
Sunday 19 April 2015

Good Sunday Morning!


Good Sunday Morning Ladies,
Yesterday was such a glorious day, so sunny and really warm, but boy didn't that temperature drop in the evening, I was shivering and even had to resort to a hot water bottle, maybe I should have had that Baileys to warm me up!
Todays card was made using the Santorini Die, from Sue Wilsons Greek island dies, now I searched high and low and could hardly find any cards made using these dies, I don't think that Sue has used them too much as I could find hardly any on her blog either, in face there are a few of the last die collection that I haven't seen too much of.  Do you think this next launch will have Christmas s in, or will there be another launch in june/july ?  I didn't read that there were any Christmas dies, I am
looking forward to see what the new Noble dies are like though as I quite like them, they are big enough to create a whole card with!                                                                   This card was made using Green card from the new colour collection by Anna Marie Designs, its almost like an apple green, I teamed it with a Lilac pearlescent card also from Anna Marie Designs.
 I used the Noble Classic Adorned Rectangles in Lilac and the Greek Island Santorini Die both from Creative Expressions, designed by Sue Wilson.
I stamped the Justrite Happy Birthday Sentiment onto the centre of the Santorini die, added some pearls and a bow tied with Lilac satin ribbon, topped with a resin flower that I got for a bargain price at the works, sadly they only had the lilac/purple ones, they have great 3metre crochet ribbon and other lace ribbon in some really lovely colours, some of wooden reels, all at £1 each!
I still need to add some flowers maybe in the bottom right corner, but I am not sure, what do you think?
Well much excitement, my Fiskars Stamp Press came yesterday, it wasn't due to be here until Monday!  So I will be have a restful day doing a bit of crafting I think, I ordered some new Smoothies, they are little egg shaped latex sponges, they are like the best stress toy, I must have sat squishing it in my hand for ages, I watched Julia Watts demo them on Create and Craft and they look so easy to use as the have no edges so blend really smoothly, well we will see, I will update you later on today!
Well we are having a lazy morning, which is just as well after yesterdays allotment afternoon, it really frustrates me that I can do hardly nothing and still pay the price heavily, this time for sowing a few seeds, I wasn't hoeing and digging! I really did enjoy it though, I love spending time with Paul doing something that he really enjoys, he is so willing to do anything for me!
I hope you are all enjoying your Sunday that Bacon I smell?!
Hazel I hope your antibiotics kick in today xx
Norah, I hope you are ok, we are all missing you xx
Sam, I hope you are feeling better, well in time for your amazing holiday with Lyndon xx
Steph, I hope you are feeling less 'pants' and more 'bloomers' today xxxx
Love and Hugs



  1. And a very good Sunday morning to you too Sandra and ladies,

    Beautiful card and interesting colour combo. I would not have thought to use apple green and lilac together but in this instance they work. I am not struck on the Greek dies and haven't bought any, they don't rock my boat. Perhaps that is why Sue hasn't used them for card posts. Maybe they didn't sell well.
    To me, Greek architecture and patterns are almost geometric, Pete and I bought a very striking plate from Sicily as a souvenir of our honeymoon. Superb geometric design.
    In 2 minds now which machine to get, although I haven't seen an electric Big Shot on the sites I visited so I imagine the price would be outside of my budget. Let's keep looking.
    Today will be probably be spent in the garden. I have my decking to clean and re wax ready for the summer months and as long as the weather is like this, I should get it finished in no.time, thank goodness for my Karcher pressure washer, takes all the hard work out of the job.
    I've enjoyed my first cuppa of the day so see you later ladies.

    Love & hugs Cheryl xxx

    1. Janet ecco of Sheffield19 April 2015 at 14:13

      Hello Cheryl - I see you are still not sure re a new machine. Are you still interested in buying one of my GCs - It's a purple one and is in very good condition. The only reason I went for an electric was that I cannot use the hand turning ones anymore so I have two GC that I need to at least sell one. I have asked Sandra to let you have my email address so if you are still interested I am more than willing to sell one to you and it definitely will not break the bank like some machines would. Please let me know. I return to the UK next Sunday so could have the machine on it's way to you by the middle of next week. I hope I can help you out. Hugs
      Janet xxxx

    2. Yes Janet, I still want your GC as I'm buying it for my granddaughter Tiegan, thank you my dear. Look forward to hearing from you. xxx

  2. Morning Ladies, lovely card Sandra I for one love the Greek collection. I also love this colour combo and often use purples and Greens. Loved the necklace yesterday I am a big jewellery fan and love statement pieces.

    Loved mix yesterday all gorgeous and so much talent!

    Congratulations to Steph - see Sues blog hope it gives you a boost!

    Cheryl I have a cut n boss which I got at Christmas there is no way I would go back to a manual machine. However, it still doesn't cut as well in the centre despite the claims. No winding is the plus point! I have kept my GC as a back up. You must choose what is best for you.

    Out for lunch my brother is home from London still needing to finish the garden as my plans were disrupted yesterday!

    Have fun see you soon xxx

  3. Good morning Sandra and ladies, I say good as yes it a beautiful sunny morning but oh boy it's also a very heavy frosty one!!.,
    Well Sandra what a stunning card you have made, and yes you are right I don't think I have seen this dies being used on Sue's cards??? So inspiration for using these dies will come all from you Sandra? Love your colour combo, then again they are two of my colours,I wear a lot of greens and lilic/purples. I looked at those flower toppers in the works and dismissed them, maybe another trip to Glenrothes is called for, knowing my luck there won't be any left? Yes they also have lace and ribbon, now I know I have enough of that? If you like buttons they have bags of them again not expensive.
    Sam and Steph I hope you both have a better day.
    Brenda ( littlelamb ) save journey home.
    Well that's me finished my tea and toast. Will pop back later to see what's going on. Hazel x

  4. Morning Ladies

    Looking like another lovely day here, not quite as sunny as yesterday but that suits me. Hubby decided to pressure wash the paved area behind the kitchen & the side of the house while I was out. The machine stopped working part way through this so he decided to wait for me & invite me to help him choose another one, which meant the washing was still waiting to ho out! Eventually we got sorted, washing dried etc.
    Today I have to finish two more pop-up cards for a 21st birthday (more black!).

    Sandra-if you go onto Creative Expressions website & click on the Sue Wilson die logo on the left handside , it take you to the entire collection of her dies & when you click on each one it shows you cards/videos made using each of the dies. Joanna Sheen also has a gallery of Sues cards on her online shop but they're not in any particular order.

    Happy viewing,

  5. Me again-love your card by the way Sandra. Was so focused on telling you where to view Sues cards that I forgot to mention your beautiful card.


  6. Hi Sandra and all the lovely ladies
    What a gorgeous card this morning Sandra, when it popped up I wondered if it was Anne Marie card, it's a lovely colour and finish. I must have a look at inspiration for the Greek set too, I only have the boarder corner and tag die set and I used the boarder as a cake trim! Thanks for letting us know about the gallery Michele, sometimes we forget these things.
    I think I need to hunt down my nearest works, I think I know where it is but haven't been that way for ages.
    Sandra have a quiet day today that sounds like a good plan, you may have been cold because you were tired but I agree it did get chilly last night, but I didn't notice any frost. I'm hing Emma will help me get the mower out of the garage today so I can get the grass cut. I've got a chiropractor appointment tomorrow so it's a good time to do it, then she can straighten me out again! I also need to put another coat of the paint on the chiminere and pick off all the yellow petals that stuck to it after I'd finished! It's too heavy to move away from the flowers so I probably don't stand much chance of that!
    Brenda I hope you have a safe journey home, I'm looking forward to seeing your latest pottery collection. Xxx
    Steph I hope your win has cheered you up and gives your mojo a boost xxx
    Cheryl take it easy doing the decking today, I know the pressure washer does the hard work but just be
    Now Muriel and Myra and Maria I could have snuck in 'dancing on the ceiling' for stephs win and 'under pressure' for Cheryl's decking washing but I resisted! I'm now 'going underground' in One Direction to get myself out of this hole!!! Haha
    Hubby left for work an hour ago so time to get on and doing and get the wasing on the line.
    Hope everyone has a good day, I will see you all later, Sam hope each day finds you feeling brighter.
    Lots of love Diane xxx

    1. Well Diane , you really are waxing lyrical today! You made me laugh anyway! As for the Chiminea - you know how much folk are prepared to pay for bespoke! You have a bespoke Chiminea! Wonder how Muriel's head is this morning? Xxx

    2. Ha ha Myra well it's certainly better than rusty! It was in a dreadful state, now it looks like 'a teeny weeny yellow polka dot bikini!'. Sorry couldn't resist!

    3. I think you should don the bikini and have a photo taken alongside your masterpiece! You can always light it to take the chill off the air! Xx

    4. If I were 30 years younger and several sizes smaller that might happen, not sure you would see it if I stood next to it in a bikini! Lol. The phrase" I don't know what you're wearing but it needs a damn good iron" springs to mind!!!! Xxx

  7. Good morning Sandra and the Gang, hope you are all well and looking forward to the day. Hope you ok Sandra and not overdone the gardening.
    SANDRA:- your card is stunning, love the colours and fantastic design. I personally dont think it needs anything else. I have never seen that Die before, and I am not aware of Sue ever using it.
    I am late today I slept in........not like me but here you go it happens.
    Right I must scoot, I have a feeling Thomas might be back. Robert is playing in a big Tournament today and that will bore the pants off Thomas. Plenty for him to do here helping Grandpa in the garden.
    Be good, I'll be back later

    1. Good morning my lovely,
      Now I think that with all the things that you will be making to bring to our retreat you will be needing another seat on the train, Baileys truffles are the latest to add to your list!
      I was chatting to Sue W at the start of the week, she was saying how sad she was that she will be in America at the time of our retreat otherwise she would loved to have called in and joined us, how lovely is that! She also said she would be even more disappointed if "Patricia was bringing any of her Scottish Tablet,as it is to die for" such high praise Patricia, but it's lovely to know you made such an impact that she remembers it so well!
      What are the ingredients of Scottish tablet?
      I hope that John has a great morning with Thomas, I think you stand no chance of getting his time or attention if "his boys" are around, it must be such a delight watching them laughing and playing!
      Now why would a stream be called a 'burn'?
      What other funny names do we have for things?
      Catch up later my lovely,
      Sandra xxxxxx

    2. Emmm, best to keep the tablet recipe a secret in Scotland. Just put it this way, the main ingredient is sugar. but that's why it tastes so good,

    3. It's totally yummy and very fattening - so you just have a little piece- well that's the theory but it never works out in practice! Tablet and it's memories were what took me to Patricia's blog for the first time! My Mum made it and Coconut Ice in pink and white! Wow - just as fattening! Xxx

    4. Oh my sister is going to love me for mentioning truffles? Yes she make good yummy tablet to!.,., Yes full of sugar, very sweet and very moorish!.,! Who eats only a little bits? Oh you mean all the little bits that's left after you have cut it up? That's the best bit! Notice I dont say I can make it, I can but Patricia and Tammy are great at making it. Tammy also makes great maltesser cake, she did offer to make some to take for threat. Ref. the pads of paper at the works I was so lucky finding those I got yesterday. Might just keep a pad and it could be a raffle prize for October? Along with some ribbon and lace, not from the works I have so much here. I have just been reading last nights going on's my you late nighters were drinking a lot? Not hot chocolate either! Hazel x

    5. Hazel is going to have to give up some suitcase space if she wants me to bring all these goodies ........ LOL!!!

    6. What is a "burn" - well it's a stream really it's the part of a river from its source until it widens to become a river. Or it's a little stream which becomes wider and joins another stream . It's an old word which means "well". I think! Used to be asked this a lot! xxx

    7. It's years since I made coconut ice, I'm not a fan but my grandad was! We made honeycomb toffee the other day as a family, it was great fun and tasted lovely, but you couldn't talk if you put a big bit in your mouth. I think that's why Julian said we should make it again!!! Tablet sounds yummy though, can't wait to try it xxx

  8. Morning Sandra and everyone,
    First of all your card is beautiful and I don't think at all it needs any thing else on it is perfect the way it is.
    Do try and rest today as your body is telling you to do so. Congrats to Steph on being a prize winner on Sue's blog hope it gives you a lift that you need and hope you and Sam are beginning to feel much better.
    I had alovely visit yesterday with our dear daughter was really hard at first because I had never visited her before without Clive and as I don't drive I went by taxi....but she was amazing and we went to a local park as it was such a lovely day and she asked about her dear Daddy and I reminded her of a few fun times we had had altogether and soon had her laughing so all in all it went well.
    I also made a card which I pushed myself into was a Silver Wedding Anniversary....I used part of the design that I had used on a basic card before but wanted this one a bit more special for the occasion so turned it into a Faux book card. It's on my pinterest if you would like to see it under Sheila Turner.
    I'm going out for a couple of hours as my lovely friend Carol is coming to pick me up....we go to craft shows together so we'll probably end up at a craft shop somewhere.
    Have a lovely Sunday everyone and hugs to those who need them.

    Love and hugs
    Sheila xxxx

    1. Good morning Sheila,
      Your day with Nikki sounded lovely, I can say from experience that it will slowly become easier to do those things on your own and Nikki will begin to treat it as normal that you are visiting on your own, I think the 'first' everything is so very hard, the thing that hit me really hard was my birthday card, it was my birthday 4 days after my dad had died and to not see his name in my card just seemed like the end of the world, but I have got used to it now, I know it's easy for all of us to say these things as we are not in your shoes, but I just want you to know that we understand how you feel and we are here 100% to help you through all of the 'firsts'!
      If you feel like you want to you could email me a picture of your card so that I can add you as a guest designer, that way you can tell us all how you made the card. I would love to share your work!
      I hope you and Carole have a lovely to do at the Craft show, which one are you going too? Please come back and tell us what bargains you got!
      Have an amazing day Sheila, I would just like to say I really love it when I see you have commented, I am so pleased you came to join us in the cafe, you are considered part of the family now, sending you love and huge hugs
      Sandra xxxxxx

    2. Sheila delighted to know all went well for your visit with Nikki yesterday and the weather was on your side too which would help.
      Have a lovely day today with your friend,
      I'm off to search for your card now
      Margaret xxx

    3. Hi Sheila,
      So pleased to see you again this morning! Glad yesterday went well and it's the good memories and the fun things we remember that get us through the dark days. I'm sure helped one another. I will go and look for your card. I do follow you on Pinterest. Have a lovely day today. Lots of love Myra xxx

    4. Hi Sheila
      Lovely to see you today and to hear about your day with Nikki yesterday. It sounds like you had a very special time together. Good on you getting the taxi and going, it's a big step but now you've done it once next time will be just a bit easier. I hope you have a lovely taxi driver, sometimes if you get a good one you can see if they are around to take you the next time, you can get used to them and the journey doesn't seem so difficult. I hope you enjoyed yourself with your friend and you had a good trip to a craft shop.
      Take care
      Love Diane xxx

    5. Hello Sheila,I'm so pleased your day with Nikki went well & you both laughed at the happy memories you shared. I hope you enjoyed your day with your friend & enjoyed the trip to the craft shop.
      Take care my friend Love & Hug's Lynda xx

    6. Hi Sandra and the cafe crew,
      I had a lovely afternoon with my friend we went to a place called Abakan (sorry I misled you about a craft show Sandra....what I meant to say was that if there is a craft show on Carol and I always go together). Abakan is a place where they sell materials etc for soft furnishing, ribbons, lace and there is also a place where they sell craft items mainly Docraft. I bought three reels of lace, 12 metres of ribbon, and some gold, silver and white mini bells (liberty type) so not too much but they have just opened a new cafe /restaurant and so Carol and I had the carvery and it was gorgeous. I'm afraid I haven' t cooked many veggies since every thing happened so I really enjoyed them more than the meat.
      It's lovely to join you all in the cafe as you're all such a kind and caring group of ladies...thank you so much.
      Sandra I will try and email you the card I made but am hopeless at explaining anything so I will see what I can do.

      Love and hugs
      Sheila xxx

    7. Sheila,
      So pleased you had a lovely day! I would buy lace and ribbon and buttons until the cows come home. Your cards are lovely. I left a little message . Love Myra xxxx

    8. Sheila, I am so glad you had a lovely day. Oh a crafter can't have enough lace and ribbon. Hazel x

    9. Lovely to see you here today Sheila. Glad you had a good time with your friend today.

    10. Delighted to hear you had a lovely day Sheila it will have done you the world of good and to have a little spend too just great! xx

  9. Good morning Sandra and all the coffee shop crew
    Well I do hope that you are feeling well rested and not in too much discomfort after your gardening exploits with Paul yesterday.
    Wow what a wonderful card and your choice of colours from the Anna Marie Designs collection are so very beautiful, I have that card but still looking at it not used it yet!
    I have some fantastic news to share, our friends who are neighbours little boy has just had word from the hospital that he has passed his second year in remission he has had such a hard fight bless him, still a long way to go, and still needs to go over to Newcastle on a regular basis, but getting there, we all hope and pray, he is such a lovely boy. The family have been doing some fund raising for the Anthony Nolan charity and are just £80 off £8,000! They just want to give something back after all the wonderful help they have received. Thanks to this wonderful organisation he is still here, it was just before Christmas three years ago they got the devastating news, and we have said a special prayer every day since.
    Well that is my coffee finished money in the pot so off to get some baking done, I shall try and call in later to see what everyone has been up to and see if those feeling poorly are on the up.
    Margaret xxx

    1. Margaret, it's so nice to read that the little boy is doing so well, fingers crossed and lots of positive thoughts does work. That's a good amount to they have raised, yes we are the same we like to give back to the Kidney Patients and Chemo Units. Every little helps. Hazel x

    2. Oh Margaret, such happy news, I love happy news!
      You must have been overjoyed at such amazing news, it so lovely to hear that the little boy has one his tough battle, what amazing Parents too, so dedicated to raising money at such a tough time in their lives,
      There are some truly amazing people in this world!
      Christine Emberson, who has commented on here a couple of times has her own blog, she is an amazing lady, she is a Spellbinders Ambassador, she has two gorgeous boys, and one of them recently was diagnosed with a large Tumour on his brain, he had some horrendous surgery, the tumour was on or around his pituitary gland so affected his growth too, we all shared Elliott's journey through Christine's blog, now amazingly Elliott has come out the other side and is doing really well, I think if he stood still you could hear him growing he has shot up so much in such a short space of time! But both Christine and Elliott have dedicated themselves to raising money for Ronald McDonald house, as Christine was so grateful for having a place to stay while Elliott was undergoing treatment, Christine designs some amazing craft kits where all the profits go too the charity, so you can create some lovely things and support the charity too, I guess this is one if those charities that unless you are in the situation of needing it you don't know it exists! Christine's blog is a fabulous source of inspiration too and she has loads of die give aways too!
      I think it's such a wonderful thing when people remember to give something back !
      Thank you for such happy positive news Margaret, you gave made my day!
      Love and hugs
      Sandra xxxxxx

    3. Great news Margaret! It is so nice to remember that there can be good news! What a lot of money has been raised - so lovely to think of others and say thanks! Hope the little one continues to make good progress. Yes - positive thinking does help and when combined with prayer it's such a help. Xxx

    4. Brilliant news Margaret and a fantastic amount of money raised. It is good to know thatbtherebarebstill,positive outcomes. Hope the wee lad goes from strength to strength with each passing day.
      Hazel and I have managed to raise a fair bit for the Chemo Unit that helped her and rheKidney Unit that helps Chris. Hazel still raises funds for the Chemo Unit not thousands but every penny helps.
      By the way John uses his little Heat Bag on his knee, swears by the relief it gives.
      Hope you are having a good day

    5. Hi Margaret what lovely news, the little boy sounds such a brave wee soul and amazing parents too. What a fantastic amount of money they have raised for such a worthwhile charity. There are so many charities out there and sometimes you only hear about them through something sad happening. I hope he continues to improve with every day that passes. Xxxx

    6. Hi Margaret thank you for sharing such wonderful news so pleased the little lad is doing so well bless him. What amazing parents too, & have raised so much money for such a good charity. Hope he keeps improving each & every day he is in my Preayers xxxx

    7. Wonderful news. He is in my prayers

  10. Morning everyone, can I have a quick coffee before everyone pops in?
    Sorry you are suffering after yesterday's gardening, Sandra. Pity no one took you up on your request for a massage last night.
    This is a lovely card, I don't think I would have thought of these colours together, but they certainly work.
    Cheryl, I am still cutting everything on my Joy Trouvaille machine. I don't think they are around now, but it's the same as a Happi-cut. Not very pretty, but works well. I had one problem with a gear, which Derek repaired, but I know the happi-cut has metal gears.
    See you all later
    Great news Steph, a win from Sue.
    Lovely day here, blue sky and sunshine, looks like Spring.

    1. Hi Janice,
      Luckily Paul came to my rescue and gave me a little massage before he nodded off, it must have been all of the fresh air yesterday!
      Now Janice, I always thought that the Joy Trouvaille machine was a blooming genius design, as you say it's nothing to look at but the flat top means you could put your plates on top, giving you an extra piece of valuable work space, it also had some little storage areas too didn't it?
      It cut like a dream too, whenever I saw that Carly using it on Create and Craft, why is she no longer on there, anyone know?
      I have never seen the Happi-cut though. I always remember thinking that the design if the machine was the same as the Tim Holtz vagabond machine that was made by sizzix, the first electric machine I believe, but I am not sure if you have to keep your finger on the button, I am guessing it gad problems or just wasn't popular as I haven't really seen it on sale or advertised anywhere, he still uses it at shows though!
      There are just so many machines available now it is just confusing, I think you would need to take an intricate die and go and run it through all of the machines until you find one that works for you!
      Sandra xxxx

    2. Last time I saw Carly on TV she said she was pregnant. I think her family is more important to her than C&C.
      Good thick cutting plates on the joy too, they have never bent.

  11. Morning ladies. Glad to read you enjoyed your day with Paul Sandra. Andy's choice of interest is whst I call 'bricks' no, not a collection of bricks made into a stately home (although we do enjoy going to them) but 'bricks' you know, the odd one or two that use to be something from 100's of years ago !! Hmmm cant get excited by a few bricks unless they resemble something interesting from the past, although places like Bolton Abbey etc are wonderful places that grip your imagination and take you back way back when. Id love to think we could share something 100% together though.
    Dilema for you : - A year or two ago I found Sue, after a few months I won a set of stamps in the comment game, should I ask Sue to go back to the site she uses and get a third name drawn out ? What would YOU do ladies ?

    Sandra, beautiful card, really zesty colour's but im missing your signature bouquet of flower's on the front somewhere.
    As far as not finding many.samples, do you think Sue could be showing these dies on her next C & C show's ? She does have a festive collection ready as do you remember her saying on her last show she had put her festive dies to bed already for this year !!! I think the next show's will be her collection of Greek etc as she hasn't launched those on t.v yet.
    Well, I have to push myself today and get into the den. Its market next Sunday and will only have myself to blame if Ive not got what people need ! But will keep them in the CAS catagory and leave the fancy cards until I can really throw myself into it as I really dont feel like doing the CAS let alone doing anything too fancy ! Cant wait to read how you made that sweet notelet box Michele, look forward to it.
    Sending everyone gentle hugs today especially Sheila, Theresa, Sam and Pat.
    Love n hugs.
    Lancashire Steph xx

    1. Steph, I had the same problem with Christina Griffith when I won twice. I emailed her about it and she told me that if you comment, then you are entitled to win, no limit on it. I am sure Sue will feel the same.
      Just accept it and enjoy your prize
      Janice x

    2. Steph I agree with Janice you comment and you are just as entitled to the prize as anyone else is. I was going away on holiday once when Sue had a new set of dies that she always puts up for prizes....I emailed to say that if I was drawn to put it back in and redraw she said as Janice had said and that if I won one she would save it till I got back home.
      Enjoy Steph
      Love Sheila xx

    3. Steph,
      Don't even think about it. You need a boost and this will give you one, and as Janice and Sheila have said, you are as entitled to win as anyone else, probably more so the way you drum up support for Sue.
      Muriel xxx

    4. Steph love, I don't understand what you are worrying about, 2 stamp sets in 2 or more years is hardly being greedy is it?! It mKes a change that someone familiar gets picked,just accept the prize and enjoy it, I think Sue would find it more of a hassle to go back and draw another name, I have seen the joy on Sue's face on tv shows when she has picked a familiar name, she will have been over the moon that it was you Steph, now get excited and stop worrying!
      Sandra xxxx

    5. Hi Steph
      I agree with all the other ladies. You won the prize siE your entitled. It doesn't matter his many times you win. Just enjoy.

    6. Janet ecco of Sheffield19 April 2015 at 14:22

      steph - there is no way you should tell Sue to pick another name. You are one of her biggest supporters in every way and yes you are entitled to take the prize afterall Sue doesn't pick the names herself it's a random thingy by machine. You more than deserve a pick my up girl. By the way I've photographed this week's pastries but have just not got round to uploading them but don't worry I will.
      Hugs Janet xxxx

    7. Hi Steph,
      That's what happens with a Draw! It's random . You are the Winner! Enjoy your prize - you deserve it! Don't you be feeling guilty! Xxx

    8. Congratulations Steph, enjoy your win is was a "draw" a random choice,don't feel guilty.

    9. Hi Steph don't even think about it young lady! You won fair and square and everyone has a chance so you enjoy your stamps. I can see Sues face when she realised it was you, her beaming smile must have been a mile wide so you enjoy them and think of the lovely sue when you use them! Xxxx

    10. Steph stop fretting you WON fair & square just enjoy your stamps,you are Sue's number one Wilsonette I think she will be so pleased you won congratulations & enjoy. Xxxx

    11. Well Steph I think you have your answer so just take your prize and accept it gracefully I am just sorry it will not be presented to you in person by Sue then you really would be one happy little bunny! xx

  12. You won your prize fair and square Steph, ENJOY it.
    We all take the chance of winning every time we leave a comment and it is all down to the luck of the draw. Although I know of one couple in our village who won several prizes at a local fete who just kept collecting them and didn't put any back into the draw. Their excuse, we bought the tickets and they were pulled out. Fair dos, couldn't fault them on their reasoning but after 5? I would have asked for the next ones to go back in the draw.

  13. Morning Sandra and ladies,
    Sandra your card is lovely, maybe a few flowers in the top corner, who am I to say, it really looks good the way it is. I love the card you have used, I would like to have some of Anne Marie card, bur being honest I need it like a hole in the head!! Have a lazy day today after your time yesterday.
    Steph don't feel obliged to refuse your prize, I have won twice on the comments game and also won a card on the Wednesday card giveaway, I emailed and said I felt someone else should have the chance but was informed that I had won fair and square, so enjoy your prize, I think it will be a set of stamps.
    Patricia and Hazel I hope you are both feeling better.
    Sheila, lovely to see you on the blog, glad you had a lovely day with Nikki, take thing easy for now.
    Well better get my bum in gear a lot to catch up on, coffee finished so will pop back later, take care everyone, Jess x

  14. Steph, Sue will tell as the others " you won in the draw as your name was in the comments " I have won twice on Sue's and that's why I know her answer. Enjoy your set of stamps. We used to put things back in to draws, then you sit there and others just keep taking them with no guilt, now if that happens I just except them. With the kidney patients events, I have a lot to do with making up raffle prizes etc, so I tend to spilt donated things into two or three prizes so that there are more, so more people have a chance. No just enjoy your win. Hazel x

  15. Hello Sandra,
    What lovely colours on the card today, and it's just right for me. I think it's finished to perfection. Take it easy today Sandra, and lie down, I'll give you a good massage!!!
    Oooh my head. Two pints of Baileys was not a good idea. Still I slept like a log and I woke up, so that's an added bonus. I'll help myself to a coffee, that's all as I couldn't face food (I wish!), put my money in the pot and will sit quietly, shhhh whose that rustling the paper lol.
    Saba have a safe journey to see Val, and I send love and hugs to both of you.
    Patricia, now don't go paddling in the Burn, it's too cold and you'll get chilblains.
    I see if your grandson does come you are going to get him working in the garden again - hmmm child labour comes to mind!!! x
    Sheila, love to you and I'm glad that you and Nikki had such a beautiful day with laughter and love.
    Cheryl, if I were getting a new die cutting machine, I must admit that I wouldn't know what to go for. Like you I prefer my GC to the E-Bosser, which I think is hopeless and lives under my desk for almost all of the time. All that money and I used to give up trying to cut with it and use the GC. Let us know what you decide.
    Diane, I hope you get your lawn cut today before the chiropractor gets to grips with you "Oh, hokey hokey cokey".
    Alison Barbie, enjoy your lunch with your brother.
    Margaret, I hope you are feeling well today, and the dogs have wet noses! Good news about your friends' son, does he go to the Freeman?
    Well, I've been doing this post for half an hour because I keep going back and forward to read peoples comments. I must go now and do some work.
    Have a good day everyone, I'll be in later to read what you've been up to.
    Muriel xx

    1. Hi Maureen the little one goes to the RVI most of the time his little brother goes to the Freeman for check ups as he has a hole in the heart, trouble knocked twice on their door I am afraid. xxx

    2. Oh Muriel!
      You never drank two pints! You would need to eat an awful lot of Patricia's truffles to get to two pints!
      Seriously - I do hope you are feeling better today - too much rushing about young lady! Xxx

    3. Hi Maureen
      Now I know I left my bottle of Baileys out for anyone yo help themselves, but I wasn't expecting anyone yo finish it up plus another yo boot. No wonder you've a bad head. Black coffee for uou today me thinks. Like the idea of Zbaileys truffles though.

  16. Maureen, here's me thinking you were just going to have a glass of baileys? Not the bottle!!! Better tell Patricia not to make truffles with baileys in them for the retreat, Or all you Baileys drinkers will be fighting over them??? She does tend to be heavy handed with the bottle when she is making them. Hazel x

    1. I have a friend who makes the best sherry trifle and she is a bit heavy handed with the bottle when making that too! Lol xx

    2. Hi Maureen, whoops we had better whisper today ( is that a careless whisper do you think?) I'm not surprised though drinking 2 pints of baileys!! I'm surprised you could walk let alone find your bed! Lol.
      When I make a sherry trifle I count to 5 very very slowly whilst I pour, tastes lovely. I also make a whiskey trifle which is spong with coffee and whiskey topped with coffee and whiskey custard and then cream. It's lovely and quite strong, at family parties the bowl has vanished off the table and I've found it being eaten by a gang straight from the bowl!!! Xxx

    3. Sounds just like my frien'ds - if she doesn't make her trifle she gets complaints! Xx

    4. Maureen I did warn you last night about having so much of the Baileys home brew but would you listen? No so don't say I didn't warn you it would all end in tears. xx

  17. Hi Sandra and all in the cafe' this lunchtime,
    Beautiful card, really nice colours together. Have not seen any of the Greek die's, your Santorini one is pretty.Hopefully Sue is showing more of them next show. I really can't do with more dies at the moment, would be nice if she hold on to x-mas ones.
    Nice you had a good time yesterday but like you I'm cold and so tired, can't keep my eye's open not even the Bailey's truffles would help but they do sound very yummy tihi
    Sheila, glad you had a nice time with Nikki. We are here when you want to speak, it's nearly open 24/7, really need to get my sleep pattern sorted.
    Congrats Steph winning on Sue's blog! hope you are feeling better today.
    Well wishes also goes to all who need one.
    sorry but I will see you later,
    Love and hugs Maria xx

  18. Janet ecco of Sheffield19 April 2015 at 14:31

    Afternoon everyone
    First sorry I didn't get to visit yesterday. I started the day wish the idea of just doing a little housework so wouldn't have a big job at the end of the week before we return. Did that happen? OH NO it turned out to be a large Spring Clean. Yes I know it had to be done but oh how I'm suffering for it today. I really cannot tell which head is on my shoulders if it is a head. It weighs enough to be a boulder sat at the top of my spine and it's not doing me any good. Anyway I have looked at yesterday's goodies and they were just a delight and it has just carried on today with your card Sandra. I confess that I wouldn't have put those two colours together but oh you have made that decision for me. I will in future.

    I've left a couple of replies above one being to Cheryl re her needing another machine. Can you please let her have my email address again as I've not had anything from her. Sorry to ask again but if I can help her I will willingly do so.
    Off to rest my head/neck on a large cushion sat in the varanda as we have beautiful sun shining today. Jim has put my a line of towels out to dry this morning and just fetched them in for me. How pleased am I that he will do such things. Speak to you tomorrow.
    Hugs Janet xxxx

  19. Sandra, Charlie just saw your card! Asked who had made the beautiful card? Said to Say " it's beautfiul and nice to see some colour being used". He does say to me that he doesn't like when I do white on white. Hazel x

    1. Have not made Truffles for a while. Thought I would make some when I read about them ...... guess what ... no Baileys left. I was sure there was a bottle in the cupboard. John and I don't drink it so must all have been used in Truffles......!!!
      It's on the shopping list, we will have to go shopping tomorrow. The fridge and cupboards are rather bare......those boys can eat!!!
      Thomas fell in the "stream" ...... really don't know why it's called a "burn" in this neck of the woods. It's "wet" water anyway as Thomas found out this afternoon. All his clothes have been washed and out drying.
      I stopped by for a quick cuppa, finished now, cleared the crumbs, money in the pot. I have been doing some playing so better go tidy the mess.
      See you all later

    2. Hazel, when I got a white on white card from a friend, George said "Hmm, could do with a bit of colour" men!!! xx

    3. Patricia, you will all think I'm a raving alcoholic. I very, very rarely drink anything stronger than water or soft drink. It's this lot, they've driven me to it, especially Pat, she keeps bringing a fresh bottle in and someone else keeps filling up my glass!!! xx

    4. Maureen I rang the AA you have an appointment tomorrow at 10am 🍷🍷🍷🍷😳 HaHa

    5. Well done Lynda! Will they give Muriel a complete service or just an MOT? Ohhhhhhh I see the other AA! Xxx

    6. Perhaps Myra they will give her both for good measure and you know how she likes gooood measure!

  20. Hi Sandra,
    I've been doing this in fits and starts today! I have had a bit of a migraine but not too bad. So tend to nod off a bit! Nothing to do with Baileys!! I don't like it really.
    Your card is very nice Sandra but like you said I'd struggle a bit with that set as it is quite large . I make mainly square cards so I really would struggle. Have just ordered some DL ones for a bit of a change. Your colours are lovely.
    I have left little messages on the way down and my brain has had clearer days so I will go for now but hopefully be back later.
    Have a good day everyone,
    Love Myra xxxx

    1. Oh Myra, I hope the migraine soon starts to clear. xx

    2. Myra hope your migraine is starting to clear, sometimes you just need to sleep and let nature take it's course. See you soon xxxx

    3. Thank you! It is a lot better - or I am ! Just a bit lethargic! Have slept a lot today! I had to get up to make gravy as my husband was defeated by that task! I haven't eaten anything yet but toast but I will have something later. Xxx

    4. We will believe you, but are you sure you have not been visiting Patricia's drinks cupboard?

  21. Hi ladies, just read over last nights shenanigans, you certainly had a good time, looking good for October!!!!
    Hubby all set to watch Formula 1 race, so I will get some cards made hopefully,
    Had a wee cup of tea, washed up, so off to the craft room (spare room) still looking for inspiration. Take care catch up later, Jess x

  22. Hi Sandra
    A lovely card using lovely dies. Just love the colours as well. Don't forget yo see when Anna Maies warehouse is opening. The set of card I bought at Ally Pally doesn't have all of her new colours in, so I need to get the other set. Perhaps some dotty JN the same colours as well.
    Margaret his lovely fir the family to raise money if Anthony Znolan. Pete did a sponsored walked after he finished his Bowel Cancer treatment. Looks like Maureen and I had a session last night with the Baileys, mind you she drank more than me, as she polished off another bottle. I had a job keeping her off the table as she wanted to get on it a dance. Good job we were only in the Cafe, daren't think about what we'd have been up to if we were in a club. Wish we had sunshine in Oxfordshire. But you lot ip North deserve a hit of sunshine after the bad weather you've had.

    1. Thank you Pat we have only had a little sun today and believe it or not it is really cold up here. xx

  23. Oh dear I think it will be my next case up that will get used , in October as I see my sister is going to make me carry done goodies? Never mind we are on the train and size doesn't matter or weight thank goodness. Hazel x

    1. All I ask Hazel is - please don't introduce Muriel to the truffles on the way down in the train! You'll be sorry. Xxx

  24. Myra, I will make her do plain ones for travelling ok!!., Hazel x

    1. Brilliant! She'll kill us when she reads this you know! Xxx

    2. Oh Oh ! Now I'm a little concerned . Xxx

    3. Don't worry, Maureen is a wee "sweetie" really

    4. What kind of sweetie? - a Mall teaser? I do know the spelling is wrong! Xx

    5. She maybe has "cherry lips" did you get those where you live???

    6. Oh Yes! My Grandad loved what he called "soor plooms" . They were very sour and green in colour a sort of hard boiled sweet! Xx

    7. Oooooo!!! did not like them far too sour for me.
      What about Black Jacks that made you teeth a horrible colour??

    8. Yes. Remember those but didn't like them. Also remember pineapple chunks which I'm surprised didn't break my teeth! Aniseed balls that came in a little box and sweetie cigarettes! Xxx

    9. Oh! yes sweetie cigarettes, went about "smoking" them as well.
      Never smocked in my life apart from them.
      What about Butta-Nuts they were bright orange and Odd Fellows. The other thing we used to get were Penny Dainties. Last time I saw them they were about 1/3 of the depth that I remember. Dad used to buy Hazel & I 2'each, break them in 2 so we had 4 sweets each!!!

    10. Oh I remember Butta-Nuts and Oddfellows! What about Spangles! Have we had a chat about sweets on here before! I remembered when I said Spangles because I liked acid drop ones! Xx

    11. Oh! spangles remember them. When John Jnr was little the Doctor used to give him a Spangle when we visited,not that it was very ofeten thank goodness.
      John's first job was as a trainee Salesman/Vanman for a sweetie Company. His mum wanted him to have a trade so he left to start as a Toolmaker. When his time was out he was made redundant. He got a job as a Carpet Salesman in the Local Co-Op. Over the years he went from strength to strength as a Salesman ending as Scottish Sales Manager for a carpet company.
      Although I say it myself he is a Salesman through and through. He could sell Sand to the Arabs and Ice to the Eskimos.
      Still loves to buy and sell today.

    12. It's amazing what brings things back to mind isn't it. John sounds just like my brother! My niece is going to be just the same but nowadays you have to do things differently.
      I remember having sweetie necklace or bracelet things and you bit the sweets off the string! Ugh sounds disgusting now! Not at all like a canapé !! Lol xx

  25. Myra look back, she has read what I have gone and done!!., Hazel x

  26. Replies
    1. Isn't that a song Patricia ! Sisters Sisters! - you love her really! Xx

    2. Oh! Definitely, without a doubt

  27. Why oh why has it taken ALL DAY to do a simple new baby card? I cannot believe it (I sound like Victor Meldrew - actually I look like him too). From about 11.45 until 5 p.m. with a quick lunch in between, and believe me it's nothing special. Well, it's going in the post but never, in the field of card making, has so much time been wasted, doing so little, for so few!! All together now let's sing Colonel Bogie...........
    I'm just about to start my ironing and when finished I'll go and try to reclaim some space on my desk. My desk chair has developed an odd collywobble and when I asked George to look at it (o.k. stupid I know, but I live in hope that one day he might just ............) he said, and I do not lie, "have you been sitting on it". Give me strength. He has looked and decided that I need a new one, but not convinced I asked him to put it in the garage until we can go to the tip. I shall look at it tomorrow when he's at the bowling!!
    Hazel and Myra, your names are in my little book!!!
    See you later, be good - huh that'll be hard for some people!!!

    1. Oh Maureen,
      You are a tonic! I am a lot better thank you just a bit lethargic and the old brain is not so quick today! For a minute I had you sitting on your chair in your itsy bitsy teeny weeny yellow polka dot bikini ! That was a case of " What a picture what a photograph," . - it was tricky because I don't really know what you look like - just vaguely like me!! Lol
      See you later xxx

    2. Oh! Maureen, I love you, you make me laugh. Now that's not at you!!! but the antics that go on with you and George.
      What do you normally do with the chairs in you house??

  28. Oh Maureen, you wouldn't put little old me in your book would you??? We know you don't drink and it's all this lot that were the ones that kept topping your glass up? Isn't it funny had you mentioned to George that you fancy a new chair as that one isn't that good now, I bet he would have been looking at it and it would have been fixed!!! Hazel x

  29. Maureen I think George probably unscrewed it and was just checking you had been sitting on it, he couldn't believe his plan had been foiled! Now he's trying to hide the evidence!!! Poor George, we know he's a sweetie really but I think Hazel is right if you had said you needed a new chair it would have been mended!

    Well I've got the grass cut front and back and all the birds are delighted! I've tried to dig up some of the wild garlic that has taken over the garden too. The garden bin is now full to overflowing so that will have to be my lot now until it is emptied on Friday . Trouble is once you start clearing you just want to carry on! I've had a hot bath though and I'm in my onesie cooking roast chicken, should be ready soon it hope, I'm rather hungry, must be all that fresh air and exercise.
    I'm not sure what time Julian will be in tonight as everything needs to be working for tomorrow morning so it could be really late. I'd better get ready to do the early morning train run in the morning, what fun!
    Well I must go and sort out dinner, will pop back later and see what mischief people are up to, we've just cleaned the tables Maureen so no dancing on them please!
    See you soon
    Love Diane xxx

  30. Hi Maureen,
    To be honest it takes me that long to create most of my cards, the hardest part is deciding what you are going yo use, I can't see my desk or chair at the moment!
    I gave just got back from the allotment with Paul, we were busy pottering around, I was stopped in my tracks when, whilst tidying the old potting bench I noticed at the bottom of the bench at the back of the bottom shelf was a little birds nest with eggs in! I hope that we haven't scared off the parents, we kind of packed up and left them to it, hoping that they return, we will have to only go in when necessary for the next few weeks, anyway we picked some fresh rhubarb, the nice early stalks, for crumble tonight! Matt & Becca have taken Sophie and Lucy to a bouncy trampoline centre in Milton Keynes, it's only about an hour or so from here, it looked real good fun, they will be tired tonight!
    Well I had better go and prepare them so tea, I will call back later ladies, I would keep off the baileys tonight it sounds like it has done more harm than good!
    Sandra xxxxx

  31. My word Sandra, you didn't half give me a shock, for a minute I thought you were going on the bouncy trampoline!!! My rhubarb is just coming through but I hope to be able to pick some by the end of the week, I suppose it will depend on how much sun we get.
    How lovely to have a nest with eggs in, with any luck the parents will come back and hatch them. Will you let us know?
    I love it how everyone thinks that George would be able to fix the chair. Oh ye of little faith. He could upholster it, but fix it - never. There was the time he put up a shelf in my craft room. When it fell off the wall 1 or 2 days later it was because I'd put stuff on it! Honestly, you have no idea. But, he is the kindest, loyal and most good natured man you could wish to meet. He has to be good natured to put up with me, he takes all my joshing with good grace.
    Patricia, I have a tendency to stand on the chairs in my house because I can't be bothered to get the step stool. Then, of course, I usually fall off and do some injury to me or my belongings. We live an eventful life in the Killen household - it always surprises me that the neighbours don't really want to come in. When they call I always say "come in" but they rarely do ha ha!!!
    Well, when we have parties or something they do, because they know there's safety in numbers lol.
    Diane, don't worry pet I won't dance on the tables, I'll just hop from chair to chair. Actually, when I think about it, I jammed the swivel office chair between the desk and the bookcase and stood on it to get something from high up, wonder if I maybe broke it somehow - no surely not!!!!
    You're all safe tonight, Sandra hard liquor will no longer touch my lips - I'll use a straw.
    The more I think about it, the more sure I am that we'll have a great time in October. I wonder if I can get a barrel of cider in my case, it'll go nicely with the Baileys whatsits that Patricia is doing. Hazel is doing her Moses bit and bringing a tablet, Sandra is making rhubarb crumble, way hay I bet none of us will be able to draw a straight line.
    Cheryl, you are very quiet.
    Sam, I hope you are feeling a bit better today.
    Norah, where are you?
    See you later ladies
    Muriel xxx

  32. Hello All Really hectic day Ironing all morning and dancing this afternoon
    CHERYL Sorry if I confused you re Sizzix My friend has an electric Big Shot which is about same size as a Cuttlebug Apparently according to a lady demo-Ing at AP she thought my friends must be one of a very few because they stopped making them as it had lots of probs and many were returned At AP she bought the new A4 one which is manual She loves it and as the plates are longer than the GC can get three smaller embossing folders on at one time Everything she has put through it has cut in one pass SW did say at AP that the teal is no different to the raspberry .....but those of you that have had both day teal is better

  33. PS your card is lovely I've now got my eye on Noble dies

    1. Hi Karen , I visited your blog yesterday and as I keep forgetting to do it . I became a member! Xx

  34. Good night folks, John has popped my Hot Water Bag in.
    That's me for today.
    Sleep well, see you in the morning.
    God Bless

  35. Hi I've just been reading about the old sweets. I'm amazed that nobody said that my favourite was gobstoppers!!!!
    The only sweets I didn't like were those with decimated coconut (all right, dessicated coconut). All the years dad worked, even during sweet rationing, every Friday evening (pay day) dad used to bring mam a quarter of dessicated coconut sweets with a peanut in the middle, and a quarter of brazil nuts in brittle toffee. I used to get mine on a Friday morning when mam came back from shopping at the Co-op, she'd bring me a tube of Rolos but I don't remember what Raymond got. She used to go to the Co-op before I even got up, and was back before I went to school. Of course, I was 11 before Raymond started work and it was a different world then. The front door key used to be on a string behind the letter box. Can you imagine doing that now. The house would be stripped bare before you could say Jack Robinson.
    My Lord and Master has just arrived upstairs, I'll have to make sure the alarm is set for 6.30 tomorrow as he doesn't know how to do it, and I'll go downstairs to set the dishwasher off. No, you guessed right, he doesn't know how to do that either!!!
    I'll try to get back in but if I don't manage it, sweet dreams everyone and I hope you all have a good night and an even better day tomorrow.
    Muriel xxx

    1. Night Night Patricia and Muriel in case you don't get back!
      Sleep well! Xxx
      My husband can't manage the dishwasher either! Xx

  36. Hi all,
    don't know what was in the drinks last night but today has gone past in a blur.
    oh remember the times dancing on the tables hihi not any more, would need a stepladder just getting up on one oooh ouch!
    Sandra if I known the kids were coming to the trampolining you go with them next time and we can have a coffee together, don't live far from it
    Karenlotty, I live in Milton Keynes nowhere else. OH said he can possible take me over to your town for a get together, contacting you by e-mail. Anyone else in the perimeters for a get together ?
    Now Muriel be good to the dear sisters and Myra have a quiet night. Diane hope you enjoyed your roast chicken and Sandra hope the little eggs will hatch without any problems (magpies took mine) That's me for today after all the sleeping I will have a earlish night, just look through some e-mails first, mostly crafting ones Hope you all feeling better tomorrow who have struggled today.
    Night, night Maria xx

  37. Oh I am lucky! Guess who does the dishwasher must nights in this house? Charlie. John is in charge of the one at Patricia's. We have trained them well. As I keep saying Charlie and John worked away from home so much up until they retired that they have a lot of catching up to do. I know I am lucky, as Charlie cooks,will peg out the washing and loads the dishwasher and puts it on, oh he knows how the washing machine works too. Hazel x

    1. Hi Hazel,
      Like you I have a diamond too, Paul does just about everything, he didn't to start with, but after my disastrous operation in 2009 he has taken to it like a duck to water! Washing, Ironing, I daren't put anything in the dishwasher as it will get moved into its 'rightful' position by the expert!
      He has also knocked me off top spot for Roast Potatoes!
      I won't say that I am happy with him doing it all, I struggled with the guilt for years, but needs must, we need clean clothes and food!
      He knows how much I appreciate him though!

    2. My sons do the dishwasher but their Dad is a bit hopeless in the house! Having said that I wouldn't change him for anything - he puts up with me and after all these years we still have fun! Even if we are laughing at ourselves. He is very good with roses and our roses are much admired! Xxx

    3. I have a dishwasher as well it's called Pete. He gas yo wash as apparently I don't do it correctly. Not to sure how that U.S. I always thought you put hot water and washing ip liquid in the sink and wash the dishes in it. But apparently not. You have yo wash everything clean first. Then flash every surface in sight. Then you can wash the dishes, rinse everything afterwards then put it on the draining board to be dried. NiwThe he's a Virgo and I didn't think they were that nitpicky.

    4. I didn't realise Pete was a Virgo too, maybe that's why we worry and overthink things the same!
      His washing up routine is a little OCD !
      Sandra xxxxx

  38. Sandra, Charlie had to get on and do things when I was ill, he always did the dishwasher when he was at home, but he only cooked when he was out in the field when in the army, being a land surveyor they would be away from any eating place for days, so him and his crew had a two burner stove and the one that was in the control post saw to cooking the meals, he had all his lads cooking in turns. Like Paul Charlie makes better roast potatoes than myself? All round he is a good cook. At the end of the day Sandra a marriage is a partnership, and when needed everyone has to pitch in. Paul knows it's not because you don't want to do it, you can't. You do what you can! He loves you and it's not a chore it's a pleasure to him. Hazel,x

  39. Sorry to be so Kate but gave been without internet today so couldn't get on here. Had a good journey home and the Sue Wilson dies I left behind at Slly Pally are here. Will have a try tomorrow but think I must order a new GC. The deal you mentioned Hazel looks good.
    SANDRA. Love your card today. As others have said they are not two colours I would have put together but I might just give it a try.
    STEPH. Congratulations on your win. you deserve it. To any not feeling so good today I hope you will soon be feeling better. Had better go and look at Sue's card for today.

  40. Brenda glad you had a good journey home, I bet it feels good to be back In Your own home? Oh you will have fun playing with your new dies? The Craft super Store Cheryl was saying are out of stock of the real G.C. I got mine from Hobby craft, it was £89.99 I think or just £89, I can't believe how every thing cuts so well on it. I have an XCut as well which is great but when you emboss you have to change the dial setting, then put it back to the cutting setting, fiddly and I have so many bits to cut and emboss on these invites so the G.C is so much easier, even turning the handle is less work. Did I read that you got your die exchanged that wasn't cutting, if you did I hope this one works? Hazel x

    1. Hi Hazel. Yes I have had the New York die exchanged but it came last week when I was away and as the original one was sent to my son's address because I was staying there at the time I didn't want to complicate things by changing the address. Hope to pick it up tomorrow as they have been away for the weekend. Thanks for telling me about the GC. I did think about the Xcut one today as was in the Range and they were selling it for £79.99. But thought I would go for the Teal GC

  41. I haven't had a chance to read all the early comments as although I've just woken from a nap - long story! I need to go and get a snack (diabetes calls!) but a couple have caught my eye. My favourite sweets (before I was diabetic), if thay haven't already been said were Tom Thumb Drops and Tutti Fruitti
    My husband is very special too. We've been through a lot in the 39 years we've been together BUT he has only ever cooked one meal -a stir fry and it was such a monumental occasion I made a scrapbook page to commemorate the event. He does, however, do the washing and the gardening. Congrats to Steph too on her win. Thanks to Myra too re visiting me. I hope to repay if you if possible

  42. Is everyone out, don't want a accidental lock in! Had a lovely visit from police this morning saying that there was a complaint last night about to 'old gals' giggling and generally behaving badly, they also happened to leave a trail of baileys bottles from the cafe I had to promise to come in and check that all was quiet, there hasn't been such a commotion since........... oh yes last Saturday! I think I will calling Matthew at Hillscourt to make sure they "are out of stock" of Baileys in October!
    We can't have Maureen dancing on the tables with all our craft stuff can we, maybe we could ask them to put a little dance area with a pole in the corner of our craft room specially for Maureen & Pat !
