
Thursday 18 June 2015

I stamp 2 ways! & Happy Birthday Norah !!


Good morning Ladies,
I hope that you are all well, can you believe its Thursday already??!
I hope you will all join me in wishing Norah the Happiest of Birthdays, what a perfect gift you have had this week!
I had an absolutely lovely day yesterday with Pat and & Sue, my best day for weeks!
We just chatted and chatted until lunch time and then got to work, I had some thank you cards to make and Sue got busy making a birthday card, Pat was making a birthday card too.
We seemed to have so much to catch up on, it was lovely hearing about Pats Italian adventures,
it sounded like an amazing holiday and did both her and Pete the world of good.
I never want the days to end when they are both here. I am so lucky to have made such amazing friends through blogging.
It got me thinking about our retreat, I just don't think the weekend will be long enough, I think we will be filling every available moment getting to know each other in person, I just can't wait
its 19 weeks and 1 day until we meet!!!!!
Onto todays cards, I used the Inkyliscious Poppy Stamp, I stamped it up with Versafine Black Ink and stamped onto white card, I cut out using the outside edge of my Quilted Squares Die by Creative Expressions, it fit this stamp perfectly, I mounted it onto black card and then matt and layered finishing with a white base card made to fit the image and matts, (its a good idea to add an extra layer
of card on the back of the card to balance the weight of the 5 layers on the front)! I added a piece of black satin ribbon around the bottom of the card and tied another piece onto it to form a knot, I then stamped a 'thank you' stamp onto a piece of white card and matted it onto a piece of black and cut it into a 'flag forked' end, I then just tucked this under the ribbon.
The second card was made in pretty much the same manner apart from colouring the stamp with Tim Holtz Distress markers, Barn Door and Mowed Lawn, I then huffed on the stamp to refresh the ink and stamped onto white card, I matted it onto red card this time and tied the green part of the image in with the ribbon. I have stamped the thank you onto the inside of this card as it just seemed to obstruct the gorgeous image on the front!
By the way I spritzed the stamp with some water and got another 'water coloured' effect image from the small amount of residual ink, (well waste not want not)!
Let me know what you think of the cards in your comments, I look forward to reading them.
Well that's all from me today, all the excitement has worn me out, I loved every moment of today though!
I think I calculate 144 sleeps to retreat day! yay!
Love and huge hugs all round,


  1. Morning Sandra and all at the Coffee shop, I have opened up for you today, give you all a lie in lol! Got the kettle on too.

    Beautiful cards there Sandra, could not choose between them both fabulous in their own right. Glad you enjoyed your day with Pat & Sue itsalways good to catch up.

    Have a great day today and a very happy birthday to Norah

    Love & Hugs

    Jacquie J xxx

  2. Oh I think I am first in this morning, Hello any one about??? Sandra you are saying about it being Thursday already, I can't believe I have back home a week now? I just love your two cards, very simple but oh boy very effective!!! And perfect for any occasion. Now 19 weeks oh and a day till the retreat is scary? I have so many things going on in between it's frightening as the retreat will be here before I know it.
    I am in to work this morning, and have to take Anna to Perth for her Viola exam, was meant to be tomorrow, mummy booked herself out for the couple of hours so she could take her, but guess what yes on Monday it all changed to today, mummy has a full clinic which she can't cancel so I am taking her, then I will deliver her back to school. It would have worked much better tomorrow as she only goes to school till lunch time and to be honest it won't have been worth going back to school for the couple of hours. Hey ho these things happen.
    Diane, I bet Emma will be glad when today is over??? Yet really the hard work will begin again when she starts uni?
    Saba, are you nearly there with getting everything ready for your trip? The house is, I know that? I hope this next increase in your tablets doesn't give you that much energy that you end up recleaning the flat just because your body wants to clean???
    Maureen has your neck calmed down? Astral cream rubbed in will help keep the scars soft and help to heal the quicker!
    Norah, happy birthday - sorry nearly forgot.
    Right everything is set up for the day, it's a bit dull at the moment so I haven't put the cushions out on the outside chairs don't want damp bottoms do we, so I have left them by the door. (((((( hugs)))))) in the basket for those who need them.
    Cheryl, did you have a good day out, any bargain cups???
    Money in the pot, I am going to sit and have my tea and see if Patricia calls in early, I know she has something to go to this morning, can't remember what - senior moment. Hazel x

    1. Hi Hazel thank you, yes Emma will be so happy tonight, we always go to M&S for cake at the end of exams for a treat so it's become a tradition. She is off out tonight for a catch up with one friend then a party tomorrow night! She got quite giddy whilst out shopping yesterday as she hasn't been out the house anywhere than college for months!
      I hope the viola exam goes well and safe journey to Perth xxx

  3. Hi Sandra and all,
    just a quicky to wish a very special lady the best HAPPY BIRTHDAY NORAH! I hope you have a nice day. Hope Rory is ok and Kirsten is doing alright and that baby Harry is a real little cuddly.
    Sorry Sandra I hope you have a good day too, glad you had a nice day with the other two yesterday. The cards today are beautiful !
    Brenda I hope you had a fabulous day, Happy Anniversary for yesterday !
    Spent the day again on the beach, yes very hard life Lynda hihi but I think all the sea air and very strong winds made me so exhausted so I am sleeping real good here, so sorry Littlelamb I'm not around at 1 am :-)
    Missed the hint so here's one, make sure all sand is off your feet before putting shoes back on and start walking the mile back to hotel,had to walk most of the way bare footed and now have a nice sore, hihi
    Take care all, if not feeling to good I hope the day will soon get lighter.
    Love and hugs Maria Xxx

    1. Hi MARIA glad your having a lovely time & a relaxing holiday.
      Hope your feet are not too saw,get OH to give you piggy back hihi.
      Have a lovely day tomorrow
      Hug's Lynda xx

  4. only me again,
    Diane wish Emma good luck and 'keep calm' and oh another thing, your box and card from yesterday are wonderful.So many fantastic crafters in this cafe' !
    hugs Maria xx

    1. Thank you Maria that's so kind. I hope your feet aren't too sore today. I'm not sure where you are on holiday but if you find a Lush shop ( you can usually smell it before you see it!) they do some fab creams and potions for feet! Enjoy your holiday it sounds like it is doing you the world of good xxx

    2. Hope Emma did well in her exam today. xx

    3. Thank you Cheryl, I have one very happy daughter tonight xxx

  5. Morning Ladies

    Sandra-two beautiful cards, I think I prefer the black + white one. I wish I could produce such perfect looking stamped images, they're great.

    As I expected, yesterday was very busy after my meeting (which was a waste of time). Today will be just as busy then I'm straight off to the garden centre where Julia Watts did her demo. One if the ladies in the craft shop is holding "craft classes " on Thursdays in June. Last week was stamping which I enjoyed despite there only being me there! Tonight is die cutting which is my favourite thing so I'm not sure what i'll get out if the class but it's nice to meet up with another crafter. Only downside is I have to do the shopping tomorrow after work & Fridays are always busy. We have my in-laws coming over for dinner on Saturday & my brother is calling in on Sunday on his way home . He lives in Glasgow & will have been in the Cotswolds for a weekend reunion with his okd college buddies. He'll bring my Dad (& Casper the dog) with him for dinner on Sunday as its Fathers Day. This is quite an occasion for my brother to be calling & staying the night-he only comes down about two or three times a year since Mum dies 2 years ago, mind you he didn't come down much more when she was alive!

    Right-best gather some things together for later.


  6. Ooopps!! I will be getting "sack" slept in this morning.
    Was up at 3.30 made a cuppa, read my book, watched House Doctor from the year dot then must have fallen asleep. Woke up in my chair at 8.08am. Been in a right tizzy since.
    Will be back later once I get this "fuzz" out of my head. It's all the excitement and exhaustion of meeting and chatting with Hazel yesterday.
    (((((hugs))))) buy the door, see you all later. xxx

  7. GM ladies

    And a very, very Happy Birthday to Norah, our very own Nanny Macphee!

    The same stamp = 2 wonderful simplistic card. No fuss needed. Love them both Sandra.
    Sorry I didn't get in to the café yesterday, Freda & I had a fantastic day out. The weather started off very cloudy and coolish, then the further we got to the coast, the sun started breaking up the clouds so the rest of the day was lovely and hot. A refreshing wind along the Harbour Front kept us cool. We both found our new toy in the members only Quay, a beautiful yacht called 'Living The Dream', oh, how the other half live.
    Jealous, not really, my practical mind thought of the expense of keeping this toy going and do I really need it? No, I've gone this long without one, and the upkeep must be astronomical! That's too much money I could be spending on my crafting which gives me so much enjoyment.#
    The only downside was the tour round the factory happened to be just a demonstration on the shop floor of throwing a 'simple' pot and a teapot. We all had to stand and there is always that one person who plonks himself in front of everyone and moves his head right in your line of vision. After a couple of minutes trying to get a decent view, my neck was aching trying to see around him so we gave up and left to find somewhere nice for lunch.
    Then we hit the charity shops and I came home with 12 items for the candles, one of them is a real beauty, which I shall be using for my daughter Giorgina.

    It should have been, no it is, my 27th Wedding Anniversary so I'm off now to get Pete some roses which I'll take to him later on
    I'll catch up with all the comments from yesterday and pop in later.
    Love 7 hugs
    Cheryl xxx

    1. CHERYL:- sending some (((((hugs))))) will be thinking about you today xxxx

    2. Cheryl, much love and hugs to you. Have a good chat with Pete and I'm thinking of you. xxx

    3. Cheryl, enjoy your time with Pete, I take it you will talk to him while arranging those roses. ((((((Hugs)))))) remember those happy moments and laugh with going over them with him. Hazel x

    4. Thinking of you today Cheryl! Sending lots of hugs! Xxx

    5. Thank you for keeping me in your thoughts. Got to Sainsbury's for 9.30, no fresh flowers, had to wait 1/2 hour for the produce peeps to find them and then they didn't have an deep red roses so I came home and picked some from our garden and took them instead. Pete loved his roses, Regale lilies and fuchsias.

    6. Thinking of you CHERYL hope you had a lovely chat with Pete xx
      Glad you managed to buy thing for your candels
      Love & Hug's Lynda xx

    7. Cheryl, thinking of you today, take care, love and hugs xx

  8. Hi Sandra and all the lovely ladies
    What beautiful cards today Sandra, I love both versions as they are so pretty. The stamp is gorgeous and a real focal point - you don't need anything else with it to make it special. Thank you for sharing xxx
    It's very quiet here, last exam is general studies so no revision taking place as it's more common sense and knowing what was a popular topic about a year ago. She's hoping for 3d printing and stem cells as this was her extended project topic so knows all about it, the first paper was about protests!
    Norah I hope you have a wonderful birthday. Are craft goodies on your list? Whatever you do I hope you have fun and Harry cuddles xxx
    Cheryl it sounds like you had a lovely day, shame about the demo though. Does it take you long to get to Poole? I know it well as my Aunt used to live there so spent many happy hours in Poole park when I was little. I had to laugh yesterday, I passed a charity shop that had a tea set in the window and stopped to take a look - I'm not even making candles!! Emma thought I had lost it! Happy anniversary Cheryl, yes you still celebrate it and remember your lovely Pete and all the happy times xxx
    Well I had better get a wriggle on otherwise I will be beating Maureen on her record for nighty wearing! Saba I will have to look back at yesterday's comments after I went to bed - there are pills you can get that give you energy to clean the house?!! Oh boy do I need them! Xxx
    See you all latter
    Love Diane xxxx

    1. Hi Dainty,
      I know it was shocking yesterday how long it took me to get dressed!! xx

    2. Hi Diane, it took us nearly 2 hours to get there. Being on a coach you could see the fantastic views above the hedgerows. x

    3. Oh yes Cheryl that is the advantage of a coach, we could see over all the locked gates of the very expensive houses around Ascot on Tuesday- how the other half live!!! Xxx

  9. Morning Sandra and ladies, love your cards today
    Sandra, so classy, cant decide which one I like best as both are stunning.
    Today is my last day helping out at my friends craft shop for the summer, she goes on holiday next week and her classes dont start up again till August.
    Maybe I will have some time to get my craft room sorted it is needed decorated and reorganised, how long will that take, I don't know, but it badly needs done.
    Anyway had a lovely coffee, money in pot and cup washed,
    Have a great day everyone,
    Happy birthday Norah, xxx
    Happy Anniversary Cheryl, enjoy your day, hope you get flowers as well xx
    Take care everyone till later, Jess x

  10. Cheryl, sorry I meant to say, enjoy your day as best you can, you will have a lot of happy memories.

  11. Hi Sandra and all who pop in today, Sandra your cards are lovely, just shows what you can do with just one stamp.
    Happy Birthday Norah - hope you have a lovely day
    Off to my craft class shortly - so always in a rush on Thursdays,
    Till later
    Jean x

  12. Hi Sandra and Everyone,
    I haven't read anything yet as I've got a friend coming this morning so that I'd post this first and read later !
    Two beautiful cards today Sandra - like them both but the black and white one is my favourite. It's nice to have s different shape for a change too. Glad you three ladies had a good day yesterday.
    Norah - Happy Birthday! Hope you have time to enjoy it . Sending Birthday Hugs! X
    Maureen - I do hope you weren't up for half the night - or even all night. You'll be tired today. Take care, my friend! Xx
    Brenda L - glad you had a lovely day yesterday. X
    Saba - I thnink the house is clean enough! X
    Love to all,
    Myra xxx

    1. Thanks Myra,
      Got to bed 1.45 a.m. snnnzzzzzzzzzzzz xxxx

  13. Hello Sandra,
    Two lovely cards from you today, but I cannot decide which one I like best, they are both lovely. I'm like a pendulum swinging one way then another!!!
    NORAH, Happy Birthday, you've had your lovely present a couple of days ago, lucky girl. I hope Kirsten and Harry are well.
    Cheryl, I'm thinking of you.
    Got to go, see you later.
    Maureen xxx

  14. Hi Sandra and all in coffee shop.
    Sandra your cards are lovely glad you had a lovely day with Pat & Sue I can imagine the chatter that went on!
    Norah a very happy birthday and congratulations on your best present Harry hope he and Mum are doing wel
    Cheryl hope you get to have a good chat with Pete and have lots of happy memories.
    Had coffee washed up and put money in pot.
    Hugs to all Margaret xx

  15. Hi Sandra and all in the cafe today. You already know how much I love both of these cards. The stamp is gorgeous, it only needs that little bit of ribbon to finish it off doesn't it. Thank you for a lovely day yesterday, it was so good to catch up with you both. I hate it when we have to miss a week.
    Happy Birthday Norah, you have had a wonderful present this year haven't you. Have a lovely day : ) Glad to hear you have had some cuddles with young Harry. Becoming a grandparent is both fantastic but can be frustrating when you see things being done in a different way to what you would like. You just have to bite your tongue, don't you, as it is their turn now, each generation changes somethings, just as our Mum's had to bite their tongues sometimes with us I'm sure. Your SIL will learn very quickly what he needs to do to keep Harry comfy with some gentle advice from you I'm sure. I hope Kirsten is getting on well too.
    Patricia and Hazel, I'm glad that you have had a lovely time catching up. I think your way of using a notebook to keep little notes is a great idea Patricia, I will be using that one for sure : )
    Brenda Lello, belated Happy Anniversary wishes to you and hubby for yesterday. I hope you had a wonderful day : )
    Brenda, Littlelamb, I'm sorry to hear that yesterday was a sad anniversary for you. Sending you a special hug.
    Have a good day everyone. Take care xx

    1. Thank you Sue. Glad you had a good day yesterday with Sandra and Pat. You are three lucky ladies being able to meet most weeks. Looking forward to seeing you in September.

    2. Glad you girls had a great day yesterday. I can just imagine the noise of the laughter and chatter xxx

  16. SANDRA. I love both of your cards and just cannot choose between the two. It looks a lovely stamp. Very simple but very effective.
    NORAH a very Happy Birthday to you. Hope Kirsten and baby Harry are ok.
    CHERYL. Glad you had a lovely day yesterday. Pity about the demonstration but sounds as if you had some bargains in the charity shops. I don't know what they do with the odd cups and saucers around here as you can never find any in the charity shops. When I worked in a charity shop we had a lot. Perhaps I should have started collecting them then but didn't know anything about candle cups then. Will be thinking of you today.
    Well must get on. Lunch with friend today. Don't know where we are going but I expect she will phone soon. Sunny day so hopefully can sit outside but out of the sun. See you all later. Enjoy your day whatever you are doing.

    1. Brenda, hope you have a lovely time with your friend today and a nice leisurely lunch! You wouldn't sit outdoors here! You'd get frostbite! Ha ha! Don't know why I'm laughing as it's not really funny but it has stopped raining at least! Xxx

    2. Weather was lovely Myra. I had to sit in the shade of course but it was still warm. Had a lovely long chat. Hope you have had a good day.

    3. Glad you enjoyed your lunch and chat. xxx

    4. I'm so pleased you had a lovely time Brenda. It's lovely to spend time with a good friend! I have had a strange sort of day! I have finished a popping box , I think it's called! I think I could do a lot better but it is my first try! I also started making drawers from two long match boxes! I thought the children could perhaps make them on Mondays. The girls could keep things like hair clips and ribbons inside.
      The weather has brightened up a bit , hoping for a sunnier day tomorrow.
      Love Myra xx

    5. Hi Brenda I hope you had a lovely lunch today. I'm sorry you had a sad day yesterday , sending you a big hug xxx

  17. Good morning my lovelies,
    I hope you are all having a good day, Maureen your record has been broken, I am still not dressed, although I don't want you all panicking about me walking about in my "usual nightwear", I am wearing a snuggly warm dressing gown !
    I am struggling to get moving today, my legs are a but stiff and achy!
    I need some motherly advice from you, my dear friends, about the 'menopause'
    My monthly 'cycle' has started to occur fortnightly, some times even after 10 days, still as heavy as a 'normal' one. Another symptom that I thought was to do with my medication but I think It may linked is Palpitations, quite bad ones, my heart just starts racing and I have to try and do control breathing to slow it down, this happens mostly in the night! Any of you got any advice ?
    I will make a doctor appointment to see what she says, I am hoping they can give me something to take temporarily to stop the bleeding whilst I am on holiday!
    I would really appreciate your help and ideas to make life easier!
    Thanks so much,
    Sandra xxxxx

    1. SANDRA:- sorry no advice I can't remember that far back!!! Best option in my opinion is a visit to the Doctor. This have progresses so much recently I am sure there will be something. xxx

    2. Oooopppss!! That should be ..... Things have progressed!!!

    3. Sandra - best to see your doctor! I seemed to just get through it trouble free apart from being hot occasionally! Xxx

    4. Hi Sandra,
      Having to have a hysterectomy 9 months after Pete and I married, my menopause was so early I can't remember much of it but I do know after trying the Hormone tablets and not getting on with them, we visited my Aunt & Uncle in Germany where she took me to an Apothecary and he prescribed 1000mg Evening Primrose capsules which worked better than the extra hormones.
      Best to see the doctor though, there's probably better items on the market than my time. xxx

    5. Hi Sandra - really sympathise with you with this, its not pleasant but maybe your doctor can help, really hope he can because I had a hysterectomy because of the symptoms you describe. Take care of yourself and see your doc. Love and Hugs from Jean x

  18. Back home now, having left one rather upset with herself Anna off at school. She hates to get things wrong! She came out of the exam room very cross with herself, she had got 2 of the scales wrong, and a wobble at the site reading. Told her it was no point of being cross and upset, as the exam was over, to take the experience and deal with it. Like taking time to practise her scales and do a bit more site reading. I can't see the point of telling her she should have done better!!!she did her best. She isn't 13 yet and this was grade 3 she is also doing grade 5 piano studying at the moment. No she just takes on board what went wrong and will know what to do the next time. It was nerve racking for her plus the exam was running behind as the examiner was late, which didn't help.
    Was hoping to have off till 4 but Beth is exhausted after her weekend of horse vaulting completions then she has had activities every night. So we will come home and chill out after school.
    Brenda, littlelamb I hope yesterday wasn't to sad a day for you. Yes these days dont get better, just a little les painful.
    Brenda L, belated anniversary to you both.
    Cheryl, you are so right you always get one hogging the scene at these things, glad you got so lovely finds!!!
    Well I am off to just have 5 minutes to myself. Hazel x

    1. Oh Hazel poor Anna, she is still young to be taking music exams isn't she. Yes nothing you can do about it though, just learn from your mistakes xxx

  19. Hi Sandra
    Two lovely cards today. I must admit the black & white us my favourite. Happy Birthday Norah. I hope you have some lovely goodies. Hope Pete likes you roses Cheryl and hope you both put the world to rights. Can't give you any tips re the menopause Sandra, as it seemed to miss me by. I also need a cleaning pill Diane to get me motivated to do some. I've just finished a pile of ironing, and Pete and his mate have just walked in from visiting a friend, so he's going to make us a coffee. Hugs to all.

  20. Hi Sandra And All
    I Love Both The Beautiful Stunning Cards In Both Colourways
    Take Great Care All
    The Boys Wish To Go Out For There Second Walk Of The Day
    Love And Hugs
    From Sam xxx

  21. janet ecco of sheffield18 June 2015 at 12:39

    Bon Jour mes Amis
    We are all sorted now and settled in until the end of August. Unpacking sorted; shopping food sorted; clearing cobwebs/sweeiping floors/dusting etc sorted; so I can now start to get into my normal routine here (no comments re normal please lol).
    Well I haven't managed to read all the news from the last 3days but what a lot has happened. It's a good job I'm not away for longer or I would never catch up.
    OK here I go -please forgive me if I miss anyone or event but I'll catch you all later. I promise
    Here are my headlines - NORAH - CONGRATULATIONS what a week you're having. Becoming a Nannan (how fantastic is that. It's the most wonderful feeling isn't it). Rory's last prize giving - what a young man he now is and all due to you. And then you have a BIRTHDAY -have the most fantastic day. I can just see you on top of that beautiful fluffy cloud on top of your gorgeous mountains. Enjoy everything my lovely Friend.
    CHERYL - my hugs are wrapped around you my Friend. Have a wonderful confab with Pete. I just know he will enjoy the roses.
    PATRICIA/HAZEL - pleased you two are all caught up re news etc and you too had a good confab.
    Now I'm not too sure who had the ENORMOUS WIN ON EURO MILLIONS but just take is steady my Friends and don't let it go to your heads.
    BRENDA L - Hope you had a really lovely Anniversary.
    SABA - STOP cleaning you know it doesn't do anyone any good.
    BRENDA LITTLE LAMB - hope today is a better one for you. The pain never goes away it just changes with time.
    SANDRA - I just love both of your cards and find it difficult to choose a favourite. I hope you are getting over your manic week-end and that all is now peaceful in your domain. Pleased you had a good day with your other Two Graces. As for the menopause all your symptons could quite well be because of that. Go and see your GP and she should be able to give you something to ease them. My biggest problem was the other way around re periods I would have one and then nothing for a couple of months, then normal and then longer without. My biggest problem is hot flushes, I still get these and they are horrible. Other than that I'm sorry I cannot help my lovely.

    Again if I've missed anyone please forgive me - it takes much longer these days to recover from traveling in perhaps I should ask for an extra tanker of something to help what do you all think?
    The weather is beautiful sunshine and for the first time for months I'm WARM!!! without having to use extra woollies and hot water bottles. It's fantastic.

    I've sent my hugs via cyber space so I hope they arrive in one piece and not make too much mess on landing. If they don't land in the basket can someone please ease them in.
    Speak to you all tomorrow after we've been to Corbigny and of course Friday market.

    1. Glad you have arrived "safely" in your little corner of Paradise. I used to love arriving at ours. The cleaning up was a pleasure knowing you had the joy of staying for a while .... enjoy every minute. xxx

    2. Ooh Janet, you're there safe and sound. Enjoy the market tomorrow and have a pastry for me. I'm keeping the tanker loaded for you!!
      Maureen xxx

    3. Janet so glad you have arrived safe. Oh just think of those delicious cakes tomorrow. Enjoy relaxing in your little bit of haven. Hazel x

    4. Janet, so glad you arrived safely, enjoy your holiday, we are looking forward to the daily updates, especially the pastries!!,

    5. Bonjour Janet!
      So pleased you've arrived safely and settled in! Looking forward to hearing about your days in France! Have you hung up your button picture yet? Xxx

    6. So pleased to hear you have arrived safely and thank you for your comment. Look forward to hear how you get on tomorrow at the market and cafe. Expect they will be pleased to see you.

    7. Have a wonderful time Janet, relax and recharge your batteries. xxx

    8. Glad you arrived safely, just relax and enjoy the fancy cakes, French wine and the peace and quiet. xx

    9. Hi Janet, pleased to hear you have arrived safe and sound, ooooh yummy pastries tomorrow , I can't wait! Xxxx

  22. MARGARET. your email account has been hacked and sending 'begging' emails out, Hazel, Patricia & I have all received them!
    I hope you are ok xx

  23. Just received one also Margaret, he/she must be sending to all in your address book. Contact your ISP and email account peeps to get it rectified. Somebody might genuinely think it is you and send them money. xxx

    1. I've just had one as well, I was just going to raid my Retreat Pot to send the full amount (ha ha) when I thought I'd better come on here to see if anyone else had an e-mail. I've just had a thought, does opening up the e-mail make us vulnerable???
      Maureen xx

    2. I was greatly relieved to hear about the Retreat Pot! Had concerns the money was in the red bloomers! You do have a history! Xxx

  24. Good afternoon Sandra and the Coffee Shop Gang.
    SANDRA:- your cards are beautiful, love the simplicity of them. Great colour combos and designs.
    What a start I had to the day. Thank goodness have got myself together at last.
    Made some Truffles, and some Peanut Chocolate Bar. My car is going in for its first service tomorrow. While it is in I am going to visit my "old Boss. She is getting on in age but still very young at heart. She broke her hip a couple of months ago and is still not getting out as much as she would like.
    I have made a nice box and will fill it with goodies to take with me. Both her and her hubby like "sweets" so thought that would be a good wee gift.
    MARGARET:- hope you have looked in ........ Could not believe when Hazel phoned to tell me about the e-mail. If these people did a decent days work instead of bothering us the world would be a far better place. Hope you have managed to get things sorted out. xxx

    1. Patricia your sweet treats sound delicious!
      I am pleased you have caught up with yourself after your earlier muddly start to the day, I can put you out all day can't it!?
      It sounds like you have made up for it though, you are just amazingly organised!
      Enjoy your visit with your old boss, she will love her little gift!
      Catch up later,
      Sandra xxxxx

    2. It's the Peanut Chocolate Bar that has me salivating!!!! xxx

    3. MAUREEN:- will make some "just for you" will even give you the ever so simple recipe for you to have a go. xxx

    Margaret xxx

    1. Hi Margaret, I have been trying yo get in touch with you since before lunch, I wish I had your phone number, I have tried to find it so I could call and warn you, I know I had one and Hazel did too as she called me to see if I had your number so as yo contact you, I hope you can sort it, this happened to Paul's dad, he had filled in a request that he believed was from the bank, it was very realistic looking!
      Hope you are ok,
      Sandra xxx

    2. Thank goodness you know Margaret, we were so worried. We knew it wasn't from you but someone might have!!!! We will understand if you are off line for a day or two. They picked the wrong person to try this one on with!!!!! Hazel xx

    3. Just got one too, Margaret! It's just so unlike anything you would do! So sorry this has happened to you. Had a similar experience with a lfriend of mine . She was supposed to be in Thailand! Myra xxx

  26. In light of Margaret's predicament, does anyone think it is a good idea for someone to have all the telephone numbers? (I'm thinking of Sandra here, or someone else if she doesn't want to do it).
    Maureen xx

    1. Maureen I agree totally, we are all in contact with each other daily, in most cases more often than family, I think having a phone contact would be a great peace of mind for all of us!
      For instance I would loved to have contact Margaret direct as soon as I received the message today.
      I would love to have a phone contact for Sheila too, I am so worried, I have emailed her and ad no reply , had anyone else had contact with her?
      Sandra xxxxx

    2. Sandra - with regard to Sheila she commented on a card of mine on Pinterest a couple of days ago. I responded to that comment. Maybe Sheila is just not up to blogging at the minute. Sorry don't know any more!
      I think phone numbers a great idea. I have Saba's and she has mine as we needed to do this as we were meeting up and I may have been delayed. I will send you my number if that's ok! Love Myra xxx

    3. SANDRA:- seems a great responsibility for you. Are you happy enough about having all the phone numbers???
      Maybe we should just give each other our phone numbers. We don't want to be bothering you when you are on holiday.

    4. I think you're probably right Patricia! I've sent my number to Sandra but it can just be for Sandra! I've also sent it to Maureen! Watch your space Patricia! Xxx

    5. MYRA, MAUREEN,& SANDRA have sent you a message. xxx

    6. I am fine with that Patricia, as I said before, we are probably the first to know if someone is absent or something isn't right so having contact numbers will be quite reassuring!

    7. I'm fine with giving my phone number - just let me know who to send it to, as I don't really know anyone too well yet - thanks - Jean x

  27. Hello ladies, I am just back from my day in my friends craft shop and I also have
    a email asking for money for a kidney transplant in the Phillipines. She has also had her web site targeted with spam emails and has had to close it down until it is sorted out.
    Got my comment prize today it is the Gratitudes stamp set, it will come in useful, Patricia have you got yours yet?
    Will try and get back later I have a couple of cards to finish off for tomorrow.
    Jess x

    1. Not a "dicky bird" from Sue and no packet as yet. xxx

    2. Oh that's not like Sue! Something has gone wrong. You'll have to contact her again if need be. I'm sure she'd much rather you did that than not receive your package. Xxx

    3. MYRA:- did what you said and contacted Sue again.
      It is actually so unlike her. Sue is always so promt at replying no matter what you contact her about. xxx

    4. Oh good! I agree she is lovely and feels like a real friend! I have been ironing - again! I put C&C on! I have looked at what they are offering for Christmas! Nothing I would like at all! Find it interesting that nothing from Creative Expressions so far ! Wonder if they want Tattered Lace etc to be on first ? Xxx

  28. NORAH where are you??? I hope everything is well with the family, and you are "out and about" celebrating your Birthday.
    Maureen xxx

  29. Hi everyone. Had a lovely lunch snd a nice long chat. Sat outside. No one bothered us and we didn't feel we should go. Perhaps if we had been inside occupying one of the other tables and it was busy we might have felt we had to go. I see this friend once a week and have known one another since we met at antenatal classes 45 years ago. Our children played together so when we catch up on them we know who we are chatting about. We have watched each other's children grow up and then seen the grandchildren. I am sorry I cannot help you Sandra as I had an emergency hysterectomy when I was 45 and was put on HRT. I think the best thing is to see the Dr as others have suggested. Going to try a bit more knitting tonight. See you later.

  30. Back again! Just looked at Patricia's blog and she has a lovely flower on there. I first saw flowers like this when I had a few days in the Cotswolds earlier in the year and was intrigued as to how it was done then today I saw it on Patricia's blog. Thank you Patricia and Margaret. Found very good instructions on a You Tube. One question Patricia. What weight paper did you use please?

    1. BRENDA :- (Littlelamb) it was a Freebe Paper Pad it feels like 160/180gsm
      When I make any flowers I never go lower than 160gsm. I feel anything less just tears when you try to give the petals any definition.
      Good luck with the flowers, they are very easy to do. Once you master the first one there's no stopping you. xxx

  31. Just got back in after being out for tea, we only went down to the fish resturant neither of us could be bothered cooking. Anna was still cross with herself when I picked her up, but after a big cuddle she was a lot better. She
    Agreed that she has learnt a big lesson from today, that sometimes you think you know it all but that's not the case now. So good that's has at least got that point over to her. Sitting here feet up and two of Margaret's bags to try and get warm. It's so cold here, but when you put the heating on it gets to stuffy,
    I am glad that poor Margaret found out quickly enough so she could get the problem sorted, well I hope she has got it sorted, it's scary that these people can do this. Not in tomorrow until I pick Anna up at 1, hoping to get on and make some more of my cut down XCut gift bags. Beth and I got her teachers pendant made, she did a lot her self but just needed a bit of guidance, she love making a pendant when she came to see me when I was recovering from my op. 3 years on she still enjoyed making one. We had a busy after school,made the ripe bananas into a loaf,made fruit salad with a load of fruit that was needing used up. Then fixed Anna's school skirt, so all done and dusted. I am going to sit here and have my cup of tea and see if anyone cones in. Hazel x

    1. Whoa Hazel, you have been busy and I could just eat some fruit salad, lovely and refreshing. Poor Anna, still kicking herself because she thought she could have done better. But we've all been like that at some part in our life, and it's a great lesson learned before she gets any older. How's Beth? xxx

  32. Thank you for your quick reply. Have got 160 paper/card so will give it a go. No knitting now tonight. Flowers instead. Thanks.

  33. Hazel sounds as if you have had a busy day so you deserve to sit with your feet up and go out for fish and chips. The weather is very funny. Last week we had it cold you had it hot. This week it is the reverse. Good you have got Margaret's heat bags. They are marvellous.

  34. Good evening Sandra and all the coffee shop crew
    I am so very sorry to have caused any trouble today but someone, goodness knows who, has hacked our email as soon as the phone started to ring and family and friends were telling us there was something odd going on I left you my alert message. I was terrified any of you may fall for the scam or whatever it is, then I contacted Sky our internet provider they are to block our email account within the next 24 hours then things will be re set they say so until then I will pop in here but just in case I will not be emailing anyone. Sky have told me NOT to open anything that appears at all suspect as it could have a virus attached so please do take care everyone and if you get anything from me delete it right away, please do NOT open it. How this has happened I have no idea or how they have got our details either.
    If this has taught me one thing it is to be very careful what to disclose on the internet where other unknown people can get access to without my knowing. I trust each and everyone of you all here but we just don't know who look in without disclosing themselves, I hope you understand what I am trying to say, so please everyone do take care.
    Once everything is sorted I will send Sandra or whoever is going to hold telephone numbers or phone number, but as we are ex-directory you will not be able to find it folks, sorry. The reason we are ex-directory is another story but the police advised us to do it.
    Myra you are very clever, thank you so much I got your message, so very kind of you.
    Cheryl thank you so much I got your message too.
    We had been out shopping this morning so had not been on my laptop, until the phone calls started we knew nothing, but one thing just as a precaution we have cancelled our credit cards, not taking any chances.
    Sandra your cards are fantastic, it is amazing how just a simple change of colour totally changes the picture, you are so clever.
    Now please don't worry tomorrow if I am missing until late in the day as I have to take SIL to hospital again he is still not good, in fact no better, we are all getting quite concerned. I just hope they will have some better ideas what he should do as he is injecting huge amounts of insulin (on the hospitals instructions) with no effect and this cannot be good for his system I don't think, so we will see tomorrow.
    Once again so sorry to have caused all this trouble but thank you all for your concern, you are all so thoughtful.
    Margaret xxx

    1. Hi Margaret,
      It's good to hear from you! What a day you have had . My heart just went out to you as its so very upsetting . I hope everything gets sorted out very quickly for you. There are some horrid people around and I think we all lead fairly sheltered lives, for which we are truly thankful.
      Sorry about your SIL , hope you get some answers tomorrow,.
      Take care, my dear, love Myra xxx

    2. Margaret, please don't think you have caused any problems, I was just concerned, Paul's father had this very same thing happen to him, he answered a very convincing email confirming his sign in details, (he used to work in fraud so is quite savvy) and thought he was being very secure! the hackers then had access to all of their emails both inbox and out, they even checked through the mail to check how he signed his name (his name is John but goes by name Barrie, spelt that way too) the hackers went to the trouble to check all of that out and send out messages signed convincingly, it was only that we knew he was at home and not is spain that we knew it was a scam, otherwise it was very convincing!
      I hope that you get this sorted as soon as possible, do you have another email address that you can use?
      It infuriates me that they prey on people like this, had it been some one vulnerable like my mum, or even Sheila!!
      So Margaret please stop worrying that you have caused any problems, my only concern was for you, I tried everything to get your telephone number to contact you to see if you were ok.
      Its so horrible to have to be suspicious of every message you receive, although the rogue message today was obvious it wasn't you from the greeting and all through.
      as long as it doesn't stop you visiting here Margaret!
      Sending you the most huge squidgy hug and lots of love,

  35. Margaret, you haven't cause any problem, it's these undesirables that do these things. I opened mine as I just thought you were sending something,,but one look told me its was a scam and phoned Patricia then phoned Sandra to see if she had you phone number so we could let you know. So don't you worry we were all worried about you. (((((( hugs)))))) So sorry about SIL, that's not good I hope they get him sorted. Sleep tonight and don't let them to get you down. Hazel x

  36. Botheration!!!. I had a long comment all typed out for you MARGARET:- guess what ....... yep!! it's gone into cyber space.
    So just sending you the (((((hugs))))) I had included. You are such a kind and considerate person and I really feel for you. See you as soon as your up and running again xxx

    1. No knitting done Patricia but two flowers made.

  37. Hello me again!
    I have just read all the comments now Sandra please do as others have said and go to see the doctor it is amazing what they can do these days my daughter although under40 has really big problems in that dept, but thanks to the most fantastic consultant in Edinburgh she is able to cope, she is on a treatment that has closed everything down. The consultant has been wonderful with her it is only thanks to his surgical skills that we have our darling little grandson and she can contact him anytime, she even has his personal email. So please don't put up with your problem or let them use your medication as the reason either, ask to see someone for an expert opinion.
    Janet so pleased you have arrived and got your little French heaven all sorted and ship shape to your liking, looking forward to your market report tomorrow, I wonder which cake you will choose, will it be a fruity one?
    Cheryl I hope your little journey down memory lane with your roses was comforting for you sweetheart, Happy Anniversary xxx
    Granny Norah wishing you the happiest of Birthdays today I hope you have enjoyed your special day.
    I did think Saba would have popped in by now, is she still out shopping I wonder or with all her extra energy has she flown off her balcony and is flying around the city!
    Enjoy the rest of your evening everyone I will try and call in later.
    Margaret xxx

    1. Hi Margaret, I am just so pleased that you found out so quickly and took action. What a good idea to block your credit cards as well. Take care, God bless, love and hugs, Maureen xxx

    2. Hi Margaret I'm pleased you got this sorted out, what a pain these people are xxx

  38. Well ladies,
    After all the excitement today, I am going to bed to watch the news.
    Cheryl, I hope you are all right and had a nice quiet chat with Pete.
    Everyone, have a good night's sleep, and sweet dreams.
    Maureen xx

  39. Hello ladies,
    Sorry I am so very late again. I have been into the city for last minute bits and bobs and then had an appointment late afternoon with my new lady GP ( my old one is now semi retired). I am not very keen on her, she just doesn't inspire me with confidence, she was covering for my GP last year and gave Oliver some antibiotics for a tick bite which fortunately we read up on before we gave him one. They were not to be given to children as they irreversibly damage the teeth.
    So I was disappointed when she took over from my GP. She is very keen, but doesn't seem to know her stuff. The consultant I saw last week said I had to take a certain tablet, and also, avoid magnesium. He had sent her a letter with that in. What did she do, said she couldn't prescribe the tablet and that I should also take magnesium. I persuaded her to give me a private prescription for it, which she did and I didn't buy the magnesium. On top of that, last week she told me to avoid non steroidal painkillers, this week she prescribed them!! I don't know whether I am coming or going at the moment with all the tablets. Sorry, rant over.
    Sandra, I love both of your cards. The monochrome one would also make a suitable sympathy card I think. Love how you have coloured the second one. They are lovely.
    I truly can't remember who has said what today. I have read the comments but either my mind is not working properly or its too full of lists of "to do" tomorrow. It's the great packing day and there is so much we need for the boat. If it was just clothes it would be a doddle. I have a list though.
    What does spring to mind is Norah has a birthday, so HAPPY BIRTHDAY lovely lady, hope you had a lovely day.
    Cheryl, difficult one for you today as it was for Brenda yesterday. Thinking of you both with love.
    Margaret, so very sorry your SIL is having such a difficult time, hope they can get him stable very soon. As for your e mail and all the problems it has caused you I am so sorry you have been put through that. I haven't as yet had the mail, but if I do it will go in the bin, so don't worry. I think contact no.s is a very good idea. Myra already has mine.
    I am going to go back and re-read the events of today in case I missed anything.
    All for now
    Love Saba

    1. Hi Saba, what a pain for you to have a doctor you don't trust. That's not good when you have just been put on this medication. Do you think they will recruit a new Doctor or was she a locum they have now employed? Lady doctors are usually so good and understand so many female problems. Mine is lovely but getting an appointment with her is a nightmare. Xxx

    2. Hi Diane,
      No, she is taking over the practice. My old GP is still doing two afternoons a week for the time being but is on holiday. I think once he goes I will find a new GP. It's easy here you just go to one, don't have to register or anything. Appointments are also a dream. You just turn up during surgery hours, and wait your turn. Prescriptions, no problem, go in, tell them what you want and the receptionist fills it in and nips in to the doctor for a signature. Of course there are limits, you can't just ask for anything!!
      This new one is very foreign, I think Russian or polish or somewhere like that and although her German is good, I find her a bit difficult to understand as well. Maybe I should just give her time to settle in, they do all have to learn, and I think because I have gone from no tablets in my life, to quite a few all at once, I am not feeling in control of my health all of a sudden. And when you start reading up on Hashimotos it is a bit disconcerting, not only that but my blood values are through the roof. I am not the sort to get panicked however she did put the fear of you know what into me when she said she has never seen such high levels even in text books!! Trust me to be different!!
      However, I feel fine and am not worrying about it all, it will sort itself out.
      How is Emma, relieved it's all over I bet. Hope she got the topics she wanted for her final exam.
      Love and hugs

  40. Margaret, so sorry you are having probles with scammers, I just binned an email I got but it was not from yourself, but it was also asking for money for a kidney transplant, what rotten people there is in the world.
    I would be quite happy to pass on my telephone number to
    Sandra or anyone else who would be willing to keep everyone's number.
    Jess x

    1. just drop it to me in an email Jess, I will keep them all safe, today just highlighted how hard it can be to contact someone urgently, we all talk so often, it affects us all when something worrying happens, sometimes it can be so reassuring just to confirm that someone is ok in person and then come on and put everyones mind at rest!
      I was frantic that Margaret didn't know and wanted to reassure her that we had been through it and it can be resolved quite quickly but to be sure that any online bank accounts or other secure information was safe, as companies often confirm your log in and password details by email, and these hackers have access to that information now!
      Anyway I hope you are well my lovely xxx

  41. Bed time for me,
    Sandra, do see your GP about your problems. It affects us all differently and the GP will know what to do to help you.
    Good night God bless all
    Saba xxx
