
Monday 20 April 2015

Oh My Something So Special to share with you today!!!!


Good Monday Morning Ladies,
Well I cannot wait to tell you about todays Card, well more than a card, its the most beautiful Silver Wedding Gift I think I have ever seen!
It was made by our very own Sheila (Ginger), I am so in love with this card, (can you tell)??
When I opened the email from Sheila I couldn't actually believe my eyes, my jaw dropped! Sheila you are so very talented, thank you so much for sharing this work of art, I think that you had better start sending me more of your cards please, your inspiration needs to be shared! (if you don't mind)!

The inside of the card/gift are equally as beautiful as the front, you have used Sue's dies in such an
amazing configuration, it has given such a beautiful delicate background and the combination of lace and the gorgeous Scandinavian Border Die, the edges of the box look so beautifully finished off.

Here is the final view of the edge of the box, doesn't that die just finish it off beautifully?!
What do you all think of Sheila's Box Card?
I hope you have been as 'wowed' as I was when I first saw it, Sheila, once again thank you so much for sending me the photos of your card to share.
Well its Monday again ladies, another week nearer our October retreat, YAY!!
Hasn't Sue (Mrs B) picked a good week to be away, well so far so good! I think that when you holiday here you are usually pretty prepared to explore the sights in all weather conditions, Sun being a bonus when you see it!
We have a busy calendar this week, haircuts, hospital appointments, football match and parents evening! Lets hope Paul doesn't get called away this week!!, Its either all or nothing isn't it?
Well I am going to get organised so I have time to play with my Stamp Press today, I spent most of the weekend enjoying the peace, quiet and birdsong at the allotment, he got quite a bit done this weekend. We have lots of veggies and salads to look forward to in the coming weeks.
I will call in and join you for coffee later.
Love and Hugs


  1. Morning Ladies

    Sheila-WOW! Your card + box are stunning. A true keepsake, i'll bet they took quite a bit of time to make.

    Quick visit this morning, I'll try to pop back after work.


  2. Good morning Sandra and the gang, hope you are all well.
    First morning in ages I have felt like being in early to set up, sorry about that.
    Urn on, cups and goodies all set out. Made myself a cuppa, money in the pot.
    Now "that gift" WOW!!! that is amazing, love, love, love it. Everything is just beautiful, something to love and treasure. Sheila it is a "work of art"
    Bit dull here today, hope it brightens up so I get the wash out. John taking it easy today, the past few days is catching up on him.
    I have a PHD to get on with ......... sounds good eh!!!
    Will let you into a secret NO I am not studying except the mess in the corner.
    I will be working on my "project half done" ........!!!
    See you all later to hear how you all are today.
    Have left my basket of (((((hugs))))) but he door, please help yourselves.

    1. Morning Patricia,
      Thanks for taking the early shift, I was up late doing a sweep of the cage to make sure there were no Baileys swigging hooligans in, luckily their sore heads from the previous night saw them to bed early!
      I love that PHD thing, I will be using that one, I have plenty of those to finish!
      See you later,

    2. Patricia - thanks for that ! I shall label my box which contains work in progress - PHD box! Xxx. Glad you feeling a lot better xx

    3. Sounds good does it not, certainly makes people look up if you mention it in company. They ask "are you busy just now" my answer "oh! yes! I am working on my PHDs" If it's a Crafty Crowd I tell them and it raises a laugh, if not I leave it at that..........!!! Funny though they never seem to ask what the subject of the PHD is!!!

    4. Love that one Patricia, wonder how long I can get away with using it! Lol xxx

    5. Patricia, love your PHD, better than stuff to do box.
      Jess x

    6. PHD , I like that one as long no one comes up with a different meaning, ey M lol xx

    7. Patrica I have quite a few PHDs too my name haha. Xx

    8. My boxes are usually labeled UFO, for UnFinished Object, and I have loads of them, so I prefer your description.

    9. Janice UFOs is good as well, like that.

    10. Hi Patricia
      How lovely to say you gave a PHD. Just as good as my CRAFT. How great is that, I must make myself a bix ip and label it my PHD work.

  3. Im lost for words honestly. Sheila, I cant find enough words to compliment your work of art, its the most amazing gift, I can see the receipient now, standing there mouth wide open and tear's streaming down her face, boy, its fantastic, I bet Sue would be speechless too if she could see what stunning work you've done with her dies. Id really love to see many more of your cards Sheila I honestly would. You know you are in my thought's Sheila, I wont say anymore xx

    Glad you had a productive weekend Sandra. I cant wait till next month when I can start and plant my beans. I had loads n loads off just a few seeds I planted in my pots last year and the best thing is that being a dwarf variety of french bean they dont need canes to grow up they support themselves, id certainly urge any of you short of space to grow these beans if you like french beans that is ! Its so easy and wonderful to plant seed, watch grow, pick, wash and eat : )
    Managed two cards yesterday - new baby and engagement but I have a lot more to do this week.
    Thanks for all your thought's as to whether to receive the stamp.set from the comment game. I knew it wasn't hand chosen and that she uses to get her winners, so I mailed Sue last night and said I was more than happy to donate it to Nick if she thought it appropriate.

    Hope to get your instructions soon Michele or your lovely notelet box, I think I will try and do a couple of boxes and see how they go at market in May.
    Ok thats me.done. Water coming up to boil, heating on for now until it warms up a tad and tea cakes in the cupboard. Taken the dirty table clothes from the weekend and put some fresh lilac and cream one's on to match the sprays of lilac I 'found' over hanging the cafe garden walled garden.
    Hope you all have a good day (as well as your day can be anyway)
    Many hugs to all.
    Lancashire Steph xx

    1. Good morning Steph,
      You sound brighter today my lovely, which is lovely to see, do you think it will be the same prize as last time?
      Oh Steph isn't our Sheila talented, I swear my jaw dropped and I felt strangely emotional when I saw Sheila's card, it is just so beautiful!
      Have you seen those Tonic Dies on C & C, I don't mean the strange shaped one, I mean the circle and oval one, they are stunning, the circle one is my favourite, I am having to sit on my hands!
      See you in later, tables look amazing by the way, I planted some sweet peas yesterday to scramble over that back wall, they are a super fragrant variety, perfect for when we can do afternoon teas on the lawn!
      Love and hugs
      Sandra xxxx

    2. Hi hon.
      Must admit I love my Tonic scollop squares they do loads n loads of great frames of all sizes (it was just what I was hoping for from Sue) to take the place of the SB retirement Grande frame. I love embossing them before cutting out my.size of chosen frame. Yes much brighter thanks chick a slogging away very hard to make up for my lost week !

      BEWARE... Dog owners SWEET PEAS can poison your friend, they are very toxic for dogs xx

    3. Snap Steph, I don't have many Tonic Dies but have to say the best buy was the Scallop Squeres they do make beautiful Frames.
      Have a good day

    4. Have to agree also! Aren't we an agreeable bunch! I bought the heart shaped ones as we make animals out of heart shapes! Makes a super tiger! Xxx

    5. Myra, we need to see that. I take it you mean just the face??

    6. The table cloths look really pretty Steph thank you. My friend has got the Tonic frames and she loves them, I do find tonic dies cut really well, I have a few. The dies look really good don't they and although expensive a good price. I'm sitting on my hands too Sandra!
      Now is it just a me thing but I was always told not to bring lilac flowers into the house, I chopped a piece of my lilac off yesterday by accident but still couldn't take it in to pop in water - funny isn't it how these things stick!

    7. No Patricia it's a whole tiger! Xxx

    8. Oh! I definitely need to know more please.

  4. Maybe if I can get back in later my message will make more sense! brain farts and firing on one cell doesn't help matter's !!

  5. Good morning Sandra and ladies. I will add to the WOW,WOW,WOWs. On this truely stunning card/gift. Sheila you should be very proud of youself, this is a work of art and more so a keepsake to be treasured. I for one look forward to seeing more of your work. All you ladies that hide your work, when it should be out in the open being oh and ah!! at. Steph is right I think there will have been a lot of jaw dropping and tears of joy over this one.
    Well I am not in to work till pick up today, so I will have time to clean up this bomb site of a house, it's ok taking it easy, but the housework doesn't go away! Right I have had my cup of tea and one of the tea cakes that Steph brought in, thank you Patricia and Steph the cafe is all set up and looking lovely, I like the lilic sprays in the little vases - very spring like.
    Sam, I hope you are feeling better.
    Norah, where are you?
    Margaret, I hope your shoulder isn't to sore, and just take it easy, are you back on duty looking after Ben?
    MAUREEN!!! Chairs are for sitting on not standing!!!! No wonder your chair is wobbly. I leant my lesson years ago not to use stand on chairs.
    ((((((Hugs)))))) in the basket for those who aren't feeling to good. Or just need a hug.
    Hazel x

    1. Morning Hazel,
      You sound brighter too today, I hope those antibiotics have kicked in, you must take it steady though my lovely as both the infection and the pills can take their toll on your body, did you get some of those 'live' yogurts or the prebiotic ones like Yakult, they really do help your body recover from the assault that antibiotics can give your system!
      Now I have this image of Maureen standing on her Swivel Desk chair, baileys bottle in one hand glass with ice in the other , swinging round on that chair, singing "you spin my right round baby" at full pelt!
      Then having to shyly hand over the chair to be fixed, making out she had no idea what had happened, apparently there was a 'puddle' on the floor next to the chair, where Pat had been stood, she was the culprit that introduced the Baileys, she was laughing at Maureen spinning around singing, pat twirling her so fast her skirt was lifting showing her bloomers! Pat was laughing so hard the 'tears' were rolling down her legs! Someone did call the police though, but all is sorted now, thank goodness!
      Right I must go get a nice glass of juice, Paul bought me tea and toast in bed this morning at 05:45, a nice thought, but boy didn't it make me thirsty!
      Catch up with you later,

    2. Thank you Hazel I am getting used to coping with the pain at least I'm still breathing!!! Yes we are still having Ben before and after school but he is such a sweetie he is no trouble at all and helps me to get things done, so his pocket money has gone up before someone says about child labour. Hope you are feeling much better now. xx

  6. Good morning all, WOW WOW Sheila's card is so beautiful, turns a card into a special keepsake doesn't it. Well it's gorgeous this morning here lovely and sunny, hope it stays like that and we'll take our two little Yorkies for a nice day out. ((( hugs ))) for anyone who needs them, bye for now Jean

  7. Morning Sandra and all the lovely ladies,
    Sorry I didn't manage to leave a message yesterday had a really busy day, didn't get up to early, but when I did move myself the day was non-stop, we went to the garden centre bought plants lots of seeds, Then OH wanted to look at sounds bars for the television, went to Curries and John Lewis. After lots of checking out returned home a little wiser, but he hasn't bought one yet!
    Had some lunch, then it was out into the garden and greenhouse, I was busy planting sowing. Didn't come indoors until 630 on then it was time to make dinner. After that I sat down and fell asleep.( seem to do a lot of that lately) tried to leave a message later in the evening and guess what it froze, I didn't have the energy to try again. sorry but I was thinking about you LOL
    Your card yesterday it was really gorgeous. I have to confess I would not have thought to put these colours together. But I now need to go through my stash
    and look at the possibilities there.

    WOW SHEILA, What a stunning gift you have created, it is so beautiful I'm sure the recipients will treasure this gift for ever. And yes as others have said I would love to see more of your work, you really are a very gifted lady.
    Well I better move myself, John did the morning school run and we will both do the afternoon. He should be back soon depending on the traffic.
    Just had a cup of tea for now, the cafe looks lovely Steph really made everywhere looks so springlike and welcoming, I would just love to sit here for an hour or so. But housework calls.
    Sounds like you're in for a busy week, please remember Sandra to have some (me) time just yourself and keep those batteries charged.
    Love and hugs, Brenda XXX

    1. Hi Brenda
      My you have been busy. I don't know if it will help John decide but we bought a sound bar from John Lewis and after listening to the all with the sales assistant we bought one made by Orbit. We loved the Bosse one but it was rather more than we wanted to pay but the sound from the Orbit one was just as good and we are really pleased with it. They are a small company in England made by a guy who worked in recording studios as a sound engineer. If John likes technical stuff you can blue tooth your music too it from your iPad or phone without having the TV on too so it can be used as a sound system! Hark at me with this technical stuff! Good thing I have a tekkie husband and daughter!

    2. They say confession is good for the soul - so here goes! I had never heard about a sound bar until today! The sound barrier - yes - sound bar non! What is it? Xxx

  8. Morning Sandra and ladies,
    Well Shiela what more can be said, you card/gift is absolutely gorgeous, it must have taken you ages to make, I love the idea of a photo of the happy couple inside, I'm sure they will be totally delighted with it.
    Steph the coffee shop is looking so lovely, thank you for brightening up our day.

    Sandra if you are looking for the Tonic circle dies, try either Crafters Companion or Pink Frog, I got some a few months ago but can't remember which web site I used, they were so much cheaper, give them a look.
    Love your scenario about Maureen, hope she is going to behave herself in October, I don't think we can afford to repair hotel chairs!!
    Washing ready to hang out, so off to do some housework (I know what I would rather be doing) take care everyone, I finished my coffee and washed out my cup, will catch up later. Jess x

  9. Morning Sandra and ladies,

    GRRR first attempt gone to cyber space I think, if not sorry for posting twice as I can't remember what I said before!!
    WOW what more can be said your card is gorgeous, I love the idea of the photo of the happy couple inside, I sure the couple will be delighted with this gift.

    Sandra if you are looking for the Tonic Circle dies, try either Crafters Companion or Pink Frog, I got some a few months ago but can't remember what web site it was, they were a lot cheaper the C&.C
    I love your scenario about Maureen, I hope she is going to behave herself in October, I don't think we are able to pay for repairs to hotel chairs lol !!!
    Steph the cafe is looking lovely, thank you.
    Well housework calls, washing ready to go out, hope it does not rain.
    Coffee finished, cup washed and money in till. Will catch up later, take care everyone, Jess

  10. Hello Sandra,
    I'll help myself to a latte and toasted tea cake please, no just sit quietly and I'll put the money in the pot.
    Well, I don't know what to say about the beautiful card/box today. Sheila it truly is a work of beauty and something to be kept as a keepsake for future generations. It must have taken hours to do, and even longer to plan!! I love, love, love it.
    Sandra, you have a vivid imagination!!! But just for you I'll behave myself in October, we may want to go back there in the future, and I don't want to have to take mops, buckets and disinfectant on the train as Hazel and Patricia may not be too happy to be seen with me. I'll look like Mrs Whatsit from Acorn Antiques - you know the Julie Walters character!!! You sound brighter today and I hope your aches and pains are going, going gone.
    I've looked at the chair and it's unrepairable - I did a good job on it - so George has gone to the tip with it, along with some defunct garden lights, rocks from the rock garden that was and a few other bits and pieces, I like to keep him busy!!! I've decided to swing from the chandeliers instead of hopping about on the chairs (hah, that'll be the day).
    It's back to the old routine here. We've been up to get the girls sorted for school and have taken them in this morning in the car as a special treat, instead of them getting on the school bus with umpteen bags.
    I've hung one load of washing out but will wait until tomorrow to wash some more (where does it all come from) because the clouds are quite thick now. At 6 this morning the sun was splitting the pavement, at this rate it will be snowing by lunch time lol.
    Sandra, I loved those dies too but I've got my eye on one of those window vac things that Patricia uses and a steam thingy iron (I think Patricia has one of those as well - she's obviously a woman who uses the latest technology). Not like me, I've still got one of those irons that is put on the fire to heat up - well you never know when there'll be an electricity cut. Of course I don't have a fire to put it on, hey ho.
    Patricia good luck with your PhD, myself I've got a BA as I often sit and then find I've done Bugger All.
    Steph, so pleased that you're more like yourself today, you put me to shame, two cards - and just to rub it in one of them a baby card! Yes, I've definitely got a BA.
    Cheryl, love to you.
    Sam, I hope you are well.
    Norah, where are you, I hope you are well.
    Brenda, you take it easy, you'll knock yourself out.
    Got to go, himself is calling "would you like a cup of coffee", well all I can say is "is the Pope catholic?"
    Love to all, including Pat, Sheila, Littlelamb,Theresa, Jess, Pat, Diane, Maria oh you know who you are, but also to Saba and Val - have a great day ladies.
    Muriel xxx

    1. Maureen,
      Pleased the dangerous chair has gone! Don't you dare stand on the new one! I purchased last week a folding step type thing from Lakeland - other companies are available! It only cost me £12 99 and it fits inside a kitchen cupboard! Now I can reach the top without using the kitchen chairs! It also helps when using the karcher window cleaner! So buy it with the Karcher and you'll kill two birds with one stone - instead of yourself balancing on a chair! Here endeth the first lesson! Xxxx

    2. Mrs Overall Maureen. What a thought you swinging from the chandelier instead, make sure you don't pull them out of the ceiling though (oh no only fools and horses springs to mind!). Look at you though with your stately home with chandeliers!!! Talk about posh!
      I was going to say use a kick stool but make sure you go on the kick stool training course before you use it! Yes we had to read the course notes and sign to say we had read them before we were allowed to use them at school! Sometimes it was quicker to hop up on the table to take things down!!! Now just imagine this, book day at school, I went in the classroom (as Winnie The Witch!) to find the Queen of hearts in tears of laughter and The cat in the hat rather concerned because Captain Hook in full wig and hat had climbed onto a chair on top of two tables to reach the heart helium balloon the queen of hearts had let go ! ( Captain Hook was the only male teacher and the cat in the hat was holding his legs in case he fell!) it was so funny, good thing it was early and not many people were about! I was on look out for the head teacher just in case!
      So but a kick stool or a Lakeland thingy Maureen and stop climbing on chairs! Xxx

    3. Aldi have little step stool for under £5 go get one you naughty girl.

  11. Margaret!!! hope your pain is lessening and the dogs have wet noses xxx

  12. Thanks Maureen must add that to my address next time.
    Love it ..... Patricia Duffy PHD. BA
    Might as well tell you all I am a MOBE as well ....... Mother of an OBE....that bit is true.
    Oh! dear I hope I did not mention these things I front of Norah and its scared her off. She really has not been in since the "Meet Up" Did not think Hazel and I were that scary.
    Sorry Norah where the Heck are you, we need to have another "Meet Up" soon.
    Norah if you are ill I send you a whole basket of (((((hugs))))) just for you.

    1. Oooh Patricia, I must find out more, MOBE how very grand. Who presented it? Does this mean that I have to curtsey to you???
      Muriel xx

    2. John Jnr was awarded his OBE by Prince William. That was in November 2014

    3. How lovely, Patricia!
      Was it to do with his work or charity? Xxx

    4. John Jnrs OBE was for his work within the Scottish Fire Service

    5. Excellent! Where would we be without these essential services we rather take for granted! Congratulations John Jnr. Xxx

    6. What a great honour, we all need the Emergency Services, we wil bow and curtsy to you from now on!,

  13. Wow, wow, wow, Sheila, that box card is gorgeous. I am sure the happy couple loved that. You are very clever.
    Well I am hope again and must make a birthday card for a lady who is 100. It has to go to Australia so don't want too many embellishments on it.
    I forgot to mention on Sauyrday about my tissue box. I matched the colour up for the flowers and butterflies by painting a piece of thin card with the remains of the paint on the roller. You would be surprised how much paint there is left. I painted both sides of the card. If I am doing something like thus I usually use all the paint up on the roller by doing this before I wash the roller. You then have matching card.
    Sandra I hope you are ok after your busy weekend. Still no sign of Norah. Hope she is ok. Glad Patricia, Hazel and Steph are beginning to feel better. Have a good time with Val Saba. To anyone else who is unwell I will leave hugs in the basket with the others. Will just make a a Latte and put the money in the pot and sit for a while to think about this card I am making. Be back later.

  14. Hi Sandra,
    So pleased everyone is well so far this morning! I have got my get up and go back! It went yesterday!
    Well Sheila, what can I say! I have left a couple of messages on your Pinterest.
    Your card today is just gorgeous! It must have taken ages to make but I would never have been able to think of it. You are a talented lady. I'm sure the recipients will love and cherish it ! I know I would. Thank you for letting Sandra showcase it!
    Steph - pleased you feeling better - thanks for the flowers and pretty cloths! I love lilacs!
    We'll gather lilacs in the Spring again!!
    Sorry Maureen and Diane and Margaret' fault . Come to think of it Patricia too and some others I've forgotten , sorry! Old age doesn't come alone!
    Norah - please come back - we miss you so much! xxx
    Janet - hope you enjoyed your afternoon in the sun yesterday!
    Brenda - pleased you safely home!
    Saba - love to Val and have a lovely day together! Thanks - I'll be in touch!
    Lots of love to everyone,
    Have a lovely day, see you later!
    Myra xxxx

  15. Hi Sandra
    My word what a stunning box card you've made. It must have taken an age to make, and it's so inspirational. I Hope we see more of your work in the near future. What a multi talented bunch of ladies we gave on Sandra's blog.
    Hopefully Patricia and Hazel are feeling better today. Keep on taking the Cranberry Juice. Are you sure uou aren't twins, as you both seem to have the same things at the same time. Hope your feeling better Steph today, and I see that Norah hasn't been in for awhile. Hope that you and Val are giving a great visit Saba. I'm glad you had a lovely weekend Sandra, and that the girls gad a great time trampolining.

  16. Good afternoon Sandra and all the coffee shop crew
    Well I am lost for words todays card is absolutely out of this world so very beautiful and elegant too I love everything about it Sheila you really are a true master of the craft of elegance and no mistake.
    Sandra Icon have tonic dies rather cheap and so do Craft World and there is also JGD Crafts who have a smaller selection but often have special offers hope this helps you.
    Maureen condolences to you and your beloved chair but onwards and upwards young lady to a better chair now for you. Thank you, yes the corgis are fine and back to letting the world know they are here, in other words barking when anyone arrives I am sure they do it so that folks bring them biscuits! I am getting used to the pain of this dratted shoulder at least I'm still breathing!
    Take care all, looking forward to these pictures from France! Have Michele's instructions arrived for the box that explodes and the little cards in their little box I would hate to miss them!!!
    With love and hugs to all
    Margaret xxx

    1. Margaret - really sorry your shoulder is giving you so much pain. I do hope it gets better very soon! It's no fun having a painful shoulder. Pleased the dogs are back to their barking best! Xx

    2. Good evening Margret, I am quite sure you will have tried one of your wonderful heat bags on your shoulder. Johns wears by them.
      Hope the pain is a little easier.
      Patricia xxx

  17. Hi Sandra and all the lovely coffee shop ladies
    Oh my goodness Sheila what an amazing box card, this must have taken you ages to make but what a really special gift for your friend. I should think the happy couple were very emotional when they opened this, what a treat. You really are very talented lady and I'm looking forward to seeing more of your makes. The doves are so pretty too, in fact the whole thing is just so pretty. Thank you for letting Sandra share. Lots of love to you xxx
    Well I think I've got a BA too like Maureen! I've been to the chiropractor and although she was pleased with me she has told me my body is asking for a rest today after all the gardening, so it's official I can have a lazy day! Steph I've got my dwarf runner beans in pots on my window sill already. I grow them in tubs but had to buy new tubs this year as one is full of foxgloves and they look so pretty. I've got old telephone directories at the bottom to keep the water in (a tip from my Uncle). Although the sun is shining it still seems too early to put bedding plants in although it is May in a couple of weeks.
    It's lovely to hear Steph Patricia Hazel and Myra are feeling better and Margaret and the corgies have all got wet shiny noses - take it easy with that shoulder Margaret.
    The sun is out here but I haven't put any washing on today - I've got a couple of coats that need a wash but they will wait until tomorrow now. I must start to think about some birthday cards that will need making soon and I have some grunge paste that needs playing with so that might be my afternoon, but then again the bench in the sun and a good book sounds like a plan too!
    I had forgotten icon do Tonic dies, might look and see how much their layering dies are as I know they are good, the alphabet dies are good too, another set of dies my friend has! I've got an XCut alphabet die that I can't get to cut and a tattered lace alphabet that has some odd letter shapes.
    Sandra if you do hear about the Anne Marie warehouse sale could you let us know please - I've looked at her website but there's nothing on there about it, some good bargains on paper and card though! I think she's in Gloucester somewhere???
    Oh well I had better shake a leg. I'm struggling to think of a song for today as I keep laughing at Maureen spinning on a chair to' you swing me right round baby right round!', my only thought is 'the only way is up' by Yazz and the Plastic Population - what a great name! That's 80s music for you.
    Time for lunch I think, money for my cup of tea is in the pot and I've put lemon drizzle cake in a tin on the counter, help yourself. I think the Sainsburys delivery van gas just arrived with Maureen's Baileys shopping order, I'd better go before I get told off for hiding it!!!
    See you all later
    Love Diane xxx

    1. Oh Diane,
      Lemon Drizzle is my favourite!
      Anne Marie is just up the road from us in Chipping Norton, she is opening a new Warehouse/unit that you can go and shop at, whereas before its just been a warehouse that they ship from, so it will become our local craft shop, how amazing is that!!
      I will let you all know if there are bargains to be had!

    2. Diane, there is no doubt about todays song .......................
      I'm going to swing from the Chandelier!!!!!

    3. Diane, I have the XCut alphabet die and mine cuts a dreams, the only thing is you have to cut the whole alphabet out and if you need two or three of the same letter you have to cut it out the number of times, I just store the spare letters in a tub.
      Sandra you lucky thing getting Anne marie warehouse on your doorstep? Just love her card. Hazel x

    4. Think I will have to pay a visit to Chipping Norton when they open. AA says it is 65 miles from here so not too far really.

    5. Hi Sandra just going to look up Chipping Norton on the map, it sounds familiar, but I don't know why. Thank you for keeping us posted xxx

  18. Hi Diane,
    So pleased the chiropractor was pleased with you but that you need to have a rest day! Great idea! Enjoy the afternoon however you decide to spend it!
    By the way what size of Sainsbur'y's Van are we talking about - van or juggernaut! Xxx

  19. Hellooooooooooooo
    I have decided to give the school a miss as I really don't feel top notch, so George has said that he'll take me out for a new chair.
    I did ask him when he was going to the Municipal whatsit (or the tip as I call it) to take the old stones EXCEPT the white marbley sort of one that had been in the rockery. Well they were more like small boulders really. Guess which one he took in the first lot. before he made the second run. Yes, you've got it in one, which is what he'll get if I manage to catch him.
    Have to go for my new chair.

    1. Pleased you decided to give school a miss! Have fun! Xx

    2. So am I Maureen. Better idea to go and get a new chair. Especially as your old one is at the tip.

    3. Yay, got the new chair. It's in a fetching shade of blue upholstery, which matches George's eyes, all it needs now is some black on it to match his left eye completely.
      He just nearly finished this one off when he got it out of the car. He put it on the lawn and started pressing and pulling all the levers, then pushing the seat down with his other hand, all the while pushing the casters further and further into the grass. STOP I yelled, what are you doing. I'm trying to lower the seat he says. I went over to him, lifted the chair off the lawn, got a rag and wiped the casters clean, then said "the seat is as low as it will go", very calmly through gritted teeth. Poor soul, he has never, in all his life, sat on an office chair so had no idea what he was doing.
      See you later xx

    4. Oh poor George! I'm glad you e got a new chair - shame about the wheels! I thought George's eyes looked rather dark! Lol xxxx

    5. I only ever played truant once, and was so scared they would catch me out, I never did it again! Fair play Maureen, at least you got a new chair out of it but lost your marbles too. xxx

    6. Oh Maureen,
      What will we do with you! Poor George he was only trying to help!
      Mind you he could have waited until it was inside but that's men for you. I just got home from crafting with the children - yes we had fun and no one painted themselves . Tea light holders looking good and to be finished off next week. One little girl wanted to take it home half finished to let Mummy see and then bring it back again! I never fall for that one.
      I came home to find my husband wearing shirt , trousers and a flat cap! This is strange - never wears one unless it's dark and freezing cold! On enquiring as why he had that thing on his head I was told - well the sun is quite warm and I didn't want to get my head burned. I couldn't be bothered going upstairs for my straw hat so thought this would do! Speechless never seen anything quite so daft!
      Dinner is fairly easy as I ate nothing yesterday so we have lots of left over chicken. OH sitting in garden with a glass of red and that silly cap! We made need a photo of this so that the boys can have a go at him too! Xxx

  20. Hi Sandra and all.
    A tea and scone please and I sit over here looking at the most amazing art from Sheila. The couple you made it for must have loved it and with their picture inside how perfect is that. A wonderful keepsake to remind them of a happy day!
    Thank you Steph you have made it really pretty here today and the smell from the lemon drizzle cake ,mmmmm. The sun is out, +16 and I wish I was feeling fine, no chandelier hanging or jumping on the chairs for me for a while but could someone stand on my back to click it back and then pull me apart from the neck down so I might feel ok by tomorrow. Sorry don't want to put dampers on such a lovely day, I'm alright just one of does days :-p
    Love and hugs to you all,
    Maria xx

    1. Maria,
      yesterday my offspring all came to Milton Keynes to Bounce, they loved it, the reason I mentioned it is because my son and husband have both said that Milton Keynes is only about an hour away from here, so here's me thinking that maybe when you are feeling better you could come and craft with Sue Pat and I !!!! (oh that's if you drive of course) !

    2. Maria,
      I'm sorry you are feeling so lousy, I hope you feel more like your old self soon.
      Muriel xx

    3. Maria my dear you should have come to the chiropractor with me this morning. I hope you feel better soon- make sure you get plenty of rest xxx

    4. Oh Maria,
      I'm so sorry you are feeling so poorly. Please get well very soon! Sending you hugs - gentle ones! Xxx

    5. Hi Maria so sorry your not feeling well sweetheart. Hope you feel better very soon take care & plenty of rest .
      Love & Hug's Lynda xx

    6. Maria, sorry you are not feeling well, hope you get better soon, Jess x

  21. Hello All
    I don't know what to say re SHEILA'S make! I am lost for words! Stunning, stunning, stunning! It may have taken a long time to make but the results speak for themselves. And isn't that why we craft? because we enjoy making something - it's the process.
    PATRICIA - I love the PHD far better that UFO - unfinished object.
    Teaching Beginner Salsa tonight for my daughter. See you later perhaps

  22. Hi Sandra and everyone,
    Well what can I say? I've been absolutely blown away with all your lovely comments and I really appreciate each and every one of of them. I don't make too many cards and I take ages to decide what to use, which colour, which many decisions! Lol! Hubby used to say 'it's a good thing you're not on piece work'...but he always praised my card when it was finished ....bless him. Many thanks again.
    Maria I do hope you are feeling better soon.
    Sandra how lucky you are to have Anne Marie's so close I always get my pearl card from there and fortunately they go to most of the shows so I'm always able to get my card from them.
    It's been a beautiful sunny day here and thankfully there is no breeze today which for the last few days made it very cool.
    Will try and pop back later. Hugs to those who need them.
    Love Sheila xxx

    1. Hi Sheila, this really is a beautiful keepsake! Bet it took hours. Hope the recipients appreciated your talent and work. That Scandinavian border is more appealing every time I see it. So lace like and gorgeous.

      I think you are so lucky o have your crafting at the moment. It allows you to become engrossed in something and allows your mind some space from your grief and sorrow. I also think this cafe must help always someone around for you if you are feeling low.

      I too love Anna Marie papers I use a lot of spotty dotty! I also love her mdf stuff and have used it for a few products. A shop would be fab but a bit far but saying that I can drive anywhere on a whim!! Watch out 3 graces I will pop in one day!

      Where do you live Sheila? Which shows do you go to? If I take Tilly to shows she gets loads of freebies especially of Anna Marie's stall she must look angelic or something!

      See you all soon xxx

    2. Hi Sheila,
      This is one incredibly gorgeous work of art. I am sure the recipients will treasure this forever. so much means = so much love and care has gone into its creation. I am in awe of you, dear lady. xxx

    3. Thank you again for more of your lovely comments.Barbiepinfairy I live in North Wales and my friend and I usually go to the craft shows with my friend....Manchester-Creative stitches and craft, Leigh- Sincerely Yours (these two are twice a year), Bolton and then we always go to the NEC in November. Always enjoy the show s the only thing is I can't stop things from jumping into my hands and then I have to pay for them!! Lol xx

    4. Hi Sheila,sorry late,your box card is stunning your one clever talented lady.The recipient is so lucky to receive your masterpiece.
      Love Lynda xx

    5. Hi Sheila, I live in Bolton always do the Trafford ones have never made it to the Leigh ones. Maybe we can meet up at one next time?

  23. Hi All,
    Well, this is way more than a card, what an amazing gift. Sheila, this is just stunning. It's definitely one to keep.

    Anyone seen the new stuff from Tattered lace today? Printable CD rom with flower pictures, and dies to cut it out ready to decoupage. They look pretty, but it's a bit limiting, how many cards would most of us do with the same decoupage flower spray? Typical TL prices too.

  24. Janet ecco of Sheffield20 April 2015 at 17:27

    Afternoon everyone.
    Sheila - I am in awe of your talent and your stunning work of art. Now that is what I would call a 'Keepsake' and one to pass down the family line. I just love everything you have used to perfection. PLEASE PLEASE may we see more of your work Pleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeease.

    Now all you ladies who are drinking Baileys - how come you all have a wonderful time whilst doing so and if I drink some I go fast asleep? This is just not on lol lol.

    Chairs - are definitely for sitting on and not standing on - I can just see so many arms/legs etc in plaster for October if you're not careful and just think what you'll all look like sat round a table as such - one right arm in pot linked to one left leg in pot linked to one left arm in pot linked to one left leg in pot and so on and so on and all singing 'Windmills of my mind'. I would just love to see what crafty project came out of that lot lol lol lol.

    I'm so pleased to see smiling faces today and all feeling somewhat better than at the end of last week.
    Norah - where are you? Do we have to put out a search party for you? You are missed. Please come home.

    Lovely to hear what veggies have and are being planted. Daniel came the other day and put potatoes, onions and shallots in as a start. He always puts the dwarf French beans in along with tomatoes, courgettes, carrots, salad veg
    and either cabbage or leeks. So when we return in June we shall have a lovely veggie patch waiting for us.

    Right as it's 18hrs 20 here I have to now go and 'do' tea. So Slowly does it tonight in the cafe please as I want to come back to a nicely decorated cafe just as I left it a few weeks ago.
    Can someone please put my hugs into the usual basket when/if they arrive.
    Speak to you all tomorrow.
    Janet xxxx

    1. Janet, just had a thought, how many bottles of duty free Baileys could you fit in the car for Maureen ? I don't think the juggernaut load will be enough for her! Tee hee! Xxx

    2. Maybe you should bring Duty Free Paracetamol as well!
      Hope it's been another lovely day in Marigny! Xxx

  25. Hi Ladies

    Hoping to email the instructions for the Notelet box to Sandra as soon as I login to my emails.


  26. Hi Sandra & ladies,

    Did get my decking washed down yesterday after a lot of fluffing, cusssing and swearing. Why do they make it so hard to get the darned gadgets on the spear? Thirty minutes later I finally got one of the spikes on, and still can't work out how to attach the T4 racer. So I ended up hosing the deck and then using my deck scrubber and a final wash over. Some places will need a second go before I paint on deck protector. But guess what I forgot to get?
    Yes, deck cleaner! After all that I was so shattered it took all my energy just to get that job done. Most of the afternoon was spent on the settee nursing aching bones and joints.
    Another trip to hardware shop this morning for the cleaner, luckily we now have one not 500 metres away. And they are so much cheaper than Wickes & B&Q.
    Tomorrow I am off on a day trip with my REA to Cardiff and St. Fagans Welsh Folk Museum with friend Freda.. Hope the weather is as perfect as today's. Have been advised to "cover up completely and do not do any sunbathing for 3 years because of the radiotherapy". Did you get the same advice Hazel? As long as I can stay cool too, I shall be fine.
    Craft room is resembling a war zone again, I finally got to empty my guest room wardrobe of all remaining boxes of craft. My precious hoard. I must now find a home for them.
    love & hugs
    Cheryl xxx

    1. Hi Cheryl
      You need factor 50. Kids factor 50 works very well from Lidl's. If uou can get the normal one from Lidls fine, if not, the kids one does just as well. At £3.00 something a bottle you can't go wrong.

  27. Cheryl, you get prescription sun cream use it or factor 50 all the time I apply it daily like body lotion, make it part of your daily routine before getting dressed? And reapply if you are out in the sun, I sit in the shade under big umbrella. It's funny when Patricia and I are on holiday as I am moving to stay in the shade and she is moving so she is shaded but out completely. As I said I was told lots of the sun cream and sit in shade. I coukdnt be covered up with long sleeves as it would do my head in. No I am carefull and don't lie or sit in the direct Rays. As I said get a prescription for the sun cream it's about £15 a bottle and you will go through loads, or do as I do and wear nothing but f 50 sensitive. Hazel x

    1. Sorry Hazel but I just can't resist this! It's no wonder you are going through lots of cream if " wearing nothing but Factor 50" ! xxx

    2. Oh! Myra yes! Hazel rubs it ALL over!!!!

    3. Don't think we would get it on prescription in England. I was never offered it just told to keep out of the sun and use sun cream. I have to use it on my face as well as have had three lots of cancer removed from there. When I was having the Herceptin, after chemo, I came up in a rash. Went to GP as tried all sorts of cream to stop it itching. Found one at last which was very expensive. Asked if I could have it on prescription but was told no. Even the hospital were no help. I now have very dry skin on my head which is affecting my hair. Looked in the chemist today and the stuff to use is £16 a bottle. Think I will try the GP . Don't even know if it would work. Hope you manage to get some sun cream from your GP Cheryl. I read the other day that people are getting Vasaline, toothpaste, face cream and other things on prescription. Makes you wonder.

    4. Cheryl. I hope you enjoy your trip to St Fagans. I love it there. Hope the weather is good for you but not too much sun.

    5. Littlelamb have you tried using KIDS factor 50 sun cream. If it can be used on children it might be quite good if you have problems with your skin. Just a thought.

    6. To think I was given the prescription when I was going through chemo and told to use it, our son Christopher gets it to due to the drugs he takes since having his kidney transplants, I tried to buy another bottle of mouth wash when I was going through chemo and the chemist told me no way was I paying so much money for something I needed when he dishes out things to those who can buy them cheaper over the counter. I mainly use the f 50. I can't believe they know you need the creams, but won't give it to you. Are you over 65 as you shouldn't be paying? I know me are very lucky up here, but I would happily pay. Hazel x

    7. Yes Hazel well over 65. But cannot get these things on prescription at my surgery. As Patricia says I must look for the children's F50 Suncream.

  28. Joking apart ladies the sun is the worst thing ever for your skin.
    I use P20 that's the name of the stuff ... you get it in Factor 20, 30 & 50 I only buy the 50. Not cheap but worth every penny. Once applied that's it for the day. I am quite lucky that my skin just needs to see the sun and it goes brown. Our father was dark skinned. Hazel has skin like our mother ... Pale and Interesting.

  29. Oh trust me to get you going with how I wrote that!!! Well at least it gives something to talk about? Poor Maureen , she will not live down the fact that she had those one or two baileys? Maria sorry you are not feeling to good? Yes you might need to go with Diane to the chiropractor. Hazel x

  30. I agree with Patricia, PhD, MOBE, etc. etc. (I am genuflecting as I type this) I always use Ultrasun factor 50 as I burn terribly just like my mother and father did. I remember chasing Rachel around the beach with sun cream when she was 18 months old. I got burnt to a crisp and she just turned a lovely brown like George does - there's no justice in this world. I also have to wear a hat in the sun.
    Hazel, do you have to curtsey when you see Patricia for the first time every day, like the Royal family do to the Queen?
    Now then ladies, let's get this straight. George is over 6 ft tall and can reach everything at home and in the supermarket easily. I have a step stool in the kitchen with two steps that fold down. There are two, 1 step stools in the garage which the girls used when they were small to reach the sink in the kitchen and the basin in the bathroom, but when the inspiration hits me I haven't got time to go around getting George or one of the stools, so I just pull a chair out and use that. Really, at my age I know I shouldn't but they are quite used to me now at A & E ha ha, No, no I'm only kidding, I usually only end up there when I fling myself on the pavement!!
    Myra, have you heard of the song "Alice Blue Gown"?
    Diane, I think you need a Tanker for the Baileys. Don't mess around with a juggernaut, what good is that, we are talking serious drinking here!!!!
    Cheryl, after your frustating day today, put on plenty of factor 50 all over, wear a large hat, and have a lovely day tomorrow with your friend Freda.
    Hazel, when George and I used to go abroad, we have been at an outside restaurant before with him sitting at one table in full sun, and me in the shade at another. I like warmth but not burn. I've even burnt at the coast in the north east, which is quite hard to do.
    Got to go, telephone ringing
    Muriel xxx

    1. To what are you alluding my dear? Is it my blue jacket? My Mum's name was Alice!
      She hated it because of Christopher Robin and Buckingham Palace! Xxx

    2. Maureen you won't have to curtsey, just bring me my Cucumber Sandwiches with the Crust Cut Off. Just joking we don't hold on Cermony here!!!
      Hugs xxx

    3. Muriel! What about your crown! You rather like pomp and circumstance - not to mention land of hope and glory! Xxx

    4. Forgot about the Crown.
      You need to wear that Muriel

  31. Really quite in here this evening, is there something good on the Telly???
    I don't watch Telly, it's a load of rubbish in general. I do occasionally watch the news just to see what's going on in the world.
    Mind you there's not much going on just now apart from the Blooming Election......sick of that.

    1. Oh Patricia, you and me both! I am heartily sick of it! I could cheerfully do something unspeakable to that woman from north of the border - and I am a Scot! Why can't she keep quiet. Xxx

    2. Why are sorry? I live here and can't stand her either. She isn't gaining any new friends south of the border! Hazel x

    3. I shouldn't have brought politics on to the blog! Very wrong! For that I really am sorry! Xxx
      Thanks Hazel for being so kind! Xx

    4. Oh I know, but it's in our day all day and we sometimes just have to say, enough please!!., Roll on the when it's over. Hazel x

    5. Thank you - I totally agree! We have almost given up watching the News as it's just about the Election! Sick of it!
      Thank you for making me feel better! I really was very sorry! Xxx

  32. Well I may have had lots of time off, but it's back to working every day this week!
    This is what I said I would do fill in when needed? Mum is at a big World Pain meeting this week, no where exciting, just Glasgow so I am in the next three mornings and picking up for the next four days. Girls both had good weekends, Anna was eventing and was 1st in her class, and Beth and her team got second at the vaulting competition. So I was getting told all about it. Head was nipping by the time I headed home. I was nice to see them again as I only saw them the one day in the last 2 and a bit weeks. Hazel x

  33. HELLO ALL,
    Just been making a thinking of you card for my friend of over 50 years. We usually meet on a Tuesday but she was so upset because her cat had to be put down today , two of her grandchildren have chickenpox and she's generally going through a bad time. She lives on her own so bears it all herself.
    Now, how could I do this card in about 1/2 hour flat and I was on all yesterday doing a baby card. Isn't it strange?
    I'm off to bed shortly, himself has arrived and is snuggled up under the duvet. I bet he's snoring very soon.
    Good night all, sweet dreams, and I hope you are all well when you wake up tomorrow. I just hope I wake up.
    Love to all, Muriel xxx

  34. Meant to say to Hazel, don't work too hard. xxx

  35. Hello Sandra, I'm pulling my hair out doing this post I started at 8pm it's now 10.15 two went cyba space & froze thee times. So trying again
    Hope your ok Sandra after your hectic weekend.we didn't do anything exciting OH did some gardening & I tided my craft room & put all my die's in the new folders I got from AP really pleased with them. I have had busy day housework did two loads washing & then washed dog's blankets & did ironing.after lunch we took dogs out for walk it was lovely & sunny didn't get back till after six so think I will rest up tomorrow like Maria my back is aching now.
    Maureen I have to use facter 50+++ on our honeymoon to Italy I got really burnt had big water blisters on my legs & arms & sun stroke some honeymoon that was hihi.well I'm going to close now before this disappears again.
    Try pop back later to see if anyone is still dancing on the ceiling I think the AA may be needed. Haha. Well first day back on diet only had 370 calaries all day.
    Love Lynda xx

    1. Oh, Lynda, that means no Baileys for you then, Must be a couple of thousand in a glass.
      Really need to do this diet too. My sister in law swears by it and is looking great.

  36. Oh I think iam the one locking up tonight, everything is switched off and all cleaned ready for tomorrow, night,night. Hazel x

    1. Night Night Hazel! I'll be a good girl tomorrow! Xxx
