
Friday 22 May 2015

New Guest Designer......Janice !!!!


 Good Morning Ladies,
Whilst I was looking at Janice's pet photo last night I found some photo's of cards that she had sent
me previously that I hadn't seen!
So today I want to showcase this hidden treasure for you all to see, isn't it beautiful!??
So rich and opulent, the gold and bronze tones work so well together, the butterflies add that little finishing touch too, are they on Vellum I wonder??  I love the embossing too, not sure what Embossing Folder Janice has used but it is a pretty one.
All finished off with a pretty gold trimmed white bow!
Thank you so much Janice for allowing me to share your lovely card with our friends here in the café!
Can I please ask for your pet photos to be sent to me sometime today, I can hopefully then compile them into a Pet Post for Saturday, which I am really looking forward to.
I am going to keep this short today, I will explain later, all I will say is....thank goodness for
friends! I love and appreciate every one of you!
Love and hugs
Also I would like to say a Belated Birthday to Diane, I am so sorry I missed your birthday, you weren't on my list. I hope you had a lovely day xxxxx


  1. Good morning Sandra and the coffee shop gang. Hope you are all TicketyBoo!! I do know of one person who will not be training for the marathon today ...... Hazel. I do hope she has a lie in and takes it easy.
    I will do the setting up Hazel, just lie still and behave for a change!! Oh! dear I do sound like the bossy big sister do I not??
    JANICE:- love you stunning card, very opulent and elegant. Great colours and design.
    I think I have done everything, I will help myself to a cuppa, toast & jam. Off over to the corner to people watch .... not many about at this time of day though.
    Ok folks enjoy your day, I am hoping to have an easy day. John and I walked miles yesterday. John's knees were playing up during the night, hopefully that will make him sit in his bum and read a book for a while today.
    Will pop back later to see what's going on, till then be good.
    Hugs in the basket by the door, please help yourself xxx

    1. Good morning Patricia,
      So good of you to pop in and set up, bless you! I am with you regarding Having a lie in and an easy day, they should both make the most of time off and have an early morning snuggle!
      I hope you manage to get John to sit and relax and read today, it would give you a chance to do the same!
      Have a good one whatever you end up doing!
      Love and huge hug,
      Sandra xxxxxxx

  2. Morning Sandra and all that visit this talanted world of beauty.
    Opulance in abundance is all I can say. Its absolutly beautiful - wow, hope you have lot's more to show us Sandra.
    Well, the wedding card and baby card have now left the building. She was suppose to pick up at 6pm so I planned dinner around that time, as you would. 6.15 she text saying she was running late, in her own words " im running on Asian time" !!! Oooookkkk ! Eventually our tummy's were making noise's that would crack the thickest of iceberg, so I decided to take the bull by the horns (or pig from the oven) and serve out our dinner, thinking 'as soon as I do she will get in touch to say she's on her way, but as luck has it, she text to apologise and say she would get here at 8 (ish) !!! Phew. Anyway she went away happy, and wouldn't take the change from her tenner, so she must have been happy with her order : ) I can now get back to my other order, hopefully leaving me time to do more cards to stock up my market basket for July.
    Well Sue's 'Festive' dies are due in my craft shop next month !!! And apparently, Cr Exp will soon stop selling Foundation card !!! I know no more than that, the rep that visits my little shop mentioned it, so I just hope that wherever they get their card from its just as good as Foundation card. It looks like the Bolton craft show has taken presidence over JL's demo day, so Lynn, who owns the shop has cancelled his demo day, you know my preference lol.
    Think I'll send a photo to Sandra of our ginger dog, who woke at 4.50am and is now crashed out and dreaming on her warm comfy bed whilst im struggling to stay awake !!!
    Sending love n hugs to you all.
    Lancashire Steph xx

  3. Morning Sandra,

    Stunning card from Janice, thank you for showing it. Hope all is okay with you?

    Will try and remember to send pictures along later if I don't shut the door in my face and scream at me lol!

    Love & hugs

    Jacquie J xxx

  4. Morning Ladies

    Janice-your card is simply beautiful! I love the colours you have used together & the embossed background adds such lovely interest.

    Goodness-can't believe SW will have uet more dies out next month. At least I can get ideas for Christmas cards then...!!!

    I was emailed at work about making a baby boy card-lady was very specific on the words she wanted on the card. Unless the go on the insert, the card would need to be A3 or larger-ha ha! I've got a wedding card order (blue & lemon) and my sister in law (thats just had baby Liam) needs a birthday card making as it's her birthday on 1st June and I have to think of the delay posting it to the USA. Guess you all know what I'll be doing this weekend...?! Along with more weeding no doubt.

    Might pop back in after work-Fridays before Bank Holiday are always crazy busy with the extra days treatments to make up in advance.


  5. Good morning everyone, not been able to call in for the last few days due to appointments and one thing and another, really need to catch up there is so much chat to catch up on, must say the cards over the last few days are stunning, like the one from yesterday with the grand ovals, I have this set and love them but when it comes to putting it together I get stumped, love this way of layering, can I ask how do I send photos of my dogs, do I email them to Sandra, not sure and don't want to get it wrong. Will pop by later for a drink and a browse, will catch up on the last few days, hugs in the basket as usual, Hazel hope you are not too sore today as I see you fell, take care of yourself, bit of pampering recommended, till later from Jean xx

    1. Morning Jean,
      Yes, if you send them in an e mail Sandra will be able to put them up on her blog. Looking forward to seeing everyone's pets tomorrow.
      Hugs Saba

    2. thank you Saba I will give it a try - thanks for pointing me in the right direction xx Jean

  6. Good morning Sandra and ladies.
    Janice. Your card is stunning, very elegant and is truely beautiful. So glad Sandra found those photos.
    Now before you all go on! Yes I had I lie in, Harris did come to my side of the bed, but I just ignored him, so Charlie got up to see to him. Me I went back to sleep till 7.15. I have no after effects, I am not stiff or sore ( wouldn't get down on my hands and knees and scrub the floor - don't do that any way these days ) very little brusing, all that arnica cream and tablets has worked, my elbow is good to. I grazed that more than bashed it. When Gillian came in last night one Tammy had told her to, to make sure I was ok and two to show us her new car. Bless her she spent all that money on her dream car three years ago - a Renault coupe and it has been nothing but trouble with a capital T. She had all that problems with the DP filter then last month she discovered the drain pipe from where the wiper blades sit had blocked and the water had made its way into the car so the front wells were full of water, then she kept needing to put oil in. Final blow was it was only worth now £5,400 she paid over three times that. It's all to do with these new DP filters which aren't what they should be so Diesel cars aren't selling and the second hand market isn't good so worth less than they should be. Any way she has gone for a petrol car, after something like 18 years of Diesels and hopefully won't have the problems. Gillian checked me over last night and was happy that I was ok. Told me I had done the best thing by sitting with the frozen rice and heat bags. Went to bed last night with my trusty heat bag and I am fine this morning. I will sit and make up the 30 boxes for Alice's invites this morning I can do that on the sofa feet up. BUT THANK YOU ALL for thinking about me and telling me to take care, I do appreciate you all for being so kind.
    I hope everyone who hasn't been in for a few days is fine, and just busy? (((((( hugs)))))) in the basket if you aren't ferling to good or just a bit down.
    Sandra, what have you gone and done??? You were very quiet yesterday! Are you suffering from your cat scratches??? I bet that one on your neck is still very sore. Right going to help myself to a cup of tea and some toast, and just sit and people watch. Hazel x

    1. Hazel, so glad you aren't suffering any after effects. Glad you are sitting with your feet up BUT 30 boxes!! That's not resting.
      Saba xxx

    2. Hazel. So glad to hear you are not suffering after yesterday's fall. It does shake you up though doesn't it. Hope you have a fairly quiet day apart from making 30 boxes. Glad they are bought ones but still a lot of work. Take care.

    3. Hazel,
      So pleased you are not suffering and lovely to hear that the family are keeping an eye on you! You take a bit of watching!! Xxx

    4. Hazel has assured me she has taken it easy today ...... do you cal making up 30 Boxes taking it easy.......???
      Thank goodness she has no after effects. xxx

    5. Hi Hazel! Big Sister is needed ! Short of tying your sister to a chair I don't know what can be done!
      However as she says she is going on holiday so will have a rest! I hope she doesn't see the need to spring clean the aeroplane! Xxx

  7. Hi Sandra and all the lovely coffee shop ladies
    Sorry I didn't pop in yesterday ladies, Sandra your card yesterday was very pretty and unusual, love the papers you used too. Janice I have to say that today's card is a stunner with all the gilding flakes, I can feel our Steph twitching from here! Thank you both for sharing them with us. Xxx
    Yes it was my birthday yesterday and it was a big one - 50! I have left a selection of cakes on the counter but whatever you do don't light the candles!!!! I had a lovely day full of surprises I had an enormous box to open full of lush bath bomb goodies, a cookery book and a DVD. Then we got up to take Emma to college and had a little look around the shops until it was time to go to a beautiful hotel for a delicious lunch. I had a glass of pimms before lunch and a glass of wine with lunch so would hVe been ready for a little snooze! We came back home to find whilst we had been out my sister and mother in law had set up gazebo s in the garden decorated the lounge with banners and had laid out a vintage afternoon tea ! Julian and Emma had been planning it for weeks along with my sister and mother in law and my cousin had got involved too! Turns out my hubby had been dashing around Wednesday and was not at work after all! They had invited all my friends and family so it was a lovely surprise, I got to bed very late last night. Today I've been told to get up and pack a bag so the adventure continues!!!
    Hazel oh my goodness I hope you are ok today and not too sore. Take it easy my love. Xxxx
    Sandra make sure you put cream on those scratches, what monkeys they are playing yo up like that but glad they are both ok. Xxx
    Thank you all for your good wishes, Muriel on.y you could call me dainty Daniel haha! Only you! Now thers a song! My sister recorded sunshine girl for me yesterday, my grandad used to call me that! Good old Hermin and the hermits!
    I'm not sure if I will be able to call back later but hopefully see you all soon. Sending you all loads of hugs and love and have a wonderful day.
    Love Diane now with lots of droopy bits and tena pants firmly in place clutching a bottle of champers! Haha xxxx

    1. Diane, what a fantastic day you had and what a wonderful family you have. You are truly blessed.
      Can't wait to hear what Julian has in store for you today but whatever it is enjoy yourself.
      Love Saba

    2. Diane, what a lovely surprise, and it's sounds like you are in for a fantastic weekend? Enjoy every minute. Hazel x

    3. Oh Diane , it sounds as if you had a truly lovely day yesterday ! So pleased you enjoyed it . What a lovely surprise too! It's not over yet - enjoy the next part of your Birthday! Love , Myra xxx

    4. Diane, I am so excited for you, your birthday sounded amazing, just shows how much you are loved! And the adventure continues, have an amazing time whatever it is!!
      Love and hugs
      Sandra xxx

    5. Diane what a wonderful day you had yesterday and still the celebrations continue. You must have a wonderful family. Have a lovely day today.

    6. You lucky lady, a day full of surprises and a wonderful family.
      Hope your celebrations continue over the weekend. (((((Hugs)))))
      Patricia xxx

    7. Hi Diane
      Looks like you had a fantastic day. Happy Birthday.

  8. Good morning all,
    Janice your card is lovely, so rich looking, it reminds me of a chocolate box, the kind where you just know the chocolates will be special. Love embossing folder you have used. Thank you for letting us see your work, hope to see more.
    Hazel, I hope you are not too stiff this morning. Don't get all tearful saying goodbye to the girls, it's only for a couple of weeks and think if all the fun you are going to have.
    Well it's glorious here so I am going to crack on. Patricia you would be so proud of me, I am finally clearing my wardrobe and have been ruthless with sweaters. Bearing in mind some of them I have had for more than 20 years you will realise just how determined I am to get some serious de-cluttering done.I am in the process of getting all the ones I am keeping, washed, so that when they go back in they will all be fresh. I awarded myself a prize for being so good......A New Jumper!!!!
    Sheila, Norah and all our friends who are missing, hope you are alright, thinking of you, take your time and come back when you feel able to.
    Maria, hope you are in less pain today.
    Love and hugs
    Saba xxxx

    1. Saba, the boxes are bought ones and I just have to make them up, no work really. I wouldn't go down making my own for that amount.
      WELL DONE you for parting with those jumpers, Just think of opening that cupboard knowing that it's only got ones you will wear that are in there. I have to unpack two cases this weekend and get the shirts out that don't fit husband out. I have made a big song and dance about it to get through to him that if he had done what I asked and tried them on I wouldn't be unpacking. I think the older they get the wosre they get. Hazel x

    2. SABA:- I am very proud of you give yourself a BIG round of applause.
      (((Hugs))) xxx

  9. Janet Ecco of Sheffield22 May 2015 at 08:38

    Morning to all who pop in today.
    I'm helping myself to my usual so I can sit a little while.
    Janice your card is just beautiful. So rich and regal. I love everything about it.
    Hazel so pleased to hear you're OK this morning and not having any after effects. I would still have a quiet day today though.
    Sandra I hope all is well. I'm here if you need me.

    Where has this week gone! Friday yet again and again housework is calling. The washer is already on with towels etc from the bathroom so just have to do the rest. I decided last night that I would tackle the cooker and tiles in the kitchen this morning with the hand steam mop so please wish me luck. Will probably need a Baileys or two afterwards so I hope the bottle isn't emptylol.

    Hugs are in their usual place. I've sent some out to our absent Friends in the hope that they are OK.

    1. Hi Janet,
      Don't worry, I've hooked the Tanker intravenous line up for you so that you can have a Baileys while you are working. Makes things seem so much better I always think ha ha!!! Then you can come and do my oven!!

  10. Hello Sandra,
    I hope your scratches, lumps and bumps are a lot better this morning.
    Hazel, I see that you have no aches and pains today which is great, but it's no excuse to go mad, so take it very easy. Canada is waiting for you!!! By the way, what is a DP filter?
    Oops sorry Janice, got carried away on medical matters (lol) what an opulent card, and I love the embossing folder.
    Dainty, sound like you had an amazing day yesterday - which is great - and the fun continues today, lucky you. Enjoy every minute. I'm looking forward to my 50th in 20 years time (quiet in the back row).
    Saba, I'm almost frightened to tell you how old some of my clothes are, and shoes. I'm not heavy on shoes but they go out of fashion before I wear them out. I like the fact that your clearing out jumpers, and then buying more. It's something I would do!
    Steph, good job you had your meal when you did or you'd have passed out with hunger by the time the lady called.
    Well, I've got to go, I'm helping in school until Zoe's class mass in Church at 10, and then I've been commandeered to help in the Church Hall with the teas, cakes and juice (for the children) afterwards. I've roped George in so that he can wash the dishes!!
    Don't worry Sandra, it won't be a patch on the quality of the things we get in your cafe!!!
    Have a good day all, and I'll see you later.
    Maureen xx

    1. I sat waiting in the car for Beth, and wrote a message which is not easy on my phone, pressed publish and off it went, yes into space.
      Maureen I don't know all the techno things about the DP filter. It's something that all diesel cars have had fitted since 2009/2010, but they didn't think their would be this problem that if it doesn't get clean out it causes big engine problems. We were told when ours was recalled to take it down the motor way in 4th gear for about 20 miles then put your foot down and like speed off, you will get a big cloud of black smoke but that's the filter clearing. Now that's all well and good but we would have to go nearly to Edinburgh for that to happen!!! So when I go on a Tuesday to vaulting with Beth I drive in 3rd gear till I go on the motorway for only s couple of miles but put my foot down. I don't get a big black cloud of smoke but it helps clear it a bit. But now of coarse folk know about the problem and don't want these cars. Glad Zoe's service went well, I bet you were sitting their feeling so proud of her, I know I always am of any of ours. Anna got her 1st year report today, a glowing one at that! But she is disappointed with herself as she only got 80% for Physics, everything else was in the high 90%. Told her well you will just have to work on that one. Now had she been in 5th year, yes be disappointed, but 1st year she has time to work it. To brainy for her own good at times with her. Any way that's me on holiday. Got my orders from the girls, that I had to behave no messing around on the plane- remember others round you, and no eating rubbish as its wont do you any good!!! Now I wonder whose words are they and how many times have they been said over the last 121/2 years??? Lots of cuddles and I have been told to message lovely photos again. Hazel x

  11. Hello Sandra and everyone in the coffee shop,
    I hope you and Paul are still putting antiseptic on those scratches and hope they have not become infected, do take care.
    HAZEL please you are okay this morning, do you take care, you need to be fit for this holiday LOL
    DIANE, What a fantastic day you had yesterday for this very special birthday. And more surprises to come today! Remember the special birthday and we stretched out for a whole year!!! Enjoy LOL

    JANICE Your card is really beautiful, it looks as if it's for a very special occasion. I love butterflies and your butterflies look so right on this card. Thank you for letting us see it.

    Well I have finish my tea and toast, lso better get on and do some work, will try to pop back about coffee time.
    Hope everyone has a good day, love and hugs, Brenda xxx

  12. Hi Sandra and all in the cafe today.
    Janie, your card is beautiful, I'm sure who ever received it was delighted. I love that embossing folder. Please let us know what it is, if you can. : )
    Hazel, I am so glad that you are not feeling too bad today. Arnica is wonderful stuff isn't it. Make sure you take it easy anyway, feet up making up the boxes sounds like a good idea. You will be resting but not bored so best of both worlds : )
    Diane, wishing you a belated Happy Birthday. What a lovely day full of surprises you had, and with still more to come. I hope you have a wonderful time where ever you end up : )
    Brenda, just had to add that I am like you about using matching pegs, pairing socks etc on the line. It would be easier if plastic pegs came in one colour packs instead of multi coloured wouldn't it : )
    Maria and KarenLotty, only one sleep now! Have a great time tomorrow, remember to find comfy chairs to sit on! : )
    Janet, glad that Yvette passed. I am so happy that you are pleased how your button picture ended up. Please can we see a picture. I have loads of special buttons that I will never use as they hold far too many wonderful memories so this is a great idea : )
    Sandra, I know you are having a rough time. We are all here for you. Special comforting love and hugs for you my lovely. You are a very special lady and deserve only the best. Immerse yourself in sorting out the pet pics for tomorrows blog, if I can work it out I will send one of Dot and Juney, and card making.
    Have a good day everyone. Take care xx

    1. Oh yes! If only pegs came in packets of one colour. I did had to have to stand back and smile, seeing a row of socks all with the same colour pegs, they looked lovely - it was very satisfying Then I started on tops and T shirts etc. I was a very happy bunny.

    2. Sue, thank you for your kindness, I am still in shock and I am not going to lie, keep bursting in tears when I think about it, but I am trying to put it out of my mind! I laid awake with those words going round and round my head!
      Where would we be without friends!
      Love you all xxx
      Sandra xxxxxx

  13. Morning Sandra and all in,
    What a stunning card that greet us today. Wonderful colours together.Thank you Janice for sharing it with us and for Sandra to put it up.
    I hope you are ok Sandra and the rest of the family.
    Glad to see you are not to damaged but are still taking it easy Hazel.
    Oh Diane- all these things your family have arranged for you and I so wonder where they taken you today, so exciting. Enjoy whatever it is.
    Clearing your wardrobe of jumpers and then buying some more hihi love it Saba
    It's like we can't have spare hangers for long, or keep extra space. It always be full to the rim.
    Out to do the weekly shopping so be back later, Take care everyone and to our missing friends hope you are ok
    Love and hugs Maria xx

  14. Well no boxes done, I fact I have hardly done anything. Tammy phoned and we were chatting for a while. I have had a bit of a traumatic time? Wait for it I had t-shirts of various colours that have been in the laundry basket for over a week! Trouble being never had any other things to put In with some of these, so I needed to get them washed so in they went with 3 colour catchers and a few prayers on a wool wash and I just wasn't happy until it was finished. All came out ok but yes the colour catchers were a green blue colour so thank goodness I put them in. I don't do mixed loads, and these t-shirts are good ones so it was a worry. I know a bit over the top worrying to that point, but with over £80 worth of tops involved I think I had cause??? Pegged out and blowing in the wind. No I will iron them tomorrow, and then they can be packed when I decide which ones I will take with me. Enjoyed my cup of tea, I do like the fact it's a China cup and saucer you get in here if that's what you like, Diane thank you I enjoyed one of those cakes. I will be going to get Anna soon, have to go get some money out on route, as I think Charlie will have forgotten to get some out. Can't pay Mary the piano teacher by card. That reminds me I have to get my expenses done to hand in tonight. It's a lovely thought to be on holiday as from tonight, it won't be tears with girls but since little, Anna always made a point of giving me lots of cuddles to keep me going and I have give them enough to keep them going. You would think at nearly 13 Anna would not want that any more, but no she still wants them. 5ft 6ins tall but still just a little girl inside. Beth loves her cuddles too, she just handles things differently. Hazel,x

    1. Hi Hazel, Anna and Beth really do love you big time, you are so special to these girls. You care, give them standards to live up to AND listen to them. So many children don't get that even from their parents.
      This family could NEVER replace you. You are one special lady. xxx

    2. Oh Hazel, the girls clearly love you dearly, I bet they miss that bit of stability in their lives when you aren't around!
      Why can't they leave they money for the piano teacher themselves?
      You must have to have a jolly good memory to claim every penny you are owed!
      Your washing regime sounds like Paul's, I have always done White (hot) wash, darks wash, mixed colours and that was it, now Paul is very methodical, so he does the white wash, dark wash, then he does a blue wash, green wash, red wash, I think our neighbours think it's hilarious, but he has never had a colour run issue, so I shouldn't mock! I just don't know how he has the patience!
      Sandra xxxx

  15. Oooooh Hazel, how scary. I have just done the same with the last load of jumpers except I didn't have a colour catcher but they are all ok and now drying outside. Top of wardrobe is now completely empty and I am not putting them back yet.
    Now I am about to empty, yes empty the whole rest of the wardrobe, sort out what I am keeping and I want to wash everything before I put anything back in. Mind you I might change my mind in a couple of hours. The flat will start to look like a Chinese laundry soon but as Joanne assures me it will be worth it once it is done. There are also some storage boxes full of goodness knows what, mainly bits and bobs, in the bottom of the wardrobe and they are coming out too and will go through them sometime over the weekend.
    Will be back later.
    Hugs Saba xxx

    1. Goodness me you are in spring clean mode! It really is satisfying though isn't it, when you look round and see what you have achieved !
      Don't go exhausting yourself though!
      Sandra xxxx

    2. Saba, it's funny how once you start de cluttering you don't stop until you have done every cupboard! It's just such a great feeling to know it's all done, and think of all that extra space you will have. Hazel x

  16. Sandra - just been catching up on everything from the last few days, Im so sorry to see you were in the wars yesterday and so hope that the scratches etc don't leave any marks. I bet you were all more than a bit shook up, our pets don't mean it but they are stronger than we think really. Have a good and relaxing weekend if you can, Love Jean x

  17. Have you heard the saying elephants never forget, well neither do I. I have always worked it that I just pay it out and claim back, I would be asking for money every 5 minutes . I am trusted and never an issue. But poor Jen will have ask up front as she just can't do it. Thank you for all the kind comments about how the girls and I are with each other. I have always treated them like grand children really and as I have said before mum and dad love it that way as it makes up for not having grand parents around. Oh here's big one so I will finish here and get her home . Hazel x

  18. Hiya everyone,
    Well I finally sat down to grab a late lunch and have a coffee shop catch up, and what a shock to recognise today's card.
    It was made for a special person, my adorable god daughter, who at 20 was no longer getting a girly card, but a grown up one.
    Thanks for your lovely comments, but I have major confessions though. I have said before, I am buying no more stash till I have a hole in what I have, which is a lot. The background was a Hunkydory embossed sheet, no gilding flakes, just a sheet of soft gold, and as for the butterflies, well they are peel offs, laid on glitter card and hand cut. Sentiment was Hunkydory too. Guess they were the starting point for many of us before die cutting was the thing.
    Sandra, I hope your scratches are healing. I was trying to remember the name of the oil, but it escapes me, the one you use for stretch marks. It's great to stop scarring as well. Someone will know. Bet the cats have forgotten all about it now.
    Hazel, I think we will need a tranquiliser dart for you to get you to go easy.
    So glad you had, and are still having a great 50th Diane. Look forward to hearing what else your family planned for you. Enjoy it.
    Hope to see all the pets tomorrow.
    Hugs all

    1. Hi Janice,
      Thanks for popping in, to tell us about your lovely card, I must confess the background looks like you have embossed it yourself, you are spot on when you say that we all started out with the same things ie. die cuts & peel offs, I still have loads of peel offs that I try to disguise behind adhesive sheets etc, only because they have a habit of peeling off!
      Bio oil, I think is what you were thinking of, I will have a look, it's a good idea, most of the scratches have settles down, it's just the deep one on my chest that is still sore and looks a little red and angry, needless to say I smell of TCP and germolene!
      Love and hugs

  19. Afternoon everyone, Janice your card is lovely, bet the recipient loved it.
    Just been catching up on today's coffee shop news, hope everyone is ok.
    Well done to all the wardrobe cleaners, When you are finished would you like to come and start on mine!!!lol.
    Hazel, when do you leave for your holiday, I hope you have a great time
    Am going to try and send pet pictures to Sandra later.
    Take care everyone will catch up later. Jess x

  20. SANDRA. hope you are ok. Hugs are here for you. Thank you for showing the lovely card from Janice.
    JANICE Your card is lovely and I am sure your Goddaughter was over the moon with it. Not done a lot so far. A lot of interruptions today. Finished a card for my cousin. Now my Portuguese Background has arrived so, of course, I must try it out. Well you have to don't you. Also got a couple more plaques (needn't have done as there was a couple left over Wednesday night) as I know Scarlett wants to do one as because it was in the evening she was disappointed she couldn't come to the craft session. Also we saw a project in the Creatitivy magazine fir putting scrabble letters on a coaster for Fathers' Day. Cannot remember what the saying was on there but got the magazine. I got some blank coasters along with the plaques from JS. Cold here again today, warm yesterday so perhaps it will be warm tomorrow. Will just help myself to a cup of tea. Money in the pot. Will sit in the corner for a little while.

  21. Hi ladies, have looked through the window this week but not had time to visit properly!

    Lovely card Janice very expensive looking due to the colours!

    I have managed two parents of the groom cards this week and am really pleased how they have come out. I had the stamp specially made.

    I have a couple of birthday and anniversary cards to do hopefully this weekend. I also plan to do my bedding plants and get the lawns mowed problem is it has been so wet but tomorrow promises to be warmer and drier so I live in hope!

    Sunday I plan to clear out " under the eaves " aka glory hole extraordinaire! It is the only storage area in the house a long cupboard only about 3 foot high with a sloping roof. Hence I stand at one end and throw everything to the other. Problem now open the door and everything falls out! I know there is a steriliser, car seat, baby clothes, maternity clothes, maternity scrubs and god knows what else including my school shirt - all signed back in the day, school scarf to name a few bits in there!!! So that is Sundays job if I don't reappear you will know why!!

    Half term next week looking forward to the rest from the school run!

    Well must dash guitar lessons soon. Have fun!

    1. Hi Alison,
      Nice to see you! Well you know what I mean!
      Hope you have a successful gardening day and also have fun in the " glory hole" . We all have one! I hope you find something interesting!
      Love Myra xx

  22. Hi Sandra and all who call in!
    It's taken me all day to get this far! I have popped in, been interrupted and had to start again! Been that kind of day!
    However my Craft Room is looking lovely! Well - it's clean and tidy and everything is in its place! I'll never find anything now. Lol!
    House is all ship shape and Bristol fashion and I've sat down to have a coffee before preparing dinner!
    Janice - your card is lovely and looks very opulent. I love the butterflies too.
    Thank you for sharing it!
    It's a rather drizzly day here now and quite dark! Was hoping to do some gardening tomorrow so hope it cheers up a bit. If it doesn't I'll just have to make candles!
    Love to all,
    Myra xxx

  23. Hopefully the war wounds are healing HAZEL and SANDRA Take care
    JANICE your card is sumptuous - peel off! I have a pile of them! Haven't used them in ages But can't bear to throw them away as there might be a revival plus they're a reminder of what I used to use and that makes me smile
    Seeing MARIA tomorrow So looking forward to it

    1. Have a great time! I let the children use my peel-offs! I had soo o many!
      Lots of love, Myra xx

  24. Have tried to upload photos to the email addy on the sidebar and it keeps on getting returned. Am I spelling it wrong please Sandra x Jean

    1. Jean just in case Sandra doesn't get back in for a while, I have sent you a mail using Google friend in which I have put Sandra's e mail rather than post it here without her permission. If you want to know how I did it I have explained in my mail but can tell you more if you find my short explanation a bit confusing.
      Hugs Saba . Ps please let me know if it comes through alright. Xxx

  25. Good evening Sandra & everyone,
    Sorry so late as i came down this morning after my shower & got dressed i thought oh my back seems a little better,but i was just folding the dog blankets up on the settee & OUCH this pain shot down the left side of lower back right down to my bum cheek,so i'm back too square one.
    Hazel i hope you are feeling ok after your fall yesterday,& Sandra hope your war wound's from Milo are ok.
    well can any one guess what i'm doing at the moment No well my son has just phoned me said mum can you do 15 to 20 more invitations please i'm beginning too hate frame's HAHA.
    Well must go as we haven't had dinner yet i will pop back later & read the comments.
    Janice your card is gorgeous so very posh love it.
    Love & Hug's Lynda xx

    1. Oh Lynda, you poor thing, I have been called a pain in the bum before now but never actually had it!! Hope it eases soon.
      Hugs Saba xxx

    2. Lynda, I'm sorry to read that Saba's calling you a pain in the bum. I personally think you are a lovely woman.
      Seriously, I don't know what to suggest other than pain killers and a rub with very hot rubbing stuff, and maybe one of Margaret's wonder bags. I'm wondering if sitting in one position doing those blinking invites is the reason why it hit you so suddenly. Ask your son to get over here and give you a hand.
      Take care,
      Love Maureen xxx

    3. Oh Lynda!
      So sorry you are in so much pain! Sorry too about the extra cards!
      Take care my dear! Xx

    4. This comment has been removed by the author.

    5. Oh no Lynda. Not another 20! Hope your back eases soon. Won't be easy doing more invites with a bad back. Pity we can't all come and help. They would be done in no time then.

    6. Lynda, oh I know that feeling, they tell you they want so many you do it then they want more,,it's off putting as they don't realise the work. It sounds like you have trapped a nerve. I feel so sorry for you!!! Have you tried lying on your bed knees up feet flat and rock from side to side only very little and I mean that little it feels you are not moving, this is what I was told to do when I trapped a nerve years ago, when ever I feel, mine go I do this. Hazel x

  26. Hello everyone,
    Sandra, I do hope you are o.k., you seem upset and down. Don't be, you are fabulous and you have produced this amazing blog where we have met, and laughed, and had a wondering time. We get on so well that we can even pull each other's legs, although we have never met in person. xx
    We've had a gorgeous warm sunny day here today but I haven't had a chance to do any housework or gardening as it's been all go, and I've been in and out of the house - well I don't know how many times. Eleanor is having a sleep over tonight as she's going to Holy Island for the week to a Holiday Camp there that's run by the SVP (St Vincent de Paul, a Church society), but apart from going to mass on a Sunday, it's not at all holy. She went last year and loved it. When she found out that the school was participating this year she couldn't wait to put her name down.
    Zoe's gone with mam and dad in the caravan camping up beside Seahouses. They couldn't go too far because Peter is back at work on Tuesday. There's quite a few going and the children all go to Zoe's school so they should have a good time. The other familes are taking tents, so I'm wondering which child will end up sleeping in the caravan as there will be a spare bed.
    Karen and Maria, have a great day tomorrow. Not too much hilarious laughter please, show a bit of decorum!!!!
    I can't wait for July when I go up to Edinburgh to see Hazel and Patricia. I do hope they remove their aprons and rubber gloves though!!! On second thoughts, I'll recognise them easier if they keep them on ha ha.
    Hazel, you haven't said if Harris realises you're going away. Have you got Charlies shirts sorted?
    Margaret, I'm still using the bag and although the pain is still there, I am getting a good night's sleep and that is wonderful. (I hope I'm not tempting fate).
    Saba, I hope your back is a lot easier, and you are getting relief.
    Lynda, I'm still thinking about your gorgeous Harry. He's scrumptious.
    Alison, when you've finished your "glory hole" get yourself over here. You can do my whole house!!! lol.
    Oh by the way, I have been mentioned in Despatches. The school weekly newsletter has printed a quote from me saying that the Maths Puzzles and Fun Day was "A great success, which the children loved" and thanked me for helping. Second time I've had a mention in nearly 7 years, I mustn't let it go to my head. But if Eric Pickles can get a Knighthood after being handsomely paid and able to claim amazing expenses - some without receipts - for his work in local Government, than surely I should be made a Dame for working without pay and no expenses for a number of years in a local School!!! lol.
    Right, to all of those whom I've forgotten to mention, please forgive me.
    Sheila, I'm thinking of you.
    Love Maureen xxx

  27. Hi.
    Just had it confirmed to me that Cr Exp ARE NOT discontinuing the card !! I only mentioned it on Sandra's blog as the rep told the owner of my craft shop so why would I not believe what im told. I now feel foolish, and hopefully I have NOT upset our Sue as that is the last thing Id want to do !!!
    Im just glad I didnt mention it on Particraft. I now know that I wont mention anything else regarding stock etc either here or anywhere I will just make believe I know nothing !

    1. Steph,
      Don't beat yourself up over that! I thought it was very strange as the card is so very popular and sells out constantly! However , stranger things have happened! I'm just glad it's not true as I love CE Foundation card and use it all the time! Have you sent a photo of Cassie? I'd love to see her. Take care. Xx

    2. Steph don't you go beating yourself up, you were told something and you thought we should know. Yes your right things that sell well are often taken off the list. No you just forget about the whole thing. We would have done the same if we had heard. Hazel x

    3. Oh Steph,
      Don't you worry, you only told us what you thought was true. No one could take offence at that. In fact, I've forgotten what you told us!!
      Maureen xx

    4. Dont beat myself up ?! When I get an email from Sue saying someone was asking about the card as they had heard it from me !! Knowing I only mentioned it here, can you even start to think how foolish I feel, it was almost like someone was 'telling out of school tales' oh Sue, steph is saying bla bla bla... Sue was far from hurt, and laughed about it but that doesn't help how I feel. So for now as Im a sensitive soul I will continue to beat myself up until I stop feeling like I do.

  28. Ladies just a quick break before I get back to my Chinese laundry. I have discarded at least half the things from my wardrobe and I now have space!!!
    Most are packed for charity boxes, some directly in the bin, and the remainder is in the process of going in the washing machine but I am packing in now for the night, just have to have a tidy up and will continue with it tomorrow. Some things though I really can't bear to part with despite the fact I may never wear them again, my wedding outfits which I wore to our girls weddings compete with matching hats shoes and handbags are going to go into storage boxes.
    There is a glass of Chardonnay with my name on but just need to finish the tidying first so will be back later.
    Xxx Saba

    1. Prost! Xxxxx
      Ps! I started before you! Xxx

    2. Saba, Prost !!!! I will bring another bottle, hope you have finished all your tidying up. We have all had a very busy day. ITs Friday - we can all let our hair down and relax. LOL xxx

    3. Brenda!
      I agree but just keep an eye on Muriel - she's unpredictable after a tankard full! Xxx

  29. I think Harris knows something is up as he keeps coming over and putting his head on my lap and looking at me with those big lab eyes. Hazel x

    1. Hazel! I remember those Labrador eyes only too well! They just sense that there is something going on that's not everyday! Just think of the welcome you will get on your return! Xxx

    2. Hazel, I know, George tries that with me but he has no luck lol xxx

    3. Behave Muriel! George is a sweetheart doing that washing up !
      You are a sweetheart too! I know I'm getting soft! It's Friday and it's been a long week! Xxx

  30. Goodnight everyone, I know it's early but Eleanor is reading in bed, and I want to make sure she has a good night's sleep for her early start tomorrow. I'll lie and read in bed.
    Night, night and sweet dreams all.
    Maureen xxx

    1. Night God bless my Dame Muriel.
      I'm sure Eleanor and Zoe will both enjoy their respective holidays, and you can have a bit of a rest too although you will miss them. Enjoy your book.
      Love Saba xxx

  31. Hi all,
    can't stay long, best get my beauty sleep as I'm meeting a very important person tomorrow ( the nerves setting in) hope no any salsa dancing do, don't think the hips could take it hihi
    Glad you had a restful day Hazel and I see Harris looking after you.
    Lynda- more frames ! Ask them to come and help or your back will take even longer to heal. It sound like you got a trapped nerve so please take care.
    Maureen- so glad you said Alison can come and do your house and nothing else ,gloryhole or not. Hope there were no spiders !
    Enjoy your Chardonnay Saba, I just finished a bottle Merlot hic,hic so I will Love you and leave you all for tonight,
    hugs Maria xxx

    1. Maria and Karen!
      Have the very best day tomorrow! Hope you sleep well tonight and have safe travel in the morning . Lots of love, Myra xx

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

    3. Thank you Maria I will dream of frames hihi.
      Love Lynda xx

  32. Well ladies,
    I think I am going to turn in.
    I now have a wardrobe which is half empty and have so many spare coat hangers that I think a bit of retail therapy tomorrow might be called for.
    The Chardonnay was lovely., Prost thank you for the extra bottle Brenda.

    Sandra I hope you are alright lovely, don't like to think someone has upset you, I have been hoping you would comment but you are obviously upset about something. Sending you special hugs.
    Night God bless all
    Ps Maria and Karen have a lovely meet up tomorrow, can't wait to hear all about it. Xxx

  33. Hi Sandra
    A bit Kate I know but better late than never.
    Janice your card is gorgeous. It's very opulent and you could actually believe it's gold. Hope we see more if yoyr work. Hope that Maria and Karen gave a great meet up tomorrow. Sandra said she wished it wasn't to far as we could have come up as well.

  34. Maria & Karen hope you both have a lovely time tomorrow I know you will get along fine. Karen MARIA is a lovely lady I met her at AP. She is a sweetheart
    Hug's Lynda xx

  35. Good Night Everyone, Sleep Well!
    Hope you are alright Sandra! Xxx
