
Friday 24 April 2015

My Prize Card!




Good Friday Morning Ladies,
Well its been a long week this week, its certainly had its ups and downs!
The down side being Tuesday, we had Lucy's eye hospital appointment,
they did more tests, this time on her field of vision and how her eyes
react to different things, the conclusion is that her eyes are ok, its her
brain that is not doing its job, she has now 3D Fusion (where your brain turns
two 2D images into one 3D image) this is usually as a result of head trauma,
but Lucy has never banged her head, the Consultant thinks she has always had
the problem, this being the reason for her needing the two repair surgeries.
We were hoping that they were going to be giving us some realistic ideas of
treatment to plan for, but it seems that the only course of action that they
can take is to give Lucy an Occlusive Lens, this will be worn in one eye,
to blind that eye, this will temporarily stop the double vision.
I really was hoping that there would be a more permanent and less
drastic solution, it really wasn't the outcome I was praying for, we have to
return in two weeks for the fitting for her lenses, she will have to wear them
in alternate eyes so as not to affect the muscles in the eye.
It seems so unfair as she is so young.
Now the up side of the week was two fold, one was having Pat come over
on Wednesday, we did have a good time, I was really grateful for Pat's company.
The second part was watching Sue's shows and hearing so many familiar names
read out, Sue always looks so pleased to hear familiar names, winning a WOW card
was very much a highlight too! I have pictured it above.
You can see that Sue has used her new Weaving Dies with the Noble
Rectangle Dies,  and the Caribbean border die, embellished with the Camellia
dies which have been layered up and 'Sugared' with Iced snow,  Splendid Swirls Die,
White and narrow blue ribbon and a couple of stunning Stick Pins, all from Creative
Expressions, its a stunning card, it arrived in perfect time too as my Weaving Dies
arrived too, so I have some close up inspiration!
I hope you all have a good day and the we have a busier day in the café, we had our lowest
numbers for a while yesterday, I'm not doing anything wrong am I?
I am only asking so that whatever it is I can put it right!
Love and Hugs to all of you,


  1. Sandra, I'm sorry to hear the outcome for Lucy wasn't what you hoped, I agree far too young to have to deal with these things, hugs xxx

  2. Morning Ladies

    Sandra-you lucky, lucky lady!!! Hope your Sue Wilson card is going to have pride of place in your craft room?!

    Sorry to hear your daughters appointment didn't go as expected, what a disappointment.

    I watched all but 2 Sue Wilson shows last night, am shattered this morning. Will try to watch the last two early Saturday morning when hubby has gone out to play golf. I doubt very much that anything is wrong with the Cafe-guess the visitors are enjoying the sunshine and doing outdoor jobs. Finding your blog is one of my best discoveries!!!


  3. Good morning Sanrda and the Gang, hope you are all well. Not so bright here this morning, however we should not complain should we???
    Sandra I am sending you and Paul some special (((((hugs))))) .......!!!
    SANDRA:- will you STOP worrying please. Things were quite yesterday, yes, why?? People are busy I can aspire to that. I am sorry I did not manage in, Elaine was here,she did not leave till after Midnight. You are definitely not doing anything wrong we (well I was) were busy. I promise I will in more today and I am sure if the weather turns rather less sunny lots of us will in as well.
    You lucky, lucky lady with that beautiful Winning Card gives you something to refer to while you use your new Dies.
    I will need to rush off for now I have a few things to do before I have my breakfast.
    Set things up for the Cafe I noticed none of the regulars were in when I started typing this. I am sure they will have been by the time I press the send button.
    Will be back soon, but please, please stop worrying you have enough of that to do with other things.
    Hugs xxx

  4. Good morning Sandra and anyone else who poppes into the cafe today,

    Sandra honey your blog is fine, you always keep it so interesting and invite us to leave comments on anything and everything. Just that sometimes there are other things going on - for me it would be gardening or just getting caught up with family and friends. Your blog friends WILL always be there for you, please don't beat yourself up, all will be fine LOL

    Sorry to read about Lucy, it does seem so unfair for someone so young to have to Have to go through all this. She will cope, she is a fine intelligent and well-balanced young lady, also she has an amazing supportive family who are all there for her. (she is her mother's daughter)

    WOW Your beautiful card made by Sue is really stunning. Brilliant to see it so close up. Thank you Paul for your photographic skills.

    I'll just have A cup of tea while I'm here, will pop back later and see who's stopping by this morning.

    Love and hugs to all, Brendan XXX

    1. Please can I be Brenda !!!!! Grrrrr predictive text. You would have think I would have learnt by now to keep checking

    2. At least Bendan is OK, Brenda, predictive text calls me jaundice.

    3. Hi Brenda,
      I have been known as Moron on more than one occasion!! Obviously people know me better than I thought lol.
      Muriel xxx

    4. Oh Brenda when you turn into Brendan it always makes me smile! I get this picture of you in a telephone kiosk a bit like superman changing from one persona to the other! I think I prefer your feminine side best! Love Myra xxx

    5. Hi Brenda,
      I like it when you all blaming predictive text sometimes on the spelling mistakes lol. I haven't got it but it underlines in red if a word is spelt wrong so I can change it but of course sometimes you have words sounding the same but mean different things, you not making it easy for a foreigner hihi
      hugs Maria x

    6. Maria! You are amazing - I would not have a hope in another language . Struggle with this one! Are you feeling any better? Hope so! Xxx

    7. Maria, it really is "predictive" text honest.
      When I use the PC I get the red line under the wrong spelt word. On the iPad it just makes up its own mind.......and does NOT tell you!!!
      Foreign language I really don't stand much chance. We lived in Turkey for 7 years and even then I struggled with the language, I still do when I go.
      Hope your feeling much better.

    8. Hi Maria, your amazing with your English,you are probably better than i am at the spellings,( thank goodness for spell checker) so don't you worry. Hope your feeling better now.
      Love Lynda xx

  5. Morning ladies, hope you are well. Beautiful card! Lucky lady! I caught some of Sues shows but not all!
    Sandra you are doing nothing wrong but I was making hay whilst the sun shone yesterday wanting to finish sorting the gardens before a change in the weather! I never got chance before the winter to tidy, cut back and sort so the back in particular was a mess. All sorted now! I also tackled Tilly's room yesterday!!!! Better done when she is out and I can throw stuff she won't even remember she had!

    Well off doing the food shop now. See you all later!

    1. Ha ha Alison, want to bet that Tilly doesn't notice. I gave some of Zoe's dolls and pram to a Woman's Refuge last year and she asked me yesterday to get them out because she wanted to play with them. The pram was for a 2-3 year old and she is nearly 9!!! Memory like an elephant.
      Muriel xxx

    2. I know Tilly is like that too!

    3. Oh how many times have I been there??? I have I. The past taken things from the girls rooms and put them in ours for a week or two, if they don't ask for them they then get passed on, I learnt not to leave them some where in there telling mum what I had done, as she would go give it them back saying " oh they will miss that or oh I think they want to keep it" ? Why do they need to keep cut up bits of paper, broken toys or things they never played with. Beth was given one of these Hugh teddy from a neighbour that was going back to America, it takes up so much floor space, it's full of God knows what, ( dust mites cones to mind) but will she or mum let it go? She would miss that as its so big, but at 10 she needs to be told. I would have liked to have seen your face Maureen ?? Hazel x

    4. Ooh I also donated Barbies and clothing to the Charity Shop - Annabelle currently going her GCSE's told me I'd ruined her childhood! She was kidding - I think! Xxx

    5. My friend doesn't need insulation in her's filled with teddies etc that her girls won't let her put out, and they are both mum's themselves now.

  6. Morning Sandra,
    Sorry to hear about Lucy, I sure she will cope at least they have found out what is wrong, and are addressing it.
    Now lady you are doing nothing wrong, it was such a gorgeous day yesterday, I believe everyone was outside, and we're so tired after gardening etc, they all popped off to bed early, no bailieys last night!!!
    Sue card looks stunning close up, thank you for showing it.
    Take care, I'm off to do my stint in our craft shop today, hope we are busier than last week, that was a disaster darling!! The weather is not so good today, so maybe people will be down the town to get out of the house.
    Catch up later, Jess x

    1. Where is the craft shop, Jess? Just in case I can visit some day.

  7. Sandra, will you please stop giving yourself a hard time. We have told you before, you have given a bunch of us a place to drop into, share a laugh or a moan, show off and admire the crafts we love, share problems. and create new friendships. Remember, there have been days when you didn't comment much either. Sometimes life just takes over all your time, and as women, our time is last in the list. I can sometimes take a few moments when I am working at the computer to pop in here and see what's happening, but some days are like yesterday, just too much to deal with. I was on the go till 10.30, then just sat down exhausted.
    So sorry that Lucy's appointment didn't go well, but you are probably feeling worse about it than she is.
    What a lovely card, it's great to get one from the professionals, but also good to see how yours compares...your cards are every bit as good as this, the only difference is that Sue and company have the design ideas, which we then adapt to our cards.
    I think there will be less gardening today, it's a bit dull and damp here today, not nice after such a lovely sunny spell.
    So cheer up honey, you are stuck with us for a long time yet.
    Janice xx

    1. Hi Janice, our craft shop is in Grangemouth, it is called Ochil Crafts and it is for crafters who make hand made goods, ie, jewellery, crochet, knitting, art, wood turning, patchwork, cards and lots of other things.
      I also help my friend in her craft shop it is called Klassy Kards, in Grangemouth, supplies for card makers, you can look her up on Google. She has a well stocked shop. Jess x

  8. Morning Ladies,

    Sandra, will you PLEASE stop beating yourself up about how few comments there were yesterday. You are not doing anything wrong, sometimes we are so busy, we often don't get the chance to comment all the time. While the sun is out, like me, a lot of the ladies are in the garden doing different jobs that need a lot of TLC following the wet and windy start of this year.
    Without you, my dear heart, we would not have 'met' in this most glorious of cafes. Remember the words in my card and take good heart. You are a gift to us and we wouldn't have it any other way. Enough said, now chill babe chill.

    So sorry for Lucy's eye troubles. How they missed it beforehand, considering all the appointments she has had, I will never know, someone definitely took their eye off the ball game. Give her a big (((hug))) from me. As one who also suffered with eye problems at a very young age, I can sympathize with her.

    Now go and enjoy your new dies and start weaving girl, and put your card in a very prominent place to remind you of the very special lady called Sue Wilson.
    Love and hugs to all of us in discomfort, gardening pains, creaky joints, leaky bladders and those who knock back the Baileys and the wine at night when the rest of us are tucked up in bed.
    Enjoy your day whatever you will be doing, it's cool enough today for me to tackle the decking protector stuff. I am very fortunate that my back garden faces South, so we have brilliant sunshine all day. Makes it too hot at times to do anything more than just sitting under the parasol sipping ice cold elder flower cordial. Ooooh such bliss, sitting there watching the flowers grow.
    Cheryl xxx

    1. Good morning Cheryl, Mmmmm!! if the sun stays may I join you this afternoon for some of that Elder Flower Cordial and a chat under the Parasol???
      We have lots of Elder Flowers round here. There is a local wine company pop out to gather them. Care-No-Mor Wines you will probably see their products in the Wine Isles in the supermarket.
      See you later

    2. That would be lovely Pat, unfortunately I only have a PC not a laptop.
      Pete & I chose it as we didn't want to be like our children, constantly on theirs and not even looking for to have a conversation with us.
      Wise choice as it happens because I then get to spend some quality time answering emails etc .
      But in this virtual cafe with a vertual patio we can sit side by side chilling out. xxx

  9. Morning Sandra,
    I just wanted to tell you dear lady that there is absolutely nothing wrong with you or your blog and I can't tell you enough just what a wonderful comfort you and your lovely followers have been to me. It' so very welcoming, friendly, caring, fun and very interesting. If it's not so busy one day it maybe that life just takes over now and again but believe me it's no reflection on you or your blog please dear friend just stop worrying. You're are probably at a low ebb because you wanted to hear better news about your dear daughter and that is so understandable....youngsters are so adaptable these days and I am sure she will cope very well when she gets used to it.... so please take care and try not to worry too much (I know that's easier said than done being her mother.) Hope you feel a bit brighter when you have read all the lovely comments about you and your wonderful blog from your all of your lovely friends and visitors to the cafe.
    Lots of love and a humungus hug
    Sheila xxxxxxxx

  10. Well due to my I pad not wanting to play this morning I am late in. I am really thinking its time to replace this, it's the thought of all that money!!., It's 3 years old and to think when Charlie bought it for me I about had a fit. Oh boy 3 years on and I am having fits as its playing up - changed days???
    Sandra firstly I am so sorry about Lucy getting told there is not anything that can't be done to make things 100% better for her, but at least if they can take the 3D vision away it will help, and she is young and in a few years time someone can have discovered an answer to her problem, there is research going on all the time. So positive thoughts on that score please also she has a loving caring family that will be there to support her.
    Love your
    Sue card, and what better way to see how those weaving dies work? Just having that to study will tell you everything.
    As for your blog!!!! How many times do you get told " STOP WORRYING". All is well, there was just a lot of tired folk? All this house tidying and gardening has taken its toll and it was bath and bed for them. Also like myself I was trying to comment and this I pad had other ideas, I can do it from my phone but the keyboard is so small it's hard work. No there is nothing wrong, your blog is addictive and I for one love to pop in and out to read what's going on? PUT THAT WORRY HEAD AWAY!!!!!!!
    Right I am going have to run, I have to get this sample to the doctors, been waiting the post to be delivered as my A3 card order was due to come, that's it here. Will be in when I get back. Hazel x

    1. Hazel! Go for it! I had a new one for Christmas and what a improvement from my old one! It was the first IPad and slow wasn't the word for it! Xx

    2. Hi Hazel,
      I have a Acer Note/Net book thingy with a keyboard. bought about 2 years ago and it is a dream. Small enough to put in a medium sized handbag. I love it xx

  11. Hi everyone else,
    Just wanted to write my first post to Sandra alone as she seems to be at a low ebb at the moment so now I'm popping into the cafe for a cuppa and a slice of toast and to say 'hi' to everyone else. There is no sunshine here in North Wales and unfortunately we're heading for cooler temperatures! Grrrr!
    I had a lovely afternoon cut and coloured ( I now feel a bit more human!) Julie (my dear friend and hairdresser ) had me feeling alot more relaxed by the time I came out of there....just like a visit to your lovely cafe Sandra, called in to see my crafting buddy who is manageress at our local PO, a bit of shopping and then back home. I have 3 cards to make in the near future 2 for family and 1 for my crafty buddy so attempted to try and start them last night...was too tired after my day so put all my stash away and will try again later on.
    Hugs to all who need them and hope times get better for you soon.

    Love and hugs
    Sheila xxxxxx

  12. Hi Sandra,

    So sorry to hear the news about Lucy, I hope what they are going to do helps and that it isn't long term. She will be brave I am sure. Please send her our best wishes, I know it won't help but we are all thinking of her.

    Beautiful card you have from Sue, I still have some of the shows to watch but ones i have seen were brill!

    Have a great day

    Love & Hugs

    Jacquie J xxx

  13. Hello Sandra,
    I am so sorry to read about Lucy, and as Hazel says with research they may come up with a better answer in the next few years. I know that is no real consolation because you want things to be put right NOW, but hopefully with this temporary solution things will improve greatly. Give her some loving cuddles from me, and take a couple for yourself.
    The winning card is beautiful, you've got gorgeous colours, those stick pins, and the swirly whirly thing, fabulous. I'm dying to see what i will get - why haven't they arrived yet, ho hum patience and Maureen don't go together!!
    I see you're getting yourself in a tizz again. Don't. Everything and everyone on this blog are great and because of the lovely weather (it's fantastic again up in Newcastle) we are taking the opportunity of getting out, putting the garden to rights, talking to neighbours that we don't see in the winter months, and generally enjoying the fresh air. You are doing nothing wrong so put that idea out of your mind now. And where else could we make ourselves at home and get such lovely coffee and calorie free cake at very reasonable prices!!
    Eleanor was sick during the night, so she's off school again (48 hour sickness rule) and her wrist is still swollen, bruised and very painful. I was not happy that Rachel said it hadn't been x-rayed but kept my mouth shut because I was not there when the doctor examined her. It's a lesson hard learned over the years, "don't interfere Mother". Anyone else recognise those words? Of course it's different when we are required to step in and take over!!!
    I've decided to be Muriel today. I don't know if you've read my reply to Brenda's post above but a few people have called me Moron in my time. I'm still not sure whether they were being personal or actually thought that's how Maureen was pronounced - I'll leave you to be the judge of that ha ha.
    Muriel xxxxx

    1. Hi Maureen, can I ask how old Eleanor is? I have worked in A and E 20 plus years and some of those years as an Emergency Nurse Practitioner. Kids get green stick fractures really easily with the subtlest of signs. Very low threshold to X-ray and if it is swollen in the least in my opinion needs an X-ray to exclude a greenstick fracture. Your instinct is right. Sorry for interfering but if it's a junior doctor that's seen her then their experience is minimal in this kind of thing.

    2. I agree said yesterday it should be a visit to A&E again.
      Hope the wee soul feels better soon (((hugs))) for Eleanor.

    3. Maureen, I agree with Alison, when Ann's broke her wrist they weren't goung to X ray, but mum and dad being of an age and both having done their time in A&E stuck to their guns and made them X ray, like A,ison said it was a green stick fracture. Younger doctor didn't even have the grace to say "sorry" . On the other hand I know exactly where you are coming from with not saying anything!! Not good that she has been sick now too, another day of you two bring on duty?
      Sheila, I am so glad you feel a new women with having your hair done and a good chat with friends.
      Cheryl, I like your description of us all, we sounds like we are all falling apart? No your right we can on here at least say what aches and pains we have, as most of us understand.
      Well I have enjoyed my cup of tea and I have a Danish pastry, it was nothing like what janet will be enjoying later today, but it was delicious.
      Well I better go get the bedding pegged out and get the next load on. Off to work at lunch time, oh this silly new thing of them finishing at lunch time on a Friday is a pain. Hazel x

    4. Hi Muriel I'm with everyone else your little one should go back to get it x rayed better to be safe than sorry and the sickness could be linked to all the pain she is getting too bless her xx

    5. Agree with everyone else but also understand where you are coming from as when we say something they think we are interfering. Except when we are needed. Different story then. Perhaps you could take her to A&E with the excuse that it it is so swollen and painful something needed to be done?

    6. Brenda, I think that's a good idea? And yes mum and dad are always prefect when needed, same with bosses of Nannny's!!! I have stepped in and taken anna to the doctors as I wasn't happy with her temp being high and calpol was doing nothing. Couldn't get hold of dad or mum, didn't keep trying just got her to the doctors and yes I did the right thing! I don't know about other Granny's but Tammy asks me for advise then when I give I get told I am old fashioned that's not what happens now? But they forget the times when they have asked and I have said what I think they have,and have been
      right. Things like measle, chickenpoxs scarlet fever were all the illnesses when ours were little now they don't see them as much. Hazel x

    7. Agree with everyone else, my dear heart. Take her yourselves. you won't regret it as it at least will put your mind at ease. As for your name, I have a cousin in the grand old US of A called Maureen, but it is pronounced MOE (as in hoe) REEN.
      And anyway I don't think you are a moron.
      Love & hugs Cheryl xxx

    8. Cheryl , Do you think that would fit the song Jolene? Not sure how you spell that one! If it's wrong I'm to blame. Xx

  14. P.s.
    Sheila glad you feel so much better after being to the hairdressers. I keep going to the bodyshop with George when he puts the car in, but they always send me away with a flea in my ear and say they cannot do anything for me. xxx

    1. Oh! Moron!! my friend you are the limit......thanks for the laugh.
      The Body Shop well I never ...... our Body Shop in town sell all kinds of Creams for Dents and Scrapes!!!

    2. Thought I would share this with you - my OH is very thought and caring,(most of the time) He asked earlier if I needed anything doing? I said you could dry my hair for me, (no I was not serious) He replied OK come into the garden, I'll swing you around by your feet, it should be dry in no time.
      SEE what I mean by caring !!!!

    3. This comment has been removed by the author.

    4. Brenda, I LOVE it!!!
      Please wear trousers during the process !!!

    5. Thank you for the laughs, Brenda and Maaureen!!! And yes sister that's not what those tools were designed for? Hazel x

    6. Patricia, You made me laugh.
      His eye sight could have been ruined for ever LOL xxx

    7. Patricia, You made me laugh.
      His eye sight could have been ruined for ever LOL xxx

    8. I was worried about protecting you modesty if someone happened by!!!

    9. Oh Brenda you are a treasure, you really made me laugh on that one. xxx

    10. Brenda, I'd pay to see that! If George swung me around by my feet he'd either let go - well he probably would let go - or swing me into the wall and knock me unconscious. I am not joking!
      Muriel xxx

    11. Oh now I have this mental picture of you Brenda being swung around by hubby by you feet....hope you have at least your Tenas on!! Lol!
      We have the same Body Shop as you Patricia but their creams don't work for my Dents and Scrapes so I have to use Pollyfilla in stead!!!! xxx

    12. You're all a great laugh ladies and always brighten my day xxx

    13. Oh Ladies you have given me a good giggle! I have a picture of Brenda with her hair dry but it standing on end and spinning stars going around her head!
      Maureen - is lying knocked senseless until she hears George saying I'll get a wheelchair at which point she makes a marvellous recovery!
      We are all slightly mad but isn't imagination just grand! Xxx

    14. Sheila - forgot to say my picture of you with your new lovely hairdo and a trowel in one hand - Polyfilla in the other! Xx

    15. Oh my goodness Brenda and Maureen what a picture I have of the two of you and your lovely husbands swinging around and getting dizzy. What are you two like. I also love the thought of Brenda going into a phonebox and coming out as Brendan the superhero!
      Maureen certainly wouldn't call you moron! I can hear Boicey from only Fools and Horses saying Marleeen when I hear Maureen but definitely not Moron!
      What a hoot you two, my husband now thinks I'm mad chuckling to myself!!!
      Love Diane xxx

  15. WARMING!!!
    Don't scratch that itchy bit your back with a "pokey Tool" .... You know ...... the bit you can't reach ......... you can make it BLEED!!!
    How stupid was that !! no please don't tell me!!!

    1. I cannot believe (Victor Meldrew) that you would do that. me yes, you no!!!!

    2. Patricia! Now that was a silly thing to do wasn't it dear! Tut Tut! What would you have said to Robert if he had done that! Xxx

    3. Amazing what we learn from experience, just a pity there are so many things I still have to learn. Do I need to do it all the hard way?

    4. Just happened to have the pokey tool in my hand. Popped it to the itch, only when it "hurt" did I realise the stupid thing it did ..... Doh!!!

    5. Patricia it's good to know you are hot blooded! At least I think that's the reason for the Word in Capitals! Xxx
      Sorry couldn't resist! Xx

    6. OMG!!! well got "your" attention anyway.

    7. Now that a silly thing to do - just pleased it wasn't your nose - you would have sore eyes by now !!!!!!

    8. Can't tell you how many times I have almost punctured my right "boob"
      Have the "pokey tool" in my hand and want to move the hand position .......yep!! I end up sticking it my boob!!!

    9. Are you left handed too Patricia? Xx
      I think Norah is, Saba is and Li'l old me! Xx

    10. Nope!! very Right Handed

  16. Got myself already to go get Anna, went out to the garden to say to Charlie that I was going to get her. His reply " it's never 12.30? While he looked at his watch" yes I had got the time wrong! Thank goodness he noticed? Oh it's going to be one of those days!! Hazel x

  17. Good morning Sandra and all the coffee shop crew
    Well I really am ready for a coffee please money in the pot, oh that is better thanks.
    Sorry to hear things did not turn out as you wanted them to Sandra it is such a worry I know but just wait and see what happens it may all work out.
    Well we have taken the corgis for their pamper and I have been for my health check, I'm still breathing so all appears to be ok will see what the armful of blood has to say for it's self. Guess what results back in 2 weeks they say, if I had gone to the vets I would have had my results at lunch time today!!!
    Sheila so pleased the hairdressers brighten your day small steps as they say do help.
    Sandra yes there is something wrong with this blog YOU will you please stop worrying everyone and everything is all fine and tickety boo, so please for the last time STOP worrying .
    Well just had phone call corgis ready to collect after their shampoo and pamper so off we go!
    Weather here is turning grey and so cold so watch out Newcastle!!
    Margaret xxx

    1. Margaret,
      Did they have a blow dry!!! Still nice but cloud starting to close in. George is bowling tonight so I hope it stays fine otherwise there'll be no living with him!
      Muriel xx

    2. Yes Muriel they do have a blow dry actually, they get shampooed then go into what they call the drying box which is just like a cupboard with glass doors, so they can still see each other, (they don't like to be separated) that has warm air blowing through it. After drying they have a lovely brush on the grooming table they have some dog perfume sprayed on. They really love going we take them every month when they were with their previous owner they were shampooed regular as they showed them, so always had to look their best. Tomas won lots of show so much in fact he is in the Kennel Club Stud Book, Amy did not win quite as much although she looks just as lovely.
      Really grey now just waiting for the rain, but I will keep my fingers crossed for George. Do make sure he has something warm on it is really gone cold here and we don't want him getting a chill, or you will suffer then if he is anything like Derek!
      Margaret xxx

  18. Sues new dies pictured on IKON - don't tell Steph! I think they are due out on Wednesday. Can't see me indulging apart from a sentiment that would be useful xxx

    1. I won't I promise! Had a peek - don't tell her that either! Xxx

    2. I looked last night on Craft World. They have some pics of Sue's cards made with them too. Nice...but don't think I will be rushing.

    3. I had a look but have resisted. Be honest folks ...... how many Dies can one person use??? Have to convince myself you know!!!

    4. I was reorganising Dies earlier as I felt I had too many on one sheet. I find it easier on smaller sheets . I think I have more than enough - I'm strong now - but then I may see something that really appeals! My diagonal came today so will play with that later maybe! Maybe not - just tidied up! Xxx

  19. Well that's the first coat on, after finding out I had got the WRONG colour to the half empty tin I used last year. Oh bother!, that meant another trip to B&Q to get some more. My brain has turned to word salad yet again, can't read what is right in front of me. Lunch has just pinged in microwave so
    I'm off for now, see you later. xxx

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

    3. Oh Cheryl,
      I painted all the downstairs and upstairs passage doors with the wrong paint before Christmas. I've just found out because they are starting to peel, so I'll have to sand it off, or get George to sand it off - yes that's a better idea - and repaint them. Believe me, I feel your pain. xxx ooo
      Now I have just mysteriously lost the rest of this message and I can't remember what I waffled on about.
      Oooooooh yes, my TWO cards have arrived. Absolutely luscious, I'll photograph them and if Rachel has time will get her to upload them so I can send them to Sandra for you to drool over.
      I agree with all you say about greenstick fractures, 1st year doctors and x-rays, but I'll have to let Rachel make the decision otherwise I'll be fussing and interfering. I'll just gently lead her in that direction.
      We used to take the altar boys away every year for a weeks holiday and, as you can imagine with 30 boys aged between 11 and 18, greenstick fractures were a regular occurence. In fact my friend Margaret (we used to do the cooking for the boys) broke her arm falling in the cesspit whilst playing rounders. I, of course, had more sense than to do that, I was busy swinging from a tyre on a tree at the time.
      Must go to drool over my cards for a little bit longer,
      See you soon.
      Muriel xxx

    4. Ooh! Glad your cards have arrived! That is really very quick isn't it. Would love to see them - Enjoy as that lovely sentiment of Sue's says! Xxx

    5. C&C work quick with winning cards. If you get the right one anyway!
      Lovely to get them anyway.
      Maureen/Muriel/Moron, my mind is now playing out funny scenes of "ladies" swinging from tyres into cesspits, in front of a load of alter boys. poor kids, scarred for life.

  20. Janet ecco of Sheffield24 April 2015 at 13:06

    Afternoon Everyone.
    I hope that your nice weather is still with you and that you are making the most of it.
    Well I just cannot believe where the last few weeks have gone. It doesn't seem two minutes since we were arriving and it's time to pack up again and leave.

    Sandra I'm so sorry that there isn't a long term fix at the moment for Lucy. But hopefully in the not too distant future medicine will have progressed and then a proper fix will be there for her. As you say she is so young to have such problems but I just know that she is a very strong young lady like her Mum and will take all in her stride and make sure that she does all the things she wants to do. Hugs for both of you are on their way.

    NOW what's all this about someone doing something wrong in this fantastic cafe/blog. There is nothing wrong at all. We are all fantastic friends whether we have been lucky enough to actually meet in person or still at the moment are cyber sisters. So stop worriting Woman or are you as my Dad used to say about Mum 'She's only happy when she's worrying'. If there was anything wrong we would tell you so don't think we wouldn't.
    As for you winning a WOW I'm not envious at all!!!! Well no I'm not Well no Well perhaps just a bit Well a Lot!. It looks just fantastic and I can just see it in pride of place in your craft room.

    I didn't manage to see any of Sue's shows as this trrible thing called 'Internet' had one of those days well two really when it had decided it wasn't playing particularly just when you wanted it to. I see that her next launch it next week so we'll see what goodies comes forth then. I'm not quite sure what I would like to see in the way or areas of dies. Perhaps there will be something I like.

    OK off now to have my last afternoon sat in the varand in the sun and perhaps talk my fingers into doing a little cross stitch. I have taken some photos for you and will download them when I get back.
    Hugs for all of you are on their way so can they please be caught and put in the usual place. If I don't get back today I'll speak to you all tomorrow.

  21. Hi Sandra!
    NOW! I read today's message from you and I for once have not read what ANYONE has said! I will do that in a minute! I wanted to respond without having read what others had to say!
    What is wrong with this Coffee Shop? - NOTHING!!!!
    It is the best place to meet friends and I feel I know everyone ! I was hardly on the blog yesterday as I had a crazy day! However I think we tried to watch as much Sue as we could and then yesterday we were playing catch up! I still haven't seen several Shows! I was gardening and cleaning . This morning is mad Friday morning - always is! Gardener comes, Shopping comes and I clean the house for the weekend! I'm now sitting down enjoying my latte! Who brought the dangerous pastries? They're yummy!
    I am really sorry about Lucy but she is young and a lovely young lady and hopefully she with your help will adapt to the situation. Let's hope and pray that there will be a better solution around the corner.
    Your card from Sue is just gorgeous! I love that shade of blue and am quite tempted by the weaving dies but will wait to see what's coming next week.
    Please my dear - relax - chill - have a Baileys !
    Sending you lots of love and thanks!
    Myra xxxx PS off to read! X

  22. What is happening to my laptop?
    I lost a message, retyped it, it appeared under Cheryl's post, half of it twice and the full message once. Is it me, what am I doing here, Am I Daffy, Muriel or Moron!!!

    1. A toxic mixture of all three! Please don't add Maureen to the mix! Xxx

    2. Sounds like your Laptop is sitting with Hazels IPad!!!

  23. OK Sandra, just noticed that YOU have not been in today. Are you avoiding us all
    or just having a busy day like so many of us have. See what happens, or...Do you not like us? Is it something we said?
    Janice xx

  24. Where are you Sandra! Is it something we have said or are you having one of those days just like Hazel? My younger daughter is having one she rang to say she would not be calling as she had to get back to the office all sorts was going wrong her mobile was going mad with emails and calls and she would have to get things sorted.
    Take care
    Margaret xxx

  25. Ok ladies, I am waving my white flag!!!
    I just think it's just one of those weeks, I have explained before that I massive and I mean MASSIVE self confidence issue, which is why I haven't put myself forward for any design teams etc, so it is quite natural for me to think that the moment the blog numbers dip in a way that they did yesterday, I automatically think that it's something I have done or you are all bored of the blog, I am sorry, it's just one of the mental issues I am ashamed to say I suffer with and have done for many years!
    It can just take one thing to trigger a episode and this week it's The whole business with Lucy's eye, I know that as you are all mums you know what it feels like when things like this happen, you blame yourself, wish it was you instead of them etc.
    Now please don't think that this is a plea for your sympathy, or attention because it really isn't. I am more afraid that my mentalness will drive you all away!
    I would only ever want you to come here because you WANT to and not because you feel you HAVE to!
    I will be fine in a day or two, I promise.
    Sorry again for stressing you all out, you come here for fun, friendship & sometimes support!
    I love & respect you all and value your friendships very much,
    Sandra xxxxxx

    1. Sit down and relax - no apologies needed! We are all friends here - ain't that grand! Xxx
      PS. Please drink some of Maureen's Baileys - tanker just been! xx

    2. Do you Sandra I'm going to send you the biggest hug ever. LOL
      You've only to read through your blog. It is proof that all is well. Take today for instance - We have seen your beautiful card from Sue, we have also learnt that she has a new collection coming out next week and we had to get a sneak preview.
      Also that Cherell has dual coloured decking now
      Margaret goes to Georges garage to get the creases removed and
      the bumps!!!
      Patricia uses her pokey tool on her itchy bits !!!!
      Sheila uses Pollyfilla for her foundation !!!
      And I get my hair dry by John swinging me around by my feet in the garden !!!!
      MYRA has her Bailieys delivered by a tanker !!!

      NOW where else would you get such gems of information !!!
      So Pleeeees stop worrying.

      Love and hugs to everyone Brenda xxxx

    3. BIG WOOPS That was DEAR Sandra,

      I typed to fast ( well as fast as one finger can go! ) and the top of the message went out of the box. If I try to scroll up of down when that happens I loose my message the whole thing freezes. Having lost a long message earlier I thought that I had better hurry up SORRY Sandra

    4. This comment has been removed by the author.

    5. OMG!!! Michele you are another who needs (((((hugs)))))
      Life can be so cruel at times.
      We certainly can't let people walk all over us, funny how the tables are often turned to make you the bad one ....... happens all the time.

    6. Michele I am so sorry to read about your sister-in laws brother, he is in a better place and out of pain, but now you are all the ones in pain with grief!!., To right you will not let her walk over you, you line manager is wrong to, sounds like she doesn't like to be bothered. No these folk are good at turning things round,,when they know they are in the wrong. (((((( hugs)))))). Hazel x

    7. Funny isn't it when people can't cope they pull the bullying card? It's that or the racist card seen it a million times. So sorry that you have had bad news yet again it's rubbish as I have said before we desperately need the key to switching cancer cell reproduction off. Thinking of you on all counts xxx

    8. Michele you hang on in there girl and don't let her away with not doing her work, that is the card that is so easily pulled. You know you are in the right so stand your ground and it is a very poor manager that does not support her staff. If the trainee can't stand the heat why are they in the kitchen? What will they do once they qualify (that's if they do) what will be their excuse for not working then I wonder? Right I will get off the soap box!!
      So sorry to here of your relative loosing his fight, he will be at peace and pain free now.
      Give yourself a lovely treat this weekend you have earned it sending you some hugs and cuddles. xxx

    9. How on earth could you drive me away? You're on MY planet girl and I invited you. Seriously lack of self confidence? Now that I do understand very well as will a couple of ladies also in this coffee shop. You are doing fine. And we all love you just as you are. Now give yourself a hug from me. xxx

    10. Life can be really crap, Michelle, and you are certainly hitting a bad spell. Just wish I could give a real cuddle instead of a virtual one.
      Don't let the little b**** at work get to you. I deal with younger staff members all the time. They have no idea what work is about. Mummy is not there to fight for you in the real world, you have to get the job done. too many kids have such a cushy life now.
      Sorry, it was my turn on the soap box, wasn't it.
      Janice xx

    11. Oh Michele,
      I'm so sorry! It's really hard for you just now! Sending hugs and promise you I'm thinking of you .
      It's very hard dealing with people like your trainee - and it is hard to exert any form of criticism nowadays about work . I started to type this at 7pm ! Don't ask! Xxx

    12. Michele, so sorry to hear of your sister in laws loss.

      I really do not get people who cannot stand the heat of the job and blame everyone else for their failure. Poor lamb, welcome to the real working world. If she wants her NVQ then it is up to her to do the work. And your line manager? She wants a kick up the arse and told to do her job which is to support YOU not some flighty princess who's never had no said to her. She's getting paid more than you isn't she? With all the fuss in the papers about managers kickbacks for themselves, she ought to know that we are all onto them now.

      I had somebody like that to train one day, all simpering and little girly when talking to the manager and chefs. Then when I had given her the tasks for that particular job, I reminded not to forget to do something at the end of the shift, her response, 'Oh Cheryl, you are such a bully' I said "what on earth are you on about?" and as I turned to walk away, our manager was right in front of me! She had seen him and thought she could get me into trouble. I didn't speak to her after that for quite a while. And then I found out she was a Libran Snake. I am a Libran Dragon and our two signs do not get on at all. The snake is very shifty whilst us dragons are lovely kind people.
      I'm off the soap box now, somebody else can take a turn. xxx

  26. Aww!!! Sandra you need some (((((hugs)))))
    This is NOT a Blog as others know them. This is a "FRIENDSHIP" group.
    I for one have made so many friends since Hazel pointed me in
    It's direction. How many Blogs have and are looking forward to a weekend away with the friends they have met on board???

  27. Don't you dare think anything is wrong with your blog! It is fantastic I think I thanked you yesterday for letting me join It's that thing called life - it gets in the way sometimes
    Sorry to hear about Lucy Medicine advances at such a speed - I know for a fact that I'd my son had been born 10 years earlier he would not have lived At least I had 29 glorious years with him - doesn't stop me wishing he was still here though Lucy will cope and hopefully the lense with stop the 3D vision for her and make things easier for her It'll just take a little while to get used to it all
    Predictive text... I've been known as Lard before now
    Try not to worry about Lucy or blog

  28. PS Sue's card looks amazing Enjoy your dies

  29. Hi Sandra and all,
    You and your blog has been a lifeline for me my friend and to get friends. Even if I only met like half of you so far I'm happier these days than I been because I can come in and talk when having a minute over and as it's now getting warmer and sunnier we might not be in as often but you know we are here ! I try pop in at least once during the day but it is sometimes late for that is the only time I'm on my own to sit down ,have a coffee and a virtual cake tihi (a real one way to often)
    Sorry to hear of Lucy's eye problems, she's so young. Like the others said do we all hope it will go alright, sending her a big hug.
    Wow, that is a wow card Sandra. You and Maur

    1. Oops, no idea what happened there lol
      You and Maureen and who else got a card during her show were very lucky. The thing is you and the others make equally gorgeous cards so, go on ,go for the DT somewhere they would love you just as much as we do.
      Swim, shopping and washing done today but no crafting, feeling soooo bad about it. My mind say Do it but my body said nope so we have to wait for another day. Time for dinner to be done but I will be back later
      Love and hugs to you all, Maria xxx

  30. That's an amazing card you have won Sandra. I am sure it will have pride of place in your craft room. I have the weaving dies but am waiting for my new GC to arrive. Hope it comes soon. Look forward to seeing what you make with yours. Sorry to hear about Lucy. I am sure she will overcome her difficulties and is a strong person. My daughter has had eye problems since she was 10 when she first had ME and it affected the muscles in her eyes but she is a very determined person despite having ME and gets on with her job and doesn't tell anyone about her illness. Partly I think because there has always been a stigma about ME. Lucy will manage ok you see.
    There is nothing wrong with your blog as everyone else has said. It's just we are making the most of the good weather. Me I have been catching up with friends etc., now I can drive again after having to not drive. Haven't been home much at all this week. Am going to the option next week so hopefully I will soon have new glasses after the cataract ops. Will just have a fruit tea and see who there is to chat to. Back later then.

  31. Has anyone noticed how free Myra is with my Tanker of Baileys? If that runs dry you are in trouble, I tell you!!!
    Margaret, he's away to the Bowls, but it's getting very overcast and, as you said earlier, getting rather chilly. Still he's away and peace reigns for a little while. I bet the Corgi's look and smell gorgeous, I think I'll have to visit this Dog Groomer and have a bit of what they've had!!! In fact anything would be an improvement. I hope your blood tests are fine, I hope they didn't take more than a prick - remember Hancock when he went to be a Blood Donor, it was so funny.
    MARIA, I hate to be the one to give you bad news, yes I really do, but I won
    TWO cards. My name was pulled twice!!! I couldn't believe it as I don't usually even get read out, but I credit my lucky angel Cheryl with my good luck. I was actually very embarrassed the second time, Sue got a shock too when she read my name out again and laughed and said that she'd pulled me out earlier, but I still accepted the card!!
    Steph's name got pulled out as well, so we did very well.
    Patricia, have you done any more harm to yourself today?
    See you all later
    Muriel xxxx

    1. So far so good Maureen but the night is young!!!

    2. Hi Ducky we have rain!!!
      Oh yes they took an armful and I do remember Hancock's Half Hour that one was a classic.
      If you want a little make over why not go to House of Frazer in the Metro centre to the Mac section they do it free! I'm sure you are exaggerating though.
      I was delighted you won two cards and even more delighted when you accepted them after all you sent your emails in and the draw was done fair and square in front of everyone.
      How is your little treasure is she feeling any less in pain?
      Now don't forget to have George a hot drink ready when he comes in don't want him getting a chill poor lad!

    3. Ha, he's big enough to get his own drink, and make my coffee at the same time!!! He's just come in an it isn't raining here yet, he says he's had a good night so all is right in the World!!! dd

    4. Oooooo it's that why my little lappi didn't want to write your name twice ,of envy hihi. congrats. and enjoy your wow cards! xx

    5. Goodie so pleased he didn't get wet, nothing worse than a dripping husband.
      What a treasure making you a coffee, if Derek makes my coffee ugh!!!!! I swear he is trying to poison me it's dreadful. xxx

    6. Oh, my Derek can make coffee, but that is it. Perhaps a bowl of cereal at a stretch. If I am ever incapacitated, I will also starve.

  32. Hi Sandra
    Now why on earth would you think we're bored with your blog. Well as everyone says it's not a blog it's a friendship site. Everyone gets on so well. I just loved Brenda's Lellos thinking on things we say. A truly wonderful place to sit and have a coffee and cake. The support we all get from each other is fantastic. So please be told, we all love you and your blog.
    The card you received from Sue is fantastic, I look forward to seeing your creations with your weaving dies.
    I was so sorry to hear about Lucy's eyes on Wednesday. It's a pity they didn't pick this up before. She'll cope with this setback, look at the fantastic parents she has fighting her corner. Look forward to seeing you tomorrow. Myra save some of that Baileys for me, that your having delivered.

    1. You're being rather free with that Baileys, Pat. xxx

    2. Sorry Pat, I was out tonight and if there has been a run on the Baileys! Not Guilty - don't like it into the bargain! Xx

  33. Hi everyone, what a bunch we are, we can moan, laugh and cry with each other as if we have been friends for years, thank you for making my day. I love reading about everyone's mishaps.
    We had a good day at our craft shop today, I managed to sell 6 of my cards!!!
    Will try and pop back later, take care Jess xx

  34. Hi Sandra, stop worrying!! Everyone has been making the most of the weather. Must make hay whilst the sun shines. My gardens now looked owned again as I never got time to sort before the winter! My dad loved gardening think I get it from him! So glad they look nice again but too early for bedding plants last weekend in may was dads rule of thumb so will stick with it!

    Have order the Scandinavian border - had eye on it for a while. Have looked at Sues new dies but think I will just stick to the odd sentiment or accent. I have loads of dies and am now getting picky what I buy!

    Was watching a hunky dory show and yes you can make a card in minutes but not like our magnificent creations that is a collective our blowing everyone's trumpet we all make amazing stuff. Heard Sue say it takes her 1 to 11/2 hours to do a card so I didn't feel too bad at the time it takes me!

    Well hubby out, onesie on, Yankee candle lit and wine chilled. A fab Friday night!

    Enjoy ladies! I am an the chilled white in the corner. Can we have Yankee candles on the tables please????

    See you soon xxx

  35. Have you noticed no boy crafters on this site? Probably frightened them off!!!

    1. Sometimes we can be rather "frightening" do you blame the staying well clear!!!

    2. Patricia, us frightening - bl**dy terrifying more like xxx

    3. NEVER .... us we are all little treasures!!!

  36. A cup of tea and a sticky cake please!!! Nothing wrong just fancied something sweet? I will have it then I will have to go and make up the beds? Stripped them this morning and meant to go back up to remake them. It wasn't till I came home and Charlie said he had taken the bedding in and it's all folded, I won't say what I said. Why oh why didnt I just remake them this morning??? So I will go a sort out what sets are going on and get them made up. Money in the pot, dishes in the dishwasher. Hazel x

    1. Oh Hazel, I hate it when that happens, nothing worse than being dog tired during the week when you're at work and going up to bed, only to find out it's not been made up. I had to sack the last maid for the very same reason!!!
      Muriel xxx

    2. There is nothing nicer that going to bed when it is new clean sheets on and the icing on the cake is if they have been fried outside such a lovely clean smell. xxx

    3. Oops I should have said if they have been DRIED outside !!!

    4. Well Margaret if we get it really "hot" your bedding could be "fried" .....!!!!
      I am like you I just LOVE getting to a fresh crisply ironed bed, smelling really fresh.

    5. Margaret,
      I always find that if I fry my bedding, it has that crispy finish!!! lol.
      The very best thing of all is a nice leisurely bath, clean crisp nightie (not fried) and clean bedding. Ooh I love it.
      Muriel xxx

    6. OH wanted to be helpful this evening by bringing in the towels and other things on the line. I said just make sure it's dry or we can leave it another hour. Did not hear anything more so I finished cooking the dinner and when I came in to the lounge the basket with the washing sitting on the floor so I said 'thank you for doing that for me' when he said 'yes it is nearly dry but thought it was going to rain' we did not have any rain and pretty damp towels had to be put over doors all over grrrrr ! therefore men do not join this site, you would get castr_____ pretty quick, only kidding but don't think they would understand this wonderful but sometimes nutty place lol xx

  37. Well just when I thought all was going well our grandson came from school after a walk around the old parts of town where they called at one of his little friends mum's café where she had given them a drink and biscuits. What is wrong with that you ask well he is allergic to raspberry, the drinks they were told was orange or blackcurrant but that was a mixture of summer fruits containing Raspberry. Luckily his daddy was with him and he told Michael the drink tasted strange. Michael checked and asked for a glass of water for him.
    After that they walked back to school and then home, when they got here his lips were swelling and he said he felt funny and was having trouble breathing so I spooned some of his medicine into him quickly. His mummy arrived rang the doctors and rushed him there seen the doctor who said yes his medicine had done its stuff, but has prescribed him two epi pens to be safe, one for home and one for school. He was so disappointed as he missed his swimming lesson, so his mummy told him at least he would still be able to go riding tomorrow, that cheered him up.
    It never rains but what it pours, talking of pouring it is here at the moment Daffy!
    Well ladies thank you for letting me in tonight even though I don't have a onesie, what is on the drinks menu tonight? What ever it is can I please have a large one, thank you.

    1. Oh Margaret that could have been very serious if his dad hadn't been there, the school need to make 100% sure over things? Thank fully it turned out ok, bless him he doesn't know how missing that swimming lesson was a small price to pay. He will enjoy his ride tomorrow, hope it's not as bad weather as they are saying? The girls are pony racing. So keeping finger crossed this horrible rain tonight might be gone by morning. Hazel c

    2. Margaret, could have been very, very serious. Good job medicine was in him pretty quick and doctor was on the ball giving him pens for home and school. I'm glad he's ok, but it's scary when things like that happen.
      Maureeen xxx

    3. Margaret,
      so glad it all went well, it was very scary what happened.
      Large red is up if you'd like to have one

    4. Wow Margaret, that's awful - so pleased his Daddy was with him. Pleased he now has the pens too! What a traumatic experience for both the little one and Dad. Xxx

  38. Beds re made, we have a super king bed, but it's made up as two singles as I couldnt cope ironing a super king duvet cover, so it like two beds being made, yes fresh ironed bedding that has been out that day is even nicer, wasn't standing ironing the ones that were out that's tomorrows job. Just got ones out of the linen chest, so yes they are ironed but don't have that fresh, fresh smell? I did say to Charlie he could have thought to iron not just fold it when he brought it in, can you image the answer???
    Had to laugh when Sandra you said you didn't want us to come on your blog as we felt we had to!!! Sorry young lady we come because we want to? I know you are down, over Lucy's out come, and yes I have been there when our Chris was told his kidneys were so badly damaged he would go on the. Transplant list he was only 19, but he has had two transplants and yes he has bad days but he has a life and he is 41, has two beautiful daughters and works, all things that when he was told I couldnt see ever happening. So think she can still do all these things and have a life, and when Chris got his first kidney things were nothing like today's transplants, they have discovered so much and are discovering more all the time. As I said this morning they will make new discoveries all the time. Hazel x

    1. Hazel what a wonderful inspirational story Sandra do take heart you just never know what they will discover tomorrow, I know you will be thinking, but tomorrow never comes, but it will just you wait and see, never say never.

    2. Hazel, just goes to show that none of us know what anyone else has gone through, or indeed is going through. Look at those brave parents who gave their son's organs for transplant, and he only lived 100 minutes. There are some wonderful people aren't there?
      Love Maureen xx

    3. Indeed there are. Hazel that is such a heart warming story. Sometimes we just need to hear good news as there is so much bad news. Xx

    4. Yes that couple were very brave to do what they did. We are so grateful to the families that allowed there loved ones organs to be used, Lauren our little grand daughter was only two weeks old when Christopher was given his second kidney, she is five on the 8 th of next month. christopher wasn't to good after this one but got there in the end, Angela had a hard time as she had a new baby and a poorly husband to look after, but a small price to pay for what they now have as a family, they can go away on holidays with out having to be in easy reach of a dialysis unit every three days. Hazel x

  39. Oh! Maragret that must have been rather scary for your Grandson, his mum & dad and of course you.
    Pouring rain here as well, such a disappointment after a great week. However we do need the rain to keep our beautiful country so green and lush.
    Now ladies a "onsie" is a no! no! for me .... why!!! You have to almost strip to go to the loo!!!

    1. Exactly Patricia, by the time I got one undone there would have been an accident and a puddle! Not forgetting if the zip got stuck, oh ouch!

    2. Never thought about the zip ...... almost brought tears to my eyes reading it

    3. Don't have a onsie either, but I do remember having an outfit as a teenager, psychedelic wide legged, and one piece with a zip up the front. Try wearing that on a night out and going to a public loo. Not easy! Pity, since I loved the look. Yes it was about 1970.

    4. I don't have a onsie, it doesn't bear thinking about the size I would need to get, plus when I need to go to the loo, I NEED to go!!!
      It's raining here now as well, hey ho I suppose that's the end of our good weather.
      Off to sort stuff out for scrapbooking tomorrow, will catch up in the morning, take care, don't overdo the vino, Jess x

    5. Ooh Janice I had one too, lent it to someone a few years back (I never throw anything away) and never got it back. Wish I could say that I was a teenager at the time!!!! Ok, I was a teenager at the time and mother to Rachel ha ha.
      I was going to get a onsie for an Autism Support walk, but chickened out because I knew I'd never wear it again.
      Muriel xxx

  40. SNAP!! loved the look of the Jumpsuits made a wore them. Yes! Janice they were a right pain ..... even worse if the floor of the loo was wet!!!

    1. Patricia, I'm trying to remember the name of the Company. It was a home selling thing like Tupperware. Can you remember it? xxx

    2. MUreen don't know what you mean ....... company for what??

    3. What are you all talking about - what have onesies got to do with Tupperware? I'm! Xx

    4. Oh! Myra thank goodness I was beginning to wonder if it was just ME!!! xxx

    5. Is that because Patricia said SNAP?
      Or have you started on the Baileys without us tonight?

    6. Come on girls - ha ha girls!!!
      It was a company that sold in clothes in peoples houses, like the plastic bowls, etc like Tupperware.
      Myra, you're always confused so nothing new there1
      Muriel xxx

    7. Right folks you have got my brain "fuddled" ..... nothing new there really.
      Tell you what I am off to bed it hope it might be better in the morning.
      Good night God Bless.

    8. I've had a strange evening! I come home tune in to Cotswold News and think
      I've landed in a parallel universe!
      From another who does not own a onesie! Xx

    9. i remember that but not the name of the company. Might dream about it and tell you in the morning!!,

    10. Hoy! Be careful - I never knew a Company that sold clothes from home at least I don't think I did! Xx.

    11. Oh hang on a minute - you don't mean one that sold underwear and night wear do you? Xx

    12. Pippa Dee wasn't it? I still have a pale lemony orangey top of theirs that I still wear in the summer. It never fades, stretches, loses its shape or gets holey. Great value for money but rather expensive at the time. My children were under 10 when I bought it and they are all now in their forties. xxx

    13. Goodnight Patricia, sweet dreams.
      Myra, you live in a parallel universe!! xx
      Oh, oh, himself has just come upstairs so I'll have to make my excuses and leave.
      The benches are cleared, I've emptied all the bottles, hic. The dishwasher is all set ready to put on, Maria is safely out of the way so I'll take a chance and switch it on.
      Cat out, clock wound up, floor swept and keys in hiding place.
      See you all tomorrow, sleep well and sweet dreams everybody. I'll not sleep until I remember the name of the clothes company!!
      Love Muriel xxxx Daffy sends her love as well (just to totally confuse everyone) xxx

    14. The only one I can think of is the one who sold the sexy clothes (etc) but can't remember it's name. Not that I ever went to one.
      The only clothes I remember being sold at home was when a man in a turban used to come to my grannie's. He sold knickers, vest. thick stockings and nighties.

    15. Night Night Patricia, Daffy and anyone else who is popping to bed! Xxx

  41. I had a jumpsuit thingy in my younger days,( oooh if the club floor was wet,nooo) probably still in a box in the garage tihi yes it needs a clear out just like the rest of the house (any offers). They and Onesies looks nice on a slim person but if I put one on today omg! I'm not called 'hippo' for nothing hihi

    1. I'm more like a Woolly Mammoth xxx

    2. Oh you wonderful, wonderful woman. I've been typing at exactly the same time as you Cheryl, it's a little bit further up from here, saying that I probably wouldn't sleep for trying to think of the company's name. But you couldn't have had one, you're far too young.
      Sweet dreams lovely lady xxxx oooo

    3. I must be too young. Don't remember that, yet it sounds like a name from 60's/70's

    4. Hi Janice,
      It started in 1967 and they sold lovely nylon things that caused so much static it would light a City the size of London!!! But they were quite trendy with some things. xx

    5. Probably never reached Scotland.

    6. Muriel,
      have you ever tried that new thing I saw in the shops today called 'Veet'
      it seem good for hairy things ?
      by the way, anyone seen B since her OH sent her for a spinning class ?
      Lynda, hope you are ok !
      Thank 's Sandra for today. WARNING ! we will see you again tomorrow. You are gonna be soooo bored with us ...........
      Nattinatt ! xx

  42. I love my onesies! Tilly and I are onesie queens! I remember pippa dee from childhood plus Tupperware !!!!,

  43. George Davies of next, George and per una started with pippa dee!!

  44. Well that one has passed me by I can vaguelly remember the name but then I vaguelly remember a lot of things!
    Does anyone remember Partylife - they were more recent ? Xx

  45. Oops! It was Partylite - sold candles etc! Told you I vaguelly remembered things! Better sign out! It's been a long day! Night Night everyone xxx

  46. Yes it was Pippa Dee my Gillian and Christopher had a few for there things, were passed on when they out grow them and were passed on again so many times.
    Sandra and any one looking to buy a new dyson Very have the animal upright for £239 with £10 extra off. plus other models, is he has got me an new I Pad ( the big one) for £339, also from Very. Hazel x

    1. oh thanks Hazel, I will go and have a look, that's a real good price for a Dyson..
      When will your new I pad arrive? I am glad you decided to go for it, you get a lot of use out of it, so why not, you certainly work hard enough!
      I remember my Mum buying us a Pippa Dee nightie, I think that these days they would have never passed any health and safety tests as they were a real nylon material, one spark and we would have combusted! Me and my two sisters had matching ones!
      Hideous I seem to remember!
      Haha, Hugs

    2. I forgot Gillian had a nightie and she loved making it spark, maybe just as well we didn't have open fires. Then again I have a cardigan from M&S and its a bit like that, when you take it off it sparks. Glad to be of help with the Hoover, Tammy has bought one as she uses her one for work as well as home, so new one will just be for home. Hazel x

  47. That should have said she has got me an new iPad, just as well as I have had enough of this one taking over. Hazel x

  48. Just popped in between dances! Great DJ tonight Michele - I am so sorry to hear your sad news Life is so unfair at times Typical of the NHS too re job I have a couple of line managers that are like chocolate teapots - totally useless Take care hun

  49. Ok Sandra, see, it's raining tonight, it's not a school night, but we haven't emptied the baileys, but some nights are for conversation and reminiscing and this has been one. Enjoyed my visit, great fun. Join us some night. We're not too scary (well, most of us are OK, can't guarantee everyone)
    OK, off to bed now, night night
    Hugs all round

  50. Good evening Sandra & all ladies
    Sandra why do you beat yourself up you have done nothing wrong as everyone has said life takes over sometimes,like today lovely day done some gardening well actually OH did I did the ironing. Then went to Ramsgate market day took dog's with us then had walk on beach time just goes so quick. I went to my doctors appointment yesterday he has started me on a low morpheme tablet just too try for a month then i Have to see him again if needed he will up the dosage.
    Sandra so sorry about Lucy & you didn't get the outcome you wanted for her,she has a loveing close family around her. Give her a big ((( Hug))). Sandra my lovely your Sue card win is gorgeous Lucky you.
    Well I'm off too bed so good night everyone see you tomorrow
    love & Hug's Lynda xxxx

  51. Hi Sandra and all the lovely ladies. Sorry I'm so late tonight, I started to read the blog as the 10 o'clock news started ! I put one or two comments on but decided I would just add on at the end otherwise it would be Saturday evening before I finished!!
    Sandra, look at the blog numbers today young lady!!! Yesterday was just a blip as we were all out gardening and cleaning and ended up being so tired! Of course we all enjoy coming here, we all have such a laugh at the antics and support eachother so much. I'm sorry to hear about Lucy's eye problems, I'm so surprised they have only just diagnosed it. I used to work at a main stream school with a VI unit and worked closely with children with a variety of vi problems and you would be amazed at how resilient the children are, including one very bright little boy who is a Braille user who runs everywhere because walking is boring! Will she get the support of a visual impairment teacher at school? As other people have said medicine is progressing so much, I know some of the research Emma has been doing for her extended project shows how much progress is being made all the time. I'm sending you both a big hug because I know it is upsetting you more than you have let on to Lucy. Xxx
    Patricia I hope your wound has recovered, you forget how sharp pokey tools are don't you! I too love the feel and smell of crisp clean bedding, it makes you sleep better doesn't it I'm sure. Xxx
    Sandra I forgot to say your card from Sue is wonderful, what a treat to own it and now you have your dies to play with too! Xxx
    Well it sounds like everyone has had a busy day again today. I have had a lovely day spending time with Julian, although he did get a phone call first thing this morning and had to get some work done before we went out ( they did apologise for disturbing him on his day off!). We have had a lovely wander around a couple of garden centres looking for a new garden table and of course had to stop for a spot of lunch. It's just been lovely being in the same room together for a change! Hopefully we can get some of the heavier gardening jobs done tomorrow although it is raining at the moment.
    Oh well I must go to bed now, sending love and hugs to everyone. See you all tomorrow , hopefully a bit earlier!
    Night night sleep tight sweet dreams
    Love Diane xxxx
