
Friday 19 June 2015

Another one of Margarets stunning Wedding Cards!

Good Friday Morning Ladies,
Well what an exhausting day yesterday was, I do hope that Margaret gets her email issues sorted out
really fast, there is nothing more frustrating that having to be suspicious of every email that you receive.
The one super bonus about yesterday was that I got to have a lovely chat with Hazel, I just love those opportunities so very much, its just like talking to an old friend (I don't mean old as in age) (i'll just go get my shovel)!!!
Seriously, the point I was trying to make was that although we haven't 'met' yet it feels like we were just having a weekly catch up, talking about events of the past week, just amazing, I felt the same when I chatted to Patricia too, It makes me so much more excited about the retreat in October, I think we will all have saw jaw's by Sunday Night!!
I want to take this opportunity to let you all know that if you haven't already booked for the retreat I am pretty confident that you will still be able to get a room and join us, there are a few of you that aren't coming and I wish with all my heart that you were! I keep having a go on the lottery roll-overs hoping for the chance of a win, I would then take Cotswold Café on the road and meet every one of you!! Then pay for all of us to go and craft in the Sun somewhere beautiful, like Sam's Beautiful Residence Hotel, oh the poor butler would be handing his notice in when he saw all of us turn up, with our various needs and requirements! hahaha .........if only the dream would come true!!!

Anyway I thought I would try and take Margaret's mind off of her worries by showing one of her beautiful Wedding cards, aren't they just so stunning???
That beautiful 'Tied Together' Embossing Folder, I have it and haven't used it for ages, I do believe that an A4 has been produced by someone, although it did match up quite easily! It has been made even more beautiful by Margaret finishing it off perfectly with tiny pearls.
Can I ask Margaret, are the rings embossed onto the card, or is it an added embellishment??
The combination of dies used for the focal element look just divine and of course the Scandinavian Border (that I now know that we don't all own)!! But think we all should as it is the perfect finishing touch with the addition of a few pearls as Margaret has done beautifully.
Thank you so much for your amazing inspiration Margaret, your cards are simply Divine!
Right ladies I must away, I have another hectic day ahead, Lucy has her Grade six Clarinet exam, we found out yesterday that she is very poorly prepared as her teacher has omitted large parts of the Aural parts of the exam and the scales too, so she is mega stressed!
Also Becca is off to Royal Ascot today to continue her birthday celebrations, although, her flight was delayed from 7.45pm to 12.45 am, so she will be exhausted, also she had me panicking, she said "mum I need to talk to you, its an emergency" so I managed to get hold of her, she asked me if there was anyway I could get into town before the shops closed, I said no, because Paul wasn't home to take me, well she got herself in a right tizzy, because......her eyelashes were falling out!!!!!
I could have killed her, stressing me out for something so trivial, she was upset as she had false ones fitted before her birthday weekend, supposed to last a good couple of weeks, but they are falling out already and taking her own lashes with them! Honestly that girl will be the death of me, her idea of an emergency just takes the biscuit! She said, "Mum, I can't to Ascot with no eyelashes" !
I had to giggle though as when she had described her outfit, she said she had also bought a Fascinator, the look on Paul's face was a picture, he waited until we were on our own and asked what a Fascinator was, he looked relieved, when I enquired why, he explained that he thought that it was something that was more likely to be purchased from Ann Summers or similar outlet!, well I guess the name could be misinterpreted and it does usually have feathers!!!
On that note, I must go,
I will catch up later,
Love and Hugs all round,


  1. Good morning Sandra and the Coffee Shop Gang. Hope you are all Tickety-Boo and looking forward to the day ahead.
    MARGARET:- your card is stunning, love, love, love everything about it.
    Hope you managed to sleep last night after the Trauma of the day.
    SANDRA:- know what you mean about all meeting up in Oct/Nov ..... the weekend will definitely not be enough. Never mind we can arrange a longer Retreat for next year.
    Rosie - My car is going in for her first service this afternoon. While she is being lovingly looked over I am going to visit my "old boss" She's still very young at heart but she broke her hip a couple of months ago. She still not "running" about like she used to and is at home more. Have made a box to pop some goodies in and will take it along for Anne & hubby Bert to enjoy.
    Everything set up, have made some tea & toast. Will take it over to the corner to see if any of the "early birds" pop in for a chat.
    Left some (((((hugs))))) in the basket by the door.
    Be back later to see what you have all been up to xxx

    1. I have made two flowers. Found a good tutorial on You Tube. Thank you.

    2. Brenda (littlelamb) glad you got it.
      They are easy and make a nice embellishment.
      Patricia xxx

    3. Hi Patricia and Brenda!
      I too fell in love with the flowers! Went on the website you mentioned on your blog, Patricia and have put page 1 of the instructions on one of my Pinterest boards. It has the website name on it, so that I will remember.! Haven't tried yet. Xxx

    4. Hi Patricia,
      Enjoy your day with your "old" boss, and I hope Rosie enjoys her service.
      Maureen xx

  2. Good morning Sandra and all who pop in
    Sandra I have just had to giggle over your daughters eyelashes, my granddaughter is just the same, and a month ago we went out as a family for a meal and my grandsons girlfriend Sophie was complaining about the same thing, we spent a while discussing how many had fallen out haha.
    Hope Margaret you feel a bit better today after yesterday's shenanigans on the Internet, you can't be too careful.
    That said, Margaret your card is lush to say the least, absolutely gorgeous,
    We are all off to Leeds tomorrow for the weekend, 8 in all for a hen weekend. It's my other grandsons wedding in September in Greece and its Demis' hen party. Wish me luck ladies as I don't drink and one glass of sparkly makes me want to go to sleep, I'd rather craft but we'll enjoy ourselves
    Till later,basket topped up
    Jean x

    1. Jean, I hope you have a lovely time! Don't fall asleep and miss the taxi home!! Xxx

  3. Good morning everyone,

    I hope the sun is shining as brightly where you live as it is here in my little corner of Cannington.
    Margaret, what a beauty your card is. I have recently bought the Scandinavian background so now will put the Border on my wish list, I did not realize it looked so stunning on a card. The white on white is a gorgeous effect.

    Yesterday was spent in quiet reflection with a lot of laughs as the funny things Pete used to get up to flooded my memories. A sad but joyous day.

    I don't like to use this word, ssshh 'housework', but it has crept up on me after a couple of days off, so it's blitz day today so I can finish off my first batch of candles and start the next one with the lovely cups I bought in Poole.
    Love 7 hugs
    Cheryl xxx

    1. Cheryl, I know yesterday was a bitter sweet kind of day but it's lovely to have happy memories!
      How are the candles going? Are you happy with the results?
      It's a shame housework gets in the way of crafting! That's life I guess! Xxx

    2. Cheryl dear, I hope you had a good chat with Pete, and memories are wonderful things. I bet your cup candles are things of beauty.
      Maureen xx

    3. The candles are going fine, however I'm not. Total lethargy struck me halfway through clearing up, I ended up resting all afternoon.
      Oh well, there's another day tomorrow and at least my craft room is tidier than it was yesterday. I had a lovely 'chat' with Pete. xxx

  4. Morning Ladies

    Margaret-beautiful card, just perfect.

    Sandra-your tales of Becca made me giggle.

    Last night at the craft shop (only me again) we used mica powder & iced snow. Double sided adhesive sheets stuck on my Grate effects background, on one side I added green (that's what the lady in the shop provided) then on the other side I added iced snow (I think). I then glued a piece of card against the mica powder side to stop it rubbing off. It gives a very subtle/muted effect which would be perfect for a Christmas card. Sorry to mention that word!

    I'm envious of you all when you talk of the retreat & all meeting up. Even more so when Sandra says there's probably still rooms available but as I'll only just have come back from my holidays I wouldn't be able to get the time off work -maybe next year?!

    Thank goodness it's Friday. We have building work starting today at work which has involved a lot if planning as we are not "open " to make the treatments but we still have to provide the same service to all our "customers " so that means buying in all the drugs/treatments ready made. I've ended up using 4 different companies from all over the UK. The workis scheduled to be completed on Wednesday (or possibly Tuesday but I won't hold my breath) then we have a major clean down plus days of testing before we can reopen. Lots of work but to be honest I love my job despite all the problems with the NHS etc.


    1. Hi Michele,
      Your craft class may be small but at least you are learning interesting techniques! Sounds really effective.
      Lots of problems with the NHS but I'd rather be ill here than anywhere else! All the best over the next few days! Xx

    2. Hello Michele, you are lucky, one to one at your craft class, now that's a class worth going to. I went to pick up my 6 monthly Osteoporosis injection from the supermarket pharmacy last weekend (I always order it a month in advance in case of difficulty in supply). The girl took it from the medicine drawer and gave it to me, but I told her that I wouldn't have it as it had to be refrigerated and they hadn't done that. After much hoo hah, with the Pharmacist joining the "discussion", they finally agreed that it should have been refrigerated and it would have to be re-ordered. But, and here's the thing, what if someone who wasn't au fait with the storage had got it. It's so bad.
      Maureen xx

  5. Good morning Sandra and ladies.
    Margaret, your wedding card is stunning, I just love, love, love it. I hope you got some sleep after all that went on yesterday. Hope things go ok with SIL.
    Have to make this short this morning, as I fell asleep last night while reading myipadand and didn't switch it off so it's nearly out of power, so away to put it on charge, will be in later. Hazel x

  6. Hello Al,l,
    This is just a quickie as I'm going to school to help in year 2. Margaret, I hope you didn't have a disturbed night with all the carry on yesterday, and I hope everything is sorted out for you. I think we'll all be a bit more careful now. Your card today is just gorgeous. Makes me want to get married again, when I think of the little cards we got back then, this is absolutely beautiful.
    Jean, enjoy your weekend. I know what you mean about drinking, contrary to popular belief I'm T Total!!!! But you'll enjoy yourself anyway.
    I've got to go, going to be late, but I'll catch up later.
    Love to all, Maureen xxx

    1. Muriel, who are you trying to kid T Total! Pull the other one.
      Enjoy year two.
      Love Saba xxx

    2. Methinks the lady doth protest too much!! Xx

    3. Shhhh xxx
      Year 2 was a nightmare. We are still painting pirate flags on black material. I think there's more paint on me!!!!
      I normally help out in year 3 for two days a week. This lot will be in year 3 next academic year - I won't be helping in year 3 come September, I couldn't face it, I really couldn't!!!!!
      Maureen xxx

    4. As they say - it's not a good year! Xxx
      Poor you! Xx

  7. Good morning Sandra and ladies,
    Tea and toast for me this morning I think, I just go over and sit with Patricia in the corner.
    Sandra, you need to give that girl of yours a talking to giving you a fright like that. Hope she enjoys Ascot, I shall never be able to look at a fascinator in the same way again!
    Margaret, your wedding card is absolutely stunning. Everything about it is made to perfection, it must have taken you an age to make it and judging by the amount of pearls and embellishments it must have cost a fortune too. Your little flowers really set of the design beautifully. Please can you tell is what dies you used for the focal element, they go together so well. I would never have managed to design something like this, I would have had to spend hours and hours thinking about it, even deciding which colour to use can take me ages.
    Hope your SIL is starting to improve.
    Jean, I hope you enjoy your weekend in Leeds, it's a lovely city, but then I am a it biased, I was born in Leeds.
    Cheryl, I thought of yesterday and I think Pete would have been very pleased you took the roses from the garden. Glad you had some happy memories to see you through the day.
    Michele, you keep getting one on one tuition! Took me a little to realise what your background was, but then understood what you had done. Sounds lovely.
    Hazel, I do that all the time. It is so annoying.
    Right must get on with packing,
    Enjoyed the toast thank you, nice sitting with Patricia, I don't often get in so early lately.
    Love and hugs

    1. Thanks Saba, I enjoyed that.
      It will be so good to actually be able to do that for real xxx

    2. Just hope I don't " do a Muriel" and end up in my nightie! Not good with the dawn chorus! Xx

    3. Hello Saba, did you get any more shorts (of the clothes variety)! Enjoy your sailing - every time I type that I think of Rod Stewart - and don't forget your life jacket. Just think - two weeks tomorrow I'm in Edinburgh with Hazel and Patricia, ooohhh. xxxx

    4. I've been praying for them, nightly! Xxx

    5. Ooh you could hurt my feeling you know! xx

    6. Have you just got the one then! I'm only jealous, that's all!! Xxx

  8. Sue, sorry you are not up to visiting your mum, enjoy your chat with her and rest those joints.
    Hugs Saba xxx

  9. Good morning Sandra and ladies, Margaret your card is gorgeous, puts some of the demonstrators on tv to shame.
    This going to be short and sweet as I'm off to cover our craft shop today, so will catch up later, take care, Jess

  10. Hello Sandra And All My Friends
    Margaret Your Card Is Absolutely Amazing I Love White On White And Just Adding The Gold Rings, I Love Using My Tied Together A4 Embossing Folder I Used To Have The Smaller One, But As Soon As The A4 Embossing Folder Was Brought Out I Purchased It.
    I'm So Looking Forward To Meeting You All At "The October Retreat" And Meeting All My Lovely Friends, I Think Where We Are Going Is "Very Beautiful" No Need To Travel All The Way To Mauritius Which Is A Very Long Flight And If Your Like My Wonderful Husband He Hates Flying, But We Go On Long Haul Holidays All The Time, As He Knows I Love Them, We Will Have Only Returned From Mauritius, A Couple Of Weeks Before "The Retreat"
    I'm So Excited About Going.
    "On Holiday Once Again And The October Retreat"
    Have A Great Day All
    Love And Hugs To You All
    From Sam xxx

    1. Remember Sam, pale skin ha ha xxx

    2. You reminded me of the old cowboy films - I redskin - you paleface! Xxx

    3. I bet you remember "The Paleface" film. You can be Bob Hope and I'll be Jane Russell - what perfect casting ha ha. xxx

    4. Jane Russell !! Never mind Hope , Bob or otherwise - You Wish!! Xx

  11. HinSandra
    I just love your card MARGARET. It's simply stunning. Wish my mojo was on alert. I usually have to ask Sandra's opinion if I'm making a card with dies. I have no trouble with the stamping. Pete's brother in Australia has just told Pete he's normal. Not to sure where he got that idea from. Anyway Sandra fancy Becca's lack of eyelashes being an emergency. I wonder what she did in the end. I can just see Paul's face when she was talking about having a fascinator. The mind boggles doesn't it when you hear the word, and you're not to sure what it is.
    MARGARET I hope that your emails get sorted out. I've had a few asking for money for a kidney. £25.000, put there from foreign people. Hope we can get some more people to come to the retreat. Christine Emberson is down at Lyndhurst in October so I might have a trip down.

  12. SUE:- sorry to hear you will not manage to see your mum.
    Sending (((hugs))) and hope you feel better soon xxx

  13. Hello is Sandra and all the coffee shop crew,
    Sorry I didn't post yesterday but was having dreadful problems, I tried several times, on three of the occasions Google was asking me to sign in. I was already signed in. Then my messages went into cyberspace. On my last attempt, when I was almost finished - my text disappeared, and was replaced by text and prices relating to items we had been checking out on the Internet. At that point I gave up.( I did use a few choice words )

    Margaret, your card is SOooooooooo beautiful, I love this EF. Your flowers are gorgeous. The whole card is a feast for my eyes - I really love it.

    Will be back later, love and hugs, Brenda xxx

    1. Oh Sandra I had to laugh about Becca and her eyelashes. If that's the only thing that puts her in a panic then life can't be to bad for her can it. What is she going to do when she has real problems? I hope she has a great day at Ascot. I'm sure she will look gorgeous with her fascinator in her hair. Poor Lucy what a state she must have been in for her clarinet exam. I hope and pray it all went well for her.

      NORAH, Belated Birthday Wishes. Hope you had a lovely day yesterday..

      MARGARET, what a day you had yesterday. Hope you are OK xx

      THANK YOU ALL for the wishes you sent for our Wedding Anniversary, they really made it a special day xxx
      I think I will have a nice cup of tea and sit by the window - people watching. xxx

    2. Belated Anniversary wishes for you and OH, I'm sorry I missed your post. xxx

  14. Hi Ladies
    Have you seen that Sue Wilson will be demoing her new festive dies at Creative Expression on July 2nd. Sessions cost £10.00 each which can be redeemed in the shop afterwards.

    1. That sounds like excellent value for money Pat , if you leave near enough to go! Xx

    2. Oops! Should be " live" not " leave" . Xx

    3. Ooh Myra, it will be somewhere darn sarf. There's never anything oop Norf for me in the sticks. xx

    4. Eee lass! It's reet annoyin' . Xxx

    5. Ah nah, makes yu wanna spit xx

    6. Ahm stoomped nah! Xxx. Ooh started this lass! Xxx

    7. Well Sue is giving a one to one first look at her new die's as it's my birthday on the 2nd I WISH !!! Ha ha. Xx

    8. It's So Great Of Our Sue To Take The Classes For £10 And Then Your Given It Back After The Class To Spend In There Shop It Just shows How Great Are Sue Is She's One Amazing "Star"
      Hugs From Sam xxx

  15. Sue, Sorry you are not able to visit Mum today! Hope you feel better after a rest. Xxx

  16. Hi Sandra,
    I've finally got to the end of the messages! Well I think I have!
    I couldn't believe what constituted an Emergency in Becca's world ! You must have got such a fright. Think I'll just stick to mascara!!!
    Hope you have a quieter weekend this week Sandra!
    Margaret - you card is really lovely ! I love everything about it. It is a gorgeous Wedding card. I love the little pearl hearts too. Hope today is a little calmer than yesterday and that the hospital Consultant can shed some light on your SIL 's problem.
    Sheila - sending hugs , just in case you read but aren't up to commenting. xx
    Have a good day everyone,
    See you later?
    Love Myra xxx

  17. janet ecco of sheffield19 June 2015 at 16:06

    Afternoon all my lovely Friends
    Margaret your card today is just too beautiful for words!!!! Everything you have used and done is truly truly beautiful.

    Sandra - Sorry but I did laugh a little at Becca's emergency - did we really do things like that when we were younger? Not I for one as we didn't even have a telephone and so we just had to go without or make sure we purchased one for now and a spare just in case. That's if we could afford a second

    Had a lovely time this morning visiting the Friday market. The cafe here was busy and quite noisy but of course it's the start of the summer so everyone comes out of their winter sleep. I managed to buy some bedding plants for my planters (flowers) and then Basl and a couple of extra lettuce plants. Daniel has planted the veg patch but we just wanted a couple more. We have the usual onions, chalottes, tomatoes, potatoes, leeks, cabbage, raddish, lettuce and no doubt green beans, courgettes will appear in the next couple of weeks. The roses are in desperate need of de-heading but other than that everything looks lovely including the weeping willow which we had cut because of the over large canopy very close to the house. Even the willow logs in the woodshed are sprutting. They look fantastic.

    We managed to get to the cake shop so we have two beautiful pastries for afters tonight. Will let you know how they tasted tomorrow.

    I'm hoping Sheila and Nikki are OK and that as you say Myra she just might not be up to visiting at the moment.
    Yes I'm with you all re telephone numbers and so I'll let you have mine Sandra.

    Right it's just struck 17.00hrs so I'll have to pop off and start some prep for tea. Jim is having one of his favourite fish dishes - sardines bought this morning from the supermarket in Corbigny. Thank goodness they are already cleaned and prepared so just have to cook them. It will be a surprise for me as I cannot cope with fish small bones at all so it ill be something out of the fridge.

    Sandra - I've had my fingers crossed for Lucy so I hope it helped. Speak to you all tomorrow. hugs are on their way as usual.

  18. Hello Sue, I hope you soon feel better, and you can catch up with mam over the weekend. xx

  19. Hello All,
    Sandra, I usually just put a hairy caterpillar on top of each eye to use as eyelashes!! Well, it could work!!
    I suppose at Becca's age it must be a huge calamity, and she has time enough for the hard facts of life intrude. I sometimes forget how a little thing can be blown up to a full scale disaster for a young woman. Bless her, I hope she has a lovely time at Ascot, and backed a winner or two.
    (Cor, I've just re-read that and think I must be mellowing in my old age!!) lol
    See you all later xxxx

    If you go on Sunrise Crafts you will see Sue's new Christmas Dies. I don't want to spoil it in case you don't want to know but some are absolutely gorgeous!! Ooh! I'm sitting on my hands - they can be pre ordered!! Xxxx

    1. Oops! Never mind eh! Xxx

    2. Has anyone had a look? Xxx

    3. Yes, I got an e-mail from them! Haven't ordered any though xxx

    4. Have you had a look though ? Xxx if I get permission from you all I will tell you the ones I like! Xxx

    5. I had a look early this morning ....... I liked the Stipplets BUT look closely folks they are SMALL.....!!! xxx

    6. Come on Myra .... spill the beans, which ones are you going for?? xxx

    7. Oooo go on Myra, tell us xxxx

    8. Well I really like Peace on Earth ! Sue's sentiment dies are always clear and the fonts are lovely too! I also like the Christmas Tree made of words! I like the poinsettia striplet . The new angel looks lovely . I'd rather have Happy Christmas than Merry Christmas so that will save me money! Also not keen on Seasons Greetings! I'm being pedantic but it's Christmas - call it Christmas! If it weren't for the birth of Christ there would be no Christmas! Soapbox returned! Xxxx

    9. Having re read my post I still say I like peace on earth! Wish more people agreed with me! Xxx

    10. Myra, what one don't you like??? I just feel that they are limited to the season, where as you can mix her other dies and just add either festive words or a die you have. Maybe I am being tight!!! Hazel,x

    11. Myra, I like the deer, dear!! And I like the christmas trees, but as I have stamps of both, I'll not bother. It's not being tight Hazel, it's being sensible, a thing I never was until about a month ago!!!!! xxx

    12. Oh Hazel there are a few that just don't appeal but I think Sue's Christmas Dies are the best and they will last for years! For example - I'm sure Sue's snowflake dies will be gorgeous but I have snowflake dies. I have an angel die too. I thought the tree die in words meant there was no need for a sentiment as well as a focal point. Maybe I'm just a sucker but I try to be a bit savvy! Xxx

    13. Oh I can spend too, I often go down to Adrian's ( local craft shop) and come out buying things that I wasn't planning to buy. Hazel x

    14. I agree Myra, I'm not one for the Happy Holidays brigade, let's put CHRIST back into CHRISTMAS. It was named for him after all. xxx

  21. Saba, if we all bought some coffee filters would you do a 'flower demo' for us in October?
    What do you think ladies?
    Any requests????
    Oh ladies I need some crafts fit tomorrow !!!

    1. Sandra, I made a box , popping I think not exploding! It's my first attempt. You can have it for a laugh and for the box makers to tell me where I went wrong , if you like? Xxx you may not be that desperate! Xxx

  22. If anyone is interested, I'm hungry and don't know what to have xxx

    1. We are going to have a lazy dinner from my perspective!! Fresh scampi from Waitrose, other supermarkets are available, and chips! Followed by biscuits and cheese or strawberries! Depends on the ripeness of the strawberries! Ha ha ! Xxx

    2. I'll be down shortly - Waitrose, Waitrose, oh posh!!! xxx

    3. We have just had ours. Turkish style Meatballs homemade by me this morning. Salad for me, plus Chips for John, with lovely thick natural yogurt.
      Rosie enjoyed her Service nothing needing done ...... well she is only a year old. They washed and polished her, she is sparkling. She was shiny when I left her but they managed to get her really "sparkling"
      I had a great chat and a good laugh with Anne my "old" boss. Talked about lots of the girls that worked with us and how the roles within Building Socities has dramatically changed. Anne was Branch Manager, I was Office Manager we worked close together and had a great team. It was rather sad to see that Anne's eyesight is extremely poor but good to see she is managing walking fine. She only needs one stick now.
      Right better go, I have a few things to before I can "park my butt" for the evening. xxx

  23. Maureen, Charlie asked me at 8am what I was planing for tea tonight! I hadn't even had breakfast. Now I have just made hime macaroni cheese. With mushrooms, tomatoes and bacon through it. I am having jacket potatoe and salad. So we are sorted. Hope it's not going to be to hard for you to thing of something nice. Had a look at the new dies, but yes they are lovely but I can't see me buying. I have some Christmas ones and they will just come our again. Hazel x

    1. Oh I couldn't be bothered to cook. George did himself steak, mushrooms, you name it he cooked it and asked if I wanted some. I didn't so had scrambled egg on toast, followed by grapes with greek yoghurt. Got some more grapes and have just dropped one under the dining table - oops!!!
      I've put C&C on and they are pushing yet another die cutting machine by shattered face (love that name Cheryl).

    2. Yes, good isn't it? I popped in just to see what has been going on and I could have been in a time warp, apart from the Christmas 'specials' all the same old same old. Except for......wait for it.....yes a new product! USB sticks full of whatever. Oh how he waffled on about how much space you will save. I'm surprized Mel didn't make an appearance telling us how she can't possibly do without them and how they're the best thing since sliced toast!!. Sorry got my sarcastic head on just then. Off now.
      I had a large bowl of fruit for my tea. xxx

  24. Evening Ladies

    Loved reading all the comments from earlier. I also had the email from Sunrise Crafts previewing Sues new Christmas dies-a couple look really interesting but not sure I can justify buying more dies that are just for Christmas. I'm intrigued at who didn't like the comments-is it the person who has left the cafe???!!!!!

    Disastrous day at work-crazy busy, my contractors set the fire alarm off which meant we had a full scale evacuation. Luckily there's no patients on our corridor so it was us & Physio it affected, then when we were back at work we got a query about a specialist drug that was needed in liquid form for an Intensive Care patient. Many phone calls later , one problem answer & we finally sourced some from Alder Hey which meant a taxi etc! Anyway the patient has the correct drug & hopefully no problems for the on call Pharmacist.

    Think I might need a glass of wine soon.


    1. Don't wait Michele, have one now, in fact have two - Prost xxx

    2. MICHELE:- think your spot on with the "person" ....... thats my thinking anyway xxx

    3. Michele I too think you have got it right, but also I would have 2 glasses after the day you have had!

  25. Just had a look at the New Dies on ICONUK.CO.UK I think they are cheaper than Sunrise xxx

    1. Yes they are offering 10% off! Xxx

    2. I haven't looked yet, I think you can have too many Christmas dies go be honest, I think I may just re use last years, if I am going to spend money on a die I want to get maximum use from it!
      But that's just my opinion and I may change my mind once I have looked, but there are still a good few other dies I would like first, plus I want to put done money in the jaunt jar!
      Carbonara for us tonight with bolognese for those that weren't keen!
      Followed by one of those new Muller Greek style whipped yoghurts, the lemon ones are to die for!
      Or I might have a mint magnum, decisions, decisions!

    3. I Must Admit I'm Loving Sue's New "Christmas" Dies And I Can't Decide Which Ones To Purchase, I Won't Go For The Poinsettia As I Bought Last Year And I Love It So Much, I Love The Background But It Says Mini So I Wonder How Large!.
      Hugs From Sam xxx

  26. Sandra, I am like you? I like to get my money's worth out of my dies! But I might change my mind later. But retreat fund comes first at the moment. Hazel x

  27. Well, I've decided that I'm going to do the rounds for my meals and visit you all, although Germany might be a tad too far to go. (Of course, it's only polite to wait to be invited) . Your's all sound so lovely, but to be honest we always go out for lunch on a Friday, and I was still stuffed from my New York Chicken, with salad and jacket potato, followed by apple crumble and custard!!! xxx

    1. Now you tell us!! I had a ham and tomato sandwich! I'm taking it easy , ha ha, after last weekend! I've got 7 for lunch on Sunday! Father's Day!!
      For the next two weeks Germany will be empty! You come here, but come before we go to the Lakes for a short break!
      Wish I could meet you even for a coffee! Xxx

    2. Where in the Lakes are you coming to Myra?

    3. Hi Margaret, we are in HPB , and are coming to Merlewood near Grange -over - Sands. We have been before and it's lovely. We are taking another couple with us. Xxx

  28. Hi Sue sorry you weren't feeling well enough to vist your mum.Hope your feeling a bit better now sending you (((Hug's))) xxx

  29. Maureen, no wonder you didn't feel like eating much. Your lunch sounded good.
    Hazel x

  30. Sorry ladies but I'm so busy at mo I've had to skim through everyone's comments what with work, the dentist, a wasted visit to the hospital, nails being painted by daughter and OH trying to deal with a wasp nest that we've just discovered! Anyway MARGARET'S card is stunning SANDRA you made me smile re Becca My daughter used to work in a salon and she used these lashes a lot! Can't say her own lashes came out but they never lasted the length of time "they" say
    I am going to look at Sue's dies BUT I don't think I'll get any I have far too many on my Wish List I suppose the only saving grace about them is that they'll be used a lot and come out every year How many of us go back to using our old dies when new one's come out...? I have a couple of favourites like Les Papillon but I do have some that have been superseded too and don't get used...

  31. Good evening Sandra& Hello ladies
    Yesterday's commenting was pants three went cyberspace & the fourth well just pushed publish & it BL...DY froze up. Hope you didn't here me swearing. Haha.
    Sandra your cards yesterday were gorgeous my favourite flowers & I love your stamp. I had to laugh at Becca's emergency with her eyelashes,& then Paul not knowing what a fascinator was the mind boggles,bet his face was a picture.
    Hope Lucy got on ok at her exam.
    Margaret your card is amazing love love love everything & I must get that border die it's so pretty. Hope your ok after yesterday's scam episode,is it all sorted now. How is your SIL has he got his sugar levels sorted must have been frightening for him & your daughter.
    Got my daughter hubby & Joseph down for dinner tomorrow so that will be nice
    Any way will say good night as frittend this will be lost love Lynda xx

  32. Good evening Sandra and all the coffee shop crew
    What a surprise to see my card, this was the other wedding card I made for the parents of the two little girls, now I hope you will see it was different. The EF was the A4 one that I used, I do have the smaller one but it is so much easier with the larger one. The wedding rings are fabric and guess what, they came from a shop in Perth, Scotland. I cannot remember the name of the shop but it used to be on a road just going into Perth from Stirling and then it moved into larger shop just over the road and near a church perhaps Patricia or Hazel will know it! The rings were sold by the metre (being joined together but cut so easy) and were in gold or silver, they are so easy just a drop of glue and pop them on the card! The flowers were from Wild Orchid Crafts and the leaves were cut with Sue Wilson's dies. Thank you so much Sandra for showing this card, by the way it was so easy to make and took about 1 hour to make and that included the box with it's die cuts added to the box lid for decoration too.
    Well I had another laughable trip to hospital with my SIL he came out of the house and left the front door open got in the car and then asked what are we waiting for! He just is not with us at the moment. Hospital have now decided that his pancreas had finally stopped working all together as previously it would put out just a little insulin at times. He has to do some tests this weekend thankfully it is all printed out what he has to do because he just is not with us at present. He keeps saying he feels drunk without the pleasure of the drinking! The hospital have said he has not to be left on his own at present so we may be in for some 'fun' while he does these tests, hey ho. His kidneys are not good at present but the GP has to follow this up.
    Well I shall have a little look on Icon to see what the Christmas dies are from Sue but I have told myself they will have to be exceptional before I consider buying them as I have a lot of Christmas dies already. I don't know about anyone else but all our other dies are so much more versatile, as we can use them at any time of the year for lots of occasions whereas Christmas ones we are limited to the Festive Season only.
    Sandra your nerves are so very strong to cope with your family and their trials and tribulations how do you cope?
    Will try and pop in later but feeling my bed calling.
    Margaret xxx

  33. Sorry I haven't commented before this. I keep looking in and then realised you don't know that because I haven't left any comments. Well MARGARET. Your card is stunning. It is so beautiful and I am sure the bride and groom loved it. You are a very clever lady.
    Well today I got done bits ready to see Scarlett after school to make something for Fathers Day but I got a message in the afternoon to say she had fallen asleep on the way home and was sleeping on the settee. It was craft club this afternoon- Promarkers so spent time this morning sorting out what colours I needed for the project. Craft was this afternoon and I enjoyed that. There were 6 if us. Well anymore and it would be a tight squeeze around the table. Did a very nice card. Well couldn't go and see Scarlett afterwards so came home and sorted all the Promarkers into colours in separate boxes again (I always seem to ve doing this) and now they are all tidy again for 5 minutes. Had smoked fish with new potatoes and Carrots should have been either Broccoli but had run out. Then Strawberries and yoghurt. Very nice. Still working on the Golden Wedding Anniversary card so had better get back to it. See the night owls later.

  34. Hello ladies,
    Have just finished reading all the comments and as far as I can see main topic today is what we have all had for dinner. Take away pizza for us, I had no time to cook dinner. Second topic, Sue's Christmas dies, I have just had a quick look and must say there are some lovely ones, but having bought some of her last Christmas dies, I really should use them before I buy more, but I don't know if I will be able to resist the Striplet, or the Background one.
    Right, as to my holiday, I probably won't be able to comment much, Internet is very hit and miss on the islands and when I do manage to get it it will only be when we are out for dinner so it might not be easy. I always complain about people who are constantly looking at their phones in restaurants and it won't be easy to disguise an I pad!!
    Must go to bed as we are leaving early in the morning and it's a long long drive down to Croatia.
    I shall miss you all, take care, don't get up to mischief, love and massive hugs
    Saba. Xxx
    Ps. Wasn't it fun to be able to openly discuss Sue's new dies !!!,

    1. Saba, have a great holiday, drive safely, yes it will be a very long drive, just relax, not that I would relax in the least being on a boat, that wasn't a large ferry one. Yes I pads are rather big to hide. Hazel x

    2. You're a Star! Have a lovely holiday . Love to Peter and you, take care, my dear friend!
      Lots of love, Myra xxxx

    3. Have a wonderful holiday and safe travellings. xxx

  35. Saba Please have a wonderful time wishing you calm waters take care.
    I totally agree about discussing things openly I am non too good at keeping things zipped
    Take care and stay safe
    Margaret xxx

  36. Brenda, that's it we don't know if folk are looking in? I often look in from my phone when I am waiting in the car for anna to come out of school or that, but don't comment all the time. Same with my blog I might have 4 times more look ins from comments. So yes we don't know who looks in, and I will look in the cafe to see if anyone else has been in since the last time, and if not I go out again. I bet Sandra has hundreds of look ins as she can have 200 comments in a day. As long as we know you are ok that's the main thing, love reading your comments and do get a wee bit worried if you haven't left a comment. Pity about Scarlett falling asleep, she will be cross with herself, when she wakes up and knows that's because she was asleep you were told not to come, maybe you will see her over the weekend. I am for every tidying my things for 5 minutes later they are back to the way they were. Hazel x

  37. Sorry to hear you weren't well enough to visit Mum & Pop, hope you have rested too this afternoon. Achey joints no fun. xxx

  38. I was lying in bed when I realised that I hadn't said "Good night" to all my sisters, so I hope you all have a good night's sleep.
    SABA, stay safe, just remember I'm flying the red ensign every day for you, I really will have to get another one, been wearing this for about a fortnight now and need to get it washed ha ha. Enjoy the sailing and watch out for the sharks, of both varieties, those in the water and those on dry land!!
    Margaret, nice to see you, I wondered if you'd be able to get in.
    Littlelamb, I keep my pro-markers in A4 boxes from the £1 shop, but they are only the depth of the pens and don't roll about over each other. I sort them in colours and label the front of the box so I can see which colour is in each box. It's worked successfully ever since the Pro-markers came out, and I've never had to sort them again.
    Well that's me, George is up for his wander around and yes MYRA, he has his feet and legs with him lol. Hmm Lake District you say, Margaret's territory, may have to be in touch with you.
    I'm off to bed, sweet dreams all, see you in the morning.
    Maureen xxx

    1. Night Night my Friend! I do sincerely hope that St George has a good night/knight! If any man deserves a good night's rest, George does!
      Muriel, sleep well and I hope you don't need to watch the early morning News! Lots of love, Myra xxx

    2. Hi Maureen thanks for the tip. I will look in the Poundshop. I think my problem is that I usually find out before I go the craft group what Promarkers we will be using. So the colours come out of the boxes to go into another box to take with me. When I come back they don't get put back in their original boxes. We needed a lot today. Various shades of yellow, pink, orange, green, skin colour etc., so it ended up quite a lot and of course I had had each box out to find the said colours in each of them. Must remember to always put them away in their right boxes. Been busy making some gold origami flowers like Patricia had made. Want to put them on the box I have to make for the Golden Wedding anniversary card. I shall be taking it with me so don't have to worry about posting it. Well must think of going to bed but when I am doing something I enjoy I don't want to stop.

  39. Gosh, just seen the night I think I might have to think about going to bed, just realised one of my comments has gone to join those others that have got lost, Margaret, I can't think of the store you mean, but I bet Patricia will. Not good a bout how your SIL is feeling, very worrying, his kidneys not working won't be helping with his memory either, Christopher got that when his kidney wasn't working. Yes you will all have to keep an eye on him. Hers hoping it will be sorted out asp. Now they know what's the cause. Right I better try and go to sleep. Night, night. Hazel x

  40. Just realised Diane hasn't been in, do you think that seeing how Emma has finished her exams, Diane has poured herself a very large glass of wine and is just chilling?? Hazel x

  41. Hi Sandra and all the lovely ladies
    Sorry I'm so late today been spending some lazy time with Emma. She beat Maureen's nighty record by staying in her dressing gown all day, finally getting dressed at 7.30 pm when she went out with her friends.
    Margaret your card is beautiful what a lovely keep sake for the bridge and groom. Your poor son in law I hope he gets sorted soon, it must be so horrible feeling like this all the time (oh bother just noticed Bride has been turned into bridge! Don't you love predictive text!!!) xxxx
    Well our dinner tonight was fish and chips from the chip shop as a treat, really lazy.
    Sandra what is your daughter like! Oh poor thing though having her eyelashes fall out, not good, but not an emergency by any means. I hope she had fun at ascot and won some races. Oh poor Paul, I bet his face was a picture! Dads are great aren't they. Xxx
    Saba have a fantastic holiday and stay safe, look forward to hearing from you if you manage to get in to see us. Xxx
    Must pop over to see what the Xmas dies look like, don't think I will buy any but will probably change my mind when I see them. It is really muggy tonight so hope we manage to sleep tonight.
    See you all tomorrow.
    Sleep tight
    Love Diane xxxx

  42. Margaret, stunning card love the colours, in fact just love it all.
    Was away to Clackmannan to day bowling with the county team and as we as we passed some hills my pal said that is the Ochil hills, so now I know what Norah is talking about, it is nice to put names and places we hear about on this blog.
    Sandra, I can imagine the eye lashes falling out it made me giggle.
    Saba, have a great holiday
    Everyone who is having a few days away or a longer holiday, have a greatr time
    Love and hugs xx
