
Friday 29 May 2015

Welcome to the World Milly May !!

Milly- May's Welcome to the World Wreath
Milly-May's card

Good Morning Ladies,
Today I wanted to share with all of you these fabulous gifts that
Cheryl has made for Darling Little Milly-May!
Firstly we have the Welcome to the World Wreath, using
a polystyrene ring, covered with pretty pink ribbon and then
decorated beautifully with flowers and then decorated with
flowers and a Banner, saying 'Welcome to the World', the ribbon
also doubles as the hanger.  I actually saw a tip about wreaths
the other day, it says to cut the circle in half, making the

wreath lay against the wall better and also giving you two
for the price of one!!
Next we have the gorgeous card the Cheryl has made to
celebrate Milly-May's arrival, so pretty!
I can some of Sue's leaves there and the new Peony Flowers,
complete and the open petals too, did you know that there are
stamps to match these dies too???
Cheryl has also added one of the Configuration die cuts down the
side of the card, I bought these and the 'configurations' were endless,
you could sit playing with them for hours, so many borders, corners &
edges from this one die set, I was very impressed.
Cheryl, thank you so much for sharing your beautiful creations
with us, I am sure that Lucy & Joshua must have been thrilled to
receive them, such treasured gifts from a very special Great Grandma!
I hope you all have a lovely Friday,
If you have the time pop over to
Christine always explores a different Spellbinder Die on a Friday,
showing you the die at its best, its very inspiring and well worth a visit!
Love and hugs to all of you,


  1. Hello Sandra,
    These are amazing and our Cheryl is one clever lady. I love them and I bet Joshua and Lucy do too. They will keep them forever. I don't know how I can post this tonight. But this will be the first time I'm ever first, so I'm taking the chance!!! Going now to sign off on today's post.
    Love to all
    Muriel xxx

    1. Maureen are you hooked up to the tanker again? Sandra said it was made by Brenda (aka Littlelamb) Sorry I've had a glass (large one) of the white stuff and a exhausting day. So am making my excuses for picking you up...... OOps not literally.
      Goodnight honey, LOL the other Brenda xxx

    2. Hi Brenda, If you are picking Maureen up you must be a candidate for Britain's Strongest Woman! Tin hat quickly! Please! Xxx

    3. Oh! Myra and Maureen, I should be fast asleep.... NOW you have got me giggling. I'm a fragile grandma and need my sleep. Zzzzzzz goodnight, sweet dreams.......OMG good Morning Sweet dreams xxx

    4. No it wasn't me made them. Must have been Cheryl. They are lovely whoever made them.

    5. You guys are totally confusing me!!! Now that's really not a hard thing to do ...... but come on!!! Can someone PLEASE tell me what time of day or night it is!!? Is it still Thursday or has Friday come??
      ANYWAY:- I just LOVE, LOVE, LOVE that stunning welcome,gift for Milly-May it is absolutely beautiful. The card is also a winner, so beautiful and great design.
      Right folks I don't drink (alcohol) but boy do I need an alcoholic drink tonight or is it day??? xxx

  2. Saba, Sometimes planes flying to Canada from Glasgow stop at Iceland to refuel. I know this as a neighbour of mine did that a few years ago. Not Iceland for nibbles and things. xxxx

  3. Morning Everyone,
    Blame Maureen she got me up this early! Believe me that's no mean achievement!
    Cheryl you are a very clever Great Grandma and I salute you !
    We have missed you and your wreaths and card are just beautiful!
    I have set everything up for the early callers. Enjoy! This won't happen often! Xxx

  4. Good morning Sandra and lovely ladies,
    This is definitely a first for me to be in at the beginning of the day. However it's actually magic because if you check what time I posted this you will see I have been time travelling. So I won't bother you with any more nonsense but will come back at my usual time to comment seriously.
    Love and hugs
    Saba xxx

  5. Good morning everyone and good night as well!

    This must be a first Sandra, the next day's post, the night before. (Though I think your Blogger has got the crafter wrong)
    One very tired Great Grandmother showing her age now. I'm off to bed.

    P.S. If you'd like to see the first photos of Milly-May, pop over to my Facebook page: Pete Cheryl Brown

    Nighty Night, Sleep tight
    Don't let the bed bugs bite!
    Love & hugs
    Cheryl xxx

    1. Hello Great Granny, I don't do Facbook. Will you be sending Sandra some pictures to show on here??? Really looking forward to seeing darling little Milly-May. xxx

  6. Wow good morning/ evening Sandra & lovely ladies can't believe I'm 8th in the comments. I know the time goes quick these days but Friday already hihi.
    Cheryl wow your wreath & card is stunning I love your flowers they are beautiful. Your a Very talented Great Grandmother xx
    I have finished the card for twins boys for the lady I did the other two cards for
    In the park cafe,just got to do the box in the morning,just hope she likes it.
    Just going to see if the night owls are up. See you in the morning
    Love & Hug's Lynda xx

  7. I'm confused! Doesn't take a lot I know Is it morning or night? The wreath and card are gorgeous What keepsakes I'd be so proud if I made anything as pretty as these
    MARGARET Replied to your email earlier tonight - thank you again
    Well I'm going to bed now See you later

  8. Oh folks this is confusing for this old brain, I went into bloggers to see who was on my dashboard and fund these little beauties, first I read it was Brenda who had made them , then realised it was Cheryl and they are gorgeous and beautiful keepsakes too. Sandra has been having a busy day I think playing with Pats dies, and I think that's the problem, but because we all love her, we will allow her to put the wrong Name, I was going to say Great Grandma, then thought that maybe Brenda isn't one yet! As for it publishing early - well you know blogger it has its own mind. I have come to the conclusion that reading this blog is far better than reading a book, for one I know all the characters, and you do get a laugh, Charlie does think we are all getting madder by the minute, especially about this Mountie, now he did see a truck today that he wouldn't mind transporting that horse across to Vancouver I will put up on my blog for Saturday, I have done my blog for today. This time thing is very confusing as I keep having to check what time it is in each place. Hazel x

    1. Hi Hazel. Yes I am a GtGandma. My GtGrandaughter will be 5 next month.

    2. Hi Hazel,
      YOU'RE confused????
      Congratulations Littlelamb, I think I'm about the same age as you and I'm only a Grandma to an 11 and 8 year old, boo hoo !!!
      Muriel aka Daffy (or daft) xxxx

    3. If it weren't for Patents and laws we could have become!
      The title fits me on more days than I care to remember! Xxx

  9. Margaret, I get 6x6, 7x7 and 8x8 boxes from Stella Crafts, I think they are something like £3.50 for 5 or as near that. Make up easy to. Hazel x

  10. Oy, what are we all doing on this side ?? Good morning all ! LoL
    I just posted on the other side and now you are already here ojojoj !
    Saba and hazel is this your doing ? anyhow these wonderful keepsakes for baby
    Milly-May ,Cheryl are Beautiful !!
    off to bed now, see you all later tihi xxx

    1. Maria,
      Sandra's blog is now in the Twilight Zone (anyone remember that TV programme?)
      Muriel xx

    2. Yes I remember them and Lost In Space. xxx

  11. Well I am already in bed! Thought I would read the comments for Thursday and found Fridays post so now will gave to go back and finish reading Thursdays post. Night.

  12. iHELLOoooo!! is anybody there???
    Is it morning or still the day before????
    Have tidied the place, you guys left it a bit untidy last night/ this morning/today!!!
    Maureen did remember to "Stangle" the cat ... sorry meant put it out.
    Maria was not in the dishwasher, dishes were but it was not switched on!! done that it is humming away nicely.
    Bucketing rain here, that's today's plans up the spout. Might have to go download some more books.
    Hope you all have a good day whatever you are doing.
    Be back later to see what you have all got up to. xxx

  13. That of course should be "strangle" xxx

  14. Gorgeous wreath and card and thanks for the FDD mention :) xx

    1. Just been on, is it Friday Die Day? xx

    2. Clever you! I had no idea what FDD was! Sounds a bit morbid to me! Xx

  15. Morning Ladies

    Brenda-the wreath & card are just beautiful. So pretty & delicate-perfect.

    I have to say when I saw there was already 21 comments I thought I'd got my alarm clock set for the wrong time!!!

    It's pouring with rain here, let's hope the day improves. Tomorrow is the day that Julia Watts is doing a Creative Expressions demo at a garden centre near to me & I've decided to go along (instead of the craft show at Bolton with my M in L). Two reasons-the garden centre is a lot closer and I shouldn't be tempted to buy quite so much! Thats the theory-ha ha!! I'll probably get annoyed with the people that sit at the front, not moving or caring if anyone else can see what's happening. They'll probably bring out a picnic. Might be a quick visit. If that's the case then I should have time to make some cards at home.


    1. Hope you enjoy your trip to the Garden Centre Michelle. I thought about it but I decided it was too far and would take too long. It's not that far as the crow flies but along windy roads it is! Don't spend too much! Xxx

  16. Morning Sandra and all, large coffee will set the day right I think.
    omg what a night and that's not even after been cleaned in the dishwasher where Patricia constantly want to put me for some reason hihi I have never posted before 8 but as I'm sitting here and the door was open we all seem to have found it was open very early ,hope it wasn't a break-in ?!
    Cheryl- went onto facebook, sorry could not see Milly-May maybe you cut put a photo up here one day. Enjoy all the cuddles !
    Off for a dop, see you all later ,
    Hugs to all, extra ones to Littlelamb. hope you can feel them, GrGandma :-)
    Maria Xxx

    1. Hi Maria,
      I think you need to make friend request first then you will be able to see the posts. xxx

    2. Thanks Cheryl,I couldn't see Milly-May either so will try again xx

  17. Good morning Ladies,

    Brenda, AKA Cheryl here.

    Thank you for your comments on Milly-May's keepsake and card. They were made with so much love and pride, I think she will really appreciate them as she gets older.
    I took instructions from a lady at the last craft show I attended for the Welcome Ring. I was so impressed at a Wedding one she had on display. Her advice was to use cheaper thinner ribbon to completely cover the polystyrene ring then add a better quality thin ribbon to wrap over. (I do bargains but I don't do cheap so mine was a good quality wide white satin ribbon to cover the ring first). Then you glue on whatever takes your fancy for the occasion you are making it for. A hot glue gun is the best, although I find pinning items on first gives you an idea of where you need to place flowers in your design, much easier to move them around before committing yourself to gluing.
    I used docraft paper flowers for the larger ones with bought paper roses for the centre points, white ribbon flowers with large pink flatback pearls, a mixture of silk anemones and roses with white feathers and a mixture of Sue Wilson finishing touch leaves and ferns.
    I kept one large docraft flower and rose for the card, so it links together with the ring. Again I added SW leaves and some feathers and tiny paper roses and some peony flowers. I tried to get as close a match to the central flower in my choice of thin card flowery card for the peonies and the border. The topping is from a Kanban pack I had in my stash.
    I have packed them both (wrapped in my usual tulle wrap) into a large square lilac box that my sister had given me some time ago, which I will be decorating to match the ring and card.
    Right, I'm off to get ready for a day out with Tiegan, Joseph and Fiona. We are meeting my parents at Cadbury Garden and Leisure Centre near Bristol. It's our favourite meeting up place. The children can run around outside in the play area whilst we browse the craft centre. Dad will be keeping an eye out for Tiegan and Joseph whilst enjoying a coffee.

    Love & hugs
    Cheryl xxx

    1. Cheryl dear, you clever, clever lady- but I've already told you that! Have a lovely day with the family and don't spend too much at the craft centre. You do realise that you will have to sign off as Brenda now, or that'll be three of you - you'd better not as it's confusing as it is. These really are quite beautiful xxx

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

    3. Cheryl , enjoy your day with the family! Hope the weather stays fine and that you find some bargains! Thanks for the clear instructions on the wreath it is lovely! Xxx

    4. Have a good day with your family Cheryl thank you for instuctions very easy to follow. Thank you Lynda xx

  18. Good morning Sandra and everyone else who pops in again! I thought I was late this morning but when I came in I was totally confused till I read all the comments. a good night was had by all, good job Patricia came to the rescue and tidied up. Must say the wreath and card are absolutely gorgeous- lucky Milly-May, Absolutely pouring down here today so a day for craft after the usual tidy up. Even the dogs had to be persuaded to go out - don't blame them - wouldn't like to have t o go to the bottom of the yard as we did as kids. I'll pop in later to see how everyone is. There are hugs in the basket for anyone needing them,
    Jean x

  19. Janet Ecco of Sheffield29 May 2015 at 08:54

    Morning/Evening/Day/Month/Year (Have I covered everything?)
    STOP you have me spinning and really confused and believe me you don't want to do that. Sandra would ban me for ever and a day as a result of such activity. I wondered what had happened when I called in and saw the number of visitors before 07.00 this morning. I thought I'd really missed a big celebration or perhaps just slept through one lol.

    Now my diary tells me it's Friday 29th May 2015 09.35. So I'm so pleased to have that sorted. Only need a name sort and then I'm ready. Thank goodness Cheryl has just posted before me so I now know it's Cheryl of course it is.

    Cheryl your gifts are just perfect and you're one very talented GGM. I know how much they will be appreciated and it's a wonderful start to Milly-May's memory box.

    Well it's more like the start of winter here this morning rather than going into June. Someone dared tell me the other day how many days we had before the days started to get shorter. We haven't had any time to enjoy the longer ones yet never mind the getting shorter. I put the central heating on for a while this morning as like many of my friends here I just cannot be cold. Extremities do not work when they are so. Now as it's Friday it's the usual timetable for here eg housework but then this afternoon it's the dreaded Physio visit. Heaven only knows what they will come up with this time round. I'm counting the days to my next GP visit and hoping that my meds will go back up one way or another. I certainly know that reducing one pain killer by half and giving me a pain patch (at the lowest dose) has not worked so fingers crossed that he will increase the patch strength. Well that's enough of me moaning. I'll just give myself a shake and get on with things.
    Wasn't it lovely to see Norah the other day and to see Cameeli on Sue's blog.
    Cheryl enjoy your family day out and I hope you have better weather down your way than up here.

    I really needed that extra large latte this morning. Hugs are in their usual place please please help yourselves.

    1. First of all Janet, sorry you are in such pain! I hope you see your doctor sooner rather than later!
      Sorry for all the confusion but you didn't need to add to mine by telling me it was winter ! I've missed summer completely! Mind you think we all have. It was very wet here earlier but dry for now with a blink of watery sunshine! Xxx

    2. Just woke up from a nice slumber by hailstones tapping on the bedroom window. It has been raining all day and I went and bought a jacket this morning. Little bit of heating is also on, What happened to Summer ??
      Hope your visit to physio went ok, gentle hugs Xxx

    3. MARIA! It's past Christmas here! Xxx

  20. Janet Ecco of Sheffield29 May 2015 at 08:56

    Yes it's me again - I'm still not sorted - I should have said 08.35. See what you've all done to me ooooooooooooooooooh.

    1. Hello Janet, I'm sorry to see that you are in such pain and hope the physio is kind to you. Can you not bring your GP appointment forward to get your meds sorted out sooner?
      I know it's usually mad in here, but it's worse than ever today ha ha!!!!

  21. Hellooooooooooooo everyone again,
    I personally blame Sandra for the fun and mayhem we are having here!!! Isn't it great when things go haywire and we don't know where we are? Mind you, that's my normal state as I'm always going into a room and saying to myself "Now why am I here, what did I come in for?" Have a lovely day ladies, it's pouring with rain up here but we're still breathing, so enjoy it.
    Hazel, poor Charlie is like George, he gets confused with our mad ways!!!
    See you all later, I'm off to look at Milly-May, and thank you Sandra for such a wonderful blog.
    Muriel xxx

    1. MAUREEN I'm the same i go upstairs by the time I'm up I have to come down again as forgot what I went up for,but I also talk to myself & now I started answering myself as well. Is there any hope for me. Haha
      Lynda xx

    2. Nope! Just join the club! I have this theory that the continual " having to go downstairs again" is the reason why people move into bungalows! Personally - I need the exercise! Xxx

    3. Maureen, it must an age thing with me I go upstairs for something and forget what, but say as I am here I will just go to the toilet!!

    4. Oh bloomers, I do exactly the same thing. Take ten steps from lounge to kitchen and it's all gone. Feeling so much better now I know I'm not alone tihi Xxx

  22. Myra, Do not think for a minute I have overlooked your comment about Brenda being a strong woman for picking me up - she did have the help of a crane!! xx
    It puts me in mind of "Fat Bottomed Girls" xxx

    1. Muriel, I knew I'd get my comeuppance !! I know that you know that I know you are neither big nor heavy. That's very clear isn't it! I'm being good today! Have a lovely day, my dear friend .
      I couldn't possible comment on the Fat Bottomed Girls for reasons given above! Xxx

    2. my ears are burning, luckily I can take a critic xx

    3. MARIA! It's Muriel's fault! Again! Xxx

    4. psssst, don't shout! Muriel at it again ey ?

  23. Hi Sandra and all in the cafe today.
    Cheryl, what a gorgeous wreath you have made for little Milly-May. It is so delicate and pretty, your card is beautiful too they are going to be treasured by Lucy, Joshua and Milly-May when she is a bit older : ) Like Patricia I don't do Facebook. Any chance of seeing a photo on here?
    I have been trying to read yesterdays comments for the last couple of hours but I keep nodding off and haven't made any notes so will just have to wish everyone has a good day.
    Take care xx

  24. Good morning ladies, wow Cheryl these are stunning, love love love the wreath and card. I did pop in late last night and saw them then but was too tired to comment.
    I was just thinking, Sues card on her blog today would suit Hazel as Sue has used her Canadian dies!!!
    Today is shop day again, how the weeks are flying past, will come back later this afternoon and catch up on all the chat.
    Take care ladies, love Jess x

  25. Hi Cheryl,
    I've tried and tried and looked everywhere, but I can't find you on FB. I typed in Pets Cheryl Brown but got zilch, well that's not true, I got some but they were not you!
    Muriel xxx

    1. MAUREEN I found Cheryl on FB but no pictures of Miily May
      Did you put PETS it's Pete Cheryl Brown xxxx

    2. Try Pete Cheryl Brown not Pets, Maureen, dingbat! Spellcheck first. I am there that I do know cos FB was the only way I could get to comment on Sue's page all the time I was incommunicado. Love you and your bad spelling loads my dear heart. You do make me chuckle. xxx

    3. It's all too oo much for me! I'm in hysterics! Xx

  26. Good Morning Sandra and all who drop into the coffee shop today,

    Cheryl the card and little wreath for Milly-May are beautiful. I sure the new parents were delighted. Thank you for sharing these beautiful gifts with us LOL

    HAZEL, So pleased you are still able to drop in, I agree with you this blog is better than a book, you know all of the characters BUT I confess to sometimes loosing the plot !!!!!

    Sandra what are you up to today? I expect the girls and the lambs have kept you busy this week. Life is never dull in your house is it !

    Will drop in later for coffee, see you all then.
    Love and Hugs Brenda xxx

    1. Only sometimes Brenda, you are lucky, I lose the plot ALL the time ha ha xxxxx

    2. Morning Mumma,
      Well, Paul has day off today, but we have no plans, the weather has put pay to any outdoor activities, I have a Pearl wedding anniversary card to make, lambs have just been fed, we are babysitting them overnight tonight as Matt has to go back to Nottingham to work until tomorrow afternoon, hopefully the cats will coordinate time wise with the lambs, otherwise we will be up at 4feeding cats and 5.45 feeding lambs! Who needs babies with all these pets!
      So a lazy, relaxed day here, what are you up to Brenda, I could really do with with a 'mumma' hug right now!

    3. Hi Sandra,
      Not doing a lot today. We came home last night, Daughter is working from home today and the children have no activities planned so she will be able to get on, they are all perfectly able to keep themselves amused for a few hours. Ciara is the one who will say "what can I do now" which usually means what craft. Things have you got with you that I can use!!!
      I have a school dress to sort out. Daughter didn't do a very good job when she shortened it. Daft thing was she gave me the other dress to take up a few weeks ago. So my next job will be set up the sewing machine and sort that out. John has gone into Croydon to Poundland, 99p Shop and I think Pound World. Looking for a certain type of light bulb for SIL....
      So pleased you have Paul with you today, he will keep you safe and warm.

      Well my lovely I am sending you a really ((((((BIG HUG)))))) hope it
      helps. Take care of each other, Love Brenda xxx

  27. Morning Sandra and the cafe crew,
    I'm guess Sandra'a post what put on her blog last night judging by the times you all posted either that or I'm losing me marbles!...which really wouldn't surprise me! Lol!
    CHERYL.....Oh my word two stunningly exquisite gifts for Milly-May and such wonderful keepsakes too. You are one very talented lady!!
    Enjoyed my time going to the hairdressers and as always Julie lifted my spirits, I then went and did some food shopping....didn't have my 'wheely friend' with me so I decided to get a taxi home as I had bought more than expected and my bags....3 litres of milk is not a good thing to get in one go if you haven't got your 'wheely friend' with you!
    Not up to much today, had a late night (which didn't include any of Maureen's Baileys! Lol! )
    HAZEL have another great day in Canada.
    It started out pouring down here today but I think it's easing off now! Oh where is the summer?
    Hugs in the basket

    Love Sheila xxx

    1. Sheila, your wheely friend reminded me of a children's TV programme from years ago. - Chorlton and the Wheelies! Everyone and everything was on wheels! Told you I remembered daft things! Pleased your hairdressing appointment went well! I'm going on Monday! Xxx

    2. Hi Sheila,
      hope your day have been nice. You made me giggle as when I went shopping today a lot of the young girls whizzing past on their 'wheelys' shoes, not what you meant tihi A elderly friend of mine said today she like to have a scooter like the kids so she can get around easier, hope she get her marbles back but not much chance hihi
      hugs Maria xx

    3. Sheila, there's a thought! Roller boots! Oh no! I can't cope! Whatever would you do if you came to a hill - going up not down - oh no! Stick to taxis and your wheely friend! Xxx

    4. Oooooo Maria now there's an idea!!.....but there's a problem I don't drive so goodness knows how I would cope with wheels in my shoes!
      Myra there is a railway bridge which is a sort of a hill.....going up would be hard but imagine going down at high speed!! On second thoughts I think I'll give them a miss 'cos I don't fancy all those dead flies on my teeth! Yuk!....or the broken bones! Lol! xxx

    5. Oh Sheila! That did make me laugh! Totally agree - getting dead flies off is tricky - getting them off teeth doesn't bear thinking about!
      We are all a bit mad - some madder than others! Please be kind . Lots of love Myra xxx

    6. Hihi ! they must be smaller here as they not get stuck in any teeth here they go straight down,gulp !

    7. MARIA! You are in capital letters for the third time! Now Maria, I'm trying soooo hard to be good and I know by your photo that you are much younger than me BUT I'm going to say it! " I know an old lady who swallowed a fly! "' I won't say any more! Xxx

  28. Hi Sandra
    Well, all I can say Brenda is Wow Wow Wow. Two stunning creations to welcome Milly May into the world. They must be over the moon to receive such wonderful creations from you. Well it's pouring with rain in Oxfordshire now. I need to cut a tag out to add to my granddaughters Izzy Bag that I made for her birthday on the 10t JUNE.. But my cutter is in the back of the car, left there after we met on Wed. I bought everything else in bar that. Stupid me. It needs to be done today as we're off to London tomorrow ready for our rail trip to Rome & Sorrento. Oh well. Better go and do some packing. Pete never says what he wants to take, so he takes pot luck with what he wears.

    1. Hi Pat,
      Just popped in to say hope you and Pete have a wonderful holiday in beautiful Sorento. I've never been but from photos I've seen it looks stunning. Have fun.

      Love Sheila xx

    2. Hello Pat,
      Have a wonderful holiday, it will do you both the world of good.
      Muriel xx

    3. Hi Pat,
      if you feel your suitcase being extra heavy it will only be me ,I 'd love to go to Italy by train tihi You and Pete, have a wonderful trip !
      Maria Xxx

  29. Ladies, I am such a dingbat, had a bit of an emotional telephone conversation with my sister yesterday and it knocked me for six, I wasn't with it for rest of night!!!
    It was clearly CHERYL that made the gorgeous gifts and not BRENDA !!!!
    What was I thinking!
    Back to normal this morning though!
    Love and hugs and apologies for the mix up!
    Sandra xxxx

    1. Sandra, no apologies needed, we all had a bit of fun with it last evening and knew you meant Cheryl but sorry to hear that it was an upsetting night for you . Glad you are back to normal today.
      Love and hugs
      Saba xxx

    2. Hi Sandra,
      Don't worry in the slightest! We've all had the most tremendous fun and I've been laughing my head off ! Can you recommend the best glue to stick it on again! You are NOT a dingbat - well if you are , we are too and you're a very lovable one!
      I'm sorry you've been upset again! It's so upsetting when things go on and on and others get involved. Sending you lots of love and hugs!
      Cheryl I have really said it last night but your gifts for the Mily May are really lovely! I don't do Facebook either , I'm sorry!
      Brenda , Littlelamb , I read your final post on yesterday's blog! I am so very sorry to hear about your Aunt and that you wouldn't be able to talk to her on the phone on account of her hearing problem. You are faced with a very long trip to see her and you won't even have your sister for company , if I've remembered correctly!
      I hope you will be able to get to see your Aunt if that's possible . It will be a long tiring day as well as an upsetting one! Thinking of you , my dear and praying these arrangements will work out for you and your sister. Sending lots of love, Myra xxx
      Pat - all the best with the packing and I hope Pete and you have a lovely holiday! Xx
      Will go and read some comments now
      Love to all, Myra xxx

    3. The girls are right, we have had lots of fun, although I was terribly confused for a while.
      Nothing new there of course!!
      Have a good day together. xxx

    4. Patricia,
      Be thankful I'm being good today! Enjoy your day ! Xxx

    5. Hello Sandra, I'm sorry to see that you've been upset again, but don't worry about the blog. We've had such a good time and the Tena sales have rocketed with all the laughter. It's been such fun. Thank you!!
      Muriel xxx

    6. MYRA:- you don't have to be good ..... I am crazy and I know it.....LOL!!! xxx

    7. Sandra I'm so sorry you have had another upsetting phone call again.
      Don't worry about the blog & your not a Dingbat your lovely. It has been a fun day in the cafe today so thank you for the laughs.
      Love Lynda xxx

  30. Hi Pat, Hope you and Pete have a lovely holiday. I have never been to Sorrento, it sounds a beautiful place. Did go to Rome a few years ago with my sister. Who at the time was Mother Provincial for UK, and fellow Sister from her order. They had meetings almost every day. I got up each morning went to Mass had breakfast with everyone and was on the bus into the city by 9am. I had a fantastic time sightseeing mostly on my own, I really felt like a free sprit, In the evening the Sister would want a blow by blow account of my day. I have some lovely memories of my time in Rome. I hope you both return with some lovely memories of both Rome and Sorrento. Have a safe journey. LOL xxx

    1. Brenda, And isn't the pasta fantastic in Rome. Didn''t taste anything like I get at home xxx

  31. Hi Sandra and all the lovely ladies
    Oh my goodness, I'm glad I'm not the only one who's confused! It doesn't take a lot I know but the number of comments to start the day really threw me!!! Thought I was on sues blog to start with with numbers like that!
    Cheryl the wreath and card are beautiful, what a lovely keep sake. The box for them to go in sounds lovely too - I presume you are delivering them rather than posting - they are far too lovely to trust to the postman! Xxx
    Sandra I hope you are ok today, sounds like you had a good heart to heart with your sister, I hope she helped you. Xxx
    Well it's pouring with rain here, I must get my bottom in gear and get going before I end up helping with revision again - I'm beginning to dream of being chased by record cards with facts on! Haha.
    Ooooh some lovely honey doo stamps on C&C I was looking at them at Farnborough and resisted but thought their stamps were lovely.
    Maria I hope you have not come out too wrinkly after your hot wash! I can see you sparkling from here though! Xxx
    Cheryl enjoy your day out and Janet I hope your physio goes well.
    Right must go and get on, see you all later. Sending lots of hugs.
    Love Diane xxx

    1. sorry Diane I do keep putting on baby powder so not be to shiny, don't want to blind anyone and the wrinkles coming out quite nicely after being hanged for a while before a certain person coming chasing with her iron hihi xxx

    2. MARIAl you are naughty! I was being good today! Xxx

    3. Just thought you'd like to know I'm burning Yankee Candle's ( other candles are available) Baby Powder! Xxx

    4. Love baby powder Yankee candles I have them in the drawers that I keep all the bits for making up my nappy cakes. Hazel x

  32. Hello all,
    Cheryl, you card and gift for Milly May is beautiful. Such gentle shades of pink, perfect for a precious newborn baby girl. You have such talent and you are absolutely right to use good quality ribbon to cover the wreath, after all it will be a treasured keepsake.
    Hazel, I think I am getting the hang of the time difference so hope you are having a good sleep and good morning for later on this afternoon!!!
    Pat, if Pete is anything like my Peter he has nothing to do with the packing and I decide what he will wear, otherwise it could all end very badly. Bet you are so excited, Italy and the Italians are fabulous, love the way they wave their arms about when they get excited.
    I have Italian family, not by blood, rather by default. My granny took in two Italian brothers during WW2. They were part of a large group of children evacuated from central London and the eldest of them at 6 was holding his 4 year old brother's hand and wouldn't let go. Nobody wanted to take two and although my Granny was quite poor and struggled to feed her own 3 she couldn't see them separated so took them both. They were loved and cared for and became part of her family our family became part of theirs. Long after the war was over they used to come for holidays. My granny is long gone and her Italian boys still get tears in their eyes when we talk of her. Peter, the eldest one says the biggest problem for him at that time was trying to get my granny (a Methodist) to understand that he was not allowed to eat breakfast before he went to mass.!!
    Brenda, Littlelamb, I do hope you get to see your Aunt on Sunday. Try and phone the Hospice and ask them to give her your love, I know your cousin said you wouldn't be able to speak to her directly, but the staff ther would be very happy to pass on a message and I think it would ease your mind a little.
    Love for all
    Saba xxx

  33. Saba, if it's any help??? (This is going to be good, I can feel it!!)
    Hazel is a long way behind, you are a little in front, and we in the U.K. are just perfect ha ha.
    I've just had my wonderful lunch (we normally go to the local on a Friday for a pub lunch after I've been in school all morning) but the school's on holiday and George is playing Bowls, so I've had toasted bread filled with tomatoes and CHRISTMAS Chutney. There, I bet that woke you up. How exotic is that. Oh we live high on the hog up here!!!
    Brenda Lello, I could call you Brenda OB, for the Other Brenda! Not to be confused with B.O. lol.
    Muriel xxx

    1. I would maybe rethink the OB one! As I'm being good! ( have mentioned that already) I won't give my reasons! Xxx

    2. Happy Christmas Muriel, and I can assure that my front is not so little. In fact, the older I become the more not so little my front is becoming and I am sure that when I achieve elderly status gravity will not have helped. Any advice on how you coped?
      Myra, I bet you won't be good all day long. I see naughtiness already creeping in!

    3. CHRISTMAS!!! when did that happen ..... I knew this weather was not SUMMER weather.
      Gosh I did not get my cake made this year!!! xxx

    4. It's a bit crazy here today! That's most unusual ! Sue's Christmas Die Launch is going to be too late! Maybe we'll get them at half price? Xxx

    5. Ooooo!! now Sue's Chrismas Dies at Half Price that would be a BIG bonus. I would definitely have some then. xxx

    6. I have just read back to here must have missed this. CHRISTMAS dies going half price as we have passed or should I say missed the die launch??? I thought it was a bit strange that our Koren guest here at the hotel were all wearing thick jackets scarves to eat their breakfasts then got the woolie hats out when leaving, yes I know it's a tad cold, but I did wonder if while sleeping the months had gone past? When I read Christmas dies!! Oh now theirs some one gone past with shorts and flip flops on, I must pop out and see how warm it has got even with the rain pouring down! Glad to read to that Sandra those big girl knickers are well pulled good for you my lovely.
      Brenda you come on here and talk at anytime that's what we are here for and it's good to talk. ((((((Hugs)))))) for those who need I have had two lovely cups of tea and enjoyed just sitting here. Charlie reading what going on in the papers at home via his I pad so both of us are happy. Hazel x

    7. Maureen,
      You had absolutely no idea the mayhem you would cause by having Christmas Chutney! It's been a strange day! We started today yesterday and it's sort of gone from bad to worse from there! Please don't have simnel cake tomorrow! Xxx

    8. Is it EASTER yet??? xxx

    9. Thank you Hazel. Enjoy your holiday.

    10. Patricia that's where the simnel cake comes in! No doubt Maureen is baking one as we speak! Xxx

    11. I knew I could smell Simnel Cake baking ..... so it WILL be EASTER soon ..... xxx

  34. Good day, I think. You had me totally confused last night, but, not too hard is it?
    Cheryl. These gorgeous items are obviously made with oodles of love pouring into them
    Sandra, honey, not another crap phonecall. Perhaps you need to treat these calls the way some of the others handle sales with you in a minute, and lay the phone down. Don't let them get you upset, it doesn't help your health. And we need you here.
    I seem to be meeting lots of folks just now with manipulating or bossy family members, including a guy who has just started working for me. Everyone seems to have loads of problems just now.
    My problem today, and looking for help on this one. I have had a few guests who think it OK to boil MILK in the kettle in their room. It never happened before, just started last year, but that's been 2 this week. Any ideas on cleaning them? You all seem to be so smart about these things.
    Maria, yes, I live above the job, so to speak. No, not in the hay loft. I have a hotel/hostel, and my flat is on the top floor. Hence, travel to work journey, 4 flights of stairs. Also explains the kettles, ironing, daft questions etc.
    How is the book folding going, Janet. Are you using a chart or measuring each page? I found a free sample site which allows you to print a pattern of 4 or 5 letters. Google Orimoto and you will find it. I may even be tempted to buy the full programme. I love books too and hate to see them destroyed, but some are not even worth reading, never mind keeping, so this gives them a better life.
    OK, lunch break is over. Just waiting for today's guests to arrive.
    Hugs all

    1. OMG!!! Janice, boil water in a kettle. Well that takes the biscuit does it not. I am always amazed at how people treat "rooms, villas, holiday cottages"
      I have always tried to treat anywhere I have stayed like my own home.
      Sorry have no suggestions as to how to clean the kettle ... sorry.
      I am sure one of the clever ladies on here will know of something. xxx

    2. Ugh ! Janice aren't some people just awful! I'm sorry I've never heard of anyone doing that except my friend's Mum when she had Alzheimer's and she couldn't help it!
      If my Mum burned milk in a saucepan she put cola in it and brought it to the boil . It was then easy to clean, however not sure if you could do this in a kettle! Cure may be worse than the disease! Vinegar cleans a kettle too but don't boil it just let it stand and then rinse out and boil a couple of times after rinsing! Best I can do my friend, but maybe someone else can help! Xxx

    3. Janice, been there with guest who think it's ok to do what they want. Now if I was you I would either check the kettle while you are cleaning it each day, that way you can charge them for a replacement, or tell them as they are leaving you just need to go check their room before they go. We had to put big black crosses on the walls under pictures as we had them take them away with them. So when we knew they were going to leave we would sent someone up to check you could see at a quick glance the back marks then you would ask them to return the goods, now we had mainly soldiers stay doing adventure training, they weren't the problem it was high ranks and their families . Our lodge was an old hunting lodge with old Paintings. Have fun catching them and seeing their red faces. Hazel x

    4. Janice to clean the kettle if you add 1 heaped tablespoon of bi-carbonate of soda to the kettle and fill leave to soak about an hour then boil up tip that out and rinse out the kettle fill again with clean water bring up to the boil then tip that out and all should be well. Bi-carb is good for lots of things xx

  35. Well my comments are going somewhere today but not on this blog that's for sure two went then the third decided that I wasn't with Google anymore so I have had to sign in again, so I will try again,
    Sandra sorry the family is getting to you again, pull up those big girl knickers and just get on with loving you own little family? I think it's not It worth getting yourself worked up and Ill, you had just got yourself over the last upset. ((((((Hugs)))))
    Brenda ( little lamb) I do hope you will get to see your auntie, but please take care driving all that way.
    Cheryl. I am with you a good bargain of good ribbon yes, but cheap no. I would rather use less good than more of cheap. Again I think your wreath is stunning and so is the card.
    Right I will try to send this and hope it doesn't disappear. Hazel x

    1. Hello there Sis, hope you and Charlie have a good day.
      Your right with your advice to Sandra. Her own family are the most import ones at this point in time. xxx

    2. Hi Hazel & Patricia,
      I am fine, it was good to talk to my sister (she lives with mum), she apparently had no idea that anything had happened, which leads me to believe that my mum isn't wandering around agonising over her cruel words! So that makes me feel better!
      But rest assured my big girl knickers are pulled right up under my droopy boobs! Bows there's an image to put you off your lunch! Hahah ! You have to laugh, You ladies brighten my life every single day, I am forever grateful that you poked my face that day Hazel !
      Have an amazing day, (both of you)' love and hugs
      Sandra xxxxxx

    3. Sorry Sandra, I thought it was another bad phone call. Just glad that talking to your sister helped.
      Your Mum probably has no idea of the effect her words had on you. As I said before, sounds like my Mum in Law.

  36. Myra please don't be good life would be to boring if we were all good. Hazel x

    1. Hazel! I am just giving it a try! It won't last - I just know because I can't help it! Your photos are great! Xxx

    2. Don't try too hard PLEASE!! xxx

    3. Patricia! You are so nice! Please believe me - I'm not saying that because I'm trying to behave! If you can cope with me just as I am , warts and all! Oh no! Where will Mayreen suggest the warts are?!
      I will be myself again! Whew!! Xxx

  37. Good morning my Cherubs,
    Oh Cheryl flower this is stunningly beautiful, what a work of sheer love has went into this gift of wonder. I hope that your "gran children" have to be picked back up of the floor like us. I wish you many happy cuddling years with Milly May although this thing about you being made a Great Granny is nothing new because you have always been that great a granny to all your gran children and i don't believe that you could possibly be old enough to be on that next segment of age. The wee one will have something special for her room and can tell all her friends about the wonderful lady that made it just for her. An absolutely stunning gift that will mean so much to this brand new family. Sorry i didn't come in to tell you yesterday flower but i am sending the biggest hug down your way.
    Sandra, we've told you about calming down on the drinking as it doesn't do your brain or walking ;-D any good and anyway we all know what you mean as you work on our wavelength.
    Have had the windows surveyor in this morning at mum's to double check the measurements for the new windows that i am putting in so it's all in place for installation on the 13th-14th of July. Although at the moment i am fed up with people asking Campbell if "he" is moving in or selling it and can they get first refusal. At the moment there is 5 people all wanting first refusal and even my brain can not compute to all 5 of them being told first if they want it, but it does niggle a bit when they are asking him instead of me if i am selling my house as for all the time i have been married i have been told and left in no illusion that our house belongs to Campbell, i have only paid to get it rewired, furnished, carpeted, floored, painted, papered etc since moving in here. I have had to try and get the paint of mum's furniture that his nibs got splattered because he didn't put down dust sheets to cover the furniture. Brain of Britains idea of cleaning up solid oak furniture was to use sugar soap. I ask you, i don't know where his brains or the wee bit that he does have is at times but it sure isn't working in the common sense department.
    Today is a beautiful day here with the shadows of the clouds going over my hills and just giving pockets of sunshine glistening on the hidden gems that you see sometimes. I am sorting out one of my craft hidey holes today trying to get that wee bit more room out of it to shut up a certain OH that i have in here, so i will welcome a latte please and something sweet to keep me going as this could be a long job with the stopping and starting that needs to happen for me to get through to the end. Sam flower i am so sorry that i didn't wish you a happy birthday yesterday but if you are galavanting to the tropics we will be last on the mind and that is how it should be. Have a wonderful time and enjoy to the max and you can tell us all about it when you come back.
    Love and huggles
    Sorry Sandra but they are that exciteable again as they haven't been out for a wee while so if you find some jumping every where just lift them up, give them a quick hug and put them back to behave in their basket. xx[

    1. Hi Norah,
      I will have some of these misbehaving hugs! Thank you - you see my good behaviour will rub off on them too!
      You do have an awful lot on your plate at the moment! How is Kirsten ? Hope she is well. Rory too! Xx

  38. Sandra, hope you are feeling better after talking to your sister.
    PAT hope you and Pete have a wonderful holiday and make lots of lovely memories.
    MYRA. Thank you for your kind words. I spoke this morning to another cousin who lives about 20 miles from me and he said he would like to come with me Sunday so I may not have to drive alone. I cannot at the moment ring the hospice as the cousin who passed the original message to me doesn't know which one it is but will let me know. I will then phone the hospice. I won't know until Sunday if it is a good day to go. Will speak with my cousin before I leave to see how my Auntie is and whether she is up to visitors. He has asked me to do that. SABA thank you also for your kind words and to all the people on this blog thank you. It's good to know that there is someone to talk to and friends don't always want to hear about other peoples problems. Take care everyone. Raining here. I must now go and partly cut out 18 Izzy bags for Wednesday. Just doing a prototype so that I don't mess up the card. I did do one when we first had the instructions but that was weeks ago so need to refresh my memory.
    NORAH good to see you back.
    CHERYL. I hadn't forgotten you but did comment last night on the lovely wreath and card. In case you didn't see it I think they are both lovely.

    1. Hi Brenda,
      I am so glad you are not going to have to go alone. Thanks so much for letting us know. It does seem a good plan to ring in advance before making what is a fairly long journey. Hope and pray you are able to do what you would really like to do. Xx
      Wow! Cutting out all these Izzy bags will keep you busy! You be careful and don't put too much strain on that wrist!
      Lots of love, Myra xxx

    2. Hi Littlelamb,
      glad you have someone coming with you to see your Auntie, will be thinking of you. Still have not made a Izzybag or anything for the matter for days, hope your class do better hihi take care doing all that cutting out Xxx

    3. Hi Brenda. I do hope that your cousin is able to come with you on Sunday, if it is a good day for your Aunty. Don't go straining that wrist please. Take care xx

  39. Pat. If I hadn't packed goodness knows what would have gone in the cases? Yet Charlie comes behind and asks if I have put certain items in, but then tells when we get here why did I pack that as he wouldn't be needing it. I could give up. Have a wonderful holiday and enjoy every minute off it. Hazel x

    1. I pack for Derek too. We were sitting on the plane once when he asked if I had packed his wallet! (I had)
      He never fusses, just says if we don't have it, well, shops sell it there.

    2. Here's another packer, here!!
      Have to laugh when packing, I have everything laid out. John keeps saying "do you really need this, that, the other". Usually "my" stuff I may add.
      When John was working and away a lot he had a Red Bag for his Toiletries. Everything was always kept up to date so he just had to lift it and pack it. He still insists we take it when we go away. I keep telling him I have already packed all whats in it. But oh! no! it has to come. Tell you what I could have 3 maybe 4 pairs of shoes if we did not take it!! xxx

    3. JANICE:- now there "men's" logic ...... no wallet where does he get the money to buy the things you might have forgotten???

    4. I thought that too but. - I'm / was being good today! Xxx

    5. I think that is his logic. Spend my money instead.

    6. Oh! right! Janice I can see the "man" logic bit now!!! xxx

  40. Hi everyone, just caught up with everyone.
    We had a good day at the shop today, quite busy, but the weather OMG we have had sun, rain, hail which was quite heavy, it is lovely now long may it last.
    Hope you all have had a good day and been behaving (not).
    Take care will try and pop back later, Jess x

  41. Hazel, I forgot to say your photos are stunning, Im sorry I can't reply on your blog for some reason, no place for my name, no Name/URL space
    Jess x

  42. I am here tonight, days plans all went to,"pot" the weather and John not feeling too good.
    Packed him off to bed, he'll be fine in the morning.
    Had to have my dinner all by myself.......!!
    Oh! My! Goodness we have had "monsoon" style rain all day. Rain, Thunder & Lightening the blooming lot. xxx

    1. Oops! Sorry John isn't well. Sorry too you had to eat alone! You have had some spectacular weather! It's quite calm here now but was pretty wet this morning! I'm scared to send love to John and you as our mutual friend/ acquaintance Muriel will take it the wrong way! Get well soon John! Love to both xxx

    2. Hope John is OK, Patricia. Sent to bed without his super, that's bad.
      We've had every type of weather here too today, but had to laugh this morning, as I walked through a cloud of midges, only to be then hit with hailstones. I have no idea what season we are in.

    3. sorry to see John is poorly. I'm not shy , sending lots of cuddles and wish him better ! tihi xx

    4. Hope John is feeling better, there seems to be a bug going about, sort of cold, flu, sore joints etc.,
      Jess x

    5. Hi Patricia. I hope John is feeling better in the morning. Take care xx

  43. Good evening Sandra & lovely Ladies, I have been commenting on the way down. Hope your feeling ok now Sandra.I took the card I made for the lady in the park cafe she said she absurlutly loved phew!! pleased about that. We just got in the park & the heavens opened both dogs & us got soaked.I will put it on my blog tomorrow. I have to finish Harry's Christening card & make his 1st birthday card where did that year go it seems like yesterday we went to see him at one hour just going over to FB & see if I can see Milly - May. Willcall back later love Lynda xx

    1. Hi Lynda,
      how is you back holding up ? aaaah bless Annie and Bambi they must have looked like a couple of drenched ---- hihi xx

    2. Hi Maria thank you my friend. Hope you had a lovely birthday & enjoyed your day in London & enjoyed your slap up meal xxxx

    3. Don't know if you know it but we went to a place called 'Harry Morgan'
      Little bit like a American diner feel over it, very nice. Food was good, ate way tooo much of course and wanted to give some back when the bill came. ooh no I didn't. Pardon me!
      hugs to you and OH , xx

  44. Good evening Sandra and all the coffee shop crew
    Well chasing my tail all day sorry to be late Sheryl your little gift and the card are so very beautiful you really have put a lot of thought and work into them both.
    Sandra chin up just you concentrate on your own wonderful family as Hazel says.
    Brenda thank you once again for your beautiful gift you are so very thoughtful and again I agree with Saba when you find out the name of the hospice do ring them they will pass on your message so pleased you will not be visiting her alone it is so good to have someone with you at times like this. xx
    Well Maureen you really do live the high life what a banquet of a lunch!!!
    Patricia do hope John will soon be ok and feeling bright eyed and bushy tailed again.
    Well that is the rescue helicopter flying low over us again so no doubt they will have been helping out the mountain rescue, some silly person will have done something daft on the fells!
    Must go for now, a visitor has just arrived. No Maureen not the helicopter pilot, my coffee was lovely money in the pot and hugs and cuddles in the corner.
    With love
    Margaret xx

  45. Hello ladies,
    It's all very sedate in here this evening. But then the evening is still young.
    Hazel, your photos are lovely, please please can you find room in your case for a chipmunk, it's gone to the top of my wish list!!
    Patricia, hope John feels better tomorrow.
    Janice, it is amazing what some people will do. We used to let our cottage and we had a few issues the worst one was a couple who apparently had a snail phobia and poured salt all around the edges of the sitting room carpet, around the chair, sofa and coffee table legs. Unfortunately the lady who looked after our cottage didn't tell me about it until it was too late to prove it was this couple. It ruined the carpet as damp kept coming back where the salt had been. As to your kettle I have cleaned mine with bicarbonate of soda before now to remove lime scale. I put about a teaspoon in with enough water to boil and boil it for a couple of minutes with the lid open. If you close the lid the kettle clicks off but more importantly the soda froths too much. White vinegar works as well but does smell until you have boiled the kettle a few times afterwards. I would imagine that would get rid of the milk residue.

    1. Now, now, Saba calm down dear, if you cannot cope with a little pigeon coming to visit, how on earth will you cope with a chipmunk?

  46. You know something, I used to sit at night and read a book. Not now. I read this blog, and keep going back in case I have missed an added comment, sometimes even the previous night's comments (or morning's like today)
    I am entertained, made to laugh, confused, offered advice (I will publish a full research paper on removing baked milk from kettles shortly, thanks ladies), sympathy when required, given cake and coffee and end the evening with a small(ish) refreshment. Where else can anyone get all this. I love it.
    Hugs for all

    1. Janice! BC -.Before Cotswold , I like you did many things! Still do , but this lovely blog has added so much fun to my life! I pop in many times each day and have met so many good friends, including you , EVEN , Maureen! I know I know, I'm naughty but Maureen is a friend , a lovely lady and I'm very grateful for this lovely blog ! Xxx

    2. I agree Janice but tell me this where else can you do all this for FREE!
      Don't forget we can also let off steam too and no one takes offence more often than not they agree with us. xx

    3. Janice, isn't it great. There's nothing like a joke, a laugh and friendship, and this is nothing like a joke etc. ha ha ha ha xxx

    4. so true Janice, my sleep pattern have gone haywire since joining this blog , it's great isn't it hihihi
      hugs xx

  47. Hi everyone, just have to share a piece of good news, we have heard that our grandson has graduated with a 2:1 masters in Civil Engineering, we are so proud of him, he also has a job in civil engineering when he gets back from holiday.
    Janice try a Steradent tablet to clean your kettle, I know it works for cups that are a bit stained with tea, let it soak overnight, good luck.
    Will see you all tomorrow, good night, Jess x

    1. Jess! Many congratulations to your grandson on his 2:1 degree ! Lots of hard work rewarded ! Congratulations to Grandma too! Xxx

    2. Jess, Congratulations to your Grandson, he obviously takes after you. xx

    3. Thanks for that x

    4. Congratulations to your grandson.

    5. Even better than an 'ology.
      A proud granny.

    6. Jess congratulations to your grandson, you are definitely one proud grandma xxxx

    7. Congrats to your grandsons grades, fantastic ! xx

    8. Hi Jess. Congratulations for your Grandson, and on having a job to go to as well. Good luck to him. Take care x

  48. Pat have a safe journey and a wonderful time you and Pete enjoy every minute of your holiday, xx

  49. Hi Sandra and all,
    is it still 2015 ? just checking as we have had x-mas and easter once again and the weather is wintery so who knows were we are. I liked the word dingbat, can I be one with you? what happened to your posting has made this day great fun, really so no problems at all. You know we are easy.
    Hope you have had a nice day with Paul at home and looking after the little lambies.
    Such a long time ago so I must tell Cheryl again that the keepsakes for little Milly-May are lovely ! You are very good.
    Hi Norah- are you still moving to your family home when some alterations are done ? The new windows got in alright and the garden tidied up ?
    Hope all is ok with Kerstin ? had the pleasure to see a 6 week old baby boy in a restaurant yesterday and oooh soooo cute and wonderful hihi I love little ones ( when they being good).
    Myra- you must have had a testing day, how do you feel tonight ? any withdrawals symptoms we should be looking for ?
    Wonder how Hazel do with ' the hunt of the Mountie' ? maybe she can bring a blow-up one.........
    It has been a long day and I'm going to say good night ,sit down with a hot chocolate and watch a episode of Downton before snuggle up to hubby, nooot hihi always snoring away by the time I get up .
    Hugs in bundles to all, Maria Xxx

    1. Maria! You are totally lovely! You make me smile and even laugh but you are such a lovely lady! Now don't worry it's not that I'm just being good - I'm not a fibber! I have tried to be good. Hey ho, it was fun but I'm too cheeky to be good all day! In my defence mLud! I would just say I would never knowingly be unkind or cheeky to anyone who may take it seriously . Please Muriel, Maureen, Daffy, Mayreen, don't let me down! Tomorrow is another day - God Willing!
      Sleep well Maria without pain! Xxx

  50. Well our visitor has just left after two cups of coffee and two lots of cake at times I am sure some people think this is a café! lol It is nice to see people but at times I do wish they would not stay so long it does interfere with blogging!!!
    Well it is really quiet tonight so I will say good night and sweet dreams
    Margaret xx

  51. Well personally I think you are all as mad as hatters!!!
    I've ploughed my way through comments, which I've tried to understand, and as for Myra being good - well I suppose miracles do sometimes happen. Janice putting black crosses under her milk bottles and boiling poteen in kettles, and being upset because her guests don't offer her a drink.
    Margaret has got a Rescue helicopter pilot calling on her, lucky girl.
    Oh, and Myra giving me another new name - Mayreen - no wonder I'm confused ha ha.
    Patricia packing Simnel cake in a Red Bag for John - poor John who always does all his own packing.
    AND Myra and Maria (I still think they are one and the same) are hussies, they both want to send their love and cuddles to John. Ooh, I'd watch them Patricia.
    AND Jess's new name is - no name/URL space!!
    Oh Norah, it's lovely to see you on the blog, thank the Lord for a sane voice on here.
    Sandra, I hope the lambs are well, and that you are feeling chipper.
    Well Margaret, I'm going down to heat my bag, which I've used all day on my neck and back. It's a godsend.
    Love to all, may we all behave ourselves and act our ages (29 in my case) tomorrow~!!!!
    Benches cleared, cat kicked oops put out, clock wound up. Dishwasher all set up but not switched on, New tanker hooked up and intravenous lines all ready just to connect. Night, night, sweet dreams.
    Maureen/Muriel/Mayreen/Daffy - you pays your money and takes your choice!

    1. OK Daffy, I was going to suggest a bailies in some hot milk, now I know how to heat the milk, but perhaps not a good idea for you tonight. I will just heat some plain milk for you and hope you sleep well and wake refreshed, and less confused.
      I know the rest of don't help.
      Night night all

    2. MYRA DID NOT GIVE YOU ANOTHER NEW NAME,,, Brenda did that totally by accident ! It was two days ago I think ! I am not responsible for everything you know! Xxx

    3. I am trying to be good but you are stretching my lovely sweet nature too far! Ha ha .
      I agree this a fun place to be! It's hip and happening! Does that make sense to you? If it does you may be in the wrong place! Xx
      Brenda( Littlelamb) sleep well, thinking of you and praying this weekend will bring peace to you and your family. Xxx
      Amidst the madness - we care! My thoughts are with you. Sleep well. Hope the cutting out has gone well xxx

  52. Hi all CHERYL I have just seen Milly May on FB she is so gorgeous like a little doll.congratulations Great Grandmother enjoy every minute you spend with her.
    MYRA it's not the same with you being good all day today have some of Mureens Baylies & be your normal naughty self.
    See you all tomorrow off to bed good night ladies love & Hug's Lynda xxxx

    1. You are too kind my friend!
      You just wait! Can you imagine how hard it's been? Of course not because you are so good ! All the best with your cards my friend xx

  53. Please can I say Ditto to all of the above. This blog is so much fun. We can see each other's work. make comments, offer hints/tips on anything .... then we go off on tangents, it is such a great place to visit. Last night I was tired, but doing a late night check, I had fun then went to bed and drifted into a lovely sleep.... Not many books have that effect these days. Thank you my lovely friends.
    SANDRA This really is a great blog. I never thought I would enjoy talking to
    Virtual friends. But EVERYONE on this blog is so special. BIG, BIG Thank you Sandra for opening up this special Cafe where we can drop in for a Chat, Coffee or a Hug even a moan, and no one makes a judgement . it's great. LOL

    1. Hi Brenda,
      you are more than welcome my lovely, if I hadn't have created this blog I would never have got to know such beautiful souls, I couldn't wish for a better friends, you have made this very trying week so much more bearable! Goodness me I could so use a 'mumma hug' right now!
      You are all so kind, caring and so much fun!
      I really do hope that you will consider coming along to spend some time with us at the retreat weekend Brenda, I would give anything to spend some quality time with you, I know the others would too!
      love you lots

  54. I agree Brenda. It's good reading all the comments. Like chatting to old friends. Night Brenda

  55. Goodnight Brenda, Yes like chatting to old friends. Sweet Dreams. LOL xxx

  56. Night Night to all who are going to bed! Sleep well! God Bless,

  57. Well ladies we went away up into Jasper national park looking for a Mountie - no luck but I will post on my blog what we did see! But first I wanted to see what you lot have been up to? Now Saba the chip monks are cute but big sign up saying leave them alone as they have family here and don't want to be parted from them. Sorry!!., thank you ladies for your lovely comments. The Rockies are amazing and we both love being here. Charlie bought a new camera a couple of months ago so he has been playing being David Bailey. It's only 4.54pm here so as we are not long back in and we aren't going for tea for a while I am back lying on my bed. Hazel.

    1. Hazel - sounds like a lovely day! We really don't want immigration problems with chipmunks! Will try to persuade Saba not to pursue this!
      Enjoy your rest and then have a lovely dinner! Lots of love, Myra xxx

    2. Hi Hazel,
      Wow you seem to have done so much in such a short space of time,
      It must be so fab seeing Chip Monks in their natural habitat!
      It sounds like the Mounties are a much rarer breed than the Chip Monks,
      good luck hunting them out!
      I am going to go and have a look on your blog to see what you have been up to.
      Enjoy your relaxing time, where are you going for Dinner tonight, is the food nice?
      love and hugs

  58. Sandra, we have had a great day, pouring with rain till 10 then it just got better and better, last night we went to the old station house and I had the most amazing salmon, it was coated with maple syrup,mustard and sesame seeds then grilled oh it was yummy, beautiful salad, with different coloured tomatoes, leafs, strawberries, pineapple and peppers. Charlie had the chefs pasta dish which was sea food with spinach and peppers. Tonight is more lie key we are going to the hotel we stayed at in October 2013, they do pizzas eye on one restaurant and very posh in the other. Your right by the way the chip monks are easy to find Mounties are impossible. Hazel x

    1. That should have read pizza etc in one restaurant. Hazel x

  59. Hi ladies
    Sorry been trying to post as I go down but keep getting error messages! Grrrr!
    Myra you have been good today, hope you are feeling naughty again tomorrow, I think our Maureen is feeling lonely ( or worried!) xxx
    Pat, I hope you and Pete have a lovely holiday - at least your not looking for Mounties and chipmunks ! Xxxx
    Brenda I'm pleased to hear you will have company for your long drive, take care, the roads will be busy. I hope you get the go ahead to visit so you can see your aunt xxx
    Sounds like we have all had horrible weather today, it certainly poured today and the roads were covered in large puddles. The sun came out just as I was set up with card making - isn't that always the way. I had just finished chemistry revision too.
    Right I must go to sleep now otherwise will be all behind tomorrow (steady!). Oh yes that reminds me Maureen, have you heard the Mica song "big girls you are beautiful" ? It sprung to mind when you said about fat bottom girls :) xxx
    Night night everyone, sleep tight see you tomorrow
    Love Diane xxxx

    1. Hello Diane,
      I've missed you!
      I've got a question? Why did you think Maureen et al! was lonely because I'd been a good "girl" I'm assuming that would be because she's a little bit naughty too? What about Saba? You know she's not exactly goody two shoes either! Maria? The Jury is still out on that one! Then we have Diane AND Margaret! Brenda L - hmm! I think I'll stop or nobody will speak to me tomorrow! It's no fun being good! Xxx

    2. Bring back the noughties I say or even the nineties,that was a good era.
      Never had two good shoes, do I need to ask joru about that one ? who is he anyway. If new to the cafe, welcome!
      Hope you enjoyed your meal this evening Hazel, it all sound wonderful.
      Waiting for the early posting but think it was a one-off hihi so I'm going again, sleep tight snugglebums or is it big bottoms girls Xxx

  60. Is anyone still up and about? I'm beginning to feel tired as I've had a busy day but this lovely blog makes me smile/ laugh many times! Thank you Sandra - Night Night All, - Brenda - Littlelamb , hope you sleep well! Xxx
    Pat and Pete, Bon Voyage on your Italian adventure! Xx
    Night Night ,
    God Bless,
    Love Myra xxxx

  61. You've all made me smile Just got back from a night out dancing Night night Sleep tight See you in the morning
