
Wednesday 22 April 2015

Michele's Box template

Good Morning Ladies,
Today I have added Michele's Box Template
that so many of you requested.
The only trouble is it takes up most of the blog as I
have had to enlarge it so that you can read it, so I will be
brief and just thank Michele for all of her hard work
uploading these instructions for you and Paul of course who
had to turn the Pdf into a Png (I have no idea)!
Love and Hugs to all
Sandra xxxxxxxx



  1. Good Morning Sandra and the Gang, hope you are all well and looking forward to another beautiful day. Well it's a really bright start here anyway.
    I have popped in early today to give you a help with a wee clean up. I know you were late last night, watching Sue and deciding what and what not to buy.
    I knew it would happen, I dozed off and missed some of the show. However I did notice that you!! SANDRA!! were the lucky winner!!! brilliant. I went off to sleep really happy for you.
    Right, Urn on, cups & mugs out, all goodies ready for the ladies popping in.
    I have a few things to do today, firstly visit the Chatity Shop with the "stuff" from the clean out of the sheds yesterday. We have boxes in the Attic that have not been looked at since we moved in here 19 years ago. I know a few have books of mine in them. Well if I have not looked at them in that time I am sure I won't need them. Will have a quick look but feel they will be destined for the Charity Shop. There are also boxes of "sewing patterns" I don't make my own clothes any more, wonder what I will do with them??
    SANDRA & MICHELE thank you for the Box instructions, off the look and learn.
    I have left my basket of (((((hugs))))) by the door for those to help themselves if they are ill, in pain or just a bit down.
    Ok! we have done a good job, everything shining, flowers on the tables, all Tickety Boo!!
    Be back later to se per how everyone is, and what you have been buying.

  2. Good morning Sandra and all who call in today. See big sister has been in and set everything up, so will just make myself a tea and oh I see there are some tea cakes still from yesterday I will pop one in the toaster.
    Great instruction? These boxes are easy to do, when I showed Beth I used 160gm thickness of paper so she could get the folding and where to cut. Then she went on the thicker card. As I said she loves making these. So have fun, take your time and it will all come clear.
    In to work again this morning, mum back to Glasgow until tomorrow, big dinner tonight so no point of her coming home very late to go back in the morning.
    Maria and Steph I hope your feeling a better this morning - you have a right to feel down, as nothing worse than pain.
    Margaret, just you let that shoulder mend, don't try to speed the healing process up, it doesn't work!!.,
    Cheryl I think an easy day for you today. No! the Decking can wait another day to get finished.
    Right I'd better get going, dishes in the dishwasher, money in the pot and ((((((hugs))))))) in the basket. Hazel x

    1. So glad you said that Hazel, I won't feel guilty now at not getting it done before the week-end. I don't my legs or joints will allow such a chore as the decking today. A nice relaxing day catching up with sue's shows are in order.
      Thank you hugs Cheryl xxx

    2. Yes boss will do! Thank you for your concern Hazel you really are becoming the cafe's resident health advisor, which other café can say they have one!
      Thank you for caring Hazel xxx

    3. It's all those years of being a nanny and having worked for 2GPs a pain consultant and an oncologist that's don't it. Hazel x

    4. Hi Hazel,
      Will you be bringing your First Aid Kit to the Retreat! I like the sound of Nanny Hazel with everything under control! Xxx

    5. Can I not leave her and the first aid kit at home, nanny head on today was stocking up with sun cream for the both cars plus wet wipes. Hate sticky hands and sticky kids hands in the car it worse. Hazel x

  3. Thank you once again Michelle, Paul and Sandra, much appreciated.

    Love & hugs

    Jacquie J xxx

  4. Morning Ladies

    Finally managed to send the instructions for the Notelet box to Sandra. If I wasn't so useless at computer things then I might have known how to help but the scanner turned them into pdf's not that I even understand that!

    Hope everyone has fun making the box & cards. Hope the instructions are clear enough, I'll pop back this evening to see if there are any questions in between doing the good shopping & ringing my Dad.


    1. Thank you Michele, great instructions.
      Will definitely give it a go, I love the style. I usually just do flat boxes for my Notelet Cards.
      Hope you get all your things done today

    2. As I'm on rest orders form hazel, I will give these a go whilst watching Sue. Thank you Michele for the instructions and Sandra & Paul for getting them on the posted.
      Hugs Cheryl xxx

    3. Cheryl, so glad you are going to take it easy? Cheryl you can get a sun hat that got like a UV filter in the crown. Should have said get a sun hat with a large brim and have it with you all the time, and of course you must wear it. Hazel x

    4. Michele thank you so much for all your wonderful help with teaching us long distance two fabulous projects.
      Many thanks to Sandra and Paul for getting these projects all sorted for us to be able to see and copy them your really are treasures. xxx

    5. Thanks Michele , you're a star! Hope you enjoying the sunshine in Southport today. Xxx

    6. Hi Michele thank you for the instructions, they look fun, I will be having a go sometime this week. Is it wrong to hope for a rainy day so I can sit and craft? Lol. Thank you Sandra and Paul for uploading the instructions and doing the complicated tekkie stuff!
      Love Diane xxx

  5. Good Morning Sandra & Ladies,

    What a wonderful day today is, a beautiful warm sunny morning. A tad cooler than yesterday in Wales, it was such a hot day. I should have taken my parasol for all the walking we did around the museum. Just didn't expect it to be so warm, 27 degrees. Not much shade so my poor head overheated and we couldn't wait to get back on the coach to cool down.
    Fantastic night's sleep, once I could straighten my legs to get all the kinks out.
    Congratulations Sandra on winning Sue's card!! It's so lovely when it's one of us. I sat there cheering and told Pete "I know her, she's lovely!" Will catch up with other progs later on, breakfast first and second cuppa.
    ((((hugs)))) to everyone that needs one, and where are our missing friends ? Norah, I miss your lovely wee tales from Glenochi.
    Sam, are you ready for your holiday? I do hope you are better than of late.
    I'll pop in later
    Love & hugs
    Cheryl xxx

    1. You please take care, my dear! Don't want you overheating! Sounds as if you had a lovely day though. I think you found me on Pinterest too! That means I've found you! Isn't life grand! Xxx

    2. Oh great Myra, I was hoping it was you! Yeah, life is grand, morning visitor gone, spot of lunch then on to see Pete take him his flowers. Then home for crafting. xxx

  6. Morning Sandra and ladies, brilliant that Sandra won Sue's card, I just shouted out when her name was drawn, hubby thought something was wrong!
    Will be recording the shows today as well as watching some of them, I need all the inspiration I can get.
    Who is Debra? Is she on the design team at Creative Expressions her cards are lovely, note to Sandra get some of your cards of to them!!!
    Coffee finished, off to the hairdressers for her to work miracles, will catch up later.
    Forgot to say , I bought some of Sue's card last night before it will all sell out.
    Take care, Jess x

  7. Sorry forgot to thank Michelle, Sandra and Paul for the instructions for the box, will be having a go at this,
    Jess x

  8. Congrats Sandra on your card, can we have them all pinned up on a board as we are the only people that come and enjoy our time. No rif raf Joe Blogs just lovely crazy crafters lol. Boy, I was blown away with Debra Stephenson's cards I kept rewinding back just to pause and stare at them. In my opinion - (for what its worth) I think Cr Ex should get rid of some of their DT and look ahead cuz what Ive seen both here and the cards Sue has asked to use from her blog friends beat some of the DT hands down ! And our Izzy has put her little bags up for a draw too bless her, thanks Izzy.
    Thanks for the box instructions Michele, its all fuzzy on my phone but I'll get round that somehow : )
    This stupid dam ankle is giving me so much jip, I just dont need this right now, hardly any sleep, cant get out again now, oh well, back with the cold packs and foot up, am I mad ? No im down right angry.
    Have a lovely day if you making the most of this wonderful sun, if like me you are emprisoned, enjoy Sue xx
    Hugs to all.
    Lancashire Steph xx (missing your blog Patricia) xx

    1. Keep resting that ankle Steph but if it isn't better soon perhaps you should see a doctor in case you have done something more serious. At least it's a lovely excuse to watch Sue xxx

    2. Take it easy Steph, good excuse to sit back and chill out watching the Stupendous Sue Wilson on TV. hugs for you my dear. xxx

  9. Debbie Stevens has a Blog and shows some stunning cards. I do have details somewhere, If I find it along with some rolls of Ribnon and a Bow Maker I have lost I will certainly put it up here for you.
    Off to be busy

    1. I've seen some of her cards on Pinterest, Patricia. They are lovely. Love that little box on your blog yesterday! Xxx clever girl! Xx

  10. Good morning Sandra and all the coffee shop crew
    WELL DONE SANDRA wonderful prize for you to win and treasure I am so delighted for you. I'm sing the song Congratulations and Jubilations to you sweetheart.
    Well just a little frost this morning and some lovely sunshine to enjoy for us today, so pleased as our grandson is off to play in a rounders match this afternoon and I have strict instructions to keep my fingers crossed they win!
    Hope our wounded soldiers are feeling a little better today and that Sam is making a good recovery for that super holiday.
    Where is Daffy Duck this morning has anyone seen her, I am just pleased it is not the shooting season!!!!!
    Have a lovely day everyone my hugs and cuddles are there just help yourselves there are plenty more.
    Margaret xx

  11. Hello Sandra,
    I hope you are well today, and enjoying another day of sunshine.
    I'm sorry I can't stay as we are walking into town now but wanted to thank Michele and Sandra for the box instructions.
    Sue did say that she had some new members on the DT and Debbie must be one of them.
    Now we not only have Patricia PhD, MOBE, but Hazel is CCRFA - Cotswold Cafe Registered First Aider!!!
    Walking shoes - check
    Sun hat - check
    Bank things - check
    Girls Building Society Books - check
    Money - No chance!
    See you all later
    Love and hugs to all, Cheryl, get that cream on.
    Steph, take care, don't kick yourself - anyone would think you were a masochist.
    Sam, hope you are well.
    Margaret, I hope your shoulder is behaving.
    Norah - where are you
    Saba, have a good day today with your family.
    Who have I forgotton - well love to you.
    Daffy xxx

    1. Hi Maureen enjoy your walk (or waddle) into town and don't ruffle your feathers too much.
      Don't forget "these boots were made for walking!)
      Love Diane xxx

  12. Hi Sandra and everyone,
    Many thanks Michele for great instructions and to Sandra and Paul for setting them up in the cafe.
    Patricia hope you don't mind me butting in on your post but Debbie's blog is called Paperpastimes and such stunning cards she makes too.
    Well after my busy day on and off buses yesterday it's going to be a quiet day in front of the TV with Sue and he fabulous products.
    Marie, Margaret, Cheryl and Steph hope you are feeling better today ret is definitely the order of the day
    Take care everyone will pop in later.
    Love and hugs
    Sheila xxx

    1. Morning Sheila,
      Thank you so much for the link to Debra's blog, you are so thoughtful,
      I just want you to know that you gave made my blog that bit more special by popping in each day, I love having you as regular member of the blog, please send me some more photos of your cards too, they will be very much appreciated!
      Love and hugs
      Sandra xxxx

    2. Brilliant, thank you Sheila, that saves me going on the hunt. Still have not found my Bowmaker and Ribbon.......!!
      I can see the back of the Store room though!!!
      In for a quick cuppa then on with more work helping John in the Garden.

    3. Thanks Shiela, good to have you back, I will certainly have a look at Debbie's blog, tAke care, Jess x

    4. Hi Sheila,
      Thanks for the update on Debbie, I'll waddle over there in a minute!!!
      Daffy xxx

    5. Hi Sheila thanks so much for Debbie's
      Love Lynda xx

  13. Good morning Sandra and crew,
    I'll just put one of those teacakes in the toaster to have with a latte and settle down to watch C&C for an hour. I haven't managed to catch any of the shows and this will probably be the only one I get chance to see, boo hoo sob sob!!
    Did the school run (walk in this case) this morning and now have the morning to myself. I think it's the first time since I got back to the UK. I Have a few jobs to do before I head into town to meet my daughter Rachel, but am determined to catch this show before I do them.
    Managed to read the comments from yesterday, Congratulations Sandra on being pulled yesterday. Wish I had seen the show, I would have been so giddy.
    Hope our ladies who were not feeling well yesterday are feeling a bit better today. Margaret, rest that shoulder as much as you can and you too Steph rest your ankle today, sit back and enjoy the shows.
    Thank you Michele for sending your further instructions.
    Maureen, my little duck, what is all this drinking Baileys by the tanker! Honestly, I leave you to your own devises for a couple of weeks and you get up to all sorts of mischief. Myra, can you please keep a closer eye on her. I do hope our Scottish sisters don't introduce her to their national drink.
    Right lovelies, can't dust, Polish and type at the same time so must go. I will try and come back this evening. Love and hugs
    Saba xxxx

    1. Hello Saba,
      Pleased you are having a lovely time in God's own County! Have a lovely lunch with Rachel.
      With regard to keeping Maureen/Muriel/ Daffy - I have tried so hard but she is just so full of mischief! However as you say we don't her to be full of that Scottish spirit! Doesn't bear thinking about.
      Don't you multi task then? Xxx

    2. Hi Saba you could try a Daffy and pop a feather duster up your bottom and dust while you walk (or waddle !) around, it's called multitasking!!! Haha enjoy your quiet time and lunch with your daughter.
      Love Diane xxx

  14. Hi Sandra,
    First of all thank you so much for all the hard work Paul and you have done to get these excellent instructions to us today! Thanks Michele for all the trouble you have taken to get them to us. Much appreciated .
    It's lovely to see Sue's Shows going so well. I thought her Show was over in a flash! What a lot of stock was sold. Brilliant - so pleased for Sue. I am going to put a tin hat on and say I thought John did rather well. He seems quite a nice chap and he makes some lovely cards. He also explains things well and is careful to give Sue all the praise and mentioned Julia too. So far so good! Sorry!
    Another gorgeous day here today. I'm going out this afternoon but will record all the Shows! Glad I bought my card yesterday - it will go by lunchtime I think!
    I also ordered one of the diagonal dies. The one Sue used on a card last week - it was red, black and white. I already have all I need really but didn't have a diagonal and I think I would use that for man cards as well.
    Call back later.
    Love Myra xxx

    1. Myra the diagonal dies are great if you go to my blog I have card up that I made using mine. It's like the striplets you will get lots of use, well I will.
      Well done Maureen on your win? 2 coffee shop wins, how good is that!!!
      John does make some great projects,
      Sitting waiting at the school , the heat is unbelievable. Beth comes out in the winter no jacket on. I bet she has her thick sweat jumper on in this heat, Piano to night so in and out like a yo yo for us. Saba sorry your day out has changed, but that's what happens. Hazel x

    2. Thanks Hazel , will pop over next! Xx

  15. PS! Special hugs for Norah - hope you are managing to watch Sue! Xxx

    1. Hi Myra,
      Change of plan, grandson on his way home from school. Mummy got a call to say he has a nosebleed so she is picking him up.
      All jobs done, showered and ready to go out, but not to worry.
      As to multitasking, managed to clean the shower while in there and bathroom mirror done whilst brushing teeth.
      I managed to see all of the 10 am show and I enjoyed John demos. Thought he did really well too. Tin hat at the ready!!
      Norah love, I too hope you are feeling a bit better and managing to catch some of the shows. Special hugs for you.
      Saba xxx

    2. Hi Sandra and all the lovely ladies
      Congratulations on winning a card last night Sandra and thank you to you an Paul for sorting out the instructions from the lovely Michele today. I'm just watching Sues show while I type, got back from Sainsburys just in time! I've realised I've turned into my Gran(is that worse than turning into your mother?! ) I was looking for net curtain washing stuff and couldn't find any! How old fashioned am I! I don't like net curtains but our lounge is quite near the edge of the road so we have them at the front and we have a shower in our bedroom so we have them at that window too! I had to laugh at the window cleaner stories yesterday. I used to go to a dance keep fit class so would get home mid morning and have a shower. One day the window cleaner came whilst I was in the shower and I could hear the ladder going around the house and had to stay hidden in the shower until he had left otherwise he would have had the shock of his life!
      Cheryl have a rest today it sounds like you had a wonderful day but very tiring. Margaret and Maria make sure you rest too and Hazel thank you for being our first aider!
      Right must go a Sue demo ing again.
      See you all later.
      Love Diane (sitting on her hands so she doesn't spend money!!!!) xxx

    3. Oops! The Best Laid Schemes of Mice and Men - eh! Hope the little one is ok! Really liked the workout !!
      I watched most of the 10am Show too. Some really good tips. Watching Sue at the moment while getting lunch reading and sending this , phew ! Xxx

  16. Am I right? Have I just heaerd Maureen's name read out for one of Sue's Card? Congratulations Maureen if I it was you. Yeeeha!

    Love Sheila xx

  17. Sheila, I'm sure it is Maureen, hope we are both right, I heard the same as you, Jess x

  18. WELL I can't believe it!!!! You know what, I never won a thing in my life, other than a bottle of Rosehip Syrup at junior school off the Autumn Harvest Festival table. I ran all the way home to show my mam and when I opened the garden gate it slipped out of my hand and broke!!!
    Cheryl, is my lucky angel. Since I won her die on this blog, I've been pulled by Sue and got some of her stamps and now today a card off the TV. Weeeee if I could jump up and down, I would - believe me. I came in with George from town and switched on the TV just in time to hear Mike read my e-mail. I was sitting eating an ice cream cornet when my e-mail was pulled from the pot, and nearly swallowed it whole. So thank you Cheryl, you bring me such good luck, now go and get a big floppy hat to protect your head.

    1. Well done you, you deserve it, go easy on the Bailleys tonight
      Jess x

    2. I go out for a short time and miss the hottest news of the day! Typical! Congratulations my dear one! It couldn't have happened to a nicer lady!
      Two coffee shop wins! Brilliant!
      Lots of love, Myra xxx

    3. Congratulations Maureen/Muriel/Daffy which one won the card haha good luck too you my friend enjoy. Love Lynda xx

  19. Wowee Maureen, you won!!!!

    Wow, I am SO delighted for you, my dear heart. Please don't jump up and down on a chair!!!
    and I've already got the floppy hat, a large brimmed balck straw one with black & white flowers.Ooh it is soooo me.
    Love & hugs Cheryl xx

  20. Oh I'm so pleased it was you Maureen...extra baileys for you to celebrate tonight then! Haha!

    Love Sheila xxxx

  21. Congrats to Sandra and Maureen Lucky girls There's nothing like seeing the cards in real life They'll be beautiful Thankyou Michele and Sandra for the instructions I've missedost of the shows Work and tiredness from diabetes being a bit out of synch stoping me but they've all been recorded Had a quick squizz at C&C to see what's on offer though Will look at the blog Patricia mentioned Has Izzy got one too please

  22. Now who's being greedy? Maureen, again. Better run out and buy a lottery ticket, you are on a roll today honey. Lucky you, but well done. No wonder Sue laughed

  23. Maureen and Steph you've both done it again .....oh this is brilliant I am so chuffed for you both. Bring on a magnum of Baileys!!!! There will definitely be singing and dancing in the cafe tonight. I'll nip it and put some balloons and decs up ready. Well done to you both!!

    Love and hugs
    Sheila xxxx

  24. Hello Sandra and everyone,
    Have been busy today ...... Watching Sue/Johns shows!!!!!!!!
    Sandra congratulations on winning Suze cards. And Maureen TWO cards, loved the way Sue found that really funny, But it was all fair and square. ENJOY

    Michele and PAUL Thank you both for bringing us this lovely notelet box. We have all got to get on and do our homework now. LOL

    Will pop back later, Love and hugs to everyone, Brendan XXX

    1. Curse that predictive text .... Sue is now Suze and I've turned into Brenden AGAIN

  25. Oh my word, embarrassing or what? I couldn't believe it and had just told Zoe about winning one earlier when Sue read out my name again. Zoe did a happy dance, George asked if I had bought a lottery ticket and when I told him no, he said I'll take you up when the girls have had their tea.
    Red faced Daffy xxxx

    1. Honey ENJOY we all wish you well.
      BUT don't forget that Lottery Ticket !!!!
      LOL Brenda xxx
      Lots of Love
      Lots of Luck

    2. Oh Maureen look at you, we will have to pay to talk to you soon! Go and get that lottery ticket lovely lady you are on a roll! I'd better get the tankers of Baileys organised for tonight, what a shame I'm out at card club so will be in late and will miss the party.
      Steph look at you winning one two how fab is that. Now I hope you have managed to stop yourself doing a happy dance on that poorly ankle!
      Sit down both of you and enjoy the shows. Right must go it's train pick up time! Xxx

    3. I can't believe this - now I sound like Victor Meldrew! Well done you - look forward to seeing the Shows ! Congratulations - quack open a bottle of bubbly! Xxx

    4. Don't you be embarrassed you emailed in and you won fair and square well done our little Daffy xx

    5. Wow Maureen who's a lucky girl then get the Baileys out good luck too you don't feel embarrassed my little Daffy Duck love Lynda xx

  26. Oh another winner in Steph that's great. Been over at Perth today then working so I haven't seen any of the shows! Maureen I would be buying a lottery ticket or at least a scratch card, but pleased for all of you. Ha el x

    1. Great Steph so pleased for you hope that has cheered you up winning a Sue Card you deserve it lovely lady.
      Love Lynda xx

  27. Well done Maureen, buy that lottery ticket!!! And you Steph well done coffee shop ladies.
    Will pop back later to join in the party!!!!!
    Take care, Jess x

  28. Just taken a 5min breather from this clearing out lark and what do I see ........ Maureen has won not 1 but 2 of Sue's cards. Well done you and I would do as they are all saying .... go buy that Lottery Ticket. Hang on to I though it might blow away in the breeze...!!! Sorry I had a good laugh at you with your win that you broke!!!
    Right that's the washing machine stopped, better go hang out the washing before John gets his hands on it!! Brought down some summer T-Shirts that's them washed.
    Back later. xxx

  29. Steph - I gather you won too! How super is that! Congratulations what a great day for everyone! Hope your ankle is a bit better. Xx

  30. Was it our Steph, I didn't quite catch it, but I hope it was.

  31. On! My! Goodness!! Steph has won as well.
    Congratulations to you all. I did see the start of Sue's show last night. Dozed off through the middle part, woke in time to hear Sandra's name being read out. Have not seen any of todays shows, been too busy with this clearing out lark.
    Off to see what I can rustle up for eating.

    1. I heard the name STEPH but didn't hear a second name.

      I really hope it was our Steph.

  32. Ladies I am at a football match have with the girls, I have emailed in mentioning thd café and got one prepared for seven when they do they Izzy Bag draw, I am recording the show but please let me know if one of our girls gets picked!
    Love and hugs
    Sandra xxxx

  33. YIPEEEE. First Sandra, then Maureen, then Maureen then Steph . Don't know if I have got them in the correct order as I haven't had chance to watch any of the shows apart from the 10am one. I am thrilled for you all, but please don't encourage Muriel to drink any more alcohol. Myra, I can't believe you told her to open a bottle of bubbly, she is on a slippery slope you know.
    Muriel Don't forget that lottery ticket .
    Huge hugs
    Saba xxx

  34. Congrats girls Fingers crossed that one of the cafe girls will be lucky

  35. Ladies,
    Don't know how to tell you this but I've sent another e-mail when I read that Sandra says it's the draw for the Izzy bag.
    But I've been for my lottery ticket, and wouldn't it be fab if I won. None of you would have to pay for your room. Of course, if I only win £20 I may change my mind. lol
    Going to watch the show and will come back when it's finished.
    Daffy xx

    1. Hi Maureen,
      Lots of emails and names read out including Saba and Sandra and Karen , I think! I emailed too! You'll have to take my word for it! Xxx

  36. This comment has been removed by the author.

  37. You know what, sometimes my post disappears into thin air, and other times it appears two or even three times.
    Well after the excitement of hearing Saba and Sandra's e-mails read out I am going to have to lie down, If I am so excited over a few e-mails, what on earth am I going to be like in October - I'll be comotose!!!!
    Cheryl, I'm glad you've got a big hat - I like you even better now because it's the Newcastle colours - black and white!!!
    I don't know why people comment on my names, at least they are all female - not like our Brenda/Brendan!
    Now half of my post has disappeared in front of my eyes, which are rather bloodshot due to all the Baileys!!
    I was asking why Sandra has posted under Anonymous, is she trying to avoid us, or only me? Anyway Sandra, I didn't recognise any of the names pulled out of the pot.
    Popping off for a coffee, back later.
    Daffy xx

  38. Did she read out my whole message, I mentioned sue's blog and the cafe?

    1. No, she was just reading a list of names with a few comments thrown in,
      Hope you've had a good day Sandra xxx

    2. I thought Denice did very well reading out as many as she could! It was a good show with two lovely cards by Sue! I will watch the Maureen Shows later!
      It has been a good day. Sue has had a good 24 hours and I've learned lots more. Xxx

  39. Another wow Maureen, I couldn't believe my ears when I heard your name again and Steph's!!! Coffee shop ladies have been well and truly blessed today. I even heard Saba's email read out.
    Well done to all of you.
    love & hugs Cheryl xxx

    Is this a record surely it must be, I am delighted for everyone. I have not seen the shows as we have had visitors and they have just gone, logged on here and could not believe my eyes.
    Now this surely calls for a drink are we breaking open the bubbly or are we going to have a cocktail of Baileys and bubbly, shall we let our little Daffy decide after all she is the expert!
    We really are so lucky to have so may experts and consultants here in this most unique café don't you think?
    Patricia - cleaning and shopping consultant
    Hazel - medical consultant and shopping consultant
    Maureen/Muriel/Daffy- drinks consultant and entertainment advisor
    Janet - French pastry consultant
    Saba - overseas consultant
    Michele - Tutor and craft consultant
    We have lots of care consultants and problem advisors who are always at the ready with hugs, cuddles, wonderful advice and the gift of sharing.
    Where can you go and find all this in one place I ask myself, there is only one place The Cotswold Café! Sandra we are all so very fortunate, thank you so much for having us all.
    Enjoy your evening ladies, I will look in later if I can for another drink.
    Margaret xxx

  41. Well folks I have had a very hectic day and I am absolutely "cream crackered"
    Used John's car to take all the "stuff" to the Charity shop. My wee car was not big enough.
    We have a storeroom at the back of the garage which I use for a lot of Craft Things!!! When Hazel and I used to do all the Craft Fairs the crates were kept there. I keep a lot of my Jewllery making things, boxes of magazines ...... for inspiration!! Right most them have never been looked at since I put them out there. Tell you what it's all cleared out and looking good. Recycle bin full to overflowing, thank goodness the men come on Friday to empty it.
    Summer clothes brought down, sorted out. One pile for the Charity shop. Yep! another run tomorrow, another for the "cash for clothes bag" why did I keep all those horrible faded T-Shirts. Another for washing.....Washing all done dried ironed and put away. Now I have run out of Coat Hangers. That's a trip for tomorrow as well, so another busy day.
    I am so tired I am lying on my bed (fully clothed) trying to straighten out my poor spine.
    Hope all you lovely ladies have had a good day.
    Don't think I will have the energy to call back. See you all in the morning.
    Please don't go too wild with the celebrations. It's been a fantastic day for the Coffee shop girls.
    Hugs xxx

    1. Well Patricia I am just exhausted Reading all you have done today. I think an early night is called for

  42. Hi ladies, caught a couple of Sues shows today. Well done to the winners! I told Steph to do the lottery as she won on the blog at weekend. I have been making the most of the weather by sorting the gardens. They now look like I own them again! The back is small and has an old wall at the bottom literally hanging in ivy and all my solar fairy lights have just come on it looks so pretty even if I say so.

    Managed to do 1 card this week reproduced one off Sues blog it came out well but isn't it time consuming this hobby of ours? Did I also mention expensive!?

    Planning more gardening tomorrow and more work on the craft room! One card later and it is a disaster zone again!

    Well see you all tomorrow xxx

  43. OH WOW ! hihi Hi Sandra and all, Oh Boy what is it that I hear, are you all on a lucky streak or what hihi I'm so happy for you ladies ! I managed to see the end at 7pm and heard some names being read out and it is a special feeling when you know some of them, I probably was grinning like a Cheshire cat :-)
    Thank you for leaving the instructions for the box Michele and you Sandra and your clever OH Paul to put it on-line, well done.
    Steph, if you joining the party that's going on make sure you take care of that ankle, hope you are better soon but it's a real s__te when you not right.
    Please no jumping on the chairs or swinging from the lamp shades lol
    Anyone know any cocktails made of Baylies ? I quite like Amaretto and coke or in the coffee , ups just remembered my mug sitting infront of me ,now cold tihi
    I had a nice time at Frost garden centre, a bit chilly wind but sat outside for over two hours before it got cloudy and we moved indoors.
    Got home and my neighbour had left a message wondering if I would mind keeping an eye on her children while she had to go to work so there is where I spent most of the afternoon before coming back for doing dinner and spending a little time with OH before his gone to watch football, don't think it is your girls do Sandra as it's on the tv. How did they do ?
    It would been nice if you three graces could have come her but sooo sorry I just have not got the space. I'm standing in the kitchen trying to make anything crafty at all, it's hard when I also got boxes and boxes of 'stuff' around the side of my sleeping area and have to bring things up and down. Hope you had a great day together. I will leave you to your partying and get ready for bed but who knows I might be scurrying outside later hihi Take care all, if in any pain wish you better,
    waking up with a hangover tomorrow morning, oh dear
    Love and hugs Maria xx

    This is me calling, I've just made the Michele box as shown on the blog today. It's bl**dy gorgeous, if I say so myself. Will make some notelets tomorrow. I haven't copied your colours and will decide on the design of the cards when I do them but Michele, I have to thank you again for giving us the details, and Sandra for showing them.
    I've cleared the benches, finished the half empty bottles off so they can go in the recycling. I've only drank the remains to keep the place tidy, honest hic.
    Ooh I wonder how long it will be before the cards arrive!!!
    Patricia, I think you should have an easy day tomorrow, Hazel has enough to do looking after all of us without you being poorly!
    Cheryl, love and thanks to you my lucky angel! x
    Margaret, hope your nose is nice and wet and the dogs are not in pain - or something like that lol x
    Saba, enjoy yourself and love to you, Val and all the family x
    Brendan - what can I say? ha ha x
    Sam, I hope you are keeping well. x
    Steph, keep your feet up and I hope you have less pain.x
    Norah, where are you?
    Sandra, you take care and thank you.
    Night, night, sweet dreams, see you all tomorrow xxx

  45. Hello ladies,
    Decided to ignore my family all together and went and sat in the conservatory to watch Sue's last show on the I pad. Quickly scrambled an email to ideal world and was thrilled when they read it out.
    Haven't we had an amazing lot of luck here today considering the number of emails sent in. Even that blasted cat is purring with happiness.
    Steph is probably still hopping around with excitement and Daffy is probably drunk as a skunk by now, poor George will have to carry her up those stairs. Goodness only knows how that will end.
    Patricia, I would like to know where you get all your energy from. If you are not doing your Monday cleaning marathon you are clearing out store rooms. Please can you bottle some of it and send it down to us.
    My bed is calling to me. Grandchildren will be in with me sometime shortly after six and I can't afford to stay up if I want to survive. I am meeting their other Granny at 9 in the morning in M&S for a coffee and then going out for lunch with Val and a couple of her friends. Her first trip out for anything to eat.
    It will probably be late again tomorrow before I get in to see you all so take care, try to behave, and God Bless.
    Saba xxx

  46. Nighty night, sleep tight ladies
    See you all tomorrow.
    Cheryl xxx

  47. Oh it looks like you have all either gone to bed or you are partying at Maureen's. Was just in the middle of watching Sue's show, when Gillian and Andrew turned up! Gillian came to do my feet - I am walking on air again!!! The down side of them coming I missed the rest of the show. Did hear Karen's name.
    Well I have to be in early Daddy needs to be away for just after 7. So I will need to be up at 5.15, I was a bit lazy the last today's and didn't get up till 5.45 as I didn't have to be in for 7.30. So I am going to get to bed. Night, night. Don't party all night, I think Maureen is on the school run in the morning? Hazel x

  48. Sorry for being so late. Spent the day at the Designer outlet at Swindon. Looked in The Works to see if they had any of the 12x12 card but no. Think that is all gone everywhere. It must have been Hazel. She has been al, round the country buying it. Anyway I had a good day. Bought a pair of shoes in the Clarkes outlet and a tee shirt and necklace in M&S and several other things.
    SANDRA AND MICHELE. Thank you both (and Paul) for the instructions for making the box. Will try it out tomorrow. Congratulations to the winners on Sue's show. Haven't watched all the shows yet. Feeling tired tonight. Don't think I will do anything energetic this evening.must go and watch the rest of Sue's show

  49. Good evening Sandra & all the ladies. Congratulations to all you lucky card winner's WELL DONE. Got up to a very chilly & Windy day. We both had dentist this afternoon I had two filling & hubby had one out. Took dogs for walk when we got home as we couldn't have a hot drink because our mouths where numb,
    Took over two hours to come back to life. Only watched one of Sue's shows & Sandra I was so pleased your name was read out. Got try & see rest tomorrow.
    Doctors tomorrow & try & get some stronger pain relief for arthritis & see if it's now in my feet as they are so painfull all the time.Oh well still breathing that's a bonus,think I need some of Daffy's Baileys if she has any left :0))
    Well good night I'm off Terry has just made me Cup of tea then it's bed
    Love & Hug's Lynda xxxx

    1. Sorry Michelle I for got too thank your for your instuctions for the box.& thank you Sandra & Paul for getting them on the blog
      Hug's Lynda xx

  50. Sorry forgot to congratulate the winners.

  51. Hello Dear Night Owls,
    What a great day it has been, so many of our sisters having their emails read out. I sent in so many myself I lost count. But I don't care - I just get so excited when I recognise names as they are pulled out of the cup.
    Well the one night I pop in late almost everyone has gone off to bed.
    Linda and Terry hope you enjoyed your cup of tea. Also hope those fillings have settled down. I had an emergency one last week, I had only had a check up just a week before. Haven't needed a filling in years it cost £53. And that's NHS Couldn't believe it.
    I think I will just tidy around, dishwasher is loaded have put the milk bottles out and the cat. Key is in its usual place for those who can't sleep.
    Steph your flowers still look lovely.
    Good Night everyone, Sweet Dreams
    Love and Hugs, Brenda xxx
    Whoopee I'm me again!!!!!!
