
Tuesday 19 May 2015

Portuguese Black and Cream

Good Morning Ladies,
Todays card was inspired by the Portuguese Background die that I cut while at Pats last week (she had been on a shopping spree)! hehe!
Anyway I cut the Portuguese Background Die with black card, the small inner die in cream card.
I mounted the black background onto cream card and then onto a black matt of card,  I stamped the 'Special Friend' stamp onto the inner cream die cut and mounted onto the background with mounting foam for a bit of dimension.
I took an 8 x 8 card blank and matted it with black and cream card, the cream card is embossed with the Scored Lines Embossing Folder, I placed the Portuguese Background onto the card base with mounting foam, I then cut a Gemini Collection Phoenix Die, out of black card and popped some foam tape on the back and lined it to the centre of the focal element.I then cut 3 mid sized Faux Quilled Blooms die cuts and offset them to create and fuller flower, I popped a black pearl into the centre and of the Phoenix die cut. I tied a bow with some Cream Ribbon and added a Black Dazzler into the centre and added some smaller black pearls to the corners of the card and some cream pearls to the corners of the focal element, also four tiny black pearls in the corners of the Sentiment plaque.
Two stick pins made in Black and Cream add the finishing touches!
All the dies used on this card are from Creative Expressions, designed by Sue Wilson.
What do you think ladies, does it work??
I was going for cleaner lines, no flower overload, I think that the Portuguese die gives that feel anyway, almost Art Deco in style, I think the die would make great man cards too!
I seem to be turning to cream card more often than white these days, I think it gives a softer contrast
to black than white card does.
Well I have got Sue and Pat coming over today, so that will take my mind off of the dreaded MOT!
I will pop in later when I get the chance,
Love and Hugs to all,


  1. Good morning Sandra and the Coffee Shop Crew. Hope you are all TicketyBoo and looking forward to the day ahead.
    SANDRA:- your card is amazing, definitely Art Deco, beautiful, just beautiful. I LOVE it.
    Done everything .... put fresh flowers on the tables. Notice all those beautiful cupcakes went "like snow off a wall" yesterday. Mmmm!! Teacakes today look good, will have one of them and sit over by the window to see who coming through the doors this morning.
    Off to get things done and dusted. Be back later to see how everyone is today. xxx

  2. Hi Sandra and all in the cafe today. I'm in early (unlike yesterday!) as I am gasping for that first cup of tea, I will have something to eat in while. All is ready in the cafe for everyone to come and enjoy, Lily of the Valley on the tables today (it holds a very special place in my heart, due to my wonderful Gran)
    Margarets lovely card was so pretty yesterday, I loved the gentle yellow flowers, they were gorgeous : )
    You have made a beautiful card with that lovely Portuguese die. I love the Art Deco lines of it and Sue's Scored Lines EF works at treat with it and agree that it is a great die for men's cards too.
    I am just about to go back and see what you all got up to yesterday so will just say that I hope you all have a good day and hugs to any one struggling in any way .
    See you later my lovely, sorry but prepare to be nagged big time about sending some samples off to C E etc! Love and hugs to you all. Take care xx

    1. Patricia was in at the same time as me to it so she have made beautiful flower arrangements with all of our flowers, thank you Patricia : )

    2. Hi Sue, Lily of the Valley is one of my favourite flowers. The other is Hollyhocks - from one extreme to the other! xx

    3. Hi Sue
      Lily of the valley is special for me too, we used to grow it in our garden when I was a child, grew like a weed and the smell was wonderful. When I got married I asked for lily of the valley in my bouquet and was told it was £24 for a bunch so very expensive. My sister and I went out the day before my wedding (we did the same for hers) and friends were pleased to let us raid their gardens "help yourself, grows like a weed!" . I can't get it to grow in our garden, but if I see one of the ladies near our wedding anniversary she always gives me a little bunch. I hope your memories of your gran are like mine Sue xxx

    4. I too love Lily of the Valley. It grew in Mum and Dad's garden like a weed and also my grandparents! I have had no success with it at all! Xx

  3. Good morning Sue,
    Love those flowers you brought in, feel your Gran will ne happy looking at them and thinking of you!!! They look good mixed with mine.
    Have a wonderful Crafty Day with Sandra & Pat xxx

  4. Morning Sandra,

    Gorgeous card, perfect use of dies, just beautiful.

    Love & hugs

    Jacquie J xxx

  5. Good morning Sandra and everyone popping in okay. Sandra your card is just gorgeous, love this die and the embossing folder is a favourite of mine, works well for male or female. Well the rain has certainly come down during the night and we have had heavy showers this morning although the sun is popping thru now. Crafting for me today I think as all jobs are done and up to date, will pop back ltr left some hugs in the basket. Hope MOT goes well Sandra, take care all, from Jean x

  6. Morning Ladies

    Been trying to comment for over an hour but blogger was playing up!

    Sandra-I just love your card. I love all things Art Deco-don't have this die though.

    Yesterday at work went very quickly & I'm hoping today wit be the same. I'm off to Slimming World again tonight-things have got silly, bad eating habits, new clothes that don't even fit. Will keep going until the holiday to Florida in September -should be a good incentive!


    1. Michele, it is so "hard" to loose weight and so blooming easy to put it on. Keep thinking about your holiday, that's a great incentive. Mind you you will feel like "twiggy" when you are in Florida. When I am in the States and especially Florida I always feel so "slim" xxx

  7. Hello Sandra,
    Your card is lovely. I think I'll have to get that die!! Michele your holiday in September will definitely be the spur you need.
    Well, taken the girls to football practice and now off to strip our bed and get the bedding in the washing machine. Have a good day everyone, don't woork too hard Hazel.
    Maureen xx

    1. Maureen .... wasting your breath on Hazel .... she does not know how to NOT work hard.....LOL!!
      Happy Washing, hope it stays dry, mine is out so fingers crossed. xxx

  8. Hi Sandra
    Wow what a beautiful card today Sandra, hopefully this will be sent to the CE blog too! Very Art Deco and yes I agree the cream and black is much softer than white. Well I've still got everything crossed for you for the mot, no wonder I was walking funny! The forcast is for rain here again today but the sun is out at the moment! Oh I don't trust this weather. I think it will be a sewing day again with a bit of card making to finish off a card I started yesterday. I'm nearly at the end of my dress Sandra, just yards of bias tape to put on it. Emma had to help me yesterday as I needed to extend the bits where the dress fastens. I suddenly realised as she was sewing she's just like my sister! She mutters as she sews, doesn't read a pattern and improvises! I can't do that which is why I'm not good at sewing, but I can do that with cooking no problem - my sister just burns everything!
    Have a great day everyone, Sandra sue and pat don't get up to too much mischief .
    Take are love Diane xxxx

    1. Diane, I just mutter to myself - full stop! Xxx

  9. Janet Ecco of Sheffield19 May 2015 at 08:33

    Morning to all who visit today.
    Sandra what a beautiful card. Art Deco is also one of my favourite times in history. I also think that cream is better than white with black but I just seem to find white card in my hands.
    I think I've found my demo for my next turn at Knit and Natter. Made one up yesterday so it now stands on top of the piano so I can see it every time I walk past. If I still like it in a weeks time then that will be the one.
    As I didn't get around to playing with my little £ box yesterday I think I'll give it a go today.
    The tables look wonderful with the flowers. I love flowers and always try to have some in the house. So a big thank you for making me smile this morning. The latte was lovely so off I go. The MOT is booked for tomorrow afternoon so it's fingers and everything else still crossed for you Sandra and then tomorrow.
    Hugs in their usual place.

  10. Morning Sandra and ladies, the smell in here is lovely, the flowers certainly make a statement.
    Sandra love your card today very art deco, black and cream are very classy.
    Janet, I think it was you asking about guiding wax being hard on Sue's blog, if you put a few drops of blending solution into the pot and give it a mix with your finger it helps to soften the wax, hope this helps!
    Take care everyone, have a good day whatever you are up to.
    Jess x

  11. Good Morning Sandra and lovely Ladies,
    Sandra, fabulous is the only word I need. It ticks ever single one of my boxes. I love it. I was too stupid not to buy this die and this EF when I was home, Joanne bought both and I really wasn't too keen but realise what a huge mistake I made! Can't really understand it, I love Art Deco. Have fun with Sue and Pat and good luck with the MOT.
    Beautiful flowers on the table, thank you Patricia and Sue. Lily of the Valley reminds me of my lovely granny too. When she died we all put some in our gardens from her plant and Val still has hers. I think I'll have a toasted teacake, a pot of tea and sit in the corner to see who comes in.

    Lynda, hope your back is feeling a little better. It was something you asked yesterday about the 2 step stamp sets which got me searching the web yesterday, mainly to see what was available for doing that 2 step stamping and I went onto the web site for stampin up (not a spelling error they spell it without a g).

    Ladies, If you haven't come across them they are an online USA stamping company who also do party plan. If you go on their website you can find the nearest demonstrator to where you live. They have a few sets of double and triple stamping images. They also have colour coordination throughout their range of inks, paper, ribbons inc. American seam binding and much more. The quality of all their range is really good, they have been a lifesaver for me over here in this crafting wilderness. If you do decide to order a stamp set though be careful as they do 3 types Wooden mounted, Photopolymer, and clear mount. The clear mount are not clear stamps they are rubber cling mounted. If you want clear stamps then order the photopolymer.
    Myra this brings me to what I found and tempted you with last evening. I went onto u tube to look at stamping techniques for the double/ triple stamping and came across a stamping press called MISTI. If you put in MISTI on u tube search there are some videos made by the lady who has invented this new stamping press. Her web site is interesting as well, especially if you want to order her press as they are not yet in the shops. I want one!!!!

    Maureen, did you see we put you up on your plinth last night after you went to bed!
    Love and hugs for you all
    Saba xxxx

    1. Hi Saba,
      Thanks for you lovely comment re card, the die is Pat's I like it but not sure how much I would use it, it lends itself to this style of card, almost clean and simple, not too much fuss, I am tempted to try it with flowers just to see If it works!
      I am off to look at that press you have me intrigued!
      Pat and I looked at some Stampin Up online magazine a while ago to look for the stamps that Patricia uses, as they are the multi layer ones, I will ask her when and how much they were, I do find Stampin Up quite expensive mind!
      Just a bit of trivia for y'all....... When I first came across Sue (W) her business (Particraft) was the same principle as stampin up!
      You bought a demonstrator kit and did parties, hence the name!
      I did suggest a couple of months back that I think it may well work now, particularly in areas like ours where there are no decent craft shops, I know we can all shop online but I got into paper crafting by going into a local craft shop and picking the bits and pieces up, I think more people would take up the hobby if they are 'introduced' to it!
      Sue wasn't so keen, she thought that their creative expression retailers may get upset be the idea.!
      Anyway must dash, sat here in knickers and bra, with dripping hair!

    2. Good day Barbara!
      Proper name when you cost me money!
      I watched lots on You Tube last night about this Misti and it looks marvellous! I did not purchase it ! Tempted yes!
      My card creator thing arrived today and you are responsible for that!
      However in your defence , it's a great set and I will use it lots! Thank you., No more hot tips and hints that cost money this month , Please!!
      Just thought of a caption for Muriel's Plinth. "Spellbinding"
      Maybe we could think of a better caption! Xxx

    3. SANDRA:- my StampinUp Stamps cost £17 something PLUS £4.95 postage. directly from. StampinUp demonstrator. Expensive but I have had lots of fun using them. xxx

    4. Hi Sandra when I go to card club it's run by a stampin up demonstrator. Some of the things she does are a bit basic but it's good to go and have a laugh with some of the ladies. The stamps etc are expensive but the paper is beautiful and everything co ordinated which helps. I started properly card making by picking up the do craft goodie bags. My stampin up lady sells off some of her stamps and ink pads etc when they go out of the catalogue, there is a catalogue change due in June. Xxx

  12. Morning all,
    Another quick visit while I grab a coffee. I really must get more staff here, I am on duty waaay too many hours. I am missing out with the gossip here. Mind you, with family visiting for a few days, I have been otherwise occupied, but having fun.
    Love the card Sandra, it's a very strong look. You should send this to CE too.
    Mrs B, noticed your name on the intro to Hope and Chances blog, so pop over quick and see what you have won from Christine. Well done!
    Hopefully, I will get in later today and catch up.

  13. SANDRA. Just love your card today. Another die to add to my list which is getting longer. Hope you send this one off as well. Well we did have some sun but looks like we are in for rain again with some sun. Going with a friend to a garden centre so looks like we might get wet. They also have a small craft shop there. Not a lot of craft because half the shop is lots of wedding things and new baby things but I expect I will find something to tempt me. SANDRA and JANET.hope both your cars get through the MOT. Love the Lilly of the Valley. A friend was breaking her plant up and gave me some. I have it in a large pot. Must go and get ready. Back later. Will take a tea with me.

  14. Morning everyone. Well, I've popped in here first (even before leaving a comment on our lovely Sue's blog, although I have watched the tutorial) yes Sandra, here first lol. This is pure art deco, Id be suprised if Alison didnt want this die now after seeing your sample, do you ever send photo's to Sue ? I ask because Debbie Stevens is now on the DT for Cr Exp plus another lady has also joined the team. Debbie had her stunning cards shown on POTD if you remember ? So all Im saying is - get your work seen by the most amazing of women in craft, there is NO better than Sue in all things craft, if you 'put it about' so to speak lol someone will want your talant and that goes to all of you, get your bloomin work out there to be seen if thats what your dream is.

    Id sti like to know which website you passed on Littlelamb, did you not read my comment yesterday ?

    I need some tuition please. Another failed attempt at letter pressing, im such a thick numpty. Has anyone got the Floral Brocade embossing folder, if so and you've done that technique with your eyes closed, its YOU I need help from please. I dont know if I can explain myself so you will understand ! You place your card on the 'bobbly side' of the embossing folder the rougher side, then you get the embossing you want (embossed not de-bossed) so I inked that rough side of the folder with my versa mark and run it through my ebosser... Where did my versa mark go ? Urgh, dunno, not on my card that's for sure lol ? Durr, so anyway, I then stamped my versa mark over the embossed card and did it that way, but Id missed bits so did it again with a 2nd layer of clear embossing powder, its very errr glossy lol but not good enough to put on a customer's order, but will use it for die cut flowers I think ? Can one of you clever talanted ladies tutor me in letter pressing please lol.
    Thanks for reading my plea for help, I really am not cut out for this milarki lol.
    My word we have the most evil sky over head, when will summer arrive, sick of my webbed feet now !
    Love to all.
    Lancashire Steph xxx

    1. Steph, it'll have gone on the debossed side, try it with embossing powder as sometimes it looks fantastic on that side. xxx

    2. Hi Steph. Yes I did put it on last night but will do so again. It is The CakeHole. Lady's name is Theresa Egan. She lives in Rayleigh, Essex. Hope you read this.

  15. Morning Sandra and all in today,
    Lovely card ! I think I will have to ,not copy but try make something similar.
    Can see this as a card for the men and that's good as we all know. You have used the EF and die's together perfectly as usual and love the bow and little stickpins as a finale. Lily of the valley on the tables with the others Oh what a wonderful perfume in here today, the lily used to grow wild in a park in town in sw. and it was lovely.
    Sandra-have a great day with Mrs B and Pat ! Give them a real hug from me tihi
    I gonna have a slow day today as after pool visit yesterday I was asked to go with a friend to Ikea and some food shopping, not a chore but hard walking and was real tired back home first at 3pm. Had liked to hang the washing out but the rain is still around so will see.
    Maureen enjoy you day on the plinth hihi
    Coffee finished ,see you later. Have a good day everyone,
    love and hugs to all Maria xx

  16. Well I am really late in here today, work, then washing to peg out, long chat on the phone to Patricia and then Tammy phoned,,ironing to get done. Next load of washing out, first lot dry so it's in and just going to iron it. That will be after lunch. I think I will go back to working full time as I did seem to have more time.
    I will hopefully get back in later. Hazel x

  17. JESS
    Did you just pulled out or the pot?
    Had C&C on in the background and think I just heard your name.
    Hope so xxx

    1. Not me Saba, was working at my friends craft shop till 3.
      Haven't sent in any emails at all
      Jess x

    2. Oh heck, just heard Jess and was a bit giddy. Sorry if I got you excited. Xxxx

  18. Sandra. How rude am I, I forgot I hadn't been in early this morning and hadn't left a comment on your stunning card. Yes very Art Deco. It's good to do something different. Hazel x

  19. Hello Sandra and all the coffee shop ladies,
    Gorgeous card, I also think Cream works so well with Black, it is softer, where White is a sharp contrast. Love the dies you have used also EF (I'm planning to use this one later) you have achieved a real Art Deco effect, it all looks stunning. I am going to sound like an echo now - Why don't you email a copy of this to Sue W. I am sure she would be impressed, or CE. As I said yesterday, what have you got to loose.
    Hope the car gets through its MOT today and is not going to cost you your summer holiday.
    Janet hope your car gets its MOT without any problems tomorrow.

    Patricia and Sue this place looks and smell gorgeous, wouldn't mind betting your beautiful tables will entice a few more visitors, it's always lovely to see new faces, I'm sure there are some who are looking in, but thinking shall I? THE ANSWER IS YES - we would love you to come in, and look at Sandra's gorgeous card and talk to us.
    Will pop back later, love and hugs, Brenda xxx

  20. NOW I know why I've been so dizzy all day. I have no head for heights and this plinth is like a skyscraper - and wobbly - oops, nearly fell off.
    Patron Saint of crafters eh, no there are plenty of more deserving people - but patron saint of procrastinators, well now you're talking.
    One load of washing dry and ironed, second load dry - then the skies opened and by the time I got it in I had to put it in the tumble dryer - I hate that as it takes no ironing when fresh from the garden, so going to finish the ironing now before E & Z come in from school.
    Now Saba - you know me - am I nosey, NEVER. I'm just off to look at this sweetpetunia thing!
    Jess, did Saba hear right, were you "pulled", or was she Prost again!!!
    Hazel, slow down, I told you to not go mad today. Patricia is right, you can't slow down. I just wish I could get started, I think my motor has run out of fuel lol.
    Bye all xxxxx

    1. Muriel, your saintliness, Have a baileys love, it'll perk you up no end.
      Have a look at the MISTI on u tube. It's amazing but expensive. Around $50 if you buy from the lady who invented it. There is another lady on u tube who has done a good review of it, she is called Darlene DeVries. If you go on u tube and just put her name in plus review of the Misti stamping tool it will come up.

    2. Muriel, my liege! You can get to either of the above mentioned via Pinterest too! Search for Misti on there and loads comes up! Sounds rather unpleasant but you know what I mean! Xx

    3. Hi Saba i have been looking at the Misti stamping thingamajig looks brilliant but bit expensive & no pennies at the moment. Looked on YouTube the videos are very good .Thank you for all your links,your a wiz kid on the Internet.
      love Lynda xx

    4. Hi Saba, Thank you for all the info about MISTI. I have been looking on You Tube it seems very good, but a lot of money for someone who does not do a lot of stamping. Would love the chance to have a little play though!!!!! Brenda xxx

    5. Hi Saba ,
      the stamping thingy looks fine but not the price. thanks anyway for giving us the links. Have been looking on youtube a lot today you can find hours gone by when suddenly you hear 'are we having any dinner tonight ' oops....hihi xx

  21. Oops, still no sign of Cheryl, wonder if her man appeared today xx

  22. Wow Saba, I've watched the demo's for the Misti, wish I'd had that when I was doing my nieces wedding invitations. It's great for repeat stamping. xx

    1. That sounds quite an exciting bit of "kit" off to have a look but I am DEFINITELY NOT SPENDING!!! xxx

    2. Mind you it does look really effective, can see its potential. xxx

  23. Maureen I know what you mean about less ironing when it comes in off the line. Rushed back to work as 2 full lines out here and black sky, got it in and yes it's now ironed. I said I would help out Jen by doing the ironing. Took 2 lots back to mine and did it that's all up to date apart from the load Jen had to leave as it wasn't finished by the time she was going . It's now just on the dryers. That's tomorrow's lot of ironing, just wasting time before I go get Beth then Anna, horse vaulting tonight, so quick in fed a snack and back out in 50 mins max. I hear you say slow down. That's not on the cards on a Tuesday it's all go. Sandra I hope you three have had a great day and that it wasn't all bad news about the car. Right time to go hope the rain stays off till I have got Beth picked up. Hazel x

    1. Hazel! Been reading about you on the way down! Song title coming up as it seems to apply!
      Slow Down You're Goin ' Too Fast! Xxx

    2. Hazel, you should be "Busy Doing Nothing" before your holiday. My ironing is finished and just airing the last lot to put away.
      Don't say you're wasting time by coming on here! Well, all right, you are but don't let Sandra hear you say it ha ha!!!! Rachel didn't pick up the girls until 6 tonight so I've just had my tea (poached eggs on toast) and am going to go to my little room and "play". I bet you sleep tonight, I hope you are appreciated,
      P.s. Myra always comes up with the best ones.

    3. Had a long chat with Hazel,on the phone this morning. Almost had to go have lie down listening to what she had done and still had to do. I thought I was busy ..... man!!! Hazel won hands down today xxx

    4. Hi Hazel, feel exhausted just reading what you are up too on a Tuesday, really hope the other day's aren't as hectic ?
      My neighbour is in and out all the time nearly every day, they got a son and daughter so that is football practise,dancing,music lessons,scouts and football again on the Saturday morning. I think it's a bit much but they are not mine so..... xx

    5. Maria. Tuesday is the worst day as I have to get Beth, then drive 10 miles pick up Anna, drive the 15mikes back to theirs, feed them, make sure Beth has very thing for vaulting. Then get them back in the car and go back the same road we have just come. ( Anna finishes 3.45 but vaulting doesn't start till 5.30 so it's to long to hang around and I would have to take them somewhere for something to eat, not many nice places) we can be home by 4.10. As I said 50 mins max we have to be back out, but they have had something proper to eat, like tonight it was two hard boiled eggs and crusty rolls and bowls of fruit. We drop Beth off don't even get out of the car, she goes up with one of the other to the riding school, turn the car and head back to theirs. Anna and I were back by 6, daddy was home, I then left and was home by 6.15. Amount of miles today 100. Tomorrow it's just piano for Beth, mummy picking Anna up on her way home. With luck I will be home by 6. Short day work wise, but have housework to do here. I want to pull the sofa out etc and get corners done. It's those die cut bits they get every where, plus dog hairs, I Hoover every day, but Harris hairs are never ending. Pj time. Hazel x

  24. Hi Sandra and Everyone!
    Well, first of all what a lovely card! I think I like it even more than yesterday's' and it was a tough act to follow! In other words - it's lovely! I too like black and cream.
    Well bit of a mad day here and a stranger evening to follow. Having people I scarcely know for a meal this evening! It's a long story and not one for a blog but it's a Mum and her little boy and they are having big problems. Not sure how we can help but we'll try.
    So I'm a bit distracted today but will call back later after they have gone! If you would just think of me and if you pray , pray for wisdom . Thanks!
    Love Myra xxx

    1. MYRA:- thinking about you xxx

    2. Myra, thinking and praying. Hope the meal goes well. Love and Hugs xxx

    3. Myra, thinking of you and praying you find the wisdom you need.
      Love and positive thoughts winging their way to you.
      Saba xxxx

    4. MYRA thinking & praying for you keep a positive mind & really hope all goes well enjoy your meal Love & Hug's Lynda xx

    5. Myra, This is probably too late for you before your "guests" arrive, but listening is always a good start to any problem. I hope things are either sorted, or a way to sort things out are worked out. Love xxx

    6. Myra thinking of you and sending you a big hug and cuddle just for good measure xxx

    7. Hi Myra,
      hope all gone well and you have/had a nice dinner
      hugs Maria xx

    8. Hi Ladies!
      Thank you so much ! It's over and it went ok! We listened and quite frankly we can't do much at all as Courts and Social Workers are involved and I just don't want to get any more involved. We heard a tale which is one-sided because we have not heard the husband's side and I'm just a Mum and Grandma not a judge! She asked to come to our house because she trusted my husband to keep anything he heard to himself! I get dragged in almost be default but that's happened all our married life so nothing new! My poor husband has played football in the garden for almost an hour after we ate! He'll sleep tonight! They ate their dinner and seemed to enjoy it - I was worried about that too.
      Thanks I do appreciate you all. You are lovely!

    9. Myra. So glad it went well. Yes you can only help so much without getting to involved. Yes their are two sides to most stories. (((((( hugs)))))) Hazel x

    10. Thanks Hazel! I couldn't tell anyone locally about this and it has helped me to tell you here. One thing it does do - makes me very thankful for people and things I sometimes take for granted! Xxx

    11. Oh yes, we don't appreciate what we have at times. We are here for what you were able to do today, come in talk about your worry, it does help. As Margaret says" a problem shared is a problem halved". We can say on here what we can't always say to family or a close friend. Glad it helped, now go and put your feet up. Hazel,x

    12. One side of the story is a bit difficult to make decisions on.
      I am sure the mum will have benefited from a listening ear though.
      You obviously have to stand well back, not get too involved.
      Sending you some comforting (((((hugs))))) xxx

    13. Myra, You did so much to help this family, you made them welcome in your home you gave them a meal, you listened, and didn't take sides. That's all you can do.
      Sending love and prayers. Sweet Dreams xxx

  25. Myra, positive thoughts for your meeting and meal with this mum and little one. If you think negative ones your head won't get round it. Big smiles too. Hazel x

  26. Hellooooooooo, Just popped in to see what people have been up to. Can't stay, got an important date with my craft room.
    How did the car go Sandra - and DON'T say it's MOT is tomorrow or my fingers will be crossed like this forever!!!!
    Still no sign of Cheryl, I'd better e-mail her.
    Bye for now hic, oh I beg your pardon!! ha ha xxxx

    1. Maureen you haven't started on the Baileys already have you?

    2. Brenda you know what Maureen's like with the Baileys another tanker is on it's way as well.HaHa.

  27. Well Maureen you will be glad to hear I am sitting with my feet up and doing nothing. It was a case of wasteing time this afternoon, I want going to go to early for Beth. But it wasn't a waste of time coming into the cafe for that time, I caught up with what was happening, had a cup of tea and was getting paid to sit down while doing it. Glad you were getting time in your craft room. Hazel x

  28. Hello Sandra & ladies
    Hope you had a good day with Sue & Pat,& not to sore now.
    Yaaay I have finished the invitations all done & dusted now I can rest my back still very painfull. Oh did the housework today well I had to shut my eye's as he doesn't do it like me, he just put the Hoover Down the middle of the carpet hehe but couldn't say anything. Hate not being able to it myself. It's been a terrible day here sky has been black all day with hevy rain & strong winds.
    I think I will have to clean my craft room tomorrow if I can it's got very messy after two days of cutting out,why am I such a messy crafter,am I the only one ?Sandra your card is gorgeous love it. I glad you put yesterday's card on CE face book page yesterday well done.
    Well I'm going to get Jim jams on & get Oh too rub my cream in my back.
    Will pop in later see if any night owls are in.
    Love & Hug's Lynda xx

    1. Night owls, it's a bit early yet hihi. Hurra you finished the invites, can you now please take a few day's off before starting on anything new and let your back have a break (not literally!)
      Aaaah, bless him hihi he only trying to help out . more like aaargh
      I guess lol. Let Terry give you a nice massage and RELAX ! xx

    2. Hi Lynda,
      Glad you got the Invitations finished! Whew! Now please rest that back! I know what you mean about Terry and vacuum cleaner. If Alastair gets a hold of ours he uses it as if it were a lawn mower and goes up and down in stripes! Xx

    3. Lynda, so glad you have finished Harry's invitations. Get your feet up and enjoy that back rub, I love it when Peter does mine although I have to practically beg him but it is almost worth having backache for. Note I say almost.
      Hugs Saba xxx

    4. Lynda have just had a look on your blog. The invitations are beautiful, Harry is so gorgeous, I felt like I just wanted to give him a big cuddle, as I did with our first grandson, who is 19 now and 6ft+ And almost as wide ( I exaggerate. He is Rugby Player) now he wraps himself around me to give me a cuddle. Love him to bits xxx

  29. Good evening Sandra and all the coffee shop crew
    I'm late again So Sorry I know but have been so busy today will someone please, please stop the world while I catch up. Firstly done two loads of washing Derek hung that all out while I gave the bathroom and cloakroom their weekly clean, then did all the windows, then the worst job of all cleaned the oven agh! Followed by the weekly clean of the kitchen. Two people rang asking for cards, yippee some crafting! Just finished the ironing, so here I am at last !
    Sandra your card is fabulous today I love it, have you put this one on CE site too? If not you should, but I am thrilled you put yesterdays card on.
    Well I will take my latte over to the corner and pop my hugs and cuddles in the basket just help your selves. Oops nearly forgot to put my money in the pot, that would never do.
    Margaret xxx

  30. Lynda I am pleased for you, having got Harry's invites finished, Hazel,x

  31. SANDRA I liked your card very much today - so much that I have ordered the die. Can't wait for it to come now. Hope you had a good day with Sue and Pat and it was good news about the car. Glad you have sent your card to CE and hope you will send this one. busy day today. Went to a little craft shop near me in a garden centre as they sell PayPerBox card and wanted some for the craft session to make the Xcut gift bags. Had a chat to theblady in there and then had lunch in the cafe. Should have stayed in there and had another cup of tea but we went across the car park to the garden centre. Only been in there a couple of minutes and it tanked down with rain for a long time. Looked at all the bits they sell but still heavy rain and was very cold. Eventually it stopped and we braved it and went out to look at the plants. Bought some and a plant pot. Saw a lovely stone owl sitting on top of a tree trunk. It was very heavy but we managed to get it in the trolley. Bit difficult to get it in the boot. As it was only £10 I had to have it for the garden. It is probably about 3ft high. The worse big was when I got home and had to get it out of the boot in my own. I managed it and parked as near to where I wanted it and then just sort of walked it to the spot. Hasn't done my back a lot of good:-( but what else can you do when you are in your own. It was either that of not have it. Am pleased with it anyway so was worth it. Had a lot more rain. Must go and cut out some more letters for the plaques tomorrow. Takes an age. Was going to do the words Welcome, Home and Love but too many o and e letters so they will just have to have welcome. Will still take a while. Will come back later. Lynda. Have looked at the invitations. They are lovely. Glad your back is a bit better.
    STEPH. I put the address on your message and put it on last night but in case you still haven't got it it's The CakeHole. Theresa Egan. Rayleigh, Essex.

  32. Hi HAZEL if you are still here. Bought card for the gift bags today. Luckily I bought two sheets myself to make one to show my friend how it goes together for when we do it with the ladies at the craft session. Nice card and not too thin but it still split down one side on the gusset so on the next piece I put a small piece of card on top, on tope of the card and then die on top so double thickness card and it didn't split that time. It seems to cut at the side rather than embossing so hope I have solved the problem. Glad I didn't mess up the card we are going to use. Thought I had at first and then realised I bought two extra. Phew! Glad you have got your feet up

  33. Brenda, that will likely help, I buy my card for my bags from the deer centre beside us as they do payperbox, I feel every colour till I find the thickest, and that's the colour of bags I will make, well as long as it's a nice colour. I got at one time beautiful dark purple and it was really thick and made great bags. Your owl sounds lovely, but you take it easy with that wrist. Hazel x

  34. Thank Hazel. This was purple but with buttons all over it. Think it may have brpeen a bit thinner than the rest but not what I would call thin. Wonder what the Lidl card would be like. I keep looking to see if they have any but not yet.

    1. Brenda, I think Lidl might have it on Thursday as in their online flyer they have lots of the same products which they had here last week when we had the card. Fingers crossed they do.
      Bet your owl is lovely, just hope you don't suffer tomorrow from "walking it"
      Hugs Saba xxx

    2. Thanks Saba and Hazel. I usually get theit email twice a week but just also checked on line and there doesn't seem to be anything this week. Will keep checking and will go in there.

  35. Brenda, if you Google lidl you can check what their offers are for I think it's two weeks, that way you will see if they are getting the card in. Hazel,x

  36. Myra, glad your evening went well. I am sure she felt welcome and her little boy had some fun. It was kind of you to listen. It's now up to the relevant authorities to try and find solutions.
    Try not to worry, have a glass of something nice and relax now.
    Love and hugs
    Saba xxx

  37. Myra glad everything seemed to go well. Probably not a lot you can do though if other agencies are involved.

  38. Hellooooooooooooo
    I'm here, Littlelamb, your owl sounds lovely, if heavy, and you'll have to watch your back and wrist.
    Lynda, saw Harry's invitations on your blog and they are beautiful. Bet you're glad they are finished and you can relax.
    Hazel, I have problems, do you think I can come for a meal and we can talk it over?? I quite like salmon with hollandaise sauce, mashed potatoes and veg. Just call me when it's ready. (I bet you're calling me now!!)
    Did Sandra's car get through, have I missed the message?
    Cheryl's computer is fixed - hallelujah - but she can't get on the blog under her name because someone else has taken it for another blog in the meantime, so she is trying to get that sorted. Does anyone understand that - no, me neither!
    Saba, I'll be popping in to our local Lidl again on Thursday morning to see if the card is in.
    I know there's loads I wanted to say but can hardly keep my eyes open, never mind think, so goodnight all, the Baileys is delicious.
    Maureen xxx

    1. Does that mean Cheryl will be someone else tomorrow! Personally I want the Cheryl we know and love back! Xxx

  39. Maureen,
    How rude of someone to take Cheryls name whilst her back was turned. So looking forward to seeing her back her whatever name she comes in under.
    Night God bless. Xxx

  40. Thanks everyone! You really helped ! Have just sat and relaxed all evening! Feel a bit lazy but I'll get up and go in the morning all being well.
    Night Night and God Bless,
    Love Myra xxx

  41. Evening Ladies,
    Well what a day, thanks Maureen door updating everyone on Cheryl, I just got the email too, I still can't believe the bloody check of someone stealing someone's google account name! Cheeky buggars!
    Car failed MOT needed new brake caliper/pads, wiper blade and rear bulb, the worrying part is they are posting the invoice, we are expecting it to be around £300 ouch!! ,
    Tomorrow kittens are at vets, Milo for annual jab, Bella (my baby7) has developed a low hanging lump and I am seriously concerned, girls are know you aren't cat lovers, but those little monkeys are my life while I am here on my own and I can't bare the thought of her having something terrible.
    Why oh why can't things go up for us one week instead of always down!
    That sounds like mr depression taking over my brain ( so must think positive)!
    He has taken control of my life many times before!
    On a brighter note, I had a fab day with my two 'Graces' but the time just flew!
    Back in a bit

  42. Hi everyone, I've just tucked a blanket round Myra as she has nodded off in the chair and Muriel was on her plinth waving her pint glass of Bailies and singing, but not loud enough to wake anyone. I think she's got Brenda's owl up yhere with her, heaven knows how she got it on the plinth. There's lots of bags on the floor too, someone's been practising making them - watch out though cos Hazel is pulling the chairs out hoovering!
    Myra I'm sending you a big hug as I'm after the event. It sounds like it went well, but as you say you only heard one side and with authorities involved there's not a lot you can do. I expect your husband wanted you around as a bit of a safeguard , it's an awful thing to say or think about but these days you just don't know what people will say; he probably didn't want to be put in a vulnerable situation. It's lovely though that she felt able to talk to you and it sounds like the little boy had fun. I hope you have relaxed now. What a day we've had here. I put the washing out just as it started to rain but got it in tonight before the torrential weather started - it's finishing drying on the rack now ready to iron tomorrow. Well I've sewed yards of bias tape on my dress today both machine and hand sewing so just buttons and button holes to do now. Emma's going to help me as her machine has a button hole thingy. Hazel I hope you drive a work car or get a mileage allowance! Your petrol bill must be huge! Not to mention the wear and rear and mileage on the car.
    Time for me to snuggle down, I'm on train duty tomorrow so need to be bright eyed and bushy tailed in the morning.
    See you all tomorrow
    Love Diane xxx night night sleep tight xxx
    Ps Janet good luck for mot tomorrow Sandra I hope yours passed.
    Saba is Val commenting on Sues blog? There was a comment from a Val and I wondered if it was your sister. Xxx
