
Saturday 23 May 2015

Our Beloved Pets

Good Saturday Morning Ladies,
Today we are having a break from Mixed crafts and showing
Some of our Beloved Pets instead!
These two totally adorable Kitty's are Bella (tabby) and Milo !
They are 1 year old, and fill our lives with joy every day
(except when we have to take them to the vets) and then they
and a little pain to the joy!
This is our adorable little Diego,
(well he is our Grand-dog), he can be very mischievous, but
look at that little face, you can't be cross! 

This handsome little fellow is Margaret's Corgi Tomas

This is Margaret's other little cutie Amy
Amy & Tomas
Thank you so much Margaret for sharing your gorgeous
pets with us, they are both totally adorable xx

This Handsome Boy is Janice's dog Bracken,
He looks like he is a bundle of fun Janice, thank you for
allowing us to see your beautiful boy xx
Now these two handsome boys belong to Jess
meet Milo and Fudge, both 6 years old
I cannot get over how much your Fudge looks like our Milo!
thank you so much for sharing your handsome pair xxx
Oh My, these two are just so cute, they belong to Jean,
Ruby (laying down) is 18 months old,
Bonnie will be 4 in August
Jean they look like they are inseparable and also like they
would get away with just about anything, thank you for sharing
such cuteness with us Jean xxx
This beautiful girl is Steph's dog Cassie, she is just
so gentle looking and such a pretty girl.
I think this little lady likes to play, and she looks like she has
endless energy, how could you not smile at that face!
This is obviously the 'Please play with me' face,
Thank you so much Steph for sharing your amazingly
adorable Cassie with us xxxxxx
Lynda's Pet family are next, I think that this is Annie,
such a little cutie!
Aw just look at that adorable little face, how could you not
love such an angelic look, this is Bambi!

What a beautiful bird, wow Lynda Freddy is just such a
handsome fella, does he talk? What amazing eyes he has,
thank you so much for sharing your lovely pet family with us xxx

Thank you all so very much for sharing your pet pictures with all of us,
they are all just so cute and adorable, each and every one of them.
If any of you still want to add your photographs just let me know and
we can add them in, Sue, I see no photo's of Beardy's here??
Maria & Karen have a lovely morning, chose a comfy chair,
As the time will just disappear as you get carried away in conversation! 
 I hope you all have a lovely Bank Holiday Weekend,
Love and Hugs


  1. Good morning Sandra and all the coffee shop crew. Hope you are all TicketyBoo and going to enjoy the long weekend. Of course it's not the same for Scotland, The banks and building societies will be closed, everything else just carries on as normal.
    SANDRA:- please,,please, don't get your knickers in a twist if the number of visitors is down ........ people are away and having Coffees and Cakes in other places ..... sorrya fact of life, they need a cuppa when on the go! Here are a few (((((hugs))))) just for you from me to help.
    WOW! Oh! WOW!! what a fantastic selection of PETS!!! everyone so cute and cuddly. I know even the bird will enjoy the "kisses"
    I don't have any pets as such, I just look out the windows and I have my little lambs at the moment. Not doubt they will end up on someone's plate in the near future ..... till then I can admire!!
    Everything set up for the day, fresh flowers on the tables. Hugs in the basket by the door .... is that it?? Yes! I think so, looking good anyway.
    See you all later, have a great day what ever you are doing. Ooopps!! almost forgot Karen & Maria have a fantastic day. xxx

    1. Good Morning Patricia,
      Why did you think I had my knickers in a twist? I am afraid I always walk a little lopsided due to my hip problems, nothing to do with twisted knickers and in fact my knickers are that big I don't really get twisting issues! Haha! No seriously blog numbers hadn't even crossed my mind, much bigger 'fish to fry' as they say!
      Now talking of lambs, my son has adopted 4 little lambs that have been abandoned by their mummy, he is due to collect them Monday, they are to be bottle fed 4/5 times a day, the girls are really excited!
      The café is looking so pretty this morning, thank you for the flowers on the tables, the look almost 'exotic ' !
      Have an amazing day with john,
      Love a and hugs
      Sandra xxxx

  2. Good morning Sandra and ladies, oh what beautiful photos of all those well loved pets, Sandra and Jess your cats are so alike? Janice, Margaret and Steph I can see that like me you don't have dogs that you can pick up and carry? All very pretty and handsome. Lynda, Jean and Sandra you all have the cute wee ones, that can be picked up and cuddled. Now when it comes to Freddy he I bet is the noisiest. Friends had one like Freddy and he was amazing at talking and was great fun, sadly they lost him just before
    Vinces 60 th so every one chipped in and bought him an African Grey ( named Chippin) again you could never tell if it was the phone, doorbell or the timer on the cooker, and he too can talk with an East end London accent.
    Saba. I am very proud of you. Give yourself a pat on the back for having that clear out. Yes little shopping trip as a reward.
    Maureen. Have you got one excited young lady off on her trip? Enjoy your time off, you and George go have a lovely day out.
    Cheryl. No news on getting that account sorted? We do miss you!!., has that little one arrived yet? See we are missing all the up dates.
    I have put (((((( hugs)))))) in for those who are in need. Right that's my toast ready so I am going to take it over to the window and see who comes in or looks in, Hazel x

    1. Good Morning Hazel,
      Thank you so much for dropping into the cafe this beautiful Saturday morning, it's a Perfect day for getting Charlie's new shirts on the line, they will dry in minutes!
      How funny must have been to have a parrot that spoke like a Cockney Geezer! I think it would drive me mad though if I was forever going to answer the door to find nobody there!
      Chippin sounds like quite a character, it has always amazed me that you could teach a pet to speak!
      I hope you have a lovely day Hazel,
      Catch up later,
      Love and huge hugs
      Sandra xxxx
      Ps thank you so very much for your love, care & kindness yesterday xxx

    2. Sandra. Your welcome. I only wish I could be there in person. But the private jet is being serviced at the minute!!! If only??? How lovely would that be, to be able to just jet off to where you wanted to go? Saying that we live by the beach for years and didn't go for walks along it every day, as we knew it was there and we could go when we wanted, now we have to think about it and get there. Hazel x

  3. Oh just remembered. That Maria and Karen are meeting up for a coffee or three as the case might be. We will be all waiting to hear how you got on! Now remember ladies M&S haven't got that big cafes and are not use to a table being occupied for the whole day!!! Have fun. Hazelmx

  4. Good morning everyone, an early catch up for me as we pick NIc up about 10 so won't get chance to pop back, just loved seeing all the pets this morning, such beauties, my sister had two beautiful love birds but she used to let them out of the cage often and I always looked through the window to see they weren't flying free before I went in. I just love birds but am really nervous of them flying near me, it's comical in town or seaside with pigeons and seagulls, I'm ducking all the time, we laugh when I'm with someone but have a quick look around when on my own. Do hope the weather is decent for the bank holiday. I was reading on Facebook yesterday someone mentioned the Whit Walks and described the warmth that melted the Tarmac on the new white sandals (yes remember this) and white lace gloves ( yes remember this) it would be lovely to have those summers again, Well I hope everyone has a good rest doing whatever they want to, have left hugs in the pot. A big thank you Sandra for the hard work compiling the pet section and to Barbara for helping me. Till tomorrow take care from Jean x

  5. Wonderful photos of such adorable pets xx

  6. Morning Ladies

    Brilliant selection of pet photos. We don't have any pets due to the amount of hours we're out at work but I could send a photo of my Dads dog.

    Sorry I didn't get chance to pop back in ladt night - I was shattered. We had an extra 24 treatments to make for Bank Holiday Monday. Today looks a bit dull out but at least its dry. I'm off to the hairdressers for a tint & trim at 10am and need to pop into Tesco for a few bits so best get a move on.


  7. Hi Sandra and all in the cafe today. What a lovely bunch of pets we have here. I thought you had added another photo of Milo and Bella at my first glance of Jess's Milo and Fudge! And how funny to have cats with the same unusual name in such a small number of people. All of the pets look lovely, and are clearly much loved. Lynda, do you have to cover Freddy up when certain people visit due to his choice of language if he talks at all. (When ever I hear or see birds that talk I am reminded of a visit to a zoo as a child with my Gran and Grandad. we were looking at a Mynah bird that talked very clearly. It said "Hello" and Pretty boy" etc. to everyone, except my Grandad. When he spoke to the Mynah it looked at him and said"F... O..!!!! All of the grown up's burst out laughing but I didn't understand what it had said as I was very young, my Gran told me it said "Fly off". It was only many years later that I was told the truth, haha, poor Grandad )
    Sorry, I realised that I didn't have any up to date photos of our Beardies (Bearded Dragons) so will rectify that shortly then send you one to use in the future if you want to.
    I spent yesterday looking after young Christopher so am feeling rather tired and achy now so will be having a quiet day today. I hope everyone has a great weekend, those on holiday or having a break from school runs etc. enjoy the rest. Fingers crossed that the weather is kind to us all!
    Sandra, I hope you can chill out and enjoy your family time, I assume you have Paul and Matt home until Tuesday and Lucy and Sophie home for 9 whole days, I know you will love that. Sending you big hugs my lovely xx
    Take care xx

  8. Good morning everyone
    The photos of pets are great. I don't have any pets at the moment. My son (the zoo keeper) was the one for pets which ranged from a dog (Buster) that followed him home from school one day. After he (the dog) was placed in an animal shelter and wasn't claimed we got to keep. We had zebra finches, tropical fish, He had a zorilla named Flower, she lived in a big drawer (they're nocturnal) and various snakes. On occasions I would often go to the airing cupboard and find a squirrel monkey that he was hand rearing! My son hated having his photo taken (which I now regret not making him) and so we didn't tend to take photos of the "pets"
    I'm meeting Maria today and really, really looking forward to it - a little bit nervous too. The M&S cafe won't be as pretty as this one but we can imagine that we are here. It's one of the easiest landmarks in WGC.
    Will be back later

  9. Morning Sandra and ladies, love everyones photos today, we all love our pets to bits.
    Sandra I read on Sues blog. You were having trouble with the square lines EF we used it at our card class on Wed night and the same thing was happening, but once you put your double sided tape on it and placed it on the card it was ok. Hope this helps.
    Will catch up later, off out today, take care, Jess x

  10. Morning everyone, Just grabbing my coffee and porridge.
    What a lovely person you are Sandra, to let us share our pet pictures. Cute, or what? So many of us talk about them here, so nice to see who has who.
    I grew up in a pet household. We must have had everything, and always at least one dog. My uncle used to say "thank god dinosaurs are extinct, or our Jean (my Mum) would have one"
    Karen, I had to check to see what a zorilla was, never seen one before. See what you learn on this blog! Enjoy your day with Maria, I am envious of you both meeting.
    Hope you all enjoy your bank holiday weekend. As Patricia says, only the banks closed in Scotland, business as usual in most places. I like it, keeps me busy with visitors.
    See you all later

    1. Janice, I don't know if you are super busy, but the traffic going north from Perth was unbelievable, nose to tail and a long tail,back. Hazel x

    2. It wasn't Cruft's was it? Xxx

    3. Oh! Myra!!! ... good one!!!
      I am really looking forward to meeting you and that fantastic mind. xxx

    4. Oh Patricia, you are too kind! It doesn't always work and I've just got a weird sense of humour! I'm pleased with the shoes!! Xxx

    5. Well Myra I really like your sense of humour!!! xxx

  11. Good morning Sandra & ladies,
    Wow some gorgeous Pets you all have they are all adorable sorry Sandra how silly of me not saying the names of my dogs Annie is the black & White Shiatsu she is now 13 & Bambi is the little Chawuauwa she is 3 she is a rescue dog she is so cute I tried to get a picture of her smilling it's so funny. Freddy he dose talk he takes Terry voice off so well I sometimes think it's him.when the phone rings before we get to answer it he says "Hello right ok rite " the same as Terry says when he answer it.
    He says quite a few word when Annie barks at the dogs on TV he shouts out "Shut up Annie no & what's the matter with you" he is funny,he is 4years old & think they live for about 60 odd he will out live me hihi.
    Maria have a lovely time meeting up with Karen this morning enjoy your selves.
    Its the same in KENT only the Banks close everything else is open.
    Well I must get the extra invitation finished so I can post them off too Sam.
    Will pop back later. Bank holiday smiles.Sandra I hope your alright my lovely I hate to think of you upset. (((( Hug's )))) for you xxxx
    Love Lynda xxxx

  12. Hi Sandra,

    Gorgeous pictures of pets, I have tried sending you mine but it is not recognizing the e-mail on your blog, can you send me your e-mail address to

    Thank you

    Love & Hugs

    Jacquie J xxx

      Hooke that works xxx

  13. We're still chatting after an hour and a half On the next round of coffees! It's brilliant to meet each other

    1. Brilliant I knew you would have a good day chatting??? Please don't get moved on by security ??? Hazel x

    2. I'm assuming your not still in M&S as it will be closed now! So pleased you had a lovely time! Thought you would. Everyone who has met up so far has had a lovely time! So looking for ward to hearing all about it. It's a lovely day here , so hope you've had good weather too. Love Myra xx

  14. Hi Sandra, I read your comment on sue's blog about your lined embossing fold an how the card buckles I just wanted to say I have had the same problem I have never once got it to come out flat, so if you do find way to do it could you please share. Thank you melody x

    1. Janet Ecco of Sheffield23 May 2015 at 13:33

      Hello Melody - I have that 8x8 Efolder and I always get a clean flat finish when I use it. I use it on already folded cards which I buy from The Range and the company is 'Craft UK Ltd' 300gsm. I know they are sold by other companies and not hard to come by.
      Hope that helps. Hugs xx

    2. Great tip Janet! Thanks! Hope you have a good day with the children! Xx

    3. Hi Melody. Welcome to the best cafe, where thecakes are all calorie free : )
      I hope you sort the problem with your embossing folder. It looks like Janet Ecco has cracked it. Maybe laying it inbetween sheets of copier paper might help if you don't want to emboss the whole card? Please let us know if this solves the problem as it is a gorgeous folder.
      I hope you pop in to this, rather mad but very friendly and supportive cafe again very soon. Take care x

    4. Well I have the same oroblem as Melody and mine is 300gm cards. Doesn't come out well in one of the corners either. Wish I knew the answer.

    5. Hi, thanks for the tips but as littlelamb I have tried 300gm card after finding the card sue uses is really buckled an again the 300gm is the same. It's strange that some people use it with no problems an others like me it just buckles, I just keep trying x

    6. Melody, if you go to Sues Wilsons I think the women's manes is Carole Benette her comment was around 08.40 she says Sue said she uses her white plate for her 8x8 folder. I don't know if you saw it. Hazel x

    7. Melody Janet said earlier that she put a folded 300gsm card through and has no problem have you tried putting 2 sheets of card through together, just a thought, it does happen with my embossing folder too but if I am careful and use double sided tape it does stick down ok but, you do have to take extra care getting it straight.

      Margaret x

  15. Well Karen and Maria seem to have hit it off. Would love to be a "fly on the wall" can you just hear that laughter??
    John and I have been for a swim. Now that to many might not sound that unusual .... well it really is. John did not like swimming, till last year when Thomas and Robert took him in hand. We had a villa with a pool when we were in Florida. The boys spent hours in there with Grandpa teaching him to swim, he has really enjoyed it. Pool was empty, so no worries of folk jumping in on him. That's our exercise for today, for the day for now anyway.
    Had another look at all your beautiful pets, they all look so happy and healthy.

    1. Ooopps!! pressed wrong button. Just going to tell you I had tidied my cup & plate away xxx

    2. Oh my BIL is putting me to shame!!! Hazel,x

  16. Janet Ecco of Sheffield23 May 2015 at 13:27

    Afternoon everyone
    This is a very quick visit as I'm inbetween things at the moment. We've been to Meadowhell to meet Jim's Niece and her two littlies and I've just done Mr Tesco order for Monday and then after an hour for R&R it's off to my Grandson for his little girl's 4th Bday party. Isobel will be 4 on Tuesday but it's party day today. We shall be surrounded by little ones besides our own. So we have Isobel 4, Thomas 18months -her brother and the youngest Lily-Mae 15months. So you can just imagine what this afternoon is going to be like. Diane that Bailey's feed will definitely be needed this evening and perhaps something a little bit stronger me thinks.

    All your pets are just perfect and I know just how much joy they bring. Although we don't have any now as you know we are grandparents to all Christina's whether her own or the ones who visit for TLC and medical reasons. The four little black kittens are doing nicely so I'm told and perhaps I'll get a picture.

    Sandra I hope today is a better one for you and you'll have your wonderful family around you. I just know how the girls will be when the four little lambs appear. Christina hasn't adopted any this year so she still has her 2 Woolly Boys who are just gorgeous even though they are now at their full growth and each one wasn't supposed to survive!!

    OK feet up time and I think it will be tomorrow when I call in next.
    Hugs are in their place by the door please help yourselves.

  17. Hello Sandra,
    I do hope you are feeling more "chipper" today and not so upset.
    The pet pictures are lovely and thank you all for sending photo's of these handsome creatures. We don't have pets, not because we don't like animals but because we were always out at work, and now we feel that it wouldn't be fair because we'll pop our clogs before them!!!
    I bet Karen and Maria get corns on their bums from sitting so long "coffeeing". M & S will probably have to call security to remove them - a bit like when you all met at Ally Pally!!!
    Well Eleanor got off all right this morning with a few tears, she will miss us so much and she loves us so much (her words, not mine). She asked me if I would cry and I told her "only when the coach has gone".
    I've got to tell you this, no names, no pack drill, but when I went to the Youth Village (Dec's brother who is a priest - from Ant and Dec - instigated the building of it for school children to go for a day learning about different cultures and other peoples of the world), we had a break for lunch. We had taken packed lunches and one boy opened his and it was a tray of 12 shop bought fairy cakes with thick icing on the top. He was eating the cream and icing off the top of each one and putting it back onto the tray. His teacher took them from him, wrapped it up to take home, and bought a meal for him. Well his sister arrived for the coach this morning carrying a bag about 2 feet long and 18 inches deep. I said to George that she mustn't be taking many clothes with her, when she put it down in front of me and opened it up. It was full of sweets and fizzy drinks. Her mother trundled up behind her with a bag nearly as big containing her clothes. What must they eat at home???
    Got to go, George is cutting the lawn and giving me dirty looks because I'm not helping. I'll make him a cup of tea to keep him sweet.
    Oh Sandra, I've just bought that embossing folder. I hope I don't have the same problem with it as you.
    Love to all, see you later.
    Maureen xx

    1. Maureen, I often think exactly the same! On Mondays after school club I'm amazed at what foods children don't know about! Even sandwiches are bought from a shop! How expensive is that - never mind the fact that most taste of nothing in particular! Think we may be getting old dear! Well we will be fifty in 20 years time! Xxx

    2. Maureen glad Eleanor got away, bet she has an absolute ball unless she helps eat all those sweets!!
      Some children, parents and food really amaze me.
      MAUREEN :- have you been getting my messages?? I know you are busy but just wondered if they were getting to you or someone else in Cyber Space!!? xxx

  18. Maureen, like you I do wonder what some children get fed on, I hope the teachers take it from her and give it back when they return. Glad Eleanor got away ok. Yes George will need that cup of tea. Hazel x

  19. Good afternoon Sandra and all the coffee shoe crew
    So sorry Sandra I did not get to comment last night, after a really busy day had tea and had just started to bake some pies when some visitors arrived, just popped in for five minutes they said, fiddlesticks two hours and two cups of coffee and cake later they left, agh! Well I got my baking done and switched off the oven at 11.15pm sat down to leave a long comment whet to publish and oops it was gone, I was so tired I am afraid I went to bed, sorry. Yesterdays card was beautiful, so rich and elegant looking.
    What lovely kitties are you sure your two were naughty before going to the vets Sandra they look as though butter wouldn't melt! Jess your two beauties look so much like Sandra's. Janice Bracken's coat is super and Jean your two little darlings look a real bundle of fun. Steph I am sure Cassie could melt ice with that adorable face. Lynda your Freddie would never be quiet in our house as our two know people are going to be passing by long before we can see them, they are barking!
    Our two are brother and sister, we got them when they were six years old as their owners had died and there was no one to look after them so they went back to the lady who had bred them as she had given them originally as a Ruby Wedding present to their friends. We had just lost our last corgi Oliver who was 16 and as we were so miserable I rang to ask if there were any puppies planned no I was told, but she had two of her corgis needing a home, well after lots of thinking, talking etc we set off for Yorkshire after the weekend to see them, one look and that was it, and the rest as they say is history! They had both been shown and won lots so walk so lovely too.
    I have found a web site with Sue Wilson dies 20% off an already reduced price there are Spellbinders and lots of others too plus lots of other craft goodies, it is worth a look ladies.
    Sandra I am having the same problem with the 8 x 8 lined EF but as Janet says she does not have a problem with 300gsm folded cards I am going to try two sheets together to see if that will be any better, but I do agree that once it is taped down it is fine, but it can be tricky to get it stuck down straight.
    Maureen don't be too upset just think of the joy of your little darlings coming home again. As for the family eating lots of sweet things it reminded me of when my daughter had a child in her class who was taken to McDonalds each day for tea as the family did not have a cooker, only a microwave to warm things through!
    Well we have had the most wonderful sunshine today, two lots of washing done and all dried so I am off to get it ironed.
    Will try and pop in later
    Love to everyone
    Margaret xx

    1. Hi Margaret, Amy reminded me of my friend's corgi! She was lovely too called Miffy! Short for Myfanwy which was one of her kennel club names. The corgi - not my friend! Lol! She used to come and sit on my foot! Glad you've had a lovely sunny day - we have too. It makes such a difference. Xxx

  20. Hi again, just back from a stint in our craft shop, been there all day and it was very quiet in Grangemouth, hardly any people about so we shut up shop early.
    Just had another look at everyones pets, and Lynda, we have the same rug as you in our sitting room but in a different colour, ours has green in it.
    Off to make dinner now, hubby will be watching the qualifying for Formula 1 , so no hurry.
    Karen and Maria I hope you enjoyed meeting up with each other, I know I did when I met Patricia, Hazel and Norah, we talked for hours, when I got home, hubby said he was getting worried as I was so late.
    Will try and get back later, take care, Jess x

  21. Forgot to say Sandra, I can't believe how alike our cats are, spooky or what! Our two are brothers, don't even look alike.

    1. I agree I thought it was more pictures of Sandra's cats till I read the caption!! xxx

  22. Hi Sandra
    My word what a lovely aray of animals the ladies have sent in for you to show. I hope that Karen and Maria have a lovely meet up today.

  23. janet ecco of Sheffield23 May 2015 at 18:33

    Hello Well we survived the party. A really good time had by all. So relax time now in order. Have a good evening everyone.

    1. Just said higher up that I hoped you had a good day! That's how long it's taken me today! Ha ha! Xx

  24. Hi Sandra,
    Well, what an array of Coffee Shop Cuties!
    I say this with apologies to the larger dogs! They are all lovely and such character in those faces!
    Been a busy day today and still a bit that way. Just had to do this before it got any later. Will try to pop back later on.
    Be good - not much chance of that!m
    Love Myra xxx

  25. KAREN, MARIA :- are you home yet?? we would all love to hear how it all went.

  26. Well I came in to get a cup of tea and I was hopeing that we would get all the news of how the meet up went, yes I know the two of you did have a few hours of chatting? But did you get the " look" from the staff " are you two still here" ?
    Also I see Sheila is still missing do you think she and Norah are sitting chatting some where???
    Alison, have you managed to get that GloryHole sorted. We have those in our eves.
    Saba. Do you have still space in your wardrobe or did you buy enough to fill it again??
    Myra. Good one earlier about Crufts!
    I will sit here for a while and see if anyone comes in, I will get myself another cup of tea and I think I will have a piece of that coffee and walnut cake. Hazel x

  27. Hi Sandra and all,
    I will never want to see that woman again in WGC !
    But I LOVE to see her again somewhere else hihi, got you ! Karen is a lovely lady !, humph until she told the lady sitting next to us that we were on a blind date Lol ooooh we had so much to talk about so I even had to phone my OH to come an hour later then planned to pick me up tihi We sat in this corner of M+S coffee shop so I don't think we disturbed anyone and as I sat with my back to the restaurant you will have to ask Karenlotty about any funny looks hihi
    No it was great and we definitely will meet up again soon so a huge Thank you Sandra to getting us together !!
    Love you xxx

    1. Oh Maria, I'm so pleased you had a great time! I thought you would!
      Blind date is not a bad description - just wrong connotations! The thing is you feel as if you know the person already! I did with Saba and I have made a friend for life I think - unless I blot my copy book or say Prost at the wrong time! Looking forward to meeting you in October!
      Lots of live, Myra xx

    2. Oops lots of love - not live! Xx

    3. Me too Myra and as the month running away like they do it want be long but do you think we will have any summer first
      Prost xx

    4. I hope so Maria! Today has been quite nice here . We have had blue sky and sunshine but it would be nice just a little bit warmer! Xx

  28. Hello Sandra and all of the coffee shop gang,
    What a lot of gorgeous pets you are showing us today, all loved and cared for, you can see how contented they all look. Thank you ladies for showing us your beautiful pets.
    Have had a very busy day cooking, all of the family coming tomorrow, feeding 12 for lunch and14 for dinner, the girls always help, but have tried to get ahead today making cakes and desserts. Just veg to do in the morning, that's Johns job he always even when we visit the girls prepares the veg.
    Maria and Karen hope you have had a lovely time. This blog has given us all so many new friends. Sandra we are all blessed and it's all down to you and your blog. LOL
    Love and hugs to everyone, Brenda xxx

    1. omg You do have a large family Brenda,:-) hope you have a wonderful Sunday together !
      Yes we had a lovely time, 4 hours just flew past hihi
      Perhaps we can arrange to meet in Watford next so more of you can join us, it would be fun.
      take care and hugs to you and John Xxx

    2. Maria, THANK YOU
      So pleased your 'Blind Date' went well LOL xxx

  29. Your right Myra, it is a bit of a blind date but so different!! Yes we have found that when Patricia and I have meet up with others that we have meet through blogging it's like we have always known them. Oh Maria I can see your face when Karen told that lady!!! So where the next meet up going to be? It's a pity Karen's not coming in October.
    Well Charlies shirts all washed, ironed and apart from three are packed. The three being one to travel to Glasgow, one for wearing on the flight and one in the hand luggage just incase bags are delayed? Most of the packing is done just last minute bits, hand luggage to be done,
    Sandra I see you have 3 more followers? Hope you have had a good day.
    Pat. I take it Petes doing ok on his new meds? Has he got to go back soon for to see how he is getting on?
    Hazel x

    1. Hazel you are almost ready to go! I do hope you have a lovely time! I loved Vancouver and Vancouver Island and would love to go back . Canada is a lovely country. It's so clean and the people really friendly. We weren't going to family so this was important. Not sure when you leave - but safe travel to Glasgow and Bon Voyage! We'll miss you, unless you manage to call in occasionally! Isn't technology amazing! Xxx

  30. Myra a few days yet, but for a change I have time to get ready without having only hours? Usually working right up till the night before. What's the bet I will have it all in unpacked and re packed before we go? Yes Canada is like that, Charlies family is there but we are really doing our thing and if they want to come see us then ok, there are only a couple of them we will go visit. We are doing things at our pace. Oh I will be in the cafe, I will need something to do in the small hours when I am wide awake and Charlie is snoring. My time clock will be all out the last time we were there 18 months ago I was awake at 3am would read or blog for a few hours then go back to sleep for about 2 hours? I think because we were in our room sitting or lying in bed I just fell asleep and by 3 I might have had 5 good hours of sleep. Hazel x

    1. We seemed to be ok while we were there Hazel but Alastair, who doesn't sleep well in any case took several weeks to readjust when we got back home again! Even I was struggling and was hungry at the wrong time of day as well! Xx

  31. All the pets ( cats,dogs and Freddy ) on viewing today, I have fallen in love ! How funny that your cats Sandra and Jess's look so alike, they are soooo cute. except of course rallied together for seeing the vet, ouch. Hope you and Paul survived the claw attack ? and well Diego he is a type for himself tihi
    Margaret -the corgis are gorgeous and Janices what a beauty you got. Steph ,your Cassie looks lovely. Jean- your little ones are wonderful and Lynda Annie and Bambi ooooh Give everyone a cuddle from me ! ok then Freddy too hihi He is Beautiful .
    Have not any pets ourselves as OH is allergic but since I was a child we always had some kind of pet at home. Cat and dogs first, then my sister had a stick-insect, white mouse who lived in our doll house , fishes, birds, hamster oh yes we had pets. Can tell you my sister have last night got six new puppies by her Dubi, she is breeding Finnish lapp dogs and they are all adorable, a wonderful breed.
    Has anyone heard from Karenlotty or is she still with the nice security guards having a drink, baileys perhaps hihi
    we probably go around eachother writing or ?
    Next time, Watford if anyone is in the area...................
    Watching the Eurovision and don't understand why hihi the same every year !
    Will now see what you have been up to during the day so might see you later and if you off to bed ,have a goood night !
    love and hugs to all, Maria xx

  32. Good evening ladies,
    Maria & Karen, I am so glad you had a great time, another match, for me to tick off in my book, maybe I'll pack this in and do a dating blog! Hi hi, just kidding !
    Let me share something very personal with you all, on Thursday night, I had the most devastating telephone conversation, It has truly knocked me sideways, hurt doesn't come close, but without the lovely emails and amazing caring comments from you wonderful friends of mine, I would have been in a much worse place than I am in now, I am still numb and not sure how to move the situation forward, it took me totally by surprise, which was worse, as we can prepare for things we are expecting!
    So I am sorry for my absence, my brain is still absorbing the shock I think, but I have had a lovely afternoon at the allotment, with my amazing soul mate, we have planted out, runner beans, peas and strawberry plants, cabbages are out too, fruit bushes are all covered, I came home looking like I had been up a chimney, I can't remember the last time I had dirty knees! (Keep those minds focused ladies) paul was digging the whole I was planting!
    Came home, I then made a card for tomorrow's blog (fingers crossed this one goes down better than the last) it's new!
    Don't we have done gorgeous pets? How much do Jess's cats look like ours!!
    Brenda (oh my I could do with one if your hugs right now), I hope you have an amazing day with your family tomorrow!
    Janet, I am glad you survived the madness! Enjoy your wine!
    I am off to find the intravenous thingy for the baileys tanker (I don't even like baileys)!
    Thank you all so very much for your care, kindness and friendship xxxx

    1. Oh Dear Sandra!
      I've no idea what has happened or why it has happened but I'm very sorry you have been upset like this! I knew there must be something wrong but wasn't sure what it was. I don't know what to say or do really except that I'm really sorry you have been hurt in this way. Without knowing the details which I understand are probably private I can't really say any more.
      Just sending you lots of love and hugs!
      Lots of love, Myra xxx

    2. Oh Sandra,
      I've just popped in to say goodnight and read about your awful telephone call. I am so sorry that you have been upset and you know we all love you. Hopefully the memory of it will be less tomorrow and gradually you will go from feeling so upset, to feeling the impact of the shock less and less.
      I'll fix the Baileys intravenous drip up for you, don't worry, and you'll soon feel so happy that you won't care!!! You know we are all in this together, don't you.
      I'll say good night to everyone, and I'm so pleased that Maria and Karen got on so well. I think it's so funny that Karen said you were on a blind date!!!
      Night night, sleep tight everyone.
      Love Maureen xxx

    3. Hi Sandra, Please whatever it is just remember we are here !
      I'm sending you lots and lots of hugs (even the postman groaned when he saw the bag) sorry......
      love Maria xx

    4. Hi Sandra, I knew something wasn't right, it's the same with our girls, Call it mothers instinct, but what ever it was I hope you have sorted it out. And you are more than welcome to drop in tomorrow, you will fit in well with the family. LOL xxx

    5. Well Brenda, you say mothers instinct, it was my mother that did it!

  33. Delighted to know that the meet up went well and you both had a good time, but we knew you would.
    Hazel do take these next few days easy then you will be able to enjoy your fabulous holiday all the better, so good to know there are no serious ill effects from your fall.
    Sandra where are you, hope you are ok?
    Well it does seem quiet tonight I expect folks are watching the Eurovision instead of crafting, so I will put that darned cat out and switch the dishwasher on, and put the key in the usual place.
    Good night sweet dreams
    Margaret xxx

  34. I'm here! just been vegging out in front of the tele MARIA will know what I'm talking about! We had a ball Talking for four hours! i asked a lady to take a photo for us saying we were on a blind date! i then thought that I had better explain myself! A lady on a table further down said "How amazing" and "good for you" So well done SANDRA!
    What is the world coming to Who are these awful people making phone calls like that I dread to think
    I have enjoyed seeing the pet photos SANDRA and JESS' cats look like quads
    The dogs are awesome and some appear very patient with their owners!
    The parrot looks divine (I want one!)
    Off to design a card for a work mate (which we all sign) He's our IT manager so Serif here I come

  35. Sandra, I hope your knees won't be to sore tomorrow? Mine are ok after my trip, but I could not bend down to do planting that's for sure. So please take it easy. I am glad you and Paul had a day together, and I know that doing things like working on the allotment together does help. A busy mind does help to take your mind off the other things going on. Sandra, your card the other day was one of these like Sue Wilson will do and folk either like it or not! I loved it as it was different, I like doing different, so please don't give up doing different!!., it's ok doing something like Sue does with her dies, but she loves to think we all take it and do our own thing. Your cards are stunning, so please don't be negative. That's where at the retreat if we all had the same things and all made a card they would all be a bit different, as we all look at things differently. Listen to me who has only been card making for 16 months, but no you keep making your stunning cards. Again I wish that private jet was available I'd be down to give you (((((( hugs)))))) Hazel x

    1. Hi Hazel,
      It took every little bit of will in my body to get down on that soil today, once down on my bum, I managed to shuffle along to drop those plants in those holes, call it bloody minded ness ! It took two very strong arms to get me up! Will I regret it tomorrow? Of course I will, but I needed to get out of this house,
      Thank you for caring xxxxx

    2. Sandra, I do hope you manage to sleep tonight and that you don't suffer too much pain as a result of your gardening today! You are in enough pain as it is! I can't really imagine what it must be like to suffer pain like you and some others on the blog suffer. Physical pain is one thing - mental anguish is quite another! I am so very sorry you are having to go through this just now and my heart goes out to you!
      I'm praying that you will get a good sleep!
      Lots of love, Myra xxx

  36. Sandra I am so sorry that you gave been so upset by this phone call. Hope you will soon be able to put it out of your mind. All the pets we have seen today all look lovely. Glad Karen and Maria got on so well. Thought they would. Been gardening today but it's hard on your back and the pruning is not easy. Although I am left handed because you couldn't buy left handed secators I have always pruned with my right hand. Now I cannot do that so makes it very difficult and a slow job. Got all my fushias and geraniums in so years something. Had to open a new bag of compost but couldn't move it - too heavy - so that job wasn't easy either but it's done. No doubt I will buy some more plants soon. Well I think I will have an early night. Can hear some of you saying well it's not early now but to some of us night owls it is. Night.
