
Sunday 21 June 2015

Two for Sunday!!!

Janet's Fabulous Recipe Card
Cheryl Pretty Best Wishes card.
Good Sunday Morning Ladies,
Welcome to the longest day, are any of you off to dance naked around some rocks for the Summer
I thought I would treat you to two cards today, well Fathers can't have all the fun can they!
Although its always a low key affair in our house as Paul hates fuss, trying to buy anything
for him is just impossible, he never 'wants' or 'needs' anything!  I just happen to now his tree loppers
broke at the allotment so we got him a new set of those and a vast amount of chocolate!
I have no idea what Matt and Becca have got him, i did remind them just in case, but they both told
me that they had it sorted! So we will see, I think he is just hoping to spend the day pottering at the allotment! Such a high maintenance father and husband! haha
Todays cards are just fabulous aren't they?, I love the idea of sending a recipe in a card, a great idea for a family recipe, that must be Janet't family recipe, I might give it a try, I use the either 6,6,6 +3,
or 8,8,8 +4 (flour,butter,sugar)! But I like an experiment so watch this space!
Cheryl's card is so pretty, I love the embossed card on the base of the card and the arrangement of flowers looks so pretty, is it Hunkydory card Cheryl??
Thank you both for sharing your fabulous cards with all of us xxxx
Well I have to be up early tomorrow, (apart from 4am to see to Milo and Bella)! As with it being Fathers day I will oversee them getting Paul a bacon roll for his breakfast in bed!
I hope you all have a fab day,
Love and Hugs


  1. Good morning Sandra and the Coffee Shop Gang. Hope you are all well and looking forward to the day ahead. Nothing much planned here so far ..... Audrey working, no doubt we will be happily invaded later. We won't go out for a meal without Audrey that can wait till during the week.
    JANET:- love your card, what a FANTASTIC idea, must have a go at your recipe.
    Great image and pretty papers.
    CHERYL:- your card is very pretty, great colours, your flowers are brilliant. Did you make your Roses?? I really like the great design.
    Everything set up for the day, have made myself a cuppa and some toast. Off over to the corner to see who might just happen by today.
    I noticed yesterday Hazel mentioned it's a year since she first pressed the button and visited ...... OMG!!!! just dawned on me I have forgotten it was their Wedding Anniversary so sorry Sis!! Anyway I know Hazel has got so much out of calling in, it was her that told me about this wonderful place.
    We have made so many friends, some we have met. We will be meeting Maureen very soon, counting the sleeps!! WOW!! it will not be long till the BIG MEET UP!!!
    Right I am over there ..... to just wait and watch to see who passes by and who actually comes in.
    Hugs in the basket by the door, see you later xxx

    1. 13 sleeps, but who's counting ha ha xxx

    2. Maureen, you are as bad as our Tammy today! She is counting the sleeps till they go on holiday. Hazel x

  2. Good morning Sandra and all the lovely ladies who frequent this wonderful friendly establishment.

    I think I'll join you in the corner Patricia for a while and wait for the rest to wake up.
    Janet I am loving your card, what a novel idea to add a recipe. Makes the card very funky and unique.
    My card is a mixture of cardstock. The white & pale pink embossed is Hunkydory and the richly embossed brighter pink is from my Kanban Luxury Regal metallic Collection. I have developed quite a fondness for this cardstock since I rediscovered it in my stash. The large pink rose is from a packet of 12 purchased in Buyology and the smaller ones I found in a little bijou shop on my REA trip to Cardiff, they were on sale and a box of 40 cost me £1.99. Sue Wilson's finishing touches completed the ensemble.

    Don't know if my family are coming out today, they have all left messages on Facebook for both their Dad's, birth and Pete. Son Robin has been out the last couple for years to toast him with a drop of Pete's Glenmorangie and to leave one for him on his resting place.
    Today I will be tackling my guest bedroom, boxes and clothes are everywhere. It's such a nuisance that I can't get up in to loft to store it all so it's another trip to Pete's shed and Scope charity shop next week. I might even find the bed today!
    For all of us celebrating Father's Day, have a wonderful time.
    Love 7 hugs
    Cheryl xxx

    1. Cheryl, it might be worthwhile for you to get one of those large loft doors with a pull down ladder. We had one fitted years ago and it's brilliant. I can go up and down no bother, Peter fitted a light in there for me and it's quite safe. xxx

    2. I am waiting for my building buddy to come and fit one of those, but my doctor's orders are 'Do not even attempt to do it yourself because you live on your own. If you had an accident nobody would know until they came to visit' Good advice I think. xxx

    3. Cheryl, it's true we don't stop to think of these things, we are all to independent !!! Hazel x

    4. Completely agree! My husband decided the loft had to be emptied and nothing put up there! It happened and it works! Suitcases go in a wardrobe in one of the " boys" rooms. Now he is suggesting they go in the cupboard under the stairs and are packed in the downstairs bedroom - that way no carrying heavy cases up and down stairs. Sometimes he is so right! Why do I find it so hard to admit it . The downstairs bedroom should really be a Snug or TV room but Alastairs Dad couldn't manage stairs so we made it a bedroom. It has been so useful over the years for others, like my Mum who were ill and also babies! Xxx

    5. Oh I am going to have to face my spare room this next week, and start to clear it. I think a few things will be going down to the shed. A few storage boxes will be purchased I think. Was going to put all the baby basket things into the suite cases, but Tammy has borrowed them, so now I have to think of something else. We don't have a loft as such, just little storage places in the eves. That are full as it is. I wish you could stretch our house when needed. Hazel x

  3. Good morning, Sandra and ladies. Well there's no way I was dancing round any stones at dawn this morning,, standing stones give me the creeps and its to blooming cold. If today is anything like yesterday it won't feel any longer.
    Janet, I love your idea with the recipe, on the card.
    Like you Sandra I use the 666&3 or 888&4 plus I don't add milk, but water my friend taught me to do that many moons ago and it gives a lighter sponge.
    Cheryl, love your card too, your layout and colours are lovely.
    Sandra, you made me laugh when you said you had to get up and over see the cooking of the bacon rolls, when ours were at home and ages with your girls, Christopher or Gillian would see to cooking tea ready for me getting home and Tammy will have done the hoovering or the ironing, the one that wasn't cooking that night will have to do it the next day I was working, how things have changed. ( Charlie was working away most of the time) I was only saying to Tammy yesterday that Calum needs to be given more responsibility, he's coming up to 11. She had about a fit.
    Oh I must make a move, and get the beds done. So I have had my tea and toast have to say who ever made that strawberry jam it's yummy. Will be in later, will need another cup of tea by the time I have done what needs doing.
    Hazel x

    1. You got me thinking Sis,
      John Jnr is the cook in their house because I let him do things from when he was little. He had to cope when we went off on holidays. Thomas and Robert are the same they like to make ..... Robert like his dad makes great pancakes. Thomas is the one who makes the Tea & Coffees when we go along. Between them them they make great suppers. They have to do things here as well, they want fed they have to "muck in" . I am surprised at Tammy I thought she would have her two in "training" by now!!! Certainly not doing mine any harm xxx

    2. Hello Hazel,
      Happy Anniversary for yesterday. I agree with you, a little responsibility is a good thing.
      Maureen xxx

    3. Belated Anniversary Wishes for yesterday, Hazel! Have a lovely time today. Xxx

    4. Thank you, I think after 45 years it's just another day. ( you less for murder) no our holiday was our gift to each other. Hazel x

    5. Happy Anniversary for yesterday Hazel.

    6. A Happy Anniversary for yesterday Hazel xxx

    7. Belated anniversary wishes Hazel &

  4. Morning Ladies

    Janet-love the idea of adding a recipe to the card. I can think if the perfect person to make card using this idea-a colleague is taking early retirement next month & has always brought in the most amazing cakes for us. Thanks for the inspiration.

    Cheryl-beautiful card & in such lovely colours. Suitable for any occasion.

    Up late today-think the busy week had caught up with me. Today I have housework to do & last nights dishes as I was too tired to wash everything. I'd like to get into the craft room but not to sure that will happen!

    My brother is staying the might with Dad tonight & they're eating here this evening so we're having a takeaway, probably Chinese.


  5. morning Sandra and ladies,
    love todays offerings, they are stunning, I love the idea of a recipe card so unusual, and Cheryl the colour of your card is gorgeous as are your flowers, great what you can find in the most unusual shops.
    not very nice here today, so when hubby is watching Formula 1, I will be in the craft room trying to do a tidy up, Im not getting on very fast.
    belated Anniversary greetings Hazel, hope you had a nice day!
    coffee done money in pot, cup washed, wil pop back later.
    The robot thingy is still driving me mad, using hubbys Ipad meantime, mine is his old one, maybe time for an upgrade methinks!!
    take care everyone, Jess x

  6. Good morning Sandra and all the coffee shop friends,
    Janet , love your recipe card what a neat idea.

    Cheryl, your card is beautiful, love th floral arrangement.

    Internet has been hit and miss today, must be the low clouds!!!

    Sorry I am dashing, we are just going off to our daughter for Fathers Day, Anniversary and Birthday celebrations.

    Hope to catch up with you all later.
    Love and Hugs, Brenda xxx

    Norah, lovely to see your name on Sues blog. Congratulations.

    1. Have a super day Brenda and your husband too! So many celebrations! Have a lovely family day. Lots of love, Myra xxx

    2. Have a fantastic day with Hubby and family Brenda. Lots of celebrating to do, have fun. xxx

    3. Have a lovely day Brenda.

    4. Brenda you and your husband have a lovely day with your family. Hazel x

    5. Have super family day, Brenda xxx

  7. janet ecco of sheffield21 June 2015 at 11:26

    Morning one and all
    What a surprise for me this morning when I looked in.
    I had completely forgotten that I'd sent Sandra this card. I made it last year for my youngest Daughter's bday. She loves baking and I just thought it would suit her down to the ground. The scales etc is a Dovecraft clear stamp bought from The Range (I think) and I also bought its sister stamp which has a cake on a cake stand. I don't often go for stamps like these but they just caught my eye. I got Jim to write out the recipe for me on a notelet and I just cut it to size.
    CHERYL - I love your card. Your colours are just sumptuous and who wouldn't love to receive one of your beautiful creations. I'm so lucky to have one of yours.

    Now about children and household jobs. Mine were made responsible for their bedrooms from the age of 11. They cleaned it, changed bedding and put their laundry into the basket. They also took turns in setting the table, washing pots/drying and they learned to cook and bake from that age. It didn't harm either of them and I never had any worries that they wouldn't be able to cope/manage in their own homes. That may sound very old fashioned to some but that's how I was taught and I had a Mum who spent over 40yrs in a wheelchair so I had to learn the hard way.

    Now how about our Norah finishing off her fantastic week by being a comment winner on Sue's blog. I can hear her here in Marigny singing and dancing. Take it steady my lovely Friend you need to be in control for all those precious hugs and cuddles with Harry.

    Well it's lunchtime here so off I go to feed my lovely OH.
    Hugs are on their way that is if they don't go and join my comments which went AWOL yesterday.

    1. Janet , having had no daughters, and I know this is sexist nowadays I taught my sons to help me when we had visitors and just generally. Didn't do them any harm. They could set a table any one would be proud of! Bad grammar but I'm tired!! Xxx

    2. Been a long day has it Myra? Your buy weekend last weekend, has caught with you? Hazel x

    3. It has! Hazel, and trying to keep up with four grandchildren isn't easy!
      My Yorkshire Puddings have improved since the "no wash" instruction has been obeyed! Xxx

    4. My tin hat I on, we had aunt Bessie ones. Hazel x

    5. I'm saying nothing! As an Anglo Scot I feel I'd be letting the side down if I didn't make my own . My Mum did and she lived in Scotland nearly all her life - until the last few months when they both came to live with us. Xxx

  8. Good morning Sandra & all that pop in the coffee shop today.
    JANET your recipe card is brilliant you are clever sutch a cool idea.
    CHERYL your card is lovely I love the colours & the flowers are pretty.
    BRENDA have a lovely day with your daughter lots to celebrate enjoy the day.
    SANDRA I defently won't be dancing any where naked with my droopy bits swinging in the wind haha.
    I had a lovely day yesterday with my daughter & family lovely too see my oldest grandson. Unfortunately we won't see Darren or Harry boo Hoo as they are going to see Sam's Nan it's her 98th birthday,Sam sent me a picture of Harry standing up & not holding on to anything so think he will be walking quiet day for us. Hopefully get in my craft room as I received my two step stamping set arrived yesterday so want to try them.
    HAZEL belated Anniversary greetings hope you had a nice day.
    MARIA hope your enjoying your holiday.
    SABA hope you have a lovely holiday "on the good ship lolly pop"
    Finished my tea & toast money on side see you all later.
    Congratulations NORAH winning on Sue's blog enjoy your prize xx
    Love & Hug's Lynda xx

  9. Hi Sandra and Everyone!
    Just a quick comment as family will be arriving any minute. I seem to be organised! Says she hopefully!
    Cheryl what a pretty card . I need to look out some card and papers stashed away in boxes. It's so nice to have a change and your colours are lovely. Thank you
    Janet what a super idea! I will perhaps copy that one too! When I See these
    lovely ideas Imwonder why I didn't think of that!! Great blog for learning and sharing as well as friendship and fun!
    See you later,
    Must go . First - lady in Church this morning informed me that this was the longest day , we've had no summer and it's all downhill from here until Christmas! Janet - joie de vivre has passed her by!!
    Made me laugh though .
    Myra xxx

    1. Myra, there's always at least one who is full of doom and gloom - wait until you meet me in October !!!! xx

    2. Oh no, Maureen, no doom & gloom at our retreat. xxxx

    3. Maureen, you " lift me up so I can stand on mountains" . Xxx

  10. Hello All,
    I think both the cards are great. I got a set of four Christmas stamps once and they have been so good, I can't remember but I think they may be LOTV. Anyway Janet, your idea is so good as the recipe can be tailored to be a favourite cake of the recipient. How brilliant is that?
    Cheryl, your card is lovely, the colours and design are - as usual from you - elegant and beautiful.
    Sandra, if you go to the allotment, take it easy and have a good day.
    Nanny McPhee - what an end to a wonderful week for you. Winning a prize on Sue's blog.
    Saba, I hope you are enjoying your sailing - I'd be throwing up!!!!
    Brenda, have a lovely day with your family, so many great things to celebrate.
    Lynda, I think you'd look striking "swinging" in the wind!!!!
    Jess, have you tried ignoring the robot thing and just pressing publish. The robot always comes up on Sue's blog but I just ignore it, and it publishes. It's worth a try.
    I hope everyone has a lovely day today, whatever you are doing. It will be very quite chez Killen. Rachel and family probably won''t call until tea time, but that's fine - ooh I think I might do a bit of baking - haven't done that for a long time, well not since Christmas.
    See you all later.
    Maureen xxx

  11. Myra, that should read "it will be very QUIET chez Killen" xxx

    1. May I visit and make it "unquiet" I am good at that.
      Mmmmm!! I don't mind what you bake I am not a fussy eater!!! xxx

    2. Ok Ok ! Chill Grandma Killen! Anyone would think I wouldick up on the slightest error! As if ---- ha ha,!
      Your friend xxx

    3. Oh No Oh No Oh No !!! Serves me right - pick up was what I was trying to say! Well thank goodness Saba - aka Olive Oil is at sea!l xxx

  12. Hi Sandra And Friends
    Well Today Two Very Beautiful Cards I Love The One With The Fantastic Menu On Janet, And Your Handwriting Is Perfect.
    Cheryl Love Your Card And All Those Tremendous Flowers Which I'm Rubbish At Making, That's Why I Purchase Mine From Wild Orchid And I've Built Up Quite A Range Of Different Colours.
    Well Today Is Of Course Fathers Day, Sadly I Had A Really "Bad Relationship With My Mother" In Fact It Was Horrific,
    My Wonderful Father Was My Father And My Mother, All In One, We Used To Go Places Together For Walks Etc: Sadly He Passed Away When He Was Only 49 Suffering From Cancer I Was Only 28, He Was The Most Remarkable Man I Loved Him Dearly.
    Take Care All My Friends
    Hugs From Sam xxx

    1. Hi Sam
      So sorry to hear you had a bad relationship with your Mother. However, it's good to hear that your Father more than made up for that. You have such wonderful memories to look back on. Such a shame that he didn't gave longer with you.

    2. Hi Sam, sorry to hear about your relationship with your mother. You have wonderful memories with your father to hang on to.
      I was 22 when my time with mum was cut short, Hazel was only 18.
      At times like these we have to think on the Happy Times xxx

    3. Sounds like you had a wonderful Father. (((hugs))) Sam just for you. xxx

    4. Sam, This is a hard day for lots of people and my heart goes out to you. It sounds as if you had a wonderful Dad! Mine was super too but so was Mum. Xxx

    5. Hi Sam sorry you had such a bad relationship with your mum,so just remember the good times with your dad.
      Hug's Lynda xx

  13. Sam, sorry you had such a horrible relationship with your mum. Your dad went out of his way to make sure you had a happy childhood. Our mum and best friend died at 43 of cancer, Patricia was 22 and I 18, but we also had our two other sisters who were only 6&2 Charlie and I were only married a matter of 9 weeks when we took the to stay with us. We then had the job of being parents to them. When down SAM just think of a happy time spent with your dad, that's what I do. (((((( hugs)))))) Hazel x

    1. So very hard , Hazel ! My Mum was 79 when she died in 2000 and I miss her still. To lose a Mum so young must be very hard. Xxx

  14. Hi Sandra
    Lovely cards today from Janet and Cheryl. Love the idea of sending a recipe in a card Janet. I don't do flowers either Cheryl. Happy Father's Day to all the Fathers out there today.
    My youngest Grandchildren also fix themselves some food without supervision Sandra. Livvy loves to cook herself some eggs etc for her lunch. They also love making cakes, take after Amy I think who made the Scooby Doo cake that Sandra showed on the blog awhile back.
    Looks like Sue Wilson is showing her new festive dies herself this year, rather than having them on C& C. If that's the case, it might be because they expect to have exclusivity for a length of time. Mind uou Sunrise Crafts usually let the cat out of the vag anyway, as they showcase them before there launched.
    Newbury Craft Show is on the 4th July this year but only looks to be on the Saturday. Looks like Jenny Mayes and John Lockwood will be demonstrating. Each to there own I think but Sue can't be everywhere, and it's only a small show. Only £3.00 to get in and a goody bag to boot.

    1. PAT:- I am sure Sue will sell just as many of her New Dies even though she will not be on C&C. The money she would pay C&C will be better spent on doing Shows at reasonable prices.
      I really wish Sue was coming up our way. She has done the past two years but not this one, which is a shame. Hazel and I both loved her shows and we spent loads as you do at these shows. xxx

    2. Yes it will be quite small this year Pat because Mick who ran it wanted to retire and he found someone else yo do it but I think they messed it up so there wasn't going to be a show at all then Stamporsaurus and the lady from Kintbury, I think it is decided to have a go so there will not be so many there and it is in a smaller room I think. They are also doing one at Bracknell at the end of July and that is admission free but I think that is also small and admission free. They may have got more exhibitors now since I last looked and I don't think it mentioned John Lockwood then. I hope it is successful as when Mick was running it it was good.

    3. Pat just checked the newsletter from Stamporsaurus and there are about 10 exhibitors at Newbury plus Jenny Mayes and John Lockwood.

  15. Hello Sam,
    I was fortunate in that I had a wonderful mother and father. I am upset to know that you had a horrible relationshiip with your mam, and then to have your dad taken at such a young age seems unbelievably cruel. I am sending hugs and love to you, and hop you just remember the good times with your dad.
    Patricia, I had just posted my comment when the "Carr" family descended. I said to Rachel, "oh I was just going to do some baking" and she replied that she'd brought cakes with her. So I'm sorry, the baking session is off, but you are still welcome!
    Hazel, you and Charlie had hearts of lions taking on two young children when first married. That's what families did in in the 1800's.
    Myra, have a lovely day with your family, don't work too hard.
    I'm going to "play" in my craft room, as I'm trying to empty my Phd box and stop BA from raising his ugly head!!!
    Come on mojo, I've got a little present for you - here, over here!!!!!
    Maureen xxx
    Ahh, one of my dad's favourite singers and songs has just come on the radio.
    Jim Reeves singing "I love you Because". Happy memories. xxx

    1. Oh it's one of my favourites too Maureen! My sons have Jim Reeves tracks on their iPods ! Probably our fault xxx

    2. Hi Maureen
      That's The Truly Wonderful Thing About
      Memories No One Can Take Them From You
      Thank You For Your Extremely Kind Comments
      My Father Was A Wonderful Man A Little Old
      Fashion, As I Belive He Would Have Parted From
      My Mother If It Was Now.
      Hugs From Sam xxx

    3. Sam, you are very welcome, and you are so right so many couples endured each other, as to part was Just not done!!! Hold those lovely memories, no one can take them from you. Hazel x

  16. Good afternoon Sandra and all the coffee shop crew
    Well where did this morning go, if anyone finds my share will they please pass it over to me.
    Janet what a lovely card especially for a cook I will be giving your recipe a try as like most of us I do 666+3eggs or 888+4 eggs.
    I have tried Mary Berry's Lemon Drizzle cake (from her latest TV programme series) and it is lovely and light I have also tried it without the lemon and used butter instead and it comes out like a lovely light Madeira cake.
    Cheryl your card looks so very luxurious and rich and really it will serve for lots of occasions too, I love it.
    Now Maureen, if you are going to bake please don't go throwing your ingredients all over the kitchen will you?
    Sam it is wonderful that you have such lovely treasured memories of your father, especially today.
    I hope Captain Saba is having plain sailing with just the right amount of breeze.
    Well the sun came out two hours ago although still chilly but at least the grass dried so Derek has just 's finished cutting the lawns normally he doesn't like doing them on Sundays but needs must, and is now asking for a coffee so as it's Father's Day I will go and make it for him.
    I will be back late to catch up, my hugs and cuddles are over in the corner.
    Margaret xxx

    1. We managed a game of cricket on the back lawn Margaret! It really rained heavily last night around midnight! Grandsons were very concerned that a cricket match was not going to happen! However Umpire Grandad declared the pitch fit for play! Sometimes I think we are mad! Xxx

    2. Not at all MAYRA:- All good fun and that's what Grandparents are for........ We don't have lawns here, we have "single gardens" back and front, so no cricket.
      We go to the little village park for Base Ball Games.
      However we have had great games of Vollyball in the back garden today. Granny was hopeless ... nothing new there then!!! xxx

    3. Oh Patricia, what a lot of joy children bring! The afternoon was helped by the fact that Andy Murray won Queens! We won the cricket last night too so everyone was on top form! It's like going back in time! I thought I'd done all the cricket and football and tennis and even badminton but we're off again! They were laughing at Grandad who was bowling - very stylishly wearing a tie!!! Xxx

  17. Myra, dear.
    I ick up all the time ha ha. But I always call you Myra, although MAYRA is quite nice isn't it Patricia lol.
    (I'm typing this VERY carefully, and re-reading it over and over again!!!).
    I've finished 4 cards from the PhD box and about to start some more, so feeling quite pleased with my little self.
    Myra, why was Alistair wearing a tie. Do you dress for dinner?
    Maureen xx

    1. Maureen, I was going to ask the very same question. Good job no one came here to visit John looks like a "tramp" old jeans, shirt and trainers.
      Mind you has will have to dress for dinner. Well change the jeans and put on proper shoes ......think he has forgotten what "tie" is. xxx

    2. Hello my dear friend!
      Firstly we do not dress for dinner! You see we had been to Church! Alastair is from the "old school" who get dressed for that! I need to rephrase that as I was also clothed! He wore a tie every day for work and getting him to jettison the tie is a work in progress! We do tease him but I prefer him making an effort to some men you see who go out for dinner - their wives/ girlfriends have made a real effort and they look a mess! He is getting better but at least he doesn't mow the lawn wearing a tie any more! In his defence - he used to come home from work and mow one lawn before dinner! My Dad was exactly the same! Dad used to hang his suit jacket on a clothes pole much to my Mum's annoyance!
      I think we're just maybe a wee bit out of date!! Xxx

    3. Glad you have been working on your PHDs. We can all talk about them very soon. xxx

    4. MYRA:- I have managed to get John to ditch the Tie for going to church. Likes to "dress" and be very smart minus theTie. I am glad you wrote that last line. We are also a wee bit old fashioned here as well. xxx

    5. Exactly Patricia - it's possible to be smart without the tie but he's been attached to that for so long - not to mention a silk hankie in the jacket pocket! The thing is - when we are abroad he never wears a tie or socks!! Result!! Xxx

    6. Oh! Yes! John is a no socks guy as well.
      The other thing John does not like wearing is a "suit" years of daily wear has seen to that. Oh! Still has them, hates the thought of wearing them. Next "Dress Occasion" for us will be Gillian's wedding but that will be Kilt outfit for John. xxx

    7. Patricia, There's nothing finer than a man in a kilt or a Dinner Suit with black tie. Can't be beaten. I cannot get George to wear no socks outside, but as he never wears sandals that's no problem! Funny thing is that in the house he'll pad around barefoot. It's only in recent years that I've managed to get him in short sleeved shirts!
      Myra, we always get "dressed" for church as I think it is disrespectful not to make an effort. We are old school, aren't we?
      By the way, I've finished another two cards from the PhD box. Whoopee, they are nothing too elaborate, just going in my standby box for "unexpected" happenings as I try to tailor my cards for family and friends.
      Maureen xxx

    8. Maureen, I think we're too old to change now! I'm happy the way I am.
      Mind you, you should have seen Alastair all dressed up in his apron. Carving beef!! Xxx

  18. I've just finished dancing but not in the nude does that count!
    Janet your card is delicious! Lovely idea to include a family recipe or the recipients favourite recipe
    Cheryl your card is very pretty the cardi is ready I hope to get it in the post tomorrow or Tuesday
    Must get something to eat Sugars a bit high so no carbs (well only a few) so cake is out! But the cafe cake would be fine A nice cream packed meringue or scone or donut please

    1. Karen, you'd be a sight to behold, were you "Dancing in the Dark"? xxx

  19. Sorry I am so late. Keep looking in then something's happens and don't get to comment. Not done a lot today. Scarlett phoned late afternoon and wanted me to go round. We watched a film. She also wanted me to watch her on her new on line skates. Congratulations to Norah. Enjoy your gift from Sue. Still working on the Golden Wedding card.
    JANET. Love your card. Wonderful idea.
    CHERYL. Your card is beautiful. Love the colours.

    1. Littlelamb Brenda, I hope it wasn't a film that you've watched loads of times before!! Good luck with the Golden Wedding Card. xxx

  20. Hi Sandra
    I'm just replying to the replies on my post. Couldn't do it on mine for some reason. I wish Sue would come in our direction as well Patricia. I don't think she's that far away from us, it's just that we don't have any Craft shop by us. We have Hobbycraft and the Range in Swindon but it's not quite the same thing.
    Yes, Littlelamb, last years show wasn't so good. Apparently the chap who was supposed to organise it, arranged for exhibitors to go, but didn't confirm so they arranged to go somewhere else. Hopefully it should be ok. Looks like Sandra and I at least will be going.

    1. Hope to see you there. Yes that is what happened last year so they have got to build it up again. We are the same in Reading - Hobbycraft and the Range and I have heard that that is moving about 10miles away so then we will just gave Hobbycraft so don't think we will be seeing Sue or anyone anywhere near here. It's a shame.

  21. Oh it's very quiet in here tonight, everyone seems to have been busy, gosh I am so glad our grand children , don't ask us to play things like cricket etc, I really don't think we could cope, then again our children never wanted to do things like that either. Sat many an afternoon making clothes for dolls and action man too, made things for dolls houses and army camps, even designed and made camp sites for the playmobil tents and camper vans, oh so much fun working with the three of ours and my friends three. Yes I was always busy doing things like that. My friends three would come to ours with their playmobil and the six of them would spend hours and days playing with their set ups down in our cellar room which we had turned into a play room. It's amazing what you can so with papier-mâché, glue, paint, sand and bits off an old Christmas tree. I sometimes wonder if this is why I love making my men's beer cakes with scenes on them.
    We have had a lovely quiet day, Charlie is busy putting new turfs down, our Harris does not lift his leg to wee, so the grass gets damaged in one patch, so a repair job is needed. I have been doing normal things like housework, washing and ironing. Did have time to make three more of the gift bags. Only three to go. Hopefully tomorrow will see the last of them. Now for a magic fairy to help me get the spare room done. Has any one got a spare one?? Hazel x

  22. Hi Hazel, I've been in my craft room trying to clear some of the rubbish out of the PhD box, and slowly getting there. Well, to be honest, I have three boxes full of offcuts, die cuts, and half finished cards, so I am NOT going to start on anything else until I get rid of the lot. I've already thrown some pieces of card out, they were not much bigger than 1" square. Why do I keep every little bit, it's ridiculous but I keep thinking that it might come in useful!!!
    Well, I'm off to bed as I'm tired, I can hear that George is watching the news upstairs, so I'll have to go and turn the TV down, or wear ear plugs.
    Sweet dreams everyone, have a good night's sleep. See you tomorrow.
    I wonder where Saba is now, the sun's over the yardarm so we know what she'll be doing ha ha.
    Love to all, Maureen xxx

  23. P.s. sending a good fairy up to you Hazel, she should be there tomorrow!! xx

  24. Oh thank you Maureen, I hope it's good at sorting out chaos??? Hazel x

  25. Hazel, I will send my Magic Fairy over tomorrow morning after shes finished helping me.
    Good night all, God Bless.
    See you all in the morning xxx

  26. Hi Sandra and all,
    Hope you all are alright and not to cold,haaa longest day and still not much heat. Got back this afternoon, unpacked,washed the dirty laundry, hanged it out, got it back in and chinese take out. Who want to start cooking after a week away, not me anyway. Have spent a couple of hours too to catch up with what you all been up too
    Margaret the wedding card the other day is Stunning ! You have made a fabulous thing for a very happy couple there,Super ! Hope your SIL will be ok.
    Yesterday's fantastic craft was something else.
    Maureen & George, know it is your job / hobby but it is lovely and the material is beautiful!
    Michele your box and sweet card is lovely too, sorry a silly question here but what is a cheesebox ,are they the ones you get with special cheeses ?
    Littlelamb, the glass dish is wonderful and what a fabulous idea !
    Oh wow Myra, your box is amazing ! still have not made one but loved to have a go. If I could make something half decent I would be happy (will never happen, but can dream )
    Today's craft is equally beautiful. Love the recipe card Janet and will have to put it away for a later date when the temptation be to much and I will give it a go. Cheryl I also love your card. The colour is striking and you have made a great job putting it together with those sweet flowers.
    Lynda are you still dancing around with your DB's ? Were Karenlotty showing you how to do the Salsa tihi We had some really strong winds around during the week so either it was you or all that bread hihi and cakes and chocolates omg. why do these things always taste so yummy on holiday or being abroad ? Janet know, your cakes Friday sounded fab! Did you managed to get any bargains at the Brocante ,was that the word ?
    I know Saba Is off this week, if you see this my friend I hope you have a fabulous time sailing around Croatia !
    Happy Anniversary Hazel for yesterday ! Hope you had a great day.
    Congrats Norah for winning on sue's blog and also for your appreciations you got from being on the committee at Rory's school. How is Kerstin and baby Harry doing ? Sandra,Lynda,Brenda and anyone else who celebrated their dad today hope you all had a good day!
    It has been a long day so I want be the nightowl as before, have slept so much better lately so I'm saying good night and see you tomorrow after swim and shopping. Have to restock after son ransacked the cupboards.
    Love and hugs to you all Maria Xxx

    1. Night Night Maria, lovely to have you back. So pleased you had a lovely holiday. The cheese box Maria is a little round box which contains spreading cheese triangles! Either Kraft or Laughing Cow ! Hope that helps. Xxxx

    2. Thank you Myra, thought it was something like that but wasn't sure.
      Night night <3 xx

  27. Hi Sandra and all the lovely ladies
    Really late so will be very quick and for some reason internet connection has been dodgy, must be the rain! Lovely cards today and fab mixed artwork yesterday. Right I'm going to publish now so hope this goes. Love to you all
    Diane xxxx

  28. Well it looks like everyone has gone. I will just clear up and put the dishwasher on then lock up. Night all.
