
Monday 18 May 2015

Margarets Pretty yellow flowers!


Good Morning Ladies,
I hope that this Monday morning finds you well, this weekend seemed to disappear super fast,
I am really looking forward to the upcoming bank holiday, we don't have any real plans, its just nice to have the extra day with the family, the girls are ready for the break too, they seem to be exhausted to the point that they seem to be constantly fighting off cold and flu symptoms, sore throats etc, I am glad I was 'mean mum' last Thursday and stopped them going to their football training, the fact that it was still on in torrential rain and the season is over seemed a little ridiculous to me, if the had upcoming important games then yes, but weeks before major exams then no, all of the girls are the same age and at the same important time in school, I wouldn't mind when the weather is fine as it is good for the girls to let of steam and relax with friends. I personally feel that there is too much pressure put on children these days with exams at all ages, with schools so focused on league tables and results, I think that things have gotten a little out of control, one of the teachers on Parent Evening starting talking to Soph about A levels, I just told them that I thought we should just concentrate on the GCSE's for now!
Now onto todays beautiful card, when I was scanning through the photos this one 'shouted' out to me because it is beautiful, bright and cheerful, I know the weather is forecast to be miserable today, so I thought the gorgeous flowers on Margaret's card would brighten our day!
Yellow roses are my favourite colour too, which is another reason it stood out to me, it just looks like roses laid upon lace! so pretty, I can also spy all of our very favourite Scandinavian Border too, I think that has to be one of Sue's all time best dies, I think that most of us own it, I have to try not to use it as I reach for that one every time!
Thank you Margaret for allowing me to share your stunning card with all of our friends xx
Bon Voyage Sam, have a totally amazing time, come back, tanned and relaxed!!
I need you all join together in sending positivity our way this week, the car is in for its MOT on Tuesday, she's getting on a bit now, sadly if it is a very expensive job we won't be able to afford a holiday this year, the thought of that is just horrible as its the one time Paul gets to relax properly,
in that he actually gets to sit and read his book, relax and have fun with the girls, a good couple of weeks of no television, no video games, telephones, just family time, board games and relaxing together! I will be very sad to miss out on that important time! We don't do luxury either, just a basic family holiday!! So please cross everything for us, thank you my lovelies xxx
Well I am off to upload my card to the Creative Expressions FB page and maybe blog if I can!
Love and hugs to all of you


  1. Good morning Sandra and the Coffee Shop Ladies. Hope you are all well, it was nice her 1/2 an hour ago but it's clouded over. Wishing you all a day full of Sunshine.
    WOW! Oh! WOW!. Margaret, I just LOVE your card, very elegant. Looks like your Roses are "hardmade" they re beautiful.
    SANDRA:- hope the car passes its MOT, I am sure it will. You mentioned Caravan Holidays ... do you use the car to "tow" the Caravan or is it Static??
    MYRA:- sending you some (((((hugs))))) and hope you feel better today.
    I better get a move on, things to do.I have a "Breast Screening" to go to later this morning. I have to go to Blairgowrie 9 miles away. It used to be 3 miles away but they have moved the Mobile Unit.
    Done all the Tables, Urn on, coffee machine on, cups & mugs out. Ooooo!! who sent in those gorgeous "cupcakes" will be back later for one of them. xxx

    1. Thanks Patricia,
      A lot better just not quite firing on all cylinders since we are thinking cars and MOT's this morning! Xx

    2. Forgot to say hope all goes well with the Mammogram! Hate them but very necessary! Xxx

  2. Good morning Sandra and all who call in today.
    Margaret. Your card is stunning, yes Sandra you are right it looks like roses laid onto lace. It's so elegant.
    Sam. Remember it's time to switch off and relax.
    Sandra, not good when you know the car needs work before its gets M.O.T, we will all keep our fingers crossed. Maybe you could get away for a few days in your own caravan, I know it's not the same but it's would be better than nothing? The thing is Toyotas are work horses but are expensive to get repaired.
    I see Patricia has been in and set up, I decided that the ironing needed doing before I did anything this morning, it's not looking good out there but washing had to go on, I didn't do the beds on Friday so that's my task when I get back. In from work. Looks like they will be going in the dryer today, unless things change?
    Money's in the pot, (((((( hugs)))))) in the basket and I am away to get myself ready to go out. Hazel x

  3. Morning Ladies

    After a lazy week off, getting up at 6.30 is a shock!

    Margaret-what a beautiful card. I'm so envious of how you have made the flowers, they look stunning.

    Sandra-good luck uploading the photo . I'm sure Creative Expressions will be in touch with you once they see your card-ghey would be daft not to!

    Right-best make my lunch then it's off to work. Will try to pop in later. Oooh-by the way-Sister in Law and baby Liam are home and both doing well. I got an email & lots of photos last night from Kelli.


    1. Hi Michele,
      Poor you, it's always a shock to the system getting back in the routine!
      Thank you for updating us on Baby Liam, maybe we could see a little photo when you have time, not too many though as I have a tendency to get very broody, I would have another tomorrow if nature permitted!
      I will have to wait for my grandchildren instead!
      Love and hugs

  4. Janet Ecco of Sheffield18 May 2015 at 08:26

    Morning to all who pop in today from a very rainy and cold Sheffield.

    Margaret your card is just beautiful from start to finish. White/white with just a little colour is always in first place for me.I must be the only person in the crafting world not to buy the Scandinavian border but I really do prefer other shapes etc.

    Sandra we too will have our fingers crossed this week as Jim is at this moment down at the local garage booking in Yvette for her annual test and then she needs taxing at the end of this month. She too is getting on in years and of course our means of getting over the water with all her heavy loads so she is looked after very well.

    I had a wonderful time in The Range yesterday (Jim not so wonderful when he had to pay!). I had my list of needs to take to Marigny eg new seat cushions for the kitchen chairs, some voile curtains for the bedroom, candle etc and then of course just had to look around the crafty things. I got a box frame so I can now mount my old French buttons so I think that may be one of the things I have a go at today.

    Hope everyone had a good week-end and are feeling relaxed and ready for the forthcoming week. I'm missing one or two Friends in the cafe or am I just not in at the right time. Norah hope you're OK and I know Cheryl is having 'google' problems.

    Steph I buy all my mounting foam from £land. It's on a reel with foam pads in the dame packet. I do this as I can cut to any size needed. Hope this helps.
    Hugs are in their usual place. I've washed and tidied away my mug.
    Janet xxxx

    1. Will join you Janet. I also haven't got the Scandinavian border. Perhaps I will have to remedy that sometime.

    2. Hi Janet I will also join you I haven't got the Scandinavian border,but I do love it,like Brenda I will have to buy it at some point. Xx

    3. Janet, glad you had a good time t the Range! I've still to visit one of their Stores! Where have I been? ! Xx

    4. Just to let you know, Janet, Littlelamb and Lynda - I don't have it either!!! xx

    5. I don't have it either, must remedy that soon, it is lovely
      Jess x

    6. Hi Janet, sending you good luck too, ok ok everyone, I thought that most of us had the Scandinavian Border die, all I can say is all of you that haven't got it should get it, it's beautiful!
      I too have bought the same mounting foam as you Janet and boy is it sticky, no danger of anything dropping of your cards with that sticking them down!
      Some £1 shops sell 3 rolls and no pads, I don't use the foam pads as much do you Janet?
      Love and hugs

    7. I know it's taken me all day - but I don't have it either!mxx

    8. Hi Janet,
      hope Yvette passed !

  5. Hi Sandra and all the lovely coffee shop ladies
    Well what a lovely sunny choice of card you have shown us today. Just right as it is pouring down with rain here, it was forecast but they get it wrong so many times don't they! Margaret your card is beautiful, what a pretty lacy effect those dies give. Do you know I think I must be the only one who doesn't have that boarder - I think! Terrible isn't it when you can't remember which of these fabulous dies you do have, just the ones you must have next! Lol.
    Sandra everything is crossed for you with the car, I hate mot time. I usually take my car and sit and wait - you can watch it being serviced if you like but I think that's a bit un dignified. You definitely need a holiday of sorts this year, perhaps you could pitch a tent in our back garden! What a sensible mum you are the girls don't need to be poorly before their exams. I agree there is far too much pressure on them but competition for university places is so high, they now look back at GCSE results when deciding who to take. Good luck to the girls with their exams and good luck to you too - it's just as stressful for the parents! Xxxx
    Steph I saw your comment on Sues blog about sticky roll, have a look at the Stix2 website. I was looking for tape pens the other day and someone recommended them, they do all sorts of stuff at reasonable prices and it's a uk firm. Xxx
    Sam I'm sure you are on your way by now but have a wonderful holiday xxx
    I did leave a post last night to say thank you for all your good wishes for Julian and I on our anniversary, I finally caught up with the comments but it was quite late. I did manage to see the end of Poirot and didn't fall asleep in one and wake up in another wondering how these people came into it- I often do that! There are also a lot of detective program's where I haven't seen the last 5-10 minutes because of school pick up time or trains due! When Emma was little one of the grandmas used to get to the school early to get a parking space but used to miss quite a bit of diagnoses murder. I could watch the end and just get to school as they were coming out, so I could fill her in on the plot and who dunnit. Sometimes she used to come early and we would watch it together and try not to chat too much! How funny is that.
    Well I think it's time for me to go and get organised for the day. I must take a pair of jeans back to M&S for Emma and get some petrol and I might have a quick look at shoes whilst I'm out, I need a dressy but comfortable pair to go with my dress. I've got pairs I can just about walk in but I do need a pair I can spend a day in whilst still looking dainty! Haha. I wear flats a lot of the time but need something with a bit of a heel with a dress.
    Hope everyone has a good day, I will see you all later.
    Lots of hugs and love Diane xxxx

    1. Diane, I thought it was only my husband who fell asleep before the end of a Whodunnit! Hope you find some DAINTY shoes!! Xxx

    2. Hi Diane,
      You might have been lucky and got you shoes by now but if not,
      Clarke' s and Trotter have sales on at the moment. xx

    3. Hi Myra and Maria
      No luck with shoes, I did see Clarks had a sale on but nothing suitable. I originally went looking for something a bit unusual so headed for Schu , they had cream lace, black lace boots, red ANC navy spotty ones, silver and pink shiny ones and red glitter ones but nothing to match my dress. I only went to the local shops but hopefully I will get to debenhams by the end of the week. It didn't help that it was raining hard and I was back in boots again! Thank you for pointing me in the right direction !
      Love Diane xxx

  6. Hello Sandra,
    I hope your car sails through its MOT. It's always a worry in case anything major pops its head up.
    Margaret, your card is beautiful, so fresh and airy. I really like it.
    Janet, glad you enjoyed the Range, surely you didn't spend much ha ha.
    Myra, take care and hope you pick up.
    Hazel, don't work to hard.
    Patricia, I hate going for mammograms, but so relieved when I do, a bit like Confession!!!!
    Michele, have all your aches and pains gone - they must have because you've sent them to me lol.
    Well, girls off to school, nearly finished doing upstairs and then popped C&C on TV whilst I was dusting and saw the Julia and the lovely CE card. Ran downstairs (normally laptop upstairs, but it was Sod's law that I took it down yesterday), just in time for the card to be sold out. Grrrrrrrr.
    Never mind I probably have enough card to wallpaper all of Newcastle!!
    See you all later, must finish dusting, then do downstairs before session in school this afternoon.
    Maureen xxx

    1. Maureen can you picture my mammograms with my droopy bits they have a real problem getting them in or up to the X-ray plate. Ha ha ha.
      Hope that hasn't put you off lunch.Lynda xx

    2. Muriel dear!
      If you go on Julia Watts blog - it will take you to her website - right at bottom of page. She has the blue card stock you are looking for. Hope this helps! Xxx

    3. Lynda, I'm still smiling at the thought of your mammograms, they probably print them on A3 or larger screens!!!! But sometimes a little tooooooo much information goes a long way, thank goodness I had before I read your post ha ha. xxx
      Myra, just got in from my session in school. Year 3 are doing the Romans (and doing me in, in the process!!!) and we were sticking our mosaics again. It's been a long, hard afternoon - trust me!!! I'll have a look at Julia's blog, thanks xxxx

    4. Hi Maureen,
      Julia's shop is very expensive, some of the dies that were on today's show (that I missed) I am kicking myself because I loved the happy birthday die that she showed, it was a great price but out of stock!
      But they are double the price on her blog so be careful before ordering!
      You will be dreaming about mosaics tonight!
      Love and hugs

  7. Hi Sandra and ladies, a coffee for me today please.
    Margaret your card is lovely, so clean and fresh, I love the yellow roses, thakyou for letting Sandra show it to us.
    Patricia good luck with the breast screening, I hate getting this done, I'm sure it must have been a man who invented this machine, a woman would have been more sensitive with this procedure, and not make it so uncomfortable, but it is a screening that has to be done, and I would not miss my appointments.
    Janet, I think you might need a trailer for all your purchases to take to France!
    Diane, hope you get some lovely shoes, I need to have a clean out of mine, I have shoes that I know I will never be able to wear again, but really like and don't really want to part with!!
    Sandra dear, good luck with the MOT, it is a necessary evil and some garages can say things need done when they don't.
    Weather here today is horrible, so I guess crafting is calling after a bit of ironing.
    Take care everyone, Hope to catch up later, didn't manage yesterday still too tired after our long drive home, but feeling better today.
    Jess x

    1. Jess, pleased you had a good holiday despite the scary return journey! Xx

    2. Hi Jess,
      we had a shoe clear out here last week and got together a huge bag for charity. I had some nice ones with heels but can't walk in anything like that anymore and I'm sure the feet get wider when you get older so I hope someone out there will be happy. xx

    3. A few years ago I was a Voluntary Manageress for Cancer Research UK and was in the shop in Chorley. I was dressing the window and a lady picked up my shoes which I had taken off to go in the window and wanted to know how much they were! It was a near thing. Another volunteer had her Mac sold! She was even more annoyed when she heard it was sold for £9.99. Xxx

  8. Hello Sandra and all the coffee shop ladies,
    Sandra you could never be a mean mum, I think you have saved your girls from having to take time off from school. As you said the football season is over, yes it's good they get fresh air and exercise, but there are times when you just have to say NO. We have two of our grandchildren taking GCSEs.They were born 18 days apart in 1998. What a Hell of a year my Mother had to go into a nursing home ( she had Parkinson's.) dad came to stay with us. We already had younger daughter + bump and husband staying because they were adding an extension to their house, initially it was for 6 weeks, well it was 6 months in the end. Dad had been mums carer and just couldn't cope any longer. He had leg ulcers - the like you could not imagine, he wouldn't tell anyone whet he was going through. Anyway he died just before New Year. By then we had two new babies in the family. I would visit Mum every day after work. Weekends I would go to see her taking grand daughter with me. Sometimes I had two babies mum loved those days. Any those babies are now doing GCSEs I just pray they do well.
    Margaret, I love your card, white with yellow flowers, it's beautiful. I haven't got this border, I am now thinking should I !!..... It is so dainty, and really looks like lace on your card. Thank you for shareing it with us.
    Be back later, love Brenda xxx

    1. Sorry Sandra, I forgot to say I hope MOT goes well and doesn't cost you your holiday fund, it's always a worry when it has to be done, you never know what the garage are going find. Everything crossed and praying that it no more then you are expecting to pay. LOL xxx
      DIANE I hope you find you special shoes. A huge thank you for explaining how to get my iPad going again once it freezes. I have had to unfreeze (is that the correct word) at least three times since I started this message. You are a lifesaver.
      PATRICIA, Hope mammogram goes well.
      JANET, Sounds like you had a great trip to The Range. Lots of goodies for your home in Marigny. Hope you will have enough space in the car!!
      Well I may as well have that coffee now, I will sit and wait, just in case Norah drops by, it really would be so lovely to see you again - missed you LOL xxx

    2. Brenda, our granddaughter also doing GCSE's. She was born in 1999 . She seems fairly calm so far but may be like a swan and paddling like mad underneath! Xx

    3. Myra, sending good wishes and prayers to your grandaughter hope all goes well for her and she gets the grades she needs to go into sixth form or college. Both of our two want to go into sixth form, grandaughter is very arty so will be hopping for good marks in Art and Textiles, she would like a career in forensic (you should see some of her art work - lets just say it BLACK !!!! Grandson he is more academic BUT does not want to go to University (and end up with a student debt like big brother) he wants to work in the City (London) and would like to be a stockbroker. They certainly know what they want. At their age I just wanted to get a good job with a reasonable pay. I hope they achieve their dreams, also your grandaughter LOL xx

    4. Thank you Brenda! You are right they really know what they want to do but that is better than having no idea! Annabelle would like to work with children but still deciding between nursing and teaching! She ruled out Nursery Nursing as she had work experience there and she hated it! I quote - "all screaming and dirty nappies Grandma!" I'm sure there's more to but that was her feeling. I hope your Grandchildren get the results they need. I always wanted to be a teacher but my brother said that was because I was bossy! Xxx

    5. Myra, good luck with your granddaughter's exams and may I just say how remarkably observant your brother is!
      Brenda, good luck also to your grandchildren, its such a worrying time for them.

    6. Thank you for kind comment, Muriel! Xxx

    7. Hi Brenda and Myra
      Good luck to your grandchildren taking their GCSEs, it's a trying time for them. I know grandmas are important peoples in their grand children's lives, I think it's something to do with the generation gap. Emma loves spending time with her granny and they often chat about problems with college that she doesn't tell us!
      Brenda my love, I'm pleased I could help with your frozen posts, mine freezes quite a bit when I'm typing, think my brain goes faster than my fingers sometimes!!!
      Love Diane xxx

  9. Hello Sandra and all the coffee shop ladies. MARGARET your card is beautiful. Just love it. I am another who hasn't got that die. Perhaps I will have to remedy that. When I first started making cards many moons ago I didn't like white on white cards and always thought they needed colour but I really like them now especially yours Margaret.
    SANDRA. I hope you have sent that card off. Good luck with the MOT. Always a worrying time. Hope it gets through.
    Very wet day today but it is supposed to brighten up this afternoon. Monday afternoon is gardening and my neighbour comes in to help. Need to fill up the recycling bin today with what we did last week but it will be very wet. They only collect the bins every fortnight and last week it was full before we finished so some more to put in now. Never ending!
    MYRA hope you are feeling better today. Best get on. Hugs to all. See you later.

    1. Thank you Brenda I feel a lot better just a bit woozy but that will pass! Xxx

  10. Good morning Sandra and all the coffee shop crew
    Sandra everything will be fine with your car lets face it half of the UK now have their fingers crossed for you, come on now lets be a glass half full not a glass half empty sweetheart. Delighted to know you are sending that beautiful card off but don't just stop with CE send it to others too, please.
    Thank you all you are very generous with your very kind comments about my card which was for our younger daughter and son in law's wedding anniversary. Lesley loves yellow roses and had them for her wedding too so they must always feature on her anniversary cards. The flowers are the same, but different colour of course to the christening card I did Cheery Lynn dies so very easy to do and the dies cut just like butter. All the dies and the heart lattice EF are Sue Wilson's with the exception of the label die that is a Spellbinders one, the ivy is a Joanna Sheen die I got it long before Sue brought one out and the little pearl hearts on my favourite border die are from Mei flowers and likewise with the organza ribbon it ties lovely and always keeps it's shape
    I am praying for fine weather this week out little grandson is off on his school residential, I have made them all their bread rolls 72 in all or as we say in Cumbria, teacakes, along with some loaves of wholemeal and raisin bread and a Porter cake for the teachers as a treat, I was baking until 12.45 last night so at least they will be fresh!
    Now I am being asked is it lunch time so I had better get that made.
    Sam have a safe journey and a wonderful time.
    I will try and pop in later be good all of you my hugs and cuddles are over in the corner just help yourselves.
    With love
    Margaret xxx

    1. Margaret your bread sounds yummy. I hope your grandson enjoys his residential - where has he gone? Xxx

  11. Hi Sandra and Everyone!
    Tried to comment on way down but apologies if I missed anyone out!
    Margaret - today's card is beautiful ! I love your yellow roses. The card looks deceptively simple but is lovely. Thank you for sharing it with us.
    Sandra - hope the car passes its MOT . How we rely on our cars nowadays!
    Saba - I hope you are safely home without doing anything for which you'd be sorry! I mean killing the Hahn! Lol! X
    Be back later everyone, Bon Voyage - Sam! Xx
    Love Myra xx

    1. Myra hope you are feeling a bit brighter now, it takes a couple of days to get back 100%. Hazel x

    2. Thanks Hazel, better and having food today ! Xx

    3. Myra I do so hope you are feeling a little better but do listen to your body if it needs a rest have one xx

  12. Afternoon all.
    Just something for you to put on your calandar Sandra - Cr Exp shoukd be putting anothef DT call out around Sept/October time so keep a look out for the criteria etc nearer the time. The new DT members are normally made official late October, there you go, you've been told lol.
    Fingers crossed for the car, is it not a mobility ? Id be lost without our's.

    Oh Margaret your card is scrumptious hon, oh those amazing roses, they look so real.
    Myra, your a Lancashire lass arn't you ? Not been to the Range : 0 oh my word you need to sort that out me thinks.
    My eyes water at the thought of a mammogram, I could have cried wheni had my last one ! How on earth do they think you can stand on tiptoe whilst they litterally grap that floppy peice of flesh and shove under two plates and flatten those two saggy little things we use to be so proud of !!! Boy oh boy do I hate having that done !! OWIE. Thinking of you Patricia love xx
    Janet, yes I use the same mounting foam as you, I just wondered if someone somewhere do different sizes as that foam is lethal when you get your finger's stuck onto it, thats when I know its all over lol. I just wondered what our Wonderful Sue used considering the background this morning hardly leaves room for foam where the die crosses. Has anyone tried using the quilted striplet like the eternal rings to make a background ? It looks brilliant.
    Well my A4 vintage wedding card is all done, I have no idea if it comes under the heading of vintage but the customer liked it and said the bride will love it, so thats ok with me, I did it in blush and milk - yes, blush ! A full sheet bless your life, I could have cried using that much on just one card, good job I have an un-opened pack in my stash lol.
    Well, your card has certainly brightened a horrible wet and gloomy day up Margaret, thank you, and thank you for the rice bag which Andy is using, had a fall in the country yesterday and fell straight onto his frone so his ribs, shoulder etc are far from happy today, bless him and bless you too Margaret.
    Oh can you believe where our Sam is heading to ? OMG what luxury what heaven, its a pipe dream of mine to have such an amazing holiday like that, id have to try and sell my body plus wacky backy to get enough money to even look at the brochure let alone book the trip lol, so as both of the above are out of the question its the UK for us.
    Anyway, now ive depressed myself thinking about white sand, hot sun and clear sea I will love n leave you.
    Hope you are all having a nice day.
    Friendly hugs to all.
    Lancashire Steph xxxxx : )

    1. Steph ! I know , I know! There is a Range in Leyland and one in Southport not to mention Bolton! I need to get in the car and go - but not today . Xx

    2. Hi Steph,
      The last lot of sticky sheets I bought were from Affixit, you get a load of different A4 sheets, different thicknesses and you can cut to your required size! I am with you on cutting up your favourite card or using a whole sheet, it makes you want to charge them double for the privilege !
      So sorry to hear about Andy falling, I hope he recovers quickly as if he is as useful to you as Paul is to me you will be in a fix!
      I would love to see a pic of your card please.
      If you want to torture yourself further go onto pinterest and type in Sam's name, you can see her holiday snaps on her profile thingy, she really is the the lap of luxury, the photos show everything from a butler running her a bath, with rose petals to Sam sat stroking white tigers, bless her she saw them on a safari and asked if she could see them up closer! Talk about chance of a lifetime! I think Sam's holiday world and mine are a universe apart, but she deserves a little luxury and I am quite happy to holiday in a caravan by the med!
      Love and hugs

  13. Hellow Sandra & all you lovely ladies,we have a horrible Monday weather wise it's very wet & very windy. Sandra don't even think that you are a bad mum not letting the girls do football training when it was raining so hard.
    Sandra I'm still waiting for my stamping up two step stamping stamp too arrive from Sunrise crafts,it was on a 7- 14 day delivery. Where did you get your set from I have tried too find some more but they seem to be very hard to find I would love the flower that Patrica has that's gorgeous.
    I have everything crossed for your MOT hope it is fine.
    MARGARET your card is stunning love your flowers in such a pretty colour love it against the White lacey look & that border is beautiful it has just gone on top of my must get list.
    Should finish invitations today yaay.just got about 20 frames to make then glue everything together.
    My lower back is still so very painfull today OH has had to do house work today as can't bend not quit sure how I have done it never fell or anything,but I have always had a weak lower back having back labour with both heavyweight children. Lisa was 9lb 11oz & Darren being 10lb 2oz,then a couple years ago I fell backwards & landing onto my back having to sleep in the chair for months.
    So every now & then it gives out.Have been using Margarets heat bags on it,so a big thank you Margaret. Well must finish frames so pop back later. Left money on side for my tea & toasted tea cake very nice it was too.
    Love & Hug's Lynda xx

    1. Hi Lynda,
      Sorry you are suffering! Maybe you are straining your back making the invitations - maybe sitting or bending in the same position for a long time! Take care! Sending hugs xx

    2. Thank you Myra for you hug's I'm ok sitting but can't bend.Sending some Hug's back too you how's your migraine Myra xxxx

    3. Lynda, Sorry you are in such pain, I hope you get some relief soon. LOL B xxx

    4. Brenda thank you Hug's Lynda xx

  14. Who stole this morning? It's gone 1pm and I have done nothing, then again I just couldn't get going when I came home. Beth was so excited, got a hugh hug from her and she chatted all the way to school. It was " Hazel did you know that the Queen saw me race"??? Then "The Kings Troop were amazing " oh and " The Household Calvery ". And some of them were taking bets on which of us would win!!! All that sort of thing, when I asked about how her races went it was " oh great" short and sweet there was so much more exciting things going on in her mind. They were on the go from very early to late at night. I thought hand ball would be off, oh no she missed last week can't miss another week, nice to hear, but oh boy she is going to be so tired??? I think mum will have gone back to bed, she was away meeting the horse lorry at gone 1am this morning then, she couldn't get back to sleep once she got home. Not back to do pick up till 4 pm so I won't be over worked. Well I have enjoyed that cup of tea and one of those lovely cupcakes. Oh I need to make a move and get things sorted, can someone send me some "up and go " please. Hazel x

    1. Please will someone else send Hazel some get up and go! Think mine has got up and gone too! Lol xx

    2. Sorry mine get up & go has definitely gone too !!! Lynda xx

    3. No good asking me, I left mine at school this afternoon! xx

  15. Good afternoon everyone from a wet and soggy Wigan, oh it's been awful all morning but I think the sun is trying to peep through so fingers crossed. Margaret your card is beautiful so much the style I like, Sandra hope you get somewhere with CE but as others have said, try other DTs as well, I also hope you get good news with regard to your MOT for the car, everyone needs a break, John has just had a week off on holiday and although we didn't do anything he gas been plodding in the garage making some new gates and I must give credit, I'm so impressed although he has been talking about making them for about 18 months. The price of buying them spurred him on I think. Well think I will take the dogs for a little walk while it has actually stopped raining, they. Love their walk so have topped the basket up with some hugs and will then tackle my ironing when I come back - take care everyone from Jean xx

  16. Mammogram done and dusted, these things don't put me up or down really. I keep in my mind "it's for your own good" kind like the dentist!!!
    Will get myself a cuppa, then pop over to the corner, catch up with some of the chat.
    Housework all up to date, think I might have a have a little "play" this afternoon.
    Margaret (corgi owner) sent me link for a nice Box Tutorial may have a go at that. xxx

    1. Pleased mammogram went well! Just had exciting post! Candle wax and wicks and an excellent set of clear instructions with pictures! It is full o f hints and tips - now I know why the wax wasn't smooth!! The wax smells lovely - not overpowering at all and I have two lovely soft colours pale peachy pink and pale lilac! Can't wait to have a go!
      Love Myra xxx.

    2. Hi Patricia so pleased you have survived this morning and all went well, not the nicest procedure. xxx

    3. Hi Zmyra. Glad the candle wax and wicks have arrived ok. Theresa always gives very clear instructions and if you are not sure about something she is always very helpful. She said that she had had an order from you. Yes they smell lovely and the colours are nice too. She also does brown wax and cream and puts them in glasses so that it looks like a glass of beer. Looks very realistic. Putting the wax in Sundae glasses is also very go if. You can make it look like trifle. Hope it all goes ok. Glad you are feeling a bit better.

    4. Patricia,
      That's another good job over and done with for the next couple of years.

    5. Patricia, glad you survived, good job done. X

    6. Pleased mammogram went ok Patricia & all done for 3 years but soon comes round. xx

  17. Ooooo, id like a looksie at that website if you dont mind, might be nice to have a dabble at something different, even if I just do a little something for decoration for my market stall.
    Look forward to looking at it.
    L. S xxx : )

  18. Well I've been commenting on the way down, otherwise I'll forget what everyone wrote. I'm in a bit of a zombie state after the session at school this afternoon but the children enjoyed it!!!
    Sandra, I hope the car got through it's MOT all right with no nasty surprises.
    Maureen xx

  19. Hi STEPH. It's The CakeHole. Here name is Theresa Egan and she lives in Rayleigh Essex.

  20. PATRICIA glad everything went well this morning. Something I don't like but having had breast cancer it is something I have to have regularly although after the one later this year I think I will be going back on my GP 's list instead of the Cancer Clinic. I was on a 10 year plan for follow ups but it's about 8 now so not much longer. I don't remember signing for a 10 year plan but apparently I find and I don't mind just don't like the mammogram very much but then does anyone.?
    HAZEL. Hope you can find your 'get up and go'. Just come in from the garden and having a cup of tea and catching up on here but must get back to the plaques. See you all later

  21. Just got back from a beautiful w/end in Beverley there was seven of us celebrating three birthdays!
    SANDRA you did the right thing in both counts football and exams Lots if times things work out for the best My gorgeous son wanted to be a vet but due to his illness did not do well in his GCCE's Decided to do Animal Management at college This involved having a work placement at our local zoo He became Head Monkey Man He'd really wanted to be a zoo keeper from the age of five but had thought through school pressure that he'd ought to aim higher and be a vet He loved his job and as my mum often said "how many people can say they were able to do a job they loved" His ashes are with his beloved monkeys - the only place they can be
    PATRICIA Hope mammogram went OK
    TO ALL OF YOU Enjoy the rest of your day Sorry I can't remember to leave individual comments for you
    MARGARET Your card is lovely Yellow roses are my favourite for lots of reasons including their meaning

    1. Hi Karen,
      Thank you so much for sharing that very personal memory, sometimes I think that fate steps in and despite exam results etc you can still end up in a job that you love, I personally think that there is too much pressure put on their your shoulders, my two have no idea what they would like to do when they leave school, but already they are being forced into thinks about university, it seems that today that it is the schools main mission, to drive the youngsters into university, they end up doing courses that will in no way get them a job, I have a sister that half my age and the majority of her friends that went to uni doing design and art degrees have ended up either working in a bar, in a supermarket or on a gambling online site! My eldest son's friends are in a very similar situation and two of Becca's friends quit uni after 3 months!
      Neither of my older two were interested in going to uni, it hasn't stopped them getting jobs they enjoy!
      I am so pleased you had a lovely weekend, you were lucky with the weather too!
      Back to reality now though!
      Love and hugs
      Sandra xxxx

  22. LYNDAHope your back feels better soon. Probably a lot to do with doing all those invitations. I find mine flares up if I am doing anything like that. Take care.

  23. BRENDA thank you for your kind words Hug's Lynda xx

  24. Hi MARIA you asked to see the invitations for Harry's Christening well i have put them on my blog.Still making frames. Love Lynda xx

  25. Hello ladies, sorry I never got in yesterday and am last push up today.
    SANDRA, hope your car won't cost an arm and a leg. Holidays are important and you have earned one. Your card yesterday was truly gorgeous and you deserve to be on a design team.
    MARGARET, your card today is also truly gorgeous. It is very springlike and I love the little flowers you have made and I bet Lesley and her husband were delighted. Hope the weather picks up for your grandson. You are an amazing granny doing all that baking for his class.
    PATRICIA glad your mammogram is done now. They are horrid but as you know essential.
    HAZEL, glad Beth had a good time, so lovely to hear she was thrilled to see the Queen, so many young people wouldn't be bothered and I find that somewhat sad.
    STEPH, I did post a comment on Sue's In which I said " I cut my own width from a wider roll using a blade. To stop your blade getting gummed up, keep dipping it in water and shaking off the excess before cutting into the foam" don't know if that helps at all.
    MYRA, sorry you had another of those horrid migraines yesterday. Glad you are feeling a bit better today. I have never had one but believe they can leave you feeling unwell for a few days afterwards. Oh, I love Brenda's new name for you. Makes you sound very exotic. And you Bossy!! You are not bossy, you just like to organise us!!!
    LYNDA love I sympathise with you. I hope you can get some pain relief that helps your back.
    MURIEL I can't believe you worry about going to Confession, I would love to be a fly on the wall.
    Right ladies must go in my kitchen and throw something together to eat tonight.
    Love to you all
    Saba xxx

    1. Hi Saba glad you arrived home ok after your hectic weekend at MIL.
      You have the patience of a saint. Thank you for your sympathy I'm dosing mysel up with pain killers & have some Ibuprofen gel which doctor gave me for my neck & sholders last week,so have been rubbing that on as well.
      Hug's Lynda xx

    2. SABA:- bet your glad to be back in your own kitchen, cooking up what you want!!!
      Did MIL keep her blanket?? xxx

    3. Hope the Hahn kept his head! Xxx

    4. Saba,
      It's the balancing on the column that worries me. Every time I go to confession, when I've finished, the Priest always says "Now you just go out, take the Statue of Our Lady from her plinth, and you stand there" ha ha.
      (Is that blasthamus do you think) lol.
      Glad you are home. I take it everyone survived, even Cockie Lockie and MIL. xxxx

    5. Maureen did Saba not tell you it's "chicken" soup she's making???
      Maybe that should be "cockerel" soup. xxx

    6. Maureen,
      I don't think She would mind and it was the priest that said it and furthermore I'll tell you what, if you were up on that plinth I'd pray to you!!,

      Cockie Lockie and MIL were fine when I left. Despite the fact Cockie belongs to Peter's cousin, he visits our hens every day and I took 6 of his children home to make a quiche with. One of them was actually still under one of his harem and warm and I did wonder about trying to keep it warm and watching it hatch, but Peter said quite rightly and in a lovely Yorkshire accent " don't be a daft bugger, we've enough with the pigeons trying to breed chicks on the balcony without you doing the same"

    7. Hi Saba
      It sounds like you had a fowl weekend (sorry couldn't resist!). You were incredibly patient with mother in law but I bet you are glad you are home now xxx

  26. Saba, Beth chatted when she got back in the car after hand ball, it was like she had paused when she went into school. She was telling me of the other royals they had seen or had come round with their children. Prince Edward, and she thinks it was princess Ann's grand children one was called Isla she thinks, I thought it was lovely as to her they were the Queens great grand children that's all? She has grown up a lot over those 5 days. Stood up in class today and told them what had gone on, now Beth wouldn't say boo to a goose as one would say normally. When I left tonight she was doing a power point thing on her mums I pad for doing on Friday at the assembly. I wouldn't know where to start, let alone at 10years old.
    I take it you have recovered from your weekend. I did feel for you, Barbara my friends mum was lovely but just so set in her ways. Everything had a place and a time for doing things. Hazel x

  27. Good evening all,
    Wow! I don't drink but I could sure do with one ..... I think!!!
    Where in heavens name did the day go??
    Did not get any crafting done, my neighbour Isobel came over with her 3 year old Grandson who was so funny. Came in looking for "the boys" wanting to play with them. Juice and a biscuit and he was happy. By the time they went away I was right off the notion of crafting.
    Well hope you are all good, here's John with a real cuppa.
    Will leave you and love you for now xxx

    1. Hi Patricia,
      Yes it's lovely to be home. MIL's lunch time comment yesterday- "Schnitzel was a bit tough and a little too much salt and you can always tell when it's not top quality" however she did like the blanket and would like me to get her one, but not in cream like mine and not as big.
      She gave me a box of cherry liqueurs though so it was not all bad.
      Enjoy your cuppa xxx

    2. Are you saving the cherry liqueurs for October?
      Any sign of the pigeons? Xxx

    3. Myra,
      Whoops I've eaten most of them.
      Chery liqueurs I mean, not pigeons.

    4. You'll get migraine eating all that chocolate - well I would! There is no justice! Xxx

    5. Oh Saba. Proper German Cherry liqueurs my husband all time favourites. Hazel x

  28. Hi Sandra and all,
    Margaret, I love your card! Beautiful flowers, the card make you feel glad.
    oh I'm another one who haven't got the border die, actually I don't think I have any at all, oops! I have only scanned your comments so will go back and read them properly in a minute.
    Patricia- glad your mammogram went ok. Not a fun thing to have done but so important. Lynda ,not easy when you are on the larger side and the plates squashing the DB, that hurts ! hihi
    I have seen your christening card, he is adorable !
    Hazel- little Beth is now in the royal circle. She must have had a fab. time !
    Myra- are you still buzzing ? I hope you are feeling a lot better today.
    Sam- is she off ? I wish you and hubby a wonderful holiday ! you must tell us all about it when you are back. I am real envious.
    Good wishes to all the children and grand-children who are taking there GCSE,finger crossed they all do well!
    Cheryl- hope you are fine ?
    Saba- you managed to escape alright hihi Have you heard from Val, is she still doing fine ? My mum had her last radiation now so they don't want to see her for three month . Fell sick of worry and just hope this is it.
    Janet- how are things going for the kittens ? do you think we could have some in the cafe' ? Hey what happened to the Pet, show and tell ?
    Pat- how are you both ? Are you off on holiday too soon ?
    Anyone been in contact with Norah ? Sending a big hug and hope you are ok.
    Also to Sheila, a big hug to you and Nikki!
    Having a mug of Paul's special brew here , he is very good at crushing the beans tihi and will now read the comments from the beginning,
    Love and hugs to all Maria xxx

    1. oops Sandra, Hope The MOT went ok ?

    2. Maria, thank you I am fine now! Really hope your Mum will beat that awful disease! Positive thinking and prayers all round. Lots of love, Myra xxx

    3. Maria, so glad your mum has finished her radiotherapy course, I know how much you worry about her. Val is getting stronger and starting to go out a bit more now. We had a lovely chat today today but of course her illness is always present.
      Keep strong, but don't forget we are here for you if you want to have a cuddle.
      Saba xxx

    4. This comment has been removed by the author.

    5. Thank you Myra and Saba, you make me feel better and thank you for the cuddle :-)

    6. Hi Maria,
      Firstly I want to send you love and positive thoughts for your Mum, I am sure that she is relieved that the treatment is over!
      Paul was very pleased to hear that you are enjoying his 'Special Blend' of Coffee, at home he grinds his coffee beans every day, he takes it to work as well as using here, I don't really like it, I find all coffee to bitter, I am a 'tea gal', I like my tea strong though!
      I haven't yet had the pleasure of a mammogram, I am however dreading it as I have 38 GG/HH boobs, will they fit!!!
      Keep strong my love and remember day and night we are all here for you!
      Sending you love and hugs

    7. Hi Maria sending you and your mum lots of positive thoughts and lots of hugs. Xxx

  29. Maureen, don't you dare, I've just written you a long reply further up, publish and then find you down here!!,

  30. Oops! She had been and gone and went and done it!
    I know it's dreadful grammar - but St Muriel has retired for the night! Xxx

  31. Thank you Maureen and Hazel, just reading all the comments make me smile again. Everyone are so busy with one thing or other

  32. I wish you all a good night, the ones in pain hope Mr sandman visiting you too. He has been here, my eye's are shutting down so better go before I'm sitting here all night again,
    love and hugs Maria xx

  33. Myra,
    I wonder if there is a patron saint of craftiness, not the sneaky type, rather the type we all do Lol. Do you think Muriel would be up for it.

    1. Definitely! I think she'd be perfect! Particularly if we told her she could stand on a plinth! I reckon she'd have an all round appeal! Now Muriel - I'm not suggesting you are rotund because you are not! Xxx

  34. Go to sleep my baby - close your pretty eyes! Xxx

    1. That was for Maria only it turned up in the wrong place! I guess it was my fault! Xxx

    2. Well, it sent me off Myra.
      I have been doing a bit of www browsing and have seen the most amazing stamping tool ever. Will tell all tomorrow but if you want a sneak preview and can't sleep check out
      I know what you are like Myra, you'll have ordered it by the time I get up tomorrow.
      Night God bless all
      Saba xxx

    3. Night Night you temptress you! Xx

  35. Hi Maureen,
    Car MOT is tomorrow, so keep those positive thoughts coming!
    are you still seeing Mosaic before your eyes???
    Good night, god bless
    Love and hugs

  36. Hi all the night owls
    Haha yes I can see Muriel as the patron saint of crafting, balanced on a plinth decorated with double sided sticky and gilding flakes with paper flowers and stick pins adorning her! What a thought! I keep nodding off and battery telling me it's low so must go to sleep. Didn't find anything exciting shoe wise today, saw lots of shoes but not what I had in mind and not the right colour! I have far too many pairs already so it was just a thought rather than a necessity! I only went to a small local shopping centre, if I was serios I would have gone to Southampton shopping. Right 8% left so must sign off. See you all tomorrow
    Night night sleep tight. Love Diane xxx

  37. Will be thinking of you tomorrow Sandra and hope the car passes it's MOT. MARIA. Thinking of you and your Mum. Positive thoughts. Must get to bed. Woke too many times last night. Been shattered today but as usual by late evening I am wide awake again and then end up going to bed very late. Not good. Night all.
