
Thursday 23 April 2015

Pretty floral meadow!

Good morning Friends,
Well what a busy, exciting day in the cafe yesterday, we did quite well with getting read out on TV,
Plus a few card winners too!
Congratulations to all of you! I hope Sue did well with sales etc, just as a confidence boost, I hope someone managed to get Sue's blog mentioned at least once to boost up her numbers!
Another pretty card today, made using the Floral Meadow Striplet Die and both sets of the Camellia Dies (open and full petals) from Creative Expressions, designed by Sue Wilson of course!
Such a pretty colour, a pretty aqua colour, the smaller Camellia dies match perfectly with the flowers on the floral meadow striplet die, giving you a really pretty 3D image.
I hope you like the card, please leave comment below?.
Well did any of you buy anything? I was tempted by the card pack, the light coloured ones but the £11.69 + £2.99 p make it a little too expensive, it would still be cheaper to get it from one of our regular suppliers! So that's what I will do.
I do like the Carribean background die too, the one with the large oval centre. But I was very good and didn't buy anything.
Pat and I had a lovely day crafting, well afternoon, after we had put the world to rights over morning coffee and then lunch, Pat bought some lovely homemade soup, yummy and warming, with a naughty iced bun, that I managed a couple bites of, I made the mistake of leaving it unattended when I nipped to the ladies, when I came back Lucy and Sophie had polished it off, not even a crumb!
After Pat had left we had to get ready as the girls had a football match that ended in 2-2 draw!
I was so pleased to finally sit down!
Well I hope you could all see the templates ok, I look forward to seeing plenty of beautiful boxes
In the coming weeks.
Well I am off to do a little crafting,
Love and hugs


  1. Good morning Sandra and all who call in today. Sandra your card is stunning, I love the soft Aqua colour, and you know me I love striplet dies, they are so createables no matter what type of card you are making. Love how you have added the little flowers and used the rest down the centre. It's prefect and
    I hope every one has settled down after all the excitement of so many wins by the coffee shop lot.
    Steph if your ankle if playing up its all that dancing you were doing?? Only joking. I do hope it's a little easier pain wise today.
    Oh I am going to have run just looked at the time. ((((( hugs)))))) for all who are in need of them.
    Will be back later, I will need a cup of tea by then. Hazel,x

  2. Janet ecco of sheffield23 April 2015 at 07:11

    Morning Sandra and all who pop in today.
    I'm typing with fingers crossed - yes I know impossible - but have just got to the end of my talk with you and everything shut down on me. This is the third day running this has happened and so I've not seen anything of Sue's shows or managed to get in touch with you. We are in an awful reception area and usually do quite well but when things electrically go iffy they really do it well!!!

    So while I'm still connected Sandra your card today is just beautiful - I love the gentle colours and those striplets are to die for aren't they?

    Having not seen any shows can you please bring me up to date re winners etc when you have a minute.
    I've looked at the box templates and will have a go when I'm not in the middle of sorting out to leave on Sunday.
    What have you been doing Steph to your ankle. Hope it wasn't Baileys induced lol lol.
    Hope everyone has a good day and I'll try and get in later to catch up.
    Hugs are on their way.
    Janet xxxx

  3. Morning Ladies

    Beautiful card Sandra, so pretty & delicate.

    Can't believe it's almost time to go to work again-did the shopping last night, webt up to the greenhouse (at the end of the garden which is a reasonable distance away), rang my Dad who moaned for the entire phone call. Had an hours reading then it was bedtime! Hubby away again tonight so I can watch some of the Sue Wilson programmes I've recorded-apart from speaking to hubby, I'm not answering the phone tonight!

    Looks like another beautiful, sunny day here.


  4. Good morning all, well such a gorgeous card to start the day with I think this colour is so relaxing. Thoroughly enjoyed the couple of Sue's shows I recorded, hubby had a few days off so had to help him in the garden , will catch up on missed shows later. It's Thursday so my day for craft group which I really enjoy after putting the world to rights and having a good laugh - really makes you feel good - another sunny day here so will start my day (((( hugs)))) for anyone who needs them By for now - Jean xx

  5. Good morning Sandra and the Gang, hope you are all well and getting the beautiful sunshine we have here.
    Sorry I am late BOSS:- however I am sure Hazel managed to get things all set up for the day ahead.
    Sandra so glad you had a good day yesterday pity about the "iced bun".....!!!
    SANDRA:- Love, love, love your STUNNING card. Great colours and fantastic design. Have to say I love using my Striplet Dies they make such an effective card.
    STEPH:- hope the ankle is a bit better today.
    For anyone else who is not so good in whatever way I have left a basket of (((((hugs))))) by the door please help yourself.
    I slept in this morning, all that blooming work yesterday I think. I did get up just after 3am went to the loo, got back in bed, could settle, got up and made myself some Tea & Toast. By 5.45am I felt myself falling asleep, snuck back in the bed and fell asleep till 7.50am. Really hate sleeping late, will take me ages to get going and have lots I want to do ....... other than all the jobs I know will HAVE to be done first!!!
    Best scoot and get started then. Will be back later to see what you have all been up to.

  6. Good morning Sandra and all the lovely cafe ladies
    Sandra what a gorgeous card this morning, love striplet dies they make such a delicate card don't they. What a lot of patience to put all the little flowers on too but it really makes a difference. It sounds like you and Pat had a lovely day yesterday, what a shame about the iced bun though!!! Oh dear it's diet day today and now all I can think about is iced buns!
    I must go back and check on what happened yesterday, I know her royal Sueness Muriel won 2 cards but that's where I left it. I sat on my hands all day but nearly weakened when my friend text me after she got home from work, she bought the tag set. I was weakening over the noble dies but resisted. I did do a price comparison on the bundle and they were cheaper than icon.
    Well it is a bit dreary and damp this morning so I think ironing and a few of Sues shows are in order. I will pop back later to see what everyone is up to.
    Steph I hope your ankle is more comfortable today. Xxx
    See you all later
    Love Diane xxx

  7. Morning Sandra and everyone in the cafe,
    Oh my this is such a very, very beautiful and delicate card and I love the way the flowers fall down the centre....I would love to pinch the idea if that's okay with you Sandra. The colours are gorgeous.
    What a great TV day it was yesterday spent watching Sue and her beautiful cards and demos and then to top it all 3 of our lovely ladies won cards. Well done to you all I am so pleased for you. I bought the pastel card but only because I had an outstanding £10 for renewing my membership a month ago so it only cost me £4 something with the P&P.
    I'm off to the hairdressers today as I am in dire need of a cut and colour as it's been a while and my grey is showing through so's the ony fake part of my body and am usually on top of it but haven't felt up to sitting in one place for 2 hrs but my hairdresser has become a lovely friend to me over the years so it won't be too bad.
    Steph I do hope your ankle is starting to feel easier.
    Lynda good luck at the doctors today.
    Hugs to all who's day isn't going too well hope you feel brighter very soon.

    1. Hi Sheila
      I hope you have had a good day, well done another step taken. Having your hair done makes you feel better about yourself doesn't it. Enjoy using your card when it arrives, it's beautiful to work with isn't it.
      Love Diane xxx

  8. Morning Sandra and ladies,
    Sandra your card is stunning, love using the striplet they are so versatile, managed to get the open camellias at long last, so will be having a play with them. I managed to buy the pastel card when the p&p was free, sorry!
    Well done coffee shop ladies on all your wins yesterday, it was good to hear so many familiar names.
    Coffee finished, cup washed and money in till, food shopping is calling, will craft (hopefully) in the afternoon, a few orders to do.
    Take care everyone, catch up later, Jess x

  9. Morning lovelies. Cant believe my luck ! Im not sure if my email was read out and I managed to hobble back into the lounge from the bathroom just as my name was read out ! Then Sue emailed to say sorry that she didnt realise it was me as Leoni hadn't read my surname out, then a second off air she remembered Bolton and realised so felt she had to appologise for not showing any excitement, bless her, what a wonderful lady our Sue is.
    So glad you and Pat had a nice afternoon yesterday. Escape to the country came from Whitney yesterday, an old program but when you hear familiar names and place names it means more - right ?
    Sheila, hope you have a relaxing time getting pampered by your hairdresser, now good friend (we ALL need good friends, even more so at certain times) I just hope you feel more at peace with yourself when you return back and benefit from talking and hopefully laughing a little xx
    Another lovely striplet card, that looks such a delicate green, looks like some card I have and just love its delicate sheen - if its the same as I have.
    Like you dear Sandra, I love the caribbean background die, and I know Sue showed us the best way to follow and cut round it but I cant even follow a straight line when using scissors lol great tip about the rubbing down paper, cant think what you call it, oh yeah sandpaper to get rid of the uneaven cut bits, would never think of doing that, but thats our wonder woman for us : )
    Thanks for asking about my stupid ankle (my come back for being catty) ! It feels so much better today thank you, thank goodness, wont be going clubbing just yet though lol as off to watch a 4 paws training group Saturday and I want to be 100% on the ball so to speak to make sure its the one for 'Andy's dog' we have been on the waiting list for ages to start her back to school so it better be good, as I could buy a complete set of dies for what im spending on this bloody training class !!! Im thinking my dies already have manners and dont show me up whereas this chuffin mut needs help !
    On that note, I will love and leave you so I can light my candles for my sweet lovely boy that I cant stop dreaming about and miss awfully.
    Have a really nice day if you can.
    Lancashire Steph xxx

  10. Hello Sandra,
    What a beautiful card today, it's so elegant and fresh, really, really gorgeous. I hope you are ticketty boo today and sorry to read about your iced bun, I do hope the Lucy and Sophie are going to buy you one today to make up!!!
    Well, the best laid plans of mice and men - Eleanor fell last night coming out of Guides and has sprained her right wrist. I helped her get ready for school but she was in tears as she felt sick and movement is so painful, and she has to carry two very large bags with all her school books.
    I suggested that as she did not feel well and would not be able to write, or do very much, did she want to stay at home. She burst into tears and said that she would miss her 100% attendance certificate! Anyway, common sense prevailed and she's on the settee, reading a book on her Kindle.
    But, bang go our plans today for a trip to the coast and a nice walk along the sea front from North Shields to Whitley Bay. It's a good long walk but lovely all along the promenades for the most part.
    Hazel, I see you are on duty again, don't work too hard.
    Michele, had to laugh at your comment about phone call to your dad. I used to ring mam every morning and evening on days that I didn't see her and if it was evening she would pick up the phone and say "I'm watching Coronation Street" and put down the phone!!! Parents!!!
    Patricia, I'm the same as you, woke up at 3.33, went to loo and couldn't get back to sleep, last looked at clock at 5.45 and alarm went off at 6.30 - groan. I feel decidedly jaded after all the Baileys last night, but onward and upward. To be honest, unless the girls are on school holiday and I can really relax, that's me most nights. I expect you're the same.
    Diane, put iced buns right out of your head. Have a nice big wedge of date and walnut cake in Sandra's Cafe - it's calorie free and fine for your diet.
    Sandra - it was very, very hard, but I did not buy anything except the pack of blue tones card. I got it before the P&P went back on before the first show on Tuesday night. I'd just treated myself to both lots of Camellia dies as they always look so beautiful on your cards and they arrived yesterday, so I didn't feel so bad not buying, although I was very, very, tempted by the big bundle, but I have a big event coming at the end of October in Birmingham, and need to save my pennies for that!!!
    Margaret, hope you are in less pain.
    Cheryl, get that cream and hat on, the sun is splitting the pavement here.x
    Lynda, thinking about you at the doctors.
    Saba, have a lovely day and I hope Val gets an uplift meeting her friends for lunch.
    Steph, hope the ankle is less painful, the drink should numb it!!!!
    Love and hugs to all,
    Daffy xxxx

    1. I do hope Eleanor's wrist soon heals Maureen...she must have felt so disappointed especially as she wanted her 100% attendance certificate.
      Hubby and have been to Whitley Bay a couple of times and I have many happy memories there..we loved it and the surrounding areas.

      Love Sheila xx

    2. So sorry to hear about Eleanor's sprained wrist a Maureen. Having broken my wrist I know how painful it must be. It's a shame about her 100% certificate but she just couldn't have gone to school like that especially having to carry all those books. Sorry about you missing your walk. It's such s lovely day here today.

    3. No need for sunscreen today for me here in Somerset. It has been cloudy, cold and dull since I arose this morning. Only up early to collect new glasses from Specsavers. Now in craft room finishing tidying up and emptying boxes from guestroom wardrobe, and putting craft goodies away and packing stuff not needed into carrier bag for our local primary school/ nursery/playschool art classes.
      If it brightens up later, I'll probably get the decking cleaned and apply protector.
      I wasn't tempted to buy any of this collection as I've already purchased a few pieces earlier on this year at the first or second launch. Apologies to Sue, but my budget needs to be on track for October. Now where on earth am I going? Oh yes a craft retreat!!

      Your card today Sandra is stunning. I do love those striplets, they are very useful to make any card beautiful.
      Steph, glad to see you still taking it easy with your ankle.
      Eleanor, oh you poor sweetie, hope your wrist improves quickly.
      Saba & Val, have a lovely lunch out with your friends. Very refreshing to learn of your first outing, have fun and laughter.
      Being pampered at the hairdressers will be just the tonic you need Sheila, enjoy every minute of it.
      big ((((hugs)))) for Margaret, Lynda & everybody else who is in discomfort.
      Love & hugs to all
      Cheryl xxx

    4. Good morning Maureen,sorry you have to miss your walk,but hope
      Eleanor's wrist is better for school tomorrow,she must have been in a lot of pain missing her 100% certificate bless her. You don't get many children that would rather go to school than have a day off.
      Thanks for thinking of me
      Love Lynda xx

    5. Hello there Maureen, I hope Eleanor's wrist is a bit better and it's not an A&E job.

    6. Like Patricia I hope you don't end up in A&E. Eleanor is like Anna she doesn't like to miss school. She broke her wrist 2 years ago but went in every day to school. Hazel x

    7. Hi Maureen
      Poor Elianor she must have been feeling so poorly but wanted to struggle on, a day with grandma and grandad is just what she needed, I hope she feels better soon. Shame about your walk, the weather got brighter here in the end but it's quite cold again tonight.
      Have you come down off cloud 9 yet?!
      Love Diane xxx

  11. Good morning Sandra and all the coffee shop crew
    Well has everyone calmed down after yesterday what a wonderful time for the coffee shop ladies and their winnings, so delighted.
    Talking of coffee could I have my usual latte please we have just got back from doing the weekly shop and I'm so ready for a good cup of coffee.
    Sandra your card today is an absolute dream loving the colours and everything about it, I especially like how you have used your flowers.
    Sheila have a lovely chat and pamper at the hairdressers it will do you good and you will feel better for it I hope, I always do.
    Well Daffy I do hope you have not been giving that delightful little girl Baileys!!!
    My grandson has had a sprained ankle twice this year, kids!!! I really hate to see them in pain.
    Saba I do so hope you both enjoy lunch and it goes really well for Val, it will be a big step forward for her on her difficult road.
    Have a lovely crafting day Sandra, pleased you had an enjoyable day yesterday too.
    Lynda hope you have recovered from yesterday and that all goes well at the doctors.
    Well my coffee as always was lovely thank you have washed up my cup so will get tidied around and put the shopping away as Derek is hopeless at it, he always puts things in the wrong cupboards!
    My basket of hugs and cuddles are over in the corner just help yourselves, there are plenty more if needed.
    Margaret xxx

    1. Thank you Margaret,Terry is the same with putting things in wrong cupboards drives me mad I'm forever tidying them Going shopping now so i will be putting the shopping away hihi.Enjoy rest of your day & rest your shoulder. Love Lynda xx

    2. Snap, John is the same ...... out of sight, out of mind!!!
      Although he does put the "fridge stuff" away very neat and tidy so that helps.
      Hope the shoulder is a bit easier.

  12. Hello Sandra and everyone in the coffee shop,
    I love today's beautiful Aqua card with the gorgeous cascading camellias down the centre. The Beautiful striplet die is a perfect match. I have these dies and I'm still playing with them, hopefully I will produce something as beautiful as your card - will almost, I'll give it a try!
    So pleased you had a good day with Pat yesterday. I have to confess I did laugh about your iced bun and have a lovely picture in my head of you Lucy and Sophie finishing it off, That's children for you - you love them really.
    I loved yesterday shows but didn't buy anything. After a mega spend at Ally Pally my bank account needed a rest. But I really did have to sit on my hands!

    Sheila, enjoy your time talking with your hairdresser friend. And your hubby would be so pleased you are still looking after YOU. LOL

    Steph, please the ankle is a little easier, take it steady. Yes I agree with you Sue is so thoughtful and caring. It was lovely to read that she got in touch with you, she really is such a genuine lady. I am so pleased it was you who won. As I recall Leoni said Steph L. Well done!

    Could I have a latte this morning I see Pat has stoped by with some yummy iced buns, please can I have one of those, Quick put one under the counter for Sandra before Lucy and Sophie stop by. I see Norah's Corner is still empty, hope she's okay, if anyone sees her tell her we miss her please.

    Well better get this show on the road did some ironing earlier now better do some housework it's just not going to go away, more is the pity.
    Have enjoyed my latte and and iced bun, lovely chatting with you ladies, will stop by later and see if we have any news of our Norah and other missing friends.
    Love and hugs to all, Brenda xxx

  13. Hi Sandra,

    Gorgeous card and a beautiful die/striplet.

    Congratulations on winning one of Sue's cards yesterday, beautiful demos, I didn't buy anything as I don't get paid until tomorrow but I did think all the dies were a good deal at the price they were asking when individually they would cost near £200 or more. I love the Noble dies and want to purchase them next but they are cheaper on IconUK so will probably purchase them from there.

    Have a great day

    Love & hugs

    Jacquie J xxx

  14. Hello Sandra & everyone
    WOW Sandra your card is gorgeous love the soft colours,that Striplet die is a favourite & the Camelies love how you have put them down the centre.
    Well just finish ironing & made some more with two wash loads on the line. Does it ever end hihi. House work done. Terry is cleaning Feddy parrots cage it's his bird so his job,he is so messy & Freddy is too. I will have a cupper & mmm that Belgium bun looks good hope Sophie & Lucy don't pinch it,Sandra I can imagine your face when you came out of the loo & your ice bun was gone haha
    Being called now too go Tesco so see you later cup washed money in pot crumbs cleared up oooo hope it wasn't Hazel.
    Glad you & Pat had a good day yesterday my lovely & hope your ok today.
    Love & Hug's Lynda xx

  15. Hi Sandra,
    Beautiful card! Love the colour and your cascading flowers! I have been playing with the camellia dies as only recently got them - they are beautiful! As I had just got those I didn't buy much els yesterday. I got the card pack without P&P too. It
    lets you have more colours for your money as otherwise need to buy 25 sheets of each one!
    Maureen - so sorry about Eleanor! Sorry about her perfect attendance being lost but how lovely that she cares so much about that! Good girl! Hope wrist feels better very soon!
    Sandra - love the Iced Bun story! I have two sons so nothing was safe!
    Saba - hope you have a lovely lunch today and that Val really enjoys it. It's so good to hear of each little improvement.
    Got interrupted in middle of this and now lunch time!
    Back later!
    Love Myra xxx

  16. Hi ladies, just thought I would update you on a bit of craft Info Craft channel production (create and craft) have also bought cheery Lynn, that is where they were selling that new crossover machine £300 last week, cheery lyn had it on sale for £150 ! So I guess we will be seeing a lot of cheery Lynn dies!

    1. Janet ecco of Sheffield23 April 2015 at 17:21

      Hello - I've just been on the Cheery Lynn site to have a look as I've never seen anything of theirs before and guess what there in all 'its glory' is the New Tattered Lace Crossover Machine - purchase from Create and Craft.
      By the way did anyone see all the comments made on FB on the day that TL launched their machine - it was unbelievable not one person had anything to say about the product or the co. in fact someone did actually say - 'why don't they pay their creditors' or something like that. Don't want to get myself into court!! They are worth a read.

  17. Hi Sandra. Thanks for letter us know. I assume Create and Craft will be selling that machine for £300 and will have the Monopoly so will not be able to buy it anywhere else. This morning I order the Teal GC. I will still use the old one for some dies but the cutting is getting worse so gave in in the end. Wasn't helping the wrist either so as a lot have said I hope the Teal one will be easier.
    SANDRA. Your card is beautiful today. I love it. Have all those dies so when the new GC arrives I will be using them.
    Ladies - some help please. I am thinking of getting the Noble Square dies and not sure whether to have to Classic or Ornate. If any one has them can you let me know what you prefer. I really want them to use with the weaving dies to frame them and also to cut out the cards like John was doing yesterday.
    Well I have to make a card now. Knew if the Artists are the Gallery has had a stroke. He is in his late 80's and at first it was a slight stroke so don't know if he had another incident but now he has lost his speech and use of his left side. He may have to be fitted with a pacemaker as they think it might be to do with an irregular heart beat. Not an easier card to make. Don't really know what wording to put on it.
    Lovely day here today - met a friend at the local garden centre for a coffee so think I will now have a Lime and Ginger tea and get on with this card. Be back later

    1. Hi Brenda,
      I sent you a reply - being the dumbo I am didn't click on reply.
      Not sure if it will be any use. It's under Hazels comment.LOL

    2. Thank you Brenda. That is lovely.

    3. Hi Brenda ( Littlelamb) when I use the weaving die I use the Noble classic rectangle for the frame I haven tried the square ones too frame them yet. I have a couple of my cards on my blog so you could see what they are like.hope that helps Hug's Lynda xx

  18. Hi! Everyone so much for me getting back in for a cup of tea this morning? Where has it gone? Got home to find a letter from doctors, I handed in that sample last FRIDAY, I had been given the wrong coloured bottle I was given a white capped one it should have been RED. So guess who had to go collect a RED capped one this morning to fill and hand in tomorrow? Does it really matter? Then while in the town I popped in to see Adrian at the craft shop, cup of tea in there and came out 40mins later, had to get petrol, well I just happened to pick the pump that broke down with the person before me! Moved and was waiting for the driver to come back out from paying - wait for it they didn't have enough money on there bank card so it was search car, bag, friend doing the same so they had enough to pay!.,., me my blood pressure was going up and up. Why didn't she ask if she could move her car over so the rest of us could use the pump??? And to crown it all the groom that went off on holiday last July and had a baby the next week, she never told anyone she was pregant text asking to talk to me, well I don't want to get involved as she is to start back next week. As the job has changed she wanted to see if what she has been told was true - was I not doing as much and would I be giving my job up? As you all know I don't do as much and it is time to go? As they want this puppy and to be honest I am not bothered one way or the other as long as I can keep seeing the girls, had to take Anna to school this morning then from there to get Beth to hers a 30 mile trip. The mum that takes Anna wasn't going this morning, bus leaves now at 7.20 getting Anna to the school at 8 school doesn't start till 8.40 a lot of hanging around, she will get the bus home. So it looks like Alison won't be back as she doesn't want to come in for 7 or even 8 in the mornings. So fun and games at the house this weekend, at least Jen is still willing to work looking after the horses. Not working tomorrow morning thank goodness, I have still got 42 stripkets to cut for Alice's evening invites and I need to crack on, coukdnt get into it over the weekend. Right off I go again. Charlie has just said we are going out for tea, has he feels I just need to do nothing, he would be cooking and I think it's more he can't be bothered, he has been in the garden most of the day. Oh police van light and sirens speeding through the villiage he's doing more than 20 mph that's for sure. Be in at some point this evening. Hazel xx

  19. Hello Brenda, I have been on Google and typed in - Sentiments, ThInking of you.
    There are lots of web sites to go to - One was Free Christian Thinking, another one was - I did like one on the second web site it was called
    A Hug for You - By Fran Turner
    Here's a little hug for you,
    To make you smile when you feel blue,
    To make you feel happy if you feel sad,
    To let you know life ain't so bad,
    Now I've given a hug to you,
    Somehow I feel better to,
    Hugs are better when you share,
    So this is for you to show I care.

    I think I will dedicate this to all our blog friends.
    Hope you manage to complete this difficult card. When I'm stuck I often put 'Just to let you know I'm thinking of you'.
    Take care, love Brenda L xxx

    1. Like that Brenda have written that in my "Verse & Sentiment Book"
      Have to say I am like you and use a simple greeting similar to the
      "Just to let you know I'm thinking of you"
      Or the one Hazel uses a lot "just because"

    2. Brenda that's such a lovely verse have written it down for future reference...thank you so much.

    3. Thank you to Brenda and Patricia for your comments and ideas. I gave written the verse in my book for future reference and will go with the Just to let you know I am thinking of you. Seems appropriate and I am sure there will be lots of times I will use the A Hug for You verse. Thank you off looking Brendax

    4. Hi Brenda, I love that verse have I hope you don't mind I have written it in my verse book thank you very much. Hug's Lynda xx

    5. Hi Brenda,
      I too have made a note! Thank you! Xxx

    6. Hi Brenda what a lovely verse, thank you for sharing it with us. I don't do slushy verses but that is just right for difficult situations. I hear yesterday one of the ladies I worked with lost her mum at Easter so I must drop her a line to let her know I'm thinking of her, she was so kind and supportive to me when we worked together so I must get in touch. Xxx

  20. Hi all, another rather busy day here and I need a cuppa and something "sweet & sticky". Might have a piece of that Carrot Cake,or maybe one of Brenda's Iced Buns if there are any left.
    We have cleared one side of the attic of boxes that have not been opened in 19 years. They were put up there when we moved. I just wanted to dump them, John insisted we went through them. Hate to admit it ....... he was right. There were a few things that needed to be kept. However we now have just 2 boxes where we had six. Old photographs, why oh! why did I keep the ones that were "out of focus" or subject not really as good as it should have been. Ok that's all done, the ones I have kept will probably be dumped at some point in the future either by me or God forbid if J&A end up clearing out when we have gone.
    The other thing was a BIG box of Sewing Patterens, I used to make all my own clothes. There were over 100 patterns most which have been used. Plus loads that wear out of the Prima Magazine. They used to give a free pattern in the magazine each time, I just binned all them. The others are old, most are Classic so could still be used. I have boxed the best of them, I will take them to a Charity Shop like Cancer Research or similar. These "pop up Chatiry Shops" don't really want that kind of thing.
    Just read Sandra's comment that C&C have bought Cheery Lynn Dies. Gosh it's a bit like the Tesco sinario ...... buy up the competition and hike up the prices. It will all end in tears as they say!!!!
    Ok that's me finished, the Iced Bun was beautiful, cleared the crumbs, money in the pot.
    Better go get the washing in its getting dull, and cool. I will get it ironed that will beat me up.
    See you all later be good if you can!!!

  21. I was thrilled to have my name read out last night It was the only show I managed to see athexrest have been recorded I did mention Sue's blog but not by name though! i was surprised that she remembered seeing me at AP Congrats to the winners too I love your card Sandra Have used this Striplet once and love it Myst get the Camelia dies to match I bought the pierced Noble Squares from icon I'm curious to see this piercing detail but couldn't make out if you need to have the other set to obtain that narrow neat border Think I'll get the other set in say June I need a couple of pay days to catch up! I went for these ones coz the rectangle ones appeared too large for me - post etc Would they have to be sent as a Large Letter? There's a question for you all

    1. Yes I agree the Rectangle dies do look big and I would assume it would be Large Letter. When John was cutting a shaped card with the Noble Square yesterday he said that people had been asking for smaller cards so think I will go with the square die.

  22. Hi Brenda. Thats a real nice verse, but like many of our lovely friends here id put "just want you to know... And on the inside "Im/We are thinking of you.

    Should anyone want any specific stamps that you cant find after going through site after site then try : -

    I dont remember how I found it but so glad I did. She makes all her own stamps and has litterally more than you could think of (some rude funny ones) but some really brilliant family and extended family stamps too. I needed To A wonderful Mum, but then how about dad etc and also To our and to my. So I put these suggestions to her and she loved them so made them and now on her site. Both Alison and Patricia have used her. She is so quick at sending out what you order and very very reasonably priced, right ladies ? Anyway just take a look, hope you are as amazed as I was when I first found her site.
    Hope your day is going ok, sorry you didnt get to walk the coastline, Summer is on its way though xx
    Lancashire Steph xxx

  23. I agree with Steph about stampingallday Niki is lovely she made the stamp for Gillian and Andrews invites to fit into the heart shape I sent the measurements and with 30 mind she had sent an e-mail showing me what she had made to fit. Very quick service as Steph said. Hazel x

  24. Hi Sandra
    Another stunning card today. I just love the pale Aqua. That striplet die must go on my list. Oh dear it's getting longer by the minute. Thanks fir a lovely day yesterday. As you said we put the world to rights before doing any crafting.
    Brenda I love your verse and will be writing it down for future reference. Wish I could write beautifully as I could put that on the Calendar piece I'm making. The girls as Caligraphy have each picked a month to do a calendar. My month is May. I was bouncing ideas off of Sandra most of yesterday. If I could do the fancy writing I could have written this verse in the middle. As the girls drew their match Sandra does this mean they have to have a replay?. Must have a look at the Stampingallday site later.

  25. Hi everyone, what a super day we have had today, really warm and not a cloud in the sky, due to change over the weekend, that's Scottish weather for you. Managed to get a few plants in pots, so hope they will be ok.
    I had heard about Cheerylynn's machine, what are tattered lace about, I did read that Debbie no longer designs for them, well done Sue for head hunting her.
    Have a good evening everyone, off to finsh my orders for tomorrow.
    Thanks for the verse Brenda will had it to my sentiment list.
    Take care everyone, Jess z

  26. For those who want to see Sue Wilson's new dies being launched at the end of this month Craft World have them all on their web site with a price reduction.
    Have a lovely evening everyone can't stop some visitors have just arrived I'm in the kitchen making them a drink or so they think!
    Margaret xx

    1. Thank you Margaret! You are a gem! Xxx

    2. Margaret, you are a wonderful woman!
      Daffy xxx

    3. Thank you Margaret will definitely have a look hug's Lynda xx

  27. Very quiet again here tonight??? Went out for tea, went down to the coast and had tea at the fish resturant. I had a beautiful hot smoked salmon and prawn salad, Charlie had just plain prawn salad, have to say it was yummy. Back home to get a call from work as I had left a message with daddy saying that old groom had been texting me, so just filled in on what had gone on, so at least they know what I had said. So we will see what happens tomorrow. I am not in till lunch time wheni pick Anna up. Oh I think I will have a hot chocolate, it's turned cold here it's because there is dampness I the air which doesn't help! Now I should go and do some cutting,but I don't know if I can be bothered. I think an early night would be better, then again what ungodly hour would I be wide awake at??? Money In the pot for the chocolate and I had a slice of carrot cake which was delicious, Hazel x

    1. Hi Hazel,
      I'm so glad you had a lovely meal! It's been a crazy day here today! However I looked in a few minutes ago and read what Margaret had posted and being an " interested person" went to have a look! Some nice dies and some of the configuration ones look really interesting I did wonder if they would fit with previous dies to adapt those or would be stand alone. It's the latter. I like some of the finishing touches bits and pieces too . Scared to mention too much in case I get in trouble! Xxx

  28. Hello, I'm back again. Guess what. I missed the window vac at Lidl because of Eleanor spraining her wrist it went clean out of my mind. When I did remember at lunch time, George went straight away and they had sold out. In fact they had sold out so quickly because everyone who went to the shop bought one!!
    Rachel took her to A & E last night after Guides and she was eventually seen after midnight!! This was in the Children's Department at A & E. She was not x-rayed but examined by a doctor who said that it was a sprain. He said do not put it in a sling, do not put any binding on, use it as much as she can. I think if it had been strapped up she may well have managed to go to school but with no support, she couldn't bear to hold anything. Well, its swollen and she is in a lot of pain. She has been moving her fingers and her hand every ten minutes or so, but had paracetamol every 5 hours and frozen peas wrapped in a tea towel around her wrist.
    Brenda, I've made a note of your verse, thank you. I have lots of verse stamps but it does get expensive as you can't send the same verses to the same people.
    Michele, I'm busy making he small cards to go inside your box. I'm thrilled to bits with the results so far, so thank you. The pop-up box will be next on the agenda!!
    Patricia, you will have to slow down, I can't keep up with you. We cleared our loft a few years ago, and I could not believe some of the stuff up there. Dressing table, settee, dining chairs. Things I didn't even know I had, like a book of Cornish Stories presented to my Grandfather on 17th January 1887 for regular attendance at Sunday School when he was 14. One of my treasured possessions because he died on my 1st birthday so I don't remember him. My brother Raymond still reminds me of it because it was during the war and we were going to have cakes for tea - a big treat!
    Well I hope that everyone has had a good day today, it's been glorious here but I haven't seen much of it.
    Going to have a look at Tattered Lace's facebook!!!
    Lovve Daffy xxx

    1. Oooh Muriel,
      I went and looked there too! I'm not on Facebook but found I didn't need to be to read what is being said! Not nice really. I thought you weren't supposed to make claims that weren't true on TV! Shouldn't make claims that aren't true full stop! Xxx

    2. Where is everyone today ? 48 comments is half the amount of a normal day!
      Hazel your dinner sounded delicious, I could just eat that now,
      Maureen, poor Eleanor, that sprain sounds really sore, I still think they should of x rayed though to be on the safe side, I went six weeks with a fractured femur that eventually snapped, the orthopaedic team all missed it, so the experts aren't always right, if she isn't feeling better with it in a few days I would get it xray'd.
      I am sure that Lidl never get enough stock in do they? How much were they?
      Will pop back later,
      Sandra xxxx

    3. Sandra I was saying that too, they all seem to be sleeping? I think on some things in Lidl they only get a few to get the folk to come in. I some times think on the likes of Sue's show they say 40% gone but 40% of how many it could be just 10 sets? Hazel x

  29. Maureen I didnt realise you lived in a mansion? You have more room in your loft than I have in my cottage? We have tiny little crawl in places at the edges of our bedroom that's in the roof. You would get a dining chair in but not much more. Oh what I would do to have more storage!!! Then again more clutter?
    Myra nothing wrong with looking and thinking, it's the wanting that's the problem? Hazel x

  30. Good evening one & all,

    The sun finally came out around 1 ish so after a light lunch, went out and cleaned the decking, then mowed the two lawns, well I call them lawns, but one is my daisy patch and the other one dandelions and moss seem to favour it. That took me up to teatime, ate that whilst watching catch up on Extant. Mum rang for a quick chat then chuntered on for 1 & half hours. Tablet time and bed for me I think.
    Night night all
    love & hugs Cheryl xxx

  31. Hi Cheryl,
    Lovely to hear from you, I wondered where you were. Our back grass (can't call it a lawn) is full of dandelions. They seem to be everywhere this year. Have a good night's sleep and see you tomorrow xxx.
    Hazel, we had ladders and a large loft door put in years ago. BIG mistake because everything just got put up there. Now we only keep the cases and a couple of dining chairs. We need loads of chairs for when the family all come every other Boxing Day (and a few other days as well). Although, I am going to try to curtail such big numbers (20 or more).
    Well he has just wandered upstairs so I'll whiz around and clear the benches, make sure all the Baileys bottles are empty - yup they are now!!!! The cakes are in the tins, and the money pot is in the safe. Dishwasher loaded but not put on - got to take care of Maria - and I'm off to watch the 10 pm news. I hope it's not all the election - you can get too much of a good thing lol.
    Have a good night's sleep everyone, Patricia, I hope you get a better night, but if you don't, just think I'll be there with you in spirit!!!
    Sweet dreams, love Daffy xxx

    1. Hi Maureen
      Does that mean uou drained the Bailey bottles dry again. You could gave left a drop for me in case I felt like kne today. I'll have yo see if I've got another bottle in the cupboard. Do you think Sandra us a secret lemonade drinker in the quiet. She tells me she hardly ever drinks, but I wonder if she'd been on our Baileys when she get locked out if the house at 6.00 in the morning.

  32. Busy busy day for me Got a funeral tomorrow Difficult day in more ways than one I loved the verse and have written it down Felt very apt for me today Will look at both web sites Just curious re Sue's new dies Never used Cheery Lynn will go and look at those too C&C will collapse if they not careful coz we won't be able to shop there anymore if they don't do something about their prices Cappucino for me? No I think I'll have a Hot Chocolate with marshmallows floating on top please I'll clear away the plates and cups Money is in the pot Hugs to everyone Thank you for letting me be here

  33. Hi Sandra and all lovely ladies,
    hope you are ok this evening ? a hot chocolate please ,it has gone cold after a beautiful sunny day and we got the borders dugged over and some planting done so a pretty good day.
    Love the card you have made with the striplet, camellia flowers and the very pretty colour of aqua Sandra. You have the patient of an angel to putting all these little opponents together and making the most loveliest of cards !
    Maureen, poor Eleanor I hope she is feeling better soon, bless her not nice being in pain as many of us knew .Hope she have a better day tomorrow !
    Take it easy on your ankle Steph and Margaret I hope your shoulder getting better. It feels like when you have a child sitting for hours on mine plus someone shooting arrows at them in-between but saying that it's fells better today,yay.
    Oh Lynda, dentist yesterday and doctors today. How did you get on, any tests needed to be taken ? Anything they can do for your DB ?tihi
    Sheila, I hope you had a nice outing to the hairdressers. You do feel different when you had a bit of pampering.
    Saba and Val, hope you had a nice luncheon out with your friends.
    Brenda, a lovely little verse. I also have written it down,thank you for sharing.
    hihi Sandra, how dare the girls take your iced buns ? did they have to buy you some new ones today ?
    I'm still on a buzz for you all who had your e-mails read out and to see you being pulled from the very big cup as well, it was great !
    Patricia are you ok ? you seem such a nice lady so why is the ironing beating you up lol
    To our missing soldiers, hope to see you back soon.
    I'm out in the morning but hope to see you a bit earlier tomorrow until then have a good night as possible
    Love and hugs Maria xx

  34. Helllooooo oh it's a bit empty in here tonight, everyone must be worn out after the excitement last night! Well it sounds like a lot of plans were changed today, yes mine too! I had a text from Emma just before lunch she had just remembered it was her turn for cakes in biology tomorrow ! Finally she let me know how many she needed so off I went to make chocolate cup cakes for her. I made one batch and started to weigh out the ingredients for the next batch and had a senior moment- I forgot to add sugar!!! I had to bin the second batch, not even good enough to eat with custard! Then I had to go and buy more eggs and cocoa to remake the second batch. They were all cooked by the time I met her train so she just had to ice them before revising for her statistics mock tomorrow. The house smells of chocolate cake which is not what you want on diet day, but I've been good and just had my soup so only a few more hours to go with a rumble tummy!
    Hazel your fish salad sounds delicious - did you watch Masterchef tonight, they were cooking fish too (I'm not obsessed by food on died day honestly!)
    Maureen yes I definitely think you live in a mansion! Our loft is full to the rafters! We keep saying we must sort it out! We put a lot of boxes up there when we sorted out my parents house many years ago, it was the easiest thing to do at the time but we do need to do it sometime soon - we don't need loft insulation though which is a good thing!
    Well I must toddle off to bed, Julian has taken tomorrow off so we can spend some time together, not sure what we will do yet, depends on the weather. I have offered to do the train run in the morning though so he can have a lie in so I need to set my alarm and get to bed.
    Saba I hope you and Val had a good lunch with her friends
    Night night everyone see you tomorrow
    Love Diane xxx

  35. Just popped my head in to check who is still awake.
    You could hear a pin drop in here tonight.
    Think we all had a lot of excitement yesterday.
    Sleep well dear friends, hope tomorrow will be a lovely day for you all.
    Love and hug, Brenda xxx

  36. Argh! I've just looked at the Canadian background on Craft World It is lush!
