
Sunday 31 May 2015

Michele's Pretty Happy Birthday & Siamese Cat cards


Good Sunday Morning Ladies,
Today's cards have been created by our very own Michele, (pharmacy)!
I know the Siamese cat card was a Commission, you did very well to find a specific cat breed Michele, I can that you have used Creative Expressions Pierced Flag Dies for your Sentiment too.
I am sure that the recipient was so amazed to receive such a specific card, so well made too, I must say I am always so amazed that people buy shop bought cards when you can quite readily source such amazing hand crafted cards that can be personalized with as much detail as you like, I find myself looking at people's mantel pieces and checking to see how many shop bought cards that they have that are the same!
Michele's other card was designed for a relative that lives abroad, Michele said she was keeping as flat as possible to help keep postage down, but I believe it was still over £3 to send, goodness knows how much it would have cost had she added some flowers or a big bow!
It maybe flat dimensionally but my goodness it isn't flat by design, that die cut shape looks almost like a lace doily and frames your coloured topper perfectly, the beautifully colour matched background, embossed with the Heart Lattice Embossing folder (Creative Expressions) finishes the card perfectly.
Thank you so much Michele for sharing your beautiful cards with all of us.
Hazel, I look forward to hearing what form of nature you get to see today, oh and look forward to the update on Operation Mountie Watch!
Pat I hope you and Pete have the perfect start to your Italian Adventure, I look forward to lots of updates, (I hope you remembered to pack the I Pad)! have an amazing time!
I hope that all of you left behind have a great day too,
Love and Hugs


  1. Hi Sandra,

    Beautiful cards from Michelle, thank you for showing them to us.

    Love & Hugs

    Jacquie J xxx

  2. Good morning Sandra and the gang, hope you are al well.
    I am late today, this partying takes it toll.
    MICHELE:- love your cards, both beautiful and sure to have been loved by the recipients.
    Everything is set up and looking good ...... have you seen those cakes Wow!!
    Off to have breakfast will be back soon to have a slice of one.
    Hugs in the basket by door, please help yourself xxx

  3. Morning Sandra and all the cafe ladies,
    It's very early for me but I'm off to Bolton to the Great British Craft festival with my crafty buddy Carol...I forgot to mention it yesterday with my day being changed around for Nikki. It will be good to see all the craft stash for real instead of on the t'internet! It's a horrible day for travelling though...rein and wind!
    MICHELE both of your cards are gorgeous and I love the pale green. Thank yo for sharing them with us.
    Behave while out for the day and stay away from the Baileys Maureen...well at least till I get back!
    Left hugs in the basket so please help yourselves....tata for now.

    Love and hugs Sheila xxxx

    1. Hope you have a smashing day Sheila, we went yesterday and really enjoyed it, it was busy but plenty of room to wander round xx Jean

    2. Hi Sheila,
      Hope you have a great day shopping for crafty goodies! I know travelling there won't be the best in this weather but indoors is the place to be today and hopefully it will dry up in time for your return journey! Have fun! Xxx

    3. Hi Sheila
      I hope that you have a lovely day out with Carol, be sure to treat yourself to some lovely craft goodies, look forward to hearing all about it later!
      Love and hugs
      Sandra xxxxxx

    4. Hello Sheila,
      Have a lovely day, don't spend too much as I may need to borrow some. The Baileys is all under control and hooked up waiting for you!
      Is that our Sandra coming in under Anonymous?
      Love Muriel xxx

    5. Hello Sheila, hope you have a great day.
      Looking forward to hearing what you have bought.

    6. Yes! I think so! She is the anonymous Sandra! Xxx
      I think I know who she is!
      Is she trying to trick us?
      Didn't work! - We're smarter than the average bears ! Xxx sic!

    7. Sheila have a lovely crafty day with Carol shame about the weather but will be brighter in the show with all those crafty goodies Enjoy.
      Love Lynda xx

    8. Hi Sheila
      Hope you have had a good day and have bought lots of crafty treats. Looking forward to hearing about it. The weather cleared up here in the end after a very wet start ( bright sunshine now!) xxx

  4. Good Morning from a very wet Somerset.

    I was hoping to go out in the garden today, so I guess craftroom wins the toss hands down. Yay!
    Michele your two cards are so up my street, I love the muted greens and creating dimension with the EF and use them quite a lot myself.
    I will reiterate Sandra in that you are a very clever lady. Take a bow my dear.
    Had another night of restless sleep with my legs aching so much so I'm going back to bed for a little while after I've collected my Sunday paper.
    Will pop in during the day.
    Love & hugs Cheryl xxx

    1. Hi Cheryl, definitely not a day for gardening here either! Sorry you had a bad night . Hope you feel tons better after a snooze! Xxx

    2. Hello Cheryl my dear,
      Just rest up, don't do too much, and craft, craft, craft xxxxx

    3. Cheryl, I hope you have been taking it easy today.
      (((Hugs))). xxx

    4. Hope your feeling better Cheryl,sorry you had a bad night,hope your feeling enter now.
      Hug's Lynda xx

    5. Exit - stage right! Xxx

    6. Then enter - stage left xxx

  5. Morning Ladies

    Goodness-bit of a shock seeing your own csrds on here! The first card was for my Sister in Law who lives in Florida (Mum to baby Liam, who I made the baby book for). When I had a few days off work recently I had a huge sort out in my craft room & the white diecut came to the surface of the pile. I started playing about and ended up with the card you can see. Embossed the background to add interest rather than layers -as it was it cost me around £3.50 to post!

    The second card was a last minute request from someone who works in the hospital (staff have a sales + wants section on the hospital website). Looking at the card now-I wish i'd framed it as I think the edges look bare. The only details I was given for the card was-siamese cat/green/large card. Yhe buyer liked it so thats what counts.

    Yesterday at the garden centre-I have to say the Julia Watts must have been on her best behaviour! She did have her daughter with her so maybe that helped. I watched her make a few things & use texture paste. The texture paste prompted a few questions-things she'd just explained so I was waiting fit her to be "snotty" but NO, she just explained it again! I bought far too much but I have two good reasons a) there was 20% off the dies and b) if you spent over £50 you got a free goody bag!!!!!! Initially I felt guilty but then I thought "life's too short" so I'm feeling ok about my splurge.

    Very wet & windy here today (the weather ladies-not me) so as soon as I've done my usual housework I'll be heading to my craft room.


    1. Hi Michelle,
      I'm so glad you had a good afternoon yesterday. Pleased you got some lovely bargains and a goodie bag!
      It's a horrible day today and so dark in my kitchen this morning. The trees make it dark as they are now in full leaf!
      Your cards are lovely Michelle. Your matting and layering is lovely. It is so neat and I love the colours you have used in both cards. When you add your postage - your card is a gift as well as a card. Thank you for sharing them with us. Love Myra xxx

    2. PS! I love the way you have used the flags like little banners! Xxx

    3. Hi Michele,
      Love both your cards, and am especially impressed that the EF is the right way up. I used to have the hearts the wrong way around, but I am ultra careful about that now.
      I'm pleased you had an enjoyable day at the Garden Centre and that Julia behaved herself. But what else could she do when Captain Michele was there lol.
      Muriel xxx

    4. Of course-she must have heard Captain Coffey was going to be there!!


    5. Glad it went well Michele. Do you think she has had a coffee in the Cafe??? xxx

    6. Maybe she was afraid the " Coffey " would have her! Xxx

    7. Glad to hear you had a good day at Julia's stall. Shame you had to spend FIFTY pounds to get a 'free' goody bag. (I have noticed that myself at Craft Fairs, they don't do 'goody bags' now unless you but something) I'm hoping you got something nice inside it! xxx

    8. Michele so pleased you had a good day yesterday and that the cheeky little body as Derek calls her was on her best behaviour after all civility cost nothing, but I still don't like her. ,I do hope you enjoyed your spend spend, spend, moments such a pity you had to spend so much to get your goody bags.
      Your cards are simply wonderful, the colours are just perfect and the designs are very well thought out, love them. xxx

    9. Hi Michele
      Beautiful cards today and green is obviously the colour of the day with Sue using it too! Isn't it shocking how much postage costs these days ( oh no! I've turned into my Gran - she used to say things were shocking and we used to tease her about it!!!) I had to send a sympathy card to USA not so long ago and was taken back by how much it was, but not the sort of thing you can do in an email!
      It sounds like you had a great day yesterday - I'm sure it was hard forcing yourself to spend money on dies to get the goodie bag - I hope it had some good goodies in it after all that .
      Thank you so much for sharing your lovely cards with us xxx

  6. Janet Ecco of Sheffield31 May 2015 at 08:40

    Morning everyone and all who come in for sanctuary from the weather today. I think I've slept through Summer and Autumn as it's Winter here again today. Was it all that confusion the other day re night v day or Easter v C.

    Michele I love both your creations. Your Efolder is one of my favourites and one of the very early ones I bought when I started with Dies etc. Your colours are so soft and gentle and just suit that gorgeous Puss Cat.

    Have a good day Sheila in Bolton - hoping you get lots of bargains.
    Sandra - I hope your lambs are behaving themselves. Christina says could we have a picture of them before they have to go to School please and are they Posh lambs or Textiles. Her two woolley boys are the latter.

    I'll just have another Latte and sit in the corner and do a catch up on any comments I've missed over the last few days. I'm sure that if I fall asleep someone will nudge me. So before I do that hugs are in their usual place just for the taking and as it's Sunday they are on offer take on get two free.

    1. Hi Janet,
      I meant to say yesterday, but I forgot, that I loved the idea for your granddaughter's Birthday present! I love the idea of the cases to be used as portable storage and all the goodies inside for crafting! I may just pinch that idea! I was going to use a box but your idea is much better. Thank you! Xx

    2. Hi Janet,
      Hey up lass, wake up and let's have a natter!! I like the idea of special offer on hugs so I've taken you up on it. Thank you.
      Muriel xx

    3. Hello Janet,
      Hate that feeling when you loose "seasons, days & even just time"
      Never mind we are "here to cheer". xxx

    4. Steady on! Janet's not hibernating! At least I dint think so! Xxx

  7. Good morning Sandra and everyone who pops in. Michelle just love your cards my favourite colour too. Very wet and windy here in Wigan too. Went to the Craft Festival in Bolton yesterday and really enjoyed ourselves, had a good spend and saw lots of personalities from TV. Intend having a play today, too tired last night. Hope everyone is well. Pat and Pete hope you enjoy your holiday and that Hazels enjoying hers. Plenty of hugs in the basket near the door, feel free to help yourselves,
    Jean x

    1. Hi Jean,
      So pleased you enjoyed your day at the Craft Fair! It's not that far from me either as we have family at weekends I didn't arrange to go. So pleased there was room to move around as that is often a criticism of these Shows! Enjoy testing out your new goodies! You've picked a good day for that! Love Myra xx,

    2. Hello Jean,
      Glad you had a good day, enjoy playing with your goodies.
      Muriel xx

    3. Hello Jean, glad you had a good day.
      Happy crafting xxx

    4. Hello Jean glad your day was good at the craft fair enjoy playing with all your goodies. Hug's Lynda Xx

    5. Hello Jean
      Enjoy playing with your goodies when you have recovered. It is really exhausting isn't it wandering around and spending money! Do let us know if you got any bargains. Love Diane xxx

  8. Morning Sandra and ladies,
    Michele your cards are lovely. I find that if I am doing a special order the person wants so much on the front I have to say that it would look awful, less is more so to speak.
    Well it seems like we are having a rainy day here again, craft room is calling, I really need to tidy it up a bit, I just dumped all my scrapbooking stuff on the floor when I came back yesterday, so that needs to be put away.
    Coffee finished so I am off to see what was happening in the cafe yesterday as I didn't get back in later.
    Shiela enjoy your day, Pat have a brilliant holiday
    Hugs to all, behave till I get back.
    Jess x

    1. Hi Jess,
      I've never done any scrapbooking ! Well not proper scrapbooking. I made a sort of scrapbook for my brother when he was 50. I had so many photos from Mum and Da's house it seemed like a good idea. Trouble is I now know I could do a much better job today! Hey ho!

  9. Good morning ladies
    Sandra I hope you are having a lovely weekend, it looks lovely in here, and those cakes smell delicious, I'll just have a slither of one with my cup of tea, don't want to spoil my appetite for later. I am cooking roast beef and of course Yorkshire Puddings.
    Michele, your cards are lovely and I love that shade of green you have used. I am not a fan of green generally but combined with the White as you have done here it looks so crisp. Glad you enjoyed the demos yesterday, and well done for treating yourself. I went into our local craft shop yesterday, it is a huge shop on two floors and I bought..... Drum roll ....... Nothing!! You would not believe just what rubbish they sell here.
    Wish I could join all you lucky ladies at the craft fair in Bolton. Have fun.
    Well ladies enjoy your Sunday whatever you do,
    Love and hugs
    Saba xxx

    1. Can't find the passport so had to take out a lump of beef ! (boiled beef, horseradish sauce and little aunt Bessie's yorkies )
      hugs Maria xx

    2. Oh Maria, not auntie Bessie, they are terrible,
      There is a fool proof method of making your own, take a small teacup, fill it with flour (plain)
      Then add a pinch of salt, pop in a bowl, use same teacup and fill with milk and eggs, tip all wet ingredients into bowl and whisk well, leave to stand ((covered) before use are a little water to get to the consistency of double crea!
      Give it a try, it works every time!
      I hope you don't have aunt Bessie roast potatoes too!

    3. AND Maria, whatever you do, do NOT wash the yorkshire pudding tin. Is Health and Safety around, because I have to admit that my tin has never been washed in nearly 49 years!!! Just given the occasional wipe over.
      Muriel xxx

    4. I use James Martins granny's recipe. Works perfectly every time.
      Although I make a smaller mix. Think she must have been feeding the five thousand!!

    5. Brenda! I thought they had fish? Xxx

    6. Janet Ecco of Sheffield31 May 2015 at 15:23

      Maria - washing Yorkshire Pud tins is counted as one of the worst crimes you can commit Never Never Never wash these very precious tins. Along with this you Never Never Never wash a metal Tea Pot out either. I have a Swan Brand tea pot which was given me when I moved out of home and got my first house (that's 49 years ago) it is still used and has NEVER been washed out only rinsed round in cold water. Tea would never taste the same if it was.

    7. Here someone who can NOT make Yorkshires.
      I have a fear of the "spitting fat"
      I just use Anuty Bessie's
      Passport In my hand unfortunately no flights to get me to Saba's on time. xxx

    8. I use Delia's recipe and it never fails I mix it in a jug and then simply pour it into the YP tin, never fails and never spits on me xx

    9. Forgot to say I just wipe the tin out also I just wipe my bread tins out too never wash them either! xx

    10. Well, my mother used to say "the thicker the meat, the stronger the man". No, it doesn't make any sense to me either!! ha ha xxx

    11. Well you learn something new every day! My hubby will be delighted if he doesn't have to wash up the Yorkshire pud tin but mine always seem to stick ( I know, fat not hot enough!) but they usually rise. I use a recipe from an egg cookery book I had from the egg marketing board many moons ago when I did my o level domestic science. The recipe was probably a Mary berry before she became famous !
      Tea pot just gets a rinse never a wash! Xxx

    12. Dainty, the reason the yorkshires stick is because you - well your husband - is washing them. The "seasoning" they get from continual use stops the sticking. Now you know!!!
      Muriel xx

    13. It's no good. I've been biting my tongue all afternoon. Dainty the reason your Yorkshire puddings stick is because you are not in Yorkshire. Patricia, the reason your yorkshire puddings spit at you is because they want to be in Yorkshire. Now my Yorkshire pudding are quite well behave despite the fact they are not at home, because they know full well they were made to a traditional Yorkshire receipt, written by a Yorkshire woman and made by a woman who not only was born in Yorkshire but who's heart when she makes her batter is definitely in Yorkshire. Janet, being a full blown member of God own County will no doubt back me up and I bet her Yorkshires are spot on.
      Ps. I once screamed like a banshee when my husband tried to put my tins in the dishwasher, could have ruined 20 years or so of tin loving care.xxxx

    14. Now I didn't know that about Yorkshire pudding tins! I've really learned something today! What chance did I have - a Scot living in Lancashire! Having said all that my Yorkshire puddings are not bad at all and it was my Mum who lived all her life in Wcotland who taught me how to make them! However I'm sure Kosher Yorkshires like Saba's will be vastly superior! Xxx

    15. She actually lived in Scotland! Xxx

    16. Myra, who told you my grandmother was Jewish??
      She was, she really really was.

    17. Oh Wow! How funny! I don't mean it's funny to be Jewish - just me using the term Kosher!
      My pudding tins will never be washed again and I shall ask my lovelyDIL if she knows about this trick. Xx

    18. Now my wok is another issue, that just gets wiped and was seasoned with salt and oil many years ago! Might try the same with my yorkie tins although as a southern softie there's no hope really!
      Myra did your grandmother feed you lots of chicken soup? Xxx

    19. Why? Do you think I'm beginning to cluck! Xxx
      It's Saba's Grandma who was Jewish mine were both Scottish.
      However , yes, chicken soup was made regularly as soup is in Scotland. It's cold you know! Xxx

  10. Good Morning Sandra and Everyone,
    Hope you are well today Sandra and that the lambs aren't wearing you out!
    Michelle's cards are beautiful and I've left a message above !
    Brenda - Littlelamb , hope all goes well today! The weather is dreadful if you are going to be travelling! Take care. Thinking of you .xxx
    Well, it's a bit more like Autumn than Summer here today! As Michelle has already said, windy and wet! Ugh!
    It would seem it's a good day for crafting all over the UK.
    How's the weather in Germany Saba!?
    If it's any good we'll come in a charabanc for lunch! Yorkshire puds made by a Yorkshire lass sound yummy to me!
    Have a good day everyone,
    Love Myra xxx

    1. PS - when I typed charabanc - predictive text changed it to chakra bands!! Clearly not a word it comes across often! Xxx

    2. Hi Myra,
      Predictive text amazes me sometimes. And occasionally give me the giggles.
      The weather here is a little unpredictable, one minute beautiful blue skies and T shirt temperatures and then chilly wind and grey clouds. We have had some lovely evenings though and been able to enjoy sitting on our balcony, glass of wine in hand and watching the swifts diving around the courtyard.
      So get that charabanc filled up and on the road. Drinks about 7pm and Dinner around 7.30.

    3. Forgot to say, I use a very old Yorkshire receipe for my puddings, it was the one my granny always used and they never fail.
      I'll dig it out for you if you like, I have it somewhere written down but do it "by eye" so to speak now.

    4. Hellooooo Saba,
      Oh you make it sound so posh where you live, with a balcony and swifts in the courtyard. We just watch the seagulls leaving their deposits on cars, windows and unsuspecting people!!!!
      I always make my yorkshires "by eye" the way my mother did. It's more the consistency I think than the actual measures. George and I have our flight booked and will be there about 6.55 p.m. Get the balcony prepared!!!!
      Muriel xxx

  11. Morning Sandra and all
    Hi from a very wet and windy MK too so want be going far then hopefully into the kitchen and make some cards.
    Michele- you have helped me this morning as I have a card to make for a friend who will be 50 so I will take little bit from both your lovely cards and make one, hope you don't mind. Good you had a nice day, wonder what you got in the goodybag ? tihi noosy me.
    Sheila- have a nice day with your friend, want to know everything you got.
    Cheryl- hope you legs are less painful later on this morning. I sat here until 5 this morning so. Enjoy your day in your wonderful craftroom !
    lots of cuddles to all our baby's who are born lately, incl lambs and puppy's as my sister just got 6 new ones (all sold)
    sssh, Janet is snoozing in the corner, is Norah there too ? hope she pops in sometime otherwise.
    Hazel- have a good day, what animal will you see today......
    will be back later, coffee was nice ( good beans Paul )
    love and hugs Maria xx

    1. Now Maria,
      This is MK calling and I object to being called very wet and windy when you haven't even met me. Of course you've hit the nail on the head but don't tell anyone else!!
      Enjoy your card making.
      Muriel xxx

    2. You're more than welcome to use my cards as inspiration-am quite flattered. Each goody bag varied slightly-mine contained a Creative Expressions tissue box cover template, medallion stamping kit, mini tub of mica powder, glue dots & 3 mini (doll sized) straw hats. The other bag -oooops, now you know how much I spent! The only different items in the other bag was some sort of embossing pen, 3 Plume pens & 3 mini coat hangers. Mist things I won't use so will see if my M in L wants them.


    3. Michelle you could just use one of the mister bottles filled with water to spray on card before embossing!ma Sue W tip - not mine! Or we could use it to water down Muriel's Baileys! Xxx

    4. Michelle I also use a mister bottle when making flowers and spray a little water onto the flowers after cutting them out before I go over them with an embossing tool, it makes it so much easier xx

    5. Michele,
      You can do lots of things with a Mister Bottle, but if you water my Baileys as suggested by Myra - well it just doesn't bear thinking about. I need to lie down now, I feel faint!!!
      Muriel xxx

  12. Hello Sandra and all the coffee shop ladies,
    Reading down the messages it seems we're all having yucky weather today,
    defiantly a day for crafting. I still have my sewing machine set up in the spare bedroom so I might get on with a project I had planned or I could go to my craft room have some PhDs ( thank you Patricia love that one) that I could sort out. First I will enjoy a coffee and a slice of cake, the carrot cake please. I'm going to sit by the window if any cares to join me.

    MICHELE - Your cards are both gorgeous. I love this EF and use mine frequently. The cat stamp is really lovely. Thank you for shareing.

    SHEILA - Hope you have a great time. At least once there you will not have to worry about the weather.

    CHERYL - hope you are resting your legs. Please take care LOL

    HAZEL - I have enjoyed seeing your photographs xx

    Must make a move, hope everyone has a good day.

    Love and hugs for everyone, Brenda xxx

    1. Have a lovely day Brenda, I've already woken Janet up so she'll be pleased to see you.
      Muriel xxx

    2. Right lot of "clever clogs" we are in this Coffee Shop!!!
      Working on our PHDs
      Sounds good though xxx

  13. Really fed up of this Blogger nonsense ...... Will not let me post
    Trying one more time.
    I am not lost just can't get connected. xxx

    1. Hi Patricia,
      It's not just you, sometimes I have great difficulty. Well I have great difficulty doing anything sensible, as you well know!!!
      Muriel xxx

    2. MAUREEN:- I don't believe a word of it!!! xxx

    3. Patricia, just ignore Myra, she'll go away lol xxx

    4. Ohhhhh no she won't! Xxx

  14. Helloooooooooooo Sandra and everybody,
    Well I have been commenting on the way down (seemingly under Myra all the time, she always seems to get there first!), because that way I remember what I was going to say.
    Littlelamb, Brenda, thinking of you and hope all goes well with your visit.
    Hazel, Keep Right On to the end of the Road because you never know what else you may spot. The lesser known Mountie seems to have eluded you for the time being, but I have every confidence in you and Charlie that you'll be able to snare one!
    Sandra, why are you posting under Anonymous, is it so that your little lambs don't find you, or are you trying to confuse me (not difficult)!
    Have a good day everyone.
    Love and hugs Muriel xxx

  15. MK this is Germany calling, I can't believe Maria called you wet and windy, however forearmed is forewarned and so seing as you are coming here for dinner I have decided we shall eat on the balcony in the fresh air using the waterproof garden seats. Be aware we are on the top floor and it could be a bit tricky coming up 80 steps with George, don't wear a scarf whatever you do.

    1. Oh No oooo! Not another alias! Maureen is like the twelve tribes of Israel all by herself! Xxx

    2. Muriel! MK,
      Any gravy issues today? Thought of you as I made ours! Xxx

    3. MYRA Mureial only washes her floor & walls with gravy she doesn't put it on her dinner it's a MK thingy haha xxxx

    4. Lynda, now that's a cracker!!! George's face when he didn't have any for his mid-week pie, mushy peas and chips was a picture - and not a nice one at that lol. xxx

    5. Now this will make you laugh Maureen, Emma saw a pie advert in the week and they were pouring gravy over it with chips - you should have seen her face!!! It was a real picture " who would spoil all that lovely crispy pastry and those yummy chips with gravy? It's worse than baked bean juice!" Well I had to laugh. Sorry she hasn't been educated properly - we don't seem to do pie and gravy down south! Xxx

    6. Dainty, I'm with Emma. I cannot abide a lot of gravy, and never on pie and chips. But you see George was dragged up, not like brought up like wot I woz xxx

    7. Don't bother about the gravy Muriel will, throw it at you but I was once in a fish and chip shop and someone asked for a pie and they put it in the chip pan when it came out it was oozing with fat they had it with chips, and salt and vinegar on! I could have been sick when I saw all that fat swimming about. xx

    8. Sounds like my Oh he has gravy on pie & chips then vinegar or brown sauce may do both,smothers his Sunday roast with brown sauce too& loves the pie & mash with liquor & smuthers that in vinegar. He was dragged up too like George not at all like me I don't do gravy,sauce or vinegar. I'm quite refined you know.haha xx

  16. That's us just setting off for next place, so will that be Hit The Road Jack !!! Then? Hazel x

    1. Your theme tune " I was born under a wandrin' star! " safe journey Jack and Jill xxx

    2. As long as your not missing "The Green, Green Grass of Home"
      Have a great day. xxx

    3. Hazel, just "Follow the Yellow Brick Road" and keep an eye out for Nelson Eddy!!!
      Have a fabulous time xxxx

  17. Hi everyone, just caught up with yesterday's late posts and want to thank you all for your Congratulations for my grandson, he has worked really hard at uni and deserves his masters degree.
    Margaret, welcome to Sandras coffee shop, we are all a bit mad but I think we have all become really good cyber friends, and we can eat as much cake as we want as it is calorie free, no needs for diets here!!,
    Regarding the book folding I watched Dawn (can't remember her surname) doing a demo on C&C with Nigel, and you could get patterns for the words there, but don't know how much this was, it was last week or the week before I think.
    Off for coffee now (again) will hopefully pop back later.
    Hugs to all who need them, Jess xx

    1. I heard Debbie Moore has some patterns for Book Folding.
      Actually ... I am off to have a wee look myself. xxx

    2. Patricia,
      She was on C&C doing it with Nigel - the BOOK FOLDING, honestly!
      But she gets right up my nose so I switched her off. That's called cutting your nose off to spite your face ha ha.
      Muriel xx

    3. Maureen, I would have done the same. xxx

  18. Hi Sandra and all in the cafe.
    Thank you for all your welcomes, I know I am going to enjoy chatting to you all and yes Brenda Lello I do remember chatting with you. Hazel yes I am Sue's Mum, f eel envious of you in Canada it's a lovely Country hope you get a see a Mountie but as Sue said the other day took me several visits before I did but width the wait.
    The cards are lovely today, just made a batch of fruit scones and left on counter hope you enjoy them.
    Love to all Margaret xx

    1. Hi Margaret,
      Nice to see you again, to see you nice. You will soon realise that I am the only responsible, sane person on this blog. Sue will confirm that, we often sit at the corner table putting the world to rights.
      Also I don't mind what name you call me, in fact I rather enjoy it!!
      Muriel xxx

    2. Margaret, so nice to see you again! Just remember one thing! Not all the lies Maureen tells are true! However she is lovely! I remember seeing you in the photograph that Sandra showed on the blog!
      We aren't cheeky all the time! Xxx

    3. Hello Sue's mum Margaret, great to see you.
      I am Hazel's sister, no doubt she will let you know that's BIG sister!!!
      Mmmmmm!!! Fruit Scones, had one of them with jam ... delicious.
      We are only "cheeky" sometimes!! xxx

    4. Hi again Margaret
      Now don't trip over Muriel's nose will you, she tells so many fibs! I don't know if you were at Farnborough with Sue but I was there too so I may have seen you there. Lovely to see you again and thank you for the yummy scones, they went well with a blob of clotted cream ans jam xxx

    5. Hello Margaret, So pleased you came into the coffee shop again, Now it's getting near to the time Maureen aka Muriel hooks up to her Baileys tanker, so if you want a wee dram get in quick !!! Xxx

  19. Hello Sandra or anonymous,& all the ladies in the coffee shop& welcome Margaret the fruit scones are delicious thank you.
    I Have been commenting on the way down as the memory is a bit rusty these days. I'm not sure what happened to my comment yesterday evening but it vanished the cyba tribe pinched it again. I did say how lovely all your mixed crafts were lovely BRENDA Littlelamb your welcome plaque was lovely it's very fitting for me as I live very near the beach now when I go there & see all the beach huts I will think of you, hope your visit goes well thinking of you.
    JANET your vintage button frame is lovely.
    JANICE wow I love your book folding they are amazing well done you have so much patients.
    CHERYL I have said before your Great Granddaughter Milly May is adorable.
    MICHELE your cards today are gorgeous love them both.
    PATRICA yes Debbie Moore dose do the book folding pattens my friend has just ordered them & there are lots of you tube tutorials on it.
    Sandra hope the Lambs are ok can you post a picture please. We stayed in a cottage a few years ago in Somerset it was owed by a farmer & his wife & they let us watch the lambs being born & let us bottle feed the little tiny ones that got pushed out by the bigger ones it was a lovely exsperance.
    It's a very wet & windy day here did a little crafting this morning finished Harry's Christening card & cutting some bits out for his 1st birthday card but had to leave that as the ironing was calling all done now & put away,now sitting with Margarets rice bag on my back,think I might try one on my feet & legs,Margaret I think I need a complete body rice bag as everything aches, they probably don't come in jumbo size wow lots of rice for that oh & probably wouldn't fit into the microwave hehe. We'll have to go dish up dinner OH just got in he has been doing some painting for an elderly neighbour, haha he is also elderly his self bless him.
    Will look back later & see if my post is still here or not.
    Love & Hug's Lynda xx

    1. Hi Lynda,
      You and I should have a competition to see how many of Margaret's bags we can "wear". I have contrived to put a large one round my neck (not when George is around though!!) and sort of loop the other large one around it so that the tail goes down my back. Ooh it's so lovely!! xxx

    2. Hi MAUREEN well if Margaret can't make me a full body bag & I can get hold of 5" 7" tall & At least 10" 8" wide Micowave I will need at least 30 - 40 separate large bags.
      Mureial What is George doing around Maureens your neck haha xxxxxx

    3. I am upset this hotel doesn't have a micro wave so I cant heat my bag up later. We got upgraded and I think they expect folk in these rooms to call room service if they want a hot snack, Charlie miffed he can't have his all milk coffee. Lynda I am still trying to stop laughing at the seen of all those heat bags. Hazel x

  20. Hi to the most wonderful ladies in the most wonderful coffee shop on the Tinternet.
    Well, today did not go as planned. Firstly the scaffolding bunch turned up to erect a tower outside my craft room. I need the rendering redone on the outside walls so another job off the bucket list regarding house maintenance.
    Secondly, went to visit Freda as it's her birthday today and stayed longer than expected.
    Thirdly, went to post letter for my REA activity organizer, stayed there for a while or two and had the most wonderful discussion of Pete as a dame in our village Pantomimes. Roy was typecast as the King in every panto whilst wife Joy was/still is wardrobe mistress. Anyways, I am now co-opted onto the list for seamstresses for the chorus costumes.
    Originally I started off as Prompt then got persuaded to do a little cameo role onstage. That was the start of me starring in all the weird and wonderful parts that nobody else wanted. I could do or say whatever I wanted, couldn't remember half my lines so ad-libbing became my mantra. As long as I said the byline for the next person to speak, nobody in the audience knew the script so it didn't matter what I did. It was alright on the night! I even got nominated in the Somerset Fellowship of Panto and Drama twice for two of my cameos for Best Female Villain and Best Female Cameo. Lost my nerve since Pete died so background help is ok for me.
    Fourthly, while I was at Roy & Joy's my Fiona rang to ask 'Had you forgotten we're going out for lunch, so hurried home and surprise, surprise, my youngest nephew had come down with his wife for lunch too.
    Everybody has now gone and so I've finally got into my craft room, here to sty till bedtime.
    Love & hugs
    Cheryl xxx

    1. Sounds great Cheryl, so pleased you've had a lovely day,. I'd love to have seen your performance for the best female villain. Somehow that title and you just don't seem to go together ha ha.
      Muriel xxx

    2. Cheryl I think Maureen wants that title for herself (or rathe Muriel does!). Good for you taking a little step back into something you shared with Pete, I'm sure they will have you back on stage in no time! My FIL used to do amature dramatics and once drove home in daylight in full widow twanky dress make up and wig. Frightened some poor lads at the traffic lights when he winked and pouted at them! Xxx

    3. Dainty, George always goes out dressed like that! xx

    4. Poor George! That man's a Saint! Ha ha . Isn't there a story about St George and the dragon! ? Xxx

    5. Oh Muriel, poor George if only he knew what you said about him! Xxx

    6. Myra, Dainty and anyone else who is worried about George, he gave up on me long ago. People always say to him that he's a saint!!! xxx

    7. Oh Diana, I had a chuckle re FIL. At the end of Panto week on the Saturday night we used to go our local, all in costume, and have a lock-in. Pete, still dressed as Dame and Me as Odd Doc, a sort of nutty scientist, walked home and got stopped by the POLICE no less! They had followed us from the pub, in their car, and couldn't ' make out what we were supposed to be. They had a real chuckle that night as the sight of us two staggering along. I think it made their night. It still makes me laugh now, imagining them going back to the station and trying to explain how they nearly arrested a drunken Dame and his scientist companion. xxx

  21. Just about to put the Yorkshires in, Muriel where are you???
    Have been watching songs of praise whils cracking on with dinner.
    Question...why does "Abide with me" make you cry or is it only me.
    I just hope the tears that went into the gravy don't make it too salty!!

    1. Saba,
      Did you get that throat tightening thing and when you sing it your voice goes all haywire. No it doesn't do that to me either (gotcha). It's one of the hymns that I can never reach the end of, and one I want at my funeral. Another is "Lead Kindly Light". Oh Lord, how morbid am I?
      So, on that happy note, I will say "This is Newcastle signing off, but look in later for another happy half hour" xxx

    2. I don't need to sing Abide With Me, to get that throat tightening thing to make my voice go haywire, it's like that all the time.
      SABA:- how was the bra You??? xxx

    3. We seem to be getting a little personal! What bra? Whatever have I missed now! Xxx
      I too love Abide with Me! Xxx

    4. Oh! My! Word! How in heavens name could that stupid predictive text get the word "gravy" to come out as bra You!! xxx

    5. Hey You, it was fine, I just let it out a bit and now I have taken it off all together. Might have to sing swing low, sweet chariot soon!!

    6. Your not the only one who'll need to be carried home!! Xxx

  22. Patricia, made a big mistake, it was Debbie Moore who had the book folding thing, sorry!!,!

  23. Good evening Sandra and all the coffee shop crew
    Well up her in the wild and windy North we have had sunshine most of the day, now don't get me wrong it is still chilly but so lovely to see the sun. Thank you for sharing your very inspirational cards Michele they are beautiful I have commented further up too.
    MAJOR ALERT, if anyone has lost a male about 50 years of age I am sorry to report that he may have been found here in Cockermouth! It has just been on the local news that a body has been found in a hotel and police are treating the death as suspicious! I have not been out today so nothing to do with me I hasten to add.
    Sandra how are your little lambs and please can we see them I simply adore them but definitely not on my plate!
    Saba Abide with me always makes me cry too but that is because my darling grandfather used to sing it, he was such a lovely singer.
    Muriel I trust you have had an uneventful Sunday lunch this week, don't forget to go to Lidl's tomorrow morning will you?
    Lynda if you want some larger bas just let me know, so sorry you are suffering at the moment, sending you some special cuddles and hugs xx
    Sheila did you have a good day out today, I keep wondering what you have bought not that I am being nosey I just like to know you understand!
    Well it is back to school tomorrow, on deliver and collection duty once again.
    Oh my latte was lovely thank you so much, money in the pot and my hugs and cuddles are over in the corner just help yourselves.
    Will try and pop in later
    With love
    Margaret xxx

    1. Margaret it's not George is it? She's been an gorn and dun I'm in!!!! Xx

    2. Thanks for the reminder Margaret, we are getting the girls to school, then going to Lidl, then it's the Doctors for Nurse Dracula to do her worst, then home and a nice cup of coffee, a couple of hours doing nothing (if I get the chance), lunch and school volunteering for 1 p.m. I must remember to breath somewhere in the middle of that!!
      Muriel xx

    3. I hope it's not George bless him! xx

    4. Margaret, why are you sorry he's has been found? Were you hoping they wouldn't find him for a while yet? Where is your husband ??
      The plot thickens.....

    5. It's not mine honest that guy is too young to be John!!! xxx

    6. Why did no one tell me that Muriel had married a toy boy!! Xxx

    7. Myra, as I said before, I wish!! xx

    8. Thank you Margaret your very kind xxx

  24. Hi again, Oh dear what did I do now but I'm sorry we like the little blighters and I don't have any cleaning to do of them at least afterwards haha. I do use her roast potatoes too sometimes but today they were ,pleased to tell you boiled .
    Maureen- I'm so sorry ! hihi never thought your name was the same. In future I will say Mk instead, is that better ?
    Michele- your secret is safe with me ! Hope you enjoy your crafts.
    Margaret P- I also saw you at AP. Nice you came back today. I used to do cross stitch too before started buying things for cardmaking, not making many. Enjoy being in Sandra's cafe'.
    Oh Lynda- a body heatbag , will the DB have room too ? hihi hope you feel better soon.
    Littlelamb- thinking of you, hope today went ok.
    Coffee and Chelsea bun finished, money in the pot. Might be back later but if not I wish you all a good night and lots of hugs to you all, Maria Xxx

    1. Haha Maria I thought my droopy bits had been forgotten but hoping they might melt in the heat bag & become little pert bits. But a Bit late for that I think. I'll ask Mureial xxxx

  25. Hi everyone.
    I've been home since about 5pm had a cuppa and a ciggie ( now you know my only vice! ) I then promptly fell asleep.... I really don't like this aging thing but had a great day and we always enjoy the Bolton craft show. Now for all of you 'nosey' but lovely ladies who want to know what I bought..
    Peony die SW
    Canadian background SW
    Wine bottle & glass die
    Corner die
    Baby butterflies die...all by All occasion dies
    Fluttering corner die...Memory Box
    Mini envelope 2 ....Spellbinder
    New tool n one ....supposed to be a better version!
    2 Docrafts dotty die storage + extra magnetic sheets
    A3 white pearl card, A4 white pearl card, pale green pearl paper and pearl card.
    Glamour dust
    Glue gloss... This looks like a lip gloss but I s easier to use than a glue pen.
    Well I think that's about it.... Maureen have you got the Baileys ready I'm truly in need of a bucket full!!
    Love Sheila xxx

    1. Sheila,
      That's quite a haul!
      It all sounds lovely. I would love the peony die too. I bought the Canadian background die and love it! Sounds as if you had a good day! Great! Xxx. Relax Maureen has poured you a glass bucketful!! Xx

    2. Wow! You will need a stiff drink after that spend.
      Myra, I think Sheila might need a pint glass rather than that "posh" wine glass!! xxx

    3. I said it was in a glass bucket! Have you been drinking Patricia, dear!
      No , I think Sheila has just posted once!
      Oh dear, my nose is growing! Xxx

    4. Myra, surely not, you growing a longer nose, Impossible xxx
      Relax Sheila, intravenous Baileys all set up for you,, look under your chair, do you see it?
      Muriel xx

    5. Oops, sorry Sheila meant to say that your shopping haul is pretty impressive, but I did say not to spend too much as I may want to borrow some. Hey ho, such is life!

    6. That's an impressive shop Sheila, have fun playing. Will the wine drip out of a die cut wine bottle and glass???

    7. It'll be okay Diane, so long as Sheila doesn't remove the cork! Xx

    8. Wow Sheila what a lovely lot of wonderful goodies I got the dotty die storage at AP they are great.i would love the peony die look forward to seeing your cards Useing them on pinserestI enjoy playing with your new stash.Love Lynda xx

    9. If anybody would like me to send you some closed and open peonies, I have been cutting out loads of them now have a boxful waiting for someone to stick them on cards. The closed ones are all in different colours while the open ones are in white.

  26. Hi everyone.
    I've been home since about 5pm had a cuppa and a ciggie ( now you know my only vice! ) I then promptly fell asleep.... I really don't like this aging thing but had a great day and we always enjoy the Bolton craft show. Now for all of you 'nosey' but lovely ladies who want to know what I bought..
    Peony die SW
    Canadian background SW
    Wine bottle & glass die
    Corner die
    Baby butterflies die...all by All occasion dies
    Fluttering corner die...Memory Box
    Mini envelope 2 ....Spellbinder
    New tool n one ....supposed to be a better version!
    2 Docrafts dotty die storage + extra magnetic sheets
    A3 white pearl card, A4 white pearl card, pale green pearl paper and pearl card.
    Glamour dust
    Glue gloss... This looks like a lip gloss but I s easier to use than a glue pen.
    Well I think that's about it.... Maureen have you got the Baileys ready I'm truly in need of a bucket full!!
    Love Sheila xxx

    1. Ooh Sheila, didn't you do well!! I need some of that glamour dust. Do you just sprinkle it all over and end up glamorous. Definitely gone to the top of my wish list.
      Wouldn't mind one of your ciggies either. I don't smoke, used to, but not any more, enjoy it.
      Like the idea of glue gloss as well.

    2. Oh I'm all of a tizzy hic, is it me, is it a bird, or has Sheila's comment posted twice. Well, you can never have too much of a good thing can you. xxx

    3. I thought I had a bucket full of Bailies Hic hic seeing Sheila's comment twice wow Shelia did you go Bolton craft show twice hahaha xxxx

  27. I never drank all the wine in that pint glass ..... but for goodness sake I am seeing double!!!
    Please tell me Sheila's post has come up twice!!! xxx

    1. Nope, you must be seeing double.
      Nope, you must be seeing double.
      Only kidding
      Only kidding

    2. Ooops so sorry Patricia....I did it on my phone and I didn't think my post had come up so I pressed the button again.... so honestly you are not seeing double it did come up twice!! Maybe I need something stronger than the Baileys!! Lol! xxx

    3. Sheila dear, the Baileys is plenty strong enough if we are all seeing double, double!!! xxx

  28. Myra, dear heart,
    I am sick of scrolling up and down to have a conversation with you so I will reply to your last comment here.
    Now, what trick are you going to ask your lovely DIL about,
    a) not washing your tins,
    b) the fact that your (or in this case my) grandmother being Jewish means you make the best Yorkshire puddings or
    c) being psychic
    Answers on a postcard please...

    1. Diane, it was my grandmother not Myra's and now that you mention it we did have a lot of chicken soup!!,

    2. I know it's very confusing and then Patricia asked you a question about your bra!!
      I'm going to ask Victoria if she knows about not washing the tin. Her Mum is from Norfolk! Probably better on turkeys! Boootiful!
      No , your Yorkshires will be better than mine - it's just a fact of life! You are from God's own County! No contest. Xxx

    3. Sorry Saba I'm easily confused and to make it worse I've had a glass of wine lol! Xxx

    4. At last, I have been waiting months for someone to admit that in the beginning He created Yorkshire.
      I am going to do a happy dance, sans bra, whilst lighting the candles.

    5. Just ONE Diane! You are not alone! Xx

    6. Saba, Wow! What a picture I have in my head! Xxx

    7. Now everyone know that I live in God's own country. (hunched down in the bunker, tin hat on and bullet proof jacket) xxx

    8. I would just like to say - Poor Hazel! How is she ever going to make any sense of this lot tonight!
      Also Brenda, Littlelamb , I do hope she's got on alright. Xxx

    9. All I can say is that anyone who can dance around sans bra is very adventurous ha ha xxx

    10. Oh oh " I see trouble ahead" . Xxx

    11. Muriel, pay attention, how many times do we have to explain to you the diffence between a county and a country. I hope we never have to get into counties, countries and continents otherwise it could get very complicated for you. Have another baileys love.


    13. A little further down Karen has confessed to being in love with a dog! I'm concerned as well as evidently psychic! Xxx

    14. Well I'm definitely confused now ....more than my usual state! but I had a good laugh to finish off a good craft shopping day. Bless you all and night-night dear ladies. Hic!

      Love Sheila xxx

    15. HI Sheila,
      It looked like you had a fab shopping day, you will love that Canadian Background Die, its gorgeous, I am in the process of making a Pearl wedding anniversary card with it!
      Did you get the stamps that go with the peony dies?
      they give a little more detail to the flowers!
      Enjoy your purchases, remember to send me the photographs of what you make!! please x
      Love and Hugs

    16. Night night Sheila! We have had fun tonight! Sleep well! Xxx

    17. Good night Sheila no !!! don't take the new die's to bed it will be very uncomfortable.
      Sleep well my friend xxxx

  29. Well, so much for all the PhD's on the blog. I am very much a BA. I've been in there and messed about, and did some more messing about, and have got absolutely nothing to show for it. I honestly don't know if its with seeing double or having a double Baileys.
    Muriel xxx

  30. Definitely the double baileys Maureen....I'm beginning to see double too! xxx

    1. Ha, ha, isnt it great. I saw double this afternoon when George and David were together and we were only drinking coffee!!!! xxx

  31. I'm coming back but OMG I'm in love with a dog called Matisse! And little Skippy - BGT

    1. Karen , the tears are running down my face! It's been mad in here tonight and then I read your in love with a dog!! I'm taking it Skippy. - is not the bush kangaroo from my children's childhood? Xxx

    2. Ha Ha Myra I' was watching Britain's Got Talent (well it is Sunday and all I want to watch is mind numbing tv - can't concentrate on something that needs a few brain cells to enjoy it) and (they won actually) an act with a dog called Matise and a three legged dog called Skippy. Their trainer perform a beautifully choreographed story that melted my heart.

    3. Oh Karen that actually sounds really good! It was just how it came in when everyone was in such a muddle ! I was killing myself laughing! My husband thinks we are all mad! He could be right! Will need to look out for your dog! Xxx

    4. And now I've read your comment Karen I can delete my tape of tonight's BGT final. Bless you xxx

  32. Good evening Sandra and any one who is still in the cafe? Or are you all sitting on Sabas balcony drinking wine afer your amazing Sunday dinner??? It's only 1.43pm here and it's very hot being 24c. Now ladies I am going to confuse you all again with this time thing! It's 9.46 in the cafe, 10.46 with Saba and as I said only 1.46 here reason being I am now 1 more hour behind you lot, went through a time zone on the way here. It would have been 4.46 if we were at lake Louise. We have had a lovely drive across to Vernon which is in the middle valley bit between the Rockies. We are booked into the hotel and just having a cup of coffee / tea. You lot are likely in your pjs lucky you if you are, we are meeting up with Charlie half sister tonight for meal, but being in my pjs sounds better.
    Michele, I love both your cards they are great designs, I love the cat one!
    Sheila, you have had a good day, I am so pleased for you.
    As for Yorkshire puddings ( I have my tin hat on) I to use aunt Bessie's, generally there are only the two of us for Sunday lunch and I can't see the point of making them. I have a true Yorkshire friend who makes the most amazing ones and I could never get mine like hers, and as for her onion gravy, oh my mouth is watering at the thought!
    Oh other thing, we saw our third bear last night and this morning one was taking his life in his paws and was crossing the rail road tracks, couldn't get photo as we were on the main high way, then later on one was down at the water edge again we couldn't stop to take photos, but five in three days it's like buses none then they all come together. Right I am going to have my cup of tea. Hazel x

    1. Hazel, please please don't get out of the car for a stroll around. I am so worried about you. Never mind onion gravy he won't mind either way.
      As to your time zone, I had just got it in my head, now I am going to have to start all over again.
      Big bear hugs, Saba xxx

    2. Hazel, don't you worry dear, as I've said before its enough that we know that you are behind, Saba is in front, and we are just perfect. You just keep an eye out for bears sneaking up on you.
      Muriel xxx

    3. Oh Hazel,
      I guess you will have to 'grin and bare it' through dinner with the half SIL, will this be your one and only meeting?
      Is it these Yorkshire folk that have their Yorkshire Puds first with gravy, then the roast dinner after?? not sure, although I am married to a Yorkshire Man!
      Loving all the bear spotting Hazel, just don't get too close!
      I am all confused about your time zone now, how many miles did you travel?
      Have another lovely day, thanks for taking the time to call in and update us, Love to Charlie x
      Lots of love to you too xxxx

    4. Yes my friends have the Yorkies and gravy first, they lived next door to us for a few years, and I loved when they ask us round for Sunday lunch, her well David her husbands roast beef was always melt in your mouth. Didn't know Paul was a Yorkshire man, Saba will be pleased she has some one on her side? Hazel x

  33. Hi Sandra and all the lovely ladies
    Well I started to make comments then my battery ran out but I'm back up and running now - oh I know Muriel it's not my batteries, it's the iPad battery!
    Sorry I'm late, I wandered in to M&S at lunchtime and ended up with a new swimming cozzy and some shorts that hopefully don't make me look like a football player! Expect snow tomorrow! I escaped chemistry revision this afternoon to make some thank you cards - kept it simple as I had a lot to make! I've now got to write them! The sun finally came out this afternoon so I got some shirts dry - comes to something doesn't it when hubby gives you a weather forecast from the cricket on TV!
    Sandra I hope those little lambs are doing well , presume you were anonymous because you were over at mats place feeding them. Xx
    Hubby has just laughed at the Yorkshire pud tin tip ( try saying that fast after wine!) I think he will try it - anything to get out of washing up! He liked the idea of book folding too last night but couldn't fold books so may visit a charity shop although that's a project for later in the year!
    We've heard over the weekend there's train strikes this week that co incident with exams so it's possible I will be doing a lot of driving and waiting. I don't mind, I would rather fill the car with Emma's friends and make sure they get there rather than have them all panic and get in a state before their exams. It's times like this I'm glad I gave up work last year, it saves so much hassle and I don't get all the agro that went with it!
    Right I'm off for an early night, chiropractor in the morning so will be in later.
    Night night, sleep tight, see you tomorrow
    Love Diane xxx

    1. Hi Dainty, I remember when Rachel was taking her GCSE's (is that right, I'm still in the world of GCE's and RSA's) and the bus didn't arrive to get her to school in time. She ran home (days before mobile phones) and I rang the school to explain, got the car out to drive her and she got there in time to sit them - phew. And she passed!!! It's a nightmare isn't it? xxx

    2. Night night Diane,
      And, if your hubby likes the tin tip, try him on...
      Ey up, Tin Tin Tin. Translation from Yorkshire into southerner ..
      Google gracious, it is it not in the tin! Xxx

    3. Why are you googling Gracious! Who's that? He he xxx

  34. Hazel!
    You have my admiration! You have made sense out of today's comments!
    I'm seriously impressed with all these bears! Pleased you had a good journey and hope you enjoy your dinner later! Please don't add to the confusion here by throwing time zones into the mix! Xxx

    1. Myra,
      Just think how much we learn on this blog. International time zones, cooking recipes, hints and tips, and a million other things. The only trouble is with my memory I'll have forgotten it all by tomorrow!!!! lol
      Well Saint George has arrived so I'd better close down and get the light switched off.
      I've tidied the benches, filled the dishwasher - stand back Maria, don't go near it! The cat is out and the clock is wound up, so I'll leave the rest of the tidying to the night owls.
      Back to school run tomorrow.
      Muriel xxx

    2. I think I will head off too.
      It's been fun, hubby and I between us have eaten 12 Yorkshire puddings, so I am stuffed! See you all tomorrow,
      Night and God bless

    3. Night Night, Diane, Muriel and Saba! We've had fun! Xxx

  35. Myra. I was confused to begin with, all this gravy, Yorkie puds and not to wash the tins? Gosh I have had that many tins over the 45 years I have lost count! Have Pyrex dishes that long. And my big mixing bowl is still in use after all these years too. No it took a bit of working out, but I got there. Hazel x

    1. You have my admiration ! There were conversations going on all over the place! It's been another fun day here! I'm waiting to see if Brenda comes in ( Littlelamb ) as I'd like to know she has got home safely! Xxx

  36. Just thought I'd pop in I have read all of your comments but after a very sleepless night I had a phone call last night from my bank to say my credit card had been fraudulently used and it unsettled me Also means I am without a credit card for the mo as they have cancelled this one! At least the bank noticed quickly But my brain is now "I must sleep mode" So just to say MICHELLE your cards are lovely. Just bought the pierced flags and itching to try them out
    Hope everyone that visits Lidll tomorrow are lucky enought to get their stash

    Night night

    1. Oh Karen I'm so sorry! That is awful! It makes you feel sick . It happened to me once and it is such a pain! I hope you have a good sleep tonight! Night Night, my dear! Xxx

  37. Brenda, I hope you are ok ! I will check back every 10 mins or so to see if you come in but you may be so exhausted you've just gone to bed! That's fine too! Xxx
