
Saturday 25 April 2015

Good Saturday Morning Craft Friends,
Another Mixed Craft Saturday is upon us,
First up we have Margaret's lovely lady, Margaret it looks like
one of those 'Tilda' dolls, I Love the beautiful Hat and dress and her
lovely basket, her blond curly hair looks so realistic, if this was a
'Tilda' doll it would cost a fortune with that amazing outfit!
Thank you Margaret for allowing me to share this wonderful lady
with our crafty friends xxxxx
Next we have these gorgeous Pendants made by the very
Multi-talented Brenda (littlelamb), they are beautiful, one for almost
every outfit there Brenda, I love the green ones, they look almost like
Jade, they look like they have different inclusions in them to
give the different effects, Brenda, I wish you were coming on our retreat
you could teach us all so many things, from Pottery to making Pendants,
MDF Tissue Box covers to name but a few, please have a think again about
joining us, we won't really make you teach, it would be great to sit and talk
to you about your many crafts though.  Thank you so much once again for
allowing me to share more of your amazing creations with

Now last but not least is this absolutely gorgeous Knitted Jacket by a new
contributor to our Mixed Craft Saturdays, Maureen has knitted this beautiful
Jacket, Maureen its beautiful, I love how you have the contrasting patterns,
it makes the little jacket look so modern, I love to see little ones in proper, hand
knitted cardigans and Jackets, it looks so warm and cosy and such a lovely colour.
Thank you so much Maureen for sharing your hand made Jacket with us. xxxx
Well I hope that you all have a lovely weekend planned, the weather isn't supposed  t
be too great, so I don't think that there will be too much gardening happening.
We are hoping to go to Anna Marie's New Warehouse that opens today, Pat is coming
over after her Craft class, I not sure about Sue as she is just back from her holiday in Devon.
Whatever you do I hope you have fun,
Lots of love and hugs to all of you,


  1. Morning Ladies

    Goodness I seem to be the first one in the cafe-i'll be the one crashing around trying to find everything!

    Margaret-your doll looks fantastic, so much had work gone into that project.

    Brenda -love your pendants. Do you make then to sell as I'm sure they would be very popular.

    Maureen-WOW, love the kntted cardigan. My gran taught me to knit but I've not really do e much. My gran was a milliner and was always altering some clothes. She made her own hat for my wedding. Gosh-you've brought back some lovely memories.

    Sandra-hope you're feeling a bit brighter today. I'm off to the hairdressers at 10am for my monthly hair colour so will sit & read. That usually relaxes me, I also plan my card (in my head) that need making while I'm there.


  2. Good morning one and all,

    A wonderful selection of crafts in beautiful jewel colours to brighten this dull cloudy Saturday morning.

    The Tilda dolly is so gorgeous, any little girl would love to cuddle her and love her.
    The pendants well, as Sandra said, are perfectly coloured to go with any outfit. You are one very talented lady Brenda.
    And Maureen, your little jacket is so warm and cosy and I do love the interesting mixture of stitches. Makes it designer wear, this really appeals to me as I have a long knitted coat by Yves Calin. It has bits of fabric, leather and fake fur cuffs and collar. Very warm to wear although now I have grown these enormous boobs, I can no longer do the buttons up, so almost wear it like a sleeved cloak these days.

    I don't think I will be getting the second coating of protector on my decking, I do believe we shall be having a few spots of rain today here in the South West.
    However you plan to spend your weekend, enjoy it, seize the day as the saying goes. And stay safe.

    Love & hugs Cheryl xxx

  3. Good morning Sandra and the Gang, hope you are all well. A rather wet miserable day outside however all is well and happy inside.
    WOW! Oh! WOW! what a wonderful mixture of beautiful "goodies" for us to admire today.
    MARGARET:- your droll is beautiful, she looks like a Victorian Lady. Love the stunning hat and the colour of her dress/coat.
    BRENDA:- love, love, love all those gorgeous pendants, right up my street they are. Great colours, something for everyone there.
    MAUREEN:- a woman after my own heart, that's the kind of design I loved to knit. Great colour as well, Oooooo!! might have to get the knitting pins out again. Only thing is it would have to be something for ME!!! the boys would not wear "hand knits" I am tall, it is always such a long knit when it's for me.
    I looked back last nights comments and you found the Company ..... PippaDee.
    I did remember but was to lazy to get out of bed to tell you. There was another Company later, more late 80s early 90s "Weekenders" they were an American Company. They sold some beautiful stuff. I had loads of their things because they did long lenghts as well as short.
    Nothing on the cards for today ... so far. Think I might "play with paper and card" I need to make a couple of Birthday Cards. I need one for a very special person!!! who's birthday is very soon. I also need to make one for John's Birthday which is when we are away later next month. Oh my word, it will soon be next month, where did this one go??
    Right better scoot and get some work done.
    By the way SANDRA:- were yesterday's numbers more to your liking??? That's because it was not quite such a good day. More times peri doors rather than out!,,

    1. Sorry that should read "spent indoors" not "peri doors" grrrr!!! xxxx

    2. And Margaret's droll/doll is beautiful xxx

  4. Good morning, Sandra and Ladies. I say good but that's far from the truth? It's bucketing down with rain. Can't see us going far today, it might be a good day for me to crack on with getting some die cutting done? Sandra how lucky are you to be going to the warehouse and seeing all that lovely card?
    Well where do I start with the mixed crafts today???
    Margaret, is there no end to your talents! Between cakes, cards and patchwork, now you show us this beautiful doll, she is gorgeous, a treasure to be love and looked after with great care.
    Brenda, another lady who has so many strings to her bow? These pendents are beautiful, love the colours. Yes one for every outfit. Have to say that's what I have with my pendants.
    Maureen, your the same where talent is concerned? That little jacket is beautiful? Love the colour and design, lots of counting and concentrating while knitting this,I bet George got a few " don't you dare ask me to do something till I have finished this set if patern rows". Been there, I use to love knitting. The fancier the design the happier I would be.
    Thank you Sandra firstly for showing us what or talented coffee shop ladies all do, and thank you Brendan, Margaret and Maureen for letting us see these wonderful things. If the coffee shop was real, it would be like the craft place that Jess talks about? Where crafters show and sell there items.
    Sandra, did you go to sleep last night happy with the number of comments that were left 184 !!! As was said it wasn't that good a day for being out in the garden, and seeing how those who have been doing there's all week have nearly finished, till they have to start again after all this rain,,plus they were all sober. We had a great day chatting about loads of different things. Oh and how funny was the picture in all our heads of Brenda L getting her hair dried ??. Yes I would say it was a great day! Right I have done everything and have had my tea and toast, money in the pot and dishes in the dishwasher. Better go get busy, can't have charlie coming back from walking. Harris and thinking I have done nothing. Hazel,x

  5. All three makes are lovely Three very talented ladies. I need to ge get dressed Will be back later for a warm up It's really col and wet here

  6. Morning all.
    Firstly Sandra, sorry I couldnt get in yesterday, it took at least 5 tries to get to post on Sue's blog as my phone kept crashing, and after the 4th attempt trying to post in the cafe I got too frustrated to keep trying. Ive sent you an email with my W. O. W from Sue's show last week for you to show when you are struggling. I still have it on the fire place so I can keep looking at its perfection. I know you will all love to see it again too.
    What clever friends we have. All 3 peices of work are lovely.
    Sandra hon. I think the weather may have played a part with your blog numbers, as we only have a.short window to enjoy the recent sun people will make the most of it, and expect it to happen again when we hopefully reach a wonderful summer. During the nasty wet cold days I think people were just constantly logging on to keep a convo going, so much so I couldnt keep up as it was a case of log on every few minutes to keep up ! So as gardens grow so quickly and our sunny days dont last and summer holidays, id expect numbers to fall on ALL blogs hon. Stop worrying, nowt done wrong, we are all here for you and wont leave you in the lurch.
    Have a lovely day ladies.
    Lancashire Steph xxx

  7. Hi Sandra and all the lovely coffee shop ladies
    What a beautiful selection of crafts again today Margaret your doll is beautiful, I love the rich purple colour of her dress and bag. She looks like a doll who sits in pride of place on your bed rather than one hugged all the time by grandchildren. Thank you for sharing her with us xxx
    Brenda your pendants are beautiful too and you have them to match all your outfits. You are such a talented lady, thank you for sharing them with us xxx
    Maureen what a gorgeous cardigan, I love the pattern and the off set buttons. I used to make Emma all sorts of outfits when she was little, she takes a bit more wool and time now! The colour is gorgeous too. Was it for a special little girl? I must get my knitting needles out again to keep my hands occupied in the evenings rather than playing games on my iPad! Thank you for sharing this beautiful knitting with us. Xxx
    Well I have woken up to a damp morning today so not sure what we will be getting up to until we get up and going. I know Chemistry revision is on the cards at some point, apparently I have a past paper to go through and Julian is being taught equations ! I have a box of malteesers at the ready!
    Patricia I thought of weekenders clothes they were all the rage in the 80s and 90s. I went to quite a few parties and still have several outfits, they wash and wear so well and never seem to wear out, apart from the leggings that were beautiful and thick and finally the seams really went, but they weren't baggy at all! I don't know if they still exist. I don't know if anyone remembers the company Nightingales, they had a few shops but mainly did mail order. They used to have end of ranges sales and we used to host one with the church and school to raise money. The two ladies used to arrive with a van full of boxes and rails and within an hour we had the village hall set up and changing rooms sorted. People used to travel for miles to buy their clothes, again good quality and great prices. We used to gridlock the village! It was a fabulous fund raiser for not too much effort and a great deal of fun and of course we all got first pick of the clothes so came home with several bags ourselves.
    Oh well I must get on, the toasted tea cake was lovely this morning and the cup of tea was much needed. I have cleared up the crumbs (it's ok Hazel had left by then!) and I've put the money in the pot. See you all later. Love Diane xxx

    1. Diane, I am still wearing some "Weekender" things as well. I did have 3 long coats they did and I honestly wore them to death. Summer weight or ok under a thick coat in the winter. I really miss them,I felt really good when had them on. xxx

  8. Hi Sandra and all in the cafe today. I have been busy catching up on all of your lovely cards and todays mixed crafts as internet connection was not good at the holiday park. I did try several times to leave a comment on here using both Chris's and Gem's Iphones but for some reason it would not send so sorry about that.
    Margaret what a lovely doll , she has a lovely face and what pretty clothes and I love the sweet basket. Is she for someone in particular? : )
    Brenda your necklaces are lovely, I was lucky to see one at Ally Pally wasn't I. I think it is a case of which crafts DON'T you do, you clever lady : )
    Maureen, what a gorgeous cardigan. I love the off set pattern. It looks like a complicated pattern to me, it must have taken you ages : )
    We had a lovely holiday, still can't believe that we had NO rain, not even a shower! It was quite windy most days but sunny and about 16-18 degrees except Wednesday when it was 20 but felt warmer. We spent that day at Saunton Sands beach, the beach that as a child I used to go to on our family holiday every year (the little shack that used to sell ice creams etc. has gone to be replaced by a few small shops selling the usual food and surf stuff but not too over developed thank goodness. The other thing that is there now are a line of about 10 beach huts which can be hired by the day and as I have always wanted to own one we just had to go for it and my dream came true, even if for only a few hours : )
    As expected after a busy week I am paying the price now as the joints are nicely swollen and burning so I am going to be doing very littletoday! I will be thinking of you visiting Anna Maries with Pat, I hope you manage to get some bargains my lovely friends. I have missed you and am looking forward to seeing you next week : ) Take care my lovely xx

    1. Great to see you back Sue. Sorry you are not up to the day out but better taking it easy rather making things worse. (((Hugs))) xxx

    2. Sue, so glad you had a lovely time. Oh what a wondeful treat with having your beach hut for those few hours. Rest up and get those joins calmed down. Hazel x

    3. Welcome home, Sue! Glad you had a good holiday! I always wanted a beach hut to "play house" when I was a little girl! You brought back memories there! xx

    4. Hi Sue,
      Glad you have a nice holiday, I have always wanted a beach hut or a caravan, but got neither!!! Rachel and Peteer have a touring caravan but we are not allowed to use it in case George breaks something.
      Pleased you are home safe and sound, welcome back xxx

    5. Hi Mrs B,
      glad you had a nice week away. My husband told me he stayed at the 'Saunton sands hotel' many moon's ago and how he remember that wonderful beach. The beach hut sound lovely. You take it easy today and rest. I hope you not in to much discomfort Hugs Maria xx

    6. Hi sue. Sorry you weren't up to going out with Sandra and Pat but see they have other open days so hoped you will be able to go next time. Glad you had a good holiday. I went straight to my friend in Essex after Ally Pally and had a lovely week. Did lots of pottery and think the exercise was good for my wrist and fingers. Some discomfort but not enough to stop me.

    7. oh Sue, how exquisite to have a beach hut for the day. I'd love to own one and hire it out, but some cost more than my 3 bed roomed house!! Weston is apparently going to erect some on the sands but they want to sell theirs not let out for hire. They are auctioning them off, probably going for Mickey Mouse prices. xxx

    8. Hi Sue , glad you had a great holiday, nice to 'own' a beach hut for day, they are so expensive to buy . Take it easy until you are feeling more mobile. Jess x

    9. My husband has just read out to me the price of a Beach Hut on the south coast somewhere. This was in The Times. £ 245.000 . Crumbs that is a lot! Xxx

    10. Hi Sue glad to hear you had a lovely holiday and the weather was amazing - lucky you. How lovely having a beach hut for a few hours, my parents hired one for a summer one year and they used to go down in the afternoons to sit with their flask of tea and sandwiches and watch the world go by. They only did it for one year as it was so expensive, mum used to say it did dad good to have a change of location to snooze in! Make sure you have a restful few days to recover from your holiday, the washing can wait for a while. Xxx
      Maria we stayed at the Sauntern Sands Hotel when we were teenagers with my parents (one of the Brend Group of hotels). We had a lovely time and I got very sunburnt I seem to remember! Xxx

    11. Hi Sue
      I'm so glad you had a lovely holiday. You had some fantastic weather didn't you. Quite unusual to have such good weather this time of year. How lucky were you to be able to hire a beach hut for the day. Myra you were thing about the bech huts down by Hengusbury Head and Mudiford Quay which is near Biurnemouth. We often walk down that way when we visit Pete's brother. They are very small, but they do have a small solar panel on the roof for the electricity. You get all the Londoners that go down for the weekend so it's quite a little community. They even have a restaurant down there as well. That's why they are so expensive.

  9. Hello Sandra and everyone,
    WOW such a wonderful collection from our very very talented ladies.

    MARGARET Love your little lady she is beautiful.

    BRENDA Your pendants are stunning

    MAUREEN Your jacket is beautiful, it looks so snug and warm.

    Hope everyone has a good day, I have no special plans will take the day as it comes. Will pop back later for my coffee.

    Love and hugs to all, Brenda xxx

    1. Brenda has John not offered to "dry your hair" today???
      Have a good day whatever you do.

    2. Yes Brenda ,hope you not still spinning up in the air hihi
      Have a nice day together with John!
      hugs Maria xx

  10. Good Morning Sandra and Friends,
    I hope you are well this morning! It is rather dull here today and we've had a little rain but not much really. Garden could do with some more! If it's going to rain it may as well do it properly!
    As you know I love Saturdays as I love to see what everyone makes. There is a lot of talent , patience and love demonstrated in this Coffee Shop!
    Margaret your doll is lovely. I love the colour of her dress and hat and her curly hair! Jealous of her curly hair to be honest! Thanks so much for sharing her with us.
    Brenda, you are multi-talented! Thank you so much your pendants are lovely. Great idea - if you buy a new top/ dress make a pendant to match.
    Maureen - ( proper name today - for now anyway) - your little jacket is gorgeous. I love the fact that it's asymetric . It just makes it so stylish! I do not have the patience or skill to do that. Love the colour too. Stylish and cosy don't always go together! Well done you.
    Well ladies PippaDee seems to have passed me by! Vaguelly remember the name but that's all. Would it be because I had sons and no daughters? Don't know.
    Sue - I hope you've had a lovely holiday - you certainly had beautiful weather!
    Sandra and Pat - enjoy your trip to AnnaMarie - I'm not envious at all.
    Cheryl - hope you manage to get the decking done before the rain. Just don't wear yourself out!
    Saba - so pleased you had lovely time with Val . Enjoy your last week back in Cheshire! No Trampoline !! Promise!
    Diane - sorry missed you last night but pleased the antics of some made you laugh! Enjoy your revision! Just to cheer you up - it gets harder - I'm now helping my granddaughter!! Keeps the brain cell ticking over.
    Well been rabbiting for too long so will hop off!
    Love to everyone - enjoy your day!
    Love Myra xxx

    1. "Run rabbit, Run rabbit, run, run, run" xxx

    2. At least you didn't put " Kill the Wabbit, Kill the Wabbit!" Xx

    3. Myra, you have "bright eyes"?? xxx

    4. Yes! And I shiny nose!
      A Rabbit has a shiny nose,
      On that you can depend
      Because it's little powder puff
      Is at the other end! Boom boom! Xxx

    5. No Myra, didn't get it done today. I ended up with Lucy this morning going to the banks etc when she started having awful pains, so rushed her home, rang hospital and they advised paracetamol and rest for half hour. If that did not work, ring Mary Stanley Maternity wing and take our cue from them. 2 hours later, all was fine so I came on home, drove past my Oak Furniture shop and saw a lovely 5 drawer chest in a rich vanilla colour with an oak pedestal and top. Could not resist it as was looking for a substantial chest to house all my dies and dies etc, they are so darned heavy in plastic boxes. Lugged it upstairs and now filling it up. Matches my craft cupboard perfectly.

    6. Sounds lovely Cheryl and I know exactly what you mean about dies being heavy! I've got some in a box and some in those zipped files you can buy the Tonic one is the better of the two I have but they stand upright on the desk top and take up space so I think you've done well there!
      You certainly had an eventful morning! Xx
      Have some of Maureen's Baileys and do her liver a favour! Xx

    7. Love it Myra, have written that in my little book of verses.

    8. Myra, my liver is fine thank you, stop being so free with my Baileys, although as it is Cheryl, that's ok. She can have a thimbleful ha ha.
      I've made a note of your verse, just got the perfect person in mind to put in her birthday card!
      Cheryl, well done on getting the perfect thing for your dies. I'm in the middle of re-sorting my craft room - I know, I know, I seem to do it every week.
      I have two cabinets which I got from Idea about 12 years ago, each with eight narrow drawers about 1 3/4" deep at the top and eight 4" drawers at the bottom. I have stamps in the narrow drawers and card in colourwise in one set of drawers and corresponding paper for inserts in the other set of drawers.
      Inspired by Patricia, I have been going through the stamps and have boxed up a few of the drawers which I haven't used for years. I was amazed at the prices on them. Some of the "Me and Carrie Lou" stamps were £15.60 each and some £19. I'd forgotton how much they were years ago. I used to leave the prices on things when I started, but now I take them off in case George sees them!!!
      Oops, forgot I was just replying to Myra. I'll get back to my sorting and post properly later. xxx

    9. My adopted "Auntie" whom I loved to bits , wrote that in my Autograph book when I was a little girl! Do you remember Autograph books ? There was no one famous in mine just friends, family and teachers. I still have it and treasure it as contains things from people long gone.
      To end on a lighter note - another from same book!
      Mary Rose sat on a pin.
      Mary Rose! Xxx

    10. Myra I've got autograph books too and mine has got the Mary Rose one in too! I met John Noakes from Blue Peter many years ago in Madam Tusaurds and got his autograph. I was so excited. Xxx

    11. Oh Diane I met him in Majorca some years ago! Autograph at home in cupboard! He had a sailing boat in Majorca and we are in HPB and you could go out with him for a day on this boat! Me and boats don't mix - so I said thanks but no thanks! Always feel guilty as my husband won't go and leave me behind. I would happily read but we tend to do most things together. Apart from crafting! Lol! That would be a step too far. Xxx

    12. MAUREEN and the rest of us Crfaters ...... be honest would you really like to count up the amount we have spent on "stuff" even in the past year???
      Here's one who definitely would NOT!!!!!

    13. Ooooh No! Definitely NOT! I
      I'm sure it would scare me, however , in my defence M'Lud, we are not bankrupt! Yet! Xxx

    14. Same here Myra BUT!! xxx

    15. Oh Patricia - whatever comes after the BUT !! Xxx

    16. Myra I just love your little poems they are a joy to behold.

  11. Morning all, well if your weather is like mine, it's a day for inside. I just took the dog out, and not only is it really cold, there were little flecks of snow or hail showing on his black coat.
    What a wonderful mix of talent here today. I love the doll Margaret. I have a cousin in Canada who makes dolls like this. As her husband does not like dancing, and she does, she made a full size male doll, put straps of elastic on his feet, and took him to functions are her plus one. He was always ready, dressed in a tux too.
    I adore the pendants, Brenda. It looks like they are really iridescent colours.
    The cardi is lovely. I like seeing kids in hand knits, and thankfully it's fashionable again. Really like the way you have used 2 different stitches.
    Well better use this computer for it's real purpose and check the emails for bookings.
    I'll pop in again later

    1. Love your doll story Janice! At least your friend's beau wouldn't tread on her toes! I've just got this picture in my head! Did she strap in the car beside her wearing a seat belt? Xxx

    2. Yes she did, She had a name for him, and everyone knew who she was talking about.

    3. Well done to your cousin doing/making a "partner" so she didn't miss out on something she enjoy. Must have looked funny with him sitting next to her in the car, wonder if she ever got pulled over by the police lol

    4. I adore that story Janice, my Pete was the same, six left feet. Yet he could dance away on his own after a few bevvies. He looked as though he was going to take off! Bless him, that's one of the wonderful memories I have of our holidays. xxx

  12. Janet ecco of Sheffield25 April 2015 at 10:48

    Morning Everyone
    Well we have lot he sunshine and instead have rain rain rain and in true Burgundian style straight down and pounding.
    Of course as it's packing the car day ready for tomorrow someone is muttering about where's all he lovely weather gone. Packing in a downpour is not good.
    Of course I cannot tell him to wait and see what happens after lunch - Oh no has to be this morning because you never know. Know what I want to know!!!
    Anyway cleaned the log burner out and glass door now looking good and will stay that way until the first firing in October. Dehumidifers all cleaned and refilled one in each room. Craft box nearly sorted so this just leaves knitting bag with embroidery (I'll be doing a bit of that this afternoon) and the overnight bag for tomorrow night in Calais.
    We'll be back in June and I know I'm not supposed to say this but will be bringing Xmas things re crafting. It doesn't seem two minutes since last year's summer.

    Now Margaret - I love love your Dolly - she is just one gorgeous lady and is definitely not for little ones or even older partners who would spin her round by her beautiful hair just to dry it!!!! lol
    Brenda - your pendants are just beautiful and yes they would do any occasion even perhaps a visit to the Palace for MOBE lol.
    Maureen - that jacket is just out of this world and yes designer just hits the spot. Any little girl or even bigger ones will look good in this creation.

    Now I'm going to try a 'one up-man ship' following on from Patricia (if I may of course Patricia lol).
    I don''t have a 'PhD' or anything near that but whilst my Grandson was in the Army one of his tours was based in London (this was while he was stationed in Germany). Anyway I was invited to spend the day with him. This day was a 'once in a lifetime' event. It started by going to Wellington Barracks for tea/coffee first thing in the morning. Then across to Buckingham Palace accompanied by one of his Officers as he was on duty. I was escorted through the two large gates and across the parade ground to the far left hand corner (looking from facing the Palace) and was given a chair so that I could watch the Changing of the Guard close up. My Grandson was not in the guard that day but given the duty of following on so that he could retrieve any pieces of uniform which may have fallen off eg buttons etc. (apparently there is always a soldier to do this duty everyday. David was given this so that he could spend the rest of the day with me. I had an Officer with me telling me what was happening and why and what all the moves mean.
    I was escorted off the parade ground and through the gates where David was waiting for me at the end of the ceremony.
    That evening we went up to the Tower of London to watch the closing and locking of the Tower for the Night - this ceremony has happened for 100s of years and the keys are known as 'Queen Elizabeth Keys'. The general public do not see this ceremony as it is only by invitation. I stood by Traitors Gate right in front of the steps which lead up to the White Tower to watch the ceremony. I cannot tell you how the whole day made me feel. To see such wonderful ceremonies close up was unbelievable and one that I shall never forget.

    I hope you all have a really good week-end and enjoy whatever you have planned.I'll see you all on Tuesday. By the way I'm so pleased the tanker arrived with the necessary liquid. I've ordered one a month for you hoping that it's OK and all can manage on that. I may have to have one re-directed at the end of October.

    Hugs are on their way to all of you.
    Janet xxxx

    1. Janet, being a wife of ( hated those words when used in the 19 years that I was) a soldier, I loved when these parades etc were on, Chatlie for the first 4 years of our marriage was in the Royal Horse Artillery and he was attached to the stables, so he did loads of ceremonies in full kit ( like you see the Kings Troop) sat on his Horse no allowed to move. Yes they know how to treat visitors and the afternoon teas etc were wondeful! I feel sorry for those lads that are stood or like Charlie had to do sit for hours, yes I bet there are loads of buttons etc to be picked up. A very proud memory ??? Oh packing a car in the rain not good, but I suppose once it's done its done! Just hope you don't get stopped at customs and asked to unpack it? Hazel x

    2. Oh Janet, What a lovely day that must have been! To have everything explained and to watch from a privileged vantage point must be amazing! Really interesting about the buttons too! I'm guessing these are rather expensive and precious. Oh thanks for sharing that lovely story!
      As to the packing! Well what can I say! It's just men and we'll never change that now! Lol!
      Wishing you Bon Voyage!
      Not sure about the weekly tanker!!
      Love Myra xxx

    3. Hi Janeet,
      Fantastic day for you, must have been amazing and you would have been so proud.
      Hope the packing is done in harmony and have a safe journey home.
      Muriel xxx

    4. Hi Janet,
      what a wonderful day it must have been to get to see things that not normally will be on show. You must be so proud of David. we have a friend whose son is in the horse guards and he loves it.
      Have a good trip back home, omg it has gone quick. Hope you finished packing now and the weather have gone better, I'm sure hihi
      hugs Maria xx

    5. Janet, what an amazing day for you. It is just the best feeling ever being proud of achievements of our offspring.
      Your holiday has gone in so quickly, even quicker for you I can imagine. xxx

    6. Janet what a fantastic day for you, it is so interesting to go behind the scenes so to speak.

    7. Hi Janet what a lovely day you had and some special memories, how lovely for you. I watched the service on the TV this morning to commemorate WW1, it was wonderful the watch, love the pomp and ceremony we do and the military parades and bands. Safe journey home xxx

  13. Oh! My! Goodness! It's freezing outside and there is FRESH SNOW on the hills I can see out the kitchen window. Ok it is way in the distance but it's there!!!!

    1. Wow Patricia!
      It's a bit dull here and definitely much cooler but snow is just going a step too far! What will that do to the bedding plants that I have seen in some gardens! Obviously not in Perthshire but here in Lancashire. Xxx

    2. Myra, the boys wanted to plant some things in their pots in our garden. Thank goodness we put them off ....... end of may possibly mid June before we put out the bedding plants. xxx

    3. Hi Patricia,
      We never plant anything until mid to late May, and you're much further north than us. Parts of the Northumberland have had snow in June before, but not us thank the Lord. xxx

  14. A HANDY TIP:-
    If you wipe the plate on your GC with a damp cloth it sticks to your surface much better. I had "bits" stuck on mine, wiped it and it's sticking like a dream.
    Off to play!! xxx

    1. Thanks for the tip! I bought another glass mat to permanently sit mine on and it doesn't move . Xx

    2. I use some of that rubber matting for shelves. (bought from the pound shop) It stops the machine moving. I use a piece under my chopping board too for safety. Easy to wash.

    3. Janice, never thought of that I have some in the cupboard. I use it on John's tray so his cup does not slip. He like his evening cuppa on a tray watching the telly. xxx

    4. Hi Patricia,
      thank you for the tip. Since I got it it holds for a few minutes and then it's lose again so will deffo.give that a try or I will get some of that rubber mat thingy

  15. Good morning Sandra and all our ladies,
    I don't know where to start today and I am in such a rush (again) but couldn't go another day without saying hello. I have popped in quickly each day but honestly I have either been shattered or rushing about like a demented wotsit.
    What a fabulous collection of beautiful work today.
    Margaret, your doll is so gorgeous, it must have taken you so long to make. Did you make it for someone special.
    Brenda, love your pendants. Is there no limit to your talents.
    Maureen, your cardigan is beautiful. I wish I could have knitted things for my grandchildren but I can only do scarves, so I am very impressed.
    Must go love to all
    Saba xxxxxx

    1. Hi wotsit tihi,
      what's all this rushing around about ? You are on 'holiday',no.
      So many people you have not seen for a while and they all want to meet up and also your own family, I know, but try to have some time out in between or you will drain yourself.
      Many hugs to you and hope all is well with Val.....
      Maria xx

  16. Hello Sandra,
    Thanks for showing our endeavours today.
    I have to say that Margaret's rag doll is a delight. Every little girls' dream (some big girls too like my neice who is 48!!)
    Brenda, your pendants are divine. Sooo pretty.
    I hate to tell you ladies but this is a jacket I made for myself!! I was going up the escalator at John Lewis and a lady in front of me was wearing one in grey. By the time the escalator got to the top, I tapped her on the shoulder, admired the jacket and asked her where she'd got the pattern. She told me and as I used to love knitting very complicated things I made one. It is about 30 years old and is just wonderful to wear and wash. It is very heavy, but I don't feel it when I'm wearing it. I don't knit now.
    Well, I've been doing a George Formby this morning and cleaning windows. I've taken my life in my hands and cleaned the outside of our bedroom window as it's above the conservatory and the window cleaner has strict instructions not to clean it. They do the front of the house with the brush on long poles and continuous water (I think we've had this conversation before!) but they can't get over the garage roof with their contraptions so they do the back the old fashioned way. Like me, standing on the window sill, hanging on with one hand and cleaning the glass and washing the UPVC, but even though it's raining, a flying elephant had kindly left a deposit on two of the windows, and I had to get it off. George did come up and said he'd hold on to me - NO I yelled, not on your life!!!! ha ha.
    Well Cheryl, it's absolutely pouring here so if it's anything like this in your neck of the woods, you'll get no outside work done, but you've done so much lately any way, that I think a nice easy weekend is due.
    Oh, it's going to be one of those days, I've had loads of interruptions with phone calls and front door, so I'm pushing off and will be back later. I've just realised that it's nearly lunch time anyway, where has this morning gone??
    Love to all, hope you all had a good night's sleep and are well this morning.
    Love and hugs Muriel xxxx

    1. Crumbs Maureen I'm even more impressed now! The thing with photos is we don't really know the size and I guess I just made an assumption that it was a child's jacket! Don't bring it to Birmingham - I'll pinch it! Xxx

    2. We'll how funny Maureen, the sleeves looked so little I presumed it was a child's jacket, maybe we should add a little something for scale!
      It would be lovely in white for popping around your shoulders on holiday! I couldn't afford the wool to make one big enough to cover my boobs, although I would love one! I love everything about it though, even more amazing to know it's a adult size!
      I hope you have finished the extreme housework for the day, good call not having George involved, you are much to valuable to us and a new conservatory roof would be a high price to pay for removal of bird turds!
      Can't you just stick to knitting Maureen!
      Sandra xxxxx

    3. Thank you all for your comments about my pendants and thank you Sandra for showing them.
      MARGARET. your doll is lovely. Must have taken a long time to make.
      MAUREEN. Love your cardigan. Have just read that you made it for yourself. That must have taken a lot of patience and time to do. Love the colour.
      Yes Mrs B you have seen one of my pendants for real :-). Glad you gad a lovely holiday. Lucky you having a beach hut for the day. I love beach huts. When ever I see a stamp with beach huts on I buy it. Got a piece of wallpaper from Homebase the other day and cut all the beach huts out. Will use them on something. I did make a tissue box cover with beach huts all around the outside as a present once. I also bought a plaque with a beach hut scene on it. A friend liked it but we couldn't get another one so I bought an MDF plaque and did something similar for her. She loves it. Have also painted them on pottery. As you can see I like beach huts:-). Probably having lived on the coast for a while. The pendants are made in a very small kiln that goes in the microwave. I bought a new one for the kid hen and use the old one for the pendants. Some of the glass is irridescent and some is dichroic. I like the dicroic ones. Yes I do sell them. Don't do many craft shows now but have them in a gallery in Westcliff on Sea. Made a very small Izzy Handbag to put one in recently as a present but forgot to take a photo of it :-(
      SABA AND STEPH. Good to see you here today. Still no Norah though. Sandra hope that you and Pat have a good day. Must think about a trip there.
      Weather cannot make up it's mind what to do. Sun one minute and cloudy the next. I am making a birthday card for Scarlett. Thanks to all who mentioned yesterday where to get next word stamps. I ordered To a Special - Granddaughter and great granddaughter (as it's her birthday in June) and was also sent a hugs stamp. Ordered yesterday at noon and delivered this morning. Excellent service and very readsonable.
      Well I expect you thought this rather a long message so will just sit down with a cup of tea and a scone and see who there is to chat to.
      Oh yes - Janet I hope you have a safe journey back and the sea is calm. Hugs in the basket

    4. Hi Brenda, was really interested to learn about your kiln which goes in the microwave! I have been thinking of making pendants or fridge magnets or pins with the children using dominoes! Not sure how I'll get on. Still at the " drawing board" stage! I thought of using Mod Podge and papers first and then decorative elements sealed with glossy accents! xx

    5. Sounds a good idea. Hope it works out ok.

    6. Thanks Brenda at least you didn't say - that won't work! I'll let you know how I get on. Xx

    7. A Kiln that works in the Microwave!! Sounds interesting, I got rid of my big Kiln so this would interest me.

    8. Hi Brenda I saw some solar powered fairy lights in homebase this week shaped like beach huts! We nearly bought them they were so pretty. Xxx

    9. Mine is called a Hot Pot. Put it in Google. Should be on there.

    10. Brenda, I have googled it! How interesting! It is fascinating - never knew such a thing existed! Thank you for educating me. Oh there are some clever ladies on this blog!
      I won't go there as I couldn't justify the expense of not just the Hotpot but another microwave! The Chancellor here would never pass that expense. Some expenses slip by unnoticed but he is not daft! I know he married me but everyone is allowed one mistake Lol xxx

    11. Thanks Brenda ,
      I also had a look but think I will pass as well.
      I actually need a new Microwave for general use. I could demote the old one but I think I would rather spend the money on something else.

  17. Hi Sandra and all,
    coffee and a slice of coffee cake please, I need the caffeine today as we are doing a spring clean. Kitchen is the hardest I found when there are so many cupboards and doors. Had a guy in doing the oven and hob clean but still have the extractor fan and tiles,oh it is so sticky, yak! OH is actually helping a bit lol
    dusting and cleaning the things in our wall fitment in the lounge. Windows to do next. Trying to pace myself but not easy to do.
    Thank you Sandra for showing us all these wonderful makes today.I love the mixed Saturday.
    The doll is so sweet. Gorgeous dress and hat. Her little basket with flowers and her pretty curly hair. Her face reminds me of the cabbage patch dolls a little.
    Littlelamb, the necklaces are lovely. I like the blue one. Please come the retreat with us, love to hear your crafting stories.
    Beautiful cardigan, such a lovely colour and different patterns .Looks warm and cosy.
    Sorry so many of you have so cold and wet today. It is a bit chill in the wind but we have a nice and sunny day so far but hanged the washing indoors as OH had a look at the weather report and once again told me it was going to rain later, you know what I will stop listening to him and stick my head out the door instead in the future hihi. sorry but got get going otherwise I will stay here all afternoon , I'll see you again later,
    Hugs Maria xx

    1. Maria! Careful you will wear yourself out! Hope the washing dries. It is dry here too but cloudy! Xx

    2. Maria, you were not good during the week, please take it easy.
      Doing all the cleaning is good BUT pace yourself.
      Quite like the idea of someone to do my Oven. I manage mine fine but sometimes I feel it would be nice to have it professionally done as a treat. Must look into that, there must be someone in the area although never heard so far.

    3. If you have a steam mop with a removable tank, like my Shark and using the attachments, you can clean your oven in half the time as conventional cleaners. xxx

    4. I have a Steam Cleaner, use it all the time.
      Cheryl you got me thinking, my oven is probably as clean as the professionals will get it.
      Think I will keep my money and use it for Crafty Goodies ... good decision don't you think??

    5. Oh yes, very good decision Pat xx

  18. Wow! Such beautiful creative makes

    Margaret - the doll is beautiful I especially like her curly hair Her outfit reminds me of my Nan who obviously as a child never had dolls to play with and started collecting them when she was about 70 years old

    Brenda - your pendants are so pretty Are they made with that plasticky stuff that is heated gently or do you melt glass over a furnace? Had a go at that interesting but would have been lethal for me because I kept forgetting that I was "playing" with white hot glass!

    Maureen - my first passion - knitting My dad taught me when I was about 7 He made stuff at school for the war effort. I love the asymetric design. The more complicated the pattern, the more Ii like it aching joints means I only do baby garments these days

    Mrs B - I've always wanted to have a beach hut if only to sit in one for a couple of hours

    Sandra - not jealous at all (yeah right!) going to Anna Marie's

    Janice - being a Salsa (average) dancer your story about your cousin's dance partner made me smile There are a few men in the Salsa world that can behave like stuffed shirts!
    Now going for a snooze Had a bad low sugar this morning (diabetes) and just got back from MIL's She'd forgotten her keys and had to take our set around to let her back into her flat I was going to do so much today Ho hum!

    1. Take care young lady! Xx

    2. Hi Karen hope you feel better soon. This diabetes is a nuisance isn't it. The pendants are made with glass and two pieces are fused together in the kiln. Yes it does get very hot as does the little kiln have some really thick gloves especially for this.

    3. hi Karen, feel better soon my flower, have a lovely snooze. xxx

  19. Good afternoon folks, think I will have a cuppa and some cake. I will get it, and sit over in the corner. Gosh you fairly miss Norah sitting over there with her knitting. Loved to hear all her tales when she was in.
    Had one of those days where I had great enthusiasm and ideas ...... got a couple of projects done. Not as many as I would have liked but there is always tomorrow.
    We are visiting friends next weekend, it's David's 70th Birthday. Made his card, got his gift, now I need something for Anne his wife.
    John upstairs playing with his "trains". I am so glad he has his hobby, it fairly keeps him out of my hair lots of the time. Gives me lots of time to "my" kind of thing and we rub along nicely together.
    Ok! that's me finished. Money in the pot and everything left tidy.
    Be back later to see what you have all done today.
    Just hope Maria has not overdone all the cleaning in her kitchen.

  20. Hi everyone, first chance I've had to pop in, was at a scrapbook crop today ad had to leave early to drop hubby off at the craft shop as he was on duty today.
    Margaret your doll is gorgeous
    Brenda love your pendants, they are beautiful
    Maureen your jacket is lovely, it's at have taken ages to knit.
    We certainly have a lot of clever crafters in the coffee shop.
    Well better get off now and put everything back in place from scrapbooking and tidy up craft room, then think about something for dinner.
    Take care, will catch up later, Jess x

  21. Hello again ladies
    Maureen I didn't realise this was a you cardi, what a beautiful pattern and colour. You were good asking the lady about it, she must have been delighted you admired her work. Xxx
    Well it has been a funny old day. We eventually got to the nursery this afternoon to start buying our plants for the baskets, it's a bit early really but once the bank holiday has gone there won't be much left as their prices are so good. I've planted up some vegetables and a couple of tubs but then it came on to rain so I left it. I really need to weed the front garden as I haven't tackled that yet but all in good time. Julian has been helping Emma with Biology and Chemistry revision so knows all about genetics and chemical changes! We are going out to friends this evening so I may not be back in again tonight. Just thought I would pop in for a quick cuppa whilst it was quiet. Enjoy your evening everyone and don't drink too much Baileys, Janet has rationed you to one tanker a month Muriel so you will have to pace yourself - I don't think she realises it's one a week at the moment!!! I hope you didn't have a fortifying glass before you cleaned your upstairs windows! Talking of fortifying glass of something - does anyone remember Sanatogen tonic wine? My gran used to have a small glass once a day but if you asked her she never drank only a sherry at Christmas or a port and lemon if she went out for her birthday! It was a tonic, or at least that's what it said on the bottle! I don't think you can buy it now!
    Right I must toddle off and get some dinner on before we go out. Might see you later and Sandra I'm looking forward to the news on your warehouse visit!
    Take care
    Love Diane xxx

    1. Oh I remember seeing that at my Grandma's house! She also had a big jar of Sanatogen - it was a white powder - what it was for I don't know! My Grandad had a history of depression - would it have been for that? Gosh this is quite a blog ! Memories! I think it went into a glass of milk? Xx

    2. John's mum used to drink Sonatohen during the winter. Mind you she would drink most things!!! Sounds bad as she really was not a drinker ... however here is something she did and it is TRUE!!!!
      She won a bottle Orange Shnapps in a Christmas Raffle. She thought it was some kind of "diluting juice". We went to visit her one morning, she had rosy cheeks and was twittering like a Budgie!!! John casually said "mum what have you been drinking??" She was quite taken aback and said something like it was only 10am why ever would she be drinking. We went into the kitchen and there was the bottle on the table. "Have you been drinking this??" "Oh! Yes! I have had a couple of glasses with my breakfast past couple of mornings" "I tried deliuiting it with water but it was horrible, it's rather nice just as it is" Well when we we told her it was alcoholic you could have knocked her over with a feather. She honestly thought it was some kind of juice.
      We often talk and laugh about it. I had the most wonderful MIL in the world and miss her so much. So many other people loved her as well. She often is spoken about so sweetly to this day when groups of us get together.

    3. My mum-in law drank Sanatogen wine, it was meant to be good for you, I think it might have been a bit like an iron tonic? When I was pregnant with our Gillian my doctor told me to drink a glass of sweet heart stout every day, can you see them telling me that these days? It was ok when it was ice cold, it's was to help my iron levels??. I am sure that's why I don't drink now?
      Been away to Perth, Tammy was showing me where there cats have to be picked up from? I will get them picked up for them so the cats are there when they get back off holiday. They don't go for ages but she just wants that off her list of things. She also got me to go with her to see some tops and trousers she liked? You tell her she looks good in them then she still doesn't buy them, saying I will wait a week or why ask me t go into town on a Saturday then??? I think it's a shower and pjs on! And sit with my feet up. Will pop back in, that's if I don't fall asleep. Hazel x

  22. I will second that ref. Patricia's MIL. She was the sweetest person ever. Hazel x

    1. Thanks for that Sis, but she really was wasn't she??

  23. Whilst we are on the subject of tonics and Stout. My mother in law drank a bottle of Guinness every night. The doctor told her to for her anaemia and lack of iron when George was just a toddler. At first she could only drink a glass with lots of lemonade in, but by the time I started going out with him when he was 23 she could drink it neat, and had a bottle every night of her life until she died.
    Before I went to school and all through my childhood until rationing stopped, mam gave me a spoonful of Malt and Cod Liver Oil every morning. When I was 14 I was in a Sanatorium for a year and every morning we would get a tonic, Metatone one day and the next day - now I don't know how to spell this, but the nurses amongst you might recognise it - I will type it how we said it, serra ferry foss.
    I remember Sanatogen but nobody in our house took it.
    My craft room is an even bigger mess. How come when i've boxed up loads of wooden rubber stamps and thrown out enough off-cuts of card and paper to decorate the whole house, I've got less room than when i started!!!
    See you later.
    Are you asleep yet, Hazel.
    Muriel xxx

    1. We used to have malt when we were little, virol, I can still remember the sweet sticky taste, when it got really expensive we had boots own. I always keep a bottle of metatone in the cupboard for helping recovery after illness, I'm always threatening Emma with it when she's run down! One day she will have her own bottle I'm sure!!xxx

  24. No Maureen, had a quick shower and I have my jammies on, feel a bit better now! That words that you have typed sounds like it's been an iron tonic! I bet you didn't get to see your family much in that year? I have terrible memories of my time in hospital for 9 months at the age of 5. One being not seeing my mum only a couple of hours twice a week. Hazel,x

    1. And I remember standing in the street waving up at the window where Hazel was. xxx

    2. I also drank Sweetheart Stout when I was pregnant with John. Could not eat and that lasted 9 months, Doctor recommend it. OMG!!! he would be "struck of" these days. xxx

    3. Maureen that must have been awful for you.
      I did think they had you were on Methadone when I first read it.
      We used to get Malt stuff as well ... it was thick, like caramel.
      The other thing was National Health Orange Juice that I loved.

    4. Maureen, I paged the oracle - in this case - my husband but all he could come up with was "something to do with Iron" . He grinned and said - oh way before my time - don't worry I'll sort him out because I know he is not older than you! Xxx

    5. Used to love the malt stuff and the National Health orange. Used to get as many bottles as I could when I has to take the children to the clinic. Wonder if you can still get the Malt. Might be good for my low iron levels.

    6. Sonatagen tonic wine is probably similar to the one with such bed press nowadays,,,Buckfast tonic wine. Made by monks and supposed to be good for you, but beloved of young trainee alcoholics.
      Metatone I remember as well, when you were "run down" and in need of a tonic. The forerunner of us taking multivitamins I suppose.
      Your story about the scnapps reminds me of a lady I heard on the radio. She was American and living here. In America they talk about apple cider, but it is just apple juice. She was giving her kids a glass of strongbow with their breakfast for several days before she found out that cider here is alcoholic.

    7. Oh that did make me laugh! Xx

    8. Bet the kids loved it!!!

  25. Gorgeous crafts today ladies. Love the doll would look gorgeous displayed on a chair in any room. Necklaces are delicious I love jewellery always think it finishes an outfit. As for cardigan wow wish I could knit but beyond scarves haven't a clue!!

    Just been a catch up day. Ironing, tidying Tilly's hair yes that's an event wash condition, leave in conditioner, detangling spray, detangle, dry and straighten! It's nearly waist length and knots so easily!

    Have started a card which is coming along nicely.

    Planning to watch London marathon tomorrow want to watch Paula ratcliffe I am no athlete not competitive at all but do admire their drive and determination and wonder how they do it! Then if I can face it its " the eaves" this is our only proper storage area currently you can't open the door without everything falling out and it is full of god knows what! Can I face it? I will let you know!

    Off to work for a twilight another shift in paradise.

    See you tomorrow who knows I may have had a lottery win!!!

    1. I used to run Marathons, when I think back I must have been MAD!!
      I do still do a lot of walking, but run NO WAY!!!

    2. Sounds like a mammoth Job doing Tilly's hair. Is the type of hair that is just a mass of curls??? xxx

    3. Sounds like Scarlett's hair. Her is so mass of curls and tangles easily. My Great Granddaughter also has the same sort of hair. They look very much alike. In fact people think they are sisters as there is only two years between them but no have to explain that Scarlett is Poppies auntie.

    4. That's quite funny but I can understand the confusion. Our son has an Auniy (youngest sister) who is 3 months younger than him!!!
      Mum and I were pregnant at the same time. xxx

  26. We have the most beautiful sunset here tonight! Michele you must be able to see it in Southport too! Wish I could show you a picture! We have a field in front of the house in which there is a pond and the light is just magical!
    Sorry but it's lovely! Xxx

    1. Oh! Myra I wish I was nearer I love watching Sunsets.
      We get them but our clear view is blocked by Farm Buildings. If we pop along to J&As it is magnificent.

    2. Oh Patricia , tonight's is lovely I've taken photos. Even sent one to my son and daughter in law in Warwick! They probably think I'm nuts - no - they think they know I'm nuts! They still love me.
      I've so enjoyed the blog today - it's lovely to know what everyone is doing but also this is somewhere I learn things! Xxx

    3. Do you have MY E-mail address???
      I would put it on here BUT!! you never know who is looking in.

    4. No but I could get it by checking the thingy above! Will try! Xxx

    5. Patricia I tried checking members above but can't find you ! I am a member of your blog so you may be able to find me? Xxx

    6. Can't get it Myra.
      We will need to find a way to be able to get each other's E-Mails, so we can connect if we need to.
      You know the reason I am not putting mine up???

    7. Absolutely understand!
      I will ask our lovely friend Sandra to send my email address to you. Then you can email me! Permission granted in advance to pass on email to your lovely sister! Xxx

    8. Will do, thank you for the understanding.
      We all have to think!!! these days.

    9. Very wise folks you cannot be too careful, we never know who is taking a sneaky look in here.

    10. Margaret,
      Your thinking along the same lines as me!!!

  27. Replies
    1. We had rain here all morning but surprise, surprise, the sun came out this afternoon and we have had such a beautiful sunset tonight, but still cold.

    2. Same here Margaret Rain this morning then beautiful sunshine about 10.30 am so went for a drive & walk.xx

  28. Good evening Sandra and all the coffee shop crew
    Sooooo sorry I late but where has the time gone today please can someone tell me? We set off this morning to the vets Tomas has another ulcer on his eye so more drops etc and back next week. As we were near to Dunelm took the chance and popped in there, then got a phone call a very good friend was rushed into hospital operated on and is now home, so been to see him. He lives alone wise man never married, but at times like this, likes some friendly support. He had acute appendicitis went to the doctors in his car, she sent him to A & E who said they were admitting him, 'Oh he says I need to go home I have nothing with me I'll be back in an hour! I live alone so need to get some things and no one has a key' (a Fib) so they let him go! He collected a few things from home called in to see his mum and dad (they were the couple who I made their anniversary cake for) said don't worry I'm off to hospital! Two days later everything was done and dusted and they sent him home!
    Thank you all so very much for your very kind comments on my doll, it was so very easy to make, I don't do difficult, using a sewing machine of course, hand sewing takes so long and life's too short! The body is the dress with the head, hands and legs stitched in, The pattern came from Australia I have others too This one hangs up in my sewing/craft room, she watches me while I make cards!
    I really love the jewellery it really looks so very expensive rather like some I have seen in some shops in the Lake District where they just don't know what to charge, some very similar were around £75. So Brenda I think you should think about moving up here don't you?
    Oh Maureen you really have brought some memories flooding back for me with your beautiful cardi my mum used to knit some like these for me as a child, I remember once asking her to buy one for me as the one she knit for me lasted too long! My grandmother also used to knit for me but it was my mum who did all the fancy knitting. I still have a lot of her patterns although I don't knit too well and don't really like knitting, but love crochet. I have a pattern for a lovely baby set that came from The Scotch Wool Shop (long gone now) but as Cumbria was just over the border from Scotland that is why we had a few of their shops. Perhaps some of our Scottish ladies will remember them?
    Well Daffy I too was given castor oil and malt extract called Virol, I loved it but hated the oil! I can remember sweets still being on ration and asking for some dolly mixtures and my mum saying we will have to see if there are enough coupons. Can you just imagine saying that to children these days? World War 3 springs to mind!
    Talking of children, Maureen how is your granddaughter any improvement with her wrist I do hope so bless her.
    Well now all that is said I will have my usual latte please and slip into the corner with it for now.
    Just in case I am late tomorrow, Janet do have a safe journey home and a smooth crossing.xx
    Oh this coffee is exceptionally good or is it the Baileys I can taste, hope our little Daffy does not quack at me!!!
    Night time hugs and cuddles to all who need some.
    Margaret xxx

    1. Daffy is thrilled you are having some Baileys and says she would like you to have another one - at least! Xxx

    2. Oh! Yes! Margaret, I remember those shops they were brilliant. I still have some baby patterns from there. The ones selling today are just updates and cost a fortune ..... mine are 6d and 9d I think one be 1 shilling!!! I still knit from them.

    3. My Mum had those! I'm afraid I was never a great knitter! A great Nit - yes! I used to knit on the train going to Teacher Training College in Ayr! Iknitted Fuzzy Wuzzy jumpers for myself! Also knitted baby clothes for my children. Girly pink things alas went to others! They wouldn't have looked great on boys!
      Another rhyme for you!
      Fuzzy Wuzzy was a bear,
      Fuzzy Wuzzy had no hair.
      Fuzzy Wuzzy wasn't fuzzy,
      Wuz he! Xx

    4. Why "pink" ???
      I just did White & yellow before the event!!
      I remember that rhyme. xxx

    5. Oh Patricia! I would have loved a daughter but I would not give up either of my sons! Xxx

    6. I wanted a boy, convicted I was having a boy but never knitted blue or pink.
      Like you would not change him for the world.

    7. I only did white to be on the safe side and even after both my daughters arrived I still kept them in white for the first twelve months, I just loved them in white, but oh such a lot of washing. Unlike now new borns get put in all the colours of the rainbow saw one at school the other week 1 week old and in navy blue, poor little girl.
      Never heard of the rhyme sorry.

    8. Hey! We're Mums - we love them whether blue or pink! Trust me - mine were definitely blue! However they are both very good they're Mum xxx

    9. Margaret - totally understand the white! I just couldn't help myself but a friend had a little girl six days before me! She already had a daughter and had knitted some things in blue - we swapped! She wouldn't swap her girls either! Xx

    10. I can remember people asking me after having two girls if I was going to have another try for boy, my answer was always the same no, two weddings to pay for is quite enough thank you! I never told them the truth after all the trouble I had, I was so grateful to have two wonderful daughters and had been told no more pregnancies it would be too dangerous. I now have the most wonderful grandson so everything comes to he who waits.

    11. My pet hate is little babies wearing baseball caps back to front! Xxx

  29. Hi everyone her is a wee poem for you, my kids leant it at school many years ago........
    I know a little pussy her coat is silver grey
    She lives down in the meadow not very far away
    Although she is a pussy, she'll never be a cat
    Cos she's a pussywillow, what do you think of that!!,


    1. Love it, that's another good one

    2. Oh Jess! That brought back more memories!
      Are you a teacher too? Xx

    3. That is really sweet, love it

    4. Love that Jess, I remember that so sweet.Xx

  30. Ok! folks that's me thinking about bed.
    Hope Sandra has had a good day at the new Craft Place.
    Will hear tomorrow how she got on.
    Thank you for another great day of laughs, info and your wonderful company.
    Good night God Bless.

    1. Night Night Patricia, xx
      Good company works both ways xx

    2. Good night Patrica & Myra sweet dreems xxxx

  31. Hi Sandra & lovely ladies third time I have done this first went cybra space second one froze,so here goes again.Sandra hope your ok after a horrible day yesterday & hope Lucy is ok after her eye disappointment bless her give her a Big Hug from me. How was the Anna Maria warehouse did you & Pat buy lot's of crafty goodies.
    Margaret your doll is gorgeous I absurlutly love love it what is her name?
    Brenda your jewellery is beautiful gorgeous colours. Hope your friend is doing ok. Also hope Tomas is alright after going too the vet's.
    Maureen I love your little cardigan it's beautiful good job you wasn't on the Baileys other wise it would be knit one drop one Haha Daffy.
    Well done all you multi crafters your all so talented.
    Well I think I had better say good night before I loose it again.
    Good night love & Hug's Lynda xx

    1. Sorry Maureen how is your granddaughterfall,is her wrist better now or did mum take her to A & E for X-ray Hug's for her Lynda xx

  32. Good night Patricia sweet dreams, so envious of Sandra being able to go and shop at Anna Marie Designs a wonderful craft place on her doorstep.
    Good night and God Bless everyone, sweet dreams

    1. Good night Margaret sweet dreems my friend love & Hug's
      Lynda xx

  33. BREAKING NEWS!!!!!
    I have just had an email from they say that Create and Craft is up for sales very interesting reading what they have to say. Ideal World and it's other channels are up for dale for £200 million apparently it was bout 4 years ago for half that price. So as the saying goes watch this space!!!!!
    Now I am off to bed this time, good night Lynda

    1. Wow! Margaret hot news! I used to wish I had C&C but now I rarely watch it! It's where I found Sue! We have Sky but via Virgin Media so didn't have C&C at first. Now I'd only miss it if Sue or someone else from Creative Expressions is on! To be fair - I like the jewellery lady and one or two others but they can keep the Steph Show! Xxx

    2. Wow what are they going to do with the presenters! Mind you there is not a lot of suppliers now demonstrating, so much of the same things, we will need to watch this space.
      Catch up with things tomorrow, goodnight everyone. Jess x

  34. Oops should have typed UP for sale for £200 million, sorry

  35. Hi Sandra
    My word we have some early to beds in tonight. Margaret I just love your doll. It's clothes and bag are girgeous.
    Brenda is their no end to your talents. Your pendants are gorgeous. Wish you were coming on the retreat as well. Margaret, what lovely knitting you've done, I also used to knit fir myseldpf and the kids. I remember I had a wonderful lacy wavy pattern. It was mainly white with just a few wavy lines now and again in different colours. You knitted up to the arms and then cast on for the arms and knitted it in one whole piece for the front, and the same for the back. Love the poems ladies, I read them out to Pete and he had a laugh. You did him a great service by making him laugh. I think he'd forgotten how to for the last few days. Hopefully his new treatment will be approved on Tuesday when we go back to the hospital. I'm off to read the comments. Might see if there's any Baileys left to drink.

  36. Hi My friends,
    have just catched up with what you are all talking about today. I don't know much of the tonics and wines but enjoy hearing about all the things so let them come the stories, I do miss Norah do as her stories were also great so I really hope she will be back soon.
    Sandra and Pat, hope you had a fabulous day at Anne Marie warehouse. Tell us all about it and make us really green now you got this place on your doorstep.
    Diane, how did your garden table shopping go ? I love going to the garden centres and we are very lucky to have 3 around were we live. Inside they also got some cloth stores like 'the woolen mill', the 'cotton traders' etc. plus in one we have the 'works' (no more papers, you must have bought them all up) lol
    I'm feeling funny enough quite good tonight after spring cleaning the kitchen but I did pace myself and is not finished as I took everything out of the cupboard were my OH and I keep our meds. Need to get rid of some outdated remedies and sort out what to keep and not in the box saying 'first aid'. I also left the windows for son to do as he can reach over for even with a step ladder it is still tricky to reach over the sink and window sill, have no chandelier to swing from and haven't drunk enough Baylies to attempt it myself yet. I used to live on the 7th floor once and to clean the windows there I had to lean out quite a way for getting to the other side ! oh, it was a long way down.....things you did when younger ,ey
    Wish you all a good night,
    Love and hugs Maria xx

    1. Night Night Maria!
      I just popped in before bed! Sorry I missed you but I'm very pleased you are ok and not too tired. I hope you sleep well.
      Night Night, love Myra xxx

    2. Hi Maria. We didn't get to the shops to look at garden tables in the end today but we did go to the local nursery to buy some bedding plants and hanging basket plants. The nursery is so much cheaper than the garden centres. We are really lucky (or not as my husband thinks!) to have quite a few garden centres around us - we have a Hilliers in the village and a Haskins/hobbycraft a short dive away and a wyvale not too far away and we also have 2 huge ones that sell everything a short car journey away so spoilt for choice really. We I'm ready to tuck down so night night everyone sleep tight, see you in the morning. Love Diane xxx

  37. Anyone want a drink? You know the trouble with me is that I cannot just do a quick job, I have to clear out, file, label, wash and then move on to the next bit. I haven't finished my craft room yet. The desk is once again under a mountain of odds and sods, but I have 3 boxes full of wooden stamps and more card and paper in the recyling.
    Hazel, I was terribly lonely when I first went into the Sanny because I was in quarantine for two weeks on my own and the injections every day for the whole time I was in were not nice. I could only have visitors for two hours on a Sunday because my parents did not have transport and a special bus was put on then from the town to the countryside where the hospital was.
    There was an evening visiting hour on a Wednesday but no one got visitors because their parents couldn't get there to see them. As we were all in the same boat it made it better. This was the 1950's so not many people had their own transport.
    We had some good times, the cast from the Theatre Royal in Newcastle came and performed the Pantomime for us, I was wheeled along in my bed so I didn't even have to walk to the the large hall to watch it!!!
    We had a proper school in the grounds for lessons but for us who were bed bound the teachers came onto the Ward. The whole side of the ward was concertina doors which were pushed along so that we were open fully to the elements on one side. Of course when the snow was on the ground we used to get excused to go and fill our hot water bottles, whilst the teachers wore coats, hats, scarves, gloves and anything else they could get their hands on!! They must have been freezing.
    Well, that's enough of my reminiscing, I've probably bored everyone to sleep, so I'll get ready for bed and say goodnight, sleep tight, and watch the bed bugs don't bite.
    Sweet dreams everyone.
    Love Muriel xxx

  38. Oh Maureen,
    My heart just goes out to you! I can't imagine what that must have been like! How things have changed. My parents were close friends with a couple and he was a TB specialist. When it died out in this country they went to Canada as there was no longer any work for him here.
    It is so hard to imagine what it must have been like for a child to go into hospital and be kept from seeing everyone.
    It was bad enough going in to have tonsils and adenoids removed! I was only in for two nights. Was never back in hospital again until I had my children!
    So much for which to be thankful.
    You may already be in bed - just in case - night night, my dear!
    Sleep well,
    Love Myra xxx

  39. Hi Myra,
    I'm a terrible Grandma, just remembered that I forgot to say that although Eleanor is still having pain in her wrist today, Rachel says that she has been writing, so she can use her hand for that. A bit improvement.
    I'm actually in bed now and just had a quick look before I put off the light.
    The Doctors and Nurses were all specialist T.B. carers. I was so lucky as a couple of girls died and some had lungs removed. God was good to me.
    Love Maureen xx

    1. I'm so very glad He was!
      Night Night my Friend, Sleep well!
      PS - good job I re read that - it said slurp well! Ha ha !
      Love Myra xxx

    2. Mr Sandman has not been around here yet. I know it, it got to much caffeine in the end or was it the banana cake or the chocolate or the cinnamon buns or is it all the slurping from our dear Muriel keeping me awake lol Give it another hour then will try the bed with it's freshly washed sheets and stiff collars, see you tomorrow Hugs Maria xx

  40. Maureen, at least I wasn't exposed to the elements, but wasn't allowed all sorts of things to eat and drink as it was my kidneys that were the problem, today I would have been on dialysis. But I wasn't allowed out of bed either, and I think it must have been part of the Trauma for me as I was always out playing, was to young for school so I wouldn't have even got that, yes children today go through illness Trauma but they don't suffer like you and I and thousand of others the separation?
    Margaret, the best knitting patterns and wool came from The Scotch Wool Shop? I even wore a lot of their skirts and jumpers. I to still have their baby patterns in bits but held with tape.
    Well I did fall sleep, but then Charlie came up to bed and with in minutes I was awake as he was zzzzzzing it, so now that will be me for a few hours,
    Sandra I hope you and Pat had a great day a the ware house?
    Wendy are you still suning yourself or are you back here now? Hazel x

    1. Hi Hazel,
      Your stories reminded me of my childhood, I was in hospital having major hip surgery for many months at a time from being 2 1/2 to 4 years old and my parents could only come and visit on weekends, I think that's why I hate being alone now!
      mainly because the only hospital that could do that level of surgery was about 30 miles from home and they had no car!
      its funny because even though Becca was 14 when she had her appendix out I did not leave that childs side!

    2. Yes I think your right? You were even younger so you understood less but felt the pain more of not having your mum beside you, I wonder what pain ours mums went through too??. Yes Tammy has always stayed with the boys when they have been in. I was lucky as Gillian and .chris where older when they went in to have ops. Hazel x

  41. We had a lovely time at the warehouse. Sandra was treated like a great friend. we had tea, and I had a chocolate Galaxy. Ive had my Bailets. So it's night night hope the bed bugs don't bite.

    1. was lovely spending the afternoon with you my bestie xxxx

    2. You will have to tell us about your bargains tomorrow, glad you both had a good day. Have been busy but not tired yet for bed so will watch some tv and see how it goes later. Hope you have a goodish night.
      Hugs Maria xx

  42. Weeeeee! I'm wide awake now! Diabetes back under control Sometimes a low blood sugar leaves me feeling like I'm wading through treacle I remember sanatogen - my mum used to drink it MIL swears by a glass of sherry every night She is 90 so perhaps that's the way to go I used to love Viral and the orange juice when my first born arrived we used to be able to get Marmite cheaply 4 years later when daughter arrived they weren't allowed to sell it because of the salt content (I think) Pippa Dee takes me back and there used to be a company that sold jewellery at home at a similar time Can't remember the name but know I had a pretty silver necklace with a butterfly set in a black oval shaped setting Just remembered! Silvaneve I think

  43. Looks like everyone has gone to bed now. I am in bed and just had hot white Chocolate with Strawberries to drink. Delicious. Made by Whittards. Well I
    Had better put the light out and try and go to sleep. Glad you are feeling better Karen.

  44. I'm going now. Key back in it's place, no cat in sight and dishwasher emptied and put away , later's
