
Wednesday 17 June 2015

Diane Gorgeous Card and Box xxx

Good Morning Ladies,
I wanted to share Diane's gorgeous card and matching box with you.
I can see that Diane has used the New York collection and a Gemini die, both from Creative
Expressions, designed by Sue Wilson. I love the colour you have used too, the box has been trimmed
perfectly with one of Sue Wilsons Classic Bows.
You have created a perfect gift here Diane, I love the tulle bow with the pretty flower in the centre too, if finishes the card off perfectly without being over the top, thank you very much for allowing me to share your card with all of our friends here in the café! xx
I am struggling for tips this week ladies......
Use corks to pop on the end of your knitting needles, it stops you from getting poked and also stops your knitting from falling of your needles.  (you may have to change your tipple to wine though ladies)!
I use small cup hooks screwed into the storage shelves on my craft room, they are perfect to storing things like pearl swirls, gems etc on, they hang on them just like in the shops!
That's a couple from me, i will be back with some more later on, I have Sue and Pat coming today,
I am so looking forward to catching up with both of them!
I hope you all have an amazing day,
love and hugs


  1. Hi Sandra and all in the Cafe today. I doubt if I will be the first in but I have prepped everything ready for another busy day in the best cafe ever. I am enjoying my tea and toast now waiting to see who is first in.
    Diane, what a beautiful card and box. I love the colour combo too, it is so elegant. Thank you for sharing. Only 3 more days until Emma is exam free, you are nearly there now : )
    As I am useless at sending things to you Sandra I have some tips here for you all.
    Pampers Baby Wipes (natural clean ones ) are fantastic at removing face paints. So much easier and faster than any creams etc. They are also good at removing make up.
    Clothes that slip off hangers? Wrap an elastic band around each end of a hanger to stop clothes from slipping off.
    Label each plug when you buy a new appliance etc. Saves so much time when trying to sort out which item is which (I just write TV, Mum's phone charger etc. on a small piece of paper then stick it onto the plug with Sellotape, making sure all of the paper is covered to stop it peeling off)
    Folding crates make great space saving laundry baskets, and can be used for so many other things as well.
    Use a bit of Blu-tack to stick Remember to.... etc. notes on your car dash board as a reminder if like me you forget things.
    Use white vinegar in the fabric softner draw instead of Lenor etc. fof your towels wash. It won't make them smell horrid but does make them so soft.
    I will try and think of some more for next week. See you about 11ish Sandra and Pat, I am really looking forward to catching up with you both : ) Have a good day everyone, and Nora,enjoy those special cuddles : ) Take care xx

    1. Thank you Sue, enjoy your day with Pat and Sandra. Xxx

    2. Hi Sue
      So glad that your coming over to Sandra's. As the last I heard you weren't able to make it today.

    3. Enjoy your day Sue, I'm off to get some white vinegar. I know I have some somewhere, but can't find it!
      Maureen xx

    4. Thanks Sue I need a little book like Maureens's! Have a lovely day with Pat and Sandra! Xxx

  2. Good morning Sandra and the Coffee Shop Gang. Hope you are all well today, if not I send you a few (((hugs))).
    I am late this morning, had a few things to pack in the bag that I am taking for Hazel. If I did not do them first sure as eggs is eggs I would have forgotten. Mind you I "will" forget something I am sure of that.
    Everything is done for the day, I think I can smell some of the NEW BREAD recipe that was baked yesterday. I will help myself to a cuppa and a slice of toast. Over in the corner to see who pops in early. Can only sit for a little while, must get showered and dressed then out the door to meet Hazel.
    Will be back later, (((((hugs))))) in the basket by the door. Have a good everyone, I know I will. xxx

    1. No wonder you are excited Patricia, hope you both enjoy your catch up. There's plenty to catch up on too isn't there. Have a smashing day.
      Jean x

    2. Have a lovely day Patricia with your little sister!! xx

    3. Have a great day, just be careful with all the talking you don't lose your voices!!! Xxx

    4. Patricia, Have a lovely day with Hazel! Hope you've remembered everything - if not - good excuse for another get- together. My tip for you two today! Throat lozenges to suck on the way home! Myra xxx

    5. Hazel & I have had a great chat.
      I did write a lot of things down in a Note Book so I would remember them. Got home and had to message Hazel, I had forgotten something ...... typical just typical ..... it's this "age" thingy. xxx

    6. Glad you had a good time! Thought you would somehow!! Xxx

    7. glad you enjoyed yourselves, when you spend ages catching up its ;typical you forget something xx

  3. Oooopppss!! So blooming excited about meeting Hazel I forgot to tell Diane I love her card.
    DIANE:- your card and box are brilliant. Love the beautiful rich colours and the wonderful design. xxx

    1. Thank you Patricia , enjoy your catch up with Hazel xxx

  4. Good morning Sandra and all who pop in today.
    Dianne your card is beautiful, so elegant.
    Looks like we may have rain today, very overcast indeed. Sandra love the tip about the cup hooks under shelves, must try that one, will possibly help empty some drawers for me. I keep trying to get something done in the craft room but the lovely weather we have had recently has kept me busy in the garden and walking with the doggies so may just get something done today,
    Sorry at the moment I've no tips but I will keep popping in to see others tips, everyone is usually so clever in this category.
    Have topped the basket up at the door
    Till later,
    Jean x

    1. Hello Jean Thank you for your lovely comment, have a lovely day today xxx

    2. Hi Jean ,
      It sure is raining here !! Hope you get some crafting done! At least it cuts down the watering! Xxx

  5. ME AGAIN!! I have a TIP ...... if you make Stick Pins and don't have a stopper for the pointed end. Once your Stick Pin is in place on the project, pop some glue on the point and use a small bead or beads to cover it xxx

    1. Excellent Patricia! They can be sharp. If like me you make a fair few at once - I get a piece of card about 8 x 8 square and stick about 6 - 8 large sticky pads in the middle of the card. Don't remove the top papers but lay your pins flat around the sticky pads with the points sticking into the sides of the pads. This way they stay in place but are not stuck forever!! Wipe with a Grime Boss or baby wipe before use - then use Patricia's tip! Xxx

    2. MYRA:- that's a great tip. When I make a few pins, I pop them in a box then of course "prick" myself trying to get them out. xxx

    3. What a great tip Myra, I'm away to do that now with the ones I have made. xx

  6. Morning Ladies

    Diane-your card + box are just stunning. They are so detailed, they're a real keepsake.

    Dull day here & quite breezy with rain forecast-yippee. Am fed up of using watering cans especially as we're on a water meter.

    Busy day at work starting with a 2 hour meeting which will leave me annoyed as we have this meeting every month and achieve nothing!


    1. Hi Michele
      Thank you for your lovely comment. I expect having the meeting ticks someone's to do box so grin and bear it and have a lovely day for the rest of it xxx

    2. Michele - just made that watering comment higher up!! I hate meetings too. Xxx

    3. great tip Hazel, I am definitely going to try that. xx

  7. Good morning Sandra and ladies.
    Diane I love your very elegant and classic looking card, your box is also beautiful.
    Had a bit of a lie in, when I shouldn't have so just a quick visit as I must get myself ready to go meet Patricia.
    A tip for those going on holiday? When packing your case or bag first place a fully open large towel ( your beach one will do) or if you use one, a sarong in your case leaving the ends hanging over edge, pack your case/bag, when all packed bring the one end of towel/ sarong over pull tight and tuck down do the same with other side making use you pull tight and tuck well down so it's all tightly packed, you will get to your destination and when you open your case/bag your clothes will be just as you packed them and not all over the place. A well tried and tested method by both Patricia and I ( Patricia tip to me years ago) as we were living out of cases during our trip I kept redoing this method after taking out the items required, didn't have to re iron any of the clothes before wearing. ( as you know Patricia and I like ironed clothes)
    Oh I'd better make a move. Hazel x

    1. Hi Hazel thank you for your lovely comment, enjoy your catch up with Patricia xxx

    2. Hazel, have a lovely day with big Sis xxxx

    3. Hazel enjoy your catch up with Patricia xx
      Great tip by the way.

    4. Hazel , have a great day with Patricia. I'm sure you will. Thanks for the tip - it's a really good one! Xxx

  8. Hi Sandra and all the lovely cafe ladies
    Thank you all for your lovely comments on my card. Sandra identified the dies correctly, is t she good. From what I can remember (as you can tell from the dafs it was a while ago!) the background layer was embossed with the rambling rose EF . The card is a pack I picked up at Farnborough from Ross card and paper and I has a pearl finish to it so very pretty. The bow on the box is actually a stampin up punch! I haven't got the bow dies as I didn't think I would use them but we made a card using the punch at card club and I decided to treat myself. Of yes the little rose I made using a tattered lace die to cut out the shape then used Sues rose technique to make it up. My cousin loved it and still has it on display .
    Well my feet are aching sooo much today so my top tip is don't wear new shoes to an event! I didn't go for really high heels but still my feet ached, I was glad to get back to the coach and put my flats on! We had a lovely day though and the weather was good. Got to see the Queen fairly close up as she arrived, she is beautiful. There were lots of other royals there too and they wander around looking at the horses in the parade ring. My friend got to the top of some stairs and came face to face with Nigel Havers, quite made her day! It's a great place to people watch and oh boy did we see some sights! I think someone took a photo of me so when they send it through if it's any good I will send it in. I could of course say to check the papers today but for some reason they weren't interested in taking a photo of a bunch of middle age women! I wore a green vintage dress, not the one I made with black hat and shoes ( good old BHS !).
    Well Maureen I thought of you, there were guys wandering around with backpacks of Stella, with a dispensing hose! Perfect for your Baileys on a night out! We made a Policeman laugh when one of our party asked him if he could come back with one filled with Pressecco ( the policeman was standing near him not dispensing it!) it was a day of food and drink from the off, pastries and Buck's Fizz on the coach, fizz and lunch when we got there ( we had tables and chairs set up next to the coach in the car park) then into the racing and after the sing song with the band at the end of the day back for Pims and afternoon tea then home! A long day but great fun. I did win one race grand sum of £6 and came 3rd in another so won £11 over all ( we don't count the £24 laid out on the races!) and the syndicate for our group won £150 so that covered the cost of food so not a bad day. It's just a bit of fun really with our £2 bets but people were spending thousands!
    Well I would like to say I'm having a quiet day but I'm meeting Emma after her exam today and then we are going clothes shopping. Last exam tomorrow which is general studies so it's more being up with current affairs rather than revision. Phew nearly there!
    Well I hope everyone has a lovely day, I'm off to soak my feet!
    See you later
    Love Diane xxx

    1. Hi Diane
      Sounds like you had a lovely day yesterday. I'm glad that the weather kept fine for you.

    2. DIANE:- sounds like you had a FANTASTIC day. Hope the feet are recovering ... pride is a terrible thing!!! Done the same thing so often myself .... one just has to look good!!! Take it easy today if you can.
      That's me off to meet up with Hazel.

    3. Ooh Diane, any man with a six pack gets my vote, and if it has an intravenous line attached..........well!!!! I'm pleased you had a lovely day and won some money. I don't think it matters how much (unless it's hundreds) but it all adds to the excitement. By the way "Liz" and the rest of her family said it was so nice to see you there ha ha.
      Maureen xxx

    4. Diane, well done on your winnings, glad you had a great day.
      Your card and box are stunning, love the colours you have used.
      Don't spend all your winnings in one shop!!,!
      Have a great day xxx

    5. Hi Diane,
      First of all, your card and box are lovely! I love the colours and the whole thing just looks so elegant! I see I need to make more boxes. They really do finish the card off. Thank you Diane.
      Sounds as if you had great fun yesterday. As you say - great place to people watch! If I have one tiny criticism it would be that we don't need any more tips on how to keep Muriel lubricated with alcohol! She'll be in town now shopping for a back pack!
      There's a photo of the Princess Royal in the newspaper today . Apparently she first wore the outfit she was wearing yesterday 35years ago! It made me feel bad - until I tried to picture myself in something I wore when I was about 30!! Now I don't feel bad at all!
      Steady with the winnings - don't spend them all at once! Myra xxx

    6. hi Diane, Your card is gorgeous you may just have inspired my mojo. good you had a good day at the races, xx

    7. Hi Myra and Wendy
      Thank you for your lovely comments, I'm pleased I may have given your mojo a push Wendy xxx
      Wow Myra I saw the Princess Royal yesterday and thought her outfit was beautiful, good on her for recycling and still being able to fit in it 30 years later! That's classic clothes for you! I must say I don't think my winnings will change my life :) xxx

  9. Hi Sandra
    Thanks for the tips and Mrs B has put some one her post as well.
    Lovely card Diane, I just love these dies. I love the colours you have used, and how clever of you all to make boxes as well for them. I hope that Patricia and Hazel have a great day together as well. Will look back later to see what's happening.

    1. Have a lovely time with Sue and Sandra Pat! I think you three may need the throat lozenges tip as well! Xxx

    2. Thank you Pat I hope you have enjoyed your day with Sue and Sandra xxx

  10. Hi Sandra And All My Friends
    Diane What A Truly Beautiful Card And Box, I Love The Rich, Opulent Colours You've Chosen.
    I Love Making Boxes For My Cards, But Now I've Purchased The Envelope Maker Etc: So I Tend To Make Less Boxes, As I Make All My Own Envelopes For My Christmas Cards Etc: I Purchase Christmas Paper That Has Been Reduced Its Quite A Dull Day So It's A Craft Day Today For Me!!! Have A Great Day All.
    Love And Hugs All
    From Sam xxx

    1. Sam, I was so impressed yesterday that you have already planned your
      Christmas card colours. They sounded really elegant , by the way! Now you are telling us you make all the envelopes too! I need to work harder I think! Envelopes from wrapping paper sound lovely and since my husband's contribution is to print off the address labels , writing is not a problem! The children on Monday afternoons would love this too! Thanks Sam! Xxx

    2. Hi Sam thank you for your lovely comment, that's a good idea using wrapping paper for envelopes. I use the crafters companion box maker and it's fab. Xxx

  11. Thanks for you tips Sandra and for showing us Diane's' beautiful card & box.

    Love & Hugs

    Jacquie J xxx

  12. Diane, your card and box are delicious. I use that word advisedly as the first thing I thought of when I saw the picture is a luscious box of chocolates. It made my mouth water!!!! It's beautiful, and the bow punch is a serious piece of equipment!
    Has anyone ever noticed that the more time you have, the more you waffle about doing nothing. I'm almost ashamed to admit I am sitting here in my nightie!!! Mind, I have been up for hours and done nothing except wash my hands and clean my teeth, have my breakfast, read the papers, done the crosswords and sudoku, and attended to my e-mails.
    I don't think I have been this lazy for about 60 years!!! Never mind, when I've finished this, it's all systems go. Old clothes on and do the housework, clean the dreaded oven - noooooooooo - shower and get ready for the school trip with Eleanor's netball team.
    MICHELE, wake up, the meeting's over, you can go and do something useful!!
    So, I'll see you all on the other side of decent and read all about your shenanigans. Be good now ladies.
    The Three Graces have a lovely day.
    Now where did I put those red silk bloomers .........
    Maureen xx

    1. Maureen,,
      This happens to me sometimes - the getting up and faffing about that is!
      It doesn't do any harm once in a while but someone usually comes to my door and then I feel such a lazybones!
      Have a good time with Eleanor - hope they win! I've got my fingers crossed !
      My crafting tip today - apart from the stick pins - above!
      If you would like to put just a little bit of embossing on a card - place the card in the embossing folder and hit it gently with a rubber hammer or meat tenderizer just where you want the pattern to be. I've also used my rolling pin! It can be quite effective.
      Now this one is a bit odd but it does work! If you have an old bent fork take a pair of pliers and bend the two centre prongs backwards. You will then have a stand to display a card! You may have to adjust the angle of the fork handle to get the balanc right. Old fancy forks make lovely stands!
      Right , got brain fever now!
      See you all later.
      Myra xxx

    2. MYRA:- good tip for the pins.
      I love the Fork idea must keep my eyes open for old forks. I have seen a beautiful bracelet made from an old Fork. xxx

    3. Thanks Patricia - I forgot to say about the fork tip - you then curl the two outer prongs forward . So middle two backwards - outside two forwards! Sounds like a rugby team! Xx

    4. Myra, you are brilliant with your tips, they are now in my book. By the way, I have now been showered, got dressed and been to the netball. BUT I didn't have time to do the oven - ahh, I'll have to get George to do it!!!! Eleanor's team didn't get through to the finals, but she scored two goals in one match they played and won. The winning goal in another, and they drew one and lost one. She was so pleased because I was there to see her. xx

    5. Maureen, sounds as if Eleanor played well and had a great time! It makes all the difference when there is someone there to watch and cheer them on ! The oven will still be there in the morning! A bit like my ironing was today! How I wish I used paper napkins last weekend! Still all done now! Xxx

    6. Myra, you are so right Maureen's oven will still be there tomorrow, but supporting Eleanor at her netball match was a one off.
      Maureen, good for them doing as well as they did. And more so for Eleanor's reply about you being there. Shows how much she loves you. Hazel x

    7. Good for Eleanor she did really well, please give her my congratulations. There are plenty of other days for the oven, but not for netball you made the right choice there so don't fret yourself. xxx

    8. Hi Maureen thank you for your lovely comments and you have given me an idea to make boxes to put truffles in if I ever get round to making them again. I used to make chocolates in moulds years ago but that was pre marriage! I'm pleased to hear elinor scored two goals, she must have loved you being there to cheer her on. Now don't go putting George in the oven to clean it! Haha xxx

    9. Talking of Truffles I bought a bottle of Baileys this afternoon to make some. xxx

  13. Oops Chery have a lovely day at Poole Pottery xxx

    1. Think it's CHERYL that's going to the Pottery xxx

    2. All riight, all right Patricia, I made an L of a mistake there!!! xxx

    3. Bet you were thinking of a "bun" with a "CHERRY" on top at the time!! xxx

    4. Well Maureen that's what happens when you don't put your knickers on, so be warned! xxx

    5. Myra forgot to say I love your fork card stand, what a great idea xxx

  14. Morning Sandra and ladies, Diane your card is stunning, love the colours, thank you for letting Sandra show us it.
    Well ladies you have a lottery winner in your midst this week........ME.......
    I had the fantastic win of £2.90p on the Euro Lottery!!,!,!
    So put the money in my retreat box for a cup of tea when waiting for the train.
    Not much doing today, meet a few friends this afternoon at our local garden centre for a coffee and catch up, then card class tonight, have a great day whatever you are doing, take care, Jess xxx

    1. Dear Jess,
      I don't often send Begging Letters, but as you have come into so much money and my husband and I haven't eaten since last Christmas, could you just ............ lol
      Maureen xx

    2. P,s, enjoy your afternoon with friends, and card class tonight. By the way if anyone is interested, I'm still sitting here in my nightie.
      DISGUSTING, I'm going now.........
      Maureen xx

    3. And me Jess, that's TWO Lottery winners, I also won the grand sum of .......... Wait for it ................ Drum Roll...... .........£2.90p. Now we mustn't let this sudden windfall go to our heads !!!!!

    4. Jess and Brenda!
      My tip for you two today - think very , very carefully before you do anything rash with all that cash!
      I'm only jealous! Myra xxxx

    5. Brenda you and me could have a night out with our winnings!!

    6. Congratulations Jess on your win on the Euro lottery don't spend it all in one go will you!
      Sorry to spoil your fun but you were not the only winner, I won £3.30
      so the only way is up from now on ladies who is going to be the next winner???

    7. Oops did not see you there Brenda, so sorry, congratulations on your win too xx

    8. Jess, we could really paint the town RED (not the bloomers again) with our winnings and Margaret you could come too xx

    9. Hee Hee I beat you all I won £6.30 Have spent all day wondering how to spend it xx

    10. Wow! Congratulations you high rollers you! Xxx

    11. Wendy think very carefully before you spend it !!!!!!!
      Do you think we are on to something BIG girls? xxx

    12. I can see I'm going to have to photocopy the begging letter a few times, but I bet you have all spent your winnings by the time my letters get to you!!
      Maureen xx

    13. Well done Wendy as I have said the only way is up!!!!!
      To be quite honest Maureen at present I wouldn't waste the stamps, but when our wins get bigger, much bigger you could give it a try. xxx

    14. Well what can I say ladies, you are an elite club of winners! I'm sure financial advisers will be queuing to offer you advice! Haha. Congratulations to you all on your major wins and don't open any letters from Muriel !!! Xxx

  15. SANDRA. I hope you have a wonderful time with Sue and Pat. It goes without saying that you will. I an sure you will also put the world to rights.
    DIANE. Your card is stunning. Love the colours. I am sure the recipient loved it.
    Hope Cheryl enjoys her day at Poole Pottery and Patricia and Hazel have a good time together. Norah I hope you are having lots of cuddles with Harry. Would love to see a photo sometime.
    The only tip I can think if at the moment is that I use a mug tree to put my reels of tape and scissors on. Might already have been mentioned.
    Quiet day before the crafting session tonight. See you later. Coffee money in the pot.

    1. Brenda, I hope you enjoy your quieter day today! It's a miserable old day here. Enjoy your craft session tonight. Myra xx

    2. Littlelamb, Brenda. I have two mug trees languishing in the garage, I'm away to get them when I've finished on the blog. Thanks for that tip. xx

    3. Brenda, brilliant usage of those mug trees, was looking at the one at work this afternoon and could how well it will work!!! Guess who is going to get one. Hazel x

    4. Hi Brenda thank you for your lovely comment. Enjoy your craft club tonight xxx

  16. Hello Sandra and coffee shop ladies,

    Tips for to day, one comes to mind OH was fed up with all the gift wrap I have at the side of my desk, as it always looked messy. He went to his 'shed' (it's a large concrete garage really without the car doors) he returns with a piece of drainpipe, just under 2ft in length and the opening is approx 6in - perfect the paper roll stand up in it beautifully. Another tip, it works for us as we go to stay at our daughters homes frequently, I leave our small travel bag packed with toiletries, so all I need to do is put a hair brush and make up in and we are ready to go.
    Diane your card is beautiful, the matching box makes this a real gift. Thank you
    for shareing. xx
    Hope everyone is having a good day, will be back later.
    Love and Hugs, Brenda xxx

    1. Forgot to say.............
      THE THREE GRACES - Hope you have a lovely time catching up with each other's news, It must be quite a few weeks since you were all able to be together, I'm sure the time will fly LOL
      CHERYL - Have a lovely day at Poole Pottery. Thinking of you xxx
      HAZEL & PATRICIA - Thinking of you both, enjoy your day. I'm sure it will pass all to quickly.
      DIANE- Sounds like you had a great day yesterday.
      MICHELE- Hope the meeting didn't drag on to long, and you were then able to get on with some real work.
      NORAH- Hope you have had lots of cuddles with Harry. Also hope you are OK after all the excitement and worry you have had. LOL

    2. Brenda thank you for your lovely comment. My husband keeps his toilet bag packed as he often travels at short notice- it's such a good idea isn't it xxx

  17. Good afternoon my lovely angels in the coffee shop,
    Girls i tried to send by email from my blackberry phone a picture to Sandra but i don't know where it went except it is saved somewhere in draft form but i'm not very technology minded to be able to find out where it is on the dashed thing, when i get help i will promise.
    Brenda and Jess i am not even going to lie but i am jealous of your humungous win and all the sights that you can travel to , just because it is on shanksy pony goes for nothing or that it is all in your mind goes for absolutely nothing.
    Diane your card and gift box are so pretty i am not surprised that your cousin still has them out on display. I love the fact that for my eyes it looks like a dusky peachy pink against the white and is given us a much needed colour injection again because i know i get stuck in the same colour rut that i pick time again, so it is nice to see a colour that you think about using before sticking with the norm being used and so stunningly as well. I am so glad that you had a lovely time out with the girls at the races yesterday although i would agree about new posh shoes not being adviseable on such a day. Wondering if Nigel Havers was as charming in real life as he comes across on screen and is he as nice looking? If he is big headed about himself i will just go right off him.
    I went up to see the wee man yesterday afternoon so that his other grandparents could go at night when they were finished their work to find out that they had already seen him first thing that morning coming in on their grandparent pass. You will realise that i knew absolutely nothing about such a pass or the fact that i could go in at a time that wasn't just general visiting hour. I found out just how dippit my SIL is as the nurse took the wee lad away for his hib/hip jag in is heel and others and brought him back saying that the cot was wet so he would need changed. Boy wonder turns around and says when the nurse goes out "Oh he wont need changed now that she has put a clean sheet in the crib/cot". NAW Ryan he still needs changed. SIL- "How, the nurse just did it there" No Ryan the sheet was wet because the wee lad wet through his nappy, bodysuit, babygrow and the 4 TOWELS that they had wrapped him in. He is wrapped in towels because they have run out of blankets and the wee fella is frozen where is mother is passing out because of the heat and the last few days events, i think it might be called knackered. She will be in another day or two yet until they can get her stabilised. Ryan trying to feed Harry his bottle when he has his head pushed right upgainst his chest and then wonders why the wee fella not feeding...dohhhhhh!!!! His mother left Kirsten with 2 bibs of which one of them was soaked through because of Harry sharing his milk with the bib.
    end of part 1

  18. What a day, Campbell CAME to Rory's prize giving yesterday which nearly had us all on the floor with shock as he never goes to anything to do with Rory except to be on his back about something. "Well that was a load of rubbish" when i got back home "a waste of time". Rory and his friend Ayden went up together to get their portfolios of their achievements for the year. And he got pipped to the post on his attendance and merit awards but that is ok by me but god help the college when Ayden goes as he i think was vaccinated with a gramaphone needle as he never stops yapping. If i shooshed him once i did it a dozen times yesterday at that ceremony as i am old school and think it is bad manners but hey ho i'll stay old school as there is a lot to be said for it.
    I shall have a quick cuppa in the corner and give me a nudge if i start sleeping. Rory is away to the National Art Gallery in Edinburgh today and wont be back until 5pm, Campbells at work and i need to get going in here and don't know what to start first. Basket of huggles is down where they normal are but they are mischievous so warning.
    Thank you Angels for all your good wishes for Harry's arrival although i don't think it has quite sunk in yet in my brain but it does have a few dense layers to go through before it can reach anything of significance
    Love and crafty hugs
    Norah (Glenochil)

  19. Girls, i let my Kirsten see all the lovely messages that you have sent to her and she was fair taken a back. 1 that so many could send and say such nice things and 2 that she doesn't even know any of you but you are so kind to think of her and her wee family. Thank you my lovely angel friends for making my wee girl so happy with your caring. I told her i don't know a lot of you either face to face but on here you are special breed that only come together through special people.
    Now i'm sending these huggles to create chaos amongst you all and i hope you are dressed now Maureen as i can't be held responsible for their actions. :-D xxxx

    1. Hi Norah
      Oh it is good to have you back. Thank you for your lovely comment about my card, it is such a pretty colour isn't it and it was less than £4 for 50 sheets of quite thick card. I have to say Nigel is quite good looking in real life and he raised his hat and said so sorry to my friend, she was all of a fluster! Did I mention he was in top hat and tails with a rose in his lapel? A lovely gent!
      Oh Norah do enjoy your cuddles with Harry, you might have to bite your tongue for a while until you can get Kirsten on your own ! I hope she is improving too and isn't too sore.
      Thank you for the cuddles, they are soft today and have that lovely talcum powder smell of babies xxx

  20. Hi Norah!
    It's great to hear from you today and I must admit to having a laugh at your SIL and the crib/nappy! Just wait until his trousers get the baby treatment and he'll realise the baby needs a dry nappy! Kirsten has really been through the mill and I'm sorry about that but she is young and has a lovely baby who needs are and I'm sure she'll make a quick recovery! I do hope so. As for Grandma - well you must have felt as if you were on a roundabout that was going fare and faster! Try to relax a bit now. Don't overdo things today! We'll look forward to that photo!
    Glad Rory had a good day yesterday. Pleased too that his Daddy went in support.
    Norah if I had hills here today - which I don't , you definitely wouldn't see them! It's dark, wet and miserable! I hope it's not so wet for Maureen and the netball match!
    Hope Rory enjoys his day in Edinburgh. It will be lovely to get Harry home to his own lovely shawl and blankets.
    Take care my friend! Lots of love, Myra xxx

  21. Hello Everyone
    DIANE - AMAZING! I have only successfully made one box but now I have the bug! Your card and box are gorgeous I have a few of the NY dies I may have to borrow this one!!
    HAZEL - Yor tip using a sarong etc when packing is a great idea. My OH does something similar with pairs of trousers! I have a tip re packing/travelling etc - Make a list of hat you take and as most of us take too many clothes with us tick off what we used and add stuff we missed or forgot to take. Keep the list in suitcase until next trip and work from that list when packing again

    Craft tip - Collect a few of the wooden coffee stirrers from cafes - they're free. They make excellent scoops for mica etc, stirrers when mixing pastes/paints etc. I keep one labelled turps to use when I want to add a little to a pot of dryish gilding wax

    1. Oh Karen I have been collecting these sticks forever, often use them to thinly spread glue, they are great have even used them on Children's cards to hang a line of banners (flags) on. Sometime ago I was going to a craft fair and asked our 8yr granddaughter if she needed anything, Please can you get me some of those sticks you used on Samuels card!!!! OOooops xx

    2. Hi Brenda. Yes I have also been collecting them forever. As you say good for glue and lots of crafty things. What your granddaughter said is the sort of thing my 7yr granddaughter would say.

    3. Karen now you tell me about those stirrers? There were loads in the hotel rooms, I could have put them in the cases, never mind I will look out for them. Hazel x

    4. Hi Karen thank you for your lovely comment. I use a crafters companion box board to make my boxes as it's so easy. You add on a bit to the sides of the card width and cut both pieces the same side and the use one side of the score board for the base and the other side for the lid and you get a perfect fit, much better than fiddling about with one piece mm smaller than the other! Xxx

  22. Good afternoon Sandra and all the coffee shop crew
    Just popped in quickly as I have been busy baking all day brought some cherry scones and my new recipe Lemon Drizzle cake as I know Sandra loves it, help yourselves.
    I am a little worried as it is rather windy here today and something large and RED has just blown in the garden, MAUREEN I hope you have your bloomer well tucked up today!!!
    I will call back later to see how everyone is today.
    Margaret xxx

    1. Oh Margaret,
      When we suggested she should fly the flag - we didn't mean literally!! Xx

    2. MARGARET:- what do you call your "Bakery" I would love to come visit sometime.
      I can smell that Lemon Drizzle Cake here. xxx

    3. Not sure what Margaret calls her lovely Bakery but I'm pretty certain it'll be Corgi Registered! Xxx

    4. Myra, is that because Margaret cooks on Gas!! xx

    5. Oh Patricia that did make me laugh!
      Couldn't decide if it was a Basil Brush Boom Boom or a gas explosion! Thanks for that! Xx

    6. It was Basil Brush!! Oh! dear I hope Margreat does not think I want to destroy her "bakery" Xxx

    7. No chance of destroying my kitchen Patricia it is all electric so there is no boom boom! and Basil Brush had better keep away my corgis don't like foxes! Ah you forgot about them now didn't you? xxx

    8. Margaret, did you see Mary Berry making lemon drizzle cake with lemon verbena in the other day? It sounded interesting xxx

    9. Yes Diane I have tried her recipe but without the lemon verbena I thought it looked as though there were flies in the sponge, and it is so lovely and very, very, light. It lasted 2 days and was all gone! My other lemon drizzle recipe is such a faff with so may ingredients in and believe it or not half the flour was bread flour, it was lovely but I prefer Mary's now and it is so easy, I don't do difficult! xxx

    10. Glad about that Margaret don't like flies in my cake

  23. I am back, Hazel and I had a great catch up of chat. Two lots of tea to keep our throats lubricated. We chatted about meeting up with Maureen in a couple of weeks. It has come much quicker than we thought when it was first mentioned some months ago. Getting quite excited about meeting her off the train. Then the next big thing after that will be Gilians Wedding. All exciting things happening this year.
    Right better go see what we can have for our meal this evening.
    Be back soon to see what else is happening xxx

  24. Hi Patricia. Glad you had a lovely time with Hazel. Must be lovely to meet up with your sister and have a good chat. Even better when you both like crafting. Mine is too far away to meet. Got to get something to eat now before going to craft session. Be back later.

    1. Hope you have a great time at your "craft session" please let us know what you did tonight. xxx

    2. Yes we had a good evening they also did some colouring and were all very quiet whilst doing that. They were concentrating and enjoyed it. They made three cards. One was a handbag shape, one with a window with shutters and a window box and the third was either a man card with a footballer or Formula One car or a vase with flowers in it. They were 4x6 cards. The men's cards I also cut a frame with an appiture (can't spell it). Next week flower arranging.

  25. Oh if only Patricia and Hazel knew what they were in for!!! They'll come on here gibbering wrecks on the Sunday morning.
    Have a lovely evening Brenda. xx

    1. You have not met "us" yet!!! xxx

    2. Have you planned what you are going to wear yet? Please don't say the red bloomers and the 20year old unwashed vest! Xxx

    3. No! the bloomers I think they would be a bit uncomfortable for me.
      Might be 20 years old shoes though xxx

    4. Myra it is bound to be black and white, Newcastle United colours remember and they even sell knickers in the Supporters shop at St James Park! Now before you start barking up the wrong tree, I only know this as my daughter bought some. xxx

    5. Now Patricia I know it is said Scotsmen don't wear anything under their kilts but I hope you do! xxx

    6. Well I actually compromise and wear "G Strings" xxx

    7. Good girl, I would hate you to catch a chill! xxx

    8. Margaret, I'm beginning to realise why all these people need your lovely heat bags!
      Too much Air on a G String for me! Xxx

  26. Maureen I second what Patricia has just said!!! You didn't see when we were at the hotel this morning having our tea a scones. I was showing Patricia my cut down XCut gift bag giving her a template, also I handed her things of Tull, she was giving me lace and ribbon it was like a cafe shop on that little table, goodness knows what the others though-well maybe " crazy ladies over there ones to mind" Yes have to say we are very lucky to be able to meet up and chat crafty stuff. Hazel x

  27. Myra, if Maureen does wear them I think she would be spotted straight away??? Hazel x

  28. Right, I'm totally respectable, I know that because I checked and the red ensign is still in place!!!
    Have you ever tried to slit your throat? Well, that's what I did this morning when I finally moved and went to get ready. Except it wasn't my throat really, it was the back of my neck. I took a nice old rusty razor blade to shave the back of my neck after I'd hacked (I can't in all honesty say cut) my hair, and have sort of tram lines down my neck which ooze nice trickles of blood!! I just hope they have healed by the 4th July because I know I will catch them when brushing my hair. I may have to wear a polo neck top, even if the temperature is 30 degrees!! That means I'll have to by one as I don't own one. I did contemplate for one millisecond of getting George to have a look, then I saw his big hands spreading to go around my neck - and changed my mind ha ha. I bet you all think I'm joking, oh ye of little faith.
    I still can't think of a tip for today, except what I've always done, and I expect you all do it too. I have a large loose leaf ring binder, with tabs for the months of the year. After each month I have a separate page for everyone who has a birthday that month and write the year, and which card I have made for them. That way, they never get the same card twice.
    For people in the same family, I have a separate loose leaf book with a page for each family member and write which cards they have had, so I can cross reference to make sure that - say - two brothers do not get the same card. What can I say - I love books. I also like to make lists!!! Who said that I was sad.
    Wev'e had a lovely but breezy day here today. Contrary to what they said on the TV we've had no rain. Eleanor did very well in her Hi5 Netball but they didn't get through to the finals. Having said that every team was supposed to have some boys playing - and not all did. Every team was supposed to change the players around at half time - not all did. And all the teams were head and shoulders taller than Eleanor's team. This is not sour grapes, but they should all be singing from the same hymn sheet.
    Rant over, soapbox anyone.
    Oh before I forget, Nanny McPhee - you must be so proud of Rory. I hope Kirsten recovers well, and that little Harry is soon able to come home - but not too soon, let's get the two of them fighting fit first. And, you take it easy and look after yourself.
    I'm going now to put a watch battery into George's watch - OH THAT'S A GOOD TIP, I get a pack of 30 little round batteries at the pound shop and I find that at least one line of 6 fits one of our watches, so that works out at less than 17p per battery Now I don't know how much you pay for replacement watch batteries, but our cheapo watches are usually about £8 and our good ones were £30 each the last time. These batteries work fine in them so that's a good saving.
    Well, I'll see you later, be good and get the glasses out, the Tanker's ready!!
    Love Maureen xxx

    1. OMG!!! MAUREEN:- please, please, look after yourself. I really want to see you on the 4th July. Remember you will need to wear Red/White & Blue knickers that day!!!
      I have had such a laugh at your expense ....... sorry!!!
      Off to the Loo!! Thank goodness for Tena Ladies xxx

    2. Hi Maureen
      I have a tip for you. Don't use rusty blades on the back of your neck, and to keep George's hands away from your neck.

  29. Oh you've been talking whilst I've been typing. I will probably wear something very understated like a micro mini skirt with a boob tube and thigh high boots xxx

    1. And a rose between my teeth xx

    2. Oh! No! Maureen that's exactly what I thought of wearing!!!
      Mind you saying that Hazel and I always have to confer on what we are wearing. It would not be the first time we came wearing similar colours or even very similar outfits ..... looking like the "Dolly Sisters"
      Even today .... we did not confer and arrived wearing "green" cardigans. Different shades but green!!! xxx

    3. Maureen are they Kinky boots? Xxx

    4. Oh Lummy! I think we'll forget the Beverley Sisters and just call them The Kinks!! Xx

    5. That also happens to my sister and me. We both worked at the same place. One would go in the bathroom while the other had breakfast. She would come out of the bathroom and go and have breakfast then get dressed. I would come out of the bathroom and get dressed. We would then find we were wearing almost identical clothes. Some one at the craft session asked me tonight if my brother, sister and I were triplets. NO. Brother 5 yrs younger than me, sister 8yrs younger. Don't know if it was I looked young my age or she looked old, but when we were younger it happened a lot.

  30. Patricia, is so right about the two of us, we do have to check what colour etc we are wearing when we are meeting.
    Maureen, for goodness sake take care! You should know better than to use an old blade, in fact you shouldn't be using one at all? It's dangerous, Hazel x

  31. That's all right then, I'll just look for the Dolly Sisters, and make a bee line for you, and if I happen to be wearing something similar we'll look like the Beverley or Andrews Sisters!!!! I've decided to put the flower in my hair, it will be really difficult to talk with my tiny mouth if there's a flower in it!!!
    I've changed the watch battery and it's going a treat. Now you are all really going to think I'm a cheapskate, but the tiny screwdriver that I have to use sometimes came from a Christmas cracker!!! Oh dear, and I pretend to be so posh!!! ha ha
    I can't reach the mug trees as they are too high up on the garage shelves so, ever mindful of health and safety, I'll wait until his nibs comes in from Bowling to get them. Oh I love the Bowling Season, peace and quiet to do what I want. Well I do what I want anyway, but I don't have peace and quiet.
    See you later
    Maureen xxx

    1. MAUREEN :- you are definitely NOT a cheapskate ....... you are clever, careful and saving for the Retreat!!! xxx

    2. Oh I use those Christmas cracker screwdrivers for glasses screws- so handy xxx

    3. So does my husband ! He would be very upset if it got lost! Xxx

    4. These tiny Sets come as Eye Glass repair kits .... right!!! Well this is how silly I can be ....... I was looking in a magazine and saw them. I read it as "Glass Eye" repair kit. I actually convinced myself that's what I saw!!! Kept thinking "why in heavens name" would you need those tools to repair a "Glass Eye" OK! OK! I can hearing you all saying "how stupid" well it's true ..... that's ME!!!!
      Bet your worried now Maureen.......!!!! xxx

    5. I wonder if I can get a refund on my Edinburgh tickets
      Aye aye, I've had a good laugh at that Patricia. I was in King's College in Newcastle when I was young and taking my O level GCE exam in English Lit. Dying for the toilet, I was hurrying along the corridor and a sign that started La caught my eye, I rushed in thinking it said Lavatory, and it was Laboratory. Good job I didn't do what I usually do and get half undressed as I'm going in the door like at home ha ha. xx

    6. You're both hopeless! Funny but hopeless ! However it can be very funny how we read things sometimes! Xx

  32. Hello Sandra and everyone
    Well we did had rain this morning, I got soaked taking our grandson to school, and a few miles down the coast where his mummy's school is they had thick fog, strange weather for summer.
    Well Sandra I do hope you three graces had a lovely catch up, the question is how much crafting was done?
    Diane both your card and box are wonderful so very elegant and beautiful they really are you should be so pleased with yourself.
    Hazel and Patricia so pleased you had a great catch up, you really are so lucky having each other to meet up with and share with each other, that is the one thing that is missing when you are an only child, but hey ho at least I have two wonderful daughters. Talking of wearing the same things don't worry, there are two retired ladies in our town who are twins and every time you see them they are wearing exactly the same clothes, jewellery, shoes and handbags as each other and have their hair exactly the same too.
    My tip for today is keep coming to this blog, as there is always something you can learn or at the very least have a laugh at and cheer your day, and a problem shared is a problem halved especially here.
    Cheryl I trust you have had a good trip to the pottery and your weather was kind to you.
    Brenda I hope the craft class went well today for you.
    Where is Saba today, looking for a new red duster or a second pair of shorts?
    Well my latte was lovely thank you, my pennies are in the pot and my hugs and cuddles are over in the corner just help yourselves there are plenty more, mine are the well trained ones unlike Nanny McPhees, sorry Norah could not resist that, hope your wee one is doing well and his mummy too.
    Have a lovely evening folks,
    Margaret xxx

    1. Gosh! Margaret, I am sure those two sisters used to live in Dundee. They had their money in the Building Society I worked in!!!
      The ladies that we had were rather funny ..... they were quite old. Had wrinkly skin, wore lots of Blue Eye Shadow, lots of black Mascarra and Red Lipstick. They did slightly resemble Clowns, they always wore really bright coloured clothes. xxx

    2. Hi Margaret
      Thank you for your lovely comment about my card. I hope you have better weather tomorrow xxx

    3. Patricia, you have described me to a T xxx

  33. These two sisters don't wear any makeup Patricia, but one day they were passing a hotel in town just as some visitors were coming out and I heard one of the visitors say 'My God the beer is strong here I have only had one pint and I'm seeing double' as he rubbed his eyes, they really are identical in every way.
    Still no sign of Saba, I do hope all is well with her.

    1. I don't think there's anything wrong with Saba! She told me last night she was going to pack her crafting things away today and I know she had still shopping to do for the holiday. In the back of my mind I have something about meeting a friend in town but knowing me that may have been last week! Xxx

    2. As long as Saba is OK that's all that matters .
      I know she has lots to do in preparation for her wonderful holiday.
      That's me for today, I am off to bed.
      Good Night, God Bless. See you all tomorrow. xxx

  34. Hello everyone
    Thank you all for the kind comments about my card and box. Has anyone got any tips for relieving aching feet! I had to have a bath this morning so I could move! I went shopping with Emma after exam today, just one more left! Today's was much better and had an essay she liked so she was happy, but oh boy is she tired tonight. Think I might be off for an early night tonight.
    Oh yes one tip I've just been told by my husband, if you have an I phone when your phone is locked you can access the keypad and there is an emergency button. If you press that there is now a screen for medical emergencies. You can put in your emergency contact details and any medical information so it can be accessed in an emergency. I have always had an ICE number (in case of emergency) contact in my phone but unless it can be accessed it wouldn't be found so this is a much better option. Hope that helps.
    Night night sleep tight xxx

    1. It's an Apple Phone - are you winding me up? Or anyone else who happens to be here! I have an Apple IPhone 4S. There are others more up to date than mine!! Xxx

    2. Wind you up? Would I do that? My phone is very up-to-date. I can make and take calls, and make and take texts. What else is there to do? xx

    3. An apple, I've just realised that you typed an Apple. I eat them xx

    4. Hi Diane. Yes I have had an ICE number on my mobile for a long time. It is in my contacts as it is just an ordinary mobile. When I broke my wrist and the paramedic came he asked for the phone number for my next of kin. I couldn't remember, my son's mobile no so found him in contacts and gave the phone to the Pharamedic. When he saw it was listed under ICE he was very impressed. It's a good idea.

    5. Diane and Littlelamb, now that's a good tip. I'm going to put my son in law's number under ICE. Thank you. xxx

  35. Ship ahoy!
    Sorry I am so late, I have had one heck of a day, nothing bad and nothing exciting, just trying to get everything organised for going away. You know what I am like by now and I like every thing to be ship shape and Bristol fashion in case we get burgled. But I have gone a bit overboard!! Well I blame these new tablets I am on, the thyroid ones. I have so much energy I don't seem to be able to stop. I can't remember the last time my home was so sparkling, even the leaves on the house plants have been polished!! And tomorrow, I have to up the dose again so goodness knows what I will be like once that takes effect. Patricia, did you find the same thing when you started on them? On a serious note, it has made me realise just how lacking in energy I have been for quite a long time now.
    Diane, I love your card and your box. It is gorgeous. I am not surprised you cousin was thrilled with it. It is so beautifully made, your rose looks stunning and the colour and composition is so classy. Good luck to Emma for her final exam. She deserves good grades after all the hard work she has put in studying.
    Your Ascot day sounded fabulous, so glad you enjoyed it, and to see HRH, well that for me would have been the highlight. Mind you I wouldn't say no to bumping into Nigel Havers either!
    Sandra, hope you enjoyed your day with Pat and Sue
    And likewise Patricia and Hazel glad you had a lovely day together.
    Muriel, what are you like!! Get yourself a little electric shaver if you must attack your neck. And for goodness sake don't let George any where near.
    Margaret, your twins must have had doubles who lived in Settle because I knew a pair just exactly the same. As an identical twin It must be really odd to walk "beside yourself" when you dress the same.
    Norah, I do hope you manage to get a photo to Sandra, I know we all would love to see baby Harry.
    Maureen, you dont need a rucksack for your baileys. What you need is a catheter bag. They hold 2 litres and if you are going to a pop concert can be easily hidden in your bloomers so security don't spot them. I speak from experience!!!
    Love to all
    Saba xxx

    1. Hope you don't overdo it! You sound like the Duracell Bunny!
      Chill Grandma! Have you got your shorts yet? I don't mean the sort you drink - the ones you wear!! Xxx

    2. Oh Myra, get your priorities right please. Have you got your shorts yet Saba, and I DO mean the sort you drink??? xx

    3. You'll have Saba splicing the mainbrace in a drunken state! Xxx

    4. It'll be a rum do!! Xx

    5. I got spliced once, never again ha ha xxx

    6. Would you like. Me tell about the catheter bag? Xxx

    7. Bigamy is Not an option! Xxx

    8. Yes please! I think! Xxx

    9. Well, in my nursing days I sometimes got up to mischief. A group of nurses and doctors went to see Phil Collins in an open air concert. Security was very strict. No alcohol was to be brought in. So we came up with a cunning plan. Jaffa oranges liberally injected with vodka, and catheter bags which had a valve attached to a long tube for emptying were filled with wine. These held 2 litres and we each had one in our knickers/ underpants with the tube fastened around our legs. All you had to do was hold a glass up your skirt ( the male doctors used a different approach) open the valve and out poured a delicious measure of wine. Not chilled of course but you can't have everything. A good time was had by all!!!

    10. Well, I NEVER, of all the things that you could have told me I wasn't expecting that. Were the catheter bags then used for the original purpose? ha ha. Prost xxxx

    11. No, we just made sure the end of the tube was out of harms way and went behind a bush!

    12. Well I've heard some tales in my life and I'm being careful here! We teachers were so well behaved! Medics and nurses! Well - they are something else as this proves ! I've learned a lot - I can't believe how much a catheter bag holds! Just never needed to know I guess! Xxx

  36. SABA:- glad your ok. I was just going to get ready for bed when your comment popped up.
    Answer to your question about energy, I did not have that. I was so ill after my operation that it was a gradual return to health. My medication is balanced now (unlike myself) ..... I have plenty energy till I need a top up of Vitamin B12.
    Wow!! everything in your house is sparkling, looks stunning ..... wait till I get my Sun Glasses!!! I like to leave my house Ship Shape and Bristol fashion as well. It is a great feeling when you step back though the door on return.
    Right that's me away this time
    Good Night, God Bless again xxx

    1. Double Blessings! , Patricia, thank you! Night Night! Xxx

    2. I can hardly see, the reflective shine off all the polished surfaces is blinding me!!! sweet dreams Patricia. xxx

    3. What have you been up to with a sharp instrument today? Xxx

  37. thank you Patricia, night and God Bles.

    Brenda I have just been over to Sue's blog and saw your comment. You kept that very quiet. HAPPY ANNIVERSARY. hope you have had a lovely day.
    Hugs Saba xxx

    1. Which Brenda, I'm off to find out xx

    2. Brenda Lello. Save you looking!!

    3. Happy Anniversary Brenda, you rascal! Hope you've had a lovely day and a lovely meal this evening! Lots of love, Myra xxx

    4. Yes it's the other Brenda. Today was an Anniversary in a way for me but a sad one. It's 13 years today that my husband passed away so no wedding anniversaries anymore.

    5. Happy anniversary Brenda hope you have had a lovely day xxx

    6. Oh Brenda, I'm sorry! No matter how long it has been you never forget these days and thirteen years must seem like yesterday sometimes. I'm glad you went out tonight and weren't on your own all day! Sending hugs! Myra xxx

    7. Thanks Myra. I can still remember everything that happened that day.
      Yes it was good to go out tonight and everyone was in a happy mood. The eldest lady is 88.

    8. I'm sure you can remember every detail! Sort of like a bad dream, or that it's not really happening!
      I think it's wonderful that you have a lady of 88 who is still keen to go out and learn new things and mix with other people. Getting old is a mind set quite often. Staying young is enjoying what life we have and doing things and meeting people . I've never done anything like this before Brenda! I never ever thought I'd be on a blog! It's such fun though and Id have missed meeting all you lovely ladies. Xxx

  38. Oh Brenda OB, you little tinker, not letting on. Happy Anniversary to you and your hubby. I hope you've had a lovely day, and I see that there are other celebrations in the offing, so enjoy every one of them, and have a drink or five on me!!!
    Love Maureen xxx

  39. Hi Sandra & everyone your probably all in bed as so late.
    Had hospital this morning nothing bad only ENT I have to have my ear's hoovered out lol every 6 months,I could have saved it for you MYRA for your candels hihi.I had to go to Canterbury hospital a hour & half drive,then waited 2 hours to be seen,then another hour half home so most of the day wasted.
    My head was banging by time I got home just hope it doesn't start a migraine off.
    Hope you had a good day Sandra with Sue & Pat.
    Diane your card is gorgeous love the colours & your box is lovely xx
    SABA can I have some of your sparkley energy xx
    Going to bed so good night to everyone love Lynda xx

    1. Sorry BRENDA ment to wish you Happy Anniversary hope you enjoyed your Lynda xx

    2. Goodnight Lynda, sweet dreams, I hope your bad head doesn't turn into a Migraine xx

    3. Good night MAUREEN have a good sleep,hope Georg's feet & legs are ok tonight xx

    4. Night Night Lynda! Sorry you have a headache - hope it doesn't get any worse. Thanks but no thanks for your kind offer!! Xx

  40. Hi Brenda
    Just seen the other comments. So I'm wishing you a very Happy Anniversary.

  41. Replies
    1. Brenda, Littlelamb it must have been a difficult day for you, hope you could remember happier times together.
      Love and comforting hugs
      Saba xxx

  42. Oh Littlelamb, Brenda. I'm so sorry annd I hope today hasn't been too painful for you. Lots of love and hugs, Maureen xxx
