
Sunday 10 May 2015

Something a Beautiful and a little bit different from Maureen

Good Sunday Morning Ladies,
I just wanted to share something a little bit different with you today, Pergamano is an amazing craft discipline, you have to be very skilled and very patient I imagine, this piece that Maureen has created is just so beautiful, the outer edge of the heart actually looks like lace, what a beautiful Wedding or Anniversary card this would be, you need nothing more than pure skill to complete a card, it needs no embellishment or ribbon, pearls or anything else, the incredible detail put into this card is all that is needed.  Maureen this is an exquisite piece of work, I wouldn't be even be able to draw the outline of the couple, I now its all pricking and piercing, it looks very technical, is it something you could teach us the basics of at our retreat Maureen, if we all bring a bit of Parchment????

Just look at the detail in this card, I really wasn't sure at first if it was just the frame of the card that
was Pergamano'd, but on closer inspection I am pretty sure the Kimono is Pergamano too, just look at all the different textures in that one piece! Its just stunning Maureen, you really have been hiding your amazing skills away from us!! How long does a piece like this take?
I can't thank you enough for allowing me to share your amazing talent with our lovely friends here in the café!
What are you all up to today? We are having a quiet day today, Paul needs to go and sort out his Fruit cage at the allotment as we have fruit bushes absolutely full of fruit and a 15ft Conifer hedge that runs along the edge of our allotment full of fruit fancying pigeons!
I will catch up with you all later today, have a great one whatever you are doing,
Love and Hugs


  1. To Sandra And All My Dear Friends
    What Can I Say But Maureen Your Cards Are Truly Magnificent I've Never Tried Perganomo, I Wish I Could Do This Craft As Its Just So Very Beautiful A Lady Whom Goes To My Class Does This Craft And Always Sends Me One Of These Cards At Christmas Or Birthday So I've At Least Received These Beautiful Cards, I Say It All The Time But Sandra Your Guests Are Extremely Talented And Maureen Is One Of Them.
    Take Care My Friends
    Love And Hugs
    From Sam xxx

    1. Thank you Sam, you are very kind. I hope you are feeling well today. xx

  2. Morning Sandra and Ladies. Oh Maureen your cards are truly Magnificent. You most have some patience to sit and do this kind of work, it stunning and the detailing is out of this world. As Sandras says " you need nothing else on them" Maureen thank you for letting us see these masterpieces, and Thank you Sandra for showing us.
    I do hope if their are ones standing outside the coffee shop looking in, they realise what they are missing out by not coming in through the door.
    A wet miserable morning here so I think it will be some housework then some playing again. I was making cards from my bit box yesterday. Mary, Anna's piano teacher still writes letters and cards,so I have made her some little notelets and a few other cards, she is a lovely lady and spends so much extra time with Anna. She gets pleasure from teaching Anna who has a natural talent, and is away to do grade 5. So these little cards are a bit of a thank you. Which Anna can give to her. Now if it had been Beth I would have given Beth the bit and she would have made her own gift. Every thing is set up, I am going to take my tea and toast and sit and see who pops in, I have my I pad with me so I can catch up on other blogs while I am having my tea. Hazel x

  3. Morning Sandra and all you lovely ladies,
    Oh what stunning pieces to see when I walked through the cafe door this morning! Maureen your works of art have totally blown me away...I've always admired parchment makers as the work is so delicate an beautiful . Thank you so much for allowing Sandra to share your wonderful creations with us.
    My crafty buddy text me yesterday to say she would pick me up and take me to the Range so I have a lovely day to look forward to. Have a lovely day everyone will pop by later. Oooops nearly forgot to say I've put some more hugs in the pot but I'll leave the naughty ones for Norah to put in.Lol!

    Love Sheila xx

    1. Thank you Sheila, have a lovely day but watch out for the deer and the buffalo xx

    2. Hi Sheila,
      Have a lovely day out ! Only Maureen would warn you of the wildlife,
      She has now got me singing Home Home on the Range - in my head! Xxx

  4. Good morning Sandra and the Coffee Shop Gang. Hope you are all well and looking forward to the day ahead.
    WOW! Oh! WOW! Maureen you have been hiding your wonderful talent, have you not!! I have tried basic Pergamano but did not have the patience for the "fancy, delicate" stuff. Thank you for letting Sandra show us your STUNNING work, I am in awe, it's amazing. Oh! you have to show us how!!! at the Retreat.
    SANDRA:- your beautiful daughters have done you proud, good for them. You would not be a MUM if it did not cause a tear. No matter how old our offspring get there will be times you are so round of them. Times when they get hurt and the protective animal instinct come to the fore.
    I have poured myself a cuppa and made some Toast. I am over in the corner with Hazel bet the chat will be about Maureen's beautiful work. xxx

    1. HAZEL:- do you want to tell the "gang" why you don't like "boats" ????
      I know you kinda blame me for the water fear!!!!
      I mentioned it when Saba was telling us about taking her friends sailing. Now they are curious xxx

    2. Maureen, like you my fear is because Patricia thought holding me under the water would stop me being annoying little sister. Two minutes of that has been a life time fear for me. But I have forgiven her. Your are to near the water in little boats, big boats are far enough away from it when you are in them. I am trying to get Charlie to change or plans for when we are in Canada and going to the island I want to do the trip from Victoria but he wants to go another way. I loved every minute of the 21/2 hour ferry trip thought the little islands.
      Hazel x

    3. Please tell me you were only very young when you did this Patricia.

    4. Thank you for your kind words Patricia,, but I cannot believe you did that to your "little" sister. Funny thing is Hazel, we have been on cruises and, although I have to take tablets every day to counteract the sea sickness, I loved them, and never gave a thought to sinking!! xx

    5. Janice, i was young. Hazel x

    6. Oops! I'm scared of water too! Would never walk on stepping stones even, much to my brother's annoyance. I'm thankful in view of your story that I was older than him! Xxx

    7. I really can't remember the incident!!! xxx

    8. Oh Patricia I'm shocked at your behaviour ! Poor Hazel. My sister tried to feed me a whole banana with the skin on when I was in my pram, mum caught her just in time! I love bananas and my sister hates them! The joys of being the younger child! Xxx

  5. Morning Ladies

    Dull start to the day but at least it's dry-dreaded gardening later!

    Maureen-oh my goodness, what stunning works of art. I cannot imagine how much patience went into creating them. I for one don't have enough patience to attempt this technique bit it looks do lovely & delicate.


  6. Janet Ecco of Sheffield10 May 2015 at 08:47

    Morning Everyone and all who pop in today.
    So sorry Sandra I didn't manage to get in yesterday. It was just one of those days. One I call 'slow' you know when different bits of you don't want to work together etc.
    We duly met Jim's Niece and here two little ones. 8 and 6yrs with enough energy for the whole of the UK and after a couple of hours with them, shopping Meadowhall style afterwards, Mr Tesco ordered for tomorrow morning as usual we both collapsed for the rest of the day.

    Maureen - I am in awe of your work. I too have tried the basics and that was many years ago but never got on to more than that. Your patience knows no bounds and your talent is immense. Thank you so much for allowing us into your craft world.

    Yesterdays mixed bag were absolutely beautiful. I would be over the moon to receive any of them and Sandra you are one very lucky lady to be on the receiving end of that wonderful dish.

    Well after all that yesterday we're off today to Derbyshire to visit Christina and Robert. She needs a little cheering up as they had a bad week last week. They lost one or two of their patients the damaged Sparrowhawk being one and she always takes it hard. So we will stop off in Bakewell for lunch and then on to Hognaston for afternoon tea but I doubt we'll be sat in the courtyard today.

    Just one or two jobs to do before we go one being cutting Jim's hair. Does anyone else cut their husband's hair? He hasn't been to the barbers for over 30years. I wonder just how much I could have saved if I insisted on payment lol. Just think of all the crafty goodies I could buy now. The only time I insisted he went was 25yrs ago when his eldest Daughter was getting married but oh no. He left it too late and I was absolutely terrified I'd get it wrong.

    So have a really good day everyone whatever you do. I'll see you all tomorrow. Hugs are in the basket just waiting for Norah's naughty ones so they can play and this morning's latte was just lovely so money also in the pot.
    Hugs xxxx

    1. Hi Janet I always used to cut hubby's hair he always said that barbers or hairdressers always charged to much and yet he wasn't tight with his money. Thankfully he used to like it short and that was the only style I could do...and like you I used to think what crafty goodies I could buy if I charged him! Lol! So sorry to hear about the loss of the sparrow hawk and hope your visit to Christina and Robert cheers them up. Have a lovely day. xxx

    2. Thank you Janet for your kind words, and have a good day. I don't cut George's hair, but I cut my own !!! xxx

  7. Hi Sandra and all the cafe crew
    Maureen wow what can I say here cards are real stunners. You really are so talented. I would love to learn this art as it looks so beautiful so please can I sit next to you at the retreat :) of course the first one is a picture of you and George. You have really made my day my lovely lady because they are just so beautiful and they must have taken hours. Thank you for letting Sandra share them with us. Xxxx
    Hmm I think we need to keep Maureen away from the baileys now we know she does delicate work like that! Can you imagine her trying it with double vision and shaky hands, not a pretty sight!!!
    Janet enjoy the day with your daughter, how lovely going to Bakewell for lunch! I love Bakewell tart :) xxx
    Well everyone sounds busy today, it's a bit gloomy at the moment but I'm hoping to garden then I must pop round with my friends birthday card and present. Sandra if you go to the allotment to sort out your fruit cages can you tell me if the goosegogs are ready yet? I've promised myself to go and pick some this year at our PYO place. I should really look at their website to see if anything is ready shouldn't i!
    Right I must go and get on, by the way if anyone has trouble with their iPad freezing whilst they are commenting, try clicking on the > button above the keyboard then clicking on their name in the box that comes up then you should be unfrozen when you go back to the comment box. I hope that helps.
    See you all tater, I've got visions of hugs playing chase around the table legs of the cafe this morning! Tee hee what a thought.
    Take care and lots of love from Diane xxxx

    1. Thanks Diane, I love bakewell tart too! Enjoy yourself today xx

    2. Diane, THANK YOU for your tip on iPad freezing. I was just leaving a comment on a blog and iPad froze, fortunately I remember reading your advice earlier today. Thank you, thank you it worked. You have saved my sanity LOL Brenda xx

    3. Brenda so glad I could help :) xxx

  8. Hi Sandra
    My word Maureen what a work of art you've created. I just love this type of work. It looks so intricate, but absolutely stunning. I showed it Pete's brother in Australia, and he thought it was fabulous, and said what a talented lady you were. He also loved the ladies work from yesterday.

  9. Hi Sandra and all in the cafe today. What a gorgeous pair of cards for us today. Maureen you are so clever. They must take you hours and hours to do, the detail is amazing when you think that all you use is parchment, embossing tools and scissors!!! Thank you so much for sharing them with us : )
    Michele, thank you for letting us know the details of the cute boxes yesterday. I was typing my comment when you posted yours so didn't see the details till later.
    Sandra, congratulations to Sophie and Lucy on their awards : ) You wouldn't be a real Mum if you didn't need a tissue close to hand at times like that : ) Have a relaxing day my lovely.
    As Sandra said last night we managed to fill a box with various card/papers and spent ages choosing which ribbon to buy. It is such a shame that the craft shop owners have let such a golden opportunity slip through their fingers. Oh if only we could be given the chance to run it, what a difference we could have made. It's not rocket science is it? You have to offer sensibly priced, up to date goods in a fresh, clean and tidy shop with friendly, knowledgeable staff, and then run regular classes and listen to what the customers want. (and of course a cafe with Sandra's yummy cakes) That is really about all that is needed.........oh, and the money to enable this to happen. (A modern till that the staff know how to use is also a must, unlike the one we had to suffer yesterday, Sandra and Pat know what I mean : ) )
    Well, I have finished my tea and toast so better get on and do the last of the ironing having finally caught up with the backlog now, thank goodness : ) Then I need to have a sort out and put away the card that I got yesterday.
    Have a good day everyone. Take care xx

    1. Thanks Sue, have a good day xxx

    2. SUE:- SANDRA:- & PAT:- maybe there is enough squirreled down the side of the soft to start your own Craft Shop there. Sounds like a great place to have one.
      I would "chip in" my Jaunt Jug money if it's of any help!!!! xxx

    3. Well, not too much to report, they were very apologetic, they thought that they could help by moving things along faster, just about every excuse under the sun, I think they were on a back foot from the start to be honest, they want to know what they can do to make life easier for the girls, etc,etc! He is going to speak directly to the teacher that made the phone calls too, to explain his wrong the situation was and hi wit felt from our point of view, the school nurse was present too, she must have played a part in it too as she kept saying she wanted to know from a 'health professionals point of view' she could help, bla bla Bla!
      I will update you more later, just popping out to shops etc!

  10. Hello Sandra and the coffee crew,
    Sandra, Hope you manage to save your fruit from those horrid pigeons. I have a very persistent pair at the moment who are determined to make their nest on my balcony. It doesn't seem to matter what I do, they just come back. I even threw a cup of water at them this morning. The thing is, we bought a new floor covering for it yesterday and are intending putting it down today but I really don't want Pigeon Poo on it!!
    Maureen, your Pergamano is amazing. I hope whoever received these pieces realised just how very fortunate they were. It must take you hours and hours. It's all a bit mysterious to me as to how you have achieved the 3D effect with the little flowers on the Kimono. Please say you will show us how to do a little piece at the retreat.
    Lunch is now ready so I'll be off, hope you are all having a lovely day.
    Saba xxxx

    1. Thanks Saba, yes, the first card has been kept and not thrown away like the full sailed Galleon that I did for my BIL. Second card I have kept as I love it so much, it's beautiful in real life - even if I say so myself.
      Enjoy your lunch xxx

    2. Pleased the cards have been kept! I would want to weep if one of them was thrown away! Xxx

  11. Saba. Have you tried putting a few of these children toy windmill things round the top of your rail, they work with other birds. They will look pretty all those sticks with spinning windmills - well better than the poo being every where. Hazel x

    1. Good idea Hazel,
      I might go and buy some tomorrow. We have decided not to put the balcony carpet down until next week when hopefully they will have found somewhere else to nest.
      I had to laugh at your water phobia story. I can just picture it. As children I was a little pest to my late brother and I am sure he would have liked to have drown me too at times. Glad you forgave her though.
      Xxx Saba

    2. What about old shiny CD's xx

    3. SABA:- a pole with a Black Bin Liner tied low down to it should work. Leave the top to flap the movement and noise scares them. However Hazels suggestion is much prettier. xxx

    4. OMG!!! I am telling you how to scare Pigeons and a blooming huge CROW has just come right up the steps to my Back Patio Doors ....Oh! I HATE them, hate them, hate them. xxx

  12. Hi Sandra
    Must always try to catch up later on the blog as I've missed you saying that the girls won an award each. I was going yo email you later to see how they hit on. How lovely that both girls won an award. How proud uou must be. You must let me know on Tuesday if the managers daughters friends girl won anything. My that was a mouthful wasn't it. I know the girls always say what a selfish rubbish player she is, but always plays. It's a shame about the birds SABA. I know people who've put up some very fine netting over the balcony opening. But windmills if you have somewhere to attach them could work.

  13. Morning Sandra and all,
    Maureen-I can't stop looking and admire these wonderful work of Pergamo. It must have taken you a long time to finish them and I hope the person who received the cards understand all the work that's gone into them. I'll bring a small piece of parchment to the retreat so if we are good maybe you could give a little class.
    Sandra- give both your girls a yippy happy cheer for getting their awards, so proud for your clever girls !
    Talk between certain ladies yesterday from up north made me laugh out loud hihi looking forward too see you , could someone from the south maybe help me to translate if needed. My OH has not said anything really that I'm going for a weekend away but he might pick me up on the Sunday.
    Tried to have a walk yesterday but the weather was no good so we drove over to Newport Pagnell were the Aston Martin was made and without our knowledge there were a Auction by the famous Bonhams. We had some great fun just sitting and listening to how much some memorabilias and the cars went for, had to sit on my hands not to start bidding hihi so much money changing hands in such a small place, it's unbelieveable .
    Sheila, enjoy the Range, so much to look at. Shame just never have any craftsell.
    Janet, have a nice tea. hope you enjoy your bakewell, nothing like the once in Marigny ey tihi
    Have a nice day whatever you are up too, if in pain gently hugs to you and not the rowdy ones in the basket hihi
    Love and hugs Maria xx

    1. Thank you Maria, hope you pick up during the day. xx

  14. Oh Wow, These cards are amazing. I have never tried this, but know that I would never have the patience for it. I admire a talented craftsperson, and you are certainly that Maureen.
    Saba, put a plastic model of an owl or hawk on your balcony. The pigeons are scared of them and don't land.
    Pretty wet day here, I have just dried the dog off so now I need a coffee. I'll sit and have a chat, see how everyone is, then need to get a pile of pillow cases ironed.

  15. Hello Sandra and all who come into the coffee shop today,
    Hope everyone is having a lovely Sunday. We are fortunate to have the sun shining, the garden is calling me to give it some attention, although these days OH does all the heavy work, but there's always another job to do.

    WOW Maureen your cards are amazing, the detail is so fine it looks like lace. I have tried Pergameno, that was some years ago, you have made me think that I should give it another try. I don't think that I could ever reach your amazing standard. You truly are a very talented lady, I am totally in awe!!!!!!
    Well I started this message over an hour ago, I keep getting distracted (concentration isn't what it used to be) I had better make some lunch, then I WILL go int the garden.
    Sending love and hugs to everyone, Brenda xxx

    1. Sandra I forgot to say congratulation to Sophie and Lucy, you have every right to feel proud of them. They are both a credit to you and Paul.
      Our grandson Samuel plays Rugby for an under 15 team . He was awarded player of the year by his local team. He also plays for his school and they put him forward for the county team, and Yes he was
      selected. We are all very proud of him.
      Thank you for sharing your daughters success with us. It's as if we know them - well we do virtual and are VERY VERY PLEASED AND PROUD OF THEM BOTH.
      LOL Brenda xxxx

    2. Thank you Brenda, you are very kind, and I have to say that I think I am more chuffed when Eleanor or Zoe achieve something than when Rachel did when she was a child. But then that was so long ago that I'm probably forgetting!!! Also, when she was young, there were not the things going on that there are now. Brownies one night and Ballet on a Saturday and that was it.
      Congratulations to Samuel.

    3. Hi Brenda. Congratulations to your grandson

    4. Hi Brenda,
      congrats to your grandson Samuel.
      It's great to hear when the kids are doing well

    5. Congratulations to your Grandson Brenda.
      It's a great feeling when they do well at things. xxx

    6. Brenda's congratulations to your grandson you must be really proud oh him. Sandra I left a comment for you last night but well done to the girls too xxx

  16. Maureen your cards are amazing. I did Pergamano in the past so I realise how long this must have taken you. As Brenda says she must try again so must I. Don't really know why I stopped and must look for all my tools etc., You are very talented Maureen.
    Sandra thank you for showing us these lovely cards. Congratulations to Lucy and Sophie. Not sure if you saw my message about it last night as I was a bit late. Well better get on. Will have a piece of the Carrot cake and a tea before I do anything.

  17. Hello Sandra,
    I hope you are well today and thank you for showing my cards. It's taken me forever to post as I've been putting comments on each persons post.
    The first card you have shown was one of the first ones I ever made and it was quite easy, taking about 4 or 5 hours, but you do have to concentrate very hard. This was before I knew that you were supposed to be taught to do Pergamano!!!
    I then went to a couple of afternoon lessons to try to do more difficult things.
    The Kimono card is one of my favourite all time ever that I have done. This was quite complicated and the outside frame is one piece of Parchment coloured with red and blue "Dorso" colours and the Kimono itself is on another piece. Each panel of the Kimono is "pricked" with a different pattern and coloured with blue Dorso on the reverse. This took me about two days to do.
    If I can fit it in the packing, I will bring some things for anyone wanted to try this technique, with some patterns to follow.
    I rarely do this type of card now because of the time involved. Eleanor's Baptism card that I did in 2004 took me over a week!!! If I can find it at Rachel's (she has kept all the cards I have ever made, but they are in a box among a million boxes in their office!) I'll take a photograph.
    Well, I think I've bored you enough, and have been on so long that loads of people have probably posted in the meantime.
    Have a good day everyone, and thank you for your kind comments.
    Muriel xxx

    1. Concentrate .... well that's it out for me!!!
      Certainly not Bored, how could we ever be bored of you Maureen???
      Your work is amazing and I mean that, would never get bored admiring that either. xxx

    2. I would never get bored with you !

  18. There you are ladies, there will be three of us showing you how to do it. Brenda and Littlelamb Brenda (thank you for your kind comments) will be on hand to help. xx

  19. OMG Maureen You are so so clever. I tried Pergamano ages ago and I got very frustrated with it I found it really hard to to the pricking and snipping
    MARIA I'm glad you enjoyed visiting Aston Martin. My uncle used to work there. My aunt has a lovely photo of him in his brown lab coat type thingy I am going to email you after I've finished this I hope you're feeling better today
    Salsa was good last night, especially as my daughter and her fiance came with us. Something she rarely has time to do at weekends.
    had a very frustrating morning, I'd done a lot of Serif work and sent it to printer (which is upstairs and I'm playing downstairs) to find out it'd run out of paper and I hadn't saved it Argh!
    Must go food shopping in a mo. It's my turn to supply the milk for the team at work this week work

  20. Just popping in for a quick cup of Earl Grey please. I have been making up the day wedding invitions, I was going to do bit box cards, but I decided to get slices invites done so they only have to have the inserts fitted in when she gets her self given a kick. It has taken me a age to do 6. When we were doing Gillian's. Gillian was helping put them together. These I am on my own it looks like!!! A new car purchase is more on Gillian's mine. She has had so many problems with her renualt, she has had it just over 3 years and the amount of faults with that car is unbelievable, the last one cost £1,700 that was half of the bill, now she has another big problem with 4 ins of water in the foot wells, now the garage have told her it isn't of design fault, but the drain that takes the water away from the gully that the winscreen wipers sit in was blocked and the water has found another way to get away, yes into the car!!., But the garage knows that they will take 3 days to get the carpets out dried and refitted cost £500. Well her neighbour use to work for the said large group of garages, he left as he didn't like what they were doing to customers. Anyway he unblocked the pipe and let .gillian borrow his wet and dry vacs and she has got the water out he also told her how to get the carpets dried properly. Cost nothing, but Gillian and Andrew have given them a voucher to go for him and his wife to go for a meal. As she has got herself in a twist as after spending a fortune on her dream coupe car she has now got a car that has devalued so much, because of its design faults. So mother will be putting all these invites together on her own, I will just take my time and get them done. Everything else will be put on hold. Hazel x

    1. Wish I was a lot nearer Hazel. I would come and help you.

    2. I am just 50 miles away and will help if she gets really stuck.
      Hazel is so blooming independent she'll struggle on. xxx

    3. Oh dear my sister knows me to well!!! Me independent - just blame it on being a Tauren. Hazel x

    4. Brenda and Maria thank you for the offer of help. They are really simple invites, but it's nerves thats my problem as they have to be made up,how she wants them. At the end of the day they are hers for her big day and she choose the design I have just been given the job of putting them together. I have put one up on my blog, and you will see they are plain compared with some invites. Hazel x

    5. How you doing Hazel, here pet have a Baileys and you won't have any nerves, here have another one and you won't feel anything!! Don't get your knickers in a twist, you know Patricia's there if you need help. I know you are worried in case they aren't quite want she wanted, but I bet she'll be delighted xx

    6. She is a Leo and they know what they want and they do what they want, not always conventional either, I just made what she wanted, as I told her it's her wedding her day, I am just the one putting it all together. Hazel x

  21. Hi Sandra,
    I am so late today that I haven't read any comments yet! I will do that when I finish this.
    Wow , Wow, Wow, Maureen - these are jut beautiful! They must have taken hours . Would anyone who received them know just how much work went into them? I hope so! These are real works of art and should be framed. You are a very talented lady! Thank you so much for allowing Sandra to show them and thanks to Sandra for showing them!
    I would love to see your work face to face, if you see what I mean!
    Has Cheryl been in today - I don't know yet - but I miss you Cheryl!
    I missed Lynda yesterday too! Hope you are ok Lynda.
    Maria - I hope you are feeling better.
    Norah - I hope you didn't fall asleep under that hat! I didn't like to disturb you!
    Steph - hope Cassie did you proud in class.
    Will go and read all the news now!
    Love to everyone,
    Myra xxx

    1. Bless Norah, I think she had a wee nap under that hat as every few seconds I saw one of the petals lifting as she was snoring quietly!
      Good to see you Myra xxxx

  22. OMG am I pleased I stopped for a quick rest and a cup a soup. Im totally and utterly speechless at this amazing peice of art. What concentration and down right dedication it must take to do something so stunning as this, Im just lost for enough words to compliment this card, its not a card its a gift in itself - WOW !!
    Hope you all have a great day.
    Lancashire Steph xx

  23. Hello folks ... 3rd time lucky!!!
    Popped into see how you were all doing. Been through the comments, I notice Cheryl has not been in for a couple of days. If you can see in but can't talk we miss you girl.
    I have been extremely busy working though my Cards to Make List. I am almost at the bottom thank goodness. Finished off the New Baby Card, made one for the Grandparents, also one for the Brother & Sisters of the new baby. They often get left out at this time. All packaged ready for posting tomorrow ... guess what ... yep!! forgot to photograph them. What a right Numpty I can be at times.
    Made and photographed a special card. Just to do the insert for another "very special" card and that should be it for a few weeks I hope. I really wanted to "play" just "play" but there you go.
    Feet up for a wee while then it will be time to eat once again. If we did not need to eat I would have lots of Playtime!!? xxx

    1. Hi Patricia, Cheryl is still having trouble with her computer thingy. She's waiting for someone to come to see to it, but he hasn't arrived yet. xx

    2. Thanks Maureen as long as Cheryl is OK that's the main thing xxx

  24. Hi friends in the cafe' ,promise to be quiet so not wake Norah :-)
    A tea and a cheese scone please, hope there are some left,
    Slept in this morning and it was nice, the sun has been out most of the day so we went for an hours walk and oh boy don't you feel so much better. It's a promise to our self if weather permitting to have a walk every day unless we been to the gym that morning, have said it before.........all I need now is a gobstopper !
    Hope you all had a good day so far.
    Cheryl still got problems with her connections ?
    Will sit down and make a To Do Card List, good idea Patricia. I have some coming up in late May, better get a start on the cuttings

  25. Oh it looks like everyone has gone home. I will just potter round and give everything a good cleaning while their is no one in. I have washed down buffed up the glass cake cabinet. The cake stands are next. I better be careful don't want to break any of them. I see Sandra has been buying some lovely new coffee glasses for all of those lattes. Oh I think I will sit down for 5 minutes and have a cup of tea. Maybe some one will be in soon, it a bit to quiet. Hazel x

  26. Well Sis, looks like it's just you and me here tonight. Everyone else must have had a better offer!!!
    Everything is looking brilliant, you have made a good job.
    Want a "top up" of that tea?? xxx

  27. Hi Hazel. Expect you have gone now.

  28. And you Patricia. Didn't see your comment til I had sent mine

  29. I am still here. Hazel x

  30. Well I will sit here and make my birthday card list.. Got a lot this month. Three from the same family including two males living at the same address so cannot do the same card twice. I am thinking that they will probably go in the bin. Well better show willing. Will sit in the corner and see if anyone comes in. I will keep it tidy Hazel. I promise.

  31. Oh Brenda that's not good having to make to different make cards? And worse when you know where they will end up! I would keep them simple, no point of going to loads of work if it's not appreciated! How are you get on with your new G.C??? Hazel x

    1. Brenda, I know through life you can't keep everything BUT!!! a handmade card is a treasure. I have mine in a box, when I go, whoever is doing the "clear out" can make the decision, what to do with them.
      Keep your cards simple if you know they will not be appreciated. xxx

  32. Let's get these cups washed and have another cuppa and some of the New Cake Sandra put in the cabinet for tomorrow!!!! Let's be rebels come on!!!
    Some would be on the Wine or Bailiys, Hazel & I don't drink so well stick to the tea, what about your Brenda?? xxx

  33. Thanks. Yes I am going to do just that. One I am going to use a Chocolate Baroque Silluette stamp of skeleton trees and just do a sort of sunset with Distress ink pads. Not sure about the other one yet. I know what you mean Patricia. I think that. Why throw out the things I like let someone else do that job when it's necessary. Well I have stamped the trees so whilst it is quiet in here I will do the colouring.

  34. I don't drink either so will stick to the tea and yes let's go made and have some of tomorrow's cake. :-)

  35. simply beautiful hugs TOB xx

  36. I will have some too please. Do you want some Theresa, nice to see pop in. Hazel x

  37. Hello there Theresa, do you wan to join us rebels and eat tomorrow's cake?? Great to see you, have you been busy lately?? xxx

  38. Good to see you Theresa. Yes do join us rebels. I have always been a rebel.

  39. Yoo hoo, here I am. Been making bags a la Hazel for a fund raising Cancer Research day that my friend and neighbour is holding in June. She's delighted and has all sorts of small gifts for them. I've made a card to go with Myra's butterfly 4 x 4 cards and box (I pinched the idea from her) and taken them in to my lovely next door neighbour for her to take to Canada when she goes.
    So I'm nipping in the shower and getting my nightie on, then will be back for my usual 4 pints of Baileys! xx
    By the way Sandra, I hope you have a profitable day at the allotment, and haven't overdone it.
    Muriel xxx

    1. Oooo!!! Maureen another really pretty Nightie I see. Your a lucky lady, must have a look for a few nice ones for October. xxx

  40. Forgot to tell you that the music licence has come through, so we can pump up the music and have a dance!! (They were the days, eh). xx

    1. What are we having tonight then?
      Sounds of the Sixties? Big Band Music? - Country and Western? Or Garage? Ha hah! Xxx

    2. Think sounds of the Sixties could be good. We have to cater for everyone so a wee bit of each would be good. xxx

    3. Right folks, the music is really not that great. Off to look for a better selection.
      If I don't get back I will have gone to bed.
      Can you believe it's Monday tomorrow .... where did the weekend go?? You should see the pile of "post" I have to take to the Post Office tomorrow.
      Will do the house cleaning then get to the Post Offibe in the afternoon.. That way hopefully the pensioners will all have been and got their money!!! xxx

    4. That's the trouble with old folk! There so slow! Ha ha ! Xxx

  41. Hazel,
    Decided to have a look on your blog before my shower. Oh, they are so beautiful and a lot of work!!! xxx

  42. Well one card is finished. Will wait and see if my Happy Birthday die I won on Sue's blog comes in the next couple of days and will put gat on it. Have got till Thursday before it needs to be posted. The other one is next week. Have let's a comment on your blog Hazel. The invitations are lovely.

    1. Hi Brenda, the Happy Birthday Die came last week! It's lovely and cuts beautifully. I think you'll really like it. It's a good size too. Hope you don't mind me joining in the chat! Xxx

    2. Myra, you really are amazing, how can you talk to me trying to keep me right with Pinterest and then be on here at the same time? Wonder woman is your middle name.
      The music's rubbish and I'm tired so I'm going to lie down and watch the news.
      See you all in tomorrow, later in the morning. Good night, sweet dreams.
      Muriel xxx

    3. If I were any good we'd have sorted it by now!
      Night Night dear! Xxx

    4. No I don't mind you joining in Myra. Thanks for letting me know about the Happy a Birthday die. sue said she will get it sent out on Monday. I don't need to post till Thursday so hopefully it will come by then.

  43. Good night all Enjoy your Baileys Sorted out the printing Just need to put them all together now Had a notification from C&C that the CE card I ordered should be delivered tomorrow Is there any other site that sells a mixed pack of colours?

    1. Not so far as I know Karen! Joanna Sheen has lots of colours but all in packs of 25sheets. Sorry if you already knew that! Xx

    2. Thanks Myra I didn't know that I thought it would have been packs of 50 But 25 is still a lot when I don't make a lot of cards I don't sell many Only ones asked for by my family and friends

  44. A real beautiful creation. The time involved must be huge.

    Busy weekend will be back tomorrow xxx

  45. Hi ladies
    Had a message from Cheryl earlier to say that she is having problems with her laptop, she is missing you all and can't wait to come back!

  46. Hi Everyone
    Gosh it's quiet in here tonight, just a few cake crumbs left a an empty baileys tanker so Muriel must have been in! I'll just sit here quietly sipping a small glass of wine. I've just got out the bath so I'm a bit wrinkly! I've been gardening most of the day, started to plant up the tubs at the front then decided to finish weeding the boarders, so oh boy do I ache! I then walked around to my friends to give her a card and birthday present. I bought her one of the new Sue dies, the little ones that look like half a die ( can't think of their name!). She was over the moon and was dashing off to have a play when I left. By the time I got home it was time for dinner. Julian and Emma have been revising all day .
    Well I must climb into bed now before I fall asleep at the table. I'm meeting a friend for coffee tomorrow but will try to pop in before I go. Night night everyone, sleep tight, see you tomorrow .
    Love Diane xxx

  47. Night Diane. Enjoy your coffee with a friend tomorrow.

  48. You might all gone to bed just wanted to say , have a good night.!
    Hope you can sleep Diane and not aching too much after all that exercise.
    Oh ToB it's great to see you ! Come back and tell us how you are doing,some extra gentle hugs to you!
    Karenlotty, I have been looking for some cards over the last 2 days but can't find anything that suits. I know JS has the card Sue are using but the pack are a bit big for me too so I wondering if we maybe could go together and split the pack between us somehow ? Another problem from JS is that a lot off her cards etc, I liked to have were all sold out. I'll send you an E-mail tomorrow.
    Sandra how did it go at the allotment ? hope you and Paul had a good day do especially if you got the nice weather we had here today!
    ps. did someone wake Norah or is she still asleep........hope you are ok.
    Best go to bed, gym in the morning (pool for me) Good night all !
    Love and hugs Maria xxx

  49. Good night. Time I went as well.

  50. Oh my word just checking on what I've missed over the weekend and must say this work is absolutely stunning - I love parchment work but only dabble now and again, not the correct way I might add. Need to catch up on all I have missed over the weekend love from Jean x
