
Wednesday 6 May 2015

A Lovely Thank You Card

Good Morning Ladies,
Today I have been asked to show this beautiful Thank you card that Cheryl send to Steph to
thank her for cutting her some of Sue's Camellia dies.
Such a beautiful card Cheryl, that shade of blue is just so stunning, I love it, can I ask what colour
embossing powder that you used to emboss your acetate?
Those Blue flowers are beautiful too, you really have an eye for colour combinations Cheryl.
Steph was so blown away by how beautiful it is that she wanted to share it with everybody, which is also very thoughtful, it would have been a such a shame to have missed out on seeing such a gorgeous card!
Well I have got Sue coming to play today and Pat is popping in for a quick coffee, sadly she can't came and join us as she had a better offer! lol and we had arranged for Pat to come tomorrow but thankfully Pete has got his hospital appointment, so we are missing our craft daft for something
way more important and valuable, I am so pleased that the appointment has come through so quickly!
So we will be having some of Hazels cake with our cup of tea in the morning!
I did mention on the blog yesterday that I would like to make a list of everyone's birthdays, for all of us to have access to, it was so lovely to be able to share Hazel's special day yesterday!
Oh my goodness I am so fed up of hearing Party Political broadcasts, I will be so pleased when this bloomin election is over!
Thank you for sharing your lovely thank you card Steph xx
Well I am off to get ready for my friends arriving,
I will call in and catch up with you all later on!
Love and hugs


  1. Hi Sandra and Friends
    WOW Cheryl what a Truly Stunning, Beautiful Card Steph must have been delighted when she received it, as Sandra mentions you have a great eye for colour your a very talented lady, I always think colour is sometimes the worst part, I went to Craft Class for first time in quite some time but left after only making one small Card and I didn't finish that, as I didn't feel to great, but hopefully today is a different day.
    Sandra I'm like yourself I'm so tired of listening about Politics in my opinion they don't care about us they promise the world when they wish you to vote, when it comes on I turn it over or turn sound off, it's not just Politics that gets me started its people wanting money for us to send abroad when we need it here!!! we send millions as a Government maybe I should stop now!!
    Take Care my friends
    Sandra my Birthday is 28th May I'm 60 that's one of the reason we're going away, I also would love to know everybody Birthday
    Love and Hugs All
    From Sam xxx

    1. Sam, lucky you, when are you going?
      Muriel xx

    2. Hello Sam sorry you had to leave your craft class yesterday hope your feeling better today. Also hope your well for your holiday when are you going & where are you going. Hug's Lynda xx

    3. Sam, sorry you had to leave your craft class yesterday . Hope you feel a bit better today. You make beautiful cards and these take time. Praying you will be much stronger in time for your holiday . Sending love and hugs. Xxx

    4. Hi Sam sorry to hear you were feeling poorly yesterday, I hope you feel brighter again today. We've got to have you right for your special birthday and your holiday haven't we. Another Gemini :) we are wonderful aren't we oh yes and modest too lol!!!
      Sending you a big hug. Love Diane xxx

    5. Go Sam, sorry you had to leave your class yesterday. Well done you, you did try. You deserve 10 out of 10 for effort. Hope you're having a good day today LOL XXX

    6. Hi Sam,
      hope you are feeling a lot better today. Take it easy and get your strength back for your upcoming holiday. Are you going on a cruise ?
      Hugs Maria xx

    7. Sam hope you are feeling better and enjoy your next card class

    8. Sorry you didn't finish your class, but take it easy and get in the mood for your holidays.

  2. Good morning Sandra and every one who calls in today. Well back to normal living again for me after my lovely day yesterday. Thank you once again for all my birthday wishes, and my cakes. I see the Baileys was all drunk again!!!
    Well I am not meant to be into work this morning, but I woke up to my phone letting me know I had a text message - time 6.15am, just what I needed, had to get up and look to see who was texting at that time? It was the mum that gives Anna a lift to school. She has a problem with one of the wheels on her car! NOW tell me why didn't she say last night? No waits till the crack of dawn. Messaged back saying I am not on duty. Now I am waiting to see if I am into work as its a bit impossible to do both the school drop offs as the little sister of the one who Anna gets her lift with goes to another school, not the same one as Beth.
    Cheryl your card to Steph is lovely, it's a gorgeous colour to start with, I love your design and your embellishments are just the perfect amount.
    Saba, have you recovered? It looks like they are making drivers pay for their lack of information? Now when we had to pay to cross the forth bridge they had that per paid thing, but you could go to one lane that you still paid cash, so surely they coukd do that? Visitors havevenough to put up with just having to use the tunnel! And like you say not all can read English. No I would let them know.
    Sandra. I hope you are ok, and not to sore. Now who wrote yesterday saying they hadn't had the rain and the ground needed it. Well if anyone would like some of ours they are very welcome. The fields are like lakes, the roads are flooded and I am fed up being wet. ( from the rain I may add) Right I think I'd better go get showered and dressed as I can see I am going to be asked to help out with school runs. Oh the joys of being a nanny??? Everything is set up for the day. I am off out this morning to meet Patricia so I will pop back in later. Hazel x

    1. Hazel, I've said it before and I'll say it again, you are a Saint and they take you for granted, so there!!! xxx

    2. I am in total agreement with Maureen! Now that's a good start to the day! Hope you don't get soaked today! Xx

    3. Same here Hazel. As you say why couldn't the mum let you know last night. Surely she didn't find out this morning at that time of day! Hope you have a good time with Patricia. Wish my sister lived nearer.

    4. Have been telling her that for years.
      However we are getting there ....... at least she is beginning to see sense xxx

  3. Morning Ladies

    Cheryl-what a beautiful card. I love the colour you have used-makes a stunning card.

    Back to normal here-hubby already dressed & checking his emails. No pain now so we'll see what the GP surgery has organised.

    I have a training session booked this morning at woek & no doubt a hundred things to sort out from yesterday.

    My birthday is 11th May & I'll be 48. I'm off work all next week-yeah! Hubby just off 2 days as he doesn't get anywhere near as much holiday as me. The NHS might not pay well but you do get lots of annual leave/holiday.

    Right-best get moving & sort myself out ready for work.


    1. Hi Michele,
      I am so pleased that your poor hubby is feeling better!
      Poor you having training today, do you find it boring?
      Have you hot any plans for your birthday?
      It's nice that you both have the day off together ,
      See you later
      Sandra xxxxx

    2. Hi Michele, Pleased that hubby is feeling better today. Long may it continue. Don't work too hard today.
      Muriel xx

    3. Hi Michele very pleased your hubby is feeling better today.hope your training day goes ok. Hug's Lynda xx

    4. Hi Michele pleased to hear hubby is more comfortable today. Enjoy your training day, try not to nod off. Is it something new they have thought of that's the new thing, but when you attend the training you realise it's the same new thing you did 10 years ago with a new name?! Xxx

    5. So that that your husband is so much better. Hope the Dr has sorted something out.

    6. Hi Michelle, so pleased your husband is out of pain, still should be seen by the doctors just to be sure everything is alright.
      Hope your day is going well, love Brenda XXX

    7. Hi Michele,
      glad your OH is feeling much better, take care both of you.
      (wonder if you are the youngest one in our gang ? tihi)
      Hugs Maria xx

    8. Michelle, glad you hubby is feeling better and the doc has sorted him out. The training will probably be the same as it was years ago, nothing
      really changes. Take care, Jess x

    9. Michelle,I definitely posted a comment early this morning ..... I know I did!!
      If hubby is pain free today he has obviously passed the stones.
      I find one day I am rolling in pain, next day I am fine. Doc says that's because the stones have flushed through . Fingers crossed he is fine for some time to come. xxx

    10. Hi Ladies

      Update is hubby had a few twinges today & the GP hadn't sorted anything out! He was too busy & he hasn't sorted anything out today either. It's times like this that I'm ashamed to say I work for the NHS! It was left to us to chase everything & now we only hope he'll make an effort tomorrow.

      Ok-rant over! Am off out to buy Fish & Chips as a treat cos neither of us feels like cooking.


    11. Hi Michele,
      It sounds like the stone is on the move. It might be worth asking to speak to your GP about an injection at the surgery to relax the muscles or failing that tablets. I used to work in Urology at one time and our patients were invariable given these to help them pass their stones. Of course that is assuming they are small enough and don't require surgical intervention. Hope that helps . Oh and drinking as much as he can.
      Love Saba

    12. High Michele
      Is Sandra saving that you'll be hot on your birthday. Does that mean that hubby gets an extra treat.

  4. Good morning Snadra and the Coffee shop gang, hope everyone is TicketyBoo and raring to go. I am a bit late today, have been tidying away the last of the mess I made yesterday.
    Cheryl:- Wow! Oh! Wow! That's a STUNNING card. I love everything done on it, the colours are so beautiful.
    Michele:- glad OH is feeling better. No pain he might have actually passed the stones. I find I am rolling about in agony one day, next I am fine because I have passed the stones, fingers crossed that's the reason.
    Hazel that's a right Bummer, 6.15 well that for a start is not on!!!
    Sam :- hope the days sees you feeling better.
    Politics ....... they are like a lot of school children squabbling in the playground ...... and THEY want to run our country, it's a joke. Soap Box back in the corner.
    My birthday is 12th September when Hazel and I are on holiday.......had so many it's just another day!!!
    Basket of hugs by the door as usual, I am off to get ready to meet Hazel. Be back later for a cuppa. xxx

    1. PAT:- I am so sorry I meant to wish you and Pete all the best for today. I hope Pete gets started right away on his Medication.
      Fingers crossed and Positive Thoughts (((hugs))). xxx

    2. PATRICIA, Oooh, oooh, I am so happy, your birthday is the same as mine!!! But I unfortunately my year will be before yours, so I am older boo hoo.
      I agree with you re Hazel, and have said so under her post.
      Now who am I today? yea Muriel xxxx

    3. That's why we a so fanatical about the "clothes & clothes pegs" xxx

  5. Morning Sandra and coffee shop ladies,
    I'm off on a coach trip with my dear auntie Margaret (she would kill me if she heard me calling her Auntie as she's only about 3 or 4 yrs older than me!) to Bury. It rally isn't fit to go anywhere in this weather but when we booked it we thought the weather would have picked up by it's thermal draws back on! Lol!
    What a beautiful card Cheryl has made for Steph and I love the colour it's so very pretty, no wonder Steph wanted us all to see it.
    My birthday is Oct 9th and I will be 67! Yikes! That's so terrifying. Will pop back later if I'm not too tired or wet!
    Sam I do hope you are feeling better today after having to leave your Craft Class early yesterday.
    I've put more hugs in the pot so help yourselves ladies.

    Love to everyone Sheila xxx

    1. Enjoy your day out with your Auntie Sheila, I hope you don't get too wet! Xxx

    2. Hi Sheila, hope you and AUNTY Margaret have a great day out.
      Thinking of you LOL Brenda xxx

    3. Sheila I hope you have a lovely day out in Bury! I think you may get a shower it two but never mind , we're British - we're used to rain! Xxx

    4. Hi Sheila,
      Hope your day goes well with Auntie and you are having a nice day out even with the rain, stormy winds and grey sky!
      hugs Maria xx

    5. Enjoy your day Sheila and hope the weather gets better.
      Wendy xx

  6. Hi Sandra and all in the cafe today. Cheryl, your card is gorgeous. I love the shade of blue, it is so fresh and clean. The blue flowers look like they may be parchment which I love using. It is a beautiful card : )
    Sandra, I hope you haven't overdone the gardening yesterday, you were busy weren't you. It was so windy here- we had gusts up to 42 miles an hour, or so I was told, luckily we had no damage.
    Sheila, so sorry to hear that you were caught out by that nasty piece of work. He will get what he deserves one day though.
    Saba, you must write and complain about the lack of instructions. They must make a fortune out of people that aren't local and therefore don't know what the situation is! There is no reason why they can't have signs clearly stating how you have to pay. Don't let them get away with it.
    Wendy, you are in my thoughts, as are your friends families. How sad to hear of another young life over far too quickly.
    Well, I am still recovering from last week but can't wait to see Sandra and Pat later on, even if it is only for a quick chat Pat. I am looking forward to a piece of Hazels birthday cake, if there is any left. I think your house is like ours Sandra, unless you hide cake etc. it disappears in the blink of an eye : )
    By the way, my d. o. b. is 01-05-1966. I think it is a great idea to be able to celebrate all of the birthdays : )
    Have a good day everyone, not sure what the weather is doing, in the last hour it has gone from sunny to dark and back to sunny several times! No washing on the line today, that's for sure!
    Take care xx

    1. You kept that quite Sue, belated HAPPY BIRTHDAY.
      Will be Baloons & Banners next year and we will remember!!! xxx

    2. Another late birthday wish Sue. Happy birthday from me.

    3. Now then Mrs. B. You didn't let peep on that did you so HAPPY BIRTHDAY for the 1st.
      1966 was a memorable year. England won the World Cup and Miss Mauren Matthewson married Mr George Frederick Killen in the October so you were just 5 months old when I got married, oh no, I feel soooo old.
      Muriel xxx

    4. Belated Birthday wishes Sue, will forgive you for not letting on as you were poorly last week.
      As a 90 yr old Nun ( she was one of my teachers and is a family friend) said to me a couple of years ago - I am going to be 90 for a whole year so will be able to have lots of parties, and she did !!!

    5. HAPPY BELATED BIRTHDAY SUE hope you had a good day although you haven't been very well.
      Hug's Lynda xx

    6. Belated Happy Birthday Sue! Sorry we didn't know - Bells and Whistles next year! I was in my first year of Teacher Training in 1966! Xxx

    7. Happy belated birthday Sue. Yet another May birthday. I'm one year older than you so I've got the zero at the end this year! Enjoy your playtime with Sandra xxxx

    8. Happy Belated Birthday Sue. Wish I had known. Same day as Scarlett and also my brother. Like Maureen it also makes me feel old. I was also married in October 1966. Wonder if it was the same day? Have a good day with Sandra and enjoy the birthday cake if there is any left :-)

    9. Happy belated birthday , Mrs B ! hope you had a nice day, any new dies in the parcels? yes I'm nosy hihi
      hugs Maria xx

    10. Happy belated birthday, kept that quiet!!
      I was also married in 1966 in March, a lot of golden weddings next year eh! We must have been child brides!!!

    11. Happy belated birthday Sue, hope you had a good one, enjoy your belated birthday cake with Sandra and Pat
      Wendy xx

  7. Well no call, I now have time to just sit a chill. I think Jen the groom will have been asked to help out. They have to get their thinking caps on as I will be away soon to Canada and they won't have me to call on. Jen is doing the school runs while I am away unless they have got a new member of staff by then? Or as Charlie would say " an pigs may fly". It's not rocket science really, but I suppose this is where a lot of you step in and do the school runs and child care. Anna and Beth only have the one grand parent and she lives to far away.
    Then again my family have to have child minders and out of school cover. So they will work something out. I see Sue didn't let on about her birthday so belated birthday wishes to you. Enjoy your piece of cake. Michele glad you OH is feeling better, I sounds like that stone has passed through. Hope today went ok, Your a Tauren you will cope with all, we always do.
    Sheila I know it's not the best of weather to being going out, but enjoy it, is Bury where they have a really good market? Oh that's the one thing we don't have up here? Is a market! I love when we are in Turkey going to them, the atmosphere is great. All that fresh fruit and veg, spices etc.
    Jean, have you made that doctors appointment? You need to even just for peace of mind.
    Sam, sorry you didn't manage to stay to your class, Oh how lovely to be going away for your special birthday. You have to stay well so you can enjoy it.
    Oh I'd better go and make a move or it will be time to go meet big sis before I know it. ((((((Hugs)))))) in the basket for those in need. Hazel,x

    1. Hi Patricia
      How lovely that your off to Canada. It's a lovely country. We (did) Canada with Great Rail Joyrneys 4 years ago. Travelling on the Mountaineer from Vancouver through to Nova Scotis. 21 days of absolute joy. We stayed 3 days in each place we visited. Our trip to Rome and Sorrento will be our 5th trip with them.

    2. Hi Pat, that should have been "Hazel" she not taking me with her!!!
      I would just LOVE to do that Journey you did across Canada. Might just mention it agian, John by the way is a Railway Person.
      Sounds like they do it right. That's what you want when you are moving about on a trip. Xxx

    3. I'm so HAPPY, HAPPY, as that bloke sings, you see Patricia, I'm not the only one who knows who they mean but type the wrong name ha ha. Talking about Railways, my dad and grandfather both worked for the railways for 50 years. Dad used to take photographs of rail points and signals, whereas normal people took photographs of other people and places!!! I think it's a "man" thing, although George wouldn't know a point from a signal!!!
      Muriel xx

    4. Muriel my cousin takes photos of steam trains. They are lovely, but he waits all day to get the perfect shot! Xxx

    5. Railways play a BIG part in our house. A model one occupies the whole of the attic, mostly "steam Engines" Pictures of Steam Engines would dominate the walls if I allowed it ..... we even have some having in the Garage just to get them out of the house!!!

  8. Janet Ecco of Sheffield6 May 2015 at 08:45

    Morning Everyone
    Cheryl your Thank You card to Steph is just beautiful. It has everything I love from colour to adornments and I can fully understand why Steph wanted to share it with everyone.

    Saba - Dartford Crossing - As you know we use the crossing every time we travel and on our way back in Sept last year there was no sign of any change going to happen. No notices no information whatever. I cannot remember now how we found out but we saw it somewhere that the toll was changing. Anyway we set up a direct debit with the bank so that each crossing would be paid for and we don't have to worry about it (ha ha that was a joke) I did it on line and so we were set. When we got back in November we too received a letter telling us that the toll hadn't been paid and that they were giving us the opportunity to do so then as it was the first time.......................... Jim rang them to tell them we had set it up with the bank etc but they said they had no record of it but he could pay the toll there and then and then they said they would set up with the bank while he was on the phone. Jim being Jim decided that he would check up the next day and guess what nothing had been done. So he range them again and I have to say he behaved very well. Anyway this time it worked and so now the toll is taken and when our £10 is reduced it is automatically increased to £10. As we haven't heard anything more from them it appears that all is well.
    I just cannot understand why there wasn't any information available so that all knew what was happening well in advance and why oh why aren't they doing what they do in France. We have a little gadget at the top of the windscreen above the rear view mirror and when we go through the tolls it is automatically deducted from our French bank account. After all I think if I remember correctly it's the same company as in France. Having to pay the toll within 48hrs of crossing is a joke. What happens when you're travelling like you were and not able to pay within that time and as for saying that you can pay before your immediate journey surely we have anough hassle booking travel arrangements; passports etc without another thing to have to remember.
    I would look into the possibility of setting up a direct debit.

    Sandra like you and many others I shall be more than pleased when tomorrow is over though I suppose we'll have all the usual 'what ifs' etc.
    Can you please tell me how many are attending your Retreat in October please. Oh my bday is 28.02.46 and so I'm 69. That means another 0 next year and as my GP said when I was leaving him yesterday 'I'm afraid your Basket Ball days are over'. It's a good job he's been my GP for the last 28 years and we can say anything to each other. lol

    Will pop back to see whats happening later and so I'll have my latte and piece of bday cake then - if there's any left of course.
    Hugs are in the basket just waiting to be taken.

    1. Janet, when I say to my doctor that Bette Davis said "getting old ain't for cissies" he says, "the alternative is worse"!! xxx

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  9. Hi ladies, have popped in the past few days but been busy.

    Janet your French home is gorgeous and I know this sounds daft but very French! I have a French friend who is also very French!

    Gorgeous cakes yesterday and happy birthday to hazel! Hope you had a great day.

    Cheryl's card is a delight and I love the colour.

    I have been busy sorting out all the necessary stuff I need to start the agency work. It's hard work but am getting there! Spent a lot of time yesterday doing on line training most f which I felt was irrelevant!

    I have a couple of cards to get done but fat club beckons first! Not counted a syn all week so the scales will shout I think.

    I am still hoping to pop down to the retreat for a day so long as we aren't on holiday not booked yet but will let ou know when I know! Husbands latest mid life crisis is triathlons - just dont ask! I don't! He is doing one the weekend of ally pally in September so I will be going!! Can't believe what he spends on that bike etc so I will be spending on craft and a weekend in London! Can't wait to meet some of you!

    Must dash, scales call!

  10. Hi Sandra
    Look forward to seeing you a bit later. Cheryl the card you sent to steph is lovely. I'd be a bit afraid to heat acetate. I have some of the acetate you can heat, but have never tried it yet. Must fish it out and have a go. My god Barbiepinkfairy is your other half mad. At least he can't complain if you spent a lot of money on craft goodies. Why do you need the fat club, what a lovely name fir it. I suppose I could do that as well, but I really can't be bothered. Anyway I have a good excuse, as I can't do exercise at the moment because if my hip. Any excuse I know.

    1. Pat, I have a book of excuses if you want to borrow it ha ha.
      Muriel xxx

  11. Morning all. Late in but up since 5am - dam dog ! She's making me feel 10 yrs older than I really am by getting me up so bloomin early, at that time I dont think ive slept off my hard core painkillers so Im like a blinkin zombie lol
    Who's a lucky bunny then receiving this lovely card? Im just so sorry that my photo doesn't do it justice, but as crafters we all know that the cards always look stunning in real life. The shade of blue is just gorgeous. I think it maybe the silk glitter ? So thank you Cheryl, I was going to say no need, but im so glad you did lol. The little blue petals feel like glass, and the teeny weeny flowers are made from clay I think ? Maybe Cheryl can put me right lol.
    Thinking of you both Pat and husby today xx
    Hey Alison... You go spend spend spend hon, although you may have a fit (physically that is husband) with his biking days out, now his triathlons we see more from our dies and craft goodies... None of that makes sence lol hopefully you will know what im trying to say lol.
    Im off to try and get my brain to wake up a tad before I get into bother lol.
    Love all round.
    Lancashire Steph xx

    1. It's his latest mid life crisis. I reckon I should sell all the diving gear in the garage - last mid life crisis . Could use the proceeds on craft goodies!

  12. Morning everyone.
    What a beautiful card, no wonder Steph wanted to share it.
    Sorry I have nor been in much, haven't even read the comments for the last couple of days, so will need to catch up. Bank holidays may mean time off for most of you, but it's means busy time for all in the hospitality business.
    Love the idea of a birthday list Sandra, I know it was nice when everyone wished me happy birthday recently, so, my date of birth is 26.4.54.
    Well, thanks for the coffee, I needed that, just had a 15 minute telephone call from some government agency doing a survey on staff and training. They have no idea what life in a small business is like. Like do I have staff training and review processes in place, staff qualifications and over qualified staff. Heck, there are 6 of us covering everything, I've known most of them for years, we discuss anything over a coffee and jump into each job as required. I just had to laugh with some of the questions. Wish they could see real life.
    OK, anyone else want the soap box?

  13. Morning Sandra and everyone, coffee and a piece of cake (if there is any left) lol, please. Money in pot, will sit quietly and listen to all the gossip, I need to go back and read yesterday's late comments as well.
    Cheryl your card is gorgeous no wonder Steph wanted to share it with us.
    We are off on Saturday to the Isle of Man for a weeks break, so trying to get everything sorted out for that, we are hoping the weather is going to be ok, especially the ferry crossing, we have to drive down to Haysham as there is no crossing from Scotland, but that makes it all part of the holiday I suppose.
    On the subject of birthdays mine is 10.3.46, I will be three score years and ten next year, where have the years gone!!!
    Will pop back later, so much to do hehe.
    Take care, Jess x

    1. Jess, have a lovely holiday in case I forget. Isle of Man is somewhere I've never been, but always fancied it and I don't know why we haven't.
      Muriel xx

  14. Hello Sandra,
    If this becomes a double post, I'm sorry, but the start of my first one has disappeared into the wide blue yonder!
    I hope you are well today and enjoy yourself with you craft and natter, even through Pat will be just calling for a cuppa and piece of that scrummy, yummy cake.
    Cheryl, your card is just beautiful. Everyone I've seen that you've made are different and soooo pretty. Steph, what a lucky girl you are to receive it. I hope it's in pride of place.
    Janice, my 77 year old brother has had his own company for many years, and not only does he content with the Inland Revenue even demanding to see household bills because he hasn't taken a salary for about 10 years and they do not believe it, he also has elf and safety breathing down his neck. His men are supposed to put up scaffolding and not use a ladder, to change fluorescent tubes, or rewire anything (I think this is the right height) over 7 feet high. It drives him insane.
    By the way the Inland Revenue have finally, after about 5 years of investigations, realised he is telling the truth about not taking a salary because of his pensions.
    Soap box in the corner for the next person who wishes to use it.
    By the way I love politics, the expenses scandal has not been forgotten in this house,
    Muriel xxx

  15. Good Morning Sandra and lovely ladies,
    I think a cup of tea and a cream scone would go down a treat. I'll help myself and put the money in the pot if that's alright.
    Sandra I hope you have a lovely day with Sue, hope there is still some cake left for her, perhaps you could light the candle again and wish her a Happy belated birthday from us.
    Pat so pleased to hear Pete has got an appointment for tomorrow, hope all goes well.
    Cheryl, your card is so pretty. I have never managed to stamp and emboss on acetate very well, the stamp always seems to slip a bit, although having seen how effective it looks and now I have the Fiskars stamping tool I might give it a go. Steph you lucky lady receiving this as a thank you for your generosity.
    Michele glad your hubby's pain has settled. Tell him to keep drinking plenty water though.

    I have sent an e-mail to the Dartford Charge collection agency but am not holding my breath.
    Thank you to everyone for your advice. I think we will probably do what Janet does and set up an online account. It's jolly annoying though.

    Have now caught up with all the washing and ironed the bits which can't just be put away. Yes I do iron certain things, but only the really essential ones like shirts. I am now going to make a card for my Mother in law as it is Mother's Day here this Sunday.
    Love and hugs
    Saba xxx

  16. Hi Sandra and Everyone! ,
    It has taken me ages to read everything! I stopped leaving messages on the way down as I may never have got here!
    By the way - if you ever want a resume of the day! Go and read Diane's post at night. Always make me smile!
    What a beautiful card Cheryl - I love the colour . Your little flowers are pretty and remind me of some I got from AnnaMarie , I think . There were about 10 in a pack assorted colours. Very pretty - sorry if you made those yourself - if you did they look fantastic! I had to buy mine.
    This Dartford Tunnel business gets more ridiculous by the day! I can see it keeps the traffic moving but an awful lot of paper work has resulted from the Toll changes .
    Well, it is raining here today. It is however not at all windy.
    Compared with the biblical amounts of rain Hazel has had we cannot complain at all.
    Got a baby jay and two baby robins visiting the garden regularly. The baby robins don't have their red breasts yet . They come with Mum who does!
    Must stop waffling.
    Have a lovely time crafting Sandra and Sue! Xx
    Lots of love, Myra xxx

  17. Hello Sandra and all the lovely coffee shop ladie
    I was going to put good morning but realised I was 7 minutes too late! I've spent too long reading and leaving ,messages !
    Steph you must have been over the moon to receive this card, Cheryl you are so clever, it's gorgeous. I haven't tried stamping on acetate either, or at least not heat embossing it. I did the stamp and fill in with glitter ages ago and it took days to dry but looked pretty. Thank you for sharing this with us Steph.
    I'm not holding my breath the election stuff will be over by the end of the week, I think we have probably got another week of it at least. We have had at least a trees worth of paperwork through our door and with Emma being a first time voter she is being bombarded! She's come to the same conclusion as us, the one that puts the most paper through doesn't get our vote because they are just becoming so annoying! We did have a laugh though, our labor candidate looks just like Jeremy Clarkson! Now that's scary!
    Well it's blowing a gale here again today and keeps raining so definitely a jobs day. I'm hoping to clean the oven but I really must get on with it. Bargain alert (but not craft stuff sorry!) M&S have got a 50% off sale just started today! I went in to look for some wrapping paper when I went to Sainsburys this morning and ended up with Jeans for Emma and some new undies for me! I forgot the wrapping paper unto. I was in Sainsburys !
    Sandra I hope you gave a lovely day with a Sue and Pat, pay I'm so pleased to hear your husband has got an appointment tomorrow.
    Right the rubber gloves and oven cleaner are calling so I must make a start. I hope everyone has a good day today but do stay safe in these high winds
    Lots of love and hugs Diane xxx

  18. Good morning Sandra & all you lovely ladies from a very wet & windy Broadstairs we are going down to look at the sea crashing up the sea wall.later.
    Had a lovely day yesterday we went & met my Brother SIL & my cousin & her OH they are staying with my brother for a week they live in Lancashire,so lovely to catch up with her.
    Sheila just read yesterday's post sorry to here about Clive's so called friend it's disgusting how he could take advantage like that real friends don't do that he is the lowest of the low.xx
    Wendy sorry about the loss of you too friends & so young as well.xx
    Maureen you asked about me putting my ear's in well i have two hearing aids
    ha ha. takes me so long getting ready what with sorting out the droopy bit's as well & packing some Tenna ladies as can't always find a loo.
    .( the hearing aids are true but not the rest hihi ) Muriel/anon/ Daffy Have you got another tanker delivery today only it all went last night when I needed some not even a drip left.
    I'm so fed up with all the political jargon they all promise the world & none of them deliver it's all lie's they don't do a B.....dy thing for us. Soap box back in the corner.
    Sandra have a lovely time with Sue & Pat enjoy your flying visit. I'm thinking of you & Pete hope all goes well for him today.
    My Birthday is 2nd July 1947 will be 68 & on the 5th my 46 wedding anniversary
    Omg so scary.
    Love & Hug's will see you all later for my hot chocolate.
    Lynda xx

  19. Sorry another senior moment Cheryl your card is gorgeous such beautiful colour & very delicate Steph thank you for sharing it you lucky girl Lynda xx

  20. Good morning my coffee shop companions,
    PAT, i have everything that i can crossed(that isn't already on it's own) for your beloved PETE, i hope that they get him the right medicine to halt his nasty little body occupier in it's tracks and better than that reverses it's journey. Sending Pete and you some much need huggles and wishes for today flower.
    Oh Cheryl what a beautiful card you made for our Steph and Steph i am so very pleased that you decided to share with us your special gift, no wonder you are so happy that Cheryl sent you a card although as you say not needed but boy i bet it lifted you up to the ceiling on getting it.
    On the subject of politics and being fed up and scunnered totally with them and their nonsense and bad mouthing each other all i am going to say is i think they would most of them that is, lie straight in a corkscrew as the tell that many lies. They all promise the kingdom of heaven if you vote for them and seem to be let it all slide and make up all the excuses as to why their promises are unfulfilled or just downright forgotten. Ok, i've had my shot of the soap box who next wants it?
    Having spent quite a large part of the last 24 hours in bed i am still aching and jiggered but although the body is still complaining i am more up and about today just at a snail pace cos even the tortoise is beating me.
    Please can i have a latte and a piece of any of Hazels birthday cakes that might be left.
    Sue B, you sneaky peak not letting on it's your birthday on Friday, did you have a lovely day flower with all your family and friends around? Anyway a big happy birthday to you today just to make up for it and sending you one of the more boisterous huggles to keep you company.
    Basket at table in corner as usual filled with leaping little bundles of mischief just waiting for someone to cuddle,
    love and crafty hugs
    Norah (Glenochil)
    ive only been at this since 11:50 :-)

  21. Hi everyone. Still very windy here. Not raining yet though. Hope it stays that way. Glad you didn't have to go out in the end Hazel but not on waking you at that time when you weren't working. I am doing the school run in the afternoons. Seems mum is doing it in the afternoons. Long may it continue. Just finished the birthday card for my niece. Have got 10 birthdays this month so trying to get ahead of myself and not making them at the last minute. Now I must prepare things for the first craft session next week. Why do we always put off doing these things that have to be done and then have to do it eventually. I have to do things under pressure for some reason.
    SANDRA Thank you for showing that lovely card from Steph that Cheryl sent her. Lovely colours. Will be interested to see how it was made. Pat I hope that Pete gets his medication at his visit to the hospital and can get started on it. Enjoy your coffee and cake with Sandra. Sam sorry you couldn't finish your craft class. Hope things will be better next time. Well better get on. See you all later. Oh Patricia and Hazel. Enjoy your get together. I am sure you will be chatting all the time you are together.

  22. GRRRRRRRrrr
    I have just lost lost my second post today, need to have lunch now. Will pop back when I have eaten and calmed down.
    Sending love and hugs, Brenda xxxx

    1. Brenda, Keep Calm and Have A Baileys! Lots of love Myra xxx

    2. Dear, Dear Myra, Its a little early - even for me, Unless of course you want to join me? then it would be okay. Hic!
      Love and hugs, Brenda xxx

    3. Oh go on! You've talked me into it - just one problem - I don't like Baileys , however, since it's virtual - that won't matter! Bottoms up! Xxx
      That's sure to get a response ! X

    4. We (as in the Royal we) would put everyone off their dinner. Now do you want to be responsible for that? Xxx

  23. Good afternoon Sandra and everyone else - what an awful day here in Wigan, hope Sheila doesn't get all the rain we have had today as Bury isn't that far away from us. Shopping is the best thing to do (apart from crafting) when its raining consistently. Can I say belated Happy Birthday to Sue, hope you have had a lovely birthday. What a lovely card - must say I love the colour and the flowers are so delicate. I have decided to stay in this afternoon and do some crafting, sorted out all my dies the other day and found dies I had hardly used and forgotten about. The new crafting items take presidence over the other stash and its a shame because I foud some really lovely dies so I'm going to use them and I might get some inspiration. By the way my birthday is 31st January 1950. Hope everyone has a good day and hugs are left by the door for anyone who needs them. Till next time Love Jean x

  24. Good afternoon Sandra and all the coffee shop crew
    It's cold, wet and windy so may I have a wonderful latte please, I have popped my money in the pot. Hope the three Graces had a lovely cuppa this morning and then the two remaining Graces are having a lovely crafting / chatting / laughing time this afternoon. Thank you so much for showing us Cheryl's beautiful card Sandra which she so very kindly sent to Steph, the colours are really lovely too.
    Pat I do so hope all goes well at the hospital for Pete and he gets the new medication he needs.
    Saba please do write and point out all their failings especially the fact there were no notices or guidance on line, and just tell them if this is how they treat visitors from abroad it leaves a lot to be desireG. give them it with both barrels girl, (not barrels of Baileys though we don't want to upset Muriel!) Point out all their failings including telling you to pay in 2 different currencies! I find if you do this you often win. I have saved several friends parking fines doing this as if there is one thing they have got wrong it is usually void and they cannot expect payment. Don't give up just think of all the dies you could buy!!!
    Brenda do keep calm, think of your blood pressure dear lady.
    Michele do hope all is now well again for hubby but lets hope he gets his appointment really quickly, fingers crossed, in the interim give him plenty of water to drink along with cranberry juice.
    Well not long to go until the vote, thank goodness, then they will all be running around like kids in the play ground saying to each other, do you want to be in my gang!!! I am heartily sick of it all and have been for weeks. I would like to know what it costs the BBC for all the coverage and having so, so, many newscasters all over the country asking all their stupid questions at licence payers expense! Ok rant over, I'll put the soap box back in the corner.
    Sam just take things easy lovely lady you want to be well enough for your wonderful holiday.
    Sheila I do hope you are enjoying your trip to Bury and the weather is not too cold for you.
    Maureen / Daffy we have lots more rain at present so stand by it will be coming over to you, we don't want to keep it all over here we like to share. It will not be a problem for you though with your webbed feet, quack, quack, my little ducky!
    Well my latte was lovely and warmed me up a treat thank you, so I shall get some cards finished now, I have put my hugs and cuddles in the corner just help yourselves there are plenty more if needed.
    See you later I hope.
    Margaret xxx

  25. Oops sorry forgot to say to Sue, your birthday came, your birthday went, this is the message I should have sent, HAPPY BIRTHDAY!

    1. I see we have a poet!
      Her verses not yet daily's
      We only have ourselves to blame,
      She's only paid in Baileys! Anon. Xx

    2. MARGARET:- I love your poem. I have written it in my little book.
      MYRA:- your a poet as well. ........ Mmmm!! don't know where I will use that one but I have also written it down. xxx

    3. Margaret, |'ve copied it too. xx

    4. Myra, you are so clever,
      In fact I've never,
      Met anyone who,
      Is as good as you. xxx

  26. Hi Sandra and all in the coffee shop this wet and windy day once again. I will never get used to the rain and cold.
    Cheryl, the card you made is gorgeous. The colours are amazing,like the azure sea and the flowers are fab.
    Hope you 3 graces have a nice time together and enjoying the yummy cakes . How do you make them so big Sandra, mine look the same size as when they went in so not much of success baking or anything else for that matter.
    Jean, did you go and see the doctor ? don't delay if you still in so much pain, please. Look after yourself!
    Oh Hazel you lucky bunnie going soon to Canada, do you visit family or ?
    Canada is a place on my bucket list and also going on the train through it would be a dream come true. You must had a fabulous trip Pat. Really hope Pete now will get his meds. sorted and that you both can take it easy until he starting to feel a lot better, many hugs to you both !
    Went swimming this morning ( more like the hippo advert on tv hihi) were meant to go to town after with friend but got to Ikea first for a nice and cheap brekkie. In town we were looking for shoes, hate buying shoes !
    Went in to the counsel with my friend to apply for a blue badge for her, she has bad hips and need a double hip replacing that will be fun, not !
    Alison ,did you and Tilly not get to AP in April ? I might go in September depending on the date, would be lovely to meet you !
    I'm seeing Karenlotty on the 23 rd, can't wait !
    Sandra my is the day before Sam's, the 27/5 ! I told you in the night but you all gone to bed so you might not have seen it. Sam shall we Party all week together with bubbles and cakes that Sandra have made. How much do you take for them ? Cakes, Cards and your beautiful jewellery Sandra would be a perfect table for a fair !
    Going for a stretch on my bed with the duvet, it's so cold ! OH already there.......
    Love and Hugs Maria xxx

    1. Maria. We fly to Calgary then we have hired a car and this time we will make our first stop Lake Louise for 3 nights that way we will do Banff, 18 months ago we went first to Edmonton so a little change. We will make our way across to the island meeting up with Charlie's family. They don't live near one another, but we will tell them where we are staying and they can come to see us. Last time we went to each one of there houses and that was a lot on us. He has 7 half sisters and 2 half brothers. So it's a lot to visit. We fly back from Vancouver. Hazel x

    2. Hazel,
      Would you like a careless housekeeper to accompany you. I could carry the luggage (that's a laugh), tidy up and do the ironing (no problem) Just tell me when and where and I'm your woman! My next door neighbours had relations over from Banff about 30 years ago, maybe you know them as Canada is such a small country ha ha. Am I jealous, don't be silly, of course I am!
      Muriel xxx

    3. Maureen my love, mrs Overall springs to mind! Xxx

  27. Hello Sandra and everyone,
    Have calmed down since my posts went AWOL and taken the tablets !!!!
    Have been doing a lot of deep breathing ( DEEP not heavy) so hopefully all will be well.
    Sandra I hope youse not suffering after all of your hard work at the allotment yesterday. I also replant seedlings when I thin them out, can't bare to throw them away, have even Ben known to replant carrots, they are fine as long as you make a deep hole and keek them straight as you pop them in. Hope you have
    had a lovely day with Sue, did you put a candle in her piece of cake? It was lovely of Pat to drop in when she has such a lot on her
    plate. Did she remember the Periwinkle card? Hope the day went well for them and hospital have sorted out Petes medicine.

    CHERYL the card you sent it Steph is gorgeous, love the Blue, is it a stamp pad of Mica. It is such a stunning colour.
    STEPH You must have been over the moon to receive such a beautiful card. Thank you for allowing us to share your wonderful treasure.
    Will try and post this now, if it doesn't work then it's definitely the Bailieys.
    Be popping in later, love and hugs, Brenda xxx

    1. Reading back through the above you would think I had already been on the Bailieys...... Honest gov I ain't
      LOL Brenda xxx

    2. I just thought Ben was one of the Flower Pot Men! I believe you , Brenda, I think! Xxx

    3. Weed, Weed? See I remember that program too!.
      Tena, Tena doesn't sound the same!!!!!

    4. Weed? Is that why we couldn't make out what the flowerpot me said?
      Flob a lob? Were they stoned?

    5. Brenda! You are in top form today! Xxxx

    6. Brenda dear,
      Just call me Slowcoach, the tortoise!! Flob a lob.
      I know you haven't been on the Baileys because I've fitted a 24 number combination lock on the tanker!! (but I'll let you have the number for a small fee lol) hic
      Muriel xxx

    7. You'll never remember that at your age! Xxx

  28. My goodness you have all been relatively well behaved so far. Mind you it is early.
    Had a great catch up of chat and gossip with Hazel. You really don't need to worry about the outcome of the Election ...... we have sorted the country out. We were just saying they would be better to leave the country in the hands of a group of sensible women. Like us ladies in the Coffee Shop!!!
    Just had phone call from my friend Pearl. Have not heard from her for a while she's had a lot to deal with of late. Anyway she wants me to make her a couple of Tissue Box Covers. Her mum has just moved into a local Care Home. Pearl has been sorting out her room. She wants a Box Cover for her room and one for the Bathroom. So off to the Drawing Board to work that one out. I made a few for Pearl when she moved back into her house after it was flooded a couple of years ago. I used some of the wallpaper from the bedrooms and bathrooms to cover them. I did have the measurements "somewhere" I might just might be able to find them ..... well I do hope so. xxx

  29. Hi Patricia. I could give you the measurements for mind if it would help. What do you usually make yours out off can I ask please. The one I have is MDF bug would be interested in something else. Mine is rectangle.

    1. Tissue Boxes made ready for collection.
      I made them from card. I made Pearls from card so thought I would just do them same again.
      Thank you for then offer of the measurements ladies. xxx

  30. Should be for MINE. Sorry about that.

  31. Hellooo everyone For some reasoner wouldn't let me comment yesterday I have enjoyed reading the posts but now I'm at the bottom I've forgotten what I was going to say! Talk about senior moments Firstly my birthday is 29-10-56 Secondly Happy belated Birthday to Hazel and Sue The cakes you made are gorgeous Sandra - mine don't rise like that They tasted yummy thank you Have any of you tried that Nigella Lawso peanut crunch thingy that Mrs Duck has nicknamed Thank Crunch It's Friday - I make a good one of those!
    OH dragged me into The Works today - oh what a pain! Bought some pretty resin flowers some foam tape d/sided tape...
    Cheryl's card is lovely
    Glad to hear Michele's OH is feeling better
    Sorry to hear others are feeling rough
    Hope Peter gets his mess sorted
    Yay! Meeting Maria on 23rd Really looking forward to that If anyone else is in the WGC area come and join us
    Take care all x

    1. Karen, what is WGC area?
      (Now computer is letting me post on people's messages, why wouldn't it let me before?)

    2. I would take a guess at Welwyn Garden City? May be completely wrong! Xx

    3. Myra, I've heard of that, in fact I remember seeing a TV programme about it a few years ago. You are so clever, you know everything! xx

    4. Oh no I'm not! Oh no I don't! It may be very wrong! Xx

    5. oh no your not ,you are right tihi. Come and join us !

  32. Helllllllloooooooooooo
    Cold, wet and a little bit poorly, but hey what can you expect when you're 29.
    I've tried to leave comments on the way down, but the blog wouldn't let me, do you think I've upset it? Surely not!!!
    I am really disappointed that Brendan hasn't been on the blog today, do you think I've offended him as well?
    Now, because I couldn't post on the way down, and I haven't made notes, I've forgotten what was said, and by whom, but I have laughed at some of them, but then again I'm easy pleased. No, No, No, I'm only joking honest.
    My card from Nigel arrived today (that was quick) after I explained about ladies handbags. It seems to be a Hunkydory one, just bits stuck on a base card. Scarlett, Robert, Eleanor and Zoe could all do better with their eyes shut!!!
    My birthday is 12th September (same as Patricia, yay, but I hesitate to write the year because I'm frightened I'll be shunned.
    Jean, have you seen the Doctor???
    Sandra, hope you've had a good day.
    Sam, hope you've had a good day.
    Everyone, hope you've all had a good day, or should that be everything ha ha.
    Love Muriel xxx

    1. How disappointing But then then that kind of standard speaks volumes about C&C just lately

    2. Are you not feeling well? I know how old you are remember and I still love you!
      I would like to make it clear, however, that when I said you were 92 a few weeks ago I was kidding! You knew that - I hope everyone else did too.!
      I see an old lady in the mirror each morning! It took me a few weeks to realise it was me! I'm still 30 in my head!
      I'm sorry if you really are feeling poorly ! Hope you feel better very soon.
      Maybe try some hot toddy in the Baileys! Xxx

    3. Oh Poor Maureen, sorry you're not feeling well, is it the weather this made you feel down?
      I have made sure Brendan behaved himself today, well there are ladies around, can't have Brendan letting the side down.
      Talking about age, you share the same birthday as our younger daughter, I believe she is the same age as Sandra!!!!!
      LOL Brenda aka Brendan xxx

    4. Sorry you are not feeling well sweetie. Maybe an early night will help.
      Hope it's not your liver!!
      Hugs Saba xxx

    5. Thank you all, I've had a lie down and now I'm fighting fit, well fighting anyway. I must have been unwell, I was in the middle of a delish chicken dinner and just had to go to lie down. Once you hit 30 things really affect you, but a gallon of Baileys has sorted me out. hic. I've unlocked the tanker so all have one on me, in fact it's all over me, I was lying down and forgot that drinking from a pint glass is difficult in that position ha ha.
      Thank you friends xxx

    6. You are hopeless! I'm genuinely sorry you were unwell and hope you are ok now!
      I don't think either of us is a poet do you? Xxx

    7. Now you made this harder, Myra. I'm trying to see if I can see who is the youngest and who is the oldest in our group. So far I got Michele as the youngster among us and I had put Muriel at 92 and now you telling me I'm totally wrong, huff hihi ! oh well, you know I also feel like 30 but when you see the wrinkles, nooooo
      Sorry you felt poorly today Muriel, I had a chill this afternoon too and had a lie down. cosy under the duvet

  33. Janice Wallace in case you don't get the chance to look That serif digikit I used is a freebie called Envelopes 2013 There's a great male image on there too that I've used and added a pair of glasses to

    1. Thanks Karen. I have quite a few downloaded, but must have missed that one. I liked what you did with it. Serif is so handy.

  34. Hi Sandra and all the ladies
    I don't know Sandra they've already started on the Baileys and the sun isn't yet over the yard arm- I blame these politicians driving poor defenceless ladies to drink!
    Myra I tried to post a comment under yours to say I've got blue tits nesting in my box this year, they are in and out all day at the moment so we are getting quite excited. Now now ladies not tittering over my tits please!!!!
    Well oven is now a lot cleaner than it was, I've decided I need an oven rack tray to soak my racks in because they are too big for the sink and all the big bags seem to gave holes in them these days. Ho hum. I'm shattered now! I did my ironing whilst waiting for oven gunk to work so just got the bed to remake and I can get in it!
    Well according to the forcast we could have a heat wave again next week, I'll believe it when I see it. Sheila I hope you had a good day today and didn't get too wet.
    Right I must go and put some dinner on , it seems a shame to use my nice clean oven! I will pop back later (if I'm still awake!) to see what mischief the early drinkers have got up to!
    See you later
    Love Diane xxx
    Ps Norah I forgot to say I hope the person you were expecting turned up eventually, isn't it a pain when people don't turn up when they say they are going to xxx

    1. Hello Diane,
      How lovely you have got Nesting Blue Tits, I love to watch them come and go from our bird feeder, also today we had a Jay, we regularly get Parakeets a few days ago we had 3 at the same time.
      Don't make that oven dirty! LOL. Brenda xxx

    2. Hi Diane,
      We've no blue tits this year. Blackbirds are feeding young but they are still in the nest. I can hear the blackbird singing just now. It's lovely. Xx

    3. Hi Diane, Brenda and Myra,
      We get pigeons and seagulls. We always know when it's windy over the coast because the seagulls come inland. The pigeons chase all the lovely birds away.
      Diana, when I made rice pudding for sunday lunch, the rice boiled over and cooked on the bottom of the oven. When Rachel and Peter came to pick up the girls after their sleepover they were choking, but we had got used to it ha ha. Took three goes on Monday to clean the oven, and the shelves soaked all day after lunch on the Sunday, all day Monday, and finally got them clean on Tuesday. No rice pudding for a while!!! xxx

    4. It's woodpeckers we get, mum and dad are busy feeding at the moment, we love when they bring baby with them. We also have blue tits in our boxes. We spend a small fortune on bird food, but I love watching them. The collared doves come on to the decking and look in the patio doors as if to say " come on you, your late today" Hazel x

    5. Diane. Do you have a dishwasher? And if yes is it a 12 setting one? I put all my racks into my dishwasher and put it on the high heat setting, if they come out not 100% clean a quick rub with a green scourer takes it off. Tammy does hers in the dishwasher too. Hazel x

    6. Me too! I think I do them more often because it's so much easier! Xx

    7. Snap!! anything for an easy life!! xxx

    8. How come I never thought of that? xx

    9. Yes I put the racks in the dishwasher but for the bottom of the oven I have a non stick oven liner from Lakeland Limited any burnt on drips or spills just wipe off no scrubbing or effort at all, one of the best things I have ever bought, make life so much easier! xxx

    10. Me too Margaret - I learned that one from my Mum ! Xx

    11. Hazel thank you for the dishwasher tip, I hadn't thought to put the shelves in, I've got an 8 place setting one so the may not fit. I've pit the top bits in before but didn't think of the shelves. I love Lakeland Margaret but I do need to get a liner. My oven was shocking, it hadn't been done for ages! Julian's mum told me she used biological washing powder to clean her oven so I gave that a go with a basics range one at £1.20! It worked really well but I still used oven ate on the glass doors. I made sure I kept the oven clean, oh yummy rice pudding, I do love that too. Thank you for the tips ladies xxx

  35. Brenda, did you just say you get Parakeets???
    We get pigeons and I really really don't like pigeons.!!!i have heard a blackbird though and the swifts have returned to amuse us with their evening show.

    1. Yes we get Parakeets, some days three visits, they only land on the bird feeder or in the trees. They seem to like the fat blocks we put out or the peanuts. None of our flying visitors seem interested in the bird seed.
      The Parakeets will often spend at least fifteen minutes at a time feeding, I love watching them. Brenda xxx

    2. Brenda, I may have got this wrong but I watched a programme on Buckingham Palace Gardens which Alan Titchmarsh did and think they had parakeets there too! Would they have been in a zoo or similar at some stage? Xxx

    3. Myra, yes I saw that program and they have Parakeets in Buckingham Palace Gardens. Didn't see them when I went to the Garden Party last year. We realyl have quite a few Parakeets in S London. The thinking over there growing numbers in recent years is someone had released them OR they escaped from a private collection. LOL Brenda xxx

    4. Oh good! I'm so glad I'm not daft after all - well not completely daft!
      I went off to look for something and got sidetracked ! That happens a lot. Night Night sleep well. Xx

    5. We have the little ones, blackbirds, magpies who are eating the blackbirds eggs or even chicks ( can't stand them!) sometimes we got grass wood peckers and pigeons too and a robin who visit us from time to time xx

    6. Maria! I will send my husband down! He can chase your magpies for a day or two! He can't stand them . He loves the birds and feeds them daily - including his tame blackbird but magpies and rooks are not allowed. Xxx

    7. We have magpies too they are such a pain and the pigeons are just daft, the tried to build a nest in our sky dish last year and wondered why it wouldn't stay! Hubby and a long stick kept helping along but it took ages for them to get the message!
      Brenda what part of London are you in? I know I saw parakeets when we went to Chelsea flower show, they were all in the trees around us. Funny that they stay in the London area isn't it. We have Robbins and blackbirds in the garden and a lot of sparrows and goldfinches. The sparrows and blue tits sit in the rose outside the window when I'm crafting and I look up to see them all sat there looking at me as if to say what is she doing!!! I could spend hours watching the birds. Xxx

  36. Where is everyone, are you all having an extra early night tonight ready to stay up for the election results????
    Sorry I didn't have the time to get all of the comments read this morning but Patricia and Maureen both my grandfathers were guards on the railway, one was once the guard on the Royal train when it came up to Cumbria and the other was the guard on the Lakes Express travelling from Workington in Cumbria(or Cumberland as it used to be known) through the Lake District all the way to London, he was known as the guard with the buttonhole for obvious the reason he always wore one. My father used to work on the railways in the telecommunications but left when I was about 7 years old to join the electricity board. Now none of Derek's family ever worked on the railways but he has always had a great love of railways and has built several model railways the present one is in the loft. He does like steam trains but his great love is diesels. Our grandson love to be up on the loft with him running the trains. Funny old world don't you think?
    Sorry to hear Michele that your OH is still suffering as I said earlier has he had some cranberry juice, Derek has some every day since the hospital told him to after his last op to remove some stones, his problem is when he get stones they get stuck at the outlet of his kidney.
    My 'poem' about a late birthday was adapted for today, this is what I put inside a card,
    Your Birthday came,
    your Birthday went,
    this is the card you should have been sent.
    Hoping you had a lovely day.
    Sorry if this mucks up your little book Patricia.
    Well Sandra I hope you had a lovely day with the other Graces I wonder just how much crafting you got done? Sorry I forgot to say earlier my birthday has just gone, it was 10 April.
    Well I have helped myself to a latte and put my money in the pot as no one is here I will toddle perhaps see you later.
    Margaret xx

    1. Happy belated birthday Margaret.
      Thank you for your earlier advice, I have sent an e-mail regarding the fine, not very well written I am afraid, I am not so good at being firm in a. Letter. Tend to waffle.
      However my OH is a very strong minded person and has said he will send one at the weekend and will be refusing to pay the fine!! Me, I'm a coward and would have paid it.

    2. A belated Happy Birthday Margaret! Xx

    3. Margaret, you are a naughty tinker. Not only have you mucked up my verse book, but you had a birthday and didn't say, so HAPPY BIRTHDAY, I hope you enjoyed it. Have a drink, hic.
      Saba, I know I'm all mouth (that's enough from the Gallery) until it comes to actually saying or doing something about it, and then I crumble, waffle and usually end up apologising for being such a nuisance!!!

    4. Margaret, just seen That Beth shares your birthday, Oh your Derek would get on great I think with Patricia John. Charlie's great grand father was an engineer on the rail way and went out to over see the building of the Canadian Railway, he loved the it so much that he sent for his family to come over. A very hard life in those days, and he was not the worker doing the hard work. We often wonder is Charlies love for doing land surveying came from him in a way. Hazel xx

    5. Are you unwell, my dear? Xxx

    6. Belated HAPPY BIRTHDAY Maragret.
      Our hubby's have the same hobby, big difference John's love is steam. Our son and grandson Thomas are the same. xxx

    7. Hi Margaret
      Hope you had a lovely day on your birthday. Love Pat

    8. Happy belated birthday Margaret, you did keep that one quiet didn't you xxxx

  37. LITTLELAMB 8th October 1966, what about you? xxx

  38. P.S. What is Sandra's birthday???? xx

  39. Has Cheryl been in today? I don't think so!
    Hope you are ok Cheryl! Xx

    1. Myra, I'm glad you asked about Cheryl, I keep meaning to as I don't remember her being in today.
      Cheryl, where are you??? xx

    2. I noticed she hasn't been in today. Hope she is ok. Hazel x

    3. Sandra is yours in August ?
      I hope Cheryl is ok!

  40. Hi Girls both younger and younger still, i forgot about the birthday thing but mines is the 18.6.1966 so i am younger than some and older than a lot but i never got over being 19 which was when i was happiest although my darling son, child that he is told his principle teacher that his mum was only 25 which would be quite a feat since he is 15 coming up on 16. I didn't know whether to be flattered or flabbergasted at the thought. And now that i have got my knickers out of the twist that i had them in earlier the lady did eventually come at 11.30. I blame my parents in that they always had the view of better being an hour early somewhere than 1 minute late and i get quite anxious and my anxiety gets worse as the time goes on. I really should be more tolerant but i just start panicking and getting all sorts of scenarios going on inside my tiny brain. Rory thankfully takes after me and not his father whose sense of time keeping is diabolical and i'm afraid it is yet another thing that our daughter takes after her father for along with her non sense of humour, and attitude as it leaves a lot to be desired as well.
    Norah x

    1. Hello Norah and night owls.
      Norah, You really are still a wee chick! OMG Our daughters were born
      Eldest Three years before you and the younger One year after you. I was born 8/11/42 so really qualify for being on of the elders. Pssst ..... don't tell anyone I still feel like a 16 yr old. Just a shame the body doesn't agree. Love and Hugs Brenda xxx

    2. Brenda, isn't there someone on the blog older than you. I seem to remember something from a while ago. xx

    3. Yesssssss but I'm not letting on - we are both 16 yr olds REALLY.

  41. Sandra's birthday is 28th August xxx

  42. Where is everyone???
    I have been busy making those Tissue Boxes for Pearl. Found the measurements where they should have been in my "Template Box"
    Made two, hope she likes them. Once they have been handed over I will show them on my Blog.
    I now have a sore back from standing so long. I do a lot of my crafting standing, can't get on sitting unless I am making flowers.
    Off to lie with some heat on my back.
    Good night all, God Bless, see you in the morning xxxx

    1. Patricia, you really are a "wonder woman". How do you know Sandra's birthday, and do you know the year?
      I hope the heat pad does the job. George has a surgical corset which I sometimes wear. I'm not supposed to because it was measured and made for him, but hey any port in a storm.
      So pleased you have a template box. i have an adult template file (that sounds wrong somehow lol) and a childrens' template file. We are so alike, you are tall, I am short. You are good looking, I am ugly. You are sensible, I am sensible ha ha got you there. Take care and hope you are better tomorrow. I feel so much better since my lie down. Sweet dreams, God bless. xxx

  43. Well, it's that time again and if I'm honest I'll be glad to get into bed. I've cleared up, emptied the Tanker (again), disconnected the intravenous - it doesn't half make a mess when it leaks during the night - and changed the lock to a 12 number one because Myra was quite correct, I couldn't remember the 24 combination!!! hic.
    Have a good night's sleep and see you all tomorrow, hopefully Cheryl will be in.
    Muriel xxx

  44. Cheryl hope you are OK and did not over do things at the weekend.
    Good night God bless everyone and sweet

  45. Oh heck, am I too late again. By the tie I finish work, make and eat dinner, walk the dog, then catch up here, you have all gone to bed. Oh well, I'll try and pick the tanker lock.
    Hope everyone is OK.
    Hugs for all

  46. Pssssst Janice, Maureen changed the combination on the tanker padlock it is !!!!!!!!!!!! (you lot wouldn't think I would say it out loud do you) Poor Janice has been to work, walked the dog, made supper don't you think she deserves a wee dram OR two or three. put the lock back on when you have finished Janice. Night night, sweet dreams Brenda xxx

  47. Hi Patricia
    Appointment with the Specialist nurse is at 2.00 tomorrow. Hopefully he starts his medication on Sat. Very strict criteria for taking them it seems reading all the info. Wasn't very impressed with the words, we aim to prolong your quality of life. Mind you, I assume it's a standard letter, or so I told Pete anyway. Didn't help that a friend of mine died last week of Cancer, and I go to her funeral. The friends we went out for lunch today with are also going, so we were all talking about it, well us ladies were. Anyway we see what tomorrow brings.

    1. Hello Pat,
      You published as I was writing my comment. You are both in my prayers and I will be thinking of you tomorrow. Love and hugs. Saba xxx

    2. Hello Pat, sending you a huge basket of hugs, just wish I could do more.
      Both you and Pete are in my prayers. Goodnight love Brenda xxx

    3. Hi Pat,
      Just popped in before going for a bath. Sorry to hear you are under so much stress at the moment. Been thinking of you both today. Will pray for both of you and hope you get a good night's rest. Night Night! Love Myra xxx

    4. Stay positive Pat. The doctors etc don't want to build up hopes just in case. Treatments are improving daily.
      Will be thinking of you both. Take care my honey
      Hugs. Janice

  48. Just wanted to say sorry for disappearing tonight and it's Hello and goodnight from me!! I just checked the I player and saw that Perfume from last Sunday had only 3 more days to run so decided to have a quick look and see if it was worth downloading overnight. I read the book years ago and loved it. Well long and short of it I became engrossed and have just finished watching the whole thing.
    Cheryl hope you are alright, you have been missed.
    Sandra too, hope you havent tired yourself out with all that plant work you did yesterday. Hope you enjoyed your day with Sue.
    Everyone seems to have gone to bed as well so I'll just say good night and God Bless and go to bed. See you tomorrow.
    Saba xxxx

  49. Hi ladies, remember me? Sorry I haven't been back in today, after Sue went at just after 5' the time just disappeared !
    I had an email from Cheryl to say that she has internet problems, she will get back to us as soon as she can, her card was made using Kanban Pastel, glittered card, polycarbonate blue flowers and Porcelain white roses!
    I am just nipping to shower, back in a bit!
    Sandra xxxx

  50. Halooo,
    Patricia,hope your back gets better and you have a good sleep and that goes to all of you who have gone to bed ! Janice ,did you manage to open or have Muriel made it too hard ? I'm dying of thirst here tihi
    Sandra hope you had a lovely day and not to tired out, you have round two tomorrow hihi
    Going to watch some criminal minds and then try out the bed,so you have a good night and the same to anyone still up. See you tomorrow, yay got in just before midnight so no pumpkin for me haha! Love and hugs to you and your family Sandra, hope the kids are ok. Night,night Maria xxx

  51. Oh no Maria I'm a pumpkin! I came to bed then realised I'd stripped it earlier so had to remake it. Oooh lovely though, I do love fresh sheets. I hope you get some sleep tonight , hmmm is criminal minds good bedtime viewing??? Lol. I watch QI, I like to go to bed on a giggle. Night night my sweet, sleep tight, I hope you manage to sleep tonight xxx

    1. Oh bummer to that hihi, have a good night Diane. Maybe I should had downloaded some Faulty Towers or Mr Bean but I do like a crime or hospital, Vera is another I watch sometimes. As long I don't think of pain for a few hours, I'm ok. see you later when I make some pumpkin soup hihi

    2. Sandra ,your water bill must be huge, 2 hours shower !
      Mr sandman is here xx

  52. Looks as if I have missed everybody. Must get here earlier. Night.
