
Thursday 7 May 2015

Never Underestimate the power of Maureen!


Good Morning Ladies,
Today's fabulous card was made by our Maureen! Its just brilliant Maureen, I love the stamp,
it would be perfect for ladies of any age, its so nice to see a 'fun' card too!
I have had to make the image large to show all the amazing detail f the stamp and Maureen's incredible colouring skills, I love how you have managed to make her shoes look shiny!
The best bit about this stamp is that it has........

a back view too, which Maureen has managed to line perfectly, I love how her trousers and hat still
have the tag on! I think that the way you have created the 'window' with Acetate to showcase the die
to perfection.
What is your preferred choice of Colouring pen/pencils Maureen, you have blended them beautifully, giving great effects on the hair and the bags all look great too.
I saw some ladies at Ally Pally looking this laden down with bags, Lynda was one of them!
Thank you Maureen for sending me the photographs of your cards to share with our friends xx
Well I had a lovely day catching up with Sue, Pat managed to pop in for a quick cuppa and a piece of cake, it was so lovely of her to pop in to say hi, she was going out for lunch so couldn't stay!
I was so pleased I had made cakes for Hazels birthday as we found out this morning that it WAS Sue's birthday last Friday, she was very naughty as she kept it very quiet! This highlights the fact that we have only known each other for just 9 months, although it feels like years, I feel truly blessed to have two such amazing friends, that I came across by chance on Sue's blog, I now cannot imagine life without either of them!
Or for that matter you lovely ladies on MY blog, I look forward to checking in every morning to see what you have all been up to and when I go to bed at night I check in again to see what everyone has been up to, even though I haven't met a lot of you I still feel like I could share anything with you, or ask your advice on anything, you are such an amazing bunch if friends, thank you so much for sharing your precious time with me everyday!
Well its the big day today, we have an appointment with the head at the girls school, to discuss the recent 'issues'! I can say that I have done my homework and I know for a fact that the school acted improperly, the only time that they can contact a health professional without parental consent is if the child is under the care of social services, which obviously my children are not, so there are some big questions that need answering! I will let you know how we get on when I get back later on this afternoon, our appointment is 3.15pm! wish me luck!
Catch up later my lovelies,


  1. Good morning Sandra and all, from a very chilly Fife. Yes we have frost again! Well I am off to work soon, doing both the High school and primary school runs. So it's going to be all go. Here's hoping mum and dad will have the girls up by the time i get in. I would have been better if this had happened next week, as Beth is away at Windsor Shetland pony racing. So doing the High school run would have been nothing!.,., It will be strange only having Anna.
    Maureen what a fantastic fun card, love how you have done it on the Acetate! It looks like she is coming through the open shop door. Then doing the back view just gives the same idea of her leaving the store. Your colouring is brilliant. Yes I just love this card. Maureen I hope you are feeling a bit better this morning. I think you need to take it easy today!
    Cheryl. Are you ok? We missed you yesterday.
    I am glad Sandra, Sue and Pat had a good time, ok Pat couldn't stay ad play, but you at least had a catch up chat. Yes Sue was naughty keeping that birthday quiet. I can see we are going to have a few big birthdays next year!!!
    1966 was a busy year for babies.
    Sandra. Good luck with the school this afternoon. Sit there with your heads held high and look them straight in the eye when you tell them you are most displeased with how you have been treated. That they could see from records that Lucy has had time off to go to appointments etc. I bet they can't look you in the eye when they reply??? You stick to getting them to apologise.
    Oh I'd better go make a move, money in the pot for my tea. Tables etc all set up. Will be in later I will need a cup of tea by the time I have done my over 50 mile round trip of picking up and dropping off at three places, and all in less than an hour. Hazel x

    1. Oh Hazel! What a start to the day! I don't know how that family will function if and when you retire! I know you'd miss the children and they'd certainly miss you. Take care! Xxx

    2. omg, you always so busy ! do you and Patricia ever sit still ? tihi
      Drive carefully,
      hugs Maria xx

    3. Drive safe and don't overdo it.
      Wendy xx

  2. Morning Sandra, gorgeous fun card by Maureen, thank you for showing it to us.

    I do hope you get things sorted at your school, you are right they can only contact a health professional with your consent as your Daughter is not in care, they have slipped up there, good luck.

    Love & hugs

    Jacquie J xxx

  3. Good morning Sandra and the gang. Hope you areal well, I am TicketyBoo again after a good rest, ready for the day ahead whoever it throws at me.
    Hazel has been in, she has done all the setting up, will pop some flowers on the tables she's not done that for some reason.
    MAUREEN:- that's a brilliant card, love it, I keep forgetting about using Acetate. Brilliant image and so different. Hope you are feeling better today (((hugs))). That's me after a wee shopping trip. Well it used to be ...... see this carry on with the shops not giving you "bags" I feel like a "shop lifter" all my shopping in so few bags!!!
    SANDRA:- glad you had a good day with Sue and Pat you are all so lucky to have found each other. What a wonderful little support group.
    SANDRA:- will be thinking of you this afternoon. As Hazel has said "stick to your guns" they were wrong and they have to apologise for their mistake. They have caused you and your family such anxiety and you really should be in line for compensation.
    PAT:- positive thoughts, you are both in my thoughts and prayers. Hope it all goes well.
    Nothing much on the cards today. Will pop along to "vote" then some food shopping. To do that it's a 38 mile round trip. We have a local "Spar" nearer but that's it. In the other direction there is a Co-op but again you would not do your shopping at it.
    Left my basket of (((((hugs))))) at the door, please help yourself. Patricia xxx

    1. Hi Patricia, We still get shopping bags in England in all shops apart from Supermarkets where you are asked if you need bags! I couldn't believe it when I was asked in Scotland , on buying a jumper, if I wanted a bag! As you say if you don't you feel like a shoplifter! I know why it has been done but if they had just banned plastic bags it would be more sensible! Xxx soapbox returned! X

    2. Myra, my thoughts exactly, if they gave out paper bags they would disintegrate and disappear when wet.
      I was buying a rather expensive sweater and was asked if I wanted a bag. I said "yes please" "they are 5p" said the assistant. "Even when I will be spending that amount"?? "Oh yes" "Tell you what, you keep the bag and you can also keep the sweater" I the turned and walked out. I really wanted that sweater, it was the principle of the matter not the 5p. I just don't like it, I have bought from M&S and just put the purchase in my own bag but this sweater was blooming Cashmere and cost a lot of money. I still have the money which will come In handy for some Craft Goodies or Holiday Spending Money!! xxx

    3. It happened to me at House of Darrach in Gartocharn near Loch Lomond. It is such a nice place and I couldn't believe they were asking me to pay for a bag! I paid to advertise their shop! Another shop we went to - the lady was most apologetic and said that she couldn't give me a free bag as it was against the law but if I put 5p in the charity box I could have one! She said it was very hard to get tourists to understand what it was all about. Bonkers ! As you say , paper bags disintegrate . Before the days of plastic bags things were wrapped in brown paper. Hey ho! We could run the country , I think. We couldn't do a worse job anyway! Xxx

    4. Hi, I was informed that the money from the bags is supposed to go to charity, but I have not seen any evidence of that

    5. Hi Wendy, in the second little shop there was a box clearly marked with the name of a Charity and the Notice beside it said it was for bags! Xxx

  4. Hi Sandra and all my very dear friends
    "Wow" Maureen what a Fabulous, Stunning Card I Just Love The Stamp Its Delightful You Could Be Shopping For Clothes Or Crafty Items, I'd Love to know where you purchased this Stamp from! as long as it's not from Create and Craft as I don't shop with them.
    Maureen This Card Is Truly Beautiful
    I hope your all well at The Cafe today!
    I'm locking myself away so I don't have to listen to Politics!!!!
    Take Care All My Friends
    Love and Hugs
    From Sam xxx

    1. Morning Sam,
      Don't lock yourself away for too long, we would miss you.
      Just work away listening to calming music DONT switch on the telly and you'll be fine. (((Hugs))) xxx

    2. Hi Sam,
      No politics for me today either Sam....wouldn't trust any of them to look after a goldfish let alone our country!
      Is your holiday sometime soon? Have a good day and hope you are feeling a lot better.

      Love and hugs Sheila xx

    3. Hello Sheila my Lovely Lady
      It's in Ten Days Time and we're so looking forward to it, this is our 16th time as we Love it so very much.
      I haven't been in touch as I'm sure it's going to take a while to get there you will have good days and bad my Sweet Lady
      Take Great Care
      Love And Hugs
      From Sam xxx

    4. Patricia my Friend
      I usually put on YouTube to watch while I'm Crafting to gain ideas etc
      I hope your well
      Take great care
      Did you see JustRite have another one of those Fabulous Stamps that you Stamp Twice I've ordered mine from Sunrise
      Love and Hugs
      From Sam xxx

    5. Hi Sam,
      I am heartily sick of politics and politicians. I will vote later probably but I don't trust any of them and that is a terrible indictment on them all. However , some are worse than others.
      Hope you are feeling stronger each day getting ready for your holiday.
      Love Myra xxx

    6. Thank you for that Sam, off to have a look.
      I decorated one of the Tissue Box Covers I made last night with a. Combination of the StampinUp and Justrite stamp sets. xxx

    7. Stamp set ordered, thanks for the Heads Up Sam xxx

    8. Is that the one Marisa used on her blog? It must be I think - it's a very pretty lilac I think . Saw it the other day. Xx

    9. Myra, your right it is Lilac. I went over to Marisa's Blog to have a look.
      When I saw it I had been there before but did not like the colours she had used so dismissed the Stamp Set. I love using the system, will see what I can create. xxx

    10. Hi Patricia, I didn't really like the card either as it was too busy for me but I noticed it was Justrite Stamp and so thought it must be the one. You will make me buy it if anyone can! Xxx

  5. Hi Sandra
    Really give the School what for!
    I'm sure your all prepared, it should never have come to this, I'm appalled at this school
    Hugs from Sam x

    1. Janet Ecco of Sheffield7 May 2015 at 08:31

      Morning Sam - I'll be with you all tucked up nice and warm and away from the dreaded Politics. Lovely to see you more like yourself. You know what I mean. Hugs xxxx

    2. Hi Janet
      Great to be back even though my messages are short and sweet
      But you lovely ladies are so extremely kind and supportive with everyone
      Take Great Care Janet
      Love and Hugs
      From Sam xxx

  6. Morning Ladies

    Quick visit from me-beautiful card Maureen & such lovely colouring.

    Off to vote on the way to work. I have lots to sort out at work as my training yesterday last most of the day which wasn't expected & I have a backlog from Tuesday. Shopping night on a Thursday so I'll probably be shattered as I've been awake since 4.20am today.


    1. Michele, just don't overdo it, it's horrible when things "pile" up at work.
      Hope hubby was better overnight. (((Hugs))) xxx

  7. Oh! My! Word! Just hung out the washing and it's FREEZING out there.
    Need a quick cuppa to heat me up. xxx

  8. Hi Sandra and all the lovely coffee shop ladies
    Post Mark 2!!! Aaaaahhhhh internet connection dropped out as I posted so it's floating in cyber space!! Here I go again !
    Maureen your card is fabulous , this is just how I imagin you to look, or is it Muriel who looks like this? You have coloured it in beautifully and I love how the back matches too. It looks great on acetate and I love the stamped edge to the card. It made me smile this morning. Now this used to be me with my friend Jane many moons ago! Including the high heels! Oh those were the days!!!
    Sandra I hope all goes well for you today at the school, I will be thinking of you. Give it to them with both barrels xxx
    Muriel and Sam I hope you both feel brighter today and Michele don't rush around too much xxx
    Hazel drive carefully, that's an awful lot of miles to do before 9 this morningxxx
    Patricia drive carefully too again that's a long way to travel for a supermarket, we take it for granted we have most of the major stores only a short drive away xxx
    Well I must get on, weather looks good today so I must get the washing organised if nothing else! My arm aces so much today from oven scrubbing I'm going to have a sewing day I think, unless I get distracted. Take care everyone. Sending you all big hugs.
    Love Diane xxx

    1. Hi Diane
      Thank You for your extremely kind thoughts.
      Take Great Care
      Love and Hugs
      From Sam xxx

    2. Diane, the joys of living out in the country, nothing is near!!!! I only BIG shop once a month. Freezers are a wonderful thing don't know what I would do without them.
      We are very fortunate that our Farmer Neighbour has set up a Vending Machine for Fresh Veg, Eggs, Poatoes and from this week beautiful Fresh Picked Strawberries, Rasps and Asparagus. He started this just before Christmas and has been a great Boon for us. xxx

    3. Patricia love the idea of the vending machine for eggs, hope they don't get broken! Haha. I like the idea of buying locally, we are quite lucky here because alongside all the major supermarkets we have farm shops too along with a butchers and green grocers and bakers. Our local pick your own farm is also our craft shop so I can pop there for fresh veg and craft goodies fall into my basket too :) xxx

  9. Hi Sandra and the lovely cafe crew,
    First of all Sandra Good Luck this afternoon and give 'em what for! You go girl!!
    Maureen what a fabulous card and great colouring in....I'm so hopeless at that and only use my stamps for embossing but your's is gorgeous.
    I'm truly worn out after my lovely day out yesterday....the weather could have been better but Margaret and I just made it into a fun day and we always have a laugh together. Loved having a nosey round the fabulous market there it's huge and still like the old style markets that we used to see so many of in our towns. Had to give in to buying one of those pull along shopping thingies as I give myself the most horrendous back-ache each time I do my weekly shop especially as I don't drive. hen we had another good nosey around Margaret's favourite shop....T J Hughes....they have closed most of them down so it was good to see this one and they were selling little ornaments on silver or gold ribbon either for a Christmas tree or just for home deco ) but they were also light enough for a card and I spotted the most gorgeous fretwork style star with daughter on so it was ideal for part of my explosion box card for my cousin's daughter.
    My huge skip arrived at 7am and before I woke properly and realised what was going on the had dropped it off in my drive and no cars can park in there now!1 Grrr! I have a very long drive (6 cars could park in a row) and they haven'y left enough room for even one car to be parked. Heyho! That's life I suppose!
    Anyway sorry for the moan I must get my coffee and put some extra hugs in the basket take care all you lovely ladies.

    Love Sheila xxxx

    1. Sheila it's good to hear you had a wonderful day and a laugh too, just what you needed. Yes skip people don't think, but it will only be for a couple of days so take a deep breath and smile. Just think of the lovely clear area you will have when it's been filled and gone. Xxx

    2. Oh Sheila! It is so frustrating, but never mind hopefully it won't be there for long! Pleased you enjoyed yesterday it sounded fun! Xxx

    3. Hi Sheila,
      nice to see you had a good day out and a bit of giggles with your friend. you will have plenty more especially if you popping in to this cafe and see what certain people have been up too! xxx

  10. Janet Ecco of Sheffield7 May 2015 at 08:56

    Morning Everyone
    Sandra you don't need good luck for this afternoon as you're in the right and they know that. We'll be with you in spirit as support. Hugs.
    Maureen - I'm in awe of this wonderful creation. It must have taken you hours to create such a masterpiece.

    Well it's good to see that up to this morning Sue has had over 200 comments each day. I just wonder what it will be on Saturday morning. I suppose they'll all crawl back into their little holes until the next launch. It really does make my blood boil.

    By the way My lovely Friend Sandra we also need your Birthday date. So please let us have it so that we can celebrate your special day.

    I haven't had my latte this morning as I've just had one with Sue in her wonderful Craft Room. I love that background die and bought it when she launched that series but when I got it I just couldn't find a way to use it. I know that sounds really stupid but I do have problems with background dies for some reason. So after today's video I shall be giving it a go this morning after I've been to vote. I'm not politically minded at all but do hold that every woman should vote given what our Sisters went through to get us it. Did you know that the women in Switzerland didn't get the vote until 1971 after a referendum and still had over 300,000 voted against them. They had a referendum in 1959 when they were denied the vote by a 2-1 majority. Men still have control their wife's property and capital and the husband has the right to decide where he and his wife reside.
    I find that incredible in a European country.

    History lesson over for today. See you later for my latte I've a feeling I'm going to need it.
    Hugs are in their normal place fighting Norah's naughty ones so please help yourselves and create peace.

    1. Janet you are so right I always vote as a nod to the ladies who campaigned for our right and I'm proud to say my daughter is of the same opinion. We were both shocked the other day when my sister said she hadn't bothered to vote for years! I thought she would be of the same opinion as me as mum and gran always thought the same. How funny as otherwise we are quite alike! Xxx

    2. Hi Janet
      I agree once the weekend is over Sue's Figures will drop we've already dropped to Number Two Spot In The Blogs Column!!!
      I've been to Vote now I'm going to Craft.
      Love and Hugs
      From Sam xxx

  11. Morning Samdra and Ladies, wow Maureen what a great fun card I hope the person who it was for loved it.
    Will have to catch up later, IPad need recharging.
    Take care Jess x

  12. Good morning. Well, I know a lot of you think it always rains in Fort William, but it's lovely here, the sun is shining and the sky is blue.
    What a lovely card, Maureen. I did a few like this years ago with the Flipping Men series. Really should look at that CD again, there were lots of fun ideas there. They do take quite a bit time to make, but everyone thought they were great.Thanks for the reminder.
    Sandra, go for it with the school. They are totally out of order. Let us know later how you got on.
    Sheila, use your bag on wheels. I have had one for years (I don't drive either). Don't know why they have an old lady thing in this country, if you go to France everyone uses them. You see young Parisienne students pulling one along, with flowers and a bagette sticking out the top. Much better for your back than lugging some shopping bags along the street.
    Right better go, I enjoyed my coffee.
    See you later

    1. Janice I can vouch for fort William being sunny. We caught the Harry Potter train from there a few years ago and left on a beautiful sunny day. Xxx

    2. Hi Janice, So pleased you've got a nice day! Hope it's the first of many! We can hope can't we?! Xxx

  13. Hi Sandra and all in the cafe today. Maureen I love this card for many reasons. The stamp is great fun with lovely details, I have never seen a double sided stamp before, must have a look for them. where did you get this one? Your colouring is wonderful and using acetate to mount it works so well. The edging around the card is so pretty, is that stamped or hand drawn? Thank you for sharing this, it really is gorgeous : )
    Thank you for all of the birthday wishes. It came and went this year as I really was not well. We went to Mum and Dad's on Sunday with all of the family. We arrived at 12.45pm and I was back home and in bed by 6pm! That shows how rough I have been feeling! Never mind each day is better than the last so it's all good.
    It was sooooo good to see Sandra and Pat yesterday. I had a piece of Hazels chocolate cake and it was simply delicious. Sandra is a fantastic cook. : )
    Thank you again Pat for my lovely card and Sandra I still can't believe you have given me your fantastic stamped card, it will always be treasured, I know what it means to you, and the gorgeous necklace and earring set. You both are so special : ))
    We have got Christopher for the next 24 hours. Chris offered our services as it is RJ's birthday today and they have been waiting to see a film (no, I don't know which one). It saves a lot of driving if we have him overnight as I go to Mum and Dad's most Fridays and they all live in the same town. Won't be getting much done today that's for sure.
    Have a good day ladies. Take care xx

  14. Morning All,
    Maureen your card is just so cheerful, it reminded me of earlier times shopping with my best friend. We could have shopped for England. Nowadays the mind is willing but the feet are not! I love how you have used all those pastel colours, I bet she was really good fun to colour and so quirky having her " back side " so to speak, on the card as well. Whoever it was for I bet it made them smile.

    Sandra, good luck today. It's good you have done your homework beforehand so that you know what you want to say. You deserve a written apology as well and assurances that this won't happen again.
    Could I please have a coffee to go today, I haven't been over to Sue's yet so I will drink it there.
    Love and hugs
    Saba xxxx

    1. Oh Coffee to go! I can see a slogan for the coffee shop now - Get Your Coffee Here - Take It Virtually Anywhere! Xxx

    2. Saba, have a good day whatever you do!
      Myra, I love the slogan ! hihi have a good day too.
      hugs Maria xx

  15. Right I have made my cup of tea and I souldnt have cake, but I need sugar! So I am going to have a piece of that lovely looking banana cake please. Money in the pot. Well I got them to school, but poor Beth who does so like to be early was just in as the bell went. Anna was the problem and Beth really as those two don't know what hurry means, then again no notice was taken of my message that I wanted them up and ready as I got in at 7.15, I was in for 7.05 and they were still in bed! The worst thing about the drive was Sarah ! Oh she does get my BP up! She is American and of course only the Americans know how to run a country!!., NOT....... Do you know there aren't any poor families there either!!!., That child is so blinked. No food banks there and the tax payers don't have to keep the a Royal Family like we do here. Oh I have now got holes in my tongue. I did say to her " you know something Sarah you need to go back and live there ". Her answer" oh once I am finished my education that's what I will be doing". So talk about use us for a free education or what. Rant over...... Soap box back in the corner.
    Now I have to go get the beds stripped and bedding washed, as I looks like we are going to have a good drying day. Harris is away for his pampering so his bed is outside for an airing. Binned the cover,,ikea bedding so cheap and I wouldnt want all the hairs in the machine anyway. The house doesn't feel right without him.
    Sheila I can just see your face when you saw how stupid the skip men were. Don't over do it filling it. Don't blame you using the trolly, no point in suffering with a sore back. So glad you had a fun day. The girls grand dad use to own a bedding and household linen stall on Bury market.
    Diane did you see the bit last night that a lot of us put the oven bits in the dishwasher??
    That's we finished and washed up my cup and plate. Off to get busy, with good luck I won't be doing the pick up from 3 but only picking Beth up at 4.15 and anna from the bus. Hazel x

    1. Hazel what a fantastic journey you had this morning, so entertaining- not! I think I would have been tempted to stop the car and make her walk! What an obnoxious child! Thank you yes I did see the dishwasher tip, I'm going to see if my shelves fit later as I've got an 8 place setting one and a range cooker! I'm no yup to much scrubbing today, my arm and shoulder really ache! Xxx

    2. Oh that's a pity about the range cooker and an 8 setting dishwasher? Oh I was so tempted to just do that with her!!! I have done that when ours were little when they fought and argued while travelling? I only had to do it a couple of times and only pulling in to the layby and say "OUT". It was enough and then a warning. We lived North of Hanover in Germany and would go to the Hook of Holland to get a ferry 4-5 hours traveling with the three of them and 9 times out of 10 I was on my own with them. So she was very lucky and you are so right about her, her father is one too. Hazel x

    3. Oh! Sis! I can just picture you on that journey ...... !!! xxx

  16. Good morning Sandra and all the coffee shop crew
    Wow Maureen what a fantastic card I love how your lady looks as though she is coming through a glass door very clever indeed. Your colouring is perfect love it.
    Sandra so pleased you had a good day yesterday and for today, you go into this meeting with a smile on your face, lull them into a false sense of security then hit them with your complaint, you know you are in the right just go for it girl and no backing down, tell them you are regarding their actions with the contempt it deserves and remember you want their apology in writing too, verbal is no good, they will squirm but you know you are right so go for it. I will be thinking of you.
    Sheila so pleased you had a lovely day yesterday and at least the skip has arrived and you are not still waiting for it and it will not be a permanent feature so don't worry.
    Sam have a tv free day that is what I will be doing.
    Well must get on I will call in later to see how everyone is and how the meeting went.
    My hugs and cuddles are in the basket just help yourselves there are plenty more.
    Margaret xxx

    1. Hello Margaret
      My Lovely Lady,
      Well I've been to Vote it wasn't very busy, then I'm going to have a spot of Lunch and Craft, Craft, and try and work with some Fabulous New Stamps I have.
      Take Care My Lovely Lady
      Love And Hugs
      From Sam xxx

  17. Pat. I am thinking positive thoughts for Pete and his treatment starting today or at least the test etc get done ready for starting. Yes very hard for him to think good thoughts when a friend has just died from cancer, but you know you are better to talk open in front of him, or he will start thinking you know something he doesn't want to hear. Extra ((((( hugs)))))) for the both of you. Hazel x

  18. Me again turning up like a bad penny. I'm thinking of you this afternoon Pat, I hope Pete gets sorted out with his meds quickly once he has seen the nurse. I'm sure she will reassure you both too if it is a standard letter. Sending you both a big hug.
    Now call me cynical but would you believe it we have had the verges cut and the roads swept this morning by our lovely local council - do you think they are reminding us how wonderful our current leaders are?!!! No I'm sure it is just coincidence, especially as the grass cutters flew around at break neck speed rather than taking all day as usual! I will now go and wash my mouth out with soap for thinking such dreadful thoughts about our beloved council members! Xxxx

    1. Ha Ha! I think you are probably right! Ours usually take all day ! My husband often says that he could do the task more quickly on his own. There are usually four of them! Xxx

  19. What a fantastic card Maureen. I have got that stamp as it was on special offer at a shop that was closing down but I haven't used it yet. After serving your I must give it a go.
    SANDRA. Hope all goes well at the school today. You are in the right and they were very wrong and need to admit to that. Don't stand any nonsense from them. PAT will be thinking of you and Pete today and hope everything goes ok. SAM good to see you back more often and hole you are beginning to feel a lot better. SHEILA. Glad you had a good day yesterday and glad you have bought a shopping trolley. No point in giving yourself backache carrying your shopping home. Hope you put it to good use yesterday. Well I left a sympathy card overnight as I had put the Cosmic Shimmer glue dots on it and found this morning I had managed to smudge one last night so I have carefully peeled off the flower and need to go and cut another Camilia flower out and will have to wait to post it until the glue dot has dried. Don't think it will be listed this morning now. Going out for lunch with a friend today so hadn't better have any cake will just make a latte and hope to be back later to hear how Sandra got on.

    1. Hi Littlelamb
      Thank you so very much for your kind thoughts I really appreciate it so very much.
      Take care my friend
      Love and Hugs
      From Sam xxx

  20. Morning everyone.
    OMG I just LOVE this card lol. I must have this stamp, prey tell Maureen where I can get it please.

    Sandra... GO get em lass. They must NOT get away with this and id threaten them with the board of Govenor's !!! In fact not threaten, it should be bought to their attention anyway. Be firm Sandra, you have the intlelligance to show them up for what they've done, its dispicable and surely illegal ? Is it ?
    Will be back later to see how you got on hon.
    Hope everyone is well, PAT, was thinking of you and your husband hoping the appointment had the answers you were looking for xx

    Right, will take my sore manky eye into the den to see if it can focus on the order I have !!
    Love and friendly hugs to one and all.
    Lancashire Steph xxx

    1. Hi Steph
      I hope your keeping well
      Take great care
      Love and Hugs
      From Sam xxx

  21. Hi Sandra
    Firstly can I thank everyone for their good wishes for Pete for this afternoon. I'm busy writing questions in his diary to ask the nurse or whoever we're seeing later.
    Maureen I just love your card and especially the lady. Back and front look lovely. Looks like their stuck onto acetate as well.
    Sandra, it was lovely seeing you both yesterday, even if it was just for a little while. Hazel thanks for a piece of your birthday cake it was gorgeous. Sandra gave me a piece fir Pete, he ate it as soon as I got home. Even though we were going straight out to eat. I do hope you give the school hell this afternoon. Don't let them ride roughshod over you. You stick to your guns, they can't treat people just how they like. Well it's very dodgy weather here. Not much sun, but a lot of rain in patches.

    1. Hi Pat thinking of Pete and you this afternoon. Hope all goes well and Pete gets started on the medication. So pleased he enjoyed his piece of cake! Sending hugs. Xxx

    2. Hope everything goes well this afternoon and things get to move along and Pete gets started on his meds.
      love xx

  22. Hello Sandra, and all the lovely coffee shop visitors,
    Wishing you all the best for your meeting with the headteacher this afternoon. Just hold your head up high, look straight at her and state your case, don't be thrown by any soft talk. That can come later when you have stated your case, as I'm sure they will want to part on good teams. Because they know you can if you choose take it further. Best of luck LOL

    MAUREEN, Love your card the lady is walking out of a shop door - and to have the rear view really makes this card very special (clever you) Also like how you have added a border around the front of this card. Did you get the image from a CD or eas it a stamp? Your colouring looks very professional, did you use water colour pencils? I am TRYING to get into colouring and been playing with pencils also Copic pens. When I look at my desk I think of Patrica and say to myself - Another PHD !!!
    SHEILA, I would need a trolley just to get up your drive! When I go to craft shows I take my small rucksack it has wheels, it's amazing how much I can pack into it.
    PAT and PETE Thinking of you and hope they have at last sorted out the meds. What a good idea to write all the questions down, sending lots of love, hugs and Prayers xxx
    HAZEL, the family you work for have really got a treasure in you. Our younger daughter used to have a nanny ( A really lovely young lady, and we are still in contact with her) she started at 8 AM and finish at 6 PM. If mum and dad were going to be late getting home then we would step in. But that was when we were both working. And of course before daughters family finances changed. But hey Ho what are grandparents for!
    Well better go now I've had a lovely cup of coffee and a natter with all you lovely ladies, the washing machine is ready to be emptied for a second time today so pleased it's dry outside and I can pick everything out .
    Will be back later, love and hugs everyone, Brenda XXX

    1. I will even PEG everything out, also match the PEG colours as other half HAS gone out, if he were in HE would be saying I'll do it for you. SHE grits teeth and says 'thank you dear' LOL XXX

    2. Now that's what I like to hear Brenda ..... Matching Pegs!!! xxx

    3. AND Socks in pairs .....It just makes it you take them off the line xxx

  23. Hi Sandra and Everyone!
    What a super card! That did make me laugh! The thing is Maureen I was superimposing your head on that stamp!! Who took the photo of you - and how ingenious to turn it into a stamp! It's a brilliant card! My friend and I must have looked like that - once upon a time! Great stamp?
    Thank you for sharing that and brightening up the morning.
    I started off making comments on the way down and then had an unexpected caller so just got back . Will have to make other comments later as have not read all the posts yet!
    Sandra - hope all goes well this afternoon and you come out of school in a happier frame of mind. It has been badly handled to say the least and I just hope they have the grace to say so!
    Will go and read !
    Love to all,
    Myra xxx

  24. HELP!!
    I am having a bit of a panic about this bloody meeting! Will I make things awkward for the girls by speaking my mind ? Obviously I'm not going to be rude, I just some answers as to why the school felt it necessary to investigate which opticians we used, who then gave the school the details of Lucy's consultant, who they then contacted directly, not even giving me or paul a hint that they were making enquiries! Lucy had tried defending the teacher saying she was only trying to help!
    They gave never felt it necessary to help before though, when Matt was there and was suffering terribly with his rapidly spreading arthritis, at no point did they call or try to help us get a faster appointment!
    I was feeling really positive and determined early hours thus morning while I was laying wide awake at 3.20 am, but being on my own my thoughts have making me question myself about whether I am doing the right thing by making them explain themselves! But then I think back to how humiliated and angry I was when it had the call from the hospital, what should I do? Do I stick to my guns?
    Sorry to be a pain,
    Sandra xxxxx

    1. Sandra,
      Take a few deep breath, sit down and write down some pointers you want said to these ,( idjits sorry for the lingo) and you will be fine. Remember we are with you all the way reg. what happened. you go girl ! hugs Maria xx

    2. Sandra,
      Do as Maria says and take those deep breaths and it's only natural for you to feel'd have to be a mega-confidant person (of which I am very far from) not to feel nervous. You are worrying about upsetting the girls and also theirs and yours confidentiallity. I though no-one was allowed this information only them and you and Paul as their parents. Just tell the head you are entitled to know who broke that confidence and what basis....just judge the head by what answers are given...I think your nerves maybe a helpful thing in some ways as they may kick your adrenalin in. Good luck dear friend we are all behind and just remember you are the parents and damn good ones too!

      Love and hugs
      Sheila xxx

    3. Sandra stick to your guns girl. I worked with a child who had a physical disability statement and the school and hospital had to get permission from the parents to be copied in on reports. Patient confidentiality and all that. You need answers from the school but also want the school to help your daughter manage her condition and get the support that she needs ( no doubt there will be additional money for the school for Lucy for teaching support, enlarging work perhaps an iPad for get to use in class to see the white board close up). I'm sure the meeting will go well, I know I would be worried about it too, you never know the head teacher may be just as worried as you!!! Xxx

  25. Hi Sandra,
    I am not someone who goes in anywhere shouting the odds! However I think you are entitled to an explanation of why the school behaved in the way it did! You can say something like " I was upset and very disappointed at the way this matter was handled. " even say it made you angry! You can be firm without causing a scene. People often respond better if they see you are upset but reasonable! I think you are fully justified in asking for an explanation.
    Hope this helps! My thoughts are with you this afternoon. Don't let this upset you. It isn't your fault. Lots of love Myra xxx

  26. Hi Girls of my favourite coffee shop,
    quickly before i forget Cheryl is fine but having technical problems with her communication resources namely her computer is acting up and deciding whether it is going to behave itself of not but she is fine but asked that i let you all know so you wont worry about her. Have told her the coffee will be awaiting her return either when her IT plays nicely or it has been heaved from a very high building and been replaced, the choice is it's.
    Now Muriel, what have i told you about drawing me and giving the game away (i should be so lucky) at least you let me walk and kept my scooter hidden out of sight. Love the fact that you have coloured in the back of the lady laden down with shopping as well as the front. I've often wondered what i look like from behind and now i know, sack of spanners or a tattie sack tied in the middle. When i went to my special Aunts funeral there in January i was walking across with sticks when one of the others that knew Auntie Jean and myself cam up and pulled the new tag that was on the outside of my new coat, i had forgotten all about it being new, oops.
    Sandra, you just ask them for an explanation as to why they took the law into their own hands as of the wee lass and why you weren't contacted beforehand if they had any issues with her. Dies his staff and ultimately himself realise that they were going totally against the law and you did not realise if he did know this that your child was under a supervision order of the local Social Work department. You are quite capable of knowing when your children need help, you actively seek help for them as any caring parent would do and the "problem" that they decided to break confidentiality laws long with the local hospital authorities you have and had already been seeing an expert about it. They had absolutely no right what so ever in taking these actions upon themselves and you want to know what is going to be down about it so that it never happens to another set of caring parents. If you receive no satisfaction you are going to take it higher and make a formal complaint to the head of the education authorities about him(as he is ultimately in charge of what his teachers do and their actions), the teacher/s responsible for it and you will not let the matter rest until you are fully satisfied. (can you tell i have had run ins like this before with Heads of schools and education departments). Sorry i will return soap box to corner for next persons use. I hope that you get on ok flower and don't let him bully or upset you, you have done nothing wrong but they like to spin it around to make you think that you have but don't let them.
    Right i'm away to get something to eat and a hot coffee and watch the world go bye. Now i've had words with all my little huggles to be on their best behaviour as they wont be taken home so i will see if it keeps them in check as they keep escaping and running riot.
    Love and crafty hugs
    Norah (Glenochil)

    1. Thank you Norah, Myra, Maria & Sheila,
      For your words of encouragement! They are very much needed and appreciated!
      I was saddened to hear that Sues blog gas dropped back down to No2 in the blog charts already, I guess that's something to do with people nit continuing their support after the give away is over, so sad really!
      .well I am off to get the trowel out and cement mixer churning, try and make myself look respectable!
      Sandra xxx

  27. Sandra. As I said head held high and look them in the eyes and say " I have come today to get an exclamation from you as to why you went behind our backs and did what you did ref Lucy.?" We were not under a social worker, you have known us as a family for a long time, also you know Lucy has had treatment and a number of appointments with the eye clinic. As Myra says don't get upset and let them get the better of you. Smile too. I found it helps as it throws them. Come into night and let us know how it went (((((( hugs)))))).
    Right a cup of tea is needed I have just stood and ironed two loads of washing that dried, I have the bedding to do but it can wait. As those two loads were trousers, shirts, t shirts, skirt and the wool cardigans that I washed the other day. So I have done enough for now. Must say having Tammy's steam iron was great. Especially my linen skirt is looking perfect, that's till I wear and sit in the car,,it will be a mess. Yes Maureen I agree the worst thing to wear. Don't answer that!!.,
    Brenda, I start at 7.15 but don't have a finishing time, it's just till someone gets home, which is usually daddy. He is very good and try's to get back before 6. But if he is held up at the hospital he then can't get over the bridge that easily. Mummy has to get out of Edinburgh, and she fines staying back a bit she gets home quicker. I do have the time off during the day now which helps, so I am just like doing what granny would do. Hazel x

  28. Just seen your note you will be fine we have all got everything crossed for you and my daughter called this morning she is an HR consultant to the local schools and she says schools are most definitely not allowed to do what this school has done and you are more than within your rights to ask for an explanation because as she says if they do this once and get away with it they will try and do it again, so come on sweetheart you can do it deep breath and you go for it.

  29. Hello Everybody,
    Sandra, If you haven't already gone, deep breaths and good luck. If you have gone, I hope you gave it to them with both barrels!!!
    Sandra keeps doing this to me. I open the blog up and another horror card is there, I get such a fright! I made this for one of my niece's 50th birthday but she hasn't had it yet. The name of the stamps are "Flippin' Stamps" and I'm not sure if they were just sold in the North East of England. I got the full set of 8 women and 8 men, all with front and back and little accessories stamps and also 3 or 4 sayings. I have since decorated the inside of the card on the facing page to the rear view, with parcels and shoes along the bottom, and a plain Happy Birthday behind the woman across the widest part.
    The decoration around the edge of the card is just the tip of a Clarity stamp.
    The men ones are brilliant and my nephews used to love the ones for their dad or grandad because toilet humour is catered for!!!!
    I stamp the image and colour it with Pro-markers, then cut out and stick to the acetate. I love Samuel Taylors Super Smooth 250 gsm white card for colouring, and it also makes a good card base at only £4.99 for 100 sheets.
    (I sound like a sales rep!! ha ha)
    I've washed, and am about to start ironing before the girls come in. I've been into year 3 this morning helping the children with measuring and maths so I'm hoping to get into my craft room later.
    Jean, have you been to the doctor yet.
    Norah, thanks for letting us know about Cheryl.
    Pat, thinking of you and Pete, I hope he gets his meds super fast.
    I know there's loads I want to say, but I've forgotten it, so see you all later, I've unlocked the tanker if anyone feels they need a top-up.
    Love Muriel xxx

  30. Hi folks!!
    Voting and shopping done. Washing all dry, ironed and put away.
    Long phone call with my friend Oriel over in N.Ireland. Her 6th Grandchild was born this morning, a little girl Poppy. Oriel is one of 13 children and relishes in having lots of people in the house. She looks after the wee ones a couple of days a week, with the older ones coming to her after school. The new baby's family live literally a "stones throw away" so she will always be on hand to help.
    Right better get a move on and get a baby card made ready to post in the morning.
    Had a cuppa and a slice of cake, money in the pot.
    See you later to hear how Pat & Pete got on as well as Sandra. I hope Sandra got on OK and got the results she wanted. xxx

    1. Janet Ecco of Sheffield7 May 2015 at 16:53

      Patricia - please please slow down or you'll meet yourself coming back. Having just read your lovely note I'm dizzy - well more so than normal - and definitely out of breath. So slow deep breath and let it out now again repeat, sit, think calm thoughts for at least the next 15mins and now off you go to craft and I'm going to stay here in my chair and watch you craft. Hope you don't mind my comment. Hugs are trying to catch you up. xxxx

    2. Janet, I am sitting with my feet up, IPad on lap typing my messages. Will be here for another 5 mins. Bits & Pieces ready for the Baby Card lying out. Will do it in the evening, please call in and keep me company. I don't drink so it will be Tea or Coffee or you can have a drink if you wish. I do keep it in the house, just don't partake myself.
      Thank you for your concern. I find it very, very difficult to sit and do nothing. I can always find things to do. xxx

    3. janet ecco of Sheffield7 May 2015 at 18:45

      Patricia I'll be with you shortly and a cup of fruit tea will be fine. Will love seeing you craft. Xxxx

  31. I just looked on Sunrise Crafts to see what Spellbinders and Justrite were up to and discovered that Sunrise Christmas shop is now Open!! I knew you'd all be thrilled to learn that! More news - Sue has Christmas Dies launching on June 12th , I think. Early in June anyhow. She has some of last years popular ones which were out of stock back again! The Let It Snow Die may be pre- ordered!
    I hope this has lifted your spirits, ladies!
    I thought - Christmas - just got over Easter! Xxx

  32. MYRA:- No cake or even any Baileys for you today!!!
    CHRISTMAS:- I have not had my Summer Holiday yet!!! come on!! xxx

    1. I knew that would hit a nerve! I had to share! It would have been rude of me not to share! Xxx

    2. Jingle Bells, Jingle Bells ! Xxxx

    3. Oh! Christmas Tree, Oh! Christmas Tree. I can see it out the window, it's in the lane at the side of the house, permanently there xxx

    4. The others will think we've lost the plot! Xxx

    5. I thought we already had.
      By the way we do have a Christmas type tree that we see out of the lounge window. Not decorated at the moment I may add. xxx

    6. I am pleased about that! Xx

    7. "We wish you a Merry Christmas xxx

    8. "And a Happy New Year" xxx

    9. Let it Snow, Let it Snow, Let it Snow........

    10. It actually looks like it is snowing here right at this very minute ...... all the blossom off the trees is blowing onto the Decking and Flag Stones. xxx

    11. It's Silent Night at the moment! Xx

    12. Where is everyone? Do you think they have all rushed off to buy their Christmas Trees?? Xxx

    13. What have I started! I only went to look at Justrite! Why do I want to call them Startrite? Second childhood maybe? Xx

    14. Wonder if you can wear Justrite on your feet? x

    15. I do not stamp my feet Muriel! Xxx

    16. I know it's cold again but Christmas??!!!! Really they are having a laugh! Xxx

  33. C'mon Sandra,
    The suspense is killing us, what happened??? xxx

  34. This comment has been removed by the author.

  35. Well, not too much to report, they were very apologetic, they thought that they could help by moving things along faster, just about every excuse under the sun, I think they were on a back foot from the start to be honest, they want to know what they can do to make life easier for the girls, etc,etc! He is going to speak directly to the teacher that made the phone calls too, to explain his wrong the situation was and hi wit felt from our point of view, the school nurse was present too, she must have played a part in it too as she kept saying she wanted to know from a 'health professionals point of view' she could help, bla bla Bla!
    I will update you more later, just popping out to shops etc!

    1. So no further forward really. However you have let them know how you feel. Think they will phone before doing anything so stupid again. xxx

  36. I might not manage back later. This is Thursday, my friend Elaine comes tonight...... well that's the theory anyway. Might be 8pm when she decided to Text to say she can't manage. Could be 9.45 when she arrives, I just play it by ear as they say. I will work in my cards while I wait.
    Be very good I will check up in the morning as to what Shenanigans went on xxx

  37. Patricia, we wouldn't dream of doing anything without you - do you believe that?? Enjoy your crafting session and Elaine's visit when she arrives.
    Ladies, yes the stamp was modelled on me, about 50 years ago ha ha. Now it would be a little old lady, who's shrinking fast. I can't believe it, I used to be 5'3" (I don't do metric) but I just noticed the other day that things I used to be able to reach, I have to pull out a chair, sorry step stool for lol.
    By the way Patricia, we have bottles of unopened spirits in one of our cupboards that have been there for 46 years, wonder what they'll be like now. I know I won't be the one to find out, and George doesn't drink spirits, so Rachel and Peter can find out when we aren't here!!!
    Sandra, I'm glad you had it out with the school, they were obviously trying to cover their backs and pretend they were trying to help you, rubbish - they were interfering busybodies.
    We've been to vote, the queue was outside the polling station which was nice to see, although we usually do have a good turn out in this part of the City. I don't suppose it will make a ha'porth of difference who we vote for because they say one thing, then do what they want. But, if we don't vote, we can't complain.
    I'm going as I've a couple of cards to do for tomorrow, which is unusual for me as I like to be well in front, cardwise. (No Myra, no comments please!!!)
    Help yourselves ladies, the lock is off the tanker, but I'm trying to dry out a bit, oh all right, I'll have a small one to keep me going, now where's my pint glass!
    Muriel xxx

    1. Maureen I am pleased to hear it will be a pint glass of Baileys and not Newcastle Brown Ale otherwise your cards may turn out non too straight!!
      Well Sandra that is a right load of bull s--- if every I heard anything, have you seen my note earlier my daughter Lesley was disgusted she said schools are just NOT allowed to do that, she says you have a case to go to the school governors and if you do you should put it in writing and send it to the chair of governors asking for a meeting and a reply within a stipulated time, she says 14 days is reasonable, and of course mark it private and confidential. If you need any more information just let me know and I will ask her. Hope this helps you.
      Patricia enjoy your evening I do hope your visitor arrives.
      Well I have a little ironing to do then some sewing but will try to look in later.
      Margaret xx

    2. Hi Sandra
      Worth a note to the Chair of Governors (I used to be Clerk to the Governors). The school website should have details of how to contact the Governors. The Chair will have to respond in writing to you. I will carry on reading to see what you say later on but I hope this helps xxx

  38. Sandra, I hope you are feeling happier about the whole episode now.
    Patricia, have fun with Elaine
    I will be back later.
    Love Saba xxx

  39. You'll never believe it, a mechanical street sweeper has just gone up the road at this time of night. Haven't seen one of them since the last local election!!! xxx

    1. Haha Maureen it's probably the one from here got lost! Xxx

  40. Well not much further forward then Sandra. What do they propose to do next? And did they suggest anyway they could help Lucy? Sun decided to come out here about 4pm. No word about my glasses today so hopefully tomorrow. Will just have to be patient. Had some new stamps arrive from Chocolate Baroque today so must try them out later. Was cutting out notebooks and all the bits to go with them this morning and my wrist decided it had had enough so had to stop. Must try again later. Glad to hear Cheryl is ok. Nuisance about the internet etc., Don't know what we would do without it these days. One things for sure we wouldn't be in this cafe today and look what we would be missing. Well better get on. Will just have a cup of tea and see if anyone is in the corner. Hope to be back later.

  41. Hi Sandra. Im glad you stuck to your guns at the school. Hope you managed to read.what Margaret had to say before you left for the meeting. Id defo put a complaint into the head of school govenors too.
    Oh.I have some flippin stamps.- male football, gardener, DIY and an old wrinkly sitting on a beer barrel oh and a golfer, they are great, they were on sale at our little craft shop last year 5.00 for eack set. The wonderful thing about our shop is that she knows how I am financially so puts things away for me until I have the spondoolies to pay for whatever. Anyway its a smashing card and im glad your meeting is over and that you didnt back down hon.
    On catch up all night to avoid anything political (apart from gogglebox) that should be funny.
    See you tomorrow.
    Lancashire Steph xx

  42. Hi Sandra
    Well you sort of got the school sorted out then. I still wouldn't be at all happy with what they were saying. Well we saw a Pharmacirt at the hospital today who explained all about the tablets. Apparently the tablets have been licences by NICE for people who've had Chemo first. Not for people who haven't like Pete. So it's funded by the Cancer Drug Fund. NHSS but it comes from another pot so to speak.Pete has to carry a card with him everywhere he goes explaining what he's on. The medication will play havoc with his white cells, so blood tests every month plus visits to the hospital every month as well. He was told not to worry about having fits etc, but if we have any problems at all we have to ring Oncology Triage at the Churchill straight away. They will decide if he needs to go straight to hospital or not. They're on duty 24/7 so any time day or night we have any problems were to call. Which is a great comfort to know that help is available at any time. His Cancer is now in his Lower Spine, his Pelvis and his Sternam as well as his prostate. Sandra will confirm that he looks and sounds 100% fit.

    1. Pat, they seem to be on the ball and have explained things well to you. You know what to look out for and if things happen you have that number and help at the other end of the line. Please don't think twice about phoning day or night, they are on duty for that reason. At the same time you have to not get stressed as it won't do either of you any good. Hazel x

    2. Hi Pat,
      I think you have both had a pretty tough day! I'm glad Pete has begun his medication and I'm glad too you have got 24 hr back up should it be necessary. Try not to get too worried about . That's easy for me to say, isn't it! Let's pray this makes a real difference to Pete. Love to both xxxx

    3. Hello Pat,
      I have been thinking about you both all day. Hope the explanations have helped you to understand more about Petes medication but if you have any questions or worries at all, ring them. We often feel we can't bother these people, but it is what they are there for love. Don't hesitate to call them.
      Love and caring hugs to you both. Saba xxx

    4. Hi Pat, You've obviously both been knocked for six and have a fight ahead of you, but with medication and God on your side, hopefully you will both feel calmer. Use any help you can get, as often as you need it. Much love to you both xxx

    5. Hi Pat,
      I can confirm that Pete looks and acts as fit as a butchers dog as they say, he spends most days going around helping out older people in the street and doing little jobs for them, I hope he is well enough to continue this on this new medication as its his way of coping, by keeping himself really busy! he also has a wicked sense of humour, another coping mechanism! I was thinking of you both this afternoon, has he started taking them now? The 24/7 phone line is a comfort, knowing that you can call anytime for reassurance!
      sending you both a huge hug, love you both

    6. Hi Pat
      You must both be exhausted but it's really good you have got 24 hour support at the end of a phone. I hope you both sleep well tonight, you will both be in my thoughts and prayers xxx

    7. Hi Pat so pleased things are moving forward for you and Pete you have been in my thoughts all day. They have offered you a link to use for help and support please don't hesitate to use it if you need it they are the experts so take all the help and support you can get. Positive thoughts, prayers and God's help you will get there. Much love and hugs to you both as you take the road to recovery. xxx

  43. Sandra. They will think twice about doing that again, yes they were covering there back sides. There will be some poor soul who needs some one to step into help getting nothing - why because they no they would get a smack in the face from their parents. Wait a week or two and go back and ask for another appointment as you would love to see what they have put in plan to help Lucy for next year?
    Anna apologised to night for Sarah being so awful this morning. I told her it wasn't up to her to apologise, she hadn't done anything. Her answer" but Hazel how dare she be so rude to you?" " you are an adult for one and what does she know about life she is only 13". I was very proud of Anna as she is only 12 yet she knew Sarah was so out of order. It turns out that Sarah isn't that liked by a lot in her class as she is so rude. To think her her dad is a professor and mum is a welling known violinist in America. You would think they would have taught her manners. Not working until I pick up Anna at 1. By tomorrow night I will have done over 250 miles of school journeys. By the way cleaner finished today, I think she came in and picked up her wages and left the key. She didn't do any cleaning oh she did put a wash on,towels on a 30 min quick wash. They were put back on a 60 wash. Jen the groom is doing the cleaning for the next two weeks to see if she wants to take it on. I think she will do better as she like myself would question if Francis had been in. I will help Jen next week and show her where things are and go.
    I see my sister is running around like a mad thing, you can tell she isn't due her vit B 12 yet. I forgot I had a card to do for Tammy for today, it is for her MIL birthday for next week, but they will take it down this weekend, so I had to move quick and get it done thankfully I had die cut the bit for the front the other day, I have got to do Tammy's birthday card for Sunday. Thinking cap on. Now you lot do you think you could easy on the baileys? I can't believe how much you get through!!! This coffee shop will be getting a bad name?
    Maureen I can't believe you had to wait to get in to vote? I walked in only one other there, it took me all of about 2 minutes. We did have police at a few stations as they had been warn of some trouble might happen at some point in the day. It's a bit much when these things are happening now. Oh I think I will go and get another cup of tea and just sit and see who comes in, it's usually quiet at this time of night as the night owls aren't in. Hazel x

    1. Hi Hazel,
      It just goes to show what a good job you have done instilling decent manners and values into the girls, I know it wasn't Anna's place to apologise but it just showed that she is mature enough to know that that wasn't acceptable behaviour and it showed that she is clearly protective over you, which is lovely to know.
      Why do you think the cleaner left? I think that even my girls know that towels don't go on a short low temperature wash! I am guessing with what you had said about the mouldy windows in the girls bedroom proves she wasn't really up to the job! Do you think that Jen the groom is up to the job, is she not the one that was pregnant? Don't be dragged into doing any more than you do already! 250 miles is an incredible amount mileage Hazel, I hope you are getting the money for it!
      Have you got any thoughts for Tammy's card?
      I did see in the news that they were sending police out because of fears of problems from SNP, I hope they weren't necessary!
      well I must go and sort what I am going to put on my blog for tomorrow!

    2. Lesley told her she wasn't doing what was expected of a cleaner/housekeeper getting 10 hours to do the job. She did say it was a house that needed more than those hours, Jen is the groom who came when the one that had the baby went of on my leave. Jen is lovely she is willing to give anything a try. Lesley won't be upset if she doesn't want to do the cleaning after she gives it a try. I get mileage after I had all that upset a wee while ago. Couldn't do it if I wasnt, it's not the petrol/diesel it's the wear and tear on the cars. Hazel x

  44. Hi Sandra
    Just been to vote. Our local man is Conservative and he's so goos sorting out everyone's problems. Nearly had a fit when I saw the main list for the general election. It had 5 people who don't even live in our area.

  45. Hello All Been busy, busy today.
    have read all of your comments and apologies to those I miss out
    SANDRA well done for sticking to your guns, why do we get so nervous talking to teachers/heads etc, they're only human afterall but we (well I do) feel intimidated by them - no offence all you teachers perhaps it's just we see them on their territory and not ours... At least you got an apology, they may have taken the attitude that they weren't doing anything wrong. Keep strong
    MAUREEN Your card is lovely and would suit lots of my friends because they're not frilly flowery types
    HAZEL Hope you managed to get the cards done
    POLITICS! Argh! glad the voting is over. I did vote as a nod to the Sisters but quite honestly I wasn't very sure who or what I was going to vote for At least i can say if whoever gets in and if not who I voted for - what a load of rubbish - if you see what I mean
    PHARMACY MICHELE Feel free re my design on blog!
    Interesting to see how numbers have dropped on Sue's blog I do hope some familiar names are lucky tomorrow
    Off to visit Sunrise now!

  46. Hi Sandra and lovely friends.
    Firstly let say that I love this card today. I know we all love our Sue and her dies but it is nice to see other types of cards too. I have some flippin men and women but they are decopatch so not as adventures as yours Maureen. I really thought it was coloured in by pencils as it so gently. Have plenty of promarkers but it don't seem so popular anymore so nice to see them being used still. There were some women looking a bit like her after the shopping at AP, oh the arms was aching the next day or what do you say Lynda hihi.
    Sandra ,were you fuming and jumping up and down trying to get your feelings heard ? can see they hiding away with what they did so don't let them get away with it. It's not a apology you are looking for really is it, hope it all goes the way you want it for Lucy !
    Pat, you and Pete must had a long day with all talk and medications to learn about. I'm sending you both some extra hugs and everything crossed.
    Shopping and hoovering today, where does all the dust coming from?
    Mr sandman decided to visit me at 2pm ! grrrr why can't he turn up when you need him. anyhow I went and layed down for some hours and then a voice calling 'isn't it time you got up and get the dinner on ?' never think he could cook for once. Now everything is about the election of course but he will have to watch it on the little one soon for I want to see next episode of Downton Abbey, it's all happening at the moment tihi
    Muriel, this might not have anything to warn you about as the tanker is more or less empty again !!If Baileys left for a long time, do Not drink as it can poison you!
    But as I said it is no risk in this cafe so I would like to have a small one 1/2 pint and some ice, please hihi
    Has your friend turn up yet Patricia ?
    Hope Cheryl gets her connection sorted soon.
    Sandra and all I wish you a good night if you are falling at the last hurdle, no idea what that's mean, just sounded right hihi
    Love and Hugs Maria xxx

    1. Hi Maria
      Thanks for the hugs, much appreciated.

  47. Hellllllllooooooooooooooo
    Been crafting tonight, Really felt like it, which I haven't done for a while. Not that I got a lot done. Altered three cards, altered one box and made one card. Still it's made me happy.
    It is quiet tonight, obviously the rowdy lot are all having a post-election party without us, so I'll clear up, load the dishwasher, finish drinking the tanker dry, wind up the cat and put the clock out.
    I've had an e-mail from Cheryl saying she still has internet problems, so not to worry as she cannot get on to post.
    See you all tomorrow, have a good night's sleep and keep well.
    Love Muriel xxx

  48. Muriel....
    How can you go to bed? We have an election on.
    Please can anyone tell me where the swing - ometer thing has gone. I used to love that with Peter Snow. Did I ever tell you about the time I saw his wife fall out of a dinghy?.

    1. No Saba,
      You didn't tell us about that, but I must go to bed otherwise I'll not get up in time to go up to Rachel's to give the girls their breakfast and see they are ready for school, and put them on the school bus, and go into school with them to help in year 2, and then come home to do a bit of work before they come in from school, and give them their tea, and get them home for mam coming in - phew!!!
      Night night, Muriel xxx
      Tell me tomorrow!!!!!

    2. Ok love. I think I get the general idea. You are a bit tired and have a lot to do tomorrow.
      Night God bless

  49. Right oh Maria,
    I'll connect the last tanker up just for you, I'm definitely going now as George is nearly asleep!
    Muriel xx

  50. Hi Sandra and the late night crew
    Muriel you missed a drop of baileys, but don't worry I licked it up :).
    We had to queue up to vote too, I've never done that before! It was Emma's first vote so we went as a family. I'm watching the alternative election night and it's quite funny.
    Sandra my love I hope you sleep well tonight and you feel a bit easier. Take the weekend to think on what they have said and perhaps get another appointment to discuss the situation further once you have both had a good chat. I expect Lucy's school uses interactive whiteboards (blackboards to you and I !). She may sit at the front of the class so she can see the board better but what would really help her would be an iPad that she can link to the whiteboard so she can see what is on it close to. I've worked with visual impaired children in class and the iPads changed their lives and gave them such confidence. It's worth enquiring about a visit from a qualified VI teacher who can support Lucy and her teachers to adapt work. Sandra if I can help in any way please feel free to email me, I know how Hampshire works but Oxford may have different systems, I may be able to come up with some ideas for you.
    Right I'm off to bed now, I've offered to do the train run in the morning so I'd better get some sleep!
    See you tomorrow, night night everyone sleep tight.
    Love Diane xxx

    1. Oh thanks Diane, I may well do just that, the main thing that has been achieves is that Lucy has been awarded a 'Reader' for exams for the next two years, so hopefully that will cover her for her GCSE's, she got herself in a bit of a pickle because the first exam she has is 45 minutes later than the main exam (as she will be in a separate room), apparently this is because the TA's are in high demand at exam times!
      Hope you sleep well,

  51. Hi Night Owls,
    I'm heading off too. I've pulled down the blinds, put bleach down the loo and poured the cat a bowl of baileys. Hope she is careful crossing the busy road later!!!!
    Night and God bless
    Saba xxx

    1. night night Saba,
      be nice to the pussy please! Although I am sure Margaret adopted the café cat, so not sure where this one has come from, I hope its house trained!
      take care, see you tomorrow!

  52. Hi Sandra, Hope you have a good nights sleep after what must have been quite an exhausting day. Hope Lucy is coping well, with everything that has been going one. Sending you all lots of love and hugs xxxxxx

    Pat and Pete, sending you both love and prayers. You have had quite an exhausting day as well. It's good you have a 24 hour helpline, use it even if you think it might be trivial - that's what they are there for. LOL Brenda xxx

  53. Oh no Margaret did not adopt the café cat I can assure you if a cat comes any where near Amy my little girl corgi would chase it away good and proper! Cats never come near our bungalow I can tell you.
    I am off to put the corgis to bed now.
    Good night and God bless, sweet dreams everyone
    Margaret xxx

  54. Hi Sandra & all ladies, just did long post but froze up so trying again.
    Sorry haven't been in today.Had busy day we went over Darren's as Sam Broke her ankle last night they just put a hard plaster on at hospital & they had to go back to see if she needs an opperation today. So I did some tidying & ironing for her.didn't get home til late as did them dinner & had some Harry cuddles.
    MAUREEN Your card is brilliant as Sandra said that looked like me at AP HaHa
    Love that stamp & your colouring is lovely.
    PAT really pleased Pete got his medication started & hope it makes a difference for him it's good you have 24/7 back up which must be a relief for you both.xx
    Sandra glad you at least got an apology from the school it's still out of order what they did
    .will catch up on all the comments tomorrow oh it's today am I the only night owl
    Well I'm off to bed Love & Hug's Lynda xx

  55. hic I stil her so is tha cat, purin away over in ora's corner hic. Cudles all arond and sleip wel all off yu hic Natti natt ! Xxx
