
Tuesday 12 May 2015

Lilac Romantic wild roses

 Good Morning Ladies,
Well what ever germs that have infected me have really taken their toll, goodness me I felt rubbish yesterday, I finally managed to get up to help Paul make a beef stir fry for tea, while I was up I thought that I really should get a card put together for tomorrows blog, so here it is, I had to keep going for a lie down and finally finished at about 10pm, I hope you think its worth it!
I used my now very favourite stamp set Justrite Romantic Wild Roses, this time I used Memento Lulu Lavender and Grape Jelly ink pads and Mowed lawn distress marker and New Sprout Memento ink for the stems, I stamped a few flowers and Cut them out with Californian Collection Dies from Creative Expressions, I used two of the Matting Basics to make the frame and a the largest
Decorative Die for the darker purple decorative mat under the focal element, I then took an 8 x 8 card
and matted it with two contrasting shades of purple, I then took a square of white card and used the smaller stamps to create a matching back ground paper, using the same colours as the main image.
I then took some of the darker purple card and used to cut several Camellia dies to form the flower for the centre of my bow.
I stamped the 'Birthday wishes' onto a small strip of lilac card using the Grape Jelly memento ink and embossed it with Cosmic Shimmer Detail Clear embossing powder, I matted it onto some of the darker purple card and added it to the top corner of the card.
I then finished with the triple bow and a few pearls.
Well I am hoping that today, Cheryl is able to reconnect with us as she is sorely missed, she sends her love and hugs to you all and I did add last night but you may not have seen Michele, but Cheryl wanted me to wish you a very happy birthday!
Sam I hope after reading all the lovely comments about your gorgeous card, you can write off the negative comments you received, I think that someone was jealous of your skills!!
All being well, later this morning I will be going off to Pats house with Sue, bring on the lemsip!
Whatever you are all doing today have a great one,
love and hugs


  1. Hi Sandra And All My Dear Friends
    This is going to be short and sweet as I've got a very busy morning.
    First Sandra Please Get Better Soon.
    I Can Only Say WOW Your Card Is Truly Remarkable It's Just Magnificent I Love The Colourway Everything.
    I'll Be Back Later
    Sandra Did You Get My E-mail Saying I'd Booked Myself In For The Craft Event In October I'm Thrilled As I Thought The Rooms Would Had Gone, So That's Something To Look Forward To After We Return From Our Holiday In September.
    Take Care All My Lovely Friends
    Love And Hugs To All
    From Sam xxx

    1. Sam how lovely we are going to meet you in person. I can't wait to sit by you and get colouring tips. Enjoy your day.
      Love Diane xxx

    2. SAM:- just re-read your comment ... WOW!!! I am so delighted you are joining us in October. Really looking forward to meeting you. Exciting, exciting!!! xxx

    3. Sam,
      Thrilled you are joining us in October. So exciting.
      Love Saba xxx

    4. Yes ! we will be able to give you a reeeeal hug hihi
      Looking forward to meet you already,
      Maria xx

    5. Hi Sam,
      I did get your email and sent you one straight back quite a long one, so go and check you in box, I am so over the moon that you are joining us in October !
      I hope that yesterday's comments boosted your confidence!
      You are an amazing crafter, don't let anyone tell you otherwise!
      Huge hugs
      Sandra xxxx

    6. Hi Sam,
      Well that's very good news to start the day! Look forward to meeting you very much. Xxx

  2. Good morning Sandra and all who call in. Sandra I do hope you are feeling a bit better today, in fact well enough to go and play sorry craft with the others. If not just cozy down in your bed and keep warm. Now your card is wonderful, love your stamping of those flowers and the colours you have chosen, everything is about is beautiful.
    Pat. Sorry I must have missed your comment. What an ungrateful daughter to not come and tell Pete what had happened plus not telling the family, ok she is likely upset BUT all said and done her mums brother and his grandson were worried about her so it shows they cared. Pete had been seeing to her mum, doing things for her, and being there when she went off in the ambulance!! Oh it does make you wonder how folk think? Glad Pete is ok, and things like his don't get to him, he has his health to think about.
    Saba. Has the painkillers worked and you got a nights sleep?
    Wendy. Yes I hope you don't have enough week like you have had! Enjoy your bowling.
    Cheryl, sorry I can't help apart from now and again I have to sign myself out of Google then sign back in again, which does work and solves the problem with blogger.
    Doing the school run to Kinross this morning ( I am hoping madam Sarah keeps her thoughts to herself). No car problems or anything it's just that Beth is off down to Windsor as part of the Shetland pony racing team from Aberdeen, the horse lorry is on its way now with some of the other kids and its stopping at Kinross services and picking Beth up. Long trip for them? They are stopping outside York tonight then up early and off again tomorrow. Mum has a clinic to do today and some spinal lines to fit, also a meeting with the health board tomorrow, she will then fly down to join them at Windsor. So seeing how I have to have Beth at Kinross of just after 9 I will do that run. It will be funny waving Beth off, a bit tearful for me that is, she won't care! It was when Anna went away for the week with the school at this age? To think my Tammy went to boarding school at just over 7 how did I cope??? As then all three were away, that was a mop and bucket job. I took them to the school then had to go home to Germany to an empty house Charlie was away in Canada for 6 months. So I will be for a cup of tea when I get back. Oh I'd better go make move. Hazel x

    1. Hi Hazel,
      I think it is going to take quite a long time before it completely recovers and I have a pain free night, but it is slowly getting there thank you.
      Reading about your experiences of having to leave your children at school and then going back to Germany to an empty home I don't know how you coped either. At least today you will only be waving Beth off for a few days.
      Love xxx

  3. Hi Sandra,

    Gorgeous card well worth doing but you should not have worried about it if you are ill. Hope you get better soon.

    Love & hugs

    Jacquie J xxx

  4. Pretty card Sandra, such dedication when you are poorly, hope you feel much better soon xx

  5. Back again!!! I wrote a long post and guess what?? It went into Cybre space Grrr!!!
    Right here we go again:-
    SANDRA:- your card is STUNNING, I love it. Even when under Par you are creating beautiful cards. I love the colours you have used, Try using Yellow & Brown sometime that also gives a great effect.
    PAT:- glad Pete is fine, you two deserved that late night drink after such a trying day.
    SABA:- hope you managed to get a decent sleep last night. Take it easy today but keep moving. Sitting too long is the worst thing for a sore back.
    WENDY:- what a time you have has since coming home. Hope it's sunshine from now on rather than darkness.
    CHERYL:- hope your Internet is up and running soon, we miss you.
    HAZEL:- hope you remembered the box of tissues ....... for you I mean!!!
    ME:- would you believe, John woke me twice during the night ...... to tell me I was SNORING!!! tell you what I certainly never heard a thing!!! I am a wee bit behind now but had to come in here for my cuppa, tea & toast to start the day.
    Right folks hope the day brings you good things, I have left the basket of (((((hugs))))) by the door as usual. Please help yourself, plenty more where they came from. See you all later xxxx

    1. Thank you Patricia, I had promised myself a crafting day today, but will make sure I don't sit too long.
      Saba xxx

  6. Good morning everyone, Sandra your card is just beautiful, I am going to look for some stamps like these at the show in Bolton at the end of the month, I have seen Patricia using the same technique but different stamps - so effective. So hope you are feeling bit better today, there shouldn't be any germs about now ITS NEARLY SUMMER lol. It's been very windy here just lately and I don't like the wind, if there's a breeze and it's 100 degrees I'll be cold. Hope everyone has a good day and leaving hugs in the basket for any in need. Take care everyone from Jean xx

    1. SNAP!! Jean, I love the heat but do tend to feel it cold when I sit in the shade. I love the sun but don't sit in it. xxx

    2. Hi Jean
      I Know JustRite Have Brought Out Two Sets Like This Now I've Got Both The One Sandra Has Used And Very Beautiful Flower Stamp.
      From Sam xxx

  7. Morning Ladies

    Sandra -goodness, your card is gorgeous. My friend would love one like this as she adores purple. I don't know how you made such a beautiful card when you're not feeling well. Mine aren't that good when I'm on top form!

    Please thank Cheryl (& everyone else) for my birthday wishes yesterday. We made it into Liverpool but went by car. Hubby then informs me he's not feeling great (kidney stone pain) so then I was more concerned about him than much else. We bought a few items & had lunch then set off home. We called at a garden centre on the way home (& a cake shop) so not too bad .

    Nothing much planned for today-we still have very strong winds here with rain predicted so maybe a day for the craft room.


    1. Hi Michele
      I hope you had a great Birthday
      From Sam xxx

  8. Hi Sandra and all the lovely ladies.
    Well Sandra this card is lovely, and the fact you embossed it and did different coloured stamping when you were feeling poorly, I'm amazed. If I'm ill it's the most I can do to stick a topper on a card!!! I hope you feel better today and well enough to go and play/ craft round at Pats. Dose yourself up and have pleanty of rest. Xxx
    I must have missed some late night comments so I must go and check what was said. Hazel drive carefully my love xxx
    I hope everyone has a lovely day today, sun is still in bed at the moment but I hope it will be up soon, I've got washing to do! I've got hubby working from home today and Emma home from college early so it will be a non productive day again! I must get some food shopping though so need to get going soon. Take care love Diane xxx

  9. Pat I've just read last nights comment, how sad the daughter didn't let you know. I hope Pete is ok today it must have been quite a shock for him. Sounds like the daughter is a bit odd if her family don't know her name unless she is trying to get away from a violent ex. We never know the ins and outs of a persons life do we.
    Saba I forgot your back too, hope it's more comfortable toda xxx Michele enjoy your time off, I hope hubby feels more comfortable again soon. Xxx
    Right I must get on now see you later love Diane xxx

    1. Thanks Diane, it's getting there slowly.
      Love Saba xxx

  10. Janet Ecco of Sheffield12 May 2015 at 08:45

    Morning Everyone and all who call in today
    Sandra - what are you doing driving yourself on when you should have been in bed. I know you want everything to be OK but we need YOU to be OK. So I hope that this morning brings you a better day.
    Your card is beautiful - one of my favourite colours and the base die you have used is so so lovely to use and very very useful.

    Well it's Knit and Natter this afternoon so have to organise myself for that. I've decided to get rid of the majority of my punches as I just cannot use them anymore. Even the easy ones are now difficult so I'm sure they will be of use to someone.

    Sandra if you're in touch with Cheryl other than the net can you please be a lovely and pass on my Heartfelt thanks for her awesome card etc which arrived yesterday. I'll leave an email for her for when she's reconnected but I don't want her thinking the envelope hasn't arrived.

    Latte was really nice this morning and much needed. Still trying to get used to yet another change in meds from last week. I hate this adjustment time.
    Hugs to all and many more in the basket. I just hope they behave when Norah puts hers in.

  11. Hi Sandra and all in the cafe today. Goodness me, you have made a gorgeous card in those lovely purples and you aren't feeling at your best! I wish I had just a tiny bit f your talent my lovely. I am glad to see that you aren't stuck in bed, sorry that you aren't feeling better though. Lots of hot tea for you today.
    Pat, sorry to hear about Molly. Her daughter sounds was very unkind not to let you know of her passing on. See you later lovely lady.
    I must get on so I am not late collecting you Sandra. Have a good day everyone. Take care xx

  12. Stunning card Sandra, thought you had used papers! until I read you used Justrite stamps. (I have and not inked) the colors and design..
    Hope you feel better soon.
    Thank you for the visit..
    Hugs Pam

  13. Hi everyone. Why on earth bother doing a card for today, im sure you must have some you can upload ?!
    Its lovely anyway. I wouldn't have guessed your flower was the camelia die, it looks like a beautiful rose.
    Next time you feel pant's Sandra dont bother to force yourself to make a card, its not the end of the world now is it ?
    Have a lovely day with your girlies and hope you managed to find some bargains at the garden centre the other day.
    Hugs to all especially TOB and our poorly missing Cotswolder's.
    Lancashire Steph xxx

  14. Morning Sandra and all ,
    you did not hear us young lady and I'm so glad because by not being well you have done yourself proud and given us a lovely card to drool over this morning,promise not get any on the card. Hope you are feeling better and it want spoil your day with the other girls but please take it easy !
    Still jumping up and down seeing Sam is coming, so silly excited. Better stop or I will soon have two black eye's and not a good look. Going out this morning to Wayville garden centre for some airing only wished the rain would stop.
    Lynda, are you ok ?
    have a good day everyone,
    Hugs Maria xx

    1. should be Wyevale ,you dummkopf tihi
      yes Saba I got a airing alright. windy and cold winds so all cobwebs gone for today anyway. had to go to bed after hihi

    2. Hi Maria
      Thank You For Your Wonderful Comments I'm So Looking Forward To Going
      From Sam xxx

  15. Good Morning Sandra and all,
    What a lovely card Sandra. I do hope that you enjoyed doing it despite feeling rotten and it wasn't a case of I must make a card, because as everyone else has said, your health is more important to us. Hope you do feel up to spending your day with Pat and Sue today.
    Cheryl I have tried to think how to help but am at a loss. Good to see you managed to comment on Sue's. It must be so frustrating for you. The only thing I can suggest is if you could try using your laptop at an other address, maybe one of your neighbours or friends to establish whether it is a problem with your internet IP address or with your laptop settings. I know Maureen manages to get on here sometimes as anonymous when she is not at home, so if it is your Google account, and that seems unlikely as you have used it on Sue's, maybe try to come on as anonymous. So wish I could help you.
    Maria, hope you get a good airing at the garden centre!!!
    Love to all
    Saba xxx

  16. Morning Sandra and the lovely cafe crew,
    Sandra I do hope you are feeling much better and the lemsips kick in soon I know Pat and friends will cheer you up no end. Your Card is just so beautiful, I love the colours you have used and you're another one who can colour and stamp to perfection....and when you are not feeling so good..well done dear lady.
    Saba hope your back is feeling better.
    Cheryl missing you hope your internet is soon back to normal.
    I'm feeling a bit fed up today as yesterday one of the fencing concrete posts fell down and smashed onto the pathway so I had to pick it up bit by bit and then it was followed by another crack and that was followed by the 6 foot panel....why do these things happen at the wrong time...I could hear the wind howling but must admit I didn't realise it was so strong till I went out to try and sort (SORT being the operative word!) it out. I'll be sitting here one day chatting to you and the bungalow will probably fall down around me! Lol!
    Take care everyone will put more hugs in the pot on the way out.

    Love and hugs Sheila xxx

    1. Hi Sheila ,
      Think we have the winds you had yesterday! Sorry about your fence!
      Through it all Sheila you still manage to keep smiling! Xxx

    2. Oh! Sheila sorry to hear things are not going too well.
      Chin up, things can only get better.
      Wish I was nearer to pop in to help you. xxx

    3. Hi Sheila,
      know how you feel. our back fence went down by the wind a week or so ago. we now have had 3 quotes and they are pricy. Thought we do the side at the same time as it has lot of holes and are falling over too.
      Hope you can get some help, did you ever contacted anyone?
      Take care xx

  17. ME:-,again folks .... can I ask a favour??
    I have an open fire that is just a square hole surrounded by a 3 inch Brass Frame. It's been there for 20 years and been cleaned rather a lot. I just can't seem to get it really nice and shiny any more.
    Do any of you wonderful ladies have any ideas.
    I will have a quick cuppa, sit over in the corner, wait and see if anyone has any suggestions. xxx

    1. Hi Patricia,
      Tomato ketchup is really good for cleaning brass. As children we used to leave coins overnight in a blob of it and next morning they were like new pennies!! I would test a bit on a corner first though. I would imagine a couple of hours would do to see if it was having any effect.
      Meant to say earlier, I was at Lidl yesterday and they had the cardstock you always talk about, at least I assume it was the same. It's by Crelando and there are 25 sheets of 270g assorted colours. If it is the same, I have often found that when I have something here, it is on sale in the UK the following week, so. Might be worth checking out their leaflet for next week.

    2. Saba thanks for BOTH of the tips.
      Will go try the Ketchup, always plenty of that. Robert needs it on everything.
      The Lidl Card is brilliant, will definitely look out for that. Will go give Hazel the heads up as well. Hope the back is behaving, does heat help??
      Margaret (corgi owner) sent Hazel and I some of her Heat Bags .... empty!!! We filled them with "cheap as chips" rice and they are fantastic. Margaret sent different sizes, John uses the "mini" ones for his knees......just a thought. xxx

    3. Patricia,
      Not sure about heat. I did use a microwave heat pat when I was at Joanne's and it felt lovely and I have sat with a hot water bottle up my jumper here and yesterday morning had a soak in the bath instead of a shower. It eases it I think but whether it helps I don't know. Last evening we were watching a documentary about Palmira in Syria ( we were there the year before the war there started) and Peter rubbed in some sort of muscle cream which also felt lovely but again ??? Whether it helped?
      Hope the ketchup works!!
      Ps. Pigeons seem to like the windmill decorations.

    4. SABA:- first try with the Ketchup looks good. Will give it another go later. OMG:- what that stuff must do to your inside is not worth thinking about!!! Glad I don't use it on my food.
      This getting old is a right pain ... I get down on my knees no bother BUT getting up is not so easy.
      Pigeons:- does that mean the Windmills are NOT scaring them??? xxx

    5. HimPatricia, I too, have brass around the fire and the firedogs are brass too. If they get bad , which they don't often as ours isn't used as a coal fire, I find lemon juice and salt does the trick, then the Brasso! However I am going to try ketchup too! Sounds a brilliant idea. I used the salt/ lemon juice when we moved into outer last house. The front door furniture hadn't been cleaned for years! It took days but the door knob etc gleamed ever after! Lol! Xxx

    6. Should be Hi Patricia - Patricia is a lovely lady! Also our last - not outer last! Was not in Mongolia! Xxx

  18. Well my wee girl has gone off with the team. The girl and mum from Shetland had travelled across I think yesterday then them and the ones from round Aberdeen set off at 6.40 text me to say they would be at Kinross for 9.45 as they were still a good bit from Dundee, so Beth and I had a bit of a wait as they finally turned up at 10.15. Not there fault considering it is a hugh horse lorry towing a horse trailer, not something you can speed with seeing how their are 8 ponies 6 children and three adults in the lorry as well. The trailer is for all the kit and stuff. Three drivers each doing 2 hours. They stopped and we're having a toilet and drink stop at Kinross then next one is outside Newcastle that's to be lunch, then on to York. I hope it stays dry as they are camping over night. Beth was a bit nervous, it's the first time she has been away from home - she has done sleep overs but they are with friends that are part of every day life. These are ones she only see on training weekends, but we had big hugs,,cuddles and lots of kisses. I had lump in my throat, mum was a bit tearful this morning, she feels guilty that she isn't with her, till tomorrow. Anna made out she would enjoy the peace,mbut she will find it strange! Dad being dad wasn't bothered. Oh I have enjoyed that cup of tea and my toast with Nutella, just needed that chocolate fix? Tell why is it that during the day time flies by yet in the night you think you have slept for hours to look at the clock and it's only been 20 mins and it goes on like that the whole time I think I coukd have screamed by 4.30 as it was such a long night, and I knew I still had till 5.15 to go before I should get up. By 5 I had had enough and got up. Now it's already 12. Right I'd better make a move and go do something. Saba I take it when you said the pigeons like the windmills they aren't bothered with them??? Sorry I know it helps with other birds. If you have done 100% cotton you could make a heat bag and fill it with cheap rice then Mirowave it. Margaret's bags are great, and I know she was saying it had to be 100% cotton.
    Lynda I hope you are ok? Hazel xx

  19. Sorry Sam, I meant to say I too am so pleased you are coming to the retreat, I am also glad you got a room. As I had told Matthew to just take any rooms back on to his availability list. Hazel,x

  20. Hi Sandra,
    Your card is lovely! Are you a determined young lady or are you not! It is lovely in pretty colours too.
    Hope you are feeling a bit better and that all three of you enjoy your day today! If your throat is sore I would recommend no talking!! I think that's a bit unlikely !!!
    I'm in a bit of a rush today. I'm off to Southport in a few minutes to craft with elderly. Don't you all laugh! I'm the one wearing shoes! Lol!
    It's rather windy so think I'll be blown there.
    Will call back this evening , all being well.
    Love to all,
    Myra xxx

  21. Hello Sandra and coffee shop ladies,
    SANDRA I really thought you had used matching papers. What an amazing result, especially as you are feeling poorly - what a trooper you are. Love the purple, it really makes you stamping stand out. This really is a gorgeous card.
    Hope this morning you are feeling a better and able to spend a few hours with Pat and Sue today, they will be a really good tonic.
    PAT, So sorry to hear about your neighbour, it must have been quite a shock to you both. I hope the daughter had the grace and good manners to apologise to Pete.
    SABA Sorry you are In pain, after all the fun you had on the trampoline, I hope it improves soon. Sounds like Pigeons like your windmills! We have a problem. Well OH has a problem with Squirrels, the keep eating the bird food from the bird table, when we first got this feeder I put THICK grease on the pole after sliding down a few times Mr Squirrel mastered the art of getting up!!! OH he had a supply of golf balls he would would lob up the garden, squirrel thought it was a game and would chase them!!!! Then a few weeks ago a huge circular sheet of metal was fitted under the feeders - not a problem squirrel gets on top of a bush and throws himself at the feeder. Well since then the bird feeder has been moved twice ( today being the second time) because first move was still to close to the bushes. Not sure who will win the game Mr Squirrel or Mr L. !!!!!!
    CHERYL Hope you get your blog problem sorted out. We miss you LOL xx
    SAM you sound in good form. Sending love and hugs. xx
    SHEILA. Sorry to read about the post and fence. Just another thing you could do without right now.
    NIGHT OWLS Sorry I disappeared last night, OH said can I borrow the iPad for a minute. Handed it back about half an hour later saying it's almost out of charge. It's a good job I love him.
    Well I had a lovely cup of coffee and a chat, will pop back later to see how you are Sandra. Love and hugs, Brenda xxx

    1. Oh! Brenda your squirrel story is so funny. Watching that would be so amazing, cheeky little devil xxx

    2. Ah Brenda, you and I don't just have a birthday in common! We have squirrel chasing husbands! Alastair always thinks he has won the battle and then they have babies! The babies start the war all over again! We have squirrel baffles! Feeders from the RSPB which say " squirrel proof" . Uh no! He sent a photo to them of a squirrel inside one! One was so dizzy from spinning round in a feeder that when he / she eventually fell out it looked as if it had been trying to keep up with Muriel on the Baileys! We do have fun! I'm just I'm not alone. Love Myra xxx

    3. Should be I'm just thankful I'm not alone! Xx

  22. I think a quick cup of tea is required, have been doing invites and now have done 20 only 10 to go. You need to, well I find doing a few having a break then going back helps,otherwise I just can't get them right. Brenda just had to laugh at your squirrel problem. They are funny really. They come into the garden at work and help themselves to the chicken food. And the scraps that are put out for chickens too. Between Sabas pigeons and your squirrels none of you are having any luck. Hazel,x

  23. Afternoon Ladies

    Having a quick cuppa as we've been planting shrubs in the back garden and I'm shattered. Hubby seems better, well pain free at least which is good. He's away for 3 days in Bristol but there's not much I can do about that.

    We heard that hubby's sister in law gave birth at 7.24am (USA time) to baby Liam, we also got a photo and he looks well. He was 8lb 2oz which I think is a good weight. I can safely finish the baby book and send it along with a card tomorrow. Not that I've made the card yet....!!! Will do that tonight.


    1. Congratulation "Aunty Michele and hubby"
      Liam is a really good weight. xxx

    2. Congratulations to your husbands sister in law , are you now auntie and uncle? The book you showed us was lovely so I'm sure mum will love it too xxx

    3. So glad he is here save and sound. Your book will be loved. Hope husbands kidney stones behave while he is away. Hazel,x

    4. Congratulations Auntie Michelle! They will love your little book. It was lovely! Thought of you in Southport this afternoon! Xxx

    5. Many congratulations on the safe arrival of the newest member of your family. The gift of love is such a special thing to know the joy a new child can bring.

  24. Michele and Husband CONGRATULATIONS, I'm sure the new parents will love the baby book you made for Liam (I did) it is really something to treasure. Sending a big virtual for the new baby boy. LOL Brenda xx

  25. Just had a message from Beth's mummy they are at their stop over for the night, and Beth wasn't sick, thank goodness she had plenty if stuff with her, but you do worry. Anna got a shock as I decided to walk Moss their dig to meet her off the bus, so she had to walk back it was I think more the fact we have to cross a very busy main A road that she wasn't happy with but once we were across and walking back via the loch she was fine, I did forget she had her viola with her, really enjoyed the fresh air and the walk.
    Now I am hoping the rain stays off as I have just pegged out a load if towels which should dry if it doesn't , very strange with out bouncy been here. Oh bless one crashed out dog, his walk did him good. Hazel x

    1. Hazel, You are so much more than a Nanny to these girls. It sounds as if you are doing tasks that other members of staff should be doing. Don't go overdoing things. Take care B xxx

    2. Brenda they are like grand daughters, I think the fact that mum and dad actually love the bond Charlie and I have with the girls helps, but also hurt when things went a bit pear shaped a while back, now I think mum was very frighten that I was going out of their lives, Mums dad die when she was in her teens and her mum was ill for many years with M.S. So not really able to be a mum or granny. When I went away with her and the girls, she was talking at meeting all over the place, trips to Madrid, Berlin you name it. every one thought I was granny. I didn't have to take Moss out, but walking round the loch is better with a dog or a pram. As for pegging out the wash, I just can't see it sat in the machine when there was a great drying wind, I think it an age thing!
      I know when I am looking after grandsons at theirs over the weekend I will be doing things for Tammy. She tells me not to do things but if it helps her then I am fine with that. Hazel x

    3. Hazel, you are a lovely caring lady and that family is so fortunate to have you! Glad all is going well on Beth's trip so far. Xxx

    4. I totally agree with Myra, this family are so fortunate to have you, it's clear the girls love you and respect you.
      I confess to thinking how lovely it would be to be walk along by the loch when we are on the school run. On our run It's all built up area. We cross a very big junction on the A23 London to Brighton Road. Then it's a short drive to our daughters house. This part of the journey is less built up. But does not compare in anyway to your beautiful loch. Sweet dreams, B xx

  26. Congratulations Aunty Michelle. Now you can get the baby book completed and sent.
    Sandra, if this is the card you make when you are feeling poorly, then it's high time you were on a DT. It's lovely. That flower is perfect.
    Saba, can you get any of the creams or gels with ibuprofen in them? They work well with me when my back hurts.
    I have found a new crafty hobby. I know, I have enough already, but this is what happens when you spend time on interest. Anyone tried book folding? Fascinating and addictive. I'll send Sandra a picture when I have finished.
    OK, hopefully tonight, no one visits and I stay awake long enough to join you for a baileys.

    1. Hi Janice I haven't tried it myself but my friend gave me a beautifully folded Christmas tree this year that she had commissioned from a local crafter. I struggle tearing up or using books, there's something about them that means I can't tear pages out! Funny isn't it. I love reading so that's probably why. I've even tried buying books from charity shops but end up sitting and reading them instead of using them! Can't wait to see what you have made xxx

    2. Hi Janice,I have tried Book Folding Christmas Trees. They were easy but I would really love to do something much more adventurous. xxx

  27. Good evening ladies, did not get in for an afternoon cuppa. I had visitors, Audrey picked the boys from school, they asked ithey could come along. Audrey knew we were at home so that's what she did. An unexpected but delightful visit. Audrey and I had a good old chat over a coffee while Grandpa entertained his boys. Fridge raided, milk got a shock but everyone was happy.
    Finished off all the Shoes and Bags I was making. All sitting looking quite good though I say it myself.
    Off to see what else I can "play" with now. Hate idle hands, not in the mood for reading. See you all later. xxx

  28. Hello Sandra and lovely ladies of the café
    Sandra I absolutely love your card, it is gorgeous, I thought it was background paper, would never have guessed it was stamped.
    Saba use heat on your back, hot water bottle or a micro heat bag with rice. Also make sure you put a cushion at your back in the curve when you are sitting,if it gets really sore lie on your front with your toes turned in, I fix backs, muscles and joint pain for a living lol.
    Sheila sorry to hear about all the disasters that is happening due to the wind.
    Myra hope you enjoy your recycled teenagers class.
    Sam I am jealous you are going in Oct. when I can't

    Hazel they will be back before you know it.
    Maria enjoy your outing
    I have been bowling today but it was rather windy, could blame the wind if the bowls misbehaved
    going to have something to eat see you all later
    Wendy x

    1. Wendy , my recycled teenagers ( great name) were nearly all asleep! Talk about frustrating! I wasn't in the least cross with them but there had been a Residents Meeting before lunch and so they were all tired out! It might have been kinder to cancel me! Careful with the comments please! I quite enjoy going but having prepared everything and travelled half an hour each way it's a bit frustrating to have only four people participate. I'm not grumpy usually! Xxx

    2. Oh! Myra, that was a bit disappointing. i am sure you are not Grumpy .... NOW!!!! xxx

    3. Not now, Patricia! It was such a lovely day and I could leave that Home! Lots for which to be thankful! Xx

    4. Hi Wendy,
      I'm sorry also your not going in October as I was hoping to meet all of you
      From Sam xxx

  29. Hi everyone
    Just thought I would pop in quickly before I cook dinner. Sheila how strong those winds must have been, what. Pain. I hope it was the fence panel between you and the lovely neighbour who helped you with the skip. They may help you get the pillars sorted. Two Christmases ago all the fence panels between the houses were blown down so we could see across several gardens. We all went out to pick up panels bricks and pots and had a good natter. The panels didn't get fixed for weeks but it was very social. I hope your fence gets sorted soon.
    I've spent some more time in the garden today so all the digging has been done now and just a few more pots to plant up. The grass needs cutting again but tat will have to wait until the weekend now as I can't get the mower out of the garage - too many things have been put in front of it !!
    Well I must go now, will pop back later to see what's going on.
    Saba we used to clean coins with tomato ketchup too, we had to have shiny coins for thinking day when we were in brownies and guides, those were the says!
    See you later.
    Love Diane xxx

  30. SANDRA You take care missus! Card making can wait (unless it was to give to somebody) It is a beautiful card Are you using that Fiskars stamp thingy all of the time now?
    MICHELE Congratulations to you and family
    JANICE I've seen this book folding and would love to have a go I have seen a couple if videos on YouTube As you use serif there is a neat way of creating the shape to create the fold lines Get Sandra to email me and I will forward the info (sent to me by Serif)
    Won't be until next week as I'll be away and not sure of Internet access etc
    Still got to do OH birthday card for Saturday

  31. Hllo Everyone,
    Sandra, sorry you are still poorly and really hope you are "right as rain" soon. Your card is lovely. The colours and design are just my cup of tea.
    Sam, great that you are coming to the retreat, I am looking forward to it so much, meeting all the people from Sandra's lovely blog.
    Saba, sorry you are still having back problems, it's no fun. Thanks for the tip about Lidl, I'll go on Thursday (God willing) first thing before I go into school. Now that really does my back in. Sitting on tiny infant chairs as very low tables so that you cannot put your legs comfortably.
    I am really pleased that you are making all your pigeons so happy - I didn't think that was your original idea - was it? Just think, pigeon messages will be flying around saying "come to this crazy woman, she puts toys out for us to play with"!!! ha ha.
    Hazel, I bet your children became really independent. I am certainly never introducing you to my daughter or grandchildren because they'd give me the boot and get you to take over!
    Michele, congratulations on the birth of baby Liam. Glad hubby's kidney stones are less painful now.
    Myra - you are so good crafting with the elderly, you being the sweet young thing that you are! x
    Brenda - watching the squirrels and hubby attempts to thwart them must be better than any comedy film.
    I've decided to go on the wagon. I thought I'd better dry out before I meet Hazel and Patricia in July as I don't want to show them up, so as of now, no alcohol will touch my lips (pass the straw Diane) xxx

    1. Muriel dear! Was that little kiss at the end meant to soften the sarcasm! Well it worked! And you have pinned a Pin! Yeah! I'm so chuffed for you.
      Do you know they were accusing us of being inside the tanker last night! Xxx

    2. Muriel are you using the piece of drainpipe as your straw? Lol xxx

  32. Janice,
    I meant to say that I love the book folding. I have never tried it but Eleanor came home from Guides with a Christmas Tree that had been folded. I must get Rachel to find it, although it's probably in her loft, as I'd like to give it a go, but like you I can never bear to destroy a book, no matter how old.

  33. Quiet time again .... have you noticed its always quiet between 9 & 10pm then the "night owls" come out.
    I have a few things to tidy up from my "playtime" this afternoon. I do intend tidying everything away. There is a pile on the corner of the dining room table getting bigger and bigger and its only Tueday. I do always clear it all away on a Friday. Luckily it's the corner you don't see when you pass the dining room door.
    Right all you night owls be good, leave place tidy and for God sake remember to put that cat out. xxx

  34. Evening all,
    Sandra , how are you feeling ? I hope some better . Did you manage to see Pat and Mrs B this afternoon ? Wish you better !
    Ouch Saba, not nice with back ache, have you seen the doctor ? Heat pads or ice, it depends what kind of injure you done to your back going trampolining ! Hope you get it sorted asap.
    Hazel- you are a nanny ? and all this time I believed that Beth were your grand daughter lol when we meet up I love to hear more .
    I'm sitting here in my slippers but must have missed you Myra when you came around for the crafting session ,such a shame ! hope you had some fun do ?
    Hihi Brenda I like your story with the squirrels. They are great watching when they are in the garden however Not when the nesting in your loft and chewing on the wood poster ooooh that was horrible and we had to call out ' rent to kill ' and have them removed (for ever) so far so good, they are staying in the garden.
    Hope Mr L winning the chase lol
    Happy birthday Baby Liam, they will love your baby book !
    Hope your hubby (sorry what's his name, nosy me) gets better soon !
    Janice, I have seen book folding on pinterest and on youtube, there are some fabulous makes and looks pretty intricate.........
    Patricia, do you know where boys putting everything they eating ? hihi
    My son eating all the time but so far been lucky and don't put any weight on. Nothing like me who only need to see a cake and putting on a stone right away !
    Sam, so glad you are joining us !
    Maureen, how big is that straw ? you teetotal ?? never lol
    To anyone feeling under the weather at the moment I'm sending well wishes and extra hugs !
    Love and hugs from a aired and tired Maria <3

    1. Maria I now you had more on than just your slippers it was rather chilly this afternoon!!! xxx

    2. That of course should have been "hope" not "now"

    3. ok then it was a t-shirt and some granny knickers but don't tell anyone

    4. Oh Maria there's an image I don't need! You, just wearing pink fluffy slippers or are they character ones? Xxx

    5. how can you know they are pink ??
      not so fluffy anymore hihi

  35. I think the cat had some Baileys last night! It is quite milky! I hope it doesn't get a taste for it. I too have been putting things away! Not quite finished yet - but you'll start before me in the morning Patricia, although I am having visitors so should go to bed earlier! Xxx

  36. Evening All,
    I sound like Dixon of Dock Green....
    Wendy, I need you here.!! Thank you for the advice, I am using my hot water bottle and it does feel lovely but I think I need to be patient. I will try lying on my tummy in bed with my toes turned in though and see if that helps. Bless you.
    Aunts Michele many congratulations to you and your husband and welcome to the world baby Liam, may his life be filled with love, health and happiness.
    Janice, I made a couple of book trees last Christmas. I am like Diane and Maureen, I really struggle to damage a book but once I got over that, I loved how it turned out. I think I have a photo of it somewhere, I will try and get it to Sandra.
    Brenda, I'll swop you 2 beautiful pigeons for one of your squirrels. I'll send mine pigeon post with a little note around their ankles with my return address.
    Maureen, I think the card stock, if they have it wont be available until next week. Monday I think. I have looked at the online UK prospect and they have got most of the things we have here this week, didn't see the card stock but the other paper things were there so you never know.
    I see Lynda has still not been in, or Norah. I do hope they are alright.
    And Cheryl, she has posted on Sue's so at least we know she is ok. Hope she can sort out what the problem here is though.
    Well we are having a lovely storm here at the moment. I love thunder and lightning, unless it gets too close. Being on the top floor can be a tad worrying. Mind you not as worrying as when we are under sail. The mast must look very attractive to Mr. Strike....
    Be back later
    Hugs Saba xxx

  37. Sorry rather late tonight. First chance I have had all day to get on here. Was out with a friend. Took her to see if we could get shoes for her daughters wedding but no luck again. Had lunch at the Toby Carvery and then went to The Range and Hobbycraft as needed a few things for the craft sessions. Got home and sat down with a cup of tea, switched on the iPad and there was a message from Scarlett saying. 'Can you come round please. Facetimed her and she was in floods of tears and couldn't tell me what was wrong. Ended up going round. Didn't find out what she was upset about as she said she couldn't tell me. Still non the wiser. I listened to her Reading and played some games of Connect 4. Showed her the Creativity mag I had got as it had some stamps on it for Fathers Day. She was enthusiastic about that and was a lot happier when I left.
    Now I have a problem and need some suggestions. It's to do with these craft sessions. One week we have decided to do a pop up card. Now some did Christmas ones so if they don't want to do another one we thought they could do an ordinary card. Now I thought of at least 6x6 but the friend who is organising it would rather do 4x6 as that's what she normally does. It's ages since I have done a 6x4 card. With 6x6 there are lots of my SW dies I can use but they are not that small. There is one in the Californian Decorative Frames (set B) that would fit but you would only get a couple of flowers in the middle if that. Any other suggestions please. I suppose I could get them to do some ribbon weaving and out it in this frame? Well must go and cut some more butterfly's out for tomorrow. Try and come back later.

    1. I should first of all said what a beautiful card you have made Sandra especially as you were feeling so unwell. Thank you so much for doing this and showing us. Hope you had a good time with Pat and Sue.

  38. Yes Maureen I do have three very I dependant children. They didn't have to stay all their school days at boarding school, it was only for a couple of years while Charlie was in the army, we had to think of their future and wanted them to have a good education, Tammy wasn't to go as she was so young, but told us if Gilian then Christopher went she was going too. So she went they all went to a school in Crieff then I came home when we bought a house at Carnoustie and there went there. I have to say they all moved out when they bought their own flats by the time they were in their early 20s. Granted they all had part time jobs by 15-16 years old.
    Myra I do like the name " recycled oldies". I can see why you were a little grumpy as it a lot of work to get things ready, and that drive, for four people! A phone call was all that was needed, thoughtlessness comes to mind. Hazel x

  39. Not quite finished, almost there.
    Think Hazel must have fallen asleep. Charlie was out, the house quiet, the dog will have been snoring and sent Hazel to the Land of Nod!!!
    Hazel has not even messaged ME tonight ....... !!!
    Will say Good Night God Bless ..... see you all in the morning. xxx

    1. If Hazel has fallen asleep thank goodness! She needed it!
      Night Night Patricia! Xxx

  40. Oh yes I did fall asleep, took two strong painkillers, my back was a bit sore I think sitting putting the invites together, then ironing and to finish it off walking Moss he was on his lead and kept stopping to have a smell here and there as they do, then of course ten pees just took its toll, so I thought catch it before it gets a hold. I will be fine, it didn't help that I didn't have my walking boots on just my flat normal ones ans round the loch is stoney so that doesn't help my back. Make note to ones self, wear your walking boots next time? Also pack to take to Canada! Hazel x

  41. We're are all the night owls tonight? I would have still been asleep, but of coarse Charlie came home and woke me to tell me he was home! Now why he just couldn't cone in made his coffee and gone to bed and left me to sleep. I didn't hear him come in, and Harris doesn't bark so I would have still been sleeping, I only hope I don't watch the clock again tonight. Not in work in the morning, mum will drop Anna off before she heads into Edinburgh. I bet I am wide of wake at 5.15. Had a lovely mug of hot chocolate, money in the pot, I have wiped round and put the dishwasher on.
    Sandra. Did you three have a good day? What project did you do? Hazel x

    1. Hi Hazel,
      We had a great day today, its the first time we have all been together
      for a few weeks now! Sue was having a go at quilling, she was very good at it too, I made Pat a template for an Izzy Bag and she started that and then she made an Engagement card, inbetween making the template for Pat, I played with Pats new dies, she has had a bit of a shopping spree and I enjoyed playing with all of her new dies!
      I will hopefully make the bits into something tomorrow!
      Cheryl emailed me earlier to say she is still unable to get onto the blog, she thinks it may be something to do with the windows 8.1 update she has had on her lap top!

  42. Hi Sandra
    A lovely card today. I love these sets. Love the colours as well. Patricia did a lovely card using the Stampin ip Stippled blosson, but I can't find that anywhere. We came back from the pub around 10.00. Pete popped up to Karen's to tell her about Molly. 20 of us went to the pub for a meal. Quite a few of them walked beforehand, but as I can't walk very far at the moment, we just met them at the pub. Have read a few if the comments, love that you can walk round a Loch Hazel, but as you say you do need your walking boots on. Pete's going to Skype his brother in Australia later, but I'm going to bed, so I do hope he doesn't wake me up as he'll be up late. See you all in the morning.

  43. Sandra you sound like you did have a great time today, isn't it great when you can try dies before you buy sort of thing?? I let Patricia borrow of one of my dies to see if she liked it, I am trying to be so good and not buy any new ones, but Adrian has wild rose dies in and there are a few I like. Hazel x

  44. Hi Sandra and anyone else still up.
    It's always fun when your friends buy new crafty goodies, isn't it. Something new to play with.
    I really need to make some cards too, with a couple of birthdays later this month. That's where the folded books will go. One says Jean, that's for my mother in law. Love her, but she's a nightmare to buy for. Perfumes etc are stinky stuff, doesn't drink (accused me of boozing at Christmas, since I found the bottle of Baileys in her cupboard), so I thought, a book with her name will do it. I'll decorate the top edge with some flowers, mainly to hide where I wasn't too neat, well it was the first one! The other says Paul, for a friend with quite a library. I must say, I am quite chuffed with them. I don't like destroying books either, but these were hardbacks left in the hotel, just novels and not great ones at that. Even the charity shops are struggling to sell books now.
    Right, drinks glass, half pint you notice, is washed and put away.
    Night night

    1. Love to see your folded books Janice, don't forget to take a picture and send Sandra xx

  45. Sandra,
    I have been wracking my brains to try to think why Cheryl can't get on. Her Google account seems to be alright with Sue's blog. Can you ask her if she can comment on Patricia's blog or Hazels or anyone else who has a link,to,your blog. If she can, then once she is logged in to,comment on their blog maybe if she uses the link to come here instead of coming directly, then maybe she could comment here. Just a thought.
    Hugs Saba xxx

  46. Good eavening Sandra & everyone
    Sorry I have been in for a couple of days life got in the way Harry's mum Sam broke he ankle Thursday & in plaster up to her knee has to elevate it so have been helping out a bit with Harry as he is now crawling. Sam's mum is back from holiday tomorrow morning so hopefully iwill take over as she is only 10 min away & we are 1 12 hours away so knackered Harry is so heavy now as my back is telling me. I have read a few comments Congratlations Michelle & husband on the safe arrival of baby Liam.Sandra your card is gorgeous & glad your feeling better also pleased you had a good day with Pat & Sue.
    Sam your card yesterday was beautiful wish my colouring was as good as yours.How dare that nasty lady give you negative comments don't take any notice Sam she should go specsavers.
    Well off to bed now hopefully I will see you all tomorrow hug's Lynda xx

  47. Hi Lynda,
    Glad you are alright, we were a bit worried. Poor Harry's mum, bet she really appreciated your help.
    Sleep well, hugs Saba xxx

    1. Hi Lynda oh that's not good breaking your leg when you have a small child to look after, you have been an angel. I hope you get a break tomorrow and can rest your back.
      Night night everyone sleep tight. See you tomorrow xxxx

    2. Hi Lynda,
      glad it's not you but so sorry for Sam especially now when Harry started walking it want be anything stopping him, the little cutie. give him a cuddle from auntie lol Be careful when lifting him, don't want you getting worse with pain, take care. see you later xx

    3. Had time so emptied the dishwasher so ready for later. will it be Patricia,Sam or Hazel through the door first I wonder ? tihi

    4. will try the bed for a few hours before pool visit, see you pm
      hugs Maria xx

    5. Oh! dear! Lynda, that's not so good, poor Sam & poor you.
      Please be very careful lifting Harry, that's big strain on your back.
      Hope Sam's mum is well refreshed after her holiday and can take over from you. Hugs xxx
