
Thursday 14 May 2015

Brenda's Pretty Sympathy Card


Good Morning Ladies,
well, I said good morning yesterday and it really wasn't for us! My goodness I wouldn't wish that on my worst enemy, needless to say all members of our house were in bed early last night!
Just look at Brenda's beautiful 'all white' Sympathy card.
I can see that Brenda has used one of the New York Dies, (Creative Expressions) and Striplet Dies (also Creative Expressions), the Camellia Flower Dies too!
They all look so effective cut out in all white, the recipient will love this card, something to really brighten a dark time in someone's life, Sympathy Cards don't always have to be sombre!
Thank you so much Brenda (littlelamb) for sending me this photo to share with all of our friends
here in the Café!
Thank you very much for all of your tips regarding Mum's Boiler, I emailed my sister (who is currently living with my mum with her boyfriend, I thought that they could go through the process of enquiring whether Mum qualifies for a grant, I think she only gets her state pension, (which isn't a lot) so I would like to think she could get some help, as that is a huge outlay for someone on just a pension! Keep your fingers crossed!
For our lunch today, we are having the first of our home grown produce, we picked some lovely Rocket and Mixed Salad leaves from the polytunnel last night, I will cook some eggs that a lovely man at the allotments gave us from his chickens, they came with complimentary poo!!!!  I always think that things taste so much better when you have grown them yourself, do you? How many of you grow your own???
Well I am going to finish some cards today, I tried yesterday, but no mojo, I think it ran off when I opened all the windows when the alarms where going off!
love and huge hugs to all of my lovely friends, Welcome also to any new ones, come on in and join us, you won't regret it!


  1. Good morning Sandra and the Coffee Shop Gang, hope you are all well today.
    SANDRA:- hope you had a good sleep and are TicketyBoo today???
    Don't grow our own here, we do eat lots of fresh fruit & Veg thanks to all our Farmer neighbours. All boxed and ready for collection at the press of a button.
    BRENDA:- your card is absolutely STUNNING. Change the sentiment, they design can then be used for many occasions.
    Right if I am first in I have done everything, cakes looks great. Just had some Tea & Toast for now will be back later to try some of the cakes.
    Nothing much on the cards here today but will find plenty to do, never fear.
    I hope all my Coffee Shop friends will be in to us all know how they are. xxx

  2. Morning Sandra and all. I am running a tad late this morning. I don't have to be in till 7.30, I know it only 15mins difference, but on saying that I decided that the alarm could be set for 6 instead of 5.15. In the hope that I would wake up somewhere between those times, I did 5.55 not really what I had planned. 5.30 is what I should have set the clock. I just feel that Charlie gets disturbed with the alarm at 5.15, he doesn't have to get up at that time, so me being me thought that I would naturally wake up as I do most of the time, like weekends!!., anyway my routine is out, I am all ready but just not functioning on all cylinders, as one would say.
    Brenda, your card is stunningly beautiful, all those dies work together. I agree these kind of cards don't have to be somber, but instead be beautiful and this one is perfect.
    Sandra, if your mum get pension credit top up, which I would say she might be, she is entitled to help. The only down side could be your sister living there , as that might change things. You are so right to get them to sort it out, they are living there so they should help out in any shape or form!!.,., you have enough to worry about. ( I know she is your mum) but you are not her only one. The others have to help.
    It was very quiet in here last night, I think we had a lot of early bedders? Or was it you didn't want to disturb Sandra and family?
    Saba. I hope you will be brave today and go sort out those wardrobes etc.
    Myra. Is it an easy day for you today, after your long one yesterday?
    Maria, I hope you get your neck and shoulders sorted. Better to spend the money on getting them sorted,,as if your in pain you can't really play sorry craft.
    I treated myself to the butterfly die yesterday. Went for glue came back with a die as well. Adrian ( craft shop owner) was showing me beautiful 300 gm double sided A3 card, oh boy was I tempted at 25 sheets for £12.95, it was a good buy. I am sure it was from creative expressions. I had to say no so didn't take to much notice who it was from. He had so much new things in it was difficult, I am back in tomorrow so I will have to be strong. Oh well I'd better make a move, I am only in for a short time at work today, long enough to get Anna over to get her lift to school, then again at night to pick her up, daddy is in Edinburgh today interviewing so he should be home around 5.30, but then again he could be later it all depends on the bridge traffic.
    Right money in the pot and I will be in later. Hazel x

    1. Hi Hazel
      I Purchased The Beautiful Butterfly Die From Our Sue,
      I Didn't Realise They Did A3 Card 300gsm, The Last I Purchased Was From Crafters Companion When They Used To Show It On Create And Craft They Used To Hold One Sheet In One Hand And Say Look At The Standard It Doesn't Give Way At Either End, It Lays Straight (RUBBISH) When Mine Arrived I Didn't Use Straight Away And When I Did Open It Was More Like (PAPER).
      It Was Not 300gsm I Complained And Louise The Lady Who Does All The Colouring Etc: She Spoke To Me She Wasn't Interested And Said I Was Obviously Wrong It Was 300gsm But I Assure You It Wasn't
      I Don't Purchase From Them Anymore So I'll Have To Check Out Creative Expression A3 Card I Already Purchase There Foundation Card From Joanna Sheen Which Is Wonderful.
      I'm Really Rambling This Morning Forgive Me.
      Hugs From Sam xxx

    2. Sam it might have been crafters companion as I said I didnt take to much notice and having just been in my craft room/ spare room I have found the packet with crafters companion A3 and I think that's who has made the one Adrian showed me. I found that with it as well it was not 300gm as it said so I will double check and if it is the same I will tell Adrian as he would hate to sell something that it's not what it says. So sorry if I have confused you any one. I will look at Joannas thank you. I think that's what great if a crafter tells you it's goid you know it will be good, and if they say no I wouldnt use it again, it tells you to think twice. So thank you for that. Hazel x

    3. Hazel, Think it might be Carfters, I got some of there A3 card. Which I love and have used lots. xxx

  3. Hi Sandra And My Dear Friends,
    Sandra Try And Take It Easy,
    BRENDA Your Card Is "Truly Magnificent, Outstanding"
    I Just Love It.
    Like Patricia Mentions Your Card Could Be Used For Many Occasions With A Change Of Sentiment Its "Truly Beautiful"
    Sandra Please Take Care Sadly We Don't Have An Allotment Or Anything Like That, And Myself And Lyndon Really Like Our Garden With Flowers And Lawn, Boy's Are Not Allowed On There Own As For Some Reason They Just Love To Dig Up The Lawn, And Seem To Think It's Funny When We're Chasing Them Around So We Had A Small Wall Built And Concreted Area So I Could Wash Down, So No Place For Anything To Produce Our Own Vegetables Or Salads.
    Well Alarm Fitting Went Well Our Neighbour Whom We Don't Talk To Apart From Morning, He Came Out To Have Good Look Round And When The Young Man Who Was Showing Us How The Cameras Works Etc: Our Neighbour Appeared In His Back Garden In His Jogging Bottoms, Boots, Polo Top, And A Bright Yellow Hoody With Hood Up This Is In The Garden, And It Was Really Sunny, We Are South Facing So Get All The Sun In The Afternoon.
    So Myself And Lyndon Are Going To Become "Nosey Neighbours" Without People Realising It Lol!!!!
    Take Care All
    Love And Hugs
    From Sam xxx

    1. Sam, if you like fresh lettuce leafs we grow our in long flower boxes up on the wall, Charlie buys the mixed leaf mix and sows it in there and it great as you just mix what you need for the salad, when we start on the first box he then sows up another one and so on. I like it as you don't have to bend to pick or walk up between the rows. Hazel x

    2. Hi Hazel,
      As Always You Come Up With Fantastic Ideas We Must Give This A Try Thanks For The Tip We'll Definitely Use That One.
      Hugs From Sam xxx

  4. Morning Ladies

    Brenda-beautiful card & perfect for the occasion. For some reason I've never made a sympathy card-too difficult is my excuse.

    Sandra-hope everyone slept well last night. Hubby got his "choose + book" letter yesterday so his initial appointment is 2nd June so fingers crossed he's OK until then.

    Well-we have a sunny but breezy day which will be perfect for my washing to get dried. Am going to pop into Southport then take a lot of unwanted items to the Animal Rescue charity shop. Perhaps after lunch I might even start making a card...!!!


  5. Janet Ecco of Sheffield14 May 2015 at 08:25

    Morning one and all
    In need of my large latte this morning.
    I don't know why but I woke up every couple of hours through he night. This is most unusual for me these days as my meds take me through. Maybe it's because of the change in meds but that was a week ago. So certainly not functioning well at the moment.

    We had a glorious day here yesterday but once again there are grey skies and a cool wind. All I can say is roll on June when I can get some warm weather. Sorry I know it's no confort to you my lovely friends.
    Brenda your card is just beautiful in every way. I never send dark cards on these occasions. I always try to lighten and celebrate in a very gentle way by not putting 'with Sympathy or a printed verse. I always write a note inside'. One of my friends lost her husband last year and afterwards said when I saw her after that my card was still on the mantle piece because it didn't look like a sympathy card and it gave her comfort looking at it. I couldn't have wished for a better compliment.
    Sandra Oh home grown is definitely best. There's nothing better than picking veg etc from the garden and using it immediately. The taste is so different. I only wish we could do it here.
    I haven't made my mind up what's happening today. We are going to see our local Amdram tonight so this afternoon will be resting.

    Latte was just the job. Money in the pot. Cup washed and put away.
    Hugs are in their basket. Hope to see you later.
    Janet xxxx

  6. Hi Sandra and all the lovely ladies
    Brenda what a lovely card today just right for a sympathy card or any other occasion. I must admit I usually buy sympathy cards because they are a difficult card to send, but also because I send them as soon as possible so by the time I have thought and faffed it is too late! Brenda's I think the New York collection is just right as a card base and layers and you can do your 6x6 cards with it too. Thank you so much for sharing it with us. Xxx
    Sandra I hope you had a better nights sleep last night. Your computer sounds like my cousins, she regularly arrived with it for Julian to sort out and it's usually malware which her granddaughters have picked up whilst downloading stuff from music sites etc. each time Julian tells her to not to let them do it, but each time they ignor her so a few months later she's back with her laptop! Perhaps it's because they know he will sort it, if she was paying they might take notice! Sorry I didn't call in last night, I went to card club and we were chatting so didn't get home until 11.30. I fell asleep going through the comments before I could add my own! I hope your mums boiler gets sorted, I'm sure she should get a grant or something to help her. It's worth getting a quote from a local gas fitter too as they are so much cheaper than British gas. We had our boiler replaced a few years ago before the regulation changes came in so it's one Steve can get replacement parts for if necessary. He kept our old one going with reconditioned parts fro boilers he was replacing until it got to the point where too much needed sorting and a new one was cheaper and more efficient.
    Well so much for the torrential rain they forcast for today, it's just gloomy at the moment. I'm off out this afternoon for afternoon tea with some old work friends - I don't think it's summer dress time though!, more like log fires in the lounge! We try and meet up every few months for a natter so it will be good to see them. It's definitely not diet day for me today although I will probably miss lunch and I'm usually so full after tea I will have a slice of toast later in the evening!
    Well I hope everyone has a good day today, Maria you do need to get your back and neck sorted and Saba keep moving gently, don't go wildly flapping your arms at those pigeons will you.
    We grow a few vegetables in a large wooden trig that Julian gave me for my birthday last year. I works really well and this year I am trying beet root for the first time. I've planted carrots and radishes leeks, peppers, tumbling tomatoes and salad leaves so it holds quite a lot and is just right for the three of us. I've also got a cucumber plant but usually loose out yo the slugs so I'm not holding my breath! We have also got a few strawberry plants and a black currant bush so we don't do too badly. We had to cut our apple tree down because it had a fungus that affected the apples, I miss the apples but not the wasps! I've just replanted my herb tubs too so it will be interesting to see if the new stacking tubs work well for them.
    Right I've washed my tea cup up - must say these new tea bag selections are lovely Sandra. I've put my money in the pot. Must get myself going now and clear up the trail of devastation the other two have left behind this morning!
    See you all later.
    Love Diane xxx

  7. Morning Sandra and the lovely cafe crew,
    Brenda what a WOW card this is and as the other ladies have said, change the sentiment and it would be perfect for any occasion. I see Debbie Stevens (paperpastimes) has join the Creative Expressions Team and what a wonderful asset she will be....her cards are just stunning!
    Hope you managed to get some well needed rest yesterday Sandra.
    This is just a quickie so will pop back later.
    Have left hugs in the basket for anyone who needs them.
    Take care.

    Love and hugs
    Sheila xxx

    1. That's good news Sheila, Debbie makes lovely cards! Xx

  8. Well I needed my cup of tea, I worked all of an hour from leaving here to getting home again. But since coming home I have been trying to find the spare bed, now it's a 3/4 size so not just a single, well there was boxes with card and papers, a box of bits, one with tissue, 2 die boxes, and other bits. Oh I must be more tidy, but I hate having to keep getting boxes out every time I am needing it when doing something like the invites. Any way it's put away and things like the gullotine is out of harms way! The boys are sleeping here on Saturday night so had to find the bed for Calum to sleep in. The boys know not to touch but you never know and I would rather not take the risk. The paper bin is now I bit fuller. Right I'd better go get Mr Dyson working.
    Yes Sandra we will miss our home grown veg, tomatoes, peppers this year, Charlie isn't doing anything with us being away and we have got so much going on this year. Will likely regret it later. Hazel x

    1. Hazel, your spare bed sounds just like mine. I also have numerous craft boxes under the said 3/4 bed and the spare wardrobe is slowly filling up with crafting things too. It's a nightmare clearing it away when we have visitors to stay.

    2. There is a single bed in my craft room! Oh dear! At the moment it's not looking much like a bed! Thanks so much for reminding me - I think! Xxx

    3. Haha there's a single bed in our spare room somewhere ! It's under piles of "stuff". We have a major panic when someone comes to stay!!! Xxx

  9. Good morning Sandra and the gang,
    Brenda your card is lovely. I agree a sympathy card doesn't have to be gloomy looking, rather it should bring comfort and yours fits the bill. They are so difficult to make.
    Sandra, let's hope today is a better one for you. We do grow some veg. We are lucky in that Peter's mum and sister live on what used to be a their farm and although no longer use the land, have a huge area of garden surrounding the house. We are a bit limited as to what we can grow there as we can only visit at weekends so it has to be things which the outside sprinkler can water and don't need too much attention. His sister keeps chickens there too so plenty of free range eggs. We only have a balcony at home however I have window boxes with rocket, miniature tomatoes and some herbs.
    Diane, I must say, if Peter gave me a Trig for my birthday it would note bode well for him!! You sound a bit like one of my friends who received a pair of Hunter Wellies as her wedding present, she was thrilled, I would have called off the wedding!!
    Maria I think £30 is good value if it helps to ease your neck and shoulders. Hope you feel much easier after it. Loved your Kit Kat comment last evening. I had a German friend who was always coming out with typically British sayings and catch phrases. It's not Cricket was one he used and it always made me smile. Peter speaks English with a yorkshire accent which amuses my British friends.
    It's a bank holiday here for Ascension Day so he is under my feet. Not only that but he has taken tomorrow off as well to turn it into a long weekend which usually means I shall be at his beck and call. Hey ho, roll on Monday!!
    Love and hugs to you all
    Saba xxxx

    1. When I visited Hazel in Germany and introduced me to her friend called Barbara, I thought she was English. When she went away Hazel told me NO!! she German. "You could have knocked me over with a feather"
      Do you use that phrase??? xxx

    2. SABA:- John is not guilty of buying me "silly"gifts BUT......!!!
      About 10 years ago he bought me a ... TEA SET ..... It has never been used and never will. Actually just had a thought ... I am off to box it up and take it to the Chartity Shop. I know it cost a lot of money but that's his problem. Oh! I would hate if that was a regular occurrence ... think it would "cause for DIVORCE!!!! xxx

    3. Patricia. You could always make candles in the teacups and give them as presents. I have made quite a few of these. Did some for Christmas presents last year and am always scouring charity shops for nice cups and saucers. You can even use little sugar bowls. They look very nice.

    4. Brenda! You took the words out of my mouth! I love making those and when the candle has been burned a tealight can be put in instead! Also used honey pots etc. Theyd be nice teacher's gifts for the boys to make too. Xxxx

    5. Oh! ladies, Glad I looked in, box sitting ready to go to Charity Shop ...... change of mind there. Thanks you for the idea, actually you have just reminded me of something. When Hazel and I were in Belfast we saw great idea....plate, saucer then the cup all made up to look like a "cake stand" Must have a get together with Hazel and see what we come up with. Could do that and use the cup at the top with a candle in it.

    6. Patricia, dry oasis (the sort used for silk flowers, as opposed to wet oasis which is totally different, sorry if teaching grandmother to suck eggs) in the tea cup to make little floral arrangements to give as gifts. If using the wet foam and fresh flowers, the saucer means there is no chance of water rings on furniture.
      Saba, George once bought me an electric iron for Christmas and when I threatened him with it he said "but you are always moaning about your iron". Rachel always went with him for my Christmas presents after that until she had children - I got some great presents then!!!!

    7. Hi Myra. Yes you could put a tea light i. But you can always start again and refill with candle wax. That's what I will do. PATRICIA. I haven't made the cake stands yet but I know a lady who does and also makes bird feeders out of bowls and cups etc., she also sells the handles, drill bits for the wholes etc., will check up on her website and give you here address. I found she lives a few roads away from my friend who I go to stay with (and do my pottery whilst there) in Essex. Wouldn't help you but she does demos at her home and the money goes to cancer research. Will check up for you.

    8. PATRICIA. Me again. If you put The CakeHole in Google you will find the web site. The Lady's name is a Theresa Egan. She has lots if photos on her web site. Enjoy looking. If only for ideas.

    9. Brenda! Me again!
      Thank you for that information above as I have trouble finding wicks of a suitable length for cups. I have been on the Site and it is lovely - clever lady! I ordered some wicks and some wax! It's so nice to share and benefit from others' knowledge. Xxx

    10. Hi Myra. Glad you found the site ok. She is a lovely lady. First found her as a friend bought me one of her candle cup and saucer for a Christmas presents and her address was on the box. Next time I was in Essex it coincided with one of her demon days so went along and bought lots of wax and wicks etc., she gives lots of helpful tips on the website.

    11. Forgot to say Theresa's garage is full of crockery which she sells at a very reasonable price.

    12. BRENDA:- thank you, WOW!! this Blog is the best ever!!
      When Saba mentioned silly/bad gifts I packed that Tea Set up. If I had not popped back to see what was going on I would never have learnt what I have. Thank you so much ladies I really appreciate all the information. . Now I know what I am giving for Chrsitmas Gifts xxx

    13. I was given one - cup and saucer candle for Christmas by a friend two years ago and that got me started as I had lots of nice odd cups and saucers which had come from my Mum, Grandma and goodness knows where all else! My DIL loves hers and still uses it with a tealight inside. Xxx. Totally agree fantastic blog for hints , tips and above all friends! Xxx

    14. How funny, and all because Julian bought me a Trug for my birthday present last year. He doesn't usually buy me practical gifts, unless you call dies practical! But we had been looking at them in the garden centre and drooling over how nice they were so he bought it to be kind as they were quite expensive. He always gets me a huge bouquet of flowers and bought me perfume too so it wasn't too bad. Love the idea of the cup saucer and plate cake stands and I must have a look at that website too. Xxx

  10. Yes I forgot about Barbara speaking with a prefect Norfolk accent, does the cross words with no problems you name it. It was often funny, as with living in an army town you would often get a grumpy German making a comment about " these English " Barbara would turn round and tell them if it wasn't for " these English" the town would be a poorer place. Hazel x

  11. Talking about the gifts that you just didn't want to receive!!! I laugh at Anna and Beths mum as she asks for these kind of gifts? She asked for a horse shower this year!!! She could have bought it herself just for buying it? Now would you moan if it was a new die cutting machine you got!!! Hazel x

    1. Hazel, makes you think!! Lesley asked for something for her "hobby"
      Yes!! we would all be delighted if we were given something related to "our" hobby. Horses for courses are they say!!! xxx.

    2. When I read that it made me smile as I read hobby horses! My husband would say I have several of those! Xxx

  12. Hi Sandra
    I must say how fabulous Brenda's card is. She is one talented lady. Well all the ladies on your blog are talented crafting ladies. I so love all the diverse talents they have. I just struggle on with a little help from my friends.
    We also have a large garden that Pete grows veg in. The only problem is that he grows load of onions, leeks etc, and they don't really agree with him since his operations. He just shrugs and says but I like them. He forgets that his only feeding two now. We currently have in the greenhouse, five cucumber plants and 6 tomato plants. Seeing as he's a meat and veg kind of guy even in the summer, he's always complaining that his veg doesn't get eaten. He always has at least 3 rows of cabbages, and theirs only so much cabbage you can eat. I know you can freeze veg down, but there's a limit to how many freezers you can have in a smallish house.

  13. Pat, we have the same problem with courgettes. Peter grows so many of them and they all seem to be ready at the same times and for a few weeks in the year it's courgettes at every mealtime. Luckily where his mum lives they are surrounded by family so they can share the courgette burden. Have you thought about putting them at the front of the house with a box saying please help yourself. I am certain there would be some very grateful takers. I think in some parts of the UK there are actual neighbourhood schemes doing that.

  14. Pat. That's the problem, he gets pleasure out of growing it but, not enough people to eat it.. I bet your neighbours love him for growing it? As I can see him taking them all little bags of goodies! The girls love the summer and I take "Charlie salad" to work, I laugh as their dad is a great cook but hates home grown veg etc incase there are crawly things in it. How stupid is he? It's home grown he knows where it's been grown and how! I liked how your eggs came with extras bits on the shells Sandra ? That's the nice thing about true free range ones. Nothing nicer than going to the nesting box and getting the eggs. Hazel x

  15. Hello Sandra and everyone in the coffee shop,
    Sandra, I hope today is going better for you than yesterday. You must have been totally exhausted last night. So let's pray today will be a nice calm and peaceful day. LOL
    BRENDA, Your card is beautiful, and would be so adaptable than many other occasions. I think it's a lovely idea to make a card like this as a sympathy card, I will certainly borrow this idea (if you don't mind) next time I have such a card to make. Thank you for your wonderful inspiration.
    I hope everyone is having a good day, it's raining here so no Gardening today. I am just doing some baking now and afterwards will probably disappear into my craft room.
    Enjoyed my coffee and tea cake. Will be back later.
    Love and Hugs to all, Brenda xxx

    1. Thank you Brenda. No I certainly do not mind you copying my card. I will put a message on later to say what dies I used. I usually do white cards for Sympathy cards with a little hint of colour.

  16. Well its a grey. miserable, cold, rainy day, but today I received through the post a HUGE RAY OF SUNSHINE!!!! Thank you so very much Myra, your parcel was like receiving a HUG from a very dear friend! Myra sent me the new range of Die cuts from Sue's new dies, butterflies, happy birthday, dandelions to name a few, but also in the parcel was a Beautiful plaque and a pretty little sunflower card!
    I can honestly say that as a recipient of a RAK (random act of kindness) card, it is hugely uplifting!
    Thank you so very much Myra, you are such a sweetheart!
    love you millions

    1. So pleased it arrived safely! Just a wee thanks for all you do!
      You are so welcome! Xxxx

    2. Yes Sandra these are acts that you can't put a price on. Enjoy our gift you deserve a ray of sunshine. Hazel x

  17. Ladies
    I have just finished a few jobs. Decided to swop winter for summer quilt (summer arrived a couple of days ago and already we are seeing temperatures of up to 25c) when I unpacked the summer quilt though it looked a bit dingy so I have shoved it in the washing machine and am waiting for it to finish, I do hope it doesn't bug...r my machine and hopefully it will dry for tonight as I have already stripped the bed and put the winter quilt in a big bag to take to the cleaners tomorrow - that one is definitely too heavy for my machine. Can't understand why I hadn't had the summer one to the cleaners before packing it away but not to worry.
    Anyway that's not what I came on to tell you about. Whilst at Ally Pally I bought a spellbinders die. It's called a card creator. It's a 6 x 6 die and the idea is it cuts out a square with two smaller squares within it which only cut on 3 sides so they open up like flaps. It also has holes all around the 3 squares which don't cut, they emboss and that is the reason I bought it, not to use as a cutting die, but to use the holes instead of my Tim Holz ruler to do piercing around a square without having to line up the corners. I hope that makes sense. Well I have just used it on a card as a pricking tool and it works brilliantly. By anchoring it on on a piece of card through a pricking mat at all four corners you can prick all the way around the square perfectly. No uneven holes and no wobbly lines. It is Spellbinders Card creator S6-031 if anyone is interested. There are five square sets of holes in it but theoretically once you have started a row you could make the square bigger or smaller just by moving it and lining your already pricked holes up.
    I bought it through Creative expressions as they had it on special offer, I think I paid about £16 for it but have since seen it for about £21. So if anyone is interested try creative expressions and see if they still have it on offer.
    Bye for now

  18. Hello Sandra and Wveryone!
    Well, despite my best intentions - I'm late - again!
    Life is fell of interruptions ! Perhaps it would be a rather lonely place without them ,however, so mustn't complain!
    Brenda - your card is beautiful! It makes a perfect sympathy card and they are hard to find! I , too, often end up buying one as I want to send it off more quickly than I can make one! I shall try to make some along the lines you have and leave the sentiment off and then it can be added to suit the card! Does that make sense?
    We have a dry but chilly day here in our corner of Lancs. I am washing and ironing (close your ears Saba! ) and my husband is car washing!
    Saba - going to look for your card creator, sounds very interesting!
    It's so long since I read the messages on the way down I'll have to start again!
    Old age and interruptions are bad!
    Lots of love to everyone,
    Myra xxx

    1. Yes Myra that makes perfect sense to make the card and leave the sentiment off till needed. I make lots of cards but for some reason I do not like making Sympathy cards in advance but that is a good idea, must do that.

  19. I think I'll just go to bed!!!
    What on earth is Wveryone? Should be Everyone!
    Life is fell of interruptions?!
    It's also full of spelling faux pax! Xxx

    1. Hi Myra,
      I think it's just one of those days, it's so cold here too, been raining all day!
      Your parcel bought me sunshine and happiness though, so thank you so much!
      Did you make the sunflower on the card? It looks like the Martha Stewart paper Clay stuff I bought ages ago and never used!
      That heart plaque is beautiful too, it will take pride of place on my craft room wall!
      Love and hugs
      Sandra xxxxx

    2. Hi Sandra,
      You are so welcome and after yesterday you deserved something to make you smile! Yes the flower is made with Martha Stewart Clay and coloured with pro markers! I made clay flowers, butterflies etc with the children and they loved them . We turned them into Mother's Day cards. The plaque was my first try using washi tape as a bag ground. It is just a dull gold plain washi tape but I rubbed gilding wax on it! Everything else on it is just bits and pieces I had but since the flowers were fairly soft I put glossy accents over most of the embellishments and that helps a bit! Thought you'd like to see the size of the Happy Birthday die. Xxxx

    3. Done it again - back ground - not bag ground! Xx

    4. That jept happening to me last night Myra. As fast as I corrected one mistake a different one appeared. :-(

    5. See I have made another one. Kept.

  20. Good afternoon Sandra & lovely ladies.
    After the last few days of warm sunshine today is quite cold & very very wet in fact it's horrible. Well haven't had to be nurse made or baby minding today as Sam's mum has the job,will miss Harry but not the journey back & forth.
    Brenda your card is gorgeous I love white on white cards as everyone said just change the sentiment & could be for any occasion. Margaret not sure if you saw my late comment last night but i said your card was stunning loved everything about it. Got to try & get the christening cards done Sam now wants 1st birthday incorporated in & Harry James on them, so I sent her a picture of one I did & now Sam text me this morning to say she's now not keen on the black stamped image at the bottom she originally aske for,So I'm waiting for her to let me know what she wants as will have to do them all again from scratch also I haven't got the inside instuctions yet. & his christening is 7th June I don't think she realises how long it's going to take.
    Sandra how lovely of Myra too send you lots of Sue's new die cut's she is a special lady. Maria I hope your neck & shoulders feel a lot better after spending £30 it will be money well spent if it makes it easier with less pain. I know the feeling I'm going back to the doctors at 4pm to see if I can get something too help with the pain in my neck back feet & hands he will probably suggest putting me down haha.but hay ho will see.
    Maureen & Margaret I found you both on pinserest but you haven't put any cards on. Sheila I saw your flowers you made out of paper with Sue's new die on Pinserest yesterday they are gorgeous so pretty.You have made my mind up to buy the die.
    Hopefully see you all later love Lynda xx

    1. Oh Lynda, you too young to be put down yet ! so I hope the doc. can help you. and no more talk about ______even if I felt like it myself many, many times. Therefore being on this blog helps so we thinking of other things, just reading what our friends are up too makes me smile again.
      Thank you Sandra !
      Big gentle hugs for you Lynda, Maria xx

    2. Thank you Maria I'm not young like Myra hihi.Doctor upped my dose of Amitriptline & i have got have some blood test as well & given me Ibuprofen gel to rub in my neck excetra.
      Maria I hope you got on ok at the clinic.
      Gental Hug's love Lynda xx

    3. L Y N D A ,!
      Despite your cheeky remark, I'm glad you have got something to help the pain and I hope it works fairly quickly for you!
      I thought Maria and you were my friends! Well! Mind you she included you in the Biddies remark! Lol! Myra xxx

    4. Trust you to find me out Lynda the truth is I don't blooming well know how to put any cards on make comments or anything else all I have worked out is how to save things I have found and sometimes they don't always go where they should either. You are clever I cannot find anybody but I do know Myra keeps checking up on me but there is no Baileys!!!
      Margaret xxx

    5. Oh Margaret! You make it sound like Big Sister is Watching You! Xxx

    6. Lynda what ever you do don't come up here to see any medical people it was in our local paper that someone had to be re-admitted back to hospital, they had had an op and a swab was left inside! And there is more! A man went in to have an op on his leg guess what they operated on the wrong leg!!!
      I have told you before it is better going to the vets.
      Margaret xxx

    7. Not at all I just wish I could reply or converse etc with folks xxx

  21. Hello Sandra,
    I'm pleased you weren't rudely woken up early today.
    You know what, I've read all the comments and cannot remember what I was going to say.
    Lynda, clever you finding me, I can't find anyone except Myra!!!!
    I''m going until I can get my brain in gear and then will post longer.
    By the way, went to Lidl this morning, but Saba was right (darn it), the card isn't in yet!!!
    Muriel xxxx

    1. I don't know HOW!! to find anyone. Something to learn at the Retreat in October.
      Do think Friday - Sunday is going to be long enough. I feel we might need a WEEK!!! xxx

    2. Patricia! My husband has to eat! I will have to leave meals prepared. I know, I know - he needs to learn . Remember the programme Can't Cook - Won't Cook? Well he is in another category! -
      Has No Intention of Cooking! Xxx

    3. MYRA:- my husband can't cook either. However he is still alive when I return from any trips away with Hazel. Last year we were away on a 10 day trip. I was really worried but there he was a "picture of health" when I got back. Not only that the house was beautiful, clean & tidy ... they can do when they have to. xxx

    4. Yes I'm sure you're right Patricia. He certainly will keep the place clean an tidy and you are right he won't go hungry . Someone will take pity on him and invite him for a meal - that's happened before when my mother was ill and I had to go to Scotland. However he was still working full time then! Xxx

    5. John and Audrey do feed him a couple of evenings but they work funny shifts and its not alway suitable. Foreman grill and the Airfryer are the two best things I bought for him to use when I am away.
      I do leave some pre-cooked things that can go in the Micro. When I am away I just forget about John feeding himself, nothing I can do thousands of miles away. Am I a bad wife?? Oh! I hope not xxx

    6. No! We have just been born at a time when women did all these things! My Dad was worse but he never complained! He said to me that he should have learned things years before! Trouble was when he was trying to learn his memory was going! It wasn't a good combination. He was a good husband and Dad and I still miss him. Xxx

    7. I am lucky as Charlie does a lot of the cooking these days. Then again I did it for nearly 40 years apart from when we ran the ski/adventure training lodge and we had cooks, so in all fairness it's his turn now. I know he will see to himself no problem. The first time I went away many years ago for about a week to stay with Patricia and John, and left Charlie in charge of our three, they moaned when I got home that they had to eat beef burgers and fish finger all the time, as that's all he could cook then. Changed days as they often ask him to make them things for them to put in to there freezers. Hazel x

    8. I have to say Julian can cook and will sometimes cook at the weekends and can rustle up a roast but always tells me he will be fine, Chinese one say, curry the next, fish and chips, pizza KFC the list goes on!!xx

  22. P.s. Call me stupid, Brenda Littlelamb, your card is absolutely gorgeous, and as soon as I saw it I thought "Baby's pillow", so it would also make a lovely baby card. But as a sympathy card, it is so elegant, perfect and beautiful. xxxxx

    1. No Maureen,
      You have quite enough names for now! Anyway you're not stupid - well if you are I am too! Xx

  23. Hi Sandra and all dizzy biddies tihi, only joking!
    Black strong coffee needed, so tired can't understand why. Another joke hihi
    I had verbal diarrhea according to my OH yesterday, he actually told me to S...up in the end, oooh and I could hear myself going on too, It must be the meds or am I going dippy /ier lol
    Littlelamb--The sympathy card is gorgeous ! I'm not crazy on all white cards but this one is lovely put together. The Camellia flowers are real pretty too.
    We haven't got any vegs. or fruit growing any more. Had some in the beginning after bought the house but was more for Christian when he was young so he understood how things grow and the were not just something in a plastic box or wrapped up from the supermarket. When I worked in the school with the little ones and the didn't know what some fruit and vegetable were I felt quite sad.
    Spent the morning at Dobbies, I looked after a cat while a neighbour went away for the weekend so she wanted to take me out for a coffee as a thank you. She lives only two door away but we had not seen each other properly for ages so that was nice even with the rain coming down like no tomorrow. So glad I did the washing yesterday and hanged it out. Hope your Duvet get dry before bedtime Saba or it could be a bit damp hihi
    Anyone heard from Norah ? miss you!
    I got a appointment at the clinic for a assessment 5pm. Have not been there for a while, the price has gone up to £45, hope I don't need many sessions !
    Hope you are ok Sandra and anyone else with pain ,hubby's incl. feeling a bit better soon. Wonder how ToB is doing and Pat how is your leg ?
    Coffee finished, mug washed and put away. see you !
    hugs Maria xx

    1. Maria - if you are calling me a dizzy biddy - I would say it takes one to know one! Ha ha !
      I think we get some of your rain tomorrow! It has been dry here all day! Husband having snooze in chair after cleaning the cars! So it will definitely rain tomorrow! Lol!
      Hope your pain eases a bit Maria! Sending you hugs even if you did call me a biddy! That's what friends are for! Xxx

    2. Sorry Maria
      Meant to say that my leg is fine. It aches now and again. I'm off to the hospital on Monday. So I'm hoping the physio will sign me off.

    3. Hi Pat hope you have good news when you see the physio.

    4. Hi Maria. Hope all went well at the clinic today.

  24. Thank you all for your very kind comments about my Sympathy card. Thank you also Sandra for showing it. Hope it's given some of you ideas.
    I started with a 6x6 card and first put a SUE die. It's the largest die from the Italian Collection - Umbria. I then enbossed a piece of card with the Bed of Roses EF. I lightly coloured this with the Violet Tint Pan Pastel. Rounded the corners with the Cropodile. Then I used the New York Times Square set. The flowers are Camilias with the leaves that go with them. The Sentiment was also lightly coloured with the Pan Pastel. That's it. Not sure if the. sentiment is a JS OR All Occasions Die.
    Well after the lovely day we had yesterday it has been pouring with rain here all day but seems to have stopped now. Supposed to be nice again tomorrow.
    PATRICIA. I have left you a message further up about the cake stand fittings etc., ?Well I is so cold here, or I was I had to go and get a hot water bottle. Feeling better now.

    1. BRENDA:- (Littlelamb) thank you very much for that information. Had a quick look, I am difinitely going have a go at the Candle Cups. Will have a think about it and will probably have a go at the stands, especially for Christmas Gifts. xxx

    2. So pleased that you had a look at Theres's site. Her candle waxes smell lovely. They make lovely Christmas presents especially wrapped like Hazel does in cellophane. That's how Theresa does them.

    3. I really wish I lived within striking distance. I would have loved to see her work "up close" xxx

  25. Me again folks, if my friend Elaine arrives I will be missing the rest of the evening. She's not the most relatable person in the world except when we are going away on a "trip" then she's early.
    Be good if I don't get back in. Not too much shenanigans and leave the place Tidy please.

  26. Oh it looks like it's tea cup and candle wrapping for me this Christmas? I have an Art Deco tea set that would be lovely done as these! Been out for tea, just down to the fish restaurant, just had traditional fish and chips nothing fancy tonight, but was lovely. Now I am just sitting with feet up, can't say I have worked hard. Less than 2 hours today. But might have to do the Kinross run in the morning little Hazel, was sent home from school unwell so I offered to take anna and Sarah to school in the morning, if Hazel still isn't well enough to go. It's swings and roundabouts and a case of helping out. Beth had phoned Anna this morning, telling her they are having great fun, apart from they are made to do there school work. The deal was they had to get school work to cover for the days away - to true!!! I am not looking forward to this time next week as Beth will be so tired? Oh talking about Beth did any of you see that new little die cutting machine that spell binders were showing on create and craft this morning, I think she would love that, I might suggest to granny that she buys her that for Christmas and if she will. I will buy her some little dies. Can't out do granny, she doesn't like it??? I don't do buy them things to do that, I just buy what I know they like. Any way I am away to have the cup if tea Charlie has made me. Hazel x

    1. Hi Hazel. Yes I did see that little cutting machine. I was thinking of Scarlett but would have to keep it here as it might end up on E Bay:-(. I thought it was a bit silly that they were saying that children should be 14 to use die cutting machines. What on earth do they think they are going to do to themselves. Think It would be a good idea for Granny to buy it for Beth. Sorry if I have given you a job to do wrapping cup candles. They do make lovely presents though and knowing what you and
      Patricia are like at making things I just thought I would suggest it was a use for her tea set.

    2. Hazel,
      NO,NO NO. please don't do it if it is a genuine Art Deco. If it is in the style of, then ok but if it is from the Art Deco period it would be a sin! I adore Art Deco, and Art Nouveau and apart from the fact it can be quite valuable it is irreplaceable. I won't be able to sleep tonight.
      I had a look at the web site Brenda mentioned and the candle tea cups are lovely as are her cake stands. I can feel a new hobby coming on.
      Now ladies, if you get the chance to leave your Hubbies for a little while don't worry about them. They cope. Mine has to do it on a regular basis and he never looses any weight! He can't cook for toffee but he manages. He always appreciates me coming back - for a while at least.
      Myra, your comment about missing your Dad made me shed a little tear. My Dad was the sort who came home and dinner was on the table. Mum had neither a dish washer nor any help but when she became ill he came up trumps and started to learn. He was then on his own for many many years and although he would never have won master Chef he fed us well and coped and like you I miss him to this day. He was my rock.
      Right I am off to go on line and look at that little die cutting machine that Hazel mentioned. I couldn't check out C&C today with Hubby being at home, he would accuse me of being one of those ladies who watch shopping channels. Little does he know what goes on when he is at work!!!
      Will pop back later.

    3. Hello all in the Coffee Shop!
      I too have been on C&C as my two granddaughters love crafting. I have ordered what looks like a super little machine and they can have it between them for Christmas! Doing it that way means they will each get something else too! They can decide whether to leave it here or take it home. Annabelle is 16 so is perfectly capable of using it without supervision. I think they'll love having one a machine of their own and I can make up a little pack of bits to go with it! Thank you for the tip, Hazel! I'm rather pleased with that purchase! Xxx

    4. Hi Saba, C&C have exclusivity on the Sapphire machine, Christine, who comments on my blog from time to time is a Spellbinders Ambassador and told us about it on her blog today! This exclusivity thing really annoys me as they charge way over the odds as they know you can't get it anywhere else!
      Sandra xxxxHelp please!!!
      I have been trying this afternoon to use my Scored lines embossing folder, but every time I gave embossed (wasted 3 lots of card so far) the card is getting buckled somehow and won't lay flat! Now I gave used it before and don't recall having this issue, I have tried both blue and pink plates pink isn't thick enough to make an impression!
      Sandra xxxHelp please!!!
      I have been trying this afternoon to use my Scored lines embossing folder, but every time I gave embossed (wasted 3 lots of card so far) the card is getting buckled somehow and won't lay flat! Now I gave used it before and don't recall having this issue, I have tried both blue and pink plates pink isn't thick enough to make an impression!
      Sandra xxx

    5. Not sure what happened there, but now you have all the posts I couldn't post earlier!

    6. Hi Sandra,
      Joanne bought this EF when I was over and like you when she used it, it buckled the card. She managed to get it to flatten out only when she stuck it down on her card base using both double sided tape and some cosmic shimmer glue and she used her X Cut machine so I don't know if the sandwich on the GC would make any difference at all.
      Sorry can't be more of a help, I think this is maybe a problem with that particular pattern of EB.

    7. Hi Sandra. I am also annoyed that CC have exclusive rights to this little machine. It's the same as the Brother Scan n Cut. It was supposed to be for a year but they still seem to have exclusive rights to it. I have sent you two pics of my cup candles that we have been chatting about in here whilst you have been trying to post, in case you want to put them on the blog for the others to see.

    8. Hi Sandra don't worry I won't reply twice (I hope!!!). Have you tried spritzing the card with water before you emboss it? I remember Sue doing that in one demo and she said she should do it more often. It might have been that embossing folder, she used it but it wasn't on the show, she had prepped for a weekender but C&C changed if yo one day wonder. I hope that helps.
      Love Diane xxx

  27. Good evening Sandra and all the coffee shop crew
    So sorry I am so late but where does the time go, if anyone finds my time can they please return it or stop the world so that I can catch up.
    Brenda your card is absolutely divine and could be used for lots of occasions too, I do so love white on white, I always think it looks so rich and elegant.
    Well I hate to say this but I must go and get the ironing done I hate leaving it until the next day, then my bed will be calling.
    I will try my best to be a little earlier but do have a busy morning our daughter's house sale is due to be finalised so I have the job of handing over the keys etc as they both work out of town, then hopefully things may calm a little and get back to normal, ha ha whatever that is but we can hope!!!
    Good night and God bless
    Margaret xxx

  28. Evening all,
    oh Myra I'm definitely a dizzy biddy hihi I did say it was a joke, you know
    well, I have not done a jota since coming back from the blackberry clinic. what I thought would be a assessment turned into a full blown treatment and now feel 100% worse + headache. No pain ,no gain ey hihi Got some exercises to do and back again next week, not sure I'm looking forward to that one. He also wanted me to go back to doc. and ask for a scan as I might have RA in my neck and shoulders on top of the trapped nerve, so much fun lol
    Candle tea cups sounds a great idea .When I was home last year I brought back some ceramic tea/coffee mugs meant for little planters but so far nothing done so maybe make candle pots instead.
    Sandra, your card did you put the colour on the stamp before or after when it was stamped on the card. such a sweet stamp!
    Maureen, are you alright. Coping with the withdrawals ok ?
    I'm signing out for today only going for a quick visit to Sue's and then going to lay down. Good night my lovelies friends!
    love and hugs to all Maria xx

    1. Maria love, what have they done to you? Is it normal to have that amount of pain after one of their sessions? I do hope you manage to get a decent nights sleep. Night and God bless.
      Love and comfort hugs Saba xxx

    2. Maria my Dear, I knew you were only joking!
      I'm so sorry you are suffering so much pain. Whatever are they doing to you!
      I hope you sleep well. Night Night, lots of love, Myra xxx

  29. Good evening all the young ladies ....... And Myra! Haha sorry couldn't resist. I don't think anyone is an old biddy, you're only as young as you feel and sometimes that's 106!!!
    I've had a lovely day catching up with my friends and eating a very scrum my afternoon tea - in fact they provided us with goodie bags for any of the 8 cakes each we couldn't manage! The weather has been dreadful all day though which was a bit of a shame. Well it's quiet here tonight, I think it's because Maureen has given up drinking baileys! I think it's time I went to bed, I could do with an early night so I will say night night sleep tight, see you tomorrow.
    Sweet dreams love Diane xxx

  30. Hello night owls I've had a really frustrating day today what with prescriptions and opticians Work was a pain too! Away for weekend so don't know I'd I'll have Internet It'll feel like a part of me will be missing at the thought I'm sorry I've not had time to read everyone's comments
    BRENDA your card is superb and with a change of sentiment could be used for lots if occasions (like already's been said)

    1. We will miss you too Karen, have a lovely weekend though xxx

    2. Thank you for your comments about my card. Have a good weekend

  31. I don't know if everyone has gone to bed or not but I suddenly thought I could contact Cheryl via Pinterest. So I tried and Cheryl has replied and said she is tearing her hair out trying to sort the problem out using Google Help Line. I thought I'd just let you all know. If you've gone to bed - night night , God Bless,
    Love Myra xxx

  32. I am still here. Lurking in the corner but I must turn in now. Have been busy die cutting for the plaques next week but not doing anymore tonight. As the dies I was using were small I am sure they would fit that new little machine and that would have speeded up the process.
