
Saturday 20 June 2015

Mixed Craft Saturday!

Mixed Craft Saturday!!

Good Morning Ladies,
We have another fabulous collection of Crafts from our
very talented Café Members!
Just look at this fantastically Upholstered Chair and Foot stool,
these were a joint effort by our very own Maureen, with help from George!
It makes the room super girly, you have done a very professional job,
the piping and cushion covering looks perfect Maureen, you are clearly
a very confident seamstress, thank you for sharing xxx.

Michele's creation next, can you guess what it is yet???
Its a genius idea!

An altered cheese triangle box, with a matching card.
Great idea for crafting with children!
I think this is such a fabulous idea Michele,
Thank you so much for sharing xxxx

Guess who has made this beautiful Crackled effect dish??
Who else but our very talented potter....Brenda (littlelamb)!
Brenda, this is just so stunning, I love it, I am so pleased that you
don't sell your pottery close to me or I would be forever poor!
I think that I can see beautiful rose pattern in the background.
Thank you so very much for sharing with us Brenda xxxx

Myra's Beautiful exploding box!
Myra this is so pretty, I love how you have decorated the box,
its just so pretty, I love all of the different flowers you have used,
it has so much dimension too!
You even put some stick pins in too, I love it Myra,
Thank you so much for sharing with all of us xx

Well you did it again ladies, just when I thought there were
No more crafts to show, you come up with some more beautiful
Works of art, I am blown away by how talented you all are!
Thank you all so much,
Have a lovely Saturday everyone!
Love & hugs


  1. Morning Ladies,

    Kettle is on, what a stunning array of craft we have today Maureen you can up holster my furniture any day this is so gorgeous. Michelle a fabulous idea on the cheese box, would never have thought about using one of them. Brenda your dish is stunning, love the pattern and last but not least Myra your exploding box is beautiful, something I have never had a go out but must!

    Have a great weekend ladies, kettles boiled, help yourselves.

    Love & Hugs

    Jacquie J xxx

    1. Jacquie,
      I wish I could upholster!!! xx

    2. Thanks Jacquie, I wish I could upholster too! Xx

  2. Good morning Sandra and the Coffee Shop Gang. Hope you are all well and looking forward to the weekend. Wonder what the weather will throw at us for that??
    Oh! My! Word! what talents the Gang have!!!
    MAUREEN:- rather than just meet us for a few hours would you like to come home with me for a few days??? I have a sofa I would like covered!!! Oh! My! Giddy Aunt!! that work is amazing.
    MICHELLE:- love what you have done. I have done similar with the deeper cheese boxes and Nut Tins. It is great to see the transformation. Great colours I love them.
    BRENDA :- another of your fantastic dishes. I love the colours and the effect you have created on this one. The background is amazing, love it.
    MYRA:- Wow! Oh! Wow! I have made some of these but MAN!!! that's brilliant.
    That one will certainly not "fold flat" to go in the envelope!!! All your flowers are so beautiful.
    Everything set up for the day, I am off over to the corner with my cuppa.
    Busy day here at The Ranch, Thomas coming while Robert plays football. Robert will come back here for his bath and lunch. In the afternoon we are all going "Big Train Hunting" there is a Steam Railway Trip coming through Perth (Scotland) later today. We always try to get to see these coming through the countryside. We have a few places with long stretches where you get great views of the magnificent Engine and the train. As Steam enthusiasts is a great time out. Thomas takes the photographs with his Dad, all very exciting watching the whole train thunder past.......oooo!! and that great "smell" of power ... love it.
    Ok! cuppa finished, dishes washed and put away, money in the Pot. I am off to get things done before mayhem breaks out here with all the goings on.
    See you all at some point, till then .... hugs by the door for anyone who might need them. Just help yourself anyway everyone needs hugs!!! xxx

    1. Hello Patricia,
      Have a fabulous day with the boys. I love steam trains and as you say, the whoosh and smell as they whizz past is fantastic. Wish I could be with you because it makes all the difference if the other people there are enthusiastic as well. xxx

    2. Hello Patricia,wow have a fantastic time with the boys.
      Terry is a massive steam trains buff we got him a driving experience for his 60th & he actually drove the train he was in his element.
      Next year is his 70th so may have to do it again. Xxxx

    3. Have a lovely day out Patricia! I love steam trains too!
      Thank you. Xxx

    4. Thank you Patricia. As I have been explaining further down the comments this is a glass dish with a paper napkin adhered to the back and then two coats of Pinflait Liquid Buff-it. In Silver. Says it gives any surface a glossy coloured finish.

    5. I remember living in South Wigston as an army child and going to out local station to collect my Nan when she came to visit us. I would stand on the bridge and wait for the engine to go under it when pulling into the platform. It was heaven, standing there with the hot steam floating around you, to me it was like being in a cloud. xxx

    6. Patricia, you have reminded me of my Dad, he was an engine driver in the days of steam. I used to love going to his work - the smell of coal and steam - I even got to have a ride on an engine footplate (only around the yard - memories)
      Hope you have had a great day. xxx

  3. Morning Ladies

    Maureen-I'm so envious of you having the talent to cover the chair. It looks perfect-very professional. I've had a chair in the corner of our bedroom for 7 years that needs re-covering but I've never got round to contacting anyone about it.

    Brenda-the dish looks stunning. What a beautiful centre piece for a table. A real talking point.

    Myra-WOW! What an amazing pop up card. I'm thinking wedding, special birthday, special occasion-one to keep thats for sure.

    My idea was actually from a craft class years & years ago. In fsct, I'm off to that very shop this morning (no classes now though) to meet up with a friend. Next door to the craft shop is a chocolate shop/cafe-hand made chocolates-award winning ones. I might buy some for my Dad for Fathers Day.

    For anyone in the Noryh West area-one of the people demonstrating at Lady Green garden centre will be John Lockwood on 5th December. Hope its good but it might be a bit late for Christmas ideas -ha ha, that makes it sound like I'm super organised which I'm not!!


    1. Hi Michele,
      I thought I'd already done this but it's gone into cyber space! Thank you so much your box is lovely and I will definitely use the idea with the children on Mondays! Xxx

  4. Morning one & all,

    I am totally blown away with the fantastic items on show today.

    Maureen's Ladies chair is WOW WOW WOW, not a craft I have ever thought about attempting. You have made it look stunning.

    Michele's altered cheesebox with matching card, so pretty, something for everybody to try. Your imagination in rescuing something I put in the recycling box shows that there really is no waste if you think outside the box.

    After going to Poole pottery Brenda, I have to say I prefer your dish to any that we saw there. The contours & colours are sublime and I can see it gracing any table.

    What an explosion you have created Myra, with your lovely box. A bouquet in a box. I wouldn't care if it didn't fold flat if I received it, I would willingly pay the extra postage.

    Onto that dreaded ssshh 'housework' word, after a good night's sleep I'm ready to tackle it again, let's hope I don't run out of steam today.

    I reread your comments yesterday Sandra, it obviously didn't connect in my foggy brain, because I couldn't understand why everyone was talking about Becky's emergency that turned out to be nothing more than false eyelashes.
    How the young see real life differently to us beats me at times. Ce la vie.

    Love & hugs Cheryl xxx

    1. Cheryl, I just did the sewing, but I'm afraid I don't do much of that anymore. George did the upholstery, that was his job. xx

    2. Thanks Cheryl, you are very kind. I will try again with a different style of box I think!,xx

    3. Where did you get the pattern from Myra? I was thinking it would be a good idea for Tiegan and Joseph to make their Mums one for their birthdays. xxx

    4. Hi Cheryl, Papercraft .com. It's just a template but it came with free dies for the side flaps! These will be useful. Xx

  5. Good morning Sandra. and all who call in or look in. Well it's a year today that I pressed on Sandras little picture on Sue Wilsons blog, and I would like to say a BIG THANKYOU to Sandra for the most wonderful year. Also a THANYOU for introducing me to all these wonder friends of yours who are now my friends too. I can't wait for October and our get together. What a collection of crafts for us today!
    Right Maureen, if you think you are getting home next Saturday !!! Think again. I have a Sherborne sofa and chair that would benefit from a recover! No hassle about fabric, we have a wonder fabric warehouse in Dundee. Only joking, yes we will have to think about it getting recovered at some point. Your chair is gorgous - love your fabric. George has taught you well.
    Michele, aren't these cheese spread boxes great for up cycling, like Patricia I have used the deep ones and did them with the girls. Never thought about using them for a card, great idea.
    Brenda, oh I love your dish, what a statement piece, it's stunning.
    Myra, a beautiful gift for someone to receive, it's lovely.
    Well it's a right miserable day here, that rain that isn't heavy but very fine and not nice at all. Have to go in it too, but needs must.
    Sandra I hope you didn't have anymore nasty surprises last night, from Becca when she got back from her day out, or any one else??? And that this weekend is just a very chilled one. It's Father's Day tomorrow, but remember it's up to the children to do all the work for it.
    Michele, you are so right 5 th December a bit late in the day for a demo day for Christmas, it's like craft fairs really they need to be at the beginning of October to catch folk before they start shopping.
    Cheryl, looking forward to seeing your candle cups.
    To everyone else have a good day. (((((( hugs)))))) in the basket.
    Have put the money in the pot for my cup of tea, I will be back later, but better get on and do some work. Hazel x

    1. Oh Hazel, I feel a right fraud. George did the upholstery, I just did the sewing so that he could do it!! xxx

    2. Thanks Hazel, it's a first attempt so not sure how I feel about it, but I did want to give it a go! Xx

  6. Morning everyone, at last I think I will be able to comment I have been trying for over an hour, the stupid robot thing on the Ipad was wanting me to select several things from a grid, copy and paste into a box, not being technology minded, hope do you copy and paste from an Ipad!
    Rant over, now on laptop, so here goes.....
    Maureen and George (of course) your upholstered chair is gorgeous, is this something you have been doing for years as a job?
    Michele, your cheese box card, what a great idea for upcycling , I am going to give this a try, thank you.
    Brenda, your dish is stunning, love it.
    Myra, what can I say, your exploding box is gorgeous this is something I have never tried, it looks so complicated!!!

    congratulations Izzy on winning Sue's card giveaway today.

    Patricia, have you been to Bo'ness Railway Museum, they have a lot of old steam engines there, you can also go on a little trip on one of the trains with the old carriages.. .
    Have you received your give from Sue yet?

    Didn't manage to get back yesterday, I don't know where he day went, off now to catch up on the gossip and hope the stupid robot thing lets me publish this.
    take care everyone, Jess x

    1. JESS:- we have been going to BoNess since Adam was a Boy. Think we have shares there!!!! Done the Santa Soecials for ever!!!
      Done Shildon, National Rail Museum York and most Heritage Railways thoughout the country. Done similar in the USA, Turkey, Spain, you name it we seem to have done it!!! Some I can cope with others and not so good but you've to Grin & Bear it. All good fun really when you see the looks on the boys faces.
      Contacted Sue, she said mine had been sent out. If I have not received it by Tuesday I have to let her know, she'll sent out another. xxx

    2. Jess, you hit the nail on the head. George was an upholsterer, but I learnt to sew at school and - like Topsy - it just grew and grew, from clothes, to soft furnishings and then to man's sewing, but it was all self-taught. I was a PA/Secretary by profession though. xxx

    3. Thanks Jess,
      It isn't really complicated at lol and I just followed instructions but they gave no ideas on how to decorate the finished box! Xx

    4. Derek has been there too, he is now remembering the buffet with all the home made cakes that were really delicious. When he was there it was near Christmas and a Christmas special had just arrived and everyone was given mince pies too. Oh now he is on about the model railway exhibition that is held near by that is held at a school and the canteen was open cooking fish and chips that were delicious. Boys and their toys with food thrown in too what are they like? xxx

  7. Good morning my lovely coffee shop angels,
    Where do i start this morning with our stunning array of workmanship(excuse me for that) but it is all brilliant.
    Muriel/Maureen and George....WOW wow wow, what an absolutely fantastic job your have both made of that chair and matching stool. I didn't realise that upholstery was your profession because boy would this put an awful lot of so called professionals to shame with the sheer finishing standard of both. Mum when she was younger and fitter before the COPD took its firm grasp could do all this to start with because she couldn't afford the pro's rates and when she looked at the standard of workmanship she could make a better job herself she decided, which she could. Thank you both for letting us see and our honourary coffee shopper as well.
    Michele, cheese boxes can be very much maligned but they make the perfect base to make beautiful and reuseful once more. See you must have come like a lot of us from make do and mend parents so know the value of something as simple as this. I love your butterfly card to match and the fact that you have been smart and made the back of it stable to stand up. Hey just thinking that this would make a wonderful project for the after school club and arts and crafts that it does. The children could have a great time making this into a notelets box, gift, post it's pad box, oooh the ideas are flooding in for the bairns. Sorry went off track, thank you Michele for letting us all see this work of beauty and for making my brain work overtime.
    Brenda(little lamb) i could be going entirely in the wrong direction but is this done by way of a pretty paper napkin and glaze to the back of a clear glass dish? Sorry i might be doing a Homer Simpson here but i think that is how it is done, in any roads it is bonnie and would looks so pretty with lovely wee dainties like petti fours or the post sanwiches with the crust cut off of course(we don't want to appear vulgar and common do we). What a gorgeous way to make up beautiful presents and gifts that someone could cherish. Wonderful Brenda.
    Now this last gift that we have today is what i have been making in various stages of beauty depending on who it is for(namely male or female) to put Rory's ladies and mens presents in for the end of his schooling and i wanted to make one especially beautiful for one of the ladies who Rory adores, but who equally adores Rory and seeing this masterpiece today is i think just what is called for, for this particular teacher. This is absolutely stunning Myra so if you don't mind i will take a few ideas from your work of art to make a one of a kind for Wendy. Wendy is the home economics , english, sewing amongst other things teacher at the school, but she is more than that, she is a beautiful person inside as well as out and my Rory just loves her to bits.

  8. I had my last meeting yesterday on the Health & Well Being Committee as the parent rep and they had put on a little buffet for me with fresh juices and snack mini's of alsorts. I wondered why JAM the head mistress kept coming in yesterday as she doesn't normally but i then found out when it was my turn on the committee to give over what has changed with the pupils because of the committee and i suppose a lot of the children thinking an interfering mother. When i started the children maybe did 1 lesson a week at sport, now they don't have all the facilities that the main stream schools do but you can do active things with children without needing a lot of fancy equipment. The children now do sports at and with the local academies as we have a partnership in place with them, more of them do cycling and all that it entails, they are going hill wallking and doing the locals woodied areas for old fashioned things like tree bark rubbings and getting to know the different species of plants, trees and nature. They have come so far and they are planning on going further in the next year which is great news, the children have colour on their cheeks again, the locals are seeing and meeting lovely children that before they might have been scared to even see coming. They have found out that underneath the cover of skin the children are good kids just like at normal schools, so i am so pleased of the difference made. JAM presented me with a beautiful bouquet/bunch of flowers and made a speech which really was just over the top as i had just done what any mother that loves their child would do supporting him and the school. My face was a lovely shade of tomato red by the time i got in the car to come away but i am also sad that it has come to an end as it made me feel like i was still valued for my opinion and that i was still of use after being flung on the scrap heap when forced into ill health retireal. But hey they say that as one door shuts another one opens and i will be ready for the next phase of my life starting up.
    Well i am going to sit in the corner with the basket of little rascals and a cuppa and watch the world go bye i think today, i wonder what's on the menu?
    Love and crafty hugs
    Norah (Granny/Nanny McPhee)

    1. Norah, Thank you, you are very kind! I too thought of Michele's box for the children. It's lovely isn't it how we inspire each other.
      I'm so pleased you had a lovely day at Rory's School. I'm sure you'll miss being a part of that but other doors will open as you say. It is so nice to be appreciated and all the children have benefitted from your input and experience. New ones arriving will still benefit and that's a lovely legacy to leave behind.
      Love Myra xxx

    2. Norah, (Nanny McPhee) without the warts I might add!
      You have left a huge legacy behind, just look back at how much you have achieved during your time on the committee, its amazing how much you have improved the lives of those children, I am pleased they made an effort to show you how much you have been appreciated, however embarrassed you might have been, I know you are not used to praise my lovely but you deserve it!
      How is Kirsten doing, is she enjoying being a Mummy???
      I bet wee Harry will be keeping you busy in the coming weeks Norah, but don't go overdoing things.
      It was lovely to hear from you today, as always
      Love and Hugs

    3. Just typed a message and it disappeared. Start again. Thank you for all your lovely comments about my dish and thank you yo Sandra for showing it. Norah is right. It is a glass dish with a pretty napkin stick to the back. I then painted it with Pinflair Liquid Buffet in a silver colour. Gives any surface a glossy coloured finish it says on the bottle. I gave it to a friend as a Thank You gift after I stayed with her. I always give her something each time I stay so like to think of something different each time. Norah you de reserved the praise you had from the school and the flowers. You have made a big difference to al, the children. It's a pity you cannot stay. I am sure you will enjoy baby Harry though so will have enough to do.
      MAUREEN your chair and footstool are wonderful. You and George are very clever.
      MICHELE your box and card are a very good idea. Love it. Something I could do with my Granddaughters.
      MYRA. Well what can I say about your card that hasn't already been said. It is wonderful. Did you use the Robert Addams die cut. I have that but haven't made an exploding card since getting it. I must. The recipient of this card will be 'over the moon' when they receive.
      Well I didn't get to see Scarlett yesterday but her dad has just phoned and said they are leaving town and she would like to see me later. Well the box with the things for the Fathers Day gift is still packed so just gave to pick it up and go when she phones. Will be good to see her. We have had several spells of drizzle today. Not really enough to water the garden.
      SANDRA. I hope you will be having a quieter weekend thus weekend with all that has been going on this past week.
      CHERYL how are the candle cups coming along. In our shopping precinct we have 5 charity shops. Went round them all this morning and non of them had any odd cups and saucers. Oxfam still had the £9.99. one. Will have to buy some from Theresa next time I am in Essex. Hers are very reasonable.
      Well had better get on as Scarlett will be home soon. Back later.

    4. Sorry to take so long to Reply, Brenda! It's been one of those days!
      I'm making dinner but can multi task - well a little bit! The box is a Robert Adams one by Papercrafts. There is a video but I just followed the instructions . It is a template not a Die for others who may be interested! Xxx

    5. My darling Norah,
      You so richly deserve your little buffet, cards and presents. What an achievement to be so recognised by the whole school. Hats off to you my dear. I'm sure they will miss you greatly and remember you very fondly. xxx

    6. Dear Norah, You deserve all the praise and thanks you got, you have been a true ambassador for the children in Rory's School. I'm sure you are going to be missed.
      Well done for making the difference, Take care dear friend xxx

  9. Oh Rats,
    I've typed a great long comments and it's gone walk-about.
    Right, MICHELE I think this is a brilliant idea, and who would have guessed what it started out as, certainly not me, and the matching card is a great idea, one which I will copy with the girls.
    LITTLELAMB Brenda, I love your dish, sooooo pretty for little treats. You are so clever. I have my own way of putting crackling into dishes, I just drop them onto the kitchen floor. lol.
    MYRA, what can I say, this is so opulent and gorgeous. It's a gift in itself and I love everything about it, the flowers, the dies, the pearls, the stickpins, everything.
    Now comes to the chair and footstool. George was/is an upholsterer by trade and I learnt to sew at school when I made a cookery apron! (I still have it). Over the years, due to necessity, I taught myself to sew clothes, soft furnishings, duvets etc. Then when George we covering the chair and stool for the bedroom, he couldn't find a sewer - so because it's done in a heavy cotton, I was roped in to use my machine. I have done the odd little thing for him before, but this was big time. I was quite pleased with the result, but the praise goes to George because he makes the pattern, cuts the material, pins it together to show me what goes where, he's a bloody marvel!!!
    Well, that's me done, let's hope this get's posted and doesn't go walk-about.
    NORAH, you have done marvels at Rory's school, and deserve all the praise they gave you.
    See you all later
    Maureen xxx

    1. When I saw Oh Rats, I thought you had given us a new collective name! Xxx

    2. I didn't know if it was a compliment either Myra, xxx

    3. Maybe she meant to say "Drat" xxx

    4. Poor Maureen don't tease her Oh Rats is a northern expression perhaps our southern friends would say Oh Bother xx

  10. Maureen, a joint effort then??? It's no easy task, Gillian and I have recovered her old sofa a few times in the past, but nothing to this standard. As I said we have s fabric warehouse in Dundee that did and still does Upholstery weight fabric. Years ago I could pick up beautiful lengths for as little as 50p a metre, but those days have gone. Laura Ashley fabric was made their and I forget how many pairs of curtains I have made up in it. All my curtains are made with fabric from the warehouse, thankfully I don't go changing them so often these days as I think the cheapest is something like £10 a metre. Don't have big windows but have a big expensive taste. Thank you for your lovely comment on The pendant Beth made for her teacher. It was a bit of a joint effort as I made the base shape, she wasn't to pleased with her effort. Hazel x

    1. Hi Hazel,
      I know what you mean about the price of material, I went to Dunelm looking for some off cuts, but I was told by the sales assistant that due to EU laws they were no longer allowed to sell remnants of less than 1/2 metre, I have never heard such nonsense, have any off you come across this problem.
      I was just wanting bits to cover small pin boards as they look quite pretty when finished with ribbon and buttons, also making little fabric covered boxes, a friend of mine gave me some plastic aida (I think its called) I think that would be great for making little shaped boxes as its sturdy but light.
      The other thing I would do differently to my first one is use Pinflair Bookbinding glue as that holds fabric firmly in place without sewing, it was small and fiddly so gluing would have been much easier, I will get a photo and show you what it looked like.
      Your pendants are beautiful Hazel and Patricia, I love the wirework ones, maybe that could be another demo on the retreat, I have enough wire in all gauges to supply our blog and more!
      What do you think, I think it would be lovely for the ladies to all go home with a necklace as a momento of our weekend, I have plenty of satin cord, suede cord and ribbon that we could use instead of chain etc.
      let me know below what you think?
      I also have a melt pot, that we could use to cover hand made flowers with an enamel glaze that makes them look like porcelain, we could add brooch pins etc.
      any thoughts,

    2. Hazel. Must go and look at Beth Pendant. I assume it is on your blog?

    3. Sandra as I have said before I have more fabric than I will ever use so please let me know what colours you would like and if you want flowers or patterns etc. Now just let me know please, then it will free up some more space for card!!! xxx

    4. P.S. I have made fabric boxes in the past and all I used to stick the fabric to the card (actually it was mount board) was a pritt stick it does the job really well. xxx

    5. Thank you for your comments Margaret.

    6. Thank you for your comments on my dish. Off to look at your blog.

    7. Sandra do you have 2mm Craft Wire???

  11. Hi Sandra and Everyone!,
    Well it's another wet miserable day here today! However everything is made brighter by mixed craft Saturday!
    George and Maureen - your chair and footstool is just lovely. That's the sort of job you pay a lot of money for! I have done simple bits but using a staple gun!! This is just gorgeous. Paddington is a lucky bear!
    Michele - now I know what I'm going to collect next for the children - well I'll need help from others to collect the boxes. It's a super idea and looks really lovely. Thank you very much for sharing it.
    Brenda - your dish is beautiful and I'm sure it looks even better in real life. I'm sure it will shine in the light. You have some lovely ideas and are very clever. Thank you so much too.
    Well, the box! It's been on the go for a while! It's my first attempt and to be honest I didn't really know what I was doing at first - I just followed instructions on two sides of A4. At the end it said - decorate as required! So I set out to do various flowers in different shapes, sizes and materials. I felt it needed more dimension so I added the pearls and stick pins. The base of the box I left plain apart from the pearl strips as I thought there was enough going on already!! I'm not really sure how I feel about it to be honest. It does fold flat enough to go in a box , or wrapped in tissue or tulle and then a padded envelope.
    Thank you for being so kind about it . It's blue again! In my defence I had started that before I promised to use other colours!
    Have a lovely weekend everyone. Got the family here tomorrow for Father's Day!!
    Myra xxx

    1. Thank you Myra. Enjoy tomorrow.

    2. Enjoy Father's Day with your family Lynda. xxx

    3. MYRA:- Robert and I have made a few of these boxes but nothing as stunning as yours, I love it. I did these with my Craft Class and they loved doing hem s well. xxx

    4. Me again MYRA:- enjoy your day tomorrow xxx

    5. Thank you Patricia! It will be lovely having the family together. Xx

    6. Thank you Brenda and Lynda too! Xx

  12. Hello Sandra & all the Ladies that pop in the cafe today.
    First Wow MAUREEN/GEORGE your chair & stool are covered beautifuly love the colour. MICHELE your cheese box & card is so clever love it
    BRENDA wow love your dish it's so beautiful love the colours you are so clever
    MYRA WOW amazing exploding box you have created it's a masterpiece love all your lovely flowers well done.
    Sandra hope your weekend goes smoothly with no more emergency phone calls from Becca. Hope Lucy got through her exam ok & wasn't too stressful for her.
    Have my daughter down with hubby & grandson Joseph will be here soon.
    We are also dog sitting this weekend & next weekend we have Tickles the little Chawuauwa Bambi loves her so do I.
    Well done NORAH you deserve it you have done wonders with Rory & his school.
    Hopefully this will publish this time, I will pop back later & see what you have all been up too.
    Love Lynda xx

  13. Hello Sandra and all who stop by today,
    Hope everyone is having a good day, whatever you are doing.
    WOW Sandra what amazing talents visit this site........
    Maureen (and George) your chair and stool are gorgeous, love the fabric. Years ago Jonh and I made a sofa bed. We could not afford to buy one, he did all the woodwork and I did the upholstery, and together we fitted it. It wasn't in you league. But it was brilliant to sleep on.
    Michele, Love your box and card, I have always thought these boxes could have another use. Thank you for the inspiration, this could be an after school
    Littlelamb Brenda, Your pottery is lovely, you have certainly shown us some beautiful pieces, they show how talented you are. Please keep them coming.
    Myra, WOW your exploding box is amazing, almost to much for the eye to take in, so many flowers. It is beautiful.

    Well must get on, back to Jam making again, picked another 3lb of strawberrys from the garden. Grandsons will be delighted, strawberry is the favourite choice.

    Will stop by later, love and hugs, Brenda xxx

    1. Oh Brenda that jam smells delicious! xxx

    2. Thank you Brenda. As Margaret says that jam smells delicious. Just need some freshly baked bread now. My dish is actually glass with a napkins adhered to the back and then that painted with Pinflair liquid Buff-it in Silver.

    3. I will make the bread no problem!!! xxx

    4. Margaret, do you take in borders? xxxx

    5. No , but Margaret is very good at hemming! Xxx

    6. And sewing, I received some heat bags from her in glorious colours. xxx

  14. Hi Sandra And All,
    What A Stunning Array Of Crafts Today
    MAUREEN: I Love Your Awesome Upholstered Chair It Looks So Very Beautiful.
    MICHELE: What A Fantastic Creation With Your Altered Cheese Box And Card To Match.
    BRENDA: I Love The Fabulous Crackled Dish In The Beautiful Colours.
    MYRA: Just Awesome Exploding Box We've Made These On A Number Of Occasions At My Craft Class, Mine Didn't Look As Good As This.
    I'm Later Today As I've Been To Hospital To Have "Yet! Another Scan" I Was Meant To Go For Surgery On Monday But That's Now Cancelled As The Person Whom Gives The Blood Isn't Happy With My Blood And We Need To Discuss The Problem.
    Take Care All
    Hugs From Sam xxx
    I'm So Upset As I So Wanted To Go To One Of Our Sue's Workshops But With It Being For Only One Hour Its Such A Long Way To Go And I Really Want This Surgery Out Of The Way.
    Love And Hugs From Sam xxx

    1. Sam I am so sorry to hear things are not going as you want them too but your health is more important and it is far better they check and if need be double check so that when you have your surgery all will go well. I always say there is a reason for everything although we may never get to know the reason.
      I too would have loved to have attended one of Sue's workshops but there is no way I could travel that far and for just one hour far better wait until she is on C & C or you tube at least then we can watch her over and over to our hearts content. xxx

    2. SAM. thank you for your kind comments about my dish. Actually it is a glass dish and the pattern is done by glueing a napkins on the back then painted on the back. Hold your hospital things get sorted soon.

    3. Hi Sam, is your surgery this upcoming week? How long will you be in for?
      I too would love to go but like you it's a long way for an hour!
      Been nice to have a morning or afternoon session, but I guess there will be so many people wanting to have a go that they have to restrict it to hour slots, poor Sue will be exhausted!
      Love and hugs
      Sandra xxx

    4. Sam, I am sorry to read about your trials and tribulations. I hope you get the blood situation sorted, and any surgery can go ahead without delay. We have to have you ready and well for your holiday and the Retreat. I'm thinking of you. xxxx

    5. Sam ,
      Thank you for your kind words.
      I'm so sorry you are having problems which may delay your surgery. Really hoping and praying they get it sorted out very soon. Xxx

    6. Oh Sam my dear, how awful for your op to be cancelled at short notice. (((((HUGS))))) flying over to you xxx

    7. Sam, better to be safe than sorry, so a little delay is annoying, but if your bloods are not right, it can stop you healing properly. (((((( hugs))))) as a waiting games isn't good. Hazel x

    8. Aww!! Sam I feel for you. As Hazel says better safe than sorry.
      Sending you some ((((hugs))) xxx

  15. janet ecco of Sheffield20 June 2015 at 14:46

    Bon jour. Now if anyone finds my two earlier posts please send them back to anywhere because that's where they must have gone.

    OK I'm in awe of all today.
    Maureen I'm lost for words. Your chair and stool are just stunning and really must take their toll in making them. As everyone has said just pop by and I can find. a little job for you.
    Michelle your box card is just beautiful and if you don't mind I'll just pinch the idea.
    Brenda as Sandra said it's a good thing you don't live close as I would be after your pots.
    Myra what can I say about your exploding box other than I'd be in second heaven to receive one like this.

    Norah you deserve all the accolades given so please don't think differently.

    Friday's pastries were just excellent as always.
    One tartelette aux fruit consisting of a pastry base with strawberries, grape, kiwi and necterine sat on pastry cream and covered with the loveliest glaze.
    One Paradox being a thin layer of sponge soaked in a spirit. On top of that a thick layer of lemon mousse with raspberry mousse on top of that. This then had a beautiful glazed top and finished off with a small slither of dark chocolate.

    No more now until next Friday.

    We've had a glorious day and I've managed to get out and dehead the roses and plant my flower tubs. Now very tired but feel good.Tomorrow we have a Brocant so we're off to the next village on the hunt for bargains.
    Am off before this pad shuts down on me re charging. Hugs to all xxxx

    1. Hi Janet,
      I think we may need a weekly photo shoot of your Friday treats, they frequently add alchohol to their pastries don't they! I remember once we were holidaying in the Vendee, it was our sons birthday so we went in search of a cake and found the most beautiful cake, the top had been finished to look like water and it gad a little sail boat anchored on it, he was over the moon with it, thought it was amazing, until it came to eating it that is, there were not layers of moist chocolate sponge and chocolate cream, they were alcohol soaked layers of cake, it tasted like rum, although it was very bitter, we should gave captured their faces as the hastily tucked in, it would have made a hilarious gallery!
      So ever since then we have been a little more cautious when choosing our treats!
      Your garden sounds stunning by the way, plenty of veg!
      Enjoy your bargain hunting tomorrow, be sure to let us know what you bought!
      Sandra xx

    2. Janet. Thank you for your comments . Thus time it wasn't pottery it was glass. Have explained further up how I did it but basically it is done with a paper napkin. Looks very pretty in real life. I intend to make some more. (When I have time). Your pastries yesterday sounded delicious. Would be nice to see some photos.

    3. Oh Janet I am positively dribbling with your fantastic description, thank you for your weekly update. I do agree if would not be too much trouble a photo would be so good. Enjoy your trip out tomorrow hope you get some bargains! xxx

    4. You know Janet, your post could be construed as torture!!! I could just polish off one or two of your tartlets !!! Why is it that the cakes and pastries from abroad always seem to be so much nicer than those sold in our shops? Enjoy the Brocante, it's great rummaging around isn't it? The sun has just started shining here In Newcastle, but it's obviously been gorgeous all day where you are - grrrrr!!
      Maureen xxx

    5. Hi Janet,
      There is very little that can be compared with a French pastry! Hope you are successful at finding some bargains tomorrow at the Brocante! Xxx

  16. Hi Sandra
    My word what a lovely selection for us today. Maureen and George what a lovely joint effort. Are you hiring your services out, as you could do as you've made such a lovely job of your chair and stool.
    Michelle I just love you cheese box and card.
    Myra I just love your exploding box. Is the box a Spellbinders one, love the flowers that you've decorated it with.
    Brenda as per usual your pottery is gorgeous. I'd be broke as well if I lived near you. What a fantastic aray of talent we have in the Cafe.
    NORAH, enjoy your accolades that you were given its so rewarding working with special children isn't it. At least you know how much you are appreciated, and can now believe what a special lady uou are.

  17. Good afternoon Sandra and all the coffee shop crew
    Firstly I am pleased to report our email is now sorted, well I hope it is I have tried it several times and all appears to be well, what I would like to know is where do these low life people get their information!
    What an absolutely stunning array of crafts we have today wow oh wow!!! Maureen your chair and foot stool are so very beautiful you are so lucky to have George he is a real treasure, so my girl just remember this the next time he comes in soaking wet from his bowls match! xx for you xxxxx for George
    Michele such a great idea of yours I love it and so will my grandson we will give this a try if you don't mind thank you. xx
    Brenda you never fail to amaze with your many fantastic projects your dish is wonderful I do hope your friend enjoys using it, lucky lady. The pendant you very kindly sent me has been so much admired thank you again xx
    Myra what a wonderful array of flowers you really have made this something very special, I have the Spellbinders die for making these and there is a super video on you tube if anyone is interested, The instructions are good but your box looks so much better with all its added extras xxx
    By the way Myra Grange over Sands is in the south Lakes quite a way from us
    unfortunately or I would have brought you some of my bread!! xx
    Well we had rain all morning but the sun has come out this afternoon and it is brilliant sunshine at present so lovely to see after two very dark and damp days.
    Hazel I have told my SIL what you have said and he is going to see the GP on Monday and will tell him about the added problems he is having and has asked me to pass on his thanks to you. He is anxious to get back to work as he has missed a trip to the US already but we have told him no travel until he is fully sorted. Which he knows as at present he is not even allowed to drive his levels are so high. Thank you so much for your concern and help xxx
    Norah many congratulations, lovely to hear your work has been appreciated so pleased the school recognised what a fantastic job you have done for the children as well as the school.
    well my coffee was lovely I have popped my money in the pot but must get on with our evening meal Derek is out with the corgis and said as he was leaving are we eating early, so must get it started, I will be back later.
    My hugs and cuddles are over in the corner please help yourselves.
    Margaret xxx

    1. Hi Margaret,
      I am so pleased you got your email sorted, what a nuisance these hackers cause!
      It's lovely to have you back to normal.
      Your poor SIL, I bet he is really worrying about work, that won't help him recover! I really help it gets sorted soon.
      Poor Myra, missing out on your fresh baked bread, you will have us all flocking to Cumbria!
      Love and hugs
      Sandra xxx

    2. Hi Margaret, Lovely to see you and know that your e-mail is sorted. All you need now is your new credit card. I do hope your SIL is soon on the mend, and the hospital and the Doctor between them can get him put right.
      Maureen xxx

    3. Hi Margaret,
      lovely you are back in the café. These pesky hackers certainly give you the run-around trying to get your account back to normal.
      Your SIL's GP needs a bomb up his/her a***. Why are they not taking notice of what is going on?
      My friend Judy has similar problems with her GP surgery. She had a mechanical valve fitted two days before Christmas because her heart valve had deteriorated so much. Nobody from the surgery told her that her registered GP and her consultant had retired, resulting in no other doctor picking up her notes and reading what was wrong with her. Could have been fatal. Anyhow, as she can't drive I take her to a surgery across town from hers just for her INR reading. Her surgery claims they don't get paid for doing INR's so that's why they pass it on to the other surgery. After all that, nobody again was reading the levels and she still hadn't been given a nominated doctor to help her until I intervened with her husband and told them if they didn't get it sorted we would be going to PALS. Result? A nominated doctor that she can never get an appointment with! So far she has only seen locums. What a state to be in. x

    4. Hi Margaret, thank you so much! Mine was not a die! Now there's a lovely thought. It was just a template from By Robert Adams. Hope the med adjustments for your SIL get sorted out ASAP . Xxx

  18. WOW! All my crafting seems quite crude compare to you lot!
    MAUREEN and George You must be so proud of this It is stunning Back in the day my MIL used to work for a company that did the upholstery for cinema seats and she mentioned what damn hard work it was with all the measuring and fitting let alone all that accurate sewing
    MICHELE So imaginative Such a clever idea Need to buy some of those cheeses now
    BRENDA You are so creative I can't do pottery but I'm going to look out for cheap glass dishes now that perhaps I can have a go at decorating Won't be as fantastic as yours
    MYRA Your box is divine Never tried this Yours is so pretty
    NORAH Well done and Congrats on your achievements
    MARGARET I am so sorry to hear your SIL cannot get his blood sugars sorted Somebody needs to nag his GP his nurse his diabetic specialist and his dietician It shouldn't drag on like this - poor love I wish as an old diabetic I could offer some hints

    1. Thank you Karen. I am sure you could do it. You just have to be very careful. You have to separate the layers and just use one. You need to do the glueing very carefully or the paper can tear, but you could do it like decopatch but I like to put the whole napkin on. You can get some very pretty ones.

    2. Thank you Karen he is going to see the GP on Monday that is if he can get an appointment if the receptionist says no they will be in for in shock I am afraid! Usually if you ask for an appointment it is in 3 weeks time but this time tht will not be good

  19. Well good afternoon, or is it early evening?
    Has anybody been watching C&C, I flicked over to see Jane Means and her gift wrap a plain brown box with ribbon and a ric-rac flower. She claimed she had the idea for the flowers from a PR presentation for some big well known firm. I would hate to call her incorrect BUT Kanzashi ric-rac flowers have been around for years & years & years. The Japanese & Chinese crafters make the most beautiful ribbon flowered head, wrist and hair adornments. I have a whole board on my Pinterest site with lots of tutorials if anyone would like to look.
    Another thing that struck me was her prices!!!! Who does she think she is selling to? Most of her sets are over £20 but if you break them down to individual pieces, you can get them a lot cheaper and not have to pay £2.99 postage for every item too.
    Onto tea, forgot to take my prawns out the freezer so cheese on toast might have to suffice.
    Love 7 hugs
    Cheryl xxx

    1. Cheryl, I love it when you spout off ha ha . But I agree with you!!!!

    2. Cheryl I don't trust myself to talk about C&C this week! They took a new year's Club Membership , which I was going to cancel and not only that put it on a card that was out of date! I had updated it on their site as it ran out in May. On June 9th they took £20. As a result the bank cancelled my new card as they thought, although it had been used , it must have been by someone else! They thought it had fallen into the wrong hands! It has taken me hours to sort this out! I told poor Maureen! I had to have another new card - it arrived today!
      Soap box back in corner! Xxx

    3. Oh! MYRA:- what a Trauma and a right pain in the bum!!!
      CHERYL:- I have not a clue about Pintrest. Hazel would be interested in the "Wrapping" ideas. Maybe in October someone can tell me what to do!!!

  20. evening everyone, well the tennis I was going to watch has been rained off, caught up on the ironing, what a boring day, must try and do a card for a ruby wedding later.
    Norah, well done on your achievements at Rory's school, I bet you will be missed.
    I hope the robot thing lets me post this, I tried earlier but it was still the grid thing, on hubbys Ipad now, so here goes.

  21. Good evening, been busy helping Gillian and Tammy make sashes for Gillian's night out next weekend, nothing terrible thank goodness. Us two oldies, Patricia and I are just going for the meal. I was waiting for her to ask me to make gift bags, but no. I can breath again.
    You know something you learn something new every day on this blog. I really thought Brenda's dish was pottery, to find out its a glass one altered and doesn't even sound hard to make, it might just be a project for me to do, as long as I don't have to get messy hands. As I said I have altered a cheese box but never thought of using it to hold a card.
    I think I would have been better coming to the retreat by car, as I will have that much I will want to learn and bring back? Hazel x

    1. SIS:- we are doing it again ....... I was going to message you saying "how are we going to manage on the train" we will have so much stuff and am sure we will have more on the way back as well.
      I just LOVE Brenda's dish ..... now we need to look for pretty napkins!!!
      Mind you you might get your hands sticky!!! xxx

    2. Hi Patricia,
      I've been trying so hard to reply to your messages but IPad playing up a bit! Maybe it's the weather! I'm totally furious with C&C . They have caused so much trouble and all they can say is " we can only apologise" well sometimes that's not enough! Xx

    3. My iPad is doing funny things ...... when I mentioned it to the boys Thomas said ...... not the iPad doing funny things Granny ....... it's YOU doing funny things to the ipad!! Think that was me told then.
      Do C&C ever admit they are wrong and do anything about their mistakes??? I can imagine how angry you are it is so time consuming and annoying to be mucked about. xxx

    4. That's right Patricia, I spent two hours one afternoon going between them and the bank! It was me who discovered what had happened in the end! I went on my bank statement and realised the card number C& C had used was out of date! So the last four digits were different . They must have used the card they used the previous year without checking either with me or the card date! It doesn't help when you are talking to people whose English isn't the best either. Xxx

    5. That's the one thing that really bugs me when you phone C&C.
      I never understand the person who takes the call and they don't seem to understand me. Having lived so long with Foreign people I know they usually do understand but do not "comprehend" making things so difficult and frustrating xxx

    6. One good thing about the train girls there is no weight limit!

    7. Margaret, that's a good job!!! I told George you thought he was great, so now he wants to trade me in lol xxx

  22. Hi Sandra
    Crikey just reading back and Brenda's pottery seems to be made of glass. Is there no end to your talent Brenda. What a multi talented person you are.

    1. Thank you Pat. Hope you are ok and Pete.

  23. Congratulations to Michele who has won a card on Christina Griffiths blog. There's also a Patricia but don't know if it is ours if so congratulations to you as well

    1. BRENDA:- I have just noticed that I really don't know if it's me. I have sent my address in hope!!! Definitely no mistake it's Michele, congratulations xxx

    2. BRENDA:- you have really inspired me I must have a go.
      Will keep my eyes open for some glass and pretty napkins.
      My neighbour has a big Brandy Glass that I have always admired. Thinking about it, that might be how it has been done. xxx

  24. Right folks, that's me for today. I am off to bed, see you in the morning.
    Good Night and God Bless

  25. Thanks for all the comments on my cheese box project-it was so easy that I feel like a fraud !

    In-laws just left, sent 4 huge bags of crafting goodies with my M in L which had been donated by a friend. M in L is volunteering at the home where her daughter is currently staying (long sad story) so I thought she deserved to keep all of it.

    An really pleased to see I've won a card on Christina Griffiths blog-i'll send in a photo so you can all see it.

    Time for me to retire to bed-after watching the hedgehog eat his food!


    1. What a lovely gesture and a good way of having a de-clutter !
      Congratulations on your win, look forward to seeing your card

  26. Hello ladies,
    I'll just tidy up before I go to bed, but will someone who comes in later switch on the dishwasher please?
    Just going to heat my Margaret bags, and then off to the land of nod (I hope).
    That's going to be one happy hedgehog Michele.
    Patricia, did you enjoy the steam trains?
    Sweet dreams all.
    Maureen xxx

  27. Hi Sandra and all the café ladies
    The items on show are all stunning. Hopefully they have given me some inspiration, I have templates of the box but never quite new what to do with it, I do now lol.
    Have been to a sport and highland show today and at least it stayed dry and the sun even came out for a while.
    Going away to find some cough mixture as once I start can't seem to stop
    love and hugs , xx

  28. Helllllo no one in not even the night owls
    Had lovely day with my daughter & family all tidy again washing up all done
    I made lasagna & chips for dinner yummy.
    Well off to bed now good night everyone love Lynda sweet dreams . Xxx

    1. Oh homemade lasagne is my favourite!
      Are you doing much for fathers day tomorrow? will your son come over and bring Harry?
      It is quiet in here tonight mind!
      love and hugs

  29. Good evening everyone
    Michele congratulations on your win Christina Griffiths really does make some lovely cards I won one a while ago. How lovely to have a Mrs Tiggywinkle to watch there is no sign as yet this year of ours.
    Congratulations Patricia on your win too this really is the luckiest blog so many wins of various kinds.
    I totally agree with all that has been said about C & C quite honestly I would not trust them as far as I could throw them.
    Well that is me, my eyes keep closing, so I will wish you all good night and God Bless. see you all tomorrow.
    Margaret xxx

  30. Dishwasher switched on. Everyone gone to bed by the looks of things. I checked Christina's blog for Friday and there was only one Patricia on there so it must be our Patricia who has won along with Michele. Well as there are no night owls I might as well go to bed as well. Night all.
