
Monday 15 June 2015

Man Card Monday once again!!

Good Monday Morning My lovely friends,
Goodness me I feel that I have been really missing out on everything that's been going on this past week, so once our visitors have left I will be reading back through the goings on of the last few days and look forward to doing so, I feel like I have been separated from my family!
Any way its Man card Monday and as its the last run up to Father's Day, it seems good timing.
The first card in our line up today is by Brenda (littlelamb) and features the one thing that many men like to think is their own space, the Garden Shed or (Man Cave), I love the scene you have created here Brenda with the colour blended background, the birds, then the Wheelbarrow in the foreground gives the card great perspective (I think that's the right word)! To be honest I am so exhausted after the last few days that I could actually be writing anything!! haha! Thanks Brenda for sharing the
card with all of us! xxxx

Michele's fabulous Wellie card, I love the grass border on the front of this card,
the leaves in the background work really with the theme too.
An amazing Man card Michele, thank you for sharing xxxx
I absolutely love these scene style cards by the amazingly talented Patricia,
Both the coloured and the black and white image work so perfectly,
I believe that the stamps are separate images and you build the scene just as want it.
I love the way Patricia has added that tiny black border to the images and it lifts
and frames them perfectly, the sentiment adds the perfect finishing touch!
Thank you very much Patricia for sharing these amazing man cards with us xxx
Well ladies that's all for today, I have Sophie and Lucy home today as they have
an oddly placed inset day, so we will be doing so serious chilling out,
They are both tired after 6 hours of football matches, they are both exhausted too!
Duvet day I think, after Paul's parents have left of course!
We had quite a busy day yesterday, I got up after getting to bed at the back of 1 am,
to be called by Becca, crying and saying that there had been a big bust up between Josh
and his brother/dad, and they hadn't come home with her, so I calmed her down, tried to get comfy
then Matt came in from his night out, my phone rang again at 2.20 am, Becca again,
this time to ask for Daddy to come and pick her up as there was a row at J's house,
so off he went, to return 45 mins later with Becca & Josh!!!!
So back in to bed and just getting cosy, in comes Milo, they had bought Diego (dog) back
home with them and that had got Milo all worked up, so I got up, sorted him and Bella out,
Back to bed at 4.40!! Girls up at 7 am to get ready for football, followed by Becca,
she was needing 'Daddy' to run her and Josh back to his house to get her car as he needed
to go to A & E, as he had punched a wall in frustration during the evening arguments and
has broken his hand across the knuckles, hand like a balloon, great start to the Paris trip,
they wanted to put a cast/part cast on, but he didn't want that, so he has his fingers all
strapped up and his arm in a high sling, that's gonna hurt on the flight! (I think they call it Karma)!!
I got the cake finished, then finished her card, helped Paul with the mountain of Bacon rolls,
we then went off to football tournament, got home at 4.30, out the door at 6pm for Dinner,
back home at ten, Becca then tells me she needs a few bits washed for her trip.......
she was leaving at 1am!!!!!!! , We stayed up and got as much done for her as possible!
Now you know why I am so exhausted!!
Hope you have a relaxing day my lovelies!
Love and hugs



  1. Good morning Sandra and the coffee shop gang. Hope its a nice day where you are it is here so far. Have had my cuppa in the garden, a little cool but nice to be outside so early.
    SANDRA:- I need to go back to bed ...... I am exhausted reading your Post!! OMG!!! do you ever get a rest??? I would be crawling on my kness having to cope with all that.
    BRENDA:- just LOVE your card with the sweet little shed its fantastic.
    MICHELE:- your card is wonderful and that grass looks so real it's amazing.
    MINE:- made using Scenscape stamps. I am no stamper but these stamps make it really easy ... honest!! There are Turorials on YouTube using the stamps.
    Things all set up for the day. Sandra will you please take it easy, we will manage. We will behave .... well maybe not as that would be boring!!! Things will all be kept under contol as usual, relax please.
    Right Monday is Big Clean day in this house. Better go get started.
    Will be back later to see whats going on xxx

    1. Hi Patricia
      Did you get these Scenescape stamps from the USA, or the UK?. I've look on their website and as you said there are plenty of tutorials, so I might have a bash at these. I could only make a mess on a bit of card.

    2. PAT:- I got my stamps from. ... Mine are Pines & Rocks and Lakeside Cove. They come as sets as far as I can remember. As you say if you make a mess it's just a piece of card. I made plenty of messes before I got where I was when I made those cards. Once you get the idea they are easy to put together. Each set of stamps blends in together to make the scenes xxx

    3. Hi Patricia,
      I love, love, love these cards. They are fantastic.
      Maureen xxx

  2. Good morning Sandra and all who pop in, Sandra you really need to rest up or you will make yourself ill, have a duvet day and be assured you have earned it.
    The man cards are brilliant, well done to everyone.
    Few things need doing here at home them I'm going to do some crafting as I've not done much lately and don't like being on the last minute with birthdays and we always have them in clusters so I like to spread them out and be prepared.
    Will pop in later to see who's been
    Left the basket of hugs topped up
    Jean x

  3. Morning Ladies

    Sandra-I was exhausted just reading about your day! Let's hope today is nice + relaxing for you all.

    Brenda-lovely card. We've both thought along the same lines for mens cards = gardening.

    Patricia-two brilliant cards. Your stamping is great, wish mine was.

    My card was easy-most of the elements for it were from an old edition of Making Cards (for Men) & I added the tree bark embossed background which I coloured with some distresss ink(can't remember which one-I only have some of the mini ones). The sentiment was made using an old set from Little Claire which I got cheap at a craft show ages ago as the were "pre-loved" or USED!! It's the first time i'd used them & was quite pleased with the results of my stamping.

    Best get a move on-paperwork day today at work. Unless someone rings in sick, lets hope not.


    1. Hi Michele,
      Your card would be perfect for Patricia's John after he goes wellie dipping in the stream!!
      Maureen xx

  4. Good morning Sandra and all the coffee shop ladies.
    SANDRA what a exhausting weekend. Please take it easy today.
    After your in laws have left, just chill out.
    Pleased Lucy and Sophie have an inset today, it will give them both a chance to recharge their batteries.
    Have you still got Diego with you? If you have I hope he doesn't stress Bella and Milo to much.

    Brenda, Michele and Patricia, Love your man cards they are all brilliant, Thank you for the inspiration. xxx

    I'm early today, John has gone off to do the school run, I was very tired yesterday so he said he would go on his own. We will both do the afternoon pick up. Take them home, feed them, do homework, etc.

    Will pop back in later. I have enjoyed a lovely cup of tea. Sat by the window, people watching.
    Have left Love and Hugs for everyone, Brenda xxx

  5. Hi Sandra
    What a beautiful array of cards today. Michele your welly card is great, really fun and sums up a lot of men xxx
    Brenda what man wouldn't love a shed, it's my uncle to a T! Love the wheelbarrow, is it a stencil? Xxx
    Patricia great scene cards and they both look good coloured or black and white. I know the stamps you mean, they are lovely xxx
    Thank you for sharing ladies.
    Sandra I will echo the others and say today has to be a duvet day for all of you. What a dreadful night you had and what an upset for poor Becky on her birthday. I hope you are dog free so you don't have upset cats on your hands! Don't you love it when they say at the last minute I need this washed for holiday! I usually have a cut off day but I can guarantee it will be Emma with her Jeans (which can be a nightmare to get dry!) at the last minute! In amongst all the drama though it does sound like you had a good time. Enjoy your chill out day.
    Love Diane xxx

  6. Good morning Sandra,

    Wow, what a weekend you have had. You drained me out reading of all your shenanigans, STOP, right now young lady! Chill out! You must have felt like Super/Wonder woman all weekend. Bet you're glad it's over, so take your duvet time with the girls to all recharge your batteries. We don't want you to be so ill you can't make the retreat.
    So I have a suggestion for that, NO phones allowed whilst we are crafting in our function room. We all coped without them years ago, we don't really need them to spoil our enjoyment of our first meeting. Let everybody cope without us for a change.

    Right onto the Mancards, I can't pick a favourite, they are all equally brilliant.

    Brenda & Michele's gardening themes so right up any gardener's street.
    And Patricia's scenes capture the essence of tranquillity.

    I do apologise for not leaving a comment yesterday, I hadn't realised I didn't pop in until late last night whilst on my way to bed. Such a busy day yesterday and another today also. I have a lovely friend coming in later for coffee and a chat, I haven't seen her in a while so will be lovely to catch up.

    Love 7 hugs
    Cheryl xxx

    1. CHERYL:- so glad you mentioned the Phone thing. I TOTALLY agree, I just hate phones at things, on holiday etc:-
      If we are needed in an emergency we can be contacted via the Hotel itself. That's what we would have done in the past. Good on you girl .... coffees on me for that wonderful suggestion. xxx

    2. CHERYL:- sorry me again, how rude of me ..... forgot to ask how you are feeling today?? Hope your head and neck are a bit easier xxx

    3. Cheryl, I too are with you on the phone front!!! We are away for a break in routine so phones not needed, on airplane mode if it comes to it. I use to travel hundreds of miles on my own, no phone no sat nav and managed. No Patricia is right, if needed the hotel will let calls through. I hope your head is less painful, please take care you don't bump it again as it will not be good. Hazel x

    4. With regard to the mobile phone issue - I would never use my phone in public and it is not something I'm tied to! However my husband and family would think I'd gone even madder than I am if I said they could only contact me in an emergency via the Hotel! I will have my phone on silent / vibrate but have no intention of using it while we are away. I hope this is ok! Xxx

    5. Hi Cheryl, Lovely to see you. I hope your head and neck are a lot better. Nobody ever rings me on my phone other than George and Rachel, and as they know I'll be away on a crafting weekend, they will know better than to ring me, but like Myra it will be on silent/vibrate.
      Maureen xx

  7. Morning Sandra and ladies, what a day you had yesterday Sandra, you must be exhausted, I was just reading about it! You certainly need your duvet day. You know we think that it will be brilliant when our children grow up and leave home, BUT as it has been proved that they still need us in emergencies.
    Brenda, Patricia and Michele, you cards are super, just the thing for a mans card, thank you for letting Sandra show us them.
    I'm in total agreement about the phones, switch off when we are away.
    Housework is calling, second load of washing ready to hang out, better move and get it done, will pop back later, take care, hugs to all, Jess x

    1. Jess I totally agree with you, we also thought when our children grow up they will not need us ....... WRONG !!!
      When our first daughter and husband were moving house, there was a three week overlap on the sale of first house so everything would need to go int storage. At the time we had taken a wall down between one of the sitting rooms and dinning room to make a larger lounge. So dear OH said, "don't go paying out for storeage bring all of your belongings here, we can leave a space all around the edge so Mum can get on with the painting", that's what they did. Second daughter when she moved house SIL built a large extention, they moved back here for six weeks, ended up staying over six months (work took longer than expected)!!!!!! By the time they moved back, their first baby was almost six months old. I could go on and on and on. BUT we do love them (most of the time) xxx

    2. Ha ha Brenda, we will ALWAYS worry and help them if we can.
      Maureen xxx

  8. Good morning Sandra and all our Ladies,
    Sandra I need a rest after reading your post. Definitely a duvet day for you, let the girls wait on you today. Sounds like you had a right carry on, hope it didn't spoil Becca's birthday treats.
    Love the man cards we are seeing today.
    Brenda,what a perfect man card, your garden shed is lovely, it looks like the windows are open, is it a die cut?
    Michelle, that grass is amazing, your whole card looks 3D, love it.
    Patricia, you say easy, I say amazing. I think I might just about manage the monochrome scene but the inked one never, it really is a work of art.
    Busy day ahead, starting with the oven. I have a Wednesday tip for you today, if you decide to buy a range cooker, don't get a gas one with a black top, they are a nightmare to keep clean. Or if you do, then get one with a glass lid that you can just close and forget about what is underneath. Tip no. 2. If you do buy the 1st option do not let your husband anywhere near it with a frying pan using oil that spits. Tip no.3 once the said oven is cleaned, eat salad for the rest of your life.
    Wonder if Maureen's shaving foam would work? Tip no.4 don't marry a man with a beard!!!
    Love and hugs
    Saba xxxx

    1. Saba, you are an absolute hoot! I am totally in agreement on rye Gas Range cooker front! However, to use a sailing analogy - I know we "singed the King of Spain's Beard" - but please tell me Peter has not set himself alight!! Xxx

    2. Rye gas? Rye grass maybe !! Oh gosh - rye should have been "the" .xxx

    3. Coming on here fairly cheers you up .... not that I needed cheering up really, I am always happy!!! You guys are so funny better than any medication .... not hat I need medication either. Well that's maybe not what you are thinking!!!
      QUESTIONS:- is any cooker easy to clean??? My Hob is Stainlees Steel and only looks clean immediately after I clean and polish it. 5 minutes later there is dust on it. Where does all the dust come from .... tell me that???
      Lunch finished, things all tidied up .. now what will I do??? xxx

    4. SABA, hoisted my red drawers as I don't own an ensign!! George is a nightmare, he has spitting fat all over the hob. Me - I just spit when I see it!!! Try the shaving foam, but leave it about an hour. It's worth a go. Takes a lot of the elbow grease out of the work (elbow grease - get it!!!)
      MYRA, where do I find Rye gas, we only have the North Sea type here. (couldn't resist - sorry)
      PATRICIA, It's the TV that gets me. If George is a babe magnet, the TV is a dust magnet!!! (ha ha, it's a long time since George was anything lol) By the way which hat do you wear instead of taking medication!!!
      Maureen xxx

    5. MAUREEN:- Hawkeyes!!! xxx

  9. Saba, thank you for the laugh! Got one of the said gas range cookers at work, and yes a night mare as its used by a man who,loves to cook with kids off pot etc!!! Not easy to clean, the bars are also a nightmare to fir back on after cleaning.
    Just realised I didn't comment this morning when I popped my head in.
    Sandra, you haven't been listening to us have YOU!!! NO you haven't. A duvet week it will be if you don't take it easy.
    Brenda, Michele and Patricia, brilliant man cards love them all. You are all very clever and talented.
    Brenda. Ref. Your DIL and not speaking English. Was at the hospital this morning and there was a couple at the desk before me, they were forgein were making out that they didn't unstand what was being told to them, that there appointment was in two weeks time not today, they were showing the receptionist a piece of paper with details on it showing that they were going to be away on the said date, they receptionist was trying to tell them they can't just think they can be seen today and a new appointment would be made - no luck getting through to them they kept saying " interpreter" the receptionist answer " yes we will get you one the cost is per hour". Well funnily enough they understood that and spoke English in Reply of " pay! You tell us we have to pay"
    They took there selves off there and then, funny how the mention of money they understood? And spoke really good English. Receptionist told me it works 99% of the time. So I think mention money and she would understand.
    Then again mine would be there in a shot if we won the lottery?
    Well had a cup of tea and a tea cake, money in the pot did he's in the dishwasher. Will pop back later. Hazel x

    1. Hi Hazel. Thought that was very funny. Yes they do understand English when they want to. Hope you weren't at the hospital for yourself. Thank you for the comments in my card. Have finished the Triple Flip card for Damond Anniversary. Thought I would wrap it in Tulle as I had some Sparkly fron The Range. Can you tell me how to go about it please. Hope you don't mind me asking.

    2. Brenda, my tulle is 6ins deep for my baby card as it was 8x8 I cut 2 lengths - enough to go round the card and with a cross over Then I just adjusted the width it's so thin you didn't really see that part was double thickness then as I said I laid the tulle in my box card next then crossed the flaps over each other. Then I carefully lifted it it out of the box and tied it up a bit like a parcel with my ribbon. Brenda I wrap things and I do it without thinking. The birthday card was easier as I just needed the one length of tulle again a bit of a cross over at the front and then tied. Sorry it sounds double Dutch, but I think how else to describe it. Hazel x

    3. That is fine Hazel. Thank you for your help. I was thinking it was orobably tied with ribbon. Have plenty of that.

    4. Just read over the late comments from yesterday, wow you have a great talent for organising things, well done on the Stamping Up demo for our retreat. X

    5. Hope the kids were tender then, after they went 'turkey' coming off the 'pot'. Don't think I could eat more than one! x

  10. Good Morning - well not quite morning!!, Sandra and everyone!
    It's good to be back! Sorry I haven't read all the comments very carefully over the last few days . I feel as if I've been putting, glasses, plates of every size you care to mention , cups and saucers etc for hours! As for cutlery well! I've cleaned the dining room and lounge. The guest room which our friend's used will have to wait until tomorrow as I have afternoon school club today . My friend Jean made the bed beautifully and put the cushions back on top . She said to me as she left " Myra , just leave that room tomorrow! " she was right.
    Sandra - what a hectic weekend! What a night - I just don't know how you cope with that! Have a big big rest today!
    I love all three of today's cards and we have had lots of inspiration on the man card front!
    Brenda - I love your card and especially the shed with it's lovely windows and open door! It's just right. Thank you!
    Michele - love the little picture you have made - love the grass and the frame and the leaves peeping in . Really like the wellies! Great card. Thank you!
    Patricia - what lovely soothing serene scenes you have made , both beautifully framed! I love both of them. Thank you!
    Well it's lunchtime - only two today - just an ordinary sandwich ! Yeah!
    Will read more later.
    Love to all, Myra xxx

  11. Hi Sandra And All,
    Well What A Stunning Array Of Men's Cards I'm Not Very Good At Producing Men's Cards, And I Don't Think My Husband Would Like A Die Cut Card, Like Patricia I Have The Stampscape Stamps, But I'm Still Getting Used To Them! But Patricia Has Mastered Them Her Cards Are Tremendous As Is The Other Two On Your Blog Today.
    Take Care All.
    Love And Hugs
    From Sam xxx

  12. Thank you all for your comments about my card. Sorry this is brief. Will be back later.

    1. Hello Littlelamb, Brenda. Love the garden shed card. It's perfect for the men in my life - I don't mean I have a lot of men friends, I mean relations!!!
      Maureen xx

    2. I'm not asking what sort of relations!! Xxx

    3. That would be telling Myra xxx

    4. Thought it might! Are they a bit odd? Xxx

  13. Good afternoon Sandra & everyone.
    Sandra I hope you are under that Duvet & not running round cleaning!!!!
    WOW hectic or what just reading your post has exhausted me. I hope Bacca did enjoy her special birthday before all the shenanigans that went on with Josh's family. Hope his hand doesn't hurt too much while they are in Paris & Disnyworld especially going on the rides.
    BRENDA your card is brilliant with the shed extra.
    MICHELE love your card the grass looks so real how have you done that.
    PATRICIA both your cards are beautiful love the black & white one. We have three talented ladies.
    Well the sun is shining but quite chilly. Changed the duvet washed & hung out.
    OH has just jet washed Freddy's cage yes he did take Freddy out first hihi,but he did give him a shower spayed him with warm water he loves that.
    Have got to tidy craft room I'm such a messy crafter,then I have to make my brother's 70 th birthday card & Darren's so two man cards so thinking cap on.
    OH leg slightly better not quite so red this morning but still very swollen,I said he should have gone hospital yesterday but NO so I'm just letting him get on with it.
    Will pop back later going to hoover upstairs then craft room.
    Love & Hug's to all xxx

  14. Hi Sandra
    What a night you had. Not to sure why Becca couldn't drive her car home from Josh's, but poor old Dad had to go and pick them up and then drive her back to pick up her car. Not to sure why you had to get up and do her washing either Sandra. No wonder your worn out. Your much to kind hearted for your own good. Hopefully you can have a chill out day with the girls. Hope they enjoyed the football tournament. Love the shed Brenda, and I'm not to sure how you did the grass Michele. I just love the scene cards Patricia. Must have a lesson on how to do them. Such talented ladies.

    1. PAT:- and anyone else who fancies have a go the stamps are available at:-
      Watch the Tutorials on YouTube they are really good. It's an American Lad who does them but he has a beautiful voice that is not overbearing. xxx

  15. Hi everyone, Patricia have you had a reply from Sue about your prize? I got one earlier and she is posting it today, something to look forward to. X

    1. JESS:- nothing from Sue here, maybe tomorrow xxx

  16. Afternoon Ladies

    To answer the question of the grass-it was a pre-printed imsge & I just cut it out. Yes, each blade of grass-must be mad. The watering can, wellies & plant pot were also pre-printed images from the same issue of Making Cards for Men-it's been fantastic for so many cards. I wish they would produce another issue as I'm sure it would be very popular.

    Got home to find hubby preparing tea-hurrah!!!


    1. Michele, hubby preparing tea, what's he after? xxx

    2. He always cooks when he's home-far safer than relying on my cooking which is a bit hit + miss!


  17. Hello All,
    I'm late in today, but better late than never, eh?
    Sandra, you really must take things easy and Becca and Josh should start thinking of you and not themselves. Having said that, they are your children so just tell me to mind my own business, but I have said that with your health in mind.
    I think all the cards today are great, and would use them all many times, we do have some very clever ladies, with great ideas.
    Yes, WW3 averted yesterday, by the time I got through to them, they were giggling like big girls, instead of the little girls that they are lol.
    I have commented on the way down, and SABA I have sewn a Union Flag to my red bloomers, so as I raise and lower them, other ships will be aware that I am sailing close to the wind ha ha.
    I have changed the beds, washed and ironed, done some shopping, visiting and am worn out now, so goodness knows how MYRA feels after her marathon weekend. Have a rest now dear, you deserve it.
    I'm going now to look on Sue's blog and have a wander on the other blogs. See you later.
    Love to all
    Maureen xxx

  18. Back now. Thank you for all your comments on my card today. The shed is a JS die. The doir and windows open so I put acetate behind the windows. The wheelbarrow, watering can topary tree in pot and butterfly are all Marianne's dies. Not sure about the flowers. Bought quite a while ago. The shed has gone walkabout. Must be somewhere in the craft room/dining room but cannot lay my hands on it at the moment.
    SANDRA. Well what a busy time you had yesterday. Hope today has been a better day and you have had a duvet day. You certainly deserve it. Hope you are not going to overdo it this week.
    Weather has been quite good today. Did go and cut the blackberry down that was hanging over the fence into the alleyway but my right hand wasn't really up to cutting today so that's all I did in the garden. Hope everyone has got their Mojo back. I have finished all the things for the cards on Wednesday and that is my last session for this time round. The last session is flower arranging and that is not my forte. My friend will do that. She is very good at that. We will start again before Christmas and do things for Christmas gifts etc and cards no doubt.
    MICHELE. Love your card. The Making cards Magazine is good isn't especially the Men's ones. I have one with a lot of sporty things in it.
    Patricia. Love your cards. Did you use Distress Inks for the background. I bought some of these stamps many moons ago. Must get them out again. They make good men's cards and if I used them before it was so long ago that if the same people get them they will have probably forgotten the other ones.
    Be back later. How was the first day back at work Hazel. Any disasters when you were away?

  19. THANK YOU!!!
    Just wanted to say thank you to all you wonderful ladies for your lovely comments on my cards. xxx

    1. Patricia, I have just been over to yours, so to speak, and I am in love with your fabulous pendants. Think you had better bring a few with you in October, we will all be wanting to buy one, or two, or three. Well done to you and Hazel for raising money for such a worthwhile cause.
      Love Saba xxx

    2. Am on the case ladies. Will look for some more nice Beads. I will get a few Pendants made up for the Retreat. They make nice and very different Christmas Gifts. They "look" heavy in fact they are very light, perfect for posting as well. xxx

    3. Going to look on your Blog Patricia! Xxx

    4. Patricia,
      I've been on the other side too!!!! You'll see I have left a comment about your pendants.
      Maureen xxx

    5. They are lovely Patricia been on your blog xx

    6. Oo ooh! Patricia they are lovely! I would love to buy some too ! Xxx

  20. Muriel, the sun is setting, time to lower the bloomers!!!

  21. No disasters apart from Jen was late picking Beth up from school a few times, like Beth was left standing waiting in the playground! Which doesn't happen with me, I like to be early. Beth did say as I was leaving tonight " please don't forget to pick up rolls , then I can have a really nice lunch tomorrow". So I think the lunches werent to good either. But got lots of hugs and cuddles which was lovely. They told me they missed me, then they me told about the puppy. I told them they can't be to bothered about me going seeing you are getting a puppy! "
    But was lovely to see them both. Hazel x

    1. Hazel,
      They'll have missed you so much. Eleanor had her head in her book the whole time when she came from Italy, and then when they slept I heard all about the holiday and how much she loved and missed me.
      Maureen xx

    2. That is so lovely Maureen! It makes everything worthwhile! Xxx

  22. Really quite in here tonight .... where is everyone??? xxx

    1. I'm here!!
      Had quite a busy day, started with the aforementioned oven, oh and Patricia I meant to answer you earlier, I am so glad I am not the only one who polishers her hob! Anyway, I got into cleaning mode, and couldn't stop. Daft thing is, I will want to do it all again on Friday before we go on holiday.

    2. I do love that word "polishers" , I can never use it properly that's my trouble!
      I 'm wearing my tin hat! Xxx

    3. Myra, trust you. Tin hat won't help as I am aiming for your knees.

    4. What are you like Saba ??? Remember the dust will be there when you get back, I took the view this time that I left everything clean and tidy, hoovered but didn't go round with duster at the last minute as it would be there when we returned, and is was. And of coarse when I unpacked the cases and had the washing in piles the place looked like a bomb site for a couple of hours, I did think why did I bother? Cleaning before I went. Hazel x

    5. Hazel, the whole point of cleaning before you go away is so that the burglars won't think badly of your housekeeping.

    6. Or shock horror ! The neighbour with the burglar alarm key has to enter! Xxx

    7. But just think they would find things so easily, if we left them in a right tip, they would give up and go away emtpy handed. Think of it that way? But I know what you mean! Hazel x

    8. Not in my house they wouldn't. I once decided to hide my engagement ring as I don't like to wear it when we are sailing in case it either goes overboard or I end up with an injury from the lines.
      Anyway I hid it in a jar of cold cream and spent the whole holiday worried that if I got lost at sea no one would ever find it! Didn't want to text the girls in case I was tempting fate. How stupid is that!!

    9. Saba!! Not my knobbly knees! Plee ase!!!! Xx

    10. Note to self - tell Rachel where jewellery is hidden, deeds to house, wills, paid up funeral papers, savings books. Can anyone think of anything else.
      Myra, have you got knobbly knees?
      Maureen xx

    11. Co-op vouchers, tesco stamps, christmas hamper savings book.
      Birth certificates, .......

    12. Yes! I can - Passwords to important things on Computer!
      As to knees - not as knobbly as they once were! Thankful they are still mine and working! Xxx

    13. What are Tesco Stamps?
      Are they like Green Shield Stamps? Now there's a blast from the past! Xxx

    14. Myra, I don't know what tesco stamps are, I made it up!

    15. Here's me thinking there was a big gap in my education! Xxx
      Only one I hear you ask! Xx

  23. Big sis I think they are all in bed, as they had busy weekends, plus Maria is away, as so is Janet. Diane hasn't been in has she? Wendy is suffering poor soul, I do feel for her!!! Janice again is chasing her tail. Karen will maybe daning. Margaret, was taking her SIL to the hospital, I bet she is shattered as she will have been hanging around waiting for him. I will take bad tomorrow having to get up early. It will be the morning I will want to sleep on. I think you and I will have to deal with everything in here tonight. Hazel x

    1. I'm here Hazel! Only just but here!
      So pleased Beth was so thrilled to see you today! Xxx

  24. Good evening Sandra and all the coffee shop crew
    Oh goodness me Sandra I feel like a lay down after reading about your weekend, just remember the more you do the more you are expected to do, it will not do them any harm to do some things for them selves with all your health problems, we all like to help if we can I know but please do rest this week and re-charge those batteries, and have some ME time you have earned it.
    What a wonderful array of men's cards the gardening cards are wonderful with such great details, I love the garden shed Brenda and Michele your grass looks great. Patricia your cards are wonderful so very calm and serine looking, quite beautiful, and to say you are not a stamper, well I really do think you are!
    Well I have had such a hectic day first thing got two lots of washing done out and dried with Derek's help got half an hours gardening done then SIL rang to say he was unable to drive, so off I went to pick him up and take him to hospital. Are we going to the hospital or the clinic I asked he was not sure and not making much sense so before he got worse I asked where is the clinic?Well the clinic is one side of the city and the hospital is at the other but as we set off in plenty of time we were ok. Except he could not remember where the clinic was, so we had a ride around the area but no sign of the clinic then he said over there where those trees are I think it is there! So back to the main road and try another road eventually we got there. Then he almost walked into the glass doors he was not walking very well but came back out and said
    there is no clinic here today. He got back in the car and checked his blood again his levels were going up higher, I was worried he was going to pass out on me and at 6ft 2ins there was no way I could have picked him up! So got to the other side of the city to the main hospital where parking is dreadful but we got there and actually found a park the power of prayer is a wonderful thing. I got him to the diabetic clinic on time thank goodness. They don't know why he is having problems at the moment, so have done lots of tests and he has to up both lots of his insulin by quite a lot. It is such a horrible illness I do wish they would hurry and fine a cure, he says when things go off it is like being drunk without the fun of drinking.
    So back home and a late lunch then it was time for the school run late today as it was drama school afterwards, then all of us back to their house to meet the nurse who was coming to give us all training using an epi pen for our grandson, she had an empty one to demonstrate with, our little treasure asked if he could try it and did it twice! So we were all delighted with him and the nurse thought he was fantastic and so grown up in his attitude as he could tell her exactly what he felt like when he became ill and he is only 8.
    Well that is my share of medical happenings for today, hopefully tomorrow I will get some housework done, just in case Patricia calls!!!
    Hazel I hope all was well at work for you on your first day back.
    Maureen I do hope you have put the Union Jack on your bloomers the right way up otherwise it will give the wrong message!!
    Sheila thinking of you.
    Hope everyone has had a good day.
    Margaret xxx

    1. Golly Margaret,
      What a stressful experience for you! Agree the power of prayer is wonderful! So pleased your SIL is alright after his and your awful experience. Let's pray his medication is sorted out very soon. How brave and clever is your grandson! Children do seem to cope so well - often much better than we fear they will! . Margaret I do hope tomorrow is a less stressful day for you! Love Myra xxx

    2. Oh Margaret, diabetes is a rotten horrid bugger! Don't swear normally but it is! My lovely son in law has it and Joanne's has had some awful times with him when he is hypo. He is the sweetest man, but go hypo and he is like a stranger. She has had to dial 999 ( or whatever no. You now use in the UK) on a couple of occasions and once fetched a neighbour in because she was frightened. It's just like you said, they appear to be drunk. She knows all the signs and usually can get him to check his bloods in time, but sometimes it happens so quickly.
      Well done to your brave little grandson, let's hope they can find a cure one day.
      Love Saba xxx

    3. THANK YOU very much Margaret for the lovely bags for the rice, they arrived this morning. Such pretty colours too. They will look nice with my candle cups on the stall.

      My friend arrived about 11.30 am by which time I had done my shopping, made a macaroni bake and a tray bake of banana & apple flapjack, so she was totally surprised when I suggested she stay for lunch and stay she did, we caught on so much and enjoyed our leisurely lunch.
      After she departed I started on my candle cups with the first pour. Very relaxing hobby, I must say, hardest bit was deciding which colour wax to pick out for the flowered cups. Decided on the dominant flowers. Downstairs now smells like a perfumery.

      And now it's time for bed, well, today's gone in a twinkling of an eye.

      Headache has finally disappeared, neck still stiff but as I have Arthur Ritus there as well, I can hear myself creak as I'm doing the exercises. Really sounds weird as though someone is rustling cellophane.
      Nighty Night dear hearts, see you tomorrow.
      Love 7 hugs
      Cheryl xxx

    4. Goodness me Margaret, it sounds like one of my days at the weekend,
      It was lovely having Paul's parents over, but bless him, his dad took pity on me this morning, I had been awake all night waiting to hear If Becca had arrived safely at Luton airport parking and was checked into her flight, then I was waiting to hear she had landed safely and found her hotel, but she had, all was well and she was going for a lie down as she too had had two nights and no sleep! So when I was sat at breakfast this morning with the inlaws, I could barely keep my eyes open, Pauls dad just said that they were leaving early so that I could go and have a lie down, bless him it was so thoughtful, sadly I had a morning of organising Beccas's Disney tickets safe arrival at her hotel ready for them to use tomorrow! then my neighbour asked if I would hold some curtains for one of her customers to collect within next three hours, so no lie down for me, I am ready for bed now though!
      I do hope your SIL is ok Margaret, and that you have a much quieter day tomorrow!
      Love and hugs to all
      Night night,

    5. Enjoy doing the candles Cheryl. It really is relaxing. Didn't realise I would start everyone on them when I sent the photos to Sandra. Saw a lovely little cup and saucer in Oxfam today but did wonder if the cup was a little bit small. Well the price decided me. £9.99! I had to look twice but definitely that was the price. I left it where it was. Glad your headache has gone now and you had a lovely lunch with your friend. Take care

    6. Wow! Brenda , that was a pricey cup and saucer! I've found myself looking for possible candle holders everywhere I go! Look what you started! Ha ha ! Xxx

  25. What a day you have had Margaret. Must have been a bit scary taking your SIL first to the clinic then the hospital and all the time thinking he might past out. Well done to your grandson. If there is an emergency he will know what to do. I don't know about doing housework tomorrow I think you will need a rest. Wonder where the rest of the night owls are although Maria is away so she won't be in. I am trying to do some knitting but having to use my right hand most of the time and although it is good exercise for the hand it's not easy. Only managed to cast on and one row last night. Have done 7 tonight. Perhaps when I finish the rib it will get easier. I hope so. Well think I will get a hot chocolate and sit by the window although it is dark now so won't see a lot.

  26. Firstly all of the cards are superb Can't pick a favourite SANDRA Take care after your hectic week end and MARGARET I know exactly how your SIL feels I've had diabetes for nearly 50 years and it can be a devil to keep on a par And my lovely mum used to question whether the drunk in town (he'd have several cans of beer next to him so was pretty obvious!) if he was diabetic and needed glucose! Since I've been on an insulin pump my control (not perfect) is a lot better

  27. Hello Margaret,
    So sorry to read about your horrendous day and truly hope that things will look up for everyone now. Diabetes is an awful illness and I sympathise with anyone who has it, my mother suffered quite a lot.
    I'm sorry I can't spend longer with you all but I must go now to take an important call. See you tomorrow.
    Maureen xxx

    1. Saba, it must be Obama! It wasn't you and it wasn't me - who else is there?! Xxx

  28. Just been reading sisters blog and I can see she will be busy, if you are all liking our pendants, Patricia makes hearts and the circles, Gillian's makes hearts too, and I do tear drops, I said I would make tear drops rather than shed them when I was ill. So that's what I did. Gillian raised money through selling hers to buy things for her and her work colleagues to see to the feet of people who were doing the Catalan yomp - a walk over 24 hours which raises money, for help the heroes. She was out all the weekend seeing to the feet of this years walkers they are hoping to actually get funding next year to provide this service. Now she is going to try and get a sock manufacturer to provide socks as these walkers forget to bring enough spare pairs. Hazel x

    1. Excellent Hazel! I'm sure you'll sell lots at the Retreat! Well done Gillian - I hope she has success re- the socks! Xxx

    2. Hazel that is wonderful how very kind to help so many walkers. We always support Help the Heroes, the daddy of little girl in our grandson's class has had some wonderful help from them since leaving the army, he has suffered really badly with post traumatic stress, to be honest I don't know what he would have done without them.

  29. Saba it could be Buck Palace and they have heard what she has stitched on her bloomers!!

    1. Oh Saba! I never thought of that! It might be Rigby and Peller , they have a Royal Warrant I think! Royal Bloomers! Or Right Royal Bloomers! Xxx Go Maureen - flying the flag for Britain! X

    2. Yes Myra but she will have to make sure the flag is the right way up or else she will be in trouble! xx

    3. And the commonwealth. And the Empire. Xxx

    4. Please don't let Muriel read this in the morning!
      Ooh she could be Trooping the Colour!! Xxx

  30. Hi Sandra and all in the cafe this evening. The last two days have just vanished, waking up late after not sleeping during the earlier part of the night just throws me right out of my morning routine and I slept late both yesterday and today!
    Sandra my lovely, I am glad that you are having a duvet day today, and tomorrow too I hope. Blimey , I knew you were going to be busy but what a fiasco you have had! Maybe see you Wednesday to catch up properly if you are up to it?
    I don't know if it is wise for me to be trying to read all the comments right now, but just wanted to say Hi, as I am rather tired and not much is going in to my none too bright brain. I know that Patricia and Jess have my congratulations for winning on Sue's Comment Game and to say Thanks Mum for telling the May Queen story, not sure if it is a good idea to have us both on here as Mum has plenty of tales to tell about me! You know I am only joking, I love seeing you on here really. Then again I could think of several things I could tell you all about Mum.....I am only going to say......... trying on hats!!!!! There, knew that would give you a giggle Mum : ) Love you : )
    I'm very sorry to all you other ladies that I can't remember who else has been up to what. I will have another look tomorrow so for now I am just going to send you all my love, hugs and best wishes, and to wish you all a good nights sleep. Take care xx

  31. Sue, we enjoyed the May Queen story and look forward to your lovely mum sharing more of her stories with us!
    I am going to join snoring billy now so good night and God bless my lovely friends,
    See you tomorrow, love, hugs and more
    Saba xxx

  32. Well ladies my eyes are closing so I shall wish you all sweet dreams.
    Good night and God Bless
    Margaret xxx

  33. Night Night everyone!
    Sleep well! Lots of love xxx

  34. Hi Ladies, I have finally got to the bottom and have found you have all gone to bed! I was ironing tonight and then painted my nails - not something I often do. If I don't have time to pop in in the morning, I will be missing all day. I'm off to Ascot to hob nob with the queen! No we are in the cheap seats not the royal enclosure! Will tell you all about it tomorrow night if I'm sober enough! Sounds like everyone has been busy. Night night sleep tight everyone
    Love Diane xxx
