
Tuesday 21 April 2015

Tutorial for Tuesday

Good Morning Ladies,
I have managed to finally turn Michele's pdf download file into a format that I can upload to my blog,
well when I say 'I' what I actually mean is Paul managed to change and upload the tutorial for the
Exploding box card, I hope that you will be able to zoom in on it if you need to
The Instructions look fairly straight forward
and easy to follow ( well we'll see).
I look forward to having a blog post made up
photos of all of your exploding cards.
I can put the other photos of exploding boxes up if anyone wants to see them for inspiration or you can just go back through the posts.
I would like to thank Michele for taking the time
and trouble she went to uploading these instructions for us, she did send me an email
today with the other instructions in but there are a few technical difficulties, as soon as I have it sorted I will post it for you. Thank you Michele x

Well I hope you all have your tv boxes set for
Sue's shows on Ideal World and Create and Craft
starting tonight at 9pm, with John doing the following two shows at 11pm and 9am.
I am looking forward to all of the inspiration that
Sue brings us, I like to record the shows too as
often Sue has brand new cards on there that we
haven't seen, I guess she will have made a lot as she was supposed to do two separate days
before it got changed to today.
But I will take Sue shows anyway I can get them,
I am not sure as yet what dies it will be, maybe the Greek Island dies, as we haven't seen too much of those ones up until now.
Lets make sure we bombard them with emails,
I think it confused them when they had a few emails from the Café !
Will I am off to have a practice at an exploding box, or I may get round to using my new toy and
leave the box until Pat comes to play tomorrow.
Love and Hugs to each and everyone of you
amazing friends,
Sandra xxxxxx


  1. Good morning Sandra and the Gang, hope you are all Tickety Boo!!
    WOW!! Thick, thick frost here this morning, looks like a dusting of snow on the newly ploughed field.
    Michele that's a fantasticTutorial, have made lots of these and they are always so well accepted. You have explained it brilliantly, I could stand up and explain it but to do what you have done ... no way!!! Congratulations on that. Now we need the Notlet Box. What a cheek we all have, well me anyway!!!
    Made myself some Tea & Toast, money in the pot.
    Tables all set up, hope they are as nice a s Steph did yesterday. Urn full, switched on and singing away. Goodies all sorted as well as the cups and mugs.
    Off to iron the washing I did yesterday. By the time we got back from the shopping trip, put everything away I could not be bothered Ironing, certainly not all the bedding anyway.
    Ok folks for all who are ill, in pain or just a little down, I am leaving the basket topped up with (((((hugs)))))by the door please help yourselves.
    Will be back later to see how you are.

    1. Hi Patricia,
      Thanks my lovely for calling in and setting up, I really appreciate it!
      Goodness me this weather needs to make it's mind up, doesn't it!
      You do not know what wear, it's layer, upon layer for me, that way you can peel them off, mind you yesterday I was adding more on, come on Summer and warm sunshine!
      Do you ever have a day purely to relax Patricia? You constantly seem to be on the go!
      Now you seem to fe somewhat of a domestic goddess Patricia, I need a new vacuum cleaner, we have had the sand Dyson DC07 for years, it has served us well, but like many of us as we age it is staring to lose it's suction and it has a few sections that are held together with tape, I would appreciate any recommendations, thank you xxx
      Sandra xxxxxx

    2. Sandra do you know that dyson rebuild your Hoover and not that expensive, a new motor, hose and fillters man came to the house to do it £78, they say as long as your frame is ok everything else can be replaced. I wouldn't have any other Hoover, but hate the ball one they have at work. Hazel x

    3. I would say exactly the same as Hazel 100%

  2. Morning Sandra and all the gals,

    Thank you for these instructions, always wondered how these boxes were made.

    Loved yesterdays card from Sheila, wow! It was amazing, so beautiful, definitely a keepsake.

    Love &Hugs

    Jacquie J xxx

  3. Morning Ladies

    Can't wait to see Sue on TV-will have to record all the shows & watch when hubby is away again(Thursday & Friday).

    I can't take any credit for the instructions-they are from an old craft magazine which I kept. I have a few A4 files of ideas to try, along with my PHD box!!!

    Notelet instructions sent last night to Sandra-worried now if you're having technical difficulties Sandra.

    Looks like another beautiful day here-shame I'll miss most of it but never mind. Might go for a walk when I get home from work.


    1. Hi Michele,
      Can you please send me the email for the new box again as there was no attachment in the message you sent from work I believe.
      Paul managed to sort this one for me last night, it has worked out well, thanks for all your time and trouble copying and uploading it, that'd not as straight forward as it sounds!
      I will wait for you to resend the next one.
      Sandra xxxxx

  4. Morning everyone,
    It's an early morning for me as I have an appointment at the bank this morning just to sort out a few details. Will pop into the cafe later to have a proper chat. Great instructions Michele it's so kind of you to pass them on .....I haven't tried one of these boxes yet so must give it a go.
    Hugs added to the pot for those of you who need them I have plenty to spare, and I hope your days get better very soon. Missing you Sam.
    Looking forward to Sue's shows tonigh she has been such an inspiration to me.

    Love and Hugs
    Sheila xxx

    1. Good morning Sheila lovely too see you.Hope your visit too the bank goes ok will see you later love Lynda xx

  5. Good morning Shelia, great to see you in and chatting.
    Hope you got on OK at the Bank
    Hugs xxx

  6. Morning everyone, tea and toast for me today, Patricia put me
    in the mood as the smell of toast always makes me want to eat it,
    Thanks for the instructions for the pop up box Michelle, will have a better look when I get back from my little stint in my friends craft shop today, wonder what goodies I will have today!!,
    Will catch up later, tea and toast finished, dishes washed and money in till, take care everyone, Jess x

  7. Me again, just been in Ideal World site to have a look at what Sue was doing today, and there are no pictures of some of her new items making us wait!!!

    1. Hi Jess, it looks like a good variety, some expensive big collections of the Greek and Carribean collections, which are the ones that haven't been as popular so far, so they may sell well. I hope so for Sue's sake.
      There are lots of smaller collections and a few of the new e folders too, I am really looking forward to watching her shows tomorrow!
      I hope you have you're recorder set !

  8. That's me back in after doing my 2 hours, I will sit and have a nice cup of tea and a toasted tea cake please. Off to make s pot of pasta sauce, lots of bits of veg in the veg box of fridge so with those plus I will add in extras. Beth asked what I was going home to do and I told her, making pasts sauce " oh goodies I will have that for tea". So that's the problem by the time I give Tammy some as well I cant see much going in the freezer. Beautiful morning it's turned out considering the frost we had at 6.
    Great instructions for the pop up box, I have made a few of these and Beth loves doing them.
    Sheila, lovely to see you in again? Hope your visit to the bank doesnt cause any problems.
    Sam, are you ok?
    Steph are you ok too?
    I have put (((((( hugs)))))) in for any one who is in need!
    Maria nearly forgot that you weren't to good yesterday, take it easy but keep moving. It helps!!
    Right off to chop those veggies. I have put my money in the pot and tidied up.
    Hazel x

  9. Hello Sandra and everyone,
    Michelle thank you so much for sending these in structuring to Sandra I haven't read them all yet but have copied them into words on my computer, so I can print them out when I'm ready to have a go. If anyone hasn't got a computer/printer I'm happy to post you a copy of the instructions, just email me my email address is my name in lowercase @
    Come another busy day today so I'm trying to get my comments out a bit earlier sorry haven't even time for a cuppa and I'm off in a short while for my INR check. Then meeting up with friends for lunch. And on return John and I are going to his friends funeral at 3:45. Not sure how we both feel after that one is going to be a very very sad occasion.
    Hope you're all having a good day and the sun is shining where you are. Sending love and hugs to everyone.
    Love Brenda XXX

    NORAH , Where are you? I'm missing you and all of your lovely stories, hope wee Rory is okay, and Kristen enjoying her pregnancy. And how are you getting on with that beautiful blue shawl. Sending you love and hugs, and hope you are well LOL

    1. Brenda, hope everything has gone as well as it could this afternoon. I've been thinking of you.
      Love Myra xxx

  10. Can you guess I'm in a hurry again!
    Michelle thank you for the instructions LOL

  11. Brenda. Patricia and I are worried we have scared her off after our meet up. Didn't think we were that bad!!! Worrying as we do t want to scare off everyone in October. Hazel x

    1. Hazel,
      You won't scare us off! You haven't met me yet! Lol!
      I'm sure you haven't upset Norah . She said she had a lovely day. I'm sure she's just not up to posting at the moment. Norah hasn't been on Sue's blog either. Don't worry!
      Norah - we all miss you but I'm sure you know that. Come back very soon . Xxx

  12. Hello Sandra,
    I hope you are well today and I'll help myself to a latte and slice of toast with butter and cinnamon - lovely. You sit still and I'll put the money in the pot.
    Thanks to you and Paul for putting the instructions for the box on your blog. And thanks to you Michele for sending them to you - I bet I can guess what we'll all be doing next!!
    I'm with you Patricia, looking forward to getting the instructions for the box with the notelet cards. I'll be making that a.s.a.p. as well!!! We are going to be busy, busy, busy.
    Well, girls sorted and off to school, washing out, upstairs tidied and going to do downstairs next. We'll walk to the shops (good selection of local shops about half an hour away) just for the exercise, and may pop in for a coffee, but no cake,
    It's such a lovely day that I think I may try to do a little bit of gardening, but am not going to overdo it. It's so easy to get carried away and then need a good rub down with horse liniment!!! Or we might just go for a walk along the bridle paths. Choices, choices.
    Jess, I was going to have a sneaky peek on Ideal World, but I'll leave it until after lunch, there may be some pictures on then. How dare they keep us in suspenders!
    Well, can't sit here all day, so I'm off to finish my housework and then a lovely stroll to the shops, admiring peoples gardens on the way!
    I hope all who are not too well today, or who are feeling down, soon pick up.
    Love and hugs to all.
    Muriel xxx

    1. Maureen, had a wee laugh at you and the Horse Limiment!!!
      John has problems with his knees. He gets cream specially made up to rub on. I love the smell but the boys always say "Grandpas using the Horse Liniment again"
      Have a nice trip out ........ I wrote that then had an awful thought ........!!!

  13. Need a cuppa ..... quick!!
    Went to get the ends cut off my hair leaving the washing buzzing happily in the machine.
    Got home and John had hung out the washing ..... Oh! dear! what do I do??
    All hung out but not MY way. Peg colours mixed, things not hung right........!!!!
    Calm down Patricia it's just washing!!!
    Ooooo!!! needed that tea!!!
    John is such a daring, I don't want to hurt his feeling so will NOT look out at the washing. Not easy I see it out of a few of the back windows. .
    Ok, tea finished, cup washed, money in the pot.

  14. Oh dear me, my big sister is going to be in a tizz all day if she doesn't go and repeg that washing. Now me on a nice day like this I would go out feel the washing, then unpeg it turn it and peg it at the other ends, just so those wet bits at the top get dry!!! Washing sorted out no feelings hurt!!! Hazel x

    1. Washing sorted!!! a fair bit of it is ready for ironing. Feel much better now, off to get it ironed.

  15. Morning all OH NO Patricia, not the male version of putting out laundry ? ! Im also having a panic attack for you hon ! Has he been arrested yet ? If not why not ? What was his stupid excuse " thought id help" ? Yep, heard that one too ! For goodness sake DONT let him bring it in or you'll have the odd sock by the shirt, the undies by the towels... Pant pant relax - phew it has to be the largest item in first finishing with the undies and socks at the top (in our house anyway) lol !
    Has anyone heard the sound effects in Sue's video today ? If you listen really hard you may hear a dog barking lol. Thought it was the GC handle at first but no deffo a dog : )
    I know Sue is filming all day today so Mr I love the smell of fame is doing the 11pm show and the first 2 tomorrow so Ive cancelled my first set up and deleated his show's and re set for Sue's show's only. Sorry, cant stand him, when Sue called him a "sweetheart" for stepping in to do those show's for her to allow her to rest after her day of filming, I felt like saying " its more like for his own gain as he wants to feel fame and get recognised" !!! Huh, no mistaking that face. Meow. Sorry to those that like him. Anyway, Ive had my judgement for being nasty, as I managed to twist my ankle yesterday on one of my first outings since last year, I missed my footing as I got over a stye and slightly twisted my right ankle, it was fine and carried on walking but around 8pm last night the pain hit with such force it reduced me to tear's so Im stuck on the sofa with an ice pack round my ankle, no den again and stuck indoor's again - so haha that's my judgement for saying how it is rather than keep my thoughts to myself !
    Looking forward to your 2nd tutorial Michele for the notelet box : )
    Have a lovely day everyone. Cafe looks beautiful by the way.
    Hope your panic attacks subside soon Patricia.
    Lancashire Steph xx

    1. Oh! Steph, my feelings exactly but not saying any more.......!!!
      I don't want to be suffering like you ((((((hugs)))) in hope they help.
      Off to do what Hazel suggested re:- the washing.

    2. You know me, I would never say anything detrimental, so I'll just say ditto to you and Patricia (curtsey) PhD, MOBE. xxx

    3. P.S. Steph, meant to say tht I was sorry to read about your trip. I'd better watch my step, oops xx

    4. Oh Steph,
      Follow that as they say! Sorry you twisted your ankle - that can be so sore . Just as you got out in the sunshine too! Chin up as well as your feet! Xxx

    5. Steph, in total agreement with you, don't like the guy either, can stand him, hope I don't fall over would take a crane to life me back up. Hope your ankle is getting better, x

    6. Should be cant stand him!

    7. He's just jumping on the bandwagon if you ask me!

  16. Good morning Sandra and all the coffee shop crew
    Michele and Paul thank you so much for all the trouble you have gone to to get the instructions to us all I for one really do appreciate all your work as do others. are very good for electrical large and small and their prices are good too. I have used them several times and as long as you don't need the item the very next day delivery is free and with larger items they will take your old appliance away for less than our local council will and they do deliver when they say they are going to, they also take all the packaging away too.
    Lidl are getting window cleaners in shortly I believe but not the same make as Patricia's but they are cheaper!!!
    A notice for your craft room doors ladies, seen on Papermill direct


    I liked this notice thought some of you may too!

    It reminded me of a little notice I had in my office,
    Miracles I can perform...
    The impossible take just a little longer!!
    Well enjoy your day and hopefully the lovely sunshine Sheila hope all went well at the bank, lovely to see you call in.
    Take care
    Margaret xx

    1. Love it Margaret. That's my excuse from now on. Hazel x

    2. Brilliant, love it. That will be my excuse for that bit of the Kitchen Worktop we can't see at the moment!!!

    3. OK, just off to write this on my craftroom door. That's exactly why.

    4. Margaret - that's my excuse too! Great Notice! I need to stick one in the window for the window cleaner's benefit! Xxx

    5. Myra,
      I am so mega happy because we changed our window cleaner and he doesn't do ladders!!! He uses one of those stick things with a brush and continuous water flow (sounds a bit like me!!!! ooh, too much information). Anyway, he never sees in the upstairs windows. xxx

    6. I have seen a sign in our local garden centre which says,


      was thinking about buying it

    7. I like that Margaret ! will say it when I take over the kitchen

      Oh Myra ,we used to have window cleaners using ladders but they stopped quite a few years ago now, health and safety or was it after what they saw through our bedroom window one afternoon, hmmmm cant't remember. lol

    8. Oh Maria! You are so funny - I often wonder why the window cleaner doesn't fall off the ladder when he looks in the craft room window! Other times he must think Blimey she's tidied up! Xxx

  17. Sorry ladies that should have said are very good for electrical appliances!

  18. Oh Steph sorry to hear about your accident was it too much Baileys! Only joking I do hope that ankle is soon improving, bless you trouble is not to go looking for.
    As for HIM you are not alone be assured I for one will not be watching either, I wholeheartedly agree with your view of him, so don't you worry.
    Margaret xx

  19. Steph,sorry your are laid up with your ankle. Oh you made me laugh with the washing pegging out thing? I do think it's a OCD with a lot of us? We're as young ones either don't peg out or to me throw it at the line and hope it lands on it then stick a peg in - yes one peg! Or it's a top, sock, trousers, towel. Now what my horror is that they put everything in one wash? Reguardless of colours or item! At work yesterday it was even worse Lesley had washed horse rug and bits in the horse washer and had pegged them out on the back rope, cleaner then! we'll I cant say pegged! Maybe hung would be a way to describe the bedding on the same line next to the horse rug was the pillow cases? These are Oxford style hung inside out first mistake in my book, then the fitted sheet well I can't say how it was. To crown it she hung the duvet cover inside out on the line in front of the horse rug then put the clothes prop so the cover was touching the horse rug!!! Get the idea HORSE HAIRS!!! On everything. No brains at all? Hazel x. P.S. I was good and left it, not my problem these days.

    1. Oh Hazel,
      Just the thought off the horse blanket touching the bedding, gives me chills, you may as well have not bothered washing the bedding!
      Surely it's a lack of common sense right there!
      Now Oxford pillow cases inside out!, so the extra edging will all be tucked up inside!
      To me, if you hang your washing out properly it cuts your ironing time by quite a bit, I watched a video clip yesterday of how to fold a fitted sheet, it is genius !
      Topic change now, anyone watching Jenny Mayes on C & C, she has a cute new Donkey Stamp!

  20. Hi everyone, Good instructions today, I love making these boxes, they are so much fun. It may look a bit complicated, but once you have done one, then you will be off, mass manufacturing.
    Sorry some of you don't like John, but I have been following his blog long before he joined CE. Sue had been watching him for some time and approached him to join them. Perhaps his style just appeals to me much more than some other designers, but we can't all like the same. There are lots I can't stand either.
    Right, unlike the ladies getting the washing done, my morning has been spent at the computer, and I now have to get some of these letters posted, so a walk along the street to the post office is next. A bit of fresh air and sunshine, then back to get on with the dreaded VAT return. Will need the baileys tonight. Time I was retired and away from this.
    See you all later

    1. Hi Janice, we'll have one or five Baileys tonight and the VAT return will be a distant memory xx

  21. Hi Sandra
    Thanks yo Michelle for sending the instructions for the pop up box. A special thanks to Paul for persevering and managing to upload them onto your blog. I don't think NORAH has done a runner because you met up Patricia, as you all sound such lovely ladies. I'll be recording Sues show and Johns as he's very nice and I like his cards although not fussy on the bows. I had a good chat with him at Ally Pally and he was very helpful. He even showed me how to do the technique I was asking him about.

  22. Afternoon Sandra and friends,
    Michele, I like to make one of these ,she is saying with gritted teeth hihi Nice of you to sending in the instructions so maybe one day.
    Thank you all for my well wishes, it warmed me a lot and I managed to have a sit in the pool this morning ,moving my aching limbs a bit. I am a true believer in moving gently if in discomfort so hopefully I will feel a lot better tomorrow or so even if in a zombie, comatosed state . Maybe I should give that liniment a go hihi planning a trip to a garden centre tomorrow and I don't know about you but it is so lovely, smelling the flowers and people watching.
    Hope you had a nice time Myra meeting up with your friends.
    Oh Patricia are you ok now or is your heart still racing ,aaah bless him he only trying to help, so glad he is a very daring man and still did it without permission.
    How come men can't do things the way we do it. I mean it's not much to ask for is it that the tops to be hanged out properly and the knickers flying freely in the wind and not looking like a big turd sitting on the line.
    Margaret I'm glad you sorted out the confusion rg. the electric thingies ,I got worried there for a moment hihi!
    Steph, how you doing ? keep that foot high and rested.take care !
    Brenda, hope you had a nice lunch with your friends .I will be thinking of you and John this pm. hope it all goes well.
    To our missing friends, hope you are alright.
    Lunchtime being served, no not really only wishful thinking haha,
    see you later
    Love and hugs Maria xx

    1. Oh you take care Maria, I'm sorry you are feeling so rough and hopefully things will be a bit easier tomorrow. What you need is a good dose of WD40, or a few Baileys, come and join Janice and me xxx

    2. Maria,
      Sorry your not so good, hopefully you'll be a bit better tomorrow.
      I managed to get over the "heebee jeebees" about the washing. It's all dried, ironed and put way ....... I really need to grow out of silly things!!!!

    3. Evening ladies,
      Rg. the WD40 my OH agree's with you Maureen, blooming cheek hihi
      I'm checking the trains now.......
      Glad you have calmed down Patricia, life is to short for all that stress! My OH better not load the dishwasher, wouldn't mind if he or son emptied sometimes but if / when they do I never find the things in their right place so.....

    4. That's one thing I don't get to touch ....... the Dishwasher.
      John does that and he does not like me putting things in, always do it wrong!!! Can you believe that??

    5. I occasionally get the dishwasher emptied for me - this is not always a blessing - things get lost or I have a kitchen table full of items for whom my husband can't find a home! I never complain though! Wellllll maybe occasionally! Xxx

    6. Hi Maria sorry your not feeling so good hope you feel better tomorrow.When I went to the doctors a couple months ago for my bad back wanted stronger tablets,he just went humm & said buy some Tiger balm & that's all Ihe said I did get some it gets quite warm but it doesn't stop the pain only eases it while it stays warm.Hope our new doctor is more sympathetic. Anyway Maria please take care
      Perhaps we should go vist Maureen & help her out with the Baylies if we can prise it out of her hand that is .hihi. Hug's Lynda xx

    7. Hi Lynda,
      I'm afraid we better bring our own bottle, can't see one being enough when Janice is on it too hihi What is your favorite tipple ,if you were drinking at all ?
      Time for some painkillers and to bed,soon lol must look in to Sue's first
      see you around,
      hugs Maria xx

    8. Hi Lynda
      Did you see the program on TV a couple of weeks ago where a doctor tried hot and cold pain rubs to see which one was best. He had temperature probes in his leg and nothing changed it was just a sensation on the skin. It was really interesting. Best thing, ice or hot water bottle!!! Xxx

  23. Thank you Michele for the instructions I will add that to my "to try" list
    STOP PRESS I have just got from PO and Lidll next door to PO are advertising from Thursday 23rd a step stool for £2.99

    1. I know, we've just come in from Lidl and saw that and a window vac which is also on sale from Thursday. I may drag George there for the window vac as soon as girls are on the school bus. You will all be relieved to know that I have taken one of the step stools from the garage and tucked it under my desk - now I only have to remember to use it!!! xx

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  24. Hi Sandra,
    I keep being interrupted today! What a glorious day it is really warm and sunny!
    Michele - many thank for the details on how to make the box! I will certainly give it a try! Thanks to, to Paul and Sandra - what a team!
    I'm afraid I don't know the gentleman under attack today! I have seen lots of his cards on Pinterest and some are really lovely. I shall watch with interest.
    I have been a wee bit naughty and ordered a card pack as it contained colours I really like including blues and soft pink. I think it will sell out too. However I also think that the free p&p ends at 9pm tonight so I thought I'd take advantage of that too.
    I have been out in the garden a lot today - first of all we were able to have coffee in the garden with our friends who came this morning. My husband and I had lunch outdoors too and then I put some ranunculus in. I've been meaning to do that for days!
    Soon be time for coffee in the garden! Ha ha! Bit of a lazy day today although I have done a load of washing and generally tidied up and vacuumed where necessary!
    Sandra - re Vacuum Cleaner! I have an Oreck! I love it as it is light and I have to carry it upstairs. My dyson nearly killed me trying to do that! I have a cylinder Vax Poewr7 which I use for stairs and hard floors,. Both are very good .
    Hope this helps!
    Have a lovely day everyone!
    Love Myra xxx

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. Hi Myra, Thanks for the thumbs up on the card. I've just popped over and ordered some. Usually, by the time I see it, it's sold out.
      Whatever you do SANDRA don't get a Sebo. I have one and it's fantastic for picking up but so heavy. George has to carry it up and down stairs for me and sometimes even has to do the hoovering, although I pull the chairs, etc out of the way because he wouldn't dream of moving anything. xx

    3. Hi Myra, I did the same as you and ordered the pack of card, the pastel one, free p&p can't be ignored can it, x

    4. Definitely not and the card selection is lovely! So pleased you both got ladies! Xx

    5. Got it ladies! Oops! Xx

    6. Tried to order but it's now got Postage on it.
      I really don't need any more card ....... but I would have liked it!!!

    7. Sorry you missed it Patricia - although it said free p&p until 9 pm! Xx

  25. Hello everyone - just back from a nice long walk with the dogs in this gorgeous sunshine, they are fast asleep now - tired out- Thank you for the instructions for the pop up box, will have a go at this - love copying tutorials and instructions and its even better when they turn out isn't it - Looking forward to tonight at 9 pm for Sue Wilson - shes such a lovely lady as well as clever . All for now (((hugs)))) if anyone needs them - Jean x

  26. Good afternoon Sandra & Ladies. Gorgeous Sunny day although the wind is a bit chilly. Going out for our walk soon. Have done more washing please tell me where it all comes from I did two loads yesterday,still its lovely too get it dry on the line.I also have a O H that can't hang washing on the line properly men ay.
    Just finish ironing,just having a cuppa before going for walk.
    Sandra how did you get on with the stamp press I love it. Well call in later too catch up. Michelle thank you for you box instuctions & thanks to Paul & Sandra for geting it published. Love & Hug's Lynda xx

  27. DUCK everyone, there's a message on the loose, and I haven't time to waffle on any more. I'll call back in tonight.
    Muriel xx

    1. You're definitely quacking up ! Xxx

    2. Do you not think you have enough names without adding another! Oh just remembered! My husband takes a friend's husband out when we ladies go to our Ladies crochet and sewing group. My friend's husband is in the early stages of Alzheimer's and can't drive any more. Anyhow they went to a Garden centre and had coffee and cake and a walk round! Turns out they knocked over a stand of those wooden ducks - you know the ones with names and wellies on! On enquiring why they had touched the ducks I was told they were looking for a duck called Audrey! Don't even ask! So glad I wasn't there. Xxx

  28. Hi Sandra and everyone,
    Do you know you are all a lovely group of ladies and some of your daily tales (shenanagins!) do make me smile and always brighten my day and I feel so welcome. Thank you Sandra for your wonderful cafe and a fabulous crew.
    Well I set off early to the bank as I haven't got used to the times of the buses, unfortunately I have never learned to drive, and our bank is in the next town.....Clive always ran me where ever I wanted to go without a moan (well maybe the odd time ior two, bless him) So I left home at 10.15am all was going well until Claire the lovely lady asked me for a birth certificat! Eek somehow I had managed to leave it at home....I have to say if I had spoke out loud what I was calling myself in my mind the air would have turned blue! Claire said that if I could get the birth certicate back today she could wind every thing up for it was back on the bus run in the house back out again on another bus.....then at last it was all sorted. Back on the bus and I decide to stay on it and go straight into my own town as we have an M&S and I needed a few bits and Nikki had given a gift card for Mother's Day so I wanted to spend it on some earrings and matching necklace that I had seen....then another bus home....I was completely shattered! A nice cup of tea then something to eat and settle down ready to watch Sue after 2 hours of NCIS....I love this programme and the people in it.
    Sandra did you make one of the boxes or play with your new toy?

    Love and hugs
    Sheila xxx

    1. Oh Sheila,
      I really felt for you over forgetting the birth certificate ! Easily remedied when you go by car but a bit of a pain by public transport! Glad you got it all sorted though! We do have fun here! The thing with virtual alcohol is we are actually sober! We just must seem at least tiddly sometimes!
      I'm glad we are making you smile .
      Lots of love, Myra xxx

    2. Hi Sheila oh my what a busy day you have had, we all take the car for granted don't we, I know where the buss to is but haven't a clue what times the buses are and what goes where! My neighbour doesn't drive and goes off on the bus all over the place- she was telling me the other day the bus routes have changes again and she can get to Sainsburys but not get home again! How mad is that!
      Oh I'm an ncis addict too. I watch neighbours as I eat my lunch and somehow watch NCIS too! I like the New Orleans one too, their accent makes me smile!
      Enjoy your evening.
      Love Diane xxx

    3. Hi Sheila, I'm pleased after all your running around that you got sorted out at the bank. Did you know that Jethro from NCIS is married to the girl that was in Mork and Mindy with Robin Williams years and years ago? That's my bit of useless information for today. Well not really, I'm bound to come up with another, in fact most of the things I type are useless!!
      Don't believe a word Myra (Little old Wine Drinking Me) says, hic, we are sozzled most of the time, well I am lol.
      Muriel xxx

    4. Sheila, another big step you have taken today! Not only have you sorted the banking, you got your self there back and there again? All on buses that you didn't have to use before! Be very proud of yourself. I think those of us who drive never realise all what involved in having to get buses. Where are you going next??? Could you get to where Nikki is by bus? Hazel x

    5. I to like watching NCIS, with Jethro and his team. Hazel x

    6. Gosh Sheila, that was a lot of on and off Buses.
      Glad you got things sorted, another big step along the way.
      We don't have any Buses near here so driving is a MUST!!!
      I like watching NCIS especially the episodes with Zeva.

    7. Hi Sheila,my goodness tou have been on a marathon journey,well done you getting everything sorted & going on all them busse.I don't drive either I never had the confidence so never learnt. Our bus service is very good they are every 10 minutes.
      I also like NCIS Shelia. Hug's. Lynda xx

    8. Oh Sheila that was a marathon and a half well done to you for getting this chapter completed. So pleased you got your shopping done and were able to enjoy spending your voucher from your darling Nikki, Now sit back put you feet up and enjoy your viewing.
      Have a lovely evening xxx

    9. Hi Sheila,
      uj you had your time 'on the buses' today. Glad it all went well in the end and you are now a fellow bus traveller because I don't drive either so have been on lot's of buses over the years.
      Love NCIS of all shapes and form. I'm an American crime/thriller geek lol, need something to watch when sleep don't come.
      Many hugs to you and Nikki xx

    10. My word Sheila
      How many bus journeys can you make in one day. We're you counting. We have a bus that goes pass our door into Witney. Well wed normally walk. However, after I'd had my hip done I thought I'd take the bull by the horns and go in by bus as I couldnt drive. Well either I was to late or the bus was to late, or it didn't turn up at all. So I had walked down to the bottom of our street, but had a struggle to get back home, I'd been standing to long. So our postman helped me back. Such a lovely man is Steve our postman.

  29. Hi Sandra and all the lovely ladies
    Gosh where has today gone! I've put a load of washing on the line ( pegs all correct and all hung properly! - I think men hang it wrong so they don't get asked to do it again!), I've dusted the lounge, caught up with a friend and we've admired and smelt my new spectrum noir pencils ( not used them yet though!) , picked my daughter up from the station and pottered around in the garden. I sat reading my book for a while but it's too warm out there! (Mustn't complain it will be raining again soon!). Suddenly realised I hadn't commented on the blog! I fell asleep last night so haven't checked up on yesterday's goings on yet, I hope the Baileys hasn't all gone yet Maureen!.
    Thank you for posting Michele's instructions, I'm going to have a go at making one of these. Please thank Paul for sorting it out for us Sandra. And thank you Michele for copying it out for us.
    Steph I hope your foot is ok- what were you thinking of climbing over aa stile!!!
    Maria take it easy won't you, don't go over doing it and thinking you are wonder woman .
    I hope everyone has managed to see some sunshine today, it does make you feel better when it's shining doesn't it. Brenda sorry you are going to your friends funeral though, I hope you are both ok xxx
    Janice now what will help the tax return, you can have a pint of Baileys before you do it and the figures will look lovely but might not be right or you do it properly and treat yourself to the pint afterwards! Enjoy your walk in the sunshine xxx
    Well I had better pop off for now and make sure the polish can is in a prominent position so hubby can see I have done something today! Lol I've resatcked some of his books and DVDs too just so he knows I've tidied! Aren't I terrible ! Tee hee.
    See you all later.
    Love Diane xxx

  30. Diane,
    Don't forget to put some soil under your fingernails, he'll think you've been gardening too, better leave the rake somewhere prominent!!!
    Muriel xx

    1. Busy day Diane........!!!
      Definitely need to leave the duster and polish out ....... !!!
      Hugs xxx

    2. What are you two like? I wonder if that's what the cleaner at work does to make us think she has cleaned? She would be better off putting away the things like the news papers into the box, straightening the cushions and cleaning round the stove fire! What tells you those are the jobs she didn't do today? She must have stripped Anna's bed seeing how her bedding was out on the line? again a bit of thought as to how she hung it up, and like you say Sandra it would make ironing it easier, she did ask me last week why did Lesley want it ironed?.i told her because she likes it to be and she is paying you to do it! I do wonder what goes on in her head? I always say" housework is never noticed till you don't do it. " Hazel x

    3. Oh not the rake Diane - he might stand on the end of it and knock himself out with the handle! You'll end up in A&E!
      The soil under finger nails - inspired idea! Only Muriel would think of that one. Xxx

    4. Diane,
      It's Patricia who is the wonder woman. Me I'm just a youngish one with a very crappy achy body lol. I'll be alright just felt a bit sorry for myself and I know you all would understand.
      Love the way you getting away and tricking your OH's, must remember some lol
      hugs Maria xx

    5. Haha what are you lot like! I made sure I was in the garden watering the seeds I've put in when he came home and yes I'd been digging about in a pot so did have earth under my nails! At least he saw all the jobs in the garden that still need doing and said we must try and do them at the weekend - typical, looks like it will be raining then! He didn't spot the polish so I will put it on the table by his chair tomorrow and I'm going to do the ironing whilst I watch Sue so I will have been busy again.
      Night night sleep tight everyone
      Love Diane xxx

  31. Well here at last. I had physio this morning and have been discharged. Just have to carry on with the exercises. If I need to see her again I will have to go through the GP so I hope I don't need to. It's a bit swollen today but I didn't tell her it was because I was using the GC last night. I really must get a new one. It's just I need to make sure I am at home when it will be delivered. Don't want to go to the depot or have it sent back. Been with a friend to a little local craft shop today to get some card to make Izzy bags with a group of ladies. We did a 6 week session before Christmas and we were due to do another one just before and after Easter but it had to be postponed because of my broken wrist. Cannot really delay it any longer or it will be the summer holidays. My friend doesn't have a die cutting machine to relies on me. We may also make the Xcut bag. They did a Christmas pop up box so as it might be different ladies we will do another one. The other sessions were in the afternoons but some younger ladies who work wanted to do evenings but with my eye problems I couldn't drive. With the lighter evenings we will do an evening session hence some different ladies. Well had lunch out at the garden centre so just need to have a sandwich or something. Well I could have a piece of cake here and a cup of tea and a chat if anyone else is here. Oh I have got the Sue Wilson weaving dies I bought at Ally Pally and left behind. Sue kindly posted them to me and they arrived whilst I was away. Well I must remember to watch Sue unless you are all staying at the cafe to watch on the big screen, then I will stay.
    Steph I hope your ankle is better soon. Sounds very painful. To all in lain I hope you will feel better soon and please hurry back Norah.

    1. Brenda,
      So pleased you have been discharged but just take it easy! Don't want you to make things worse! Sounds as if you are going to be busy.
      Love Myra xxx

    2. Brenda, she seems to have discharged you quite quickly, was she pleased with all the things you can do?
      Be careful, don't knock yourself back by trying to do too much on the crafting front .
      Muriel xx

    3. Hi Brenda pleased you got discharged hope you take care you don't want to over use it turning that GC handle.Hope you like the weaving Die's I love mine. Take care Hug's Lynda xx

    4. Hi Brenda pleased you've been discharged but do take it easy, especially if your wrist is swelling if you use your GC. That's a good idea, show your friend how it works so she can turn the handle! Sounds like your classes are fun. Take care love Diane xxx

  32. Littlelamb, good news that you have been discharged. Not so good that to get to see her again you have to go through the Doc. Remember to keep doing the excersises, they do help.
    Good luck with the classes and projects.

  33. Brenda, now you should get your friend to assist you die cutting, get her to turn the handle, you take it easy, you arent wanting to be going back to the physio! Have fun playing with your dies. Hazel x

  34. Hi Sheila what a day you've had ! You just dont need it do you when you're already in a place that's awful to have to deal with.
    I think I should have a few medicinal drinks tonight lol I suppose im lucky I didnt fall off my soap box earlier lol what a waste of a day, I could kick myself (sounds like I enjoy pain) no... Im not a weirdo lol and im not married to Christian Grey either lol did anyone hear the dog in the background of Sue's video today ? Its really faint but its there (honestly Ive not touched a drop) yet ! I hope you've all managed to make the most of this beautiful sunshine today (we've got wintery showers forcast for Friday !!! )
    Oh well, tomorrow is another day, I really must try and get into my den ankle permitting.
    Enjoy Sue's show later xx
    Lancashire Steph xx

    1. Want to explain who Christian Grey is, Steph?
      Admitting to your reading material, you do shock me.

    2. OK, I admit it, I know who he is too. Will take the cash, but nothing else.

  35. Well folks, hope I can keep my eyes open to watch Sue. Definitely be in to watch if your showing it on the Big Screen. Who ever is sitting next to me just keep giving me a nudge please, it's been a busy afternoon.
    We have had a beautiful day, really warm in the afternoon. I got the ironing finished when I saw John struggling to get something out of the small shed. I went out to help ......... that was at 3.30pm we eventually came in at 6.15pm. We went no-stop, cleared out the small shed. That holds the Gardening Tools plus some totally useless rubish that has now all gone to the tip. The Summerhouse has also been cleared out. Some things are going to a Charity Shop (one of these pop up ones) tomorrow. Plastic Toys that the boys are too big for, car seats that are no longer required, you get the drift. I have 2 of these BIG IKEA toy tubs full of wood mounted rubber stamps ... why?? I am not a stamper, they are going to the Charity Shop as well. There might be some people out there who would wants them. However I doubt it, it is such a small place don't think there are that many crafters there.
    Put an add. in local shop to try selling a small bike that both boys learnt to ride on. Grandpa taught both boys to ride their bikes. The lane at the house was the perfect place to learn, no traffic, no worries. So hopefully that will go and give us some more room in the summerhouse.
    As I said just keep nudging me when I doze off later.

    1. Patricia, I hope I'm as active as you when I get to your age!!!! xxx

    2. Patricia I'm absolutely exhausted reading about your tidying this afternoon so goodness know what you are feeling like, please do take care and don't over do things. Put your feet up and have a wee rest, not long until Sue time! xx

    3. Why don't you sell your stamps on ebay. Get some cash ffor other goodies,

  36. Hello Sanda and our lovely ladies,
    I am here but haven't been able to comment for the last couple of days.
    I was at Vals on Sunday, then my eldest daughter's yesterday and was in bed by 9 pm exhausted. I am staying with my eldest daughter all this week but should be able to find a bit of time now we have caught up.
    Michele, thank you for your instructions and thank you Sandra and Paul for putting them on here.
    Sheila, your card yesterday was spectacular, sorry I didn't comment earlier. I was speechless when I saw it. You are very very talented and I look forward to seeing more of your amazing creations. You are often in my thoughts and always in my prayers.
    Missing you all.
    Love and hugs for all

    1. Oooh Saba, it's lovely to see you. We miss you as well, although we are always so well behaved when you aren't here. Keep on enjoying yourself and have a Baileys on me, prost xxxxxxxx

    2. Saba, Maureen is right we really miss you.
      Glad you are still having fun with the family.
      I might just be the same and be in bed by 9pm as well
      Always thinking of you

    3. Hello my Dear,
      We have been missing your restraining influence! Well some of us more than others! Maureen/ Muriel/ Daffy has been difficult to deal with and I don't really understand why. You see she sent me a lovely photo and she looks so nice , no sweet and gentle! If we could just get her off the hard stuff! You should not have introduced her to Prost! either - he has a lot for which to answer! So pleased you are having a good time! No more trampolining I trust.

    4. Hello Saba pleased your having a great time with your family you must be worn out you never seem to be still for any length of time. Glad Val is doing ok I bet seeing you has been the best medicine she could get a real tonic. Enjoy you week with your eldest daughter.
      Take care Hug's Lynda xxx

    5. Hi Saba lovely to hear from you, pleased to hear you are having a good time. Muriel ha taken over our Maureen and has her swigging Baileys straight out of the tanker (not a bottle in sight just a row of tankers!!!). And swinging from the chandelier wearing just her scarf and horse linament. She's going to get us closed down if we are not carefull !take care love Diane xxx

  37. Sandra or any one interested Aldi are selling Dyson upright Hoover it's the one with the ball but it's only £199.99. Don't know how powerful it is? I know they come in different power levels. Hazel x

  38. Well ladies, it looks like Sue's shows tonight are all about the Greek & Caribbean dies, with the nobles and finishing touches too, should be some good inspirational shows, I wonder if it will make any of us change our minds about the dies!
    Remember to give the cafe a shout when you email in, just to see Sue smile!
    I hate that we aren't allowed to promote Sue's blog, I still mention, on ideal world they don't always know the rule about not mentioning blogs, or I say Sue is so good at encouraging us to "participate in craft" !
    I will be listening out for you all later,
    Love and hugs
    Sandra xxx

  39. Ooooooh Myra, Barbie is putting on The Band Wagon, cause she said she was jumping on it, or someone was. I bags the Cyd Charisse part, you can be Fred Astaire or Oscar Levante. I'll leave it to you!! Actually I look like Cyd, my legs go right up to my bottom.
    Daffy xxxx

    1. Let's just hope the wheels don't come off! I like that verse - no wheels on my wagon and I'm not rolling along!
      You're adding Cyd to your names as well are you?
      Don't you even think about calling me Fred!
      Fred I won't put up with that! Xxxxx

    2. Ok Myra, you're the boss. We can "Paint your Wagon" any time you like. I'm watching Sue and have sent a grovelling e-mail in lol
      I quite like the name Daffy, think I'll go over to that for a while. I may as well confuse everyone, as I am totall confused!!!
      Daffy xxxx

    3. Oh Daffy!
      So did I , somehow I don't think it will make any difference! They aren't going to read any out! Xxx

  40. Karen,
    Are you watching the demonstration with the weaving dies? xx

    1. It's too late Maureen, she has sold them to me!

    2. Sandra, I'll be forever known as the late Maureen. Myra even beat me to congratulating you on being pulled out of the pot xxx

  41. Hi ladies,
    Finally got here after a wonderful day out to Cardiff city centre for a spot of shopping before lunch in a fabulous Italian Restaurant then onto St Fagans Welsh Folk Museum for the afternoon. Walked miles around this beautiful museum,which is set in lovely countryside, housing some really old barns, houses, cottages and workshops dating back to the 1500's. A stout heart and equally stout pair of legs essential!
    Absolutely shattered now so off for an early night and a good sleep. Am taping Sue's shows tonight, cannot keep my eyes open any longer.
    Yes, Maureen, I did see some of the weaving but it still doesn't rock my boat. And to be honest I can't afford to buy any more dies, I have counted my packs and there are over 100 sets of dies plus the little die delites. I really need to use the ones I've got, so I will be very picky in the future to which new ones I decide to buy. Sorry Sue.
    Love & hugs to all
    Cheryl xxx

    1. Cheryl, glad you had a lovely day. Have a good rest and we'll see you tomorrow.
      Love Maureen xxx

  42. And to think Sue was worried about how the dies would sell, 40% sold pick of day already! Who's the Debbie who she has card samples from?

    1. Well done did not watch the launch but did tape it, so delighted for you Sandra and so very well deserved. Just you sit back and enjoy the pleasure of winning and stop worrying. xxx

  43. Congratulations Mrs Riley!!!!! Xxxx

    1. Myra,
      How come you got in before me, and you are so much older! xxxx

    2. I'm faster on the draw! Xxx

  44. Sandra,
    You've been pulled!!!! xxx

  45. woo hoo, card for Sandra Riley. Terrific.

  46. Congratulations Sandra. I am sure you will love Sue's card

  47. Oh Sandra I couldn't be more pleased for you......I was sure it was you when I heard the name. Congratulations dear friend.

    Love Sheila xxx

  48. Well ladies, after all the excitement of Sandra winning the card on Ideal World, I'm going to bed, at my age too much excitement is dangerous.
    Will someone please tidy up and see that Maria gets away safe and sound.
    Daffy xxx

    1. Night Night, Daffy! You are really going to confuse people now!
      Sleep well! Xxxx

    2. Hi Hazel no I haven't yet seen Sues show, but it looks like congratulations are in order Sandra. Such a lovely person to be winning, I look forward to seeing the card you've won.

  49. Am I the only one who hasn't watch Sue's show? And I can see congratulations is in order Sandra? I am so pleased for you! You deserve it. Hazel x

  50. I am really sorry guys, I feel really bad, like I am a Sue card hog!
    I only emailed in to support her and tell everyone how much thought she puts into every collection!

  51. Right young lady, your are no card hog!!! You e-mailed in you where put in the draw and you won fair and square OK? Hazel x P.S we are all pleased you won.

  52. Well done Sandra, will catch up with everything tomorrow
    Jess x

  53. I've had a card before, and I always write in. Just glad one of us got it, and did you see Sue's face? She was happy that it was you too.
    What else can they do with all the cards they make? They must have loads of cards, surprised they don't give away more.

  54. Oh I am so excited and happy for you Sandra,having your name read out on tv !
    Cheryl, glad you had such a nice day. That place sound good.
    Saba, So nice to see you are having a good time. Cherish every moment.
    Daffy ,I'm out of here. have posted comment's on the way.
    Thank you Sandra for inviting me ,however I'm a non-driver so it is not possible, buhu. Do contact me do if you are in the area, my gym is across the road and Ikea just around the corner for free coffee mo-fr. lol Norah, Sam, Alison -hope you are alright . The sleep fairy has been around so I'm saying good night my friends,
    Love and hugs Maria xx

    1. Maybe I could ask Pat or Sue to bring us to you, do you have room for us to craft!?

    2. Hi Maria
      I assume Sandra had her name read out of Ideal World on Sues show. Set the recorder as I was watching snooker. Pete's now watching Deal or no Deal that he's recorded, he's always a few days behind. He's watching it behind closed eyes. He's so clever as he always tells me he's watching even with his eyes closed.

  55. Replies
    1. What are you watching Sandra. I've been watching the snooker on the red button. So many inofs between Mark Williams and Matthew Stephens. Mark threatened to throw the White ball away.

  56. Hi Sandra
    I forgot to say that I'm drinking a Baileys. Sush, don't tell Maureen.

  57. I was just watching Sue's dies with that John chap! don't be coming here hung over! hahaha

  58. Hi Sandra I've got the show recorded but it sounds like a well done you winning the card. How lovely for you, you're to enjoy yourwinyoung lady, you deserve it!
    Night night sleep tight, you will be dreaming of cards and dies!!!
    Love Diane xxx
    Ps don't look now but I think Maureen has gone quackers!!! At least she's not an ugly duckling! Xxx
