
Wednesday 20 May 2015

Brenda's floral spray!

Good Morning Ladies,
Well I had to start off by showing Brenda (littlelamb)'s  homage to Sue's card, Brenda yours is just so fabulous in every way, you have put so much love and effort into this card, the flowers are so bright and beautiful, the Ivy looks real, how did you manage that?
The Noble Squares make such a perfect backdrop for you to add all of your pretty flower and foliage bits to! That cute little butterfly is hiding away in the corner, giving that perfect little touch of class.
I think you should be so proud as you have done an amazing job Brenda!
Can I ask you  what company your got your 'Happy Birthday' Die from, as I love the font and it is the perfect size for larger cards.
Thank you so very much for allowing me to share your amazing card with our dear friends here in the café Brenda xxxxx
Well an update on yesterday, the car, sadly failed the MOT, I think that the Bill will be in excess of £300, which is just so frustrating! It failed on a Wiper Blade, a rear break light bulb and a the Back passenger side Brake Caliper, which is the 'ouch' part, costing £110 + VAT and then fitting, that's £180 without the MOT fee, the other parts, oil and filter and cost of a intermediate service, a little worse than I was anticipating but that's life! I think that the thing that frustrates Paul is that cars these days are just not designed for you to work on them yourself, he has all the kit, ramps, jacks, tools, but every part seems to have a 'specialist tool' that is required to remove that particular part! Not like in the days we had a Mk 4 Cortina and I have a burgundy Ford Fiesta, gosh those cars just ran and ran with no problems did occur you got your Haynes Manual out and find out what you required to fix the problem, nowadays you have to take it to the local garage for a run on the 'Diagnostic' computer whizzy thing, pay your £40, get your sheet of results and are still none the wiser! Its back on the drive now so I will shut up and wait to see the posty struggling up the road with his huge sack containing our invoice! Maybe I should run a sweep stake on the nearest guess for the final amount to pay, answers below, winner will receive a small gift/card or something!
Somebody suggested that they would like to have a Pet portrait Gallery, if all of you with pets are interested please let me know and we could maybe put it in on Saturday to replace mixed crafts day, I await your decision.
We have the kitty's at the vets tonight for their Annual Booster and a check up, I am so scared about the outcome for my baby Bella as she has developed a lump on her belly, towards the back it seemed as though it was just flabby loose skin to start with, she has been spayed, so not pregnant, although I did wonder as she is eating more too, but otherwise she seems fine, she still wants to play and run about with Milo, but lumps are lumps and always worrying, so another day with 'something on mind',
On that note I will leave you in peace , have a good day whatever you are doing!
Love and hugs to all of you,
Sandra xxxxxx


  1. Morning Sandra,

    Beautiful card by Brenda, thank you for showing us that.

    Sorry to hear about your car, I agree with you its so hard now all this computerized jargon, so much cheaper when you could fix them yourself.

    I do hope Bella will be ok, best to get it checked out though, do let us know how you get on.

    Love & Hugs

    Jacquie J xxx

  2. Well Sandra and ladies, it's a gorgeous morning here! Now I wonder how long that will last? Hopefully long enough for me to get a load of washing done, the cushion covers off the small cushions on the sofa could be down with a freshen up, and if I am going to give the room a good clean I'd be as well to do a proper job.
    Brenda. Your card is a masterpiece, your floral display is stunning, I just love it.
    Diane. I get mileage, had to fight to get it in a way, as my boss thought I should claim it off my tax!!! Told her the tax man would have a fit, as I can only claim for travelling between work places, like our Tammy does going from one clients house to the other. She worries about the bill for the miles. Her choice to send her children to these schools? I worry about the miles that are going on to our cars, we have both got a car and I tend to use them both so the miles are spread - if you know what I mean.
    Sandra. Have you put your car to a Toyota dealer? As any good garage little garage would be able to do your repair at half the hourly charge. When we bought our new one we were told as long as Toyota parts and oil are used the warranty is still good. Our local garage charges £38 an hour, Toyota garage £72, big difference. Our merevia is away into the garage to get the front brakes checked, they might just need cleaning as they are screeching. But then again brake pads might be needed.
    Cheryl. That's worrying that someone has your account name, as I know when you set up the account, it kept telling me I couldn't have certain names I wanted to use were already being used. We will just have to get use to your nice new name!!! Missing you.
    Maureen, sorry salmon not on the menu tonight, I think it will be Lemon Sole or maybe just Haddock, new potatoes and salad, you are welcome, you will just have to let me know which train you are on - it's ladybank station. Oh that reminds me I must make sure I have got money for the fish lady.
    Well tables set up, and every ready for the day. I wonder if Sheila will be in today, I know she is worrying about her fence, I just wish there was some one who would do it for her and not rip her off. How things have changed neighbours would have been round and done it for just being helpful.
    Then again when I see how useless some men are these days? They have degrees as long as their arms but can't use a screw driver. Charlie can turn his hand to most things, or at least he will give it a go. Yes there are things he won't thouch, like the cars or electrics, well he will do the things like put up a new light but nothing more than that.
    Oh I need to move Mr Dyson isnt remote controlled unfortunately and that sofa needs pulling out. Be in later. Hazel x

    1. My you have been busy already this morning. You will be worn out by lunchtime. Thank you for your kind comments in my card. A bit different to what I usually do but when I first saw Sue's card I knew I had to try something similar. It is for a friends birthday. Like me she likes lilac and pink and that's the colours I usually use for her. Not a hint of lilac in this card but she does love her garden so hoping she will like it. Just noticed there are a couple of lilac flowers there.:-)

  3. Morning everyone. Table cloths changed and water ready for the first cuppa of the day. I found some forget me not's on the way just enough for each vase and thought it would look beautiful with the lilly of the valley.

    What an amazing collection of floral lushishness on your card today Brenda, the way you have it draping over and around the corner of the card, this card would be a real conversation piece for the receipient and all that see it, does that make sense? I mean if that is on someone's table on their birthday, everyone that visits would just say WOW and sit with mouth wide open, its absolutly gorgeous. Ive not gone back to yesterday's post but Id love to know which website was suggested to Myra for candle wax etc it sounds such a lovely place, and I love candles, would you leave me the name of the website please.
    Sorry about the car Sandra, such a shame you dont have a motability car you wouldn't have to go through all that expense.
    Another day ploughing through the order, the vintage wedding card had to take priority and is going to be collected tomorrow night, so this 'Welcome' card has been in its skeleton stage for more than a week screaming to be played with, shouting at me to play with designs, and to get my brain into gear ! Hoping JS emails soon to say the horse is now in stock and I can get the retirement card for a horse lover done !
    I bet our Sam is now surrounded by luxury, beautiful white sand, clear ocean, lovely warm sun and lots of friends, what a lucky lady, hope she's cleared her sweet mind of all worries bless her heart.
    Well latte finished so have to go. Basket in the corner full of hugs if you are down or low, take as many as you need.
    Try and enjoy your day whatever your plans.
    Lancashire Steph xxx

    1. Hi Steph. Thanks for your comment about my card. The Wax lady is at The CakeHole. Name Theresa Egan. Lives in Rayleigh. I am sure you will love her site.

  4. Hi Sandra and all in the cafe today. Brenda, this card is lovely, so many gorgeous flowers and all arranged beautifully. I love the dainty little butterfly too. Please can you tell us how you made the ivy look so real? Thank you for sharing Breanda : )
    Sandra, thanks for having us over to play yesterday. At least the car passed didn't it. It is so annoying how we have to take cars to the garage these days. My Dad trained as a car mechanic and Chris is no slouch with cars either so all of our cars only ever went in to be MOTed, and they always passed as Dad and Chris used to put them over the workshop pit and give them a good check before hand. When the business was sold they were limited to what they could do and also cars were changing to be harder to fix yourself. Blimey, the prices garages charge, that was a big shock we had to get used to!
    I have everything crossed for Bella's check up. I know some female cats get a big funny baggy tum after being spayed, brother/sister in law's cat had a great big one. I do hope this is the case with lovely Bella. If it's not the kids we are worrying about it the cats isn't it. Always a worry. Please let me know how it goes my lovely.
    It is looking bright and sunny here, at the moment. I wonder if it will stay as we had April showers yesterday along with some hail!
    Take care xx

    1. Hi Sue. Thank you for your lovely comments about my card. I used my Distress Markers to colour the flowers and leaves. I don't use them very often as usually got for my Promarkers but decided to use these for a change as I often colour a piece of paper with the inks before I cut out the flowers and leaves so thought why not use the Distress markers for a change. The ivy is several shades of green, yellow and brown. The Happy Birthday dies are from Britannia. I got them from JS while ago but just checked and they are still on there underBritannia Word dies. They come in two sizes in each set. Happy and Birthday are separate dies. I have also got Christmas so they can all be used together. I also love Lilly of the Valley. Didn't have any until a friend was dividing up her plant and gave me some. Have a good day Sue.

  5. Hi Diane. I have always loved Lily of the Valley and had to have artificial in my wedding bouquet as it was out of season. My Gran always had loads in her garden and as a surprise sent me some wrapped in damp tissue in a box when I had son no.1, R J, in May. The smell as I opened the box was amazing and every year since I had a bunch from Gran and after she died from my Mum which are from Gran's plants that she put in her own garden so they mean a great deal to me, just a whiff and I'm off! It sounds like you are the same : ) Take care x

  6. Morning Ladies

    Brenda-what a beautiful card, the flowers are so colourful & realistic. The Happy Birthday diecut is s great size/style-which brand is it?

    Miserable day here-rained all night and the sky looks awful! Almost glad to be going to work-ha ha!!


    1. Hi Michele Thank you for the lovely comments you left about my card. A lot different to what I usually do but was inspired to do this one after seeing Sue's recently. The word die is my Britannia dies and I bought it from Joanna Sheen.

  7. Janet Ecco of Sheffield20 May 2015 at 08:35

    Morning one and all who pop in today
    Sandra - I'm so sorry re the car. As you say bring back the old ones that really did what you wanted them to do and they certainly didn't have any gimmiky things on them. As long as they got you to where you wanted to go that's all we wanted. My Dad drove everything from tanks in the war to Humbers and the really big Austin Princess on official company business and he always said it's a box on four wheels to get you from A to B. Jim always complains because as he says they put all these electronic things in and it's only more things to go wrong and more expense to boot.
    Well it's 'D' day here this afternoon so we'll see.

    Brenda you card is just beautiful. I defy anyone not to like receiving such a glorious card. I would certainly love to.

    I managed to cover my little heart shaped box I purchased for a £ from 'The Works' last week. It's not in the league of Sam's boxes but I'm quite pleased with the way it turned out. Today's challenge is to mount my buttons and see what kind of mess I can make.

    Forget me Nots are just one of my favourite wild flowers. The hedgerows looks stunning at the moment; full of colour and with the newly leafed trees clad in their gorgeous greens. Just Beautiful.

    Thank you for the latte. Coming here especially when I can get in first thing in the morning just sets me up for the day. It gives me time to come around and meds to kick in. After my visit to my wonderful GP a couple of weeks ago I have received another appointment to visit Physio next Friday 29th. in the hope that something can be achieved for my neck. My request is for a Worzel Gummage head or a selection of them. He seemed to manage so perhaps one would suit. What do you think?
    Hugs are in their usual place and feeling lonely needing Norah's hugs to keep them company. Has anyone heard anything from her?

    1. Hi Janet ,
      Firstly, good luck for the MOT today my lovely, will be thinking of you, it's a frustrating wait!
      I hope that physio can offer you some relief from the pain in your neck, it makes crafting a nightmare when you are in pain, more so for you as you do cross stitch and needle craft, that requires a lot more lose close up work.
      Any news on the kittens? Would love to see a photo of the little darlings.
      I am off to make a cup of tea, will catch up later,
      Love and hugs
      Sandra xxxxx

    2. Hi Janet thank you for your lovely comments about my card. I am going to send it to a very good friend of mine. It's a bit different to ones I usually send her but she loves her garden so hope she will like it. Hope the car gets through the MOT today. Always a worry isn't it and there is not much you can do about it these days when it is impossible to repair them yourself. We need them to get from A To B. I was list without mine when I couldn't drive for three months because of the wrist.

  8. Good morning Sandra and the Coffee Shop Gang. Hope you are all well, I was up very early and on the go today.
    Brenda your card is a little "work of art" it's beautiful, love it.
    Oh! Sandra not good about the car however it has to be done to get out and about.
    I notice Hazel was in and got the tables done. Hope you managed to get My Dyson to sweep up all those Die Cut Bits!!!
    Right must get going I hear a voice calling.
    Might not manage back today, we will see.
    Be good and look after each other. xxx

    1. Hi Patricia,
      Have a truly amazing day, whatever you and John are up to, be good to hear from you later!
      Love and hugs
      Sandra xxx

  9. Good Morning Sandra and all who pop in,
    Ive helped myself to a toasted teacake and a latte, money in the pot and will just sit quietly and see who comes in.
    Sandra, sorry your car is going to cost you so much, seems like a lot of money, have you tried a small repairs garage as they sound like the sort of repairs which don't need a specialist garage. Hope all goes well at the vets, try not to worry, she is eating and running around, both good signs.
    Brenda, I love this card, your bouquet of flowers is so pretty I really like the tonal colours you have used and your ivy looks very realistic. It is definitely a show stopper.
    Diane, you asked yesterday about someone on Sue's blog called Val, no, it's not my sister, she is not a card maker, she is more of a sewing addict and water colourist. She has done some amazing paintings and has been going to art classes and sewing groups for years.
    Must fly, have loads to do. Will pop back later and see what you have all been up to and see if Cheryl has managed to come in.
    Love and hugs
    Saba xxx

  10. A nice cup of Earl Grey tea I think and a pastry, I will see to myself. That's the good thing about this cafe you just come in and have what you fancy.
    Front room all done, under the sofa done, sofa hoovered and cushions out on the line, all hoovered down stairs and stairs. Next is the bedroom had a few things to sort out up there first. Not a big house so doesn't take long.
    Hoping to play, as my junior plates have arrived so want try them out. Well money in pot and I am off to start on the bedroom. Hazel x

  11. Hello Sandra,
    Thank you for showing Brenda's fantastic card.
    Brenda, It's just beautiful and I defy anyone not to love it. Everything about it is superb and the colours are gorgeous. The Noble squares are next on my purchase list - methinks - along with that Happy Birthday die!!!
    Sandra, sorry about your car. When we put ours in last month the final bill for the repairs was £285.04. Then when we got it back, George had to take it in again because they hadn't connected something or other.
    His father just used to lift the bonnet of his car and play for hours, it ran like a dream and never conked out. Now it's impossible to even change a light bulb on some cars. I have some smelling salts here for you when you get the final bill!! I also hope that the Vet says Bella is fine.
    Hazel, you put me to shame. I've done nothing this morning, other than get the girls ready and on the school bus to school. Waste half an hour looking for Zoe's skipping ropes to take to school. Gone to town to the bank to pay in cheques and picked up today's Lego toy from W H Smith, but I haven't done any actual WORK. I'll stir myself after lunch and blitz the Dining Room and then it's off to a meeting at School because Eleanor is going with them to Italy in June for a week. Oh, Zoe's going to miss her.
    The train gets in at 6, so don't serve up until I get there, it's a long time since I had Lemon Sole!!!!
    Mrs B, LotV always reminds me of home. Dad always had a big patch in the back garden. I don't have it in the back, but the front borders of my tiny front patch are full of it, and it's looking especially lovely at the moment with all the little white spikes in flower - it's gorgeous.
    Well, I'm going to have a sandwich, then spurred on by Hazel will blitz my Dining Room, may even clean the windows - shock, horror. All right, I'll definitely clean the windows, otherwise it'll be a job half done, and Patricia knows that will nag at me until I do it!!!
    See you all later.
    Maureen xxx
    P.s. enjoy your junior plates Hazel.

    1. Maurreen, yesterday I went outside to clean off a spot of bird poo on our porch windows. Two hours later I had cleaned all the downstairs front windows swept the front, (it's a parking area) washed the step, then I had to do the inside of the porch windows and floor - so much for a five minute job. That wasn't on my to do list!!! LOL

    2. Muriel my Dear, would it help at all if I offered to pay the 4p! ??
      Probably not! Xxx

    3. ? xxMyra, you know what they say, every little helps. Honestly where do they get the 4p from

    4. Brenda, how often does that happen, a five minute job turn into hours, but I've got the hot soapy water all ready for you, and I'll make you a cup of tea when you sweep my garden path and wash my step. xx

  12. Hello Sandra and coffee shop ladies,
    OUCH !!!!! Your MOT sounds a bit stiff Sandra, are you using a Toyta garage? Sometimes you get a far better deal using a smaller company, one that someone has recommended, they would still fit genuine parts. Gone are the days when you could maintain your own car and only had to pat for the MOT. John has always used to maintained our cars. In fact anything that need maintaining or fixing he would fix. He knows every nook and crannie in this house. But these days you have to have a certificate before you can install or fix anything. I realise there are safety issues involved in getting these certificates
    But sometimes I think the world has gone power crazy. Putting soap box away now!!!!
    Brenda your card is beautiful, though you say it's a take on the one Sue made, your card is in a class of its own, it is stunning. Thank you for allowing Sandra to show it to us.
    Sandra hope the visit to the vets goes well and Bella hasn't got a serious problem. Good Luck.
    Lynda hope your back is feeling better.

    Love and Hugs to all, Brenda xxx

    OOPS forgot to say I enjoyed my coffee and the Vanilla cheesecake is yummy x

  13. Sorry Maureen it's Haddock the Lemon sole didn't look to good. To use to fresh, fresh fish. Tammy said she is sending Calum for his tea. He moaned this mirning when she told him it was mince and potatoes for tea. Just done the ironing so cushion covers ready to go back on. So off to do that. Hazel x

  14. Hi Sandra and Everyone!
    Ouch Sandra! Sorry about the MOT bill. Cars do cost a lot of money , you can't even change a bulb in either of ours! Hope the news is good when the kittens see the Vet!
    Brenda - your card is really lovely. That is one of my favourite cards of
    Sue's as it was different and showcased all her flowers and foliage. Yours is lovely too and the floral bouquet is lovely. Thank you!!
    Well we've had an interesting morning! We had a pair of mallards land on the front lawn. This has happened before but this time I managed to get some photos! Think they just stopped for a rest but they were there for about 20 minutes. They were more welcome than the rabbits who also appear there almost daily!
    Hope envy one has a good day.
    I'm half way through the ironing - so it's a fun afternoon here!
    Love Myra xxx

    1. I'm an envy one who'll have a good day. Dashing to school for Italy meeting, Que sera sera. xxx

    2. Just wait until - "the moon hits your eye like a big pizza pie!! "
      It won't be envy then - it'll be another of the deadly sins! Xxx

    3. How does it go Myra "Feed the birds tuppence a bag" xx

    4. Hazel my dear, I've told you before it's "Volare".
      Lynda, please don't use the word "tuppence" or Sandra will say something!!! Personally I think it's "Money for Nothing" because I'm in Dire Straits!!!! xx

    5. That's less than " Half a Sixpence!" Xx

  15. Hi Sandra and ladies, love your card today from Brenda, it is gorgeous, love all the flowers on it.
    The cost of car repairs is awful in this day and age, my hubby was a motor mechanic to trade and he says that cars are hard to fix nowadays yourself compared to when he was in the garages, too computer orientated now.
    Will have to catch up later, off of to catch up with friends.
    Take care, Jess x

  16. Hi Sandra and all,
    Littlelamb that is a gorgeous card, love the flower display and your friend will be thrilled to get this card !
    Sandra, so sorry about the car.They can be costly when they starting to go.
    Sorry have not read many comments yet , have been out all morning and now in 10 min. I'm off to see the bone cracker so I'll be back tonight.
    Oh was it Bella who have some problems ? I hope it's nothing serious but better to have it checked.
    Love and hugs Maria xx

    1. Love it Maria, I take it the bone cracker is the physio. Hope he doesn't hurt too much xxx

  17. Hi Sandra
    The horrid bit of having an MOT is the bill at the end of it, when you have to have some work done. A beautiful card Littlelamb. A fabulous Happy Birthday as well. I know just what you mean about health and Safely. My brother in law was a caretaker looking after 3 schools. He's been climbing ladders for nearly forty years, after doing it for 35 years he was told he had to go on a course, to learn how to climb a ladder. Health and Safely gone mad. Hope that Milos ok Sandra.
    Patricua has started a cleaning epidemic, I do hope it's not catching.

    1. Pat, take one Baileys every half hour, that should clear the cleaning bug hic! xxx

  18. Hi SANDRA and sell the lovely Ladies in the cafe. Thank you Sandra for showing my card today and thank you to all the lovely Ladies for your comments. They are much appreciated. As soon as I saw Sue's card I thought it was so different to her usual style and just had to try one similar. I was very pleased the way it turned out. SANDRA sorry to hear about the car. That's a nuisance. Hope Janet 's gets through today. Sorry to hear about Bellamy and do hope it is nothing to worry about. Well it is the craft session tonight and we are doing plaques. So far we haven't had any awkward ones like Patricia had. Or the one she had. Hope you are all ok. Still no Norah and not good news about Cheryl and Google. Hope she manages to get back on here soon. Hope to be back later but it will be after 9pm I expect. Craft session is til 8.30.

    1. Oh PLEASE Littlelamb, don't sell us. We are nice really xxx

    2. no one would buy us ,too expensive !

    3. Oh we are not that bad that you would want to sell us. Brenda. We will start to behave a little better if you won't sell us. Hazel x

    4. Personally I think we are priceless !! Xx

    5. Sorry about that mistake.:-(. It's this predictive text. Of course I wouldn't sell any of you. What would I do without you,?

  19. Grrrrrrr post just froze up as sending so Take two.
    Good afternoon Sandra & everyone. Wow Sandra MOT Costa lota,surely you are entitled too a mobility car as your disabled.
    Sorry you have to take Bella to the vet's Annie & Bambi have paws crossed she is fine ( not that they are keen on cats ) hope she is ok always a worry though.
    I can email you pictures of Annie Bambi & Freddy if you want some pet pictures.
    Brenda I love your card it's gorgeous your flowers & folage is just perfect & so pleased you have a little Butterfly. Maria hope the bone cracker was kind & not to rough with you hihi.Oh massages my cream in my back 4 times a day,I wouldn't go & have Physio again after the last time he pushed so hard on my neck he left bruises.
    If Patrica or Hazel the two super cleaners could come & give my house a clean please Haha,
    See you later Love & Hug's Lynda xxxx

    1. Lynda, believe you me I have done enough cleaning to last for the next few weeks. The dust and dog hairs will be back tomorrow, so the duster and Hoover will be out again, but I won't be moving the sofa and chair. Hazel x

    2. Hazel tell me about dog hairs Bambi is only a little dog but she leaves hairs everywhere
      Lynda xx

    3. Hazel tell me about dog hairs Bambi is only a little dog but she leaves hairs everywhere
      Lynda xx

  20. Hellooooooo,
    Just got in from the meeting about school trip to Italy. Wish I was going as it sounds great. They are going by plane, so it should only take a couple of hours. We had one trip when I was at school. A half day charabanc trip to Otterburn to see the Woollen Mill there. It took all day because there were no dual carriageways then and the Coach was pre-war!!! (No Myra stop it, 2nd World War, not Crimean).
    Going to make a nice milky coffee to have whilst Eleanor is having her tea. Zoe has gone to her friends after school, so don't have to worry about her.
    Maureen xxx

    1. Did you get yourself some jumpers ? I like the woollen mill, they have nice things sometimes tihi

    2. Did a man walk in front of it waving a flag? Xx

    3. Maria, it is not a shop, it was a mill that made wool!!!
      Myra, I'm not even going to answer that remark!!

    4. Muriel, you know I love you really! I wouldn't be so cheeky otherwise! Xxx

  21. Hello Maureen,
    I remember reading about those Charabancs in our history class at school.
    The days were longer then then it seems, even a half day !!

    1. Saba,
      I thought you might be on my side, you are all soooo cruel xxx

  22. It must be the week for us paying garages money. We had our brakes cleaned so hopefully the screeching will be no longer. Granted Donald at the garage often does little jobs on the car and may be only take 20 mins but doesn't charge so today Charlie told him he had to charge, so he got an hour which was £40 he has just raised his rate at the beginning of April. Hazel x

    1. I bet Charlie doesn't say that again for a long time !! xx

  23. Hello everyone, I seem to be missing out on the gossip here.
    What a lovely card, I remember going wow when I saw Sue's card with this colour scheme, but think this is probably even nicer. Probably the greeting on it.
    Sorry about all the cars, my other half moans bitterly about modern cars, so much so he bought a reliant scimitar, still a project, but it's all old technology. He loves mucking about with engines and things, so as long as it keeps him happy
    Hope the kitty is OK, Sandra. My old female cat had a big belly flap, (an expansion joint when she ate a lot, like a rabbit) She lived to 24, so nothing wrong with her. I will happily send you a pic of my current love, my almost 11 year old German Shepherd. It would be nice to see everyone's pets.
    Trying to type this between checking in guests. They probably think I am being very busy. Oh dear.I probably don't make sense either.
    Might manage a late visit, Hope so
    Cheers all

    1. Janice, my son in law has an 1968 MGB which he has done a lot of work on, and it gives him pleasure and satisfaction. Maybe I should get one for George, it's a long time since he had either of those!!!! oooerrrr

    2. Hi Janice . Thank you for your comments about my card. I am overwhelmed by everyone's response to it.

  24. Good evening Sandra and all the coffee shop crew
    Oh that is not good news about the car Sandra but what we do is tell the garage if there is anything that is going to fail the MOT to ring if it is major, but anything small just do it as this saves having to pay for another test. The way to look at it I think is, when we go out in our cars our lives depend upon them being safe so which is the better of the two options?
    I do hope all is well at the vets for you, fingers crossed, we are taking Tomas and Amy for their boosters tomorrow. Talking of pets we have lots of photo's of our two if you decide to go ahead with pet Saturday.
    Brenda you card is an utter delight to look at, so, so beautiful and your spray of flowers so very elegant, the whole effect is quite simply divine, by the way in case you are in any doubt, I love this card it really has the wow factor. Thank you for sharing it with us all.
    Well after a super sunny day here and our darling little grandson has returned from his school residential and in his words he has had 'the best time ever' all was going really well until I saw our GP he wants me to see a consultant but as Derek is awaiting some surgery I have been able to put that visit on hold until he is sorted.
    Talk of lily of the valley always brings such sweet memories to me of my lovely and very loving grandmother. She was at the latter end of a family of 16 and being born in May someone had visited her mother taking her a big bunch of those lovely flowers. They were apparently struggling to think of a name for her which as she was no.14 was not surprising so they decided thanks to those sweet little flowers, to call her Lily. I have some in our garden and am always eager to see if they will be in flower on the 21st (her birthday).
    Well I have some cards to finish so as my lovely latte is finished I will go and see if I can finish them.
    Have a lovely evening everyone
    Margaret xxx

    Sheila do hope all is well with you and the reason you are missing is you are just busy sending you some hugs xxx

    1. lets hope Lily of the Valley flowers tomorrow xx

    2. Margaret, did you really ought to put off seeing a consultant if your GP thinks you should see one? I don't know how long Derek will have to wait for his surgery but your health is important too so please reconsider.
      I hope your Lily of the Valley flowers tomorrow, isn't it lucky that your Grandmas mum didn't get a bouquet of tulips or even worse alstroemerias. Sorry, it's my sad sense of humour.
      Love and hugs
      Saba xxx

    3. Thank you for your lovely comments about my card Margaret. Very much appreciated. Hope you will reconsider about seeing the consultant.

    4. Don't worry Saba about your sense of humour, but how about this, my great grandmother before marriage was called Clara Clutterbuck, imagine saying that after a few Baileys and glasses of wine!!!

    5. Oh Margaret,
      I can't say it well and I'm only on my second glass. The poor soul. Have you done any family research? It's a bit of a passion with me and I can only imagine how the census returns or church records spelt it. Mind you it she would be easier to find than a Smith.

  25. Hi Sandra. Thinking of you and the kittens. I hope Bella is ok. Take care my lovely xx

  26. Hello, is there any body there?
    It's very quiet in here tonight. Sandra, how did the vets trip go. Do hope all is well, I know I have tried to get rid of our blinking cafe cat but I actually like cats, I am just very allergic to them. I think it would be lovely to see everyone's pets. Particularly Lynda's Freddy. I mean how exotic is that, owning a parrot. My auntie used to have a Mina bird who could imitate her to a T. She ( my auntie) had a very strong Welsh accent and it was hilarious to hear that bird talk. I doubt I can get a picture of my pigeons but I will try LoL.
    I was so hoping Cheryl had managed to get in, and I hope all is alright with Sheila
    Will pop back later.
    Love Saba xxx

    1. I'm here! Talking of birds that talk! My Mum's oldest sister had a budgie that never stopped talking - a bit like her really! One day my Mum called the doctor out as Auntie was unwell - doctor came and it was discovered she was not taking the tablets he had prescribed! Throughout the entire discussion the bird was talking non - stop! Doctor on way out went across to cage - bent down and said to Joey - tell her to keep taking the tablets - winked at my Mum and departed! Xx

    2. There you are, I was a bit worried that you had been the first to be sold off on eBay.
      Do you think they were all called Joey. My Granny's was called Joey too and he also,used to talk non stop. Who's a pretty boy then was his favourite saying. We once looked after him whilst granny was away and he died and I kid you not my dad dropped some whiskey down his throat and he came back to life. We called him Lazarus after that but granny never knew.

    3. Oh I believe you! This budgie drove my Dad mad! He used to cover the cage with a tea towel to shut him up! You won't believe this but Auntie taught him nearly all of Psalm 23!! No wonder the doctor went nuts! Nothing wrong with Psalm 23 but when you hear a budgie say - The Lord is my Shepherd, Joeys a good boy! It gets a bit wearing. This was before the NIV came out. It was Joeys version! Xx

  27. Hello all,
    I'm sorry if I didn't tell you, but I think I did, that Cheryl's computer is fixed but someone has pinched her name for another blog, and she can't get on here for the moment because of it. I don't understand it so I couldn't be of any help. (No surprise there, then).
    Everyone, have a good night's sleep. Margaret, ring up the GP and get him to arrange a visit with the Consultant. You'll be no good to any one if you are not right.
    Myra, loved your tale about your Aunt's budgie, Saba - yes please a photo of your pigeons. I think I'll have to photograph a worm or a seagull!!
    I'll be at Lidl at 8.30 in the morning as soon as the girls go on the school bus to get some card pads. Then back home for a quick coffee and then I'm going into school as it's maths puzzles and games tomorrow. I've been commandeered to help, now 2 and 2 are 8. Should be O.k.!!!!
    Sweet dreams.
    Maureen xxx

    1. Hi Maureen. Well I have checked my local Lidl and there are no card packs advertised this week. Am disappointed about that. I keep looking for it as need to stock up.

  28. I'm here. Just got home from the craft session and they all enjoyed it again. That's a relief. Thank you again for slim the kind comments on my card. As soon as I saw Sue's card I thought it was so different to her usual cards. Although I like all of Sue's cards this one really stood out so I decided to try something similar. Sandra. I hope Bella is ok. Still no Norah of Cheryl. Well I expect I will be here for a while. I have been working so hard for that craft session that I just need to unwind. Lynda I hope that your back is a lot better now and that Maria didn't have a tough time at the Physio this time. Will just have a hot chocolate and get on with the envelope I need to make for the card shown today

    1. Hi Brenda, Pleased your craft session went well. You put a lot of work into it , so I'm so pleased for you. I have done no crafting this week since with the children on Monday! Hope tomorrow is better. Xx

    2. Hi Brenda, well done, so glad it went well after all your hard work, would love to see one of the plaques you made.

    3. Thank you. Will send a picture of the plaque to Sandra which she can show if she wants to.

  29. Hi all,
    lets have a Amaretto tonight to warm the cockles yum, not sure where you been Margaret but it is still freezing down here. I told yesterday about our heavy clouds and was not sure to hang the washing out or not, Only needed a couple of hours so did put it out and of course all hell broke lose. First we had fine rain then it got heavier and heavier. Thunder started and then came the hailstones, wasn't sure if I was going to laugh or cry ! I left it out and hoped today would be better so it dry in the end. Had a busy morning and this afternoon I saw the chiropractor for my neck and back, jesus he did a turn like I was a pig on a spett. Back home to take the washing in and believe or not but my son who not normally lift a finger had taken it all in and hanged it on the stand in the bath ! oh I do love him at times tihi. I made a easy dinner because the pain kicked in with a vengeance and the pain pills do 'absolutely nothing' but heyho just a normal day.
    Janet- hope your MOT went ok , so many stories about your cats today I'm almost glad I don't have one (do not drive)
    Worzal Gummadge , no you don't need one of them. had to look him up as I never heard of him before and He is horrid ! hihi I hope the physio will help you.
    Any news about Bella ? hope she is fine. so sweet when Littlelamb called her Bellamy hihi
    Maureen-,do you now have shiny windows again so you can see your reflection every time you going past ? How wonderful school trip Eleanor will have, I would like to go to Italy one day.
    Jess- hope you had a nice time with your friends.
    Does he give good massages your Terry, Lynda ? if so I'll be soon in Kent hihi
    Do hope your back getting better asap!
    Norah, Cheryl, and all who are not here ,do come back when you can...........
    Sheila- hope you ok ? Extra hugs to all who need one!
    I'm off now to Sue's and then I think it will be a 'criminal mind' before bed so
    I wish you all a good night !
    Love and hugs Maria xx

    1. Night and God bless Maria, hope you manage a good night sleep.
      Wurzel Gummage was quite a sweetie really.

  30. Thank you all for your concern, Derek should be having his surgery in about a months time and it is only my knee that is giving trouble, I have put up and shut up with it for over 6 months so another month will not make that much difference, I would rather Derek is seen to first and the GP agreed. What worries me is he says they will probably do an MRI scan and that will be tricky with my spinal fusion , so we will wait and see, just hope I don't go up in smoke, but thank you all xx

    1. Hello again Margaret,
      That's the problem with us, we all tend to ignore our nagging health problems. I have never has an MRI so can't really comment, but it probably won't be as bad as you imagine. I once had an endoscopy which I was really really dreading but being the nosey type declined any sedation and asked to be able to see the screen and it was fascinating and not at all bad.
      Love Clara Clutterbuck, have commented further up on her.
      Hugs Saba xxx

  31. I've been in such a rush today Trying to catch up on work Amazing how just a couple of days off can cause so much havoc
    Your card is gorgeous BRENDA Those Britannia dies are done if the first ai ever bought I got the Merry and the Christmas ones too
    I'd got another particular message to pass on and now it's gone! My head theses days Can't retain anything
    Take care everyone Sleep Tight

    1. Night Night! Everyone - this bunny is going to bed! Well - after I've emptied the dishwasher! Real not virtual!
      My name is Myra and my craft room is a disgrace - again! Xx

    2. I'm heading off too, Night God bless all.
      My name is Saba, I'm 20 years old, T total and I am a fibber.

    3. Thank you Karen for your kind words about my card.

  32. Hi Sandra and all the lovely ladies, sorry I'm so late today (just about today) it's been a busy one! I started to read the comments 3 times and got interrupted each time.! Brenda your card is gorgeous, I love the selection of flowers you have used. I've got some Britannia dies they are fab and cut like a dream. Thank you for sharing and I hope your friend loves it. Xxx
    Sandra your poor car ( and your poor bank balance!) I hope you can get it sorted out for a reasonable price, perhaps a local garage would be better. I hope Bella is ok tooxxx
    Sue what a lovely gesture from your grandma and mum, that made me smile, it sounds like we all have special grandma memories with lily of the valley, mind you my gran used to wear the scent too, used to rub it on from a solid stick and used to put it on our wrists if we were hot. What lovely memories . Xxx
    It sounds like everyone has had a busy day again. I will try to pop in early tomorrow but can't guarantee it as need to drop Emma off at college by 10, but will be in later (hopefully earlier than tonight)!
    Sleep tight everyone see you tomorrow
    Love Diane xxx

  33. Thank you Diane for your lovely comments about my card. Yes the Britannia dies are very good. Wish I had a friend one to put on but a bit late now as with the BANK holiday I need to post it tomorrow. Never mind.
