
Friday 8 May 2015

Anothe Maria Masterpiece!


Good Friday Morning lovely friends,
Well I can't believe its Friday already, this week has gone so fast, properly due to the Bank Holiday.
it didn't dawn on me until tonight when I saw Paul putting the wheelie bins out!
Todays card is one that Maria sent me back in March I believe, I showed one of the three cards that she had sent me, but this one has remained hidden in the depths of my 'Guest Designer' folder!
It looks like Maria has used the Scandinavian Collection Die Copenhagen and the Corner from the Scandinavian Corner, border, Tag Collection, also the sentiment is set into the middle of the Camellia Trellis Stamp,the Gemini, Carina Die for the border at the bottom and the Camellia Open Petals and Ivy dies, both from the Finishing Touches range, all these die collections are from Creative Expressions die range, designed by our Sue Wilson. I can see that Maria has also used an A4 embossing folder, although I am not sure which one and some Spray Inks too, altogether a beautiful card Maria, thank you so much for sharing your work of art with us all, its great to see what everyone else does with Sue's die range, I think that Sue would be very proud of this card Maria! xx
Well as I am typing this we still don't know which of the many combinations of parties will be running the Country, I am so sick of hearing about what they will and won't do, its all a  load of flannel, they don't stick to any of the things they promise, our Armed Forces are all but on their knees as a result of the past two governments, the cut backs to just about everything, I know of men that have had to buy there safety gear to get the quality required to feel safe, as part of the cut backs (their uniform is insufficient, its no secret its been all over the internet before today, but we see the effects first hand, I have washed a lot of light blue shirts over the past twenty five years or so and the quality now is diabolical! I am not sure which decision would be better for the country!
Well the school appointment is over and done with, I would like to think that they won't be doing that again in a hurry! They were very apologetic, saying that they just wanted the best outcome for the girls and wanting to know what they can do in the future to help them! I didn't buy it to be frank, explained what it felt like as a parent to get a phone call from your childs consultant's secretary advising you that the school found it necessary to make your child an emergency appointment, I think he got the picture, the school nurse/councillor was there too, she obviously had her hand in the  dealings as she was rather sheepish, she said she only spoke to people to make sure she was giving lucy the support she needed, what a load of waffle, I guess the benefit of all this is that they now want to do anything they can to make the girls lives easier, well we will see!
Well I am off for a cup of tea, have a lovely day ladies!
love and hugs


  1. Morning Sandra and all my friends,
    Well if I hear any more Politics I'll "GO MAD" in a morning I usually watch Sky World News which I enjoy before taking boys out but it's not on this morning because of Politics.
    Whomever gets in they really don't care about us I mean So many people haven't had pay rises for years they say that The Job situation is getting better how can they say that when so very many don't hold Contracts my Hairdresser doesn't! this means He doesn't have to pay Her sick pay, Holiday pay, she builds up her salary with Tips Bless Her! How is she ever able to afford a place of her own or even get one without a Contract, Well enough from me!!!!!
    Sandra I'm pleased School went well although they probably thought you wouldn't take it any further and this meeting should have been a lot sooner and they should have invited you in.
    Maria I Just Love Your Magnificent Card I Love All The Beautiful Details And The Fabulous Colourway Your such a talented lady. It's Just Outstanding.
    Sandra you have so many Fabulous Guest Designers (It sounds rather posh doesn't it)
    Take Great Care My Very Dear Friends
    We're Having Security Cameras Fitted As a few Properties around us have been broken into we've got an Alarm but thought maybe The Cameras may be another detarent, on saying that we're also at some stage wishing to move into a Bungalow but my wonderful husband says I Love my Holidays too much at present. Lol!
    Take Great Care My Very Dear Friends
    Love And Hugs
    From Sam xxx

    1. Oh Sam I Agee with you,I am sick of hearing about election full stop! David Cameron kept his seat as our local MP!
      My husband has been one of the ones on a pay freeze, it sickens me to think of the stress and pressure he is under at work, I mean if he he has a 'bad day' a plane full of passengers could lose their lives, but he could earn more at McDonalds or Aldi's ! Sorry rant over,
      I am pleased to hear you are boosting up your Security, you can't be too careful these days! We live in a bungalow and it has been so beneficial to me, so I think you would get huge benefits from not having to keep going upstairs, particularly while you are unwell, I think your boys would like it too as they could pop in and see you when you are poorly.
      Well I must go and sort out the girls for school!
      I will pop back later,
      Love and hugs

    2. Sandra. Things have always been the same for the armed forces!!! Folk think they are well paid as on paper it does? BUT they forget they don't have a 36 hour week? They are on call 23hrs 50 mins a day! 7 days a week. When Charlie was serving when you worked out his hourly rate it was about 25p an hour! On call 24/7 and be prepared for your weekends and holidays to be cancelled at the drop of a hat. I won't even go on about pension, but just to say Charlies gets £40 less old age pension than the normal person, it's all to do with a change in the wage payment about 30 year ago.
      Sam. Yes having a dog is a delight and you get to know a lot of lovely people while out walking! Harris came back from his pampering yesterday smelling so much nicer and looking more like our boy.
      Michele. Just think of that week off while working today.
      Oh well I'd better move and get a wash on, then do some housework? The windows could be doing with a clean, I might just do them as well, it depends I have only till 12.30 then I am on work time. Hazel x

  2. Morning Ladies

    Well-we have lovely weather here (so far) and a beautiful card Maria-just stunning.

    I want to set off early today as I have to collect a parcel for hubby. The GP had left a message yesterday afternoon asking him to ring the surgery so hopefully hubby will be back in time to contact them.

    Last day at work for a whole week-yeah!!!!

    Might pop back in later ladies after reading all your comments-they really cheer me up.


  3. Good morning Sandra and the Gang, hope you are all good today.
    SANDRA:- you seem to have won a victory with the school. Maybe not the "perfect" outcome but they have realised they made a big mistake.
    I am late this morning not because I was watching "politics" Elaine came and did not leave till just before Midnight.
    MARIA:- Wow! Oh! Wow! your card is STUNNING, thank you for sharing. I just LOVE the use of all the wonderful Dies you have used.
    It's a beautiful morning here. The sun is shining, the sky is blue, hope it is the same for you. OK off to get some housework done. I like to go through the house on Friday, then that's it for the weekend. Except when Mr Dyson has to come out to clean up Die Cut Bits. I have a few cards to make, I was almost up to date ....... then the requests start coming in again.
    Be good till I get back in again. xxx

  4. Good morning ladies, I didn't get chance to pop in yesterday, busy catching up on everything, have read all the chatter this morning, the cafe was really busy yesterday wasn't it, Sandra so glad you went into school and put your feelings forward, they had no right whatsoever to over ride yourselves with respect to your daughter, hope you feel a bit more settled now. Maria's card is absolutely gorgeous, very opulent ( good word so early) . I hope everyone has a good weekend, the weather at the moment is sunny but I think the forecast is for some more rain, heyho we can't change it can we. We will take our two little Yorkies out this morning just in case, they really live their walks, had a lot of persuading to do a few years ago to get John to agree to a dog, Bonnie is the love of his life now, then we got Ruby and he is so proud when people stop with their dogs to chat. Just shows how people can change, well onward as they say, have left hugs in the basket by the door if anyone needs them, will try to get back later but if not enjoy your day everyone, Love Jean

  5. Morning all. Bloomin politics smolatics ! Just a whole bunch of idiots trying to pull the wool over our eyes again, do they really think we are THAT stupid to believe a word they.say ? But we will hear nothing but for the next few days I dare say, it aint ova just yet !
    What a beautiful card today, who would think that so much can be done with a few bits of card, metal, ink and mounting foam !
    Am hoping we get to see a lot of familiar names on Sue's blog later. Good luck my lovelies ( whopperjaw didnt comment this time did she ) ?

    Have a good day ladies.
    Lancashire Steph xx

    1. No she didn't Steph, I mentioned her name a couple times during the launch, I imagine she was given the whole collection as a gift like last time, my problem with her was how she kept on at us to buy them, silly cow! I didn't see old fancy pants from Brighton comment either did you?
      Sandra xxx

  6. Oh dear a senior moment!!! Sorry Maria I didn't comment on your stunning card. For someone who says she doesn't know what to do some times I wish I could make cards like this when I can't think? Your use of those dies are wonderful and your soft colours are beautiful. Now I will go back to hoovering. Talk about light bulb moment, when I thought did I comment on Maria card??? Hazel x

  7. Good morning Sandra and the Gang
    It's a lovely sunny day here albeit the wind still has a nip to it. I think I'll have a cup of earl grey today and just go sit in the window seat and listen to you all discussing the election results. I know, I know, you are all sick of it, but I have actually missed being able to watch some of it. Not having British TV here anymore is really quite difficult. I can get it on my I pad via an Internet App but it's unreliable, often crashes and I have to listen to stupid adverts. It also means I can't use my I pad for anything else at the same time, so all in all I actually envy you being able to see what is happening with the results.
    Maria, what a lovely card. I like how you have first cut the border and then embossed it. It all looks so pretty shaded in lilac, and the ivy looks very effective done in the same shades.
    Off to check out the news now, so will be back later.
    Love and hugs
    Saba xxxx

  8. Good morning Sandra and everyone,
    Well politics is still the main subject on the news. So what's new? Will they now improve our standard of employment and living? All the promises........ We will see!
    Sandra, make today a day for you, after all yesterday's events, I'm sure you need some 'me' time. I just hope the school actually do try and work out how they can help Lucy. She is blessed with parents who have her best interest at heart.
    Maria, your card is so beautiful, love the colour. It is always lovely to see how other crafters use Sue's dies. You have created a card Sue would be proud of I'm sure. LOL

    GOOD LUCK to everyone this afternoon when Sue picks her winners. It would be lovely to see some names from this blog. Fingers Crossed

    Be back later, Brenda xxx

  9. Good morning dear Sandra and my favourite coffee shoppers,
    Maria flower i will go along with that sentiment that you have on the front of your card as i think that it is just perfect for here. A lovely card flower, have you sprayed that mica shimmer spray stuff on it to give it it's hint of colour? I do like how you have graduated the colour from blue to purpley lilac. Thank you for letting us see your beautiful work Maria, very worthy contender for the Guest Designer slot.
    While i have been sorting out down at Mum's i have found some of her ditties that she so loved to leave in all the most subtle of places(not) but as i have already said my parents had such a sense of humour like no other although i think they would have got along fine with some of the people and guests of the coffee shop here.

    We the willing, led by the unknowing,
    Are doing the impossible, for the ungrateful,
    We have done so much with so little for so long,
    We are now qualified to do anything with nothing.

    I think that one possible contender for doing this to her highest is our Hazel as she seems always to be on the go and doing exactly this. Hazel perhaps you should do a mammy on your employers as they are very guilty of this. (hope you see the funny sort of truth in this wee ditty as i don't mean to be rude about your employers but sometimes they need a hard kick up the jacksey). And who is Sarah and what has she got to do with you running Beth and Anna to school. I think perhaps that little madam is needing a good dose of manners taught to her about how she addresses adults and talks to them and not at them. Thank goodness your beloved girls are so much better mannered and it shows by the kindness and apology that the wee lass made on behalf of "Sarah" even though it wasn't that bairns fault that the wee girl is just rude. She might have highly talented parents but it is a pity that they couldn't teach her the basics like manners in their busy lives. I can always remember if mum took us any where that if we forgot our manners she would say in a voice that you just knew you had forgotten something "I do apologise for my childrens lack of manners this morning, they appear to have forgotten them but i will ensure that they do post them on to you when they get back home". That was it , head down in shame as we grovelled an abject apology to the person, but we rarely did it again.
    Pat flower i am glad that Pete is now finally getting the treatment that he should have had months ago. I know that you say he goes around as if there is nothing wrong, but he himself must have been beside himself at times but not wanting to worry you any more than you were already worried, i do hope with all my heart that this treatment works for him so that he can continue to do what he does for the other people in the street. He sounds like what neighbours used to be like in doing wee things for the others. I have a bin fairy that brings up my bin up the drive when she sees it still out as she knows that i am having a bad day that day and i can't tell you just what it means that wee bit kindness as my drive is sloped upwards.
    Well i can see it is going to be a crafting day as today is all about the election on the tv except for i think one hour when it is about VE day. WOW imaging giving up that whole hour that they could have poured over the results just that wee bit more.
    Latte i think is calling my name and i can drink out of a big persons cup again. I have filled up the basket with huggles so they are ready for all,
    Love and crafty hugs
    Norah (GLenochil)

    1. Norah, thank you for that. " Sarah" is the daughter of the mum who does most mornings of taking Anna to school, but her car was in the garage it had a wheel problem so unsafe. They only have the one car, so it was a case of helping out. Anna's mum would have taken them but she needed to be in clinic in Edinburgh for 9, she did it on Wednesday as she wasn't going in to work and was working from home. Yes the higher up the chain the less manners. Anna was always known at primary school for her manners, on any occasion where she was getting given anything you could hear her thank you at the back of the hall. It starts from when they are babies getting handed something. You hand to them and say Ta! Or thank you what ever. Anna always replys to a thank you with " your welcome" I have no idea where that's from!!!! It's me. I always say " manners cost nothing" I have to say Beth is the same. I think all my children I have looked after over the years have good manners to this day. Well I hope so. I will try your mums way and leave a little note. Hazel x

    2. Great Verse Norah! Xxx

  10. Morning Sandra and all you lovely cafe crew,
    First of all I want to say what a stunning card maria has made I love the detail and the delicate colour...truly beautiful!!
    Sandra Im so pleased that the meeting went pretty well hopefully they will stick to their word and contact you before doing or saying anything to anyone else. Having the nurse there was very crafty she was probably to back up the head and then to cover her own tracks....after all... what they did was undispicable and they probably realise that now.
    I didn't watch an iota of news yesterday so it was a completely political free day although I did have one phone call from the local labour party.
    One skip completely full and now I need another....yes it really is that bad. I can't believe how beautiful our garden used to be but once my dear hubby got hooked on to boot sales that was the downfall of it. I loved (love) him to bits but I get so angry when I look at the legacy he has left me with and what it's going to cost me to get some sort of semblance of it. I sure need a big hug from him at this point in time and for him to say 'Don't worry She it will be okay!' I'm seriously thinking of going to have a chat with the council to see if I can get a pensioner's bungalow or apartment and sell my sorry for the moan...just ignore me as I'm feeling a bit sorry for myself....will bounce back later..well at least the sun is shining.
    I've put more hugs in the pot so please help yourself.

    Lots of love Sheila xxx

    1. Sheila moan on that's what we are here for ! To support each other on days like this where you need to tell soneone how you feel. Oh dear another skip, yes they look big until you start. You now can start to see the woods for the tees as one says. (((((Hugs))))) for you you, sorry I can't give them in person as I feel that's what you need. Hazel x

    2. Hello Sheila,
      You moan all you want love. You are doing so well, you have made a start clearing it all away and once you have your lovely garden back it will seem worth it. It must be so confusing for you feeling so many mixed emotions, missing him, needing him but at the same time being cross with him. You go out in that garden and have a rant!!
      Sending you loving hugs, like Hazel I wish I could do it in person.
      Saba xxxx

    3. Hi Sheila love,
      Listen, you can moan all you like, that's what we are here for, it was my turn yesterday, you go for it my lovely! I guess your hubby thought he was going to sell most of it and make some good money! That would have been my dad's thought, he loved a car boot sale and a bargain! Who is moving all these things into the skip Sheila, not you i hope!
      You have every right to be angry and frustrated as by the sound of it you have an enormous mess to clear, did he manage to bring any of it into the house? Iuckily for us dad kept his to the garage and the sheds, but there was all sorts from bits of lawn mowers and strimmers, none of which worked, we hired a skip and filled it twice over, the garage is still full of his tools, gas bottles from when he did welding, we couldn't work out why he has 5 hammers, lord only knows how many screw driver sets , tins and tins of screws and nails, old car bits (for cars he never owned)! So I can totally understand how angry and frustrated you feel, you will get through it eventually! We considered moving mum into something smaller, even sheltered where there were other people to mix and socialise with but I don't think she could have coped with, so we have let it for the time being, I just think she will struggle with the upkeep of the big three bed house that was our family home, we have had a few issues already, things that Dad would have fixed himself, because he did that when we got a plumber in, mum had a fair shock when she got the bill, so I think a move to a smaller place is a sensible idea, when the time is right!
      Please Sheila , whenever you feel like letting off steam or having a rant, we are all here to listen!
      I am sending you huge hugs
      Sandra xxxxx

    4. Sheila my love, you moan all you like. Oh if only we were close enough to pop round and give you a hand with your garden. It sounds like you enjoyed gardening and always had a beautiful one so it can return. Don't make any rash decisions though especially when you are feeling down. Retirement bungalows are ok but if you make the move too soon you may regret it later when you need a bit more space and a garden to sit in. Whatever you decide we will be here for you. Why not see if there is a community group that could help you with the garden? Scouts or guides or gorilla gardeners (I think that's what they are called, they go out at night and plant up boring pieces of ground with flowers!).
      Take care today, don't watch TV, it's all politics! Xxx

    5. Hi Sheila, your not moaning you are getting a problem off your chest. That's what we are here for. Please don't bottle things up, come on here and tell us about it. It will help you and we will all be pleased that we have managed to help me.
      Diane is right, please take your time about the house. The idea of help from the Community is brilliant.
      Sending you a bucketful of (((((hugs))))) there are plenty more if you need them. xxx

    6. And of course that should be "help YOU" not me!!!

    7. Sheila sweetheart you moan away. It is quite a task as i know trying to sort out what is left behind, but i would go through it all again to have mum back with all her ornaments, paintings, paints, her treasures, so we do understand and how some times you just want to sit down and cry where do i start, i know i have and still am.
      I'm sorry that we can't give you his hug but i am sending you the biggest, naughtiest huggle i can find to cuddle you and forget to stop.

    8. Sheila. You can moan on here as much as you like. You need someone to moan to about your problems and I think friends who are not in our position do not fully understand what it is like to be suddenly left on your own and have all these things to do. You moan as much as you like. Take care.

    9. Sheila, I think my husband is similar. Always working on cars, boats and planes ( no trains though) so loads of tools and bits of metal things and I have no idea what they are. You sometimes see things on ebay..."Thing for sale, don't know what it is" and someone else can usually tell them, it's a whatsit for a thingy...I think it's a male thing, this love of scrap metal. Our place sometimes looks like the set for scrapheap challenge!
      So I do understand.

    10. Sheila you are not moaning in my book all you are doing is expressing your rather hurt feeling and everyone has a perfect right to do just that. You go ahead and say what you feel you need to and do remember that a problem shared is a problem halved we are all here for you, really we are. I do have to say though well done to get that skip filled so quickly you have done great but please don't go overdoing things Rome wasn't built in a day. With regards to moving please be cautious remember the saying act in haste repent at leisure. Why not give yourself time get the clearing done, (summer is just around the corner well at least we hope it is) and during the summer you could work on restoring your garden which will give you some pleasure including trips to a garden centre that will deliver of course, don't get your shopping trolley dirty. You have said you have thoughtful neighbours and neighbours like that are a real asset so don't leave them just yet, give yourself time and think seriously about what you really and truly want to do there is no rush, you need to give yourself time to begin to come to terms with everything you have been through. Do remember we are all here for you to 'bounce' your thoughts off, that is one reason we are here not just to have a Baileys.
      With love and a whole bundle of hugs and cuddles to you.
      Margaret xxx

    11. Sheila,
      Everyone has given you good advice and I'm not about to add my ha'porth - ok I am - but do take your time to think about moving. As Margaret said, summer is just around the corner and once the garden is cleared you can ring the Council to see if you can get help. Explain your position and I'm sure they have some sort of scheme to help people with their gardens. Once you get things sorted and in order, you may find that you feel totally different. And in the meantime, if you want to sound off, well that's fine by me. We are here to support and give virtual help, it's a shame we do not all liver nearer each other.
      Love Maureen. xx

    12. Oh Sheila, you just moan if you feel like it! You are having a really tough time and one full of mixed emotions . You are doing so well and you will get your garden back! My thoughts are with you and I hope you get rid of the skips very soon. Sending lots of love, Myra xx

  11. Morning everyone.
    When I looked on Sue's blog late last night, and noticed she was blog no 2, I clicked on that logo. If you read the details there, number 1 is Hobbycraft. Yet the listing site says that retail sites must be on a different list, (which Joanna Sheen, Sunrise etc is on) Surely this is cheating? I attempted to email the rankings site via their "contact us". It took me to a form for people wishing to list, I think, but I still put my details down and filled in the boxes with my complaint. Perhaps if we all do this they will realise that Hobbycraft is twisting the rules. The blog they have there is just their hints and tips, but nevertheless, it's not a single craftsperson sharing their ideas with us. They also record UK visits each day, not comments left. Sue is showing an average of 1500, and she's never had that many comments. What would happen if we all visit her site every time we are at the computer? Just some ideas.
    OK, now us.
    Sandra, hopefully now the school knows you mean business. It may have brought the whole thing to everyone's attention and now they will concentrate on getting the best help for the girls. You need to take today to relax.
    Maria, this card is so lovely, such delicate colours.
    My husband would appreciate the sentiment, he's a total coffee addict. For his birthday I downloaded piles of cartoons and funny sayings about coffee from Pinterest, , sized them to 8 to an A4, printed them out and cut them up. I made a little box, decorated it, and put all these in it. He still pulls one out when he needs a lightweight moment. It kept me smiling as I did it. It could be done for lots of other interests. There's not much you can't find on Pinterest.
    OK , lets hope some of Sue's dies arrive in the coffee shop today.
    See you later

  12. Hi Janice,
    The Ranking system works by counting every visit to a blog, so whilst Sue loves to see and read all the comments they are not necessary with regards to her ranking. It's actually visiting the site that counts and visiting a blog more than once a day doesn't count either. There is a little hidden counter on Sue's site which notes and counts your individual Internet address, and it only counts it once each day. If you have ever noticed that list on the right which tells you who has just visited and from where, that is a part of it.
    Annoyingly for me, my visit doesn't count at all because it recognises my IP when I am in Germany as not being a UK one.
    Hope that helps. Love Saba Xxx

  13. Morning Sandra and everyone
    Maria your card is gorgeous, great use of Sue's dies, really love your card.
    Sandra glad your escapade with the school is over for now, you can relax a little and hope the school bucks up their ideas.
    Off to catch up packing for our week away, so many little things to remember to do, I really need a to do list today.
    Will pop back later hopefully, good luck to everyone in the coffee shop for Sue's draw later, hope we see some familiar names.
    Take care, Jess x

  14. Hi Sandra and all the lovely coffee shop ladies
    Maria what a beautiful card, you really have made a stunner here. Love the colour you have used, it is all so delicate. Thank you so much for sharing it with us. Xxx
    Sandra I hope you have got a gentle day planned today, you certainly need it after the stress of yesterday. I've been all out of kilter this week with the bank holiday, I kept having to stop and think which day of the week it was and then remember the bins go out on different days! Xx
    Well I'm not sure what to get up to today, I was up early to do the train run and then Emma decided to catch a later train! I was going to put a load of washing on but they have for as heavy rain so it can wait another day. Julian is working from home so has taken over the lounge as he likes a comfy chair and to spread himself out ( we have a study but Emma has taken up residence so you can't see the floor! I think I might get some cooking done for the weekend and may pop out to get some more plants later. I'm going out for dinner tonight with some friends so may have to pop back early evening for a pre dinner baileys! Good luck for this afternoon everyone, I hope we see some coffee shop names.
    Take care
    Love Diane xxxx

  15. Ok, I need a quick cuppa, yes! I know is nearly lunchtime but I have been busy!!
    Still have to finish the Baby Card, plus make another couple on my list. Hopefully I might get time to do that this afternoon.
    Elaine and I had a good old chat last night. She was very down a few weeks ago. She said has sorted things out with her family to get a more Free Time. Well we will see, I heard all this before.
    Right cuppa finished, back to the grind. Be back later xxx

  16. Dry here but chilly. Well my new glasses are ready so hopefully will pick them up after Craft Group this afternoon. They don't close until 8pm. Plenty of time and I will be able to do some shopping in Asda at the same time.
    MARIA. Your card is beautiful and could be used for any occasion. I have some of those dies. I love the colours. My favourites on cards.
    SANDRA. Glad yesterday is out if the way now. Let's hope they keep their promise and find things to help Lucy. Keep on to them if they don't.
    Well I hope there are some winners here this afternoon. Better get on. See you all later. Have a good day everyone.

  17. Hi Sandra and all in the cafe' today,
    Thank you all for the nice comments on my card but oh I feel like a cheat because it is not my idea how putting the card together, As you might remember I went to a workshop in the spring and thanks to her I could put this together. You are right about most dies Sandra, they are Copenhagen, Oslo, Scandinavian CBT, Carina,
    Trailing Ivy and Camellia open petals. Stamps to die for: Camellia trellis and the EF is the Quilted flower. We did some misting but my first and last attempt hihi did not like it at all and with the gilding I will have to practice as I was quite heavy handed oops ,not easy to do with fat fingers tihi I really like to put together a card all by myself. I'm working on it, honest I do....
    Need 1 to win, have seen that the last 30 minutes. sorry but can't wait for it all to be over and done with.
    Had to pop out to collect a parcel this morning, it was to big for the letterbox. Brackets for a cupboard door in the kitchen were I keep the cleanings stuff, the spring coil broke last week. must have used it too much so it tells me that too much cleaning is not good for you! lol
    Norah, how sweet to find the little things still around the house, emotional ones but at the same time happy memories. take your time. and the same goes to Sheila, wow a skip already filled. Hope you got some help ?
    Coffee and scone finished, did anyone see the cat this morning ? hihi
    See you all later, hope before 1am (shaking her head in despair)
    Hugs to all Maria xx

    1. Maria, Your card is beautiful! Your sentiment very appropriate for here!!
      Do you have a Baileys one? I love your colours , embossing and your pretty flowers. Thank you for sharing it! Re: the cat - it wasn't me - honest! Xxx

  18. Morning all, finally have my computer working, it seems forever since I've blogged. Hope everyone is well. Nice to see Sheila-Ginger. Beautiful card today. Was well enough to get out for Tonys 60th birthday last Sunday, and to get up to see Emma for hers yesterday but now am not well enough to go anywhere for my birthday today. Had lots of lovely craft goodies including several of Sues wonderful dies.
    Lots of love Theresa (TOB) x

    1. Happy Birthday our Theresa, i just wish that you were well enough to enjoy it as well , but be like the Queen and have a real one and an official one and then you could get double the crafty goodies :-D. I hope that you had a great day on Sunday and yesterday to help see you through the rough day of today.
      Sending you some naughty huggles your way that might spur you on although take care dear friend as it is so lovely to see your little moniker back again with us after what seems such a long time. xx

    2. Happy Birthday Theresa, it is lovely to have you back! Hope you enjoy your Birthday a little bit! Xxx

    3. Happy Birthday Theresa. Hope you will feel like enjoying it later.

    4. Hi Theresa, Happy Birthday you have a whole year to celebrate this birthday Then you do it all over again LOL Brenda xxx

    5. oh Our sweet ToB ,Happy Birthday ! hope you have had a nice day.
      Sending you some extra hugs,
      Maria xx

    6. Theresa wishing you a very Happy Birthday rest up today and celebrate when you feel up to it, there is no rule saying you must do it all in one day, lovely to see you
      Take care xxx

    7. Happy birthday, Theresa,and tomorrow you can celebrate happy birthday boxing day! (well. that's how we keep it going here, birthday eve too.)

    8. Theresa,
      Just checked back through the posts and must have missed you earlier so Happy Birthday, lovely to see you back here but sorry you have not been well. Hope you will feel well enough to join us again soon
      Love and hugs Saba xxx

    9. Hi Theresa Happy birthday, enjoy using your new dies. I hope you managed to eat a piece of cake, tomorrow is another day to celebrate. Lovely to see you.
      Love Diane xxx

  19. Good afternoon Sandra & all lovely blog ladies.
    Sandra hope your having a rest day today after your stressful day with Lucy's school,pleased you got the apology that was well deserved,& you gave them what for about their unexceptionable actions.
    So lovely to see you today Theresa & wishing you a very Happy birthday today
    Pleased you got some lovely gifts & some new Sue die's. So pleased you were able to celebrate Tony's & Emma's birthdays. Celebrate your when you feel better. How is your shoulder now Theresa? Big Hug's coming your way.
    Sheila you moan away,my you have had a lot of clearing out with two skip's you must be super woman filling them up.Terry is the same his favourite saying is It might come in handy but never does,he also loves boot sales & loves looking in skips.Wish I lived nearer Sheila so I could be on hand too help & give you some Big Hug's xx
    Maria your card is gorgeous love the die's you have used & colours are very pretty your layout is beautiful love it thank you for sharing with us.
    Busy morning got two wash loads dry another one on line & hee done the ironing. I have to sit down & do it as i can't stand in one place as it kills my back.
    My hands are really painful today Arthritisis is not playing nice today. I was hoping to get some crafting done so will see.
    Well just realised we haven't had lunch yet so will call back later & have a Baileys later if Maureen new tanker has arrived. Maureen did say very late last night that your card was brilliant & Sandra said it was like me at AP. Haha.
    See you later & good luck on Sue's die's.
    Hug's Lynda xx

    1. Hi Lynda,
      hope you are feeling a bit better this evening and the Baileys has kicked in. what do you think about putting your DB around your hands to keep them nice and warm ,it might help the pain tihi xxx

  20. Good afternoon Sandra and all the coffee shop crew
    Sandra you really did well yesterday many congratulations overcoming your fears and getting an apology out of the school, but as for that nurse I hope she gets her fingers rattled! I hope you are having a relaxing day today after all your stress yesterday.
    Maria your card is so very beautiful indeed I love how you have designed it and your subtle colouring is so lovely the whole effect is stunning thank you for letting us see this work of art.
    Sandra thank you for yet again making it all possible for us all to see such beautiful cards.
    LEGAL ALERT! does the café have a licence to serve alcohol, if not we may just have the police doing a raid, so who is in charge of the legal side of the café???
    Well I have to pop out to the post but I shall call in later, enjoy your day and good luck to everyone Is Sue's draw, my hugs and cuddles are over in the corner just help yourselves.
    Margaret xxx

    1. Margaret calm yourself as long as it is bring a bottle, we shouldn't need a license as we are not selling, just drinking ;-) xx

    2. What about the seven tankers, Norah!
      Not quite The Seven Pillars of Wisdom!
      We need to get Maureen off the Baileys! For a start - I don't like it! Lol!

    3. Margaret, you know the cafe' is only a virtual one. It's all in our heads !!
      who's for a drink tonight ?

  21. Ooh Maria, your card is just gorgeous, so, so, so, oh I can't think of the word I want, but anyway I love it!! When I see beautiful cards like this they make mine seem very plain.
    Sandra, I'm so pleased that the school grovelled a little bit, but I'd want a bit more from them - but then I'm never satisfied. I bet you were so relieved when they more or less admitted that they have overstepped the line. I hope you have no more interference from those busybodies.
    Sam, it's lovely to see you, keep as well as you can.
    Michele, enjoy your week's holiday.
    Jean, no news from you about doctor's visit.
    Jess, enjoy your holiday.
    Theresa, lovely to see you and happy birthday, sorry that you are not feeling too well.
    Hazel, keep up the good work, keeps you young (and also dog tired).
    Lynda, I bet you had more bags than that at A.P., I certainly hope you weren't walking around with price tags on your clothes, although I believe Sandra did that once!!! (better than the price on the sole of your shoe!!!)
    Well I've been into school today with year 2 (6 - 7 years) but was sent off to the Science Cupboard to try to restore some order there. Ye gods, I think some of the stuff has been in there since Rachel went to the school 40 years ago!!! A lot of it has been binned, and some put in labelled boxes. I couldn't do it all in one morning, so will finish it next week - but I'm hoping the cupboard fairy appears in the meantime and finishes the job. What do you reckon lol?
    Got to go, picking the girls up from school at 3.15 because it's Friday, sweetie day.
    Love Muriel xxx
    p.s. Don't worry Margaret, we've got the liquor licence and I'm applying for the music licence this weekend!! xxx

    1. Well done Maureen,
      I knew I could rely on you to have the liquor license sorted, the entertainments license should be straight forward enough!
      Well they didn't predict that result in their polls did they, DC in for another term, we have the 'pleasure' of having him as our local MP!
      The SNP wow huge victory, Are you pleased Hazel, Patricia, Jess, Norah & Wendy?
      Nice to see the VE Day celebrations, although I thought there would be something bigger though!
      It's just nice to have something different to listen to other than election results, even when that was over there was a blow by blow account of what DC was doing every second of the day, I'm surprised there wasn't a shot of him having a wee! I am going to be controversial here, what on earth was his wife wearing , it was a blue and yellow dress with patches, Paul said she had the Cinderella look! Very bizarre!
      Well I must go, girls are just in, apparently it was the year 11's last day today, so they were expecting all sorts of 'high jinx', but the only trouble that went on was in Sophie and Lucy's year when some lad bought in some super hot jabenero chillies, which they decided to try in registration, this resulted in one child being sick, one hospitalised as his tongue swelled and gums started bleeding! What is wrong with these teenagers, thankfully my girls are too sensible for that kind of nonsense!
      Catch up with you later,
      Sandra xxxxx

    2. Have not had looked at the Telly since first thing this morning.
      Will keep my eyes open to see that "dress" xxx

    3. SANDRA:- see what you mean about Mrs Cameron's dress ..... looks like "scraps" from her sewing "bit box" xxx

    4. Maybe it is? She is maybe like a paper crafter and can't see waste and has a snippet box!!! Hazel x

    5. One thing for sure if she made the dress she is no patch worker no real design to it talk about scrappy quilt! It will no doubt have cost more than all of Sue's new dies don't you think? I did like her shoes they were very smart. xx

    the die winners are published
    We have a couple of winners but not saying who, don't want to spoil their surprise.

    1. I could tell you now my name certainly will NOT be there.
      I am not lucky that way.
      Congratulations to all the lucky winners who ever they are. Will go have a look xxx

  23. Hi everyone, just been on Sue's blog to check out winners, not a lot of familiar names there, just two or three I recognised.
    Cats are safely I cattery just got to finish packing, then I can start to relax. Off early tomorrow morning.
    Take care, will catch up when I can.
    Jess x

    1. If I don't see you before I just wanted to say Have a wonderful holiday !

    2. Have a lovely holiday Jess!
      Safe journey! Xxx

    3. Have a lovely holiday Jess xxx

  24. Congratulations Brenda and Karen!
    A few familiar names but more that I don't know :(
    Well I had better go and see if I can buy one, I was holding out in hope!
    Both of our girls have got a useful die, which makes up for me not winning! I would liked to have seen more regular commenters on that list though!

  25. janet ecco of Sheffield8 May 2015 at 16:39

    Afternoon everyone. Well heaven only knows where this mornings comments have gone and it took ages to do.
    So what have I done today. As it's Friday housework this morning. A start on a male 50th and then some cross stitch until my fingers and neck decided enough is enough. I have a stamp which I just love. It says 'Housework whenever, Crafting forever'. It's a fantastic mantra to have.
    Well I've seen the winners and recognise one or two but mainly passers by. Ah well will have to raid piggy bank.
    Have a good evening all.
    Hugs xxxx

    1. That's sounds a great "stamp" for any of us Janet xxx

    2. What a great stamp xx

  26. OMG!!!! where has the day gone???
    House all done, washing and ironing done. Washing dried so quickly I just had to be ironed. Could not leave it, I try NOT to do too much "house stuff" over the weekend. Vegies for the dinner all done. NO crafting even looked at!!!
    Now I need another cuppa and a slice of sugary cake!!..... just to give me energy.
    I have my feet up for 10 mins. Will look at the the comments to see what has been happening. xxx

  27. Woo hoo! Guess who's doing a happy happy dance! I couldn't believe it when I saw my name I had to check back three times to check it was really me! I couldn't believe my luck that's it's a Striplet too! I saw a couple of familiar names to Sue's blog, not sure they visit here though
    MARIA - your card is amazing! Love the colours too Did you use some of Phill Martin's decadent ink?
    SHEILA - moan away you're allowed. is there a scout group or something similar that could help you sort out the garden?
    NORAH - I loved your poem/saying earlier on
    HAZEL - you are so right about manners. They cost nothing. I am very proud that my two were/are extremely well thought of as being appreciative and polite (plus all the other stuff that made/make them who they are)
    SANDRA - it may not be the perfect result for you but at least they have apologised and appear to now be offering help as you say you'll wait and see
    Hugs to everyone I do read all of your comments and thoughts It's just I have a memory of a goldfish and do forget stuff along the way
    Off to email Sue now Yippee! Still lots for me to buy though!

    1. Congratulations Karen, enjoy using your Die xxx

    2. Congratulations Karen, I'm so pleased for you! It was lovely to see quite a few regulars. Enjoy your Striplet! Xx

    3. Congratulations Karen,
      I did a little happy dance for you too, well more of a happy wiggle as I was sitting down at the time. So pleased to see two of "us" amongst the winners.

    4. That looks a bit like I was one of the winners. Sadly I was not!!!

    5. Big congratulations Karen enjoy your new Striplet are you still doing the happy dancing lol
      Hug's Lynda xx

    6. This comment has been removed by the author.

    7. Well Done Karen, Enjoy your lovely striplet die. Look forward to seeing some beautiful cards made with this die. LOL Brenda. Xxx

    8. Many congratulations on your win hope you enjoy using it hope we see the results! xx

    9. Congratulations Karen so pleased you won.....the striplet dies are great. xx

    10. Fantastic Karen well done, I had a big grin on my face when I saw your name. Have fun using it xxx

  28. Hi Sandra,
    I've been popping in and out as I've been a wee bit unwell these last few days! Just a tummy bug and I'm much better today but I've been trying to catch up with everything that wasn't done earlier in the week!
    Pleased your school visit went quite well. At least there was acknowledgement that they were in the wrong. Pleased too that they will try hard to help the girls . I do hope they keep their word!
    Thankful the Election is over - thankful a result has been reached which doesn't involve days/ weeks more negotiations. Strange to see a 20yr old student being elected as an MP - what on earth does she know about anything?
    Democracy is a strange thing sometimes but better than the alternative!
    Love to all , Myra xxx

    1. Myra love, sorry you have not been feeling well. I did notice you hadn't been quite your usual self but put it down to you being busy.
      Glad you are picking up now.
      I don't want to jump on your wagon so to speak, but I have had a very dicky tummy today. I do not feel in the least bit unwell, neither have I eaten anything which could have caused it. I won't go into detail seeing as it is almost dinner time for most people, enough to say it hasn't been safe to leave the house today!!
      See you later xxx

    2. Myra and Saba hope you feel better soon. Nothing worse that "dicky tummys" it tends to keep you indoors. xxx

    3. Saba sorry you have also got a very upset tummy hope you feel better tomorrow,take care love Lynda xx

    4. Hello Myra and Saba, I hope you soon pick up and feel able to leave the safety of the house!! xx

    5. Myra and Saba, sorry you have both had upset tummies. Maybe instead of Bailieys this evening you should both have a Brandy. Hate the stuff but will take a wee dram if have an upset tummy. It really seem to help. BEFORE anyone say it ..... Excuse, excuses !!!!!!
      Love and hugs, Brenda xxx

    6. Thank you all very much! I'm really ok now!
      I must be better because I'm having a glass of white wine - just the one!
      I have achieved something today - I hate when I don't achieve anything ! Not good at sitting is what I'm saying!
      Thanks for caring,
      Love Myra xxx

    7. Myra and Saba hope you both feel better soon, not good having an upset tummy xxx

  29. Myra so sorry you haven't been well this week,the tummy bug really takes it out of you,so don't over do it get your strength back first,housework will alwas be there take care
    love & Hug's Lynda xx

  30. Just got in from a long walk with the dogs the sun was out & quite warm when we left,but on way back the heavens opened & now we are like drowned rats haha.
    Got in the shower to warm up now in jimjams dinner ready so pop back for a few Baileys later, has that tanker arrived yet. Hug's Lynda xx

    1. Lynda, yes my dear. Tanker arrived, hooked up and lock removed so all's well in the Cafe tonight. I'm going to have an early shower and nightie on so if we have one or four over the limit, we'll just roll nicely into bed!!!
      Love xxx

  31. CONGRATULATIONS Littlelamb and Karen Lottie on winning Sue's dies. Am now going back to read all the comments on Sandra's blog, but wanted to say this first, in case I forgot.
    love xx

  32. Evening Ladies

    Thank goodness it's Friday!!!!!! Budy day bet left everything in order & a long list of instructions for next weeks.

    After reading all the comments-made me realise I need to check Sues blog to see if I've won anything even though I know the answer to that!!!!

    Am relaxing with a 2nd glass of wine, looking out at the pouring rain. Lazy day tomorrow as a friend wants to come round to chat-suits me as hubby always plays golf on Saturday mornings.


    1. Michele, if your friend likes Baileys, there'll be plenty for the two of you. I've ordered seven Tankers for next week, one for each day!!!
      Muriel xx

    2. Wow Maureen! SEVENNNNNN! Lol! xxx

  33. Well that was a lovely surprise when I got home to see I was one of Sue's winners. I really did think there would have been more from the cafe. Congratulations to Karen. I will get a lot of use out of the Happy Birthday die. Have quite a few birthdays this month still. Very cold here. I put the heating down yesterday because it was quite warm here and didn't turn it back up this morning so no heating. Altered it again now. Sorry to hear about those not feeling well today. Hope you will all soon feel a lot better. I will go and get a cup of tea and see who is sitting in the corner. I expect Norah went long ago.

    1. Congratulations Brenda, Enjoy your lovely Die.
      LOL Brenda L xxx

    2. Congratulations, Brenda. So pleased for you too. Look forward to seeing what you do with it! Xx

    3. Congratulations Brenda, I am so pleased for you and was so excited when I saw your name as well as Karen's. Have fun playing with it. Love Saba xxxx

    4. Congratulations to you too Brenda I was hoping there'd be a few more of us Hopefully next time

    5. Congratulations Brenda enjoyi. Playing with your die. I ginned when I saw your name too xxx

  34. Congratulations Karen, you lucky thing winning that striplet. Also Brenda I haven't seen what you won, as I haven't been on Sues blog..
    Myra and Saba I am sorry you are both feeling unwell? Not nice when you get these bugs.
    Well I had a call from Beth, she is making a birthday card for their friend, and oh boy she was getting her knickers in a twist? Why because she could find the happy birthday that we had stamped and die cut out. Step by step instructions as what to do to avert a melt down. She has a happy birthday stamp and an ink pad, so told her to go stamp a piece of card! Next drama it wouldn't look right as it won't be die cut, cut it with scissors, but that won't look the same, her answer " Hazel can I have your old Grand Calber and some of your dies" then I could have cut it. I told her she had to learn to think of another way. But bless her, she wanted to do it right. She is off up,to Aberdeen tomorrow for a training day as the team is off to Windsor Shetland pony racing next week. So getting the card made tonight she so important to her. Still haven't started Tammy's card, I fact I haven't given it much thought, Off now to do the dishwasher and get the the hob top cleaned and bars in it before it goes on. Will call in later. Hazel x

  35. Hi Sandra and ladies
    Your ahead of me Michele, I have just poured my first glass of wine out, enjoy and cheers.
    Congrats to the winners of Sue's dies, enjoy using them.
    Sandra glad you now know where you now stand with the school
    Myra and Saba hope you both feel a bit better tomorrow.
    Sheila, when my son-in-law died he was 40 but ill for 3 years before and couldn't go out to work so he went onto e-bay, before he died he bought a van so my daughter, Linda could moves all the stuff he had collected. When we started on this, the first thing we discovered was music records five thousand of them packed in boxes with notes throw out, keep and get the prices. The other thing he had piles and piles of was brand new sports tops, sweaters etc he had bought from e-bay , we had quite a time trying to get rid of everything lol. so don't stop getting it off your chest here it will do you good.xx
    Well I stayed up until 3am watching the votes come in so very tired and will not be long out of my bed.
    Hugs to everyone
    Love Wendy xx

    1. How thoughtful of him But so so tough for all of you xx

  36. Well, I'm looking forward to a lazy (ish) weekend. Zoe has gone off to Seahouses with Brownies for the weekend, and Eleanor has gone with Rachel and Peter over to Braithwaite in the Lakes with the caravan, just for the weekend. It's a while since they've been there. They used to go most week-ends straight from work on the Friday afternoon until the Sunday night, but haven't done that for over a year. I suppose work commitments just got in the way.
    Cheryl is still having trouble with whatever it is that she uses to post on Sandra's blog. Is it her server or internet connection, well it's something like that, I'm useless on technical things. But she's fine.
    Do you know there was politics on BBC1 and BBC News Channel most of yesterday, of course you do. Why couldn't they just have it on one or the other? Good job everything in the World stops at election time and there is no other news. No good switching to Sky either because it was the same there.
    Right, going for my shower, nightie on and a little bit of crafting - because I can!!
    Love Muriel xxxx

    1. I remember having fish and chips from somewhere at the harbour when we got back to Seahouses after a boat trip! I was seasick! My husband and the boys had a great time! Wow that was more than 25yrs ago!
      Thanks for The Memory! Xxx

    2. My trip to seahouses must have been more than 20 years ago when I work out John Jnrs age if I am thinking he he was with us. xxx

    3. We used to take my parents every year to the blessing of the fishing boats until my father died in 1976. It was a great day, and the ice creams were fabulous.
      Things don't change at Seahouses, I think the things in the tourist shops are the same ones that they had then!!!
      The fish and chips are still fab. xxx

  37. I did not know there was any Politics on!!! Oh! dear do you think I have missed anything important??! It's a bit like the weekend, there never seems to be any News at the weekends. We only have Freeview because we are not really Telly Watchers, what we get is enough to for us.
    Gosh it's years since I was in Seahouses, I think John Jnr was with us, we also went to Banburgh Castle.
    Hope you had a nice shower, I really like that Pink Nightie you are wearing - did George buy it for you??
    Happy Crafting xxx

    1. Hi Patriciia,
      Bamburgh is still the same. George used to play cricket on the pitch at the foot of the castle, very imposing and grand. Did you know that the scene on the beach in the film Beckett with Peter O'Toole was filmed there.
      Does your computer screen live events, how did you know that my nighties Pink. And no, George didn't buy it, I wouldn't wear anything that he liked as it would mean it was atrocious!!! xxx

    2. You would be surprised what my IPad can see!!!! xxx

    3. I've heard of Big brother is watching you!
      It's Big Sister is it? Xxx

  38. I think my OH has watched the news all day well maybe not, it's just seems everytime I have been in it's been on. But now it's George Gently that he recorded. I like when I have the T.V to myself when Charlie has gone up to bed. I like things like Castle, The Mentilist and Murdoch mysteries..oh and NCIS. Hazel x

    1. Me too Hazel, although I'm not so keen on Castle, I do love the other two, especially NCIS. xx

    2. Hazel, if I could only count I'd be a genius. I love the other THREE. XXX

    3. Oh! Maureen your the limit xxx

    4. Hazel I came across NCIS on freeview just before Christmas and got hooked on the show along with the Mentallist. I love the cast on NCIS it maybe about murder but it's a bit more light hearted than most shows and I'm sad that the Mentallist has finished. xxx

    5. Hee hee, My husband had the news on for election but for totally different reasons He's a bookie! And sadly I don't get any good tips If I did I'd be able to afford more crafting goodies!

  39. Saba,
    Please tell us the story about Peter ( Swingometer) Snow's wife! I'm not nosy as I've said many times, just a keen learner! Xxx

  40. Beth just sent me a photo of her card, she has done well. I will put it up on my blog over the weekend which will please her. I will have to make you up a little kit of die cuts I think and papers so for when I am not there. Hazel x

    1. You are so kind and patient with her Hazel. xx

  41. Hi Sandra
    Maria I just love this cad. The colours are my favourites. These dies are gorgeous, don't they all work together so well.
    I'm glad you got the school sorted out. I do hope they stick to what they say at the school. My friends funeral went off ok today. Tracey would have loved it. The church was large and they had standing room only. She had a wicket basket which had purple bands at the top and bottom. Purple being her favourite colour. I won't be telling Pete that she died f Bone Cancer, just that she had Cancer. At 45 years of age she had loads of life left to live. I'm glad the politics is over at last, now we can get back to normal. Glad we now have a liqueur Licence, bring on the dancing girls.

    1. Oh Pat, I really don't know what to say, and some on the blog are so much better at expressing themselves, but have a cuddle from me xxx

    2. Oh! Pat I am like Maureen, what do we say. I feel for you at this point in time, it must be so difficult.
      (((Hugs))) xxx

  42. Hi Maureen
    Thanks for the cuddle. I'm not very good at expressing myself either. Thanks for arranging the liquer Licence, I feel like I might need it later on. Poor Tracey had her knee replaced and and something done to the base of her spine. She was more concerned about what everyone else was doing than talking bout herself. Then to cap it all the nurses helped her very carefully out of bed one day and her hop broke. Just like that. We're going away at the end of May to Rome and Sorrento. I had already booked to go to Salou with friends at the end of August. Pete had already spoken about going to Australia to visit his brother. I should already be planning, but I'm trying to hang off until we see what's happening with meds etc. I just love this blog as everyone is so supportive of one another. I'm so glad Sandra, Sue and myself met up those few months ago. It really feels like we've know each other for years. Most of love. Pat

    1. Pat, I am so very very sorry. You must be in such a dark worrying place. I know you said Pete is a glass half empty person and you a glass half full, and that sort of makes me think you are trying to carry this burden for him.
      Please let us help you in any way we can. Sandra has most of our e mail addresses and I for one would be more than happy for you to get in touch if ever you just need a private shoulder to cry on. I wish we could cuddle you too.
      Sending you love, Saba xxx

    2. I agree with Saba, I am also here to listen. Just get my address from Sandra if you need to talk "one to one" rather than openly in the Cafe. God works in mysterious ways, you were so meant to all meet up to support each other.
      Love & Hugs Patricia xxx

    3. Pat. Start making plans to go to Australia if nothing else it will give Pete something to focus on! Make it for say the cooler time of next year over there? Or later. I am so glad you have got two lovely holidays to look forward. When I was told I had my womb cancer, I asked if I would still be able to go on holiday in the September. I was told " of course if things go to plan". That was my goal and I went there as planned. Each time I was feeling a bit down I pulled myself up and said " you are going to Dalyan stop feeling sorry for yourself". So give Pete the planing to do, so on days he is a bit down, get him to check something on the plan, even if it's what hotels will you use. I am sorry about your friend Tracy, such a waste of a life. I see the hurt on Anna and Beths dad face more and more nights when he comes home. He is having to tell more and more young people that they have this terrible disease in part of their Body! He is just coming up to 50 and he has aged so much lately with the stress of telling them. Give petes new meds time to start working and please be positive. When you are feeling down and can't talk to Pete or your family, come tell us how you are feeling. We will listen and support you. We might make you laugh that much you will need your tens lady. Don't bottle things. Sorry if I sound morenful, I am not I just know what my husband and children tell me now of how they felt some days and without friends to talk to it would have been ten times worse. (((((((Hugs)))))) Hazel x

    4. Hi Pat. So sorry to hear your news. You are in my thoughts and prayers each day.

    5. Hi Pat,
      I'm so sorry you are having to go through this really stressful time. It must be so hard to keep positive and try to keep Pete's spirits up too.
      Lots of lovely caring thoughts have been expressed by those above me here. I totally agree, Pat we are here if you need us. So glad you have Sandra and Sue nearby. Sending you lots of love, Myra xxx

    6. hi Pat
      Go and book your holiday, and give yourselves something to look forward to . I am the same thoughts of the others get my e mail address if you want a pen friend xx

    7. Wow ladies
      You all had me blubbering away here. I've just emptied the baileys tanker and had two glasses of wine. Pete is such a down person. He makes jokes about not being here for Christmas etc, but says that it's his way of coping.I remind him he's being saying that for the last twelve years. Your such lovely ladies I feel that I've known you all forever. When he nearly died of Bowel Cancer and was in hospital for months, I remind him he's still here and to keep fighting I always tell him he'll outlive us all. It's so lovely to have somewhere I can chat. It's the drink talking, as I've just drained the tanker. Lots of love. Pat x x x

  43. Oh Maureen just seen your note about the family coming over to Braithwaite that is about 8 miles from us, sorry to say it is bucketing down bless them. xx

  44. Oh Pat it's just so sad and I feel for you....take care dear lady. I'm just so hopeless at saying things too but know we are here for you.
    Love and hugs
    Sheila xxx

  45. Muriel,
    You seem to be evoking all kinds of memories. I remember years ago visiting your neck of the woods and going to a sort of beach cafe called Frankies. I think it was at Whitley Bay. Is it still there or am I suffering from memory delusions??

  46. PAT I am so sorry to hear your news and like the rest we struggle to know what to say Take care

  47. Myra, here's the story about Peter (swingometer) Snow's wife you asked about.
    We were at anchor in a bay in Croatia and next to us was another sailing boat. In the evening we went ashore in our dinghy to a tiny beach restaurant. Then from this other boat came a dinghy and who should get out but Peter Snow. He sat at the next table and I tried my best not to look star struck,!! the dinghy then returned to pick up more people from his boat one of whom was his wife. However the poor soul didn't make it out of the dinghy and fell in the water right in front of the restaurant, totally submerged, came up, clambered ashore, got back in the dinghy and went back to their boat. She returned about half an hour later and the whole beach restaurant waited with baited breath. I am pleased to say , she successfully came ashore to a great round of applause and to her credit bowed to her audience. He, Peter Snow, found it all greatly amusing. If he had been my husband I would have kicked him for not rushing to my aid and for clapping.
    End of story.
    Hope you enjoyed it.

    1. Saba, that's funny but not so funny either. Tell you what, if he had been my husband I would have walked right up to him and slapped him silly for not coming to help me. xxx

    2. Me too Patricia, I felt so sorry for her. It's not easy getting out of a dinghy and there but for the grace of God go I. Of course it was a bit funny, and if it had been him I would probably have laughed my socks off, but it was her humility and grace which left a lasting impression on me. Plus their boat which was gorgeous, !!!!

    3. John is NOT into boats, I think it's because he can't swim. However we when we lived in Turkey our friends had a boat. Our friends were fantastic swimmers and convinced John they would "save" him if he fell over. We spent lots and great times with them round the south coast of Turkrey seeing places we would never have seen using a car. xxx

    4. Patricia, whereabouts in Turkey were you. I also had friends there in the early eighties and we did quite a bit of sailing. Mainly around the Marmaris area? Xxx

    5. We lived in Dalyan, which of course is just round the coast from Marmaris xxx

    6. Thanks Saba!
      I , too, would have cheerfully choked him I think! I saw their son on TV today (Dan) he was talking to the veterans at the VE ceremony . He was most kind and gentle with them and he is such a big chap.
      As for getting out of a dinghy - that would happen to me! Xxx

    7. Saba flower, who is Peter Snow when he's at home? X

    8. Nora petal, he was a newscaster and later on responsible for the election broadcasts on theBBC with the "swingometer" which used to show which way the votes were going. Tall, Grey haired Chap.

  48. Well time for me to get my Pj's on and will watch NCIS:New Orleans and then NCIS a couple of my fave shows.
    Before I say night, night and just want to say thank you to Sandra and all her lovely ladies for all the support you have been giving and still giving me since I lost my dear hubby. I can't tell you how good it's been to be able to por out my emotions to you so I thank you from the bottom of my heart.
    See you tomorrow.
    Love and hugs
    Sheila xxxxx

    1. Sheila,
      This blog family is not virtual, it's real. We are mad and we have a laugh with each other but when the chips are down we are all here for one and other. My Sister has been going through an awful time as have I and I cannot begin to tell you how much the love and support I have felt here has helped me to get through it.
      God bless you love. Saba xxx

    2. Sheila,
      I have just turned up again, rather like the bad penny! I'm trying to catch up with what everyone has been saying. For my part - I'm just glad we can help one another. It is quite strange in some ways but as Saba says we do all care about one another. It's lovely that you have been helped . It's a lovely blog! Night night and sleep well. Love Myra xxx

    3. Sheila, I know that we can't be there in reality for you but you are not alone when you have all of us here so you better believe we will be here tomorrow for yo and Sunday and Monday and for every time you need us. The Angels here have kept me going when I could have so easily have given up on things and we are all here for you too. Night night flower, see you in the morning. Xx

  49. Glad we have helped you Sheila, you are most welcome. I have just told Pat to come in and talk, when she needs to. This is what is lovely about Sandra's coffee shop blog. I sounded off a few months ago when I was having a bad time at work and it helped so much. Hazel x

  50. John is watching NCIS New Orleans, I am not really a TV watcher.
    Sheila as we have told Pat we are here to listen. Remember "It's good to talk"
    So glad to hear that we have helped you, and always will. xxx

  51. You are more than welcome Sheila. Have been done the same road twice now. The anniversary of the second one is this Sunday so a sad time and lots of remembering. Hope to see you here as often as possible

    1. Thinking of you! Sending caring hugs right to where you are! Xxx

    2. We are here if you need to talk, 24/7 even if you feel like you talking to yourself at curtain times. ha it's good to get it off your chest so to say
      Sheila and Littlelamb, you are both in my thoughts and sending plenty of hugs, Maria xxx

    3. Sending hugs ,we are all here for each other xx

  52. Brenda (Littlelamb) sending you some (((((hugs))))) xxx

  53. I will have to "love you and leave you" my IPad has run out of steam.
    God Bless see you all in the morning xxx

    1. Patricia, I had heard that the more remote areas were a little out of date, but a steam generated I pad!!!
      Love and goodnight hugs, Saba xxx

    2. wonder if she using her Ipad when ironing ?

  54. Well ladies, I've tried to leave messages on the way down,, but again my infernal machine won't let me. Saba, Whitley Bay has changed a lot in the past ten years, and not always for the better. Parts of it are quite run down now, which is a shame, but the links and the beach are still gorgeous with lovely fine golden sand.
    That's one of the things that surprised me when we first went to the south on holiday, that a lot of the beaches are pebbles!!
    Yes, I remember Frankies, but it's gone now. I think it closed after you had been because they said that was the pinnacle of their success and it couldn't be bettered!!!
    Saba, I'd have kicked him where the sun don't shine very, very hard. How ungentlemanly not to have helped his wife. Honestly, how cruel of him.
    Margaret, we used to often go over to Braithwaite for a week or so and hire a static caravan at the site where Rachel and Peter took their tourer. Had some great times and would walk into Keswick.
    Pat, as all the girls have said, if you want to contact us privately Sandra can give you our e-mail and you can say anything in private, and know that it will go no further. Sometimes just saying a thing, can make it seem not so awful - even if it's only temporary.
    Sheila, the same applies to you, any time you need to "talk", because it's sometimes easier talking to someone who is not family.
    Now then who's for a Baileys, I'll have a pint and leave the lock off for anyone like Maria, Diane, Myra and the other late nighters.
    The benches have been cleared, dishwasher filled but not switched on, cat is out, clock wound up and I'm off to bed as George has just arrived with my water. Oh dear, that's blown my cover hasn't it!!!
    I hope you all have a good night's sleep.
    Sandra, thank you once again for this wonderful blog. I can't wait until October to meet all the sisters. Mind you they may never recover after meeting me lol.
    Night night, sweet dreams
    Muriel xxx

    1. Muriel, do you know what, I am so looking forward to meeting you. You are right, I don't think I shall recover from the experience, I just know it will be love at first sight.
      Night God bless,
      Saba xxx

    2. Night night Muriel! Sleep well . I'm with you - really looking forward to sitting chatting together without typing and predictive text! Xxx

  55. Brenda, Littlelamb, love and hugs to you xxxx

  56. Hi all,
    Congrats. to Karenlotty and Littlelamb, you lucky girls ! do you think Karen you can bring your new striplet so one could have a stroke tihi so glad to see your names and there were a few others but not enough of the regulars. so sad for Sue that people only coming out of the wood works when something is for free. oh well going to have a look what I can buy myself for my lol we don't do prezzies anymore :-(
    Pat, so sorry ! Sending you extra hugs this evening and hope they help a bit. So young but is now free and in no more pain
    Thanks again for your kind words for my 'cheat' card all of you. yes Karen I used some of Phill's inks, not sure about the gilding wax.
    Saba and Myra, how are youur tummy's tonight ? no drinking for you or.......hihi
    Maureen seven tankers ! what are you thinking we are almost at AA status already, oh dear lol. Patricia please do you think you could slow down just a little bit, we have had a very wet and windy day down here and I'm sure it is you who are making the clouds dizzy with all the running around with the duster and broom , you are scaring the cat you know hihi
    Still politic talk on the box so shall watch a NCIS and Bones before bed so I'm saying good night and see you all tomorrow, tomorrow
    Love and hugs Maria xx

  57. Good evening everyone
    Please will someone stop the world while I catch up where has today gone, in fact where has this year gone?
    Karen and Brenda so very pleased for you, enjoy.
    Myra and Saba so sorry to hear you are not feeling bright eyed and bushy tailed but Saba after using all that Domestos how has some germs got near to you? Hope you are both soon feeling better.
    Lynda hope you are feeling a little better just keep yourself warm and snuggle up with Annie and Bambi.
    Maureen I remember going to Whitley Bay and having the most delicious fish and chips in a café but outside it was really windy and there were lots of newspapers being blown around it looked dreadful.

    Pat thinking of you not the best of days for you but the good thing is Pete is looking forwards and being positive, that is the main thing. Do see what Hazel has to say she is so right and I agree wholeheartedly. When I was told there was a tumour I turned to the consultant and told him, well I am going to win and it is going to loose so come on lets get things moving. I have been fine for two years now, a positive attitude is really the best way so go to the travel agents don't delay, we are all here for you on the difficult days.
    Well bed is calling so I shall say good night and wish you all sweet dreams.

    1. Margaret my dear,
      It's a mystery to me too. Joanne, bless her cotton socks thinks I have probably got the Nora Virus ( not to be confused with out lovely Norah) and I thanked her for that comforting thought. However I must point out that apart from it being rather an an inconvenience I do not feel unwell at all.
      Good night , sweet dreams too. Xxx

    2. Thanks Margaret!
      I'm back to normal now - but I've got no certificate to prove it !
      Sleep Well, xxx

  58. Well done lovely girls that were so lucky in the dies giveaway, I hope that you have a great time playing with them xx

  59. Ladies, I am going to call it a day. Hubby has gone out to meet friends for a drink or several so I am taking the opportunity to have a read in bed for a change.
    See you all tomorrow, good night and God Bless Saba xxx

  60. Night Night everyone !
    Sweet dreams,
    God Bless xxx

  61. Just finishing my baileys and brandy then off to bed, night , night all xx

  62. Pat my love , sending you a big hug, do talk to us and share all your worries, it will help. Book that holiday so you have something lovely to look forward to, xxxx
    Well I had a lovely meal out with friends tonight at the local pub and it's taken me an hour to read the comments so I'm really tired! It's good to catch up though. Maureen on the menus tonight was a baileys and chocolate mouse. - I thought of you! :) after a fish cake starter and duck with dauphinoise potatoes I couldn't manage it.
    By the way I love NCIS too ans Murdoch mysteries.
    Night night everyone see you tomorrow
    Love Diane xxxx
