
Monday 4 May 2015

A quick trip to France anyone?? inside lovely Marigny!

Good Morning Ladies,
So today, this miserable Bank Holiday Monday, I thought what could be a better thing to do than pop over to France to have a sneak peek inside Janet's gorgeous French Country Home.
This first photograph is of the log burner in the kitchen with two really cosy chairs either side. It looks so cosy, I can just see you sat there with your Cross Stitch.

This photo is looking across from the log burner to the kitchen area, I love the Plate rack and the
storage cabinets, they are so typical of France, I can totally understand why you love being there.

This photo looks like its of the Conservatory, I love all the candles in those lanterns, i bet it looks so romantic at night. 

Just look at that lovely, comfy, patchworked chair, a lovely dresser too! Is that all of your Crafty goodies beside your chair Janet!

In this photograph, this lovely cupboard was made by Jim for Janet for her Craft goodies, isn't it amazing, this room is the Salon, it is so light and airy with those big windows, a lovely place to craft!

And Finally, The part of Marigny that we all love hearing about the gorgeous Friday treats from 
the Patisserie, my mouth is watering just looking at those delicious pastries!
Thank you so much Janet for letting us intrude in to your lovely French home, it is beautiful and homely and comfy and I for one could move straight in and feel at home!
Right back to reality, what are you all up to on this chilly Bank Holiday Monday, there is a May Day Fair on this afternoon at the Recreation Ground, trouble is its less of a May Day Fair and more of a Car Boot Sale these days! 
So i think maybe a Crafty day for me!
I hope you all have a good day, whatever you are doing!
Love and Hugs


  1. Good morning, Sandra and all who call into day! Will there be any new faces in the coffee shop? And will Laura, Johanna and Melody call in? I hope so, there is always room for more!
    Janet, thank you for allowing us to intrude into your little piece of heaven? I can see why you love going there? You can feel the relaxation of the place, and just so French!! Which is lovely to many times people want to change these little gems of places to something very English and modern, no it's lovely to see you have just made it very homely!!!
    I have set up everything for the day, so far so good the weather looks like it could turn out to be a nice day, I don't think we are doing much, then again the day is young! I know our Tammy, Derek and the boys are away to do a 6-7 mile walk, oh to be able to do that these days, my leg just wouldn't allow me to, but they are young and it's good for the boys too. We did offer for them to take Harris but they didn't take it up. Then again he would have been a bit uncomfortable in the back of their car as there boot is big but not deep in height.
    ((((((Hugs)))))) are in the basket for those who need them, and I hope if you come into day a bit down we will cheer you up. I am away to sit and have my cup of tea and just some toast, I am still caked out after all that has been eaten this weekend. I wonder if my big sister is up as I could sit and have a catch up with her and hear how there weekend went. Hazel x

  2. Hi Sandra and all my Friends,
    What Truly Wonderful Photographs of Janet's Wonderful French Cottage I must admit it must be truly wonderful to be able to go to France for weeks at a time, an ex colleague of mine has a Cottage in France also, they both still work so can only spend short bursts there at present but while not there they have wonderful French neighbours whom take care of the place for them.
    Janet you are one really lucky lady, I love the thought of chilling out in your Fantastic Cottage, with a good Book, I Don't Drink so it would have to be a Latte for me.
    Take Care My Friends
    Love and Hugs
    From Sam xxx

  3. Morning Ladies

    Quick visit before heading into work. The photos of Janets cottage look lovely-so comfortable and inviting.

    May pop back later.


  4. Good morning everyone it's a beautifully sunny start to the day here. The photos above are gorgeous, makes you want to go on holiday in a cottage like this, wonder what it looks like at Christmas. Thank you for your comment regarding Nicky. She is 34 now and lived at home till she was 19 and then she has had supported living with three other young people with severe learning difficulties and Autism. We feel she has outgrown this now hence the move to a bungalow. Nicky is home each weekend and we have been shopping this weekend ( something she hate) but she was smashing this weekend. Must catch up today so will say bye for now and thanks again for all your lovely comments - such a lovely friendly group of people xx Jean xx

    1. Hi Jean as others have said it must be a really stressful time for you and Nicky, glad the shopping went okay....Nikki (our special needs daughter) loves shopping and wants every thing she sees, thankfully she does take 'No' for an answer these days and she tickles me too death when I'm looking for my size and she will hold one up thinking she has found one for me's usually a size 6 or 8 which wouldn't even go over my head! Lol! Finding supported living was the finest thing we ever did for Nikki especially after the saddest time in my life that I am going has been such a bonus and her supportes have helped tremendously.Hope all goes well with the move for Nicky
      and it's a really happy place for her.
      Lots of love
      Sheila xxx

    2. Hello Jean,
      It's a lovely hot sunny start to the morning in Tamworth, but driving home it is now cloudy, so enjoy your sunshine all you can.
      How wonderful for your daughter Nicky to move into a bungalow after sharing with others. Will she have the same supporters with her? I wish her 'Good luck in her new home'
      Cheryl xxx

    3. Hope Nicky has a happy moving day, with no stress for you
      Wendy xx

    4. Hello Sheila, Cheryl and Wendy, thanks for the comments on Nickys' moving. Hopefully she will move before summer gets under way but as you know Sheila, these things cant be rushed and we have to go at Nics' pace. She will take some of the support staff with her and her key worker she has now is moving permanently with her. She will be closer to us so we will see a lot more of her. Had to laugh Sheila Maybe your Nikki sees you as size 6 or 8, I think I possibly shopped too much when Nic was small and that's why she doesn't like it now haha. Till next time take care and a big hug for you Sheila, I have read earlier comments and know you have had a rather sad time, although at the time didn't know how to get about replying, my oh set this straight for me. Jean xx

    5. Hi Jean,
      Glad to hear you had a smashing weekend with Nicky. Girls are so funny aren't they, I have two and one is a shopaholic and the other hates it. Hope the move goes ahead as planned and she settles well.
      Love Saba xxx

    6. Hello Jean
      I hope Nickys move goes well when it happens, you never know she might enjoy shopping for bits and pieces when she moves unto the bungalow. It's good she will be close to you when she moves. Xxx

  5. Hi Sandra and all in the cafe today. First of all i want to say Hi and a big Welcome to Laura, Johanna and Melody. It was lovely to see your comments yesterday. I hope you come back to join in the fun : )
    Janet, the inside of your beautiful haven looks gorgeous, it is a real traditional feeling. no wonder you love your time there so much. Thank you for sharing the photos with us : )
    I hope you all have a great bank holiday. I am finally going to start the ironing whilst watching a good movie I think.
    See you in the morning my lovely. Take care xx

  6. JANET - your cottage is beautiful and very welcoming Exactly how I imagine a cottage to be decorated. Those pastries look a bit special too

    LAURA JOHANNA and MELODY - Welcome to one of the best blogs ever. I haven't been here long but everyone has made me feel so at home. Pop in when you can and enjoy this virtual cafe. It's very therapeutic for me

    MARIA Not read email yet (going now I am bad at logging in to my account these days!) 23rd is perfect and in my diary

    OH Is still in bed! Mind you he normally has to work on Bank Hols - he get Christmas day off Whoopee doo I will take him a cup of tea in a while and go into my craft room and start making the 17 yes 17 cards I've been asked for First time I've been asked to make a bundle! Argh! Most are jus to add inserts to ones I've already made so shouldn't be too bad

    I can't remember who it was that posted about the Fish and Chip babies Although it sounds like i have left things a bit late for this time but I constantly make baby knits which I donate to Harefield Hospital, I wouldn't mind doing other charity knits as well

    See you all later. The cappucino was especially welcome today

  7. Oo-la-la Janet. Such a cosy warm, friendly welcoming cottage you have, no wonder you look forward to the time you spend there and not relish the thought of packing up to return to the UK ! Any plans for it being a 'forever' permanant home in the future ?
    Well, who said its grim up North is wrong lol (well at least for today) a beautiful sunny spring morning, which means the washing machine is non stop !
    Had a 'play' with a new small embossing folder and die I had to buy last week (boooring) although the light bulb just pinged, so probably not so boring after all ! Lol its the pattern of a brick wall on the folder, and the die comes with it, cuts out individual bricks. Why ? Because Ive had an anniversary card order for a husband that's been working on disused train tunnels and bridges !!! Blimey, my eyes are already wanting to close! Anyway, Ive zipped a peice of grey card through and it looks quite good considering, and the die cuts well. And I've cut an arch into it so it looks like a big wall with a tunnel beneath, aged the card and rubbed some either London soot or black soot ink over it and it looks ok. I just have to stop myself 'girlyfying' it with trailing ivy and small trailing flower's etc which is why I had a ligh bulb moment back there as I could do something like that but a lot more feminine. Im still 'playing' as at the mo, it still looks un-interesting, so I just know this card will take some time to do before I feel happy with it !
    I can then continue with the girly cards I have on order.
    Just done a small 6x6 Ruby anniversary + envelobox to give it in, I dont like those small sizes as I feel they can look too over done like a slap in the face, but, the lady that's ordered it is very happy even though Im not 100% sure !
    I will leave you now to enjoy your day whatever the plans are - you could have had a table at that May Day fair Sandra, get your cards seen and cards with your details on where you can be contacted for orders s ! Awww Sandra, it may have been a start maybe ?
    Well I'll love and leave you. Thanks Janet for allowing us into your private cosy world.
    Hugs all round.
    Lancashire Steph xxx

    1. Janet Ecco of Sheffield4 May 2015 at 10:49

      Morning Steph
      The cakes are all for you as you requested a pic of them.
      We get nearer and nearer to deciding re full time but there are one or two things like French taxes are much higher than ours; their health service is private of course and so it costs quite a bit. I know it may sound like wanting cake and eating it - is that correct?- and of course family always comes into the plan.
      There will be more cake photos for you Steph throughout the summer.
      Don't worry I'll not be bombarding you with them but one or two.
      Hugs xxxx

    2. Janet I know exactly where you are coming from. We lived 7 years in Turkey from 1st week in May till last week of October. It was fantastic, it was the life .... BUT ... the boys came along and everything changed. John really missed them, 2 weeks away was more than enought for him. The other thing was the Air Fares got so expensive to just fly back and forth whenever we wanted was getting way beyond what we could afford. We sold our house, now we just go for 2 weeks a couple of times. then Hazel and I go for a week just us. It's fine but I do miss the lifestyle. xxx

  8. Just me back in quickly before I forget what I was going to tell you. Right I dont know if many of you have bought the TOOL IN ONE!!! And the brush has fallen apart like mine? Well I was bit reluctant to buy another, but really missed it. Well the other day I bought a hair brush the kind that have a metal tube with holes and bristles it's fairly big? Well it works nearly 95% as well as the brush on the tool in one. The other thing as it's got a a thick handle it's easier to grip and use.
    Cost of brush from Home Bargins £1.99 big difference from £10.99. So just thought I would pass it on. I think it's maybe called a vented brush. Hazel x

    1. Thanks for the tip Hazel as I have noticed the bristles falling out of my tool in one and I'm not planning to buy another one at £10.99 so a £1.99 vent brush will suit me fine. Love She xx

    2. Hi Hazel
      Thanks for the tip. I'll go and have a look when I get somewhere near a cheap shop for a Hairbrush to use. Might have them in our 99p shop. If not I'll try Wilkinsons. I use there shaving brushes @ 89p rather than the £19.99 brushes used by Barbara Gray for putting inks on cards.

    3. I refused to pay out again for something that didn't last, and like you say Pat 89p is a huge difference from £19.99 and if the 89p needs replaced its nothing. And as I said the handle is chunky on the brush so easier to get hold of. Hazel x

    4. Thanks for such a great money saving tip Hazel I never thought of using one of those brushes but will do now as there really are not too many bristles in the tool in one to begin with either.
      While anyone is in the Pound shops or what ever they are called where you live, have a look at the makeup sponges they are much cheaper than those from CE!
      Margaret xx

    5. Hi Hazel I bought the tool in one from Oysterstamps & yes all the bristles fell out,rang Oysterstamps & i got a refund. I did buy another as Sue said to glue inside the bristles with the dry clear glue & touch wood this one is ok. But your hair bush sounds a good idea.thank you.
      Oh Margaret I have just ordered those egg sponges never mind. Lynda xx

    6. Thanks Hazel, that's a brilliant idea! Mine is ok so far but it's a lot to spend on a plastic brush isn't it! I do like the mat that you can buy with it. All the bits stick to it and can be easily disposed of or just in the right place for paper piecing! Xx

  9. Hi Sandra and all the lovely ladies who pop in later,
    Oh Janet your French home is just so welcoming....I love everything about it and it looks such a peaceful place to while away the hours crafting. Thank you so much for sharing it with us.
    Well the sun is shining here in Nth Wales hope it lasts throughout the makes everywhere much more cheerful....oh except for showing up the dust everywhere!
    My cousin has asked me to make an exploding box for her daughter's 21st so after just putting finishing touches to 3 other cards I have made then I will get stuck into that. Thank heavens for cardmaking to take my mind of other things.
    Welcome to the new ladies hope you have fun chatting with us in the cafe.
    I have replenished the basket with hugs so anyone is welcome to one .
    Take care everyone
    Love and hugs
    Sheila xxx

  10. Good morning everyone, hope it's a good day for you all.
    Sorry Sis slept in this morning, all the partying and the 51/2 hour drive home told on me!!!
    Wow! Oh! Wow! Janet your little corner of "paradise" looks amazing.
    Ladies what do you think we pay Janet and OH a visit next time they are there??? I am sure there would be somewhere nice for us all to "doss" down.
    Those cakes look "Devine" Ooopps!! I am drooling here.
    Talking of cakes our friends that we were visiting love to party, party BIG and different. Party food ....... had the most wonderful "Steak Pie" there were 3 about 2 feet long and 18 inches wide to serve 40 people. There was a little left at the end. Served with Carrot & Turnip Mash it was delicious. Then there was an amazing choice of "cakes" no actual Birthday Cake although the Centre Piece was a "Metere Long Vanilla Slice" it was approx 9 inches wide and 4 inches deep and delicious Mmmmmm!!! drooling again here.
    I do hope our new visitors pop back in a again today. It was lovely to see new faces. Not that the others we have on a regular basis are "old" they just familiar.
    Always someone in that corner to listen, a shoulder to cry on, and arms ready to cuddle if needed.
    Ok!! all this going away for weekends is fine but the washing still has to be done. First load out, second load in ......... tell me this!!! How can two people manage to create so much washing over a weekend??? xxx

  11. Hi Sandra
    Thank you for showing us Janet's little bit of paradise. If we are jealous enough of the parties she has every Friday, we now love her new home. I'm with Patricia, we hire a coach and take a little trip to France some time. I have to take double clothes for Pete when we go away fir a weekend (just in case he says). Mind you I end up bringing most of it back not used. I wear a set of clothes and one to change into. Why would you need any more. I also have to take extra underwear for him, just in case. ( to much information I can hear you groan). This I can understand, seeing he has problems after his Bowl Cancer. Fingers crossed we get his new medication this week. He says he can feal the Cancer chomping away at his bones, ( I think not). Anyway I hope you all enjoy the Bank Holiday today, a bit miserable here in the Cotswolds.

    1. Pat I am with you on the Coach Trip, would love it.
      We had a few extras with us because it was a "party" it was the shirts and the undies. Had a shower when we got there after the 51/2 hour trip. Makes you feel human again, and of course thats a change of undies. More showers and changes on the Saturday as well.
      I hope Pete gets started on his medication soon and all goes well. Positive thoughts for both of you (((hugs))) xxx

    2. Hope the new medication starts this week for Pete and all goes well as Patricia says Positive thoughts for both of you we are thinking of you love and hugs xxx

    3. Pat. Keep positive, Pete will soon get those new meds! it is a bit of a mine field, I know Anna and Beths dad get so cross with how slow the paper work takes to get to where it should. (((((( hugs))))) for you all and I am thinking positive thoughts for you. Hazel x

    4. Hi Pat,
      Thinking of you and Pete and hope he gets those new meds double quick. Lots of love and hugs xxx

    5. Hi Pat,
      Very positive thoughts and a little prayer for Pete that his new meds are just what he needs And a special hug for you

    6. Hi Pat you & Pete are in my thoughts & prayers I hope he gets his meds ASAP love & Hug's for you both Lynda xx

    7. Hi Pat,
      I'm just getting round to reading everything! I do hope Pete gets his medication very soon. It is worrying for both of you. Sending love to both of you. Remembering you in prayer too. Xx

    8. I also hope Peter gets his new meds soon. Thinking about you both.

    9. Thinking about you both hope the new meds turn up soon.xx

    10. Pat, sorry I am so late, I do hope Pete gets his new medication soon. Gentle hugs for you both, you are in my prayers.
      Love Saba xxx

    11. Hi Pat I hope Pete gets his new meds sorted out soon, it will be a relief for both of you xxx

  12. Morning Sandra and ladies, Janet you cottage is gorgeous, so cosy, no wonder you dont like leaving to come back here. Love the cakes, drooling at mouth as we speak!
    Welcome all the newbies, hope you enjoy your time in the coffee shop, we are an alright bunch (sometimes) except for the drunkards the pop in now and again!!! Lol.
    Have a good day everyone whatever you are doing, take care, Jess x

  13. Janet Ecco of Sheffield4 May 2015 at 11:20

    Morning Everyone
    First I must say that I know just how lucky we are in having our little retreat. We have spent holidays in France since 1982 and always said 'oh wouldn't it be' and then carried on. So 8years before retirement we decided that if we didn't do it then we would never. As many of you know pensions don't go to buying property etc. So summer of 1998 we spent our annual hols looking at houses. Of course Mr Organised had everything planned; a triangle of preference in the country; what kind of house; had to have a foss if not on mains drains etc. We finally found Marigny and signed all the papers on the 21 Dec of that year doing a 2day run from Sheffield to Corbigny and back ready for work on the Monday morning. We really must have been made!!!!!
    Our first stay was February half term in 99 with just a camping table, 2 chairs and sleeping bags and a box of pots and pans. I cooked on top of the log burner which was there at that time and until someone came to turn on the water and electric it was bottled water and water from the tiny Lavoir at the bottom of the back lane. This was our sum total of belongings as we always said we wanted to buy French as it's a French cottage. Giving the small amount of everything in the house when the little man came to turn on the electricity for us he actually stood at the door and removed his boots before entering - find a little man who would have done that here.
    We have and are very very lucky; yes we've had our ups and downs but health wise but we bless each day.
    In winter I craft at the kitchen table and in summer in the verand or just outside on the patio. Yes it's my knitting bag down the side of the chair. I made the cushions for the said chair and it's so comfy to sit and embroider there. The cupboard you can see in the kitchen by the door is Jim's. It's his wine cupboard and it's one he made himself. The salon is an extension to the main house - well orginally it was the kitchen and bedroom and before that we think it was just an animal and grain store. The people we bought from had had the verand and salon and bathroom added after they bought it but that has got to be something like 50 years ago. So the wall between the salon and the kitchen is an original and nearly 2ft thick.

    Anyway enough of me rattling on you must all be fast asleep caused by my monotone voice. Just one last word you are all welcome to visit at any time whether it's by coach, scooters or just any other transport. We do have room to sleep 6 indoors with space for as many as you can get under canvas in the garden I would love to see you all arrive at the same
    Thank you all for your lovely comments.

    I'm ready for my latte now and a little snooze in the corner. Hugs are in the usual place please help yourselves to as many as you need.
    Hugs xxxx

    1. Your home is so beautiful and I agree with your decision to buy French furniture not designer stuff, although the cupboards that Jim has made are fantastic. Perhaps we could have a retreat at your place? xxx

  14. Hi Sandra and Hi Janet, thank you for letting us into your beautiful home, it certainly is very French, beautiful and cosy.

    Love & hugs

    Jacquie J xxx

  15. Sandra. Thank you for your tip you put on your blog ages ago about if your guillotine not cutting properly, and someone told you to get Paul to tighten the handle, well mine wasn't working to good. Now it's back to good Charlie tighten the handle. Hazel x

  16. Good morning Sandra and everything,
    Janet, Your hone in France looks lovely, so cosy and welcoming, no wonder you both love going over there. Those pastries look so tempting. I just fancy one now with my coffee. ( I can dream)
    We had decided to spend today quietly, I had a phone call a short while ago and my sister is going to come and visit, she should be on the train very soon and will be here early afternoon.
    Sandra, It was lovely having three new visitors yesterday, I wonder how many others are standing at the cafe door? And a little shy to enter in, Please, please come in you will always be welcome here.
    Ladies, lovely lovely ladies, thank you so much for the generous comments you left yesterday about my card, I really did appreciate then LOL to you all.
    Well my coffee is almost finished as is my virtual pastry Janet, I will go and have a quick half an hour or so in the garden before my sister arrives. She loves to get out of Central London, we are on the outskirts but It's still in a built up area but she feels she can relax when she comes here. Will stop by later and see what sort of day everyone has had, love and hugs to everyone, Brenda XXX

  17. Will I never learn? Another big Oops again. I could delete it but the laughs on me!
    Hello Sandra and everyone. LOL

  18. Good morning Sandra and all the coffee shop crew
    Oh at last we can see just why Janet puts up with all the travelling and packing and unpacking! What an absolutely fabulous hide away I loved the out side but oh I love the inside even more, I can almost feel the lovely warmth from that lovely wood burner and such a lovely smell of the wood burning away too. Janet because you started with the very bare minimum and bought as you went along you really will appreciate it all the more. What lovely cupboards your husband has made too you are so lucky he has such a talent Derek is hopeless if he does anything with wood he buys double the amount needed as he never gets it right first time!!!
    I am sitting here dribbling Janet those French pastries look absolutely divine, perhaps it is better I don't live in France I would soon be as wide as I am tall with those to tempt me.
    Thank you so much for sharing your wonderful home with us all.
    Many thanks Sandra for making it possible for us all to see Janet's wonderful French retreat, but do remember before you start twisting Paul's arm to move to France, think of the cost of medical bills!!
    Welcome to our new friends I do hope you will call in again to see us all and have a giggle!
    Patricia so pleased you had a great weekend and a safe journey as the song says it's nice to go travelling but it's so much nicer to come home.
    Well I will take my latte over to the window seat I have put my money in the pot, my hugs and cuddles are there just help yourselves there are plenty more if you need them.
    Have a lovely day what ever you are doing everyone
    Margaret xxx

  19. Hi Sandra,
    I hope you are well this sunny, beautiful day.
    Brenda, everything here and reporting for duty!!!!
    Janet, I see your holiday home is a little piece of heaven. What an Idyllic
    place to relex and recharge your batteries. The pastries are not too bad either lol. I'm organising a Charabanc trip for the summer to visit you!!!!
    Washing on line, granddaughters have just been collected, going to have a sandwich and a quick tidy of the front garden borders, then a trip to the coast for a long walk along the front, from Tynemouth to Cullercoats then Whitley Bay. It's a few miles so might get the bus back to the car, after an ice cream of course.
    Patricia, I'm glad you had a good time, it sure sounds like the food was good, always a bonus!
    Hazel, thanks for your tips, I said TIPS, you're our resident bargain hunter along with Sandra.
    Sheila, it's lovely to see you.
    Cheryl, where are you?
    Sam lovely to see you too.
    Jean, I hope Nicky blossoms in her new home. Friends of ours who have a special needs daughter have found that Anna is a new woman (she is in her 30's as well) since she moved to more independent living.
    I seem to have missed Melody arriving, must go back to read yesterday's comments, so welcome to Sandra's blog. It's a very friendly place.
    By the way, we watched Percy Jackson sea of Monsters for the 9th time! I am now word perfect on the script. I have pleaded with Rachel to get the girls to pack something else next time they have a sleep over. She said it would probably be Harry Potter - oh, that's nearly as bad. I wouldn't care but they have loads and tend to watch their favourites over and over again.
    Going for a quick sandwich otherwise I'm not going to get to the coast.
    Muriel xxx

    1. Hi Maureen yes everything is in order, but what else would we expect when we have everything here. Ha ha
      LOL Brenda XXX

    2. Hello dear heart, I'm home!
      Not long been in, we decided to finish the weekend off with a lovely lunch in the Village pub, (saved me getting something out of the freezer, defrosting and waiting til almost teatime to eat it.) Fiona & Joseph are off now to Sports Direct so he can spend all his pocket money on "a very special football and if I don't get one today, everyone will have bought them and I won't have one" ball. xxx

    3. Hello dear heart, I'm home!
      Not long been in, we decided to finish the weekend off with a lovely lunch in the Village pub, (saved me getting something out of the freezer, defrosting and waiting til almost teatime to eat it.) Fiona & Joseph are off now to Sports Direct so he can spend all his pocket money on "a very special football and if I don't get one today, everyone will have bought them and I won't have one" ball. xxx

  20. P.S. Patricia dear, I typed Chery last night because I know she likes one!!! (That's my story and I'm sticking to it).
    Diane dear, drink never crosses my lips, I take it intravenously!!!!
    Muriel xxx

  21. Hi Sandra and all the lovely coffee shop ladies
    Janet thank you so much for sharing your French home with us , what a beautiful place you have, so warm and cozy, I can see why you love it so much. Oh the pastries too, how yummy. Well the sun is out here, we have all been lazy this morning so I need to get going in the garden now. Mind you it's nice just to sit and chat isn't it. I will pop back later to see what today has brought for everyone.
    Love Diane xxx

  22. Hi Sandra and everything else!
    Oh Janet what a lovely home! It is so French and I can fully understand why you love it so much. Love all the finishing touches too! It will be lovely to be able to picture you having your meal or sitting doing your cross stitch. Pastries - yummy! Thank you for sharing your lovely home and I hope we meet up some day as I have to imagine Janet sitting in that chair! Lol!
    Well it's a lovely day here again and my husband has been doing a spot of gardening , getting all the pots ready for the summer plants! The next step is my job! No - I don't get in the pot!
    He is now sitting outside doing the crossword! I'm supposed to be getting lunch ready, I think we'll be a bit European today and have cooked meats , salad and cheese! Look what you've done Janet! Lol.
    Oh Janet - before I forget , some great articles in latest Daphne's Diary! Love the one from Tuscany as it brought back happy memories! My husband was yelled at in San Gimignano! Was funny in the end!
    Will call back later,
    Love Myra xxx
    Sorry Brenda xxx you knew it would happen x

    1. Dear Myra, I really laughed out loud! Yes I knew it would happen LOL Brenda XXX

    2. Oh Brenda, did you guess who'd be cheeky enough to pick you up on it? I'm sure you did! It's all good fun xxx

  23. Message for Norah!
    Your shawl looked much nicer than the one wrapping the new Princess! Xxx

  24. Afternoon Ladies, well it has turned out nice here today, hubby in garden planting some flowers before they get too leggy in the greenhouse, I've done washing, the sitting room, kitchen, also had to wash down kitchen cupboard doors, having two cats, paw marks everywhere.
    Might just have to go and card make for a couple of hours.
    Will catch up later, Jess x

  25. Hi Sandra and the coffee shop crew, i am on curtain duty today, god knows how long they have been up as i made them for my lounge about 5 or 6 years ago and they are soooo heavy and the sun is shining so they will dry.
    Janet your french cottage looks lovely i can just see you and OH there, it looks cosy and comfortable, and the cakes look yum yum, lol,
    Ihave a shocking pain in my left boob it hurts like hell so i must pick up the much needed courage and get to the doctors, i am the first to say to all my mob to get to the dr if they have any problems, i am sure its nothing to worry about though. I agree with Myra in saying Nora's shawl is far more beautiful than the princess's is, Nora you could knit for royalty. i definately want three of Sue's dies, the butterfly, the felt flower one, the peony one and one other i cannot recall ( cabbage brain today) hugs to everyone i will call back tonight to see what you have all been up to, Johanna

  26. Hi Sandra and Girls,
    Had a fantastic weekend away, had so much to eat (I think they thought I was getting too thin again), but lovely meals all over the Tamworth and Burton area. Had some lovely surprizes as didn't know so many rellies were coming over to see me, I don't think I need to go back for a while as they now coming to visit me during summer months. It will be lovely to hear my home and garden ringing out with the sound of youngsters laughing and playing again. I have missed that, Pete was a very hands on Granddad and loved nothing more than a simple water pistol fight in the garden. On a hot summer's day it was bliss.
    Off to catch up with all the comments over the last few days. I could only sign in as anonymous cos couldn't access my Google account. I ticked the boxes for autofill because I never remember my pass words but they wouldn't allow me and stated that I could be a hacker. My email to them is probably not very polite, was very straight to the point even, (now I've gone past 60 I believe that is one of my rights?) and now awaiting their response.
    Welcome to Laura, Johanna and Melody to the only unauthorized chaotic madhouse on this planet. We are very friendly & slightly dotty with leaky bladders, (many a Tena moment here),droopy bits and some have a tendency to consume tankers full of spirits. That's if they have remembered where they are, so all in all you have come to to the right place.
    Love &hugs to all
    Cheryl xxx

    1. SNAP!! Cheryl, love to hear the shrieks of laughter when Grandpa and the boys have "water pistol" fights during the summer. xxx

  27. Back so soon? Yeees.
    I've just caught up on yesterday's comments.
    So many re new baby princess. Will she still be a princess if something happens to Charles? A poser of a question?
    Now that the primogeniture law has been passed and does not discriminate between male and females, if Charles were to die BEFORE the Queen, then would not Princess Anne be next in line and be crowned Queen? My brother seems to think the crown would go to Andrew. I disagree, as it wouldn't go to Prince William as he is only heir apparent if Charles is alive and/or crowned before Queen dies or abdicates. At the moment the line of succession is Charles, William,George & baby.
    What thoughts, think you?
    Cheryl xxx

    1. Hi Cheryl,
      It is my understanding that the " new" law regarding primogeniture is not retrospective. It was amended to include " future" girls born to a monarch . It will not affect the status quo . Charles is Heir, George Heir Apparent and then Charlotte. Harry comes before Andrew in any case.
      I hope this helps. Maybe not! I love the name though! Xx

    2. Sorry should have re read that! Charles is Heir, William Heir Apparent then George ,then Charlotte. Charles family come before anyone else as he is the eldest - first - primo ! X

    3. Hi Cheryl we've just been having the same conversation! Julian was reading the news on a website and after Charles William George new baby Harry it goes to andrew then his daughters but Anne is still way down the list which I didn't think she would be. I like the names, I wondered about Elizabeth and it's good Diana is in there too.
      Sounds like you had a wonderful weekend and how lovely you will have lots of visitors in the summer xxx

  28. Well the Princess has been named and so lovely to see Diane is there!! Beautiful name. Hazel x

  29. Sorry Diana a miss spelling on my part. Hazel x

  30. Oh I'm so pleased they have used Diana....Charlotte Elizabeth Diana.....such a pretty name.

    Sheila xx

  31. Great tips girls re the brush - touch wood mine still seems to be Ok (touch wood) but will bear replacing it with a hairbrush if need be And will definitely explore the make up thingies I have tried smaller make up sponges after seeing Barbara Clay use them

    And the Prinecess is named after my beautiful daughter (well she shares it at least) She was born on the same date as Prince Harry so we do have a bit of a royal connection - NOT! My dearly departed mum was Margaret - but then that is the Queen's name I'm so pleased that she also has Diana I'm not particularly a royalist but it's nice to have good news for a change

    MARIA I haven't replied yet OH called me to go help tidy up our fancy dress cupboard Didn't want him binning anything important Will do later - honest

  32. I think it's a lovely name. They have covered everything! To give a little girl the name Princess Diana would I think have been quite a burden for a child . This way Diana 's name is there as I think it ought to be but there will only be one Princess Diana. Princess Charlotte can be her own little person. Maybe I'm just being silly. Xxx

    1. Hi Myra,
      I agree with you entirely and you're not being at all silly. xxx

    2. Myra, you know me, I hate to agree with anything (courtesy of Brenda!), but I agree with you on this xxx

    3. No way are you being silly Myra I totally agree with you, but I am delighted Diana has been included in her name for William's sake too as he thought the world of his mother. xxx

    4. Evening Maureen/Muriel/Daffy/Anonymous!
      If you and I are in agreement all is right with the world and everyone can sleep happily in their bed! Xxx

    5. Myra, your not at all silly. I agree with you but I'm glad they have included Diana in her name it's lovely for William as Margaret said he thought the world of his mother. Xx

    6. Lynda - please may I have that in writing! Xx have a lovely Bank Holiday xxx

    7. Hi Myra it's funny my daughter and I had the same conversation yesterday, she thought it would be nice to call her Diana but I said too much pressure on her and she wouldn't be her own person which Emma then agreed with. I think they have got the balance right xxx

  33. Myra. I am with you she will be her own person. She is Tauren so she will be hopefully strong willed and if the old rhyme is anything to go by she will have to work hard for her living ( we will hope that means she will work to do good like here grandmother). To me she has three strong names. I wonder how many babies will be named Charlotte??? Beth is an Elizabeth but only used on appointments, official things and when I have had enough of her not doing as she has been asked. Then she gets her full name. Hazel x

  34. Myra, I totally agree with you, Charlotte is an individual. I am certainly glad they have included Diana, the baby's name is really pretty, I love it. xxx

  35. NORAH:- thank you for the information regarding the flowers.
    JANICE:- a friend of mine told me about using a pencil to nip the petals of the flowers. I found that too thick I use size 4 plastic Crochet Hook.
    Thank you ladies for your interest. xxx

  36. Good afternoon girls,
    Sorry I have been awol today but trying to get some more done down at mums so between sorting out more books for charity, my neighbou, her neighbour and cutting, pasting and measuring up for the subsequent strips I am well and truly knackered. These must be the highest test of stairs to be papered ever so with cutting adjustments made to one set so that they can slot between the handrails of another longer set it has been fun( check the sarcasism which I know is the lowest form of wit but it's the only form I have just at this precise minute).
    Janet flower I love your home from home as it looks just that, home, so inviting and comfortable and somewhere that looks like you would welcome anyone to as it's not too posh looking(please don't take that the wrong way but you know the kind of homes that are houses as no one is allowed to breathe the wrong way in it and you just start to rise from the seat when they are straight behind you plumping up the cushions). I know quite a few people who live in houses and over the years they have got worse. That was rotten though tempting or teasing us with the beautiful looking pastries, I'm for the lattice work. Your wee home looks every bit the French homes look like or what I imagine they look like inside. I hope that it gives you so many more years of happiness flower as it just looks so idyllic, thank you for letting us look through the keyhole to who's house is this.
    Thank you girls for your kindness regarding my shawls, but regardless of whatever shawl the wee lass has around her I hope that it was knitted with love and just for prestige of royalty being wrapped in it. I love the wee ones name of Charlotte a beautiful old fashioned proper name and she would have been so loved by her grandmother and at last Prince Charles has his little girl albeit a generation late. I can see one wee girl having her granddaddy wrapped right around her wee finger from day one.
    Awh well I will have a cup of latte and sit across in my wee corner as I am sewing up some cardigans for the wee fella and the other boys that I am waiting on their arrival in a couple of months time.
    Basket of hugs sitting in my corner awaiting arms to go around them
    Love and crafty hugs
    Norah. (Glenochil)

    1. I hope so too Norah, but may we recommend you as Chief Shawl Knitter for child number three? We could then bask in reflected glory! I know - I'm nuts! It keeps me sane! Work that one out! Xxx

  37. It has turned out a nice day here today. Started off dull but then turned sunny. Janet, your French home looks lovely. I am not surprised you like to go there often. Went to a Food and Craft Fair today. Lots of food eating places but not so much of other food and the only crafts? Were clothes, not handmade, sterling silver jewellery and wood turning which was very good. Didn't take long to walk around so after a sandwich and cut of coffee we went to a garden center. Bought a couple of plants then I bought some food in Asda. Was home by 4 so had now better get some dinner then do some crafting.
    Welcome to Laura, Johanna and Melody. Hope you will enjoy the cafe. Hope everyone else is ok. Glad Patricia and Cheryl you both had good weekends and are home safe and sound. Hope to see you all later.

  38. Breaking news, baby's name is Charlotte Elizabeth Diana, how lovely is that

    1. That's good Diana got in, I hope thy would

    2. Hi Melody , I agree with you. It's lovely to see William remember his Mum in this way. I'm sure he learned a lot and he seems to be putting it into practice . Hope you've had a good Bank Holiday! xxx

    3. Nice to see you back in tonight, Melody. Hazel x

  39. Hello Anything, (sorry Brenda, couldn't resist)
    Had a lovely day and totally knackered now so will have a pint of Baileys to recover. George has gone for a game of bowls - I don't know how he can be bothered, when I asked him if he would carry the washing upstairs for me to iron, he said he was worn out!!!!
    Johanna, get yourself to the doctors double quick, don't mess about. Do it tomorrow, allright?? I look forward to reading what the doctor says tomorrow evening.
    Norah, I'm so pleased you've had such a lovely day sorting books, and measuring, cutting and pasting wallpaper (you aren't the only one who can be sarcastic lol) Just think, you can do it all again another day!!!! xx
    I am fed up with C&C. just thought I'd let you know!
    Patricia, I think other people put their dirty clothes in my wash for me to do and I don't notice them. Like you, there's only two of us but the washing basket can be empty one day and full the next! George offered to help me to hang the washing on the line this morning - oh, be still my heart. I managed to be diplomatic and said that I'd love a cup of coffee if he didn't mind making it whilst I saw to the washing!! He did help me bring it in and I had to restrain myself from making comments when he put the pegs in the wrong pockets on my pinny, so I sorted them out later.
    Where's Sandra? Sandra, are you all right?
    Going for a coffee, see you all later, be good (hah that'll be the day)
    Muriel xxx

  40. Oh! Maureen, pegs in the wrong place......could not cope!!!
    I have mine in a bucket so I can see to select them by colour.
    Help to hang out washing ...... Oh! No!
    Hope George has a good game of Bowls. Now you have to time to Craft. I should be doing that as well. I am trying to make "Template" for a box to hold a pair of my "card" Shoes. Maybe tomorrow!!! xxx

    1. Well, I've been making a box of cards using Sue's new butterfly die. The cards are just 4ins square and the butterfly is all you need. I'm still decorating the top of the box but it would make a nice gift and costs very little! Xxx

    2. Myra, sounds interesting, my kind of thing. Off to have a look at that Butterfly. xxx

    3. Butterfly, hmm, Myra, you're a little tinker. Off with Patricia to have a look!!! xxx
      Patricia, I have a big apron with four large pockets to hold four different types of pegs (wooden, soft rubber clippy, hard rubber clippy and hard push on) am I sad or what???

    4. Noooo! In my world that's normal!
      Having read that - do you feel sad?
      Be kind! Xxx

    5. Hello Everything !!!!!!
      I have a thing about my clothes pegs, items have to pegged on the line with matching pegs. If John pegs the washing out for me I really have to make myself look away, he will never hang of socks up in pairs. Is it just me ? our elder daughter has all the socks on the line, in pairs, as she has three boys that's a lot of socks.
      Had a lovely afternoon with my sister, she is now on the way back to her little London flat.
      If you girls have left any of that Baileys I think I'll have a glass or two please. OMG this tanker is down to the dregs. Good job we had a spare in the kitchen cupboard. I will leave it one the counter Please help yourself LOL Brenda xxx

    6. Oh Brenda, Whatever are we going to do about Maureen! I think, personally , because she has four names she drinks for 8 ! Each of her persona likes a double!! I'm off to wear Saba's tin hat! Lol. Xxx

    7. Hi Myra, I envy you, you live in your own little wonderland world, don't you? It's so sweet!!! I often feel that I have wandered into a virtual universe, a bit like this virtual cafe ha ha ha xx
      Hi Brenda,
      You can have ANYTHING you want, have a double Baileys!!
      Oh, everything has to be pegged out correctly with same colour pegs per item, all shirts, knickers, etc on line together, not here, there and everywhere. Patricia and I are definitely OCD on this!!! When I broke both my arms and George had to do the washing and ironing I think that was worse than the pain I was in lol.
      Glad you had a lovely day with your sister. I never had a sister and always wanted one. Although Eleanor and Zoe have their moments, they do have a lovely relationship.
      Muriel xxx
      Anyone seen Sandra, hope she's all right.

    8. Myra, hon,
      A tin hat isn't going to be much good against a bazooka hic xx

    9. Ooh! You know I love you really? Don't you ? Xxx

    10. We are NOT sad we are just TOO fussy!!!
      Brenda so glad you had a good day. xxx

    11. I am here, hovering quietly in the background, tidying things away!
      what have you all been up to today?
      I will read back and have a look!

    12. What on earth are you doing vacuuming at this time of night! Xxx

    13. Brenda yes socks on the line in pairs, it makes it easier to pair them when they are dry! I have a peg bag with soft and wooden pegs in, wooden pegs for socks and soft pegs for the rest. Aren't we funny with our quirks and yet we are all normal ! Xxx

  41. To all the Ladies in Scotland. You probably already know about this but just had an email from Oyster Stamps that they are having two Papercraft Shows in Scotland this coming weekend. Glasgow on Saturday and Edinburgh on Sunday. Thought you might be interested.

    1. Thank you for that Brenda.
      I knew of the Glasgow one but not the Edinburgh.
      I am saving for my holidays so am going to pass. Mind you Ihave just ordered SW Butterfly ... it was Myra's fault really. xxx

    2. Myra imagine my sister blaming you for her buying that die??? You did twist her arm did you? Hazel x

    3. I know Hazel! What a cheek! Did I type in the numbers on her debit/ credit card? No of course not! . I do appreciate your support. Xxx

  42. All Kinds of Everything Remind me of You !
    It just seemed apt! Xxx

  43. Hi Sue and everything, hihi oops sorry Brenda it just came out.
    Janet , your and Jim's heaven of paradise in France is lovely. I liked the outside photos but these are equally lovely. Now we can picture you sitting in front the log burner, doing your cross stitch, having a coffee and one of those very yummy looking pastries. yes ,I'm drooling here hihi who can not.
    Charlotte-Elizabeth-Diana, three wonderful strong names. so glad Diana's name will live on through her grand daughter. It will be nice follow her and George of course growing up over the years.
    Johanna, please promise you go see the doctor tomorrow.
    Pat, hopefully your Pete will be sorted for his meds. tomorrow.
    My morning was ok with a swim and natter for an hour after in the fitness centre cafe' (was with friend who might move to Taunton) back home I managed to cut some things out, had lunch at 2pm sat down and could not move my arms for anything . Think I overdid it a bit oooh so painful shoulders and neck. Anyone know how to stop the GC to loose it suction ? It drives me mad that it only holding for a minute and then it's loose again. Working from the kitchen so it sitting on the worktop ? Thanks for the tips about the brush and make-up sponges ladies and Sandra I looked in to the started to put things in the basket I liked to have but when I next looked and saw £130 I shut the site down, I have not got the Money ! oh well I can always dream and hope for a huge windfall, pigs might fly hihi
    Going to look into my mail, it's saying I got 45 unread ones so a tidy up is required. Mostly craft but also other rubbish and pinterest of course tihi see you Myra, Hugs Maria xx

    1. How are you my dear? I keep missing you. Xxx

    2. Hi Maria
      Sounds like you had a busy day, go careful with that shoulder. I usually check my emails on my phone these days and delete all the spam ones. I am getting worried though that so many of them are asking me to plan my funeral! I know I'm old this year... But not THAT old! Lol. Take care of yourself xxx

    3. Hi Myra and Diane,
      I'm ok .After taking some painkillers I now feel better and in woozie land and the pint of that thick creamy thingy made it even better hic !
      I enjoyed my mails and found some nice things under Bloglovin but nothing about funerals or those little blue pills, feeling a bit disappointed lol
      Good night my friends, see you tomorrow ,yawn,yawn

  44. Brenda, Myra and big sis what are you like? Coloured clothes having to match??. Yes I lke to pegged out trousers all together, etc but does it really matter what pegs?? Now I have got Charlie trained to pegged out, ok he doesnt always hang same items together but he pegs out not to bad. He has now learnt to fold the clothes when he brings them in, that took a good bit of work, but he's got there. I have to say my washing can be out and dry while I am away out, and that's down to Charlie, so I will not complain about it. You need to see how the cleaner at work pegs out you three would need oxygen!!., as it makes my blood boil that a women of her age put a bath towel over the line a puts one peg in the middle, doesn't shake the pillow cases out and turn them the right way, now that's bad in my books. Well I have been busy and I have cut, emboss and put together 50 evening invitations today. I had mist of the striplets cut only had 12 to do plus the backing papers but they were easy. So I am a happy bunny, I will be happier when the bride to be gets the wording for the inserts to me. Hazel x

    1. Hazel you forgot Maureen .... how I. Earth did manage to forget our Maureen???.xxx

    2. That of course should be "how on earth"

    3. Unforgettable - that's what she is!! Xxx

    4. See Maureen "You are always on My Mind" xxx

    5. Just don't go too far and say "Wonderful - that's what you are "
      There will be no living with the woman! Xx

    6. Oh Patrica, I fear you have been infected by the Brenda virus!

    7. Brendan dear, everything you say is music to my ears!!!
      I don't mind anyone forgetting me, it just means that I won't have to pay for my round hic. Get em in quick, I need a top up ha ha
      My trouble is short arms and long pockets!!!!!
      Muriel xx

    8. Is that 3 pints of larger and a packet of crisps please, we could have a "toast, just a little bit of toast" to the royal princess. ( sorry is that too 90's music for you? Xxx

    9. Ooh Diane , My Diane! Now that's before your time! To me toast is something I have with my breakfast or something I have to Her Majesty - as in the loyal toast! Xxx

  45. Hello Something,
    Charlotte Elizabeth Diana... Lovely, quite simply lovely. I do believe Charlotte was the German one so my OH will be crowing! She was the one married to the mad one so I feel we have a lot in common as my German can be quite mad at times.
    Myra, I don't believe I gave permission for you to steal my hat, however I will allow it this once. Muriel's right right though, it is no protection against verrucas. You need waterproof slippers for that.
    Now on to Janet's lovely French retreat.
    I loved seeing the photos Janet. It was so kind of you to let us in. It all looks so cosy and wonderfully French. I have fallen in love with your glass lampshades in the Salon. They look very Art Deco to me. I am a bit of a lamp collector. In fact it is a standing joke if I go to an antique fair now that my OH always says no more lamps!! I think it's lovely that we will all be able to picture you there now beside your stove.
    Right off to publish now before anything else happens in here.
    Saba xxxx

    1. Oooh! Sorry! I thought it was like Steph's soapbox - available for all!
      Get you! Have you had a nice day? Xxx

    2. Oh! Saba, think Maureen will be on the "rampage" Hazel left her out of the "cloths peg" thingy xxx

    3. Ok.
      Myra, Now I feel mean. You can borrow my hat anytime you need it.
      Patricia I can hear Muriel spitting feather from here!
      Now clothes pegs. Hold your breath ladies... I have a peg bag, it a very deep one and I put in my hand and pull out a peg. Then I repeat the process. It could be wooden., it could be blue or green or pink it could be plastic with bells on for all I care.
      I have a wash bag, it's very deep. I fill it with washing. I put in my hand and pull out whatever and peg it out. And so on and so forth.
      Once it is dry I put it away.

    4. Saba dear! What about the ironing ! Not the irony - the ironing? Xxx

    5. Oh Saba they will definitely need oxygen! When they read how you peg out. Oh I think they might have all fainted! Hazel x

    6. IRONING. what on earth is ironing!!
      Oh I know, its what I'd do with my hand before I peg my wet clothes out. I just call it smoothing a few creases.

    7. HELP!!! ....... I have palpitations xxx

    8. Oh!! Saba thank you for the laugh. I am OCD about washing and clothes pegs. Can't help it I have tried, I know I will ever change BUT I really did have a good laugh at your comment. xxx

    9. Hazel, how's this one for a shocker. They might need more than oxygen for this one.
      I arrived home on Saturday and found hubby had done some washing. Bless him!
      He had randomly spread it all out on the flat clothes dryer. Not a peg in sight. Towels, socks, shirts and underpants all overlapping each other and to add insult to injury it had all gone in the machine in one wash. Now that's what I called a laid back attitude.

    10. Dee Daw Dee Daw! Ambulance for Patricia please ASAP!
      Deep breaths - just remember it's not your washing! Xxx

    11. Myra, your a "life saver"
      Is it really,really true it's NOT MY washing??? xxx

    12. This has been really traumatic for me tonight. I am afraid I have to go for a lie down. If you don't here from me again tonight I am not dead probably just asleep. xxx

    13. I note, my friend that you did not say what your reaction was to this washing experience! For that alone - you have my admiration! Xxx

    14. Let's pray silence for Patricia! Xxx

    15. Patricia, so glad you have been saved, hope your palpitations are settling too.
      Now, did I tell you about the time he put all my white knickers in with a red towel and did them on a boil wash........


    17. Alright I'll stop now, it's the red wine, it puts the devil in me so I won't mention his underpants and tea towels on at 30 degrees.

    18. Oh Golly! What problems we have when we leave husbands "in control". Simple tasks take on a magnitude unimaginable! The song comes to mind - " we are the ones ! " xxx

    19. Oh, I can't bear any more. I'll never sleep tonight. How could you be so cruel Saba to tell us this, and we are always so kind to you. I think I'd better go to A&E as they have a special "Peg and Washing Dept". I'm going to suggest they open an "Ironing" section as well. It's definitely going to be needed hic. xxx

    20. How about... Peggy Sue Peggy

    21. Ooh! That made laugh out loud ! I do know the abbreviation for that!
      My husband thinks " you are all slightly bonkers" . I took comfort in the " slightly "! Xx

    22. All this has been too much for me. I am quite ill, think I have turned "Forty Shades of Green". Maybe some of you down south won't know that one ...... It was sung by the Alexander Brothers.
      I am in bed, joking apart I feel absolutely TicketyBoo. xxx

    23. Glad to hear it Patricia, wouldn't want you being ill on my conscience.
      Sleep well, love and snuggly hugs. Saba xxx

    24. Oh Patricia I feel for you. Myra I think hubby did that on purpose to show how much he missed you. My hubby has been known to buy new shirts rather than do the washing! He did need some new ones really but it made us laugh. Now there is a Queen song 'I'm going slightly mad" do you think that fits? Xxx

    25. Diane - I'm not very good on Queen but I have sons who are ! Is this an age thing? If it is please be kind and don't answer!
      The new shirt bit I am familiar with! Anything but wash and iron!
      Don't mention Ironing to Saba - she will be upset! Xxx

  46. Sorry that should have been Maureen to ref the clothes pegs. Hazel x

  47. I remembered, just a senior moment. Hazel x

  48. Well it has been a busy day in the cafe, lots of comings and goings, blimey that tanker of baileys only arrived today, we are down to the dreggs already, mind i did start for follow the hose that had been crudely shoved in the inspection hatch, seems it was headed up to 'fishy on a little dishy' county! You must have a fair suck on you Maureen, getting that baileys to flow all that way, I have an image of you now that i need to erase! maybe we should put 'Dyson' into your expanding list of names!
    Cheryl I am so please you have had a lovely weekend, I can tell that you are really looking forward to the family coming to stay with you too!
    So the Princess has a name at last, quite a pretty name, my niece is a Charlotte, we call her Charlie though, i don't somehow think that Princess Charlotte will be called that though, i like 'Lotty' though thats kind of quirky, I too am pleased that William managed to get Diana's name in, so important for him and the nation I believe, it was kind of expected! I agree that it wouldn't have been fair 'or allowed' to give her Diana as a first name, there would be a huge burden that came with that as a name! Poor wee thing is going to be scrutinized enough as it is, one of the Royal Reporters said that she would be a 'fashion icon' from the moment she left the 'Lindo Wing' poor thing!
    Brenda (littlelamb) Your Craft and and Food Fair sounded better than our 'May Fair! it was just a car boot sale with a few charity stalls, what a load of toot!
    There were a few boots selling plants, we were looking for a cucumber plant, as the one we bought from the garden centre, which seems to have wilted!
    but there were none, plenty of tomato plants though, which we have in abundance!
    Well i am off for a shower, catch up with you all later!
    love and hugs

  49. Hi Sandra,
    Glad to see you, I was wondering where you were. Of course you did say at the start of your blog that you were going to a fair - but that seems such a long time ago!
    I've started to take the Baileys intravenously as it saves me getting up and down to fill the pint glass. Mind you Brenda is starting to like it a bit too much for me!!!! I also have to keep an eye on Maria, Myra and a few others who I don't like to name as they have their reputations to consider!!!
    I've cleared the benches, wound up the clock and kicked - oops sorry - put the cat out. It's pointless putting on the dishwasher because the late nighters will be in to make a mess so I've just filled it.
    He's arrived upstairs, so I'll make my excuses and see you all tomorrow for another day of mayhem, laughter and love.
    Muriel xxx

    1. Good night! My friend ! Sleep well . I always knew George was a Saint xxx

    2. Myra ,Have you noticed that she mention our names but not the others because of their reputation could be spoiled ?!

    3. I did! Maria ! We will remember! Xxx

  50. I give in, I keep nodding off.
    Maureen has done all clearing up she's a wee Angel. Mind you she was about to say she "kicked" the cat out. She would not do that she's was only kidding.
    Goodnight, God Bless see you all in the morning. xxx

  51. Kettle, Pan, Black. Spring to mind. Don't forget why Muriel brought out the Bazooka in the first place!! Xxxx

  52. SANDRA my daughter is known as Lotty (plus others!) hence my name on here!
    Going to look at that butterfly if there's any left!

    QUESTION why is it that when I look for a Tupperware (other makes are available) that ai can't find the matching lid Or I get a lid out of the drawer and cannot find it's base?

    PS My OH hangs out the washing and if I go to help get it back in if it's started raining I get moaned at for putting the different pegs in the wrong pocket

    1. You have a gem there ! Hang on to him ! Your washing will never be an embarrassment ! Xxx

    2. Hi Karenlotty
      Do they still exist the Tupperware parties ? Must be the gremlins living in the cupboards, always got things doing a disappearing acts here.
      ssssh don't tell the others but I have a peg apron for my wooden and plastic pegs and they are all in a muddle tihi I do shake the washing out real good and hang them together. Oh and Ironing don' be done here unless something is really creased ssssh don't tell that one especially to Patricia hihi you never know how you will see me later this month, wrinkly or ironed out. I think it depends on the day lol
      Night,night Maria xx

  53. You are too kind! - " oh Lord it's hard to be humble - " don't want to finish this one off! Xxx

  54. I give in too, that cat is giving me the evil eye through the window so I am going to out of the back door.
    Night God bless all. See you tomorrow
    Saba xxx

    1. Night Night All! See you in the morning , all being well! Sleep well! Xxx

    2. Night night sleep tight xxx

  55. Night night Maureen sleep tight- there was me thinking the bazooka was a cocktail you were trying out!!! I wondered what ingredients it had in it along with Baileys! Xxx

  56. Good night , sorry couldn't keep up with you all this evening . Had two phone calls and when I returned to the blog I had lost the plot DON'T ANYONE COMMENT ON THAT REMARK!!!!!! Or I will have the virtual police after you.
    Sweet dreams, my friends, LOL Brenda xxx

    1. Are these "phone calls" alcoholic drinks we haven't heard of as yet?
      Brenda - halooooo ! Xxx

  57. I've finally got to the bottom (of the post, not the bottle!) we have had a busy day in the garden, baskets done some tubs planted up, patio washed herbs planted and veg true planted up. It's been beautiful today but now it's blowing a gale and pouring with rain. I'm struggling to keep my eyes open so I'm off to bed too. Night night sleep tight sweet dreams. See you all tomorrow xxx
