
Sunday 17 May 2015

Caribbean Blue and Cream!

Good Sunday Morning,
I hope that you have all had a good weekend so far, I had a lovely afternoon with Pat and Paul,
we went to a Craft/scrapbook shop called Maze Of Memories, it is a lovely craft shop, very well
stocked with a huge variety of different craft goodies! But sadly no umount, we decided to go as
Christine Emberson was there demonstrating Spellbinders, it was a fully booked workshop so we couldn't join in, they were making pretty wrappers for chocolate bars!  We got to have a good chat with Christine before she started, you will never meet a more kind, caring, genuinely lovely lady!
(she is very talented too check out her blog :
She is an ambassador for spellbinders too!
Christine, if you get time to pop in, it was a delight to meet you and your mum today!
Onto todays card, I cut the Caribbean Background Die out of cream card, and embossed it, I then
matted that onto a slightly larger piece of Periwinkle card I then cut two of the Scandinavian Borders in Periwinkle card and mounted onto the bottom of my card, which started out with a plain white 8x8 card, I matted some cream card and Periwinkle winkle card together, finishing with a cream layer which has been embossed with the Eternity Embossing Folder by Creative Expressions(CE)
I think added my caribbean focal element and decorated the centre with some matching colour
Paper flowers, some coloured stamens and some little bits of foliage!  I then added one of my Scandinavian borders (CE) with Dries clear glue, I then stuck the second on the top, filling up the edges for some dimension, I then ran a strip of little pearl flowers down the centre of the border!
I added a bow with some Cream a Ribbon and topped it with a matching blue blue thin ribbon!
A few pearls were added around the card to finish it off!
What do you think?
I am thinking of sending of sending a copy of this card to the Creative expressions blog page,
What do you think of that idea?
Well I am a bit sleepy tonight, that's what you get for being awake late!
Well I hope you all have an amazing day, however you choose to spend it!
Love and hugs to all


  1. Hi Sandra and all that visit.
    Water on. Table cloths ironed and changed, flowers in vases.
    WOW.... What amazing, stunning, beautiful and breath taking crafts Ive just seen on yesterdays blog, my word you ladies are totally creative, soooo clever, sooo artistic, you are AMAZING. I so wish I could be that creative, words cant express how brilliant I think you and your work is, why are you keeping it to yourselves ? People get 'found' by having blogs and go a long way, why do you ladies not have your own blogs ? You all need to show the world your beauty and yout talant !!!
    As for this Sunday delight, DO IT, your work needs to be seen too Sandra. I dont understand why all you wonderfully talanted ladies dont show your work on a larger scale, dont keep it to yourselves your talant has to be found and shared.
    Have a lovely day everyone.
    Sunday hugs to all.
    Lancashire Steph xxxxx

  2. Good morning Sandra and ladies. How lovely to see one of your own wonderful creations this morning Sandra!!! All those dies work so well together, and that gorgeous periwinkle colour, with your trade mark foliage display, why can't you send this into creative expressions blog page??? It's a stunning card and needs to be shown off.
    Saba have you survived over night, and did Mr cockerel give you a nice early morning call??
    Diane, I hope you Julian had a lovely day and evening.
    Sam. Are you all ready for that wonderful,holiday?
    Maureen. Was the Harry Potter film good, at least it was a little change,!.
    Can't think of all that went on yesterday, but for those who aren't feeling on top of the world this morning I have filled the basket up with some (((((( hugs)))))
    Oh boy I could go back to sleep, but one jealous dog, would be trying his hardest to wake up Andrew again, he did that at 6. Andrew I think has gone back to sleep, don't want to go back up to check just incase he is and it disturbs him. It will be a long day for me I can see, as Tammy and Derek's flight doesn't land till gone 6 something then they have to get there car and then drive home,,so you are talking gone 7 then I have to get home so I can see it being nearly nine by the time I can chill out. Don't know if I am in work, tomorrow, don't think I am. Well I am going to get myself a cup of tea, and just sit and enjoy the peace. Hazel x

  3. Good morning everyone not been on Internet for a few days so big catch up this morning, I have missed some amazing crafts, yes Stephanie is right all this clever work deserves recognition, Sandra this card is so my style, love the layout and colours and the flowers are beautiful. Hope someone recognises talent at Creative Expressions fingers crossed for you. I always follow Christine Embersons blog, such a lovely lady. We went to Cleveleys yesterday and the sun was gorgeous but the wind was so strong you were fighting against it, was so tired when we got back. Nicky wasn't impressed at all. The dogs loved it though. I do hope everyone has a lovely day doing whatever they want to, I will be painting the wood for the gates John is making so hope it stays dry, I've left hugs in the basket in case they are needed and will pop back if I get chance, feel more like popping back to bed lol xxx take care from Jean xx

    1. Hi Jean,
      Taken a hug, thank you. Thought I'd take one before it gets covered in paint !! xx

  4. Hi Sandra My Friend And All My Other Dear Friends
    What Can I Say Sandra I Just Love Today's "Awesome Card"
    Its "Truly Fabulous" "Very Beautiful" And You've Used My Favourite Sue Wison Die, I Use This Die So Very Much And Since Watching A Video With Our Sue On It Using This Particular Die.
    Where She Cut Out The Fabulous "Beautiful Oval" I Could Never Seem To Get The Edges Quite Right But Sue Showed Just To Sand Them Down To Correct And This Does Work.
    I Love All Your Beautiful Flowers, And How You've Arranged Them Such Pretty Colours Its A Shame You Couldn't Get Into Christine's Class But At Least You Did Get To Chat, Sadly I Don't I Use My Spellbinders Very Much As I Tend To Use My Dies From Sue And I Never Purchase Any Other Dies.
    I Have Some Spellbinders That Are Hardly Used, So Maybe I Could Also Bring Them To The Retreat.
    I Actually Received A Letter From My Hospital Consultant Yesterday,
    I Had Four Scans And Now They've Decided I Need Yet Another Scan Before My Operation, As Apparently Thet Had Been Discussing My X - Ray's And They Had Seen Inflammation On My Kidney On The Left Side So It's Going To Take Even Longer.
    Enjoy Your Day Everyone
    Sandra And My Dear Friends
    Love And Hugs To You All
    From Sam xxx

    1. Sam. You just forget about what going to be going on when you get back? You go and relax and enjoy your holiday. Ok you have to have another scan, but they are just making 100% they have a good picture of what's going on before they operate. No it's time to switch off and enjoy your time away, and all that wonderful heat. It will be good medicine for you, and Lyndon knows this. Hazel x

    2. Hi Sam as Hazel says just go and enjoy your holiday, the scan will wait until you get back, there's nothing they can do before you go away is there. They are just making sure they know exactly what's going on before they operate so they and you have the full picture. Enjoy your holiday, have fun in the sun, it will do you the world of good. Lots of love and hugs. Diane xxx

    3. Hello SAM:- Hazel is right ... it's HOLIDAY time. Switch off and enjoy every minute, it will be a great benefit for when you have to have your operation. xxx

    4. Sam love. I know its hard to put these things to one side (especially so close to your holiday) but you have to try.
      Our specialist consultants have these meetings with other departmental consultants especially after they have had results from recent scans etc. They can read these scans themselves but need the expertese of the radiology consultant to talk them through the 'tricky' bits, they then have the complete picture to help give you the best outcome of further treatment thereafter.
      So Sam you have the most wonderful luxury filled holiday to look forward to, something that the most of us can only wish for and dream about but never have so pleasd Sam put it to the back of your mind and look forward to this holiday you have so looked forward to since you returned home from the last holiday there ! What will be will be but in the meantime its time for relaxation, sun beautiful white sand and clear blue sea. Deal with the scan etc when you get home xxx

    5. Sam sweetheart it is not going to make things better worrying take comfort that your doctors are being so careful and want to get everything right and with another scan they obviously will get a better overall picture which will help them to give you the best possible treatment. Now you are going on the most fabulous holiday so you go and enjoy every single minute of it soak up that wonderful sun and build up your strength which will give you the strength to recover so much quicker after your surgery. So come on Sam you do your bit to help the doctors, worrying will not make things better, so off you go and relax and enjoy every minute of your wonderful holiday we will be thinking of you as we shiver!!!
      Safe journey sweetheart
      With love
      Margaret xx
      P.S. Hope your boys have a good time on their holiday too

    6. Hello Sam,
      Your doctors are making sure that they will do the best for you, so let them do the worrying and deciding, and you put it out of your mind and just have a fabulous holiday, working on a gorgeous tan that you will be able to top up nearer the Retreat and which will make us all look as though we should be in Care!!
      You've been pampered and preened so have a safe journey and enjoy yourselves.
      Love and hugs, Maureen xxx

  5. Sandra it was so lovely to see you, Pat and Paul yesterday - thank you so much for making the trip, I hope to see you again soon xx

    1. Hi Christine
      It was lovely seeing you and you mum yesterday. I hadn't realised that you weren't demoing all day as we could have come over quite a bit earlier to watch you. I do hope they invite you back again soon.

  6. Morning Ladies

    Sandra-please, please,please send a photo of your stunning card to Creative Expressions. I'm sure they'll consider you for their design team after seeing such a wonderful card.

    Goodness-had a great nights sleep as I was shattered last night. I ended up re-potting all Dads veggie plants yesterday morning then we tidied his greenhouse. I pottered about in the craft room cutting out with my new dies & bagged them up to take to M in L. We left home at 4.45pm to get to in-laws as they like to eat early. Neither of us were feeling too lively so we left at 9.30pm. Put the hedgehog food out & Mrs hedgehog must have been waiting for us as she was straight into the food!

    I still ache aftet my 7mile walk so am going to try and make today an easy day especially as I think there might be lots to sort out at work tomorrow.


    1. Sandra Im with Michele. Look out for the Cr Exp DT call details, cant think when the next call is but you have to send some of your cards to their blog or whatever and some of your other cards you have shown us, and also go for the next call. Like Michele said - and this applies to some of you other lovely ladies, your work is so much better than some of the 'proper' team based at Cr Exp let alone the team that are picked each year - you can look back at Tina E's blog to see when she got a position as DT and boy oh boy I wish they would keep her on as like most of you here in the cafe, your work is DT standard that's for sure. So yep lass, send it plus some other's you have xxx

  7. Janet Ecco of Sheffield17 May 2015 at 08:49

    Morning Sandra and all who pop in today
    Large latte please.
    Now here I have a plea 'can the person or whatever who stole my blogging yesterday please bring it back as I just cannot remember what I said.' I know I ramble at times (no comments please lol) but stealing my humble words is a bit much.
    So very quickly re yesterday I loved each and everyone of your mixed bag. In fact Sam your box inspired me so much that I went into 'The Works' in Meadow Hell and purchased a small hanging hinged box and a MDF cut out of a bird with space for a photo or something else to give decorating them a try. Both pieces were only £1 so if they don't turn out something respectable I've not lost a lot have I.
    Myra your Heart again is just so so beautiful and what a lucky lady you are Sandra to be the owner of this magnificent piece of art.
    Brenda your tea cup candles are such a good idea and look gorgeous. I only wish I'd thought of that last year when I was playing with some candle wax.
    Sandra your card is just stunning and I do not use that word very often. I definitely encourage you to send it. You never know until you try.

    Well I'm off to visit The Range this morning. There's one or two things we need to take back to Marigny with us and it's always a good excuse to look at their craft section. I need a box picture frame as I bought 2/3 years ago some old buttons from a Brocante and I just cannot use them as they are iriplacable so I've decided to try mounting them in a frame. It also has a good coffee bar so half way round a coffee and then finish off the shopping.

    Sam have a really good holiday. You more than deserve it. I hope the boys settled well yesterday.
    Christina sent me some pictures yesterday of the kittens which were born last Sunday just before we left. They are beautiful. Each one is completely black not a spot of any other colour anywhere. I don't know what she's going to do about them as Mum isn't hers. She's just attached herself to Christina and Robert's barn and the problem is she is too well looked after to be a stray etc but has no collar or chips to say who and where she belongs and as there aren't any houses except the couple of farms around them it's difficult to say where she could have come from.

    Cup washed and put away. Money in the pot and hugs by the door in the basket. Have a good day everyone whatever you do. The sun has just come out here but it's still very windy and cold. Will Summer come this year.
    Hugs Janet xxxx

    1. Janet it looks like your daughter cat has been maybe dumped as she was with kittens, Tammy's beautiful rescued cat was the result of the same thing. Mika is the most loving cat and she has the look of a blue Russian. They wonder if it's been a case of she had been with a common muggy and the owners didn't want her anymore as her kittens wouldn't make them money. Why folk don't get their cats micro chipped etc I will never know. I admire your daughter for the work she is doing.
      Hazel x

    2. Hi Janet,
      Did you get any goodies from the range?

  8. Good morning Sandra and the Coffee Shop Gang, hope you are all well.
    Nice day here, wishing you will have the same.
    SANDRA:- your card is amazing, love, love, love everything you have done on it. Send it in, why not, it will certainly be much better than many they will have received. Definitely as good as those seen on the Telly that's for sure.
    I'm late today did not sleep between 2 & 5 then when I did sleep forgot to waken.
    Bedding on, will get that dried and hopefully ironed and put away later on.
    No word yet as to whether Thomas is coming here while Robert is playing Football. Plenty for food & milk even if he does.
    Right better get a move on, be back later for a cuppa and a catch up. xxx

  9. Hi Sandra and all the lovely ladies
    Sorry I didn't pop back in yesterday, spent the day dashing about and gardening before going out for our meal. Had a wonderful Chinese and didn't get home until midnight. The restaurant was really busy and we had a window table so we could people watch inside and out! It does add to the atmosphere doesn't it. We were laughing at the memories the place holds for us. Not only did Julian propose there but Emma lost a tooth when we took her for a birthday meal, we ate there with my mum and dad and my cousin when she went to Hong Kong to work for a while and ate there again when she came back ( the duck there was better than in Hong Kong she said!) . We don't go there often these days but it was lovely to have a treat. It was still warm and when we walked back to the car, I had been regretting not taking a jacket but we were ok. Home for a cup of tea and a whiskey and that was me tucked up in bed and fast asleep!
    Sandra your card is beautiful and yes you should send it to their blog, it's the way to get noticed. My friend enters different challenges and gets invited to be design team members that way, she has just done a stint as male card designer or one challenge. She is on face book too so follows lots of things on there. She answered a magazine call for a Father's Day card the other day and has ended up with her card in a magazine. I think you just have to put yourself about to get noticed. I know she has had to provide all the stuff herself for the latest ones but in the past she had stamps sent to her and had to come up with cards (which can br tricky if the stamps are not your thing!) and then had to pay to send her samples off. She got them back once they had been used but there was a lot of outlay on her part for some free stamps! It's worth having a go though Sandra to get recognition. It sounds like you had a lovely day yesterday, even if you didn't get your u mount !
    Well Michele I hope you have a rest today, you were busy yesterday and all that after your walk. I must go back and read the comments to see how you got on. Xxx
    Well I must get a wriggle on, we are eating at lunchtime today so we can have scones for tea as a treat and there is a pile of ironing with my name on it!
    See you all later. Take care
    Love Diane xxx

  10. Hi Sandra
    Another beautiful card today. Love the colour combination and your usual signature flowers.
    Now don't dilly dally about and send your card in to Creative Expressions. Now didn't we tell you to do this last month. No talking please, more doing. Your talent is phenomenal. Also send photos off to other DT's when they call for new demonstrators. Paul make sure she sends her card off this time. Or better still do it for her. My word Michele you did a lot yesterday no wonder you're tired. Hope you have a great holiday Sam, your scans can wait.

    1. Hello Pat,
      Love and prayers to you and Pete xxx

  11. Morning everyone. It's much better than some from their team. As all your cards are. It's different and beautiful.
    Sorry I haven't had much time fro chatting. Very busy with work, and I also have family visiting this weekend. My Brother, his partner and my 2 eldest nephews. Not often we can all get together, apart from funerals, so it was fun last night, just chatting and laughing and catching up over dinner.
    Enjoy your day,
    Hugs for all.

  12. Good morning, wow i am blessed with such an amazing bunch of friends, your comments are so lovely, such a confidence boost! Thank you xx
    I think I my problem is lack of confidence, I have never been a confident person and I really struggle when things don't succeed, I know you are all aware of this because of my stupid reaction on days when there aren't many comments. I will admit that I set this blog up expecting it to fail, nobody visit etc and I was so wrong there, now I am caught between a rock and s hard place as I would so love the number of members to increase, but on the other hand I like the 'personal feel' of the blog, it's like we are a little family, I tell you now you are THE BEST sisters ever!
    I am going to see about sending this card to the Creative Expressions facebook page and see what the reaction. Is like, fingers crossed for me girls!
    Love and hugs
    Sandra xxxxxxx

    1. Yipee you can do it I know you can, wishing you all the luck in the world, everything is crossed for you, and as I said in my post, the sky is the limit send it to some of the American companies too xxx

    2. Now young lady, you have the most amazing Bog. In my opinion the best there is. Right you don't have 100s following you BUT the ones that are following are your FRIENDS!! I have 163 followers but only a fraction of that ever leave comments which I really appreciate.
      HOWEVER your BLOG is more of a "chat room" which we all love.
      TELL ME THIS!!!! ...... how many other BLOGS have an organised "RETREAT" in the offing??? So my friend, sit back and revel in the knowledge you are very, very special. xxx

    3. OMG!! I am sure you do have an amazing "bog" but that should be BLOG!!!

    4. Patricia,
      We prefer to say "Nettie" in Newcastle!!! xxx

    5. Hi Sandra - you may have initially set up a blog but have created something which other bloggers don't have - that personal touch - you go on other sites and the names could be anyone - but on here (being a newbie) the same people keep cropping up and so its easy to get to know "the names" as people with lives and interests and families etc. This is the best "Blog" around in my opinion and I done think I am on my own xx Don't forget to send your cards to as many DTs as possible - Love Jean x

  13. Good morning Sandra and all the coffee shop crew
    Well we have a watery sun and chilly breeze up here in the Lakes but at least there is no rain!
    Well Sandra I have said it before and I will say it again what on earth are you waiting for if you are in any doubt about applying to join a design team anywhere somewhere why oh why not ask Sue Wilson what she thinks? You will get an honest reply I feel sure so come on you know you are good enough we have all told you so come on get a wiggle on and get organised and get those pictures sent off, please!!!
    I forwarded you the details a few weeks ago for applying to Hunkydory at Preston did you apply? The sky's the limit and you don't have to restrict yourself to the UK there are lots of companies in America that have people in the UK on their design teams, so come what are you waiting for get sorting, get looking you can do it sweetheart honestly you can.
    Todays card is absolutely wonderful and shows your talent to it's full potential, it is so very beautiful I love everything about it, honestly I am not just saying this to sound good, it is fantastic!
    So pleased you all had a good day out yesterday and enjoyed yourselves.
    My hugs and cuddles are over I the corner just help yourselves there are plenty more.
    Will call in later to see how things are with everyone .
    Margaret xxx

  14. Sorry that should be My hugs and cuddles are over in the corner x

  15. Sandra. We know you can worry over things like your blog numbers, but please stop. You could be like Sue have all these thousand of followers yet on a good day she has 190 comments. Ok you can have over a hundred with us chatting in and out all day and have of the night? Do you really ever see some one come back in and chat on Sues blog? They don't do it on mine even, they come in leave one and go. You have something so different and special. Apply to these challenges, but if they turn you down try another one, you create beautiful master pieces. Be like Beth when she was texting me this morning, she has had first, seconds been disqualified come in over all 4th, and what did she say " Hazel remember I can do better the next time and there will be another time". This is from a little girl that was so shy and hide behind her big sister. She has come on so much in less than 9 months. She is racing again today, but she has had a ball doing what she loves doing. So come on Sandra do some cards and give it a try. Just don't dtress yourself over it. Hazel x

  16. Hi Sandra and all,
    I Love your Carribeam and blud card tihi ! The colour is fabulous and as usual your take to put a card together is wonderful ! Do Send Your Card and other ones off, thats your job for today !
    Shame some people don't stay (they are on Sue's) I like our group of friends and if we got to many we might lose the closeness. sure they looking in but not comment.
    Michele, have another lazy day and let those tootsies have a rest.
    Sam, only think of your holiday. Everything else can wait. How long are you away for ?
    Hazel, were you thinking of Stone Henge ? not near Aylesbury.
    Off out for some 'luft' air, see you later for a catch-up
    Love and hugs to everyone Maria xx

    1. Oh no there are or there were at Aylesbury when we lived in Devizes some 39 years and use to travel around that way going to Swindon. Stone henge is an even bigger no no. Hazel x

    2. HAZEL:- you are funny, I remember you having the "heebie jeebies" when you had to pass these stones near Devizes!!! xxx

    3. Hi Hazel. I think the stones are at Amesbury. That is near Devizes. Aylesbury is in Bucks. Easy mistake as they do sound similar. Will come back later as just had a call from Scarlett we are going out.

    4. Oh Brenda you are likely right. Hazel x

    5. Hazel, it's AVESBURY xxx

    6. That's it!!., Hazel x

    7. Yes you are right Patricia. They all sound alike don't they. We used to pass there a lot when we went to South Wales before the M4 was extended.

    8. Hi Hazel, yes it's Avesbury ring near Devises. We went there for a walk at Christmas in the pouring rain and ended up in the pub instead! There are lots of groups of standing stones in the area. Stone henge has now got a car park and bus system to get to the viewing area, the road gas now been diverted so you no longer drive past them, just crawl past in the major traffic jam! Xxx

  17. PooEee!! I NEED a cuppa and a seat.
    Bedding washed, dried, ironed and put away. It's a brilliant drying day here. Another load out but not quite dry yet.
    Will have a cuppa, sit over in the corner and catch up with the news & gossip!!! xxx

  18. Hello Sisters,
    Sandra, this is so beautiful and you should not hesitate to apply to as many companies as you can. Your cards are all gorgeous, so please pluck up the courage and get sending.
    Dainty, I'm pleased you had a lovely day yesterday. So romantic to go back to where your husband proposed to you - I'd have to go back to the pantry in my mother's house and pick up a bag of sugar, romantic or what!!!!
    Michele, rest and relaxation is what is required, so let someone else look after you, a peeled grape now and again will work wonderss!
    Hazel, how wonderful that Beth has come on so much and is more confident, you've worked wonders there. Our film last night was Hotel Transylvania, which is actually quite good the first six times, but get's a bit stale after that!!! It did make a change though.
    Janice, hope you aren't run off your feet too much, although if business is good that's a bonus. Glad you enjoyed your company, it makes a nice change from seeing family just at weddings and funerals.
    Patricia, why is it that between 2 - 5 seem to be the hours that a lot of us don't sleep. If I do wake up, that's always the time. Hope you feel more human as the day goes on.
    Sandra, your blog is so posh now, I see that Christine has posted - how proud must you be?
    Cheryl's man cancelled last night, and is now going on Tuesday to sort her out. She's not happy but is getting on a storm with some decorating, so as they say - every cloud has a silver lining.
    We haven't seen Norah for a while, does anyone know how she is?
    Janet, enjoy your trip to the Range, I hope you get what you need. I have looked for box frames there but can never find any.
    I've helped myself to the hugs on offer and send love and hugs to you all.
    Maureen xxx

    1. Haha Maureen, I like being called Dainty!! I'm about as dainty as a fairy elephant! Oh how I wish. Lol. Thank you for your kindness. I'm sure your proposal was just as romantic, in a pantry no less! Xxx

  19. Don't you hate that, just when you press the publish button you remember what you were going to say?
    Saba, Yay, Celebrate. Are you on your way home? Did Cockie Lockie wake you at the crack of dawn, or did MIL decide that she did like the throw after all and want it on her bed? Any way, you can breathe, relax and offer it up lol!!!!
    Maureen xxx

  20. A quick cup of tea please. I am back in Perth, two cats a bit put out that they were left, but they are fine. Just stood and ironed enough uniform for these two for the whole week, Tammy can't be doing to keep finding enough pale blues to make a load up every other day, so has 6 shirts for each of the boys and just does that load once a week, same with their royal blue sweat jumpers and trousers, so between all them and plus their dads uniforms she will not have to stand and do them tonight. I was told " don't you be doing washing and ironing". Oh yes that's me!!! Not, If I feel like it I will do a bit more? Then it means she has had a good weekend off. Oh that cup of tea was great, so was that chocolate cake. Hazel x

    1. I hope you are not in work tomorrow Hazel then you will be able to get some ME time or at least have a wee rest. xx

    2. Oh I will be in, mummy has to go meet the lorry at Kinross in the early hours to get all BETHS things, as she can't get them on the flight, well they could but oh my goodness it would cost so much. So I think I will be needed, if mummy is really tired. Anna has just messaged me to say their black hen has 12 chicks! We will hope she is a good mum and protects them from the crows. So she wanted me to come and see them , but told her I was over in Perth, so tomorrow will have to do was the reply. It will be an early night for me tonight. Hazel x

    3. Well Hazel if you have to go in I suppose it will be the lesser of the two evils, going in the morning is better by far than meeting a lorry in the early hours at Kinross. Lucky black hen 12 babies, they will take some looking after for her. xx

    4. Oh yes. I don't fancy sitting waiting for the lorry, they will phone her when they are coming over the road bridge and then she will be at kinross by the time they get ther The things is you know yourself by the time she gets there and back she will be wide awake then it will hit her later. I would rather be there than risk her falling asleep at the wheel, with Beth in the car. Yes the poor hen we couldn't find her, but thought she was nesting, the thing is their garden is Hugh and so many brushes for her to hide. They are so free range. If we see them going off to lay we put them in the pend , but she disappeared. Hazel x

    5. Beth has just phoned me asking me to come in and take her to school please. She fell oftoday, but is not hurt and has had such a great time. So I am going in for 7.45. I will get told all about the time away. She also asked if I could bring her a roll from my paper shop for her packed lunch, that child just knows what she wants, plain simple bread roll with nice ham please. So that's me got my orders. Hazel x

  21. Afternoon Sandra and ladies.

    Holiday tales to tell!! But first of all........

    Sandra your card is absolutely gorgeous, YES you should send a photo of it to CE, it is sooooo much better than some of their so called design team!
    Now it is catch up time, just back from a weeks holiday to Isle of Man, it was really nice, quiet and peaceful, managed to get round the whole island and see some lovely places, took the steam train (no corridors) to Port Erin in the south, the electric railway up Snaefell, what view from the top, also found some little secluded villages.
    On the downside on the way back over on the ferry we had fire on board! It was quickly dealt with by the crew, some lagging had caught fire down below, but when it was put out they still had to keep damping down the area around the fire, we all had to wait at the muster station until we docked at Heysham. The crew were brilliant, and we were given free tea or coffee while we waited, and were kept fully updated with what was happening....
    Nobody panicked, in fact we all had a good chat with everyone while we waited in the lounge.
    We finally docked an hour and a half late, don't know what the passengers who were waiting to get on thought about when they saw a fire engine waiting to get on when we all got off!!!
    Back to reality, washing done, shopping done, food stocked up.
    I think it will take a while for me to catch up on all the goings on while I have been away, so take care everyone, will hopefully catch up later.
    Jess x

    1. So pleased it all ended well Jess, and you enjoyed your holiday it is lovely over there. I have had lots of trips over there, as on the August bank holiday there is a day trip sailing near to us. xx

    2. JESS:- so pleased your back and had a great holiday. Never been to Isle of Man although lots of friends have and love it.
      It's the getting back to normal that gets me. Mind you John says I was never normal so what's the problem?? xxx

    3. Hi Jess,
      Glad you had a good time on hol, and the excitement on the way back, especially as no one was hurt, would just finish it off nicely!! xx

    4. Hi Jess. Glad you had a good time. Not so good about the fire on the ferry but it didn't sound too serious.

    5. Hi Jess sounds like you had a wonderful holiday and a bit of excitement on the way home! After all the washing and ironing you feel you need another holiday don't you! Xxx

  22. Jess so glad you had a good holiday apart from the little bit of excitement on your return journey. Yes it's ok being away but it's all what you have to do when you get back. Hazel x

  23. Hi sweets in the coffee shop,
    just had a real Red Velvet Cake and coffee but will have another cuppa with you. It's really cold winds outside so got a bit of a chill. Any room in your luggage Sam ?
    Sandra, have you sent off your cards ? you will be fine you know and if they don't take them here maybe you would have a chance with one of the magazines so go on .
    The place you went to with Pat and Paul sound good for crafting items. Nice for you to see Christine again. I have been on the lookout for some of the periwinkle card and some of the others but someone has already bought them (Sandra?) I love the colour. What do you prefer the Milk or Coconut when you make your cards ? I also have problems with my GC to stay still, any idea's what I can do about it ? It sits on the kitchen worktop.
    Lovely to hear from Beth, she is doing so well. I liked to look after horses and we had a stable nearby my parents home so I used to ride when young for a while, pre boy's hihi I also got something, now DB so it stopped the fun a bit lol
    Saba, did you manage to get away alright ? I'm sorry so many have/ had MIL from the black lagoon hihi because mine was the sweetest and loveliest you could imagine. Unfortunately she passed way to early .
    Janice, what is your place called ? Thinking of a road trip but not sure to where yet.
    Jess, welcome back home. Glad to see your holiday was good. Any sunshine ?
    Diane ,have a nice tea. Lovely to see you had a good Saturday.
    well I'm off again, hoover need some exercise
    hugs Maria xx

  24. MARIA:- have you tried Joanna Sheen she usually has all the colours in stock
    Hope you enjoyed your "exercise" xxx

    1. Patricia,
      Been over to JS and she didn't have the colour card I wanted, but she did have some other things, drat!! Just had to get a few things, drat and double drat. I'm supposed to be saving for October!!!! xxx

    2. Ooopps, sorry If I made you spend Maureen. As long as you still have enogh for your train fare to Edingnurgh. xxx

    3. Hi Patricia,
      yes she always seem to be sold out. Oh dear Maureen hope you didn't spend all the money, a tankard is quite costly these days hihi
      Edingnurgh ? are you still in the UK ?? oooooh dear ! lol

  25. SANDRA Please send your cards to CE or wait until there is a DT call
    So glad you got the name right re Aylesbury Avesbury Amesbury! I was worried that I'd missed something having been born in Aylesbury - a Buckinghamshire swan
    I tried to leave a comment this morning but it disappeared
    STEPH how do ai find Tina E's blog
    I wish I could remember everyone's names as I scroll down You all make me smile with your antics!
    Had a lovely day at Scarborough walikg along the front Spending a few pennies in the 2p Arcade - tgat's inflation for you! Eating Fish n chips
    Now relaxing with a cup of tea and some raspberry ruffle truffle and Baileys fudge There's some for everyone I can certainly recommend the Baileys one Enjoy!

    1. Karen,
      It's Please pass the fudge xxxx

    2. Oops its not .com xxx

    3. Tina does the most stunning cards too. Hazel x

    4. I agree. Tina makes stunning cards.
      Oooo!! yes! please! Maureen pass along that fudge. xxx

    5. ooooh" I do love to be beside the sea side" love fudge but guess non left. Hope you are having a great time Karen ! next Saturday, eeek

  26. Hi Sandra and everyone,
    Sorry this will be a very quick post. Have not made dinner yet. Got carried away in the garden and greenhouse. Then OH said shall we move the freezer. As new one is due on Tuesday and we won't have time tomorrow, school run etc. well after a lot of pulling and pushing the freezer is now standing in the lounge just in front of the patio door (just what every lounge needs) The freezer lives in the wash house - it's not posh enough to be called a utility room!!! Having moved the freezer the wall behind it and the washing machine also dishwasher (not enough space for it in the kitchen) all needed a good wash down. Do you ever feel you wish you hadn't started something? Well it's all done now thank goodness.
    SANDRA, I looked at today's card and before reading you blog - I said to myself it's a Sandra card. What a simply stunning one at that, I really love it and as others have said why don't you show it to CE. I know you worry about how people will react. You were very brave to start this blog. Have you ever regretted it? What have you got to loose !
    Really must check that chicken, will try to drop in later ....... If I don't fall asleep.
    Love and hugs to everyone, Brenda xxxx

    1. I would love to have a little wash house but our house it's too small. yes, I know what you mean, when doing the spring clean it was one thing after the other that you notice needing doing hihi not wonder it took time.
      Hope you enjoyed your chicken, hugs Maria xx

  27. SANDRA your card is gorgeous and you really must send it to CE. How can you refuse with everyone telling you to do it. I did send an email from Trimcraft as well asking for people. Did you get it? Well had a lovely afternoon with Scarlett, and her dad and mum. Well I was with Scarlett most of the time. We went to a National Trust place - Cliveden. It was the home of the Astors and today was Nancy Astors birthday so there was some free entertainment. Scarlett had her face painted. It was a butterfly and very pretty it was. I have taken her there before so she knew all the places she wanted to go. She never forgets things. Sam I hope you have a wonderful holiday and try to forget about the scan (not easy I know) and just enjoy yourself. Hope you are all having a good weekend although I think Saba and Hazel will be glad to get home tonight. To any of you in pain I have left hugs by the door. There are hugs for everyone.
    That craft shop Sandra and Pat went to yesterday sounds very interesting. I looked it up on Google and it is about an hour from me so not too bad and would be even nearer from my son's house. My daughter in Law works in Aylesbury. Apart from the Range and Hobbycraft there is not much craft wise near here. Must investigate that. Well I must get on with getting things done for the craft session this week. Was going to do it this afternoon but when Scarlett asked me to go out how could I resist. See you al, later

    1. Hi Littlelamb
      The craft shop was lovely. It's just under an hour from us as well, all depending on traffic. We went all throught the countryside as well. It's very well stocked,but a little bit on the expensive side as against the web. But we were made very welcome with a cup if tea. But they did have stamps that were unusual.

    2. Sounds very interesting Pat. Thanks for telling me. Wish I had known about it yesterday as it would have been nice to see Christine. Might make a visit there. Glad you had a good time and hope you are recovering well.

  28. Hi Sandra


  29. Am going to hunt down these blogs you've mentioned but I might wait until I'm able to use laptop
    I left Aylesbury when I was 12 I bet it's hugely It's claim to fame when I left was the new multi storey council offices and library and Bruce Reynolds (great train robber) was tried there

  30. Patricia, relax, Edinburgh trip all paid for, just spending money needed. A couple of hundred £ should do it, what do you think?!!
    Well, I'm dog tired so after I've tidied the cafe a bit, wound up the cat and put the clock out, I'm off to bed.
    Right, all done (doesn't take me long ha ha) so Goodnight everyone and everything. See you tomorrow and sweet dreams.
    Saba, if you made it home - Prost.
    Maureen xxxx

  31. Hi Sandra and all the lovely ladies
    Karen the fudge was yummy, sounds like you have had a fun day, nothing like a good blow along the sea front and a few goes on the slog machines. Why do fish and chips always taste so much better when you eat them by the beach?! Xxx
    Brenda you have been busy, isn't it annoying when one thing leads to another and once you move one thing you end up moving everything and cleaning everything! I hope you relax now for the rest of the evening xxx
    Sandra I think everyone agrees you should be applying to design teams! You need to get a wriggle on now, you know Sue and Pat will be nagging you otherwise!
    I hope everyone has had a good day today. We have had a little potter in the garden today and then I did some sewing this afternoon whilst Julian did statistics revision ! I watched the Chelsea flowers show preview this afternoon, my favourite time of year. I was so lucky to go a couple of years ago, it was stunning and even more amazing than on TV. The smell in the big tent was wonderful.
    Well om nodding off here tonight, must be the fresh air. I'm trying to watch the end of the Poirot program without falling asleep! Not sure I will make it.
    Night night sleep tight everyone, see you tomorrow .
    Love Diane xxx

  32. Hello all night owls,
    Enjoyed our meal and a bottle of the white stuff. We were both falling asleep so are now off to bed, it's been a long day.
    SABA I hope you are now safely in your own home, Loved the stories about MIL (memories) not funny at the time though!!!
    Sandra and Pat it was lovely you got to see Christine, she is such a lovely lady.
    Sorry ladies this bunny needs to go to bed, Sweet dreams. Love Brenda xxx

  33. Good evening Sandra & ladies late again been doing Harry's invits all morning & afternoon still got quite a few frames to do tomorrow,they wanted 30 cards so that means 60 frames,I did them like Sue showed us embossing first the taking middle die out then cutting out.i cut about 25 today plus printing all the pictures & the wording cut all those out as well. This afternoon we went for our dog walk up the park I just turned round quick & I have twisted or pulled my lower back again it's got more painfull as the day's gone on so I have got one of Margaret's heat bags on it ( thank you Margaret )
    Sandra your card is gorgeous love the colours & your flowers are beautiful,now go girl & send it to CE blog. I Hope Sam Has a lovely holiday & doesn't worry about her scan while she's away Bless her.
    Not many night owls in at Moment so tidyed up wiped tables swept floor put the dishwasher on without Maria in it left a basket of hug's & put the cat out,so all tickadyboo for the morning locked up put key in you know where.
    Pop in befor I go to bed & see if anyone has come in.Love Lynda xx

    1. Hi Lynda,
      what have you done to yourself ey please take care and hope you not to sore in the morning. hihi no my day's in the dishwasher is over thank goodness, now it's someone else's turn. love to see one of your frames for Harry, do post one on your blog. Good night, don't let the bedbugs bite tihi Love and hugs to you all Maria xx

  34. Hi it's me again Poirot now finished (the person who dunnit wasn't who I thought!!!) . I've just read yesterday's comments, thank you for all the good wishes for Julian and I yesterday, yes it does sound like we are youngsters in the marriage stakes compared to some! Time does go by quickly though doesn't it.
    Maria I hope you are less stiff today and you are not in too much pain. Lynda I think you need to rest your back too otherwise you will be in agony tomorrow xxx
    Saba, glad to hear you are home safe and sound ...... By the way, have you locked the front door yet??? Xxxx
    See you tomorrow
    Love Diane xxxx

    1. Hi Diane,
      still sore but in the pool in the morning so some stretches in the warm water will hopefully help. Do you remember when you were a child and everything seem to take ages, the summers were long and all holiday's. Now the weeks just seem to run away, it's like yesterday I took down the x-tree hihi omg I still rambling and you all are tucked up in your beds, xx

  35. Hi Sandra and Everyone!
    Been missing in action today! More like inaction! Been asleep nearly all day as had a migraine. Hope I sleep tonight!
    Haven't read what anyone has been up to but I did read SANDRA's introduction!
    Your card is gorgeous - YES!! Send it off! ASAP .
    Night night all,
    Sleep well,
    Love Myra xxx

    1. Oh Myra, I am so sorry to hear you had a migraine, I have only ever had one and boy did it knock we down! I felt rough for a day or two after!
      I hope you can get some sleep my little night owl!
      Love and hugs
      Sandra xxxx

    2. Sorry to hear you have had a migraine today Myra. Hope you feel better tomorrow. Have you sent that card off yet SANDRA

    3. Sorry you have had such a horrid day again with migraine ,hope you get some sleep and feel a lot better by tomorrow morning, hugs Maria xx

    4. YES, SANDRA have you sent it yet !! we want stop until you do hihi

    LOTV have an offer on all their art pads but only until 21 May xx

  37. Oops sorry in my rush forgot to say the offer is 3 for 2 !!!
