
Saturday 30 May 2015

Welcome to Mixed Craft Saturday!

Welcome Ladies to Mixed Craft Saturday!
First up today we have the above Beach themed Welcome Plaque,
Created by Brenda (littlelamb), it was the fabulous project at
Brenda's Craft Group this week, all of the ladies at your
Craft Group must have been thrilled to go home with such a great
project, thanks so much Brenda for sharing it with us xxxx
This Beautiful Frame has been created by Janet
This was Janet's idea to display some special Vintage Buttons,
Well Janet I can tell you that it is absolutely beautiful and a perfect way
to display something very special, we all have something laying around that
is too special to pop on a card, or you don't get to see it stuck in a box or drawer,
Janet, you must tell us what the background is that you have used, it works
perfectly with the buttons and the frame, I kind just imagine this on the wall
of your beautiful home in Marigny, thank you so much for sharing it with us xxx

These two amazing pieces of Book Folding have been expertly created by
Janice, I know that this particular craft is really popular at the moment,
there are one of or two of you that have mentioned wanting to have a go at
this craft, but boy it looks really time consuming, it looks really effective though,
I think that anyone would be thrilled to receive one of these with their name
folded into the pages, Some people have been put off because its been seen as
ruining books, if you go to a charity shop or second hand shop books that don't
sell are often thrown away, so if you can transform something that was destined
for the bin into a work of art like these, I think you have made that book even
more special, I imagine you would have to be choosy and check the words first,
Some of the books around at the moment could send the recipient 'fifty shades of pink'!
Thank you so much Janice for sharing this very popular craft with us xxxx

Last but not least today,  Cheryl has sent us some photographs of
The adorable Milly-May !
Oh my goodness Cheryl she is so beautiful, but I have to say she
doesn't look like a new born, she looks so bright and alert,
she is just so perfect, this will bring a smile to so many faces today.
Thank you so Cheryl much for sharing your precious
Great Granddaughter with all of us today xx
Well that's it for this Saturday ladies,
I hope you all have a fabulous weekend,
Love and hugs


  1. Good morning Sandra and all the Coffee Shop gang. Hope you are all well and have a great weekend.
    Oh! My! Word! What a little sweetheart Mmmmm!! I can almost "smell" that wonderful smell of New Babies ..... I do mean the "sweet" smell, I love it. Oh! Cheryl she is beautiful, give a wee huggle from me. Would love to do it myself.
    Sorry folks but I had to start with the baby!!

    1. Oooopppss!! Pressed the wrong button!!
      BRENDA:-I love that sunny "welcome" plaque. Great to hang up for the summer months.
      JANET:- love that stunning Box Frame. Never thought of doing that, I usually pop cards or flowers in mine. Will have to give that a go.
      JANICE:- your books are amazing I definitely MUST have a go. These would make excellent Christmas Gifts. Books from a Charity Shop would not be "bad" we would be "reusing and recycling!!!
      JESS:- congratulations to you Grandson, one proud Gran ... I can feel the vibes here!!
      KAREN:- you are one little "stop out" I saw what time you posted last night. You little tinker being out so late!!!
      Ok! everything looks good, fresh and sparkling for another day of fun.
      What a great day in here yesterday. Thank you Sandra you are the most amazing person who has opened up a whole new meaning to "friendship" and I LOVE it.
      Before I go for breakfast can someone please tell me ..... what day is it??
      Is it Easter, Summer or Christmas!!
      Have a great day everyone see you all later.
      Oh! before I go did you see what Hazel saw yesterday ..... sorry Maureen not your Mountie .... Yet!!
      Basket of hugs by the door please hep yourselves. xxx

    2. Forgot to tell you John is much better today.
      He is NOT an ill person but every now and again he takes a turn were he just needs to sleep. Keep telling him it's "OLD AGE" it was his birthday yesterday so of course thats another year added to the list!!!
      We are up and ready to meet some friends .... all is well. xxx

    3. Hi Patricia glad to hear John is feeling better today and Happy Birthday for yesterday. How rotten though to feel poorly on your birthday. I would send him a kiss but Muriel will be jealous !!! Xxx haha did it anyway x

    4. Hi Patricia pleased John is feeing bright eyed and bushy tailed but please don't tell it is old age, just tell him he is like a good red wine gets better with age but needs to breath and rest! xx

    5. Hi Patricia, glad John feels alright today. I'm with you, I LOVE the friendship Sandra has created with her blog, wouldn't miss it for the world.
      Please wish John happy belated birthday and XXXX.

    6. Hi Patricia,
      It's Saturday here, in Canada and in Germany .
      So pleased John is feeling a bit better today! Wish him a belated Happy Birthday. Enjoy your day with friends. Xxx

    7. Hi Patricia, So pleased John is feeling better today, What a shame he was feeling off-colour on his birthday of all days, you could pretend today is his birthday. Belated Birthday wishes John........Not putting any kisses it may get me into trouble AGAIN !!!!

    8. Hi Patricia,
      glad John feeling more himself. Happy belated birthday John!
      Oh ,yes I saw what Hazel seen.Brilliant.

    9. Hi Patricia, So pleased John is feeling much better today and please which him a Belated Happy Birthday from me too.
      Enjoy the rest of your day.

      Love Sheila xx

    10. Janet Ecco of Sheffield30 May 2015 at 14:20

      Afternoon Patricia - so please John is feeling better today. Hopefully you can both celebrate today and maybe stretch it into tomorrow to make up for him being unwell yesterday.

    11. Oh Patricia,
      These are all hussies, here put John beside me and I'll make him better!!!! xx

    12. Hi Patricia sorry it's lat but pleased John is better wish him a belated birthday for yesterday.have a lovely evening with your friends.
      Love Lynda xx

  2. Good morning Sandra & ladies,

    What a splendid array of crafts today.
    Brenda's plaque is delightful, a lovely bright cheery welcome. I am sure there wasn't anyone not pleased with theirs to take home from Brenda's Craft Group.
    And Janet's idea to display the antique buttons? That is so gorgeous, the French theme makes me wonder if are they ones you have found on one of your stays in France?
    Janice's book folding is amazing. I hope you will be having a show & tell at the retreat. I think that is something even my arthritic fingers will be able to do on a good day. I can imagine it is an art that you cannot rush.

    Our trip out yesterday was a waste of time, we were so disappointed, although it was lovely to see each other. The rain spray on the M5 was so bad, you could be forgiven for thinking it was fog. And so many speeding drivers looked like a snake they were so close to each other. Honestly, that's the kind of driving that causes all these pile-ups.
    And when we got to Cadbury's, we were horrified that there is no longer a craft section!!! The former private owners of Cadbury had, over the years, slowly built up their craft section and it was always the most visited part of everyone's trip out from kids to grannies and budding artists. But since Wyevale took over last year they have slowly stripped out the parts that are 'not their custom' according to a shop assistant I spoke to. I firmly told her that they were making a big mistake and their footfall would reduce as a consequence. That was very apparent to us when we went into the restaurant for our usual starting off hot chocolate and despite it being half-term where once you had to fight for a table, hardly anyone was in there. And later on as we walked around it looked almost deserted. They have done away with a lot of the shelving units and what they did have was so sparsely displayed you could have got the proverbial bull in there with no broken china! Even the toy section was not stocked well. I did complain at Customer Service on our way out and said instead of sending us Garden Club members loads of bumph on how they were going to improve our experience at shopping with them, they could have mentioned what they were doing away with. I also told them we were one family that were not going to visit again. We used to enjoy a pre-Christmas meal there every year with up to 20 of our family members. we will now have to find somewhere else. We should have realised they would wield their axe as the same thing happened to Sanders Garden Centre when they took over there. a letter of complaint is being sent to their Head Office when I find it on the web, because the CS desk lady could not did even find the address when I asked for it!!! Off my soapbox now.
    Time to chill out before that horrible word (housework) pops up. An afternoon of crafting beckons, I still have my June birthday cards to start.

    Love & hugs Cheryl xxx

    1. Cheryl. Thank you for commenting on my plaque. All the ladies were delighted with them. Millie May looks gorgeous. Enjoy your GtGranddaughter. I agree about Wyevale. I try and avoid them now. Only go if I have to and the service in the cafe is diabolical. It's the same in all of them. The time it takes to make a cup of coffee is unbelievable. Usually warm by the time you get it. Off my soapbox. Sorry you had such a disappointing say there.

    2. Cheryl, what a little beauty Milly May is! New babies are just so gorgeous and make everyone smile! Thank you for sending the photos to Sandra!
      I was interested to read what you were saying about Wyevale. We have one about 10 minutes away and when it was privately owned was a super garden centre and very popular. Now - it's always half empty. I'm only going by number of cars in the car park as I never go now . They ruined the cafe as well. Interesting that it's not just ours!! Xxx

    3. Hi Cheryl,
      let me just first say Milly-May is one of the loveliest little ones around, she is adorable ! and you have to tell her one day that she has got lot of aunties who are sending lot of cuddles. You don't look old enough do to be a great-grandmother.
      Sorry your day didn't turn out as you wanted it. Our Wyevale here in Mk is quite good with lot of things, different shops like Woolen Mill, Cotton traders and 'the Works' but the coffee shop is not the best and that's a shame so often we drive across the road to Frost for a proper cuppa . Have a nice day ! hugs Xxx

    4. Very interesting comments about the 'sameness' in Wyevale centres. Although to be fair regarding their restaurant, although we had to order and pay first at the till, all our food did come out in one go and the portion control was excellent. So they did 'improve' on that. xxx

    5. Cheryl, sorry your trip out was not as expected, I am quite sure you had a good time anyway.
      Your little Granddaughter is a little smasher!! xxx

    6. Hi Cheryl,
      She's a little smasher and no wonder you are as proud as punch. If I didn't have two already,, I'd be going around with two heads, I'd be so chuffed!!
      I agree with most of the comments on Wyevale, although the Cafe in ours is fantastic. The food is always tasty, hot and well served.
      Love and special kisses for Milly-May
      Muriel xx

    7. Hi Cheryl sorry your trip wasn't as expected,our Wyevale used to have a great craft shop but then they shut it down, they still have the Works. I did see Milly May on FB last night She is gorgeous Cheryl She is delightful so special. Hug's & Cuddle's for her xxxx

  3. Morning Ladies

    Goodness-Blogger has been playing up + wouldn't let me comment. Still git to get back to Sues blog.
    Brenda - yourr Plaque is beautiful
    Janet-the 3D frame you have made is just wonderful.
    Janice-the book words project is brilliant. I once made a hedgehog from half a book but that was really easy. This must have taken lots of patience + concentration to complete.

    Today I'm off to Strikes garden centre (at Ince Woods) to see Julia Watts demonstrate using Creative Expression products, if I can get near to the demo table. It's a fairly small craft shop & not much space normally so this could be interesting.


    1. Really hope she does actually do some demonstrations. She was in Aberdeen with Sue last year. Hazel and I paid for both classes and were so disappointed with Julia's. She more or less just "showed" things. Said "i used this for that, did such & such using this ". We were so disappointed. We did Sue's class first and it was so good we had a great time and learnt lots as well. Julia's manners are shocking, I personally do not think she is a nice person. Soap Box back int the corner!!!
      Janice ..... sorry!! I really do how you have a good day. xxx

    2. Same here, Patricia,
      Julia's workshop I went on was just a 'show & tell' re the cards we were making, no help from her whatsoever. she sat there like a Queen Bee at the top of the table and told us what to do, then picked faults with those of us that didn't quite 'get it'.

    3. Ooooh-interesting! I could be one of those very difficult customers who keeps asking her dumb questions-what do you think???!!!!!


    4. Hi Michele,
      She was quite rude to me at Ally Pally, so you fire off as many dumb questions as you can. But throw in so really difficult ones as well and use big words too!!! Ooh wish I was coming we could have such fun.

    5. Have a good time! Will be interesting to hear how you get on! Xx

    6. Hope you having a good time! We all have mixed feelings about her so be interesting to see how you got on. Thinking of doing another day with her in July but not sure yet.
      hugs xx

    7. Hi Michele,
      Ooh I'd like to be a fly on the wall. Awkward questions, oh I'd love to do that!!!
      Muriel xx (otherwise known as Evil ha ha)

    8. Like Patricia has said I was not impressed by her, I am no a stamper hadn't been card making for that long and I for one didn't learn a thing. Yes she sat behind her table and didn't like to be interrupted? Hazel x.

  4. Hi Sandra and all in the cafe today. What a gorgeous little girl Milly-May is, thank you Cheryl for sharing these photos of your beautiful Great Grand daughter, she looks so bright and alert. Enjoy your cuddles : )
    Brenda, I love the Welcome plaque, your craft group will have been so happy when they went home with their own versions. Thank you for sharing this : )
    Janet, what a lovely frame. Your layout is great. I love your idea and will have to sort out my extra special buttons that were my lovely Grans and have a go as it is a shame that they are hidden away in my button tins. Thank you for sharing this lovely frame with us : )
    Janice, what beautiful folded books. I hadn't seen names folded before, only some Christmas tree ones. You must be very patient as I assume it takes a good while to fold all of the pages. I want to have a go but will have to visit a charity shop to get some unsaleable books as I couldn't use a good one. Thank you for sharing : )
    Thank you for Mixed Craft Saturday my lovely. It is great to see so many different crafts, the only problem is deciding which ones I try first : )
    Patricia, I hope John is feeling much better today : )
    Pat, have a great holiday with Pet and your friends. We will miss you but want to hear all about it and see the photos when you get back : )
    Enjoy the weekend everyone, at least we have sorted out that we don't have Christmas presents or Easter Eggs to buy. Or sun hats either sadly as the weather is all over the place! : )
    Once again anyone that didn't read yesterday's comments will wonder just what we are talking about. Yep, we are all just a bit loopy in here : ))
    I hope you had a good lazy day with Paul yesterday, even though you were up early making the lamb's bottles! Have a good weekend, at least the weather seems to be good, at the moment!
    Take care xx

    1. Hi Sue,
      I really enjoyed yesterday. Christmas was so pleasant with no mad running around, and Easter was a doddle too, although one chocolate egg melted on my good trousers and was the devil to get out!!
      Muriel xx

  5. Morning Sandra and the cafe crew,
    Well I'm absolutely bowled over with the wonderful selection of crafts this morning!
    Brenda your Welcome plaque is the beach setting and the little huts and deck chairs are great.
    Janet that is such a beautiful frame and such a clever idea to use those exta bits and bobs that we all put away somewhere and then turn them into something beautiful.
    Janice you must have been given my share of patience because your folded book is wonderful and great to see how you can put names to them .....very, very clever.
    Oh Cheryl what can I say about the beautiful must be beaming from ear to ear every time you see her.....she is so adorable and many thanks for allowing Sandra to share your photos with us.
    Well I'm off out early to visit Nikki as I had a call yesterday to see if I would swap my afternoon to morning today as the ladies at Nikki's house all wanted to go out together this afternoon and it would be a shame for Nikki not to be able to go with I could never let our dear daughter down and it wasn't much to ask for and I could still see her so that's where I'm off to now. Enjoy the rest of you day ladies have left special hugs in the basket for you all.

    Love Sheila xxx

    1. Hello Sheila, hope you have a lovely morning with Nikki and hope she enjoys her afternoon out.
      Love and hugs for you both.

    2. Hi Sheila, have a lovely morning with Nikki and I hope you both have a good day. At least the weather is better! Xxx

    3. Hi Sheila, have a lovely time with Nikki. hugs to you both.xx

    4. Hi! Sheila,hope you had a great day with Nikki.
      A good day out for both of you. xxx

    5. Hi Sheila,
      I hope both you and Nikki have a lovely day. xxx

    6. Hi Sheila hope you had a great morning with Nikki, did you tag along with their afternoon out too? Xxx

  6. Hi Sandra and all the lovely ladies
    Oh Cheryl what a sweetie Millie May is, I can see she is going to be spoilt thank you so much for sharing photos of her with us. What a shame your garden centre has been spoilt. We have a Wyvale near us but there is a separate craft shop next door to it ( but not a good one I'm afraid). They do tend to be very samey don't they. I hope you find somewhere else for your celebrations. Xxx
    Janet your button frame is beautiful and what a lovely way to shoe them off, yes I can see it heading to France too xxx
    Brenda what a lovely summery plaque, wish I was in your craft class, I would have found a home for that straight away xxx
    Janice oh you must have so much patience I'm another one who would love to do this but would struggle with the books, these look amazing though. I'm tempted to look on the internet for instructions and visit a charity shop. Xxx
    Sandra thank you for sharing these delights. Enjoy lamb sitting today but make sure you get some rest after your early start. I'm looking forward to photos of these cuties too. Well I must dash and get this show on the road - I find sometimes that unless I move no one else seems to! The sun is out again today so must get the washing on the line.
    See you all later - Pat enjoy that holiday my love xxx
    See you soon
    Love Diane xxxx

  7. Morning everyone.
    What a mix of crafts today, but I must say, the beautiful creation in the last pics has to be the best. She is a real cutie, Cheryl.
    Your plaque is super Brenda, I can just see it hanging in a holiday cottage.
    Janet, when you said you were putting your buttons in a frame, I didn't think on a lovely arrangement like this, with all the French related items adding to the picture.
    As for my books, well this was my first attempt and I am a bit chuffed at how they turned out. You print out the letters in what looks like a stretched bar code, and fold each page in turn to match those lines. I had looked at patterns on etsy, but not keen to pay £4 for each, then I found a website called Orimoto. If you register on that they will allow you a free programme which works it out for you. Limited to 4 or 5 letters and a book between 350 to 450 pages. These took about 4 hours each, plus a little for decoration. Most of the ones I have seen were plain, but I couldn't help myself.
    Don't worry about folding a book, you can always find one that isn't worth keeping. The one I am folding now is in German and was in the lost property box, so no chance of me reading that.
    Glad John is better, Patricia, was it just his age catching up?

    1. Janice, Achtung ! I think that book could be mine, I seem to remember misplacing somewhere, where did you say you found it?

    2. Janice, you have lots of patience but the end results are quite stunning! I've been admiring some on Pinterest and it's amazing what can be done. I wonder who started this . Thank you for sharing it . Xxx

    3. Hi Janice,
      Thanks for info on Orimoto, I've been on their site, joined up, typed in my daughter Fiona's name and all that downloaded is a pattern of her letters. No instructions on what to do. I'm probably having a senior moment so how do I find these my dear?

    4. Hi Janice,
      your folded book are some of the best ones I ever seen. Fantastic !
      can see that Janet will deffo. try some now :-)

    5. Cheryl, have a look on youtube for instructions. There are lots of clips on folding, but no patterns. I looked at them first.
      Basically, start with the printed sheet under the first page,with line 1 at the edge. I folded down the long edge of the printed sheet so it was always in the same position.
      Fold the first page of your book so only the edge is left on the line. Now move the sheet under the next page and repeat. I put a little mark on each line as I fold to it.
      Make sure you printed the one like the bar code, not the solid one.
      I have tried folding from an inch in from the spine, and right from the spine. Not sure which is easier yet.

    6. Hi Janice,
      Your book folding is fantastic, clever you. I was going to have a go - until I read your instructions above - now I'm not so sure lol. xxx

    7. sorry, it really is easy to do, just not to explain in words. Perhaps I better come to the retreat, it would be easier to show you

    8. Oh yes do PLEASE!! Hazel x

  8. Morning everyone, will have to call back later for coffee, off to scrapbook crop today, everyone's mixed crafts today are gorgeous, and the photos of Milly May are are beautiful.
    Take care till I get back, Jess x

    1. Jess, congratulations to your grandson, you must be so proud of him, a 2.1 masters degree is a wonderful achievement he must have worked hard, hope the celebrations continue when he gets home to his family. Get that bubbly on ice. Xxxx

    2. Congratulations to your grandson too, from me. All his hard work has paid off. And it's lovely and refreshing to read that someone from his generation is willing to graft for what he wants, not expect the state(i.e. US taxpayers) to give them everything their little hearts desire because they know 'their rights'.
      My very best of wishes and Good Luck to him in his chosen field. And a big hug too! xxx

    3. Good afternoon Jess, I did Congratulate your Grandson in my first Post. I am so pleased for him, it's a lot of hard work and studying. John Jnr. is a qualified Civil Engineer, I know the hours he had to put in. xxx

    4. Hello Jess, enjoy today and although I congratulated your grandson yesterday, he deserves a double dose for doing so well - so congratulations again. xxx

    5. Jess. I know that you are so proud of your grandson and so rightly so? Not only has he got a great 2.1 degree result, he also has got himself a good job as well. Not many finish their degree coarses and have jobs to go to. So well done him. Hazel xx

    6. Oops nearly missed this, Jess many congratulations to your grandson they have to work so hard to get their degrees too, wonderful to know he has a job too now he can follow his dreams!

  9. Good morning Sandra and all,
    What a lovely start to the day, such a varied collection each one a work of art but one in particular stands out. Milly May. She is adorable. There is something about a newborn baby, I would just love to have her in my arms and breathe her in. The back of their necks get me as well, don't know why but always want to bury my nose in and smell them and scatter butterfly kisses all over. Cheryl thank you so much for allowing us to see your precious little bundle.
    Brenda I would like to come to your craft class too, it's a lovely idea to make a welcome plaque and I love yours, those little beach huts are so sweet.
    Janet, I saw some frames last week in Woolworths and thought what could I do with one of them. Now I know. I love what you have created, I have so many buttons, and I am going to woolworths later. Thank you you have inspired me today.
    Janice, your books are really eye catching, I am not surprised you were chuffed with how they turned out, they look brilliant. I don't think I would have the patience. Like Patricia I made Christmas trees from books and they were very easy to do but a book I think would be too complicated for me.
    Sorry I disappeared last evening, I became engrossed in a book and when I got the point of reading the same sentence more than once just had to go to bed. I have caught up with you all though and agree entirely with your friendship, fun and laughter comments. We do have fun, we have found friendship and we all love being part of this amazing blog family.
    Love and hugs
    Saba xxx

    1. WOOLWORTHS!!! Wow! that's a "blast from the past" Have not heard anyone mention them in years.
      Hope you managed to get what you wanted when you were there. xxx

    2. We don't have Woolworths any more do we? Xx

    3. Nope, they went bust. Big loss to every High Street.

    4. I remember getting a wooden Butler Tray from Woolworth's for Aunt Maggie's Christmas present when I was about 8. It was an awful lot of money - 2s 6d.
      I just knew you'd all be interested in that ha ha
      Muriel xx

    5. I was! They haven't half shot up in price! Xx
      That's 22.5 pence in today's money! You wouldn't get a lollipop for that!! Xxx

    6. Maureen I had an auntie Maggie ! She was a character!!!!! My bread board comes from Woolies, didn't pay a lot for it and it's still going strong. I do miss Woolies xxx

  10. Good morning Sandra and all the coffee shop crew
    This is my second attempt goodness only knows where the first one went!
    Well I really have to say Sandra you really kept the best until last sorry ladies but I just love new born babies there is something about their innocent little faces and that sweet smell only thy have. Cheryl you have every right to feel so very proud of such a beautiful great granddaughter, please give Milly May a cuddle from me and a little kiss of course. xx
    Brenda what a lovely welcome banner I love those beach huts, but, it has me thinking what will you be doing for autumn and winter!
    Janet what a fabulous idea I would never have thought of that it is wonderful, but you have set me thinking.
    Janice you really must have the patience of a saint what a super and very clever idea.
    Sandra thank you so much for letting us see all these wonderful things.
    Sheila hope you have a lovely time with your darling Nikki.
    Hazel hope you have another great day your pictures were wonderful, please don't get stressed looking for that Mountie!!
    Well my coffee was lovely money in the pot cup washed and my hugs and cuddles are in the corner help your selves there are plenty more.
    Have a great weekend everyone and hope Pat and Pete have a good flight.
    With love
    Margaret xx

    1. Margaret, I kind of miss my pigeons, but you were right, perhaps a chipmunk wouldn't be such a good idea and Hazel also mentioned they shouldn't be separated from their families and Myra doesn't want me pester Hazel as she has enough on looking for Muriel's Mountie.
      Do you happen to know if anyone breeds meerkats??

    2. Saba - re the Meerkat Breeders! Try Google - Seemples! Xxx

    3. Good one MYRA:- take it your back to normal today. Or maybe you got there yesterday??? xxx

    4. I was just thinking things yesterday Patricia! Like the chip monks??
      Wondered if they were pottery Friars who'd got a bit damaged!
      It's just good old predictive text . Once you split chipmunks into two words that's what happens! Xxx

    5. Oh I see being good didn't last long? But it's great to have the true Mrya back. Hazel x

    6. MYRA:- you are clever ... "chip" "monks" ..... right enough Pottery Friars with Chips in them ...!!!

    7. No Patricia, I'm just a bit daft! Xx

  11. Oh Myra, it's so good to have you back. I thought the aliens had taken our Myra and replaced her with a "good" copy.

    1. Saba! I can't help it! Sorry!
      My tongue is sore from biting it yesterday! Lol! Xxx

    2. Yaay naughty Myra's back xxx

  12. Hello Sandra and everyone!
    What an interesting group of projects today! Then Sandra kept the best photos until last - what a gorgeous baby! She looks so alert too. Wish we could all have a cuddle!
    Brenda - I love your Welcome plaque! It is so cheery and - well - welcoming! Love the colours and all the details. Thank you! Hope you managed to get a good night's sleep. Xx
    Janet - I think your button picture is a brilliant idea and it looks really lovely. Will you hang it in France or in England to remind you of France? Much better to have these lovely buttons on show rather than in a box or tin! You have made me think! Oops! Xx
    Janice - I commented on the books further up but your patience has been rewarded. They are lovely. Glad you decided to decorate them too. Xx
    Have a lovely day everyone,
    Lots of love, Myra xxx
    PS - Sandra I hope the lambs behave themselves for you today! Xx

    1. Hi Myra. Thank you for your kind comments about the plaque. Yes I did get a good nights sleep snd didn't wake until nearly 9am today.

  13. Hello Sandra and all of the coffee shop ladies,
    Sandra, What a lovely mix of inspiration you have given us today, each one it a class of its own. Then the Cream on the Cake - Gorgeous Milly-May, Oh Cheryl she is beautiful, this little lady will have everyone wanting to give her a cuddle. A new baby brings something special into the family, so much love a happiness. Thank you shareing these lovely pictures.
    BRENDA - Your plaque is lovely. I am sure all of your craft group were all pleased to be taking home their works of art.
    JANET - What a great idea to display your treasured buttons in this frame. Really like this idea.
    JANICE - Oh what patience you must have, this is a very clever way to use any unwanted books.
    SHEILA - Hope you a a lovely morning with Nikki and she enjoys her afternoon out with the girls.
    CHERYL - How disappointing, to go all the way to the garden centre and find it has all changed. Whyvale will be the losers, it sounds as though took over a thriving business with an established clientele, and for want of a better word Bulldozed it. How sad is that!
    I'm ready for a Cup of coffee and a scone now, been sitting chattering away here I feel ready for a drink now.

    Hope everyone enjoys whatever you are doing today, for me it's a toss up between sewing and planting the tubs in the back garden. Think we will have lunch first then I will decide.
    Sending Love and BIG hugs, Brenda xxx

    1. Thank you Brenda. Yes all the ladies were very pleased with there's. Some had owls on with leaves and little flowers. Some put different words on. Have a lovely day whatever you decide to do.

    2. Hi Sandra and the gang
      Sounds like it's been a busy day for everyone again today. We decided to go clothes shopping for a couple of hours to get new shorts etc for Julian and some tops for Emma. We thought it would be quiet as it was cup final but no it was soooo busy! Apparently last weekend was really quiet. It was good to get out though and have a break from revision. Emma felt more focused when she came back - mind you our feet are killing us!
      Myra it's good to have our naughty one back, it wasn't right you being good yesterday! Xxx
      Not sure what iPads playing at I thought I was at the end of the comments as a comment box appeared buy no still more to read. Perhaps it's the missing box from yesterday appeared out of the blue!!!!
      Night night sleep tight
      Love Diane xxxx

  14. Hi Sandra and all
    a black coffee and some carrot cake I think as we are back to normal, thought off lol.
    I love our Saturday mix and they never disappoint.
    Littlelamb, I'd love to make a plaque like this. It's Colourful, Happy and Welcoming. just Perfect.
    Janet, your button box is fabulous. A great way to show your treasures.
    and Janice, Wow !!
    Cheryl, Milly-May <3<3 ( I want one tihi)
    Thank you Sandra for a amazing show. Hope you are alright, how is that bottom
    lol Spending some time at the allotment this weekend, it seem to be a nice one.
    Weekly shopping and washing done so now a break before hanging it out and prep. cutting out for a card I like to make tomorrow. so wish I could make it all in one day but .....
    hugs to all, Maria xx

  15. Hi Snadra and all.
    Had a lovely couple of hours with Nikki, we had a walk to the local park and found a nice bench in the sun and shaded from a breeze that made it feel cool if it caught you. I couldn't believe it when I found out where they told me where they were going....I was convinced I had lost 6 months some where!....the reason being they were going to a about being blown over by a feather!! Apparently the theatres are doing them at Easter and various other times of the year.....the mind boggles! But I know the ladies will have fun.
    Will pop back later to see what you've all been up to.

    Love and hugs Sheila xxx

    1. So glad you and Nikki had some 'us time', they are the ones that memories are made from. Love & hugs to you both xxx

    2. Hi Sheila, pleased you had a lovely time! Pantomime ! They must have heard Muriel had Christmas Chutney too! Ha ha! I'm sure they'll have a great time! Xx

    3. Good one Shiela, a Pantomine in May ... well I never!!
      Bet they all enjoyed every minute.
      Good job you did not thrown that one in yesterday!! xxx

    4. So glad you had a love time this morning Sheila

    5. Sheila,
      See I KNEW it was Christmas!!! Sheila I bet she will have a great time, oh no she won't, oh yes she will. xxxx

    6. See you ladies what you started yesterday, now it will be Christmas films on the TV every day.

      Sheila. I am so glad you two had a lovely time together and Niki was going to have a great time with the girls as well. Hazel x

    7. I was certain Muriel had gone to the Boxing Day Sales this morning! Xx

    8. What a great idea to have panto at different times of the year why should they be restricted to Christmas with or without chutney!
      So pleased you had a lovely time with your little sweetie Nikki so pleased she is well and happy. xx

    9. Hi Sheila so pleased you had a lovely morning with your darling Nikki & was she excited to be going to a pantomime hope she really enjoys it love & Hug's to you both Lynda xx

  16. Good afternoon everyone, only 7.29am here haven't looked out to see what kind of day it is yet? Firstly I have to say I am not stressed in the least, and looking for Maureen's mountie has become a fun thing, when we pull into the likes of sightseeing places? We both look and end up saying " not a mountie in site"
    It adds fun to our holiday! Like the last time we were here every day was will we see a " Bear, Elk or a Moose today" And would you believe it we saw a bear across the river on about our second last day and it was so far away. Not like yesterday. Saba I pad first!!!
    Brenda. I love your plaque, what a wondrful idea, just think of all the ones you could do for each season.
    Janet. I love buttons and this is a gorgeous way of showing those special ones off.
    Janice. It's such a pity you are not coming to the retreat, as this would have been a brilliant thing for us to do under your instruction. Love your choice of book!!!
    Now last but not least is the gorgeous photos of that darling little great grand daughter of yours, Cheryl. Milly-May. I to love when you can snuggle them and you get 99% of the time that new baby smell, it's the other 1% that I don't care for. Can you remember when we would use baby talc on them, oh I loved that, I still use Yankee " Baby Powder" candles to make all the baby bits that I make my baby baskets up with smell like that when they are opened.
    I enjoyed reading all what you got up to yesterday, it was a bit confusing at times as I did wonder what month we were in?
    Sandra yesterday you said you were glad I popped my head in to head blog nearly a year ago, but believe you me its me who is so glad I was nosey that day and wanted to see what you did. I have never regretted it one bit, you are one amazing young lady and you have given me all these new friends and friendship that no amount of money could ever buy. So it THANK YOU.
    Hazel x

    1. It was Hazel that got me looking in on this Blog and Boy! Oh! Boy! I am so glad I took her advice.
      I have found myself with so many firends, had so many giggles and laughs and also learnt a lot. Some of you have had sadness which you have shared. What better way to cope than sharing things with friends.
      Thank You Sandra .... you are amazing to have achieved all that you have with your wonderful Blog. xxx

    2. I agree with everthing Hazel and Patricia have said about you lovely lady Sandra, your blog and all the lovely cafe crew. I found your blog just before the most saddest time of my life and you have all been the most wonderful support to me especially as I had only commented a few times so I thank the lovely Sandra and all the rest of you lovely ladies from the bottom of my heart....and also got the many giggles I had along with you. There are times when I feel so alone and i switch my PC on and there is always someone in the cafe and that makes me feel a bit better. Special hugs to you all.

      Love and hugs Sheila xxxx

    3. Anytime Sheila, we are here to help.
      Sometimes it just needs the courage to step over that door and ask, I know it must be hard.
      Once you take that BIG step we can all talk to you.
      We never know when any of us might need the help.
      Love and Hugs xxx

    4. Sheila it is wonderful to know that you are feeling just that tiny tiny bit stronger and if we have helped that is wonderful and as far as I am concerned there is no need at all for any thanks. A problem shared is a problem halved as Patricia has said you take that step and we will try and help you, we never know when we will need the same help. Sending you some hugs and cuddles xxx

  17. Janet Ecco of Sheffield30 May 2015 at 14:54

    Afternoon everyone - sorry I'm later than usual but have been and got the week-end shopping done and some birthday shopping for Jim's G.Niece. She will be 7 this time and absolutely adores crafting so we've been into 'The Works' bookshop in Mhall and bought a set of three suitcases -each fits into one another- together with some crafty things like buttons, glitter glue scissors, gel pens, glue, flowers to make up and then I've topped up with card, ribbon etc from my stash so that she has three cases stuffed ready for her to create and take her through the summer holidays too. The suitcases are wonderful sturdy and at a really good price of £6.95 or 2 for £10. We bought 2sets so the other one can go to Zoe in Holland. We finished Sophia's parcel off with a top and skirt from Pri-mark.

    Janice - Oh how I love your book folding - I'm in awe of your creations. I did try to do one earlier this week - a very simple one but nothing like yours.
    Brenda - I love love love your plaque and what a wonderful way to celebrate summer.
    Cheryl - Milly-May is just gorgeous. Small babies are just one of God's wonderful little ones and such a treasure for us all. I know she will grow up knowing her wonderful family will always be there for her. Please keep us up to date Cheryl.

    Right onto my picture - first I'm so sorry about the quality of the photo. I tried everything possible to get a good one but it didn't matter what or how I tried this was the best I could do.
    I bought the frame from The Range. It's a 12x12inch box frame at a costly price of £4.99 (bargain I think).
    I lined the back with a piece of 12x12 beige card from my stash.
    On top of that I centred a page of Madame Payraud's paper from Docrafts Papermania 8x8 pack. This is themed throughout for France.
    I then arranged the buttons around a central flower (this pack was also bought from the Range from their Parisien blue range). Two of the corners are decorated with 2 ATCs from a 3x4 pad called Cartographer. I used these to keep the French theme going. The scissors were from my stash to go along with the buttons etc. The other two corner decorations are from a corner die and little flowers just to finish off.
    The buttons were bought from a 'Brocante' in one of the little villages near Marigny and they are purely French, old and very precious hence the picture. The picture is going to Marigny and I'll let you know where it's placed so you can imagine it. That's if you want to of course.

    Well Physio went OK yesterday. Nothing great came out of it just as I suspected. She gave me a couple of exercises, told me to use my Tens Machine longer at each time and would like to see me possibly before we go off to Marigny. She mentioned that she had in mind the possibility of a collar to give me some relief but not at the moment so we'll see.

    I hope everyone is having a really good week-end and not gettng soaked each time they go out.
    Hugs are in the usual place for everyone to help themselves.

  18. Good afternoon Janet,
    Sorry to hear the Physio was the "usual" sometimes I wonder why they only give you one appointment. To me it should be weekly with you doing the excersices every day. That way they can see if you are doing them and if they are actually working. Keep doing them though it does help.
    Fantastic picture, I would love to see and feel those beautiful buttons. xxx

  19. Janet. Sorry the physio wasn't so good. All they seem to give you is exercises. By the time I get home I have forgotten half of what she said. Your picture is beautiful. I am sure is will be ideal for your house in France. It's a lovely idea to put all the buttons in a frame like that. You are very clever. Thank you for your comments about my plaque. I just love beach huts. Perhaps because when I lived at the coast there were a lot of beach huts. Think I will use this all year round just because I love beach huts but am thinking of a Perhaps the craft group would like to make one.

    1. Littlelamb,
      I'm sure they would love to make a C....... plaque xxxx

    2. Or an Easter one!!! xxx

  20. Janice your books are amazing. I just wouldn't know where to start with this. You are very clever. Perhaps I will have to look on U Tube.
    Sandra. Hope you are ok today. Thank you for showing these crafts today and what a lovely photo of Millie May. I am sure Cheryl will spoil her whenever she gets the chance.

    Well I have just been giving my wrist a rest but must get back to these Izzy bags. Be back later.

  21. Hello Sandra and everybody,
    Well I've made a comment or two on the way down, but I've got to say that the best creation of all is Milly-May. She looks so beautiful, look at that skin - if only mine were that smooth now! And I agree with everyone, there is nothing like the smell of a "clean" new baby.
    Littlelamb Brenda, I love the plaque, the ladies must have been so happy with their creations. I think something like this would look good in my bathroom hmmm.
    Janet, brilliant idea to showcase your buttons this way. Another good idea and would look good in my craft room, but then again they should be on show so people could see them - the downstairs passage and then they would be seen going in and going out. (I nearly typed passing out!!!) I was sorry to read that the physio wasn't so good and I agree with Patricia in that you need to go at least once a week. Not that I'm an expert but I have been on the receiving end!!
    Janice, your books are amazing. Do you have them on show for your visitors to admire. Now there's another string to your bow. Book folding lessons and people could stay the night, and pay for the privilege!! (I'll be your business manager).
    Is Myra still being good today? It's not the same is it. Come on, lets see if we can get her to "bite". On the Good Ship Lollipop.
    Who have I forgotten, you know what I'm like.
    Brenda OB I haven't mentioned you so be afraid, be very afraid!!!
    Got to go and iron, will be back later.
    Love and hugs
    Muriel xxx

    1. Now ! What about On the Good Ship Lollipop - sung by the Chipmunks!!
      It did happen! Xxx

    2. Really? Myra, are you kidding me, you know it doesn't take much?? xx

    3. Yes! Honestly I thought they had but I googled it to check! Xxx

    4. Well, I never. You've taken my breath away aaarrrrgggghhhhhh x

    5. "HELP, I Need Somebody". - Maureen has expired! Xxx

    6. Gosh it's amazing what you learn on here.
      I thought it was Pinky & Perky!!! everyday is a school day.
      MAUREEN:- are you OK?? xxx

    7. Myra, " Welcome to my world"!!!!
      I'm fine being called Brenda OB as long as she doesn't 'Rain on my Parade' and calls me Brenda BO ...... I had a bath an hour ago. Xxx

    8. Brenda, I wasn't at all happy with that title of OB. I was being good yesterday but when you see OB you don't immediately think " oh of course - Other Brenda" . Do you? Xxx

  22. No not really she is just suffering from lack of Baileys!!!!!

    1. Margaret , I have to say you are very good in a crisis! You see I never thought of Baileys . It is a bit early! Xxx

    2. No Myra it 's never too early for a Baileys ask Maureen and Saba they are the experts on this. xx

  23. Do you think Maureen needs CPR Myra?....right you pump her chest and I'll blow into her mouth and hold her nose.......ok maybe not the Baileys may knock me out! Lol! xxx

    1. Ooh you are all awful, and I'm leaving for a top up hic xxxx

    2. I see you're still with us! You can't keep a good woman down! That's why I was concerned!! Ha ha!xxx

    3. Myra, my dear, I've never been good, just average lol xxx

    4. Sheila - I do hope you are ok! Not overcome by Baileys fumes?

    5. Never Average! Just thought of another alias for you - Yogi - smarter than the average bear!
      It fits with Hazels photos as well! Xxx

    6. Myra, you could be Boo Boo xxx
      Marrgaret, sitting here with TWO of your bags on, one down my back and one around my neck, Mind you, it's a good balancing job I'm doing. Good job George is playing bowls, I'd have to leave off the one around my neck!!!!

    7. Do you think Saba has gone Prosting? Xxx

    8. No Myra, I'm here, well I'm actually below, or was last time I posted.

    9. Maureen is that a touch of ELO I hear? 'Dont bring me down'? Xxx

  24. I was late lady night wasn't I PAT Being diabetic and after a night if Salsa dancing I need to make sure I snack before I go to bed Not that ai sleep much when I do go to bed anyway Too many upsetting memories still fill my head Hey Ho Happy belated birthday to John too
    CHERYL Milly May is an absolute dream boat You must be thrilled and so relieved that she's now here what a shame re Cadbury World and sounds like lots of Wyevale places are getting worse
    BRENDA I love your Beach Huts Can I come to your workshops
    JANET what a beautiful way to display precious buttons and will look gorgeous in your home in Marginey I have small pieces of jewellery that belonged to my mum And now think I may try displaying them like your buttons
    JANICE the books are amazing I'm itching to have a go My daughter and I saw these for the first time at a Christmas Fair and we were blown away by them
    JESS Congrats to your grandson
    SHIELA I hope Nikki enjoyed the panto Great that she can get out with the other ladies
    SANDRA I just want to say that your blog is fantastic I may not have been visiting for long but it really helps to be able to let of steam etc and know that if I am feeling down there's someone here to lend a bit of support and to see all these lovely ladies and their talent The kindness on here knows no bounds It's great

    1. Hi Karen,
      Are you now home for the night or are off out dancing again? I'm so glad you have the energy and I'm sure it's very good exercise! Xx

    2. Karen 'I'm in the mood for dancing' :) sorry couldn't resist! Said. Was going to bed half an hour ago!!! Xxx

    3. Thank you Karen. Glad you like it. The plaque was very easy. I am sure you could do it.

    4. Diane,
      I'm very pleased for you! However I'm too tired to join you!
      Night Night! Xxx

    5. I'm still here! But no dancing tonight Just pottering about Doing some colouring in my adult colouring book! Steady it's not what you think! Very therapeutic I bought it instead of buying a puzzle book for our weekend away
      I recorded Pride and Prejudice earlier on today and just finished watching it So snack time and then bed

  25. Ladies, do you know what else this blog does. It fills your head with annoying little jingles which go round and round your head all day. Today, for me at least it started wit Patricia's comment about did you see what Hazel saw. That started me off on " do you see what I see" quite appropriate seeing as this morning it was Christmas. Then I looked and saw Hazel's bear coming over the mountain and it was "the bear came over the mountain to see what he could see" and now this evening I have just read that Muriel needs CPR and I don't know if you know, but when giving CPR you should do compressions at about 100 beats per min and if you do it to the tune of Nellie the Elephant then that's about right. So I now have that going through my head!!
    Saba Xxx

    1. HellooO!
      Speaking about Nellie - last time I went to the Old Peoples Home we sang that while crafting! I know I know! However one lady then asked me in all seriousness "where do you think Nellie was going?" Well, I thought for a minute , kind of singing the song in my head and said - Mandalay! Oh really - how do you know that? Well the song says they met one night ...... On the road to Mandalay! Wow she said I never knew that! Welcome to my world of daft songs and jingles and I'm glad I'm not the only one! Xxx

    2. Re: Nellie the Elephant.
      I have subsequently read that the British Medical Association have decided that perhaps it's not such a good idea because although the rhythm is right, people get so carried away with singing the tune they forget to (a) use enough pressure and (b) forget to give mouth to mouth.
      And can you imagine, some poor soul has collapsed, a whole crowd of people have joined in and are singing the tune and as the poor soul is struggling to come round what must he be thinking. Xxx

    3. I thought you were going to tell us Nellie was one of the ladies and someone told you she's gone to the "Loo"
      Sorry I must have a right weird

    4. Sounds like the BMA!!
      What do you think is going round my head now! Thanks Saba ! Xxx
      Patricia - most of these ladies have to be taken to the Loo. But one was called Nellie and she said she hated the song because people called her Nellie the Elephant! Xx

    5. Patricia, was it the trumpety trump trump that made you think of the loo?

    6. Tut tut tut! That's lowered the tone, somewhat! Not of the trump either! Xxx

  26. Brenda, Littlelamb,
    Have you managed to make arrangements for tomorrow? I've been thinking about you today. If you have and are able to go ,mI hope you have a good journey there and back and that your Aunt will know that you have been and that you really care about her. It will be a tough day. So pleased you slept well last night and I hope you sleep well tonight too. Lots of love, Myra xxx

    1. Littlelamb, Brenda,
      I also hope that you are able to see your Aunt and will have company to go and come back with you. Take care and I'll be thinking of you.

    2. Hi Myra. I have just managed to get the name of the hospice and my cousins mobile number. Apparently he is staying at the hospice but too late to ring anyone now so will try in the morning. I am not looking forward to going but feel if it is possible I must. I know another niece and her husband (no relation of mine) are going and three of us just might be too many. Sunday is the best day for all of us as my sister looks after her grandchildren in the week. Thank you also Maureen for your kindness.
      Love Brendaxx

    3. Hi Brenda, thank you! It's just good to be able to think of you and pray that all will go well. The Hospice will no doubt tell you whether or not it is advisable to visit tomorrow. Sleep well, my dear, Night night! Love Myra xxx

  27. This comment has been removed by the author.

  28. Saba,
    I thought you had to do CPR to the Gibb Bros "Staying Alive", very apt when you think about it. I never think that Nellie the Elephant needed the loo because she said goodbye to the Circus. No I always think that Aunty Mary had a canary and somewhere in there needed the toilet. Or was it someone else? lol.
    Right, I've set the cat among the pigeons (that should get rid of them for you Saba).
    I don't know about you but I'm sick to death of hearing about FIFA. Everyone knows they are as corrupt as an abscess and should be lanced without delay, but they pussyfoot around and do very little. It's taken the USA to do something and football is not even their major sport.
    Who wants the soapbox now?
    Have you all gone to bed, even George is still up and it's late for him, oh oh I have spoken too soon, here he comes. I'll try to get back in shortly.
    Muriel xxx

    1. Totally agree about FIFA - why have been allowed to get away with it for so long? Our friend Sepp Blatter has been re- elected! It's a joke!
      Soapbox returned!
      As for your Auntie Mary - well! That's where you got the idea for where to hide your money!!
      Where does Santa Claus come into it! . . Xxx

    2. Myra,
      He came down the chimney and frightened the canary, oh I've just remembered, Auntie Mary went to the Lavatory!!

    3. Yes Muriel I totally agree about FIFA why have they been getting away with it for so long you ask - I think they are all in on it, that is the trouble with football there is far too much money involved and that is the root of all evil !That is why we are all so good even Myra we have none and when we do we buy dies and card from Lidl when they have it in!!!
      Well I'm off to bed after I have let the corgis out so I will say
      Good night to everyone, sweet dreams.
      Margaret xxx

    4. Night Night Margraet! Sleep well! Xxx

  29. Hi Sandra,

    I have looked at your blog a few times and love it! You all get on so well and care about each which is great. I know Sue has got so much out of it plus I have got to meet you and Pat and not forgetting Paul brave man taking 4 women to Ally Pally. The cards you show are beautiful wish I could do it, I am into cross stitch etc not card making.
    Thaynk you Sandra for starting the blog hope you do not mind me joining in.
    Take care love Margaret

    1. Lovely to see you Margaret, Welcome, but no doubt Sandra will put out the red carpet for you and invite you to join us for coffee and as much calorie free cake as you can eat. The prices are very good as well.
      Maureen xx

    2. Hi Margaret, I would like to welcome you too! Sandra will give you a proper welcome but it's lovely to see you . Please join in!! Xx

    3. Welcome Margaret,
      yes we are a bunch of women who enjoy popping in to the Cotswold cafe' a few times during the day and if you want to get something off your chest we are always here to listen, care and have fun too.
      Sandra will welcome you with open arms like all of us, See you tomorrow, hugs Maria x

    4. Hi Margaret welcome to th cafe. We don't mind if you pull up a chair and bring out your cross stitching, we promise not to spll coffee on it ( or red wine as my husband did to his cross stitch dragon!) . We can still have a good natter whatever craft we so.
      Hope to see you again soon. Love Diane xx

    5. Welcome Margaret. Good to see you. Hope you keep coming to this lovely cafe.

    6. Hello and welcome Margaret,
      It's always lovely to meet new people and we would love you to join in our fun and companionship. I am certain Sandra will be along later to welcome you to her wonderful blog. Look forward to hearing from you again.
      Saba xxxx

    7. Hello Margaret, so pleased you have dropped into the cafe, you and I chatted at Ally Pally. You were being very discrete and said to Sue you would sit higher up the table when we all met up. I was the one who had the M&S biscuits I had bought them a Victoria Station, Remember? You had a cup of ? Think it was tea.
      All that aside. It so lovely to have you visit this fantastic Cafe.
      Please drop in again SOON ....... LOL xxx

  30. Welcome to the most splendid virtual café on the tinternet, Margaret. You will continue to be astounded by the antics of the late night crew and will join a select band of nutty, funny, caring, sharing and friendly individuals. We are one big happy family here and it's lovely when a newbie joins. I hope you will have many happy hours in here. xxx

    1. And welcome to you Cheryl, I've missed you. I'm going to bed NOW
      Love Muriel xxx

    2. Welcome Margaret another one yippee, you will enjoy life in the café the cakes are calorie free remember, but do go easy on the Baileys leave some for Maureen or she will cry! lol
      Love Margaret corgi owner (my proper name)

  31. Goodnight all, can't be bothered to do anything in the cafe, the late nighters will no doubt clear away. I've been busy making boxes for cards. It takes me forever - I'll have to get some tips from Patricia.
    Sweet dreams,
    Muriel xxx

    1. Good night Muriel sweet dreams about Baileys sweetheart xx

  32. I just realised I haven't said how I did the plaque. The plaque is from JS. It says in the packet you can use emulsion on them so we bought several match pots in different colours. (£1 in Asda). First I gave it ken coat of white because being MDF the first coat does soak in a lot. Then I used blue and yellow. The beach huts, deck chair and birds are all JS dies. The words are an Xcut letters die. They all put the words they wanted. Mine would go well in my bathroom as I have several beach hut things in there. At the moment it is hanging in my porch
    I am thinking of hanging another one below this one with the sea and boats. A sort of continuation. Well better get to bed it could be a tiring day tomorrow. Night all.

    1. Night Night Brenda! I said night night higher up but you may not see it! Xx

  33. but, but where are you all going. It's Saturday night and the dancing just began ?
    Ah well if you all gone to sleep I hope you have a good one !
    Littlelamb- hope you get to see your auntie in the morning, take care !
    Karenlotty- you were very late last night, you must have had a good night .
    Good night all, see you tomorrow
    love and hugs Maria xx

  34. Good evening the late night owls. And welcome Margaret I think if I have got this right you are Sues mum. Yes we are a bit nutty but it's all fun and we do get some good laughs, as we said the other night or it might have been day time? That this blog is better than a book, you know the characters, you laugh, cry, about choke yourself at things and must of all you can loose the plot then pick it up again. And where do you get a soapbox to stand on and get things off your chest?? Well ladies you seem to have had a good day. We have had another great day, weather wasn't to good this morning around 8 but just got better, sun shining and a beautiful afternoon. Did the house hold chore of some washing, all washed not ironed yet and will be packed away, we move tomorrow to Vernon about 4-41/2 hours away so a bit of a drive, but oh boy there are some very steep climbs etc. we went out and just headed up the mountain to a lake we visited last time, was surprised to see its water level was much lower, we were hoping to have lunch up at the hotel, it opens Monday. Went then to go round Lake Louise it's self, we gave that a miss like the last time just to many folk for our liking. So no afternoon tea either. Drove through the national park and on our return journey - yes we saw another bear, and he was just at the side of the road eating his greens pics will be on tomorrows blog. So I am pleased 2 bears in 2 days yeh!!! Hazel x

    1. Hi Hazel,
      Wow it sounds as if you've had another super day! Two bears by the roadside is just amazing! Glad you had a nice sunny afternoon! Hope all goes well with your drive tomorrow. The roads are wide and usually not nearly as busy as ours here! Canada's roads were wonderful after the M6 !! Enjoy your dinner later! Love Myra xxx

    2. Hi Hazel,
      2 bears in one day, wow! Have a wonderful day and make sure you drive carefully. Love the photos you posting, feel like we are with you on your travels. Hugs to you both Maria xx

  35. I need to head off as well,
    I have emptied the bins, pulled down the blinds and kicked the cat out. I am sure Hazel will be back in at some time so I have left a night light on for her.

    Brenda, I hope all goes well for you tomorrow, it is a very difficult thing to do but I hope you find the strength you need to face it.
    goodnight and God bless you all.
    Saba xxx

    1. Night Night dear! Xxx

    2. It's amazing what happens and who pops in between writing goodnight and posting. Hello Hazel, Maria and Brenda sorry I missed you earlier, definitely going now, good night again all.

  36. This could go on all night,
    Good night Myra, sweet dreams my lovely friend.

    1. God natt Saba, have a good night. I'll be here for a while waiting for the painkillers to kick in so going through some e-mails and watching tv at the same time as we women can multitask
      hugs Maria xx
