft together), and put it all back in the craft room, but its such a tip at the moment I have nowhere to put anything!
      Some serious tidying to do I think.
      Well maybe get it done this weekend!
      Sending love and hugs

    2. Hello Patricia,
      The girls love Dolly Parton and when we play her CD's they join in singing the songs. xx

    3. Remember - Stand by your Man! Xxx

  4. Hi Sandra and all in the cafe today. Sam your cards are both beautiful. Your colouring looks great, I really struggle with shading, I will have to pick your brains at the retreat for some hints, if you don't mind. The Canadian Background is gorgeous, it's on my wish list! Congratulations on getting a remark from the House Mouse designer, you should be very proud : ) Thank you for sharing.
    Sandra, I hope the girls aren't too stressed about today's exam. It must be very strange to have someone reading questions out to you, like you say Lucy wouldn't be able to bring herself to ask them to read it in a different way. I hope Sophie manages to find a design for her tile that she is happy with over the weekend. Have fun helping her with that one! She will do a fantastic job whatever she decides on. I hope you get to relax with Paul too my lovely. You deserve a weekend with no nasty surprises and nothing to worry you for once, just lovely family time : )
    Brenda-Littlelamb and Karen Congratulations on your EF win on Christine E's blog yesterday. It was so good to see you as the winners : )
    There were a lot of very busy ladies on here yesterday, I can't believe how many different things you all get up to. I think between us we can do just about anything!
    I must admit that I still have a picture of Sheila sitting in her newly finished swivel chair spinning around and saying "I did it" at silly o clock, it makes me smile every time. Well done Sheila : )
    Margaret, I hope your grandson, daughter and SIL are all well on the mend now.
    Hazel, let's hope the girls Dad takes notice of your advice about getting them to bed at a sensible time!
    Sorry if I have forgotten anyone, I need to bring a new notepad upstairs so I have had to try and remember what has been happening, not a good idea for my bad memory! I need to write a note to remind me about the you see the problem with that one! : )
    I hope that you all have a good day whatever you are up to and that the weather is kind to you. I am hoping for a dry day tomorrow as we are running the BBQ at the Church Fete as we do every year. Fingers crossed it doesn't rain like it did last year! We are off to Mum and Pop's today and then tonight I am babysitting Christopher while Chris, RJ, Gem and Gemma go to see the new Minions film. He is not a happy bunny at the moment as he had his 3rd lot of jabs the other day, they always upset him for 5-6 days after. At least he doesn't have to have any more until he is a year old now, bless him. He is also teething, you know the signs, chewing anything in sight and dribbling for England so not at his best, bless him. He does melt your heart when he chuckles away though. Babies laughter is so infectious isn't it? I have always said it should be recorded and played when you are feeling down as it is almost impossible not to smile when you hear it. Anyway, I must go now, have enjoyed my tea and toast and watching the world go by on this lovely summers morning. Take care xx

    1. Hi Sue I agree with you about babies laughing Darren ( my son ) sent me a little video clip on my phone of Harry he's really laughing out loud & I can't stop watching it. It dose melt your heart & cheers you up. Enjoy your time with Christopher. Hug's Lynda xx

    2. Hi Sue,
      Make sure they leave you the Calpol too, so you can get a little piece, did I read that right, all of the adults in your house off to see the 'minions' film?????
      Mind you I can quite believe it, give you Mum a hug from me!
      Love and hugs

  5. Good morning Sandra,

    Lovely to see you to bright and cheerful today and I'm pleased the girls got through their stressy exams. Clay tile at the last moment? Don't get too frustrated, treat it as an experiment and all will be well. Chill maid, chill.
    With Glastonbury upon us again, I'm relieved the traffic is nowhere near us! Although I still think of it the Pilton Pop, Folk and Blues Festival, it has come a long way since then. You used to pay £1 to get in and now it is somewhere like £250+!!! Was really great to see up and coming acts performing, now it is mega ego acts that appear.
    Onto Sam's beautiful cards. They are both so gorgeous and I can see why you use the Canadian background so much, it's stunning all on it's own. The stamped image on the Anniversary card is perfect Sam, I cannot see any mistakes, you have it just right. And how lovely of JS (House Mouse) to send you a message regarding your card. Not many designers take the time to do so and it is always encouraging when someone does.
    Mrs B, enjoy your time with little Christopher tonight, I am off today to see my Milly-May. I will be getting lots of lovely cuddles, am so eager to go I have to restrain myself not to get there too early! I will be taking my camera, I have put up a new 9 photo frame and there is a space waiting for her photo.
    Love & hugs
    Cheryl xxx

    1. CHERYL enjoy your cuddles with Milly May a special day.
      Hug's Lynda xx

    2. Hi Cheryl
      It Wasn't Joanna Sheen, It Was Ellen Jackerie She Is The One Who Designs Them She Is A Lovely Lady And She Also Colours With My Favourite Copic Also She Does Tutorials On You Tube So I've Learnt A Great Deal From Them.
      But It's JS That Sells The Product And Used To Show Them On Create And Craft But Only Sells Them Now.
      Hugs From Sam xxx

    3. CHERYL:- enjoy your hugs and cuddles, it a great feeling.
      Patricia x

    4. Hi Cheryl, You are so right about the Glastonbury Festival, I have no idea how people afford it! I am sure its so much nicer if the sun shines!
      You make sure you enjoy every last minute of your cuddles with Milly May, take lots of photos too, they don't stay that tiny for long!
      Sending Hugs

    5. Hello Cheryl, hope you have lots of lovely cuddles with Milly-May. Babies grow so quickly, Enjoy every moment LOL xxx

    6. Cheryl, have a lovely day with Milly-May, lots of cuddles and love, you can't beat it xxx

    7. Have a lovely time with Milly May! I'm sure you'll see big changes in her already! Xxx

    8. Cheryl. Hope you have had a good day with Millie May. Enjoy

    9. Oooh nothing better than having cuddles from the little ones, hope you had a lovely day with Milly-May Cheryl.
      Cuddles from puppies are lovely too. xxx

    10. Have a lovely day with Milly-May babies even smell lovely and their cuddles are even better xx

  6. Morning Sandra and ladies, I hope I manage to get through this comment today, yesterdays was a nightmare, I had typed lots of congratulations and best wishes and then it went into cyber space.
    Anyway Sandra glad you are feeling better today and the girls managed to get though their mock exams.
    Sam your cards are gorgeous, and you have done a wonderful job of colouing.
    We went to see Dolly Parton when she at Glasgow last year, she was really good, the only down side was the music was so loud you could hardly hear the words she was singing untill it was a song you know, but otherwise it was a good night.
    Yesterday was our grandsons graduation from Heriot Watt Uni, in Edinburgh. It was a wonderful day, left here about 1.30pm through to Edinburgh, hung around for a while at the uni reception, then off to get official photographs taken, no unofficial photographs were allowed at that time.
    Gary looked very handsone in his kilt outfit. Waited for a time until it was time for the graduation ceremony to begin, a lot of ceremonial palaver at the start then the graduates were called out by name and capped by the Chancellor.
    then it was off for champage and canapes. It had dried up by this time so we all went ouside to get some photos for ourselves. then off for a celebration dinner at The Dome in Edinburgh.
    Didnt get home till after 11.30 shattered, a great day was had by all.
    take care everyone, have a good day whatever you are doing, Jess x

    1. Oh Jess you must have felt so proud of your grandson...congratulations to him....and I'm pleased the weather dried up nicely for you all to take pictures outside. You must have been tired but happy by the time you arrived home..

      Love Sheila xxx

    2. Hi JESS what a fantastic day you had for your grandsons graduation Big Congratulations to him. Hug's Lynda xx

    3. Jess I am glad everything went so well for your grandsons big day. Oh " The Dome" oh very nice. Yes a day of memories for you to scrap book??? I hope you are taking it easy today. Hazel x

    4. JESS :- glad it all went well yesterday, lots of fantastic memories.
      Oooo!! The Dome I love that place especially when it is decorated for Christmas. xxx

    5. Thank you everyone for my grandsons congratulations,
      good job I wasnt paying at The Dome considering there were ten of us, many thanks to my eldest son.
      I agree with you Patricia, it is gorgeous at Christmas in there, well worth seeing.

      catch you all later, xxx

    6. Oh jess what an amazing day, you must have been bursting with pride, maybe we could see a little photo of your day, I love to be able to share photos of special family events, I know all of your friends here in the café would love to share them too!
      I am so pleased you had a lovely day xxx

    7. What a fantastic day you all enjoyed, my congratulations to Gary, he must so proud to have gotten through all that studying to the graduation. xxx

    8. Hi Jess, Congratulations to your grandson on his graduation, How lovely you were able to go. Sounds like you had a brilliant day, I bet you were bursting with pride. xxx

    9. Hello Jess, what a wonderful day for the family, and congratulations to Gary, he must have worked so hard. xx

    10. Congratulations Jess! Sounds like a lovely day and one for the memory bank! Xx

    11. Congratulations to your Grandson Jess. Glad you had a lovely day.

    12. Congratulations to your grandson Jess sounds like you had a beautiful day x
      Jean x

    13. Glad you had a fantastic day Jess. Congratulations to your grandson, the memories will stay for a long time xx

  7. Morning Sandra and the cafe crew,
    It's damp here as we've had rain overnight and hopefully has taken away the humidity of yesterday.
    First of all Sam's beautiful cards I love the first one especially the way you have shown the Canadian die, I never really thought much of this die but saw Sue use it in one of her Videos and then today Sam you have really brought it's beauty out with such an exquisite card. It is now on my wish list which is getting longer than Pinnochio's nose by the minute!!
    Your colouring Sam is wonderful (something which I have tried but never been successful always looks like a 2 year old has had a bash at it so I stick to embossing or just adding a touch of ink or chalk) and this is such a very pretty card and how lovely of the designer of House Mouse to put a comment on a card on your really does make our work more worthwhile.
    Sandra I'm so pleased the girls got through their exams yesterday and that looks like a big project for Sophie's Art exam.....good luck to both of them for next week.
    Well my chair has stayed in one piece thank heavens! I'm too scared to do any fast swivels in case the to spins off the doubt Nikki will give it a good go tomorrow when she sees it! but I promise I will watch her carefully!
    Sandra you planted a hilarious picture in my mind of you sitting on Paul's shoulders with your droop bits obscuring his vision....thank you for that it will make me smile all day.
    Must get my cuppa and toast now and have a chat to whoever is in the cafe will leave plenty of hugs in the basket and hope Norah's aren't so hyper today!!
    See you later
    Love and hugs
    Sheila xxx

    1. Hello Sheila,so pleased you love your swivel chair if you get a mojo block with a card,you can swivel round & round till it comes back haha.Hope Nikki has a lovely day with you tomorrow Sheila & enjoys sitting on your chair. Give her a great big Hug from me. & Big Hug for Lynda xx

    2. Hi Sheila,
      I am sure your chair will stand up to Nikki whizzing around in it, you don't give your self enough credit!
      I am sorry about the image, its quite unlikely that I would ever get on Pauls shoulders, so no need to worry! haha
      I am so pleased that Nikki is coming to you now, it just takes the strain out of the day for you, allowing it to be more enjoyable for both of you.
      Sending you huge hugs

    3. Hi Sheila, Have a lovely day with Nikki tomorrow, I'm sure she is going to want a 'turn' in the new chair. Have Fun LOL xxx

    4. Hello Sheila, have a lovely day with Nikki tomorrow, without the worry of having to get to her. Don't spin on your chair too much, you'll turn yourself dizzy!!! xxx

    5. Hi Sheila,
      Have a lovely time with Nikki tomorrow. So pleased Nikki is coming to you, it will be so much easier. Nice for Nikki to come home too.
      Love Myra xxx

    6. Sheila. Have a lovely time with Nikki tomorrow. Glad your chair is ok.

    7. Enjoy your day with Nikki tomorrow Sheila, we pick Nic up in the morning too but they will pick her up at night, I do drive but not so confident now - a bit older I guess x
      Jean x

    8. You will be able to have a more relaxing day with Nikki with not having to rush around before hand, enjoy xx

  8. Good morning Sandra and all who call or look in. This is late for me, had a bit of a lie in, then I was getting ready to go to. Perth.
    Sam, love both your cards, and be very proud of yourself for getting a compliment from ( house mouse) not many will get that. Yes I think we will all be looking for those little tips on how to colour so beautifully when we are at the retreat.
    Now there has been a change of plan. I was going to Perth to see if I could find something for grand daughters birthday, but on thinking Patricia and I are in Edinburgh for a couple of hours before going for the meal for Gillian's hen night. So we can look then, we will go over on Sunday to see her.. So I now have a couple of hours to myself. Now what will I do? Housework or tidying a bit more of the spare room? Decisions, decisions? Oh I think housework, so that's what I am off to get started. Hazel x

    1. What are you thinking, housework over craft tut tutx

    2. Have a lovely time with Patricia in Edinburgh and at Gillian's Hen dinner later on!
      Are you dressing up!!!!!

    3. Hi Hazel, Hope you girls have a great time at the Hen Night.
      Will you be staying over in Edinburgh?
      Thinking of you both, LOL xxx

    4. Oh no, we will come home, will leave the Young ones to party, but to be honest,I think as they are all over 36 I have a funny feeling they won't be party that late, but will likely end up back at the hotel and just sitting chatting. Patricia and I dont drink so driving home is no problem. Will dress up to a point and we have to wear something purple, not hard for either of us as its one of the colours we wear a lot.
      Hazel x

    5. Hazel, have a fabulous time, and just think - you'll be enjoying yourselves in Edinburgh again next Saturday!!!! xxx

    6. Have a lovely time Hazel! Hope you have a lovely evening. Xx

    7. Enjoy yourselves Hazel and Patricia.

    8. Hope you both enjoy yourselves Hazel and Patricia x
      Jean x

    9. Hazel & Patricia enjoy yourselves have a lovely evening xx

    10. Have a lovely time Hazel and Patricia...have fun xxx

    11. Sister's have a fabulous time in Edinburgh !
      Love to go there one day,perhaps by train..... xxx

    12. Hope you both have a great time xx

  9. Bon jour one one and all
    Been into Corbigny for Friday market and usual shopping so just need to get lunch and then quiet time in the verand and a little cross stitch is called for I think. The market was lovely and quite busy which is nice to see as it's still all locals at the moment won't be in another couple of weeks time though when schools are out and tourists are in. The weather is just glorious and very warm so walking down the main street market with coffee at the bottom is lovely but then it's uphill all the way back to the car still the cake shop is at the top so all to climb for lol.

    Think I'll just put a load of laundry into the washer before lunch as the 'cheap' rate electric has kicked in for the next 3hrs and I can get it pegged out first thing tomorrow morning.
    Hope everyone has lovely plans for the week-end and Sandra you don't have to go to Glastonbury Paul can always let you sit on his shoulders while he's standing in front of the settee and watching the festival on TV so if you fall at least you will have something comfy to fall on. Now I can picture that all afternoon while I'm stitching. lol.

    I'm so pleased the girls exams went well and at least Sophie has chosen something that will not smell the house out. I remember when Christina did her A level Art - they had to do Crustaceans so we had to visit the fish monger for a crab and lobster so she could draw them; the only thing was that that year we had a wonderfully hot summer but definitely not one for having to have shell fish around.

    Sam once again I'm in awe of your beautiful crafting. Both cards are just beautiful and so so delicate. You never fail to amaze me. Thank you.

    How about Sue's launch then - I didn't think she was going to do the usual give aways but how wrong was I. It will be interesting to see how things go won't it.
    Hugs are on their Way.

    1. Hi Janet,
      I am looking forward to the pastry description, I am salivating at the thought!
      Please take a photo if you get chance, just to tease us all!
      Goodness me, crabs and lobsters that must have been awful stinky, my only concern is that she has left it last minute to decide to do Clay, her strong point is her drawing, but she is determined so watch this space!
      I too was surprised to see the launch, as I was under the impression that the demo sessions at the Outlet were to be the launch, well its an unexpected treat!
      I must go and check it out
      Love and Hugs

    2. Hello Janet,
      Where's my pastry, I can't find it!!! xxx

    3. Please can we have a description of your pastries. Hole you have enjoyed the rest of the day.

  10. GRRRRRRRI don't believe it just pushed publish & my post disappeared Why oh Why do they want it in will have to do it later as have to go out OH is calling.
    See you later. Hug's Lynda xx

    1. It's ok Lynda, they are joining mine to keep them company.
      They got there safely, via the Yellow Brick Road which is Somewhere Over The Rainbow, which in it's turn is by the second star on the right, then it's straight through til morning. xxx

    2. Thank you CHERYL I'm so pleased all mine are meeting up with yours in cyberspace over the rainbow that makes me so much happier I can see them on the yellow brick road think they are now looking for BRENDA'S think she lost one yesterday xxx

    3. I think these lost messages are like
      Norah's cuddles - up to mischief!!!! (In the nicest possible way)
      LOL xxx

    4. Google asking me to sign in when I comment from my phone, but of coarse they tell you that after you have typed your long message, then it goes off to join all the other messages in cyberspace. Hazel x

    5. Yes Hazel, that's what makes me so cross. With technology as we have it today, why can't 'it' tell you before you start your message, that you are not signed in.
      Not good for my BP
      Have a great evening xx

  11. Oh! I need a quick cup of Tea and a piece of sticky cake!!
    That's the house done, washing out butI am keeping my eyes open. Don't think the rain is far away.
    Hazel and I are in Edinburgh, I just wish I knew what the weather will do!! What do I wear?? if it were to be sunny it would be one thing if it's dull or raining it would have to something else. Why oh! why can't it make up its mind?
    Right that's me done, cup washed, money in the pot see you all later xxx

  12. Washing did it get out long, In and in the dryer.
    That's the rain on!! xxx

  13. Hello Sandra and coffee shop friends,
    Please Sandra don't go sitting on Paul's shoulders, I'm sure he's is strong enough to lift you up - it's the getting down. I have a vision of you both in a heap on the floor, and the girls walking in!!!!! Remember not in front of the children????????
    Well done for getting the girls through their mocks - just keep it in mind this time next year, you will be taking even deeper breaths. Wish Sophie well with her art. Not an easy one, so much work to to. Younger daughter did art, and her daughter, (our granddaughter) has just finished her GCSE art.. I'm sue Sophie is a very committed student and will do well.

    SAM your cards are gorgeous, I love to look at your shading, it is brilliant. I am trying to improve this technique. My shading looks like something out of a child's colouring book- still have a long way to go!!!!!
    Well must press on, today I am decorations mate (gofer) Our bedroom is having a spruce up, good job we have a guest bedroom. So we don't have to sleep in the ain't fumes.
    Pop by later, Love and hugs, Brenda xxx

    1. REMINDER to self
      CHECK before you post !!

      Predictive text is wonderful xxx

    2. Hi Brenda,
      You are probably right about the acrobatics, that would be a tough one to explain to the girls!, I dread to think what would happen to Pauls back too!
      Good luck with your gofer job today, don't let John dip his paste brush in his tea! What colour scheme are you going for?

    3. Hi Sandra, I am quite boring when it comes to choosing colours, I like neutral colours, so have chosen Natural Hessian. Then you can add a statement colour if you want to. Even the carpet and curtains are off white!!! Boring but also calming ( well for me anyway)
      LOL B xxx

    4. Brenda, love natural hessian even got my boss to use it, telling her you can then add colours. The other one I like is a very, very pale green - just a hint, as again lots of colours go. I must get the paint brush out and do the bottom half of the hall walls, have washed them so much that colour has gone. ( dog shaking himself when he comes home from his walks, he's towelled dry but???)

    5. Brenda OB, good luck with your decorating, I like neutrals as well, although the girls room is in various shades of maroon (not dark, light shades). It was their choice. xx

    6. BRENDA:- I like colour but just splashes of it. All my walls are boring white or off white, curtains in lounge, are cream. All bedding white, some colours in the curtains and cushions. The place I have most colour is in my kitchen, however the units are High Gloss White. You can ring changes just with "pops" of colour rather than re-decorating xxx

    7. I took a load of someone else's treasure to our local Scope shop today and had a lovely surprise. Where it once was packed up with those round rails with the till desk near the door, it made the area look quite small and dark. Now they have redecorated in brilliant white with 1 panel of purple, shocking pink and light blue on 3 of the walls and moved the counter to the back of the shop, it looks like a designer boutique. All the clothes are on wall racks and with new shelves on the walls it is so much better. I was well impressed. What a difference just using white as a background and the colours as focal points. x xx

    8. Kitchen= yellow, lounge= sort of light terracotta, bedroom= lilac,
      office= grey, son's room= grey and white, bathroom= purple on one side and lighter on other side, little loo= green, hall,stairs landing= peach and then OH choose a creamy colour for en-suite, that's the colours in my little house ,just if you liked to know .hihi xxx

  14. Hi Sandra
    I wonder where yesterday went to. I was out all day then H & P came back to ours. It seemed to be 12.30am in no time. So I missed yesterday's post. Jean I loved both of your cards, but couldn't see if you popped in yesterday to see them. Started looking then realised that I was looking for someone else. Well, I didn't know who I was looking for towards the end. My mind just went blank.
    Sam I just love today's cards as well. I do love these dies and the Lil of the Valley stamps as well. I'm just blown away with all the talent that is showcased in the Cafe.
    Hope the girls didn't get to stressed Sandra with their mocks, you can't do anymore than do your best. That's all we can ever ask for.

    1. You were clearly suffering from CRAFT again Pat, I hope you have recovered today!
      love you xxx

  15. Oooooh I've been awful naughty I swore after buying my chair I would draw in my horns....but!!!!....I put C&C on whilst having my lunch....bad mistake!! Nancy was showing a Tattered Lace Scene Stepper die (I just hated cutting these cards out by hand it was so fiddly but always loved the card when finished!!) and I thought 'what a great die' and the next thing I knew I had clicked the 'Buy' button!! But did get 2 flexi pays! SSSSSSCCCCCRRRREEEEAAAAAAAACCCCCCCHHHHHH!!!!!.....the sound of my horns being pulled in right now!!! Hahahaha!

    Love Sheila xxxx

    1. Oh! Sheila, never mind I am sure you will have lots & lots of fun with that Die. Maybe you could sell some of your pre-cut cut cards. I for one would buy some xxx

    2. Sheila my lovely, you deserve a treat and you will get lots of use out of it, I have seen those on there before and you get loads of other little dies with it don't you, to make all the matts and layers for the stepper card, is it a centre stepper or side?

    3. Sheila, why not treat yourself!!! Ok you had your chair, but the die will give you lot of pleasure when you make those stunning cards, are you sure you don't want to come to the retreat? I too would buy pre-cut cards.

    4. Sheila you need to do something when sitting on your super-duper chair, so why not scene stepper cards? lol xxx

    5. Sheila, it was an investment! Xxx

    6. I agree Myra, an investment for happiness and contentment and pride in a job well done. Enjoy it Sheila.
      P.S. I love a spin round in my new chair too. It gives me inspiration when my mind goes blank. A bit of childish fun. xxx

    7. If it will get you to the Retreat, I'll buy cards as well !!! xxx

    8. Thank you for making me feel better about my purchase ladies.
      Sandra it's the centre stepper panel but Nancy cut one of the side panels off and made it into a sort of side stepper so that was a good idea too. xxx

  16. Howdy Sandra and all the lovely ladies
    Sorry missed a day completely yesterday! Jean your cards were beautiful xxx
    Sam your cards today are beautiful too, you are so good at colouring. Xxx
    Thank you both for sharing. Sandra I really feel for you and the girls especially as the exams have changed and there is no benchmark to work against. Can I recommend malteesers they kept Emma happy when we were revising! I'm with you on the art exam it's such a long time for them to work in silence. I hope Lucy has the same reader for her exams because then she can build a relationship with her and she will get to know Lucy. I've been a reader at primary school and they always kept me with the same child. Sending you a big hug and one for the girls too. Well still dashing about, can I say 75 and humid? Try 105 and mega humid! Tee hee. See you soon love Diane xxx

  17. If anyone sees Maureen, please tell her she enjoyed sharing my hot, proper buttered crumpets for breakfast. But remind her to wipe her chin before she goes out next time xxx

    1. Oh! Cheryl, I saw Maureen but had not the heart to tell her to wipe her chin!!! xxx

    2. Now Patricia that's not nice, I won't tell you if your skirt is tucked in your knickers when you come out of the toilet???? Don't you love me???? Xxxx

    3. Awww!! Sis, I won't do that again, I promise.
      I won't wear a skirt tomorrow though, just in case you do that to me! xxx

    4. Cheryl love, I was saving the butter to scrape off for another crumpet. I'd always tell Patricia if her skirt was tucked into her skirt, just before she went into her house ha ha ha ha xxxxx (not really, only kidding, I've just realised that I might be wearing a skirt next Saturday!!!!) xxx
      Hazel, you really wouldn't do that to your sister would you (what, well I never!!!) xxx

    5. Maureen, I would tell you if it was. I will pay for this if I wear a skirt next week I can see I will have to double check when I have been to the loo!!! Hazel x

    6. Oh good Hazel, but just make sure you haven't got the end of the loo paper stuck in there too! xxx

    7. Cheryl, you crease me up. I laughed out loud at that!!! xxx

    8. Oh never thought of that Cheryl. Hazel xx

    9. Nikki often came into the room with her skirt tucked into her knickers and then that advert came on the TV with a young woman doing the same...can't remember what the ad was for now...Nikki always laughed when she saw it. xxx

  18. Hello Sandra and everyone who pops in. Big Big apologies for not replying to your lovely comments about my cards yesterday, Our internet has been spasmodic to say the least, managed to start to write yesterday afternoon and everything disappeared- so frustrating, so I have just tried again and hope it stays on long enough. I won't ring up about it myself cos I don't know that much about the workings so I leave that to John.
    I do hope I've not missed too much and everyone is well ( will top basket up on way out)
    Will not stay on too long as don't want to lose this message,
    Take care everyone
    Will talk soon
    Jean xx

    1. It's always nice to see you Jean xxx

    2. Hi Jean lovely to see you even if it is only a fleeting visit. xxx

  19. Good afternoon Sandra & everyone,well hope this post doesn't go over the rainbow looking for my last one & meeting up with Cheryl's post's.again.
    Sandra glad you sound more cheerful today my lovely xx hope Sophie & Lucy survived another day of Mock's a good luck too Sophie on her Art project Hug's for them both.
    Now are you still on Paul's shoulders with your droopys over his eyes you know I have this visual picture in my mind & keep laughing O H thinks I've lost the plot haha.SHEILA I had a look at those die's on C & C earlier & they did look lovely did you get the whole bundle,loved the box card im into them at the moment.
    Now you enjoy playing with them when they arrive you so deserve a treet The chair was an essential. Enjoy your time with Nikki tomorrow & pleased they are bringing her too you so much better than the bus. How long does she stay before they pick he up again. Hope she likes your new chair & has fun trying it. Big Hug's for Nikki & ((((Hug's ))))for you my friend.xx
    Where's MYRA & MAUREEN today hope they are being good wherever they are. HAZEL & PATRICIA hope you enjoyed your time together, & both enjoy Going to Gillian's hen night later.
    Now going to Sue's blog & look what beautifulI cards she has created with the
    new Die's. Pop back later xx
    Love & Hug's Lynda xx

    1. Coo eee! I'm here! Xxx

    2. Aww thanks! It's nice to be missed! Xxx

    3. Hi Lynda I bought the single one as I already had a Spellbinder die for the box, although the tattered lace one is better than the one I have.
      Thanks for the hug for Nikki will make sure she gets it,. I looking forward to having her home but on the other hand it will bring back so many memories of the 3 of us together but I'm sure Clive will be there in spirit. Love and hugs Sheila xxxx

    4. Oh yes Sheila , Clive will be their if not in spirit he will be in both your hearts that's for sure. Enjoy having time together, especially when you won't havebthat bus journey to do. ((((((Hugs)))))) for ou both.
      Hazel x

  20. Sorry ladies I think some where Patricia or I have given your the idea we are out tonight, it's tomorrow night. I hope it's better weather as its pouring with rain and not nice at all here. X

  21. Ship's Log
    Tuesday 8am. Forecast for the next 12 hours:- coffee drinking at first followed by a very cold swim. A light lunch with the possibility of isolated glasses of wine in the cockpit. In the afternoon, much sleeping interspersed with a little reading at times.
    Tuesday 10 am, Warning:- husband getting restless, good South East wind, too good to pass up,
    Forget the previous forecast, stow everything away, We Are Sailing... bloody men!!!
    Tuesday 5pm arrived at an island called Molat. Moored on a buoy, unable to go ashore in the dinghy due to very strong wind with moderate sea swell. Dinner in a restaurant with possibility of wifi is therefore out. Have to be pasta on board.
    Tuesday 7 pm after much cursing gas bottle is finally changed and pasta is cooking.
    Still Tuesday! Wind continues to behave very badly and to add insult to injury there is a storm approaching, can see lightning and hear thunder in the distance. Time to batten down the hatches and drink some calming wine.
    Wednesday, we now have a beautifully clean deck, isn't rain wonderful.
    Wind has changed direction to North East. Husband is positively glowing. Apparently it's a perfect wind to take us to Premuda. I don't actually remember saying anything about wanting to go there but it looks like that's where we are going.
    Well ladies, I am not one for using swear words but I must say ...Bl..dy heck. We didn't sail to Premuda, we flew. There were moments when I had a slight worry that if our boat leant over much further we would both get very very wet. Husband was grinning like a Cheshire Cat. Below deck it was a case of anything which could fly about, did. Fortunately there wasn't much navigating required so I didn't need to spend too long below deck.
    It is now 8pm and we are going ashore to eat in what can only loosely be described as a restaurant. I am hoping there will be wifi but not overly optimistic.
    If there is, you will be reading this!! Not today though!! NO WIFI

    Thursday. Premuda is just beautiful. (Apart from the fact there is no wifi) the sea is a gorgeous shade of turquoise and so clear you can see all the fish swimming merrily around the boat. I shall be joining them soon, not that I shall be merrily swimming, more like shiveringly swimming. ( Myra I know that's not a proper word, or if it is I can't spell it!)
    We are finally having a rest day, the wind is non existent today. Yipeeee.

    Friday, had a lovely cold coffee. The gas bottle has run out. I could swear, but it's just not ladylike so I'll just say.... Oh my, we don't seem to have any gas, what a bother.
    We shall be setting sail shortly for an island called Mali Losinj where we are hopeful they will have a gas filling station. It will mean staying in a marina which although not my favourite place to stay - too many neighbours, I like peace and quiet - but on the plus side there will be hot showers - bliss. And I am certain there will be wifi, can't wait to see what you have all been up to.
    Yipeeeeeeeeeee it would seem that we have wifi so I will try and publish this.
    Missing you lots managed to read the comments from Monday but have totally forgotten what was said!!! Hope you are all well and behaving yourselves.
    Love and massive hugs
    Saba xxxx

    1. Ahoy there Saba,
      Well you seem to be having a spiffing good time!!!! What with the wind, the gas - or lack of it - and beautiful places, you're in utopia.
      We are missing you too, and if you omit to wear your swimming costume, there'll be no missing you!!! ha ha.
      Enjoy, stay safe, and don't lean too far on the starboard side (I have no idea if that makes any sense!)
      Love and hugs, Maureen xxx

    2. SABA:- a very welcome visitor, great to read what you have been up to. Thank you for that, can almost feel the movement of the boat. Hazel would hate it, I love it. Know what you mean about neighbours,probably "tourists" as well!!!
      Really missing you but loving that you are having fun, enjoy every minute. xxx

    3. Oh Saba, what a great picture you have given us of your wonder time with good winds, rain ( glad you are shaing it with us) no gas! Not good, who didn't check that then? Hot showers, rather than freezing cold sea water, much better in my eyes. Wifi how did we manage before it? No glad you are enjoying your holiday. Stay save. Hazel x

    4. Hello!
      You've been having exciting times! Hope you find a lovely Restaurant tonight! You just need to relax with no cooking! Sending hugs ! Myra xxx

    5. Hi Saba. Glad to hear you are having a wonderful time.

    6. Hi Saba, lovely to hear your very descriptive journal of your sailings with the Jolly Husband. xxx

    7. Hello ship mate, SABA sounds like your having a great time. Thanks for all the week's sailing news,have a lovely meal tonight with hubby.
      Hope tomorrow's weather is kind to you,& have a lovely day.
      Love & Hug's Lynda xx

    8. Saba, it's lovely to read the tales as you describe them, can picture everything seems you are having a brilliant time - take care
      Jean x

    9. Hi Saba I've just so enjoyed reading your log about your days on the high seas. Keep 'em coming when you can get a wi-fi signal.
      Have fun! xxx

    10. Saba, thanks for taking the time to update us on your eventful trip!
      I bet you have seen some beautiful sights, looking forward to some holiday snaps,
      Love and hugs
      Sandra xxxxx

  22. Yoo Hoo, well I finally made it.
    First of all Sam, I managed to post higher up that I think your cards are stunning. I've jumped in and posted here and there when I could while my visitors were out walking their dog!!
    I've been to school today helping in year 2. Then we had George's younger brother Robert, and his wife visiting. They were still here when Eleanor came from school - Zoe is have a sleep over at a friend's house tonight - then Rachel came for Eleanor. By the time everyone left, we had to rush to get tea for George as he's playing in a cup game tonight. So here I am.
    It's been a funny sort of day, hot, rain, still hot, sun, still hot and rain again. It's sunny at the moment and hot, but black clouds are still there!!!
    I've had a latte and one of Cheryl's crumpets - which was very, very nice, and my money's in the pot.
    I see Hazel and Patricia are going to Edinburgh tomorrow to kick up their heels, they are having a trial run for next week !!!!!!!!! lol.
    I'm going to clear away the dinner dishes, make the place presentable and then I may get out the sewing machine as Marilyn has asked me to make some bench cushions before they go back to France. I don't mind in the least, or I might start making my cup candles. YES, the kit arrived this afternoon, and I've been itching to start. See you later.
    Maureen xxx

    1. CooooEeeeee!! MAUEEEN:- by great you've had a busy day lass!!
      I have my candle kit and some cups but I am leaving making mine till later in the year. Well maybe, maybe not, I will see!!!
      My friend Elaine is "supposed" to be coming this evening. She is not reliable,I have not heard from her so far so looks like she's coming.
      Have fun with the sewing machine .... don't remember the last time mine saw the light of day. xxx

    2. Hello Maureen,
      We seem to have been missing today! Don't know about you but I'm jiggery tiggered!
      The sun is now shining beautifully! Did it shine when 20 people wanted afternoon tea in the garden - no! Yes we were indoors again!
      Well in spite of the weather - we Brits excel in this - all went well, I think! I am thankful I don't have loads of food left and everyone seemed happy!
      I am now relaxing with a glass of Prosecco! I may have to have another as the bubbles will disappear!!
      Carpet been vacuumed twice today! Now it's get ready for holiday time - well after Sunday's visit from the family!
      Last nights's Prom was " lovely Grandma" and I got a text just before 11 pm to say so.
      Hazel and Patricia - I not confused now. Have a lovely time tomorrow!
      Love to all, Myra xxx

    3. Myra, the day you are not confused is the day I'm Queen of England!! xxx

    4. Hi both Maureen and Patricia. Theresa told me that both if you had ordered candle kits from her. Good luck. If you read her notes it is easy. Enjoy!

    5. BRENDA:- I read the instructions and even I will manage. She made them so simple. I e-mailed Theresa about a few things and she was so helpful. Xxx

    6. I have enjoyed making mine so much I've ordered some more! It's very relaxing watching the wax melt. I have been really lucky to have very steady hands (no visits from Arthur Ritus lately) and poured the wax s l o w l y and got no bubbles or sinky bits! That must be the secret. xxx

    7. What did you all use to pour the wax. I can't find my stainless jug and only have a pyrex or plastic jugs. Your wise advice required please. xxx

    8. Oh I also have china jugs, and my ears are big as well xxxx

    9. Helloooo MYRA gosh you had a lot of company today & feeding them as well, you must be the hostess with the mostest. Then family & more food Sunday have you got enough for me & Hubby as well what time is best too arrive haha . Are you going away for holiday next week,you probably need the rest poor love!!
      Glad the Prom was a success Grandma. Enjoy your glass of bubbly.
      Hug's Lynda xx

    10. I used an old stainless steel gravy making jug! I almost threw it out when we had a new kitchen and I'm so glad I didn't. I think once you use a jug for candle making you may not use it for anything else. I know my jug now has a ring which it didn't have before. Will just use it for candle making now. Xxx

    11. Yesterday I saw those candles in a china cup and saucer for £15!!! WOW!You're sitting on a fortune ladies! xxx

    12. PS Forgot to say they were in M&S. xxx

  23. MYRA:- I hear you but don't see you.
    Where have you been, what have you been doing??? xxx

  24. Maureen, oh you guess what we are really up to tomorrow !!! It just worked out right! No well we will see how long it takes to get in on the bus? Hazel x

    1. The wedding isn't next Saturday is it. You aren't going to meet me and say "oops, forgot to tell you that we can't stay". lol xxx

    2. Oh! No! The wedding is end of July ..... no worries we will have LOADS of chatting time!!! xxx

  25. I might be missing this evening. My friend Elaine is "supposed" to be coming.
    She not very reliable and forgets to let me know weather she is coming or not. My right ear is burning, maybe she's telling her demanding family she "is" coming to see me tonight. So if you don't see me later, I am not lostElaine will be here. xxx

    1. Have an enjoyable evening, whatever you do. xxx

  26. Evening Ladies

    What a busy day. Started off with my Dad ringing at 7.15am to see if I could help him get a tablet into Casper (his dog = a sheltie) managed that then onto work. Crazy busy & get another hospitals work to do on Monday . Needed petrol & larger trays to out my tomato plants in so did both duties then called at Dads again. Dad looked tired & Casper looked a bit brighter. Got his next painkiller down him , he'd had something to eat + drink so thats good news. The vets have put a hard plastic "lampshade " in him so Dad asked if I could find a better one in Southport tomorrow. Thsts after calling in to administer painkiller then going to my hair appointment-so much for a day off work!


    1. I bet that hurt Casper, no wonder he is so glum, having a lampshade inside him.x

    2. Ha ha Cheryl, I missed that one!! xxx

    3. Michele, hope Casper has a brighter day tomorrow! Xxx

    4. Oopps!! Had his "bits" removed & has a lampshade ON him!!


  27. This is so exciting. I have missed you lot so much. I am using the marinas internet so no rush as I am still onboard and not being rude in a restaurant.
    Have just managed to read all the comments, popped over to Sue's and left some comments and read all my e-mails. It is wonderful to be back in the land of communication!!
    Sandra, my lovely, I don't know what we did without your amazing blog, you have become such an important part of our lives, I can't believe how much I have missed it this week.
    Sam, your cards are truly gorgeous. Your colouring is amazing, please give us some tips when we are on our weekend retreat. I'm with you on borders, one millimetre out and I have a problem.
    Jess, many congratulations to your grandson, you must be so proud of him, what a lovely memory you now have of his graduation.
    Now. What is all this about butter on the chin and skirts tucked into knickers, honestly, you are a set of monkeys.
    Myra I have heard of jiggery pokered, but Tiggered? Enjoy your prosecco.
    We are about to go eat, so bye for now.
    Love and hugs

    1. Saba, enjoy your meal! We miss you too! I'm sure the jiggery watsits mean the same thing ! Tired out! Xxx

  28. Saba, enjoy your meal. I hope it's not pasta again!!! xxx

  29. Well I have got to the end of the comments at last and have commented on a lot them. Have been out since early morning after not sleeping at all well last night. Usually happens when I am out for the day. Have been to the Winchester Cathedral flower festive. It was beautiful. Took a long time to look around. We then had lunch in the Refectory. Visited a NT Place. Winchester City Mill. We watched a 14 min video and I don't no how many times I nodded off in those 14 mins. Looked round the charity shops. No cups and saucers in any of them. I will see what Theresa has next time I am in Essex. Found a craft shop but not much in it. Some Tonic dies but very expensive so I didn't buy anything. That's a first. Sat in some lovely gardens for a while and then had a cup of tea before getting the coach back home. Had a look at Sue's lovely new dies. Cannot decide what yo buy yet

    1. It sounds as if you've had a lovely day Littlelamb Brenda. I hope you have a better night tonight. It's our Heaton Festival Party tomorrow, which is held every two years, and our Church and School have lots to do with it. George's Bowling Club (which is next to the Church Hall) open their doors and the children and adults can "have a go" at Bowling. Zoe is singing and her class are doing a Liturgical Dance in the Pavilion. There are all sorts of stalls and the last time it was held two years ago, 10,000 people attended, but the previous one was held during bad weather and only 3,000 were there. The weather forecast for tomorrow is very good, so we hope for great things. All the money goes to charity. xxx

    2. Hope you have a really good day tomorrow and that you raise lots for charity! Hope the girls both do well . Hope you get loads of visitors! Xxx

    3. Hi Maureen keeping fingers crossed for good weather for you tomorrow - it is forecast to be good - enjoy xx
      Jean x

    4. That sounds like great fun, hope the weather is good for you xxx

    5. Hi Brenda sounds like you had a lovely day, winchester is beautiful isn't it but their charity shops are a bit posh and pricey! There's a lovely retro shop down towards the city mill that has nice cups in it but at nice prices! If you come to winchester again do let me know and we could meet for coffee. Xxxx
      Maureen hope all goes well for you today xxx

  30. Hi Maureen. Hope everything goes well tomorrow and the weather is good for you. Enjoy your day. Yes jo did have a lovely day today and although warm was not hot so it was ok.

  31. Evening ladies,
    Firstly, wow, the cards shown in the last few days are all amazing!, Sheila, I love your exploding box. They are a lot of work, but a real keepsake.
    Jean, I may just copy your idea for a wedding card. I have to make one for one of the staff, at least he's given me plenty time to make one, not needed till September. This one looks so different.
    And Sam, more examples of your perfect cards. I just don't even try colouring. Sorry, but I think I would end up with an annual card production of one if I had to colour my images. I do appreciate your talent.
    I have managed to read tonight's comments, you are all so busy!. Enjoy your Edinburgh weekend girls. Pink feather boas ready?
    Sounds like Saba is having fun too. Perhaps not when the gas runs out though. The idea of cold, or worse, no coffee, would have Derek sailing anywhere, fast, to replace the gas.
    I have only had a quick look at other blogs, usually oen it to look at the picture, not commenting, so didn't realise that Sue was doing her Christmas release. So I think I'll risk irritating Steph, and nip over and leave a quick comment on every post. Not sure if I can handle Christmas, yet, though. I am still waiting for Summer.
    Enjoy your weekend everyone. Not sure what tomorrow will bring here. There is a sheep race on the street tomorrow. Yes, I did write, SHEEP RACE. It was done last year, now looks like an annual event. Pipe band, children's fancy dress, charity stalls etc. Lets just hope the rain stays off.
    Cheers and hugs for all

    1. Baa no matter what the weather have a great day xxxx

    2. Janice, a sheep race well that's different, but as long as everyone has fun that's the main thing. Here's hoping it stays dry. Hazel x

    3. Hi Janice, have a wonderful day tomorrow with sheep race and festival stalls Baaaaa!xxx

  32. Myra, how did your garden party go??? Did the weather stay dry for it?
    Maureen, I hope all goes ok for your festival tomorrow. Told you your weather will be good Monday and Tuesday, too.
    Brenda, you sound like you have had a good day, now here's hoping you get a good nights sleep.
    Saba, I would have been at a loss while on holiday if I couldn't have come In to the cafe. It wasn't because we weren't doing things or having a lovely time, it's just lovely to read what everyone is up to or doing.
    Have sat a made a retirement card for my friend, wrapped it all up decided a padded envelope would be better than a box. Got it all sellotaped up ready to post, then thought " DAM" I meant to photograph it. To late I am not unwrapping it that's for sure. Got a get well card half made so I must remember to photograph it when finished.
    Michele, you have had a busy day, these lampshade things are a nightmare for the dog and humans and walls come to that. How Casper feels better soon.
    Well I better get on with this card. Hazel x

    1. Thanks Hazel, it went well but the weather let us down once again! We had to be indoors but at least I didn't use the dining room! We thought it might clear up but I wasn't risking putting food outside and then having to run! My days of Olympic gold are long gone ha ha!! So I decided to lay all the food out on the kitchen table. The cups and saucers went on the worktop and the idea was that if the weather improved people could come I through the conservatory into the kitchen for food . Well, they had to come from the sitting room instead! The sun shone as everyone was leaving! Ain't Britain wonderful! Xxx

    2. Typical, just typical, the sun coming out as your guests were leaving.
      Glad it all went well. xxx

  33. Myra, sorry you had to have it indoors, at least you didn't have to go round the garden looking for where folk had left their dishes. I am beginning to think we aren't going to get any length of good weather his year. Xxx

  34. Well ladies, all good things come to an end, and my end is well and truly ready for bed. Myra, I've got one of those jugs, or should I say had, because when we had the last big "throw out", George did his usual and said every time I took something out of one of the cupboards "you won't need that again, I'll put it in the charity shop pile", and I let him!!! I'll take him to the garden shed in the morning and get him to pass the boxes out to me, he can fight the spides for possession of them, me - I'm staying out of the way!!!
    Goodnight all, Saba I hope you have fair winds (better you than me) and sweet dreams to everyone.
    Maureen xxx 8 sleeps

    1. Spides are - of course - the Newcastle equivalent of spiders!!!!! xxx

  35. Well that's the card all done will photo it in the morning, I ended up putting " thinking of you" as my sentiment. I sometimes feel "get well" isn't the best when the person has had a stroke. Another one off my list. Will I ever get my room cleared. i think its time to have another cup of tea. Off to make it. Hazel x

  36. Hi Sandra and all.
    oh Sam, both your card are wonderful, you are so good at colouring in .
    I got a box of promarkers, have not used them for ages as I tend to be a bit heavy handed so my colouring in is real awful. Would you mind give me a tutorial at the retreat, please. Hope you both doing alright, hugs !
    Sandra- glad the girls nearly done and then Sophie has her art to do left, what kind of tile are you using and is she doing a special theme ? sorry but don't know any of this. We have now a wonderful picture of Paul having you on his shoulders, listening to Kenny Rogers while at the same time sinking deeper and deeper in the mud tihi I also got Lynda in a field trying to chase away the crows with her DB's 'oh my what a picture,oh what a photograph ' ha ha
    Michele- good Casper is perkier, yes not easy to give a pet their meds. Have you seen Beth chasing her poorly dog with a tray to get some weewee for the vet, hope she got some by now.
    Mrs B- Hope you have a lovely time with Cristopher with lot of cuddles and Cheryl you are seeing Milly-May, she must have grown so much already. Lot's of cuddles to our baby's in the cafe'
    At the gym this morning there was a mum with her toddler for his first swim and she had just put him in the water and all hell broke out. The boy did not stop scream /crying for nearly 30 minutes ! The tension I left after the swim came back rather quick.
    Jess- congratulations to Gary, what a fantastic achievement. You must be so proud. Only seen the Dome on tv. hope you had a great time.
    Sheila- glad you still liking the chair and I'm sure Nikki will like it too. You have a lovely day together tomorrow. Never watch c+c again hihi now we all want to see what you can make, of course . Hugs to you both.
    Maureen- have a fabulous day tomorrow but wipe your chin first will you tihi
    hope the weather is on it's best behavior and you raise a lot for the charity.
    Sorry your Afternoon Tea got washed away Myra but have a nice week-end and don't do anything I would do :-p
    Littlelamb -glad you had a good day, can't understand it is so hard to find a cup with saucer. We have quite a few charity shops around Mk, not Muriel, so I will look and see what they got. Not allowed to buy any craft until I have used up what I got, Need a lorry for the retreat so I can make some during that week.........
    Popped in to the Range today and they have got Tonic dies in but not cheap , I liked to have their square and circle dies but that will have to wait but couldn't come out empty handed so I bought some bits and pieces, hope now OH don't see the bank statement ha ha.
    Ahoy Saba- it's great to see you are ok ! I loved reading your log book, you seemed to have some fun and sunny day's hihi Take care so the fishes don't nibble ! Have a great time on your continued journey ,hugs!
    Jean- hope your computer will behave now so we can hear how your day been, hope you are ok ?
    Diane- nice to see you around. Do malteser works for human too ? oops got mixed up with revising and pill taking dooh ! Time for a Graham and hot chocolate. Saying good night to the early birds, see you tomorrow
    Love and hugs Maria xxx

  37. Hi Maria,
    I was just planning to say night-night when I saw your post Maria so just thought I would say hello..glad you managed to get a few bits and pieces from the Range...I love that shop not particularly for craft though. Will try and pop in early in the morning before Nikki arrives as I want to sort a few things out for her....if not I will see you all later in the day.
    So now I will say night-night everyone, sweet dreams.

    Love and hugs Sheila xxxx

  38. Night Maria. Expect you have already gone now. Anyone here!

    1. Nope, not tired yet. Still watching Graham and on my second mug of hot chocolate. How's your day been ? what are you doing when can't sleep ?

    2. I just emailed you Maria xxx

    3. At Last, See You All Late xxxr

  39. Usually playing games on the iPad.
