
Saturday 27 June 2015

Mixed Craft Saturday!

 Good Saturday Morning Ladies,
We have a fantastic selection of gifts to look at today!
So lets get started.........
Look at this adorable Hedgehog that Michele has created
by Book Folding, its so clever Michele, I would love to
know how long it has taken you to complete, this would
make a great alternative to a birthday card, thank you
so much for sharing him with all of us Michele xxxx
Janet this bag is just so elegant, it looks larger than the 'Izzy' bag,
I love the Caribbean background used as that decorative panel on the
front of the bag Janet, the pretty gold twisted rope makes such pretty
handles too, I think that you will need to be doing a step by step tutorial
for this bag Janet, as I think It will make a fantastic gift bag!
Thank you so much for sharing it with all of us xx

This Fabulous selection of Teacup Candles have
been created by Cheryl, they are all so individual and so perfect.
It looks like you have made loads of different
candles Cheryl!
You have used so many pretty cups too,
 The one with the lavender colour flowers on is just so pretty, but I love green too, so the green and white one with Handbags on is gorgeous!
I am intrigued to find out how you have made
the top of the Cappuccino Cup candle look frothy!!!

 This 'Happy Retirement' teacup is a really pretty one, I see you have added just enough of colour so that is matches the soft blues in the pretty flowers on the cup.
I think that this is a perfect way to make use of gifts that you have had that have 'special' meaning to you but you don't want them shut away in the cupboard, by turning them into candles you have re-purposed them therefore they can be placed around the home on full display again.
I think that Cheryl is going to tell us about some of the mugs when she pops in later on.

Thank you so much for sharing them with all of us Cheryl, I know that they will inspire our friends here in the café xxxx
Well I hope that you all love the different ideas we have seen today, I am so blown away every week by how talented you all are, we have seen so absolutely stunning works of art over the past few months, I am so proud to be able to share your work with all of our Café family and the many hundreds of other viewers that we have everyday.
If you are a visitor that hasn't stepped through the 'door' of our friendly little 'virtual' café yet,  please come on in, you won't want to leave, we have the most amazingly friendly, caring and supportive bunch of ladies that are waiting to welcome you.
Love and Hugs to all,


  1. Good morning Sandra and the Coffee Shop Gang. Well for a change the sun is shining here, I hope it is the same for you.
    Oh! My! Word! Is there any end to the fantastic talents of the Coffee Shop customers???
    I am bowled over by all these wonderful makes.
    The cute Hedgehog from MICHELE:- is brilliant, love it.
    JANET:- your Gift Bag is brilliant, love the colours and the style.
    CHERYL:- WOW!! those Candle Cups are fantastic and so, so, many. Love, love, love, them all.

    1. Oooopppss!! pressed the wrong button!!
      Hazel and I are off to Edinburgh today. It's Gillian's Hen Night, the girls are all off for a Spa Day. We are joining them for a meal in the evening.
      The sun is shining so maybe I could wear something summery!! Will bring my little waterproof jacket just in case!!!
      I have made some tea & toast, I am over in the corner to see who comes in or who passes by. I am going to paint my nails at the same time, for my day away.
      (((((Hugs))))) in the basket by the door, see you later xxx

    2. Patricia and Hazel, have a fun time in Edinburgh tonight. Hope Gillian has a wonderful spa day and it's a day to remember for her.
      Love Saba xxx

    3. Patricia and Hazel have a super day in Edinburgh and have a lovely dinner tonight. Hope the sun is shining on Gillian's hen party and you all
      Hugs Maria xx

    4. Hi Oatricia
      I hope that you have a lovely meal with Gillian this evening. I hope they have a lovely time at the Spa.

    5. Hello,
      I'm a bit late but I hope you have a lovely afternoon and evening!
      I hope the sun shines too.
      Love Myra xx

  2. Good morning Sandra and ladies. As my big sister has already said " it's a beautiful sunny one at that ". Does make you feel better.
    My word it's like a gift shop in here today, and the beautiful smell that is coming from I see Cheryls candle cups is wonderful.
    Michele, I love your hedgehog, he so cute. These would make a great gift at a time of the year.
    Janet, your bag is lovely, the colours are elegant and with the gold twisted rope handle it takes it to another level.
    Last but not least Cheryl. You have been one busy lady! These are gorgeous and the work that has gone into them, matching the wax to a colour on the cup itself, I just love how you have got the froth on that coffee one is fantastic. Are you going to wrap them in cellophane??? Oh if you were I'd have loved to given you a hand.
    Is there no end to the talent in this coffee shop, not that I am complaining? Oh no as every day that you come in you see wonderful things. Just imagine if we all lived close to each other and held our own Christmas fayre??? Every table decorated and displayed with all the beautiful things??? I tell you what it would be brilliant.
    I am going to have a cup of tea and some of that lovely looking bread toasted with oh I see again someone has been making strawberry jam, oh yummy. I will have that on it. Then I must make move and tidy up the mess I made last night while making those cards, well the die bits have made a mess. Then get myself organised for going out. Xxx

    1. Hi Hazel,
      thank you for your lovely comments.
      Yes, I am going to wrap them in cellophane and I do have a lot of ribbons to match the cup colours also. I think that will make my stall so bright and cheerful. The money raised is going to Cardiomyopathy UK, they helped me so much when Pete died from it. xxx

    2. CHERYL:- you have no worries about selling these beauties.
      All monies going to a wonderful cause as well. It's a great feeling when you count up at the end of the day, knowing "my efforts" raised that!! Hazel and I always get a thrill at the end of a rather hard day. I don't think people realise the effort that goes into it all. Good luck xxx

    3. Hi Cheryl,
      Your candles are just amazing in an array of containers which will please everyone! Well done you. I hope they sell well and make lots of money for Cardiomyopathy UK. Candles are things people use all year round so I'm sure they'll be popular.
      Thanks for sharing.
      Love Myra xxx

    4. Hi Hazel,
      Got a bit mixed up with the positions of the replies!!
      Hope you have a lovely afternoon with Patricia and a lovely evening with Gillian and the others.
      Hazel - the sue has shone here all day today!! As Maureen would say. grrrr! Xxx

    5. Hazel your idea of a big Christmas fare sounds great, then we could all have a cuppa and piece of the gorgeous cakes in the cafe while we chat. Happy days x
      Jean x

  3. Good morning everyone,

    After a very cloudy, hot, humid day with little outbursts of glorious hot sun yesterday morning, gentle rain followed in late afternoon drenching the ground, giving much needed moisture to the plants and flowers.
    This morning is bright and clear and I'm smiling 'Because I'm Happy' Just love that song. it could become my theme tune.
    I loved my visit to see Lucy & Milly-May, there's' something so soothing sitting there with a baby nestling in your arms and feeling so safe they fall asleep.

    Michele, oh my dear, you simply must let me know where you got the pattern for the Hedgehog. Apart from elephants & owls, I love hedgehogs, they are very fascinating creatures if you stay up late at night and are lucky enough to see one. For many years we had a resident one in or garden, he used to burrow down for the winter in the most unusual of places. Then one spring we just couldn't find him anywhere, so came to the sad conclusion that he had been killed somewhere on one of his nightly forages. xxx

    Janet's large Izzy bag makes a delightful change to a plain old boring gift bag. I'm liking the warm chocolate and cream? colours. Did you make it specifically for the Caribbean background? What a stunner. xxx

    The car cup is one I bought for Pete many moons ago when we were first married, he loved Earl Grey and used to drink it out of a mug! I told him you needed a bone china cup to get the most of Earl Grey so found this at a Princess House party. The inside reads to a very special person. I chose the light blue wax as that was his eye colour.
    The cup with violets is one I have kept since 1985, it belonged to my beloved Nanny Campkin, my mother's mother, (who died in August of that year), so is perfect to have the lavender wax inside. Both of these candles were made for especially for them, I shall be lighting them on their individual birthdays to celebrate their lives.
    Daughter Giorgina love coffee and chocolate. When she came to see me and saw the cappuccino cup, it was sold right away. However, on my travels in Poole I came across the mug which she will be getting instead of now I have some longer wicks The 'cream' on top of the cup is very thin shavings of wax from an old vanilla candle. Once lit the two perfumes should combine pleasantly.
    The green 'Never too many...clutch bags' was bought on a whim. The bright spring green just popped out to me and as you know, I adore quirky.
    And again with the happy Retirement cup, it was bought for someone special. A lovely friend called Maureen Collin retires in August. She and OH lost their youngest son Mike 2 years before Pete. Like Pete he was one of a kind, always smiling no matter what he went through, always a lovely greeting whenever you saw him, and a true gentleman always ready with a friendly word or two. At the age of 30 he was diagnosed with testicular cancer, which over the next 18 months had spread throughout his body. He married his sweetheart the year before he died. Our village New year's Day Football Charity held a special fund raiser, without their knowledge, to raise funds for them to have a honeymoon.

    Quite a long post today for me, so I'll leave now and pop in later.
    Love 7 hugs
    Cheryl xxx

    1. Cheryl, I can just see your beautiful table all done with these little beauties, have you thought of making little gift cards to have on your table placed beside the cups? You likely have? But I sometimes think if folk see a card by a gift the tend to buy it as well. I can see Patricia having fun making her candles. Yes every penny raised is so helpful. Plus don't you get a great feeling of satisfaction from doing your bit to help, I know I do as I feel I am giving something back for their help when I needed it. Hazel x

    2. Hi Cheryl,
      oh boy you have been a busy bee ! I love them all and they would sell like cupcakes if you were to sell. Like the idea for a fair together, maybe one day... Have a wonderful day,hope the sun shining for you today!
      Hugs Maria xx

    3. HimCheryl, everything is absolutely gorgeous! I left a message above as well! I'm a wee bit tired today so late and clearly confused into the bargain!
      I love your cups and pots and mugs and I love the personal stories too. They will sell so well. Hope you raise a lot of money . You deserve to do so..
      Myra xxx

    4. No not Him Cheryl!! Sounds like an introduction from an old western movie!! Sorry! Xxx

  4. Morning Ladies

    Janet-your bag is stunning.,i might have another attempt at making an Izzy bag when I'm off work soon. I love what you have done with the front of the bag-such beautiful details.

    Cheryl-oh my goodness, what a brilliant collection of teacup candles. So pretty & perfect as personalised gifts.

    My hedgehog was fairly easy to create. I'd seen one in my local craft shop so I googled "folded books" and theres hundreds of ideas. Printed a set of instructions & off I went. I added glitter glue along the edge of each page plus eyes & feet for him. I donated him yo a friend just before she started her chemotherapy. She's 4 cycles in and not doing too good. I made her an Izzy bag with a few goodies in I thought she might use/need while sitting on the day ward during her treatment.

    Glorious sunshine here in Southport. Washing machine already on so i'd best get moving as I have quite a few things to do before my 9.30 hair appointment.

    Will try to pop in later & answer any questions.


    1. Hi Michele,
      you have done a fantastic job with making the book folding hedgehog. He is sooo cute ! Love his little feet hihi. Sorry do to hear your friend is so bad with her chemo. People are so different when having it. Hope she feel better soon. Have a nice day and enjoy the sun,hugs Maria xx

    2. Michele, your little hedgehog is gorgeous. I'm sure he helped your friend. He would certainly have made her smile. Sorry she is having such a tough time.
      Yes, the sun's shining here too! Shame about yesterday! That's life I guess. Mustn't complain about rain when people are really suffering. All I suffered was inconvenience. It's good to get things in perspective sometimes. How long did it take to make your cute hedgehog? He's lovely. Thank you. Myra xxx

  5. Morning Sandra and all the other lovelies that follow,
    Sorry this is a quickie as there are a couple of things I need to do before my lovely Nikki arrives.
    WOW!!!!! I was totally blown away by the beautifully crafted gifts when I popped into the cafe this morning and am stuck for words at the talent that the coffee shop shares. The book folded hedgehog is so cute Michele you must have been given my share of's just so clever.
    Janet your bag is stunning and I would love to know how you have made it so fingers crossed if you get the chance.
    Cheryl so many beautiful teacup candles, they are absolutely divine and I love the colours and those with the sentiments on them and the frothy coffee is fabulous and so clever. Thank you all for allowing Sandra to share your wonderful talent with us and many thanks to Sandra for being so kind to do it for us.
    Well it's a beautiful sunny morning and I hope it's the same for you I must get along now as I'm so excited about Nikki coming here. Have a love day everyone will pop in later when Nikki goes home....Love and hugs Sheila xxxx

    1. Good morning Sheila, I can almost feel your excitement. It will be so much nicer to have the day together "at home"
      (((((Hugs))))) for both of you xxx

    2. Hello Sheila, Patricia has taken the words out of my mouth.
      I was reading your post, YES I could also feel your excitement.
      Have a lovely day with Nikki.
      Sending caring hugs to you both xxx

    3. Hello Sheila,
      Have a lovely day with Nikki, she will be excited at being brought to you and you will be more relaxed knowing she is in "safe" hands. I can feel the excitement here as well!!!
      Love and hugs, Maureen xxx

    4. Hello Sheila,
      Have a lovely day with Nikki, give her a hug from me.
      Love Saba xxx

    5. Hello Sheila, Have a wonderful time today with Nikki. xxx

    6. Hi Sheila, have a wonderful day with Nikki and have fun.
      hugs to you both, Maria xx

    7. Hi Sheila,
      I'm late today and Nikki will have been with you for a fair while now, all being well. However I hope you have a lovely day together. Have fun with the new chair!! Myra xxx

    8. Hope you and Nikki enjoy your time together x
      Jean x

  6. Morning Sandra and ladies,
    Michele love your hedgehog book, so different
    Janet, your bag looks amazing, I think we need a tutorial
    Cheryl, what a busy little bee you have been, I hope you raise lots of money for your charity.
    Not much on today, washing machine on hope the sun stays and dosent disappear like it did last week.
    Thank you Sandra for showing everyones wonderful talents, where would we be without you.
    Patricia and Hazel enjoy your day in Edinburgh, it looks like it will stay dry.

    Hope to be back later.
    Take care, Jess x

    Take care everyone, Jess x

  7. Good morning Sandra and all the lovely ladies in the coffee shop,
    My eyes nearly popped out when I looked at all the wonderful talent you are showing us today Sandra.
    MICHELE, Love your hedgehog he is so cute, what patients you mus have to fold each page so perfectly.

    JANET, Your bag is lovely, love the colours you have used.
    This bag is a gift, without putting anything inside.

    CHERYL, WOW your cup candles are beautiful, love the frothy coffee one, your house must smell gorgeous with all these beautiful gifts in. (LITTLELAMB look
    what you have started)
    Well I had better move, haven't even had my shower yet.
    Will pop back later, Love and Hugs, Brenda xxx

    1. Have a nice day Brenda, it's lovely outside. Isn't nice to have a lazy morning sometimes, you have been so busy lately so you well worth it,
      Hugs Maria xx

    2. Brenda I've had a lazier morning than you!
      Why do we feel guilty about it? Some people do nothing every day! Xxx

  8. Sheila, have a lovely day with Nikki. I can just see her trying out that new chair of yours and laughing as she turns round and round. Hazel x

  9. Yes Brenda. What have I started! Just waiting to see Patricia and Maureen's now.
    MICHELE. Love your hedgehog. Must see how to do this. I have a friend who looks after hedgehogs. I am sure she would like something like this.
    CHERYL. Well what have I started Brenda asked. Your candle cups are wonderful. I hope you will send Theresa a photo of them. She will be delighted. I looked for some in Winchester yesterday but no luck so will buy some from Theresa next time I see her. I hope you do well selling them. Yes I think a little gift card with each would be a good idea. When is the church sale? I know you said July but I cannot remember the date.
    JANET. Love your Izzy bag. It's lovely. I am sure the the recipient will love it. I made Scarlett a bigger one for Easter as I bought her some craft things instead of an Easter Egg. I had bought a set of papers and cards so needed a bigger bag so designed it around the size of the things to go inside. Enjoy your lovely weather.
    SANDRA. Thank you so much for showing us these lovely things today. Hope you have a good weekend. The girls will be able to relax now I hope. Are all the mocks finished?
    Not sure what I am doing yet today. Must go and post GtGranddaughter's birthday card. Put rather a lot on the card so needs a large letter stamp and haven't got any so a trip to the Post Office first and then a look in the charity shops. Will have some tea and toast and sit by the window for a little while. Money in pot.

    1. Glad to see you not still on I-pad playing games, it's such a beautiful day,hope you have the same. wonder how much the postage will be, so expensive sending cards home these day's but do not like sending e-cards to family. Do to people I know but never see. Hope your day is good, hugs Maria xx

    2. Well I am on the iPad but not playing games - well some of the time but trying not to. My EF from Christine has arrived so must try it out. The postage for the card wasn't bad as it went second class large letter. There is such a difference between the size of the ordinary letter that I might as well have put more embellishments on it and made a box and it would still have been the same postage. I do send E cards to people I rarely see and those friends who have moved overseas. Have a good day. Sun kerosene going in and out here.

    3. Yes Brenda! Just look what you started! That's the trouble with crafters - we all want to try to make things!!
      Maria made me smile suggesting you had been playing on the iPad all night long!
      Be careful you don't set fire to anything! Sorry couldn't resist!
      Myra xxx

  10. Bon jour everyone
    Michele your hedgepig is just gorgeous and I immediately thought of who would love on so if you don't mind I just might have a go.
    Cheryl oh your candles just blow me away. Everyone is a work of art and I think keeping the two special ones is wonderful. They carry special memories for you.
    My gift bag is just an extension of an 'Izzy' bag in that I lengthened the back and front by joining two pieces of A4 card and then doing the same for the sides. I used the carrabien background because of the size of the flap and the tile has roses on the inside of it. The two resin flowers are from my stash, the rope handles are some Christmas decoration from years ago and I finished the flap with a small piece of Velcro to keep it fastened. Inside is a bag of pot pourri which just fills the bag and it can either be taken out or left in when opened. It's a matter of choice. I made it quite plain as the young lady it's made for doesn't like
    frills or fuss. Thank you so much for your lovely comments they mean so much.

    We have glorious sun again today so if the temp rise like yesterday it will be an inside afternoon and not even in the veranda.
    How are you liking Sue's new dies?
    Hug s on their way.
    Sheila I can really feel your excitement. Have a lovely day.


    1. Bon Jour Janet, enjoying your pastries and sun shine in Marigny I can see.hihi hope you both are alright Love the bag you made !, love the colour and the die fits so perfectly, nice handles. Still not made a Izzy bag ,one day. Hugs to you both Maria xx

    2. Hi Janet,
      Your bag is beautiful . I love the colour and what a great idea to put a bag of pot pourii inside! It never ceases to amaze me how as crafters we see an idea and then run with it adapting it you our style and needs! As the saying goes, it's good to share!
      I love the design on the flap and the handles. Thank you for sharing.
      Enjoy the lovely weather .
      Myra xxxx

  11. Good morning Sandra and our lovely ladies,
    Could I have an iced tea please, it is scorching hot here and being in a marina I don't have the pleasure of a cold swim.
    Michele, I love your hedgehog, will definitely be having a go at making one and think the grandchildren would enjoy doing it too.
    Janet, what a good idea to make a large "Izzy" bag. It is lovely and the Caribbean die looks fabulous. Is the tiny embellishment another of your French finds?
    Cheryl you have been busy! Your candle cups are gorgeous. I love the idea of you lighting them for Pete and Nanny on their birthdays. I am sure you will raise lots for your charity. Clever of you to use shavings for the foam.
    Well ladies we shall be setting off later in the never ending saga of Gas. Having discovered that our second (spare) bottle was also empty we thought we would be able to fill them here in Losinj, but no chance. Someone has told us where they think we can get them filled but is is about 6 hours sailing away from here and of course it is Sunday tomorrow and by the time we get there today they will probably be closed, so it looks like cold coffee for the immediate future and no cooking on board. Will just have to buy lots of cold meats and cheeses to have in case we want to stay on board and eat in the evening. Hey ho, it's such fun on board a boat!!!
    I shan't be sorry to leave this marina, we are right in the middle of the town and directly next to the pontoon which we are on is a disco. Don't you just love techno music until very late into the night.
    That's all for now, going to pop over to Sue's for a quick peek.
    Love and hugs
    Saba xxxx

    1. Hi Saba,
      Lucky you, lying in bed listening to soothing music until the early hours, just gently drifting to sleep with the gentle lull of some Handel or Brahms. Talking about Brahms, were the music lovers very Brahms and Liszt???? lol
      I hope you have good gas hunting weather!!
      Love and hugs, Maureen xx

    2. Hi Saba, I like cold coffee hihi I'm so slow with everything so anything gets cold. The cheese and ham sounds nice but sorry you ended up at a disco marina. No more gas! hope you find some soon somewhere.
      Have a nice day, swimming hugs Maria xx

    3. Hello, Dear!
      I can't believe you've run out of gas!!!
      Hope you manage to get some before too long! I've been trying to find you on a map! Well not you personally , you know what I mean! I just like to learn about new places and Croatia is a new place to me!
      Did you notice what Muriel typed on I think the noon post of Sue's today? She forgot the o in hello! I thought Hell Sue, wasn't a terribly friendly greeting. I'll have a word further down! If I live that long. Hi hi!!
      Take care, Myra xxx

    4. Hi Saba,
      Hope you manage to sail somewhere more peaceful very soon.....techno music late at night or any time is a definite no-no!! Also hope you manage to get some gas soon. xxx

  12. Hello Sandra,
    You have certainly selected some fantastic things for us today.
    Michel, your hedgehog is adorable, and I think I just might have to have a go (after sewing, candles and cards ha ha). I love the idea of highlighting each "prickle" with glitter.
    Janet, what a pity these bags are made with card. What a shame they can't be done in leather, you and Hazel would have a whole industry going in no time.
    Cheryl, well, I can see I'm going to have to get my finger out!! These are so pretty, and I can imagine the gorgeous smell your house must have. Hazel's idea of a little gift card to go with each one is inspired, and they wouldn't have to be elaborate.
    Well I see the two sisters will be causing mayhem in Edinburgh with Gillian and her friends. I hope they don't get barred from the City before next weekend. I can see the newspaper headlines now!!! Have a lovely time, the whole group of you, and don't smudge your nail polish while your drinking you're coffee Patricia, hmm that's a nice shade, what's it called?
    Well, I'm away to hang out some more washing and then going onto the Road (a shortened version of a shopping street near to us) to find a stainless jug. Wonder if I'll find it in the Hospice Shop where it was taken a couple of year's ago!! ha ha.
    Whatever you are doing, having a lovely time on this fabulously sunny day.
    Love and hugss,
    Maureen xx

    1. MAUREEN:- promise we will be good honest.
      Did manage to smudge the nail polish ... think you must have nudged my elbow!!! Don't see what colour it is, nothing on the bottle apart from the word ..... Avon!!!! Does have a wee bit sparkle in it. I do like to sparkle!!
      Enjoy your time out hope you find that Jug? If not have a look on EBay I got one for just a few pounds. Now I need an old cooking pot, gave a whole set away a few years ago,.... who needs to keep old pots??? Looks like I should have kept at least one!!! xxx

    2. Hi Mauree . If you are looking for a stainless steel jug for the candle making I couldn't find one so ended up buying a Pyrex jug from ASDA I think or could have been Dunelm but found it very good for melting the candle wax. What I have left over I put in the little silicon cakes cases for the next time. Think they came from the Poundshop. Have fun.
      PATRICIA. I was lucky with old pots as when I moved back home after looking after my late partner I had two sets of everything so kept the larger saucepan.
      My embossing folder from Christine has just arrived so off to try it out.

    3. Hello Muriel dear!
      I'm sorry about the need to purchase a new jug but I hope you mange to get one!
      I happened to mention a wee slip up you made on Sue's blog to Saba up above you! It did make me laugh and I'm sure Sue will too. I once put Help Sue! Hope today goes really well! Xx

    4. Hi Maureen hope you managed to find a jug today. xxx

  13. Hi Sandra and all in the cafe today. Just a quick comment before I have to go and help set up the BBQ at the fete.
    Michele, I love the hedgehog : ) book folding is something I really must look into.
    Chryl, so many beautiful tea cup candles. I am another one that wants to know how you got the "frothy" top. Please share with us : )
    I hope you all have a good day. We have blue skies at the moment, let's hope it lasts! I will try and pop back in this evening. Take care xx

    1. Sue, good luck with the BBQ, hope you raise lots on money too. Hazel x

    2. Hi Mrs B. The 'froth' is made from very thin shavings of vanilla wax. I didn't want to just add 'milk' by melting it to go on top, it needed a touch of 'genuis'. xxx

    3. Mrs B, Sue, I can smell that lovely BBQ from here! Hope it all goes well in lovely sunshine. Xxx

    4. Hope the BBQ went perfectly Sue and a good time was had by all.

      Hugs Sheila xxx

  14. Saba, I hope that it stays nice weather for you, a perfect breeze just to move you along, no hot drinks, not good? I often think they are more refreshing than cold ones, but never mind that's life and hopefully you get gas at your ne t port of call. Hazel x

  15. Hello Feeling a bit more normal today but I will be glad when June is over It's been a horrible month for me with lots of sad or distressing moments Hey Ho! July is just around the corner
    SANDRA Hope you are more relaxed and happier
    MICHELE He's so cute Yet another craft I'd like to try
    JANET Your bag looks brill and yes please - a tutor It's looks big enough to put my knitted baby cardigans in
    CHERYL The candles are beautiful and I love that you will be lighting one for Peter and your mum Hope you had a lovely evening with Milly-May Has the cardigan arrived Just curious because of post etc
    SHEILA Enjoy your day with Nikki
    The rest of you Have fun in whatever you choose to do today
    Will try and pop in later

    1. Hi my flower, you obviously didn't get my email from yesterday so I'll re-send it. It's probably in cyberspace. She looked divine with it on. They send you their thanks for your lovely gift. xxx

    2. Hi Karen,
      Only 3 days to go and I truly hope July will be a much better month for you to make you feel brighter.
      Hugs Sheila xxx

  16. Hi Sandra
    What a gorgeous array of gifts for us today. I just love your hedgehog Michele. I saw one in a craft shop in Marks Tey near Colchester a few years ago that someone had made in a class. I also love your bag Janet as well, it's much larger than An Izzy bag. Instructions would be lovely. Once again Cheryl your candle cups are girgeous. I Brit they smell divine. As I've said before what a talented bunch of ladies frequent the Cafe.

  17. Hi Sandra and all!
    I have comment on the way down but will say thank you for showcasing these Beautiful, Lovely, Amazing craft you all can do. It is a privilege to be coming to the cafe' and have a chat ,drink and calorie free cakes. I'm Happy !
    I hope you are all alright and enjoying the sunshine, they saying it will be a hot week so take care. Have been in the garden this morning, yes suncream on Patricia or Oatricia calling you today hi hi! Have a card to finish, only taken me a week or so but my friends birthday is coming up so I best get on. See you later,
    Love and Hugs Maria xx

    1. You've just reminded me Maria, I've got two to make!! Maybe later!
      You're so right it is a privilege and a pleasure to come here every day! Xxx

  18. Good afternoon Sandra and all who pop in today, Well I'm really amazed at the difference in crafts today, the hedgehog is gorgeous, we made one similar at our craft class recently, thoroughly enjoyed making it. I just love the shape of this bag , so clever, and the array of cups I'd love to see these on display in person, so impressed.
    Have picked NIc up and have been out for a ride, but we have to come back when she's had enough, sat in the garden for a short while but it's a bit too hot for her, so we are chilling now, she's in a lovely cheerful mood today, lots of smiles and keeps letting me smell her perfume - of which she is a big fan .
    Will pop back when NIc has gone back to Warrington.
    Have replenished the basket,
    Till later
    Jean x

    1. Jean, glad you are having a good day too! How lovely that Nic likes her perfume - I love perfume too. Need to water some baskets in a few minutes as despite yesterday's rain they are dry! Xxx

    2. Hi Jean,
      So pleased Nic has enjoyed her day and you had some chill out time together. My Nik also loves her perfumes too!

      Love and hugs Sheila xxx

  19. Hi Sandra!
    Well I have finally got to the bottom of things!!
    It has taken a while and I've commented on the way here.
    What are you up to today , Sandra? Are you allotmenting? Think that's a new word! Hope you have a lovely day.
    I love the array of crafts on display today. They are all beautiful and showcase some amazing talent. I have congratulated each person on the way down .
    I was a bit late starting on Sue's blog today too.
    What amazing talent she has and her Dies are just gorgeous. So different from anyone else's and I'm longing to have a play with a few!
    Well we have wall to wall sunshine today after being rained off yesterday but that's life . We still had a lovely time. I was really tired this morning but have got going now.
    Hope you all have a lovely Saturday.
    Will call in later.
    Love Myra xxx

  20. PS - hope Margaret is ok ! Don't think she was in yesterday either. Xxx

  21. No I didn't see her yesterday Myra and wondered if she is ok. Hope she hasn't got the virus.

    1. I was a bit concerned about that Brenda, too. Think I'll email Margaret. Xxx

    2. Fingers crossed that Margaret is okay and has not picked up that nasty virus too.
      Hugs Sheila xxx

  22. Hi everyone, been a lovely day here, managed to get grass strimmed and garden weeded.
    what a terrible thing that has happened in Tunisia. Holidays abroad are soon going to be out of the question.
    I hope Patricia and Hazel are having a great time at the hen do.
    Take care everyone x

    1. Made me shudder when I saw what happened in Sousse. We spent our honeymoon there 40 years ago. The hotel was about 4 away from that one. So sad.

    2. Indeed there are some awful things happening! It's as if man is regressing in some places . Civilised human beings don't behave like this. Xxx

  23. Hellooooooooooooooo,
    My feet are killing me!!! I walked to the park via an antique/second hand shop on "The Road" where I got a Swan Aluminium Jug in 1/2 pint measures up to one quart (2 pints for the young ones). Goodness knows how old it is but it's in perfect condition and I will have a go at melting some wax tonight, that is if I can stand that long!!! By the way, the jug cost me £1.
    I walked around the parks for 4 hours, apart from standing watching Zoe's school do their Liturgical Dance and my feet were slipping backward and forwards in my sandals, so now I have huge blisters on the soles of my feet.
    Still we've had a good day, they will have made lots of money, and there were thousands of people there spread over two parks which are side by side. One part was a bit like Glastonbury with different stages, but the singers were way out man!!! George was up at his Bowling Club (well not his, the one he plays for!!) and families could go in to have a try. They had small woods (balls) for the children and they all seemed to really enjoy it.
    Right, that's enough of that.
    Myra, Hell, I was hoping to get away with that because sometimes I cannot add a comment under reply. I tried to add a comment underneath but it wouldn't let me. Still, it could have been a Freudian slip ha ha !!!
    It'll be a quiet one tonight with the rabble rousers away in Edinburgh!!!
    Any news of Margaret, I hope she's ok.
    And what about Norah has she been in?
    Now, what do I do first. Shower, then soak my feet and nightie on. Do first pour of candles, then iron.
    Or bath, iron, then pour candles.
    The latter I think, because George will come in whilst I'm ironing and poke his fingers in the wax to see if it's "set".
    See you all later, and a extra special Hell to missing friends!!! ha ha
    Muriel xxx

    1. Ooooh sounds like a tiring but lovely day Maureen and your jug sounds like a bargain at £1 and ideal for the job and how perfect having smaller bowls for the children....hope your blisters soon cool down.
      See you later.
      Hugs Sheila xxx

    2. I was thinking exactly the same! It will be so quiet - after all only the quiet ones are left tonight. The Three Degrees of noise, Saba, Patricia and Hazel, in no particular order, have other fish to fry. Or in Saba's case , due to a lack of gas , eat raw!!
      Sorry about your poor feet! I see putting them up and resting isn't an option!
      Well done on the jug! Just the ticket!
      Glad today , apart from blisters, went well!
      Myra xxx

  24. Wee hee, it let me add a comment - Myra, that should of course read "and AN extra special" xxxx

    1. As if I would notice, let alone remark on a typing error! Xx

    2. I know, silly me, I know you are the very model of reticence and humility !!! xxx

    3. Oooh! It takes one to know one !! Xxx

  25. Hello everyone oh it was lovely having Nikki back home today and it was so much more relaxing than having to go there but the best thing was spending quality time with her which I don't feel I've had since Clive passed away. She loved the chair and wants one of her own after test driving it she promptly plonked herself down on her Dad's chair and looked at me and smiled. She 'talked' (using her signs) a lot about her daddy as many of her memories are in this home. We had lunch and then she spotted the flowers I had made recently and so I glued some of the glittered ones to her hair comb clip and she was thrilled. We then looked at pictures of the three of us and she kept blowing kisses to Clive....and nearly broke my resolve not to cry but fortunately I held out. I then read your good wishes for a lovely time out to her and after each one she would say 'aaw!' Bless her. Then it was time for her to go I was a bit worried that she may have made a fuss but she accepted it was time to was almost as if she had forgotten that she always came every fortnight before her daddy died and it's 5 months tomorrow. The time has just flown by....but today was very special to me.

    Love and hugs from a contented Sheila xxxxx

    1. Oh Sheila, That all brought tears to my eyes! How lovely! Thank you for sharing your lovely day. All these things help I'm sure . The flowers will look perfect in her hair comb. Everything is more relaxed and natural at home. Myra xxx

    2. Oh Sheila, so glad you had a lovely day with Nikki, it sounds just perfect - will she come home each fortnight now as it was before, certainly something to look forward to, and less stressful not having to travel. NIc has just gone home to Warrington now, we had a lovely day too, she is home each Saturday.
      Have a nice relax now
      Love Jean x

    3. Oh Sheila, it makes me want to cry when I read your post, It's so humbling but uplifting at the same time, and I am pleased for you that Nikki just accepted that it was time to go.
      Jean, I'm happy for you and Nic too, you are two special ladies, with special daughters. xxx

    4. Sheila, my heart goes out to you, reading your post brought tears to my eyes. I am so glad you had a relaxing time with Nikki and her leaving again went well.
      Jean, glad you enjoyed your day too. You both make me feel so humble too.
      Bless both you and your lovely daughters . Xxx

    5. Shiela do glad you had a great time with Nikki, bless you both.
      Jess x

    6. Sheila and Jean, I can only send love and hugs to both of you. You are both special Mums.

  26. What has everyone thought of Sue's new Christmas Dies so far?
    I think her dies as so superior to others on the market. I've looked at what's on C&C and I haven't bought anything except a few dazzlers from Hobby House which were in Christmas colours and a good price. I think it is so very repetitive .
    A bit boring really! Xxx

  27. Be back shortly. Still no sign of Margaret.

    1. I emailed Margaret earlier , Brenda when I said I would but if she isn't well she won't be looking at emails! Let's hope she is just busy today! Xx

    2. Margaret has replied and is ok. Just rather tired but she will pop in later and tell everyone then. Xxx

    3. Thanks for letting us know Myra and I'm so pleased Margaret is okay xxx

    4. Yes I thought you would Myra. I didn't doubt it. Had a nice afternoon. My granddaughter as me to go round as she needed some sewing done on her Littlre Pony. Some stitching had come undone. Did that and she was very pleased. Then I suggested we made a couple of Birthday cards as two of her friends are having birthdays soon. That's all done now and she is pleased with them. She did decoupage ones. She used the sheets and cards I bought her for Easter. Hope Patricia and Hazel are enjoying themselves.
      JEAN and SHEILA. Glad you both had a good time with your daughters today. Loving Sue's new dies but don't know how I am going to choose. Can't have them all. Hope everyone's ok. Haven't seen Norah today either.

    5. Thanks for that Myra. Glad to hear that Margaret is ok. Hope to see her later then.

    6. Two of my dies arrived today and they are lovely! I ordered Peace on Earth. I wish I really could order peace on this earth but unfortunately not! So much sorrow and war. Anyway the Die is beautiful, I just had to cut it and the font is lovely and so clear. It would make a lovely focal point . Also the poinsettia Striplet - it's very pretty too and I bought the poinsettia Die from Sue last year so will go well together. If I win one of these , ha ha , it can be a gift for a fellow crafter! Xxx

  28. I'm back!!!!!
    Bath - tick.
    Mini home pedicure - tick.
    Ironing - tick.
    First pour of candles - tick.
    Knackered - tick.
    Bed - yes please.
    I'm glad Margaret is ok, such a worry when people don't appear and we don't know why. But where is Norah - or have I missed her?
    Myra, Sue's dies are lovely, trouble is that I still would like some of her others, so I have to decide if I want to get more of a set, or get some of these. They are different, that's the trouble. If they were the same old, same old, there would be no problem.
    Must go and lie down, I feel totally dead beat, and I'll massage some lovely Lavender L'Occitane foot cream on to my poor old feet.
    Sweet dreams everybody.
    Love to all,
    Muriel xxx

    P.S. Sandra, I'm so sorry that I forgot to say that I hope Lucy and Sophie did well in their mock mocks, and that they are over the trauma - you too!!! xxx

    1. Oh Maureen,
      You have been busy! I love L'Occitane foot cream - especially the lavender one. Their hand cream is super too. Bit partial to their shower gels also!!
      How did the candle pouring go?
      Night Night Dear, sleep well! Xxx

    2. Muriel
      You sound like you have had a lovely day despite the blisters.
      I am sure you will have given Sue a laugh today too.
      Night God bless love

  29. Good evening all,
    Well, do you want the good news or the bad?
    Ok, bad news first, it will be cold coffee again tomorrow but, and its a big but, there is a possibility of getting some from a camp site very near to where we are anchored. However, that news is actually not too bad really compared to a slight problem we now have with the engine!! We sailed across from Mali Losinj to a big island called Cres where we are staying tonight in a bay. Just as we were entering the bay (under motor) the flaming alarm started peeping its little head off and flashing alarmingly. Battery alert. Something is not right! It's not a huge problem, it just means that the motor is not charging the ships batteries. Worst case scenario is that the motor won't start, but Peter thinks we have enough power for a day or two. We will be checking all the wiring tomorrow but that is like the blind leading the blind. Looks like we will have to try and find an electrician. We now need to conserve energy, so am presently sitting in the dark!!!
    Good news, thank goodness I hear you say, I now have mobile internet. How clever is that. Managed to buy a micro sim for the I pad and activate it. Yipeee.
    I was so sick of having to rely on restaurants for it.
    Well time now for a glass of wine whilst I look at your posts.
    Happy days
    Saba xxx

    1. Hello Sailor!
      I mentioned earlier I have been looking at where you are! LosinJ Island is described as an unknown paradise! The harbour looked pretty but there were no sound effects of the music! Sorry about the engine - don't pretend to even vaguely understand but it sounds as if all your early warning systems are up and running! Hope you find an electrician and gas very soon. Glad you good access to the outside world.
      Love to Peter and take care , both of you,m
      Love Myra xxx

    2. Hello my dear,
      Losinj is lovely but a bit too busy for me. Tonight is much quieter, I have a classical opera cd playing ( Peter says we have enough power) and am drinking a lovely chilled wine so the world is in order again. The bay we are in is very quiet, it's on the southern most tip of Cres, far away from the town.
      As to Sue's dies, I think they are all truly lovely and I really can't decide which I like best. I don't think I will be able to resist some of them!!
      Hope you are well,
      Love and big hugs
      Saba xxx

    3. Who needs hot coffee when a chilled White is available! I'm very well thank you. As we speak, so to speak! , My husband is chasing rabbits from the front lawn! It keeps him fit you know! Xxx

    4. Wine sounds good tonight, but are you really going to have it with breakfast?
      Guess you are experiencing the joys of a sailing holiday big time. But would you really swap it fro 2 weeks in a holiday complex with hundreds of others? Don't think so! Apart from the mechanical bits, sounds great.

    5. Janice, I would definitely not swop it for all the tea in China. We have just been sitting on deck and watching lightening in the distance. The boat is rocking very gently and apart from the lapping of the water against the hull and our cd playing quietly in the background it is so quiet. There are a few stars still visible and I am hoping to see a few shooting stars.
      Myra, now that's an idea, why just end a day with a glass of chilled wine, why not start it with one! What on earth does Alastair hope to achieve at this time of night with the rabbits. I can just picture him. Does he wear his tie for rabbit chasing?

    6. No No !! Polo shirt today! Xxx

  30. Karen,
    If you pop back in I just want you to know that you are being thought of. I was so sorry to read your comment about your friend. Sending you loving hugs. Saba xxx

  31. Good evening Sandra and all the coffee shop crew
    So sorry to have been missing, I have missed you all but we now have our daughter and grandson staying with us as SIL has now got the nova virus but the GP says it appears to be a different strain so they don't want it again she says. Deerk has also got 'it' he said to me most people suffering like I am get sympathy, all I get given is a bottle of Domestos! One thing for sure Domestos sales are up, well it does kill all know germs dead! It better had I don't have time to be ill.
    Sam your cards yesterday were beautiful, so wonderful I loved both of them thank you for sharing them with us all.
    Well what can I say wow, fantastic, absolutely wonderful all of todays offerings are and no mistake, Michelle I love hedgehogs and yours is so very clever absolutely adorable, you have the patience of a saint to make that.
    Janet you are so very clever and inspirational, you really are, your bag is so elegant and high class looking I hope some time you are able to give us all some instructions.
    Oh Cheryl I hope you make a bomb really I do, you have been so busy and your cups are really lovely. Your stall is going to look fantastic, please do remember to take a photo before the sale begins then we can all see it.
    Sandra how are the exams going I hope Sophie and Lucy are coping with all the stress, and you too. Now as for Glastonbury young lady, just stay at home and watch it on the telly then you can have a lovely shower, go to bed in a comfy bed, nice and clean and have a coffee just when you want it if you are yearning for mud pop to the allotment.
    Brenda you really do seem to have started a new craft for lots of us with these candles, I intend to give them a try for Christmas presents.
    Sheila I do hope you had a lovely time with your darling Nikki how lovely that you can be at home together and once winter comes you really will feel the benefit of her coming to you.
    Karen so pleased you are feeling a little better I have been thinking of you look forward to next month.
    Well what a wonderful pick of the week on C & C I don't think, Tattered Lace Christmas not for me thank you! What about that rather 'cheap' machine Nancy was using or more correctly trying to use, when I flicked on she was struggling, if you don't mind I will give it a miss but it is a snip at that price. ha ha!
    Well my eyes are closing so I will go and see my patients before going to bed.
    Hope to see you all tomorrow,
    Good night and God Bless
    Margaret xxx

    1. Night Night Matron! They are all so fortunate to have you looking after them. Hope you get a good night's sleep and Derek too!
      Lots of love, Myra xxx

    2. Lovely to see you Margaret, hope everyone gets better soon and then you can have some relaxing 'me' time. Today was perfect with Nikki thank you for thinking of us. Night, night take care. Hope to see you tomorrow.
      Love and hugs Sheila xxxx

  32. Well, yet another fantastic collection of talent. I fancy trying these candles, but not until winter when I have time, but you have certainly been busy, Cheryl. I hope you raise loads of money for a cause so close to my family too.
    Janet, your bag is really pretty and looks a great size to hold a gift ( or a half bottle).
    And your hedgehog is SO CUTE, Michelle.
    I haven't heard anything on the Scottish news about mad hen parties in Edinburgh, so perhaps they are being good (or is it too early yet)
    Well, it stayed a nice day for Fort William's sheep races today. Looked like quite a crowd there. There were also several model T Fords. All in immaculate condition. I love seeing the old cars.
    Right, I'm going to try for an early night. I didn't sleep well last night.
    Night all

    1. Night Night Janice, pleased it was good weather for the sheep! They don't like baa. ad weather! Xxx

  33. Margaret, you must feel as if the sword of Damocles is hanging over your head. Nora virus all around you! Hope all your family recover soon, and bless domestos for trying to protect us all. How are your SIL's bloods doing at the moment, can't imagine this virus will be doing him any good opinion that respect.
    Night God bless
    Saba xxx

  34. P.S. I just like Maureen I am knackered too it must be the northern air! Rather that than being like Saba with engine problems sitting in the dark with cold coffee and chilled wine, please do take care our sailing lady. xxx

  35. If you are still there MARGARET. Hope your family are all better soon and you don't get this awful virus. Take care.

  36. Night, night everyone it's been a long but lovely day so I'm calling it a day.
    Sweet dreams everyone and thank you for the wonderful support I keep getting from you I truly appreciate it.
    Love and hugs Sheila xxx

    1. Night Night Sheila, sleep well. You think of us too you know! We care for each other. It's very nice indeed. Myra xxx

  37. Good evening my bonnie coffee addicts in my favourite coffee shop,
    Oh boy will I be glad when Monday comes and a certain old crab bit git s back at work and I can take things at my speed and recover in between as he has went on and on since week past Friday.yesterday I never halted because of my beloved boy and his ladies and of course the male teachers as well. The wee sod took the cards before I could check out that they were all there to find I am two short and two bottles of wine and a pair of earrings short as well and now he wants a card made for his art teacher at college. Well the card I will do but I am not getting yet another gift now for his college women. Boy does my boy know and has done since he was wee just how to chat up the women and get them to see his attributes and fawn or swoon over him.
    Michele flower, my wee mammy would have loved your hedgehog book as she was just mad daft about them and all the kids in the village would bring any sick or injured animal to her door. She had this wildlife garden that she had "sick bays" in for all her patients and she loved to nurse them back to health. She could never understand how you could manage to hit a hedgehog as they went so slow, it fair upset her seeing the carnage on the road. Thank you flower for a lovely way to make use of and old book that could otherwise be neglected and left behind.
    Janet, I think this is a tote bag just needs Radley the dog on it for lovers of the bigger bags. Me I could never understand having a big bag as it is all the bigger to stap full of junk that you don't need to carry around with you and you can never find what it is you are looking for. You know I love these pretty handbags that my fellow brilliant friends are making as I think that they would make lovely wrappings for gifts for Christmas, so different and even making them up with the small travel sized delights as wee stocking fillers would be lovely. There is a lassie on YouTube Elaine "paper button" I think her name is and she has made a men's washbag so we could make his and hers. Your tall tote bag version Janet could have hairspray and heat protector and things in it for the young ones who are mad daft on these straighteners. My poor hair never knows what a hairdryer is never mind all the junk that could go on it. I can manage to ruin it all by myself without the help of any of that thank you very much. Thanks Janet for another idea for the dreaded time flower with the lovely offering today
    And now for Cheryl's wee beautiful cups and saucers candles, oh flower they are so pretty using the old fashioned tea services. I am a China service hoarder as I used to love looking at my Nana's pretty things from in front of the display cabinet(because you dared not touch by opening the doors). When nana had to go into the hospital they were just flinging her tea services out as they weren't worth anything to them so not worth hanging on to. I loved them and have cherished them all these years for no other reason than they are pretty and some of them I can see through the China.
    Thank you girls for all your beautiful makes as they inspire each of us into thinking of trying something out of our own comfort zone. I'm a way to bed now as I am dead beat but the computer has been down all day and this thing works properly and sends to the right place when it feels like it. Hopefully see you all tomorrow
    Love and crafty juggles
    Norah. Glenochil

    1. Nigh Night Norah great to have late night callers!
      I can see you have had a tough week to put it mildly! Hopefully as you say from Monday you can get things done at your pace and you'll achieve far more.
      I hope you've managed to have a look at some of Sue's lovely dies. She is a very clever lady. She is so very nice too and has time for everyone.
      Sleep well, my dear! I'm going to bed myself soon although I'm not so tired as I was last night. Myra xxx

  38. Hello is any one still in? I need a nice cup of tea. Now you didn't hear any noise from us in Edinburgh because we were all very well behaved. We had a lovely meal together, then Patricia and I headed to get the bus to take us across the bridge to the park and ride place to get the car. No Gillian's friends are a great bunch and it's so nice to see the ones she went to college with, we all had our sashes with our names and the year we meet Gillian, apart from family, some have known her for over 23 years. They don't all work in podiatry, no there are Nurses, teachers, hairdressers. As I said a lovely bunch, I have known some the 23 years too. No a very civilised meal, now don't ask me what they got up to after we left? No phones were allowed a forfeit if they were. I think a few struggled to not look at theirs. Right I really enjoyed that cup of tea, I am going to have quick look at the other dies Sue put up. See you tomorrow. Xxx

    1. Glad you had a lovely time, no we couldn't hear anything down here so you must have been very good. Phu good also you managed to get in before 12 o'clock, was your sister safe too.? See you later,hugs Maris xxx

    2. Glad to see you back Hazel and hole Patricia is home safely. I am off to this Golden Wedding Anniversary tomorrow. Still not looking forward to it. We shall see, might enjoy it and surprise myself. If anyone is still up please turn off the lights.

  39. well nearly another day have gone and some of you are trotting off to bed so I wish you a good night.
    Glad you both had a nice day with your girls Sheila and Jean.
    Saba- if you ever go sailing again, make sure you got plenty of gas hihi I'm sorry but now the battery too. wish you both a good day tomorrow,hugs
    Norah take your time and have a little rest week coming, you deserve it after all the things you have to deal with, hope you get a good sleep.
    Oh Margaret your feet! Do they feel better after being tempered with ? You have a good sleep and hope they don't hurt to badly in the morning
    I hope Hazel and Patricia are having a great time. Can't wait to hear how they got on, yes I am the nosy one hihi Diane ok ?
    Almost midnight again and I burn my wick (it's that a saying?) anyhow Mr Sandman has come and I'm off to bed too, Have a good night everyone !
    Love and hugs Maria xxxx

  40. 3rd time lucky Even shorter précis Thanks Saba & Margaret I appreciate it Fav SW die so far = snowflake Striplet Just treated myself to that diagonal die PATRICIA showed on her blog and the Adorned Noble Squares So next pay day (there's any left!)
