
Sunday 3 May 2015

A New & Very Special Guest Designer.... Brenda (lello)!!

Good Sunday Morning Ladies,
Well I am very excited to share with you Brenda's debut card as Guest Designer, now she has mastered the art of uploading or downloading or what ever it is, hopefully there will be no stopping her sending me more cards like this amazing example, Brenda, it is so beautiful, the colours are my favourite combination, I just love that Periwinkle card, I was hoping to have some to play with this weekend, but my 'dotty crating buddy' Pat, seems to be losing her memory, she did pitch up with some Cabbage plants on Friday, but the main reason for her detour from buying Turf was to drop me in a few bits of her stash of Periwinkle card, (I even phoned to remind her)!  Funny thing is, she bought it with her on Wednesday, took a couple of bits out for me, then when she was packing to leave, collected them up and took them with her! What is she like???? but I love her anyway!
Back to Brenda's amazing card, I love everything about it Brenda, your Bow of Tulle is perfect, what is your method of tying it please? Those roses are gorgeous and match perfectly with the card,
that little foliage die looks different though Brenda, which make is it? (sorry so many questions)!
Its a nice idea to stamp or print your sentiment onto Vellum or parchment, and then Die cut, it seems to tone in with the whole card more than if printed onto white card.
I also love the effect you have got from scoring the very edges of the bottom piece of white card, it gives such a clean crisp finish and draws your eye straight in to the centre of your card.
Brenda, thank you so very much for taking the time and trouble to send the photos of your card to me, I just know that everyone will love it a much as I do!
Tomorrow, I am going to share with you all the much awaited photographs of the inside of the French Country Manor, Marigny in France, Janet kindly sent them to me on Friday and I can't wait to share them with you, there is even a photo to tease you, a delicious looking treat from the local Patisserie!
I will add my Congratulations to the many millions, on the safe arrival of the Royal Princess, I can't help but worry about how much pressure there will be on her little shoulders, I heard one of the royal reporters saying she will be a Style Icon from the moment she leaves the hospital!
Well I hope you all enjoy your Sunday,
I will catch up with you all later, to hear what you think of Brenda's card.
love and hugs


  1. Hi Sandra and all my Friends,
    Well I must say that if I saw this "Outstanding Card" on our Dear Sue's blog I would have no reason but to think it was hers.
    Brenda your Card is Truly Beautiful I Love The Fabulous Colours you've chosen,
    It's just a Truly "Magnificent Card" you should be so very proud of yourself, You are a very talented Lady and I can't wait to see more of your Stunning Cards.
    Well I'm thrilled about the Royal Baby and I may be on my own here but I really hope that somewhere in her name they include Diana but that's just my opinion.
    Take Great Care All
    Love and Hugs
    From Sam xxx

    1. SAM, I was thinking the same thing about the new arrival. xxx

  2. Good morning Sandra and ladies. When I say good it does not mean the weather is good! It's miserable and cold.
    Brenda. What an amazing beautiful card, it's gorgeous I love your design, choice of dies and colour. Don't hide you talent from us any more.
    Sam, I was only saying to daughter yesterday when we heard the news of the royal birth. That I would be most surprised. If Diana wasnt one of her names? Here's hoping William is strong enough to stand his ground against those who wouldn't like it to be included. It's lovely to see a couple who are so normal, and just want to have a normal as possible life.
    Saba. Glad you are home safe and sound, back to normal routine for you again?
    Karen. Have you got that pattern pinned on to your material yet? Oh those were the days! 43years ago when I was expecting our Gillian I made my dresses sewn by hand, wouldn't do that now, even machine sewing is out. Still have my machine and still works after 41 years. Anna was using it the other week, as mummy's wasn't working. I think I will let Anna have it.
    I must make our Lauren's birthday card this morning as part of today's coffee and cake afternoon is to celebrate her birthday too, she will be 5 this week. An expensive week this week in our family with birthdays. I have put a photo on my blog of our afternoon tea goodies from yesterday.
    Well I have got everything ready in here for today. I wonder what the topic will be today? And who will pop in, for those of you who aren't feeling to good or in pain I have filled the ((((( hugs basket up)))))) help yourself. I am going to sit at the window, no maybe not its a bit cold I will go over in the corner, and have my tea and toast. Hazel x

  3. Morning everyone. What an exciting day yesterday, what with the continuing launch AND a new little Princess. I dont know about you but I think George looks so much like his papa did at that age ? Now then, I do love Kate and William, the rest, well blaah, sorry, nut if Kate is so down to earth why have a hair stylist ? Yes, I know.we all look like hell after giving birth, but her hair is so natural, and.she is such a beauty anyway, just either pull it back, or wash, dry and brush it, she's the kind of woman that would look amazing in a bin bag (only those like pouting posh goes as far as a hairdresser dont they) ? Obviously not ! I thought Fergie got into trouble for being too extravagant ? Yes she's in full glare of the world but Kate, you dont need a hairdresser you a beautiful enough.

    Talking about beautiful (and I mean this genuinally) this could easily pass as one of Sue's samples, yes I agree with our Sam, its stunning Brenda and I cant wait to see more more more please. Our Izzy is getting lots of mentions on Sue's blog lol you blew lots of people away with your talant Izz : )
    Hopefully seeing our beautiful daughter today. We should have been meeting up yesterday as her hubby is on call over the BH so we were going clothes shopping for her but she couldn't get warm and the thought of going out didnt thrill her so she ordered roast chicken and stuffing sandwitches with my lovely roast potatoes ( her words not mine) lol weird combo I know but ... And said she would be over at lunch today, so we will see if she still wants to shop after the lunch she badly wants lol.
    I will send my love to you all as my toast and lemon/orange curd is ready.
    Have a lovely day whatever you are up to.
    Lancashire Steph xxx

  4. Janet Ecco of Sheffield3 May 2015 at 08:38

    Morning Everyone

    My usual latte in front of me so here I am sat in the corner.

    Well it's absolutely pounding down here with rain and it's COLD!! so I still haven't been warm for the last week but of course what could I expect it's a Bank Holiday. Silly me.

    Brenda - WOW your card is just gorgeous. My colours too. Please Please Please can we see more of your wonderful work. I love everything you have done and would be jumping up and down (well in my head) if I were to receive this and it certainly would go into my memory box.

    Wasn't it lovely to have good news yesterday instead of the normal politics or wars everywhere. I new Princess. It's so long since we had one and yes it's wonderful that her parents want to live as much a normal life as they can. Prince William in particular knows how important this is and I'm sure they will succeed.

    I haven't decided what to do today. It definitely will not be a going out day so it might just be nice to have a lazy day and only doing the essentials. We'll see.

    I have to say I'm loving all of Sue's new dies. So much more than the last launch. They all look so lacy and it's certainly going to be difficult to choose a favourite set never mind an overall die. I suppose we'll see the numbers drop tomorrow morning. I really do not like GREED. Why can't people be satisfied and happy with their lot. When I look around and see some of the horrors of today I know I'm very rich. Not money wise but in what I have.

    I think another latte is called for so I'll stay a little longer and see who may come in. My hugs are already in the basket for anyone in need or anyone who just wants a hug.

    1. Janet. I am with you on being rich! Not with money just what I have!.,., yes no amount of money could buy it. I think Sue is keeping a close watch on the comments, she won't let double comments get through. She has got some beautiful dies this time. Hazel x

  5. Morning Ladies

    Very miserable dsy here in the North West-pouring down but the Met office says it will brighten up later.

    Brenda-your card is absolutely stunning. I would have said it was a Sue Wilson card for sure. It's so detailed & perfect, I'm sure the recipient loved their card. I know I would.

    Today will be housework & chores-done quickly so I can get back to making the commissioned card. For some reason I'm really struggling with this one. Once it's completed I'll send in a photo.


  6. Hello Sandra,
    Brenda, what a truly gorgeous, sumptuous card, I love absolutely everything about it, it is fabulous.
    I'll have a hot chocolate please, no just sit still, I'll help myself and put the money in the pot.
    Sam, lovely to see you, hope you are feeling a bit better today.
    Sandra, hope you are well today and able to cope with all the visitors to the cafe, I have a feeling it will be a busy day.
    Saba, I don't know if you are, but I hope you are safely home.
    I hope you get your card done Michele, I just make cards for my family and friends, so no pressure, but I sometimes struggle, and then sometimes I sit down and it just comes.
    Keep warm, it's freezing and stotting down with rain here in Newcastle.
    Muriel xx

  7. Morning all,
    A quick coffee to keep me going.
    Brenda, what a beautiful card. It's another of these where you keep looking and see more detail.
    Miserable here today, rained overnight, but this is usual weather for this week, since the Scottish Six Day Motorbike Trials start tomorrow, and they usually get rubbish weather. Apparently the riders like it, makes the courses more challenging, me..I just see mud trailed into all the bedrooms when they get home. Only part I watch is when over 300 young bikers in leather come along the High Street this afternoon for the opening ceremony. They come from all over the world for this.
    OK coffee finished, thanks, so back to work.
    See you all later
    Enjoy your Sunday

  8. Wet and miserable here today!

    This card is a real beauty very wilsonesque! A real keepsake!

    Worked til 2 am - quiet so we were bored!! Yes I know!! But nice to catch up with each other as some times it's so busy you barely speak to each other!

    I went to mine andStephs crafty haven yesterday to pick up my camellia dies I had on order I also bought the new fern die it is gorgeous and would accent any flowers on a card so well worth the money! I also bought some of the beautiful pearl corners Sue has used recently and some black beads for the stick pins! I looked at the new dies I liked the diamond striplets and Canadian background plus the nobles! I have already bought the happy birthday and the just a note which is so quirky and cute. I love sentiments especially when I don't want the faff of stamping. However, I lovely quote stamps. I have loved quotes since my teens and have collected them for years recently found an exercise book from my six form daysfull of quotes! My phill Martin bargain quotes stamps have arrived so may play on this rainy afternoon!!

    Well hope you are all doing ok I have enjoyed Sues launch and hope some winners amongst us yes there are some greedy people you can never get away from it and many selfish people but they probably don't know the joy of friendship and support that we all do!

    See you later xxx

    Ps I am sure Diana will be in the royal name. Now I loved that lady's style!

  9. Hi Sandra and all in the cafe today. You know that the periwinkle is my favourite colour so I always love to see anything using it. Sorry to hear that you didn't get some off of Pat. I can just see her gathering everything at the end of the session on Wed. including the sheets that were for you! I don't think a week goes by that one of us leaves or takes something we didn't mean to, do we? Me and you can blame the drugs but Pat doesn't have that excuse any more (which is great, bless her)
    Brenda, what a gorgeous card, it really could be a Sue Wilson original. I love using vellum for the sentiment, it is a lovely soft look isn't it. Please share lots more of your fabulous creations : )
    Sam, I hope you are feeling a little better today : )
    It sounds like the weather is much the same all over the country, it was raining here a little while ago and think it is going to start again soon! Have a good day anyway everyone. (Rain = can't get out to garden so into the craft space we go :) )
    I hope you are managing to get the amount of cards that you hoped to my lovely. Oh.I really can't wait to see you.
    Take care xx

  10. Morning Sandra and to all,
    It's raining cats and dogs outside and miserable cold so to open up to this stunning card this morning what a treat. I'm saying the same, if Sandra had not told us it was you Brenda who made this card I would say it is a wow card !
    Brenda ,you have made a wonderful work out of your dies and the colour, I Love it ! well done, like to see more.
    A little princess born !, Kate and William are so perfect for eachother and so normal around other people and that is something I like. It would be lovely if they used Diana's name somewhere at least in her name.
    OH off to see football down in T.ham later so I will take out my GC and other boxes again after being tidied away for the visitors but it doesn't mean I'm making anything, still got no mojo for anything. pop in later to see what's happening until then ,
    warm hugs, again, to you all Maria xx

  11. Good morning Samdra and ladies, a coffe for me today thanks, I will leave the money on the box.
    Brenda your card is stunning, I m sure the person receiving it will be over the moon, love your roses how did you make them?
    Let's have a little competition to see who gets the name of our new princess
    right, or some of the names, I would go for, Victoria, Elizabeth, Alice, Diana.
    What do you think?
    Catch up with everyone later.
    Take care Jess x

    1. I like Alice Diane would be lovely. Hazel x

  12. Hi Sandra and everyone,
    So sorry I haven't been popping in to your wonderful cafe it's just been a very low week but am slowly picking myself up again....I know times like these are to be expected so please forgive me if I go missing now and again.
    I have to admit when I first saw today's stunning card I thought Sue Wilson had posted on you blog Sandra.....Brenda it's just so stunningly beautiful and the recipient must be over the moon to receive such an exquisite card. Sandra you and your cafe friends are all so talented and not just at card making. The various crafts I have seen in the cafe are amazing!
    I was so thrilled about the birth of the baby princess it cheered me up no end and I'm another one who hopes Diana will be included in her name.
    I'll just have a quick cuppa then I must tootle along as I have a couple of cards to do, so I'll put my money in the till and pop a load of hugs in the huge basket of hugs.
    Take care everyone hope to pop back later.
    Lots of love Sheila xxx

    1. Keep your chin up Sheila. It is early days. Many people seem to think that the journey ends at the cemetry / crematorium that is where it starts. I was chatting to our domestic last night it is the first anniversary since her husbands death next week and we were saying how unbelievable people are in the things they say to you!

      Take one day at a time, deal with what you can when you can and you are guaranteed support here xxx

    2. Sheila stay strong and a day at a time, Also a happy thought of something you did together. Hazel x

    3. Hi Sheila I missed you but you will have good days and bad days and sometimes a bad day becomes several days. I think Bank Holidays etc make things worse . My friend used to say she felt everyone else was doing something and it was a long weekend. Hope we can help a little bit. Sending love and hugs! xxx

    4. Hi Sheila, so glad you felt up to popping in today.
      You are in our thoughts here in the coffee shop. Take it a day at a time love, remember the happier times but allow yourself time to grieve as well.
      Comforting hugs Saba xxx

    5. Hello Sheila i'v missed you & have been thinking of you. Take all the time you need my lovely friend,you are bound to get good & bad day's so just take one day at a time & deal with each day as best you can.We are all here for you Sheila.Try & Have some happy thoughts.along the way.Stay strong sending you & Nikki lot's of love & Hug's Lynda xx

    6. Hello Sheila. Good to see you. I can understand you having down days. Have been there myself. Just come in when you feel like it but try and read the posts everyday even if you don't comment. Might cheer you up on your down days. You make lovely cards and looking forward to seeing some more.

    7. Hi Sheila you have been in my thoughts both you and Nikki so pleased you were able to pop in today. Just take things one day at a time if you have a down day just remember there is a whole new day not broken into coming next when you will have the chance to pick up and dust off and start afresh on your recovery. We are all here for you on the down days as well as the up days so please take care and take your own time, just you do what you want, when you want, there are no rules everyone has their own way of dealing with things but do allow yourself to remember some of the happy times too.
      With love
      Margaret xx

    8. Hi Sheila, don't worry that you not coming to the cafe every day, you pop in when you are feeling up to it. You and Nikki are in my thoughts every day. I can't imagine how hard it must be for you but do remember the happy times, maybe when you are ready you can tell us about them (I'm a nosy parker) sorry. Do look in from time to time and listen to what's going on (after dinner especially) Hugs Maria xx

    9. It will be an uphill struggle sometimes, but you know you can just pop in any time, there will always be someone in to give you a hug

    10. Hello Shela, lovely to see you today, sorry you have felt down lately, be patient with yourself, it's little steps you have to take. Just take it a day at a time and remember the door is always open at this cafe we are all here for you when you feel up to having a chat . LOL Brenda xx

    11. Sheila flower, your friends are here for you when ever you need a shoulder. I for one appreciate the lovely people that surround me in here as they have helped me so much since mum went. It's sad to say that the lovelies here are the only ones that notice, so as i said your friends are all here when you need us. Sending you some rather naughty hugs that give more a strangle hug than anything else to you and Nikki as i know you will be trying to keep things going for the young lass's sake but you need to feel that comfort too flower, so arms out ready for them flying towards you. xx

    12. Hi Sheila.
      Glad you felt up to joining us today. Just pop in and out whenever you feel like it. We'll be so pleases to see you. We know you'll have up and down days.

    13. Sending some (((((hugs))))) Sheila, so glad you had the good sense to pop by and share your bad time with us. Thats what we are here for. To support each other. xxx

    14. Hi Sheila sending you a big hug my lovely, you know where we are when you feel like popping in. My thoughts are with you and Nikki xxx

  13. Good morning ladies,

    What a stunning sumptuous debut from Brenda! A truly gorgeous card, that blue is so pretty, and I love all the layering. The inclusion of a tulle bow is a masterstroke, so feminine.

    Just a short note today, off out for dinner and meet up with my sister. Will catch up on all the comments over the weekend when I get home tomorrow.
    Love & hugs
    Cheryl xxx

    1. Glad you are having a good time. Hazel x

    2. Enjoy your lunch with your sister Cheryl. Safe journey home tomorrow. Xxx

    3. delighted to know you are having a good time Cheryl hope you have a lovely time with your sister and do enjoy your lunch. Margaret xx

    4. Have a nice day Cheryl,
      hugs Maria xx

    5. Hope you have had a good day. xxx

  14. Hello Sheila,
    It's lovely to see you, you and Nikki are often in my thoughts and prayers. I'm pleased you felt strong enough to log onto Sandra's wonderful blog. xxx

  15. fantastic card and a great use of dies ,,Laura O

    1. Welcome Laura, so lovely of you to pop in this morning, it's always lovely to see a new face! Now you will be made very welcome by my friends here on this blog, you see we treat it like a cafe, to pop in and chat with friends, so please stop by again soon!
      Sandra xxxxx

    2. Welcome Laura. This is the best coffee shop, you can eat the calorie free cake and drink as much tea, coffee what ever and chat as much s you like. We support each other and we pass on helpful tips etc. most of all you get much to laugh about which is a great medicine if you are a bit down or just fed up. Hazel x

    3. Hi Laura,
      Welcome to Sandra's lovely blog. I can confirm the coffee and cakes are the best in town, we also drink a lot of virtual Baileys, I have it delivered by express tanker, but you have to keep an eye on a few of the members because they tend to drink rather a lot, naming no names but Myra,Hazel, Diane and Maria spring to mind, whereas a drop barely touches my lips. Brenda just has a drop now and then, a bit like me!!!!!
      Maureen (sometimes known as Muriel or Daffy - don't ask!) xx

    4. Welcome to Sandra's virtual coffee shop Laura.
      Hope you will stop by again. We are a bit mad at times, some more than others, but we are a happy and supportive crafting bunch who love to see new members joining us.
      Saba xxxx

    5. janet ecco of Sheffield3 May 2015 at 13:52

      Hello Laura. As Hazel says this is the best coffee cafe. More than good friend s always ready to share whether it's crafting tips or moral support when needed. The cakes and drinks aren't bad too. So please join us whenever you can.x

    6. Welcome Laura to the best little coffee shop on town,as you might have already sussed out we can be a bit mad, sad and really silly sometimes, but we are all here for each other. Hope you can pop in again, Jess x

    7. Welcome to a wonderful blog Laura, we are all here for each other in times of trouble, a trouble shared is a trouble halved, we also have a good giggle about things and each other. We help when we are able to and share with each other things and ideas we have made so this little virtual coffee shop is more than a blog about cards and crafts and we always make sure new friendly visitors are always most welcome. Be assured if you miss some days for whatever reason that is fine just call when you can it will be so lovely to see you.
      Margaret corgi owner xx

    8. Hello Laura. Welcome to the cafe. Everyone is very friendly. The cakes are all calorie free.

    9. HELLO LAURA WELCOME to the great cafe,the food is lovely i'm on a diet & i don't even use any of my 500 calories up hihi.
      i'm the one with the droopy bit's ( & the shy one )but didn't get any sensible help from this mad lot especially Sandra haha,Hug's Lynda xx

    10. Welcome Laura to this lovely , slightly zany cafe!
      Some people are given to exaggeration you know - I won't name names but one of the worst offenders has three names!
      Please join in the fun . Myra xxx

    11. Hi Laura and welcome,
      we are a bunch of misfits that enjoy crafting lol .I only making cards when the mojo like to appear and that's not often tihi but still.....
      Hope you coming back and maybe you can show us some of your craft one day unless you have been frighten away by some, no names hihi
      Hugs Maria xx

    12. Hi Laura and welcome
      This café is the best in town. If you need any advice on any of the folk here just come and have a chat, as some of them drink far too much virtual baileys (where as I only drink baileys with brandy).
      The crafty people in here are the best, they will help in a hundred thousand ways and will always make you welcome, but remember it helps to be a bit mad in here.
      Wendy xx

    13. Hi Laura, a big warm welcome to the best cafe in virtual land. We love it when a new face decides to take that step into our land of madness, chaos and friendship. Some of them get a bit tiddly come nighttime and are going to get us having a bad name with the local constabulary for drinking after closing time to the early hours of the morning but there are some of us that are shy quiet and retiring and normal. Oh better run as the wee white van has turned into the street, bye see you again we hope. xx Norah

    14. Hi Laura
      Welcome to Sandra's Cafe. We are a bit nuts I'm afraid, but we just lift each other's spirits up when we're feeling low. You won't put on any weight with the cakes that you can help yourself to. Look forwRd to seeing you in the cafe.

    15. CooooEeeee!! Laura, welcome, come away in, have a seat and join us. We are a great group that you can share everything with. I do hope you call back lots. xxx

    16. Hi Laura how love
      Y of you to pop in and join us, I hope you get the chance to come again. Yes as it's been said we are mostly completely mad and most of us have never met but we have become good friends through this blog. Sandra very kindly let's us show our craft items. I hope to see you again soon xxx

    17. Hi Laura, thank you for your comments.
      Hope you will join us again soon. It can be silly in here sometimes, it can be serious, but most of all it is a very supportive group you can ever hope to meet. Love Brenda xxx

      Coooooeeeee if anyone is by the door looking in - pleeeeeeese come in and say hello xxx

  16. Hello Sheila,
    It's lovely to see you, you and Nikki are often in my thoughts and prayers. I'm pleased you felt strong enough to log onto Sandra's wonderful blog. xxx

  17. Hi Sandra and lovely ladies of the cafe
    Brenda, I would have sworn it was a Sue card, it is absolutely beautiful, hope you don't mind but I printed it out so I could study it.
    I hope Diana is in the name, my choices would be Charlotte, Victoria Mia or Aleshia.
    Well its lashing here so going away to get some tidying done then look at trying to make a Hazel bag.Will sit and have some toast and watch the world go by.
    Wendy xx

  18. I would like to think that William would insist on Diana being included in her name, but I bet he would have to fight for it! Diana was always and remains one of the most loved Royals, I think that Kate will be almost as popular, I am afraid to say that I am one of those that think that Diana's tragic death was no accident! Which is why I think that however much I know William and Kate would want a Princess Diana, it wouldn't be allowed! But hopefully the name will feature as a second name, I think the nation would expect that.
    I wonder if Kate has much say in how the children are clothed? They seem to dress their children in the same clothes through the ages, seeing little George with his long socks and shorts yesterday made me chuckle, they obviously have a Royal clothes catalogue to choose from!
    The other thing that I wondered was about the whole 'nanny' thing, William & Kate seem like hands on 'normal' parents, I imagine Kate to be wanting to put her own babies to bed and make their lunch etc. when I saw her in that gorgeous dress yesterday my immediate thought was 'that's not very practical for breast feeding! I wonder if that's not 'allowed' either!
    I would love to hear your thoughts!

    1. No accident but well timed! She signed her own death warrant the day she stood up on that boat with Dodi!

    2. Funny how so many think the same. Yet they will tell us ?NO,NO,NO!!! It was the French press trying to get photos and the poor driver. So many cover ups when needed. Hazel x

    3. I hate to say it but they are not "normal" parents. How can they be when everything is laid on for them. Like the drive back to Kensington Palace yesterday with police outriders, traffic stopped on every street they travelled, going the wrong way around roundabouts.
      Don't get me wrong, I think they are as "normal" as most multi-millionaires surrounded by "yes" men and flunkies can be.
      As to Diane, well the older Royals and Courtiers want her to be erased from history don't they? We all have our thoughts about her death and where is the bodyguard who was so dreadfully injured in the crash. I believe he was the only one to survive but had terrible injuries. There has been no sight or sound of him since.
      Right, got to go and do the dumplings!!!!

    4. I believe that the crash was no accident but we will never now.
      I hope the little one will have name Diana somewhere ,she is her grandma after all. George is a handsome little boy, real cute in his long socks. xx

    5. I agree word for word what you say Maureen. But I do hope that Diana is in the name. xx

  19. Oh Sandra, I had to have a little chuckle about the Royal clothes catalogue!!! Knowing the London scene they will have a posh shop that they use. We have a shop in St Andrews, and they had a baby cardi - very old fashioned, wait for it £95 hand wash only. They have sleep suits are something like £45. So what do they pay in London??? Either that that or it could be boxes of clothes from the past? I think Kate would have likely given the feeding a go and thought " not for me" or she was away home to on her big baggy jumper and comfy pull on trousers!!., They free to just pop her on. Hazel x

  20. Hi Sandra ,
    Well what a stunning card today! Brenda it is really beautiful! I love everything about it . You are a very talented lady. Your attention to detail is just amazing. It could be a Sue card quite easily! Thank you for sharing it with us.
    I got the big monarch butterfly that Sue is showing in the noon blog post. It is beautiful and cuts like a dream. My granddaughters had fun with it yesterday.
    This Launch has been really lovely.
    The sun is shining here now and it's a little warmer - it was pretty cold before! However the rain has gone and it's quite pleasant.
    I thought Catherine looked lovely yesterday. I guess she can't win whatever she does. These pictures are beamed around the world and analysed by all and sundry. George is a little poppet!
    Must go and sort out the final stages of lunch!
    Have a lovely day everyone.
    Love Myra xxx

    1. MYRA:- how did you manage to get some sunshine??? xxx

    2. Don't know Patricia but it has been a really pleasant afternoon and evening. It was dry when I left home for church at just after 10 am. We had sunshine after that. Hopefully you get a better day tomorrow. Xxx

  21. Your right Myra! She won't win, and as I said she might have gone home like we all do and get out of her lovely dress into comfy clothes, I wouldn't blame her! I will have on a skirt etc this afternoon, but when I get home I will likely go put my pjs on. Kate is the same as us all when it comes down to it. Yes George is a cute, and so like dad. Hazel x

  22. Hello Sandra and fellow coffee shop ladies,
    I think a hot chocolate with marshmallows and cream is the order of the day today please.
    I arrived home quite late so am having a very lazy day today. Haven't even unpacked everything yet and that's usually the first thing I do.

    Brenda your card is fabulous with a capital F. I love everything about it and like Sandra would also like to know how you tie your tulle bow. Mine always look a bit scruffy. Would it be alright if I copy your design? Thank you for sending it to Sandra, so glad you have cracked the up loading of pictures.

    I am so thrilled we have a beautiful Princess. I loved seeing her for the first time yesterday and thought Catherine looked beautiful and it was a treat to see George as well. I think William and Catherine will be able to decide themselves just what they want to call her, but I also think they are sensible enough to want to maintain tradition and give her appropriate royal names. My guess would be Alice with Elizabeth and Diana somewhere in her name.
    Just a moment whilst I don my tin hat and body armour..... I did like Diana and she did some wonderful work and loved her boys so much and I felt sorry for her but despite the fact that she did act very foolishly at times I will never believe that her death was anything but a tragic accident. Charles also had a hard time during their marriage, he has been a wonderful father, and should have been allowed to marry Camilla from the start and it saddens me that he is often portrayed as the villain.
    I am now crouched behind the sofa as well just to be on the safe side!!!

    I have loved Sue's launch. I think it's her best ever and can't wait to see what she does with them. I was sorry to see she had slipped down to number Two in the listings despite the massive increase in numbers who have commented on the launch days.
    Well ladies, I need to unpack now and get the washing machine going even though there will be no chance of drying anything outside here, it's raining buckets?
    Hot chocolate was delicious, thank you Sandra. See you all later.
    Love and hugs
    Saba xxx

    1. Saba don't hide!!., we all are allowed to say what we think. Charles should have been allowed to marry Camilla. Like Ann and Margaret they didn't get that chance. Where as I am sure Charles made sure William and Harry were going to be happy from day one.
      Are you allowed to put your washing machine on! Being a Sunday or does that not count these days? Hazel x

    2. HI Saba,
      It's lovely to see you and I'm not saying anything more!!!!!
      Love Muriel xxxx

    3. I don't buy the conspiracy theory either! I was too scared to say it before! I wonder if they'll use Frances as one of the names and I hope Elizabeth is one. I like Charlotte too and Victoria. Tin hat on too! Xx
      The washing will still be there in the morning you know! Xx

    4. SABA: glad your home safe and sound.
      No need for the "tin hat" xxx

    5. Hi Saba good to see you home , can I share your tin hat please :) I thought George looked so cute in those shorts, so like his dad. I saw the photos on front of the newspaper this morning, the new princess looks a sweetie, I hope they are able to grow up out of the spotlight and have a happy childhood. I like the idea of Alice or Charlotte but think Diana will be in there too. Xxx

  23. Hi Sandra and all you lovely ladies in the coffee shop, I have been watching all the goings on in the past few months and have had a great chuckle. All your crafts have been wonderful and i have been agog at the amount of talent you all have, there have been some truly wonderful creations. I am trying desperately to shake of this stupid bout of depression and think i am winning at last and to be honest with you all reading Sandra's blog has helped a huge deal, just reading about your everyday lives have made me think what problems have i got compared to others. a lot of your top tips have been great and i have saved some pennies, so thank you for that, Our Sue's new dies are fantastic and i love the butterfly and that striplet to make the felt flowers are my favourites up to now but i would love some of the other dies as well. On the Diana conversation i too believe it was no accident and hope they include her name for the new baby, they are hiring a tempory nanny to help, so i have just read in the paper. I send all my love to you all and will try to comment more often, your retreat sounds super dooper and i hope you all have a great time. i have emptied the basket of hugs thank you so much, but have added a few of my own, hugs Johanna

    1. Oh Johanna, it's so wonderful to have you join us this morning, it has made my day, I know first hand how depression can make you withdraw into yourself, it was starting this blog that made a huge change for me, it would be so beneficial Johanna if you could manage to pop in, these wonderful bunch of ladies know first grand what you are going through and know exactly what to say to help you, so if you feel up to it, I'll set you a chair over in the brightest corner, where everyone will be over the moon to see you, sending you the biggest hug,
      Sandra xxxxx

    2. Johanna,
      What a treat to see you here today. Sorry you have been having a hard time but so glad we have brightened some moments for you, and I hope you continue to improve.
      Love and big hugs Saba xxx

    3. Johanna, it's so lovely to see you back in the coffee shop. Call in when you can, we are mad at times but it does brighten the day when you read and get a laugh. Hazel x

    4. Hello Johanna,
      How lovely of you to visit Sandra's blog. Pulll up a chair and have a Baileys with me. The new tanker is coming any minute so we'll celebrate the birth of baby Victoria Alice Elizabeth Catherine Diana in style. I wonder how near I will be to the eventual name.
      Muriel xx

    5. janet ecco of Sheffield3 May 2015 at 14:06

      Hello Johanna. Welcome to this wonderful crazy fantastic cafe where all you need is here from crafting tips to hugs and support on every level. So take a seat and you'll not be sat on your own for long. Hugs xx

    6. Hi Joanna, so happy you have popped by, I hope you will make it a daily event, extra hugs to you today, Jess x

    7. Hello Johanna, welcome to the best blog and lovely coffee shop, delighted that you have been able to pop in today and really hope you will call in again really soon. As you have been watching you will know we are here for you when you need us as well as being a little crackers! I do hope you have turned the corner and are well on the road to recovery we are always here for you, so please take care, I know Sandra will be delighted you have called, in fact I think she will be doing a little gig!
      Margaret xx

    8. Hi Johanna,
      Lovely to see you today. I am glad the coffee shop and the daily ramblings of each one of us has helped you! The thing is we can agree to disagree - that's what friends do! We just have fun most days and share hints and tips. Hope Sandra won't be too jiggered after her gig! Xxx

    9. Hi Johanna and welcome !
      it's great you are here, sit down and I'll get you a drink (Muriel isn't to early for the Bayleys ?) maybe a tea or coffee, Paul's special beans or a hot chocolate to warm you up a bit as the weather have decided to be autumny again ? I hope your OH is ok and the meds. are helping ?
      I got to go but do pop back tonight and hope to see you then,
      Hugs Maria xx

    10. Welcome Johanna,
      Have a seat and a coffee and please keep coming to visit
      Wendy xx

    11. Hi Joanna, so pleased you came into the Coffee Shop it's always lovely to see a new face. This is such a lovely place to visit, iyou will always be made welcome. Hope you come back soon LOL Brenda xx

    12. Hi Johanna
      Lovely to see you in Sandra's coffee shop. I've sorry to hear that you are feeling down at the moment. But we're glad that we've made you chuckle. We all help and support each other. Pull up a chair, and I'll fix you a hot chocolate. It will wRm you up on this very cold day. Hope to see you again soon.

    13. Helooooo!!! Joanna, gosh is fantastic to see another new face popping in for a cuppa. Pull that chair in closer and share your burden. That's what we are here for, please don't ever feel you can't tell us if your having a bad day. We won't turn away we will face you take your hand and help you though it. (((((Hugs))))) xxx

    14. Hi Joanna how lovely to see you in here, welcome to the cafe which is often full of giggles and laughter and lots of puddles! By the way watch out for Maureen leading you astray with the Baileys and don't believe a word she says , Maria, Myra Saba and I are angels and never cause any problems at all! See you again soon xxxx

    15. Hello Joanna welcome to the coffee shop most of the ladies are a bit mad sometimes it's confusing as some have more than one name like Maureen sometimes she is Mureial or Daffy & now anonymous. Who has a tanker delivery of baileys,Diane I'm sure she had a different name too,I'm the quiet & Shy one with droopy bit's haha..Any way don't let that put you off & come back soon Hug's Lynda xx

  24. Hello Sandra and all the lovely ladies in the coffee shop,
    Thank you everyone for your comments on this card it really is A boost to my confidence and it really did take a lot of courage to send this one to Sandra.
    I have to give credit to Sue Wilson she gave me the inspiration for this card. Sue made one using the Times Square and I think it was the Madison Square dies. I only had the Times Square dies and the border and corner set, so get my take on one of sues gorgeous cards. I used periwinkle and coconut white card The flowers I made from the baby blue vintage seen binding. The leaf it's from the Classic Rose set, I cut the other foliage from the Fern leaf strip by Britannia dies. the tulle is just a long the strip folded in half, I kept the joins in the middle and joined them together with a stitch. ( I find this less bulky than knot)
    I hope I've answered all your questions Sandra .

    The Royal Princess wasn't it a delight to see the proud new parents, and also it'll George visiting. we are all guessing what her name could be, I wondered
    about Caroline, it's close to Kates mothers name, just a thought. This baby has been a great distraction from all the political programs we have on our television.
    I think I've waffled on enough and we haven't had lunch yet so I better get a move on. Will be popping in later for afternoon tea.
    Thank you all again for your lovely comments , you are all very very special ladies. Sending hugs to each and everyone of you. Brenda XXX

    1. Oh Brenda,
      You so deserve the wonderful comments, your card us simply stunning, your floral decoration is just so classy and beautiful!
      I am so grateful to you for allowing me to share it with the ladies!
      I for one will be making the most of your inspiration, I hadn't realised that you had sewn your roses yourself, I think I might try that too!
      Thanks again,
      Love and huge hugs
      Sandra xxxxxx

    2. This is a gorgeous card Brenda. Why have you been hiding for so long. I thought it was the New York Times die. I also have that but not the corners. Your flowers are beautiful. I bought some tulle this week and put a bow on Scarlets birthday card. Glad Sue showed us to use this. Let's see more of your cards please. Enjoy the rest of your day. Stopped raining here but quite windy.

    3. Hi Brenda,
      I can't believe it took courage to submit this card. It's so stunning.
      Have a drink on me, in fact have a double!!!
      Muriel xxx

    4. Sandra, The roses are made from approx 8/9 inches of ribbon. I used to go to flower arranging classes and this was one of the things I learnt to do there. (It's much easier with florists ribbon) I like occasionally to add them to cards. It was the tulle I put a stitch in, to hold the ends together and gather it up at the same time, this then hides behind the roses and not as bulky as a knot. LOL Brenda xxx

    5. Sorry mumma, too many questions I know, did you print your sentiment onto vellum? It looks embossed!
      Big hugs
      Sandra xxxx

    6. Yes, I printed the sentiment onto vellum and then cut it out.
      LOL Brenda xxxx

    7. BRENDA:- your card is AMAZING, if I had been asked I would have said it was a "Sue Wilson" original xxx

    8. Brenda my lovely lady, I haven't got to the end of the comments yet but I just have to comment on your card, it is so beautiful. I really thought it was a Sue card when I saw it, it is so professional. Thank you for allowing Sandra to share it with us ( well done working out how to upload photos too!) and a big thank you for your hints and tips. This really is a lovely card. Take care love Diane xxx

    9. Hi Brenda
      Must ask Sandra how to print on vellum, or anything else really. My printing always seem to print close to the edge of any paper. So I'm unable to use a die to cut it out. Hope I remember to do this. Perhaps I'll send her an email then she'll rember for me.

  25. Saba my darling, no need to hide, we are all entitled to our own opinion and I am very pleased that you feel you can stand up and say exactly what you feel!
    You go girl, by the way, that tin hat makes your hair look shocking! Haha!
    Back to the Royal clothes discussion, did any of you ladies have those darling white 'nighties' I suppose they were, I had the the for Matt when he was born, they were made of the softest brushed cotton, the night time nappy change was a breeze too, no poppers or bending their legs this way and that! I loved them, but you just don't see them these days!

    1. Yes I had some of those Sandra when my daughters were born they had little rabbits embroidered on them too. Believe it or not I still have one in my memory box, the were so very soft too just as you say . xx

    2. Yes!! John Jnr wore them. The only thing was they were warm!! John was born July and it was very hot. My MIL made him little Romper Suits from a couple of his Dad's old cotton Shirts. xxx

  26. Yes Sandra, I had those nighties for Rachel, in fact I'm not sure that babygro were around, or if they were they were very expensive. Towelling nappies as well, in fact I still have a pile of them and use them for all sorts, including drying stencils if I've used embossing paste!!! Can I assure you that they have been sterilised and well washed.
    I remember when disposable nappies came out and George was playing cricket at Bamburgh Castle. I bought a packet because it would make things so much easier when changing her, but they were terrible and disintegrated as soon as she wet her nappy. Things have changed a lot since then.
    Because it's so cold and wet today, I have decided we'd have mince and crusty dumplings, I'm really looking forward to it.
    The girls are having a sleep over tonight, so I'll try to get back but if I don't enjoy the rest of the day, play nicely and have a drink on me!!! Prost
    Muriel xxx

    1. Hi Maureen,
      I still use my Terry nappies too, they are still white too, I use them for all sorts of things, when I stopped using them, which was not too long after first trying them, poor Matt, those first few nappies were a trial, in those days you slept your baby on it's side with a rolled blanket behind them, you could see his leg sticking over the top of the carry cot as his nappy was so thick between his legs! I did get better at it, but then we started using disposable nappies fir going out then slowly but surely we moved totally on to them, it was easier not having the buckets of Napisan in the bathroom etc, but to this day I still find myself folding napkins into Napoleon folds when I am sat in a restaurant! We used to use the kite shape with the extra fold for absorbency down the centre, I hated putting that bloomin pin through !
      Ah the memories!
      Sandra xxx

    2. Yes Maureen I can remember when I brought Lesley my younger daughter home from hospital they gave me a pack of disposable nappies and big sister Lisa wanted to use them. So one afternoon we tried them, put one on and then put her back into her carrycot within half an hour the carrycot was awash she needed a bath and a complete change of clothes! Plus the carrycot needed a good wash and complete change of bedding too, Lisa got the rest of the packet for her dolls and I stuck to my soft Harrington nappies (they had the royal warrant) and still have some! xx

    3. Glad I'm not the only one with nappies still on the go! I have som muslin squares as well . They are brilliant for crafting! I loved the cute little Cherub vests! Xxx

  27. Oh Sandra I know those nighties!!., mine had them ex Patricia's John I will add and they were soft flannelette? With little ducks and that we're embroidered across the front. Yes nappy change was quick but the baby did need warm knitted bootees on there feet. My Gillian was born with a dislocated hip and for six weeks she had two wear double nappies done in a certain way. I put one on then the plastic pants then the next one on top of that so nighties were prefect for her, she was wrapped in a flannalett sheet on a night too where I bought the bottom point up and tucked it in so it was a bit like the grow bag they get put in these days! Dresses, frilly pants over the nappy, hand knitted cardigan. Socks and bootees for day times. I wish the young ones would realise how easy they have it today. Disposible nappies, wipes, automatic washing machines and tumble dryers. But why oh why do they put them in foot ball tops and jeans as new baby's with trainers on there feet??? Thank goodness my grand children were kept as baby's in pale coloured clothes. Hazel x

    1. Sandra, what memories you have stirred up, I had these nighties for my two boys when they were born, and Hazel they had little ducks on them, they were so cosy, wrapped up in a small blanket and off to sleep. Nobody wraps their babies up now, I think it makes them feel more
      I have thought of another name for the new princess, how about Charlotte! I remember when Fergie had her girls and they were debating names it was mentioned that Victoria could not be used because if Diana has a girl that could be part of the name for her.
      We will find out soon I expect.
      Take care, Jess x

    2. Oh yes I remember the nighties, they were lovely. They were part of the must have list given to us by the hospital so off to mother are we went. I bought a couple and loved them so much we went back and bought some more. Emma was a monkey though and wouldn't sleep at night so eventually the health visitor suggested putting her in a baby grow at night. Oh yes she slept like a top until she needed feeding so out went the lovely soft nighties! I loved my muslin squares too and have still got some, yes still white, you could always give them a good boil wash couldn't you ( and yes they got ironed too!). Xxx

  28. Brenda ( little lamb) you need to use no less than 260gm card 300 is better the die cuts through other wise! Glad you managed it. Yes you can do any die cut behind the cut out . Have fun. Hazel x

    1. Hi Hazel. Yes I used 300gm card but it is shiny so that was probably the reason it split. Even so I am very pleased eith the outcome and will use this as a model. Might try this instead of the izzy bag I had planned for the ladies who are coming to the craft sessions. Will be much easier for me to cut out than Izzy bags as it might be at least 12. I can cut out the die and they can do the measuring and cutting. Thanks agsin.

    2. Yes I think it is the shiny card that was the problem. The good thing with this bag it's all scored in the right places by the die it's just cutting the bits out then assembling it. Much easier than the izzy bag and you have only to give them to bits then they can do the rest as you say. Hazel x

  29. BARGAIN ALERT!!!!!!!!!
    The Works online 20% off and Free Delivery!
    They have some great deals girls. Papermania Capsule Collection 12 x 12 in blue 32 sheets £5 off but then you have your 20% discount there are also Dovecraft 8x 8 blocks of 48 sheets 120gsm 2 for £7 then deduct your discount, worth a browse girls, last one there's a looney!!!!

  30. Good afternoon Sandra and all the coffee shop crew
    Wow Sandra not one but two new visitors to your blog have fantastic is that, take care don't do too many cartwheels a little dance would be safer or an extra glass or two of Baileys!
    WOW OH WOW Brenda what an elegant and very beautiful card I love the colours, reminds me of Wedgewood so very lovely. I love everything about this fantastic card, please don't hide your wonderful talent it deserves to be shown, please when you can do let us see much more of it. Many thanks for allowing us to see your card Brenda and to Sandra too, many thanks for showing it.
    Just like everyone else I am delighted at the new arrival and so pleased everything went well, both mum and dad looked so happy. I hope they are allowed to enjoy their new arrival without Kate's parents interfering as they reportedly did when little George arrived, as William looked so unhappy at times after George arrived and he must have struggled with his own thoughts bless him. They have a position of privilege to uphold and knowing all the world are watching them ready to criticise, must be stressful to say the least. It would be lovely if they are able to incorporate Diana into the little princess's name but that too will not be without problems I could imagine within the royal family. My wish for them all is health, happiness and peace.
    Not sure about anyone else but I am so pleased that the football season is almost over I cannot see the attraction of watching grown men run up and down kicking a bit of leather and when they don't get their own way behave just like spoilt children, give me rugby league any day!
    Well I will take my latte over into the corner and enjoy it, my money is in the pot, my hugs and cuddles are over in the corner take as many as you wish folks there are plenty more where they came from, enjoy the rest of you day.
    With love
    Margaret xxx

  31. Hello, is it safe to come out???
    Hazel, I am not sure about washing on a Sunday being illegal here. I know you can't wash your car though and all our shops are closed apart from bakeries which have recently been allowed to open in the mornings.
    Terry towelling nappies and brushed cotton nighties. I had them both but remember the nappy buckets most of all as I didn't have a washing machine so there was one for sluicing, one for soaking and one for rinsing before washing in the sink. Loved seeing them on the line though. Xxxx

    1. When we lived in Celle we were not allowed to hoover, use or washing machines, cut the grass or do DIY on a Sunday. Yes shops were only open a full day on the first Saturday of the month other than that they closed lunch time Saturday till Monday. It was a good thing as you got everything done and enjoy the weekend going and doing things as a family. Hazel x

  32. Oh ladies I have just seen the funniest thing.
    My husband has just been jumping around the sitting room on one leg and making funny noises whilst pulling off his trousers at the same time. Now before you start thinking what I know you lot will start thinking it was all very innocent.
    He had just lit a fire to take the chill off and we burn logs which are stored on his mothers farm and yesterday just before we went to bed had spotted a big black beetle on one of the logs which he wanted me to catch and kill. No chance, I am such a wimp when it comes to creepy crawlies. Anyway it had crawled unnoticed up his trousers and he suddenly felt something moving near his nether regions.
    I am pleased to say the offending creature is now dead as a door post, I have tears rolling down my cheeks and he feels sick!

    1. Your poor husband I can understand him feeling sick. Think I would have wet myself - Suprised you didn't with all that laughing !!!
      LOL Brenda xxx

    2. Oh Saba,
      How funny! Poor man! I hate beetles and spiders. I would have been helpless with laughter. Just trying to picture him as it began to dawn on him what was actually happening? Xxx

    3. Oh Saba, how funny, I hope I didn't ' nibble on his nuts'
      Bless him, they are quite precious about their 'dangly bits aren't they!
      I guess it's like everything else if women and them we'd be swinging out if the way and getting on with life!
      May it's his subtle attempt at a "mating dance" bless, he's probably feeling neglected! Go kiss him better Saba!

    4. Oh Saba, your poor husband I am ok with spiders, black beetles not so good but oh don't let me see ants!!! I hate them and I have shivers down my spine at just the thought!
      Well I am all caked out once again, but a lovely afternoon. Hazel x

    5. Wonder what other antics he got up to while you were away???
      At least you got to see this one and give us all a laugh!!! xxx

    6. Ooo Saba your poor husband bless him,I just had a visual picture of him doing a one leged hop round the room trying to get his leg out of his trousers,good job I have got my Tenna ladies on as laughed so much was wetting myself.( not really hehe ) hope you've kissed him all better xxxx

  33. Saba,
    Wonder he doesn't want you to kiss it better!!!!!!!!!
    Anonymous xxx (Lord that's four names I've got now!)

    1. Thank you for that Anonymous. I feel sick now!!
      I am sure the Lord will be remembering all your names, and writing them in his book.!!

    2. Have a Baileys Dear Saba, I'm sure it'll make you feel better. (I feel quite ill myself) lol Prost xxxx

    3. I hope you have your Tena on !!
      Your poor husband, give him a cuddle at least

    4. Saba your poor husband, what a welcome home for you!!! I expect he missed having you around while you were away xxx

  34. BREBDA superb card Tou really need to show more
    HAZEL Not cut demotes s out yet ai may take it to craft this week because there are some nice long tables to lay it out on But just been told that it's an old work colleague's funeral at 5pm
    JANET I agree with you
    We will see

  35. Hello Sandra & all the lovely ladies.i had those nighties for Lisa,& lovely toweling nappies i used to love seeing a line full of white nappies blowing on the line.I remember those first disposable nappies i think they were called Paddy pad's,i only used them once when we went out for the day & as Maureen said they disintegrated as soon as she wet & started falling out in clumps from the side of her leg's.Never used them again.
    we had really heavy rain this morning but now The sun has got his hat on hip hip hooray, & managed to get some washing dry.I have been trying to make a pop up box today just got to decorate it now then hopefully put it on my blog,fingers crossed. I think Prince Philip had something to do with Diana's so called "Accident" enough said.
    well i'm going to put my pork chops in the oven with roast potatoes & prepare the fresh veg. With strawberries & thick cream for afters mmmm yummy
    Thank you Sandra for my lovely cup of tea & biscuit put money on the side hopefully be back later for hot chocolate & to see the night owl's & see if Maureen has finished the baileys off.Love & Hug's Lynda xxxx

    1. Do you think our dear Karenlotty have had a swig ?

    2. Maria I think you could be right there! Lol! Xx

  36. So sorry Brenda another senior moment your card is stunning love the colours & everything about it your so very talented love Lynda xx

  37. Hi Sandra
    Scatty, me scatty. Perhaps it's a good job my heads screwed on or else I'll forget that as well.
    Wow wow Brenda. Not only a fantastic card done in the ever disappearing periwinkle, but you actually managed to upload it to Sandra. I love how you've done the sentiment. I'll go back and see if you've explained how you did that. I see that some of you ladies do lovely verses inside your cards. I'll have to get Sandra to show me how she does hers. I have these dies but haven't really had a play with these yet. I'm with you Lynda on Diana's accident. Sandra said she's never been able to go that fast in that tunnel, even when there's hardly any traffic around. Look forward to tomorrow's pictures.

  38. Wendy you really need no less than 260 gm but 300 or more is better,,I have noticed if it as a shine on the card it doesn't work that great either. But so glad you understood what I had done. Hazel x

    1. Hi Hazel, I have actually managed to make a couple. As I said I really cannot work with measurements my brain just freezes so it is great to get something so easily explained. I would love to make boxes but unless I get instructions (easy I panic with measurements
      thanks again
      Wendy hugs xxx

    2. So pleased to help, what kind of boxes do you want to make? There might be die out there that would be right for the boxes you want to make. You will have to photo your bags and send them to Sandra. Hazel x

  39. Good evening my coffee shopper friends,
    I think some of me is away in cyber space this weekend as i keep putting up comments and they keep disappearing on me.
    Brenda, i think your card is absolutely stunning flower and i just hope that "Delia" loved it too as i would have that in a frame. Like a lot of the others i honestly thought it was a Sue card that she had either sent you or that you had re pinned, as it is totally gorgeous. Stop hiding away in that corner and bring out some more of your mini masterpieces flower as they are so beautiful.
    RORY GOT INTO THE COLLEGE, WOOPEEEEEEEE. He was telling his carer yesterday that his mum had gone daft and hadn't calmed down since he received the news. Now please tell me girls that you would be exactly the same, jumping for joy for your child as i am so proud of him and having seen his end of school report card i think he has quite a few awards to pick up at the end of the year assembly, but will let you know more after it has taken place as Rory never tells me what he has got.
    Im away to look at the works to see what bargains there is to be had, so back in a wee while.
    I have given all my huggles a stern telling off that they are not to choke, only to cuddle so they are calmer a bit at the moment at my corner so grab one while they are settled as you never know when they will start getting boisterous again.
    Back soon
    Love and crafty hugs
    Norah (Glenochil)

    1. Ooooh! That's just great news Norah! You have worked tirelessly on Rory's behalf! I am so thrilled for Rory and you. Just don't you be falling over and as you say "be making friends with the carpet!" Can't wait to hear about his awards too. Have a glass of Maureen's Baileys - you'll be doing her a massive favour really!
      Congratulations to Rory and you! Xxx

    2. Yes Norah, have a double Baileys and save my liver!! Congratulations on Rory's wonderful achievement, and also your achievement because you are the one behind him.
      What fabulous news.
      Love Muriel xxx

    3. Hi Norah,
      WELL DONE RORY!!!!!!
      what a little star, like you i would be thrilled, i think as a mum its a mixture of relief and pride, the relief of knowing that the next chapter of their lives is sorted, the pride that he has done so well and even better than you expected.
      He has done a lot to make both you and his Daddy Proud these past few days!
      Well done to you too Norah as if it weren't for you, behind him all the way he for sure wouldn't have done we well!
      Congratulations! its so lovely to see you so excited Norah, I'll take one of your huggles and send you one right back!
      Love and Hugs

    4. Well done RORY, you will have a very proud Mum dancing round the house.
      Wishing you all the very best. x

    5. Hi Norah
      Wonderful news. I would be jumping up and down with joy too. You have done so well helping him get where he is today so have every right to be proud. Please give him our congratulations and best wishes.
      Love and happy hugs Saba xxxx

    6. Hello Norah
      brilliant news CONGRATULATIONS RORY WELL DONE!!!
      Be careful Norah when jumping up & down with joy & pride we don't want you kissing the floor now do we. You should also get a meddle for for getting him too where he is today you have done so well you must be so proud. Looking forward to hearing what awards he has.
      Sending you both Big Hug's Lynda xxxx

    7. CONGRATULATIONS TO RORY. WELL DONE. You have every right to be excited about it Norah. As everyone has already said you have worked very hard to get him to this stage.

    8. Hi Norah what lovely news, please say congratulations to Rory from me for getting into college. You do deserve a medal for fighting his cause and supporting him all the way. Thank you for sharing this news with us xxx

    9. Oh Norah, You must feel so proud of your special wee boy, We have all come to love and be proud of him. You have worked tirelessly to get him to this point, this just proves what a mothers love and belief can do. I think special parents like you are 'chosen ' he is blessed to have you for his Mammy. Love and hugs Brenda xxx

    10. Well Done Rory !
      Fabulous news for both Rory and you, yes be careful so you don't fall over of happiness or because of to much of Muriel's Bayleys lol but can understand you are a proud mamma. Rory will be fine. Bring in the champie to celebrate ! xx

      You must be over the moon as a mum, Norah, but don't forget Its you and all your hard work bringing him up that he's where he is. You deserve to be on cloud nine for a wee while yet
      Hugs Wendy xx

    12. Fantastic, Well done Rory.
      Norah, I bet you are prouder than if you had got the college place yourself.

    13. WELL DONE RORY you must be so so proud Nora, congratulation, i did forget to tell you something earlier on, i won the Wednesday card giveaway recently, the silver grouted one, well i e-mailed Sue my details and received a e-mail back telling me they had mixed the names up and i had been sent a stamp set by mistake and that i could keep the stamp set as a gift and my card would be in the next post, how generous of Sue is that and i offered to return the stamp set and she would not hear of it. My card when it arrived is so beautiful and gave me a real lift to see how generous our Sue is, she is a very special lady. Margaret i too am a rugby league follower, my gorgeous grandson Oliver is signed to our local rugby team and at the moment is playing in the under nineteens, he has a brilliant career ahead of him as a full back, please god. sorry i cannot have a Baileys although i would love one but am on strict orders from the doc. to lose weight or i will be back in a wheelchair soon if i don't, but hell its so hard especially as i'm not very active as it is, hey ho why worry. hugs Johanna

  40. Wow ladies, now that the launch is over do you have your favourites,? I like all of the finishing touches, that fern and the peonies ! Those configurations dies too!
    I don't think the numbers were as high this time as they have been before and I have tried to be as positive and encouraging as I could to try and get some of them to keep coming back, some of them are American I believe, that only pitch up for the launch, there were certainly some familiar names, no " I've got the whole range" boasty knickers or he that gets his thong in a twist from the last launch!
    I tried to subtly drop hints to see if we could get a few new additions!
    What do you all think?
    The Baileys Tanker is scheduled for 8pm! Enjoy xx
    Sandra xxxxxx

  41. Norah tell Rory WELL DONE. I know what it has taken for you to get him to this mile stone! If you hadn't pushed for him to get what he needed he wouldn't have got there. No you have all the right in the world to be proud and excited. There are to many out there that don't have a mum fighting for them. I know how Tammy has to keep on at the school and support units to get what Calum needs. His confidence has grown so much since he has got the help. But if you don't keep at them it gets stopped just like that! No you jump around but please be careful as we don't want you to fall over. Hazel x

  42. Evening Ladies

    After a very wet start, today turned out lovely. Spent a while in the greenhouse whoch was nice & relaxing. Hubby was waving the phone at me & shouting-it was his sister-in-law wanting to chat with me. This is the Mum to be who I have made the baby book for. She's booked in for a section at 6.30am on the 12th May-she was hoping it was going to be the 11th as that's my birthday especially as they're calling the baby Liam Philip after my hubby (his name us Philip). We had a lovely chat & agreed to FaceTime next Sunday when the older two will be with them(they spend every other weekend with their Mother but would be far better off with their Dad full time).

    No kind offers from anyone to work tomorrow so looks like I'll be going into work-ah well, think of the money!! Ha ha-wouldn't even buy the Dandelion Clock dies I have my eye on.


    1. Oh Michele, I was really hoping you wouldn't have to work tomorrow! Don't spend all the money at once! Lol xxx

  43. Michele another Taurus birthday? There seems to be a lot of virgos on here. Better baby has his own day. Then it is his and not shared. Hazel x

  44. Helloooooo!!! anybody there??
    I am back from the wilds of Yorkshire!!
    Have not been through the comments yet, there are LOADS. Will do that later.
    BRENDA:- your card is AMAZING I just LOVE the beautiful colours and your Design is stunning. Did I say I LOVED it???
    We have come home early from our trip to Yorkshire. We had a fantastic time, our friend David had a wonderful party but Man! Oh! Man! the weather!!!
    The 51/2 hour drive there was quite pleasant apart from a few traffic hold ups but coming home it was bucketing rain, freezing, windy, foggy so bad John would not let me drive. We do share long trips but not today. We decided because the weather was so bad we would come home today rather than tomorrow. We have promised we will be back down July/August.. David and Anne have a Villa in Portugal spend lots of time there but don't stay those two months as its too hot. How could it "ever" be too hot???
    Hope you are all well and been behaving, off to check. xxx

    1. Hi Hazel,
      Pleased you are home again safely! What awful travel conditions you had! We have had a lovely day here after a damp start! Hope the party went well . Nothing much been happening here!!! Xxx

    2. Hi Patricia,
      Glad you are home safe and sound. I bet the worst weather was when you were travelling through Northumberland. Allthough for the past couple of hours the sun has been out and it's working up to being a nice day tomorrow (I hope).
      Was it your friend Dave's party, I thought it was for you!!!
      Got to go, the girls are having a sleep over tonight and I can't be drinking Baileys with them here. We are off to watch a Percy Jackson film in my bedroom, all in our PJs and George is happy downstairs watching some infernal sport or car thing. I think this will be about the 8th time we've watched Percy Jackson, sea of Monsters - I'll try to close my eyes and daydream whilst it's on!!!
      Love Muriel xx

    3. Hi Maureen,
      Oh what a dedicated Grandma, i think eight times is a bit much, have you no other choice, i can't stand watching a film more than once apart from Grease and Dirty Dancing, think its the music in those films though!
      I will be thinking about you, maybe they won't notice if you have a nap!
      love and hugs

    4. Welcome back Patricia,
      its always nice to get back to your own home after a couple of nights away, there is nothing like your own bed!
      It sounds like you had a good time apart from the weather, did you not offer to go and watch the home in Portugal for them in July/August, if you don't want to i would love to help!!!!
      Like you i love the sun/ heat, as long as there is a pool to cool off in, or the sea! I have to admit i prefer the sea, its because i am a bit ocd, and everyone's bodily functions are a lot more diluted in the sea!, we stayed at a Haven Campsite in this country a few years back, the children badgered to get in the pool, so we gave in, I got in, swished my hand through the water and my fingers were totally covered in hair! eww just the thought, then Becca came swimming up to me, turned around and she had somebody's dirty,filthy plaster stuck to her back, i could have cried, i was so bloody disgusted!!!
      I let them know about it too!
      Anyway, its good to have you back!

    5. Hi Sandra, thank you for the welcome home. Yes there really is "no place like home"
      I did offer to house sit. Unfortunately it's fully booked those two months. They rent it out within their group of friends during those months.
      John and I have been lots of times and love it. We have always gone when David & Anne are there, we have great fun in the pool and eating out in all the little restaurants round about. xxx

    6. Welcome home Patricia.
      We are not all Wild in Yorkshire you know. Wild about it yes, but some of us are quite civilised.
      Hope you have a good nights rest.
      Love Saba xxxx

    7. Saba, I actually love the "wildness" of Yorkshire!!!
      There are lots of different "wilds" in Yorkshire.
      John has spent most of his working life with Yorkshire Companies. They have severed us well. xxx

    8. Oh Patricia,
      I bet you were cut up about that!! Xxx

    9. Really sorry you got severed what part was chopped off..well maybe you shouldn't say..Glad you had a good time. Got a brandy now I just need the baileys.
      Wendy xx

  45. Chery dear,
    I hope you've had a super day today and look forward to "reading all about it"
    Love Maureen xx

    1. Maureen, you have been sucking the hose of that Tanker again!!
      The ladies name is Cheryl xxx

    2. Wow!! that's me caught up.
      Two new visitors to the Coffee Shop today, that's marvellous. Hope they get as much out of their visits as the rest of us do. It's a great place to be.
      I missed your company although I was very busy helping my friend Anne get things sorted out for the Party. The men helped but really they have no idea how to "set" things out do they??? Getting it all set up was easy ...... clearing up washing glasses, dishes, putting them all away. Getting rid of all the bottles, cans and rubbish was a LOT of work.
      Here's John with my cuppa, then I am off to bed.
      It was 2.30am when we got to bed last night. I was up at 7am this morning. Got lots of tidying up done, helping is hard work. Then the 51/2 hours in the car, I am really Tired. See you all in the morning. xxx

    3. Hi Patricia,
      good you had a fab time in Yorkshire. You have a rest tomorrow
      and maybe do some cards because I think the weather will not be dry then either, huff! Have a good night, Hugs Maria xx

  46. Hi, love your card Brenda it really could pass as one of sues, that blue card is my favourite blue colour. Melody x

    1. Hello and welcome Melody.
      Sandra's Blog is a little bit special as you will no doubt find out if you decide to join us. We are all crafters, we are all Sue Wilson fans
      and we all a bit bonkers, but a nicer group of ladies you won't meet anywhere. We welcome newcomers with open arms and would love it if you became one of us.
      Big hugs Saba xxxx

    2. Hi Melody,
      Welcome ! Hope you will call again and become part of this lovely Blog. Love Myra xxx

    3. Welcome Melody, draw up you chair, join in the fun. This place is a little bit CRAZY but the ladies who are here most of the time certainly are not ....... we are just a little bit MAD. We are here to help you in any way if you need us. Hopefully I will see you again tomorrow. xxx

    4. Hi Melody,
      Welcome my lovely, to my blog, you will not find a friendlier bunch of ladies anywhere, we all love craft, especially Sue's cards and dies,
      we like to laugh a lot, we share each others ups and downs, the love and support here are just amazing, please come in and join us, maybe ask one of the newer ladies, Janice, Karenlotty, Diane or Wendy, they popped in like and decided to stay, i so hope that you do too!
      Love and hugs

    5. Hi Melody
      Please pull up a chair and join the maddening crowd. We all have a laugh and joke, but are here for anyone who needs us. Have a moan if you feel like it, NORAH has a soapbox she doesn't mind sharing. As Patricia says most of us are bonkers. But we love each other whether we are or not.

    6. Hi Melody
      Welcome you will enjoy yourself here , so please come back and join us
      Wendy xx

    7. Hello Melody, thank you for your comment, it really means a lot to me. Hope you will pop in again soon LOL Brenda xxx

    8. Hi Melody ,
      welcome to the Cotswold coffee shop were anything can happen. If you want to talk just pop in and we all be hear listening. Hope to see you tomorrow. Have a good night,
      hugs Maria xx

    9. Hi Melody welcome to the blog (or coffee shop as we call it) the drinks and cake are all calorie free, as is the Baileys that Maureen drinks by the tanker full!. It's lovely to have you pop in and say hello, hopefully you will pop in again soon, it's a lovely friendly place xxx

    10. Hi, thank you all for the lovely welcome. You sound like a friendly bunch an don't worry no one is more crazy than me so I should fit right in lol. xXx

  47. Welcome Melody to this wonderful coffee shop, don't be put off by some of the goings on, it's all fun. So come in and have a coffee and a chat, Hazel x

  48. You lovely ladies do make me smile

    Maria and Myra - I wisk I could say I've had a tipple by alas no It's my arthritic fingers not pressing the right keys! Sometimes predictive txt helps and others it's a pain in the neck

    Sheila - take care sweetie

    Norah - huge well done to Rory I don't know a lot about him but it sounds like he's extra special x

    Laura Hello I've not been coming here long but it's great All the ladies are lovely and very helpful

    Joanna It and you are not stupid! We're here to have a moan to

    Saba you made me laugh out loud Your poor husband - but I'd have probably done the same!

    Names for the new princess I think it'll be Charlotte Elizabeth Carole Diana Alice Protocol probably won't let her include her mum's name and ai hope she'll be allowed to have Diana as a middle name - if William wants it too

    My son had the nightie thingy I still have the one he came home from hospital in They had a drawstring hem and like you've all said - easier to change a nappy!

    Night night all May have that tipple now and go see what The Works has on offer

    Before I go there are several of Sue's me dies I'd like Canadian background - liked that from start the dandelions the peonie the lattice Striplet the maidenhair fern and the....

    1. Me too Karen, in fact there are so many of them I would love to own. Have to be a bit careful when typing Maidenhair fern though. I nearly made a big boo boo on Sue's blog with that one!,,,
      Saba xxx

    2. I really wish I'd ordered the Canadian background die from Joanna - it's out of stock now. There are so many lovely ones. The butterfly is just lovely and I've been making little note lets with it . Like the dandelion clocks too as they'd make pretty flower centres. Xxx

    3. Hi Myra, its still in stock at Icon Uk, Sue Pat and I all use icon, very fast and reliable, free delivery too!

    4. Thanks Sandra! I will go and look now as I really liked that one. Trouble is I liked a lot this time - more than the last although what I did buy last time I've used lots of times. Xx

    5. Saba I didn't take the chance to type it as it was going through my head. I loved the Vancouver
      Wendy x

    6. Hi Karenlotty
      sorry you got such silly fingers, hope they not to painful. Hope you got my e-mail, otherwise is the 23:d fine for you ?
      Sandra, I looked in to the Works but the thing I was looking for was sold out. Might go to the Works in one of our garden centres but saying that I should really stop and look at Sue's new collection and see if I could get some later this month tihi Her dies this time weren't bad at all, you really change your mind when you see them made up into a card so maybe one or two could slink in lol
      It's late again, talking to myself I guess. You see newbies this is what happens, they all leaving me here but at least they didn't see the cat, can always talk to her or not hmmm she's gone to bed too. I'm saying good night then ladies and see you tomorrow,just tihi
      Love and hugs to all Maria xx

    7. Hi Maria I'm still here but now your going to bed too. See you tomorrow then.good night my friend.
      love Lynda xx

    8. Good night my friend, trust you to be the last one too
      Can hear the thunder outside,eh no, upstairs oh dear here we go again
      Love and hugs Maria xx

  49. Hi Sandra,
    Mission accomplished ! Thanks for that! If I win it - it can be a prize at the Retreat Weekend! Xxx

  50. Hi Sandra and all the lovely coffee shop ladies. Sorry I'm so late I've been trying to play catch up! I didn't get a chance to comment this morning, there I was drinking my tea when suddenly the shout went up that it had stopped raining and the sun had come out so off we went to the garden centre to get more plants and meat for a BBQ! The sun has been in and out all day so I ended up making a card instead of gardening, just got to finish it off tomorrow. We decided to have the BBQ tomorrow instead as Emma was invited out to a BBQ at her friends house instead. No it's not that warm but they are young and don't care! I've just picked a group of them up and dropped them home, just a bit merry not drunk! Patricia lovely to hear you are home safe and sound, what a journey you had but it does sound like you have had fun. Well I've lefty comments as I've gone along, what a busy day it's been today with 3 new visitors, we will have to get a few more chairs! I must go to bed now, I see Muriel has drunk the tanker dry again- loved the comment earlier it doesn't touch her lips, nope as far as I can see it passes her lips and straight down the throat! Haha only joking Muriel you know we love you and are only teasing. Well night night everyone, see you tomorrow. Sweet dreams. Love Diane xxx

  51. Good night everyone see you all tomorrow sweet dreams zzzzz.
    Love Lynda xx
