
Wednesday 13 May 2015

Margarets Beautiful Christening card


Good morning ladies,
Just look at this beautiful Christening Card made by Margaret, it is just so pretty, my goodness
doesn't it highlight how the cards we all produce are so head and shoulders above any shop bought card!
I can see that Margaret had used the Creative Expressions Heart Lattice Embossing folder, It looks
like the Classic Rose die too and the Spellbinders Floral Ovals (one of my all time favourite die sets)!
I know that there are many of us that share the Scandinavian Border as an all time favourite die, it is just so pretty, almost lace like and finished with a strip of pearls, looks just stunning!
The beautiful pink bow is trimmed with another gorgeous pink flower!
Margaret your card is so very beautiful, thank you so very much for sending me the photographs, I look forward to you popping in later today to tell us where you got the gorgeous image from, it looks like a Lily of the Valley image but i am not sure.
Well I had a lovely day at Pat's with Sue, Sue was busy having a go at quilling, she really likes to try new things, I don't think that I have seen Sue do the same thing two weeks running, she is very talented! Pat wanted to have a go at an 'Izzy Bag' so we got that started and she also made an Engagement card for some friends it looked fab when she had finished it, I just managed to have a go at cutting some of Pats new Dies, so I have got some bits and pieces to play with tomorrow!
Cheryl emailed me earlier, she is still having trouble getting access to my blog, she thinks its a Windows 8.1 that she has updated her lap top with, any ideas as she exhausted all the ones we have suggested already. Maybe you will have to set up a new google account Cheryl?!
Well I am going to have a relaxing morning as I was about fit to drop when I got in yesterday afternoon, it was so lovely for the three of us to be back together again, we weren't short of conversation!
love and hugs to all of you,


  1. Well after a very rude awakening, I am up so everything is switched on, urn filled, cakes out, some fresh cinnamon buns and blueberry/chocolate muffins, I am off for a lie down for an hour because ......
    We have all been up since just before five as all of the smoke/ carbon monoxide alarms went off and despite trying everything , nothing would switch them off, we calked an emergency electrician as we live in Armed Forces accommodation and was told that emergency call out takes up to 3 hours, because tad bungalow has been adapted for me (disabled) they go over board on smoke alarms, there are 3 in lounge, 3 in hall way and one in every single room plus carbon monoxide monitors, well they ALL went off, we were scrambling round trying to find the kittens, got Millo but Bella was nowhere to be seen, I was so worried as they have sensitive hearing and believe me it hurt our ears, Milo and girls were evacuated to the car, paul wa trying to switch alarms off, which wax impossible and me and Matt were looking for Bella, engineer came zabout ten minutes ago, has removed one alarm that he believes us faulty, and so peace at last! But our ears are ringing and aching! What a way to start the day!
    Catch up later,
    Sandra xxxxx

    1. Hi Sandra,
      How Terrible!
      Something Very Similar Happened To Us Once, When Our Alarm Battery Went Off In The Middle Of The Night It's Quite Scary,
      I'm Glad Your Electrion Finally Arrived I Really Hope You Find Bella Save And Sound Take Care My Friend
      From Sam xxx

    2. Oh! Sandra not the wake-up alarm you really want.
      Hope you get it sorted out. xxx

    3. Oh it does make you wonder why we have these alarms, when according to that electrician there was no hurry??? They are there to warn us that something is wrong!! They should have been out double quick with the gas engineer with them to make sure your boiler wasn't at fault. I know Derek Tammy husband works for the Fire service -not a fireman, but he was saying that if an alarm goes off and you can't stop it to submerge it in water., but all of yours were going so yours must be connected to the main electric, so more worrying? Poor cat must have had its paws over its ears!!! I hope someone will be out today to double check everything? Been in one of the accommodation blocks the fire service would have been there plus ever other emergency service ! But for a family no hurry! Things never change in the forces do they? Glad you are all ok. Girls will be ready for school then?
      I wonder what time Beth and co will have been up this morning? It's there job to see to the ponies and help load everything. They have another long day ahead of them! At least tomorrow it will be a long day but not sat in a lorry, it will be practise, practise. Hazel x

    4. Oh Sandra what a terrible early morning call you've had, you must all be worn out....pleased everyone is okay. Technology is a wonderful thing until it all goes wrong. I do hope you have chance to catch up with some much needed rest through the day. Take care lovely lady.

      Love Sheila xxx

    5. Hi Sandra oh no what a rude start to the day. Don't you just love 'emergency' call outs! I expect he had to have his cup of tea and bacon Sarmiento first to get him started for the day! I hope you found Bella, was she alright? You must have all been really worried. Hope you have caught up on some sleep now, at least everyone will want an early night tonight! Xxx

    6. Oh dear that should be a bacon sarnie! Xxx

    7. That kind of start to the day puts you out of sorts for the rest of the day xx

  2. Hi Sandra And All My Friends
    Sandra I'm Thrilled You Had A Good Day Yesterday, I caught Up With My Best Friend Yesterday, Which Was Great We Talked So Much Lunch Went Cold!!
    I Just Would Like To Say A Huge Thank You To Everyone For There
    Wonderful Comments About Me Attending The Retreat Of Which I'm So Excited
    Margaret Your Card Today Has Lost Me For Words Other Than
    "Truly Magnificent" I Love Everything About Your "Awesome Card" Your A Very "Talented Lady" I Love Lili Of The Valley Stamps I Love Your
    "Floral Embellishments" It's An Extremely Beautiful Card Thank You For Sharing Your Card With Us.
    I Think I Now Know Where I've Been Going Wrong With My Work So Your Card Today Is A Great Help To Me!
    Take Care All I Do Hope The Sun Stays Out Today
    Love And Huge Hugs
    To All
    From Sam xxx

    1. Sam, you have not been going wrong with your cards. They are always exceptional. Take inspiration from others like this gorgeous offering today but Believe in yourself and your talent too.
      Saba xxxxx

    2. Sam, you certainly have NOT been doing anything wrong with your cards. We all have our own style ...... why?? ....... because we are individuals. Another thing we are far too critical of our own work,
      Please stop worrying your cards are beautiful. xxx

    3. Sam, your cards are gorgeous, so stop worrying and get cracking making more to show off xx

  3. Good morning Sandra and ladies. It looks like we are going to have s good day, sun shining at least, but maybe that can all change you never know!
    Margaret. Your card is stunning, yes I am more than sure that's a LOTV image?,, They are wonderful for using, knowing you Margaret you will have coloured this one yourself, I buy the ones already done, the dies you have used are just perfect for making this card so special, a beautiful keep sake.
    I see Lynda is ok, just having to step in and help Harry's mum seeing how she is in plaster? What would they do without us mums and mum in laws at times like this?
    Maria. I could have joined you this morning, I was in the wide awake club for a while! Thank you for emptying the dishwasher. I was staying awake to do that but I could feel my eyes starting to close so thought I'd better head to bed. As you can see I still am up early.
    Cheryl. Saba is right I think you should try commenting on other blogs to see if you can, it seems strange that you can do Sues but not on here. I know Charlie had problems with his laptop with windows 8.1 and got it changed back. At least we know you are ok?
    I have set up for the day, every thing is ready. So glad Maureen has decided to give up on that baileys! It's not good for you, especially as she has to get up early and work with young children too. No better to stick to coffee drinking!,
    Right I will go and get some washing on, don't wanting to waste the good day. Will pop in later. Hazel x

  4. Good morning Sandra and the Coffee Shop Gang. Hope you are all well and looking forward to the day ahead.
    Oh! My! Goodness! Margaret you card is so beautiful. I just LOVE everything you have done on it. Wow!! whoever received it must have been over the moon and will love and treasure it.
    Everything set up, flowers on the tables.
    I am off to get things done, I am meeting a friend for coffee. I am picking her up at 10am. We are going to a relatively new Coffee Shop in Meigle 3 miles from me. However picking Wilma up, getting there, taking her home will be a round trip of approx 18 miles........all for a cup of coffee!!! The new Coffee Shop is brilliant, selling fresh fruit and Veg. Jams, Chutneys, Breads, and lots of other yummy goodies. Sandra you would love it.
    Glad you had a great Crafty Day yesterday. It's good to try new things, Quilling is good fun, have not done any for ages.
    Right folks will be back later to see how you are today. xxx

    1. Lots of early birds this morning, falling over each other getting things set up!!!! xxx

  5. That's the only thing about this virtual coffee shop? It's virtually impossible to see who's in till you are out having thought you were first in. If you get what I am on about??? Hazel,x

  6. Hi Sandra, Stunning card there from Margaret, so pretty. Hope all you Ladies are well?

    Have a good day

    Love & Hugs

    Jacquie J xxx

  7. Morning Ladies

    Maureen-what a beautiful card. The flowers you have used to decorate the card are gorgeous. A real keepsake card I think.

    Sandra-goodness, a very unwanted alarm call. Hope your day calms down and you manage to get some crafting done.

    Once the cooker repair man has been (due at 10am) I plan to get crafting. Got some thank you cards to make, a wedding card to plan & 2 birthday cards needed soon.


    1. Thank you very much Michele, I'll be sure to tell Margaret!!!! ha ha xxx

    2. Oops-please don't!! Can't believe I got your names mixed up!


  8. Janet Ecco of Sheffield13 May 2015 at 08:38

    Morning one and all
    Oh Sandra what a wake up call that was. It's bad enough when one goes off but to have all those it must have sounded well across into the next county.
    Make sure you have some catch up time today after all that.

    Margaret your card is just beautiful. I love everything about it and I'm looking forward to seeing how you did it and what you used.

    Well Knit and Natter was OK yesterday afternoon. A little more natter than crafting but it was a good catch up. One of our newbies brought the card for her first time for us to do and so it took all of us back to basics really. A good thing sometimes as it reminds us that there are new crafters around and not just 'us old biddies'.

    I've decided that today is the day for sorting my wardrobe. I pulled out a hanger with a top on it I wanted to wear and was showered by things I've just stored on the shelves etc. The charity shop will benefit as I'm determined that a lot is on it's way there. Every year I say this but why oh why do I insist on keeping stuff that hasn't been worn for years - I always think that things cannot go as they cost so much when I bought them like a three piece Jacqques Vert suit I bought when my youngest daughter married for the second time and that's 12yrs ago. I've worn it twice since then. I had a really good sort out when I retired just keeping one or two pieces for those occasions when needing dark colours etc and I don't buy clothes these days like I used to when working so today is the day.
    We did the same as this before coming back from Marigny in April and the Red Cross benefitted then so it's our local hospice St. Luke's this time. I'll let you know how many bags I fill. Are any of you in the same boat.

    My latte is was lovely this morning thank you. Money's in the pot and my usual hugs are in the basket. Hoping to see you later if I'm not under a pile of clothes or in a bag destined for the shop.

    1. Janet, it's one of those jobs that has to be done but we all hate having to part with clothes? When Charlie was serving in the forces we moved so often I had to have a clear out as in those days every went in bixes and you were only allowed so many after that you paid, and I refused to pay to cart what we weren't using? But since then I have made sure I clear out every so often, plus we live in such a tiny cottage with no storage. Charlie took the stuff for cash for clothes yesterday. £ 6.50 so that has gone in the jaut jar. so have fun you will feel better afterwards.
      Myra enjoy having a catch up with your visitors.
      Sheila. Sorry I can't come and give you some help? Some times some projects work for one person and not the next. If she likes flowers just make it full of them to look like a bunch of flowers. Hazel,x

    2. Janet, I have been putting that job off for too long now! Maybe tomorrow -----// maybe not! Xxx

  9. Just a quickie before work I hope yo OK Sandra Very scared being woken like that! One alarm is bad enough but... When my MIL was away her alarms went off for no reason and I had to go and sort it out Even though she lives in a warden controlled complex it took over an hour and a half for someone to arrive Thought it was sorted and then 10 minutes after he's gone it atarted up again

    Margaret Your card is divine

  10. Oh Sandra!
    What a way to start the day! Goodness me that is stressful - never mind tiring!
    I'm rather earlier this morning as I've got visitors coming today for the day and they should arrive at coffee time! Everything is ready apart from me! Just to put bleach down the cloakroom toilet! I set the table for lunch last night as I know what I'm like in the morning! You may need some alarms at the Retreat - mind you, you may prefer the peace and quiet and leave me asleep! Lol!
    Well, Margaret , what a pretty card! Just right for a new baby girl! Your roses are beautiful and I love the oval focal point. Thank you for sharing it with us
    It was busy setting up this morning in the Coffee Shop! Thankfully it was all done when I got here, early or not.
    Have a good day everyone, I'll check back in later.
    I needed that lovely latte and toast!
    Love Myra xxx

    1. I am sure you were ready and looking as beautiful as always when your visitors arrived. Hope you have had a good day. xxx

  11. Morning Sandra and the lovely cafe crew,
    Oh Margaret your card is so truly beautiful I love the image and you flowers are gorgeous...such a pretty pink too. I just love it!!
    Well I'm still struggling with this flipping exploding box it's so difficult when it's for somebody to give to someone else especially when it's for their daughter. I'm finding it really hard and sit it's for family I want to do the best I can. So I must crack on, the sun is shining and the winds have dropped thank goodness....will try an pop back later. Hugs in the basket.

    Love Sheila xxx

    1. Hi Sheila
      My Lovely Lady, Have You Tried You Tube To See If They Have Any Tips For "Exploding Boxes" I'm Sure They'll Have Something.
      How Are You And Your Daughter
      Take Great Care
      Love And Hugs
      From Sam xxx

    2. Hi Sam,
      I can manage the cut out but it's what to put on so many layer is done and so is the central piece. In the central piece I have put 2 glittery sling-back shoes, when I bought them they were in the Christmas decoration section at the Range and I just new they would come in handy some day! So now I have to sort out the following two layers. Feeling a bit stronger than I did last week...the card making does help to take my mind off things alot. Thank you for asking dear friend.

      Love and hugs Sheila xxx

    3. Hello Sheila, I am sure you have managed to get your Exploding Box finished and it looks beautiful. ,They are a lot of work but so worth it. xxx

  12. Hello Sandra,
    I'm saying this very quietly in case you are having a catch-up nap. I bet the girls are tired at school today.
    Margaret, your card is absolutely beautiful. I adore the stamp.
    Sam, make sure you don't have a gorgeous sun tan when you go to the Retreat otherwise we'll all look really ill !!!
    Lynda, bad news about daughter's broken leg. Hope reinforcements arrive soon to give you a break - oops, not literally !!
    Washing out, hoovering done, and walking into town now, or at least a good part of the way.
    Muriel xxxx

    1. Muriel, a walk in the fresh air will do you the world of good. Alcohol withdrawal can be awful!!!!

    2. Hi Maureen
      That Could Happen!
      As We're Away From Monday, Then We Fly To Same Place On 8th September And That's For Three Weeks, I'll Try Not To Get Too Tanned Lol!
      But I Love The Sun.
      Hugs From Sam xxx

    3. Muriel - multi tasking? Walking into town and typing at the same time? Please tell me you are not wearing headphones !! Xxx

    4. I know isn't our Maureen very clever and up to date being able to comment and walk at the same time? It takes me all my time to do that sitting on my backside. Sorry your visitors are stuck in traffic! Hazel x

    5. I can't walk and type a text at the same time I keep having the stop, and knowing my luck I'd bump into a lamp post! I see teenagers doing it all the time so I'm really impressed Maureen can do it too! Xxx

    6. Typing while walking, wow but if you only walked some of the way into town did you take something else the rest of the way ?

  13. Good Morning all,
    I'll just help myself to a latte and a chocolate muffin. Ooh what pretty flowers today too.
    Oh Sandra what a rude awakening for you all. On the positive side at least it wasn't carbon monoxide or a fire, especially in view of your night attire dear. So glad you had a good day with the Graces and hope your cold is better now.
    Margaret, your card is beautiful. I love everything about it, I am most definitely a pink person. Your stamped image is lovely and the hint of pink behind the frame really sets it off. I can't decide whether this is inked or a background die cut. I bet the proud parents were thrilled with this gorgeous card.
    I am a bit worried about my pigeons, we had a big storm late last evening which I thoroughly enjoyed but they haven't been trying to nest on the balcony today. It could be because the windmills I bought could generate enough electricity today to run the national grid. Do hope they are alright. I don't want them back though!!
    Janet you have prompted me to start clearing my wardrobe. I have been putting it off for so long. Like you I have outfits which I bought years ago for special occasions, never wear but can't get rid of. I just can't get rid of clothes. I think I will start with jumpers today and see how I get on.
    Big hugs
    Saba xxx

    1. Janet Ecco of Sheffield13 May 2015 at 10:15

      Hi Saba - all the best with the 'sort'. I've just come down stairs and am now sat shattered but feeling job well done. I've now got 3 bin liners full of clothes and 1 with handbags etc. Never thought I'd out handbags as I have a 'thing' about them. I love them and I've put 4 knitted ones back as I just cannot part with them.
      Hugs xxxx

    2. Oh Saba what are you like! You don't want the pigeons to nest but you want them to be ok! You are just like me!!! I had a fright thus morning, I looked up and saw a magpie trying to poke it's head in the blue tit box. I went running outside and scared him away and then waited with bated breath because I couldn't hear anything and neither mum or dad was around. After a few minutes they came back but oh boy wax I worried. I text Julian and Emma expecting Julian to say natural selection etc but he was just as worried as me!!! It's like being parents again! I've now got a pigeon marching backwards and towards on the garage roof like he's on sentry duty! I hope your pigeons are ok xxx

    3. SABA:- how have you got on??? I did my clear out of clothes a few weeks ago. I am ruthless, not worn for a while ..... in the bag!! John stay well out of the way in case he ends up in the bag as well!!!. xxx
      The pigeons have taken the hint I think!!! xxx

  14. Hi Sandra. It wasn't good being woken up like that at that time of the morning. Hope you manage to catch up on some sleep during the day when hopefully the house will be quiet.
    MARGARET your card is amazing and who ever you are sending it to I am sure they will be delighted with it. I love everything about it. Well I am off out to lunch again with the ladies who I used to go to pottery with. When the ladies running it decided to retire (one is in her 80's and has health problems) we decided we would still meet up once a month (not in the winter) so this will be my first this year as I was away when it was the April one. It will be good to catch up with them all again. Tonight it is the first of the six weeks crafting sessions. A bit apprehensive but I am sure it will be ok. Just I am not very confident. Well the sun is shining so looks as if it will be a nice day. We don't get many birds etc., as probably because of two things - the foxes and we have Kites. Sometimes you can count 30 in the sky and they make an awful noise. Birds and small animals are not safe. A few years ago there was only 1 Kite here. Now all of a sudden there are at least 30 as I said.
    Hope you all have a good day whatever you are doing. Sorry that Cheryl cannot get on here and where is Norah. She has been missing for days.

    1. BRENDA:- you will be absolutely fine. Remember it is probably only you that knows you have not done anything like that for a while. Good Luck will be thing about you. xxx

  15. Hi everyone
    Trying out!! last night I decided to try out Sue's Folding Flower die, I didn't have any felt so tried it with pearlised paper and I was quite pleased with the result, not quite as rounded as felt but still makes an unusual but quite pretty flower especially when glittered. I'll email a photo to Sandra if I may or maybe try it yourselves if you have the die.

    Love Sheila xxx

    1. Hi Sheila, would be interested to see that. I thought having two sizes would be useful too. I make it by hand but it's a bit hit and miss as to size and can have a thickish base which needs to be trimmed after rolling it up. Have only tried making them in felt! Xxx

    2. Hi Sheila,
      My visitors are stuck in traffic on the M6!! I looked on Pinterest and your little flowers had been chosen for me as something I would like! They are lovely! I left a comment there too. The little ones are rather cute - would make a pom-pom on a hat on a snowman card maybe! Xx

    3. Hi Myra
      Thank you for your lovely comments on my pinterest I can't wait to try them in other colours and the glitter just makes that bit more blingy.
      Hope your visitors manage to get of the M6 soon it's such a busy motorway. Have a lovely day.

      Love and hugs Sheila xxx

    4. SHEILA:- I don't know how to do Pintrest so won't see your pretty flowers,. Just wish I was not so stupid with the computer.
      MYRA:- hope you visitors arrived safely xxx

  16. Morning everyone. A lovely sunny start up here in Bolton and getting warm too, at last.

    Oh Margaret, what a beautiful card. I also have that LOTV stamp, isnt it delicate, iced snow looks amazing on the Christening gown.
    I just love every detail - my favourite border die, the oval die was one of the first dies I bought I think, its so useful to have. And your sweet little roses finish it off beautiful, I just know it will be so appreciated and one for the memory box. I have a customer that order's only 6x6 cards from me for that very reason, that they are easier to keep in a memory box, but I really dont enjoy decorating that size of card ! But if that what she want's that's what she get's customer is always right as the saying goes.
    Have a lovely day my friends.
    Lancashire Steph xxx

  17. Hi Steph
    My Lovely Lady Have You Visited Bev Rochester Blog, Not Too Comment But Gain Knowledge She Only Makes 6 x 6 Cards, I Went To Her Colouring Classes
    She Also Has Tutorial's Showing How To Embellish Small Cards, Etc:
    It May Not Be Your Choice But I Really Like Her Style And She's Really Genuine
    I Really Like Her, She Buys Her Flowers From Wild Orchid, But You Can Always Adapt Some Of Sue's Smaller Flowers Instead.
    Take Care
    Hugs From Sam xxx

  18. Good morning Sandra and all the coffee shop crew
    Sandra that was one rude awaaaakening you had today I just hate the sound of those alarms, hope all is well now.
    So sorry I didn't get to comment properly yesterday it just refused to go in the morning, tried last night after having a baking day and fell asleep, sorry.
    Saba if you would like a bag to fill with rice to ease your back just let me know it is not a problem you are more than welcome as is anyone else too. Sandra, Patricia and Hazel all have my email.
    Thank you all so much for your very generous comments on my card, sorry to disappoint you all, the image is not a stamp and I did not colour it in, it is a LOTV coloured and printed image, as I have said before I don't do difficult!
    The border frill is my favourite I cut two of them, I stick one down completely and the second one I only glue along the centre then stick that down and when dry tweek the edges upwards towards the centre to look like a frill then just add a few little pearls, simple really but I like the effect.
    As Sandra has said the oval die cuts are Spellbinders with a simple plain oval of pink behind to give an extra little edge, the embossing folder my favourite for these kind of cards is Sue Wilson's lattice heart and the label is computer generated and cut with the centre die (I really like this one for labels as it has a little extra die cut piece,) from the Austrian Collection - Salzburg by Sue Wilson, where would we be without her?
    The flowers although they look like roses they are Cheery Lynn Designs Gardenia, there is a small set too that when made up just fits on the knot of the bow rather sweetly, these dies cut like a dream and as they are all on one strip there is very little waste so you get plenty cut from a sheet of A4 card. The pink card for the roses and the layering is from Papermill Direct.
    I matt and layer the inside of the card to match the outside then I die cut the sentiment and add that on top of the layering, if that makes sense.
    The card was in a box wrapped in tissue paper tied with ribbon the outside of the box was simply decorated with two die cuts using the Tonic die Trailing Blossom. one in each of two opposing corners then a small die cut for the label.
    One of my granson's teachers asked me if I would make the card for her, when I gave it to her she burst into tears, I thought she didn't like it at first but she soon recovered and gave me a big hug and kept saying thank you, oh thank you. Later that day she arrived at our home with the most beautiful orchid plant as a thank you, telling me she had never seen anything so beautiful, so I was delighted.
    Well I have waffled enough I think, have you all fell asleep!
    enjoy your day everyone my hugs and cuddles are in the corner just help yourselves there are plenty more.
    With love
    Margaret xxx

  19. Oops sorry the leaves are Spellbinders too. xx

    1. Margaret that such a lovely story re:- the card. It makes it so worth while when people appreciate what you do for them. xxx

    2. Margaret, Isn't it lovely when you get such wonderful response. I bet you were walking on air. her response was the best kind of thank you anyone could wish for. xxx

  20. Margaret. I feel better now knowing that a talented lady like you thinks like myself!!! I use the LOTV images that are coloured and ready to use. I did think you had coloured it yourself? I to try to make things easy when possible, I love playing and trying different die cuts, but images I just use ready to use. I am putting invites together I have only got the last few to do and I tell you I will be so glad it's getting boring now. Hazel x

  21. Hi Sandra and all the lovely coffee shop ladies
    Sorry I'm late today, I've been waiting for the plumber to come and service the boiler. He's a cousin so I just get am or pm as a time and he does all the family in the same day. If he goes to my other cousin first she always texts me when he leaves so I know he's on the way!
    Margaret your card is so beautiful, I'm not surprised the lady burst into tears, she must have been over the moon . I love your frilly boarder, must give that a go. I must investigate Lilly of the valley further, I have some Christmas toppers but must see what else they do as the images look lovely.
    Sandra I hope you are fully recovered now! What a start to the day.
    It looks like it's a day for meeting people and coffee today. I think the warmer weather is making people organise things. Mind you our forecast for tomorrow us dreadful! I've got the last few tubs to plant up so may do that this afternoon, that way I can keep an eye out for magpies! The air is thick with seeds flying around today so no wonder my eyes are itching and my throat is tingly! I've been busy this morning, I've made lemonade syrup ready for those long hot summer days! Flapjacks (just put some on the cake counter) and I've started some cake lace butterflies off to put on some cupcakes. I've just helped myself to some soup for lunch Sandra and money is in the pot. I'm just going to sit on the back door step in the patch of sunshine to drink my cup of tea. Give me a nudge if I'm in the way! See you all later.
    Love Diane xxx

    1. Janet:- hope the boiler was OK. I keep saying ours is needing replaced and I keep getting told by the engineer it's fine. The boiler we have seems to be one that was an excellent one that is not longer made.
      Oooo!!! will you be putting some Cupcakes on the counter?? I will have one of them if you don't mind. xxx

  22. Well had a lovely lunch with friends but nearly didn't get there. At the last minute I couldn't find my keys. I always put them in the same place but last night for some reason I didn't. Found them eventually. It was ok as we usually meet about 11am and have coffee and a catch up on all the news. Some stop for lunch afterwards and some don't. I always stop for lunch as it saves cooking in the evening. My Happy Birthday die came today. The one I won from Sue Wilson so have been trying it out and have put it on two cards I had already made. I think it was Myra said it was a nice size and it is. Well will have a cup of tea and a piece of Victoria Sandwich and put the money in the pot. Be back later I hope.

  23. Good afternoon ladies,
    It feels like it should be bed time! Oh my goodness what a stressful start to the day, I ended letting the girls go back yo bed for a few hours and then paul took them into school a bit late, they corrected me, I was up at 3.50 am as Milo was dancing around my head, so I got up, sorted the card out and went back to lie down, it takes me quite a while to get comfy enough to try and relax and to get my breathing under control as my heart seems to race when I get out of bed at that time, mainly due to pain I believe, anyway, I no sooner closed my eyes than the alarms went off, it was according to paul and girls about 4.20 am, goodness me they are a grouchy bunch at that time of the morning, Lucy was upset that we couldn't find Bella! Needless to say I have a delightful headache and my ears are still ringing!
    I went to switch the laptop on this morning and goodness me we seem to have a problem, I managed to get onto google but all of these boxes kept popping up saying malware gas been detected, I logged out of google to find my home screen FULL of little pop up boxes saying "make you PC faster call 0203..." Or
    "To fix this error call0770.....) , there mugs gave been 40 of them in 10 mins, so I am guessing that the girls have bought a virus in with something they have downloaded, it had disabled our security thingy and deactivated our pop up blocker! So I have managed to run Avast and it has detected loads of 'malware' but has taken hours, it is now doing a 'Boot scan' and has found loads more all seem to be called "Win32 -Adware or "Win 64 Browse fox" , I can see 7 more on the screen and it's only 3% done!
    Then my mum just called to tell me her Boiler has packed up and she has no money to get a new one, I don't have a spare £30 to give her let alone £3000!
    I think I would like to restart this day again!
    I am so pleased you all loved Margaret's card!
    See you later,

    1. Oh! Sandra, not a good day at all!!!
      Tell you what I have NOT a clue what you are talking about as far as "computer speak". I am so, so stupid in that area.
      Hope I have not disturbed you is you were having a little sleep. xxx

    2. Sandra if your mum is on a pension and on her own I am sure she might be entitled to a grant? If I remember rightly the old lady that lived beside a friend got one? It's worth a phone call to likes of citizens advice? They can even maybe put you on to some one. That's a lot for a boiler as I know Gillian wasn't much more than that for her whole system. That's like gas board costs, and they are always dearer, as for Internet I haven't a clue. But I wonde if the alarms and Internet are connected, you might have had a power sruge!!! Hazel x

    3. Sandra. Google " is my mother entitled to a grant for new boiler" and it tells you that she could easily if she is in receipt of benefit and her boiler is over 8 or 10'years. Look it up. Hazel x

    4. Sandra, you could also ask Age UK ( or is it Age Concern) they would be able to tell you what Mum is entitled to. LOL xxx

  24. Hi Sandra
    Hope that your not to worn out from yesterday. Well we've not had the Internet until now. I've been out since 9.45. Took the car in fir new tyres, disc brakes and pads. Met friends in Witney for coffee just after ten. The garage rang to say they couldn't find my wheel nuts, I never thought of looking for it. Anyway they found two, but would you believe one doesn't fit my wheels and that's the newer looking one.
    Margaret your card is fabulous, I just love the flowery die you've put the topper on. I don't have this die but I've borrowed Sandra's. No wonder the lady was in tears, it's simply gorgeous. Will read all the news later.

  25. Hi Sandra and everyone in the coffee shop,
    Hope you and the family have recovered after your early morning call with your alarm. Not the best way to start the day. Take it easy to day honey.

    MARGARET, Your card is gorgeous, love the stamp and the flowers - in fact love it all. Thank you for shareing with us LOL

    LYNDA hope you and Terry are Ok. Also DIL and little Harry you certainly have had your hands full. Sending you both gentle hugs. Xx

    CHERYL Is it only this blog you cannot get on to? I have to be signed into Google before I post otherwise my message goes into Cyberspace !! So I type something like HI then PRESS PUBLISH then I am asked to sign in and can then leave a message. I have also had problems with Windows 8.1 on my laptop it would not let me on the internet after an update. I had to uninstall Norton, then try to access a web site or blog. I found I could. Then reinstall Norton. It has happened once since the first fix. But I went through the same series of events and it worked. Hope one of the above is of help to you.

    I started to post at 8:30 this morning, that post went into cyberspace. Started this on at about 10:30 had almost finished when OH said can you spare a minute. !!!!

    SABA thank you for the kind offer to send your feathered friends by Pigon Post my dear OH said you don't have go to all that trouble as we already have quite a few Pigons. But if we send you Mr Squirrel (he could bring a companion with him) then you would definitely be Pigeon free. LOL

    Sending hugs to everyone, might need to drop in later and see how much is left in that tanker. Brenda xxx

    1. The post above took me so long to complete. I had to turn on laptop to see what had been happening during the day. Oh and we went out to lunch in the meantime. ........... How did I ever cope holding down a fulltime job, husband, two daughters and a mother in law (who was a
      wee bit demanding) all at home. XXXX

  26. good afternoon everyone - Margaret your card is just devine, I love the colourway and the image is a favourite of mine - we used this image at my class a few weeks ago to make a Christening card- Sandra you have not had a very good day at all, I do hope you can get help for your mum, she must be eligible for a grant, They seem to be knocking all the time giving grants away and when you need the info non one is on hand - hope you have a better night tonight - just hate it when everything is "all a jumble" in the morning, that's what I call it when I have to jump up - feel like jelly for a bit. Hope everyone is having a good day - at least the sun is shining and the cold wind has moved away (hope it stays away) my two little dogs are lying in the sun and have been very quiet all afternoon, We will take them for a good walk later, Take care everyone - From Jean x

  27. Hi Sandra
    My you did have a bad start to the day, what with your alarms etc. hope that you managed to get back to bed for awhile. Your Mum might be able to get a grant from the government if she's on a benefit. Our friend Tom got one but had to wait awhile as they only have so much money allocated every year.

  28. Hi Sandra and all,
    Margaret this card is stunning, I love it ! Dies, flowers and picture are all fabulous together. Love LOTV, miss the books you could colour in yourself but this is so much easier. It is so sweet! will have a look later, my SIL having a grandson in July so that would be ideal.
    Sandra ,bless you I hope the ringing in your ears has quiet down by now. How are you feeling in yourself ? glad you managed to see the other girls yesterday.
    Lynda I hope you got someone else too to help out with baby Harry today ?
    He is gorgeous but it will be harder now when he started walking. :-) Shame I don't live closer, I love little ones.
    I too have a wardrobe full of clothes in four different sizes , so that need to be sorted. Did our shoes last week so that is one big bag for charity. I hope you didn't fall in Janet and ended up in one of the stores , or we have to buy you back quick!
    Has been a long day, was up all night as some already know . 8.30 in the gym then shopping after at Waitrose, free coffee and daily paper reading. Two machines done and hung out and now time to cook dinner so I see you maybe later. Hugs all around Maria xx

  29. Hello again ladies,
    Oh Sandra what a day you are having. Hope you manage to get your laptop sorted and that you manage to find a solution for your mum.
    Margaret, you are so very kind and much as I would love one of your bags I think it would be unfair of me to expect you to send it to Germany. You are very welcome to have my email address though, Patricia, and Hazel both have mine as well and I am sure wouldn't mind passing it on. Sandra also has it but I wouldn't want to trouble her at the moment. Maureen and Myra do too for that matter.
    Diane, hope your Magpie hasn't been back. My pigeons have!!! I didn't see them, but there is further evidence to prove they were here.
    Brenda, much as I would love your Mr. Squirrel, I think on reflection he wouldn't be happy here. I would just feed him and I am sure he much prefers the challenges he gets from you.
    I didn't get very far with my wardrobe sorting I am afraid. I did take out my definitely keeping pullovers all which I have washed ready to go back, but it's the piles of perhaps, maybe, possibly ones I am struggling with. I have found a cardigan with holes in though that I think can go, so it's a start. I shall of course cut off the buttons.
    Off to think about dinner now. Salad with goodness knows what. Just have to see what's in the fridge.
    Be back later.
    Saba xxxx.

    1. Saba if it's a perhaps, maybe or you haven't worn it for over a year, it's time for them to go! As I can tell you they will still be in the cupboard next year having not been worn. I did my fleece jackets the other week, looked at them and said I haven't worn it for over a year, and the winter is the time I would have worn it, so it was in the bag. Woolies were the same, I wear 100% wool or a mix of cashmere and merino wool, but have bought others that just haven't been worn this winter, as I found them not so cozy, so they went to the charity bag. I even sorted out my summer ones, and a good few of them went, no regrets. Trousers and leggings the same. My thermal laying tops are going to be sorted at some point as I know there are ones that just weren't warm, no point of keeping them. Be strong you will feel better, a good clear out does you the world of good. Hazel x

  30. Grabbing time to myself for a wee while. Thomas and Grandpa are off on their bikes. We bought Thomas his new bike last September for his birthday. Request tonight ...... Grandpa I think we need to raise the seat ...... Yes!! they did. Oh! My! Goodness, I wish they would stop him sleeping with his feet in a "GrowBag"
    Bye be careful I shouted as they left. Don't worry Granny I will look after him. I really meant the other way round!!
    SANDRA:- think it will be bed early for you tonight.
    SABA:- be STRONG .... LOL!! xxx

  31. Hi Patricia and any of the Late Night Ladies,
    I will be having a an early night you are right Patricia, my head is still buzzing!
    What a day, I am just going to eat a Mint magnum, have a cup of tea, them have a shower and bed!
    I am even tempted by Baileys tonight!

    1. Good night Sandra, sleep well ...... !!! see you in the morning.
      Good night all, God Bless. xxxx

  32. Good for you getting an early night, here's hoping you don't get a rude awakening tomorrow. Sleep well. Hazel xx

    1. Thank you Hazel, I am sorely tempted to leave all the alarms off tonight, but that just a ridiculous idea, I don't know what I will do if it happens again, they haven't peeped all day though so hopefully no problems,
      one thing that did worry me this morning was the guy that came out didn't even check to see if it was carbon monoxide, he just cut the batteries and removed one out of the link, no checks, the CM sensors were going off too! well I will bid you goodnight, sleep tight!
      love and hugs

  33. Hellooooo!
    Just had a quick read! Wow it's been an eventful day!
    My visitors eventually arrived at 11 10am and have literally just left! I am now one rather tired bunny but it has been a lovely day! Even if I did have to cook!
    Just loaded the dishwasher for the final time today and sat down to see what you have all been up to!
    Oh Sandra! Your day did not get better did it! I do hope you have a good sleep tonight. Sorry about your Mum's boiler and I hope she is able to get some help!
    I think everyone is having an early night!
    I haven't checked emails today either.
    So sorry Cheryl can't get on the blog! Please tell her we miss her.
    Lots of love,
    Myra xxx

  34. Hello Sandra & all ladies
    good night Sandra sorry you had such a bad day with your rude awakening hope everyone has a good sleep tonight bet the girls were tired at school it wasn't Friday the 13th was it. Your poor mum she should get onto citizens advice to see if she can get any help,that's a lot of money.
    Thank you all for your consern about me gowing awol. We are home now well about an hour ago.Sam's mum is back from holiday now so she is taking over tomorrow looking after her & Harry untill Darren gets home from pleased I have got to go tomorrow as very tiering without the journey there & back each day from 7am. I didn't mind helping out really but gosh I ache so much.
    Margaret your card is amazing so beautiful just love everything about it, your so multi talented xx
    Well I will read a few comments then I think my bed is calling as will have to catch up with house work & washing & ironing ooo don't like the sound of that haha. Well I was going to have a Baileys but the tanker is dry not a drop left
    Maureen has Muriel or Daffy drunk it all.hihi. Maureen I found you on Pinserest but no cards.
    Good. Night all not many night owls awake today see you all tomorrow
    . Love Lynda xx

  35. Hello Myra,
    I have only just come back in too. Thought I would see what had been happening but it looks like everyone is having an early night too.
    Glad you enjoyed your day with your visitors, mind you it sounds like you should be hopping off to bed too.
    Peter has gone out to the pub, I cannot for the life of me understand how anyone prefers the pub to getting showered putting on pyjamas and settling down with a book and a nice glass of wine. He doesn't go very often but as it is a bank holiday here tomorrow for Ascension Day he thought he would go and see if his friends were out too. Could be a late one.
    I do hope Cheryl can get her access onto the blog sorted. I feel so sorry for her being able to look in but not comment.
    Right I am going to post now before you go to bed otherwise I will have missed you.
    Love and hugs
    Saba xxx

    1. Hello!
      I keep missing you and will email soon! I'm quite tired tonight but buzzing - if you know what I mean! I need to sit and relax before I can go to bed or I'd just toss and turn! Alastair is reading The Times as he hasn't had a chance all day! I think he felt sorry for me as he emptied the dishwasher for me and tried to reload it! One of the glasses was in the right way up instead of upside down - but he tried! Tomorrow I need to do that thing you tell me not to do - ironing!!
      Aren't you having fun with pigeons! Is this something new this year or have you had the problem before?
      Myra xxx

  36. Hi I am still awake but think I will turn in soon as it has been a tiring day and I woke up too early this morning. Did the first Craft session tonight (14 turned up). So I found that a bit stressful. Anyway they all said they enjoyed it. That was a relief. See you all tomorrow unless there is still someone here and if so I will have a chat. Still no sign of Norah unless I have missed a post from her.

  37. Hi Brenda,
    I'm so glad your class went well because I think you put an awful lot of work into it. I'm so pleased they all enjoyed it! Xxx

  38. Thank you Myra. I was relieved when they all said they enjoyed it and thanked me. No confidence that's me. Glad you had a good day.

  39. Thanks Brenda! I'm tired now but it's good when things come together and in my case dinner went well and I don't think I've poisoned anyone!
    I think teaching grown ups can be quite difficult as they are so critical sometimes! Whereas the children I do crafting with just enjoy it and their enjoyment is infectious. I'm pleased your class went well and hopefully it will be easier next time. Xxx

  40. Hello you two,
    Looks like you are the only two still up.
    Brenda, so glad your class went well. You are an amazing crafter so it's no wonder they enjoyed it. Well done.
    Myra, this is the second year we have had problems with pigeons. Prior to that we have never had any trouble with them trying to nest. Last year we came back from holiday to find one had actually laid an egg and I don't know who was more shocked when we unlocked the balcony door. It didn't end well for the poor pigeon though, Peter was ruthless. I felt so sorry for her, she hung around for hours cooing before she finally realised her egg had gone for good and left.
    I am hoping this year I can nip it in the bud before we go away in a few weeks time.
    I am heading off to bed now, so I will say Goodnight and God bless, see you tomorrow. Love and hugs
    Saba xxx

    1. Night Night Saba and Brenda!
      Myra xxx

  41. Goodnight all Just got in from an unexpected night of Salsa

    1. Littlelamb- glad your class went well. You had a good turnout and I hope they all behaved themselves.
      Sandra-hope your mum got her boiler sorted. Spent all afternoon trying to put together a card for my mum ( mothers day),nearly there,yay tihi
      Myra-glad you had a good day, what was on the menu ?
      Not pigeon as they still haunting poor Saba, hope you back is getting better. Going up to a clinic tomor, no it's later again anyway I need some help with my neck and shoulders, for a little while it never last long and around £30 it's quite deep. All the dies I could buy instead lol.
      Lets us all have a break and a kitkat I think we need it
      Good night, hugs Maria xx
