
Sunday 24 May 2015

My New Tonic Celtic Dreams layering Dies!!


 Good Sunday Morning Ladies,
Well todays card was inspired by new Tonic Celtic Dreams Layering dies, I absolutely love them!
I must have loved them as I had to buy them from Create and Craft!! there was no p&p though!
But they had 'exclusivity' on it so you couldn't get it any where else until the end of June.
I used both Black and Cream card to build up the layers of this die, there are twelve different dies in the set, I finished with a black matt and added another new die set Britannia  'Happy' and Brittania 'Birthday' die set (you get two sizes in both words)! from Joanna Sheen.
Anyway back to the card, I added the sentiment after cutting in the cream card.
I them decided I would add some foliage and flowers, so I cut 4 of the Delicate Fronds Die by Sue Wilson,  and topped the foliage with a selection of flowers from my stash, I went for a purple theme!
I them hand tied a double bow in cream ribbon and topped it with a thinner ribbon in purple, also tied into a double bow and them topped it with a Purple Resin Flower from the Works.
I do hope you like it!
I look forward to hearing your comments.
I am so pleased that Maria and Karenlotty had a good day today, its so lovely that you are all making new friends through my blog.
Brenda (lello) I hope you have a wonderful family day today, don't go doing too much though!
Well I must go, but I will pop back later to see what you are all up to!
love and hugs


  1. Good morning Sandra and the Coffee Shop gang. Hope you are all well and enjoying the Holiday Weekend. These holidays go past so quickly now don't they???
    WOW!!! Oh! WOW!!! Love, love, love your stunning card. The layers are so beautiful, making an extremely effective design. Your Floral embellishment just finishes it of so nicely .... did I tell you I loved it!!!!!!!
    I saw the Die Set but resisted, I have so many Dies ...... Mmmm!! maybe should have given in ...... No! I don't need them ..... well maybe worth a thought. No! Will wait to see what Sue has on offer.
    Slept in this morning, all that swimming yesterday. John has a day planned for today, nothing been spoken about he said it's a "surprise" I some times worry with his surprises. I need to know what to wear, do I need walking boots, do I need dress shoes. Hopefully he will put me right on that soon.
    No one had been in to do the tables when I started this but they just might have snuck in and done it.
    Right everything ready for the day, flowers on the tables, all looking really pretty.
    I am so glad Karen and Maria had a good day yesterday ...... Blind Date!! that's a great way to describe it. Maybe not for when we meet Maureen ...... that would look really BAD ..... a "threesome" We will just have a"meet up" I think!!
    Off to get the day started, be good. I will pop back later to see what you have all been up to. Bye for now xxx

    1. Hi Patrica hope you enjoy your surprise & have lovely day whatever it is. Hug's Lynda xx

    2. Hi Patricia, I always worry if George "surprises" me. It usually ends in a visit to A & E ha ha. (only kidding). So funny your comment about a "threesome". I know we'll get on well (I hope we do anyway!) but that might he taking it a step too far!!!!
      Whatever John's surprise - have a great day. Love Maureen xx

    3. Patricia, enjoy your surprise, hope it is lovely.
      Jess x

    4. Patricia! I hope your surprise was lovely! Sure it would be! Xx

    5. Surprise, where did he take you ? Sandals, court shoes or wellies ? xx

  2. Good morning Sandra and everyone , Sandra this card is awesome, I too wondered about these dies as I do like Tonic products, but I didn't get them now I wish I had, your floral embellishments are gorgeous, hope you all have a good day, it's raining here after such a glorious day yesterday Think we will be going for a ride somewhere as NIc doesn't like to stay in ( will ride the wheels off the car - just don't ask her to get out lol x) Patricia hope your surprise is something good, enjoy!! Till tomorrow have a good day all ,
    Jean x

    1. Hi Jean, enjoy your day out ,you could sing
      "The wheels on the car go round & round & round & round" hihi.
      Have a nice day wherever you go.
      Hug's Lynda xx

    2. Jean, have a good time, Nic will enjoy it even if it's raining. When my daughter was small I'd often take her out for the day, and invariably got lost on the way back - part of the adventure. Of course, I knew where we were but she thought it was great!! xx

    3. Hi Jean,
      Thank you so much for your kind words about my card, you can still get them, I only got mine this week xx
      Love and hugs.

  3. Hi Sandra and all in the cafe today. First of all I have to say I love your card today. As always you have shown the dies off beautifully, I can see why you couldn't wait to buy them, at least you didn't have to pay P & P, Tonic would be thrilled to see what you have done, and of course your signature flower arrangement is gorgeous.
    Maria and Karen, I am so glad that you had a great time. Didn't expect anything less as you know each other so well already. How numb were your bums? I think there should be a health warning on here for anyone planning a "blind date". Maybe someone should come up with a pattern for a really padded "Blind date" cushion that we can all make up to protect us from the extended use of hard cafe chairs that these meetings bring about : ))
    Now, I am glad that you have shared your pain that you are in at the moment as you know we are all here to help and support you as you recover from this totally undeserved body blow. As I said to you on Thursday evening, you do not have to take being treated like this just because it was from your Mum. Please keep reminding yourself that you are a good person and deserve respect just the same as from anyone else. And also that you can choose your friends but you can't choose your family!
    Onto your physical pain. How sore are you today after all that gardening yesterday? Is that blister very bad, taking your anger and pain out on the soil was a good idea but not for your poor hand! Did you manage to get your knees and legs clean. Like we said it is times like that when you miss being able to have a long soak in the bath, isn't it!
    Have a lovely PJ day with Paul, matt, Lucy and Sophie today, not that you will have much choice no doubt. Try and keep your mind on them and what you are going to put on the blog tomorrow.
    All of my love and hugs to you my lovely. Take care xx

    1. Hi Sue, I love the idea of a "Blind Date Cushion". I hope I have to make one for July's meet up with Hazel and Patricia and that they don't run screaming up to the Castle 5 minutes after we meet!!!
      I've got to say, you've said some wise words to Sandra.
      Love Maureen xx

    2. Likening the "Blind Date Cushion" idea Sue. Tell you I am sure Jess, Norah, Hazel and I had "numb bums" after our meet up, we sat so long chatting and laughing.
      MAUREEN:- we will be fine might look for some "blow up cushions" would that be a good idea???
      SUE:- I am glad you have passed those wise words on to Sandra. She needs and deserves our support for all she does for us. xxx

    3. Oh!! Myra."you are awful" ..... but I lik it. xxx

    4. well as some of you know I'll bring my own 'cushion' but thank goodness not a whoopee one ooh,Myra ! I told Karen that Mrs B had sent us a warning to make sure we had nice,comfy seats and I must say that the ones we had were fine for me and my barndoor rear hihi I hope Karen thought the same. xx

  4. Just a very quick visit as I have to go out but wanted to say how much I love your card today Sandra. Glad you got the Happy Birthday dies. I like them very much. I also got the Christmas two when I got the others. I must have missed that programme on Create and Craft so will have to look for the dies at Ally Pally. Hope you have a lovely restful day today Sandra although from what you were doing yesterday I think you might have to. Take care and don't let people upset you. Not easy I know. Have been there myself. Thinking of you.

  5. Janet Ecco of Sheffield24 May 2015 at 08:52

    Morning everyone and hello to all who pop in today.
    Sandra I'm finding it very difficult to find the correct words I need for your card today. It's so so stunning, beautiful, wondrous, regal, oh how I wish my little grey cell would come up with the words I need. Can you tell I just love love love love it in every possible way and oh how I would love to receive something like this.
    These dies are really tempting me to buy when they are on the open market even though I made a promise to myself at the beginning of the year that I would only buy Sue's dies and no others. This was two fold - one that it may keep my spending on dies down and two - that I would use all of them as they all go together. I did buy the Tonic circles and squares which give the mat and layer effect as Sue hasn't anything like this but these Celtic dies are just beautiful. Get behind my temptation perhaps they'll be something else from Sue to keep my occupied.

    We had a lovely afternoon despite coming home exhausted and ears ringing with laughter and squeals of happiness from 8 four year olds and younger toddlers. The bouncy castle was a surprise for Isobel and although she had been told it was only for the day she was going round telling everyone that it was her Bday present. I only hope that she was in bed when they came to collect it as like many young ladys of her age she can really strop when she wants to. Thomas (18mnths) had the time of his life running around like a little demon and eating far too much sugar goodies (it's a good job it's a one day thing) so heaven only knows what he was like at bedtime, and our youngest little one Lily-Mae (15mnths) managing to keep up with Thomas who is her constant playmate as they live next door to each other and she too was on a sugar high. Lily-Mae was going with her Nan (my youngest Daughter) for a sleep over so I hope they all managed a good night's sleep. We have photos so I'm hoping that the couple Jim took of us to replace the last 4generation one before Lily-Mae have turned out OK. Will be having a look later.

    It is definitely a R&R day today. So I shall be sat with my book and the phone off the hook.
    Have a good couple of days everyone. Hugs are in the basket. The latte was a definite winner this morning. Has anyone heard anything from Norah? It's ages since she popped in. I hope all is well with her and that it's just that she is busy with the house.
    Hugs xxxx

    1. Hi Janet,
      So pleased that you enjoyed yourself on the Bouncy Castle and the running around and games that you played. Of course you ate far too many cakes and goodies but what can you expect at a party, and I think you are wise to have a restful day today!!!!
      Oh it wasn't you - it was the children - well anyway I'm glad you had a good time. There is nothing like childrens laughter to lift the spirits.
      Love Maureen xx

    2. Hi JANET sound like you all had a fantastic day,gosh I feel worn out just reading all your energetic games you & the children did,I bet you had lots of fun,it's lovely seeing all the children have fun,& capturing all the lovely memories on camera.Make sure you do have some
      R& R today Janet. Hug's Lynda xx

    3. Janet - I need a rest just thinking about your day! It is fun though , I just hope you didn't try to do a Saba! I know Saba was on a trampoline but maybe you could do the splits on a Bouncy Castle! Xxx

    4. Hi Janet,
      it sound like you had a fabulous ious and wonderful day with all the children of all ages. Hope the photos are fine and you have all these lovely memories for years to come. Have a 'me time' I'm sure you need it today xxx

  6. Morning Ladies

    Sandra-your card is STUNNING!!!! I love, love, love it. You are so creative-i have dies that I've bought months (or years) ago that haven't been used as I can't think what to do with them.

    I hope you are going to have a restful day & try to relax. Hubby has gone to play a golf match this morning so I'm lazing around but really need to get on as I have a couple of card orders and one is for Tuesday.


  7. Good morning Sandra and ladies.
    Sandra. I am so glad you didn't change your mind about creating something different!!! Where do I start? This card is WOW, WOW,WOW. It's stunning and very, very beautiful. It will be a talking point in a room. The basic card on it on is gorgeous, but with your signature floral display brings it up to another level. I would send it to Tonic, to let them see. Now young lady, I hope you are going to take it easy today??? Yes as Sue and I have said it was a good way to do all that yesterday to fill your mind with something other than anger! Now today we move on, ok??? (((((( hugs))))))
    Janet, oh I bet your ears were ringing? As we get older the noise seems to get louder from these children! Yet I know when ours were young they will have made just as much, and when elderly folk said " oh these children are noisy" we all thought " these old folk" oh yes we did, well I know I did.
    Well I had a lovely lie in this morning, 8.30 is unknown to me generally, I must be getting in the holiday mood? Just sitting here with my cup of tea, thinking what I will do today, I have to get those boxes made up and tidy up my bits round my chair here in the front room, the spare could be doing to be put to rights and the normal things like the kitchen and bathroom need doing. My friend June will phone soon so once I have finished chatting to her I will make a start. Money in the pot, and I will pop back later. Hazel x

    1. Hi Hazel, don't do too much. Just start winding down and taking things easy. xx

    2. Hazel! Chill Grandma! Or Granny whatever applies! Xxx

  8. Hi Sandra
    Wow wow wow. I'm nearly speechless. Now that's nigh impossible as you know. What a stunning card. Your signature flowers and the bow with the thin purple just sets it off? AS OTHERS SAID SEND A PICTURE OFF TO TONIC. Hope your feeling a bit better after your horrible phone call, and your planting out yesterday. Your much further on that Pete. I think you mentioning Runner Beans reminded him he hadn't even put them in trays yet. Mind you his mind has been on other things at the moment. I'm glad that Karen & Maria had a lovely meet. Num bum cushion sounds a great idea. Mrs B, Sandra and myself must have talked for about 4 hrs as well when we first met up. It was like we'd known each other for ever. Brenda (Lello) hope you have a lovely day with your family.

  9. Good morning Sandra and all the coffee shop crew
    Wow Oh Wow what a fabulous, fantastic, beautiful and stunning card Sandra please, please will you send this off to Tonic they really must see this truly they must!
    Goodness me what is the world coming to, Patricia slept in!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Ha Ha yet she was here at 6.58am
    Just in case anyone missed my note yesterday have a look on they have Sue Wilson dies 20% off an already reduced price there are lots of goodies and lots of different die companies.
    Well it is looking like rain and is decidedly chilly here today I do hope the weather is better for Maureen's family on their holidays especially for the little one on her own, it can get really chilly over there.
    Well my latte was lovely thank you my money is in the pot and I have washed up put my hugs and cuddles over in the corner just help yourselves there are plenty more if needed.
    Have a lovely bank holiday everyone
    With love Margaret xx

    Sheila thinking of you, hoping you are ok xx

    1. Margaret,
      Just wanted to post separately to you to say THANK YOU so very much for my heat pads. They arrived yesterday and are lovely. You are so very kind and I shall be filling the smaller ones with rice today, the larger once I have bought more rice. I suppose you fill them up until they are still floppy but enough rice in to be effective. I am so grateful, bless you for your kindness.
      Massive great hugs
      Saba xxx

    2. Hi Margaret,
      Thanks for your good wishes for the girls on their separate breaks. It's another lovely day here, it was cooler earlier but is warming up as the day has gone on, and the main thing is that it's fine. xx

    3. I have just sent you an email Saba about the heat bags and how much rice, (White rice remember) to fill the bags with. xx

  10. Good morning Sandra and crew,
    Sandra, what a fabulous, gorgeous, stunning card. You must send it to tonic or at the very least to C&C when they are on. It is one of the most beautiful cards I have seen for a very long time and I have seen some beauties. The Cream and Black looks lovely and your bouquet, well words fail me, it is delicious.
    Sorry I never managed to get in yesterday. My day just flew away with me, got home from lovely shopping trip with my friend, I didn't buy anything, don't want to clutter my wardrobe up!!
    Peter then announced we were going to a Kirchweih, which is a village festival. Each town and village have them throughout the year and they basically are an excuse to sit in beer tents and drink lots whilst listening to a lot of umpah, umpah, umpah music, singing, swaying, and of course the inevitable Prosting. I was not fit for anything when we arrived home early this morning let alone commenting. I have just read all the comments from yesterday and don't know where to start.
    Firstly, your pets are all adorable, from cute pussy cats, to show stopping dogs and the biscuit on the cake, Freddy the parrot. I loved looking at them all. Thank you for sending in their photos to share with us.
    Maria and Karen, so pleased your meeting up was such a success. I wish I could have seen the lady's face when you said it was a blind date.
    Sandra, I was so very sorry to hear what had been upsetting you. Sometimes words are said in haste and I truly hope you can put it out of your mind. Easier said than done when they come from someone you love but I am sure Paul will have been very supportive and your dirty knee therapy will have done your soul if not your knees good. Whatever was said, remember this, you have a blog family who care very much about you, love being part of your amazing blog and are so grateful to you for bringing us together. We have forged true friendships and it is all down to you, so be proud of yourself lovely lady.
    Ladies your tales of children and the rubbish they get reminded me of when I was home. We saw a toddler in a pushchair drinking from a can of cola. It stopped me in my tracks. Why would anyone introduce their children to such rubbish at an early age? I am not being sanctimonious but I cannot imagine my grandchildren ever being given sugary drinks, and now at only 4,5 and 7 they have got to an age where they wouldn't drink it if it were offered. They are normal children and of course they get to have sweets occasionally and as a treat get to go to Macdonalds, but even there they ask for water. Sorry rant over.
    I hope I haven't missed anything else,
    Nearly lunch time and I haven't done anything yet so I will get into gear and be back later
    Love to all
    Saba xxx

    1. How's the head?
      Whatever do you mean going shopping and buying nothing!
      With regard to children's drinks! This Grandma is naughty! I buy Pink Lemonade it comes in a really nice bottle and four grandchildren get a glass each and a few drops more! This is their special treat at Grandma's house. Otherwise it's water! Last of the big spenders - that's me!xxx

    2. Myra, our Calum loves a bottle of J2O when he comes here that's his treat, Andrew doesn't like fizzy juice. Rebecca and Lauren get lemonade as a treat. Granny's / Grandmas know to just give it as a treat. I think it's like when you have a glass of wine you know one is ok but more it's good for you. Then again I drink diet coke, don't touch the wine. No a treat is not bad, it's having it all the time that is. Hazel x

  11. Stunning card Sandra, great choice of dies.

    I have sent you an e-mail lol!

    Love & Hugs

    Jacquie J xxx

  12. Hello Sandra,
    First of all I want to say that I hope you feel less anguished and upset. It must have been something so awful to make you feel this way, but you know, you have all of us here to support and love you. I hope your turmoil soon stops.
    I also hope you manage to get the soil off your knees and hands in time for the Retreat!!
    Your card today is just perfect. The design and the colours are superb. There are no words really to say how much I love this, and you MUST send it to C&C when Tonic are next on. Or to Tonic themselves, or to BOTH!!!!
    I've been on here over half an hour reading the comments, and posting my own beneath them. I think my favourites so far are Patricia's "threesome" after Karen's blind date comment yesterday. And Sue's Numb Bum Cushion. Oh the mind boggles what you'll all come out with when we get together. I may just sit in the corner and record it all. I could write a TV sitcom from it, well if I could if I could write!!!
    Going to hang out some more washing - first load was covered in paper tissues grrrrrrr. My fault, forgot to check a pocket. Got loads and loads of ironing to do as my lovely next door neighbour was taken to hospital yesterday as her total replacement knee was swollen as big as a football, and she'd just hung out her washing. Well they kept her in, so I took in the washing and brought it in to do with my ironing. She'd do that - and more - for me.
    I hasten to add that her knee was done about 8 years ago, so it's not a recent job.
    Love to all, keep your chin up Sandra, and your knees off the ground!!!! xx
    Maureen xxx

  13. Hello Sandra and all the coffee shop gang,
    Just had to take a quick break and say hope you have a lovely day whatever you're doing, and also Patricia enjoy your surprise whatever it is.
    Sandra, your card is stunning, love the colours you have chosen and those flowers are gorgeous.
    Sorry must press on, sending you a very special hug.
    Love Brenda xxx

    1. Hi Brenda,
      I hope you have a really lovely family day! You sounded really organised so I hope you are able to enjoy it with all the family! Xx

  14. Morning Sandra and ladies, (it is still morning I hope) where has the morning gone!, Sandra your card is absolutely gorgeous, stunning, etc. etc etc..... I so love your flower display.
    So sorry about your altercation yesterday (unpleasant phone call) try and put it to the back of your mind meantime, I did read that is was your mum that caused your upset, get right back to her and try and sort things out, no matter how hard it is, mums can be a pain the a. .e sometimes!!! Sending you lots of hugs.
    Will call back later to see how everyone is, well coffee finished money in pot, cup washed, so off I go, take care everyone, Jess x

  15. Hello Sandra & all you lovely ladies,
    Sandra your card is stunning I love those die's they are amazing & the cream & black card work so well together you must have such a lot of flowers & ribbon as you always match everything so brilliantly.
    Well yesterday I cut out another 40 frames 20 Harry pictures & 20 of the words.
    So after our walk up the park with doggis we have another little one like Bambi.we are looking after.
    Then after we get back I have to stick invitations together.
    Pop back later. Sandra I hope your ok my lovely.
    Love & Hug'Lynda xxx

    1. Hi Lynda,
      Good luck with your invitations they are gorgeous and I adore that photo of Harry.....he's just the cutest!

      Love and hugs Sheila xxx

    2. Thank you Sheila all done now just hope they don't want any more
      Hug's to you & Nikki love Lynda xx

  16. Hello Sandra and all the lovely coffee crew,
    I though I'd push myself today and add a post to your lovely blog.....although I have been lurking in the shadows. I'm not too bad at the moment my only problem is I find it hard to go to bed...I think it's because once I turn the TV off the house is so very quiet and so the dawn chorus has normally started by the time I go to bed and then I'm shattered all's just a vicious circle.
    SANDRA you card is truly stunning and I love the colour of your flowers and the beautiful way you always set them out, I wish I could get mine like that.
    Have a really relaxing day today after the work you did yesterday and I'm so sorry you had a nasty phone call....just rise above it you are such a lovely lady and you don't deserve people upsetting you. We're all her right behind you and respect you so much. Take care lovely lady and enjoy the rest of the weekend.
    So pleased that Maria and Karen had a great meet-up.
    Well I finished my exploding box and my cousin and her daughter were thrilled with it....phew!!
    Right I'll have a quick latte, money in the pot and special hugs for Sandra and all you lovely ladies....better go or I'll fall asleep in the corner...give me a nudge if you see me there and sorry about the snoring!!!

    Love and hugs
    Sheila xxx

    1. Sheila, this maybe sounds daft! But try leaving the TV on. Or a radio? Sonetimes when Charlie was away when I was totally on my own I would do that and I was able to sleep. Would lying watching the TV with a fleece blanket over your legs, you might fall asleep without thinking, that way you would get a couple of hours maybe. I have seen me doing this to watch something that I have wanted to watch, waken up a few hours later that myself off to bed and fall into another good sleep. You might have tried all this even. Nice to see you back in please don't sit outside its not warm enough, and some nights someone is in. Hazel x

    2. Know exactly what you mean about going to bed Sheila. I put it off and put it off until I eventually have to go. Take care. Love and hugs.

    3. So lovely that you have called in today Sheila if Hazel's suggestion doesn't work there are relaxation tapes that you can get really they are just lovely soft music that makes you feel all snuggly and relaxed and you just drift off, I had one when I couldn't get to sleep for all the pain I had after my accident and they do work. I played it so much I wore it out and then made my own with soft relaxing music, when the girls were still at home these tapes used to send them to sleep without intending to! They are not expensive either, they may be worth a try.
      Take care hugs and cuddles to you, Margaret xx

    4. Hi Sheila,
      Good to see you! We miss you. That exploding box was a real stunner! I've still to try this! I have a list - candles , exploding boxes and shoes! Hope the candle making doesn't trigger exploding boxes!
      Thinking of you xxx

    5. Hi Sheila'
      glad you took a moment to pop in to say hi! oh don't talk about sleep,some days I'm sitting here all night and then after about three days I can't wake up. really need to sort this out somehow.
      You very brave making an exploding box ! great they liked it.
      Have a goodish day ,hugs Maria xx

    6. Hi Sheila
      Glad to see you popped in. Wow you made an exploding bix, I've yet to do that. It might be two if you falling asleep in the corner. We already have 1 dribbler that I know off. Can't remember who though, so we'll just mop you up if you start to dribble.

    7. Many thanks for all your ideas folks I will take them on board.....thank heavens for all night TV at the moment My eyes will turn square if I keep this up the funny thing is I hardly watched any TV when hubby was alive it always went off at about 9 pm because I couldn't find anything decent to watch! I been making loads of flowers this afternoon just to keep me awake. I enjoyed doing the box once I knew what to put in it it's only the 3rd one I've ever made. You can see it on Pinterest but I don't know how to put a link here....But if you go to Pinterest and put Sheila Turner in the search box I think they will come up.
      Have a lovely evening.

      Love and hugs
      Sheila xxx

    8. Oh Sheila I have found you on Pinterest which for me is a miracle I cannot work out how to make a comment unless someone else had done so first, told you I was hopeless! I have left you some comments but everything on all of your boards are absolutely wonderful you really have a wonderful talent.
      Thank you so much for letting us know how to find you, rest assured I will be returning for another look at your work it is so inspirational.
      With love
      Margaret xx

    9. Hi Sheila,your exploding box is gorgeous I saw it on pinserest a few days ago,all your cards are stunning & beautiful, your so very tTalented .How many flowers have you made,it's a good idea to get flowers made up ready for when you need them.
      Love Lynda xx

    10. HI Sheila, I have tried to find you on Pinterest, I get 5 different Sheila Turners, but I don't think any are yours. Don't know how else to find your cards and I would love to see them. Love Pinterest but I've never tried putting my own work on it.Don't think I have enough confidence in my things.
      I know about not being able to fall asleep. Sometimes I use a herbal remedy like Calms or Nytol. Use them for a few nights just to break the cycle.

    11. Janice when the 5 Sheila Turners come up mine is the one with the photo of my chin missing Haha! on that one and you should arrive at my cards.
      Love Sheila xx

  17. Change of plans here .... friends asked if they could come pick us up and go somewhere nice for a meal.
    Just waiting for them to arrive.
    Be back later, we'll knowing this couple we could be gone for quite a while. Hazel knows what they are like, eat, drinks, chat, eat, more drinks, then probably more to eat. We have lots to catch up on. xxx

    1. Ooh! Sounds like fun Patricia! Enjoy your day. Xx

    2. Well that sound like a fabulous day for you Patricia so as the saying goes, eat, drink and be merry! Have a great day. xx

    3. It will be the wellies then hihi
      Have a super day ! xx

    4. Maybe not wellies, but a walking stick might in order for john to get down that path if they are taking you to where I think you might go? A warm cardigan could be needed as the water will still be icy from the mountains. Hazel x

  18. Hope you have a lovely meal Patricia and chat.

  19. Well Helloooo!
    I've finally reached the bottom - not rock bottom!
    It has taken me a long time with many an interruption along the way!
    Sandra - I'm putting my tin hat on - you see I love all the work you have done and your beautiful flowers - but - as I said the other day I don't really care for round or oval cards! Now I know this is strange but I'm a bit strange - just ask Muriel! It takes one to know one you see! Ha ha!
    I agree you should send it off to Tonic or C&C or both because they will love it!
    I have left comments all the way down.
    I said it last night very late - I'm very sorry you have been so upset! I was even sorrier to learn it was your Mum who had upset you! Sandra - you are a lovely lady. Please try to rise above this! Sending love and hugs! Xx
    Hope you not suffering from yesterday's Chelsea look alike! Xx
    Love to everyone, including my friend Norah!
    Miss you,
    Love Myra xxx

  20. Sandra I have just popped in to see what was happening and then checked the late posts of yesterday as I could not work out what had happened. I just had a feeling all was not well with you. What ever was said please do remember we are all here for you no matter what, and anyone who has gone to all the time and trouble with this blog and brought us all together deserves to be loved as much as you are, so please, please, please never forget that no matter what. You are a wonderful caring person with a lovely supportive and loving family to be so proud of, so please look to the positives in your life. Regard this persons remarks with the contempt it deserves, quite often you will find it is that little green monster that makes people act in such a cruel manner so come on sweetheart, chin up, close that door and put your best foot forward and step ahead remembering we all love and care for you.
    With much love and hugs
    Margaret xxxxx

  21. Helloooooooooooooo.
    I want you all to feel my pain. Wading through ironing, two loads for me, two lots of washing I did for Rachel while she's away (as a surprise) and mega loads for Lena (my next door neighbour). Her husband came with ANOTHER 10 shirts that he had found (I think he's taking the Michael). Well, I have done mine, nearly finished Rachel's and then there was only Lena's to do when George shouted "Dinner's ready". Stay with me please, nearly finished!! Had my dinner (lovely roast beef) and took my plate into kitchen, then as I walked back out I caught the gravy tin with my arm and knocked it on the floor. Gravy has gone all over kitchen floor, walls, cabinet doors and into passage all over passage wall and carpet. I've been on forever washing, then steaming the kitchen floor, washing the walls, and now George has the carpet washing machine out to do the passage carpet. When he's finished, I've to go into the door frames with a toothbrush to get the gravy out of the fancy bits - AND I've still got Rachel's ironing to finish and Lena's to start. I could cry - but I won't because George would come to see what's the matter, and I'd have to do the carpet myself ha ha. By the way, George is almost crying because he's missing the Newcastle match. They'll go down, bet you 10 bob!!
    Love Muriel xxx

    1. Oh Muriel!
      Isn't it amazing how far something like that can go! What a shame! I am worried about George's hopes for Newcastle - but we may be proved wrong! Where did the ten shirts come from - that's more than a week's worth! I know I often had more as work shirts were taken off and " relaxing " shirts put on! With three men in the house I used to have 21 shirts per week at least! All the work ones had double cuffs - drove me nuts! You have my sincere sympathy! Wasn't today supposed to be a rest? Xxx

    2. Newcastle have survived! Congratulations George!! Xxx

    3. Our Calum is pleased they survived too, he follows them. And can't wait to go round their grounds in July. Hazel x

    4. Oh Muriel
      I could cry for you, you poor love, but at least George will be happy Newcastle has won, so they will be staying up so I am reliably informed by Derek. By the way he says to tell George it was a cracking match!
      Look on the bright side you could have knocked the gravy before you had dinner, then you would have rushed dinner to get on with the cleaning and had indigestion too. I wish I lived nearer as I love ironing and would have helped, bless you, I do hope you get the carpet sorted.
      By the way I think you should keep an eye on Myra she is sending your George kisses!!
      With love
      Margaret xxx


    5. Now Margaret don't you stir it!! You did make me laugh I didn't even think what I was doing! Xxx

    6. OMG Muriel, how annoying you must have had a lot of gravy left over in that tin to make so much mess everywhere like that.all I can say you made a B....y good job of it..
      You must have been the ironing super woman are you Nuts doing that much ironing in one day then to be given an extra 10 shirts that was a bit cheeky of your neighbour. At least George is a happy bunny as Newcastle one xx
      I hope your going to rest tomorrow Muriel.
      Love Lynda xxx

  22. Oh Maureen, I can see the mess, no wonder you could cry!!! Gravy OMG. It's the carpet that is going to take the most cleaning!!! Leave the bit of Rachel ironing, she will be grateful,for what you have done, your neighbours can wait, you took it in. It would still be out there as it sounds like her husband can't iron.
    I am being good my feet are up and I am making the boxes up nearly finished. Chris and the girls came in for a little while. Still no thank you for Lauren's gift, I made a point of telling Chris how wonderful his x cut happy birthday etc die were. Plus the other bits he gave me for my birthday. He was going down to Gillian's to get his and the girls feet seen too, poor Gillian was hoping to have a day off of doing feet. But please Maureen take it easy their is tomorrow, ok not for cleaning the gravy up. Hazel xxx

    1. Oh Maureen, not sure to laugh or cry reading what you done, bless you. It's unbelievable where gravy,custard and batter can go. Oh yes have been there too ! omg aren't we alike ooooops.
      Leave the shirts and the rest of the ironing and put your feet up, nope you can't then at least have a nice evening with washed carpets and clean walls!
      How's Newcastle doing ? xxx

    2. Oh Maureen all that ironing and then to have to have that gravy spillage after....grrrrrr! I do feel for you especially as I detest Ironing so only iron what really needs doing....I really would go doo-lally if I had to do other peoples! Hope you managed to enjoy your lovely roast though.

      Love Sheila xx

    3. Yoooooo Hoooooooo
      I do normally enjoy ironing, I put the TV on and just go through it with the background noise on, but I'm still not finished it, however I have packed up for the evening, as I'm starting to feel sickly.. Lena's husband can iron, he was in the Navy and then the Police Force, but of course he would prefer me to do it. I can't believe the number of shirts he's given me to do. I only took about 8 off the line, and it's not as though he goes out dressed all the time, well he is dressed but casually!!!
      I took Rachel's ironing up to her house this evening, and decided to get the girls school skirts and trousers to wash as the trousers I had on got covered in gravy, so they are steeping and I thought if I was going to do them, I might as well get other stuff to put in the washer..
      Well, that's enough about my moans for today. I'm not moaning about the ironing, just having to break off and do a mega clean as when I cleaned last summer I thought it would last until at least July of this year ha ha.
      Karen and Maria, have your bottoms and throats recovered from the get together yesterday? Did security move you on? I'd love to be a fly on the wall when they check their security cameras and see the pair of you sitting there for hours lol!!!!
      I can vouch that Sheila's exploding box is amazing. So beautiful and I must have a go. Trouble is there's so much I want to try to do and so little time to do it!
      Hazel, when I've finished this I am going for a bath. Must get the gravy out of my toenails and from between my toes somehow! Fortunately I was wearing my Crocs when the meat dish went for a burton, so I just flung them in the sink and doused them with water, but I haven't had time to do my feet, which are now a gorgeous suntanned shade of gravy brown ha ha.
      Patricia, I hope your surprise day is a good one, I hate nasty surprises lol.
      Margaret, I think it'll be a case of putting my bag in the microwave when I come out of the bath and I'll use it. I've kept my eye on Myra for a while, she gets far too familiar with George for my liking.
      huh just let her meet him while she's wearing a scarf, she'll be sorry ha ha ha !!!!
      Hazel, I've just remembered, I've got a photo of me wearing a tin hat (the rimless sort the Americans wore in WW2) when we went to the War Museum. I look like Benny Hill in it!!! Really I do. When is Callum going to United's ground. We've been a few times as my brother often has his Birthday parties there, and the tour is quite good. It's not good that Lauren still hasn't thanked you for her present. Good manners cost nothing.
      Has Saba been in, and I must e mail Cheryl to see how she is but I must go and have that bath, my toes are sticking together ugh.
      Muriel xxx

    4. Maureen they are taking him the beginning of July, they are flying from Newcastle to go on holiday and are going down the day before, not really sure which day, he asked if he could go round St James park seeing they are there, he loves that when they go any where that has a goid team. Enjoy your bath, oh after all this time none of asked if you are ok and didn't get burnt or did the tray hurt your foot??. That wasn't nice if us!!. I think we could all just image the ness. Did it gone out of the carpet? You talking about doing the girls uniform , when I was at Tammy's yesterday, I put on a wash with the boys trousers and Calum's school coat. Pegged it out and her friend took it in when see came to see to the cats at night. Tammy was so great full. I to love ironing, I have a pile to do in the morning plus the bedding, Hazel x

    5. Oh Maureen, we shouldn't laugh at the vision you have created in our mind, but I am sure we have all had a major food mess catastrophe. I know I have had a few, one of which involved a mincing attachment(not properly attached) and a large quantity of chicken liver, onions and butter when I was making pate. Kitchen was well scrubbed that day. I take it you were OK?

  23. Hi Sandra and all,
    wow,wow,wow, I love your card and those flowers you have are wonderful !
    You have made a fantastic job with your new dies and like I said before you are a master in putting together a card anyone would be thrilled to receive, love it!
    I'm so sorry to hear about the phone call that made you so upset, hope it sorts itself out in time. You can choose your friends but not the family ,been there got the t-shirt...... How's you "bum,knees and toes" today ? Paul was not digging the 6ftx6ft hole was he ? tihi
    When I saw Patricia sleeping in this morning and she posted before 7 I felt quite bad, don't know what K did to me but I slept in to 11 hihi yes you see right 11am!
    My OH said I must have needed it, probably, but yack how you feel the rest of the day. Time for a snack and coffee, see you later love and hugs to all Maria xxx

  24. Maria, that is a lie in for my big sister!!! I enjoyed mine and 8.30 is a long, long lie in for me. Hazel x

    1. Hazel still no sign of Patricia, surely she will not still be eating! One thing is for sure she will be in need of another lie in tomorrow after all this frivolity today don't you think? Margaret xx

    2. Margaret, I think she may be even later in tomorrow!!! xxx

  25. Margaret and Maureen, they will be out with Janet and Alan friends from when they lived there, they will have gone up the mountain to some very out of the way Turkish eating place, then back to the hotel and they will be chatting catching up, and oh boy Janet and Alan will be putting the world to rights. So yes she might have a lie in tomorrow. The two of them will have been having a ball, we always do when we go out with Janet and Alan when we go. Hazel x

  26. Good evening everyone.Maria & Karen so pleased you had a lovely time together yesterday,sounds like M & S security had to move you both on for chair loitering haha, hope you make another meet up soon.
    Muriel hope you feel better after you soak In the bath did you get all the gravy out of your toes hihi. I bet you will sleep well tonight are you draining the Baylies tanker you deserve a gallon or two xx.
    Sandra hope you had a good day with Paul & your children & enjoy your bank holiday Monday whatever your all doing.
    MARGARET I'm so grateful for your Rice bags thay have been a godsend with my bad Black well I have one on my back one on my shoulders & one on my neck,so thank you very very much xx
    Well try & get back & see what the night owls are up to they have been very quiet lately,
    Love Lynda xx

  27. Sandra, I have just been catching up with today's gossip, then had to go back and check last night. Oh my honey, you have been so upset. I guess your Mum is like my Mum-in-law. Puts her mouth in action before the brain is in gear. My best friend says she (MIL) has managed to upset her in every decade of her life. She just never thinks that anything can be upsetting or hurtful.
    I read something recently that I think is good advice.. It said "just chuck it in the f*** it bucket and move on"
    You can't pick your family but we are all here for you. With hugs and broad shoulders.
    And if you can make cards like this when upset...girl, get on a design team. This is GORGEOUS.

    Right, much as I would love to sit awhile and have a bucket of Baileys, I must go and have a shower and get to bed. It may be a holiday for many, but I have been soooo busy. Any idea how many sheets and towels I have washed today? I am knackered.
    So night night.

  28. Janice, I have been there to with us running a ski/ adventure training lodge for 21/2 years. Groups stayed for two weeks but we had lots of one or two nighters, which they thought was great to come for these breaks, but oh boy that was hard work, you were stripping and remaking beds, then cleaning the rooms and then the washing and ironing? So I know what you feel like. Hazel x

  29. Hello and Good Night,
    I no longer smell like Sunday dinner, and my feet and toes are beautifully clean and sweet smelling (along with the rest of me).
    Janice, I wish I'd heard your saying years ago when my MIL and SIL's thought it was their God given right to say and do whatever they liked, no matter how hurtful. I've hitched the intravenous drip up to the Baileys tanker for you, so you can just lie in bed and get blotto!!!
    I've tidied up and the dishwasher is ready to go on, but be quiet you night owls, Patricia will be tired when she gets in.
    Night, night, sleep tight and sweet dreams.
    Love Muriel xxx

  30. Hi everyone,
    Peace reigns again in SW16. It has bee

    1. Not sure what happened there.
      Any way calm has returned to this household. We have had a lovely day. I have cooked for England. But love it. And we have not got lots of leftovers to eat, it has been lovely. Seen all of our grandchildren. It was especially lovely to see Grandson who has Asperger syndrome join in with his cousins in team games. I can not tell you how lovely that was to see. I really do pray for him. But then for different reasons I pray for all of our grandchildren. Life seem such a challenge to everyone.
      Very tired - Don't know why!!! So think I will go to my bed..
      Love and hugs to all. Brenda xxx

  31. Looks like I could be last so will just tidy up etc., and make a hot chocolate and go to bed. night.

  32. Night Night Everyone!
    Brenda - you have had a busy day but you've clearly enjoyed it! All our grandchildren are very precious and they are growing up in a pretty tough world!
    Brenda - Littlelamb - hope you've had a good day too!
    Sleep well,
    God Bless, Love Myra xxx

  33. I'm here! At a Salsa do I just needed a sit down for a few minutes
    SANDRA your card is stunning I finished a card this morning and used a resin flower from The Works - 1st timer and spooky I hope to put it on my blog on Tue
    Security left us alone and I have to say that the chairs in M&S cafe were quite comfy
    These bags filled with rice are intriguing me!
    Take care Sandra It's more upsetting to receive a load I'd aggro and upset when it's a relative isn't it
    I don't drink - plays havoc with the diabetes but I did treat myself to some Baileys fudge when ai was in Scarborough so I'm going to have a tiny slither of it and go to bed
    Night All
    Send that card to Tonic or C&C Sandra

  34. Yes Myra I did have a good. Went out with the family to a National Trust place not far away. Had dinner with them then came home and then felt quite low. Think it's being on my own. Never mind there are worse people off than me and I mustn't complain. See you all tomorrow. Night.

  35. Brenda ( Littlelamb) sending you a special goodnight hug to wrap around you. Hope it helps you sleepLOL. Brenda xxx

  36. Thank you Brenda. Yes the hug did help me sleep LOL. Feel better today. Going out with a friend to a very nice garden centre. Unfortunately it doesn't have a craft section but does have lots of other nice things.
