
Saturday 9 May 2015

Mixed Craft Saturday

Good Saturday Morning Ladies,
Well it wouldn't be a mixed craft Saturday without something
from Our Brenda (Littlelamb) would it??
Now this amazing dish is a different style version of
the Zentangle Bowl that we showcased a few weeks back.
I am very proud to say that I am the owner of this bowl,
Brenda gave this amazing gift to me at Ally Pally and I
was so moved when I opened it, It is a very treasured possession!
Brenda has used a pen and drawn on every single bit of detail on
this stunningly decorated dish, I also love the quirky shape of
this dish, it must have taken hours and hours!
Thank you so very much Brenda for the most wonderful gift,
I will treasure it for the rest of my days xxxxxx
Just look at these gorgeous little Owl boxes, made by master of
the boxes.....Michele!
No template or tutorial for this one though as I Believe that
Michele said that they made from a Die, I am not sure
that the decoration is part of the die set or if Michele has
added her own embellishments, it looks like they have ears,
so that you can make them into a dog or rabbit or a cat,
just let your imagination run wild, they are amazing little
gift boxes, or even lunch boxes for a children's party!
Thank you so much Michele for sharing these cute little
Owls with us, you are very talented and you have the
best imagination ever! xxxx
Last but by no means least we have this gorgeous set of Notelets and
matching Gift Box, made by Our Myra!!!!
Do you recognise the Butterfly???
It's Sue's New Butterfly from her latest launch, I emailed Myra
after I saw this cards to say that she had totally changed my mind
about 'needing' the Butterfly Die, I genuinely didn't really have it on my
'Need' List, but after I opened Myra's email!
This is a close up of the beautiful box that Myra has decorated with
the Floral Meadow Striplet Die, decorated with a few small Camellia
flowers and the New Majestic Monarch die and the sides of the box
are decorated with the Gemini Phoenix die, all from Creative Expressions,
designed by Sue Wilson!

Just look at this stunning, gorgeous, amazing card, this was the game changer
for me, seeing what Myra has done with the Majestic Monarch Die and some
Iced Snow, it just works, Myra I think that you may be seeing this design
replicated time and time again! Thank you so very much Myra, firstly for
creating this beautiful design, and also for allowing me to share you cards
and box with all of our friends on our blog xxxxxxxx
Well aren't we lucky to have such amazingly talented crafters amongst
our friends here in the Café, I am so pleased that we agreed to start this
Mixed craft day, as we have seen that so many of our friends have so
many more talents other than making cards.
Well I am hoping to go off to a local garden centre today as they
have a Carole's Crafts, not that great as far as up to date craft goodies goes,
but they have plenty of card and ribbon and some patterned card too, so its worth a
quick visit, I am not sure if either of my 'Graces' are coming with me, I could do
with Sue coming as she seems to have the knack of getting the lowest possible prices!
Come on Sue, up you get there are bargains to be had!
Pat are you up for a visit too?
I had better get sorted and ready for action,
I will catch up with you all later,
Have a fabulous day.
Love and Hugs


  1. Good morning Sandra and the Coffee Shop Gang. Hope you are all TicketyBoo and ready for the day.
    Urn on, Coffee Machine on, cups and mugs ready as well as all the delicious cakes. Have made myself a cuppa to drink while I get the flowers sorted.
    Well, well, well, what a Fantastic selection of Crafty Goodies for today.
    BRENDA:- your dish is brilliant, love it. Your work is all "little works of art" worthy of being in a Gallery.
    MICHELE:- love those beautiful little boxes, right up my street. I just love making boxes. These would be great for Craft Fairs. Decorated like that for children and gents, with floral decoration for the ladies.
    MYRA:- yes!! love these, great colours and beautiful box to hold them. Myra tempted me and I just had to have that Die.
    Taking it easy today, house, washing & ironing all done yesterday. I have finished the Baby Card, still have a few others to do. Hopefully get all of those done today. I have a "box" I would like to have a go at making, info sent to me by our lovey Margaret.
    OK folks, thinking about all of you who are not in the best of places at the moment ....... positive thoughts and (((((hugs))))) for you. Basket of (((((hugs))))) at the door for anyone who needs them, please help yourselves.
    Cup washed, money in the pot. Talking of "pot" "jaunt jug" etc:- how are you all doing with your saving for October/November??? I am doing quite well, biggest saving for me has been Crafty Magazines. Have I missed them .... nope! not at all.
    See you later xxx

  2. Hi Sandra and my very dear friends
    Well I turned television on this morning at 4:00 a.m. hoping for The World News But No still talking Politics, why they got it right or wrong, something dear Steph said it's probably going to go on for days to come, but I so enjoy listening to my World News on Sky. Never mind!!!
    Sandra I Love The Selection Of Goodies Today
    Brenda I Love The Beautiful Your Zentangle Pottery Bowl Its Stunning.
    Michele I Just Love Your Cute Owl Boxes, I So Enjoy Making Boxes.
    Myra Stunning Card And Equally Stunning Box.
    Your All Extremely Talented Crafters.
    Love And Hugs
    From Sam xxx

  3. Good morning Sandra and ladies. What a beautiful selection of crafts today.
    Brenda. Your dish is stunning and yes I to can see it in a gallery. Oh if you had lived up here and did the open studio? This is exactly what sells! Things that are different and gorgeous. ( my painting from the girls for my birthday, was purchased while they were going round the local studios)
    Michele. Oh I wont be showing Beth these little beauties just yet, or I know what she would be wanting to make. Can you tell which die it is and from whom please???
    Myra. Patricia was telling me all about these cards and box when we meet up. They are stunning and what a beautiful gift. I can see why she gave in and bought that die.
    Yes we are a lucky bunch of friends to have all these talented ones between us. Just think without our wonderful Sandra and her amazing blog we wouldn't have seen any of these masterpieces, and found the friendship and support that we have got.
    Sam. I am so sorry you aren't being able to watch your world news at the moment, I am like you and preferr it to our news. We only get the odd thing that's going on , where as the world news channels tells you more of the everyday things that is effecting others.
    I have enjoyed my cup of tea and I think I will get myself another and just sit and look at the new lot of crafty mags that someone has left. Oh I hope they aren't ones that someone bought and forgot to take home. I will be careful with them! They do look a bit unread. (((((( hugs))))) for those who are in need of some.
    Hazel x

  4. Morning Ladies

    Grey day here in Southport but as I'm not going far, it doesn't bother me.

    Brenda-your Zentangle bowl is amazing. Such a work of art that would look good on any table.

    Myra- oh my, your notelet box + cards are stunning. I love the detail on them & the gorgeous butterfly. The fact they are in blue adds to their beauty as its my favourite colour.

    My simple offering is made using a Stampin Up curvy keepsake die. I had to order it from USA via Ebay but it arrived very quickly. If you look on Pinterest inder the name of the die you'll see hundreds of different designs which is what sold it to me. The Owls were my first attempt at using the die & I added the ears using a leaf die and the eyes/beak from an Oel die but they could easily be punched out. .

    Right-best get moving as I need to wash/dry my hair. If I leave it to dry naturally I look like i've been "knitted"!!!

    Will pop in later ladies.


  5. Hi Sandra and all in the cafe today. Why do the comments that I don't check always vanish into thin air? Yesterday's didn't appear but I want Maria to know that I loved her card, it is so pretty : )
    Brenda, this bowl is a real stunner. the detail is fantastic and I know that Sandra was so touched and delighted with it : )
    Michele, what wonderful cute little boxes. : ) They could be used in so many ways. Which die is it? I would love to know. It would be a great craft for my Beaver Scouts to do, I think with a bit of thought I could make them look like Beavers. Any one got any ideas?
    Myrs, Well, you have changed my mind too as like Sandra this butterfly was not at the top of my wish list but having seen your wonderful cards and box have certainly changed my mind. You have shown me just how beautiful it is. I love how you have used the Phoenix die around the edges of the box too : )
    Sandra, yes I am up for a visit to Yarnton. I hope that they have still got lots of card and paper left so that we can get some bargains. It may take a while to sort through it all but it should be worth it. I hope we don't have to be there too early though as I am still in bed at the moment! See you, Paul and hopefully Pat too later my lovely : )
    Have a good weekend everyone, think it's a crafting one as the weather looks rather dull at the moment.
    Take care xx

  6. Morning All
    So dismal here today, great excuse to craft Although the natural light may not be good enough. I don't know about you ladies but I card make during the day (for the light) and knit during the evening/night because I can practically do that with my eyes closed these days.
    BRENDA - This bowl is amazing. I love the quirky shape and all that zentangle! I too, think your work should be displayed in a gallery, I was given som zentangle books a couple of years ago from Secret Santa and I haven't used them!
    MICHELE These boxes are so cute. I can see them being utilised for all sorts of occasions I will go and have a look at Pinterest
    MYRA You've sold the die to me now! Stunning little notelets but as CAS card crafter would suit my needs. I mentioned on GailT's blog that we need to start a campaign about re-instating letter/note writing Sadly not many of my friends/family are left that would appreciate/use them. It's all texting/FB/Internet/face timimg these days. I love to receive a handwritten letter instead of those horrid brown ones
    Had my cappucino, washed up, the flowers are lovely and brightening a very dismal day Take care everyone

    1. I am with you Karen, more hand written notes. I am "old fashioned" and do still send little Note Cards, Thank You Cards and Cards for no reason other than to say "hello". xxx

    2. I agree! It's lovely to get a card or a little note. We have a neighbour who moved into her new home last week. I didn't have a new home card ready but I had one with Hello on the front . So I popped that through her door as a sort of Hello welcome to our neighbourhood kind of thing. She seemed quite pleased with that. I think some of these sentiments like Hello, Thinking of You, Just Because - are really useful for all sorts of occasions. Xxx

  7. Mrs. B. You need to read Michelles comment where she tells you which die she used for those cutsie boxes !!

    How cute and lovely are they, they really bought a smile to my face when I saw them. I bet you were dumbstruck when you were given that beautiful dish, its so clever and I love the designs and colour's used.
    Oh Myra, you've done it again, you keep putting all these lovely idea's in my head. I really really love your notelets and box. I know I keep saying it but you ladies are so in inotive innotive imaginative with your craft, you know what im trying to say, I cant pronounce it so dont stand a chance of spelling it so used another complimentary word instead lol ! Your work is wonderful. I got half way through trying to make the last notelet box but couldn't concentrate, so I have some of it cut and folded on a piece of 'trial' card so I will continue on with the rest when I can put my mind to it ! I think for quickness I will stick to my boxer board, you dont always need a brain to work that out which is great for me considering !
    Hope you ladies have a lovely rumage at the garden centre. Ive noticed we have a big craft fair at my local Bolton Arena end of May and scrummy Phill will be there, such a shame Sue doesn't visit Lancashire, it really isn't all that bad (when its not raining) !! Lol have some beautiful countryside and walks, and styles to throw you off balance : /

    I think id rather be where you are later Sandra rather than where we are going to be, its training school again for Andy's four legged princess, for all the money speant on these classes I could have completed at least one full set of Sue's dies ! Talking of Sue, who the hell has knocked her off No 1 blog again ? I only use my phone so dont see either side of the blog like you see when on laptop or ipod thingy so it was Sandra that bought it to my attention !!! HOW ? Think we've exhausted all our plea's and begging for people to stay after launch, they want the usual, free die, no intentions to continue to blog, then hello, pop up again at the next launch! Thing is Sue knows this will happen over and over but it doesn't seem to bother her until she starts to get upset about not being top of the blogs.
    Have to rush off sorry. Cards to get sorted for post office !!! Oops.. Forgot and getting Andy looks as he puts his shoes on (he would if Cassie would give them to him instead of rubbing herself on them) !!
    L. S xxx

    1. It's Hobbycraft, Steph. In my mind it's a cheat, since they are a business, and shouldn't be on that listing. I have emailed the blog listers and complained, but don't suppose they will do anything.

    2. I totally agree about Hobbycraft. They are a business and surely should not qualify as a crafter. I thought this section was about individual crafters.

  8. Morning all, I love Saturday mornings with this chance to visit a private are gallery. Todays exhibits are amazing. Brenda, your pottery is really good, but made even more outstanding by your zentangle decoration. I am sure Sandra will keep it in a prominent place.
    Michelle, this box ix so cute. I did pop on to, so many ways to decorate it. I think we should try for a bulk order for this die. Perfect for any little gifts, can see it as c tree decorations, baby's room, table favours, oh yes, it's started me thinking.
    Myra, I loved this butterfly at the start, and I can see how it is used here, creating such wonderful cards and boxes.
    I am with you on the note cards too. If I am sending anything, I like to put a little note on a card, and love to send and receive a proper letter. My cousin and I have been doing this recently, still phone and email, but sending notes too.
    PK thanks for the morning coffee. I get a short break just now and take the dog out. Lovely sunny morning too.
    See you later

  9. Morning All,
    Just the quickest of hellos as Hubby is chomping at the bit to leave for his Mothers and we must call at the do it all shop first.
    Brenda, I absolutely adore this bowl. Sandra is a very lucky lady to have been given this. I am a big fan of Zentangle so know how time consuming this must have been to just decorate it.
    Michele, I NEED to know just how you have made these! Forgive me if you have already explained, I haven't read any comments yet. They are so cute.
    Myra, what can I say but gorgeous, absolutely fabulous, fantastic, incredible, amazing. Hope you get the idea, I like them a little!!! They are truly lovely.
    I will be back this evening to read what you have all been up to.
    Love and hugs
    Saba xxxx

    1. Hope you have a lovely day. It's MIL's birthday today isn't it?
      Stay well away from logs and beetles! Xxx

  10. Morning Sandra and all the lovely crafty crew,
    Well I was blown away by the three fabulous makes in this mornings post.
    Brenda...your Zentangle bowl is a work of art, I love the shape and Sandra you must have been over the moon to receive such a beautiful piece.... a wonderful keepsake.
    Michelle I have never seen such cute boxes in my life they really put a smile on my face when I saw them.
    Myra your notelets and matching box are just so very pretty and I love the way you have used that gorgeous butterfly.
    Wow the talent in your cafe is just amazing Sandra.
    Not up to much today as I'm have trouble with the 21st explosion box I'm making the ideas are not forthcoming....I've cut the 3 layers out and have my central piece....fingers crossed something will pop into my head later. The skip was picked up at tea time so pleased that has gone.
    Have a good shop at Carol's Craft Sandra hope you find some great bargains.
    Have a lovely day everyone whatever you are up too have left more hugs in the pot so feel free to grab one if your day isn't going so well.
    See you later

    Love and hugs Sheila xxx

  11. Hi Sandra and all in
    this rather dull morning so to open the door and walk into the cafe today is a feeling of cosiness and warmth. first a coffee and toast please, I was very lucky to have a closeup on this Fantastic Zentangle Bowl that you have made Littlelamb ,something so different and Amazing looking. It would stand out in a galleria and sell very well.
    Michele, I Love your cute Boxes ! and even better because I like Owls, not sure why? Will have a look for this die and pinterest later, I'm hooked and something else that have got me hooked is this Fantastic work from our Myra. Your Notelets are lovely but that Box, Wow is the word !
    Sandra and Mrs B and hopefully Pat is going with you, have a good day ! Have a look around garden centres, seeing beautiful things and then having a browse at some crafting things what could be better !
    We planning a walk but not sure where yet, depends a bit on the weather.
    Know that Patricia not doing any cleaning today (she saying tihi) but the stormwinds are still around down here !
    Took also out all our shoes that were tucked back of the wardrobes,under beds and in understairs cupboard yesterday and doing a proper clearout. Huge bag for charity at the ready and then some winter tops will have to go as well so we can get some room for the summerwear. Bit of a hoarder in that department.
    " jaunt jug" empty, will have to be 'nice' to hubby hahaha !
    Hope you all have a goodish day! many hugs to all Maria xx

  12. Hi Sandra
    I'll pop back in later to comment on the wonderful offerings that you've sent in today.
    I just want to say a huge thank you to everyone's good wishes yesterday. I did leave a comment on Hazels last post yesterday. I went on abit, due to I think me finishing off the Tanker, and a glass of wine to boot. I wasn't feeling sorry for our situation, just the fact such a wonderful person was taken from us as such a young age. As Sandra will tell you I'm not a sorry for myself sort of person. I just think the day caught up with me yesterday. See you all later. I'm off on a sale hunt at Carols Craft with Sandra and Paul. Love Pat x x x x

  13. PAT:- a few extra (((((hugs))))) for today. xxx

  14. Oh Pat none of thought that you were sorry for yourself. Not in the least everything just seemed so unfair to you yesterday. I for one know you are not that kind of person, but you are thinking of Pete and what he is going through. Pat please do go get brochures on Australia and just focus on planning a wonderful holiday for the future. When our mum died aged 43 I was walking along a street and there was a drunk in a door way and it took all my time not to kick him and tell him to get a grip with his self, as he was lucky to be here and my mum who was a beautiful person who didn't smoke or drink had died from cancer. At that moment I hated God. As how dare he do that to me. Then I thought it wasn't his fault, and I bet he didn't know when he picked up that first drink he would end up being a drunk. It's an illness on its own and bring misery to a lot families. No cancer has no age limits. So please never feel you are feeling sorry for yourself and can't speak how you are feeling. Something little can grow big if I left. (((((( hugs))))) Hazel x

    1. Hello Pat, I didn't for one minute think you were feeling sorry for yourself or your situation. I would hope that - God forbid - if I was in your place there would be someone to whom I could talk and get rid of some of my fears and desperation. Love and hugs Maureen xxx

    2. Hi Pat just wanted to send you a humungus (((((((((((((((((((HUG)))))))))))))))

      Lots of love
      Sheila xxx

  15. Morning ladies! Hope you all ok?

    Maureen loved your Thursday card such fun. Maria your card was so girly and lacy and this morning the bowl is fab, the boxes are really cute - great for kids parties or if just made white and lacy great for wedding favours! Myra box is gorgeous that die is much bigger than I imagined.

    We were discussing last night which companies could sponsor us and who's logos we would have on our uniforms under what will probably be an inevitable privatisation of the NHs as now. A few fancied Jacobs creek, virgin and Chanel they picked hobby craft for me!!! I was tasked with making an arm for one of the girls sons homework! I come in useful for some things! Disposable glove, wool bandage , plaster of Paris and job done!!! Clearly it was a quiet shift!!

    Sheila, sorry you have been left with a lot to clear. My mum says I can't believe how your dad left that she'd - like he planned it!!! It's tidy if you ask me and easy to find stuff can't see the problem myself.

    Pat plan your holiday, live life and don't let the cancer dominate. I know it's hard but anything can happen to anyone at any time so enjoy! Sorry to hear about your friend another victim of this most terrible disease. A colleagues husband out of the blue just been given a terminal diagnosis - they had a large lottery win years ago never spent a penny it was for their retirement which won't happen now. A lesson to us all - or is that an excuse to buy another die set??!!

    Well must dash have a nice day!

    Oh forgot to say congrats to those that won dies on sues blog!

  16. Pat I have just gone and read what you said last night. You are so right to remind him that he is still here that's because he fought it the last time.
    My friends husband has bowel cancer he like Pete is struggling at the moment, he is positive but my friend isn't. She looks on the black side all the time. He is getting there slowly, but she thinks it should have been a quick fix. I could kick her up the back side, but instead I talk to her and get her to think a little different every week. She is not helping by going on about " will he be well enough to celebrate our 50th anniversary in August?" It should be come on lets get this all sorted and planned. Sorry we made you cry. Hazel x

    1. Hazel, you are just the person to give this advice because you have been there, done that and got the T shirt as it were! If I were your friend it would really help me as I'd be saying to myself " if Hazel can do this , so can I ." You really are a very caring lady. Looking forward to meeting you. Xx

    2. Myra,
      na na ne na na, I'll be meeting Hazel before you, so there!!!! xxx

    3. Now, now, ladies don't start fighting over whose doing what, I get it everyday with two girls. Hazel x

    4. Childish behaviour, Grandma!
      I'm not at all jealous! So there!
      Grandma Myra xxx

    5. Myra. Unfortunately my friend wants advice then goes off and does the opposite. I have known her 38 years and she will never change. I have had times when I get fed up hearing her say. " if only we could get away on a holiday". Well go then!!! They don't share a bedroom at home and the thought of booking two rooms just about makes her have a heartbattack. I have said book a twin room, oh no that won't do either. The last time I just about lost the plot and said " well stay at home and do days away". It was then that would cost for petrol" ahahhhhhhhhh!!! They have been married 50 years and they have never been away on a proper holiday. I love her to bits as we all do our friends but at time I could give up. Life is to short. Hazel x

    6. Oh Hazel! You need the patience of Job and the wisdom of Solomon!
      Sometimes you just want to scream! I have a friend who doesn't drive. Her husband takes her everywhere! We went to visit them last week and it was decided that we'd go into Manchester - ladies that is - men would stay at home. My friend asked her husband to drive us into the city centre. Alastair said Myra can do that. Oh I was not in my car! When I pointed out that I drove both cars regularly so not a problem - it was - but we'll have to pay for parking!!! Well said Alastair getting a wee bit tetchy it will cost less than petrol going in and out of the city twice! Eventually we won the day but what a struggle. It worries me. I love my husband to bits but I am capable of doing things on my own , she takes no decisions about anything . When I decided to buy a pair of shoes she thought I ought to come back with Alastair! He would have killed me - he hates shopping unless on holiday! He was so pleased I'd got something I really liked - no problem. Oh I guess we're all different. Sorry for essay! Xx

    7. Myra, I USED to have a friend like this. USED being the operative word,at the finish I got sick of being used. xx

    8. Myra, I USED to have a friend like this. USED being the operative word,at the finish I got sick of being used. xx

    9. Myra. Oh you have my friend in one!!., But she can drive, well she could, she said she has lost her nerve. Sam did it all, now he isn't well enough, there daughter comes and takes her/ them. She is more than capable, but when we lived near each other and I didn't drive at that time, she wouldn't take the car, she would get Sam to get enough shopping in to last while he was away. She doesn't have a clue what money they have and what gets paid when. I have only stopped doing the banking etc. since Charlie retired, but I know exactly what comes In and what goes out were. I only did it up till then as Charlie was all over the country/world working. No I am like you I make up my own mind. He to hates shopping. When we are away and I want to go look in the shops - don't do it often Charlie will wait in a coffee shop have a coffee and read the paper. Hazel x
      P.S. She wouldn't do like we are going to the retreat.

    10. Oh Hazel and Maureen,
      About the Retreat! I told her I was going . You should have seen her face! You are going!!! Yes! You don't know these people! When I said that I trusted my own judgement and that we chatted on a blog! Well her gaster was well and truly Flabbered! I then told her I met Saba - who was lovely. Where? Her daughter's home! Well you can imagine - by this time she thought I was daft! She appealed to Alastair , who said - they all sound a bit daft to me but they are all nice ladies! How does he know? Well he trusts my judgement I guess. Mind you he hasn't met Maureen! Sorry dear! Couldn't resist a bit of cheek! Xxx

    11. Well ladies ..... what a very "self sufficient" gang we are.
      I for one would hate to depend on anyone to get anywhere to do anything!!! Like Hazel I had to do most things, John used to be away a lot. If I could not look after things I would have been scuppered. At the beginning when I mentioned the Retreat to John he said "whatever you think if Hazels going you'll be fine together anyway" Now John just "tuts" and says "you are all a little bit crazy you will all get along fantastic on your weekend" If he had any doubts about my judgement I would not have the freedom I have. xxx

    12. Agree absolutely, Patricia!
      I have never had the comfort of living near family so have had to make friends. My friends from our days in Oxfordshire still keep in touch! Circumstances make us , sometimes! Had to make friends or be very lonely! Xxx

    13. Oh I am glad I am not the only one with a friend like mine. Yes Charlie thinks we are all a bit mad? But he's married to me and has lived with me for 45 years so I suppose he does know me. I would have had a boring life if I had to wait for Charlie to take me places, he was away so much. No I pased my driving test at 31, and I always say if I had got a 1p for every mile I have done I would be very rich . I hadn't been driving that long and wanted to come home to Scotland with the children, we lived in North Germany. My friend about pased out when I told her I was going to drive and get on the ferry. " but you haven't done that before " was her reply, I know but I will have done after I do it this time. Told her I could turn round and come back if I didnt think I could do it. Why turn round that would be stupid in my eyes, I did it got on and off the ferry, but came out of the port in Hull and panicked as there was a round about and I had never done one of them, they didn't have them in Germany 34 years ago!! I got the hang of them by the time I got to Dundee. No sat nav no Mobil phone just my trusty map. Never looked back since that day. And distance was nothing. Now adays I do stop and think of long drive as a bit painful it's not the driving it's getting out of the car after a long drive. I have no worries about meeting any of you, we have meet Jess and Norah and we are meeting Maureen soon , hopefully a meet up with Wendy to. Janice isn't off the visiting list as fort William isn't that far. No October won't come soon enough. Charlie trusts my judgement to. He wouldn't have allowed me to do half of I have done over the years if he didn't. Patricia and I were brought up to trust our judgement of others. We go off on our hunts and holidays together and enjoy every minute of them. Hazel x

  17. Hi Sandra and all the lovely cafe ladies
    I love mix craft Saturday.
    Brenda your bowl is lovely and must have taken you ages. My daughter does zentangle and said wow when I showed it yo her. Thank you for sharing and Sandra for putting it on the blog. Xxxx
    Michele love these boxes, they are so cute. Must look out for that die xxxx
    Myra oh wow what beautiful notelets and box and yes now I too must have that die! I'd convinced myself I didn't need another butterfly die but that has now changed (oh dear!). I love sending little notes to people much better to receive than bills. Xxx
    Pat my love you had every right to be down yesterday. Don't you go apologising to us. Enjoy some craft goody time with Sandra and go book that holiday xxx
    Right must fly I have to get ready to go out and buy more plants. I've got a couple of hours before next revision session starts!
    See you all later
    Love Diane xxxxx

  18. Nooooooooooooo,
    Just lost a great long post.
    Quickie version here as I cannot face doing it again.
    Sandra and other 2 Graces have a lovely day.
    Brenda Littlelamb, love, love, love your dish. Aunt Mary had one in the 50's which took pride of place on her Cocktail Cabinet!!
    Michele, your boxes are brilliant, how do I get on to Pinterest and how do I find and order this die, please?
    Myra, your cards and box are superb. I'm sending you an e-mail shortly (I hope).
    In the post I lost, I waffled on a bit, drank my latte and ate my teacake, then -
    Saba, as Helga has been demoted I think we should call you Noro ha ha.
    Myra, glad you're back to normal, NORMAL, are you sure!!!
    Barbie - Alison, you could make a whole person out of your bandages, plaster of paris, etc. and scare the living daylights out of someone, or I could just turn up and have the same effect!!! By the way we haven't heard when your birthday is.
    Pat, being serious, we are all here from you so you can "sound off", and get rid of your fears and upset, knowing that it will go no further. Never doubt that we care about what happens and wish only the best for you and Pete. xx
    See you all later.
    Muriel xxx

    1. I just searched "curvy keepsake " box die on Ebay & ordered from the cheapest seller. They are all in US dollars & you need to factor in the added postage. I think the seller I used was Scrapadiddy or something like that.

      If you go on Pinterest & put the same details in the search then you'll get hundreds of beautiful options for all ages/occasions.


  19. Hi Sandra and Everyone,
    First of all ! As you know I always say I love Saturdays as I look forward to seeing what everyone has made. I only sent the photos to Sandra yesterday! Patricia , Maureen and I were chatting in the cafe earlier in the week and I had been making the cards. I emailed a card to them but I hadn't finished the box. The box is really a cheat because I didn't make it from scratch! I got a purse in it at Christmas - you are all crafters - had to keep the box ! I've only covered the box but it with the cards will make a nice little gift for someone. The butterfly cuts beautifully. The cards are 4ins square to give you an idea of size of butterfly!
    BRENDA - I just love that dish. It is gorgeous. It must have taken ages to make. You are very clever.
    MICHELE - guess who's going on Pinterest next to look for your cute and truly adaptable little boxes? They are beautiful. They would make great party bags for children too. I love the character in the faces. Thank you.
    PAT - we just all care about one another and want to help. Sometimes we laugh together and sometimes we may shed the odd tear but that's what friends are for! Stay strong and book that holiday. Have a nice time with Sandra and Paul today.
    Whatever you are doing ladies , have a good day. Try to be reasonably well behaved.
    STEPH - hope Cassie does well in class!
    Love to all,
    Myra xxx

  20. Margaret,
    In my original post that has disappeared, I told you that Rachel put on Facebook that they were at "The Magistrates Court" and I hoped it was a pub they'd gone to for lunch. Well, shame of shames, she has now posted a picture of Eleanor in the Dock. I'll never be able to lift my head again ha ha. I take it they are in Keswick.
    Muriel xx

    1. That is so funny! I'm sure Eleanor loved that!
      Don't worry Grandma!! Are you called Grandma or something else? Don't want to give you yet another moniker! Xxx

    2. Yes, Myra, I'm Grandma, it used to be Grandma Mo to differentiate between the other Grandma, but as she never bothers with them and they maybe only see her a couple of times a year, they just call me Grandma.
      Please, tell me to push off and get some cards done. I'm in a fog at the moment and can't be bothered to move.
      Muriel xx

    3. That's OK Maureen we will all still talk to you xxx

    4. I'm Grandma too! When it's a rather long drawn out Grraandmaaa, you know they want something! Xx

    5. Oh I am just boring granny! I know something is up when Anna anad Beth go - " Hazel dearest". I think oh no what now? Hazel x

    6. Granny - yes!
      Boring - No ! Xx

    7. I am another "granny" John funnily enough is Grandpa!! xxx

    8. Alastair is Grandad! He is usually, Grandad is the lawn too wet to play football? Grandad can you bowl for us at cricket? Our granddaughters came first and he used to have to lie down on a sofa and be covered up with a blanket! Go to sleep baby - he was told! It's amazing what a Grandad will do! Xxx

    9. Ha ha Myra, George gets done up with make-up and tufts of hair put into bobbles. Sometimes, when they are doing his hair his eyes close and they whisper to me "look Grandma" and giggle. When we go to the park though it's more rough and tumble and football and running around. xxx

    10. Ain't Grandad's grand! Alastair's hair is white and very fine - bobbles would fall out - as to the hair - well!
      He makes them laugh when we are on holiday because if someone asks " when are we going out ? " he will look shocked and say " oh no I haven't done my hair yet!" Cue lots of giggles! I think he may be getting at me but I am soo oo placid it's like water off a duck's back!
      If you believe that you'll believe anything! Xxx. Applies to last sentence only! Xx

    11. PS! Apparently I'm responsible for the white hair! Ohhh no - genetics! Xxx

    12. John keeps his hair very short not a hope in h..l of getting a bauble in it. Does climb trees, run down the lane with a plastic replica Automatc Rffle ...... bright green in colour .... that's the gun not John!!!
      Thomas and John spend hours looking at "maps" finding places. Or with my big World Atlas looking for countries, cities of the world. xxx

  21. Hi Sandra,

    Beautiful array of creations by the Ladies, love the bowl, so fabulous.

    Did you enjoy your messy day Sandra or have you not had a chance to do any mixed media yet? Would love to see what you have come up with.

    Have a great weekend

    Love & hugs

    Jacquie J xxx

  22. Good afternoon my favourite coffee shoppers,
    Oh girls, girls, what can i say except that there is so many extremely talented ladies that come into our wee cafe.
    Brenda(little lamb) WOW WOW WOW, i bet you were a doodler as a child and this new art of zentangling has just set that flame burning brightly again. Your dish is absolutely stunning flower, so unusual and so very different to any of the zentangle drawings that i have ever seen, this must have taken so long to get the dish so perfect and then the artistry that is inside it is magnificent. Thank you flower for allowing Sandra to show this off to us but i think it should have a bigger audience than just our little cafe. This should be entered into one of those craft shows so that it can receive the accolades that it truly deserves.
    Michele, i can see this was the stampin up die that you made your cute little owls with as they are just so cute, my mum would have loved them. I can see them all done up like santas or snowmen or easter chicks with little treats in them, even at halloween when the children go out guyising. I can see your house being a popular one at different times of the year. Thank you flower for bringing in cuteness and fun to our cafe and can my owl please have jelly tots in it, please????
    Myra, what a lovely gift that anyone would be so happy to receive. This Monarch butterfly of Sue's is so so versatile in the various butterflies that it can transform into and that you can see them being able to transform into with a bit of nipping and tucking unlike some other dies that it takes a quite a few cut to nip a bit out of each to make something saying no names. These are the kind of gift that i would use mum's fountain pen in as such a beautiful gift deserves a real pen to be used in them. Thank you Myra for the beauty that you have brought to us today.
    Well girls,Steph i think it will be me this time in the doghouse on Sue's blog as i have been busy all morning so have just switched on the computer and commented on Sue's WOW today and i was comment number125 which i think is disgusting. They can make up all the excuses they want but if they can find the minute or two 3 times day for 5 days surely they can find a minute or two once in the day to comment. It's just not fair that they come on when there are things up for grabs but the minute they find out they are not a winner, the numbers go down again as it looks like they only stayed long enough as to see if they had won anything. So i am just forewarning you all that it was me kicking up the stink on the orange box. I am away to the corner and will put the pointy hat on, though please can i have my latte if i promise to behave myself again, please?
    Love and crafty hugs
    Norah (glenochil)

    1. Oh Norah, I know what you mean! I get quite mad when they say things like - I don't have time to leave a comment every day! However they have time to leave three comments a day for a week when there is a gift! How long does it take to type. Hi Sue, beautiful card! No time at all.
      Is there room for me in that hat !
      Makes a change from the Cat in the Hat! Xxx
      Ps. Thanks for your kind words. I wouldn't normally choose that shade of blue but the cards were a freebie from AnnaMarie with an order and I wanted to use them xxx

    2. Myra flower i think this is the hat that was a group of us that are is the doghouse as it looks like a big giant flower with the petals as the hats so feel free to join in anytime you like. :-)

    3. Ok I'll join you! We'll put the world to rights! More sense under this hat than in Westminster! Xx

    4. Has Brenda been doodling on this hat? If she has it could be worth a fortune! Xxx

    5. Of course you can have jelly tots. Any other special orders? Any particular colour owl?


    6. Oh no Michele, because i think they are so cute and happy little things so it doesn't matter what colour they are. :-D xx

  23. Here Norah, have a Baileys, it'll soon pick you up - or knock you on your back ha ha. Just as well you're still not on the soap box though!!!!
    Muriel xxx

  24. Thank you all for your lovely comments on my Zentangle Dish and yes Norah I was always doodling as a child. Still do it if I am on the phone. Can't help it. All your comments are very much appreciated. I wanted to give Sandra a present when I saw her to thank her for setting up this cafe for us to meet and chat every day. To let everyone know our good news and to moan if we need to.
    MICHELE. I love your little owl gift boxes. I love owls. Must look for this die. Oh no another one! Along with the butterfly did that Myra has used.
    MYRA. Love your notelets box and the little cards to go inside. The Striplet die looks lovely in the box. That must be the width of the box as it just fits. Whether you made the box or not you have decorated it beautifully. You couldn't have thrown the box out just right for this gift.
    SANDRA. Thank you for showing your dish today. Hope you and Pat and Sue had a good time at the garden centre today. I am busy cutting out a lot of Michele's notelets box she showed the other week. Just wish I had got the butterfly die before so I could use it on the notelets or not me but the ladies at the craft sessions I am doing with a friend. Will have to look at my other butterfly dies and see if I have one to fit.
    PAT you certainly were not moaning last night. It is a hard thing to come to terms with, I know my husband had cancer and it was a hard time especially trying to encourage him to be positive. Just realised I have been so busy that it is past lunch time so I had better have a cheese scone and tea and leave the money in the pot. Not sure if Norah is still in the corner but will go and see.

    1. I'm still here Brenda, because i've found a mark on the wall and the mind has wandered to all the things that it could be. There again, my mind wanders at the best of times, but it's great what my imagination conjures up, probably because the brain has deserted me at the moment on one of its little trips that it takes, i just wish that it would take the rest of me when it goes on them. :-( xx

  25. Hi Sandra and everyone,
    I have been trying to leave a message for about two hours now. If it not the iPad freezing, my message takes off into cyberspace never to be seen again!
    Sandra I hope you and your lovely friends managed to get to the garden centre and snap up some bargains.

    LITTLELAMB Brenda, I love your Zentangle bowl, it is a real work of art. Worthy of any gallery. I was privileged to see the one you gave Sandra at AP that was also gorgeous. Thank you for showing us this one.
    MICHELE, Love those cute boxes, I can think of so many uses, children would have great fun making them. Even filled with sweets would be great for school or church fair.
    MYRA, WOW love the notelets and box, these would make a lovely gift. I wasn't going to buy this Butterfly die !!!!!!!!!! When OH says "not another die" I will just blame you! LOL xxx

    PAT we are all here for, I hope you realise that Laugh or Cry we are here. That's what makes this Cafe such a wonderful place to visit. Sending you love and hugs xxx

    Well I am going to be brave an press the publish do dar thingie
    Sending everyone love and hugs, Brenda xxx

  26. Hi Sandra
    Thanks for showing Brenda's bowl. Like Lynda I also saw the bowl at Ally Pally it's fabulous. Michele I just love your owl boxes. Would love the die. Myra I just your notelets box and notelets. You are all such clever ladies. I've just been and looked at Patricias blog and her card made with the Stampin up Stippled Blossom is fabulous. Not to sure where she bought this set from. But Sandra's card the other day was made with a Justrite set that did double stamping.
    Thanks fir all the good wishes, I cried last night because everyone was so caring, not because I was sad.

    1. Pat, I'm so glad we helped even a tiny little bit! You are such a brave lovely lady! Can't wait to meet you. Love Myra xxx

    2. OH!!!! Bummer!! Just lost my comment ...... what's going on today???
      PAT:- helping you is a pleasure for all of us. You are an inspiration you are so brave.
      Thank You for the comment on my Stippled Blossom Card. Actually it is really the stamp that does the work. I am not a stamper but I manage to get good results with them.
      If anyone wants to buy them go to ..... click on Shop Online and they are there. If you struggle give her a phone Michelle is lovely and so helpful. Only down side is the £4.95 P&P. If you get together with friends its not be quite so bad. xxx

    3. You can also get the Curvy Keepsake Die from Michelle's StampinUp Online Store .... £29.95. I am passing on that one I like making my own Boxes.
      Made a few cards this morning, almost got to the bottom of the list. Have not managed to get down to making any Boxes this afternoon. Local "handyman" came to Weed Kill the garden. John got him to chop up some of the BIG logs. Spent a couple of hours helping John stack them. By the time that was done it was time to eat. Eating over, kitchen tidy again. Sitting on my butt, feet up and I am doing nothing else this evening.....!!! xxx

  27. Pat. Like Myra I can't wait to meet you and the others!!., We all are like minded and we all have got a great sence of humour, Hazel x

  28. Easy seen its Saturday, everyone is off to the Dancing.
    Oh! maybe it's a bit early, I have been told you don't go out to the dancing till your too drunk to stand .... I would rather just go to my bed to be honest. xxx

    1. Patricia,
      I've been driving Myra mad for the last few hours, well probably about 5 off and on, trying to work out Pinterest as you all keep mentioning it and I thought I'd better get with it. Easier said and done when you don't know what you're doing. Please everyone be kind to Myra tonight as I think she'll be pulling out her hair every time she sees an e-mail message from me.
      Where's Sandra, she can't be still buying things with the other two can she, no Pat's been in so I bet she's gone dancing with Karen!!
      I'm quite pleased, in between pestering Myra I've made a few cards so I'm getting my list sorted. xx

    2. Pinterest is a mystery to me. I've been on but don't seem to get anywhere xxx

    3. Maureen, my dear friend!
      I still have a few stands of hair and I am not at all stressed! Pinterest is such a useful tool to have but you just need to get started. We will get there! Like the song says! I Will Survive! Xxx

    4. Strands not Stands! Oops! Xx

  29. Good evening ladies,
    Bit late but now back from my MIL's and have had dinner (actually take away pizza) and watched a bit of German TV about the restoration of the Acropolis.
    I have just read all the comments and two things struck me.
    The first was Grandads. I find it incredible that our 5 year old granddaughter can turn her 6 foot 6 very serious granddad into a child again. He is quite happy to be climbed upon, have hair clips, lay down and pretend to be a patient in her hospital and generally melt before her. And what is even more chilling is that she knows it! It's like a magic spell.
    The other thing which struck me was just how independent we all are. Whilst we all love our husbands and to some extent rely upon them, each and every one of us trusts our own judgement and acts accordingly. My OH would never stop me doing anything. I wouldn't be married to him otherwise, but it's a two way thing and I wouldn't ever try to stop him. Not long after I passed my sailing exams we bought our latest boat and I said I would like to take my two girlfriends for a couple of weeks sailing. Bearing in mind neither of them had ever been aboard a boat before, my hubby just said ... " go for it!!" I did and we had the time of our lives. And the retreat is similar, it's a case of trust your judgement, know you will be fine and do it. Life is too short to dither about and wonder what if.
    Saba xxx

    1. Saba,
      I agree with you. E & Z can wrap George round their little fingers with ease. And if I want to do something, or go somewhere, he will do all he can to help - well you can understand that, can't you? Anything to get rid of me lol.
      Have a Baileys, prost xxxx

    2. They are all the same, putty in their hands and they LOVE it .......the Grandads, Grandpas, Gramps or whatever that is xxx

    3. MAUREEN:- you have shattered my illusion, I thought it was cause John LOVED me. Now I know he's glad to get rid of me!!! xxx

    4. Patricia, Maureen does not mean that! She has a lovely husband who is happy as long as she is happy!
      Maureen, Muriel, Daffy, Grandma, - I'm right aren't I ? Xxxx

    5. Yes Myra, you are right. He's soft as well where I am concerned, but then I am so gorgeous it's no wonder ha ha
      M M D G xxx

    6. It takes one to know one!
      Mind you I'm not sure my husband would go so far as calling me gorgeous - but I'm not asking! Ha ha! Xxx

  30. Saba. Boats are something you wouldn't get me on? Unless it's a huge ferry type! It's not the boat it's the water!!! I admire you for doing that trip with your friends. Hazel x

  31. Now ladies before Hazel "spills the beans" she blames ME for her drastic fear of water. xxx

    1. Now, big sister I wasn't going to! I was going to be kind and not tell tail?? You will have explain if asked.
      Why is it I don't hear any of you granny's and . Grandmas getting tortured with the hair brushes, hair bands and clips??? Is it only me?? That has to put up with it. Then again I have to say my Charlie isn't a very hands on grandad, he wasn't a hands on dad as he was away sometimes 10 months out of a year. Yet he will fall over back wards to give all the help for the children and grand children. He will go build flat pack furniture, mend things, go get things for them. I think being brought up in a home, then working from the age of 15 away from home too, didn't help. When I talk to his half sisters and brothers in Canada it turns out his dad was a none hands on dad and grand dad too so it just could be I his genes!!!
      Sandra, you have had a busy day, and a proud day or you too? WELL DONE Lucy and Sophie. Hazel x

    2. Patricia, I am intrigued. She doesn't have Rabies by any chance does she?

    3. Saba, I can get mad at times but it's not Rabies, you are ok. Hazel x

    4. Hazel, I would love it if my grandchildren wanted to play with my hair, but no, they (or rather Princess Abi) would prefer her Opa's thinning white hair to plait than my head of hair.
      Patricia if Hazel doesn't have rabies, what did you do to her? Throw her in the paddling pool?

    5. My brother threw me in the deep end when I was about 6 or 7 and told me to swim. I just went straight under and he had to dive in for me. I've been frightened of swimming ever since. xxx

    6. May I just say that Saba has lovely thick hair unlike mine! Xxx

    7. Myra, you have lovely hair.
      Muriel, I am not frightened of swimming, it's drowning I am not too keen on!!

    8. Ha, ha Saba, you are right of course, darn it!!!

    9. Saba, it's wrong I know, but
      I kind of envy your lovely thick hair! Mine is very fine but I'm stuck with it!
      As for swimming - I sink! To me sinking = drowning! No likey! Xxx

    10. Hazel, what DID Patricia do?? xx

  32. good evening ladies,
    well what a busy day, I had an unexpected catch up with my besties, while shopping for bargains at the Carole's Craft closing down sale, needless to say most of the stuff there was total rubbish, I have no idea why they sell naff electrical items, heated car scrapers, naff pans, old hair brushes, and then really out dated craft stuff, we manage to get some ribbon (well quite a bit actually) and some fill your box card for half price, I got a couple of ink pads too, but other than that its all over priced, out dated, rubbish, the shame of it is if it were run properly it could make a fortune, as you get the people that travel their for the Craft shop but also the drop in customers that come from the adjoining very busy garden centre, that also has Dash Clothing, Brantano shoe shop, the works and other clothes outlets too, so potentially a really good spot, but it needs a good clean, and some modern craft goods, some craft classes and there you would have a winner!
    We were just going for a quick look but didn't get home till gone 4pm, then had to get tea sorted and out for seven for the girls Football Presentation Night, they both came home with awards, Sophie was popular choice for the 'Players Player' and Lucy came home with 'Managers Player' so happy faces all round, I always get a lump in my throat and a tear or two when they achieve great things, but that's just part of being a mum isn't it!!
    We haven't been in long and I am exhausted!
    Paul has just got to make a drink, I will call back after my shower,

    1. Sandra, didn't your girls do well. You must be very proud of them. Sounds like you you had a busy day. It's odd really how some of these craft shops are so out of touch with what people want. Maybe if more of them were run by actual crafters they would do well.
      I would love to own craft shop. Mind you I doubt I would make a profit, I would be too busy playing with the stock!,

    2. Hi Sandra didn't the girls do well, yes I can understand the proud mum bit too. I usually get told off for having a tear in my eye!
      Hope you sleep well tonight, you have had a busy day. Night night xxx

    3. Hi Sandra,
      I'm glad you had a lovely day. Shame about the craft stuff but as Saba says if the shop owners were actual crafters, they would have a different outlook to stock and events.
      Well done to Lucy and Sophie, you've every right to be the proud mother. I fall apart when I watch Eleanor or Zoe doing anything and I'm just the Grandma. I always have to supply the hankies to Rachel when she goes to see them, and George isn't much better!!!!

    4. Hi Sandra oh you must feel proud of your dear girls....congratulations to them both..
      It's amazing how we can find some good stash even in a terrible craft shop.
      Have a good night's rest after you busy day Sandra.

      Love Sheila xx

    5. Hi Sandra, thank you for showing my box and cards today! You are very kind. I'm so pleased you had a good day! Well done girls on your awards!
      Love Myra xxx

  33. Hello Sandra and the lovely ladies
    Well it's been a funny old day, sunny one minute pouring with rain the next!! I bought some more plants from the nursery but didn't get round to planting them because of the weather. I sat and pinned the hem of my dress instead which took about 2 hours! Just got to sew it now. By the time I'd made the lasagne and bread for dinner that was the day gone! I'm watching the VE Day concert at the moment. Kathryn Jenkins had got such a lovely voice and Robert Lyndsay makes a good Churchill - I've always liked him, especially when he was Woolfie all those years ago. Julian has nodded off in the chair, I'd better make him a coffee in a minute! He's been on maths and chemistry revision duty this afternoon no wonder he's exhausted!
    I haven't explored Pinterest yet Maureen so you are not alone! I don't do Facebook either, mainly because it was always causing problems when I worked at school so I didn't bother.
    Well I will probably go to bed in a little while when the concert finishes. No doubt football will be on. See you all tomorrow , night night sleep tight.
    Love Diane xxx

    1. By jove, you've been a proper wife today. Lasagne and bread, I'm impressed. I can do a mean slice of toast though lol !!! xx

  34. Diane, I to don't do Facebook or Pinterest. Facebook does cause so much upset and sadness in the world. Pinterest is another thing I would have to get my head round. Hazel x

    1. Hazel, Rachel put me on Facebook, but I only have relations and friends from school on it. And I don't put anything personal on, like if I'm going away or doing anything. I tend to react, rather than be pro-active.
      Muriel xxx

  35. Ladies,
    I'm going to bed now as George is already in bed. I've also been watching the VE concert whilst in my craft room. The mojo is starting to come back so I've been in there quite a bit today. I won't say that I've got loads done, but things are progressing nicely.
    Everything is tidy in the cafe and the Tanker is still half full, obviously we are starting to slow down on our drinking, now that's a worry!!!
    See you all tomorrow, sleep tight and sweet dreams.
    Muriel xx

    1. Muriel,
      You speak for yourself, I'm half way down a bottle of the White stuff and very nice it is too. I am going to have a look at the VE concert now and seeing I only have it via Internet will say goodnight and God bless now.
      However, Patricia, please put me out of my misery and tell me what you did to your poor sister to put her off water for life.
      Hugs Saba xxx

    2. Yes, Patricia, GIVE XXX I'm definitely going to bed now so I'll have to read the reply tomorrow.
      Night all xxx

    3. P a t r I c I a ! We are waiting with baited breath! Xxx

  36. Good evening ladies another one here ready for bed....I'm still having probs with the explosion box I'm making so I'm putting it to rest for tonight.and hopefully start afresh tomorrow.
    Night, night ladies see you tomorrow.

    Love Sheila xx

    1. Sheila, Night Night, my dear! If you find Maureen wandering around
      Pinterest tomorrow - please send her home! Love Myra xxx

  37. Night night all Had a great night Salsa dancing Just going to hav another look at Pinterest for this curvy keepsake
