
Tuesday 5 May 2015

Special Birthday Wishes....

Good Morning Ladies,
I baked this Victoria Sponge Cake for a very special occasion, I heard that it is a Very Special
Persons Birthday today, this person is someone that is loved very much by all of us, without this
very special lady, there would be no Retreat in October, I would like you all to join me in wishing...


I hope that you have a truly lovely day, I am guessing that's what all the Cake and celebrating was
about at the weekend, well I have my sources and I wasn't about to let your Birthday slip by uncelebrated by me and all of your friends here in the cafe, the cake is real, I baked it yesterday and
asked Paul to photograph it with the candle lit, so that you could 'Make a Wish'! I do hope you like Victoria Sponge!!!! 
But just in case..........
I baked a Chocolate sponge too!

They will both be in the counter for everyone to enjoy, once Hazel has blown out her candle and
made a wish! I hope you enjoy it everyone!

Now it feels like my birthday today too, Paul has popped an extra days leave in so that we can spend a day to ourselves, we used to have many days to ourselves when Paul worked shifts, but now that he works permanent days, we share his days off with the rest of the family at weekends, which is lovely but I really missed the days when it was just the two of us, so thats what we are doing today, nothing much planned, we have a few jobs to do at the allotment if the weather allows!
What ever you are all doing today I hope you have a good one, especially you Hazel!
Love and hugs to all 


  1. Happy Birthday Sis, and anyone else who might have a birthday today.
    Hazel,please don't be angry, you deserve the recognition.
    Sandra, your an absolute angel baking such gorgeous cakes. Mmmm!! wish I was nearer I would be first in line for a piece of that Chocolate sponge.
    Ok, better get things set up.
    Urn on, Coffee Maker ready, cups and mugs set out and of course those cakes are looking good for the customers to share.
    Will take my cuppa over to the corner. Do you think I might need the "tin helmet"???
    Hugs in the basket by the door as usual.
    See you all later. xxx

  2. Morning Ladies

    Happy Birthday Hazel-hope you have a wonderful day. The cakes Sandra has made for you look delicious.

    After I returned from work yesterday (which went OK) I found hubby writhing roubd in agony-the dreaded kidney stones have returned! Spoke to NHS Direct who thought it was best to stay at home & the usual advice but see his GP today to get a referral to Urology asap. Have hardly slept & have decided I'm not going into work so I can take him to see the GP.

    Never a dull moment with eh?!


    1. Oh Michele, not what you needed when you got in, I haven't had kidney Stones, I have had Gall stones , my lord that pain was worse than childbirth, broken femur, infact I thought my time was up!
      So if the pain is anything similar, he has my full sympathy!
      Love and hugs
      Sandra xxxxx

    2. Michele, your hubby has my most sincere sympathy. The pain of these stones is unbelievable.
      Hope all goes well at the GP xxx

    3. Poor hubby, sympathize with him on that, Kidney stones give out very excruciating pain, thought I was being cut in half with mine, only the morphine shot from NHS direct doctor gave me any peace. (That was actually start of my C word problem later on too, misdiagnosis)
      BIG (((((hugs)))) to him. xxx

    4. Michele I hope your hubby is sorted out quickly the pain from kidney stones is dreadful, male equivalent to child birth so they say. Big hug to you both. Love Diane xxx

    5. Oh Michelle, That pain is horrendous. My brother and I both suffer, and that really is the word. Very strong painkillers required.

    6. Oh Michele I've heard how painful kidney stones can be when a neighbour once had them and they were even giving him morphine on the way to the hospital in the hope he gets help really quick to ease the pain. Love Sheila xx

    7. Michele, I hope he son gets some relief from the pain. I sat with a neighbour when he was waiting for an ambulance as only his children were at home at the time, and he was writhing in agony. I felt so useless.
      Love Maureen xx

    8. Michele. Sorry to hear your husband is in so much pain! You are so right to get him to the doctors today. Stick to your guns and get him seen. Hazel x

    9. Hi Michele,
      So sorry about your poor husband is in such pain. Hope he can be seen ASAP . Love Myra xx

    10. Sorry to hear this Michele. Hope you are able to get him to the Dr today.

    11. Hi Michele
      Poor you, not what you needed after a full day's work. I've never had Gall Stones, and by the look of everyone's comnents I'm glad I havent. I do hope you get to see a doctor quickly, and that you get an urgent appointment at the hospital.

    12. Hi Michele,
      Your poor hubby. Hope you managed to get an appointment for him and he gets seen very quickly by the urologist. In the meantime get him to drink plenty of fluids, especially water, it might just help flush them out if they are small enough to be passed.
      Love Saba xxx

    13. Hi Michelle, You must feel shattered, I know our reserve batteries seem to kick in at such times. Do take it steady. LOL
      What about your poor husband? was he able to be seen by GP?
      Thinking of you both, Love and Hugs,Brenda xxx

    14. Hi Michele, Hope everything went well at the doctors. Bill had this .
      once and he was screaming in pain, so hope all is a bit better now.
      Thinking of you both love Wendy xx

  3. I dear it maybe me that needs the tin helmet !
    I do hope she isn't too cross, I just thought that being as she is such a loving, generous, thoughtful soul, she deserved a little special recognition !
    I think I may go out the back and hide!

    1. SANDRA:- you can come back in ...... Hazel's been in and OK xxx

    2. Sandra and Patricia you have made today extra special!!! It was kind of you to go to all that trouble to bake the cakes too!!
      Also you are a great bunch of ladies and today has shown me just how special you all are. I know the retreat will be a great success, as we will all make it so.
      Now my dress is hanging in the wardrobe and I have woren it a few times as its that kind of dress that if I don't wear the jacket that goes with it and put another one on it looks so different. I loved wearing that day and everytime I wear it. The colour is one of my colours that I feel in good in too.
      I won't be dressed up for the retreat, as two weeks before it I will be in Birmingham at a reunion to do with Charlie's old regiment and I will be in my glad rags for that. No the retreat will be smart casuals. And comfy clothes. Pat. Charlie is like Pete and think we are all mad?
      Oh aren't men so boring!!., Hazel,x

  4. Hi Sandra and all my dear friends
    "Happy Birthday" Hazel have a Truly Terrific Day and I hope everyone spoils you like they should as you deserve it so very much.
    I Love Your Photograph You Look Fabulous In Your Blue.
    Sandra The Cakes Look Amazing Making my mouth water although while I've been cutting down I've stopped eating Cake even when I go to Craft Class I Refuse very difficult indeed.
    Take Great Care My Dear Friends
    Love and Hugs to you all
    From Sam xxx

    1. Good morning Sam,
      I know I keep saying this but it's so lovely having you back everyday!
      Are you pleased with the Royal Princess's name Sam? I thought you would be pleased that they got Diana in the name ! Just as it should be!
      I hope you are well,
      Love and hugs
      Sandra xxxx

    2. Yes My Friend I Really Loved Diana And Everything She Stood For So Its Wonderful William And Kate Has Put Diana's Name In I Would Have Been So Very Upset Otherwise.
      Love and Hugs
      From Sam xxx

    3. Sam, lovely to see you, I'm so pleased to see you are well enough to post today.
      Love and hugs Muriel xxx

    4. Great to see you are here today Sam so pleased you are up to calling in today.
      With love
      Margaret and the corgisxx

    5. Hi Sam so good to see you here I do hope you are feeling much better.
      I'm another one who would have been upset not to see Diana included in the new princess's name as she has been such a wonderful inspiration to William and Harry. Take care lovely lady.

      Love Sheila xx

    6. Lovely to see you in again take care
      Wendy xx

  5. No not cross at all, thank you so much for baking my cake, it as made this day start off really nicely. I am running late as I decided I wasn't getting up at 5-15. I was asked if I wanted the day off but I said it was ok. Now you know what I am thinking now? Yes I should have taken it off. Will be back in later. Hazel x

    1. I am so relieved you aren't cross!
      I just wanted you to know how much I appreciate you stopping by here every day, the fact that you care so much about everything and everyone, you give so much to others, you truly are one very special lady, I feel privileged to be able to call you my very dear friend!
      Love you very much!
      Sandra xxxxxx

    2. Happ, Happy Birthday to you Hazel.
      I wish for you to have a day filled with love and laughter. xxx

    3. Hi Hazel,
      Wishing you a very Happy Birthday, have a lovely day. Such a lovely photo of you too.

      Love Sheila xx

    4. HAPPY BIRTHDAY, you gorgeous gussy you. You are very elegant in your "Alice Blue Gown".
      Shame you are working, we could have spent the day in the cafe out of the pouring rain, eating the cake and putting the world to rights. See you later.
      Muriel xxx

    5. Hi Hazel A very happy birthday have a lovely day although you have to work. I love your photo you look lovely.
      Love Lynda xx

    6. Happy Birthday Hazel. Lovely photo. Hope you don't have to work to hard today.

    7. Happy birthday, Hazel, have a nice day just a pity your working but never mind you can think of the cake your going to eat when your finished and have a baileys and brandy with the cake. Wendy xx

  6. WOW Sandra, those cakes are amazing, I never get mine to rise like that lol! Save some for me ladies lol! Happy Birthday Hazel. Hope you all have a fabulous day.

    Love & hugs

    Jacquie J xxx

  7. Hi Jean, thanks for stopping by today, please help yourself to some of Hazels cake,calorie free of course!
    Look forward to seeing you later!
    Sandra xxxx

  8. Hi Sandra and all in the cafe today.
    HAPPY BIRTHDAY HAZEL. Have a lovely day, even if you are at work. When will you be able to enjoy the yummy cake that Sandra made for you? At a break at work or will you wait until you get home ? Enjoy yourself : )
    Sam, it is so good seeing you feeling up to commenting every day again : )
    Have a good day everyone. Take care xx

    1. Hi Sue,you can have an 'actual' piece tomorrow!
      Looking forward to catching up!
      Sandra xxxxx

    2. Oooh Mrs B, lucky you getting a piece of the cake tomorrow. Not that I'm jealous or anything xxx

    3. Hope there's enough left for me to have a piece Mrs B. Wish I was coming over tomorrow to see you. But I can make it on Thursday.

  9. Good morning my favourite coffee shop people,
    Happy birthday to you Hazel, i hope that you have a wonderful day even though you are working and i hope that you have better weather on the east coast than we are having here in central. What a lovely surprise to wake up to today, not one but two beautiful cakes and since the chocolate one doesn't look too chocolatey i might even get a way with having a slice with out the migraine onslaught. Dearest Sandra, that was a beautiful thought to make Hazel's day with her very one fat free and calorie free cakes. Have a great sin day with your boyfriend, but no hanky panky while the children are out, you never know who might come to the door. ;-D
    Oh Michele having landed in hospital with a severe lot of gastroenteritis and gall stones, giving birth without any pain relief was a gentler pain than that, poor man. Even though i was on morphine by vent it made not a wit of difference to it so i really feel for your OH. Give him a hot water bottle to see if the heat will help ease the pain( sorry if trying to teach gran to suck eggs flower it is not meant) but i hope your GP is of better use than some of ours which are about as much use as a chocolate teapot which is a shame because the chocolate teapot could give you some serious chocolate addiction satisfaction.
    Oh boy i ache all over from the last 3 days and Campbell and his decorating and moving furniture, so it is taking me today to walk one step in front of the other and back to the 'shakin all over' as the song goes. So i will go and have a sleep in the corner, please wake me if i start snoring. I have brought the mischief hugs with me waiting to fill some ones arms with delight.
    Love and crafty hugs
    PS can i have my Tommy Tippee cup today please so that i can drink my latte instead of wearing it, please Sandra,

    1. Norah, you are doing "far too much" please take it easy today.
      Sending you a basketful of (((((hugs)))))
      Patricia xxx

    2. Hi Norah,
      you take care today.After that workout and with lots of emotional days you had ,you have a rest today! Gentle hugs coming your way xxx

    3. Norah have a gentle day today, you really have overdone it the last few days so just sit there and have a snooze, I'll pop a tea towel over you if you start dribbling! Sending you lots of hugs xxx

    4. Norah, lovely to see you but have an easier day today. There's always tomorrow xxx

    5. Norah. Rest please, Rome wasn't built in a day. Hazel x

    6. Norah! You sit down and rest. If you snore - you snore! We don't care. Diane's got the dribbling under control! Xxx

    7. Hi Norah. As everyone else has already said take things easy today.

    8. Hi Norah
      My word please don't try to do to much, feels like our advice is falling on deaf ears. As Patricia said Rome wasn't built in a day. I was reading out to Pete All our comments. He's now decided we're all barking mad. He obviously hasn't been paying attention, as I've been mad fir years.

    9. Dear, Dear Norah, You really do push yourself to hard. You must really listen to your body - AND say to your family you have to stop for a while. I realize it's frustrating - BUT it's better to stop for a while than end up in your sick bed.
      I will help myself to one of your lovely mischief hugs (Oh that's Lovely) and leave you one of my naughty ones !!! (be careful they do like to have Fun)
      Take things easy, everything will get done eventually !!!!
      Love and hugs, Brenda xxx

    10. Norah, please take it easy , if you make yourself ill nothing will get done, so it easier to go slow and you will get there.
      Love Wendy xx

  10. Janet Ecco of Sheffield5 May 2015 at 08:42

    Morning Everyone
    I hope that you have a lovely day. I love your photo. That colour suits you.
    Sandra your cakes are to die for. You can come and bake for me any day or do you only do 'commisions'?
    Date and Walnut would be my request. I wonder what my other cafe sisters would request given the chance.
    Latte is needed as it's back to rain and cold this morning. When is this weather going to behave and change into the season it's supposed to be!
    Hugs are in their usual place. See you all later.

  11. Morning Sandra and all,
    HAPPY BIRTHDAY HAZEL ! oh you kept that quiet I wish you a lovely day ! :-)
    Lets have a big slice to the coffee,
    How much would the postage be if you sent us all a slice of those fabulous
    cakes ? hihi they look amazing and sure they taste good too!
    Hi Sam, hope you are having a nice day too, it's lovely to see you in!
    What a bummer Michele, hope your hubby get help asap. My dad used to have them and it was not nice.....
    Sat here to 4am before tempted bed but not much and now I need to swish the hoover around as SIL and her OH is coming over for the day but will pop in later tonight to see if the M&M's are being good tihi
    Love and hugs to all Maria xx

    1. Maria, It's awful when sleep won't come. Don't do too much today, we want you lively for the party tonight when Hazel calls in xxx

    2. Hi Maria, sorry you had such a bad night! You must be tired out today. Don't do too much! Xxx

  12. Good morning to the friendliest Coffee shop on this planet,
    nay, in the Universe.
    Your cakes are so mouthwatering beautiful, what a lovely gift for Hazel!
    I am allergic to egg products so will leave my slice to the Birthday Girl.
    I hope she has a beautiful day even if working.
    Well back home to a soggy, soggy back garden and its still raining so no excuses not to have a day full of crafting. Washing and housework can wait.
    Have so many cards and 'things to do', don't know reason for that, thought I'd cleared up before I was off for the weekend. Methinks those pesky Borrowers were having the party of all parties whilst I was away.
    Housework today or not? 'Tomorrow, Tomorrow, there's always tomorrow, it's only a day away'.
    Love & hugs to all my friends.
    Cheryl xxx

    1. Hello my dear, just have a lazy crafty day and "do what you want to do" after your lovely weekend. Play to your heart's content in your fabulous new craft room.
      Love Muriel xxx

  13. Good morning Sandra and the crafty crew,
    Sandra your cakes look delicious, I think I would like a slice of the Victoria Sponge please. How sweet of you to bake one for Hazel.

    Happy Birthday Hazel, I hope that you have a wonderful day despite having to go into work. You look lovely in your blue outfit and so nice to be able to put a face to a name.

    It's a wet and miserable day here so I might just catch up on some housework. Six weeks away with only a man in charge does mean there is the odd thing to clean. It was relatively tidy when I got home but the bleach bottle has gathered some dust.
    Will be back later, love and hugs
    Saba xxx

    1. Ha ha Saba, love that about the bleach bottle. I don't think George knows what bleach is, although I use enough of it to sail a battleship!!
      It's lovely to see you "popping" in again as usual.
      Love Muriel xx

    2. Hi Saba,
      I guess that would happen here too. Everything would be tidy and the kitchen wiped round but bleach might be a step too far!
      Happy Cleaning! Xxx

    3. Same in this house!!! xxx

    4. John always tells me I am Bleach mad! have several T shirts and Joggers to prove it.xxxx

    5. Same here apart from the bleach, we have a septic tank so you are not supposed to use bleach lol.xx

  14. Happy, Happy Birthday Hazel. Have a great day (even though you are at work). You really should have taken the day off and just relaxed. Really nice to see a picture of you too.
    Sandra, these cakes look delicious. My sponge cakes never look like that. A talented baker as well as crafts person.
    Hugs everyone

  15. Morning Sandra and ladies, wow these cakes look delicious, Hazel have a very happy birthday, enjoy your cakes before they are gone.
    Quick visit just now, off to my friends craft shop to cover while she does her card classes.
    Catch up later, Jess x

  16. Hi Sandra and all the lovely coffee shop ladies
    A very big Happy Birthday to Hazel I hope you have a lovely day today, you can play the birthday card all day to get those girls to do what you ask, they would after all. You do look gorgeous in the blue dress and yes it's lovely to put a face to a name. I know you dress like that all the time so we will really have to get our glad rags out for the retreat if that's the dress code! Sandra your cakes look yummy, i do like a good Victoria sponge. I'm so glad you didn't have to wear the tin hat for long, it really flattens the hair, we must put some sparkles on it though especially if it becomes the birthday hat!
    Well what is this weather playing at! The forecasters put loads of rain on us yesterday so I thought crafty day, finish of cards and return to dress making. It threw it down through the night. Now it's dry and the sun keeps popping out but very windy! It's not on. If it's dry I will have to go and move all the pots I planted yesterday. Hubby decided to move the chiminere and give it a second coat of paint so he put it right on the pathway to the patio! Now I've got to hope the paint has dried, try and move it so I can get past and lug the pots about! I will be in for cake when I've finished Sandraand a nice quiet sit down!!!
    I hope everyone has a lovely day, especially you Hazel and Michel I know yours won't be lovely but I hope hubby gets sorted quickly. Sandra enjoy your time with Paul, perhaps he will take you out for lunch or coffee as a treat.
    See you soon
    Love and hugs Diane xxxx

  17. Morning Sandra and all the lovely crafty ladies,
    Popping in for a cuppa and a slice of those beautiful cakes. Well I've just ordered an 8 tonne skip!!! Most of us would be ordering Sue Wilson's new dies at this point but not me! Lol! I was talking to my neighbour yesterday and he suggested it and he and his son will spend a couple of days clearing the rubbish left in the garden by Clive's so called friend after he had taken the good stuff ie: 3 vans and 3 cars plus everything that was in them. Let me explain my dear hubby was bootsale mad but in stead of selling items he just use to buy them so I'm afraid he was a bit of a hoarder (BIT being the operative word!) His friend gave me a price for all of it and being so vulnerable (it was only 2 days after dear Clive passed away) I accepted family and my next door neighbour later told me 'the so-called friend' of Clive's had taken advantage of my vulnerability.....but you live and learn and I just didn't know how I was going to get rid of them at the time.An 8 tonne skip is rather a heavy embellishment for a card don't you think? Lol!
    Sam it's lovely to see you back in the cafe .
    Well I really must crack on with the promised explosion box for my cousins 21st birthday. Hope to see you later have left extra hugs in the basket today so please help yourself.

    Love and hugs Sheila xxx

    1. Oh Sheila,
      "Friends" like that drive me mad. How horrible and mean can a person be, well you have just found out by that snake in the grass.
      All I can say is that what goes around, comes around!!!
      8 tonne skip eh, you'll have to use pretty strong card to hold that!!!!!
      Love Muriel xxx

    2. Sheila, how awful to do that to a " friends" wife when you were still in shock. All I will say I hope it brings him nothing but trouble and if Clive has anything to do with it, it won't. He will be looking down on him!!! Waiting for the right time. I bet he won't be round to help fill that skip? Like Maureen has said " very strong glue needed to keep that one in place". Hazel x

    3. Sheila, that is just terrible. How can anyone take advantage like that when you were so vulnerable. And to leave you with mess as well.
      At least it sounds like you have good, kind neighbours to help you get rid of the rubbish.
      Have fun with the exploding box.
      Love Saba xxx

    4. Oh Sheila, that's just awful! The trouble is when you are kind and thoughtful and honest yourself you expect everyone else to be the same! What a shame - glad you are getting some help from the neighbours. With what are you going to embellish this skip! It's need an awfully big Dazzler! Xx

    5. Oh Sheila, there are some real worms in this life who seem to crawl out of the woodwork when we are right on most vulnerable. I just hope this person can live with themselves.
      Sending you A basket full of hugs,
      Take care, and be strong LOL Brenda XX

    6. Sheila my lovely, what an awful thing to do to you, I'm sure there will be trouble for him ahead if as the others say what goes around comes around. It does sound like you have got a lovely neighbour though, they really are worth their weight in gold these days. Hmm I think you might need rather a large blob of pinflair glue to hold the skip on a card! Take care love Diane xxx

    7. Sheila, rest assured it will all come back and bite his BUM!!

    8. Hi Sheila, sorry to hear of your experience, these 'so-called friends' are like vultures when you are at your lowest ebb.
      I was well and truly taken for a ride by chanty-rasslers (Norah's words) when doing my bathroom last year. They all came crawling out of the woodwork to "help" me, doing a favour for me in 'Pete's memory' and all, when all they wanted was to try and scam money from me. Luckily my son was at hand to see them off.
      Karma has a distinct way of coming around and smacking them hard across the face and biting their a**e when they least expect it.

      Definition of Karma....
      Karma: the joy of watching someone get what they deserve.
      The ability to sit back, enjoy the show and keep your mouth shut.
      Special ((((hugs)))) to you lovely lady xxx

    9. Yes when my son-in-law died all these kind hearted people came and offered my daughter help until the price of the help popped up!
      What goes round comes round ,I am a great believer in that saying,
      so I hope they all get their comeuppance xx

    10. Hi Sheila,
      how can some people be so horrid, you see they will get what come to them one day. 8 tonne do sound a lot to put on a card, extra strong glue required I'll say lol Your hubby wasn't much different from us then it's just we are hoarders of crafting things, can't stop buying them.
      take care, Maria xx

  18. Good morning Sandra
    I don't know what to my comment last night only looked this morning & seems to have disappeared. JANET your French home is gorgeous.Sandra will call back later as meeting my Brother & SIL so have to put my ears in & go to the loo
    Then we are off love Lynda xx

    1. Lynda,
      Into what are you putting your ears lol. Have a lovely day xxxx

    2. Love that expression Linda, I know what you mean :) xxx

    3. Tihi Lynda, hope you put your ears back wherever you put them earlier.
      Hope you had a fab. day with bro and sil hugs Maria xx

  19. Morning all.
    Happy Birthday HAZEL... Hope you have a really lovely day today, you deserve it. Whatever your plans are, or whatever plans have been made for you, enjoy every second. Try and make as many memories as you can today hon.
    Sheila... Im so sad and angry to read your comment today, unfortunatly those we think of friends just take what you have and run, never to be seen or heard of again, what they dont realise is that they have just taken another small part of your heart with them ! Unfortunatly we go through life making mistakes and learning by them. All I can say is - it will either make you a stronger woman, or on the maybe not nicer side, a less trusting person, maybe, should anyone else wants to take a 'look' have someone with you that only has YOUR interest at heart and not full of greed and pound signs in their eyes !
    Im sending love to you all today. Off to hit my head up against the brick wall lol (anniversary card) still playing with daft order idea's lol maybe I should start the retirement card as I know it can be as girly as I want : )
    Nice to see Sue's blog numbers were still up yesterday : )
    Hugs all round.
    Lancashire Steph xxx

  20. Hello Sandra,
    it's taken forever to read all the comments and to add little bits and pieces en route to the main part - here!!
    Your cakes look fabulous, please may I have a piece of the chocolate cake with my latte this morning, if that's all right with Hazel - who didn't let on that it was her 40th birthday!!! I'll help myself but you have better cut the cake in case my hand slips and I cut a very large piece ha ha. Money's in the pot so I'll take a seat in the corner and watch the world go by. Mrs B's been in and gone.
    HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU. Well HAZEL, aren't you so posh and very becoming. Methinks you are telling porky pies when you say you are just a normal person like us, I would say you are a much younger relation to a certain lady called Elizabeth who has just become a great grandmother. I bet you are an off-shoot of the Bowes-Lyon family. Living in a cottage, hmmm, it's no doubt a shooting lodge on your country estate. Your Patricia is the same, she has to walk for 3 miles to get to the edge of her property!!!
    You do realise that I'm going to have to rethink my complete wardrobe for the Retreat and get the L V cases out of storage! Anyway, seriously, have a lovely day, and my very best wishes for many happy returns to you.
    Ok, that's me done, Got to get on and do some housework. It's a horrible, horrible stotting down with rain day here today.
    Love and hugs Muriel xxx

    1. Oh Maureen what are you like!!., again I don't know if I want to be 40 again as so much things that I wouldn't like to repeat and go through
      No I am happy to have reached 65. My out fit was the one I wore for Christopher and Angela's wedding, I couldn't afford to shop for clothes at that level all the time!!! So you are ok you don't have to rethink your wardrobe Hazel x

    2. Maureen my lovely lady I've just heard your name read out by Nigel and he's going to send you a little something! Do let us know what you get. I love your handbag tips it did make me laugh telling him how to carry his bag! What are you like xxxx

    3. Hi Diane, I didn't hear him reading it. But then I get bored and switch over to watch the news. I very rarely watch a whole programme. Think that deserves a drink Prost!!!!
      Slightly squiffy Daffy xxxxx

    4. What have you been up to now, young lady? I meant to watch that programme but forgot! I'm good at that! Cheers ! Just the one, Muriel! Xxx

  21. Cup of tea please and can I be greedy and have a very thin slice of both cakes!!! I can't make up my mind what one looks the best as they are both amazing!!.,
    THANK YOU for all my birthday wishes. It was a shock to see those cakes and my photo when I look to see what Sandra had put up today. NOW I don't dress like that every day, couldn't afford to for one and two not what you can wear to do a Nannys job. Put it this way I am in my comfy pull on M&S trousers and a sweat cardigan on. Yes I could have had the day off but I would have upset I think the girls. No shouting to get going this morning so that was a birthday gift on its own. I got a beautiful painting of Gladioli in the blue of my dress and white just stunning, from the girls and money from mum and dad. A craft caddy from big sis, dies and magnetic sheets, oh my iPad and cover, Canadian dollars and I had my massage and afternoon tea. So I have been spoilt. I did say it would have been lovely to have turn my age round to 56, but then thought that would mean I would have to through the last three years again so I will stuck being 65. Well Sandra both cakes are delicious. The fact they are calorie free helps after all I have eaten over the last few days. A bag and box of maltesers are sitting looking at me,will try and not give in and open them just yet. Right I am going to go and get on. Hazel x

  22. Good morning Sandra and all the coffee shop crew
    Hazel Wishing you the happiest of Birthdays, and sending you a birthday hug too. My what a glamour girl you are, you look so beautiful in your elegant blue outfit, is that a hint of a kilt standing next to you too? I do so hope you have a lovely day, lovely lady.
    Michele sorry to hear hubby is having problems I like Sandra have had gall stones so can appreciate the pain he is in. Derek has had several lots of kidney stones so I do know how helpless you will feel as there is not a lot you can do to help.
    Sheila I really do feel for you about this so called friend, with friends like that who needs enemies, have you thought of contacting him to see what he has to say for himself taking advantage of you at such a hurtful time, I wonder what the local paper would have to say about this 'not so good Samaritan'. Unfortunately in this life we live and learn I do feel for you having to learn this hurtful lesson of trust. Onwards and upwards you will get there sweetheart and we are all here for you take care and don't over do things.
    Cheryl you do perfectly right just you take things easy and go into your fabulous craft room and enjoy yourself.
    Saba I know just what you are talking about with the bleach, if Derek does use it you can bet your bottom dollar he get it on his clothes!!!
    Well my coffee was lovely I will call in later to have a piece of wonderful looking cake once the candle has been blown out. Very diplomatic of you Sandra only one candle, enjoy your special time with Paul too.
    My hugs and cuddles are in the basket just help yourselves there are plenty more.
    With love
    Margaret xxx

    1. Yes Margaret kilts were worn by a lot of the men. Hazel x

    2. I don't know why Hazel but I do think men look so handsome in their kilts. xx

    3. Oh yes a man in a kilt looks so smart. The ladies at the registry office were all of a flutter last year when Julian's mum and Colin got married. Colin was in full dress kilt and looked stunning alongside Jean in her cream dress. Julian wore the family tartan waistcoat under a cream tux - very posh xxx

  23. Hi Sandra
    Just want to wish HAZEL A VERY HAPPY BIRTHDAY. You don't look a day older than 21. I hope some cake is left for when I vusit on Thursday. Hint hint, I hope you have a lovely day today Hazel. You do look posh in your outfit. But I breathed a sigh of relief when I read it was a wedding outfit. Thought we'd have to go posh for the retreat. Hope you have a great day with Paul today Sandra. Lovely cakes you've made for Hazel.

  24. Have a lovely day Hazel and if I may I would like a piece of the Victoria Sandwich with my Latte. Your cakes are out of this world Sandra. Hope you also enjoy your day. In fact I hope you all have a good day. Well it has stopped raining but very windy here. Have just finished another Sympathy card (having to make them too frequently these days) and posted it. Must start a Birthday card for my niece when I have finished my cake and Latte. No doubt I will be back later.

  25. Hi Sandra,
    Happy Birthday Hazel!!!
    It's so nice to put a face to a name! Now I can picture you when I read what you have written. You look lovely in your blue outfit - I love that shade of blue! Sounds as if you have had a lovely Birthday and you so deserve it as you do so much for others. Enjoy your day!
    Sandra - what a lovely thing to do! It really made me smile this morning to see the lovely cakes and then Hazel's lovely photo. You are kind!
    It has taken me ages to get here as I left comments all the way down!
    May I have a piece of chocolate cake and a latte please. I'll just check on Norah in the corner!
    Love to everyone,
    Myra xxx

  26. Hi Sandra, okay where is the birthday girl ?

    Happy birthday to you happy birthday to you
    Happy birthday, dear Hazel happy birthday to you.

    NOW Ladies do we give her the bumps?

    Seriously dear Hazel, I hope fabulous birthday sounds like you've had lots and lots of lovely presents. And this your special day continues just to get better for

    Sandra, those cakes look absolutely yummy, like Hazel I would really love a thin slice of both, it's just too difficult to make a decision as to which one. I'll have a cappuccino please. SUE, Sandra has promised to keep you a piece of cake for tomorrow, if these had been made in this house when our girls are growing up there would be nothing left by tomorrow, I had to hide it if I wanted to save some, knowing Lucy and Sophie like cake she may have to make you your own special birthday cake!
    Well had better get on, my dear sister brought over with her yesterday her accounts which means sorting out and then forwarding to the bursa. THEN I can play in my craft room. Right I will be back later to see how your day is getting on, love and hugs to all, Brendan XXX

    1. Who is this person Brendan who keeps haunting me?

    2. Hazel, I forgot to say with all that talk about cake! your photograph is lovely and the gorgeous blue outfit is really stunning, and yes it's always lovely to put a face to a name.
      LOL Brenda xxxx

    3. I think Brendan must be your naughty side Brenda, the one who eats the third chocolate biscuit when you know two is more than enough! It's a bit like Maureen being muriel too but then she adds on Daffy and anonymous so she gets even more biscuits - or slices of cake!!! Xxx

    4. Oh Brendan, it's always lovely to see you.
      Diane, eat your cake, have a drink and pass another piece of chocolate cake over.!!!
      Muriel xxx

    5. As long a Brendan is just like you Brenda we are happy to entertain him. xxx

  27. Hi ladies,
    Well whoever it is that ordered the wind please stop now and tell it to go away. We have had the most awful tree-bending gusts of winds for the last 3 hours coming from the South and it looks like it's here to stay. The poor old sun is trying to get his hat on but the clouds have other ideas. Don't mind it being a bit cloudy now and again, but to cry??? Really??? That's not on!
    Taking a break a moment for a cuppa, will pop back later. xxx

  28. Same here Cheryl. If any one is interested just had email from JS to say that they have now got the Junior Plates for the GC. £19.99. Been waiting quite a while for these to come in.

  29. Hi everyone, Hazel you look absolutely stunning, your dress is a gorgeous shade of blue, certainly one of your colours. Hope you are having a lovely day.
    Shiela, what a rotten 'friend' you had, well as the saying goes, what goes around comes around, karma is a wonderful thing.
    My friends shop was quite quiet today, I think the weather put everyone off, it has rained all day, need to go and sort dinner, hopefully will be back later.
    Take care everyone, Jess x

  30. My house ( or in our case Flat) is now a home again.
    That lovely fragrance of domestos blending subtly with hints of pledge here and there is a veritable feast for the olfactory organ. Patrick Süskind would kill for it!
    I noticed the BBC was bringing an adaptation of his book soon, don't know when but if it is as good as his book it will be well worth watching.
    Patricia, the thought of Sheila's rogue "friend" being bitten on his bum by lots of bric a brac made me chuckle. I can see him in my minds eye running up the street being chased by it.
    Off to prep for dinner now, not much to do as we are having a mixed salad with smoked salmon and prawn parcels. We both need to loose a few pounds.
    Love Saba xxx

  31. Well ladies we have just got back home from a very windy allotment! We had a lazy morning and a very productive afternoon! I have sowed more sweet corn as the last lot didn't germinate, potted on peas and beans, marigolds too, planted about 8 pepper and 6 chilli pepper plants in the poly tunnel, tumbling toms in their hanging baskets, thinned out lettuces, radishes & Pak choi, I think I must getting a bit mean though as when I am thinning out I always replant the ones I have thinned, seemed a waste when you have nurtured them from a seed! I also potted 10 coriander plants on and the same of basil! Paul was meant to sort the fruit cage out but it was too windy, I have never seen so many gooseberries on the bush and blackcurrants, trouble is we use neither of them, loads of rhubarb, anyone want any?
    I am so pleased I made a macaroni cheese yesterday for their tea tonight, as I am pooped!

    1. janet ecco of Sheffield5 May 2015 at 18:45

      Hi Sandra. When you pop in on your way to Spain can you please bring some Brazil plants with you and perhaps pepper and chilli plants. In exchange we can do you a veggie basket straight from the garden to take on your way. How about it. xxxx

    2. Sounds like a very productive day for both of you. Hope you've not overdone it.
      I am the one who eats the veg, it's cheaper for me to pop next door to my farmer neighbour and get a Veg Box full of Home Grown Veg and some Free Range Eggs with the most beautiful orange yolks. xxx

    3. Janet that sounds like a good idea! Xxxx

    4. Oooooh yummy gooseberries and rhubarb my favourites, yes please Sandra. Goosegog grumble and custard - oh that's not good on diet day is it!!! Xxx

  32. Oh I forgot to mention earlier, if you wouldn't mind I would like a make a birthday list, for everyone to have access to as it has been so nice being able to share Hazels birthday with everyone and I would like to be able to do the same with all of you, so come on, let me have it?
    Sandra xxxx

  33. Wow I have to say I was hopeful yesterday with Sue having 286 comments that sum of the 'gold diggers' had stayed on to support Sue day I day out, but no, we have gone from 350 odd at the last post on Sunday to 286 yesterday ( I am guessing they were popping back to make sure nothing else was up for grabs) !
    Down to 170 today, do you know, if I were Sue I wouldn't do a bloody giveaway !
    I know that she hopes every time that people will stay on and support her but they don't ! Not even her No 1 fan in Brighton!
    It's just sad I think!
    Your thoughts please!

    1. Sue is such a sweet person all these "so called" followers will be included in the "giveaway". Me, I would discard all the "leeches" but that's me. Sue will look positive and hope that the winners will continue to follow her. xxx

    2. Sandra I noticed that as well, although it was a quick visit for me today, Sue is so lovely I don't think she has a bad bone in her body and will continue her giveaways, even if it is only the greedy ones who will win.
      Jess x

  34. Evening Ladies

    Thanks for all the messages-you're all very kind.

    Health update on hubby-saw GP this morning who agreed with our diagnosis! He was hoping to book a CT scan & contact us todsy but no word yet. If he couldn't book it then he'll have to refer hubby to a Urologist. Its only 7 years since he last had stones removed-surgically!

    Am exhausted-this caring lark is tiring. Will have to back to work tomorrow but hubby promised he'll work from home just checking emails. Luckily the pain has almost gone now, fingers crossed it stays that way.


    1. Oh! Michele it's been a hard day for both of you. Glad OHs pain is easing little. I am waiting for an appointment I phoned in to tell them I was going on Holiday soon. Took all the details and said the time would be "added" to my wait time. xxx

    2. Michele, Make sure you both get an early night. So pleased the pain has eased. love and hugs Brenda xx

    3. So pleased hubby is feeling a little better it is so difficult when you want to help and cannot I know from experience. Derek had two lots of stones removed surgically first time he had to go to London. The journey down was no joke we got on the train at Carlisle and the interconnecting door kept going wrong, we asked for some bottled water as that was all he was told to drink that day, they had just run out we were told! He was quite sure the whole thing was going to be a disaster! I told him if you pop your clogs don't worry I will bring you home in the guard van! (he love trains by the way) For some reason he was not amused!!
      Seriously I hope all goes well and things get moving really quickly for him. xxx

    4. Hi Michele, glad for your sake as well as his own that your husbands pain is a bit easier. Hope you both get a good night's rest.
      Myra xxx

    5. Hi Michele I'm glad to hear your husband is more comfortable tonight, I hope you get some sleep. Don't tell me, you're going back to work for a rest! I hope he gets sorted out soon xxx

  35. NEWS FLASH:- have the Junior Plates in £15.75 and free P&P
    Someone might have already mentioned it, did not read back. xxx

  36. Hello everyone just a quick visit back to see if there's any cake left but I've just eaten so I'll leave it for the next person. Have spent ages reading all the comments, leaving hugs in the basket for any in need and pleased that your husband Michelle is feeling a bit better. Hope your birthday was good Hazel, bye the way bought a hairbrush ( similar to all in one tool) as suggested and it's great TFS . Till next time love Jean xx

  37. 2 NEWS FLASH - If IconUK sell out of junior cutting plates J Sheen has just got a delivery too at £19.99 xxx

    1. Hi Margaret my word that's dear. I bought mine from BIC WArehouse through Amazon @ £14.50. They come from America but are p&p free.

  38. Just thought I'd let you know that the paper pricking part of the Spellbinder tool has snapped at the end. It really is second rate material that they have used. Now I know I use a thickish card, but really!!! I've had my Ranger one for years and it's as good as new.
    Michele, hope hubby's pain (and yours because when he's in pain, so are you!) is lessening all the time, and that you get a quick referral.
    Sandra, I'm glad you've had a good day, but when you said you were getting down and dirty I didn't realise that you meant at the allotment!!!! Have an easy night, we don't want you ill for your get-together with the other two Graces tomorrow.
    Jean, lovely to see you, pull up a chair and have a drink!
    Myra, this morning Nigel was swanning around with a craft bag on the crook of his arm and asking Geraldine (the girl on the floor, I think she was the magic hands) why women carried bags that way. She said she put bags over her shoulder but he said that the handle wasn't big enough for that. So I e-mailed to say that women carried everything but the kitchen sink in their bags (well I do) and they get too heavy to carry all the time by the handle, so they put them in the crook of their arm to lessen the weight. It was a storage programme so I knew there would be nothing sent out, so will wait to see what they send. I hope it's one of John's cards ha ha.
    What a long winded explanation, but you did ask - bet you don't do that again in a hurry.
    Going to take some headache tablets, be back later. Just realised I've had a headache all day, why does it take hours for it to register with me??
    Muriel xxxx

    1. Muriel, you'll like this! I thought you had emailed in during John's morning Show! So I was waiting for your words of wisdom on my recorded programme! You weren't there - now I know why! Wrong programme Myra! Xxx

  39. ALERT, ALERT Samuel Taylor have junior plates for £17.50 xxx

    1. No wonder you've got a headache with all that shouting and rushing about! Xxx

    2. yes I got mine from amazon the end of last year, its always worth checking amazon and if uk site don't have they put you on to u.s. site and they can be even cheaper and again no p&p. Amazon have a lot of dies at good prices at times. xx

  40. Amazon £14.50 for junior plates. Hazel x

  41. Sandra, now I was waiting till now to ask if you and Paul had a lovely time today. Now I thought you two would have maybe been out for lunch. But no you were busy planting. Charlie is not planting anything this year, he is just leaving the ground to rest. Nothing like home grown veg. Sandra please rest or you won't be able to craft tomorrow. Thank you once again for today. Hazel x

  42. Hello Sandra and lovely café ladies
    Have been leaving comments on the way down, but happy birthday again Hazel hope you had a nice day. Did read comments yesterday but did not come in, when I came back from holiday one young friend had died and I mentioned another had his first chemo treatment, well it was also his last afraid he died yesterday, so I am definitely going away to catch another flight back to Lanzarote.
    Been lashing rain all day, I look after the kitchen at our bowling club and we are now starting the season so have been shopping for the club kitchen and will be doing it another couple of times this week.
    Sandra could you send me up a couple of those gorgeous cakes for our coffee morning on Saturday please.
    love to every one Wendy xx

    1. Oh Wendy, I'm so sorry about your friends. You are having a hard time. It is particularly hard when the people concerned are young. You are in my thoughts and prayers tonight as well as your friends' family and friends. Take care! Xxx

    2. Oh Wendy, I am so very sorry. What awful news, no wonder you want to take the first flight back to Lanzarote. Thinking of you with love and prayers. Saba xxx

    3. Oh! Wendy what a welcome home you have had. Sending some (((((hugs))))) life can be so cruel sometimes.
      In my thoughts and prayers xxx

    4. Oh Wendy I am so sorry to hear your sad news, bless you I bet you wish you'd stayed out there !
      I would gladly bark the cakes for your coffee morning, I like baking almost as much as card making!

    5. Wendy, you are in my thoughts and prayers. The death of young ones is always such an awful time. I hope that empty, leaden feeling soon lifts and you feel happier. Love and hugs xxx

    6. Wendy what sad news that your friend has lost their battle with cancer. I am sorry, you really are having a tough time lately, I don't blame you for wanting to go back to lanzaroti. Sending you a big hug my love, we are here for you if you need to talk xxx

    7. Oh Wendy such terribly sad news for you to return home to....thinking of you and keeping you in my prayers and also sending you a big hug.

      Love Sheila xx

  43. Helloooooo!!! folks, how are you all???
    What shenanigans have you been up to this evening?? When I have done this I will pop back and read your comments.
    I have been very, very busy today. I was really miserable, got all the house stuff done early then it was "me " time.
    I made 4 Izzy Bags and 4 pairs of shoes. Managed to work out a Template for a box to put a pair of the shoes in. Takes one and a half sheets of A3 card.
    I also popped along to help Isobel make a couple of cards this afternoon. Isobel has all the gear, lots of "stuff" but not a clue how to put a card together. John maintains she's only got it all because she has seen mine. Unfortunately she does not know what to do with it. He's probably right she's kind of like that. Mind you she's a Nurse if I tried to do her job I would not have a clue where to stick the "plaster" ..... you thought I was going to say something else!!! Naughty, naughty!!!
    Have you all managed to get your Junior Plates, I got mine Hazel got hers so we are a couple of Happy Bunnies.
    Right off to catch up xxxx

    1. Oh Patricia,
      I was dead chuffed with myself as I'd made two smalll cards, a box and one large card, then I read your blog!!!
      You and Hazel will find the junior plates so good. I've had mine for a couple of years and nearly always use them as it saves so much turning of the dreaded handle. Do you remember I told you about them when I first joined the blog? They are great.
      Are you looking forward to your birthday? Do you think Hazel might drop Sandra a line beforehand??? When is it, I'll order an extra Tanker for the occasion!
      Muriel xxx

    2. Hi Patricia
      I'm trying to work out if your superwoman in disguise. You seem to do all this housework. Making bags, shoe templates etc. slow down or you'll meet yourself coming back, and your making me feel giddy. Are you sure it's not your rushing around thats causing all this windy weather.

  44. Ladies, I am in shock. Not serious shock compared to what some here are going through, rather more the I don't believe this type.
    When we went home at Christmas we took the Ferry and went through the Dartford crossing. It was a bit odd as the toll booths were open but now where to put your money. When we came back it happened again, we had found out it was something to do with a new way of paying but that they were allowing some leeway until people knew what to do. Well living abroad we hadn't heard anything about it and thought we would look into it before we came home next time. We have received our fine today! 103 euros!!!! That's a lot of new dies. Serves us right I suppose for being so stupid. I need a baileys.

    1. Saba the B....gers always get you don't they??
      That's an awful lot of Crafty goodies. xxx

    2. Saba, write and tell them you tried to pay but there was no where for you to do so! Maybe if they had informed drivers properly they wouldn't have had all the problems? I wouldn't let them get away with it. Hazel x

    3. Oh Saba I think you will need a tanker full at least after a shock like that! Why not try writing to the powers that be and explain just what happened, and ask them where is their Christmas spirit! Nothing ventured nothing gained it will be worth a try surely, that is no way to treat European visitors tell them. xx

    4. Oh Gosh! That's an awful lot of money! Surely there should have been someone available to help people understand a new system. That's just awful. I'm sure an awful lot of people will be in the same boat if you pardon the pun! What must our visitors think of Britain. Have a Baileys or two! Xxx

    5. Patricia,
      Here love, have my intravenous drip and don't bother with a glass for your Baileys. I think you should do as Margaret says and write to, now that's the rub, who do you write to, we should look on the interweb for you. That's serious money they are trying to sting you for.
      Muriel xxx

    6. Maureen have you been "sooking" the Tanker outlet pipe again!!
      It's Saba that needs the drink!!! xxx

    7. OMG, I am getting seriously worried here. Who am I, what am I doing here??? xxx

    8. Don't worry you were probably Daffy when you read it and she is just a duck! I strongly resisted putting an adjective before the duck!
      So your not quackers Muriel - Daffy is?
      Don't worry - Be Happy! Xxx

    9. Oh Myra, you really cheer me up, you don't know how happy I am that you resisted your impulse. Tomorrow I'm going to be "Busy doing nothing". I think I have split personality ha ha.
      MauMurDafAnon xxxx

    10. Thank you ladies. I have set up my intravenous drip, hooked it over the curtain pole and it's going in nicely. I have been on line checking it out and it seems we can't do anything about it. It's a central collection agency and the letter is from the the minister of transport here in Germany, so very official looking, and in German to boot. However the slightly better news is that provided we pay it within 14 days it is reduced to 51.33 euros + £2.50 toll charge ( silly sods haven't said how much that is in euros so I expect we will have problems with that one depending on the exchange rate!!!) I shall be ringing the 0800 number tomorrow and that in itself will probably cost more than the fine just to see what they say. It really was confusing. On the way in it was dark and anyone who has ever made that crossing will know how nerve wracking it is with all the traffic and chaos and we really had no idea why the barrier was up. On the way back we were I suppose stupid not to have looked into it over the Christmas period, but with one thing and another we didn't think about it, just expected there would be a way at the barrier to pay it, and the when there wasn't we forgot all about it. We did briefly see a sign, something about all the road works involvolved, apologising for the chaos and something about a period of Grace. The thing is, we can read English. What about all the poor souls who couldn't.
      B.gger, B.gger, B.gger.

    11. Hi Saba I know it's a bit after the event but I think you have to set up an account on line which you put money on then when you go through the tunnel it recognises your number plate and deducts the money. I only know this because hubby has been driving through the tunnel several times a week for the last few months! He was going through the tunnel the weekend it changed so wasn't sure what was going on , especially as the people on the toll booths were just flagging people through to relieve the backlog of cars! I've just told him you've got a fine and he said he's not surprised as they have large signs up now. I think it's a bit like the congestion charge where you have 24 hours to pay it. He's just checking his account now as he's going back through tomorrow! He's got both our cars registered against the account in case he's driving my car at any time. The good news is the charge is lower now than when it was toll booths! I hope that helps but what a pain being fined xxx

    12. Thank you for that Diane,
      I suppose we will just have to pay the fine and then look into how to set up an account for next Christmas when we drive back again. It's a B. Nuisance though, something else to remember to do. Bet it's a real money spinner for them with all the unsuspecting tourists coming in who don't have a good grasp of English.

    13. We often return home from our daughter in Essex via the QE2 bridge (going into Essex you go through the tunnel) When we return its after 10pm and free until 6am. OH refuses to pay the toll so when we go down we take the Blackwall Tunnel then A13. Recently it was published in one of the newspapers how much they had collected from unpaid toll charges. It was a vast amount. They always said that once the bridge was paid for the charges would be dropped. It was paid foe several years ago and the still have the cheek to keep charging. Saba, I feel very sorry almost embarrassed really that you have been charged. The signs are not really visible so what chance do you or anyone have.

      Please can I have a glug of your Bailieys before I go off to bed?

      Sweet dreams, Brenda xxx

    14. Oh yes Saba I expect so, but hubby says the queues are not quite so bad these days, it used to take him abou 1 1/2 hours to get through the tunnel before now it's usually under an hour! Xxx

  45. Wendy, I am so sorry to hear about your friend, it's gets hard when the young are taken before they have had a good life? Wendy maybe you should go break a match, and break the spell. Aren't Sandras cakes amazing?
    I hope everyone got a slice? Hazel x

  46. I know it's been an exciting day in the cafe, not sure if any of you noticed my post about having a list of birthdays so that we can celebrate like we have today? Come on let's have them!,

    1. Hi Sandra, I've sent it to you by email! Thank you . It would be lovely to have everyone's Birthday. Xxx

    2. Hi Sandra I've just emailed you too. Thank you for organising us again it's a lovely idea xxx

  47. Maureen where are you?????
    If she doesn't hurry up there will be no Baileys left for her, what with all the birthday celebrations for Hazel and Saba's shock I think stocks are running a bit low.
    Sandra I hope you are having a rest tonight after all that gardening, we don't what you having to cancel a meeting of the Three Graces.
    Wendy I am so very sorry to hear your news, to be taken so young when they had their life in front of them, but they are pain free now bless them.
    Well girls do remember to keep the noise down tonight as I think Sandra will be having an early night after all the fresh air.
    Good night God Bless, sweet dreams.

  48. Hi SABA
    Please write to the powers that be, and explain that you live abroad and didn't know that you had to pay beforehand. When you tried to pay you couldn't. We're there any signs telling you that you could no longer pay at the toll booths. They should have signs up telling everyone what to do surely. Even I wouldn't know what to do and I live here.

  49. Margaret, I'm here. I've just been hooking a new Tanker up because Saba is now on intravenous Baileys after her horrendous shock at the Dartmouth crossing bill. I've been doing the hokey cokey around the Cafe, but nobody else would join in, and now George has arrived so I'll go and get ready for bed.
    See you all in the morning, sleep tight.
    Muriel xxx

  50. Oooooh Muriel.
    Ready for the in out in out and shake it all about bit are you!!!
    Don't know if I dare post this.
    Here goes.

    1. Sorry Muriel.
      Think I've put my Iv. line direct into an artery instead of a vein.
      Made me a bit giddy. Xxx

  51. Hi Sandra
    I'm trying to work out if Patricua is Superwoman in disguise. She does all this housework and window cleaning. Now she's making Izzy bags, shoes from templates etc. I would if all this rushing around is causing all this windy weather we're having.

  52. I am with you on this one Sandra. We should celebrate each other's birthdays just as friends do. I have had a lovely day. Hazel x

  53. Good evening everyone What a lot of goings on today i have just got internet back on. Maureen,Muriel,Daffy Anon have you left me any Baileys i need some this bloody internet thing it driving me too drink.
    Hazel hope you had a lovely birthday was it your 21st :0)))) xxx
    Saba sorry you got a fine the new system is crazy you have to pay on line i think before you go through it,or by the next day,we wasn't sure when we went AP so wen't through the Blackwell tunnel instead it's free.
    Patrica Supper woman i will have a look at your bags & shoe's tomorrow as i think i might go who now's where.
    Sandra i hope your ok sorry i will read all comments tomorrow,we should celebrate all the birthday's would be nice if we could get everyone's address so could send a card what do you think.
    See you all in the morning internet permitting. I have just put my first pop up box on blog
    love & Hug's Lynda xx

    1. Hi Lynda,
      Have just had a look and it its a fabulous pop up box. Well done.
      I didn't know you could go through the Blackwell tunnel. Must check it out. Thank you.
      Hugs Saba xxx

  54. Hi Sandra and all the lovely ladies ( and gents - can't leave Brandon out)!
    Wow it's been windy here today. I did manage to get my washing dry but if anyone sees any bloomers flying past they probably came from down south!! Although I now hear Patricia is generating wind up north! So much for the rain they forcast ! Looks like tomorrow has changed too. I've managed to finish two cards today so must remember to photograph them for Sandra before I send them off. I've also helped with genetic modification revision, I now know the 5 different methods of adapting insulin (at least that's what I think I was learning! Haha) . It sounds like Hazel has had a wonderful day, Saba is in shock and is now taking baileys intravenously but it's ok because her home smells of bleach and polish, all the websites have sold out of small GC plates, Sandra has been getting down and dirty at the allotment, Patricia has a split personality as wonder woman as has Brenda/Brendan and Muriel/Maureen ! I'm exhausted just reading this so I'm off to bed now. Night night everyone sleep tight see you in the morning.
    Sweet dreams love Diane xxx

  55. Well ladies, I am calling it a night as well. The baileys went in a treat and I am so sleepy now I don't think our fine will keep me awake.
    See you all tomorrow.
    Night and God bless you all
    Saba xxx

  56. Night night everyone. Still very windy here.

  57. Hiya,
    Sandra. nice to see you had a good day potting and planting, lucky you got anything done with the wind today. was it Patricia's fault?
    Our fence in the back of the garden has fallen, the poles are broken.
    Oh Saba , one way to get their money in. Glad the sum got less if paid in soon but anyway....... nice to sleep in your own bed again.
    Oh Wendy, so sorry to hear your news. I'm sending you some extra hugs.
    Is Hazel's party still going on or ? had real cake in your honour but sure not as nice as the once Sandra made, they still look good this time in the morning tihi
    SIL and her OH left a while ago but took me some time to read all comments, you all been busy today so hope you take it easy tomorrow. psss Sandra; 27/5 but not a word to anyone and no need for cake! I'm saying good night my friend see you tomorrow. later today lol Hugs to all, Maria xx
