
Tuesday 16 June 2015

A twinkly background for a Tuesday!

Good Morning Ladies,
Today I want to share with you a card I started last week and finished today, I was having a play with
some Sparkle Texture Paste by Cosmic Shimmer.
I used Spellbinders Grate Effect Die to Cut a piece of White card, I used this as a mask, I taped it over a piece of Periwinkle Colour card using Scotch Removable tape on all four sides, leaving the piece across the top to act as a hinge, once taped down I used a spreader tool to apply the Sparkle texture paste across the mask, ensuring that an even coat was applied all over, I then scraped any excess back in the pot (waste not, want not)! I then removed the tape from the bottom and sides of the tape and gently lifted the mask up using the 'hinge' to check that the paste was evenly spread, I
removed the piece of periwinkle card, set it to one side to dry over night, by the way I wiped the excess paste off of my removable tape and stuck it to my grand calibur to use to secure my dies as usual, (no need to waste it) ! I also put the white card mask to one side to dry too and it has turned out really pretty, I have the gorgeous die cut with a hint of sparkle all over, so I haven't wasted that either!
I cut another Spellbinder Grate Effect die cut, this time in Cream card and layered it over the matching sparkle background, I continued to matt and layer with cream and periwinkle card using the Score Pal, Score Buddy to make the little perforations all the way around the penultimate cream matt, I love this little tool, the process is so much quicker than piercing all the way around! So worth the few pounds that it cost, I love it when we find these little gems!
I then cut two of Sue Wilson's Finishing Touch Flourishes popped them onto the side of the card and then added a double Blue Bow topped with a little cream double bow and a sparkly flower made from
Creative Expressions Camellia Dies (5 in total), I spritzed the smallest one with water, and squished it into a 'bud', I popped that into the centre of the next Camellia layer, followed by Three more layers, I applied some Cosmic Shimmer Dries Clear Glue to the petals and dipped the whole flower into the
Cosmic Shimmer 'Iced Snow' pot and 'sparkled' it up, it looks so effective and adds the perfect finishing touch, alongside a few Blue flat back pearls and a couple of Beautiful 'Sue Wilson' Finishing Touches Stickpins in complementary Blue!
I would love to know what you think my lovelies, let me know below.
I look forward to reading your comments very much,
PLEASE.... remember your Tips for Tomorrow's blog, you can send them to me if you like and I can feature them in the Post (
Love and hugs


  1. Good morning Sandra and the Coffee Shop Gang. Hope you are all well if not I am sending you some (((hugs)))
    SANDRA:- WOW!!! Loving it, I have some of that sparkle Texture Paste.
    I really must get it out and have a go. Love the beautiful colours and your wonderful design. Oh! another thing you have brought to mind are the Beads for Stick Pins I have those and never used them.
    Looks like I could be busy today using things that I have bought and done nothing with.
    Everything done and set up for the day. Someone has left a beautiful looking cake, will be back for a slice of that later. For now I will take my Cuppa and Toast over to the corner and hope someone pops is to chat with. xxx

  2. Good morning. Sandra and all who call in today.
    Sandra your card is stunning, I love your design, - very effective. And that little touch of sparkle is just lovely. Well stock to the body this morning when the alarm went off. Must run, and get to work. E joy my tea and toasted tea cake, money in the pot.
    Still haven't heard back from the girl from " Stamping Up" I e-mailed her on Sunday night, but if you all are happy for us to have her come to the retreat can you let me know then I can get it booked once she gets back to me!!! Thank you. Hazel x

  3. What a brilliant effect, looks wonderful xx

  4. Good morning Sandra and all who pop in, Sandra your card is stunning, I've not used the sparkle medium before, must give it a try, so glad you finished it so we could see it,
    Patricia, looks as though your mojo has returned home now, so enthusiastic now,
    Hazel have you had to come down to earth once more - it's a shame after such a good holiday.
    Need to cut the grass again later, only cut it a few days ago but we have had perfect growing weather lately,
    Basket topped up with hugs
    Till later
    Jean x

  5. Morning Ladies

    Sandra-WOW, gorgeous card. I don't have any texture paste as i'm not into messy stuff but this could change my thoughts on it! I bought the background die when I went to the Julia Watts demo & still haven't used it(not used anything I bought that day). I think I need to change that & get using ny new dies one evening this week.


  6. Hi Sandra and all the lovely ladies
    Wow Sandra what a pretty card this morning and a beautiful sparkle. I've got texture paste but haven't used it yet! Thank you so much for sharing. What a great idea using a background die as a stencil. Thanks for that tip.
    Must dash I'm off to As to races today with a bunch of ladies for a fun day out. I'm not a betting person so put my £2 on one I like the look of or one with a great name! If I win thousands I'm buying all of Sues dies! (Don't hold your breath!).
    See you all later
    Love Diane xxxx

    1. Hi Diane,
      I hope you get the winner on every race. xx

    2. Have a great day Diane, hope you back lots of winners!!

    3. Have a great day Diane hope you get lots of winners xx

    4. Have fun , Diane, I rather think you will! Xxx

    5. Oooh Diane, high heels and a hat, and will it be your vintage dress??
      So jealous, have a fabulous time and drink champagne.

    6. Well Diane I hope you have had a lovely day. It's nice to get dressed up. Did any photos get taken? If so pkease share. Hazel x

    7. Hope you have had a fabulous day! xxx

    8. Hello Diane hope you have had a fantastic day .... Did you win anything??? xxx

    9. Diane I hope you enjoyed your day at the races did you win xx

  7. Good morning ladies,

    Oh my, Sandra, a positively perfect card shown off by the sparkly paste.

    I haven't tried this paste before looks an interesting texture. Sorting out all my craft boxes for my craft room, I unearthed beautiful sparkly card I had bought years ago, used once, and stowed away. I think I'll use that up first before trying something new. Not exactly the same effect but similar.

    At long last, my shower room is finished ready for the fitters to come and lay the new flooring this afternoon. A big ongoing saga for many months and has cost a fortune but I'm happy with the results. Sorted.

    Today is the second pour for my candles. I must say it was a pleasure to wake up this morning with my nostrils pleasantly assaulted by the myriad of perfumes wafting up the stairs. Shall miss them once they're finished and packaged them up. I now have my sister, mother & father & friends on charity shop hunts for more cups and saucers. If anybody else is doing this in your area, have you noticed that Hospice and Oxfam shops charge the most? Now I do know they are admirably good causes but to charge 2-3 times more is surely being a tad greedy? After all it's only one cup and one saucer and not much good as a set. My best bargain was £5 for a set of 6 bone china cups and saucers.
    Would you all like to guestimate how much I should charge per candle please? I don't know how to price them to raise the best possible funds for Pete's charity.

    So I'm off to start my busy, busy day. Have to do it all today, Freda and I are up early tomorrow on a day trip to Poole with a treat to tour round Poole Pottery courtesy of my REA.

    Love 7 hugs
    Cheryl xxx

    1. Cheryl will the pottery have anything you can turn into candles if so they may have some seconds and if you tell them they are to raise money for charity you just may get a little more money knocked off, just a thought.
      I hope your neck is feeling a little better by now.
      As to pricing not at all sure but do make sure you cover all your costs and nice packaging will help you to put the price up a little more, also if you have any protective packaging start saving it to wrap things in once sold that will help too and stop people coming back saying something has broken, some folks will try anything to get a bargain. xx

    2. Cheryl as I said yesterday Oxfam were selling one cup and saucer for £9.99. And it didn't even have a name underneath it. Theresa the lady who supplies wax etc., sells her cup candles for £6.99. Will check on her site later but off out in a minute. Good luck.

    3. Hi Cheryl , £ 6 99 is what Theresa told me but it can be increased if the cup and saucer was antique or from someone like Wedgewood etc. She also told me Gift Shops sell hers for £12 99. I hope this helps but Brenda knows a lot more about it than I do.! Xxx

    4. Cheryl, I hope you had a good day, any bargains? £9.99 is a lot for a cup and saucer, have you got an auction house near, you would likely get the whole set for that. Hazel x

    5. Hi Cheryl, can almost smell the cup candles to here hihi
      Have a great time at Poole's pottery! xxx

    6. My Candle Kit has arrived. I need to get in the mood to start making them. I have a few cups I can get started with but must keep my eyes open for more.
      The one I received as a gift from a friend cost £12.99. I know that because I had already seen in the place I know she bought it from. xxx

    7. Hi Hazel. It was me saw the cup and saucer in Oxfam for £9.99. Wasn't even Wedgewood or anything. Didn't have a name so I left it where it was. I can understand Patricia's friend paying £12.99 but don't expect that was a charity shop. Probably a china shop or something and new.

    8. Cheryl as Myra says yes Theresa does sell her candle cups for £6.99 and gives money to a cancer charity. I can imagine the gift shop where they are sold would be £12.99 but they probably take their profit out of that. Mine was bought for me at a Craft fair that Theresa was at and was £6.99. I have been doing craft fairs for years and if is very difficult to price things I find. Too cheap and they think it's probably rubbish and too high and they are looking for something for nothing. Difficult to aim for the middle. Found some people don't even look at a lot of the stalks. Just walk in rush round and out again it buy something at one if the stalls where they are not obviously not handmade and probably bought up at a cheap place. I hope you do well but it's not easy.

    9. Sorry Brenda about that? That's what happens when you try to read things quickly. Senior moment to I think. I think Patricia's was a candle in the cup she hotbed a gift, might be wrong though. Hazel,x

    10. BRENDA;- mine was a MADE UP "Candle Cup". Not just the cup. xxx

    11. Hi Cheryl
      Enjoy your day at Poole Pottery, haven't been there for years, what a treat xxx

  8. Morning Sandra and ladies,
    Sandra what a stunning card, love it. Must give the paste a try, I thought it might be a bit messy for me, but the results are stunning.
    I have ordered Sues finishing touches dies from JS about 2 weeks ago and are still waiting delivery, does anyone know how long it usually takes for orders to come,
    Off to my friends craft shop today, this is her last week of classes before having a summer break, she will start back her classes in August, I will miss looking after the shop over the summer, but when she starts back it will be
    CHRISTMAS cards for classes!!!,
    Will catch up later, have a great day whatever you are doing.
    Coffee finished, Money in pot, cup washed.
    Take care, Jess xx

    1. Jess, when I ordered from here it was here within a couple of days.

    2. Yes and me. Once after a couple of weeks I phoned and they sent another one. Then the first one turned up so I just returned it. I would give them a ring as it's usually a couple of days now. Think they are sent 2nd class.

    3. They are usually very quick, Jess. I often order from JS. I ordered some of the lovely soft grey card Sue used in a card last week and I got it two days later! I'd email or give them a ring as has been suggested. Xxx

    4. Jess, it's a bit different for me as usually it takes about a week to ten days for them to arrive here, but in the past I have emailed them and Joanna's lovely husband Richard has replied straight away. The waiting is the absolute worst.
      Hugs xxxx

    5. JESS if I order from JS it arrives two days later very good service. xx

    6. Hi Jess, things usually come quite quickly but I did get an email news letter from JS and she said she was on holiday but people were dealing with orders. Worth giving them a ring though xxx

  9. Helloooooooo everyone,
    Sandra, your card is delicious. So clean, fresh and sparkly - I love it!!! I hope you are feeling find today.
    Oh Hazel, I know that alarm feeling, it was lovely for me this morning, woke at 5 a.m. and thought "Hm, that's a tad too early to get up" so switched the TV on low and watched the news, then took my specs off and listened to the news, then woke up at 7.30 a.m!! Now that's a more civilised time, so lay in bed reading until 8 and then got up. Lazy or what? You know who is still in the land of nod, but he was up and down all night with his feet and legs.
    My, we are going to be so spoilt at the Retreat, we won't want to come home.
    First of all Christine is coming on the Friday - ooh I'm excited about that. I bet she has some great ideas, thank you Sandra.
    Then second on Saturday the StampinUp lady is coming, thank you Hazel.
    Wonder if we could get Michael Buble or someone for the Saturday night ha ha.
    Cheryl, first of all you have your new craft room, and now your all singing - all dancing shower room!! I bet you will be pleased when it's all done and you can just sit back for a while.
    We have some great little shops locally where we can get lovely vintage china bargains, but I have so many that are passed down from various relatives, that I could sell to them to the shops!!
    Now as to price - well I would think Myra will have a better idea there as she has made them - but if you say at least £5 for the cup and saucer, then there's the cost of the wax - I don't know maybe a total of £8 - £10. And if it's prettily wrapped like Hazel would do it, well the World's your Lobster!!! (all right, all right, I know it's Oyster - I just like Lobsters!)
    Right, I'm off to think of a tip for tomorrow - I have no ideas at all.
    Saba, red bloomers hoisted, union flag sewn on the correct way up, and decks swabbed ready for next week!
    See you all later.
    Maureen xxx

    1. Muriel! I am so glad you are having a rest in the morning and George too! So pleased when he got up and down in the night that he took his feet and legs with him!!
      Sorry - you know me - can't help it !! Xxxx

    2. Myra, you may think that's funny, but I couldn't possibly comment!!!

  10. Sandra and all in coffee shop.
    Your card is lovely Sandra so much work in it.. Hope you are feeling more rested today.
    No boule for me today I am off to hospital to have a cortisone injection in left wrist they give it with an ultra sound so put it where needed this is 3rd one now at least it helps with pain for about 6 months, the sun is shining so can sit and relax with a clear conscience as you do not have to use it much for a day, lovely.
    Hope all are well I did like man cards yesterday still not got hang of making notes of names so please forgive me.
    Had my coffee and toast money in pot. Hugs to all
    Love Margaret xx

    1. Margaret dear,
      Don't worry about getting names right. I've been given about five whilst on this blog. Sometimes I'm Muriel, Daffy, Muareen, Mayreen, oh I can't remember the others but I live in hope that someone, some day will call me gorgeous!!! ha ha

    2. Don't worry about names Margaret! I forget my own sometimes!! Xx

  11. Good morning Sandra and all the coffee shop crew
    Wow Sandra what a stunning and beautiful card you have created the colours are perfect and that little touch of sparkle give it an extra touch of luxury as do your stick pins, clever girl indeed and after such a hectic weekend too.
    SIL thank goodness is taking our advice and working from home for few days has been able to re-schedule his meetings and appointments for a few days, so he must be feeling bad as usually nothing will stop him going to work!
    Well I have had my latte money in the pot and cup washed up thank you it was lovely, off to start my cleaning then hopefully get some baking done I have a new recipe I would like to try too. If it is a success I will leave some on the counter later.
    Have a lovely day folks whatever you are doing.
    Margaret xxx

    1. Margaret, looking forward to trying your new receipe, hope your SIL starts to feel better soon and his bloods stay within limits.
      Hugs xxxx

    2. Pleased your SIL is working from home until hopefully his condition stabilises. Have fun baking - can't wait to try the new recipe! Xxx

    3. Myra I do believe we have a telepathic connection!!!xxx

    4. I think you may be right! It'll be because we both have a small mouth! Xxx

    5. Oooo Margaret a new recipe,smells lovely.
      Hope SIL gets his bloods sorted good he's working from home very sensible. Love Lynda xx

  12. Good morning Girls,
    Harry John Fox was born this morning by caesarian section at 8:05 weighing in at 6lb 9.5oz. I found out at 9:05 this morning so after i recover from not sleeping all night and have been to Rory's last prize giving i will be back in as totally shattered waiting
    big huggles
    Norah x

    1. Oh Norah,
      Lovely to see you, we have missed you. And congratulations on the birth of your Grandson Harry John Fox. Enjoy Rory's last prize giving and don't cry.
      Lots of love and hugs
      Maureen xxx

    2. Congratulations Grandma Norah !!!
      It's lovely to see you and so good to know Kirsten 's baby boy has arrived safely too.
      Congratulations too to Uncle Rory and Grandad!
      Have a lovely time at the Prize Giving , I'm sure you'll be a proud Mum once again. Lots of love, Myra xxx

    3. Congratulations Norah on the safe arrival of Harry John, bet you can't wait to get your hands on him.
      Enjoy the prize giving and be proud of your boy.
      Lovely to see you back, we have missed you.
      Love and hugs Saba xxx

    4. Many congratulations Grandma on the birth of your beautiful baby grandson (C section babies are always beautiful) so pleased he has arrived safely. Congratulations to Uncle Rory too. Do enjoy his prize giving day, hold your head up and be so proud of your wee boy.
      So lovely to have you back we have all missed you and your tales.

      With love
      Margaret xxx

    5. Hi NORAH congratulations on the safe arrival of Harry John. Enjoy Rory's prize giving as well. I just love Nanny McPhee don't you, what a super name.

    6. Congratulations Norah on the birth of Harry John xx
      Jean x

    7. Congratulations Norah. Lovely to have you back. We have all missed you.

    8. Congratulations NORAH on the birth of your gorgeous grandson
      Harry John great name too.
      Hope you enjoyed RORY's prize giving & nice to see you back.
      Hug's Lynda xx

    9. Congratulations my flower and a your family, especially Mummy & Daddy, on the safe arrival of God's gift to you all, Master Harry John Fox. Hugs to all XXXX

    10. Congratulations Norah, you will spoil that lovely grandson. Xxx I have missed you. I hope Rory's prize giving was a success and you were a proud mum xxx

    So pleased the wee man has arrived safe and sound. Hope Kirsten is fine.
    Congratulations too Uncle Rory and Granddad,
    Enjoy Rory's prize giving. I have a picture of you in my head walking around all day with the biggest smile ever!!!!. LOL xxx

  14. Hello Sandra and coffee shop ladies,

    What a gorgeous card, love the texture paste effect, it gives a lovely sparkle to your periwinkle card. Sandra a really beautiful card, I really love it all.

    Will be back later, off to hospital with OH for pre op check. The letter said it could take up to three hours....... I bet we will be out in less than an hour.

    Love and hugs to all, Brenda xxx

    BIG HUGS for Henry John Fox and Congratulations to Grandma Norah xxx

    1. Norah Sorry, in my excitement I called your new little man Henry,
      Sorry welcome baby Harry John Fox xxx love and lots of hugs

  15. Good Morning Sandra and all the Ladies!
    Sandra, you too, are going through a blue phase!! All famous artists do that!
    I think your card is lovely! Apart from being blue which I quite like, ha ha , I love how you have used the texture paste . Your stick pins are lovely and the bows too. I need to get my texture paste out again. Thanks for the reminder!
    Hope you are feeling a bit better today - less tired and not too achy!
    Lots of ironing today! - it was calling earlier but I closed the door so that I couldn't hear it!!
    Have a good day everyone!
    Great to have Norah back, and thinking of Janet en route to la belle France,
    Au revoir! Myra xxx

  16. Hello Sandra and our ladies,
    What a lovely card you have created for us to see today. Liked your take on paper pricking, what did you use? I know you mentioned the score buddy but thought that was just for scoring lines. I have used my spellbinders triple flip card creator a few times now just for paper piercing and am really pleased with how it works.
    Brenda and Myra, have you used yours for paper piercing?
    I love using texture paste, haven't tried the one by cosmic shimmer but have used the one by imagination craft and it is superb, doesn't take so long to dry and I believe you can even speed up the process using heat, or so the lady from imagination craft says, must admit I haven't tried it, but she should know. They have an excellent delivery service too.
    Horrible dentist day today. Actually the dentist is a very nice man but I just hate going. Last time they got the impression plate stuck in my mouth, I have a little mouth (Muriel /Myra behave) and they couldn't get it back out. In the end I had to get it out myself. Dentist was getting alarmed, assistant was sweating and I can tell you I wasn't laughing either! Today another big job, back tooth, don't want to go!!!
    Right ladies, off to brush my teeth again, am always paranoid there might be something left from lunch between them and the dentist will find it.
    Be back later
    Love Saba xxx

    1. Come on Saba you can do it, be a brave girl, it will not be as bad as you think I am sure so don't keep thinking about it, we will be thinking about you. xxx

    2. Why are some things so very difficult to believe - like an impression whatsit getting stuck in Saba's mouth. One would think that it would rattle around in there!!!! lol
      Myra xxx (I'm no fool, I'm not putting my name to that)

    3. I was scared she'd swallowed it !!
      " I know an old lady who swallowed. ----"
      Tin Hats Maureen! Xxx

    4. Myra, I'm digging a bunker as I type xxx

    5. Is it a bunker made for two, Daisy? !! Xxx

    6. Way hay, I've got another new name, yes there's room for two!
      Daisy xxx

    7. Saba. No I haven't used the die fir piercing but when I first looked at it I though if would be a good idea. Must try it. I am very pleased with the die. Thank you for saying about it.

  17. Ladies the lady from " stamping up " has got back and she is more than happy to do a make and take party/demo with us, she wanted to know we had a room to use, so have let her know we have, she is going to get back and let me know more info which I will pass on to you all.
    Norah, congratulations on the birth of Harry, so glad he has arrived safely. I can see tears during Prize giving.
    Saba. Good luck with the dentist.
    Brenda, I hope it's not a 3 hours session at the hospital.
    Maureen, my body still hasn't got over the shock, and more so I have to do the vaulting run both ways tonight, yes I am doing the pick up as a favour to daddy, he helps me by coming home early when need him too.
    Right my ironing is calling, just like Myra's, but the noise is to much to ignore.
    Be back later. Hazel x

    1. Oh Hazel, I feel for you. It's ok waking up very early but it's the knowing that you HAVE to get up!!! You will feel it so much more because of your holiday. It takes a while to get back into the swing of things. I don't know how Myra can ignore her ironing, I can hear the racket up here in Newcastle lol.
      Maureen xxx

    2. P.S. Great news about your lady from StampinUp. xxx

    3. Turn your hearing aid down a bit!! Xxx

    4. Eh, what's that you said>

    5. I've got beans in my ears, beans in my ears". Now look what you made me remember! Xxx

    6. MYRA:- why do you have "beans" in your ears??
      Never heard of that before!!! xxx

    7. It's a really silly old rhyme!
      You actually sing it!
      Why don't you speak up , I've got beans in my ears,
      Beans in my ears,
      Beans in my ears.
      Why don't you speak up ,I've got beans in my ears,
      B e a n s in my E a r s!!
      It's really silly but Muriel said speak up and that was it!
      Sincere apologies! Xxx

    8. Sorry - the first line is
      What's that you said, I got beans in my ears! Xxx

    9. Honestly .... I have never heard of that before.
      It's good though xxx

    10. Patricia,
      That's because you are too young, only oldies like Myra would know it. I've never heard of it either!!! (ooh, nose stop growing).

    11. That's right pick on an old defenceless woman!, xxx

  18. Hi Sandra And All
    Well Sandra What A "Truly Tremendous Fabulous Beautiful Card". I Love Everything About It, It's Just So Very Stunning You Clever Lady You, I No Longer Purchase Spellbinders, I Love The Beautiful Colour You've Chosen.
    I've Just Ordered Quite A Huge Package Of Foudation Card From Joanna Sheen, I Need To Purchase Some Matt Silver As Well As Navy As I Wish To Make My Christmas Cards In Those Colours This Year, And Use Silver Embossing Powder!!
    Take Care My Lovelies
    Love And Hugs
    From Sam xxx

    1. Hi Sam,
      Your colours for Christmas sound lovely.
      Maureen xx

  19. Hi ladies, just back from my day at my friends craft shop, got a phone call from a lady called Pat from JS, asking if I had received my order as they have had a couple returned from this area because the Post Office could not make out the address!!, we checked she had the proper address and it was right, so she is sending it today, I have to let them know when I get it, problem sorted, thanks for all your help.
    Norah, congratulations on the safe arrive of Harry, hope mother and baby are doing well, you will now be known as Nanny McPhee!!!!
    Hope everyone has had a good day, take care, Jess x

    1. Hi Jess,
      I am so pleased that you got your order sorted, JS are usually super speedy with their deliveries! You will be playing with it in no time!
      Did you have a busy day in the craft shop?
      Love and hugs

    2. Hello Jess,
      That's great that you are getting sorted.

    3. Hi Jess glad your order is sorted. JS is usually my first port of call and their delivery is usually very speedy.
      Jean x

    4. JESS:- glad you got your order sorted. JS is so promp with her orders. xxx

  20. Hi Sandra
    Love todays card using the sparkle paste and the grate effects die. I've commented on the way down, but couldn't reply to Hazel re the Stampin up lady. But count me in. My ironing is calling as well. But need to empty the airing cupboard before I can do some more. Did most of our washing on dullish days so it needs to air. My word I nearly got knocked over in the rush at school today. Wouldn't have done my new hip much good. I've had so many cuddles and children wanting to show me how good their writing and reading was now. I had a big lump in my throat by the end of the day.

    1. Ah Pat, that's lovely. Not the ironing, but the children at school!!

    2. PAT: - how wonderful all those lovely children how sweet.
      No wonder you had a lump in your throat xxx

    3. Pat, I know that feeling you got yesterday, it was like that with Beth and Anna. Yes cuddles are lovely and this rule is silly!!., Hazel x

  21. Hi Sandra and all, Greetings from Knokke Heist.
    Must first say how great all the men's card which was posted yesterday were, so many great ideas,Thank you for showing them Sandra.
    Sandra your card is yummy, it is the colour and the paste. Absolutely gorgeous card !
    Oh Norah, what fantastic news, Congratulations to baby Henry ! Hope all well with Kirsten and Uncle Rory must be thrilled. Hope the prize giving went well too and you had plenty of tissues ,Nice to have you back, don't disappear to soon.
    Have seen you all busy as usual, Wendy are you alright. Saba, hope the dentist went ok. ps the on-line payment went fine, remembered to stick the tongue out hihi
    Going for dinner now after nearly spent 6 hours on the beach cafe/pub, lovely day but very windy down at the North sea and we only saw some seagulls so not much to take pictures of
    Take care all ! Love and hugs Maria xxx

  22. Hi Sandra and all cafe ladies
    Congratulations Norah on grandson Harry, enjoy your rory's prize giving.
    Sandra, a gorgeous card absolutely adore it
    still not found my mojo yet and hurting my back didn't help, watching Christmas craft on telly and hoping it will inspire me.
    love and hugs to all
    Wendy xx

    1. Wendy, I hope your back is getting better. My mojo is like a yo yo at the moment, up one minute and down the next, with a little twist now and again!!!
      Maureen xx

  23. Good evening girls i'm back again,
    Oh the ups and downs off the last few weeks have just been like being on a rollercoaster i can tell you, thank goodness that it is hopefully all over now.
    Sandra i am so sorry that i was so rude early by not commenting on your beautiful card because it is beautiful, but i wanted you all to know first about my good news as i didn't want my lovely friends finding out 2nd hand. Anyway Sandra how long does the paste take to dry so that you can start assembling it into a project. I have just the normal spackle but have never used it yet, i know it was one of these things that you see advertised and think "oooo that looks good" and then it comes and you don't have the foggiest where to start with it. And i am confused, like that's not a normal state of affairs for me to be in like!!! But i thought a score buddy/pal was a score board for making all your lines on for folding but would love to know what the thing is that you used to get your holes around the framework.?
    I'll start with Rory's SQA's a fortnight ago which came in 4 pages long full of these different marks of credits. Yes fair enough he doesn't have any o levels but he has tried and all these marks show it. Then i was supposed to go to my big cousins 50th dinner and couldn't because i started panicking and couldn't go through to the centre of Edinburgh for it. It was nowhere near the train station, i couldn't get my car parked close to it and because it was at 6:30 at night i would have had to leave home about 4:30 to go through the traffic. I got myself so wound up that i made friends with the ground again, not good as it doesn't play nicely when i get up close and personal.
    End of part 1

  24. Kirstens blood pressure has been rising steadily these last few weeks and the wee monkey that she was having was playing the don't breath game and get mummy and daddy all worked up game. Well it worked and she landed up in the hospital for tests and tracings. Friday she went in for more and they kept her in because her blood pressure was through the ceiling and rising rapidly, her kidneys were packing in and she had pre-eclampsia, keep her in for 24 hours obs. Well 24 hours last all weekend until yesterday when they decided that because of her obs and the wee man playing his not breathing game again, they had to induce her but from yesterday at 9.00am until back of 7am today she had only dialated 5cms with all the drugs to speed up the process in her so emergency caesarian. In between this time Rory decides to do what we keep telling the children not to do.... run down the stairs or take them 2, 3, 4 or 5 at a time because they will go head over heels. Well this is what happened to Rory on Saturday night and he banged his face off the wee toilet door handle taking the middle of his nose that should be attached to the upper lip completely away from it.Take about it never rains but it pours well it has been a tidal wave of one thing after the next.
    Can i just say Pat i am so very very please that you were so missed by the children and i hope you returned their cuddles. I know that it is not politically correct to do so nowadays but a cuddle can brighten up the worse of days especially for the wee ones.
    Sending huggles to all the lovely angels that frequent this blog, thank you girls for just being your lovely selfes.

    1. Crumbs Norah! Have you had a time of it! I sat down to wait for the oven to heat up and started to read your news! Goodness me, my dear, between falling , daughter having pregnancy problems , Rory's fall and then a dramatic birth it's a wonder you're still standing!
      Let's hope all is well now. I hope Kirsten is alright after her marathon . Poor girl! What about Rory? Is his face ok? It must have been so sore not to mention scary! How are you after your fall? Oh Norah I do hope when you see that little one you will feel so much better.
      Sending healing hugs to everyone,! Please stay with us, we miss you!
      Lots of love, Myra xxx

    2. Oh Norah,
      You have all been in the wars, and I hope that things will start picking up for you. I hope that Kirsten recovers well after her C section and that Harry thrives. I also hope that Rory is soon back to his handsome self. And, as for you, you must stop getting so familiar with the ground, it is not good for your health. Take care, and - as Myra says - stay with us because we miss you.
      Love and hugs, Maureen xxx

    3. NORAH:- Congratulations and also commiserations.
      Things have been rather traumatic to say the least ..... however you have a beautiful new Grandson. Hope all are well and you are feeling better now xxx

    4. Oh dear Norah. Sorry to hear all these things have been happening. Hope things will settle down for everyone now. Glad you are back.

    5. Oh Norah, What a time you have had, you must feel like you have been pulled in every direction, I hope and pray life will settle down again and you can enjoy your new wee man. LOL

    6. Hi NORAH
      My word you are having a traumatic time. Hope that Rory's face heals up soon. As I said before congratulations to Nannie McPhee. I gave the children plenty of cuddles back. I could have done with Twizzles arms. Does any one remember Twizzles, whose arms and legs grew. Hope you get to see the baby soon, if you haven't already

    7. Oh Norah what a time you've had of it. I hope Rory and Kirsten both recover well xxx

    8. Oh Norah, What a time you have had, and I'm complaining of a sore neck. I cringed when I heard what Rory had done, hope he is feeling a bit better and you have got over the shock of everything
      Wendy xx

  25. Brenda OB, are you back from the hospital yet??

    1. Hello Maureen, Sorry yes we are back.
      We were half an hour early for appointment, and he was called in almost straight away, every went like clockwork, and all tests including ECG were complete in under an hour.
      I then went into Croydon to get himself a wedding anniversary gift, (left it a bit late it's our anniversary tomorrow ) That sorted I came home have been cooking, did a bit of gardening and making cards. Where does the time go? Now trying to catch up time on the blog !!!!
      Night, night, Sweet dreams xxx

  26. Hello Everyone
    SANDRA Your card is just awesome. I love how you've created a stencil to use the paste with it. I have only ever used masks (well twice now!) I was so pleased with the results. I must get some more paste because I'm a bit loathe to use it and run out!! How did to do the sentiment? I think I can spy SW pierced tags but (to me) I can only see one of the edges is pierced...
    NORAH Huge huge congratulations I hope mother and baby are well and Kirsten BP is improving etc - what a worry.Hope Rory's face is healing. I'm going back to read the last few days posts (hope you don't mind I may skip passed a few of them but I really want to see last weeks Wednesday's tips) So forgive me for not being up to date with things. I am beginning to catch up!

  27. Hello ladies,
    I think I have caught up on the latest news,
    Pat how lovely for you to see how much the little ones think of you, bet you will go to bed with a nice warm glow tonight.
    Maureen, looks like your idea for the stamping up party has gone down a treat with everyone ( I shall be back to you later) , well done Hazel for sorting it out.
    Maria, pictures of seagulls are good, it's nature, well done for sticking your tongue out, hope it didn't get caught on Camera!!
    Norah, phew, what a time you have been having. So good to have you back.
    Wendy I think your mojo has run off with Patricia's and Maureen's. Hope your back is feeling a little easier today.
    As for me, Trip to dentist was not bad at all except for all the gubbins they seem to need to put in your mouth to do a filling. I am now the proud owner of a reconstructed back tooth, injection has worn off and I have finally stopped slurring my words and dribbling like a fool.
    Now Muriel and Myra, I read your earlier comments regarding my little mouth and words fail me. You will need more than tin hats, and no bunker is deep enough for what I have in mind. I have loaded my bazooka (not the one for a foot problem) and am presently looking for the best place to position it on my balcony. So I suggest you haul up your bloomers and start running. You'll have more than beans in your ears when I fire it!
    Love and big hugs for all except the terrible twosome.
    Saba xxx

    1. Ooh er! I'm going to wear my camouflage bloomers . That red ensign on Maureen's right buttock will make her a sitting Daffy!! Xxx
      Did you smile a teeny weeny bit? Xxx

    2. Oh! SABA :- you are brilliant!!
      Glad the dentist was not as bad as you thought it might be.
      Like you and the others I think the StampinUp Demo will be great.
      Dreary Me:- MAUREEN & MYRA your in trouble ..... You'd better start running and FASTxxx

    3. I wouldnt say you are at all dreary
      Patricia! I think you are a lovely cheerful lady! Xxx

    4. There now did I not tell you this morning all would be well at the dentist??? If you say all will be fine it will be, so pleased you are a happy bunny once again. xxx

    5. Saba I think you may be getting verruca and shooting yourself in the foot mixed up! You know I like to be helpful. Xxx

    6. Margaret, I am so happy, my little Bob tail is visibly jumping up and down. Mind you I am so gullible. Dentist said he has an all singing and dancing new machine for deep cleaning the gums. Apparently they will feel like they have gone to heaven afterwards. I have made an appointment for three weeks time! Good job I no longer have C&C on my TV over here, I might well have bought the Todo!
      Myra, not only did I smile a teeny tiny bit, but I shall have to get out a pair of clean jeans tomorrow.

    7. Saba dear, tell me do, when did you stop slurring your words and dribbling. Was it when you stopped banging, knocking and saying Prost??
      Your friendly little Daisy Doo xxx

  28. Hellooooo!!! I am sorry I have not been in much today ... I have been making Roses!!! Managed to make 20 ... 5 for the Origami Box I also made this afternoon, plus15 for Hazel.
    I am meeting Hazel tomorrow morni ..... first Face to Face meeting in 5 weeks feels like 5 months actually. We have so much "Chat" to catch up on it could take all day. Hazel will have to get back to pick up the girls so we will have to curtail it a little ....!!!
    My mojo returned but was not prepared to work at the pace I expected. I gave it a good shake which seems to have done the trick. I will give it a rest tomorrow in appreciation for its return.
    Right must go I have a few "house" things I have to catch up on.
    I might have to look back in the morning to see what Senanigans you guys get up to later. xxx

    1. Patricia, I sincerely hope there is no one from the RSPCM looking in. You can get into serious trouble for shaking a wonder the poor thing ran away.
      Have a lovely catch up and a big sister cuddle tomorrow.
      Love Saba xxx

    2. SABA :- I am usually very tolerant of my Mojo it really was just a gentle shake!!! I promise I won't do it again .... If it behaves!!! xxx

    3. Hi Patricia,
      Talk of your Mojo and its loss has spread far and wide! Even on Tina's Blog today! Didn't she make a lovely card today? Xxx

    4. MYRA:- it's amazing where that Mojo went .... never sent me a Post Card though. I noticed he was at Tina's I hope some of her wonderful talents might rub off on me!! Her card for today is absolutely STUNNING as is all her creations xxx

  29. It looks like you are all happy to do the make and take with the stamping up lady? Hopefully she will get back soon with what's all involved ? I am having to do this on my phone the girls were playing on my I pad and ran the battery down. When I say it's been a long day I haven't been working all the 13 hours but have worked 7 off them. 2 this morning then 5 since I started at. 2.45 finished there at 7.45 and was home for. 8. I am glad I don't do those hours any more. So it's feet up now. Not in tomorrow morning but I am meeting Patricia for a cup of tea and a catch up chat. Thank fully only piano for Beth tomorrow after school and it's only a 5 minute run to get her there, Ok I am going to get bits together for tomorrow , will pop back soon, Hazel x

  30. Well I have just finished Reading all the comments. Sorry to be so late but have been out all day. Went to the Range and Hobbycraft and then on to a NT place. Went to Lord Nuffields place. Very interesting and the weather was good. When I got back had to do an Asda shop as the cupboard was bare. Quieter day tomorrow I hope except the evening craft session.
    SANDRA. Your card is gorgeous. I really must try out my paste. Good idea to make your own stencil. Must give that a try as well. Hope you have been taking it easy today. Are you seeing Sue and Pat tomorrow? Will be good for you.
    PAT. So pleased to hear that the children were so pleased to see you.
    MARIA. Glad you are enjoying the holiday and have still been able to come into the cafe.
    SABA. Glad the dentist went ok. Don't think I know anyone who likes going. I certainly don't.
    To anyone I. Pain I have left some gentle hugs in the basket. Will just have a tea and leave the money in the pot.

    1. I must be the odd one out as I don't mind going to the dentist but as she is a friend we have a good catch up and I know how to keep on the right side of her I take her a chocolate cake she loves them, I made her wedding cake chocolate of course!
      Have a rest tomorrow after your enjoyable outing today Brenda and hope all goes well at your craft

    2. Thank you Brenda, it is not usually as bad as you expect, and I don't know why we all make such a fuss. I think school dentists have a lot to answer for. I also have a friend who is a dentist and I never minded going to him. He used to let me hold the suction tube. Sadly for me he is in Scotland so I can't go to him for my dental treatment anymore.
      Glad you had a lovely day out. Enjoy your restful day tomorrow.
      Hugs Saba xxx

    3. Enjoy your catch up and have a great day Wendy xx

  31. BRENDA:- sounds like you had a good day. Hope you are not too tired.
    By the way my "CANDLE CUP" was already made up one it just the cup and saucer.
    Have an easy day tomorrow xxx

  32. Right folks, that's me off to bed. I have to be up bright and early to be all spruced up to met my sister in the morning.
    Good Night & God Bless. xxxx

    1. Night Night Patricia, have a lovely time with Hazel tomorrow! Xxx

    2. Night God bless Patricia,
      Have a lovely sister day tomorrow.

    3. Sweet dreams Patricia, enjoy your tete a tete with Hazel tomorrow. xxx

  33. Night. Have a good day with Hazel tomorrow. Yes I really enjoyed today.

  34. Good evening everyone
    Well the new cake looks ok, smells ok but have not cut it yet, I will cut it tomorrow and leave some on the counter in the morning.
    Hazel and Patricia have a good catch up tomorrow, pleased it is only the two of you, as no one else will get a word in! lol
    Maureen if you are going out tomorrow take your umbrella as rain is forecast for us, coming in to the West and going to the East, see we like to share!!
    Norah have you seen your little treasure yet, hope mummy and baby are doing fine, she will need to take things easy for a few weeks (voice of experience I had two c sections).
    SIL not too good today bless him, but tomorrow is another day.
    I am going to have an early night as I will be up early in the morning it is bread making day.
    Sweet dreams everyone
    Good night and God Bless

    1. Going with Eleanor as she is playing in a Netball Match with another school, she's so excited, you'd think she was playing for England!!
      I'll take my brolly, thanks for the thumbs up. Don't forget to leave me some cake and I'll have a loaf if you can manage it!!!! PLEASE
      Maureen xx

    2. Will you require jam on it as well! Xxx

    3. Night night Margaret, sleep well! Xxx
      I've been pinning some of your lovely cards today! Xx

  35. Margaret, night God bless, can't wait to try your cake. Sorry SIL not so good today, hope tomorrow Is a better day for him.

  36. Why does it always take me ages to get to the bottom of the posts? Well it's time for bed, George has already been in bed and has just appeared at the dining room door. So I reckon he is up for a while with his feet and legs - YES MYRA, he brought them down with him!!!
    Goodnight all, sweet dreams and I hope Mr Sandman comes early to you all. Have a spiffing day tomorrow Patricia and Hazel.
    SABA I'm pleased the Dentist wasn't too bad. He lulled you into a false sense of security though as he has you going back to try the infernal machine ha ha (wish I could make Dracula type noises).
    Margaret, I'm taking my trusty Margaret heat bag to bed with me.
    Maureen xxx

    1. Night Night Daisy!
      We've been a bit naughty today but we'll be a lot better tomorrow!
      Sleep well and have a lovely time with Eleanor. Xxx
      Don't kick George! Xx

    2. Good night MAUREEN sweet dreams are made of this have a good dreem. Hope George sleeps well with his feet & legs xx I sympathise with him, I have problems with mine Hug's Lynda xx

  37. Good evening Sandra & all you lovely ladies
    Sandra your card is gorgeous love the sparkley paste Periwinkle my favourite colour your very clever making your own mask,stick pins beautiful.
    My goodness NORAH you have been through the mill with all that's gone on you must be shattered,did you do any damage when you kissed the floor x How's poor Rory's face & hope Kirstem is ok are they keeping her in hospital.
    MARIA hope your enjoying your holiday Ooo 6hours on the beach it a hard life hihi.enjoy your meal & have a lovely day tomorrow xx
    See you all tomorrow got Hospital in morning,so be in after get home
    Love & Hug's Lynda xx

    1. Night Night Lynda!
      I'm not just being cheeky I'm making stick pins as well!
      Hope everything goes well tomorrow!
      Sleep well. Xxx

    2. Good night MYRA did you get Sue's stick pin bundal on C&C.i just bought a few packs, but got i a lot of beads from hobbycraft
      Thank you x
      Hug's Lynda xx

    3. Yes I did Lynda!
      Will never need to buy another bead but the quality is excellent and matches the card and ribbon beautifully! I'm struggling with what I thought was an exploding box but it isn't!! It doesn't have layers and it has no bottom and the lid is shaped and folds outwards! I'm sure it has a name but I've forgotten it! Not my finest hour but I'm determined to finish it. Xxx

    4. It's a pop up box! I've remembered! Xx

  38. Hi Sandar and all in the cafe (again!) I was in early this morning then look in tonight to see that my comment is in the Lost Comment Place! Anyway, Sandra I love your card. the sparkle actually shows on the photo so it must look beautiful "in the flesh". I am looking forward to seeing it tomorrow my lovely : ) I must get a Score Buddy after using yours, it is so easy to use and is a great price. Ladies, just get one, they are great.
    Nanny Norah, Congratulations to you all on the safe (in the end) arrival of baby Harry. Now you can relax and enjoy being a Nanny. I'm sure there were a few tears at Rory's prize giving as well, congratulations to him too. What a wonderful day for you : )
    Sleep tight(!) everyone. Take care xx

  39. Ladies, that's me finished, my eyes just won't stay open any more.
    Lynda good luck tomorrow at the hospital.
    Diane, if you pop in try not to make too much noise, most of us have gone to bed. Hope you had a fabulous day at Ascot. So posh!
    Goodnight and God bless you all
    Saba xxx

    1. Night Night All,
      I too am finishing up! No more stick pins tonight!
      Sleep well, everyone!
      Myra Xxx

  40. Sssshhhhh I'm just creating in quietly to say night night sleep tight. I've ha a lovely day, but oh boy do my feet ache and head is a bit heavy from too much Pims and Prosecco!hic. Can hardly keep my eye open so will tell you about it tomorrow . Night night sleep tight xxxxxxxxx
