
Monday 11 May 2015

Sam's stunning Sunflower !

Good Morning Ladies,
Have a lovely day Michele, I hope you get spoilt rotten today, sending you big,
Birthday Hugs!
This gorgeous card Is made by the very talented Sam, the flowers look amazing!
I love that background paper, so may shades of green,,
Also that beautiful sunflower that makes up the focal piece is stamped brilliantly too,
The sentiment is in such a pretty font, it really Matches with the card style!
This card would be handy for so many occasions, birthdays, christening etc!
I think I may have picked up germs so I am going to cut this post shirt,
I am really sorry, I have to keep re-writing as I keep typing nonsense as I am
Falling asleep!
Thank you so much Sam for sharing your skills, you are amazing!
Please leave your comments below, I love to read them!
Sandra xxx
Sorry it's so short xxxx


  1. Good morning Sandra and all who call in today.
    Happy Birthday to you, Happy birthday to you, Happy birthday Michele , Happy birthday to you. Have a wonderful day and enjoy what every you are going to be doing.
    Sam, another masterpiece from you, love your sunflowers and that background, yes this card could be used for many occasions.
    I see by reading back on last night that the late night lot came in after all. I decided that I would just go to bed, otherwise I would have ended up in the wide awake club most of the night.
    Sandra, I hope you are ok, not good when you aren't feeling 100% and think you have picked up germs. Easy day for you, maybe a stay in bed one too?
    Not in to work until pick up time today, so why did my body clock ping awake at 5.15? Tried getting back to sleep but no. So an unnecessary early morning for me? Even the dog has decided he will go back to sleep. I might just go and do the bit of ironing after I have had my tea and toast. Then I can get on and put these invites together.
    I have put ((((((hugs)))))) in to the basket, a few gentle ones for those of you who are a bit sore and in pain this morning. Hazel x

    1. Hi Hazel
      Thank you For Your Extremely Kind Comments
      Hugs From Sam xxx

  2. Morning Sandra And All My Dear Friends,
    First I Would Love To Say A Huge "Happy Birthday" To Michele Have A Truly Terrific Day And As Sandra Mentioned I Hope You Get So Spoilt Have A Wonderful Day.
    Well The Card Is One I Did A While Back The Beautiful Stamp Is A "Sunflower" from JustRite I Love There Stamps They Give Such Clear Crisp Images.
    I Created The Frame As Shown Like Our Sue Show's Us On Her Videos And It's So Easy To Do, The Green Paper Is "Graphic 45" I Love There Papers I Also Used One Of Pages To Cut Out The Two Small Sunflowers And The Sentiment Is One From My Stash, I Coloured Using My Copics Which I Love To Use.
    I Was So Unsure Whether To Send This As I'd Sent This To A Craft Person For Advice On Any Tips On Where I'm Going Wrong
    (IT WAS NOT OUR WONDERFUL SUE) And I Was Quite Shocked With Her Reply I Do Realise That My Sentiment Maybe Overpowering But She Mentioned My Image And Even The Two Sunflowers That I'd Cut Out, So I No Longer Visit That Blog Don't Get Me Wrong I Didn't Expect A Gushing Review But To Have A Go About All Of It, I Expected Something Like Have You Tried This Or That Etc: I Posted Three Cards For Her To Check Out And She Criticised All Three, Hey Ho!!!!
    Please Promise Me Don't Say Good Things Because I've Mentioned This, But I Thought It Would Be Great To Gain Advice From A Professional, Some Will Know This Craft Person And Some Will Still Visit Her Blog So I'm Not Mentioning Her Name.
    Take Great Care My Dear Friends
    Sandra Get Better Very Soon.
    Love And Hugs To You All
    From Sam xxx

    1. Sam please don't listen to that particular person, she is in no place to judge you, in my opinion her cards aren't that great either!
      There is absolutely nothing wrong with any of the three cards you sent photos of to me, I promise I wouldn't lie to you, saying they were great if they weren't, just stop and look how fab that stamped image is!
      Your frame is cut perfectly, and the little matching sunflowers finish the card off beautifully!
      I don't think the person in question gave you an honest review, she is probably jealous of your capabilities! Being on CE Design team, she should know better than to discourage any crafter! Maybe she could spend her time thinking about sending out prizes that are months over due! Instead of ripping your confidence to shreds!
      Your cards are amazing Sam! Thank you so much for sharing it with us,
      Huge hugs
      Sandra xxxxx

    2. Sandra My Lovely Your So Very Very Kind
      Hugs From Sam xxx

    3. Hi Sam
      My word how can anybody criticise anyone else's work. Your work is fabulous and a joy to behold. I don't know who this person is, but I wouldn't bother with them either if I did. I don't do blogs as such. This person can't be much of a person if she's into criticising other people's work.

    4. Hi Pat My Lovely
      You Are So Very Kind With Your Comment, I Do Check Blogs If I'm OK But Not Hers Anymore
      Take Care Lovely Lady
      Hugs From Sam xxx

    5. Well, well, well, I think someone might have been just a "tad" green with envy when she your stunning card. Nothing wrong with it, I would be delighted for it to pop through my door. xxx

    6. Hi Sandra,
      Me Again, I Only Mentioned The Person Who Criticised My Cards, Because I Genuinely Like To Receive Advice From Other Crafters To Help Improve My Work, So If Anyone Has Any Thoughts Etc: I Really Don't Mind I Now Realise I Should Have Cut The Sentiment Into Two Halves As Its Very Large As One!!!!
      Sandra You Rest Up My Lovely Lady
      From Sam xxx

    7. Hi Sam,
      My first genuine thought when I saw your card was "oh, how uplifting and cheerful". How rude of her. I think it's lovely - so there!!!!! xxx

    8. SAM Your card is wonderful and I am not just saying that. Whoever said those things was being very unkind. I can guess who it was so I won't bother to look at her blog. I am sure your other two cards were just as good as this one.

    9. Hi Sam,
      THIS CARD IS LOVELY ! so there. I like the green with the yellow sunflower and the Happy Birthday is just fine where it is. As you know now I'm not very good at putting cards together so seeing yours make me want to do a copy-ish, if that's ok. What a rude person, grrrr
      hugs Maria xx

  3. Good morning Sandra and the Coffee Shop Gang. Hope you are well and the sun is shining brightly where you are, it is here ... at the moment!!!
    WOW!! Sam that's one stunning card, love the beautiful Sunflower. Everything is wonderful and suitable for lots of occasions.
    HAPPY BIRTHDAY Michele, have a fantastic day whatever you do.
    SANDRA:- sending some (((((hugs))))) hope you feel better as the day goes on.
    I opened the front bedroom curtains this morning and some blooming bird had had a go at decorations them ..... both of them!!! They are clean again, not a job I relish first thing in the morning.
    Washing out so I feel I deserve a cuppa and a slice of toast with Jam.
    Will sit over and chat to Hazel she's not rushing off to work this morning.
    OK ....... "No rest for the wicked" so better just knuckle down and get on with things. See you all later .... be good!!! xxxx

    1. Hi Patricia
      Thank You For Your Extremely Kind Comments
      Hugs From Sam xxx

    2. My goodness me Patricia I don't know how you do the decorations on the window first thing in the morning and not one window but two!! My body and mind take so long to come around first thing!! LOL! Well done though!
      Love Sheila xxx

    3. You are so lucky Patricia, we have flying elephants here in Newcastle and they regularly leave presents on the windows and car!! xxx

    4. I'm sorry! I have a little verse for you!
      Little birdie flying high
      Sent a message from the sky.
      Said the farmer, wiping his eye!
      Mighty good job me cows don't fly!

    5. MYRA:- that's brilliant LOVE it.

      Right folks, a few of you have commented about me doing things in the mornings.
      I am a MORNING person. I get up early get lots done, then I have plenty time to play. Come 10pm don't ask me a question that needs a long winded answer. By that time I am DONE.
      Some of you are Night a Owls and can go on into the night. Horses for courses as they say. xxx

    6. Haha Myra my dad used to say that! Thanks for the memory. Xxx

  4. Good morning everyone - HAPPY BIRTHDAY MICHELLE hope you have a smashing birthday. Had a very busy weekend so not on computer to check in - need to scroll through to see what I have missed . Sandra take care and do hope you feel better soon, don't do too much and give in to sleep xx from Jean x

  5. Sam your card is stunning - love the colours nice and fresh -Jean xx

    1. Hi Jean
      It's Lovely To Get Such Wonderful Comments From You All.
      Hugs From Sam xxx

  6. Morning Ladies

    Sam-I think your card is beautiful and I would be thrilled if I received one like it. I don't see anything wrong with the card at all so I would try & forget what this "helpful " person said to you.

    Thanks for the birthday wishes, its been raining here but I'm confident it's going to stop. Hubby & I plan to get the train into Liverpool later where I will look at a few shops, he will insist we go in the Apple shop and John Lewis then it should be time for some lunch.

    Right-I'm off to open my birthday cards. I'll pop in later to let you know how my day has been.


    1. Have a fabulous day lovely lady xxxxx

    2. Hi Michele
      Thanks For Your Kind Comments On My Card.
      Hugs From Sam xxx

    3. Janet Ecco of Sheffield11 May 2015 at 08:39

      Morning Michele - Have the most wonderful day. Hugs xxxx

    4. Morning Michele, HAPPY BIRTHDAYS have a great day in Liverpool.
      Enjoy your shopping trip Love Brenda xxx

    5. HAPPY BIRTHDAY MICHELE and have a wonderful shopping day and enjoy your lunch.

      Love Sheila xxx

    6. Morning Birthday Girl. Have a fabulous day Michele, and I hope you get spoilt rotten. xxx

    7. Happy Birthday to You!
      Happy Birthday dear Michele! I think the sun is shining where you are now as it is here! Lovely blue sky and white fluffy clouds! Enjoy your day out to Liverpool. Sending birthday hugs. Myra xxx

    8. Happy Birthday MICHELE. Hope you have a fabulous day and a lovely Birthday lunch.

    9. Happy Birthday Michele !
      Wish you a lovely day in Liverpool, shopping and lunch.
      hugs Maria xx

    10. Hi Michele hope you had a lovely day out in Liverpool. What is it with the Apple shop and men! We have to go in every time we see one - are they really any different from one city to the next? Xxx

  7. Hi Sandra and al the coffee shop ladies
    Sandra I'm sorry to hear you are feeling so poorly today and full of aches and pains. You have been overdoing it again my love so a good rest for you today and dose yourself up. Xxx
    Hazel isn't it a pain when you are wide awake when you don't need to be! I ope you can fit in a sneaky nap before pick up time. Don't go rushing around though just because your awake! Xxx
    Michele sorry should have put you first! Happy birthday enjoy yourself today and I hope you are really spoilt. I know you are off this week so hopefully you have had breakfast in bed, is hubby off with you today too? So perhaps a meal out is on the cards. What ever you do have fun xxxx
    Sam what can I say, your card is beautiful and your colouring is perfect. I can't believe you were criticised for it. I would be really proud if I had this card and would apreciate all the hard work you put into it. As you say advice can be given in a positive way but shouldn't be as a criticism that's really demoralising . I think I know who you mean, I won't say the name. My friend bought some sample cards she was selling and shared them with me. When we looked closely at them they were all almost identical with just different stamps used and not very well finished. It's like she has a style and she's sticking to it! I hope you have ignored her Sam because your cards are really stunning. That background paper is yummy, not sure I could have used it, it would have to go in my stroking pile foe a while.
    Well I must get a wriggle on today, I'm meeting a friend for coffee this morning, haven't seen her for ages so it will be good to catch up.
    I hope everyone has a lovely day today what ever they are doing. The sun is sort of shining here today but I'm not convinced it's going to stay like it.
    See you all later.
    Love Diane xxx

    1. Hi Diane,
      If Anyone Said Have You Tried This Etc:
      I Would Take On Board Any Advice Given, I'm Not Perfect By Any Means.
      Have A Great Day With Your Friend, Tomorrow I'm Meeting My Best Friend We Only See Each Other Twice A Year She's Younger Than Myself, She Used To Be My Junior When I Was A Manager For
      House Of Fraser We Continued Working For Them For Over Twenty Years She Left To Start A Family And I'm God Mom To Her Two Fabulous Boys, I Had To Finish Years Later, As I Had Two Aneurysms In My Brain One Birst So I Have A Clip In That One And The Other Has A Titanium Coil Inside They Did A Remarkable Job, All The Wonderful Doctors And Nurses I've So Much Time For Them.
      Diane I No Longer Visit This Persons Blog Not Just For That But She Told Lies,She Sent An Email Saying One Thing And Then Said Something Very Different On Her Blog.
      Enough From Me Have A Great Day
      Hugs From Sam xxx

    2. Hi Diane,
      hope you have a nice time with your friend and not to much wriggle hihi

    3. Sam that's awful that this person let's people down on her blog and in emails. You have been through the mill haven't you, but it does sound like you had a fantastic team of nurses and doctors. The friend I met today used to be an LSA at school with me as well as a Governor so I know her really well, in fact her daughter was my daughters driving instructor. I have always stayed in touch with people I worked with, I write to a lady I worked with when I was 18, I am going out on Thursday with a group of friends I worked with when I got married and at least on e a week someone from school pops over with their lunch to have a natter at lunchtime! Isn't it lovely to have friends. Maria, I didn't wriggle too much haha xxx

  8. Morning Sandra and all that pop in today.

    HAPPY BIRTHDAY MICHELLE... Have a great day and hope you get spoilt with love and dies today.

    SAM - This is gorgeous, it really stands out and I just love the layered frames, just like our Sue does them. Everything matches so well, and with the co-ordinating background paper, it really makes your sunflower pop. I cant believe who ever it was said such awful things about this beautiful card of your's. Im far from brilliant but I think I know a good card from a bad card ! Its all in proportion, the colour's are lovely, it has definition, and everything. It can only be two ladies I can think of, and I dont follow either of them anymore, so if its either of those, then their cards are not always something that takes my breath away, in fact more often than not they are same old and downright messy and in your face ! Wonder how they would feel if someone ripped THEIR card to bits for all and sundry to see ? I know Ive got a big gob, but id rather not comment at all if I dont like a card rather than gush all over it or tear it to bits. Hope you didnt take any notice of THEIR cruel words Sam ?

    Hoping you all have a good day, just rest up today Sandra and you'll be fine tomorrow lass.
    Love to all.
    Lancashire Steph xx

  9. Janet Ecco of Sheffield11 May 2015 at 08:59

    Morning Everyone
    Latte extra large this morning is called for.
    Sam I really do not know how a so called 'craft expert' can di-sect this beautiful piece of art. As you already know I'm always in awe of your art - your colours, format etc are always perfect. Not an iota out but all where everything should be.
    Please try and forget - I know it's difficult when it's your 'baby' that someone has rubbished but we all like constructive notes when we ask for opinions not bulldozed comments. I'm already looking forward to seeing more of your beautiful work.

    Sandra - I'm so sorry you're a little more than under the weather today. Did you go with Paul to the allotment yesterday and pick something up there.
    Back to bed with you. Snuggle down, keep warm and hoping you'll feel better tomorrow.

    We we had a lovely day out yesterday. Lunch in Bakewell was lovely, the sun was shining, still a cold wind but dry and then on to Hognaston for a lovely afternoon of catch up (because Christina is 1.5hrs away from us and because of what she and Robert do (that is extra to Robert's official work as an Accountant) they do not get across here very often and so we make a really full day when we visit. We had a quick look at all the poorly patients - mainly common birds as it's that time of year when accidents happen or when people find them in their gardens and go and pick them up because they are tiny and cannot fly - no they are waiting for Mum to come and feed them as they have fledged but cannot fly properly. Why do people never learn? Anyway at the moment all seems well with all patients including a small black cat who seems to have made friends with their outside cat who also adopted C&R and while we were there presented them with 4 little black kittens. Today's reports says 'Mum and babies are fine and doing well'. Heaven only knows what's going to happen with them as the Mum looks well looked after in every way but has no collar nor chip for identification. We'll wait and see but at the moment they are in the bet maternity unit they could have.

    Usual Monday morning here so I think a little papercrafting is called for as I've not done any for two days. I feel withdrawal symptons coming on.
    Hugs are in the basket just waiting to be taken. I'll try and get in later. Have a good day everyone. Oh money in the pot and mug washed and dried.

    1. Hi Janet
      Thank You For Your Extremely Kind Comments That's The Fabulous Thing About Sandra's Blog I Love Visiting And Checking Out All The Excellent Craft Projects From Sandra's Design Team Lol!
      I Don't Think About This Person Anymore She Used To Go On Create And Craft But I've Not Seen Her For Quite Some Time,
      Mind You I Don't Watch Unless Our Sue Or Phill Martin Is On.
      Thank You For Your Kind Words
      Hugs From Sam xxx

    2. Hi Janet,
      so nice to see all well at the "animal hospital" they are doing a fabulous job looking after the poorly and hopefully back to health.
      we have blackbirds nesting in a fern around the patio so if not the filthy magpie takes them (has done before :-( ) we might have some little ones soon , xx

    3. Maria our blue tits have hatched and oh boy are they noisy! I had the back door open whilst cooking dinner tonight and we could hear them tweeting away inside the house! Poor mum and dad are on the go all day feeding them and they start tweeting again the moment they fly out to get more food!!! It's lovely though. Today a pigeon is trying to make a nest in the budleia outside the back door, they really are the most stupid birds around! Xxx

  10. Hi Steph
    My Lovely Lady,
    My Darling Lady You Just Speak Your Mind, Yes You Do Know The Person I'm Speaking Of, As I Mentioned I'm Not Perfect At All, And When I've Been To Copic Colouring Classes The Lady Taking The Class Is Amazing And She's Never Once Said "Oh That's Wrong And Just Left It"
    I Make Mistakes On More Than One Occasion, And She Comes Over And Sits With Me (And Others) Showing Me How I Can Correct My Errors But That's The Difference In People, As I Mentioned The Person In Question Tells Lies Also.
    Steph As Always Thank You For Your Kindness
    Hugs From Sam xxx

  11. Hi Sandra
    Happy birthday to you, happy birthday to you, happy birthday dear Michele I hope you have a fabulous day in Liverpool. My son in laws family all come from Liverpool, but we've not been round the city centre ourselves. Well I say that but we had a whistle stop tour with Keith a few years ago. To quick to take anything in.
    Sam your card is fabulous, please don't take any notice of the person who criticised your cards. They obviously are not a nice person full of their own self importance.
    Sandra my lovely, I do hope you are feeling better for tomorrow. You didn't look to hot yesterday when we dropped in with Pete's hospital card for Paul to laminate for him. Hopefully an easy day will set you up for tomorrow. I'm more convinced than ever that Patricia is Superwoman. Decorated windows and she's cleaned them already. Oh dear firget to get a drink and a slice of cake, oh well never mind. I'll just people watch for awhile.

  12. Morning Sandra and all the lovely cafe crew,
    HAPPY BIRTHDAY MICHELE! Have a lovely day however you celebrate it.
    Sam your card today is a work of art and please take no notice of the stupid, irresponsible person who said what she did about your work....I have an idea who she is by what Sandra said and believe me Sam I much prefer your work to hers.....and NO this isn't a sympathy vote...I truly mean every word. She has a blog and a blog is there to be helpful and give inspiration not to be down right please take no notice of her Sam and keep up with your wonderful work. I am hopeless at colouring and that's why I admire yours so much.
    Sandra I do hope you feel better later on and are able to pop back in the cafe.
    I had a lovely time at the Range, I didn't buy any crafty stash as it's mainly Docrafts and I prefer other makes but I bought a lovely solar light which is an old water pump with a planter at the bottom and then the cutest little Pug puppy standing up to's for Nikki and her lady friends at the house as they love their garden. Hope they like it. Carol and I then went on to Llandudno to a craft shop there just got some large white pearlised card that I had run out of. All in all we had a a good day and as always we had a good laugh which is the most important thing.
    Well I must get on as I've prattled on a bit.....have put more hugs in the pot so please help yourself.

    Lots of love Sheila xxx

    1. My Lovely Sheila
      How Are You Feeling These Days, Well I Hope !
      I Can't Tell You What Your Extremely Kind Words Mean To Me
      I Make Mistakes When I'm Colouring And I Go Over The Lines But My Copic Teacher Taught Me How To Overcome This, And I'm Very Critical Of Myself If My Matting And Layering Is Not Perfect Or Not Qite Correct That's Why I Purchased The Perfect Rulers They Are Great I Also Have The Spellbinders Grand Squares,
      Enough Of Me Rambling On
      Take Great Care Sheila I Think Of You A Lot.
      Hugs From Sam xxx

    2. Sam I've got those rulers too, aren't they fab, it makes matting and layering so much easier xxx

  13. Hi Sandra and all in the cafe today.
    HAPPY BIRTHDAY MICHELE, I hope you have a lovely time in Liverpool today and after having to visit the shops including the Apple store and John Lewis for hubby you get taken for a nice lunch somewhere : )
    Sam, I love this card. Your stamping and colouring are stunning, your choice of background paper is so beautiful and the sentiment works beautifully. I am pretty sure who it was that you sent your cards to to ask for advice and must say that I am not surprised at her reaction as she has proved herself to be a very selfish very unkind piece of work who is not to be trusted so please please please forget that you ever sent them to her. We all worry that our own cards are not perfect but you certainly have nothing to worry about. Thank you so much for taking the time to send this beauty to Sandra to share this with us : )
    Sandra, oh my lovely, I am so sorry to hear that you are not feeling well today. I didn't have a sore throat at all but I am so worried that I managed to pass on my nasty bug to you somehow. I know that a lot of people seem to have similar things and YOU MUST LOOK AFTER YOURSELF. Please stay in bed just getting up to make hot tea as you need to drink as much as you can manage. It has been proved that it helps kill throat bugs better than anything else. No laying there worrying about tomorrows blog post either please, YOU are what is important, not missing your blog for a day or two my lovely. My fingers and toes are firmly crossed that you just need to have some rest as you have had quite a lot on over the last few days with one thing and another haven't you?
    Cheryl, We were all so glad to hear that you are well in yourself but I hope you manage to get your computer problems sorted as soon as possible as we are all missing you. : )
    Norah, I hope you had a good sleep under the hat in the corner : )
    Have a good a day as possible everyone. Take care xx

  14. Hi Mrs B (It Seems Really Strange Calling You Mrs B)
    Thank You So Very Much For Your Extremely Kind Words, As I Mentioned I Sent Photographs Of Three Cards And She Found Problems With Every Single One Then I Found Out She Was Telling Lies Which Was Worse.
    Thank You Once Again
    From Sam xxx

  15. Hello Sandra,
    I see you are not too well and hope that you soon feel a lot better, take care and don't do anything.
    Sam, I have posted above, but please do not get yourself in a tizzy over some comments made by a mean spirited individual. Your card is lovely, uplifting and cheerful and I genuinely really like it. I wish I knew who it was, names are going around in my head!! ha ha
    Hazel, early waking always bugs me when I don't have to get up. I usually put the TV on very, very low and snuggle down, and the drone sends me back to sleep, or at least enables me to lie there, otherwise I just HAVE to get up, it's infuriating. Enjoy your leisure time anyway.
    Got to go, we are going into town today to sort a few things out and George is chomping at the bit. Then I'm in school, year 3, this afternoon. Oh what fun!!
    Love to all, hope Sam, Sandra, Steph, Norah and all the poorly sisters feel better, and that Cheryl get her interthingy sorted.
    Love to all
    Muriel xxx

  16. I blame George of course, HAPPY BIRTHDAY Michele, sorry I meant to put that at the very start of my post, but I have said it earlier on the blog.
    Have a fabulous, spoilt rotten type of day.
    Muriel xxxx

  17. Good Morning Sandra and the lovelies,
    HAPPY BIRTHDAY Michele, hope you have a wonderful day and get spoilt in Liverpool.
    Sandra, I hope you haven't caught the bug Myra and I had last week. Have a quiet day and hopefully you will feel better tomorrow.
    SAM, what always impresses me about your cards is the precision. Your borders and matting and layering are always so perfect, your composition and elements always look very balanced and your colouring is wonderful. This card is no exception and it shows just how talented you are. Please don't let comments from this crafter who obviously has a jumped up opinion of herself bother you. I think I know who she is and she has already proved to be unreliable and untrustworthy with regard to sending out prizes, so her opinion is really not worth having.

    Patricia, it's not my pigeons who have popped over to yours. They are still determined to move onto my balcony. I am about to go shopping for windmills, black bin liners and sparkly things to hang on string. I might invest in a water pistol as well. Thank you all for your tips yesterday.
    Love and hugs
    Saba xxx

    1. Oh Saba, you won't want to sit out there with all that anti pigeon paraphernalia!
      I think you and Myra had a 'tummy' thing didn't you? Lord knows what I would do if I got that, mainly as it's often called 'the runs' and I can't !!!
      This feels more flu like, my glands in my neck are huge and feel like they are throbbing! Swallowing anything is like it's made of razors!
      It has made me think that I may have to give one of you the password to the blog so that you can take over should I be unable to do it?
      What do you think?
      You had all better send me some card pics to keep me going if this doesn't shift by tomorrow, please my lovelies!
      Sandra xxxx

    2. Oh Sandra!
      I'm so sorry! Yes you are right as to my condition! Glad you haven't got that if hurrying is tricky! Hope you feel better soon. Butterflies on their way! Xxx

  18. Good morning Sandra and all the coffee shop crew
    Sorry I have not been here but my elder daughter and family have moved house and I have been helping, suffering for it now but my policy is that is what mums are for if you can't help you don't hinder. But I have been shattered and aching to say the least but the main thing they are just about sorted.
    Saturdays showings were fantastic and Maureen your cards yesterday left me speechless so beautiful out of this world you have such wonderful patience, if that's what drinking Baileys does for you I just may try some!!!
    Sam I don't like your card I absolutely LOVE IT your colouring is out of this world and your choice of colours and the whole composition are so very professional and I promise I am not just saying this to sound good I really mean it. This person who ever she was needs telling this I think 'I shall regard your remarks with the contempt they deserve' as others have said take no notice of her cruel and very untrue words I think the little green demon in this person really came to the fore.
    Michele WISHING YOU A VERY HAPPY BIRTHDAY hope you spend the day doing just as you wish and enjoy every minute of your special day.
    Good luck with your shopping Saba, if all else fails I could always record my corgis barking we are never troubled with pigeons. Seriously if all your other new purchases fail, try a plastic model of a bird of prey on the railing.
    Well we are off to Lancaster today Derek has a hospital appointment I just hope I can get out of the car when we arrive!
    Have a lovely day everyone, my hugs are over in the corner just take as many as you wish there are plenty more.
    Margaret xxx

  19. Hi Sandra and The Talented Coffee shop Design Team!
    Well we can dream!
    First of all Sandra sorry you aren't well today. Hope whatever it is doesn't last! Last Tuesday I did nothing at all as the bug floored me! However I am firing on all cylinders now! Look out world! Ha hah!
    SAM- I cannot believe what I have been reading on my way down this blog! I think your cards are gorgeous, each and every one I have seen. Your colouring is so life like the pictures look almost as good as toppers! You see I thought you'd coloured all the sunflowers! Each card is carefully thought out - that comes across so clearly. How anyone could be so rude is just beyond me . It's not just rudeness it's lying and causing hurt as well. As others have said a wee bit of envy too. We are notching up the seven deadly sins aren't we! Sam, please take no notice of her. As you say a helpful comment means a lot but a nasty one does damage. Your sunflowers are beautiful and I don't think the sentiment is overpowering either.
    Well, today means children after school again! Always fun somewhere along the line!
    Would like to have done some gardening but need to concentrate on washing and housework before I go out. .
    Have a good day everyone,
    Lots of love, Myra xxx

  20. Hello Sandra and everyone,
    SAM your card I gorgeous- I really mean that. I am in awe of your colouring gift, every card you show is a wonderful example of your talent. Whoever this person is who criticised your work should be ashamed of themselves or maybe they are jealous!!!!!
    SANDRA do be careful today and try to rest or if you have to do something make sure it's relaxing. LOL

    MICHELE, Happy Birthday. Have a lovely day out in Liverpool. Lots of big shops hope OH remembers to take his wallet! I say that because if we go out to choose a gift for me when it comes to paying he will say "you have got your card, haven't you" It is a joint account- but he still gets stick over it ( love him really)
    Hope everyone is having a good day, we are off to look at freezers as the one we have has been replaced once and the replacement repaired three times, last week the engineer condemned it, fortunately we have a care plan so that will cover the cost. Then we will go to the cemetery to tidy up my Mum and Dads grave. Then pick up Ciara from Primary school and Callum from his Senior School then it back to their hous where big sister 'should' be studying as she has two of her GCSE tomorrow, then two more on Thursday and the rest are after half term.
    Well better get a move on, I had tea and toast, have cleaned my cup and plate, put money in pot. Will pop back later, love and hugs, Brenda xxx

    MARGARET, have to say we've been there and got the T shirt. Both daughters have moved twice and we have been involved BIG TIME and any problems they would be on the phone DAAAAAD !!!! Seriously though I hope you are not aching to much today LOL B xxx

    1. Thank you Brenda our younger daughter moved a few weeks ago. We will be going through this all again next year as our elder daughter has moved into rented house until their new house is built, but as they had the chance to sell their bungalow they took the offer.
      I am sure you will agree it is nice to help and be wanted. xx

    2. Brenda good luck to your granddaughter with her exams. Hope it's not too stressful in the house at the moment!! We always have a large box of malteesers in the house when it's revision time- they seem to work wonders! Xxx

  21. Morning ladies!

    Happy birthday Michelle have a lovely day!

    Sam, card is gorgeous nothing to criticise at all. At the end of the day our cards are gifts and made with love and not merely demos. Ignore any criticism cause there's nothing to criticise. From the comments it's one of two people. One I stopped following as everything was the same and the attitude on the blog and on TV at times was not good. The other doesn't have a style I like and understand has let people down. Anyway fab card and we are all far more qualified to judge!

    Well tidying and ironing today. Got a card to do but just playing with ideas in my head. It's for a colleague who's husband has just unexpectedly been given a terminal diagnosis so not an easy one.

    See you all later xxx

    Ps is Cheryl ok?

    1. She's fine, internet problems I believe.
      Not a easy card, no. I would give a ' Thinking of you' sorry if I'm bugging in

    2. Hi Maria, not bugging me at all. Glad only internet probs that's keeping Cheryl AWOL. I have started card. I love my quotes etc so have started with one of my quote stamps " if the future seems overwhelming, remember that it comes one moment at a time". I have cut it out using sues Greek dies but had to break off now for school run. I thought that quote was quite a good one to use.

      Must rush now to school - already nearly burnt chilli tea as I was getting organised thought would cook it early and reheat and then started crafting and forgot it!!!!!

    3. Nice quote , will be lovely on the card.
      Crafting can make you forget a lot of things, hope your dinner was saved tihi xx

  22. Hi everyone. SANDRA. So sorry you are not feeling so good today. Take care and have a restful day. I have sent you some cards which you can use if you want to. SAM. Have answered you above but you may not see it. Your cards are all beautiful and take no notice of what this spiteful woman says. Anyone would be thrilled to receive one.
    MICHELE. Have already wished you a Happy Birthday further back in the comments but hope you have a lovely day today.
    Well the sun is shining so must get into the garden this afternoon. My neighbour is coming over to help me at 2pm so must get a shift on. Found out this morning that more ladies are coming to the craft sessions than we first thought so more boxes to score later. This is getting scary. Hope it all turns out ok. Next session is either plaques or. izzy bags not sure which now (must make a list. My friend has one but I keep forgetting what we are doing which week). Yes HAZEL the new GC is going well. Just as well as lots of things to cut out for these crafting sessions. On Christina's blog she said that there is a new Spellbinders machine coming out this week. Think it's going to be on Create and Craft. Wonder what it's like. At least I have the junior plates which makes life easier but managed to cut into the baseplate last night. I was very annoyed with myself. Well better get on. See you all later.

    1. Thank you for the cards Brenda,
      I am so pleased your craft sessions are a success, it's a real confidence boost, but can be hard work too, so go steady!
      I think cutting into your baseplate is a right of passage, we all do it, it's so frustrating particularly when they are shiny and new!
      I think the new machine is going to be the electric adapted one, I believe it is more of a flat bed style machine, I remember seeing little snippets of it from CHA show earlier this year, I expect it will be way over £200 and as a lot of electric machines have proved, they can be unreliable! Keep turning the handle, it's good physio!
      Love and hugs
      Ps gave you booked your room yet, we need you there with all your skills! Xxxx

    2. SANDRA:- please, please stop worrying about the Blog.
      We will not desert you just cause you have not posted anything.
      You are more precious, we need you well.
      Sending you some (((((hugs))))) xxx

  23. Maria. You were asking on my blog how many invites. Was 25 day ones now 30 and 50 evening but I have was asked to make s few more so I did 60. I have said that's it. Other wise it will be like Gillian daughter keep wanting more. Just been sitting making up some of them, so I am in here to have a nice cup of Earl Grey and a slice of I think carrot cske. Oh I see we managed to eat all that cake that Sandra put in the cabinet last night? Wasn't to pick up Beth I thought till after hand ball at 4.15 but she has now to picked up at normal time.
    Brenda, you don't want to see my base plate, granted it from my other G.C. But even so it's a mess of cuts as some dies just cut deeper. Hope you manage to get every thing cut out, but please don't over do it as your wrist is still healing!!!
    Margaret, you another one that has to take it easy, I know you want to help, but you too need to think about yourself?
    Cheryl. No luck on getting your laptop,sorted! We miss you and can't wait to have you back.
    Sandra stop worrying about tomorrow and posting we can cope. You need to get better. Right had my cake and cup of tea, off now to get the school run done. Hazel x

  24. Wow!! I need a seat and a cuppa. I also need a BIG piece of cake, to heck with the diet!!!
    I have been busy, house all done, washing was dry before the rain showers came. That's all ironed and ready to be put away. I now have a clear corner on the kitchen worktop ... posted all the packages. Post Ofice was really quite, pensioners all must have been out early today.
    Once I have finished I have a couple of cards I need to make.
    back to the "real world" here's John with a cuppa, just a couple of plain biscuits though. xxx

  25. Hi Sandra and all,
    aah bless you I really hope you haven't got the tonsillitis or the kissing bug, hope you are feeling better soon. Don't worry if you can't post for a day or two, we just pop in and have a coffee and a chat anyway. You just take it easy !
    I have posted on the way down, it takes a bit of time lol.
    Hope your day turned out like you wanted Michele, happy birthday once again.
    Margaret, please take it easy and hope the aches and pains eases soon.
    I helped a friend move once and never again, well I saying that now but know that when time comes for son get his own place I will be there helping out tihi
    Patricia," the wonder woman." What's you secret ? lovely shining windows again.
    Remember a program once about this grandmother with special powers, you not her are you hihi
    Hazel- thanks, I know you told us but with a leaking brain do not remember much
    Oh boy, you have worked so hard for Gillian. The cards are beautiful.
    Dear Sam, I posted up-wards but I'm saying it again because I love this card and I would not just say so. Your colouring in is perfect and I like to know what stamp the greeting is from. I really like that script/lettering.
    Had a good morning after all ,only 4 hours sleep but felt ok and after my swim and a bowl of porridge we went and looked at a timber yard for fence. Back blown over and side need changing, a bit to many holes and don't want to frighten the new neighbours to much, if you know what I mean ? hihi
    will start prep for dinner, back later
    Love and hugs to all, Maria xx

  26. SAM I don't know where that person was coming from because your design is lovely Being a bit new to this blog lark I have two names in mind! One is somebody whose cards are always similar and asks "for positive comments only please" One is somebody that appears to let people down with stuff ( I mean that in a loose sense) ...
    MICHELE Happy Birthday Hope you had a good day in Liverpool (one if my favourite places to visit - I'm from darn Sowf)
    SANDRA Take care
    MYRA love the poem I know one similar about the Wings of a Dove... Thanks for tip re CE card I did reply last night
    THE REST OF YOU Take care and don't work too hard

    1. Did one of the names you were thinking begin with a K ?
      If so you are on the right track!
      Sandra x

    2. Hi thought it could be her but sounded more like J who talks down to people all the time - as said before looks like and behaves like my mil!

    3. "J" was my first thought xxx

  27. Good afternoon Sandra and all the girls. I don't know where the day has gone, other that a lot of it has been at the ironing board. Too many departing guests this morning.
    Sam, totally ignore whatever B*** that was. I love this card. But then I love green, bold colours, sunflowers, your perfect matting, and if your sentiment is bigger than some, that's because it's a statement piece. We don't craft for competitions but because we like to give to others, we enjoy the creative process, ...and we are addicted to it! There is no rule book.
    I have seen many so called experts produce utter sh***.
    Michelle, HAPPY BIRTHDAY HONEY. Hope you have a great day, relax, laugh and enjoy yourself. Turning 21 is an important day. xxx
    Sandra, just take things easy. Don't worry about the blog. Whilst it's lovely to see each others crafty items, we will still be here to chat. I told you before, you have created a unique place here.
    I didn't get back last night, friends and the local Indian restaurant beckoned, so a night of good food and a lot of talking. We were laughing about the table near us with some old people, men in cardis etc, working out the bill, then realised they were probably not much older than us. Oh dear.
    See you later

    1. Oh Janice,
      That did make me laugh. We do forget how old we are getting. I was at the doctors this afternoon. I hurt my back whilst in the UK and it is still causing me problems, and when I explained to my German GP just how I did it she looked at me as if I had gone mad. She couldn't understand that at my age you would try to do the splits and touch your toes at the same time as being two feet on the air!!! I tried to tell her that it is so easy to forget when your brain tells you you are still young enough to do it.
      Hey ho.
      See you all later
      Saba xxx

    2. I see that back is still playing you up! So sorry about that . Please try to behave in a more decorous manner until it recovers! Seriously - hope the pain eases very soon! Xxx

    3. Saba, your right we do forget we are getting older.
      AGE:- is only a number BUT we really should stop and think sometimes shouldn't we??? Oh! forget that life is too short for thinking about NOT doing daft things!! Hoe the back eases off soon, a sore back fairly drags you down. xxx

    4. Janice, your comment is so funny, I laughed out loud when I read it.
      Saba, I was skipping with Zoe's skipping ropes and she said "Grandma you look so funny", thanks Zoe, nothing like a bit of encouragement. Hope your back improves, some excercises should be done with extreme care!!! xxx

    5. Janice I just love your comment. xxx

    6. Hi Janice , good to hear you are busy with guests but don't over do it. I did laugh at your comment, we were looking at a couple in Sainsburys the other day doing their shopping, then realised we were probably older than them! Life does have a Habbitat of creeping up on you doesn't it! Xxx

  28. Forgot to say I was on a trampoline at the time. I couldn't jump 2 feet in the air and touch my toes even when I was younger!!!

    1. Somebody should have told you "trampolines" are dangerous!!! xxx

    2. I know. It's just I have always been so active and the daft Granny, cartwheels, hand stands and rolling down hills and the like and this time I kept having to say " sorry sweetie, granny's back is sore, can't do that or sorry can't pick you up" and it drove me mad. But I had expected by now the pain would have eased and of course it has but it is still keeping me awake at night and I am still taking painkillers so thought I had better go see the GP.
      I half wish I hadn't bothered. Back, nothing but time and painkillers, but now she has got all giddy and is going to do all sorts of Old Age Tests!!! She took my blood, arranged am endoscopy, I am booked in for an ultrasound and have to do a poo test. I really really wish I hadn't gone.
      Now pigeons, I have christened them Doris and Derek and I am starting to feel a bit sorry for them. This morning when I squirted them with water it was using an old washing up liquid bottle and maybe there were traces of soap left in it because they spent ages across the way opening and closing their wings. Now they are back, sitting close together across from the balcony on a narrow ledge and just looking at my cosy balcony.
      What to do???

    3. Squirt them again ! Show no mercy! Xxx

    4. I am one of those "daft granny's" as well. The kids are kids for such a short time. If it makes them happy it's all worth it.
      Not so good that she's sending you for all those things though.
      Oh! Dear! the Pigeons .... problems, problems......
      Summer is coming ..... we have lots of Swallows flying about. Just wish it was a wee bit warmer, heating just gone on. xxx

  29. Saba, I have had to laugh at you and the doctors! Oh I bet you wished you hadn't gone in! That's what happens you go in for one thing and come out having to go back for 10 other things. Now, trampolines are so dangerous. I hate seeing children on them, as so many have ended up with badly broken bones. Working for doctors to long and hear the horror stories!!! But hope your new painkillers help. Hazel x

  30. Ref,. Patricia and I being up with the larks. We both are morning persons, and when we are away we are up early out for a walk, back in for breakfast most days. But on an evening when folk are out to the small hours we are back, showered and in our pjs sitting on our beds chatting and looking at things some times on our I pads then I will look across and guess who is sound asleep??? Yes Patricia!!! Then again I can do the same, I will get all comfy feet up ready to watch something on the TV next it's hours later and I never even so the start of the programme. Hazel x

  31. Saba, That's the trouble with getting really old, once the doctors get hold of you they never know when to stop and send you for all sorts of tests. I'm dreading getting to 50 and them getting hold of me lol !!!
    The day I start acting my age, is the day I'm unconscious. Once, at a family party I was under the table with all the young children playing games and telling stories, and someone said to George, you'd better watch your wife I think she's had one too many. George said that I was tea total and never touched alcohol, she couldn't believe it.
    I'm ill with wondering who K or J are. Can you give me a bit more of a hint??
    Sandra, love, don't you worry about going awol for a while. We'll still come and play nicely until you come back. You just look after yourself.
    Hazel, I can see us all wandering the hotel corridors in nighties and Pj's like the resident ghosts!!!
    I've been cutting 1 1/2 cm square pieces of paper for the children to make mosaics at school. I've been on 3 hours and I reckon it will take at least another 6 to do all the ones the teacher wants. Am I mad?? YES!!
    I'm pooped so am going to have a shower, ready for bed, and maybe an hour's craft for myself.
    Love to all, be good to yourselves, and I'm so pleased to know you, you don't know how much.
    Maureen xxx

  32. Hazel, you are absolutely right. Both my daughters are very strict re. Trampolines. Only one child allowed on at a time and the zip must always be closed. Exception being One responsible adult is allowed on per child. Wish I had not been allowed on!!! Mind you one of the funniest things I did see was when when Oliver disobeyed his mummy, didn't close the zip and boinged right out onto the grass landing on his bottom. Fortunately he didn't hurt himself and Joanne did not appreciate me laughing. It was his little face that did it. It just looked like absolute shock as he flew through the air. Bad Granny......

  33. I have just noticed Pat hasn't bern in, I hope Pete is ok with his new meds,???
    It's unlike her not to pop in at some point. Hazel x

  34. Quite again tonigh, I have a few things to do. Once I have done them I am off to bed.
    See you all in the morning my friends
    Goodnight God Bless xxx

    1. Just missed you Patricia!
      Night Night! Sleep well. Xxx

  35. CHERYL Yippeee I see you have got your internet working again. You have really been missed. B xx

  36. Myra, I didn't see you in the cafe. Were you hiding in the cake cupboard ? Bxxx

    1. No Shhh I was in the tanker! Xxx

    2. Brenda! Where did you see Cheryl - I can't find her?
      I was only seeing a man bout a dog! Xxx

    3. Can I join you? It been a long day - might help me unwind! xxx

    4. Yes again! Sorry I replied below, which was the wrong place! Xx

  37. Myra, Cheryl left a late comment on Sue's blog. Xxx

  38. Hello Brenda,
    I have a sneaky suspicion that Myra AND Muriel are in the cupboard eating cake and drinking that baileys. Me, I've been really good, had only a thimble full of wine and am about to have an early night. Unfortunately, having had a blood test sprung on me unsuspectingly today I wish I hadn't had any wine yesterday. My GP might not like what the liver tests show!!, Heaven help Muriel if she visits her GP in the near future.
    So I will just wish you Brenda and all our lovely ladies Good Night and God Bless,
    See you tomorrow and hope you all sleep well
    Xxxx Saba

    1. I heard that! Muriel has been very abstemious and I've only had a small one!
      I was told by a child today that I had witchy toes! When I asked what she meant she said it was because of my " pointy shoes" . They don't miss much do they!
      I'd love you to join me Brenda! Something I wanted to share with you re predictive text . I wanted to leave a comment for Sheila - when I looked she had turned into a Sheik ! Xxx

    2. Myra,
      Couldn't resist just popping in again.
      Many years ago I worked on a children's surgical ward and heard two little boys discussing their care. One said to the other - which nurse did you get today and the other replied "the aunt Sally one" it was only when I caught sight of myself in a mirror, hair scraped back into a bun and rosy cheeks did I realise he meant me. Bless them.
      Right definitely off now, hubby's snoring his head off and my eyes are really struggling.
      Love to you all, have fun.
      Saba xxx

    3. Night. night Dear! Hope your back let's you sleep! Xx

  39. Hi Sandra and ladies
    Sorry I have not been in but I have been reading comments.
    Happy birthday Michele hope you had a good day shopping
    Sam your card is gorgeous I love every bit about it, the colouring is great and the sunflowers are beautiful, I would not say no to receiving it. But I can't think who k is .
    Sandra take it easy and go to bed it is the only thing that makes you feel better.
    Well, hopefully that will be the last funeral I will be at for a long time, both friends of my son-in-law who died 3 years ago. Can't believe 2 funerals in 2 weeks.
    The bowling season has started so I will be spending a lot of time bowling, its quite good as I get to travel about Scotland a bit as I belong to the county team.
    How come any time I go onto C&C (which is not often now) it is shattered face, its on all the time.
    Wendy xx

    1. Wendy - sorry about your day! These days are so hard , physically and mentally draining!
      I agree about shattered face - great name! I'm heartily sick of it. The whole C&C set up is so repetitive now . It's boring! Xxx

    2. Hi Wendy
      I am pleased your bowls season has started for you, take your mind off of all the sadness.
      C&C own shattered face, that's why they are on all the time , it is driving people away though ! Even their stand at the Ally pally show was empty!
      Sandra xxxxx

    3. Hi Wendy, sending you some hugs. Don't know if they will help but as I'm a cuddly person that's what I do. Enjoy your bowling (it's that the grass version?) oh I can't stand c+c anymore, every single time you put on that channel it is the same again and again. we need some fresh,new programs.
      Hope you have a good night, hugs Maria x

  40. Evening ladies,
    Well I have just finished a card for tomorrow's blog, don't judge me too harshly, remember I am poorly, lol ! I am glad I am not sending it to that Kim for scrutiny , oh oops that's me blurting out who it was that was so critical that she ripped three of Sam's cards to shreds along with her confidence!
    Anyway I have just had an email from CHERYL, not sure if any of you can help, as she can't post in here, not even as anonymous! She asked if I had changed anything but I haven't , anyone got any ideas?
    She also sends Birthday Wishes to Michele!
    Poor Cheryl, she must be so frustrated, I told her that you were all missing her too!
    Sandra xxxx
    Just off for another lemsip

    1. Hi Sandra!
      Would we ever treat you harshly - NO !
      Saba may be able to help Cheryl but she has gone to bed. She is good with technology. The only thing I can think of is because she has been disconnected her Google connection may have cut itself off! She may have checked that but I've found that to be the problem in the past.
      How are you feeling now, Sandra? Xxx

    2. Sandra, is Lynda ok? Haven't seen Lynda for at least a couple of days! Xxx

    3. Hi Sandra, hope you get some sleep tonight. Did not expect you posting for tomorrow but you are a strong, young woman so....wish you better x
      Don't think anything have changed on your site so hopefully she will call in again.
      Hugs Maria xx

  41. Hi Sandra
    Hazel had me worried there. I thought I'd been in after I'd posted on SAMs comment. I posted at 9.22 Hazel. Pete's stillok on his meds. Only it's been frantic here today. To complicated to go into details. Suffice to say the lady who Pete does odd jobs fir and visits across the road was taken ill last Wednesday.Pete saw her off in the Ambulance, along with her daughter, she was going to the John Radcliffe. Police came looking for her early evening as her brother in Ireland was worried as he couldn't get in touch with her. Anyway his Grandson turned up from London looking for her, so Pete's taken him over to her daughters( because no one knows her married name( she's divorced now) the daughter I'm talking about but Pete knows where she lives. Pete's just came in and Apparently Molly died on Saturday. Now he's not to happy that the daughter hadn't told us. So now I'm having a glass of wine, only to keep Pete company while he has a whisky.

    1. Oh Pat, sounds as if you both need it! What a day! A bit inconsiderate , to say the least that they didn't tell you the lady had died ! Many years ago my younger son was born in the John Radcliffe!
      When we moved down from Scotland we actually lived in a flat belonging to the John Radcliffe which was meant for three single nurses! We had a toddler and it was upstairs as well! Those were the days! Xxx

    2. Hi Pat, so sorry you got such sad news. Hope Pete is ok.
      sending you both some hugs !

  42. Gosh it's quiet in here to night apart from a couple of mice in the cake cupboard and some knocking and giggling from inside the tanker! It's taken me ages to get here as I kept stopping to comment. Sandra, I hope you are tucked up in bed, don't worry if you are not up to blogging tomorrow we will still pop in for a natter. I must send you some photos to keep you going. Saba I have visions of you on the trampoline! Oh dear, hope your back is more comfortable soon. Try putting ice on it, it helps release any trapped nerves. Poor you though having to undergo all those tests. Maureen as you reach 50 just before me, let me know what I've got to look forward to! I must wend my merry way to bed, I'm struggling to keep my eyes open sat here. I'm also confused , I can work out J, that's the one I was thinking of but can't work out K! It will probably come to me in the middle of the night lol
    Margaret lovely to have you back, hope you have a restful few days after helping your daughter must be exhausted.
    Well I hope everyone has had a good day, the mice in the cupboard are having a giggle now and there's singing from inside the tanker!!!
    Must go to bed now, night night, sleep tight. See you tomorrow
    Love Diane xxxx

    1. That's what it is ,all that racket inside the tanker that keep me awake tonight. hope they falling asleep soon but then I guess the snoring starts sooooo. Sleep tight xx

  43. Hello

    YES! Both names I was thinking of are those two letters that are next to each other in the alphabet! Funny how we think similarly Just goes to show what their reputations are like!

    Shattered Face Love it! I admit I do watch C&C - well it's on for background noise and when I just need mind numbing stuff I use it as a clock too knowing each slot is only one hour long!

    I have the Perfect Layers rulers too the ones with ridges One of the most useful pieces of kit I bought Makes matting & layering a lot easier
