
Saturday 16 May 2015

Mixed Craft Saturday

Good Morning Ladies,
Well Saturday is upon us once again
I have some more amazing things to share with you!
This first stunning Plaque was created by the very talented Myra,
I am lucky enough to be the very lucky owner of this
beautiful work of art, it is hanging in pride of place
in my Craft Room
Thank you so very much Myra for the lovely gift xxx

This beautiful box has been exquisitely decorated by our Sam,
Sam both the inside and outside of the box are decorated
so beautifully, the flowers and pearls swirls finish the
lid off so beautifully, I can see that you have used lace to
trim around the rim of the box too.
Thank you Sam for allowing me to share your box with
all of our friends here on the blog. xxx

These two little beauties are our regular mixed craft Saturday
contributor and multi talented.......Brenda (littlelamb)!
These are her Tea Cup Candles, wow they are so pretty,
I love how you have matched the colour of the wax to
match the colours on the Tea Cups, I know that
you will be pleased to see these as they were the
topic of conversation the other evening, I am sure that
Brenda will be in today to tell us all about how to go about
creating these stunning gifts.
Thank you once again Brenda for sharing you crafts xxx
Well what do you think of todays line up???
We have some very talented people among us here in the Café!
I was hoping that Chery would have been able to sort out her

Computer glitches by now, Cheryl we really miss you!
Happy Anniversary Diane & Julian, enjoy your day together xxx
Sam I hope you enjoyed your pamper day and are all prepared to
go and join the most amazing holiday!
Please try and call in if you get the chance and tell us all about
your amazing room and hotel!
I hope that you all have an amazing weekend
Love and Hugs


  1. Hi Sandra My Friend And All My Friends In The Coffee Shop,
    Yes Sandra Had "A Great Pamper Day" But Must Admit I Have This Done Quite Often So The Waxing Doesn't Hurt Me At All And I Love To Get My Nails Done Every Couple Of Weeks.
    MYRA: Your Beautiful Plaque Which You Kindly Sent To Sandra Is Really Beautiful I Love Doing Things Like This I Love The Fabulous Flowers And The Keys And I Believe I See A Beautiful Corner From Creative Expression On The Pont Of Your Heart, I Love Creating I Projects Like This I Did A Huge Clock Once Using Embellishments From Creative Expression And Beautiful Graphic 45 Paper.
    BRENDA: I Just Love Your Fantastic, Adorable Candles I Do Hope You Call In Today To Comment How You Achieved Them Just Very Beautiful. I Love Candles We Use Them Constantly We Purchase "Yankee Candles" From QVC
    To My Little Project This Is A Box That I Purchased From MDF Man At One Of The Show's It Only Cost £3:00 So It Was A Bargain Really Mind You His Items Are Really Well Priced, I Gave The Box A Good Sand Down, Then Gave The Whole Box Inside And Out A Coat Of Paint, Then I Covered With Beautiful Paper I Think It Was Pion, Or It Could Have Been Maja They Are Two Companies I Love There Paper, Inside I Purchased Some Foam And Covered With Some Material The Nearest Colour To My Paper Then I Stuck This Into My Box.
    Then Round The Sides Of My Box The Bottom Half I Trimmed With Lace Again From Creative Expression, And At The Very Bottom A Couple Of Rows Of Small Pearls, Now To Decorate The Top Where I Couldn't Put Paper I Used Distress Ink One Of The Rose Colours, The Handle Was A Door Handle From B.Q. Flowers All From Wild Orchid There Is Also Added In The Flowers A Couple Of Glass Flowers On Gold Wire They Are Lovely From Wild Orchid Also.
    And Then The Pearl Swirl's From Creative Expression.
    That's It My Dear Friends I'm Sad Today As We Take Boy's To Kennels At
    10:00 o'clock They Are Not Open Tomorrow So They Have To Go In Today And They Are Such Pampered Pooches I Still Worry, Even Though I Know It's A Wonderful Place As I've Checked It Out Prior To Them Going And To Say It's A Kennels It Doesn't Smell Doggie Well Enough From Me.
    Take Great Care All My Lovely Friends
    Love And Hugs To You All
    From Sam xxx

    1. SAM:- your box is stunning, love it, boxes really appeal to me.
      Glad you enjoyed your pampering time.
      Now don't you worry about your pooches ...... they will have a ball. You know you are leaving them in good hands, that's a weight off your mind.
      Have a fantastic holiday xxx

    2. Sam, your babies will be fine, I know how you feel, our Harris will be going soon to his holiday home. He goes to where he is part of the household, he has been there a good few times loves it, when he see the owner or her daughter when we are out for a walk or any where he is all over them, if he could give the a hug I think he would. But yes I will feel the same in a week or two when they come to collect him, they are going to do that for us this time to see if it makes it easier for when trying to get packed, Harris gets miserable when he see the cases, so they will come get him and then we will get the cases down and loaded into the car. Otherwise like you he would have to go a day earlier. Sam you just think of it like we do they are no their holiday too. You two enjoy every minute of yours, it sounds wonderful. Hazel x

    3. Hi Sam,
      Oh your box is just so beautiful and I love the way you have decorated it. I love the Pion and Maja papers but I know if I bought any of them I wouldn't use them 'cos I would hate to part with such gorgeous papers. Lol!
      I'm absolutely sure your boys will be fine we used to be the same when we left our dear Jamie (a Yorkie) but he used to be bouncing around as usual when he arrived home.
      Have a wonderful holiday and can't wait to hear all about it and see the fabulous photos you have taken. Have fun and enjoy.
      Love and hugs Sheila xxx

    4. Hi Sam,
      your box is gorgeous. Beautiful papers and everything is lovely made.
      You know your boy's will be well looked after and have their own holiday while you are away so you go and enjoy yourselfs. Will we get to see some photos from this amazing trip, hope so
      hugs Maria xx

    5. Oh Sam! We used to be exactly the same when our Labrador Amber went into kennels but we knew she was happy their because she always rushed towards the lady who ran them they were small and well run too. Don't worry! Glad your pamper day went well. Your box today is just lovely - everything you make is so carefully thought out!
      Thank you for sharing. Have a super holiday!
      Love Myra xxx

    6. Hi Sam,
      Your box is gorgeous, I have recently become the proud owner of a wooden wine box! It held six bottles, which are now empty! And I couldn't think what's wanted to do with it, now I know. You have really inspired me and I love the idea of a little handle, there are such pretty ones available now and I think I shall purchase that first and go from there. I doubt mine will turn out as well as yours but I shall try. Thank you.
      Hope you have a wonderful holiday, don't worry about your boys, they will be well looked after.
      Saba xxx

    7. Hello Sam,
      I bet you look and smell gorgeous after your pamper day, not that you don't always!!! The boys will enjoy their holiday, whilst you are sunning yourself on yours, so don't worry. As you say, you know they are going to be well looked after.
      Your box is stunning and it's something that appeals to me greatly, and Saba - you've just reminded me that there's a wooden box somewhere in the garage that held cigars. I must dig it out from under the other "just in case" goodies I have stashed!
      Maureen xx

    8. Hi Sam,your fur babies will be fine,we look after small dogs when their owners go away & they love coming back they get spoilt rotten but still pleased when they collect them.Glad your pamper day was enjoyable.
      Your box Sam is Gorgeous just love it.
      Enjoy your holiday have a fabulous time look forward to seeing your photos hug's Lynda xx

    9. Hello Sam, your pampering day sounds fantastic, now you really are ready for this wonderful holiday, sounds like you will be having lots of pampering there to. Enjoy every moment.
      Hope your boys settled into their holiday home, you know they will be well looked after, now go pack that suitcase and relax.
      Have a wonderful time. Looking forward to hearing all about it.
      LOL Brenda xxx

    10. Sam I love your box it is fabulous the wonderful detail you have given it so very beautiful and the colours you have used are so lovely you really are very talented and no mistake.
      I know just what you mean about taking your boys into the kennels but you know it is a really good place and just think of the welcome that will be awaiting you on your return they will be so excited to see you.
      Margaret xxx

    11. Sam, your box is gorgeous, have given me some ideas. Have a great holiday, your boys probably will have a great time also.
      Wendy xx

  2. Good morning Sandra and all the Coffee Shop Gang hope you are all well.
    Beautiful day here just hope it lasts.
    OH! MY! WORD! Today's offering are just AMAZING. Everyone a winner, love, love, love them all.
    MYRA:- your heart is wonderful, I always doubt myself when I do things like this.
    Yours is beautiful, I will study it and learn.
    SAM:- your box is perfect, everything is just stunning. Lots of patience and your creativeness is wonderful.
    BRENDA:- thank you for sharing your beautiful Candle Cups. You certainly filled me with enthusiasm the other day. Now I see these I am even more determined to use my unwanted gift in this way. Thank you to all the others who gave information on these.
    I have done what I can to get things up and running for today. Flowers on the tables, I got a bargain when I was in Tesco yesterday. I went up to Blairgowrie to Tesco for "stock" the boys are here today!!
    Thomas here this morning while Robert plays football. Both boys here this afternoon, John Jnr wanted to meet up with a friend and have time to "play" at his hobby. John Jnr builds Model Raiway Engines from Scratch, his friends does as well. They don't get much time to get together. Today he will get that time then we will all have a meal here in the evening. Audrey is working 8am till 8pm so will miss out. I will box her share and she can have that when she gets home.
    I will be back later to see how you are all getting on, till then be good!! xxx

    1. Good morning Patricia,
      It sounds like you will be having another busy day!
      Although I know that John Senior will be having as much fun with his boys as John Jr is with his trains!
      What are you cooking up for supper this evening?
      I am sure it will be delicious !
      I hope that the weather is good enough for the boys to wear themselves out in the garden!
      Love and hugs

    2. Hi Patricia oh what a busy day in front of you . I love Blairgowrie and the surrounding areas, Hubby and I spent a lovely 5 days there a few years back...we were on a coach trip and actually stayed at a hotel in Blairgowrie itself....great food and had a great time.
      Hope you're not too worn out after your busy day.

      Love Sheila xx

    3. Hi Patricia, Have a lovely day with the boys! We too have the family today and they are all arriving for lunch! That's why I went missing last night! They were supposed to come on Sunday! Thank you for your kind words re the heart! Was a surprise to see it today and it was a prototype really but I'll explain later! Xx

    4. Hi Patricia, enjoy today with all your "boys" and I'll be up later for whatever gorgeous meal you are preparing. xx

    5. Have a lovely day with your "boys" your always so very busy Patrica do you ever stop for a breather, I get worn out just reading your daly events hehe . Hug's Lynda xx

  3. Good morning Sandra and all who call in today, well I see we have another Saturday filled with amazing crafts?
    Myra, your plaque is beautiful, I bought some of these at the NEC last year after I did one at the demo they were doing, I must have a look to see where I put them and use them!
    Sam. What a beautiful box, again a work of art. So glad you enjoyed your pampering.
    Brenda. I can see that tea set of my sisters being transformed into beauties likes these. Wrapping them will be a pleasure.
    Sandra thank you for showing these wonderful crafts, and thank you ladies.
    Well I did get a little body come and join me in his mummy and daddy's bed, he just got in and cozied down. It was the cat that I objected to? Don't get me wrong I am a cat lover, ( yes I hear all you none ones) but Spooky thought I needed him purring in my ear, then that didn't work so he bounced about the bed for a while. He did get bored after a while and lay down.
    It's half an hour me time then it will be all go to get the boys organised and out the door and get Calum to his OT sports. So I will sit and enjoy my cup of tea.
    (((((( hugs))))) for those who are needing them. Hazel x

    1. Good morning Hazel,
      It sounds like you were experiencing the calm before the storm !
      Have a fun day, don't get to worn out though, it's exhausting just keeping up with the children's social lives at times!

    2. Hi Hazel,
      It's beginning to sound like grandparents day in the cafe today! If we all brought the children we have visiting the cafe would be full! Enjoy your day! Xx

    3. Hello Hazel,
      Have a good day. The girls are coming for a sleepover tonight so I wonder what wonderful DVD they'll bring to watch tonight! Anything but one of the Percy Jackson ones will be a blessing!!! xx

    4. Maureen I will be thinking of you watching your D.V.D with the girls. The boys are going down to Gill and Andrews to watch something in 3 D that way I get a bit of a break. Tammy does worry it will be to much for me, they are ok the thought of not getting time on their X Box is enough to make them behave, they no if I say no i mean it. Hazel x

    5. HAZEL have a good day glad you got your pussys in last night hihi,
      Hope the boys enjoy the 3D film.have a good day with them.
      MAUREEN have a good day with the girls & enjoy their DVD & sleepover have fun.Hug's Lynda xx

  4. Hi Sandra and all in the cafe today. Wow, what some beauties we have to enjoy. How lucky you are Sandra that Myra so kindly gave you this gorgeous plaque. I am looking forward to seeing it on Tuesday : )
    Myra, your plaque is beautiful. I love the colours and embellishments that you have used. How do you decide what to do. I have a couple of MDF items but haven't done anything to them as I just can't "see" a finished item. You certainly have that talent : )
    Sam, your box is gorgeous, so beautifully decorated. I will ask you the same question. How do you decide where to go with the plain box? I started to cover a cardboard one with some papers back at C.......s time but then ground to a halt! You are so talented. Can I also be nosy and ask what the box is used for, if anything, or was it a gift for someone(lucky them if it was: )
    Sorry that you have to take the boys to the kennels a day early but I'm sure they will be fine. Have you finished the packing yet? You don't have to worry about including warm jumpers and waterproofs I imagine : )
    Brenda, I love your teacup candles, such a great way to use those beautiful cups and saucers you clever thing : ) Where do you get the wax and wicks from. I remember you saying that you found some short wicks but can't remember from where, sorry.
    Thank you for sharing your talents ladies : )
    My Beavers planted small flower seeds in teacups which I got from charity shops etc. for their Mums last year which went down really well, it is another way of using them. And if you use the cup that was special to some one who has passed on it becomes a lovely treasure.
    Sandra, I hope you have a god weekend with Paul and the girls. Will you be at the allotment at all? There is plenty to do at this time of year isn't there. I am off to Mum and Dad's today and Mu and I are visiting a dear friend so a good day for me : )
    Michele, I hope the walk went well and you didn't get too wet, I'm sure you will be resting today : )
    Congratulations Diane and Julian. Have a lovely day and meal tonight : )
    Maureen, oh, that means I will have to bring a suitcase to put some clothes in to the retreat then! The roll of cling film fits into my handbag so would have been so easy to pack.
    Seriously, your comment had me laughing out loud but cringing at the same time as believe me it would not be a pretty sight!!! : ))
    I hope you all have a good time doing whatever is planned for you. Take care xx

    1. Hi Sue,
      I hope you have a lovely day with your mum, Pat and I nay go and see Christine today, but not sure yet, waiting to hear from Pat, then I wouldn't mind calling back to Yarnton for some ribbon!
      By the way those bargain stamps work a treat!
      Catch up later,
      Sandra xxxx

    2. Hi My Lovely
      I Don't Pack Until The Night Before As Because It's Long Haul Flight, Your Clothes Become Very Creased.
      But You Are Asigned A Butler To Your Room Whom Will Unpack For You And Also Pack Which Is Great As They Wrap Everything In Tissue Paper.
      I Use This Small Box For Trinkets I Made Another That I Must Take A Photograph Of And That Has All Sewing Items In Thread, Pins,
      Half Tape Measure, Then Inside Its Got All Supplies Its Also Got Small Empty Cogs On Top One Which I Chose As The Handle Lots Of Embellishments Once Again From Creative Expression, I Decorated The Front With Sewing Machines Etc: And Found Some Wonderful Scissors From Hobbyhouse.
      You Mention About Where Do I Start, I Started By Doing Tissue Boxes By Card Which I Loved Making, But When I Saw The MDF Things That When I Started Working With Them. But I Assure You If I Can Make Them Anyone Can I'm No Expert.
      If It Ever Rains In Mauritius Its Over Very Quickly And Its Warm
      Hugs From Sam xxx

    3. Hi Mrs B,
      You are very kind! Sometimes I don't know the end from the beginning exactly but I just choose colours that tone and lay them out to start with no sticking until happy! They are fun to do - have a go! Xx

    4. Hi Sam,
      I hope you aren't expecting that kind of service at the retreat hotel!
      Lol maybe our resident ironing addict will be happy to assist you!
      Do you keep all of the tissue paper to craft with afterwards?
      Your holiday sounds so idyllic and worlds apart from hours!
      Lots of love

    5. Hi Sue. I get my candle making supplies from The CakeHole. If you put that in Google search you will find the website. The ladies name us Theresa Egan and she is in Rayleigh, Essex.

    6. Thank you for your relies to my questions ladies. I will have to just get loads of bits out and have a play : ) Take care x

  5. Morning Ladies

    Grrrrrr-don't know what happened to my first comment!! This will only be brief as I'm shattered.

    Fantastic projects-Myra, Sam & Brenda.

    Completed te walk last night in 2hours 5 minutes but am shattered now-not sure 3 hours of gardening yesterday afternoon was such a great idea! We think we've raised over £1000 as Team Pharmacy so that makes it all worthwhile.


    1. Congratulations on your fantastic achievement Michele!
      Now you make sure you rest up today!
      I can't believe you did gardening for 3 hours before your walk!
      You have raised an amazing amount of money that will make a huge difference! Well done once again!
      Love and a quick shoulder rub!
      Sandra xxxx

    2. Well done Michele! That's a lot of money you raised! Have a rest today, please! Xxx

    3. Hi Michele,
      What an achievement, you should be justly proud. Congratulations, but take it easy today - although I think you'll have no choice but to do that!! xx

    4. Hi Michele, congratulations to you and all in

    5. Don't know what happened there! Congratulations to you and all in Team Pharmacy what a fantastic achievement . B

    6. Well done Michele a wonderful achievement Congratlations now put your feet up. Have a lovely day Hug's Lynda xx

    7. Congratulations Michele very well done to you and the rest of your team what a fantastic amount to raise. I was thinking of you last night as it was really bucketing down up here in Cumbria!

    8. Congratulations Michele. What a fantastic amount for your team to raise. I hope you are all feeling very proud of yourselves today. I can't believe you did 3 hours of gardening yesterday before the walk! Are you putting your feet up today? You certainly deserve to : ) Take care x

    9. Congratulations on raising so much money on your walk. Fancy doing all that gardening beforehand though. You'll have to have a rest up now.

  6. Dainty and Julian congrats on your anniversary, you are still babies at them, we have np ern married 45 years this June. Enjoy your day and evening. Yes I does get that you don't know what to buy each other a night away in a lovely hotel is a good way to go.
    Michele, what a fantastic amount you all have raised, well done.
    Hazel x

    1. DIANE and JULIAN Congratulations on your wedding anniversary, Hope you have a lovely meal this evening.

      HAZEL We can top your 45 years, Our anniversary is also in June, (just swap your numbers around) OMG where has the time gone!

    2. Brenda I know it seems to come round quicker every year, I had a friend that told me when we were coming up to our 10th that once past 10 the just fly by, I laughed. Oh how right was she??? Ours is the 20 th. Hazel x

    3. DIANE & JULIAN Congratlations on your wedding anniversary have a lovely day & enjoy your meal later xx
      HAZEL I can top your 45 our 46 th is in July xx

    4. I can beet that but I am not telling!!! xxx

    5. I can beat that too and I'm not telling either!!! xx

    6. Hi Diane
      Congratulations to you both on your Anniversary. I hope you enjoy your meal this evening.

  7. Hi Sandra and all the lovely ladies
    Well what a beautiful array this morning. Myra your plaque is beautiful ( hope that's the right spelling, don't really want to be complimenting your teeth, lovely as they are!). I bought a couple at a craft show to have a play with when I got together with my sister but we haven't found time yet! Sandra you are lucky to own it xxx
    Sam your box is beautiful too and you have decorated it so well inside and out. I've bought things from the mdf man before, his prices are amazing aren't they and he's such a lovely chap. When he heard I was buying for school he gave me extras just in case there weren't enough in the bags.
    Brenda your tea cups are lovely, what a great way to use pretty tea cups - I like the background fabric too, that's pretty (I presume it's a cushion or something). I have a tea cup candle on my bathroom windowsill and have always thought it was too pretty to burn. Never thought about remaking it afterwards!
    Sam I hope you have a wonderful holiday, it sounds as though it will be exotic and amazing. The boys will be fine in their kennels they are having a holiday too! The house must be quiet with out them though. Safe journey and see you soon xxx
    Mrs B thank you for our anniversary wishes - 23 years! That's quite grown up isn't it. We do still giggle like teenagers though. I think we will be gardening today and just spending time together as a family, although I believe maths revision (statistics!) is on the cards. What a treat! We are looking forward to our meal out tonight and I have promised scones and cakes for tea tomorrow, so we will eat at lunchtime. Xxx
    Oh Patricia I remember the days of a little person snuggling into bed, we bought a big bed so there was room and spent hours drawing and reading all snuggled up. Sometimes these days we sit on the bed for a family chat but the cuddles with Emma are less frequent! I'm with you with the cat though- not what you want!
    Well the sun looks like it's out here so need to get a move on. I'm just going to catch up with Mary Berry as I drink my tea, I missed her last night. ( I know isn't it lovely of her to drop In to our cafe- hope she doesn't find any soggy bottoms here! Fresh Tenas on please ladies!!!) . Enjoy your day everyone and hope to see you all later.
    Love Diane xxx

    1. Sorry called you dainty instead of Diane just don't ask how that came about Hazel x

    2. Congratulations Diane on your Wedding Anniversary ! I hope you have a lovely day and an enjoyable meal out this evening. Your spelling was just right - no worries about the teeth!! That made me laugh! Thanks for your kind words and will explain later what I did , if I ever get to the bottom of this page! Xxx

    3. Diane, congratulations on your Wedding Anniversary, I hope you have a beautiful time. One of the reasons I love it when my granddaughters have a sleep over, are the cuddles in bed when we lie and watch a DVD before they go into their own beds at night time. Then in the morning, one or both of them come in for a quick cuddle before we get up, It's a priceless gift.
      Hazel, I've been looking back at the comments to find out who Dainty and Julian were, well I should have just kept reading and I'd have found out!!! You can call me Dainty any time ha ha. Oooh another new name for me, I'm so excited - no I can't use it because it's Diane's alter-ego now.

    4. Many Congratulations Diane on this your Wedding Anniversary I do hope you are both enjoying this your special day xx

  8. Hi All
    Thank You For Your Extremely Kind And Genuine Comments,
    I Must Say The MDF Man Is Wonderful And His Items Are Finished Off So Very Well.
    He Works Quite A Lot With Claire From Graphic 45 Covering Clocks Etc That's Where I Got My Idea From For My Clock Its Not Perfect For A Starter.
    Hugs To You All.

  9. Morning Sandra and all the wonderful cafe crew,
    First of all thank you so very much for all the support you give me especially yesterday when I was feeling pretty low. All of your posts helped me so much and comforted really are such a wonderful group of ladies and I'm so glad I found Sandra via Sue's blog. Reading your posts was like have a huge soft duvet of hugs to wrap around myself. Thank you from the bottom of my heart. Cheryl I will send an email via Sandra thank you so much too.
    And now for these fabulous projects Sandra has shown from Myra, Sam and Brenda....they are all so stunning in their own right. I didn't realise there were so many things to do out there. Love the idea of the teacup candles, such a clever idea and just exquisite Brenda. Myra your heart plaque is beautiful I have a couple to decorate, never done them before so I may pull them out and have a go....and last but not least Sam's delightful pretty's absolutel gorgeous Sam.
    Well I must get a move and go for some shopping have a good day everyone and once again my heartfelt thanks to you lovely ladies.

    Love and hugs
    Sheila xxx

    1. Sheila, you are such a lovely lady and I'm so thrilled we helped a little bit! You sound much brighter today. I hope you have a lovely day .
      Myra xxx

    2. You are more than welcome

    3. Hi Sheila,
      I am so pleased you got the email ok, also glad that the comments helped you in some comforting way yesterday, we are all 100% behind every little step of the way!
      Love and huge hugs,
      Sandra xxxx

    4. Hello Sheila,
      Sending you love, hugs, strength and caring wishes. xxx

    5. Hi Sheila,
      Just to say we all care, really care, And will always be here for you, to offer comfort and support when you need it. Sending a basket full of gentle hugs, take as many as you need. LOL Brenda xxx

    6. Hello Sheila so pleased you sound a lot brighter today,
      Sending you a blanket full of loving (((((((HUG'S )))))) Sweet Heart
      Love Lynda xxxxxx

    7. Sheila there is no need for any thanks as far as I am concerned do remember we all care and we are all here for you, so pleased a little help goes a long way. Take care sweetheart have a lovely day.
      With love and hugs to you
      Margaret xxx

    8. Hi Shelia. I am glad that you took comfort from knowing that although we may not be able to physically close by we are all always here for you. You sound like today is better than yesterday. I hope you managed to get all that you needed while shopping : ) Take care x

  10. Good morning ladies from a very warm and sunny Germany!
    I am sitting in the garden just drinking coffe and it really is glorious.
    What a fabulous collection on show today.
    Sam, as I said in my reply to your post, I love your box so much.
    Myra, how could you bear to part with this. It just shows what a love.y kind lady you are to give it away and how lucky was Sandra to recieve it. It is so pretty.
    Brenda, I adore your two handled tea cup. I am definitely going to look into making one of these. I looked on that lady's site and her instructions are very clear, sounds a little bit tricky to get a smooth surface but otherwise I think I shall manage. Yours looks perfect.
    Diane and Julian congratulations, enjoy your family day and meal tonight.
    Michele well done raising so much money, hope you are not too worn out today, treat yourself to a rest, you deserve it.
    Well I am sure to have missed someone or something, sorry if I have.
    I must go in now and see if my MIL needs anything.
    Be back later love
    Saba xxx

    1. Hi Saba,
      I hope your weekend goes smoothly for you and that you manage to have five minutes for yourself. xx

  11. Hi Sandra!
    I got a surprise when I saw this heart this morning!
    When I started it I really wanted to see if I could use washi tape as a base instead of paint. I love to paint or use papers but I wanted the children I teach to do a similar type of thing but without the paint as we have to wait for that to dry! So I used a dull gold washi tape to cover the front of the heart and a floral one for the back( I think) . I sand the edges with a nail buffer block! The items are stuck on with Glossy Accents and also covered in Glossy Accents. I also rubbed in some gilding wax . If I'm honest I prefer to paint or use papers but this did work and is great for children as if they are not happy they can pull the tape off and replace it. Thank you all for being so kind!
    Brenda - love your tea cup! I am looking forward to my order arriving from your friend. She is a lovely lady who emailed me and offered help I replied and said that you had recommended her and she knew who I meant - so she said - say thanks to Brenda! She gave me tips about pouring the wax and also sent me a photo of a selection of her work. She has used sundae dishes, jam pots, little dishes with matching lids - all sorts of things. They look gorgeous! Can't wait to get started armed with new wax colour and top tips!
    Got family coming today instead of tomorrow! So we're having Sunday lunch today! I know it's Saturday! Alastair and I need help with the leg of lamb I'd got to feed 7 + extras! Hopefully we'll have some for tomorrow too!
    Love to all,
    Myra xxx

    1. Hi Myra your heart is gorgeous just love everything thing about it. & what a beautiful gift for Sandra I know she will treasure it.
      Hug's my friend Lynda xx

  12. Morning Sandra and all in this sort of sunny but very blustery day.
    I love your Saturday mixed craft, great to see what else are out there that you can make if you got the time ,patients and brain. Lacking two of them I believe tihi
    Sandra your gift from Myra is real nice, so many little things to explore on there.
    Sam's box is wonderful and the teacup candles you made Littlelamb are great,such a fun idea to use old tea sets. Want be long before we all put the houses on fire lol.
    Happy anniversary to Dainty Diane and Julian, have a nice day and enjoy your dinner tonight and tea tomorrow ! (only a year ahead of ours)
    Sheila, have a nice weekend and hope the sun is shining where you are.
    My neck and shoulders have seized up, it's that the word ,anyway they have had better days so pills and cream and heatbags for me plus trying to move as much as possible. Should have gone with Michele last night, well done you !
    OH has gone to London(football) and son has shut himself in his room for some computer work, don't ask anymore as I don't understand their lingo. Some me time without interruptions, yay hihi
    Norah, ToB, Alison hope you all ok, miss you.
    Tea and scone finished thank you, Patricia the flowers are real pretty so nice of you. Have a nice day !
    Hugs Maria xx

  13. Hello Everyone, (and everything!!!)
    Oh Sandra, first of all I hope you have a good day today and thank you for this fabulous array of crafts.
    Myra, your heart is stunning (as is your real one). Absolutely beautiful and a gift to treasure. I can't tell you how gorgeous it is. I bought two wooden hearts to do for Eleanor and Zoe as they are going to have their bedrooms redecorated, well you've given me some fab ideas. I'll have to wait until I know their colour schemes, but Zoe wants butterflies - that I do know. It's taking forever for Rachel and Peter to do the work as they have a lot going on at the moment.
    Sam, your box is also a thing of beauty. I'm going into the garage to hunt out a cigar box that's stored in my secret stash and I'm going to have a go at doing something similar for myself!! In fact I might get a chance to start it before E and Z arrive for their sleep over.
    Brenda, your tea cup candle is sooooooo good. I love it and you know what, I have a lovely china tea set that belonged to my mother and father and another which was a wedding gift to us. Neither has been used and I'm going to make tea cup candles with them. I'll give mam and dad's to my family members and tell them what they are - won't that be great? I'll do my tea set ready for our Golden Wedding next year. I know, I know I've got loads of time, but I'll need it to fit in want I want to do. So thank you Brenda for allowing Sandra to showcase yours. Will you put a note on the blog where I can get the information. I know someone (it might have been you) has already given the lady's name, but I'll have to scroll back days and read every comment to find it. P l e a s e !! xx
    Well, that's me for now. Got to go and finish my work. See you all later.
    Maureen xxx

    1. Have sent you details and lovely photo Theresa sent to me! Hope it helps. Xx

    2. Thanks Myra. I have put on earlier for Sue but that will save me repeating the information for Maureen. Oh dear what have I started everyone will be getting their tea sets out now.:-)

    3. Hi Brenda! it's lovely! All these things lurking in cupboards will come out again! The photo Theresa sent with the email was really lovely! Thanks Brenda xxx

  14. p.s. Dainty, I did post a comment on your post, congratulating you and Julian on your Wedding Anniversay. Have a lovely day and a gorgeous meal. xxx

    1. You made me think of a rhyme - Dainty Dinah went to China in a packet of Semolina! Why do I remember silly things? Xxx

  15. Oh what have I started!!! That's what I get for lying in bed commenting and plus not putting my glasses on, sorry Diane. How I did that I will never know? Then again I can just say a senior moment. Boys are having some time on their X Box before Calum's friend comes round and has lunch here with them, thank goodness he likes what I call a bitty lunch, that was the request, so pizza, ham, cheese, grapes, strawberries, Apple, banana and crusty bread no work there and should be clean plates. I thought Andrew was going to say " dolly sandwiches" two slices of bread cut into 8 little sandwiches crusts off of coarse! Three or four fillings, lots of little choices. I have friends of my three that still go on about loving when I made them? I think it's because they could pop the whole thing into their mouth. Hazel x

  16. Well we had a change of plans, yes friend called off. Still had the same lunch, just hate when children do that to there friends. I think it's becuase I did say they were to go out on their bikes after lunch,and I think someone thought they would get to stay in and play on the X Box. Hazel x

  17. SANDRA Thank you for showing all those lovely things today including mine. Think that has stirred up a lot of interest. Everyone will be getting out their tea sets now and making presents. Theresa does give full instructions on her web site as to how to make them but it takes several days usually as you need to leave the candle to settle. The first pour, which is about half the cup, always has a dip in the middle. You then fill it 2/3rds full, think that is right, and lastly just top it up. If there are any bubbles you can use a hairdryer on it until it is smooth. Best to look at the website to get full instructions. I have put some in bowls I have made at pottery.
    MYRA your heart is fabulous. Must read how you did that. I have quite a few MDF hearts waiting to be decorated. Your work is wonderful. Glad you have heard from Theresa. Has your wax and wicks arrived? Enjoy.
    SAM your box is beautiful. I love it. A lot of work there but the end result is worth it. I have a box from the MDF man but a different shape. Must get on with it. His MDF is really good value for money. It's a shame he doesn't do mail order. I also have to racks to decorate and assemble for my Promarkers but as this moment I am supposed to be cutting out beach huts, owls and letters for the craft session next Wednesday. They are going to decorate JS MDF am hoping to put a base coat on before they start. Better go and get started. Hope everyone has a lovely day and glad SHEILA you are feeling a bit better today. Still no sign of Nora? Has anyone heard from her? Will pop back in later. Will take a coffee with me

    1. Brenda your candel in a cup is gorgeous & so unusual never seen one as lovely as yours. Thank you & Sandra for sharing hug's Lynda xx

    2. Hi My Lovely Lady,
      THE MDF MAN Doesn't Do On-line Ordering As He's So Extremely Busy At Shows He Just Can't Keep Up With The Amout Of Orders People Wish For I Know When I Went To A Class Once And The Craft Leader Had Ordered The Stock From Him She Was Panicking She Wouldn't Get The Order In Time.
      I've Got Some Ladies Tissue Boxes That I Will Bring Along To The Retreat And We Can Use As Gifts (I Will Decorate)
      Hugs From Sam xxxx

    3. Thank you Lyndia for your kind comments. Hope Sam doesn't change her mind again. It's very frustrating when they do that isn't it.

    4. Hi Sam. Yes it's a shame the MDF man doesn't do mail order but I can understand the reason. Just means I have to stock up every time I go to Ally Pally. They can be quite heavy to carry and usually difficult to look at what he has as so many people interested. Later in the day is better but by then a lot of things have gone. Hope you have a wonderful holiday. You deserve it.

  18. Hi Sandra I have been commenting on the way down as when I read them all I have forgotten what was said by the time I get to here.
    Sandra your so lucky to have Myra's heart what a wonderful gift. I popped in on yesterday's first but I couldn't see my post anywhere Sandra your card was stunning it made me think I must use some of my old spellbinders die's more it's not till I see you useing older die's that I remember them,so thank you.
    Sandra I still haven't received my two step stamp set yet from Sunrise craft it was on a 7-14 day but it seems ages ago I ordered it. Where did you get your set from,I haven't found many sites that do them.
    Well I must get on with Harry's Christening invits as all been changed again from a card now it's just a 6x4 card with all details on back with a frame & Harry's picture on front I made one yesterday sent Sam a picture to make sure it was ok she did like it,but wanted some of layout changed which she sent in first place anyway so have altered that, & told her not too change her mind again,as Christening is on 7th June. So must crack on.
    Hopefully pop back later.Hope you all have a good day love Lynda xx
    MARIA sorry your neck & shoulders are so painful today please take care my friend gental Hug's coming your way love Lynda xx

  19. Hello Sandra and all who drop into the coffee shop today,
    WOW the Saturday mixed crafts just gets better and better. Thank you lovely ladies for allowing Sandra to show us samples of your amazing talents.
    MYRA, your heart plaque is gorgeous. It really makes a stunning gift. I am sure Sandra was over the moon when this arrived.

    SAM, What a lot of work you have put into this lovely box. It really is gorgeous. Works like this are priceless. I really love it.

    BRENDA, WOW lady of endless talents, these cups are gorgeous, I think you will now have everyone checking out the charity shops! Have looked up this lady's website, might try to go and look at her shop. it's not to far our daughter
    who lives in Essex.

    Hope everyone is enjoying their day, will stop by later to find out what has been going on. Love and Hugs to everyone.
    NORAH if you stop by we have an overflowing basket of Norah hugs all waiting for you. Hope you are okay. LOL xxx
    Off to make lunch now, love Brenda xxx

    1. Hi Brenda. Thank you for your comments about my candle teacups. I really enjoyed making them. Theresa doesn't have a shop but sells all the supplies from home. She is very happy for people to call round and she what she has. Her garage is full of crockery and she sells it at reasonable prices. She is usually at home but I should give her a ring when you are thinking of calling just in case. As I said she is happy for people to call at the house which is where she does her demonstrations and will show you the things she has done.

  20. Good afternoon Sandra and all the coffee shop crew
    well what a fantastic array of wonderful things on show today Sam's box is fabulous as I have said earlier, and what a beautiful idea to make a candle I will be giving this idea some serious thought as I love candles thank you Brenda is there no end to your talents I ask myself! Myra your heart is so lovely and it shows how wonderful and big your own heart is for you to give yours beautiful creation to Sandra. You are one lucky lady Sandra, thank you for making it possible for us to see such fabulous works of art.
    Well I have spent the morning cleaning and cooking, then delivered some of our grandson's toys that he 'cannot possibly play with now as he is so grown up' his words not mine, he is eight by the way, to a friend for their little grandchild. So that is my jobs finished so, craft room here I come!
    I will call in later to see what everyone has been up to, so my hugs and cuddles are in the corner just help yourselves there are plenty more.
    Margaret xxx

  21. Good afternoon I'll be quick as I'm going to lose free wifi soon
    LADIES your creations are stunning To cut a long story short I want to decorate a heart to go with all of the heart artwork I have on my walls So love the inspiration Love the box too The candle is lovely and so pretty in the teacup
    The cottage we're staying in in Beverley is an absolute dream It has a five star award in the self catering category but we all reckon it should be seven stars Amazing! Husband enjoying his birthday today MIL enjoying this, her 90th birthday pressie and SIL's biirthday tomorrow!

  22. Hello again all,
    It sounds like there are a lot of grandchildren fun and cuddles going on today. Enjoy your bed time snuggles, they really are so precious. My three always come into me in a morning when I am there and whilst I sometimes wish they would not make it so early I wouldn't miss a minute of them.
    Well our beautiful sunny day turned into a chilly windy late afternoon but we managed to get some gardening and jobs around the place done. Peter got out his chain saw and cut down a small tree which had not survived the winter, then to add insult to injury he got out one of the tractors to help him pull it out of the ground. The problem is, and Hazel will know all about this, it is not allowed on a Saturday afternoon between 12 noon and 3 pm to make any noise outside. His mum nearly had a nervous breakdown, she is quite old in years and even older in her ways and was so worried the neighbours would be upset. I wouldn't care but every single neighbour is family. It's a very small village and over the years the farm which his mother now has was broken down and divided up amongst family. It was built in 1674 or thereabouts and has belonged to the Family ever since. They are all a bit interbred!!! His grandparents on both sides came from here so there are dozens of his parents sisters, brothers cousins etc.etc. etc. so really we don't have to worry about breaking the "noise rule" from time to time. The closest on to us has a flaming cockerel and it woke me up at 4am, surely that must be illegal.
    We will be back home tomorrow late afternoon and I can't wait to get started on a project. Don't know what, but today has really inspired me.
    Will try to get back in this evening,
    Oh and before I forget, Myra how did the rest of that jingle go about Dainty Dinah and Semolina? I am intrigued.
    Love for now
    Saba xxx

  23. Well, I've had the 'phone call to say that the girls will be upon us shortly. They want cheesy pasta with brocolli for tea (a grandma special), which is very easy and quick. Brilliant. I'm waiting with baited breath to see which DVD is on offer tonight, ooh the car has just pulled up, Just been told t'she DVD is Hotel Transalvania - hurrah, haven't seen that for at least 6 weeks!!!!
    Your MIL's farm sounds interesting, laughed at the idea that all the neighbours are family and MIL worrying about noise restriction - it's so funny.
    Well, I'll have to go so I'll see you tomorrow after Eleanor and Zoe have gone home.
    Maureen xxx

    1. Enjoy the DVD Maureen have a lovely te with the girls Lynda xx

    2. Maureen,
      She worries about everything!! I cooked fish in breadcrumbs for lunch, had I put enough salt on it before it was breadcrumbed, maybe I should turn the frying pan down a bit, was I sure it was cooked all the way through, and so it goes with most things. And heaven help us if the neighbours disapprove of anything. And if something is not put away in exactly the right place, ie 2cm left or right, then the world will most definitely end.
      By tomorrow afternoon I could be up on a murder charge.
      I am about to open a bottle of wine as she has now settled down to watch a bit off television and I have stayed in the kitchen. Hopefully peace until I help her to bed much later. She won't go until about 11pm and then wants to be up at about 7 so no lay in in the morning.
      Hope you are all having a lovely evening.

  24. Saba, your MIL. Is so German? My friend Barbara's mum was like that! Also her daughters MIL. You can't do anything right, even how she would peel the veg, the length of time you cooked things. And don't upset the neighbours that's the end of the world. You will need more than that bottle of wine - like two! Is it roll on when it's home time? Hazel x

    1. Hazel it most certainly is roll on home time.
      After I posted my last moaning message I went into the sitting room to take her a fleecy blanket which I had brought from home for her to try out. It is one of those those really soft light ones and as she sits in a recliner with her legs up and covered I thought she might like it try one first and then I would buy her one. Well. It is apparently too big, and she doesn't like the colour. I despair.

    2. Oh! Saba, your definitely need. (((((Hug)))) xxx

  25. Saba, see what happens when you scare the birds!!! I don't think it really matters which country they are from, the old dears are just set in their ways and of course their way is the only correct one, my father in law was exactly the same. I once made some chutney and put one of those little wax disks on top before putting the screw top on the jar, next time I called he wanted to know was I trying to poison him! I was reliably informed I had not made it correctly and already it had gone mouldy I was told. To which I told him it should have been kept for six weeks before using as I had told him when it was delivered, and I asked had he removed the paper wax disk on the top? What disk there was only mould he informed me! In his defence he was registered blind so his eyesight was poor. Yet some of mine kept for over 12 months with no sign of the mould!
    Don't worry just thin kof going home tomorrow and have another bottle of wine! Margaret xx

    1. Oh I remember my MIL telling me the pot of homemade jam I took her once was mouldy. When I asked her had she unsealed it when I gave it to her then had put it in the cupboard " no" I thought that's strange as I had bought from the person who made these wonderful jams lots. Got talking and discovered ".it had a skin on it and it had a funny texture to it?" Now this was an intelligant women a teacher who had grown up in the age of homemade jams etc, but hadn't a clue. Then again she thought that bringing a quarter lb of tea as a gift for my biryhday was a good thing, and only bringing a gift for Gillian and not the others was ok? Put it this way she was no loss. Hazel x

  26. Hi Saba. Keep calm and have another glass of wine. Put it in a mug (actually I expect MIL only has cups and saucers) if you know she will disapprove of you drinking alcohol and then she won't be any the wiser ! : ) Take care x

    1. Hi Saba,wow how much patience have you got,you poor love I think you need a delivery of a wine tanker but noooo it might upset the neighbours having a tanker up the path. Hope survive tomorrow
      Have some (((Hug's))) Lynda xxx

    2. oh Lynda a tanker would be a no no on a Saturday night!!! Lorries aren't allowed on the roads between certain times on a weekend ( well it was like that ) unless it's goods that would go off. And wine wouldn't do that. Hazel x

  27. Ohh Saba, my Friend,
    You are having far too much fun!! Your MIL sounds a wee bit awkward!
    I'll join you in a glass of white! Whew! I've just got straight but we've had fun!
    The funniest bit of the day was when Natasha asked Grandad if she could go to the Ice Cream Parlour - just Grandad and her! Well I thought that wasn't ever going to happen but as it happened the boys were happy to continue playing cricket in the garden with Daddy and the young lady got her wish! This is something Grandad did regularly with the girls before the boys were born and Natasha reckoned it was her memory and she wanted to do it again! I gave the boys ice cream here but aren't children funny!
    By the way there is no lamb for tomorrow's lunch - all eaten and it was a large leg!
    They've gone home happy and Grandad is quietly chuffed I think!

  28. Hi Sandra
    My word Myra, I just love your plaque you made for Sandra. Sam your box is gorgeous, and Brenda I just love your wax tea cups. Aren't all these ladies so talented. Sam hope you have a great holiday, hope to see some pics while you are away. You'll need to keep your cool SABa. I'll join you SABA in a glass of wine, as its to early for a Baileys. Sandra and I had a lovely afternoon at a Maize of Memories in Long Crendon, which is near Aylesbury. Christine Emberson was demoing in the morning and taking a class in the afternoon. She's such a lovely lady and we had a lovely chat with her and her Mum.

  29. Evening all, sorry I have missed the Coffee Shope Chat today.
    Busy, busy, man!! do these boys keep you busy!!! We have both had fun with them. John & Thomas off most of the afternoon on their bikes. Robert and I made a box for his mum. Robert dug over his bit of the garden, then just sat with me. He had GoalieTraining then a Football match, he'd done enough!!?
    We are now both sitting with our feet up, think I will be in bed soon.
    Off to read what you have all been up to.
    Goodnight and God Bless see you all in the morning xxx

  30. Hi Pat pleased you & Sandra had a lovely day your so lucky having so many craft things going on in your area.
    Hope Pete is getting on ok with his medication,& your is hip almost better.
    Hug's Lynda xx

  31. Oh even the mention of Aylesbury sends me all goose bumps, it's the thought of those standing stones!!! Glad the two if you had a lovely day. Sitting with feet up, boys in bed. Andrew fell asleep on the way up from Gills, but Gill wouldn't listen that just leave him in his t shirt and pants and get him up in bed, oh no he had to have his pjs on and clean his teeth, yes you have it he was wide awake again. Oh can't you tell she hasn't got any children!!., got him to go to bed but he is still awake, it's like when Charlie wakens me telling me to go to bed. If she had just carried him up and put him in his bed and just taken as I said shoes, socks and trousers off he would have cozied down. I just leave Calum he will go to sleep when he is ready, he is reading. Hazel x

  32. Hello again ladies,
    Thank you for all your kind and funny comments. I have locked the house door. What would I do without you all.
    Well the old dear is now in bed, I have locked the house door. I Trust I have creamed her legs properly, arranged her pillows and placed everything in the right order on her bedside table. I have locked the house door. If she had asked me one more time I might just have said, NO I have not locked the blinking house door, I have left it wide open for the murderers to come in!!!
    I am now on the second bottle of wine and call me maudlin if you want but I do actually care for the old bat. And Muriel before you decide maudlin is a nice name I was speaking figuratively I don't really want that as an alias.
    Pat, so glad you and Sandra had a lovely afternoon, you both deserve it. Hope Pete is getting on alright with his meds. I do think of you.
    Myra, aren't grandads and grandaughters funny. Abi can melt Peters heart just by sliding up to him.
    Margaret, sounds like you had fun with your in law too.
    Right I'm off to bed, must be up with a lark or in my case a cockerel who will no doubt be off again at 4 am. Don't you just love the countryside.
    Night God Bless All
    Saba xxxx

    1. Night Night! I do hope you've shut and locked that door! Xxx

  33. The countryside is great! I was wakened by these town folk talking to loud when saying goodnight at silly o'clock this morning and shutting their car doors. Yet the train can go passed at the bottom of our garden and it doesn't wake we, I always have to tell Andrew the noise is only the train going passed. Hazel x
